##VIDEO ID:nOKnNYffyEI## good good evening everyone and welcome to the Monday October 7th 2024 select board meeting we're here 6 PM in the light us hearing be held in remote in hybrid format and present this evening is myself Jason perun the chairman Vice chairman Diane gaale clerk Doug mlan the SZ CEO naen sigoni and joining us via Zoom is caole Parker start with the Pledge of Allegiance Randy Brown States stand first item on the agenda is going to be public comments is there anyone in the audience that would like to make a public M my name is odor for the South Historical Society we're having our annual walk uh in with sou spirits on the 19th of October that's a Saturday and it's from 10: to 1 and you have to make reservations so that we don't have a bunch of people come time it's 10 to one and then the farm parade is in the afternoon so it's a very busy day and we're hoping that you'll all come thank you thank you is there anyone else in the audience sir hi Jo d258 feing Hills Road South Mass just a couple things the spirit spoke I'm wondering if you can have DPW do a little walk through the uh as far as pothole goes I was been spending some time over there lately and there's quite a few small potholes it would be wonderful we can get that cleaned up some of the folks aren't that young at the Spirit walk so it would be nice if uh we can do the best we can for them and since we're talking about North Pond and all the excitement that North Pond brings I recall back in the day there was 10 or 11 acres put on the side of that deal maybe for the water department or maybe a well down the road so my question is strength of water bill isn't getting any cheaper right as we move forward they're going up and up and up so maybe we really should look at maybe putting a third well in over there and I Know It Takes years I know it's not done tomorrow I also understand our permitting for how much volume we can take out is an issue every year so maybe that would help us with that just a thought may have activity over there because of the well you'd have more eyes on the grounds over thank you thank you sir anyone else public comments is there anyone on Zoom that would like to make any public comments someone cloning in no it's my tile for some reason I don't see anybody raising our next item is actually a hearing for 605 B hearing but we're about one minute ahead of time so rather than jump ahead and we're going to wait a minute here yeah he looks familiar I think he's done this before it's not to open just start 605 605 we're here for a public hearing on a poll hearing public hearing will be is held here at select for Town Hall located at 454 College Highway L use hearing room second floor at 605 ever source is requesting permission to locate a line of hles wires cables and fixtures including the necessary sustaining and protecting fixtures along and across the following public way which is nine Wally way and representing eversource I believe is Mr Ferraro he is online how are you how are you sir I'm great so uh we as ever Source are requesting permission to install 2 36x 72 by 36 bfold hand holes um these structures will be located approximately 10 ft from the edge of the roadway to Center the first will be located approximately 40 feet from the edge of the driveway to center of box and the second will be approximately 10 ft south of the first one the handholes are going to be used to splice our primary cable um just install a new Transformer on site pretty straightforward these are not polls right no are they that' be something he's just asking mran are they considered polls is that the same no I think that our clerical people sent the wrong thing okay I do too because I I I work there and I don't recall there being any polls on wall way it's all underground service yeah it's all DB so all right so let me clarify that it's excellent what Mr Ferraro said I don't think I need to report what he said repeat but it's going to be two bfold handhold structures 36 in by 72 inches that we're here for the for um is that all we you have for us Mr feraro good it's all I got for you is there anyone in the audience that would like to speak um for this uh the hand holes or against is there anyone on Zoom that has any positive comments or comments against this hearing see no takers I would be to approve that and a motion to close the public hearing we close first right yes motion to close the public hearing second roll call vote Jason Peron I I Doug make a motion to approve the application for the fivefold handholds as described roll call j i i Dougan I El up Mr Ferraro thank you have a good evening you too next item on our agenda is going to be the joint meeting with planning board regarding the master plan implementation Committee subcommittee Member appointments including the planning board designate in a planning board associate member appointment planning board members here that would like to come up or Mr we need to open this as individual meeting good I've never done midd it's a joint meeting so he has to call his meeting to order and denote his members very good [Music] okay what we have Jessica yes Jessica was online Mr onl too yeah okay um well we will open our planning board meeting for Monday after overa um I am present um Michael dhy y present we have Jessica Thorton online and Dicker online and no Daya correct I didn't see him okay all right turn it over to you guys here to uh sign the members and listen to who we're going to do the uh subcommittee do or the associate doign need so and we are also going to discuss the charge for the subcommittee yes no I was not planning for that for the npic right yes we're going to we got to do the associate first okay planing board associate who's the it's a joint appointment I know but we also have the subcommittee appointment that doesn't have to be done in our meeting all I think that has to be done in our meeting right is the associate associate right we can certainly have a discussion about it whatever you'd like but um the agenda item is the associate member on the planning board were there any other any other applicants I don't think so no no then you usually just ask one that was withdrawn so usually just ask for a nomination then Mr Dy you have a nomination for your associate member I would uh like to nominate Diane not that fair enough um for the uh position of associate member for the plan for in second and and it's a roll call vote of each board okay motion motion is made all right very good it's the first time we done one in the middle like this so um Jason Peron i b i Doug M yes i d i Jessica Mr ater Thor and I it's all we need need that's now as far as the another one year sentence I was I nocole did mention it to me the other day I was not planning on talking really about the charges today I would prefer to table that and get allow to dig in that a little bit more because I know you've done some research as far did she forward you the document I sent her did you get a document from Nicole with um I don't what I sent no remember okay yeah the first notice I got was this morning that you wanted to talk maybe about the charges and yeah I'm want to table that to the next B okay with the planning board or without the planning it would need to be with they're going to be part of it we want all of us to agree on what the charge is for this board and what what the expectation is yeah yeah I mean I'm happy to put an opinion but it's not it's a it's a select board subcommittee so at the end of the day it's well we would like your I would certainly we' talked about this atum absolutely right all right so I guess you will be getting a a bunch of examples of mic from other towns that I did some stronger some weaker that we can consider I expect you we be getting that did we want to do this in a regular meeting or did we want to have a separate meeting well we don't meet again until right we have we have Columbus day next week right so I don't know it's up to you guys Mr M Mr dhy what do you want to do I'm flexible as far as the date yeah if there's going to be a vigorous debate with Diane I'm pretty sure there would be I don't think so I don't think so I I don't I don't know I don't think so I have not spoken as Gale about it but I think we were for the majority of it in agreement in Principle as to what that board is charged with Mike and I went over it quite a bit we just need to put it to paper so they have a guideline and uh and then I said there's there's a good bunch of good examp El have you made a designated a through the mic no done no so basically you had a full board so you didn't have somebody out to a point yeah correct got it yes no one's missed that so we'll see who shows up tomorrow right um wait a minute was that iica is not going to be in there tomorrow oh oh no I will be there with a child and toe I'm at missing and getting nominated for nothing um the 21st is tougher for me but I can if needed I can you know I don't want to delay anything but I'm running around to soccer games and practices um more important so the 28th is a little easier for me that's Monday right yeah yeah we on meeting back here with the planing board excuse me excuse me hi I just want to remind everybody that we do have that fire department meeting as well on the 28th at at 7 that's gonna be a short meeting we can't do that good point if we could have a different date not a Monday I would would appreciate in so much momentum I mean put it on the 21st and I'll figure it out yep very good we'll put it later in the agenda I'll reach out to you I'll let me just get a better sense of what that day is going to be um and uh um I'll let you know yeah actually now that the following week I will be gone to training for work for 28 29 30th and 31st so I can't do that week at all so it have to be sooner 21st yeah just a double sh yeah otherwise I'm fle with yeah and I my ination is probably to say I put it um at the beginning of the meeting but um I'll be back here by 6 um so just to get it it' be easier but we can talk about that it doesn't need to be it's on the public hearing so I doesn't need to have specific time okay okay thanks sure thank you anything else that should be it okay all right