##VIDEO ID:p77NgN6HnnQ## good evening everyone and welcome to the select board meeting for Monday September 9th my name is Jason PR select board chair Vice uh with me tonight is vice chair Diane Gail CL Doug mowan our CEO Nicole Parker assistant CEO Na sonon and our secretaries down in the office Lisa Anderson regarding the cameras and reporters um we start meeting tonight with the Pledge of Allegiance Randy Brown to the flag United States of America and to the Republic it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I start tonight with public comments if anyone has any public comments All I ask is you raise your hand acknowledge you and just give me your name and address for the record does anybody in the audience have any public comments it's easy enough Mr chairman before we proceed you might want to make notice to everyone that tonight's the first time ever in the history of the town of Southwick that I'm aware of that we're live streaming this meeting as Mr Mogan said we was that on that list I just threw the suggestion out that one of our residents oh very good I have no technology skills whatsoever for that we also don't know if it's actually happening but that's the theory we got a couple of minutes so uh anybody online uh com anyone online public comments before I do move forward hands hands one two so we've got like two minutes to stick this in here um so I'm going to just for notice I have moved uh as i' like to call them the less consequential things from this point forward on the agenda while I'm the chair they're going to be moved to the back acknowledging payroll wants minutes and such like that this way we don't have people that don't need to sit here and wait and listen to all of the stuff that is not consequential to them wait and wait and wait so that from this point forward is how things are going to be run for the agenda for the remainder of my term as chair so we've got two minutes so uh going to go to the minutes for the August 26 2024 I'm going to need a motion to accept those minutes I will make a motion to accept those minutes as amended for minor name Corrections very good uh yeah I had some corrections that I need to send in so as amended as amended all right very good roll call vote Jason Pon I we got I think we've got enough time to sneak in the executive session minutes do we have them August 26 no being handed this way I'm just e make motion to accept the executive session minutes of 18624 second go call vote Jason perone I dou Mogan yes good so we are right at 6:05 where we have a scheduled public hearing the public hearing is for the Roma restaurant to transfer the liquor license from Victor fantino to Martino de benedetto Frank b b b benedetto and Mario fantino so need a motion to open the hearing Mo open this hearing need to read the legal ad in its entirety so P sou select Board liquoring license Authority notice is hereby given under chapter 138 of the Massachusetts general laws that VF Roma Italian cuisine Incorporated doing business as Roma restaurant has requested a public hearing to approve a transfer of the premises restaurant liquor license number 0000 5- rs-1 1222 to Roma fmm in corporated premise is located at 561 College Highway the premises one floor used by a restaurant and bar has three entrances three exits and a total square footage of 10,466 square feet public hearings to be held on September 9th here 2024 6:05 p.m. in the Town Hall in the land use hearing room second floor 454 College Highway south of mass 01077 an interested party should attend or submit written testimony select board myself Miss Gale and Mr MN so we have the motion to open need to vote did we vote open we did not I made the motion you made the motion was seconded roll call vote Jason PR i m yes all right so so we're here tonight and everybody here uh chairman members of the board thanks for having us uh my name is Dan Kelly I'm a lawyer in Springfield I have the privilege of representing the petitioners in front of you um I have to my left right close to me is uh Mario fantino far in is Frank D benedetto two two of the uh three reposed partners of this new restaurant or same old restaurant or some degree um and the other they're they're both cousins the other proposed member is Martin D benedetto who is also a cousin of these three all three of these cousins are also the nephew of Mr fiorentino who's a longtime operator there just to kind of Orient you who they are all three of these individuals grew up working at r restaurant from the time they were uh pretty fairly young and have worked in there and all other the recipes in out uh what's proposed here uh is for them to take it over they've made a significant investment in your town um the overall investment is a million dollars the property itself transferred uh the deed was registered in February of uh this year and now this is the last component which is the business um was uh secured by sign ific note and you have all the financial information in front of you um just to give you an idea uh Mr Frank D benedetto currently owns take five in agam and house for 15 years or so he has absolutely positive clean record with the town of awam license board as well as the abcc Missy fantino also has a liquor license in the town of agam at fantino he has uh no issues at all has a clean record in front of the board of agam as well as the abcc two experienced operators two experienced restaurant operators coming into your town to at this restaurant um Mr Mario fantino is the proposed manager of record on the liquor license he will be the one of be there a lot you'll see his face there um and they're both Partners at other restaurants but this is their their new project this is you'll see them a lot um M they're all tip certified everybody on the