##VIDEO ID:au31CoXidfo## good evening everyone and welcome to the southw select board meeting for Monday November 4th 2024 we are here at the in the land use room I am here your chairman Jason perone and also with us tonight is vice chair Diane Gail clerk Doug moglin assistant CEO naen sigon and CEO Nicole Parker ROM so um so going to start with the plate of Allegiance um I don't know we got a wide Choice there yeah I was gonna say I don't know I need that guy right there it out States thank you sir next on the agenda item two excuse me item three is going to be public comments is there anyone is there anyone in the audience that would like to make any public comments sir uh DAV hus 45 Mill Road uh in regards to the Airbnb that we came last week about they give you an update um the owner of the property 41 Miller which is the one that has the uh Airbnb has uh decided that she's going to head south for the winter she has somebody that is taking care of the place I guess she has not been there her car is now covered up with a car cover um we've had a couple of few we people come through um my wife received an email from Kyle Scott and it almost sounds like he's really has no clue of what he should be doing or doesn't want to kind of pursue it the way the email sounds um I believe there's one other email that was received about this um and I'm looking whether something is going to be done with whether it's a ceas assist on it or figure it out since we already know that it hasn't been done properly whether there I know there's other ones in town and one of the things that was made Mass Live was the we's Waldo effect we found it very quickly I mean you punch an Airbnb on on you know South Lake you can find a whole bunch of them just on that site most of them tell you kind of where they are middle Pond North Pond something like that you can look at pictures you can you can get a general idea of where they are because around the lake so hopefully uh something gets done fairly soon because we've had some very weird looking people coming through there some people walk through neighborhood some are going down to the beach Association which she is which is a different whole part of it where she's Liv LED that it being part of the amies of it where you can go down to the beach which it's not the private beach she's she's a member but her tenants for transients can't be we have to deal with that but we're waiting to find out if something's going to happen with the Airbnb part of it first we will be sending her a letter about it but ultimately if the airb goes away we don't have to deal with a whole bunch of other stuff thanks I'll I just want to address something I actually spoke with CAO Parker today um with the zoning in the Airbnb portion of it it is a little difficult as you know um what I'm going to be proposing and I'm going to bring it up I'll mention it right now as in the new some of the new businesses I'm going to be looking at uh proposing a nuisance household uh bylaw we have something similar in my North uh my professional position it actually to Quick discuss it quick is for many many years if you don't have one of those you would have to after so many incidents you could buy a criminal charges for a keeper of a disorderly house that's an actual criminal charge those would go to the court and they basically would just be like so with the ordin excuse me ordinance bylaw um what we do over there is it can be everybody at the party can get handed a $300 citation if there's a problem um this is the way I really want to start like I said I'm going to really bring this up to my members and this is something I'd like to put in place not just for a year incident I've had a couple incidents where people have been having trouble with nois and noise complaints and noise ordinances are also bylaws are hard to do because of who determines what's reasonable and in the time of the day so that's where I'm going to be kind of looking to to go down that path is to put that bylaw hopefully get some support here get that bylaw place because you start hitting people in the pocketbook it usually is a little more of a and and you can and it can go against the homeowner it doesn't necessarily have to go into the tenant or the transient and it and it gives us the ability to show up and say we're here this is over we may not be able to send them away but we can get a little bit more control on well that's the way it works there it's but this is I'm going to try and model it after that something along that line so that's where my mind is right now um because I was at home because I wasn't here last week as you're aware and um I was really sitting there how can we effectively do something sooner rather than later so that's what I kind of looking at as far as a bylaw along down that road and like I said then it's all-encompassing for everything people with noise complaints people with trash you know you can focus on and that's where I want to go with it so Mr fer sent an email to everybody on the board but I know he's I believe he said that he really got an answer you know got a response from it well they yeah we received it or yeah we're looking at it yeah so something like that might be good that like I said I was really sitting there you know because it's tough with these things you know and because you can't necessarily nail it down to one person it's but the way it's done elsewhere you can actually send it to the the homeowner and then that actually that person decides not to pay it then he does become criminal