y'all have a good night next item on our agenda going we interview Daniel Fernandez for supervisor of buildings and grounds position smiled good evening good evening how are you D good hello good to see you see again gu right I'm gonna give the one question I pretty much give to everybody in every position why do you want to be the director buildings and grounds supervisor I'm sorry supervisor supervisor um I like it here I like working here um I'm always looking for ways to grow and progress in life and I believe that this would be the next stuff for me that's your one question or I okay so um you've presented a really full resume here and some letters of recommendation so thank you for that um can you describe your experience handling multiple jobs and deadlines um in in your current employment here and in your outside Endeavor um in both situations yeah um when I was more self-employed I didn't do too many uh multiple tasks sorry I didn't think too many at once because I like to focus on one thing um just more so because I like to see things done right done once um if the need arise if the need may arise then um um I definitely worked on some jobs multiple jobs throughout my my career um whether it was you know being selfemployed or working other people um they put me in charge of smaller Crews where I would delegate who was doing what um and then i' go to another job site same thing kind of say who was doing what oversee that but then also do my task as well um here now that we have the heroes program I kind of see where everything is what what tasks come up what products come up some seen some unforeseen and then just just kind of balancing to see what takes priority um what is important what can kind of take a backseat for a little while um you know with emergencies obviously they stay top priority so learning to juggle now that we have that program it definitely has been a huge um help aid for for our department are you using that directly yeah yeah it goes right to my phone and my my my email so I see everything comes in was kind of right up my I think that this job is um the communications is key there's a lot of people making demands on your time and I think it's the communication as to when things are going to get done and when things aren't going to get done or if things need to get shuffled up because some priorities change for due to emerging issues or whatever obviously you've kind of lived through that experience and and know exactly what I'm talking about yeah so um how how do you handle that though as you know personally how do you handle you know constant it's going to be a pretty constant pulling different directions um communication you know if something comes up where it takes me away from a project that I'm trying to work on that me this happen the past few weeks especially been working on the clerk's office the big transition there I'm trying to focus as much time as I can on that but I tell them like there's there's other things that come up especially emergencies or unforeseen things that I have to address so I I'm very open saying you know this this came up it's going to take me away for a little bit it's going to push back the timeline just a little bit so I try to communicate as best I can with everyone to tell them how things are progressing or if there's a setback or hold up you know and I just try to be as open and honest as I can you know it may not be the best news for some people but you know I just i' just like to be realistic and it's worked so far thank you I nothing for um can you expand on how you might be proactive in troubleshooting facilities and system problems and anticipating like as far as what might go wrong and being prepared um just knowing the buildings talking to the vendors seeing if there's any I need to take note of and more often than not they'll send an email or just tell me directly if something's going to be a problem down the road um whether it be with the sprinkler guys or just whoever fire alarm um they tell me look this might be a problem down the road just take note of it write it down we'll send you a bill or an estimate quote things like that um you know very much trying to be in the null of things that might pop up down the road I'm good thank okay so one more question for you so things that might come up down the road you don't necessarily know about how will you obtain the knowledge you need training on things that you're not familiar with training um I've I've started to look into classes I can take training I can take um I'm currently talking to the health inspector Tom about taking a class for hazard communication training I took off Shan already um and just trying to you know look into facilities manager training in classes just to kind of understand more of the things I don't understand okay good thank you yeah thank you almost up any questions from you um what would you if anything what would you like to see for me in the coming months that's may do the work I mean you you hit pretty much all the points that I would be looking for as far as being proactive learning all the systems um keeping an eye on the different buildings and um knowing what may or may not go wrong and uh you know with the fact that you're putting yourself through classes and training that it shows your desire and your drive so flexibility communication po um not just on the status of things but problems that are arising um and definitely you know I'm happy to hear you say you're already looking into the the training and and I'm sure you'll have you'll have support from from Russ and and others that can help and so you know prioritizing is is going to be for so thank you I think EO what she said I think Communications is the key I think you know over the last couple of years three years plus we've had you know some lessons with that and I've always been a big bad news early person right if you know bad news bad news ages like milk right it does not get any better with Agee so that earlier you can work on an issue and talk and involve all the stakeholders in an issue the earlier you can all put your heads together to come up with a good solution right um and you know and the same thing is ask for help if you need it yeah it's available from you know there you never know where the help can come from I told everyone I'm asking all the questions if I need to sure anything else from you um one more is there any timeline as far as when we would fill my current position like would we get someone to to fill that well that would be like ASAP like to move on it yeah I mean just to help you know kind of expedite the projects going on and you know help more with our department so so have some staff to supervise yeah that's to we get there yeah that's that's I'm sure okay very good almost done almost done okay thank you thank you moving on to the next item on the agenda is going to be vote to accept Bond bids and sign required documents they were down I sign most of my stuff so just if you seen any of that um I believe last year as the clerk I was made to read that entire document and made it when she remembers there is there is a spot for the clerk to sign too I did see that read all those numbers I did I abbreviated that I think I said from those years to those years at 5% can you guys hear okay back there and someone else texted me that there was an awful Echo oh was that was something so I don't I don't know if I don't know better worse we'll try I move the microphone away from behind my laptop is that better okay T where's the maintenance guy turn up the volume on you did you want to read it or sumarize or what do you want so I'm going to read the first paragraph and summarize the rest I the clerk of the select Board of the town of Southwick Massachusetts the town certifi that at a meeting of the board held what do you know October 7th 2024 of which meeting all members of the board were duly notified and at which point a quorum was present the following votes were unanimously passed all of which appear upon the official record of the board and in my custody voted at the sale of the four, 680,000 general obligation Municipal purpose loan of 2024 bonds of the Town dated October 15 2024 the bonds to Roosevelt and Fross Inc at the price of 5,110 36799 and AC crude interest if any is hereby approved and confirmed the bond shall be payable on October 15th of the years and in the principal amounts and bear the interest at the respective rates as follows and there is a summary of 2025 through 2020 2034 um and further voted that in connection with the marketing and sale of the bonds the preparation and distribution of a notice of sale and preliminary official statement dated September 24th 2024 and a final official statement dated October 1st 2024 the official statement each in such form as may be approved by the town Treasurer be and are hereby are ratified confirmed approved and adopted further voted that the bond shall be subject to Redemption at the option of the Town upon such terms and conditions as set forth in the official statement further voted that the town Treasurer and the select board B and hereby are authorized to execute and deliver a continuing disclosure undertaking in compliance with SEC rule 15c 2-12 in such form as may be approved by Bond Council to the town which undertaking shall be incorporated by reference in the bonds for the benefit of the holders of the bonds from time to time further voted that we authorize and direct the town Treasurer to establish post issuance federal tax compliance procedures and continuing disclosure procedures in such forms as the town Treasurer and bound Council deem sufficient or if such procedures are currently in place to review and update said procedures in order to Monitor and maintain the tax exempt status of the bonds and to comply with relevant security laws further voted than any certificates or documents relating to the bonds collectively the documents may be executed in several counterparts Each of which shall be regarded as an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same document delivery of an executed counterpart of a signature page to a document by electronic mail in PDF file or by other