roster who work there will be tip certified uh they proposed to probably start there someplace in the neighborhood of 15 people or so uh when they do open they're going to start off with a little bit of a slim down menu um it's tough to get work and they don't want to overextend themselves right away and have a large menu they're going to start off with pizzas and some limited menu offerings so they get an idea on build up the great reputation that Roman has always had and then as they get the better help and they get more confidence and more inspired they'll expand it to the the bigger menu that they hope to have and they hope they do that very shortly but what we have here is uh individuals who have a long familial Nexus to that area they grew up working in there um it's their their passion their dream they're in this field they're experienced operators with very clean records and when they look forward to having a long and hopefully prosperous uh business in your town and uh we provided all the particulars um and again terms of the liquor board they have uh never had of any violations they tell me at all I checked the abcc and that's true as well either of you gentlemen want to say anything can't say it any better than attorney no sounds good job yeah I'm I have no questions uh he answered all the questions we would normally have on happy to see there's going to be a longevity to The Establishment and that is a family longevity that's fantastic for thank you might do harm to take five a little bit but better for us I always read everybody the riot act so we spoke previous and so I don't need to rehash it but we take we have a zero tolerance policy right as far as you know serving underage yada yada yada right you guys know operators you know it but we're on the record with we just have a zero tolerance policy for it and I'm certain that you guys will do a fine job over there and we're really looking forward to having um the legacy of Ras continue and and you know have that place back open again so I appreciate it we really you know best of luck and you know we hope you do very well good that you're going slow first thank you ramp up they want to cannibalize their other places to the extent they want to get some good people in there and then as things you know that the as you sure you know in the restaurant business a couple bad reviews early on are terrible so they don't want to have any of that they want to start off and have uh get their hands right on there with the pizzas and the short things and they kind of move off and expand the menu as they go but they're hoping that'll be pretty quick sure you guys follow your uncle's pattern you're going to be fine anyway so hope so is there anyone else that would like to speak in favor the transfer the uh license sir say your name address it's a win I think we can control Victor some living down there be fine that's it anyone else anyone online is there anyone is here to speak against the transfer right I don't think there's was there any written testimony submitted no Noe no testimony no emails that I receiv received I'd make a motion to close the hearing motion to close the hearing second no call vote Jason Peron I Doug mlan yes and at this point if anyone for whatever reason has any other things they want to say we need to talk about I don't think it's the case I'd be looking for a motion to Grant the transfer motion to Grant the transfer license Doug Mogan will second roll call vote Jason perone I Doug M I I appreciate so much you soon to me you nice to meet you nice to meet you toet thank you very much all right so gonna jump in here to in regards to my comment about getting people out of here that don't need to sit um I'm going to have uh Chiefs stoz would you come on up we're going to talk about Mr our call firefighter uh dght GRE Dwight gregar so certain this is Dwight gregar um he's been through the hiring process for the fire department inter as a in paramedic time for a neighboring Department good experience firefighter we glad nice meet you Jason thanks hi nice to meet you so I guess a question I'll ask is what what what want space you want to be a call fighter in soua absolutely uh yeah I have actually a a cooworker of mine that works with me at the full-time fire department of Matt who's call Force member here as well and she actually said it might be a good idea to look into it here and uh throughout my tenure As A Firefighter and uh in the EMS Field I have had I've heard nothing but great things about the town of Southwick and working here and just the core people and the uh just capabilities it's able to bring and uh that's what he um for the most part interested me I uh a firefighter for about nine years now staying with EMS and uh just looking for good perdm work and that's why I was more so looking at the town of South Southwick you guys are a good Department that offers some good prium positions and that's what I was really looking forward to help supplement my full-time position and that's my main hope I heard it's a big family atmosphere and that's really what I want out of a job where are you currently a fir I'm a full-time firefighter paramedic in hady questions from me you know want to ask me a normal question oh sure you always say it I figur it's worn out by now but since you insist so what's standing between you and becoming a PA firefighter slash for DM Medic in the town of South uh to my knowledge just the blessing of this board here you would be 100 correct giving them I know he is he's cheating over there um a motion to appoint Dwight barar to the hall Force firefighter EMS Doug Mogan will second the motion very good roll call vote Jason PR I dou m I thank you welcome thanks conat congratulations appreciate I'm glad you've heard nothing