and if it's you've got some sort of path that you can follow and in breadcrumb trail you can do it that way so but that's where my mind is so um ises there any other public comments hopefully that'll can I just throw something in there yeah um if there's an email sent and there's no response it doesn't I know it may be taken has nobody responded or nobody cared but we have an open meeting law to deal with and we all three cannot we have to be careful not to commonly reply so it doesn't mean it was ignored and Mr mowan took the took the lead on this to to deal with it so I'm sure you'll be hearing from him I'll explain it to okay thank you thank you sir is there any other individuals with public comment here in the audience anybody on Zoom looks like no takers so we are going to be moving on to new business item four um I just talked about one of them so I'm gonna say I will talk about that later but that's where my mindset is at um the next thing we have is item a is going to be the eagle scout Proclamation so where's my troop leader is there a troop leader here somewhere ma'am could you come on up you like to do this f stand in the [Music] line his yeah I think you can read it once with all the names okay and then uh that way all right so we've got a few of these here yeah so these are going to be proclamations for the individuals and I'm not going to read this part over again but now therefore by virtue of au 30 vested in the select Board of the town of South but we do hereby deem it an honor and privilege to extend the Devon Cerone is it [Music] Cerrone troop from Troop 338 our sincerest congratulations for the outstanding Eagle Scout project in witness whereof we have set hand caused the Seal of the town of South to be fixed this fourth day of November sign myself Miss Gale and Mr M so if I could have Devon come on up select board congratulations Mr thank yous next could I have Ethan Davidson next can I have Peter Davis yeah he do next did I have rer Davis congratulations thank you next could I have Hunter gardano good job Mason graia yeah Bud thank you last week can I have Samuel Taylor have all our new Eagle Stouts from TR 338 [Laughter] [Music] could everybody just get in a little more together for a towns photo too may go oh perfect we get like one more in the middle conrat next item on the agenda is going to be item four topic b a vote on the m m mic charge adoption I don't know everything I think it looks fine you read I did you read bro did you tell us what that means thought we got to do with abbreviations master plan implementation committee sir this is as we discussed with mine and Jessica's with the planning board with us and this was a pretty easy meld of hers in mind as was requested is she Mo anything no it's fine with me so motion to adopt the NP pick charges I'll second the motion to adopt the master plan implementation committee charge roll call vote Jason Peron I vanel I Doug Mogan yes new business topic C vote to refer the proposed accessory dwelling unit bylaw to the planning board for public hearing I'll make a motion to refer that to the planning board I'll second the motion um I have one comment after we vote okay um I have no comments on that so I'm going to be looking for a roll call vote Jason Peron I than you I Doug M yeah Mr M uh just put along maybe a clip a note to the I read through the the proposed bylaw and that's up to the planning board obviously to hold a public hearing and for proposed zone change I call your attention to Section 8 of chapter 150 of the acts of 2024 that allows adus by right in any Zone in the Commonwealth that was put forth by the governor it was just recently passed so the whole point may be uh mov D sorry did you want to talk about the we we had uh we were both on you were too today that meeting and you were too no I just oh I had know I had seen the legislation coming around I had seen it myself but I didn't know where it stood so there was a um very overview of an overview on the changes um the biggest thing they pushed I guess was that if we have bylaws that restrict it we need to modify them those need to be in place by February 2nd 2025 they like the CCC they have no model bylaws to go by they have no regulations in place yet of the questions do do your best and if you can't get for a town meeting before February 2nd you can try to risk it and and to be clear and I misspoke it's um that chap Section 8 of chapter 150 allows uh adus under 900 F feet in by right in any single family zoning District so it's not can't just pop one up in the industrial zone right but it it was pretty comprehensive and that's fairly typical of a a heavy-handed state government overriding um I'm going on opinion now but that's fairly typical of the Commonwealth being very heavy-handed and manipulating local zoning um so it doesn't Ma I don't know if it's going to matter if we have a bylaw or not but uh I fully support the planning board and what they were trying to do here because um we had looked at this oh my 15 20 years ago and uh we spent two weeks trying to Define family for the purpose of an Adu as you know what you're trying to do here is is uh trying to allow folks to stay in their homes allow children to live with their parents or have the parents move in with their um with their children in in a separate unit on the same same property what you're not trying to do is to create you know wholesale rental stock in a community with the parking and and all the other nuisance dwellings that may result of from that so that's you know that's our elected