good evening and welcome to the select board meeting for Monday March 25th 2024 time is 6 o'clock we're here at the select Board conference room at Town Hall this meeting is being held in hybrid fashion both in person and on zoom and all meetings of the select B are recorded except for our executive sessions um if anything should happen to the zoom we will continue in person if anyone is recording the meeting which we are but if anyone else is recording the meeting please make it known to the at this time okay Sergeant cooker didn't make it back then hey Carl yes sir why don't you lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance tonight okay I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the rep it stands Nation God indivisible jce thank you thank you Mr chairman okay six o'clock we're going to have public comments I don't remember where I am in my normal rotation so we'll start with in the room first and then we'll go to folks on Zoom for folks on Zoom if you have a public comment if you could use the hand rais function we'll come to you as soon as we've covered the room so is there anyone with any public comments this evening in the room who got their hand up first Mr Peterson Mr Stevenson if you could uh state your name and address because I got it wrong already and then uh the floor is yours Robert Stevenson 10 South longard Road uh good evening um I'm the chairman of the southw to Granville school committee I would like to address some disappointing comments and interactions that I've had with select board member Peron over the last couple weeks at your last meeting on Monday March the 11th Mr Peron stated during the meeting that the school had stuck their head in the sand for too long when commenting on the latest situation yeah I lost my audio same here Carl all right Randy I did send uh Lisa communication to notify her of that thank you so and I'm sure that would also apply to all the other members of us all sitting on our remote Zoom icons I can see all the names I can hear you pretty well there you go can you so none of us can hear the meeting right Jason no I can't hear anything I can't you don't Jason you don't sound any better than I do no I I came home from Vegas all excited thinking I didn't get sick this time and either I get either I did on the plane or I didn't um and or I got sick you know I came across something in the few days I've been home yeah well hopefully Lisa's pointed out it looks like Doug left the table maybe he's going to try to resolve the issue but so you came home and what you did get was sick and what you didn't do was win any big money no we did see some nice brand new town homes though okay any good shows uh we went to a show we went to the golden kns game I went and drove the uh stadium truck again at a blast I got that on video so I get to I did the old incar video so can you guys hear me I can hear you Lisa okay so I went in there and told him that we couldn't hear them so he stopped talking and Doug is re rebooting it okay thank you Lisa thanks Lisa up I can see the Fearless cheer person his face is back in front of the computer I can see everyone but I don't hear a thing okay apologies for the technical difficulties there we're going to start at the top because we're not quite sure where the zoom connection to the town hall conference room was lost so we'll start with public comments somebody confirm they can hear and uh Carl you can hear us okay now yes I can sir the the rest of us on Zoom were entertaining ourselves while you wereing the matter which will be duly recorded and played back Forever on YouTube so not an issue um okay so where I don't know where you where we lost you so where did we lose you Mr steinhardt I think it was about three words into what Mr Stevenson okay speaking about so he was coming in to talk about something some interaction he had I believe with one of our board members okay so for those in the room that was a dress rehearsal for those on Zoom get to hear it for the very first time Mr Stevenson if you could state your name and address for the record and call it a do over Robert Stevenson 10 South longyard Road um I'm the chairman of the Southwick Colin Granville school committee I would like to address some disappointing comments and interactions that I've had with select board member Peron over the last couple weeks at your last meeting on Monday March the 11th Mr per stated during the meeting that the school had stuck their head in the sand for too long when commenting on the latest situation at the district he indicated that he was at our meeting the previous week on March the 5th but then couldn't seem to remember anything specific that the superintendent stated as to what steps we had taken and what we were planning to do uh Dian Gail needed to remind him of the objectives that she had outlined he then sent an email out on Friday the 15th to the superintendent and I outlining three conversations that he had had with families that from his perspective Justified why he spoke out at Monday's meeting one conversation happened a year ago and the other two I really can't understand when they happened according to the email he stated they happened two days prior but that would have been Wednesday which would have been two days after the select board meeting he then requested that if the rumors were true that a committee member's child was involved that the member needed to step down and if they would not step down on their own and I quote I asked the school committee take whatever necessary action is required to remove that member end quote just to clarify for Mr Peron the school committee position for the town of Southwick are elected positions and we do not have the ability to remove a member later that same evening an article came out in the westfi news quoting from the same email that was sent to me that morning so within 4 days time I H Mr Peron publicly insulting the school district and then requesting one of our committee members to resign without any facts at all in that same article it stated that Mr Peron indicated that he had sent the email out as a citizen of Southwest and not a member of the select board the only problem with that statement is that it's not correct the email was sent to me at 4:58 in the morning came from Mr peron's select board email address and was signed Jason M Peron Southwick select board Vice chairman I then saw that Mr peron's wife P placed a post on Facebook that same evening before the article came out indicating that she has now obtained enough signatures and will be a candidate for school committee in the upcoming town elections now the situation made complete sense I responded to Mr peron's email last Sunday morning I asked if he could give me the names of the children that are having issues so I could check to see if they were being addressed correctly and then asked why he did not allow me an opportunity to respond to him before going to the Press I finally received a response of Mr Peron yesterday morning he stated he couldn't wait for me to respond to his email and needed to go to the Press immediately because after and I quote after attending the meeting and seeing that residents of this town are clearly ignorant to this subject it needed to be addressed end quote so according to Mr Peron because the residents of this town are ignorant he needed to immediately go to the press and request the resignation of a school committee member without having any of the facts that makes perfect sense to me Mr Peron using your political position to try and influence public opinion and disparage another committee that represents this town and demand resignation from the same committee that your spouse is now running for is about a clearer definition of a conflict of interest as you can get and certainly raises some interesting ethical questions that should be explored by this committee this kind of behavior is beneath that of a sitting select board member of this town all this now appears to be is a shameful political stunt orchestrated by the Peron family the citizens of Southwick deserve better from their elected select board members and anyone running for office thank you thank you is there any anyone else in the room yes um hi my name is Erica emman and I live at 81 Morts Vining Road um I just wanted to talk about um Southwick as my Village um I had a horrible tragedy happened to me about N9 years ago and my husband was killed in front of me and I was left with two very young daughters one was in second grade and one was in kindergarten and Southwick at that point in time in 2015 rallied behind me we were this town came together like a community I had never seen before I had strangers dropping off meals at my house I had Neighbors coming over to M my lawn um it was a wonderful time for such an awful tragedy to have happened to me