but good things all right we're going to move on to the next item on the agenda is appointments we are going to start with an interview with Steven roach for the economic development commission and Gabriela Peters oh no we're just going to do the economic development commission first so student so why do you want to be a member of the economic development commission um new resident of Southwick and looking for opportunities to get involved um and prior to current employment I'm currently employed with DOD prior to that grew up working in a family business so just want DOD yep Department defense yep where at for uh defense contract management agency I work out of Connecticut okay prior to that worked in a family business U so just looking to use my enthusiasm to get involved and hopefully be part of the success in Southway so I know you've attended a couple of the economic development commission meetings um where do you see yourself what what skill do you think you can uh provide um well I'm still kind of getting my feet wet in what it is actually that needs specific attention but I've been part of a couple other uh Boards of um organizing teams put on the Web City best in Westfield and hopefully bring my uh experience with teamwork to this team as well how long have you lived in South um about three years now what do you think is the best part of South best part I think it's the opportunity for recreation um being mainly ponds a bike trail things like that and then what kind of attracted me is things like that and then looking into the future about raising a family and stuff like that seems like a good need to do it what do you think needs the most Improvement um we want to be home at 7:30 got it I think the people that sat here before me that are going into Romos is a great great step in the right direction I'm glad we have here that interested I see the E EDC commission chairman here M Mr dile yes yes Stephen has my full endorsement we very much need some extra hands we have a lot to do have you served on a border commission before elsewhere no no questions questions thank you Stephen thank you for thank you next we will have Gabriel Peterson for the master plan implementation committee oh I that she's not she's not interested anymore she pulled out okay okay next item on for fir firefighters yeah stuff off so there you go yeah do that so we are going to appoint the following call Force firefighters [Music] the it's like a South check check mark what's so all right we're gonna be following call Force firefighters are going to we have Captain Brandon Johnson Chief forest fire Warden Chief spanitz Deputy Chief Brandon how do I pronounce that patwin patwin uh deputy chief Bishop it's um caryn Bradberry Josh Gerard Brian Schneider Martin Bea Matt drenan Matthew Bon Tyler Bushi Dennis day Timothy Manion Anthony seagull Jessica merzi Nicholas Chambers Anthony and Ada Eric Brogan David dubek du dub Nicholas hope Devin joh what Mr Mogan said Christopher Garvey Patrick hope Christoper machio Michael makio Cooper Smith Julia good luck SC all right scotus Steph Bachman Juan Rivera Clark Robinson Michael maruga Ian Hurley and Dan Valerie valer valer Pastor that's it and we have a du additional names of Paul Johnson and David humpr chairman if I could sure just for point of clarification random pwin he is listed as the deputy chief but it's only je Deputy Bishop the only deputy chief in the department he is a career enforcement interest ready I'll make a motion to appoint those call Force firefighters as read off with the correction to the ban as a member not yeah it's correct on the oh I see okay I'll second the motion with a question so what if we're not doing other Town employees why would we do these is this a member of the department just the because you they were only supposed to do the um call force not the full-time people the call force is literally um appointed every year correct that's why I was cycling back that probably read too many names but it's all good the ones that are on there as they're talking on they never do this yeah but that included other people I guess right okay that included the so probably started with Mr drenan is where it should have started yeah so it wasn't it wasn't broken down in two separate WS don't believe it I don't believe it's critical error it is not I will second the motion that's but that's why I have it very good thank you Mr M roll call vote to appoint those call Firefighters and firefighters General so yes Jason BR I thank you I Doug M yes good that so now we need to do the Emergency Management members I didn't think the left hand right one was GNA be so difficult the two opposite hands so we are going to be looking to make the appointment for Emergency Management uh director of Russ Anderson Ian white as the assistant director Chuck darling is the radio officer and members Eric Carroll and Keith strr anybody here I just have a question um there are more members of the Emergency Management business or not yes and how come they're not here because this is an annual one did they not indicate what they wanted to be on they not get anything you point the question yeah we can leave that open there's others that still want to come forward we can care that correct because I I there was a couple conspicuous abs on there and I thought that those were onee terms one second Jason that's fine I'm going over these as well so the DLS the DLS what that so yeah there they were GNA stay involved D Charlie and stay inv right so here's the list so so where's the one online on our event we Russ Ian Chuck Eric and ke but we don't have maybe they and they are so did you do it with just a question I would just do it as you did it can always reappoint additional yeah I I thought that there was one more