planning boards dubious distinction of having to go through that process so I wish them all the best in that um because it it it certainly is a Minefield of challenges and you know understanding the plight of of housing shortages in the eastern part of the state and what they're trying to do to alleviate it um but you have to be very very careful in navigating those Waters especially with a heavy-handed um legislature in Boston telling you how how you're going to Zone in your own town in today's discussion they did address short-term rentals and they're fairly confident there will be language that says this is not for short short-term rental application correct but it you know we have I mean we have experience even in the town of Southwick um short-term rentals is a whole another thing I I see the police chief is on tonight because police chief and I were on that short-term rental subcommittee I don't know that's even been approved by the AG as of yet because it had to go through this special or the town meeting this year for some changes because they had some comments last year from from the original bylaw um and we were quite aware of some of the challenges but this was to try to put a Good Neighbor policy around short-term rentals abs the state registry that they have for people to register those that on its face tells you that they haven't that someone hasn't follow the law but back to the the um the the adus um they're not allowed in the town of south or our our zoning bylaw is prescriptive right if it doesn't say you can do it you can't do it um that being said it's happened plenty of times someone pulls a building permit for a garage and suddenly there's three apartments on on top of that garage and it's been done all over town so far and that's not the situation you want because you create a parking Hazard you create you know a health hazard from you know septic designs that weren't designed to accommodate Apartments over the garage you know that type of thing but you know I'm fully supported of of adus from how they're intended theoretically the devil once again the devils in the details as to how you implement it and how they are long term it's great when a child moves home with Mom and Dad or Mom and Dad moves in with with the rest of the family but go out 10 years when that situation changes as it tends to do now what do you have you have rental stock and is the property set up for that is the neighborhood set up for that that's really the challenge that everyone has to face it's not the immediacy of it thank you thank you really quick if you don't mind just to Doug's Point um the the by law that was passed and this town meeting has to sit until January 2nd so it isn't available you know to be adopted through the town yet because it is still at the AG's office until January 2nd from our town clear our short-term rental BW so I mean so the directive to the the zoning enforcement officer and I maybe we have to check with council is if it's not approved that means it's not in zoning which means we have prescriptive zoning which means you can't do it until until then but it it's always a gray area once you approve something at town meeting does it take effect does it not take effect well the one you approved in 23 is in effect it's the updated version from 24 that's so the the 23 is still in effect it's just the 24 the updated changes and just because that was wonky because the AG came back with commentary from that bylaw that they had some issues with and it had to do with the appeals timeline yeah which obviously that's going to be problematic if we start to raise issues under the 23 implementation that there was issues that the AG already pointed out that were cured at the 2024 annual that are not available to us till January of 25 but still we have to look you know maybe it's worth a call to counsel to that if someone's offering something for rent then they they need to follow the bylaw because it's on the books the 2023 book you know with the with the issues that are parent but that bylaw is on the books they need to follow it now aome item D is going to be approve Andrea thees to fill the circulation librarian position requested by Lynn bear director of the sou Public [Music] Library nope she seems to come with great qualifications one nothing from me so I will be looking for a motion to approve the to have Andrea fill the circulation librarian position requested by Miss Blair motion made second roll call vote Jason Peron I thank Doug M yet item e is going to improve the approve the statement of intention on behalf of Robert Landis make a motion to approve the statement of intention on behal of Robert Landis Doug M second B call vote Jason Peron I Doug M yes item f is going to be approve the removal of historical commission member Cassandra Bop make a motion to unapp appoint historical commission member Cassandra Bob pass question move to have have we reached out to miss Bach and have her appear in front of this board and Miss Parker did I refused to come I spoke with chair Sanders chers and he hadn't spoken with her at all and she hasn't attended any of the meetings so I asked for her contact information he only had her email and I emailed her a week ago Monday this a week ago today and you know told her the situation and that she you know has will be removed on November 4th unless I hear back from her and I I didn't hear anything back she did get a certified letter as well I'll second motion roll call vote Jason Peron I thank Doug M yes this was item G was our we had one