I don't think that anyone going through a tragedy right now to that magnitude would have the same response from this town we are clearly a town divided amongst itself and I too would like to make a comment that I will read to make sure that I get the quotes correct selectman Peron used his political position to divide our community and promote his wife's political campaign for school committee in an article published on Mass Live entitled racist graffiti call for resignation add to turmoil in Southwick schools selectman Peron in his capacity as an elected Town official demanded the resignation of a currently seated School Board member to promote his wife's campaign for school committee this action is appalling a complete conflict of interest and a clear violation of Ethics selectman Peron could and should have used his political position to bring our community together especially during a time a critically sensitive time which involves our children here in South instead Mr Peron without any fact checks sent an email to the Press stating and I quote it is necessary to address the allegations that Maloney's child was involved I am requesting the school committee advise that person that as a citizen of Southwick as well as a member of the select board please resign forth with this is the best thing they can do for the town District their child and themselves this is the right thing to do end quote seleman Peron is not an elected spokesperson for this incident and he clearly does not know the facts of the situation it is evident that Mr Peron used his political position to divide our community and promote his wife's political campaign for school board thank you is there anyone else in the room this evening that would like to speak under public comments thank you is there anyone on Zoom I see no hands at this time okay we will go into our regular rest of our business here 6:05 PM poll hearing for Verizon New England an NSTAR Electric Company doing business as eversource energy for relocation of one pole wires cables and fixtures on job number 1 a6p g1g South Lumis and Klein Road I'm assuming this gentleman has something to do do with that hearing how are you good how are you doing great your name sir Don voner with Verizon very well uh so I'm assuming that you folks have the the map as well um yeah okay um the I just went out to the site uh took measurements they're pretty accurate to what you see there um the one pole number 20 is moving 10 ft to the right and there's a new pole going in in between existing 21 and the new pole 20 um the purpose of these poles the relocation of one and the new one is to be put on either side of uh an intended culbert project which I assume was initiated by the highway department um and they're moving one pole further away from the Culvert and then one on the other side to support the wiring going across towards there now okay and is the one that that existing one going to be removed it will yes great yeah that's a good move for that call to be gone anybody else want to see a copy of the plan not all at once okay questions other than this is the one that's talking about 420 yeah not the end not the first Department have if that makes a difference make sure right you got two of them tonight correct you only have one is there another one on clim yes yep um for a new I can probably speak to that one as well um we have Mr Ferraro on Mr Ferraro is here for that one so let's just make sure we got the right ones so we're on this one right we're we're on this we're on the sixth tring appointment okay we went out of order oh okay so we're gonna Sor we couldn't get the pledge right this morning morning all right so let's back up so is anyone here for the ones at the job A6 PG 1G I'm here for both the jobs as well okay good okay so did uh did you want to speak to any of this what we just covered about the he mentioned we have two hearings tonight folks we have one at 605 then we have a 610 lier license and then a 620 poll hearing that's just how they worked out because of scheduling of time we have to advertise ahead of time so this is the 6051 for A6 PG 1G and this is South Lumis and Klein and this is the one that's a little further up cleine that based on what that's Y no this is the one at the intersection so we were talking about removing that pole at the at the intersection of Klein and South Lumis I I was speaking to the other one yep I got it so that's that one and you and Mr Ferraro can work it out m to who wants to speak on that well I already jumped out of ter why don't we have Mr far speak okay why don't you get this one well I don't have the paperwork in front of me but I know we're moving one pole yeah and the other one was to relocate two polls for a job um so I believe we're going to relocate this pole from the intersection out of the intersection if I understand corre that is correct that that's on an island the intersection has an island that the poll is on and Mr Brown's efforts to do the infrastructure down there necessitate its uh relocation and Randy is on Randy's online with us if there's any questions about that pretty straightforward and it's a safety it's also for safety purposes yeah right that sound about right director Brown yeah that's correct we've been working with Verizon sorry behind there we'll come right to you in one second okay now um my name is anarie and I'm a resident of Klein South Lumis I'm on the corner of kin South blus so this will affect me yeah um I was told when I called Mr betet which um from Verizon yeah and asked um for some information he suggested that I come to the meeting but I'm I'm just I just want to know how many other polls will are involved well in addition to the one on the intersection I don't know what Maps you have but I what number are you I'm 178 so you the one here so the one at the intersection will be moving out and slightly up climb Road and then there's one further down the street here do you want to show her this one that will be moving across this is opposite side for you so much to do um which one the second one the second one it's going to be moving right on the border these two properties 179 and 175 so this is you right here right okay so this pole is existing uh right that's the other one y the other one on the other side the existing properties on the other side of these two poles are going further up F from at 71 and as these are staying correct uh that one is staying that one's going to stay that looks like it's just off your property line here on yep okay and then the one that's in the intersection is going away in the middle of that island and it's going to be moved yeah right it's going to come towards your property at the corner be right in the middle right here and here this is the intersection one that's going away there'll be a new pole set here and one set right here if you'd like a copy of these we can get those for you do you have any objection if I gave her these two you go just make sure so this is the one to remove the pole at the island setting one pole along at 178 South Lumis any other comments from the public or on Zoom for this this uh topic Randy any feedback on these no I think we you covered it uh the the pole at the intersection is being relocated so we can eliminate that that y Island to to make that a more traditional t-shaped intersection excellent okay and Carl do we have to take a motion to close the hearing and then vote you you have this hearing before you so you want to dispose of this matter by closing this one and then making a disposition and then you'll hold the other one at the uh appointed time in your ad correct so we didn't really have a motion to open the hearing so we'll have a motion to close the hearing though any like to make a motion to close the hearing close this first hearing seconded okay roll call vote Doug Mogan I Dan g i Jason Peron I okay and entertain a motion to approve this petition for joint or in identical poll locations for Job 1 A6 PG 1G I'll will make that motion seconded Doug mowan i b i Jason Peron I okay that one's done take my seat you can we'll come back to you good thing because I gave away one of mine all right we'll come back so now 6:10 PM this one I got the process for liquor license transfer hearing for Ken's Lakeside Plaza to dvj L LC doing business as Fusion Bar and Grill at 141 conoman Road South Wick Mass okay so I need a motion to open the hearing I make a motion to open this hearing seconded okay Doug Mogan I vanil I Jason Peron I okay notice is hereby given under chapter 138 of the general laws is amended that an application has been made by dvj LLC for the transfer of the all alcoholic on premise liquor license currently held by Ken's Lakeside Plaza LLC license number 1LE 2 quad 08 premises to be licensed is at 141 conoman Road Southwick Mass The Establishment is a 11,714 ft