electronic transmission shall be as effective as delivery of a manually executed counterpart signature page to such document and electronic signatures on any of the documents shall be deemed original signatures for the purposes of the documents and all matters relating theto having the same legal effect as original signatures further voted that each member of the select board the Town Clerk and the town Treasurer be and hereby are authorized to take any and all such actions and execute and deliver such certificates receipts or other documents as may be determined by them or any of them to be necessary or convenient to carry into effect the provisions of the forgoing votes I further certify that the votes were taken at a meeting open to the public and that no vote was taken by secret ballot that a notice stating the place date time and agenda for the meeting which agenda included the adoption of the above vote was filed with the Town Clerk and a copy thereof posted in a manner conspicuously visible to the public at all hours in or on the municipal building that the office of the town clerk is located or if applicable in accordance with an alternative method of notice prescribed or approved by the Attorney General as set forth in 940 CMR 29.0 32b at least 48 Hours not including Saturday Sundays or legal holidays prior the time of the meeting and remain so posted at the time of the meeting and that no deliberations or decision in connection with the sale of the bonds were taken in executive session all in accordance with General Law chapter 3A sections 18-25 is amended dated October 7th 2024 Doug mogin Clerk of the select board I'll make a motion to approve the sale of $4,680 General obligation municiple purpose loan of 2024 bonds of the town and to have the clerk sign the authorization second roll call vote Jason Peron iang I Doug Mogan I uh 39,2 390 26 385 27 380 380 and then it goes down to 295 and 2030 255 in 2032 through the conclusion of the bond million 4.6 and the payback is 5.1 including the interest and uh skipping ahead 2035 is also 255,000 so is 2036 it goes down to 125 and 2039 and then it's $80,000 for the years 2040 through 2044 you're welcome thank you have to read it again anyway well I I started I just gonna let him go I know uh next item under new business is vote to extend the classes stien to call Force firefighters to be consistent with career firefighters Chief you want to come on up evening everybody Chief so this is a proposal um to implement a program that we already have for career Force members our career Force members by contract are entitled to an education stien for certain classes and once they have the certification in the class which means they've tested and have Pro board certification or certificate from the issuing agency they're entitled to a stien for certain classes and those classes are fire instructor one fire instructor 2 Fire officer one Fire officer 2 um fire prevention officer one fire prevention officer 2 and basic investigation there is a potential um with the newer contract proposal being ratified to include incident safety officer which is an important class we added to that I'd like to be able to extend that same benefit to the call Force members it's not a contractual requirement um but it is something that I think would um encourage our current Corp of officers to have an incentive to get additional education so we've been doing our best at the department level to provide this training by inviting the department of fire services in for Fire officer one Fire officer 2 instructor one and instructor to right now so we've got those four behind us and people have taken advantage of that and not all the officers have um our current budget would allow um for the stiens to be paid out um as they are to the career Force members um at the first of the year however I would like to um actually in January um make that payment to the officers that are certainly qualify so they'd be the onetime payment in this fiscal year and then they' be in the same fiscal cycle as the career force would be as a January one July one into the next fiscal year that's to me it only makes sense you're you want people to take the classes to get the training I do I assume they have to uh not also be certified elsewhere with that training this this how do you so it's a proboard certification so if they were to take the class in Connecticut and have proboard certification it would qualify because it's a national reg registry if you would and recognize that way because of the accreditation requirements that are set forth by proboard so part of the push at Mass fire Academy has been to get more and more of these programs to that Pro proboard certification level so as they introduce curriculum they have to go through the accreditation process and that's true in Connecticut and we're because we're so deep into Connecticut they do allow us to attend the Connecticut fire academy as well as other programs that are offered from the academy throughout Connecticut we've had people attend to Fire officer one and Fire officer 2 there they have proboard certification which means it's the same curriculum just taught in a different location they may be call Force for other cities and towns how do you ensure they're not being paid twice for the same certification I'm more concerned about the work they're doing for southw fire if they come to us with that certification just like a career person comes us with the certification we don't care where it came from if you have the certification you qualify for the stien am I answer answering your question but would you give it to them in the signing on or every year after so if came to us no so it would be the same thing for the the career Force it's paid on July one so if somebody came to us let's say a career member was hired tomorrow and had that certification they wouldn't be entitled to that until July of the next fiscal year because we'd have to budget for that accordingly okay if acquire the if they acquire the training during that year they get paid on July one for that training that's the kind of the cut off th them line of demarcation right now what I would do is take a snapshot of where the officers are these are the people that qualify make that payment in January one of this year out of this budget because we have it and then it would reset so that it was every July they would be entitled to that it' be on a fiscal year rotation there but these I'm not sure if I'm asking that right these are call Force call Force M they're available to other departments as well they may be being paid by other departments for that same certification as well as South then that isn't fair to our own fire Fighters if are being paid twice potentially being paid more than once for that same certification a career member could be working at a as a call Force member at another department and getting paid as well too I have no control over what happens outside of our department fair enough if they're getting paid then they figured out the system so yeah but what right now I'm more concerned about making it a benefit for officers and also to encourage some other people to say if you're thinking about being an officer take this training you know there's a stien involved in in this the benefits package as well and compensation for them I don't have any objection to it I don't I don't know that we have too many call members that are first of all that are signed on in more than uh more more than one Department anywho MH um I think it encourages those call Members to because they sometimes have they have to make a significant time investment in those in getting those certifications for anyhow um I have real no objection I know the system so if they're getting paid elsewhere that's great for them that's why they work there so I have no problem whatsoever um no further questions no Mr M good yeah I guess we need to um vote to extend this s to the call for for um for firefighters so be looking for a motion for I'll make a motion to extend the stien to the fall Force firefighters all Force officers fall Force officers officers I'll second the motion for the officers yeah miss the agend roll call vote Jason Peron I Dian Gail I Doug mlin yes very good thank you well you're don't go too far we gotta do the fire contract can't do that yet it's all right thank you that's good to know Chief you have a dollar value to that I know they don't care about money up there but so it's currently within the budget and right now if I were to pay it out I don't think it's more than $2,000 it be 500 people that have it thank you sir all right so we need to go on to item D is the amendment to the Clean Water TR strant Randy well this is a really a water department issue but the way the program works selectboard is the signy on all the contracts uh so we are undertaking a lead service line inventory for the water department it's a very large undertaking every water system in the state's doing it we have a big report due in a week and a half that doesn't mean I work stopping in a week and a half um we've done a lot of work to identify where if there are any lead service lines in the water system we have a lot of unknowns so we've done some basement inspections vacuum excavations we looked through service cards there's still a lot of unknown information and the way that DP runs a program is if it's unknown it's assumed to be led until proven otherwise so uh this has been a very big effort pushed by masty DP they're putting tens of millions dollars in this program every year this is probably the biggest program uh with d right now maybe aside from pasas um so the first round we got a grant through the um Mass clean water trust um and what we're looking to do is continue the work that we need to do so because there are so many unknowns one of the options we have to us is to do a predictive modeling effort so we can basically based on information in total system and if we know a certain percent of it we can make assumptions that this service is or is not lit so but that means we have to put eyeballs physically put eyeballs on 180 Services um so what this this amendment is to do is to fulfill that program so we