person that was on there but I guess he's he just participates in the some of the exercises as an an and then what where are races and SE this one was that's the other one races sir and are we not doing those as well or is that another day it's the same it's the exact same the same people usually yeah yeah has been and C is exactly the same list as sad Charles darling ER oh Eric caric yeah it's the same the same so you can make an on motion for those okay so that will be Community Emer I'll make a motion to appoint these members to community Emergency Response Team races radio amateur civil emergency services and South Emergency Management agency I'll second her motion roll call vote Jason i i i that takes care of the appointments for today except for other Bo that are later later yes yeah have to all those in [Music] question I Okay so I mean it's coming up under all business thing no yeah we'll deal with the rest of those you these were the ones that went the other day or so so we going to go on to the new business storm water system management plan review and endorse Randy good evening everybody on God storm water coordinator Randy Brown BPW director welcome we are here tonight uh as part of our yearly report uh that is submitted to the EPA and the EP that essentially looks at our sto Water Management Systems uh maintenance and performance uh we're working under a permit that was drafted 2016 I think started around 2018 or so uh roughly speaking a 10year Time FR with performance milestones in there so before us tonight we have two components the first is essentially a scorecard our way of tracking our work how many uh Inlet structures am I looking at on our streets how many get serviced by by our crew um what level of sediments in those making sure that we're responding in an appropriate time to the sediment loading um out there uh in addition to that uh each year has had certain Milestones this past year uh Milestone know specific was the implementation of a demonstrative Improvement project within our ms4 permit area uh to date we've completed two projects that we get to couple uh in with our DPW infrastructure Improvement programs uh so those two locations one was at um excuse me um Bungalow uh Street and point Grove Road where we have installed a set of surfac trailers and the other one at Woodle Woodside Circle I always miss think up but across the street um with a similar project that one uh is intended to lessen erosive flows to the outl from that subdivision um there's a lot of other work that uh we perform under this particular permit um it has to do with updating our online mapping we have a a live if you will GIS mapping system that tracks both our work U on a day-to-day basis um as related to this system and I also enter the testing results when we're looking at outfalls and trying to identify locations where there may be um at least indications of elicit discharge So to that point and this this could be uh anything from a if you will a septic system that started to break out and it was draining into our Municipal sart system um sometimes it's just triggered by something someone doing some car washing not an listic activity on a residential scale um but those things will show up in my testing to date we don't have any results that indicated in this a successful array of parameters that say you need to dive in and do deeper investigations into this catchment area and figure out where unist discharge may be occurring uh having said that much part of the 10-year program is to look at the entire storm water Network within our permit area so we have been on a voluntary basis proceeding through different catch mths and just ruling them out mostly uh at this point in time we're now going through popping manholes looking to make sure there's no uh indications of L dis charge inside those locations which are usually invisible to us W to be able to look at the inlets and the outs that's our kind of annual part of the program the other half that I look for this so board to endorse is our storm water management plan that's a plan that uh we have uh that is an overarching uh document tracking both if you will these annual activities and some of the previous performance requirements where we looked at um nitrogen loading from the different catchment areas across town um uh as well as the original parameters under which the town submitted for coverage under this permit uh I should mention that we do a lot of this work in collaboration with uh the Connecticut River storm waterer Coalition is that right Randy that last word um and uh and they assist us substantially with our Outreach messaging platforms um so in addition to the robust uh DPW website that has a lot of information about our stormw water system and the dos and don'ts of it um there are also messages that go out via social media um uh at bus stops and flyers some that we even distribute with our annual licensing efforts here in town for dogs and so on and so forth that's probably too much talk for our intended 7:30 cut off but I wanted to at least give everybody a quick overview what we're asking here this is the annual report um component right there we do look for endorsement from the select board so that can be submitted in uh and endorsement of that storm water management plan that uh document behind it all in interest of a complete transparency the detailed component that comes out of our Coalition uh coalition's Outreach messages that usually doesn't arrive until the end of the month and that is not going to be a timely arrival for us to present this to you um and look for that endorsement so essentially we're looking for additional endorsement of what we have today contingent upon receipt of that uh information towards the end of the month from