building consisting of the following for the purpose of this license first floor five room seller is run one room with bar the dining room area including three decks and one Terrace upon this application the Southwick select board will hold a public Hearing in the select board meeting room of the Southwick Municipal Building located at 454 College Highway Southwick Mass on March 25th 2024 at 6:10 p.m. okay read any paperwork to be entered into the record I see none other than the application and the applic statement which I'm not going to read in its entirety would anybody like to speak to the application itself okay seeing none seeing none on Zoom would anybody like to speak in favor of the transfer of liquor license uh please just state your name and address and we'll take your commentary young man in the back sers there's a numerous addresses but we own most of the property on that end of the street with the exception of two houses on along road we just took the time to come up here and speak in favor of this transfer I do not know the applicant be sitting in the room I couldn't pick them out but I can promise you that the EG have done their due diligence to select a good candidate for this project and I just came to speak in favor of it thank you very much and also the two houses away from there there's a family from New York that couldn't make it that also said to throw their two cents in there too they were all set thank you thank you anyone else want to speak in favor of this applic a or the transfer of the liquor license is there anyone that would like to speak against the transfer of the liquor license is the applicant in the room how are you would you like to introduce yourself and tell us what's going on over there my name is Damien and this is myart Joe I live here in th silver Li Corner Road well this place became available we asked if we can be part of this community and start the fusion bar gr and I think we're make a good thing two and a half minutes have you operated an establishment prior to this [Music] where I'm sorry johnon and at some point you're going to have to come in with a change of manager or here is the change of manager so Jose F Fernandez that's you okay are you serve safe certified and all that and you you know how serious we take take um the laws in the Commonwealth especially regarding serving underage and all of that really serious very well miss Gil I have no questions I just have um to concur with Mr Sanders that Mr eglon has done a ton of work to pull this together and I'm happy to see that he's got some partners coming and bring that place to life again definitely needed thank you Mr Pon nothing to add I'm glad to see that it's finally moving forward any further discussion I'd entertain a motion I think we got to close the hearing a motion to close the hearing make a motion to close this hearing second okay that's a roll call vote to close Doug mowan I van Gale I Jason prone I more General discussion regarding transfer of the liquor license any no further Jason none okay I would entertain a motion to Grant the transfer of the license as set forth on the application I'll make a motion to Grant the transfer to the license second motion Fusion bar and gr okay roll call vote Doug Mogan I Dan Gale I Jason Peron I excellent congratulations Ken sir welcome to town much success when will you be opening open great we still need the state's approval yeah correct thank thank you all thank you okay 620 poll hearing for Verizon New England for relocation of one pole wires cables and fixtures on job number 1 a6d m8l on Klein Road and we kind of you got the preview of that five minutes ago so this is this correct um so just to reiterate the poll number 20 is moving 10 feet to the right there's a new poll 20 and a half being placed between that new pole and existing 21 uh to cover a planned Culvert replacement work job by the highway department I presume questions from the board no sir none ma'am do you have any questions on this one yeah I just had one question regarding the length of time this this um going to typically polls go in in just a few hours half a day probably each one this whole project all four poles I see here to legs will there be any disruption to Services should not if it is it'll be minimal like 15 minutes usually one the swi wires but it's very minimal and then I was also told by Mr betet that there was going to be a total reconfiguration of the um of the present intersection the island will them out and that's going to be reced in yeah I can't that um I it sounded like there's a t-section going in over the what a y now so I'm not really sure I can uh not really part of the hearing but since we're kind of doing this uh Mr Brown yeah that's correct uh there's a couple things going on Klein Road this year we have a covert that's being replaced so during that time the road's going to be closed for a period of time and when that is done we hope to have this work done to change that intersection from a y shaped to a traditional t-shaped intersection where on clein is the Culvert Mr Brown it's uh about 500 feet from South Lumis Street yeah stream couple hundred feet past your house okay okay any other questions comments on this poll hearing okay motion to close the poll hearing for uh A6 sorry 1 A6 DM I'll make that motion to close the hearing second Doug moglin I van I Jason prone I and chain a motion to approve um the relocation of one pole wires and cables and fixtures on Job 1 a6d m8l I'll make that motion seconded Doug Mogan I than Jason prone I great done thank you very much thank you folks appreciate have a good night thank you good to see you thank you for coming out hope we answered all of your questions best we could acknowledge payables warrant number 2422 B dated March 18th in the amount of 5,336 33094 acknowledge and approve open session meeting minutes from March the 11th I'll make a motion to accept those I'm sorry I reviewed those that's fine I'll make Mo to accept those and I'll second Doug Mogan I than Jason Peron I okay next order of business we have a request from the southw cultural Council uh for a one-day liquor license for the 2024 art show which is going to be held on April 26th here at Town Hall it's kind of an annual annual event it's usually very well attended and very well put on by the cultural Council uh so I believe they usually request a waving of the officer um and it'll be in the town hall Lobby is where the uh liquor license will will be one day liquor license will be subject to is there anyone hear from the cultural counsil like to speak to this Sergeant have you had a chance to review this yet for the cultural Council okay I do have a question because neither of these are checked off it's a nonprofit so that will be be and wine only then yes I assume that must be the case if it's I'm assuming it says all alcohol or beer and wine I've never seen any anything uh stiffer than a beer serve there okay so I'd entertain a motion to approve this subject to review by um Sergeant crook or subject to review by the police department but I don't this is uh I entertain that motion I'll make a motion to approve that subject to review second Doug m i i some prone I okay next we have the warrant for and the article one ballots so it's the first part of our town meeting warrant if you look at it um and it is the a draft warrant for precincts one two and three on Tuesday the 14th of May will be election day leap year it's got everything running late this year from 7:00 am. to 8:00 P.M for the following um the candidates for the following office uh select Board District school committee Board of assessors Board of Health semetary commission Community preservation committee Dickinson School trustees two Library sorry three Library trustees two Park and Recreation Commissioners planning board Southwick housing authority and the Water Commission and as you see Mr chairman one of those Library trustees is for that remaining term because you just had a person uh res D recently and there wasn't any sense to go through a shortterm um appointment of somebody when you could just add them to the election ballot for the remaining term correct so until the election correct so more importantly is the article one warrant article as you begin to see that uh is the beginning of the annual uh warrant and even though the issue is dealt with on the 14th of May and all the other warrant articles happen on the 21st yep so so this is just a review we're not approving this right this is just a a a review it's to let you it's to let you know what's coming in other warrant articles will be coming in at the end of the week I think I already put all the CPC ones on your in your mail folder already correct so this is just to make sure you see what's coming in okay so from the CPC they have their budget and these are mostly