can continue more B basement basement inspections and more vacuum excavations and then put all this into this predictive model and hopefully that'll cover us uh to determine whether or not we or what kind of effort we to do undertake on the on the on the flip side so we do know that there are some no not lead we haven't find any lead yet but we do have some galvaniz and actually today we found one that was a brass service on mongalo Street construction brass service brass required to be changed I believe so there's lead and Brass so even a small component so that's the next step you know the replacement is is is a future project but for the time being we need to finish our investigative didn't work so the luckily there is money in the program to the the Clean Water trust uh the money is not going to last forever um I did hear the program is kind of dwindling down on funds but we do have a proposal here from our consultant to basically continue that work and hopefully they get all that information we need to update that predicted model so this is said this is really a water commissioner item they did meet last Thursday to talk about this they did approve it uh but I think this board I think Jason is a sign on all the contract items so I think we're asking the the board to authorize Jason to so some of this is by inference right like you're saying like when you if you find lead in say a Housing Development you're going to assume that it was more widely used than the one you found for example correct and this is just to finish that inventory MH of homes and then the flip side is when you find those that have left what what is the FP so there is a I think it's I think the requires the town to replace 10% of any lead or potentially lead lines every year so lead Galvanize they all qualify I think we have 25 galvaniz actually toing today we found one more galvaniz and one brass line today so I think we're up to 27 L you know services that have you know small traces of lead in them so we would have to replace those or work with a homeowner a lot of them the services are on the the public side I'm sorry the private side you know pass the work hard the curb stop which technically we don't own the town doesn't own um but there are programs available through this trust like so they're putting money into this every year so I I I'm assuming that we would probably apply for more money at that point to assist the homeowners with the replacement yes it' be on the to to if the town if the home owner if home owners are willing to do that and the gr is there and the Grant's there then yeah do refuse to change it I believe so yes but there has to be we have to notify them right several times in writing and and phone and and door knockers and document all that so that we did everything we could to to to notify the homeowner that there is potentially a lead in their service line but if it's on the public side our side we would take care of that absolutely yeah but the for example the galvaniz and the brass you found have been on our side or on the on the private side they're on the private side pass and there was copper going up to the curb stop and then both and then one was they side PES side by side do you foresee in the future where they're going to have kind of like they have like a lead paint disclosure where they're going to have that kind of disclosure requirement on the transaction of a home because like once you know you know right potentially similar to like a Title Five inspection you require a dony but like you know today if you're going to sell a home you have to do a lead paint disclosure if you and if you know you have to disclose and if you don't know you almost have to test if your house is a certain age right so I'm I'm assuming that's probably going to come for there is a a new letting copper rule that is actually going to be released any day now I might to come out today uh so a lot of these questions may be in that new rule but I have not yet seen accept the sign we would need a motion to accept it motion to have the extension all right I guess be looking and it's a grant request right all Grant there's no to money being involved in this so everything's been a great so that was a motion yeah I'll second the mo call Jason I Doug thank you thank you Randy all right item e it's going to be bothe the Moa with the police I see Chief Benish on there and lieutenant tager yeah I'm here do you have any specific question on it this is the mo MOA we talked about previously uh yes it is to uh change around the uh steps a little bit offer different steps to uh incoming officers with experience I don't have any questions we've already discussed this in full so and just for clarity for those playing along at home so this modeled after the fire contract actually this was something that we wrote Into the Fire contract a couple of years ago where if you have someone who's looking to make a lateral move from one Department to another that you have the ability to place them at a different step um in in our case I think it's one step above the entry level pay scale kind of an enticement to get someone who's looking to move laterally to the southw police department from another department um and puts um the way our Police contract is structured um byas via steps we tend to get to a higher rate of pay faster than a lot of other departments so someone who's been at one department for say several years actually can be at equal pay coming into South police dep say at a step two um so this is one way you know to Aid Us in recruiting we've got an open wreck for um a couple new officers and this is one way to Aid Us in recruitment if we need to so and we we did um asked the the South police officers coalition to sign a memorandum of understanding with the town um that they would support this in in our recruitment efforts and getting new officers on the street I'll make a motion to accept the memorandum of agreement and have the chair sign second roll call vote Jason PR I dang I Doug m i and I'd like to thank the South police officers Coalition for bargaining in good faith on that issue good moving on to item F appointments for the Lake management committee and Lake management Canal committee okay we're going to complete this process I think we're going to just read out the appoint the rejiggered appointments for Lake management committee there were corrections made last year that did not get reported correctly um and same thing with Lake management so we are going to reappoint now for three years beginning 7124 eichel this is for Lake management committee eichel kums we are going to correct the prior adjusted years for Paul Murphy his term is 7123 and expires 63025 Scott Graves his term is corrected 7123 to 63025 Norm chamber was correct de harth was correct Eric Mueller is corrected to 7123 expiring 63026 and Malcolm debay was correct RI uh dick Rands was correct Michael De is reated at 7123 expiring 63026 those members all carry for three years thereafter the associate members were fine at one year Lake management Canal subcommittee this is correcting the prior year that didn't get done right so dick ranel these are all one-year appointments they were reappointed for threes and twos prior so dick ran Mike debay Malcolm debay Eric meller eichel Kum Scott Graves de harth and WK Phillips are all oneye appointments on Lake management now and we should be done with those and you need a motion for those appointments or there was no appointments in this fiscal year there were some with and these correct their terms based on the prior year mess ups so that was a motion to make all of those point I'll second in the motion then yeah it wasn't roll call Jason for and that will be sent to the clerk as well she's in agreement next item item G sou histor Historical Society requesting a special town meeting any members want to come on up Lee hambur 48 South longy Road I'd like to put in a request that there be a special town meeting held and I'm suggesting late November or first week of December of this year for consideration of funds for 74 College Highway which will Reserve conserve that land which is 10 and a half acres you look very fascinated with this Doug nope you guys are under a time constraint we are under a time constraint um and we will have to uh amend some of our previous submissions to the CPC um due to uh some legal clarifications what's your I'm sorry Mr chair that's what's your deadline that's what I wanted TOS uh it's the end of this year or the very first part of January okay so there's not too much time we'll be speaking with the Conservation Commission and with the CPC within the next um I don't know 12 days 10 days because you plan to put a CR on this property yes the reason for the conversation with conservation yes that was a TKS okay yes but CPC has got to send an article to town meeting right to correct have such a warrant correct and you have to go back in front of we will be presenting before them again I I suspect do we have any other business that need recently I believe we I know there was something mentioned in the press and I believe was Ark and Rec related if I'm not expect the balls yes that's what I thought there's at least that I was going to say there's at least that so I know we still have r Road and I'm pressing people push that forward to get accepted it's delayed and delayed and delayed so we could add to it anywhere are we on that seven minutes is the record by the way yeah that was the fastest special that I've been party too first vot for the mun and then a I was too yep yes do you have any questions that I no you sorry you were I'm not perplexed I'm I know where it's this the scheduling and we try not to do a a special for a singular article though we the deal here you you were kind enough to explain that to me the whole this kind of process when it was formative down at the at the Museum so I I I was nodding because I I kind of it it played out exactly how you said it was going to play out l so well you the funds will actually be used um for the the conservation the difference between industrial and and conservation value instead so it says here they have a December 24th deadline for that that