##VIDEO ID:MKqd3FScHxo## good evening everyone and welcome to the select board meeting for Monday December 9th 2024 at 6m we're here in the land use room present this evening is myself chairman Jason Peron Vice chair Diane gaale Mr mlin CEO Nicole Parker and assistant CEO naen signon I got them all right I think they so um first thing I'd like to do is the Pledge of Allegiance Mr deei would you lead us please Ali to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy justice for all so next on the agenda is the public comments but I just want to make my own comment before we start so after last Mee uh last meeting at the select board I want I want to put out a reminder there's a proper protocol and to Quorum during these select board meetings There Are Rules of Order for meetings that need to be followed I prefer things less formal and people can see that but my decision to acknowledge others is not an open invitation for disregard a protocol I want to hear what you the residents of town have to say and I will when practical try to acknowledge members of the audience but protocol requires the request must go through the chair raise your your hand asked for to be spoken to or whoever the presiding member of the board is also just reminder there is no requirement for me to acknowledge anyone on the floor during board discussion I do it out of a courtesy and out of respect for you the residents I enjoy the occasional moment of levity and humorous comment that gets a laugh but just blurting out opinions questions and inserting oneself into a discussion among this board can no longer happen that's what I have to say for that so does anyone have any public comments in the audience sir softw so educate us all on that discussion we just had discussion you had so if it's on the agenda we still can raise our hand and you may or may not call on correct if it's a public hearing obviously it's open for public comment if it's not you have to be acknowledged for folks who don't have never done it I just ask you to raise your hand or ask to be uh you know acknowledged that's it thank you sir yes um I have some questions for the select board is that happening usually after the meeting okay so if you want to speak right now during the public comments you can um you just need to sayate your name and address for the record please okay my name is B paral I live at 133 burshire on new I bears and buses the store down the road here and I'm just wondering what's going on with that are supposed to move into this area as far as the dispensaries that are coming and stuff like that I can't find any public nobody seems to know I'm going to direct this to Miss Parker because I've had her look into it because I'm curious myself that's I hope I'm not interrupting the meeting no this isn't it's not on the agenda so we have we're in communication with the two businesses that you're referencing for the um cannabis and and um they're in communication and going through their application process with the CCC so they're with the Cannabis Control Commission in the state and where they go from there is the state's decision so how long they take to review before they give their license is entirely up to the state um but they they blame back to you they blamed it on the town they're getting over because of the town of nope that's that's simply not the case they've gotten their approvals because I went there found somebody that is working over there that isn't actually the owner and they're saying we don't know we don't hear nothing from the town off waiting for the town they have their approvals from the town they're now it's now their responsibility and they're with the CCC working on their state license before they can come to planning and get all of the necessary um approvals that they need for their sites now in other towns that's taken basically a month to two months here it's been far too long where I don't know how much longer me and a lot of the other business owners of this town how we're going to we're not surviving you can see there's empty businesses everywhere in these town that would bring in so much re Revenue to our town plus business like mine will Thrive once these places get open I can't be open much longer if these places don't get open and then I don't know much about their situation but as far as like liquor license if you ain't open so many days for so much time to have that Revenue coming into the town well then we pull someone else pull a license pull somebody else what are all the guidelines and stuff some stuff like that because if these places aren't open every day they're not open in this town is losing hundreds of dollars for every sing bank that this um needs and revenue that I need to have my stores continue to be open today I just pulled out another license was it worth me to come here to pull out a license or should I go somewhere else open I can't survive here in s until we get this traffic in thank you sir anybody else in the audience anyone on Zoom that has any public comment on seeing none um I'm going to take things a little bit out of order here because we've got a public hearing and I don't want to make sure if I have the opportunity to get people out of he here that don't need to stick around they can so um we have Chief are your folks that wanted to be by 620 for them because of the hearing okay all right then we'll spin that back to them yes number I was gonna say um is Miss pikney here is she is come on up Julie come on up Julie I see the chair of the EDC sir you want to come up at all so we we're tress the time we've got four minutes but not that I'm putting you under the gun or anything thank you well first I want to thank you for allowing me to be part of this committee um I was not here last time since I I thought I was not on agenda so that's the only reason I was not here um but um what I supposed to say I don't know I guess I was already accepted to the committee right or I was not you were appointed but we just wanted to hear what you thought you were going to be able to contribute what interested you what you think you're going to be okay well being an active member it would allow me to be part of the committee and part of the projects that we have right now so I would love to be part of this committee and help our community and develop the economic out I had the pleasure of working with Julie on as she she was a secretary to the highspeed internet but um I just figured it would be good practice to have her come in and tell us what you know what what do you do and you know what what value do you think you're you're proposed to bring to EDC okay well in um as you know I work in city in town hall as a secretary for five boards but I also um I'm also real City agent and I also um run business with my husband construction companies so I um you know in business kind of perspective so and I have experience in creating um different kind of events in our church as well and just organizing different um um different stuff around with the people and fundraising and just a lot of different stuff so and I wanted to be part of an part of the committee to help also with all the project that they have right now I think you have great experience you're involved in a lot being involved in all the other boards you're a cog that has a lot of the information that the other boards are working with as well that brings it together I think that's a good addition yes I I love being here and I love working for the town and having to know all of you sure about that positive I'm content good for me thank that's easy thank you thank you so much I'll just add that she's one of the more hardworking and dependable always there always on time always can depend on thank you so we got as Mr movan calls it the longest minute sitting in front of us and then we'll start we continue the public hearing that's a guideline Mr chair if you're within close enough 30 you can start a public hearing espe if you have to read it heing notice and everything El the notice again just to continue this is a continuation you have to read go ahead now that we debated it for 30 seconds now it's 610 now it's 610 all right it's 61 so I would be looking for a motion to reopen the uh public hearing regarding ing the um no parking signs that we were discussing about the last meeting um and this is also a continuance of that discussion second roll call vote Jason Peron I I yes before I go out into the public um any any input Mr mlin or no not since our last our last one I I just had one comment from Mr Phelps he had uh some thoughts on the side street signs that might read something like parking for residents and guests only he felt that sounded a little friendlier um it might be better rephrased as resident and guest parking only um but that's the only other submitted comment that I had received all right well then I'm going to go out to the public there in the audience is there anyone in the audience that wishes to speak uh in favor of the um proposal to put these parking signs in let's take those in two pieces the whole South longard area versus the White Street because they're two separate vicin if that's what you want to do that's fine I would think that so is there anyone that wants to speak in regards to the no parking signs on South longard at this ma'am he 19 Nor fond I just come here to um reaffirm that I am all over this not littering everybody's yard um I'm all for the head of each Street that's a great idea residents and guests only are a great idea um I don't think it's the intent of the police force to go out and Tow every vehicle that's parked on the side of the road which I think is the concern um I think it it's like when they have a place where you don't drink alcohol they're not going out to look for people drinking alcohol people drinking alcohol are going to find them it's the same type situation if there a car parked on our street that we don't recognize we're going to wind up calling them and saying hey this guy doesn't belong here and at least now there's a little bit of Leverage as to a little bit of Leverage behind that to say that they shouldn't be there you know there's a leg for the for our officers to stand up so I'm just personally for again not littering the whole neighborhoods I understand that Viewpoint um that Mr G made last time um but I like the idea thank you is there anyone else in the audience that would like to speak in favor of the parking signs I think it'd be a good idea sir can you state your name and address for the record please sorry Mike Bryant got your address sir 42 thank you I think it'd be a good idea after what happened last summer or this past summer you know anything to help keep you know a similar situation from arising it's one way to keep you know it wouldn't be a free all for everybody to could down and you don't have you all said thank you sir anybody else in the audience Mr chairman can I ask the question of the lieutenant I see Zoom absolutely Lieutenant can I ask you a question Lieutenant tager he's away from his Des he's away from his Des at the moment curious as to if you if you put up signs try to figure this thing out I'm on thank you Elie I appreciate it so I have a a quick question if you don't mind uh if you were to post or what's the enforceability of of a resident and visitor parking say on North Pawn the street I mean is that is that even possible like how and then how would the police discern who's who and what's what unless we start getting into the business of giving out resident and guest parking passes which I don't think anyone has a real pallet for no I mean I believe it would be one of those things where you'd have to have the bylaw orever you set it up which would be enforceable by us but in order to enforce that again you'd have to have some way of designating or defining who's allowed to be there and by not You' have to have a pass or some type of way to identify it I don't know how that would go um obviously with anything we'll work with with the neighborhoods and stuff like that but I I think if we even if one neighbor said they don't belong there I think would still have to go to other neighbors just in case right and by Statute and this this could be for yourself or or Mr Brown if anyone knows the answer is what is the distance between signs uh by Statute for enforcement uh Mr Brown had that number I believe four Ines per letter height I'm sorry four 30t per inch of letter 120 feet so we're looking at signs that are four inches tall which would means facing 120t or one big sign with 10 foot high letters at at the entrance to our town got it may I interject on the identification of visitors and residents Chief Bish had addressed this and said that um it would be common sense that the police patrolling in the streets would see that there's a family GA that there is a resident gathering with party light atmosphere they would of course use common sense and that he would rely on the neighbors identifying people who gotten their got parked their cars and walked away I get it I I was just more thinking along the lines of it it kind of has to be black and white if it comes down to where you need to enforce it so you know for example I I oh they oh that's a different page no it's actually I'm G to use it to address this in a minut so I'll come right back because I haven't seen it but you know for example I I often will park a car in front of my house on my street it's my car but it's unless the police start running my plate and and and start doing that when you know if there was a a car parked on