projects that have gone through already um or are going to be in front of the CPC or they've already approved so right we're all voted and approved they're just this is for you to see what's going on the warrant so the CPC voted and approved these some of these projects one first is their budget so that's covers their allocation of the CPC funds plus um their Reserve that they take for um admin admin and then this next article will be The Debt Service on the Allen treatment which um I find it interesting that we have to revote to pay for debt that we already voted on to take on but such as Government um so from the 2020 Alum treatment we have to revote year to for the fifth payment on that uh $600,000 Bond and then the next two are projects that were recently approved by the CPC and being sent as warrant articles to town meeting because even though CPC votes to approve a project it's really up to the voters of the town of Southwick to approve actually spending the money so the first one is the Southwick Library yard revitalization at 95 Feeding Hills Road and the second is South Cove Middle pond dredging um so this is any antic unanticipated cost in relation to the dredging of South Cove and middle Pond and this is for the design sampling permitting initiation of dredging for the duration of dredging of South Cove and uh those will be on your [Applause] warrant okay I need a motion to approve the cola adjustments for fiscal year 24 for nonunion staff and those would generally be consistent with what you did for all the union moas that you just voted on in the last um several weeks correct question would we hold off on the COA until we imminently fill that before we decide on that one and the park and wreck you certainly can as part of your motion since they're vacant there's not much to go up and you either both of those will be subject to an MOA anyway so it's kind of a moot point but I see what you're saying both the park and record also right now it's the same person acting correct well they would yeah but they're imminent to have a discussion around the director and then that would set that once that's done that would set that and would probably would supersede this anyway correct the other the other thing you're doing um Diane is you're also real realized this goes back to last July 1 so some of the issues exactly so some of the issues we're dealing with are you know might be fected by the last few months but we still have to make good going back to last July firm yep perfect okay make a motion to accept those Cola adjustments seconded and and that's consistent with the Union 3% right correct yes okay thank you okay Doug mowan I Dani Jason pron I okay I'm going to I'm going to skip the next item because we we are going to go into executive session and kind of I'm going to try to see if we can't get through our agenda and then go into executive session so we do not have to reconvene an open session if that's okay Carl or would you rather us take that at this juncture no no no we can we can hold off on it for now but I think that would be something that we would wait till Labor Council came on to clarify that so she she'll be here before we roll call in so just put on whole for now we can clarify with her on whether or not uh you want to do it in a different manner but you certainly posted for an executive session oh yeah we're posted I just I don't we don't normally interrupt the the select board meeting to go into executive session and then re so she will she will determine she will you on that sir we can always do that at the end and still reconvene if we need to take a vote yep okay so we have uh donations to the Animal Control shelter from a e Fetti Westfield Mass $75 J frit Newington Connecticut $50 D labre Grandy Mass $25 e labre Southwick Mass $50 C Ley Southwick $50 D Mitchell Weathersfield Connecticut $150 e Payne Colchester Connecticut $50 Security Fence of Southwick $50 J scarrett East Hartland $100 and c I was doing so good zaric Westfield Mass $25 any a motion to accept make a motion to accept these donations as listed seconded Doug Mogan I than I Jason Fon I great thank you and we have a request here from the planning board um based on I believe this is AG the Attorney General's review of chapter 185 section 38 short-term rentals a bylaw that was approved at the last annual town meeting the Attorney General had a couple specific comments that they would like addressed so the planning board is requesting that we have that they open a public hearing for the purpose of setting forth a warrant article to make those amendments at the upcoming uh town meeting so I need a motion to send this back to the planning board for them to hold a hearing on a proposed warrant article for chapter 185 section 38 motion to send that back to the planning board for a hearing public Doug Mogan i d i Jason Peron I next is a mo uh approve or a DPW request for seasonal help position posting for DPW Randy still here yeah yeah there he is yes do you want to talk to this yeah just trying to get a jump start on uh looking for uh summer help uh working with public works over the summer months we usually hire one or two usually in the past few years that they've been high school students so we're just looking for uh approval from the board to go out and advertise and try to solicit that that help need a motion to approve that posting at a rate of $16.50 an hour I make that motion seconded Doug Mogan i d i Jason PR I okay they need a motion to approve the deposit of $17.60 into the library gift account and a $250 donation from Depot Square Condo Association please motion to accept those donations seconded Doug Mogan I benil I Jason BR I okay okay so we're under new business why don't we go around the room first and then cover the ticket list here and first of all I'd like to take a moment well there he is kind of observe the date folks this is Carl's last official meeting as the CAO and unfortunately he's a little under the weather so he couldn't be here tonight we have all kinds of Flowers and Gifts new car Carl sorry you weren't here first person out the room gets them I'm okay with that all I want is the chair this too can be arranged all I want is the Sur we'll do that at next week's meeting you can Surplus vote the transfer of my 25-year-old chair that no one else wants to sit in but Carl in all seriousness thank you for everything thank you for your stewardship thank you for your mentorship thank you for your Steady Hand on on the the the matters and topics that have come be uh in front of you and the board and many other boards and um you know throughout the conversations we've had I think you know there's a pretty standard answer to a lot of questions in the town of Southwick which is uh ask Carl and um that's going to leave a big hole here um Mighty big shoes to fill because of the work you've done here um you have my thanks I'm certain you have Diane and Jason's thanks and um if everyone in the room and everyone could just give Carl a big round of Applause and un thank you thank you Mr chairman I appreciate uh serving for 35 years under 20 different select board members certainly has been very educational and the town meeting members the citizens it was a great it's a great place to raise a family that's why we have a lot of disagreement sometimes because we don't know how we're going to get there but we all want to do something better and I appreciate being part of that and getting to know a lot of people thank you thank you Carl so do you have any new business for us tonight I'm still cleaning out the office so and I do not need any more paper clips oh man there goes my gift all right um thanks I'm gonna have to shuffle the deck here okay uh Diane do you have any new business for tonight I do we're not going through the list first you want me to go through the list first and come back yeah why not I can hold on one second it's at the end of my new business I did have a statement I wanted to make there has been a round of communications by a member of this board that have been questioned as to whether they are from or reflect the opinion and desires of this board as a whole these were represented as from a board position I want to make it clear that I was not consulted nor included in any of those Communications I have now seen them and I do not support the actions that were demanded in those Communications and if either of you agree I think Town Council should be consulted on the appropriateness of those discussions and whether some correction must may be needed it's uh I have no objection it certainly would in your purview as a select board member to consult with Town Council much like I did today on another matter unrelated to this um but that's certainly within your perview to do so if you so wish Mr Peron I have no problem with that and if I I will