was the initial deadline there may be a a different one in the pns that was in the uh the original I think uh purchase offer so on that is it gonna be like two or three different articles date later than okay it's it's it's better but I don't want to push it till the 31st either no but you've got you've got Thanksgiving that last week of November yeah and then um I don't know the exact date of Thanksgiving but it's probably on a Thursday and but that week's a you know a no-brainer a lot of people travel so the week after is usually and then you're into December and now you start running right up against Christmas usually right after the first things kind of settle in but we'd have to confer as a board and see what we can pull off and what facilities are available to us to hold said yeah special and um always good to consult with Madam moderator to make sure that she's available said oh Pam moderator how are you so it's always good to consult with her to make sure she's available that's very wise on your part yeah I honestly did not know she was there she also you at what's going on the high school what I just said yeah exactly you know in some ways that's why the first couple weeks in December typically work better because sport season hasn't started they're not using the gym or the oratorium but they are there's playing in them thank you very much thank you Mr well done sir so item H is other new bus so what are we what are we doing with that now we have to are we gonna have Nicole and we have to figure that out Celeste work with the school and see what's available first US well are we in agreement I guess we would have to agree that we're going to call a special for this this in the first place and try to schedule it yeah and then if there's other business to be done I mean we we you yeah I didn't want you just don't want to get into the business in no no offense to anyone that just presented to us but never get in the position where someone comes running because we could have a special and the next week someone comes in and go we need another special and we end up having five or six specials a year it's costly and burdensome on on on staff to do that so try to roll up everything so I I don't have any objection it looks like there might be you know for we can just work doesn't need a formal vote of the board but I think we can check with Celeste check with the schools and see if we can do it but I just wanted to be clear about that you know so and I'm not anybody you know next week if you know someone else comes in with another you know the week after our special someone else comes in okay next meeting in May we're taking it under advisement and we're gonna do the research turn the Nots so other new business I have none this times I do related to special town meeting um actually Mr steinhart dear to his heart was the exterior of this building which has kind of been uh uh Gone fet and that was supposed to have a CPC application being prepared as well last I noon so I had asked Russ to check that and that could be something else if time allows we could bundle into that special Town moving um also really quickly Board of Health has a public hearing coming up on tobacco use um and I'm going to guess there will be very low attendance it is not broadcast well um I would like to make the following suggestions there's there's also a community outreach meeting for one of our cannabis applicants that again isn't broadcast well and if you go on the town website and just put in public hearings and January 1st 2024 to date you get zero results which I just don't understand B so I guess I'm suggesting maybe we add a subscription to the alerts for all public hearings and also a dedicated page on the website to list all public hearings so that when you search you don't come up zero and perhaps even an option on the code red notifications that you can opt in if you want to hear all the public hearing notifications um and then the new face Facebook page might also be a good place to post all of our public hearings uh you know we want people more involved but they don't know they're happening until they read it after the fact in the paper if they get the paper so suggestions is the candid one mentioned you um October 11th 5: to 7: p.m at 660 College Highway at their location that one I did know um and you can also email them with questions in advance at Pioneer Valley Trading llc@gmail.com spelled out Pioneer Valley Trading LLC that's all I got Mr mov nothing for this week sir we will have Miss Parker she's down naen anything on to Old business we are going on to item a in Old business B contract pricing Andy we met a couple weeks ago talked about uh snow plow rates for this upcoming season board has some questions so I submitted a letter uh the response to those questions um see you've read the letter any follow I'm waiting on you I convince me well you're the one that ask talking at some point about that yep um I'll go ahead and ask I I don't have any questions so for I'm I know how this works and I know what we need to do to get people to plow so you have any questions no I kind of understood it going in from where it was coming from and I'm glad we asked the question um I like to did clarification on the per vehicle thing was very very useful thing to find out I was surprised by that as well when I asked I've discussed this with people because my side and you know I have to get a special writer on mine as well I'm going to do private snow pling so and again like I do know it's based on the size of the v machine vehicle whatever using so I understand that completely and I know Nicole reached out to Maya and that's something that we can't do um as far as hovering it under us but apparently is looking into a program where it might be possible so the updated comparison that you gave was this the most recent one from prior to we I did update the comparison other communities yeah so I in the past I had West agam and Dot I reached out to most of our other neighbors uh Southfield Connecticut I added rates Long Meadow U there are some communities that don't hire s contractors I included those on the list um just to kind of compare I still think we're you know I don't think we're High I don't think we're low I think right in the right in the ballpark ranville does all their own they do all their own yeah surprised to hear that yeah w y no I will say that you know remind you that we've lost three contractors in the past three years um I don't want to lose anymore last year we lost to one at the very 11th Hour literally um we've been talking to some other contractors about plowing this year I know one of them just today said they made a commitment to Westfield so I'm hoping we still have enough we I mean last year we were down a trucks we made it through luckily we didn't have a big winner and we didn't have a lot of big storms or back toback storms um but yeah we definitely struggled in that in that regard last year like to get back to our our normal our normal Fleet so one element is raising the rate $10 an hour correct per truck um the sign on is it a sign on and attendance bonus is it I'm not in favor of a sign on bonus I'm in favor of a performance if there's any bonus so how would you want to structure that I copy the language from other communities I mean I don't think there's so bonus is basically to help offset the insurance you know basically provide a minimum payment that they're guaranteed to get for the year whether there's zero Ines of snow or 100 inches of snow help offset that that insurance payment the way I was thinking we structure it is um it's due at the end of the season provided they and it's it's it's PR rated based on the number of snow events they plow so if they plow 10 out of 10 events they get 100% if they plow nine out of 10 they get 90% of that that bonus I'm open to other options I just caught that was item that I mentioned in the private side a lot of places now go with a guarant minimum whether you show up in their parking lot or not I think so yeah I think agam they did they did a combined did they do they did they did a sign up bonus of $250 that's flat and then they have a performance bonus of 750 and that's if you plow 75% I think there should be a per truck per vehicle is per vehicle there should be a required you have to have at least met and I would say 75% of the attendance requirement and the contracts we have we have now we've never had an issue with them not sure so I want to I want to keep it that way we are probably going to have a new contractor this year just to fill what we lost last year um but we've never had an issue of contractors not showing up and you're saying 715 total it's not a sign on like this one and 750 you're proposing one 750 per vehicle you show up 100% of the time you get 750 y yeah I mean I think the difference is it's it's either front loaded or back loaded depending on how you looked at that I I think it makes sense to do it um you know I was I had the unfortunate experience if you will to kind of take in what happened when um a longtime contractor left us in the Lurch last year in the face of one of the larger storms we had in a few years um and you know given the TR you know the trend over the last several years for Winters have been fairly mild and so it's difficult for the the plow guys to make that investment in the insurance but they have to have the insurance to hit the road it's not like you can call the guy when they see snowfall and go okay I'm in it's got to be in place um so I I think you know the agam look to me like the Agawam model is probably appropriate for the performance yeah you make it a performance bonus and you show up but we're also going you know if we have it does kind of I forgot the term I used the good term last meeting and now I forgot what it is but it kind of it um you know it deris a little of it that was the word right for for the operator right no matter what happens they're going to get $750 a truck if we have one SL I will tell you I know of our contractors lost money last year so we paid them a total of about $116,000 $88,000 was out the front per insurance payment even for the St first one started at least $8,000 for