North Pond how are they going to know and you know and what would be the you know if so if there's a singular car parked in front of my house that someone is visiting my house but it's only one person I'm not having a big Suare in the backyard and it's not obvious from the outward appearance of my home that that car belongs there because it may be from out of state out of town whatever you know I I don't want to put that on the police to have to start Discerning who's what who's who and what's what and I i' further the discussion I think um and maybe we we can come back to South longard in particular but I think we should actually have a discussion on the North Pond we heard testimony at the last meeting I don't know that we need those signs on on North longard period so uh on North Pond North sorry North Pond period um and the access way off of North Pond that goes back that's already private property properly marked and everything else but on North Pond itself and then you know to and we can get back to South longard as far as you know the distance from using the the npca as a as the Central Point how far in each Direction and then if we and look at the other side streets over there but just from what I heard um I I I think the north Pawn piece and what is that other Al thank you I think that's I think it's far enough way that I don't think it is enough of an issue um so you know just to further this process along and move this along I think we could we should talk about taking northpond and alov out of the discussion and maybe refocus for a a minute South longard and and kind of come up with a discussion on uh two things one was distance using North Pond Conservation Area as the center Mark how far in each Direction would we go with no parking and then also very importantly from commentary I heard beforehand and also was in the public hearing would be the seasonality of that on those signs so it would be and I'm just putting it out there you would say from you know June to September is when the no parking would be on South longard because there's other activities that occur along South longyard at other times of the year that we've never had an issue with parking on South longard and I don't want to cause a problem for folks who properly utilize those properties and park along uh South longard I don't want people getting caught in a wide net that they don't need to get caught into so that's my take Mr chairman all right so um my thought process on the entire thing is would be the the only thing I would personally want to see out of this is possibly the the resident only parking in into the each neighborhood um I I brought up I mentioned the the town the city of Westfield uh ordinance that they put in place uh it is something you can do it would have to go through us and a public hearing and whatnot but it is uh so what they do with the residents they have half about a dozen streets and they put an ordinance where the posted at the entrances to above advising motorists it's restricted to Residence only a numbered sticker goes to the regular residents with a sufficient number of stickers to be given to Residents who provide registration plate numbers that being said what you said Mr Mogan and what I heard in the audience there is common sense as someone who does this um generally what happens is like Miss Bailey right sorry um stated It's usually the residents that are going to be the ones that are calling and saying hey there's a problem here and rather in the reason I I've given this to you Miss Gale and Mr mlin and everyone and I pass on the audience is because you wouldn't need to know parking signs with this bylaw yes General bylaw or by or excuse me or yeah ordinance in West here covers I gave it out and there's numerous things that can be specifically spelled out um a public nuisance it covers that that could be covered completely the parking becomes a public nuisance of problem safety issue the fire chief your building inspectors um uh the police obviously and there the other one I think but there's numerous Avenues of enforcement and this is why I keep bringing this up because this takes the hand off everybody and if you had an officer who was abusing their discretion you know people could come to us and say hey this is a little ridiculous and we could listen and there's hearings and I could talk to the the lieutenant and the chief or we all could talk to Lieutenant and Chief and say hey let's use a little more discretion or common sense here that's the way we do it the way I do it in my professional capacity there should be some common sense and generally it is 99% of the time it's the residents or if there's a problem whoever's involved in the problem or who whoever the witness is like unfortunately what happened at North Pond um that's why I want to see and I'm really pushing this and this is something I'm going to keep pushing even after this public hearing and after this situation I think it's po I've heard about the North Pond task force and everything like that and this is by no means you know you put the rules up you know you you don't have to put the rules up with this that's what the discretion is for you should put the rules up the rules should have been up a lot longer ago and you know we could have probably done a little bit more sooner but if you put the rules up gives people a little bit more notice and you do not have to do that in the first place so this addresses several other things that I've mentioned that I've had people uh request information on regard regarding noise and whatnot like that with a different topic but in that case with a noise ordinance there's usually time of day decb so in this case if something's completely out of out of context completely blown out of proportion and this is kind of how it started over there you can go in there and just end it and then you can start giving we give $300 fines you can give it to everybody there including guests not just the resos it um and it it takes the handcuffs off of people because as I said it before in the past prior to that you have it's a a state law keeper of a disorderly house that's so problematic and then it's a cental offense that goes to the court and most judges just go hahaa no thank you you know this is your problem deal with it figure it out and that's what we had to do there so this is why I keep bringing it up though it's not specifically r related to the parking IT addresses that issue as a total blanket uh and this is that's what I would want to see if any other than that as far as the signage I you know if we feel it's necessary the signage along South longyard with the seasonal parking I completely agree with that otherwise as far as the resident or the the local residential areas the only thing I would be open to is parking no parking signs at the entrances for the residents only you know police take notice that allows the residents to say hey this guy doesn't belong here and you check them out and if they're causing a problem even if they're just parked you can move along on their way so that's why I keep bringing this back it covers a lot of bases and it does it without without the criminal aspect you can do it a little bit light you know not so heavy-handed like I said I I hate to say you hit people in the pocketbook but you know they can come in front of us and we can reduce the fine can say all right we agree with you something like that that's how it's done like I said in my professional capacity and it works very very well and has stopped a lot of problems over there and that's why I keep bringing this forward even during under the parking section of it just to reiterate this is all part and parcel of the recommendations of the task force but this is a separate public hearing to discuss the nuisance you wouldn't need that it's part of the separate discussion it's one of the tools in addition to the parking as the parking matter goes I think we are all in agreement that we did not care to have and most of the public we do not care to have those parking signs all over the side streets I think we can probably rule that out and just decide whether we're going to have them on the street signs that say resident only resident and guest only something to that matter is that what I hear from my partners here oh I I would I on the side streets I don't disagree with you except I I would I know when we had this public hearing we said it when we started this that we cast it a away wider net as part of the public hearing process so that we because we could always bring it in yep but we couldn't go out as part of the public hearing so i' formally move to remove North Pond and alov from the subject of this hearing and just and then we can because I do think we have to have a discussion about Granado at least that part of it and where's Cody Cody is runs between Cory and Granado oh at the back right yeah so and Lori was actually a little far out of it it was never really in my to what I had heard um I don't know if the task force heard any different there wasn't really a big parking issue on laori or Cody or even the uh Eastern South side of Granada was more the Western right in front of the npca parking area that was really a problem correct and then this long excuse me this was a little bit preemptive to when we shrink with our 100% so I guess just let's take them one at a time if you if you don't mind I would I would move that we just exempt alve and North Pond from this discussion and move forward from there correct grade uh don't me to was that a motion I don't know if it's necessary but I'll make one if that's what you'd like I don't know why don't we do that that's fine and that takes that out of the equation and then we can have you know we can go on and I think if we just break this down and and go where we want to go from there and see you know what else we're going to do I'm I'm just not and I well let's just have that discussion so that's that's the motion to eliminate yep agree North Pond and Alco from this discussion second we call Jason Doug yes I would suggest that we put the some form of the resident and guest parking only on both ronado entrances and I would basically play it by ear with Lori and Cody what' you say me personally I I justly they both yeah that's what I said on both of the Granado entrances I believe we have a Lori Drive resident here John is that you how would you feel I'm since how would you feel about signs at the entrance of your neighborhood well the last video I made it I stated that I think that this is not the way to solve problem we don't have a parking problem and I think we're creating more work and more effort to try to solve a problem that isn't really there the problem is in the parking lot the problem is down by the lake like I said I lived there for my whole life there hasn't really been a parking problem once in a while an extra car or two but I think we're just adding to the to more rules and more regulations that you know AR being enforced now then really common sense and how do we enforce it we need to go back and you know start with a really problem this thank you I still think we need verado I I just don't want to get into the business of having permits for residents and you know you have guest stickers or something like well I just I don't know how else you enforce it and and I I don't know how else you can enforce it unless you're going to ask the police to do a lot of work and then if you put a sign that says resident only parking I don't even know if that's I don't know if that's enforceable on its face then if someone's not a resident and they Park on a public street that they can't do it I know it's in other cities and towns where they do it but then they have a process to go get a permit and this that and the other I I I'd rather maybe just hold that thought for a little while and let's go back to uh South longard which we did talk about posting that and maybe look at the dimensional or distance from I don't care if you want to use North Pond as as the DeMark on this end and you know east of uh east of laori as the other end um or maybe even you know down to Mard Mard and say okay let's post that and then and and pick the dates whether it's you know may to septe you know May 1st to September 30th or whatever it is so we avoid the hunting season but that's the had been the problematic time at North Pond Mr Kane is 100% correct if we get our rules right and enforcement right at the npca we shouldn't have a parking issue period but we did it's not a big deal it was a bit of a hazard last year with the number of cars parking along South longard we could just post it and and I don't think it would be very effectual on those that live in the area because they're not parking on South Long yard today it really doesn't even really need to go to Mard necessarily it just just needs to go to the end of uh that um Wildlife Area really right just before the residential houses so somewhere around 126 to whatever that was one Mard this one yeah it really should just go to the end of 127 601 I mean so if you could go to Mard because I don't if there's any parking right there anyway so so between there I get it we're saying one sign well depends on where out but you should make the signs bigger there you on both sides or one both sides and that's my proposal and then it would be and that if there's a hunter in the room I'll gladly take the advice but I'm proposing May one to September 30th as that per time period And if that does not conflict with the hunters that's great if it does then