clearly state right now if I have made those problems I will accept that responsibility um I just want to address one thing and that is uh I did review the emails that I sent to Mr Stevenson um I did forget to because I actually went back and edited my email prior to sending it I did not edit the bottom that was my mistake but I will take full responsibility and let me clearly say that this is my personal opinion no one else's and I stand by that opinion thank you any other new business Miss G that was my new new business sure I got everything here okay I'd like to add one item under new business for further discussion knowing that one member's a little under the weather and remote um I just kind of want to put this up for a future discussion um but I would like the board um to consider to add buildings and grounds um as a department under the Department of Public Works ry's probably looking very shocked right now because it's new to him as well um that would require a special act um in front of town meeting and it would obviously require some reconfiguration around DPW um but I think on a go forward basis that's one thing that we should consider because of the depth of resource um that we have there now and that the Department of Public Works literally has uh public right in their middle name and that group could easily be set up to be successful in maintaining um our buildings and grounds here so again not for discussion tonight I just wanted to put it on the radar and and maybe put it under goals and objectives to to discuss and and see if that's something worth exploring or not okay let's move through um the new business so first is to acknowledge that the governor has finally sign not her fault it took the legislature forever uh special legislation to split the treasure collector clerk's office under the Commonwealth of Massachusetts chapter 46 of the acts of 2024 what does all that mean Southwick is at this time the only uh city or town in the Commonwealth that has a three-headed position there with a Treasurer clerk collector is one role which once we hire a town clerk we will there will no longer be one of those in the Commonwealth we have posted for the clerk I believe that closes April 5th right um and we'll see where we are with applications and then we'll start looking at how we're going to reconfigure the office and redo this and what the Staffing is going to look like as part of the budgeting process um for fiscal year 25 so as going down in history with the longest serving CIO we are also the last all right yes older than dirt Diane ouch that's right he was not rowing for Washington Crossing the Delaware okay review and send referral to planning board to hold a he public hearing for 233 South Lumis street map Amendment and zone change so this is very similar to what we did a couple of minutes ago except this this is new business because there is an application um from someone that would like to change the zoning at the Sodom Mountain Campground essentially um from its current zoning to residential 40 I believe and therefore uh we have the easiest job in the world and we just vote to send it to the planning board to have a hearing and they're asking for a warrant article for that zoning petition so I need a motion to approve um that referral to the planning board to hold a public hearing for 233 South Lumis street map Amendment and zone change I'll make that motion seconded Doug moglin I I Jason pron I okay okay we have a change order from Young developers LLC for the town hall roof replacement project oh and this one's going the right way isn't it Carl yes it is yes it is uh author Lawler is doing a great job as Clerk of the works and uh now I will tell you that this is change order number one it catches up with everything and then maybe uh obviously I think I mentioned this the other day at the budget hearing there'll probably be another change order that'll add a little bit back on because of the uh the efficiency at which your roofing system sheds snow correct necessitates some more of those horizontal silver bars uh that have to be located in certain areas so that is going to be coming back to you okay so just be aware that the uh the project uh is still going through the monetizing of the punch list so this this change order is for negative 45,000 yeah it's AED $940 so I need a motion to accept the change order I'll make a motion to accept this change order second Doug Mogan I I Jason prone I and for everyone playing along at home we have a new roof on town hall and um it sheds snow at an alarming rate when it wants to so we need to put some uh snow protection at the edge of the roof above doors so that uh nothing horrible happens so we'll be doing that okay always a fun game here approve and select fiscal year 24 Paving and drainage projects so these are projects that were approve and Randy's still here there he is these are projects that were approved last year and a recommendation for new projects um so we're going to have to probably schedule our annual uh tour of the road soon right Randy yeah this is a maybe a little bit of a bonus so I uh we have projects that have wrapped up over the past couple years uh many of them came in under budget so there was some money that left over and in addition we had a allocation through the state called the fair share program so between those two sources there's a a little bit of money that we can talk about um for upcoming projects in addition to this uh I would hope that there may be some more money coming through the town through town meeting article as we have in the past couple years and also chapter 90 money so those two sources are not included in this list so this is kind of like a little bit of a bonus so my uh my thoughts were at least with this money is to continue some some drainage work on Feeding Hills Road that we started last year okay okay so that's three that's the 324 Grand you're talking about right here and can be reallocated for new projects in 2024 and we we don't know yet what the well the chapter 90 will be fiscal year 25 right correct or there's additional there's no additional chapter 90 money from this year have we received any notice of Winter Road yet no that I don't I think that ship is sailed so I think the fair share is kind of like this this year's winter roads pram of course it is so you look at a 540,000 so you want to Canal Randy's recommended list where he's got a couple of items that will fit within those dollar numbers and then if you rank other items or you just carry forward this list over once you go through your budget process and you assign other dollars whether they're through free cash or an additional barrowing authorization then you'll be able to program those authorizations to match the the dollar estimated amounts on the projects Randy has okay and yes it'll be a short trip around town to get to the number it always is usually over by the first stop yeah it's about 15es even though we go through the motions it's over at the first stop okay that's 15 want carry this to next week so we can all do the Jenga math to try to figure out how to spend spend that 540 and Randy what do you think the um your recommendation is just the Feeding Hills Road drainage project Fe Foster Road to Buckingham Drive um and then once the fiscal year 25 90 funds are available the 2024 projects are complete then we'd look at doing others um I just have one I have one question on this and I think we can mle on this for a week anyway but do you know is there any plan a foot in here to do anything with this the general surface of 57 from say the Town Line that would be project four line but Foster Road to Crepes going the other one gotcha which would be the worst part it is the worst part I I could pull some numbers together to do the remainder of feeding on the road Doug I can have that for you available for next week yeah can we have that you do it for next week sure absolutely yeah okay any objection to covering this next week and going over it not at all so you Randy you have 540 total available but you were suggesting the 350 for Feeding Hills Road and then carrying the rest until the rest of the money is settled and then reallocate yes that's correct okay so once once our chapter 90 is available that's usually $370,000 and then if there's any money from town meeting okay what about crack ceiling I mean that's only 80 you could get a head start on getting that done even so we did allocate money for crack ceiling last year and they're going to start that work in uh sometime in early April okay so item 16 you're not as concerned about that right now then not right now no I I I consider for future projects and I did see a hand Mr sorry Mr Sergeant kooka yes my excuse me uh I don't know if this is the right time or the place but regarding uh 57 from Buckingham to crpes what