Amendment for an additional name on this it's going to be appointing Mark Barnard Cheryl sitler Michael groe Paul aeran as election officers for the November 5th 2024 state election make a motion to approve those as red second roll call vote Jason Peron I Dan I M yes H okay other so we're down to any other new business and so really the only thing I had that was new but it was also kind of old because was talked about was the whole um wanting to discuss with my board members what you heard me talk about I think uh putting a little bit of teeth into it um and it's an easier route than trying to figure that other stuff out where you just show up if I said we had this problem for years with college rentals in my professional capacity and like I said you'd have to after so many you could finally file for a criminal complaint itd go to the court and generally the judge would just toss it you know at least this you know most people when they see a fine hanging over their head and they know that can turn into a criminal complaint they're going to pay it I mean I don't know what these homeowners that are Airbnb does that I'm sorry I'm going to actually ask you what was your name again sir Thom um does she live there she she was living well she lives there okay she had rentals she bought a camper was living in her camper while people were rented well and then when the people weren't there she would be in the house that's a violation right yeah I found out that that's illegal already for her to be doing that but then she was apparently telling people that she was going to go south for the winter and then bought the RV and at the RV and left for a while out of where she went to nobody knows car was gone the camper was gone but she would come back and clean in between the people or whatever in the house the other question I had and I have I was going to go for information need to she did thousands of dollars probably of upgrades to the house siding Roofing they ripped the front wall out of the house it was rotted she had the downstairs board boxy if you look at the you look at the picture we can see exactly what she did she's got a fence up that is on one side of the trees which has always been the the the boundary line which it's like she's over in the neighbor's property whether she got permit for that or whether she got permits for any of this had outside contractors but who knows something else you know that probably needs to be look into right so that's where I am with new business that was really my only thing Miss scale well I'd like to see something a little flushed out before I oh absolutely I'm not asking I'm not asking you to approve this no I I actually sent a copy of the of the way the ordinance is written um I just sent it like literally right the meeting to um Miss Parker and she's going to go over it and we'll go over it and get it to you guys for review and any sort of input or changes or you don't want to do something like that we can I'd just like to really be able to help the folks out there as well as the other folks that have reached out to me and with the current bylaw it it like I said it makes it difficult you know it's who's making that judgment call on reasonableness and that's everybody's different uh I I'll acknowledge you sir your name and address please so it's meant to what you're talking about is meant to kind of circum to give a f for something that's not technically illegal if it's a bylaw yes it is so what is this bylaw going to be then that that's what we'll talk about I mean could be and I'm not saying I'm just saying for any other neighbor I'm not talking about their instance you know just have a neighbor that complains about something that you do whether it's legal or not I'm just going to base it again on what I've experienced and that so there's I wish I had printed it off I could have read it to you but like I said I just send it to Miss Parker this um so IT addresses numerous issues um noise uh large Gatherings that are completely unreasonable um trash public urination V that's permissible at certain times in the day Gatherings there's does it put a number to it there I would yeah well that's what again this here's the thing too this would be a bylaw if we agreed upon it it has to go to town meeting and be approved anyways I'm asking about like what what you're talking about doing what you're what they have whever you're talking about now does it have like okay for a large Gathering does it have a limit tother well most things well it's it doesn't exist yeah it doesn't it doesn't exist yet here but there is again it's a judgment call based on the discretion of the officer that's how it works over there if it's un I mean there's some things that are in that situation where it came from based on college parties when you can't walk into a house and that's kind of where it came from but how can you make that a real thing if there's no there's no law about it they're actually I mean a keeper of a disorderly house can be as I mentioned in the discussion earlier that is a criminal charge that if you show a pattern you can you can you can charge somebody that for that already and that's a state law that's okay say say the officer show say let's take a a noise complaint a noise complaint from in the middle of the day so you're doing work or whatever it's allowed and but you're within the decimals that are allowed from an area that you're working in but maybe the officer said says well there's a noise complaint and he says yeah it's loud here's here's a tiet but you're