we need to move that time in a little bit maybe September 1st is a better date for August 31st whatever well we could approve that subject to verifying the well I think yes but I think we're gonna vote to vote to do it I I you know we had the testimony from from some folks that that that's an issue so I don't know what that date should be but those that would be that would be the area and then you know the time period would be you know May 1st till and we just have to pick that date Mr chairman have some dates yes um nothing starts before October 7th October one oh well there you go well September 30 every year or just this year it's in Mass it doesn't give me any year every year every year is October 7th it's well archery starts October 7th that's usually your first one and then you have paraplegic and then you have shotgun and then you have primitive firearms that go to the end of the year so September 30 Mr chair yes ma'am Jessica Thor in here 352 Granville Road I am echoing um Mrs Parker's information I've checked with my licensed uh shotgun black powder rifle Hunter husband and he agrees with poos dates Mr ban has suggested thank you Miss Maron so thank you second roll call vote Jason Peron I thank Doug Mogan yes we Light street but I think that's a whole separate topic right it's I know it's part of the same hearing but I want to if it's okay with the chair I'd like to clear the north Pawn piece White Street I think is more just a formality of gratifying a previous decision no no no I think we just need to conclude what we're going to do with Grado Granado Cody Lori and I I'd rather leave Lori alone I don't think it's going to be an issue and I I I agree with what was said earlier I think if we do our job on the rest of it I think the only really area is going to be a concern for the beginning part of next year is going to be that first leg of bernado right in front of the npca parking area the dramatically reduced parking area at at the North P Conservation Area something becomes problematic we can revisit it it's one small sign two if you put it on both Granado street signs on South longard that Echoes the no parking sign that is right across the street that is on South I don't find it I don't think that would be objection I don't think it would be objectional if it were on my street that there were a sign that said that on my street name sign mine has a glaring yellow thing with arrow on it in a sharp curve I I don't find that really destructive to my life it doesn't impact who can park at your house I think I'm just saying it's the sign I'm not picking up I know but it that's the difference is that the sign itself would not be objectionable no if it helps the police it helps the police chief banish was in favor of it as well felt it was enforcable and relies on the neighbors if there's s and then they can enforce it if it doesn't say it then they can only shoe them away 12 times that's fine I have no objection to it I just I just I don't want to get into the business of permits and stuff like that I know you're saying we're not GNA have to so and but then you just put up a sign that says residents and guests only and that that's enforceable then I don't have any objection to it because there's not a lot of Reason frankly there's not a lot of reason to park on Granado unless you're a resident or a guest or a resident on Granado it's not like you're going to walk to Murphy's Donuts from um ronado Circle unless I'm missing a big piece of this but so it would not be no parking on both both sides I guess I'm making a motion for how did I say that before resident and guest parking only on the street signs at both entrances of bernado that's my motion and no no resident passes no nothing how do you enforce that though if if the police come ac across a car parked on they make right on by if they can see assume and no one has called in you can ask Lieutenant tiger and I and maybe that's a good idea because then the same token one SE joh I'm sorry is if there is a problem at North Pond how does someone who is actually literally visiting someone on Granado they stop by to you know have tea with someone and they get caught up in something that has nothing to do with what they're literally visiting someone on North Pond and how are the police going to know that they're they're gonna have to knock on a door at every house to tie every car and if no one answers then that car that is going to get a ticket or a I don't know it seems problematic to me and certainly if Mr or Lieutenant tager has a thought on it I'd be glad to hear it well I believe it's one of those things where when all this happens it's not just one car that's parking it's a whole group of people parking and walking in So based on what we've had throughout the year it was fairly like the CH said it's it's it's a common sense thing you can you can go down you can see all right well they're all parking as close as they can to the north pwn conservation it's not like I'm going to be down at like number 10 Granada which is in the U and walk all the way up to you know there just to go there um so I mean it's it's not like we can't and it was more of a thing that's uh would be helping us in order to enforce you know the the rules of North Pond because the issue is people coming and parking and then inundating that North Pond area for items that really aren't for what it's worth or what it's for so I don't know how else we can go around it other than like you said this is one of those things where you're not going to issue a permit to everything but we need something to assist us especially if we have people that are just not abiding by the rules it's one of those things that just helps us further Lieutenant Sager if we don't have those signs on the end of the street and people park there what do you do just ask them to leave really I mean at this point I mean if they're parking legally what legal Authority do we have to have them leave unless they're within 2 F fre of an intersection or in front of a fire hydrant this is why I keep going back to this public nuisance bylaw but that's not dising but it can cover everything then they have that's why I keep bringing it back up you don't need no you don't need this covers that like M Lieutenant tager said if they're there and they're not part what can you do if you read it that covers an awful lot and I'm and this could be tweaked I'm not saying use this exact model I also don't want to put unnecessary rules on people but this relies on the officer's discretion and that's what we pay them for I I think the biggest thing on that though is you also want to give a warning though you just want to walk up like you're correct Mike if I could we do that that's that's generally what we do but this gives you also as people have said then this problem blows up what can you really do it gives you some teeth there as well so I I don't know that I agree with you under the definition of public nuisance it says illegal parking if it's not marked illegal it's not illegal chairman think sorry Mr had a I I had a question or a comment problem that you're going to have is that now you're putting common sense and soon ter types of terms into a law and I don't think we need to open up our law enforcement to those kinds of assumptions or their judgment when it comes to do I run a license plate or not or they just going to run every license plate they come across right now I think the resent my mother lives on the corner longer and believe she knows who parking there if someone parks there and she her call to the police have some I stopped and asked her if I could park there in her driveway and like in the promise if it's the first you know we're going to give them a warning a lot of these people if they get a warning they're not going to come back okay that's great but what happens when it's the first time there it's the big parties and they're not worried about it because now they know they're just be a warning I think we're opening up this you know law that is going to have all different types of interpretation it's just going to cause more of a nuisance to our law enforcement than really solving this problem that was and actually miss if you look sorry for that is it is not limited to excessive noise excessive pedestrian vehic traffic obstruction public streets by crowds or vehicles or illegal parking there's like gu not limited to Illegal parking correct it doesn't so you don't have to be parked illegally you can deal with it you know you may not you may not necessarily I don't want to pile and I have this was just put in front of me I didn't read it but the first thing that CAU my eye was Property Owners is the legal owner record listed by the tax assessor so the legal owner record is the inhabitants of the town of Southwick if they're there for North this can be Mr Mogan I'm gonna interject here thanks this can be tweaked I'm not saying to use this exactly I get it but you know use this as the bones and it covers what Mr Kane's saying that's the general problem is not the illegal parking the general problem is the people that come there partying with the exessive noise with the alcohol with stuff like that no dispute on that and that's where this covers everything including the the legal or we can write it however we want so I'm I am I believe there was a motion I am a no was there a I don't know I it's been a while what was the motion so did we did we sard P yes we did all right just check in res and guest parking only on the street name signs um both granados car that was the motion I'll make a suggestion the suggestion is if if our other rules and regulations that we're going to put put forth for the northpond conservation doesn't do it we've already voted to post South longard we always have the option to temporarily post Granado and Cody and Lori as ugly as those signs were that was my next cust them off if we need to so rather than get into a entertaining discussion around resident and guest parking and enforceability and I too am perplexed with having to give the police that level of discretion to make have to make those decisions I think we could let it be and then if it becomes a problem we could immediately by as police Commissioners or via the the police chief and the Command Staff elect to put up the temporary no parking again for a period of time until we're able to get a situation under control because and it's not going to be a day right this is GNA you know I'm hoping that with the rules and regulations that are going to be promulgated here is going to cut out some of the what's the word asshattery that we had over there this summer and we're not going to have this issue and so second there you go roll call vote Jason Corone no thank I'm not sure what we just voted on what you just said we will elect to not put them up and use temporary signs if needed yeah yeah yes the ugly orange ones yes so two yeses and a no and we covered all our street stuff and then White Street so we're done with the North Pond piece now now we can go to White Street which was a safety issue that Chief Landis had brought up because of the narrowness of the street there's already no parking on certain parts and emergency vehicles couldn't get through with some overflow parking happening there back in like April we had that discussion sir so the problem name and address please yeah2 r77 41346 2277 so white stream I'd be cautious of it's going to say no parking or guest because the situation there of course is Mr Kane's doing so well he probably bought two summer homes down there hypothetically and he figured out he can put six stocks in so he did so when you say guest those 27 cars or those six do docks are really his guest he's making three grand a dock off of it right you know know what I'm saying so just be very careful what those signs say those those signs aren't no Park this is just no okay FR loopy with this guest thing I just you said one side maybe Jason's thing would work good there too I don't know one side already said no parking he requested it on the other side as well is that correct Randy one side do you know I think it was all along one full side as I recall I know it was on one side but but this is to put it on both sides yes what was in the notice both sides correct and it was it was we glommed this together but this are those signs already up we just need to they're not up okay there was a safety issue down there that's why we we needed to have a public hearing so we just put them all together but and this is a totally separate issue has nothing to do with North this is not resident and guest parking this is no parking on White Street see Chief Stanis Chief do you have any input um we did do a site visit Chief Lis and myself um about a couple of the the areas where there was parking Liberties being taken um as I remember there were sections of the street that already had no parking posted the discussion was to make it all in parking on both sides I recall the chief saying he couldn't down there on his site visit because the parking in the street yes in an emergency vehicle I really so I W make any further discussion is there anyone here from White for or against White Street or lives on White Street has an opinion my name's t o and I live on White Street can you do that and we have a sign that I probably don't know that you know that says part but it's usually ignored by fishermen or sometimes party people but that's the way it is so I would say if if you put put signs on both sides that probably makes sense so she's in favor and then you