pbpc so I think I've asked you before John in the past with the storm water stuff that's we know things are getting more and more restricted more and more regulated in other places they've had to implement a storm water fee to help offset the cost of running this program is that something we're gonna have to worry about do you think in the future you want me to feel that one Randy sure what I want to say perhaps someday okay there is a cost associated with maintaining our Sol infrastructure and the cost for inspecting and monitoring and testing um it is my understanding that where we sit today that's not I'm say quite on the horizon I'll look to Randy for any longer perspective that one so there is a this permit it was a five-year permit but there were conditions that extended beyond the five years so a little confusing in that sense but we are waiting for the next permit to be drafted so the way that I see this permit is the first this first draft this first five-year permit kind of reforce the towns to look at their store motor system look at their bylaws regulations identify where the weaknesses are phase two is okay now you know what you know now what you know where you need to do now step two is implement it so yeah there possibly could be some you know more costly items that come out of the new permit but that has yet to be drafted so at this point we been able to absorb these cost to our through our tax rate other communities I believe Westfield is one they do have a storm water fee that's attached to the tax bill it's a funding source for that program that's how after our discussion last week with funding sources and resources and where we need to find money from you know at least it's I brought it up so people at least have a clue that something is going on you know I know the reason it happened over there was because they needed to fund that and they were mandated you have to do this you have to do that so I just didn't know where we lied as far as is this something we're going to have to mandate you know are we going to have to start calling you know just these suck trucks out a little bit more often and it's going to cost us some more money to do that so um it's really you know I know you and I I said John talked about it in the past and Randy I know I've mentioned it once or twice so I just wanted it to just be out there that it's something that we may hear about in the future hopefully not anytime soon so it's also been um prent fiscal management too there there had been some uh forecasts when this storm water management discussion first came it had over a million dollar price tag with it and we pushed back and you guys have done yman work to try to control some of those costs and keep them in line so we haven't had to as of yet Implement say a Rain Tax or whatever you want to call it right like uh our sister city to the north has right but um you know this this regulation is certainly lends itself to those types of yeah that's why I wanted to we've been able to manage it to date John's been doing double duty been a pleasure this is the same report I read last year with updated fiscal 24 activities that's correct the report changes very slightly in content uh every year the storm water management plan really only changes as I discover new information uh which regrettably you know Cascades through know dozens and dozens of pages on it but those are the fundamental you need to vote of this board as an conditional endorsement pending receipt of that updated report I believe that was your ask that'd be great and then what we can do is once we get the information we can put the signature page on the select board's office and you can sign at that point I would be looking for a motion to that was a motion that what he said I I'll second your motion for that but you however you want to do it but that's what you were looking for right a conditional endorsement of the storm water management plan subject to the receipt of the updated docum I'll make that motion it sounded good I'll second this we call V Jason perone I then get Doug mlan yesk John thank you so much here I'll stick around so the next item on the agenda is to approve the amended agreement to extend the contract completion date to February 28 2025 for the Hudson Drive to Sam West Road connector project just real quick there so our contract that ended um we're just looking for an extension on that agreement there's really no cost impacts that our consultant needs a little bit more time to finish that that project so I spoke with our the funding agency and mass development and they have no issues with this extension that's the case then I guess they be looking for a motion to extend the agreement motion made to amend that agreement to February 28 2025 for Hudson Drive and San West Second roll call vote Jason for I thank I Doug mlan yes the next item on our agenda Randy we're good I think unless you want talk well the tractor I was gonna say unless you want talk about the the yeah if you have any questions I can answer that so we are looking to talk to Randy about here about approving the sale of the DPW boom mower to the town of Granville highway department for $5,000 so we uh recently received our new one right we did and the other one I'm assuming needed repairs it's an older machine 1995 Kabota tractor um probably a little better than what granville's using now so they're happy to use it and I think they're actually sharing a tractor with talland so between the two communties there's one tractor so reasonable buer then I guess I would be looking for a motion to approve the sale of the DPW boom over to the town of Granda for the total of $5,000 motion made question sorry is that um I guess I'll look to Mr Parker is that okay that we didn't Surplus it