still within the law you can still the way I would obviously address it with that is you have an appeal process and you know you can bring those things in bring no no no there's an appeal process here oh at this level so like you see what I completely understand but but you know we're gonna we're going to discuss this I understand where you're coming from you know again it's kind of the heavy-handed government type of thing that Mr M was talking about but but that's where we're that's where we want to discuss it this of all first I heard of it was when I walked in tonight so secondly is yeah so to read what is the proposal and I'm certain there will be a public hearing on something like that first and discussion and then it obviously has to go to town meeting yes well like I said this is just a discussion topic right now because of what I've heard you know I like I said earlier this was my looking at everything how can we address this in a in my opinion a more functional manner because you can sit there and do this because you'd end up with the same situation with the bylaw however you decide we're going to address the penalty most likely it'd be a fine and the same thing that would happen the other way would be it's going to end up in the court regardless City so city ordinances Town bylaws if you don't pay them after a certain amount of time they become a criminal charge so and that's what town bylaws and ordinances are that it's it's each town is its own individual down to make those decisions yes but like I said this is something that I'm bringing up as a topic they these two can say no I'm more curious about how it worked well there yeah that would be as we get it in place and again it' be a public hearing I will if you want to email me I can send you a copy of the way it is over there and you can just kind of see it and I you know you can peruse it I'll send it to by all means everybody email me and I'll get it to you I know everybody's it's not the irony of all this and Mr Mrs Thomas and I mused about this in your driveway actually had a conversation at lunch today with someone else on a totally unrelated topic but it came right back to the same thing if everybody was a pretty decent neighbor none of this would be necessary right it's the unfortunate fact of it is that not everybody's a great neighbor and you know everybody kind of has a right and I I would think it almost unable to the quiet enjoyment of their property right and at the end of the day and I I was taught this long seems like a hundred years ago now when I was first on the planning board by another member on the planning board that basically says that if you were ever in the business of writing bylaws or laws you already exceeded where you need to be because if everybody was a good neighbor you wouldn't need any of this well we got plenty of laws on the books right but and I always do try to keep that in mind as kind of a mindset when crafting a bylaw and even you know customary home occupation bylaw that we put in place few years ago dramatically scaled back the law that was on the books in the town of Southwick for the Hoops that someone would have to go through to be a bookkeeper in their own home right this was preo right imagine if we had this you know this by old bylaw during Co it would have been ridiculous um but you know for Airbnb same thing was kind of based on look if you do your thing and you do what you're supposed to do and let your neighbors enjoy their own property and peace you do whatever you want right as long as you're and quiet in your own home you have the right to do that well then I don't care what my neighbor does right this doesn't affect me directly in an adverse way knock yourself out and I think this is I I don't I haven't seen any of this yet so I can't speak to it at all but you know I think that's the general gist of it um and that's really what we should do as a town as as a government um you know I even alluded to it in in the beginning of this meeting you know the the the state had you know has app once again their heavy hand with you know accessory dwelling unit laws that override local Zoning for you know a a stated purpose that they think that we should adopt well that may or may not work in the town of Southwick or it may work for a week or a month but will it work 10 years from now I don't know so we have to be very careful with that too you know because things change this board changes police departments change Chiefs change these kinds of things all change and the look at how you implement something can be changed too based on how you read it you have to be very careful how you craft it you know the same thing you know I know the the zoning enforcement officer was not a huge fan of the short-term rental bylaw in the first place and he had many many questions and thoughts about enforcement therein he's not wrong but absent something we would have nothing and we were already having a problem we're still having a problem with the bylaw on the books because even though we have a bylaw on the books folks aren't following very simple rules that were laid out and you know not to be again the heavy hand of government here but people need to you know the fire chief was on that on the subcommittee with us the previous fire chief you on that as well the previous fire chief police chief Board of Health everybody kind of had a seat at the table many residents too and a person who was a purveyor of Airbnb and people who were dead set against it believe me it was an interesting bunch of meetings