their help their gas their equipment if it breaks down there's no money left they lost money last year all right you good Absolutely I'll make a motion to raise the rate $10 an hour per truck and to create and attend a performance bone minimum 75% attendance per truck of $750 that's to be paid at the end is at the end with 75% sell [Music] minimum that roll call vot Jason perone I I thank you sorry to give you heart time but gota ask those questions that was fair I know I wasn't giving you a hard time just gotta ask fine I have to Old business Item B highspeed internet committee IMA WG for ISP presentation of Select board yep we failed to get a quorum two weeks ago I did see that we had a quorum but it was a debatable Quorum so I actually reached out to the attorney and then the just to air on the side of we did not meet we met last week we did have a quorum but there were three key members missing so we are reposted to meet Wednesday please send my regards to the Adon because because bur's gonna be piss but it was the only date that we could all agree that we're all available so um we're going to meet on Wednesday location to be determined because adcoms in here okay E mobile Hometown Grant I've got all my letters i just got to send it out and actually just a kind of quick update I do know um Miss Anderson is also looking to put in for an additional Hometown Grant um for the senior center to put in a um some sort of covered Pavilion that they could utilize for functions there as well similar to they do with like the um they do W park with the OD down and sizz and all that type of stuff so where do they want to put it for functions where here here so she's putting in for it's it's Grant we can get more than one in this town so there is actually a couple towns that have gotten more than one never at the same time but there are a couple that have gotten additional grants after being awarded a grant previously Um this can f in the parking lot I believe she area outside her office is what I'm F okay right all right items item D North Pond Conservation Area task force recommendations okay this says vote we're actually going to discuss and vote correct all right I can facilitate this I have a quick and dirty here that uh highlight if I may absolutely this is your your that highlights the key areas in the main recommendation so in the order that you all had read for the parking area we are looking for a vote to reconfigure the parking lot to four spaces or some other count if you think four is not appropriate and choose that configuration from what was in your documents so is for would appropriate number to serve our purposes of controlling paring sign for me I don't know how this movings four with one of those spots being handicapped accessible is was perfect so and a configuration the tighter one without the temptation of side parking or just moving that forward and keeping the side or did you have another suggestion I would probably go with the moving the forward that was just moving this forward and keeping those side ones with and then putting signs on them no parking I'm more in favor of this one because it actually restricts the you can't can't fit to park there BL people off I'm not opposed okay I'm not opposed to whatever all right so I will make a motion to reconfigure the parking lot to four spaces in the layout in appendix B number two of two that was a motion well callot Jason Peron I than Doug M yes do we want to vote to limit the parking areas I mean the parking hours there currently isn't any um and it could just be from dusted da well it depends like I I don't know if we go with the other part there a model that we use for part but this is where I'm going to ask is thises do the conservation restriction type things come into play in that at all this parcel is not part of it it's our proper lot is all ours so I would want it closed by Dar yeah Sunset whatever dusk dusk works for remain so motion to limit the parking to Dawn to dust Dawn to dust and then of course we need a sign for that which I did not include but the next one is a vote to fund the new parking area signs the location and descriptions 1 two and three on the map provided for signage with funding to be identified by the CAO and subject to our approval of the contents so that would be right in the parking area signs one two and three be the main parking I mean uh rules and regulations the hours the no parking Z these are just the parking did you the parking right you that together we just did an initial vote on the reconfigure we didn't do a vote did we did we not vote on that on the hours did we not say that out loud I know we said it out loud we didn't vote okay let's do it again because I don't know we can't read we can't see the recording so motion to limit the parking area hours from dawn to dusk second roll call vote Jason Peron I than all right motion to fund the new parking area signs one two and three with funding identified by the CAO subject to our approval of the content meaning that it is a little more firmly worded and explicit in the dos and don'ts because this is what it currently says and it's kind of soft no we can come on reporting we do all right so that was a motion to find the funding Nicole will find [Music] funding I don't think you need a motion for no no okay um and then a vote to open the parking area either now or after it's reconfigured what's your choice after just way anyone can get in there and do their thing while motion to have the parking area opened after immediately after it is reconfigured second that a second we call V Jason yes street parking this is the really costly one um we need to vote to remove the temp temporary no parking signs on South longard Road we can do that immediately if we so vote I don't think we need to vote no we didn't they went in by decree they go out I get bre okay and now you've been removed so he's so PD is okay to remove those y they're already they should have been removed today I think either that or he didn't quite K to them today but that's fine he did ask me today so so we can vote to install a minimum number of no parking signs with funding to be identified by the CAO and we can designate the beginning and end points of those signs and then DPW can determine how many that is and an authorization to purchase them as soon as possible January February for installation honor before April 1st so that's one piece is the South longard no parking sence did we ever come up to some sort of idea proposal solution for like the hunters and time of that's where we we had to have a public hearing on that we can limit for South longyard Road we actually have to go through the legal process said did he not ry's not in his head I know we talked about it rules yeah so you can issue tickets as right yeah we need to go through that process and the public hearing also should hopefully bring out that fact that's been mentioned before that it the no parking can be seasonal but who's going to prepare for the discussion at a public hearing we need to we need to make a decision on what we are going to recommend to the public correct is is that what we want to do limit the number Li limit the span and then determine the number and if it's a shorter span it doesn't impact the wildlife management ER may not impact the Wildlife Management Area and we can come back to this one if it needs more thought let's take I think you got to go because we got to figure out the but you can start I think you have to schedule a meeting in my opinion what you do is you go further and then at at or during the public hearing you can scale it back you probably can't go the the other way so all right my suggestion would be say a mile in either direction of the center of that parking lot at the npca on South longard and the residential streets surrounding and then let's take the input at the public hearing and then see where to go from there and then you can you still have to probably I don't know if you have to go to town no you don't have to go to town meeting for for that but you have to have a public hearing on it for us to enact a rule and regulation to enable the Police Department ticket in to all right so the second part of that discussion was a less costly option on the side streets so are you suggesting that this be part of the discussion at the public hearing as 100% yeah okay so at public hearing it would be on South longard and the side street yes get this set up and feel it that and and Mr Brent because he's he's been down this road pun intended no disrespect but I was going to suggest that I would work with Randy and theole take and draft I'm GNA take care of it but it should come from what's already that's fine I think that my suggestion is not ju's opposed to what was in the report no no it's just it's just catching the wide net and then you that's the full one and then there option being andc okay all right the restoration barrier Etc um we assuming this is under our jurisdiction to do that was GNA be a question of mar So based on the reading well the reading I was doing already it was it's not clear as to whether we can even put anything in the wall like I'm not even there yet you're jumping ahead this is can the select board vote do we even need to vote toose the proposed areas of restoration or is that all under the jurisdiction of conservation or do we need to authorize them to close the area I guess we need to find that out I wouldn't say we need to talk to concom they need to talk to DCR and make sure that's something we can that's something we can even do they don't need permission [Music] from the state that already determined that all right they don't need permission do we need to give them permission to close it and in those restoration areas and they had um the issue with that is there's a second proposed area to close that they are in disagreement as to its severity I have proposed the shoreline and as you know nobody wants the Shortline that is continuously abused and now we are in disagreement whether it's abused or not so I if we are allowed to I would like to have a vote to close this suggested area a and this suggested area D well I'm gonna I know we've already had the