know the police can enforce it if it says so but Joe's right about the the guest thing with the with the docks right you know the people who come and have the docks uh have to park someplace too there might be some airbnbs down there too you never know right okay okay no parking is no parking doesn't matter who or what yeah I I would say I would agree that's what I wanted to hear from a resid from any other comment there any other comments or public comments in the audience for or against the no no parking signs on both sides of White Street is there anyone on Zoom that wishes to speak for or against on Zoom that for some reason Mike W um he's for on sites that' be Mr Divine and he lives Richard divine has property two properties I think white okay thank you after hearing the I guess I would be looking for a motion to approve the no parking signs on both sides of White Street motion made second roll call vote Jason Peron I thank you I Doug Mogan yes I'd also make a motion to close a hearing I'll second the motion roll call vote Jason Pon I thank Doug ml yeah I want to thank everyone who had input I appreciate it all so let's go g go right to new business and chief we looking to I think we're well we're GNA make it to 920 good evening everybody and thank you um it's kind of become tradition that as we have to force members and career members that advance to the Service uh for recognition of becoming firefighter one and firefighter one2 certified that we present them with their yellow helmets so tonight I'd like to invite two firefighters here who have just recently completed their firefighter one training at the Hartford County Fire Academy um that would be Mike Nielson and Jack Bradway gentl Michael congratulations thank you very much congratulations thank you very much I'd also like to know they both um have enrolled in firefighter 2 so they start that in January complete the the training make it 100% so congratulations to thank you flag to take a picture conratulations from [Music] that people right you guys got to get in the [Laughter] photo awesome all right now now here please congratulations everybody pictures next and new business we need to recognize and approve the donations of $538 to Beed in the South Animal Control gift Fund in memory of Bara paari I'm going to just read off all the names quickly in memory of Miss poar the donations they've made Lori and Paul Barrow from vure town Helen and Bruce brette from lllo Joanne Burke from West Springfield Susan canning and Shannon small from Naples Florida Richard crowy Southwick JN Jones Zari Westfield Sharon Joe Joey and CJ Zari Westfield Albert feny East Long Meadow Vivian and Edmond Gabon agam Cynthia and Dick Bells Southwick Lynn Rusty and Evan Grant Westfield laa and Roger Hamill Southwick Barbara and Theodore Hebert West Springfield Patrick Kelly West Springfield Janet and Barry kunel West Springfield Susan Linsky West Springfield Barbara and John lomma from West Springfield Allan mate or Matt I'm not 100% sure West Springfield Patty Ken Jr Doug prudy and Eddie matun West Springfield lenia and Richard movitz from agam Joanne and Roland navon West Springfield New England racing fuel Burlington Connecticut Joanne and Steve niora from awam Michael O'Brien from Feeding Hills Joel and osowski and Michael dright from fos Avenue Westfield James Pasco West Springfield pickle ball crew Chris D Wendy lafrenier Scott and Kate La bombard Ron and Marge NAU Joe and Katie zaro and car of the LA bombards uh Westfield Bob peon Buick GMC chape Robert poar senior on behalf of mchet and Summers an and George Polo or pulo West Springfield Jackie and Jim Rainey Southwick Jane and John runt or runy West Springfield Gail seavoy West Springfield Cheryl and David Shey Westfield Robert Simpson West Springfield Julie ceciliano Feeding Hills Virginia and Ralph Slate from chape Debbie and mark cek from Reinbeck New York Kathleen tassinari from Westfield Janet and Adolf toell from West Springfield Sarah and Bill T Jr from West Springfield Donna and Gary Turnbull from Feeding Hills Anna chicky alter Vago from agam Chris and John velli Amos toown Road West Springfield Linda and Jim vigliano from Morton Street West Springfield Jan and Ray vino from llo Gary Vino mson Mass Jane and Matt Vino well Braham Mass Angel and Andy Weaver from Westfield Laura Li Webster West Springfield Debbie and Gary Yellen from Southwick and June and David Young from Concord New Hampshire right there for acknowledge and accept those donations be approved in the memory of Mrs bar Barbara paari that was quite a tribute make a motion to approve those donations I'll gladly second the motion uh that's just Testament to the Pulver Aries in Barbara and I know that they're the namesake of our animal shelter and uh the number of friends family relatives and acquaintances that have come out to donate in her honor is truly astonishing and far reaching incredibly so I will gladly second that motion with our deepest thanks yes Ro Callo Jason PR I Doug M yes Mr jman yes ma'am can I say something go ahead so I saw the Animal control officer today and um we were talking about this and where it going where it's going where she's putting it and she did say that she wants to get another structure um I don't know why goat is in my mind but you know some sort of enclosure for other animals to be over here and also dedicated to her um on the structure itself when it does finally happen and you know you guys will know first but this is you know just accepting these donations and that's her intent with with all this money all right next item of new businesses is item C to review the request from Sabrina perer for increase in concom coordinator hours we also have a letter here from Conservation Commission coordinator I see Sabrina I thought I saw her on I'm on thank you Sabrina can you uh state your name address for the record yeah Sabrina perer 123 street um South Mass also South Conservation Commission coordinator so you want more hours tell us about it I do I do want more hours um essentially what I have for a Conservation Commission coordinator it's a full-time job and a part-time body right now I only have 24 hours a week to dedicate to that position and it's just it's just simply not enough um I think I've talking to almost everybody at that table about my position and how I would like more hours maybe Doug not being one of them um but yeah it's been an ongoing thing during my first year review this was one of the main concerns that I had um last year I tried to bring it up during a budget hearing and um I was told that that wasn't the the way to go about it so this year I'm sending a formal request to you guys to hope to get the ball rolling to have it finalized by the annual Town Meeting thank you you're welcome Mr chairman yes two smiling guys in the back probably want to have us something to say at least I think Norman smil I just up to the chairman if he chooses they mostly can step forward thank you Mr Che Vice chair of the Conservation Commission commissioner want the address to Noble SE Crossing so Sabrina wants more hours yes tell us why I'm assuming you guys based on this letter feel us warranted well kind of had a opportunity to kind of chat with Doug earlier but basically you know you're looking at our outfit which is predominantly a voluntary outfit so um she's hugely instrumental in keeping track of all the detail s that that comes up regarding conservation um she does a terrific job I have to say um you know keeping all the ducks in a row and and keeping us informed and shedding light to questionable things that are happening in the town um flagging them when they occur and often enough you know her time falls into it because she said I don't have I'm out of time for this week I can't go look at this I can't go look at that um and so you know she urges us to go run out there and take a peek if we can um which we do uh but we it's hard to sort of get everybody on an emergency situation especially to kind of drop everything and go out there um just recently I think it was a couple of days ago there was there was a text about something that was happening with a tree somewhere on the lake I was able to swing by grabbed a couple of pictures and shared it with them but I was on route to somewhere else I didn't have the time to stop and talk to anyone plus we also encourage that you don't go out alone at least pair up with one other person just for all sorts of reasons you know um so yes I think uh if she did have more hours I think it would be great to support the Conservation Commission in town so that's my little sh I don't know if you want to jump in I I totally endorsed the request I believe it's a problem that we've had for many years um if you think about the fact that we have the lake with every home that has a 100 foot buffer zone any activity in that 100 foot buffer zone has to come to the Conservation Commission you think of all of the streams we have and all of the wetlands we have every one of those have either 100 foot buffer zone or they have a a Riverfront 200 foot buffer everything that happens inside those buffer zones requires work from the conservation coordinator and uh it's been a problem it will continue to be a problem that we can't do the responsibility of the state requires us to do in the normal working hours okay I've also as you know on the lays on to the Conservation Commission in Suffield and just as a comparison uh we have three to four times to public hearings in swick than Suffield has on theirs just to give you an eyeball uh the forms that have to be filled out for an RDA or notice of intent are not user friendly having done some myself I couldn't do them without Sabrina helping me she virtually has to help every homeowner do an RDA application so it's definitely warranted and need and the whole Conservation Commission endorses this thank you um Mr Miss Gale Mr M um well chair um I think that I I do know that you have jul on board for 10 hours a week which is essentially pretty close to what this increase request is are how are you utilizing Julie how is how is Sabrina utilizing Julie so essentially Julie well it takes a few hours to get ready for a meeting then there's the meeting and then there's the required meeting minutes so that takes up that takes up a bulk of time then there is like you know filing receiving applications making sure they're punched in with the town clerk posting the agendas doing the folders for the meeting well I already mentioned the meeting um just paying for things just running we're running a Conservation Commission we're running a department it's a conservation department and you know even though Julie's great and she does a wonderful job but that has that really has nothing to do with with me requesting more hours I've I've been needing these hours ever since day one so um yeah and there are seven [Music] Commissioners that are theoretically doing some of the work as well supporting the commissioner and vice versa we don't do the clerical that much I I realize that but you have Julie and you have Sabrina we do site visits uhu and then we have the meetings we generally support Sabrina a few on a weekly basis I think it's a worthy discussion and I think I um I haven't really gotten a chance to talk to Sabrina about it in detail um but I appreciate the support but I also think the proper process which kind of caught me off guard is the budget process is that's where that should get baked into the budget because that's where the funding where the position came from we had this discussion on another position barely two weeks ago you know as far as if we're formulating to add move or change a role it has to get funded at town meeting in May um or via you know some other mechanism to fund the hours um and there has been discussion oh say it's going back prior to Sabrina joining The Firm um about expanding the hours of Conservation Commission and it has not made it past the joint um finance committee and uh select Board hearing process that's it was proposed it was budgeted by conservation and then you know as as when we start reviewing all the numbers and where what things have to stay and what has to go that has gone so I think it's it's a worthy discussion and we should have it again at the proper budget time and which I believe is the proper time to do it um and I think this this meeting here and other discussions as we move towards the budget season will be you know key factor in deciding you conservation needs to vote and put into their budget their um those budget packets will be out probably soon um maybe right before the end of the year or shortly thereafter and then you know you guys have a budget discussion as part of your you know your meeting your regular meetings and set forth a budget that's presented to the uh select board and finance committee at the budget hearing and that's usually well one of the lines in there or one of the areas in the the budgeting packet is you know people and and hours so because it may and I don't know what else it'll trigger for benefits or what have you what not but it's part of the discussion so I think that that's the right Avenue to take it as far as how you would do it because even if we and I don't know that we have money available now or don't have money available but in if you go to town meeting and we vote the budget and it doesn't include those hours well then we go back to where you were right and you're back to you know because there's there's not extra money in a budget right right so you just you have to get it funded