to come to some kind of consensus there's that word again and you know I think it's not that hard to comply with what we've asked people to do it's in line with what the state regulations were and again it's it's generally a Good Neighbor policy and I think all of it that's that's kind of our general intention so and like I said we can't craft the law and say oh this is the law now here you go you're you know you're getting a ticket ticket for you ticket for you not how it works we had to go to we had to go in front of town meeting public hearings town meeting and the the State Attorney General to approve or disapprove of even a local bylaw that we came up with and we passed well pretty much passed muster the first time and I think we're going to pass muster this time for January was just something about the appeal period in days so I think we're on the right track with that and then you know as far as this other thing same thing we can all propose a bylaw that we think would be a great idea but it has to come usually have a public hearing and then it has to go in front of you know we have the purest form of government that you could have is you know open town meeting you or and anyone else in this room that's a citizen can go and vote up or down or even amend a proposed viol thank you thank you Mr M that's it for me as far as any other new business scale sure our select board meeting schedule could we get that updated through like April 30th for planning purposes [Music] I guess submit dates we can't do or or conflict that's it Mr under new business I have none we are up to topic item five old business um I have none to go over at this time Miss scale uh I have nothing other than that's on agenda okay and Mr MOA I believe it's on the agenda second the topic a m Parker under mediation resolution we're get there um the town is currently a party to two lawsuits arising out of an application for a special permit for the Dollar General Flore at 771 College Highway Mr mowan and I attended mediation on these cases on October 31st in executive session with retired judge Mark Mason as the mediator Michael doy the planning board chair also attended and at the conclusion there was a proposed resolution to the pending litigation and that is as follows all litigation now pending in lanc court dockets numbers 24 misc 371 and 24 misc 403 pending cases shall be stayed the party shall file a joint motion for order to vacate the decision and remand to the planning board for further deliberation and decision in 24 misc 403 upon receipt of order for remman the planning board shall hold further proceedings consistent with the order on or before December 17th 2024 and if the planning board approves application on remand the pending cases are to be dismissed with prejudice if the planning board denies application on remand both of the pending cases are to be restored to the docket and proceed as ordered by the court in such event further decision of the planning board may be reviewed by the court pursuant to mgl chapter 40a section 17 in the pending cases um and I believe that that resolution is in the best interest of the town and any discussion from the others no based on well based on what the mediation session that was held that I was at a good chunk of I wasn't in all of it thank you both for traveling up to Northampton to take that indirect um I was able to join on Zoom for a few hours of it um I think that's a reasonable outcome of mediation to send it back to your elected planning board which was the decision-making Authority uh with the consent of the chair and one of the key denters on the decision in the first place chairman dowy um so you know let let the the Apple can come back in front of the planning board and have a discussion to see if there is a way forward and it's kind of just a pause if they can't come to some agreement around the issuance of a special permit then the applicant is free to continue with their lawsuit correct so and you know we have you know there are several defenses that are available to the town there are several affirmative defenses that are available to or um you know actions available to the uh the complainant and it would be long protracted expensive litigation for both parties so getting people in a room to talk to each other is always preferred rather than long expensive ProTrac litigation so do we need did we need to vote on that or is that was that the we do need to vote Open session so I believe yeah I think we do in order to yes accept and it's an interesting quir that the select board even though the planning board is the defendant in the lawsuit the town is also the defendant in the lawsuit and because I I don't know exactly the reason that we're the deciding party on that so I think the the fact that we had the chair of the planning board there um and he was amendable to this proposed mediation not necessarily determine outcome but to to mediate this um and put it back in front of the elected planning board which is the decision-making Authority Under the the application in the first place I think is a good solution um at least temporarily till we see where we land so I would second a motion if one were to come forward you be looking for that motion so I'll make a motion to um accept the terms of this mediation and send it back to the planning board Mr said second it I would second that motion then I'd be looking for roll call vote Jason perone I Doug Mogan yes any other old business uh just one Mr chairman um Mrs Parker and I met with whip City fiber um as