we are finding in the police department because of the surface of the road is so bad we are now finding people actually driving on the opposite side of the road to avoid it as they're coming around the corner down the hill so it's starting to create quite the hazard um it's fearful that we are in fact going to have some an accident once picks up this summer I was hoping maybe this would be addressed at least a skin coat or something I know there's more to continue the project um but it is starting to become a major Hazard thank you sir okay so we can Jason any objection to carrying this till next week and covering it and deciding what to do with this money for next week none done okay review and approve changes to this town social media policy and Telecommunications policy for appointed and elected board committee members Diane do you want to speak to this sure what you had all reviewed prior to this for the handbook was two policies that were basically employee oriented so naine took a first stab and we went through it together after that to change that orientation to boards and committees uh to be more applicable so it's basically the same content different parties addressed so it just widens the scope of who it affects yeah it takes out employee and supervisor and things like that pretty much yes na would you like to add and and it combined it into one it was two separate policies before it is now meld it into one policy um the open meeting law yeah we inserted that in there and public reference into the cont okay so would you then like to make the motion to approve the changes to the town social media policy and Telecommunications policy for appointed and elected board committee members I would make that motion wholeheartedly Jason would you like to wholeheartedly second it I'll second it dou I I Jason Peron I and then I can finish that project it okay and now I would entertain a motion to approve another one-year license agreement with the Commonwealth of mass and dcam and inga's not here a good thing because I don't know what Camp stands for I think that's all the state-owned property people state-owned parking lot at 99 Point Grove Road we are working on a longer term something like that but I don't want to miss division of capital asset maintenance department it's it's like the landholding department of the Commonwealth and we are in the middle of negotiating correct for a longer term lease on this property correct yes you are sir we're trying to get it it previously had a 10-year lease we did a one-year license agreement last year we're doing another one-year license agreement this year as we continue those efforts to make it more of a long-term uh lease because that'll that'll lock in everything and it also locks in the uses of that property next to the uh the boat ramp for the Overflow okay I need a motion for the chair to sign that Amendment to the existing license I'll make a motion for you to sign the Amendments uh second Doug Mogan i b i Jason prone [Music] I okay set fiscal year 25 budget review meeting by select board CEO and accounting staff um I'm going to suggest that we get together I would say it would have to be either this week or next but more than likely early next week yes um and it can be an off night it does not have to be a board meeting we'll post it as a select board meeting but we have a pretty full agenda on the 1st I do see the chair of the finance committee here when are you guys meeting we're meeting tomorrow night sir every Tuesday the next two Tuesdays so when uh so you can't meet the same night as the finance committee because both boards use the accounting department staff to flush out their numbers and we shall not full rank because we'll lose so uh you're meeting when Tuesday the next two Tuesdays so we could meet either this Thursday the 28th potentially or the usually the board does it after the finance committee meetings because they get down the column and they see where they agree and disagree and that's always been a much faster exercise for you and then you see where where your differences are so that when you both get get together under a joint meeting again everybody's narrowed down the issues that they need to make decisions on but wouldn't that be then if we met next week Thursday they would have already met and had a draft which we would then have the opport we would be putting together our draft they would meet yeah not this Thursday but yeah a week from Thursday that would be the fourth yeah that would be better but again you also want to make sure offer that date first and then give an alternative date to make sure that the accounting staff is going to be available in here okay and at that point we can't meet on the fifth that's a Friday and we never meet on a Friday third or the fourth are fine with if you want to make the third the first date and the fourth the contingent date preferably the other way around for me okay that's it's fine with me either Jason one second I'm looking at my calendar see no it's which way was the way that was preferable for you Mr M fourth then third uh that will and we stated what time six time yet um six that'll work on the fourth that would work for me Wednesday will not work the third sounds like we have a plan what's your alternate date going to be the third doesn't work for Jason so it be the next so you go into the next week yeah it would be the nth the nth and this year we're we're fortunate because it's a leap year everything's running a week later uh I cannot well I have an event on a Town Event on the on the 9th okay so it have to be oh would have to be the 10th okay unless we could meet earlier on the 9th but I think we'll we'll ask the accounting folks nicely to try to do the okays for me okay does not work for [Music] me the 10th doesn't the 10th will not all right we're really banking on the fourth let's keep going and if it goes bad we can always we can always chat because scheduling is not not a violation open meeting La what about the 11th no good for Mr moglin okay may have one of those rare Saturday meetings again I can do that as well we'll get with them and we'll schedule and we can converse to set that instead of spending all the time on it now motion to approve annual town meeting article and accept Mass General Law chapter 44 section 54b for trust funds to use Mass General Law chapter 203c AKA The Prudent investment rule so for those of us that were uh on the meeting meeting last week the part that I did get to uh pay attention to um this will be a warrant article for us to accept this provision of Mass General law to allow trust funds to use The Prudent investment rule instead of the it's like ly less abysmal investment funds than we invest Town trust funds in today and there is a that is correct KP law on here and um I can share with you for anyone that would like to see it a copy of the Bartholomew reports of the rates of interest on the primarily bond funds that we are invested in today with some of those uh trust accounts so if I read all that right see is allowed for a little bit more risk in the funds is that correct slightly slightly you said less certainly it's you're not buying credit default swaps or anything or Bitcoin but um but it does open up the the portfolio a little bit to a little bit potential for higher returns right so so I need a motion to approve that article and then we can speak to it at town meeting I'll make a motion to approve that article or town meeting second that Doug m i d Jason I okay on to Old business and we'll work the list first COA director internal posting done when does that one close that closes on the 5ifth as well we have two closing on the fif we did fantastic so that's the update for that police Chief internal recruitment process you are indeed a week early that will be next week sir April 1st no joke we'll have interviews for that's right we weren't gonna just bump it up to tonight just because you weren here we needed a little brevity right about then highspeed internet subcommittee we are meeting this Thursday um we have the red line from discussions with Westfield Gas and Electric attorney Coyle has them and will promise to have them back to me uh in time for that meeting on Thursday my intent is to have the subcommittee review the redline to send back to this select board for review Andor approval and signature any updates on marijuana dispensary webpage posting process and template for RFI evaluation and scoring I still waiting for feedback from Council and I'm at stand still he was on vacation he's back now I will be sure to get in touch with can we look at we really got to do this we got to put a date on the calendar for this uh open Forum um it's called a public meeting here I call it more of an open Forum SL listening session um can we look at the week of April what do you think the