public hearing fortunate of this already and I do know there were some members of the public that were here that were expressing their opinions prior to the meeting and the one thing I have heard because I will admit this shut the beach put up Boise thing when I first got on the select board and this be I realized how much of a Hot Topic this was that was one of the first things I said and I will say I got crucified in the public on that one and this is the you know we are as long as well as the stewards and the ones that deal with this place but I represent my constituents so I don't know I I can honestly say I I really don't know on this one I know where personally I would do with it because I right there yet we're not right there yet we're talking about the restoration I'm talking about the restoration on the land well that's part of the shoreline it's not what's this you're talking about the water access I'm not talking about access yet I'm talking about the Damage Done to the physical land I got that that needs to be closed to restore it it is not going to restore itself if the neighbor is still allowed to come in and rake crap up the same origin here it talks about both so we're talking about on the land side not from talking about on the land hold up for one second this is where get the time in I guess here's here's the thing limiting the parking area and posting the no parking is going to go a long way no if nothing else is done on that property it will go a long way already that being said I support the conservation effort that they have suddenly found the gumption to take on these tasks to restore the hillside leading down towards the water um and we should support that there on where the trees were yeah I mean [Music] we we are at least at this time are the appointing authority of the Conservation Commission and they're subject to their the laws they are also the holder of the deed restriction on that property so we need to support them on this issue and they've they've put forth a good faith effort to try to get that that area and uh restored and there were several members of the public that came to this board and there was also Folks at the Conservation Commission with some pretty decent ideas on what you could plant there that would make that rather unappealing for future uh people who had ill intent on that property so I think it's a it's a good idea to let them do what they're going to do there well they're not going to put plantings in they had talked about it they want to close it and that's that and let Mother Nature regenerate for two years offense idea is that that that's that's where these marks are closing these off and here and and this is the fourth proposing and what about down here you're saying this is the this is the shoreline this is the Tres this is the shoreline did that that we need the person walking in to not be able to keep clearing as well I think you need to have a bit of an education process down there what we were talking about before the meeting I know it's it was it was ahead of the the meeting but with um you know people can tie off their boats at at Water's Edge it is a great Pond that is their right they do not have the right to beach a boat and then you know set up shop on on the shore such as it is that's that's the issue that conservation needs to come back to figure out how they're going to preserve that that lak front area that's I have no problem with putting on the land and rest think the access from that side it's you know and actually personally I wish we could kind of block that off from we're not restricting access I'm not saying that I'm saying this AA the property from the land or the shore for two years we are closing off certain areas for restoration right two years isn't going to kill anybody number one I didn't say that but you I well and I'll leave it to the folks that that have more knowledge of this than I as far as restorative effort that that land's going to take a while for it to restore itself given the abuse that it's suffered over the last five years but I'll let the folks that know what they're doing in that space whether they're on our Conservation Commission or elsewhere to give us Counsel on what's the best approach for that whether it's planning whether it's planting or just letting it be we'll have to see so we are not making any order for the restoration of those areas we're leaving it to conservation we are not going to take a vote anyway which way on this I'm I am but one member on this board but I would not because I think look last year we had to step in right because of an absence of of whatever you want to call it over there right and and it it became a life safety issue in the surrounding area besides the the ongoing repeated damage that the state had threatened to find us for over the years so we're back on a on a better track right now um and we've got to give them you know I think we've taken some common s sense steps to close off the unfettered access and the overcrowding that was going on there to have the the property used more for its intended purpose and let's see how we deal and if we need to step in again we are going to wait and see on that that works for that's my opinion that's on the land it's on the land we can vote to authorize either Lake Management Lake safety funds or perhaps town beach funds or wherever else Theo can find the funds to purchase and install rope throats in the shallow water at that Shoreline where the boats Beach on the shoreline before you go there because the fish and wildlife people while we were out there said they refer to the purpose and the purpose is to assure that the premises are retained in perpetuity and their natural Scenic and open condition for fish and wildlife conservation native habitat protections and Associated outdoor public use consistent with those protections and to prevent any use that will impair or interfere with such and that is an impairment when that happens they only need to be in the very shallow part so that the boats cannot ENT as I said to those people you have every right to get out of your boat and Wade or walk to that Shore but your two feet go on that Shore not your boat and I don't think there was any disagreement about that and we'll see if there is or there isn't but this that's the one thing from the beginning that should happen from a marine rescue Source the floats a case of 24 5 by9 locking floats lock on the line 80 bucks 600t spool of the Rope is 95 bucks it's 275 bucks do we want to vote to authorize the purchase and installation of those rope fls in the for 30 seconds I was going to say you better buy 3 sets yeah is I think you I think I think it goes needs to be repeated what the Commonwealth wanted do you know what the Commonwealth wanted three or three plus years ago they wanted telephone poles put in the water they wanted a fence out from the waterline this this past visit they said we could put telephone polls in that water so I think that this is a fair uh a fair trial and ask people to use their best judgment here because step two is exactly what the state wanted and no no one wants that I said well there's telephone polls but yeah yeah all right so make a motion to authorize the purchase and installation of rope floats in the shallow water to avoid boats beaching on the shore yep second roll call vote Jason prone i b i Doug muglan yes all right vote to another barrier vote to install I found the donated gate and chain link fence panels um they will donate to us sort of we just would they would like us to also pick up Fu old bleachers and take them to the transfer station in return for those panels so if we would like to vote to authorized DPW to go pick up that stuff and they can install that barrier at the neighboring offending property here at number nine he's got his own gate here that he comes in and out freely we want to put it right in front of his gate is it the tractor guy yes and with a town of Southwick proper should we just serve that gentleman with a no trespass now since it's been duly noted in the police log that he's done it more than once I believe we don't have physical evidence and we have people calling afterwards you this is what and this is when we this was subject to an open meeting law complaint by against another board in the past about this and conservation install their cameras and uh put one right there and there's our evidence so the gate would be on town property correct second correct roll call vote Jason PR I thank Al Doug M yes and then the sign um other signage authorize the Conservation Commission to use Land Management funds and I don't know if we need to do this or they can just do this themselves do we need to authorize them to do it no then that's theirs they have AOL but subject to again that's the assigned subject we want to approve the content um same thing for the signs at bab Road location 11 and n on the map no signage on this whole area of the property wherever that been out here absolutely no signage however so you don't even know you're there um so I guess on the temporary signage inside that is again they'll figure out their ways to fund that yeah or come and ask and we don't have to do this I asked Nicole if she wanted to talk to somebody at the school Graphics Department see if they have somebody who can not subject to a vot of this board they can okay fully support it they want to get involved in it so that's a and b we don't need to do that um and then I guess we can just have Nicole also work with the wildlife management district manager who offered to put signs on the other side so would just authorize her to do that you better Vote or just have her do it that's fine enforcement then we get to the bylaw I sent it to of Conservation Park and wre agricultural Lake management and the CPC coordinator for review and suggestions the only feedback was the conservation commission's objection to restricting access from the water which again we are not restricting access from the water we are making them do it on foot and we already have Provisions in our current bylaws to do so Madam Vice chair I suggest that we have a public information session much along the lines of what we do