part of the discussion around the high-speed internet subcommittee um regarding the survey that was requested by um this board and we're going to get that finished up and published within the next couple of weeks probably with the holiday and everything else we'll get that done before that but it'll run past the Thanksgiving holiday to provide meaningful data and quantifiable data for this board to consider in the in the decision process that I had brought forth previous but one of the things that you had asked for was a survey uh whip City actually has has a pretty comprehensive survey theyve used in other communities so we're going to change a couple of little things um to drive at that but um I think we're well on our way for having that done yeah I actually had submitted some additional questions Miss Parker so great excellent so they might be covered in that survey already very well could be problems of the open meeting law right um and the other thing is I think we need to just put on our agenda and I think we can discuss this as a group on email outside of um outside of a meeting because I don't think it's germine to anything that's on our docket it's really for scheduling which is the connect 351 conference used to be called the mass Municipal conference in Boston it's a little bit different this year um it's in a different place still in Boston but there's stuff on Thursday used to be starting on Friday it still kind of starts on Friday so we just need to all get together and figure out who's going and what's what I already got my hotel well then we know then okay I guess we don't need but I just wanted it I just wanted to be on record that if we're gonna we can I think we can freely discuss that offline not subject to the open meeting law because it's truly scheduling around a conference it's nothing in front of our board what the dates this year January end January janary 23 middle I have it on my calendar but usually we go Friday morning early and then come home Sunday but I don't know if anybody wanted to go out Thursday and come back Saturday I don't know we'll have to figure it out but I think we can I just wanted to get it on the record that we're going to discuss it in usually one or more of the select board attends um that conference and members of Finance and Accounting and whoever else I don't know where the budget is this year for that and how that was taken care of so we'll have to discuss it all right nine anything she's over there it's okay we we have the same initials almost so nothing for me 18 anything all right William item six is the minutes acknowledge and approve the Open session meeting minutes from October 21st motion to approve the 10212 24 minutes I'll second roll call vote Jason prone abstain Doug Mogan yes we also need to acknowledge and approve the executive session meeting it's from 10:21 2024 thank well just it has the word approved but I think we had to vote on those issues separately an open session out of the next meeting which we did so I think it would just be discussed okay because a vote has to be taken in Open Session which we 100% did are youing that motion as amended second roll call vote Jason prone abstain yes item seven is warrants we need to acknowledge payables warrant number 2511b dated October 28 2024 in the amount of 3,839 4264 unless oh there is ex session I'm sorry I just asked bill over here and sorry is sorry me no not at all I am all right surprises you so that is it for the open meeting public so we're going to be going to Executive session but are we reconvening we will be reconvening after executive session motion to go into executive session pursuant to Mass General Law chapter 30A section 21s 2 and three and chapter 214 section 1B labor Council litigation matters and strategy for collective bargaining with police Union Coalition fire I a DPW non-union staff and clerk Union upsu executive session regarding Mass General Law chapter 30A section 212 and three chapter 214 section 1B and exception number two move to go on Executive session to conduct Collective baring sessions with nonunion personnel and to move to go into executive session to conduct contract negotiations with non personnel and to declare that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the baining position of the body and to move to go into executive session to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining and that the chair moved to go an executive session to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nine unit personnel and to move to go into executive session to discuss strategy with respect to litigation and that the chair will declare that an open meeting may have a jetrion to effect on The litigating Possession and we will reconvene an open session looking for a motion to go on Executive session motion made second roll call vote Jason Peron I we're back in Open Session and we in session to um I'll be looking for a motion to approve the settlement agreement by Between the town of Southwick and the Southwick firefighters I local 4919 AFL C IO make that motion Doug M will second the motion at 7:16 p.m. roll call vote Jason Baron I Doug mlin yes and I will be looking for a motion to approve the memorandum of agreement between the town of Southwick and the CTIC police officers Coalition in regard to no I'll make that motion second roll call vote Jason Peron I dang I Doug Mogan yes believe at that point I would be looking for a motion to end the meeting I'll make that motion Doug M second roll call vote Jason Peron I I Doug mlan yes