or post it for sale we just sold it so this is an adequate disposition in your opinion no you don't believe it's an adequate disposition no I believe it's it's fine I don't yeah we don't I don't think uh that's doesn't fall under that um I'm trying to think of that law but it's it's I've we've done this several times in smaller towns I believe is between communities there it's exempt from that actually then I'll second so like couldn't send it sell it to John Smith down the street I just if we put it in the paper and someone offered us $10,000 for it that's not very prudent stewardship of the town's money you know we do a lot with branville you know we have a good working relationship with them so I'm not opposed I just want to make sure that we're being good stewards here and that we're and I I'm the last person in this room with some shity to ask about the value of a 1995 cabota so I couldn't tell you a 5,000 is a good amount fair amount or bad amount so I'm going we thought it was more than than we thought that we would ever get for it $5,000 I would concur with that yeah yeah like I said I'm the last person in the room to ask the value I just want to make sure we've done our you know we've often put stuff out there on Mid or in the paper or whatever and then we vote to Surplus it and sell it and then that's what and then that's our our disposition in this case I don't know and maybe there if it's fine it's fine I I'll second the motion very good I guess I'm looking for roll call vote Jason PR I M yes I think that's it no that's it Randy thank you thank you next item on the agenda is going to be Town Administrator report Department reports gos and review process um gu we wanted to talk I don't have anything don't have anything on it okay right I do not so I'm glad to do it I just don't know how you guys want to proceed on that on the what the goals and objectives it's time for us to take a look at those and see where we are I've given Nicole so of mind so I don't I have a list going that I imagine you do I'll just forward to you why don't we send it out for discussion next week our next meeting yeah sure that be my proposal very good put that on for next meeting so full discussion um and and so so we're going to go right into other new business um does anyone I have nothing so nothing Mr mowan uh new business no no M Parker no naen no all right very good so now we are going to go into Old business starting with the appointments boards and commissions interview appointment list attached um miss you brought up a name that I didn't boy Miss Boyd is here for well he's on are we going through the list of appointments the other yes we're gonna try and take this and put this to bed okay so but I believe we want Tois committee which we have not revised yet and is my name on that high I wrote you in for everything Mr boy yeah I think that's oh did you mean the cable I mean the highp speed internet yeah oh he meant the high-speed internet okay well they kind of went together so want to come up Mr wood sure and if you're interested in all the other appointments I can be on two life we'll do so let's see so what's your interest in the highspeed internet well I've been on the committee since the very beginning um attended most of the meetings I've gone out and participated in the site visit with uh wh City fiber and been on a several uh meetings uh when they've visit us here so I'd like to finish it and see it through yeah my whole harded endorsement that that that group has done yman work and everyone brings a unique uh angle to the table and has been very helpful and hardworking and whether it's looking at finances or analyzing contracts or um the technical side of it everyone on that committee has a role to play and um I all but beg them to resubmit to get back on there so hopefully everybody did um because I don't think that there's a person on there um that that's been in attendance at all the meetings um should have a seat asate they've all worked hard at it they've all work and there's and there's a lot of work to to do I think this would probably be you all honesty this will be the last year of the high-speed internet subcommittee as an advisory uh committee to this board if we proceed then we would I would recommend to this board via the highspeed Internet sub to come back to the select board to form a true standing committee as part of the Municipal light board which they're acting as Municipal light board right now but to have um authority over that um policy and that system okay and I think that they would most of those folks would make good charter members if they if they wanted to continue on with that I'm perfectly fine so um so is this an interview and then so here's the thing I know we last last meeting we brought this up I know Mr Mogan had said there was some you know we wanted to make sure there weren't people that were already on boards that the there was positions that were filled that people came in front of so what I would like to do tonight is get these appointments taken care of you know and I've talked to Nicole you guys have done great work I know when I first got on this board there was absolutely this the appointment Direction was going six different ways you guys have got it down to one General way three ways we got about six yeah we got four or five ways but we're getting closer the only Mr Mr chairman my only concern from the last me obviously we had the posting issue but the the other issue is is that if we have a uh a committee of five and there are five applicants that are re for applying to be reappointed I have no objection to proceed meeting right and subject to the you know if there unless there was a note from the chair of that committee saying you know hey yes no but my concern was that