week of the 15th is a holiday right yes but we could look at that week other than that I thought Chief you have any other interviews going on Doug with other positions that week or not not yet okay April 15th is a holiday yeah Patriot Day only in M it's not Marathon Monday because I have an Arizona calendar there you go that's a bit further of a jog than hington to Boston uh we need a did you say did someone say that for that right Chief Landis will be around that week do you know I believe so okay 6S for me works for me can we see if at 6:00 we can have the auditorium Lisa okay nothing on the uh American Legion tonight anything on Mass General Law chapter 61 61a 61b you want to schedule that too you want to do that an hour after that one or you want to do that said after town meeting oh after town meeting yeah we can do that pick a date in May so it's locked up May's over by the time we get to that let's see yeah you have Memorial Day be careful Tuesdays work May 14th not election day that's election day yeah you can't do it on Election Day oh that's right see everything's a week later because of the um leap the following week week that's the town Super Bowl we will not do it that week whatever after 16 how about the 30th and that way we say we got it into may can you push it any further no because then it would be well yeah I could the 31st but that's Friday I remember one time Carl will laugh at this one board tried to schedule a meeting for a Friday and I actually saw vain come out of Carl's Head we just don't call meetings on Fridays it's not good policy especially a Friday or Friday afternoon no but 7:30 in the morning yeah that's not going to happen either so we'll we'll try for that well I guess it's before the official start of summer travel right correct give them notice now so they plan for it okay I gotta get my notes Square for this one county is okay with the for thank you thank you I knew it would all come together did we not have the letter from Mr pum in our file I haven't okay so the next item on on under old business Town Administrator recruitment panel preliminary interviews completed determin interviews for finalists which is what Carl was kind of hinting at wasn't it because I'm a little slow on the uptake but um first of all um I want to thank um Jim putam and Celeste St jocks as chair and vice chair of that subcommittee I also want to thank this board for giving me the honor of serving on that subcommittee and also to John coward Mike dowy Greg H hamelon Chief Landis um for spending much effort and much time and much thought and much deliberation on this process um it was it was the goal of the we called it task or the Town Administrator search committee to send forth three uh potential candidates to the full select board to schedule um a final interview in open session in front of this board so um I believe Mr putam has trans subed a letter to all of you um with those finalists for that position and we are I would like to have us take a look now at the calendar again to schedule an interview evening and again this does not have to be a select board meeting day or during a select board meeting it could be another day um but there were um three finalists and the finalists are in uh alphabetical order uh Randy Brown currently the DPW director for the town of Southwick and online on Zoom right now Chris G senior accountant of the Southwick Hadley electric light department and Nicole Parker the Town Administrator of Hardwick that being said late Friday I was notified um by the chair that Mr G has requested to be removed from consideration for the position it was after the time that Mr putam had set forth the recommendation to this board so therefore it um subject to the approval of of uh the full select board um it's my and and also my individual opinion for discussion here that we proceed with scheduling final interviews um with Mr Brown and Miss Parker um based on what I I'm Ware of from the task committee and how we set forth the candidates to send to the full select board um I think the best course of action is to interview these two candidates rather than to go back and potentially repost retake applications and repeat the cycle at this juncture I think you have two um very qualified individuals to at least have a a full interview in front of the select board but I um obviously I am but one member of this board and I was but one member of the the search committee but um so interested to hear your opinion on that if we should continue to schedule go ahead and schedule um interviews based on a slightly less than three uh applicants for the position I read all of the materials we got three times through and I liked all of them I think there are two remaining really good ones and I would be satisfied with interviewing those too I agree with Miss Gil so congratulations to the finalists when would we like to schedule those interviews and we probably should have two dates and I would even entertain some might even consider a s is an you know appropriate date given that uh one of them has one of them works right in town the other one not so much but um what's your I'm pretty flexible except Saturday we have Saturday the what day is that we have Beacon Hill and the Burk shears on the 6th of April yes I skipped all the way ahead let's see yes we do and we have a budget meeting now on the 4th yedu a joint meeting at some point that [Music] too but you're meeting on the 9th right second so the joint meeting will probably be the ninth yeah you guys are on the fourth the 11's no good I'm not doing it on the 13th that's just bad we have police chief interviews on April 1 and and the police chief did say that he can do the um 16 the 16 so put that on the C 18th it's too far from now we got get those him before that three weeks from now with the exception of the days that I gave you already I can make just about anything work including a Sunday if we have to it's too important April 2N April 2 finance committee has a meeting so we definitely aren't going to be meeting with them that would work for me would we 6 o' okay you can have a backup date too Doug you had mentioned about having a backup date in would that be our for our traveling one is that a question for me or Doug had just mentioned about having I don't have a good backup it would be the third have to be the third okay okay is that good for Diane is that good for you and Jason yes I can make the third work as a backup yeah thank you and that one we may schedule a Tad earlier maybe 5:30 okay if we could the one of the third or both of those days out no the third I think I think the third of 5:30 okay we're gonna do them both on one day I think we'd knock come out on in one day on the second we're going to have two interviews on the first two interviews on the second okay yeah and you're going to have to provide your questions uh for labor Council to review on that matter to naen and Bob um part of mri's thing was they were going to help us with those questions is that correct out to them direct and I would submit I would say three questions a piece okay and can you have those To Us by Wednesday that's good so that gives her time to to put to form and and uh I will gladly give up a question or two to either of you since I had the privilege of sitting on the the task so I got I had a bunch of interview my questions were already in the preliminary screening committee can we get just those questions so we don't waste our time duplicating those we'll check with them but I I don't see why not because they're just the questions sure further discussion on that or we that the okay T-Mobile Hometown grants application I have been working I actually started working on that Grant application today okay town clerk internal posting is done that also closes April 5th okay master plan implementation subcommittee uh Mr dowy and I had a bit of a summit last [Laughter] Thursday hi Michael I don't know if he's here tonight but oh he is there there he is how are you sir good how are you so we have a a I'm I have to flush out the proposal in more detail um and he has a concept to discuss as well um one of the concepts discussed was being done in another town and I I have we have to check with uh Council to see how it would work was I mean obviously there's a little bit of a difference of opinion um between the the the two boards as to which should be the appointing authority of a master plan implementation committee um and we bandied back a couple different ideas um but one of the things which town was that Mike uh it's Milton Milton actually had went in front of their town meeting uh to give the town the authorization to actually have its own master plan implementation committee it's an it's an appointed committee but it's not un your appointing authority is not your ruler such as it is it was kind of an