at town meeting and it's that's to me the the part of the town meeting and the acceptance of the budget that's the adoption of as much as is adopting the budget it's adopting of policy so if we decide as a matter of policy that we're going to add move or change departments hours people the vote a town meeting to vote the budget adopts the policy so that's so that's how it has to happen we're the Personnel Board we're the hirer but it has to be of a of monies that are authorized by town meeting to expend we can't just spend that money so in your budget we can discuss it in our meeting and put it forth did you have a line item in there for I don't know if it was under consultant or it was was it Dennis Clark who was transitioning and teaching Sabrina is he still in that role I don't believe he's in Ro so we did we did have a line item for consultant but it wasn't necessarily just for Dennis but it was used for Dennis during the transition um and that hadn't been we stopped using Dennis as a consultant I don't know maybe like almost two years ago and that line item has since been reduced down to 300 00 down over kind of L didn't I mean correct yeah but yeah I I think that's 100% what Sabrina said is correct yeah yeah well Mr Mullen said it best that's you know we brought up the other position a couple weeks ago to start talking about it and get it in front of the US and the budget committee I have appreciate I getting this out here too that way the public and everyone else is aware that this is something we're looking at sometimes a lot of times you know the first time you hear about something is it's added into the budget and you know people are like oh where' this come from so at least this way we've got a little bit of a heads up and we can have more you know deeper discussions on it is she budgeted for overtime is that something that exists um no overtime I'm not do any overtime yeah um yeah I mean I would just suggest as I do with all PHS that I you know suggest for changes or whatever um is that justification you know what it what work isn't being done that needs to be done what is unfinished what you know what kind of permits are we not able to do what kind of site visits is she not able to do documentation I mean when when you say you're four times as busy as Suffield um I don't I know how busy subfield is and I don't know what we have versus what they have which what and what's not getting finished I did have a conversation with Sabrina about this when I first started you know I met with all the Departments and um I know that she wanted more hours and I think I relay that to her too was like we really need I think the finance committee and the select board en able to support this really need to see the justification and really why a full-time position would be needed above and beyond what she has and what the assistant which does all of her clerical work and also is there anything that's I don't want to belittle what it is but is there busy work does it really all need to be done or is there just stuff that's habit no there everything everything that I do basically needs to get done and there's a lot of things that are falling through the cracks so like for example I just finally was able to go through my voice mails this past Thursday and it was like three weeks of voicemails and I was finally able to call one person back because they had um a beaver was starting to build a dam or a a Hut on their Dock and they weren't sure about what to do they couldn't take the dock out so that was three weeks that they weren't able to get a call back and they were lucky because I'm not able to call back a good majority of people I'm not able to sit at my dad and take those phone calls because I don't have the time to be interrupted like I need that sit down time just to finish the bare bare minimum is that something as the coordinator you could assign to a commissioner no why not because they would need to sit next to me and be there to answer the phone calls they would need to be there next to me and and you know greet the people that are coming through the office that have questions about specific things I think you could refer the phone call to them but I don't think they need to sit there with you guess we're not gonna come to an answer tonight just ask questions just asking questions you you guys are more than welcome to come and like hang out with me and you know some time you know Devil's Advocate like yourself I think you know because these are the questions that people are going to ask you know what what's the rest of the commission doing really um we're doing the best we can with what we have as far as volunteering goes um so this is basically taking a chunk out of our Lives to say okay I can be available I can do this I can do that so that's pretty much the gist of it if we start getting into answering phone calls and all the rest of it I don't know I'm not saying no it's something we haven't really discussed before um but you know we could certainly talk about that as well when we are coming up with a new figure for the budget maybe fair enough one more question turn it if you don't mind all right answer Sabrina what what are the hours that you allocate to CPC today I'm sorry what are the hours that are allocated to the community president reservation permission per week sure eight hours so one day per week basically yep yeah thank you all right thank you gentlemen thank you Serena than all right and new business item D your visit visitation and presentation from the e Economic Development commission Mr DIY you can share the got it up on on there you could size it a little smaller so it's one page matter and and I did some printed versions too I wanted to report on the goals we had a lot of turnover in our economic uh EDC and since I became the chair I like to actually set goals and get things accomplished in a reasonable time these are all short-term goals that I have and I just want to be sure to run through you the through the select board since you're the ones that appoint us and be sure you're good with all of them and I'll run through them very quickly uh first is very simple we just want to finish our website we did the shop Southwick part we have other parts that are oriented more to the businesses or be businesses coming in and each of these we assigned a team of two or three people on the commission to take leadership in each of these so we get them done we want to get them done by the end of the fiscal year by June 30th uh the second one no Ed having a website unless you get traffic so we watch the traffic on a daily basis we're up to about 1140 unique users on the site mostly is shop Southwick area about 4,400 page views and I set a goal of getting that up to at least 2,000 unique users and uh with over 10,000 page views and I think we're on track especially with some of the other initiatives we're doing uh and we just use the free Google analytics to track all the stuff and our website only cost $42 a year and at this point in just the you know being able to have it hosted in the hosting fees it's all volunteer work third one is I wanted to implement a new business evaluation process and I've attached a piece of that and that's up on the the screen as well and the idea of that is only for those new businesses that would be likely to have a major impact the community or the Green Field development and we just wanted to as an EDC weigh in on that and give a objective uh view of several areas you know one of them was what we saw as the impact on a master plan and other was the impact on the broader business environment in the area and and then an impact on revenues be taxes and fees and on the costs to our Public Works and services in the town and uh you know don't have to comment on that now but just wanted to present that as something we we wanted to be able to and and the analogy I put to this is this would mainly be a help as advice to select board planning board but it'd be kind of like you know what an AM Amicus Cur is in the court situation it's somebody coming in that's not a party to they're not the the one in the discussion but they are presenting some information expert Keys advised as an outside which the judge has the discretion of whether to use it or not and that's what I would see this you know here's information you can use it if you want and I even proposed a disclaimer saying this is only the you know from the EDC and doesn't represent any other border or official position of the town and we would try to be as objective as possible and rate individual areas with a certain scale but obviously there's some judgment involved in in any of that and we actually did an exercise of this with Dollar General this template and actually played it out but we don't want to releasee that because that's you know obviously already was decided and then in dispute and I guess in arbitration so we just use that to kind of test the template and be ready to go um next one on here is the idea and this comes out of the survey we did a business is and they I think it was the second biggest thing the businesses wanted was to promote Southwick as a recreational Community to you know potential visitors and and just promote our recreational assets and visitor assets and the way that it like to do this is with signs that could be visible and and if you could move to the next page of this and this is yeah just go go one more page down uh this is kind of based on what the town of atams has done with QR codes and signs at their recreational places like their bike trail and their Trail heads and and other key places in the town where somebody can walk up and just scan that QR code with her phone and get all the details of all the places in the case of Southwick it would be details on all our golf courses on our boat boating on our you know where the trails are as well as all our restaurants and a choice of all their businesses too in other words anything that could be of possible interest uh two visitors and pull it all together in one place we have a lot of these assets online like we have a whole video tour of the bike trail but it's on the website most visitors don't aren't aware of it and don't know how to get it this would given an access to it also on the light posts on College Highway banners on the light post oh yeah the spot it's might be a little hard harder to shoot the QR code but maybe but this is something that you know this design which I had um I'm having Spotlight Graphics quote would hook on to existing kiosks so you wouldn't have to have additional ones and the idea this is the only one of the goals by the way that actually would would cost some money but we're proposing to use the What's called the gift account of the EDC which was actually money that they did through various events it didn't come out of taxpayers and there's like $3,700 there and uh you know we wouldn't use all of it but it would be a way to do something that could benefit all the businesses um so that's something I don't know if if you know my next step on that would be to get an A little actual Design This was just something I hble together is a a possible one but I did a professional graph person at Spotlight to design it and and we could get approval I don't know if this would be run by the planning board before we actually test it out and we would track all the the web traffic that we get off of this so we know that it worked but um just want you to be aware of it and if if there's any concerns or things otherwise we'll we'll keep moving forward but we before before we actually spend the money on it we'll present a final cost and proposal and how we want to do it and then a a fifth one would be to start arranging me meetings with groups of business owners and this would be in order to do some other longer range things we'd want to do but we want to get input from groups of different kind of businesses maybe be restaurants or or shops or whatever it be not every business but of of some that might want to coordinate something together kind of a Business Association type thing one idea for that that would be to produce an actual printed map of of uh the recreational destinations that could be distributed but we want to get the input from business owners before we did that or other ideas where we could do promotional events that we could coordinate with their website uh and you put out special discounts in a certain promotional event it would help all the all the businesses down then uh another one was to create a program to increase awareness of aant town businesses and we've had a proposal from uh Mark F call on the commission that we put content on the website and the idea is just to make that those kind of properties more easily visible uh to respective users because there's nothing you know in terms of improving our business Bas than to use the existing properties we already have infill is always better than than less risky than you know Greenfield development so we want to do what we can to help promote that um the number seven also comes out of the survey we did that I think the third top thing and by the way the on the survey the first top thing was to do this shop southw to to do the business directory and I think the second one was to do promote it as a recreational destination and the third one was to improve our main shopping corridors enhance them to make them you know more conducive better for for business and uh so we are looking at that and that's something we might discuss with business ofs and we've you know voted as a