if we have a board where we have five appointments and there's five people that were up for reappointment plus we interviewed two more we need to figure that out because somebody when this is all over two people are not going to get appointed to that board we need to figure out if it's people that are up for reappointment or or the people that applied for appointment there is no expectation of reappointment not but In fairness if we did not interview the person who is sitting in that seat now we've done them a disservice we should at least have that discussion and I don't and I think from my question last week was there was one or two boards where that was going to be the case and out of just utter respect and fairness we should have that discussion before we vote to appoint people and it it will not I do not want to have the appearance that we removed anyone obviously there's no expectation of reappointment but if a person is uper reappointment and they've gone on the portal and expressed an interest to be reappointed and we don't interview them well that's not fair so we I just from a a perspective of fairness I think highspeed internet I think we're all set I don't think we had any new applicants that were outside that are already on it and if they've already reapplied then we should the folks that indicated interest we should reform get a list to Nicole of those people with new applicants did you do that I did not what was I supposed to do you were gonna you offered to put a list together to Nicole to invite those persons who are sitting and have new applicants basically challenging their seats right and do we have that do we indeed have that case I believe there was two or three that were depends on if we're going to create the open space subcommittee because the people we interviewed are interested in the open space subcommittee or whatever we want to call it separate issue I think I think that you have to they app for conservation yes but their intent was to be the open space members and you need to follow your heart on that because I don't think we have it we don't have that open space committee if we do then you can have those you know the people that applied come back and say look I'd like as soon as they if we do vote to form that or it becomes an advisory committee or whatever happens and by the way they can volunteer to help out the Conservation Commission at any time any place anywhere we gladly use the help um then we should do that but if it was a matter of removing or appointing someone else to a seat then we then we owe it and I shame on me not doing it we can go do it and do the rest and come Circle back for that what I wanted to bring up in regards to my discussions with Nicole like I said you guys have done great narrowing it down um there's a couple things I'm not going to go into great detail today but you know I think there's a couple tweaks we can do to this process so we're not in September dealing with this I know Diane has brought this up in the past um I've got some ideas as far as some specific set deadlines we fill these appointments if there's openings we deal with those openings down the road so um I'm going to work with Nico putting that together combining it with what you guys have done and I think next year whether I'm around or not then this will be a lot smoother and we can have this not lingering into September so but I I I know what you were saying Mr Mullan was if there's anybody there and part of that process that I've talked about is getting these commission chairs all in here involved and telling us hey you've got this one and this one would you prefer to keep this one would you prefer to keep that one do you want this one get some input from them as well as like you said if a seat is contested I guess for lack of a better term they both parties should be really in my opinion both parties should be here if you don't show up my opinion is the guy that showed up is the one who should get it so um but that's my opinion so um but but they have to be invited so yeah yes we hav this part of that tweaking and that process up on those today we will R prer those let's Okay carry on so while Mr boy is sitting here yeah let's do we do highp speeded internet absolutely is there anyone Mr chair that I would like to uh I have to consult with one person but I'll put forth a motion to reappoint and I'm going to give first and last names because we've got a collection of boyss uh Christopher Boyd Tom colck Jim Crowley Ian fwell marleene quinland Bob Boyd James Johnson Ryan pce Jason J to to reappoint to the high-speed internet SE I'll second that motion I will make a roll call vote Jason per I I Doug M I G yes sir thank you so much you made it thanks for coming so and L of what we just talked about to verify we don't have any of these other positions we need to in my opinion and wait on the rest no I can tell you what they are oh you got them WR nailed down did them last we we people last week good right we're ready to go let's let's roll through these start with there's no issues there okay so so what are the appointments that are up for make a motion Okay so hang on one second there was some shuffling there correct yes so we want to now we have now we have all right so we have Bert Hansen as an associate right that's what he wanted to be or it just has a m I think he re that we just they'll come back to us when they want to show we will reappoint if they want to shuffle they'll come back to us what they want to shuffle I with me we do know we have the one vacant and um jenda Pedro wants to be the regular number we know that I would make that motion okay so jenda Pedro reappointed as a regular member motion for reappointment Bert Hansen we should probably follow gonna say we need to do