inter interesting take um but we had and Mike what else had we chatted about as far as what that committee would look like preliminarily um I we talked I mean it's still always been the five members uh one select board one planning board um and then residents that hasn't changed um I think we talked about it as a compromise to uh of the three resident members have one appointed by the select board one appointed by the planning board and one appointed by a joint appointment um and um I think we were going to look into what you just talked about as to whether the board can sort of exist independently through a town meeting vote um or whether it needs to be under some committee um but you know for now um you know I think we it's set up under the select board for now I'd much rather just keep it going um you know with that uh get it going I should say um with the sort of structure that we have in place and then sort of deal with it being independent you know a year down the line or or you know next town meeting if that's some what we need to do so that's one that is a proposal in front of us I'd like to we'll send that out in form of an email for everybody here but then we can come back and discuss it next week and maybe finalize our planner or s a uh response back to the planning board by you know obviously a productive discussion with with uh Mr dowy and as the chair of the planning board and myself and to come back to the board with some kind of reasonable compromise to where for did you have discussion on what the charge and duties and responsibilities and Authority would be that's and that's part of that was part of the Milton by not bylaw but town meeting article kind of spelled it out a little bit we didn't go into a lot of detail about that um because that and that it's part of the discussion really and we should we can flush that out a little more in that under you know the the boards and committees that have either elected or appointed and are subject to Mass General law or operate under a certain set of guidelines you know planning board with with chapter 185 but they also administer chapter 315 and conservation with um the Wetland Control Act Etc you know you can't give away that Authority under under a subcommittee or a even a committee you just can't usurp their Authority or take away their their um ability but I think that that the purpose of the master plan implementation committee will be to look at how basically to uh either compliment assist or shame boards or committees that don't aren't working towards the goals as set forth in the master plan I use shame lightly but you know if if a board is just off the reservation as far as what they're doing and being completely inconsistent with you know a master plan that had been you know hopefully be adopted by the planning board um and after you know two solid years of public input and debate and discussion and formulation and and looking at well then you know that that then people need to look at either the appointing authority of the members on the board of commission Wayward border commission or the voters need to look at the people that are voted or elected to those positions and put people in place that are going to do as they wish you know subject to the master plan and and Mass General law that that's just my opinion on it because I you can't give away Authority and say you guys are the master plan police right right right um but and and part of why I asked that is I don't want people who might want to serve on that to think that they are going to so you asked the leading question did you I can do that that's you did you did an excellent job it needs to be clear to all parties excellent so that that's just and again my opinion on that okay so we'll carry that under old business for next week to to come back and pick up um let's go around the room Carl any old business for your for your last business uh no I just want to um I just want to thank everybody uh you know the board members and uh my office staff Lisa and naen and chrisy and all the department heads uh I want to take this advantage of this opportunity to do that so that to me is the important thing for that I want to convey this evening Mr chairman thank you Mr steinhardt uh Mr Peron old business not at this time hope you're feeling better soon miss Gil nothing else okay I just have a couple things uh first uh I did partake and I think you were at it as well there was a document management seminar from Mass Municipal Association talked about uh document management electronic handling of documents um it is a community compact opportunity something to consider for the uh short-term future for how we handle a lot of the paper and stuff that we have in town um thank you both for listening to my radio show on March 20th you know who you are um that's available on uh YouTube for the other three people that watch it uh articles two and three from last year's town meeting were finally approved by the Attorney General those were both related to cannabis there are some some minor corrections to be put in front of a future town meeting and I'm sure Town Council is got that right behind the other stuff that they're working on for you right now I did want to update you on the Eagle Scout project that was originally proposed to be done at the uh the town green that looks like it will not take place on the town green so I've encouraged the young man to rethink his project and come back to us with a uh either a modification or new location to same um one of the things I don't know I meant to check and I did not but I left a note for myself is do we have on our goals and objectives a new successor agreement with Suffield for the lpp because that's going to end this year uhis has she can pull it out and give it to you okay and I know Mr Peron had had indicated a an interest in being that guy to go over and talk to Colin and their concom to see if they would like to enter into a successor agreement and coordinate with our lmcn um conservation are you still interested in doing that Mr Peron yep that's correct I've reached out to Mr grenolds and we're gonna try and set up a date to meet with them and work this out okay and lastly I was informed this is kind of under old business we did discuss it at I think our last meeting was the Community Development block grant and and we received an email from uh Pioneer Valley planning that that application was submitted earlier today therefore everyone's up to date is there any other business in front of the board before we move to go into executive session hearing none I will just note for the record that we are going to reconvene an open session that's very unlike us we usually do not reconvene but we will be reconvening because some uh there may be the need for a vote after our discussion in executive session tonight so uh I'll entertain a motion to go into executive session pursuant to Mass General Law chapter 3A section 21 sections 2 and 3 and chapter 214 section 1B labor Council litigation matters and strategy for collective bargaining with police Union Coalition fire iff DPW non-union staff and clerk Union p seu and we're going to move to go executive session to conduct collective bargaining sessions with non-union person of personnel and to reconvene an open session and the move to go into executive session to conduct negotiations with non-union personnel and to reconvene an open session and I'm declaring that an open meeting will have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the body and that we will reconvene an open session and that we're going to go into executive session to discuss strategy respect to Collective bar targeting and the chair moved to go in executive session to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel and to reconvene an open session and we're going to move to go into executive session to discuss strategy with respect to litigation the chair declar that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigation position of the body and to reconvene an open session and lastly per chapter 214 section 1B A person shall have a right against unreasonable substantial or serious interference with their privacy the Superior Court shall have jurisdiction and Equity to enforce such right and in connection therewith to award damages now uh I need a motion to do that make a motion to go into executive session seconded okay roll call vote Doug moglin I van g i Jason Peron I okay now we're just a little bit different procedure here we're going to pause the recording okay time is 10:07 this is the select board meeting for March 25th continuing after executive session and at this time I'd entertain a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn it's been a second roll call vote Doug Mogan I Dan I Jason Peron I all right have a great night everyone thank you see you