commission to suggest lower speed limits in crosswalks and I'm doing some stuff personally to try to move that along but um it's another thing that that we want to figure out how to how to do in a way that would enhance the business environment because all of these things are our initial goal was to rather than immediately go out and try to shop other businesses and bring others in we want to make the town the best possible place for existing businesses because if it's a good place to do business others will come in um and then we are doing some other things in the longer run to to reach out we talked with Rick Sullivan with the mass the western Mass EDC to you know make him aware that to contact us if he has any prospects as well as we talked to Shan O Donnell with the western Mass development uh group that is maybe interested in some of our Industrial Park areas uh we also in number eight we're starting to build a part partnership with South with public library because they have a a lot of business resources and career resources job search resources we want to get those up on our website so they're more accessible to people and maybe promote those so working with one Blair there and on number nine this is something that Craig Samuelson had suggested with his wife as to to do a promotion of a southw In Bloom maybe in the spring to encourage a competition between uh various businesses that want to display you know some floral or plant displays out in front of their business and maybe in a competitive way and give out prizes coordinate it with maybe some of our our nurseries Farm Sands in town uh as a way just to make it a more attractive shopping area and we're going to try to move that forward that was one of the things that Julie was interested in getting involved in and lastly we we would like to get involved with looking at the Town zoning MC get more familiar with it and if we have some input to that be able to present thoughts on on how some of those could be you know perhaps modified I know that's complicated longterm thing but we think that that it's a roate for ADC to you know be involved and and be aware of that uh and also I'll just mention that we're going to work closely with mic on master plan implementation I'm planning to attend their first meeting on Wednesday so that we coordinate any of these things with goals that they've set for us and they put a lot of goals into the master plan for the UC any questions or concerns none good things to go over SC I have some thoughts I don't know what stange you're at on some of these if they're just [Music] your I mean are they on a calendar of yeah we want to get them we want to show progress on each of these for completion on them by June 30th of of the end of the fiscal year are you looking for specific item information or just the general idea what are you looking for I mostly wanted to make you aware of what we were doing so that if you did have specific concerns you raise them and for something like the I wanted to prepare for on this signage idea once I get the final quotes maybe present it and get approval but I and I'll mention on the signage I did take that idea to all the the other boards and committees that it would be relevant to so I I talked to you know Lake management about putting the sign at the at the boat ramps I talked to the park and rck about putting him on the bike trail I talked to Conservation Commission about maybe putting one at Grandville boards or any their other properties no I think that's a that's a good I have no all of them were 100% in favor of that and really like that idea so I'm trying to make it a cooperative Venture and as I say I want to work with them pick very closely on on other initiatives I don't believe in Sid stepping issues so I'll just be up front with you I have I have concerns about the business evaluation process y it's very subjective um extremely subjective [Music] um how you have laid out what you would evaluate I have some concerns with and if you'd like I can go over those concerns with you individually was this it was actually the one of the things I expected to get the most push back on and I I kept it out there because it's actually one of the reasons I got involved involved in thec it's one of the reasons I talk through about and I was you know back you know four years ago you know what we're going through and I was a little upset that the EDC at that time had nothing to say agreed and so I wanted to have a format allow us here the one that is is the least opinionated is the impact on revenues and costs the s are um you know you said you would be as as objective as possible but it really needs some if it were to work really firm definitions it would definitely need legal review to make sure we don't get ourselves in trouble by posing opinions and expressing them publicly on business competition that's so I would like to meet with you on that and just yeah disc with to and I I see where you're I understand those concerns and that's why I put a yeah I put need to be careful on that one yeah that's why I put put the comment on the bottom that this was I got that was just a statement and you know it there are questions that I think are important and and something that that if we seriously want to to Y be concerned about the sustainability of a business the impact on the other businesses in town it's something we shouldn't just ignore and I think that that and your program to increase awareness of vacant properties is in conjunction with the discussion we've been having on the planner EDC director yes and I would love to see us have a a town planner in that in an expanded EDC situation that would only help us we and understanding the master plan is not um it isn't the Golden Rule it is a guide and a lot of what you have in here is based on the master plan based on the master plan that's a guide yeah that isn't the directive exactly it's a gy and and needs that coordination right and it's not going to happen just because it's written down somewhere it's going to happen correct if each board commission does their piece of it and we're trying to do our piece of um having not studied this well enough to I'll rely on what was a blinkin who said better less people think you a fool than to open your mouth and remove all the doubt so I will schedule some time with Mr dialy and go over some of these outside of here yeah that's all I I'm wanting to raise it now I'm not asking for bunch of answers right now but just to to get guidance let say we we want to actually make an impact we want to get some things done make a difference appreciate you coming forward go ahead Mr um I think that and I I just looked up the Greater Westfield Chamber of Commerce um and I think that they could be a good resource too there's a lot of self with businesses in there I know we're you're a member I'm not sure about that but um you know the those Prof profs could help as well the executive director and a lot of our business are in that Chamber of Commerce so I think you could probably work well together with them too yeah I've I've not there was some talk about should we have our own Chamber of Commerce so I would love to talk to you too anytime you want to come in we could it wasn't something wanted to do right away of Commerce you asked for money so only the bigger businesses get involved I I wanted to do things that would help everybody and not be a are you still a member are you still paying dues to them we decided to you know because it for because we wanted to do the website and everything we decided to foro that expense for the moment we we tryan to be very frugal May anything everyone will thank you Mr Dy next item is going to be acknowledge and approve 2025 select board schedule for January through June of 2025 all Market did was model what was last year so where it says no meeting or gu followed last year's the only one I have I have any issue with right now is March 17th I won't be here for that unavailable I will be in out west again will you be up the zoom though remote for you probably not I didn't have any well that's the only so is that a no meeting then or you just won't be present it's you'll be the chair I guess you'll call it when you get there yeah if we need it at that point we can make the decision I think that might be a holiday so right don't we have a holiday in March St Patrick's Day St p no that's not holiday we do take that one March what 17 no is St Patrick's pay no we're not meeting on St Patrick Mr ahead email you guys the dates for the budget did you email it I don't think I got the email I think I I think I was just there and I wrote it down and I forgot that I was going to tell them about it oh that's probably why we didn't have one last week last year then um but they're on Saturdays aren't they yes I just want don't worry they're on Saturday so I guess um let me see I don't know that would it have come from you specifically Elizabeth is that the same week for you every year no not every year next it just happens I taking the 17th off oh March absolutely um I do have a schedule for the finance committee if you don't mind I would love to okay so Capital committee I don't know who if the whole select board is involved in that Thursday nights in February thir February 6 February 13th and February 27th no times as of yet and then FY 26 budget hearings March 1st and March 8th thanks for bringing forgot and and the reason for those dates folks is we're just trying to push everything up a couple weeks so we're not jammed up on days two Satur well then we won't forget what we heard the week before and I'm I'm going to POS this question because it's been asked why do we have them on Saturdays I know it's always I've heard it's always sir I don't know they've always been on Saturdays 8 to 12 most of the times to the Committees that are in for the budget those folks if they were evenings they'd be until 11 o'clock they're not coming to a selectboard meeting no but one person would have to come in at 10:30 to do their five minutes in the evening I'm just asking Miss Parker asked me well I mean it would be more than obviously two but I I was just you know I was just curious what you know Saturdays I didn't get to ask at that meeting it kind of always been that way maybe there's another reason I didn't know you know to call people in on their days off like just that it tend it would be a late night and most of the board and committee chairs come in with their department head um to discuss the budget okay usually the board chair and the department head come in and sometimes some other members of a board come in as well but it's um and most of the boards and committee chairs work during the week during the day so and it would be a fairly late night and you would know if you'd get to you it well look at this meeting right if you're going to get to if you're posted it we've had people post it for 10 and then we get to them around you know one M you know on a Saturday yes um it could be ugly We Have To Call It by 11:00 and reschedule we've gotten to the point where there's some folks that we text like your two appointments away and they come from wherever they're coming on a Saturday because they can do something else rather than sit in the audience unless um it's not for public participation chairman de is correct um in a lot of years of experience I count on both hands how many people from the public have shown up um there's one in particular that comes every year that's all I can really remember very good so March 1st toight so on the 17th did was that we're gonna do a note meeting March 17th was that a no meeting no meeting agreed I um I think may you have a trip yourself don't you us V on uh May 12th I will be out of P um that is my daughter's college graduation sorry I ain't going to be here and the following week is also that's also usually town meeting week is probably that week 19 12th right the 12th and the 19th I think elections are the 13th and town meeting the 20th based on the way the calendar Falls this year the TU the second Tuesday is elections correct so that would be the 13th and and then town meeting is immediately following which would be the 20th we wouldn't meet on the 19th anyway we'd probably have a consent usually have a consent agenda ahead of the of the special SL anual but I also there's a high probability I won't be in 15th and 20th again not available or remote well I would be available for a meeting a consent on the 20th yeah I would not probably be available on 12 how do driving we can reassess at that time too if we yeah or there was something that you know if we wanted to meet on an alternate night that week other than the the 12 we can put a TBD on just I think Canadian working [Music] no further input as to far as the schedule I guess I would be looking to a motion to approve the select board schedule with those modifications and uh to to be determined date motion made second roll call vote Jason for all right next item is to item f is to knowledge and approve the elderly sewer rate application we have application from Angela Whitaker well SE Drive she meets all the criteria based on submit we've got all the signatures from the water Commissioners motion to approve roll call vote I'm I'm sorry second go call V Jason Peron I dou item G is other new business um I not I have nothing to bring forward right now at this time uh just on the department head reports just the the library hours they'll be closed December 24th and 5th and closing early at 5:00 pm on December 31st and uh question are we changing