with that hunting bylaw um this will be able provide for for us to disseminate the information and take feedback from the public and for what we're trying to do here so it doesn't look it won't appear heavy-handed it'll appear constructive and there's a lot of stakeholders here with Conservation Park and rack a um as far as you know elected and appointed boards that would have a stake in all of this you know especially around because this would affect the linear Park wall park and any of the other conservation lands potentially and uh police department as far as enforcement there too so I suggest that we cover that whether that's in early January because it's got to get in front of town meeting in May we're not going to call special for it well we we no we could do it in time for this one I was proposing we send it as is to legal council to review with the objections comments which are very limited that I got back from anybody there is literally 99% acceptance by all those parties except for again the historically they wanted that to be a beach I agree with what Mr M said I think we need to really just have a and then we can and then we can have a public hearing based on what we get back from legal council with their standing on it are we legally allowed to do so and then have the public hearing and if we do that rapidly enough we could have that at this special town meeting that we want to have soon and have it in place and enforceable by the beginning of the next season my my opinion is yeah I get it but my opinion has always been that something that of this this nature I don't believe this is ministerial I think this is a significant policy adoption and that should be done in my opinion only at the annual town meeting I don't think that a special is the place to to bring for significant any significant legislation um outside of the annual people they're they're they're not well attended it's a fact and people are goingon to no matter what you do people will complain about it after so may is the time to to to bring forth special legislation I know we've done it it's been done in the past a couple of times I objected to it then and I'm going to object to it now I think we have plenty of time to get this right May it's still before or right around Memorial Day right before and uh right before Memorial Day and then you know 60 days after but you know the parking thing will be in place the parking lot reconfiguration will already be in place we'll already have some of the tools in our tool belt to to be able to do this that the the piece that's missing is going to be some of the enforcement and we can hand out copies of that bylaw at that to let people know it's coming and it will I think it'll go a long way I really do and I i' just as soon have a a public you know I well there there is a it's a bylaw it's got to have a public hearing 100% but I don't I would not be in favor of pushing this forth to try to get this done for now we're rushing to get a special done for the historical commission and plus maybe pickle ball and something else you know there's already been community support for the pickle ball that was voted this is a basically a modification of that vote right but I this is I would not be in favor of pushing this before the May town meeting I am not either okay that's fine I'm good with that so you know early January dead of winter people got nothing else to do on a Tuesday night come down we'll have a good public information session and kind of go over that but pass the holidays and be ready for me I would like to send it to legal counsel of course 100% no no objection there but is plus you know how quick they've been lately getting stuff vetted anyway January is probably right on target yeah and thank you for all your work on this by way my job okay all right item e is the update on the dog hearing compliance for Lori F so everybody got this and R it Miss F did everything with the exception of the automatic locks was there an update you didn't you didn't get it no it was in the it's in your packet it's on page 40 of 69 that's one bring her back in for next week or we're not meeting next week bring her in the week yeah I'm sorry I read that wrong I guess the first time did that she I just thought she didn't do any of the no she okay she had done everything according to what I've been told BYO part done everything except the auto locks so why do we have to have her come back in because it was a condition of her of the agreement that we put forth with her right and you can't allow people to just not do stuff that they agree that they said that they were going to do corre so why are we not just going to because we're the we're the we're the issue the violation then you could do that if you'd like but I'd like to have her in here and do it publicly because I don't want people to I don't want to have another dog dog Hearing in a month or three from now and they go well you let that lady go no we didn't we gave her a f i want it done in we'll have her on the next agenda okay sorry didn't understand didn't know where you're going with that okay other old business um so the lpp thing um I sat me Norm CH went to see Colin Maul in our conservation vote update law change um the legislation it clearly states clearly states it in that so that was the easiest thing finally found something that clearly defines because the way the Mass General law read it was it's it wasn't definitive as to whether or not um we could or couldn't but our uh legislation it's we're waiting on does anybody know what exactly it is what are you talking about the Conservation Commission issue with the lpp you would ask me to to to try and sort that situation out that they want a person on our conservation can can be that they cannot have that 100% it was in our conservation legislation you referenced the Mass General law and um we presented that in Norm sheer and I went through it and it was that was that did not definitively say you could but our legislation clearly definitively says you would have to be a resident of sou so that issue is done um Mr Maul is aware of that um for whatever reason he got back to me and he said this is proposed legislation so um I got to have Nicole reach out and find out where that is as they're fine with not having a Conservation Commission but they want it in black and white that they can't Perfect all are they paying for the year though they they do not have to pay for the year we do not have a contract in place do do the math their their contract ran out in July 1 they don't have we don't have a contract to make them pay so when we execute it they're going to send us a check yes okay y they they have the money ready that's just I agree oh I agree you know because I saw what Sabrina said and correct yes weed she is incorrect so not to be I'm not trying to be mean or anything along that lines or okay but she was incorrect in her her math so um well intended yes no contract for them to pay yep correct um anything old I do not that was my biggest update M scale oh pass Mr any other old business absolutely not tonight made no all right conservation is meeting tonight they are meeting tonight you know where probably either or in the basement I was wondering what you're doing Mr belli how we could help you I didn't know what was going on did you have an appointment no I know he's got theom yeah they usually we booted him we can now go over our own monthly reports for the CEO after minutes I did review there was at least one error that I found it was not Tom GD it was John I correct you're gonna go EXA session right we're get we need the exec session so motions to approve the September 9 and September 23 regular minutes I'll make I just all right very good Jason for ey okay I just had these minut sitting there forever now you can't find them you buried them we just need to go I need to the warrants why don't you do that while she's looking Warren we gonna acknowledge Warren payable number 2509b in the amount of $192,600 dated 9:30 2024 payables number 258b in the amount of $698 180 dated 924 2024 special warrant payable number 2507 B in the amount of $438 75892 dated 916 2024 and payroll number 2507 in the amount of $272,100 66 cents dated 9:24 2024 we are going to prepare to go into executive okay yeah that's one a minute that real quick there's a sign door you have two motion for the September 16th executive session minutes September 19 or 16 says 16 which date was it 16 or 19 September 16 is correct second he wants to hold the other okay roll call V Jason I thank I dou yes let's table the other ones till the next table get that back I'll tell you okay all right we'll be going to Executive session this is a motion be going to Executive session pursuing to Mass General La chapters 30A section 21s 2 and three and chapter 214 section 1B labor Council litigation matters and strategy for collective bargaining with police Union Coalition fire I DPW nine Union staff and clerk Union upsu executive session regarding Mass gen chapters 30A section 21 2 and 3 214 1 and B and exception two move to go into executive session to conduct working session with non-union personnel and to not to reconvene an open session move to go executive session to conduct contract negotiations non union personnel and to not reconvene an open session declare that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bar position of the body into not reconvene an open session move to go into executive session to discuss strategy with respective Collective barings and that the chair moved to go ex session to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel and not to reconvene an open session move to go an executive session to disc discuss strategy with respect to litigation and that the chair declar that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the body and to not reconvene an open session the person shall have a right against unreasonable stantial or serious interference with their privacy PR Court shall have jurisdiction inequity to enforce s rate and in connection therewi to award a war the damages motion go to Executive session what's that I made a motion go to an executive session second roll call V Jason Doug yes