the meeting time before 12:16 as was questioned we can do that yes for next week correct correct yes yeah to 5:30 I had asked Mr M if you could do five buy requested 5:30 5:30 okay if there's presson business that 515 okay right just let me know absolutely I'm going to try and keep it light especially in light of where we are and the holidays and what we're trying to do there so but it that's all I had Mr M nothing Miss Parker um just on Diane M scale's comment about the library Wednesday they have a hot chocolate bar and they're going to be pulling the the winners for their raffle that the friends did so that's at 5:30 on Wednesday night at the library and one more thing actually today we got an an email that our designation Grant was approved to do the fire department controls and during this whole process um they you know they they were doing some assess assessments on the buildings and it was brought to our attention that the town hall building uses the most energy out of all the buildings including the fire department that's open 247 365 so an um a suggestion was to close on Fridays like 300 other towns are doing and you know shift your hours around this building and I said well you know we have a senior center that's open until 1 o'clock too and he well the next logical thing would be to close at one so I H I do I just have this assessment here that was um done by Guardian energy if you want to take one and pass it down and um we were talking about potentially on Mondays taking that three hours from Friday if we close at 1 and tacking them onto Mondays and you just did it here you know scheduled a meeting for every single Monday pretty much because there are meetings here every Monday so we are openly like every somebody has a meeting on Mondays and obvious obvously it's mostly us um so it would have to be impact bargained and you know conversation with Town Hall staff would have to happen but first and foremost it comes to the board for your potential consent approval probably have to sleep on it for a while um but this would be I believe a you know not I believe but the the Energy company believes this could be a potential you know a real savings for energy for the town um you know shutting the building at 1 dropping the temperature so it's not freezing or really hot but just you know so it's saves more energy with no people in the building from did they have a number for that savings um I can get the number for the savings it was preliminary and we didn't go with guardians so I didn't go any further than that we're going with a different expediter for this project and doesn't it just offset Monday being we're here open Monday anyway so it would be 7:30 meeting or not and every body would be here and first and foremost it is very convenient for our citizens our residents our business owners um being L you know open past 4:30 it would alleviate the overtime that we have to pay when we do stay open late to the staff in the typically treasure collector's office clerk's office um so you know it's uh all so many towns do it I can give you the towns that don't rather than towns that do uh because they are doing it now to really be able to be available after hours for your residents summertime the select board is here every other week pretty much though not every week just F well it would they would the town hall would still be open until 7:30 again for the residents and we're not open every we're not we are not here every Monday yeah and I think like every other Monday it's conservation and you know other meetings happen throughout the building I think Monday's probably the busiest day of the week here but Monday through Thursday is pretty busy in the evenings okay but thank goodness we got that R I know okay we have to think it through but what I want to make a a note just because ever since I was I remember talking to Bob Johnson so that's how long ago it was when I was first selected select and I came in on a steamy August Sunday evening at about 11:30 at night to get my packet and you could hang meet in the selectman's office so I said why are we running the system like that now in the meantime we spent um two kajillion dollars on HVAC improvements but we better make sure that our controls are right so that we're not overheating and overcooling this building when the when there's no occupancy like really hot coming in here tonight yeah that it was warm in here but we need to make sure that we're not running the HVAC heating and cooling when this building's unoccupied even after like we walk out here tonight there should be occupancy sensors in here this thing should shut off at four o'clock someone walks in it runs for four hours clicks off and you know takes the building down to 50 degrees in the winter and you know 80 degrees in the summer yeah I know it's an old building it's got old bones and it does take a while to move the needle on the temperature um but that's something to really look at because I you know the energy it's going to be all HVAC it's not people in the building and I don't know that we'd have to look to see what the hours and we could we should be able to get it out of the new controls that were just put in as part of this project you should be able to go right onto the controls themselves and have it tell you what the hours and minutes that it ran and when it ran in the um in the course of the last month yeah take a look at that and see where is before we um you know you know I think there's there's Merit to having a discussion about having Town Hall open one or two nights a week later and not on a different day you know we had but we just went through the process of reopening the clerk's office on Fridays after having it closed for a couple of years for Staffing um because there was demand so I think we it's a much larger discussion but I think just off the top of my head it's a real strong thing to go look at is the HVAC we just put in that brand new system then um in the in the Attic of this building when they did the roof project and all new controls talking us about it you know that that's exactly what you do and so we open 8:30 you know you started at 7:30 it's cool or heated whatever people get here um you shut it off when you close and I I did it in my in one of my last towns we had I am Automation and I could do it from my phone I could do it for my house um or whatever could do it from offsite um but you know there was were many components to this to really think about you know and I the poor you know the treasury collector's office and the clerk's office take the big brunt of it um but being open for residents so they can buy their trash sckers they can come in and pay their taxes today I had somebody in here who got here at 4:30 because he left early and he couldn't talk to the people because the department was close so I said he goes I don't want to keep you and I'm like nope I'm here you know aired out and he was here till about 5 and it was fine um but you know I think to give that extra um extra credit for our residents to be able to come in when most people work 8 to five or something like that and then you and then you have to take time off so and I really think that was the trend with the way that towns were doing this for the past 15 years um and I'm sure it's a definite perk for the staff I mean to me I always work all the time so um I would sometimes be alone in the town hall and it was freezing or hot but I knew that you know so that's one thing but I think for the hourly staff and and the staff that work on the front lines um it was a benefit to them as as much as it was a benefit to have it open for residents that access I think that was mentioned a year or so ago by somebody as well access for evenings that's always been a problem again I'll reference with people who are working with our records department in my professional Place one of the things they ended up doing is changing uh a uh the hours to a little bit later on one of the days um and actually we ended up finally hiring or placing an individual in that records of division to work those hours on a regular basis um so I'm I'm definitely open for discussing it and because one of the things I've always said whether there here wherever is you said about you know people that have sometimes have to take their time on to get here on time and it is inconvenient for people who may work especially like the person that came in is a um you know an a limited um sick personal hours you know it's not like they can take Flex Tim or you know they have to actually take their sick time to take the time off or or the personal time to come in um it's just a it's just I thought you know kind of all married together when he when he told me that like you know these are things that towns consider during during these you know these transitions it's a good idea to kind of move things around it's Innovative Etc but I think the top necessary thing to do and improve them that's all um just thee we are we had a free interview for Dan position on Friday um we there the candidates andiz that uh this morning with the chief of police and the lieutenant uh for three patrol officer so those are all in the breaks business so need to set the date and time for the special town meeting for Monday January 13 2025 or Tuesday January 14th 2025 have we heard anything back from the moderator and so the reason that it's on here like that is because the last time we talked about this we talked about Monday and then it was brought to my attention afterwards that we you usually have them on Tuesdays so I got confirmation that the school is open on Tuesday the 14th as well and we could use the following week Tuesday as a snow date because that's open as well so we have all of these dates um sort of penciled in right now until you decide tonight and then I can let the school know the firm date what was that again January 14th January 13th is Monday January 14th is Tuesday and then January 21st for the snow date and then we would I talked to the clerk today and um we discussed closing the warrant on December 23rd so I don't know and you know that's to give her time um to give the Constable time her suggestion but it's here up to you I have no problem with Tuesday the 14 14th at all no I'm fine with that do we have the articles for the warrant now not all of them and one of them that was written by Sabrina has to go to council and I have to write the one for this building to go to council with a priority sticker on them yeah yes for sure and the only other thing I think that I'm not positive that you know about it but um and the finance shares here we we have to take some money out of the wage line and put it in the fire department line for some reason it wasn't put in there before the budget was finalized so it's sitting in a line item that cannot be used unless it's at a town meeting and so although that I don't know what happened but the fire department line item did not include their raises so they didn't have a contract they were they didn't have a contract I mean you would assume I mean I going to be it's in salary Reserve but it's going to have to be it needs a town meeting vote to move it well that's Norm that's normal stuff y it's normal stuff but not if you don't have a town meeting in the fall well they know that as it's unfortunately it's part of the contract dance right is when they ratify a contract and then you have to go to a town meeting and move the money out of salary reserves but the town funds the anticipation of a contract in salary Reserve but they know the unions know when it's part of negotiation that they're not going to get their their retro until it's funded right so I did not I mean I I I didn't see that in any of the conversations that it it's not memorialized in anyou or anything like that um I think they think when they sign it they're getting paid um but I don't I don't I I haven't seen this before that's all that's all I'm just gonna bring something up um based on legal action that's going on elsewhere we have to be careful with wages because if they're due they have to be paid so and whether we it's in our regulations are not we are liable for a wage violation and we need to look into this and make sure that statutorily ORD ordinance excuse me bylaw wise that were that were covered because I can tell you right now if you don't pee people in time you are you're violating the wage law I know this specifically I can look into it there may be some caveat in there covering collective bargaining I just want to make sure because I know we don't want to run that risk because it becomes trouble damages and then we're in a world of hurt so are we making a decision on Tuesday January 14th and at what time 530 I think with no you got to give people a chance to get home from work 6 630 6:30 is fine is that what one is usually six or seven it's usually not on the usually like 15 minutes prior and this is for a special for special so no special before the special no special before the special exactly 6:30 sure you can even make it six I won't see it Parker said chair is here so0 I'm probably mistaken what do you say 6:30 65 630 615 6:30 it's it's going to be quick it's three articles four Artic 6:30 that gives people who may be in transit at extra 15 minutes right do we need to make a motion go ahead sir the CPC portion of one of those articles do you Nicole do you feel two weeks is enough to get that transferred over there a certain closing date should it all get approved there's a closing date that sits there right there the for you mean on the the parcel for the yeah yeah um yeah I think it's fine and and the I mean the land owners they didn't put it in writing but they said you know in the event we closed a week or two into February that would be okay but they're not willing to hold on to it until May and the other part of that too is every time we had Union negotiations we always went the town meeting and know last 30 since there's been Union so the only reason I'm bring wage law has changed so it's got to be careful I just want to make sure it's unfortunate for you to say that they expect to get paid right away because every Union member that you speak of knows better that's just so this was I mean it was very newly brought to my attention by the by Chief Stan easily check with yeah I just want to make sure because I I'm gonna say what I always say I mean they're working we get it right away so you once it's in place you have I'm just I want to be careful because I the wage laws have all changed and like I said it doesn't take much to to uh incur that trouble damages so so does this require a motion and a vote for the town meeting yes okay are we an agreement all set six o'clock 6:30 6:30 at motion for special town meeting January 14th six better Mr mland I see care look of exas whatever she puts forth as a motion right now tues special town meeting Tuesday January 14th 2025 at 6:30 p.m at the Southwick Regional High School that was a motion second roll call vote Jason Peron I thank you I Doug M yes old business I'm sorry do you have to vote to um close the warrant too I'll make the motion to close the warrant December 23rd I believe the date at second 3:00 in the afternoon roll call vote Jason per I thank you Doug M yes so Item B of all business further discussion on the planner and economic development director job description Nicole um so Diane had some edits that we incorporated into the into the job description sorry suggestion yeah well we incorporated them they were good suggestions um and adding more role of the economic development um and and this is you know this is Testament to that I think I think I don't know I'm just going to keep saying it how much we need a full-time planner and um to help with the zoning and to um move the town forward in a positive direction with smart um you know excellent uh skills that I think a planer has to help the town but it's a parttime well I don't say parttime I think it's I think it would be like a 7030 director responsibil yeah that the director responsibilities come in with this full time okay for sure it's I don't think that you can even say you're gonna work 20 hours this 20 hours that I think it's all encompassing I agree so in regards to this um like I said i' i' had speaking previously former CAO steinhardt so I actually reached out to him to get some input on what he thought because there was some notes that came forward regarding uh the planning board and the need for an attorney and actually Mr steinhardt had actually written as long as we have in a full-time Town planner no um I know there's some concerns about this position but I you know if the funding is there and we can get people to buy off on this I'm for it that's just where I am with this I I like I said I asked Carl when I first got on hey and listening to what we heard I think that's why we also need another full-time set of eyes on whether it be some of the planning stuff or whether it's the economic you know like I said there were concerns when I heard some of the stuff that was there that we need to be careful with and I think having a fulltime set and actually it's funny because Mr steinhardt brought up my development specifically as to why he felt a town planner you know there's issues that you know your residential yes my residential neighborhood um that some additional full-time oversight because Randy can't always be there because he's got other responsibilities um you know Kyle such stuff like that and and things that can be addressed ahead of time as far as when you're looking at engineering plans and stuff like that and and a little more forethought on some of it um you know I I I think as long as we can find the proper funding which I think we've you know you identified items that you think we were good I'm I'm for this like I said I I always thought that we should at least have a at least a part-time Economic Development coordinator I think if we can utilize this position to do more and and in some I know in some maybe even some capacity it's an opportunity as Town planner you're also concerned with conservation issues maybe they can push and help so you know maybe Sabrina instead of 37 and a half can still do it in 32 or you know wherever she and then of course we have to be conserned with the CPC AAL as well so so that's where I sit on it I I'm I'm I don't I I support it that's all I'm just gonna say I don't need to say anymore my position hasn't changed I strongly support it and I view it as an investment in the right Planning and Development I have no too my position is unchanged from last two meetings ago too but I am just the clerk but um I I still think we there's a need for for the town planner position it needs to be backfield obviously Mr G needs to move on to his new role U Mr G's done a great job in in the role that he's been in and it's horrible to lose him to to his new role but thank goodness it's still in town so he's still going to be with us um but I I don't see the benefit of making that a full-time position I think there are certain areas where we have to improve Mr prone brought up one of them where you know the town did pass a bylaw to allow the town to hire a consultant to oversee and review plans and also hire consultant post construction paid for by the developer of a subdivision but they work for us um in order to review certain things as they go along and hopefully to do you know catch some of these things as as they come up with with subdivision construction um I I don't believe that that rises to the level of needing to um that that those tools are available to the to the planning board and the planner and DPW and Zoning um to be able to do that and you know I I spoke probably way too long about um you know a development director two weeks ago so I'll just keep my powder dry on that but that's my opinion how many hours is it now planner Randy do you know how many he has I think it's 20 9 to 9 to one I think Monday through Friday could it be 32 hours it's not full-time well it's full-time considered with Benefits it might not be 40 hours but no again I would come back to you know okay so we go from part-time to full-time so it's not necessarily creating new jobs we're just bringing parttime to full-time and we've reduced two part- timers I've taken overtime out I know there's money in there for for n support for nine um but you know we've we've been able to reduce our own B budget um I don't I don't I don't see monetary being that much of an issue um I you know I don't necessarily know I don't I'm not going to speak for anybody um I think it's it would be super beneficial I think everybody would really um you know look back and say wow this was a good idea um we were able to now you know this person will do what the town of Southwick wants for growth and and work to that end or Economic Development and smart zoning cohesively objective and even if they if the contractor paid for a consultant it isn't going to address the total economic it'll address that subdivision it won't address Town development 100% well we talked you know a lot of you know a lot of the discussion around just even today and last week was around you know problema problems in subdivisions which have been going on for a long time um because you're right lack of I feel like the planner would also be a great um liaison to whatever you know engineering firm whoever we ended up having as you know they would be their first point of contact and be able to then the planner comes back to the board obviously the the engineer whoever it was would be present for all the special uh public hearings and things like that but um I think that that person would be a great Lee onto to the planning board so would we be looking for a motion to build this into the budget is that what we're adopt that job description and build it into the budget is that what we're doing I mean I guess what I would would be I am asking to adopt that or some form of a town job Town planner job Town planner economic development director job um you know higher level than you know a better that's comprehensive job description that we have and also approved um you know full-time whether it's now or later I know that it's not necessarily in the budget right now um but we're not going to have John we're going to end up with nobody until if we wait until May or June so you're looking for two separate things and then and then when it comes to budget it's addressed there if we yeah so right now it's not funded you're absolutely right whether or not I could get the board to have a motion for the special town meeting or we literally limp along until May I don't know I don't know I can't I don't want interject myself I I I try to give the best suggestions that I can but ultimately I want you to make the best decision that you think for Southwick is I think having this is the best and I try to do my best to convince you guys that this is the best decision for the to and so I would propose I mean again we're we're going to be without a planner so and not that John just leaves us but he does have another job to go to with more money that he's not even getting so um I think that I think this is what we need to do to move on and instead of trying to find some parttime planner that's going to come in and barely learn anything and leave by May um if we even get anybody it' be it may take that long to find somebody maybe maybe somebody's ready I don't know I guess I'd be looking for a motion to to approve the job adopt the comprehensive job description planner economic development director yes I'll make that motion I will second the motion roll call vote Jason Peron i d i Doug M now that's a record by the way I think it's the first meeting in three years that we had two split votes in the same meeting in the same meeting which is fine we're we're gonna have three well might as well go for pro I think you want to also have a vote to change it to a full-time position yes are you making that motion do I'm going to make a motion to make it a full-time position I'll second the motion roll call about Jason Peron I thank you respectfully now anything else ad old business Mr I have nothing else Mr mlin actually I do have one thing um and it's actually good news or depending on how you look at things the municipal aggregation plan has been approved finally and uh we will be I'll be on a zoom meeting with dpu and with Miss Parker Wednesday and the next step is now they're going to start looking for you know shopping for the best rates um that was more than a year right yep about but less than two so yeah it's pretty damn close um that's the only old business I have well we need to acknowledge and approve the Open session meeting minutes from November 18th 2024 and November 25th 2024 make a motion to approve those regular meeting minutes roll call V for I thank you iov also need a motion we're going to need a motion to acknowledge and approve the executive session meeting minutes everybody's satisfied from November 25th 2024 so move second roll call vote Jason Fon I and that we'll do it we're going to be going to Executive session AOW your Pan Once oh I'm sorry then you to ex then we'll go in exective session all right item nine we're gonna acknowledge payable was warrant 214b dated 1125 2024 the amount of 7415 7415 4133 we are going to acknowledge payroll warrant number 2512 dated 124 2024 in the amount of 279,000 8498 we are going to be going into executive session looking for a motion to go session pursuant to Mass General Law chapter 38 section 21 2 and three and chapter 214 sections 1B labor Council litigation matters and strategy for collective bargaining with police Union John I just wanted I want to once we go into executive I just want to talk to that um the police Union Coalition fire DPW nonunion staff and clerk Union upsu executive session regarding Mass General law chapters 30A section 212 and 3 chapter 2114 section 1B with the exception of number two move to go in executive session to conduct Collective bargain sessions with non-union personnel and two to not reconvene an open session move to go executive session to conduct contract negotiations with non-un personnel and to not reconvene an open session declare that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the body to not reconvene an open session exception three move to go in executive session to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining let the chair moveed to go in executive session to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union Personnel to not reconvene an open session moves to go into executive session to discuss strategy of the respected litigation and that the chair decare that an open meeting may have a detrial effect on the litigating position of the body and to not reconvene an open session and regarding chapter 24 section 1B A person shall have the right against unreasonable substantial or serious interference with their privacy the supremor court shall have jurisdiction and Equity to enforce such rate and connection therewith to award damages motion to go into executive session me and you yes