the vote oh I'm sorry so unless you want to read them all off and just we can do them all at once if that if that will suffice otherwise if somebody knew I would be looking for a motion to a point I'll make a discreet motion because she's going to change her role from associate to become a full member which creates a vacancy for an associate so I'll make that for Jennifer Depetro to be a full member of the Adcom for a position of what is it three years for this year yes for three years well it's a three it's it's for three years so moved roll call vote Jason did you second sorry I'll second roll call vote Jason i dou m yes all right for threeyear terms Bert Hansen Angie Simone [Music] that's it for three years I will be looking for a motion to appoint ber Hansen and Angeline and Simone to those three beer terms second sure the others are that's your motion second roll call vote Jason for I Doug M yes for a one-year associate term Jessica Whitmore partner Tom JIS and lenita [Music] Boer second roll call vote Jas I Dan I Doug M yes for board of appeals we have for [Music] a this is it says expired but it's not they are this is when you run this this is problem with this when you run this report this would be their next expiration two one years one three year right yeah we had reset that because I I thought it we had already reset those to a one two and three a couple of years ago associate for one you have one regular term to three the there's this is Chris and that would be a three yeah and then the associates are they one year terms yeah and that's fine so then it's correct so M Mr masani is is asking to be for reappointment yes yes these three reapplied so I make a motion for Chris masterani as a a member of the board of appeals for three years second roll call vote Jason PA I thank you I Doug Mogan yes and then Dan Tobias and Michael F Haren as ass associate members for a period of one year roll call vote Jason I Doug M yes this is E's on was a cable advisory for me was the next we have Cemetery commission Jean th as the graves officer not as the graves officer oh that's appointed he's the graves officer oh he has not reapplied but i' make a motion to appoint second roll call vote Jason per I Ian yes that is Frey one your conservation is one of those we are going to hold and Jerry Patria Dennis Clark and Chris Pratt need to come back in 100% Council on in the nicest PE uh this one the terms are a little wonky here over time or attrition they are supposed to be no more than three reappointed in any year so they've gone off kilter so we're going to reappoint motion to reappoint um Jack pooke Kai for one year this term and then a three-year term continuing after that so that would be next year we'd have to make a sub do another one so I'll make them you want to make that motion let's do that one first that's to get I'll second the motion for Jack Pokey for a one-year member to Council on agent roll call Jason perai dou Mogan yes for a three-year term regular three-year term Donna Poise and Teresa Rogers second roll call vote Jason Fon I I dou Mogan yes for associate members one year Elaine voucher and Harriet fiser so roll call vote Jason Peron I than you I Doug M yes cultural Council oh boy it's always a hot mess yeah it is I see confirming with Council sabatical all right first of all we have a vacancy and we have Sabrina poer here applying for that so we can appoint Sabrina cooler to replace Maria Gallow I'm G be looking for that motion that was I'll second the motion roll call vote Jason I van I going yes all right and then the rest Le the rest FAL councel alone for now yeah I don't say we have to confirm the coun that thing you have to come off and years Christin check with the state and she just got back to me this afternoon so we'll revisit EDC is perfect I'm glad to Mr roach wants to go so we have a vacancy for Amber and Inga we have two new applicants Bill Terry and Steven Ro is it roach or roach which roach so I'll make a motion to appoint we can debate this bill ter to finish in term to 630 27 and for stepen RO to just doing if it's different terms please do them one at a time just is doing the minutes and we're updating the town clerk I need that motion so Bill Terry to fill Inca hoteling's term to 6327 motion I'll second the motion roll call vote Jason Peron I I Doug Mogan yes step Rose to fill Amber box term to 6:30 28 uh that was a motion second roll call vote Jason br I I yes okay that leaves us one vacancy for Pam Sani and then we have to reappoint Greg dialing he was a oneye with our additions last year his term would be to 630 29 I'll make that motion I will second the motion roll call vote Jason Peron I bangel I Doug mlin yes so we still historical commission uh hang on one second can I make a a suggestion absolutely sir how many members you got on your because if you recall one year ago almost to the day expanded the size of that commission EDC yes by a few now I think we might have an even number so we probably got to go and fill this spot but uh if not you could always let this board constrict back to a realistic size because now remember they have to have a certain number to uh get it for for so just food for thought before we before we turn the page conversation with their chair when they reorganize and um and and I can do that if you would like have that conversation with whoever the new chair will be I have no problem the room was full last year and we were staring on the bar making tough decision myself and Diane could not come to an agreement so we punked it and made the commission Baker but they do have a quite a full agenda on their Horizon as well I'm aware of I have no argument I just I just wanted to call that out because now you actually have a vacancy coming out of appointment season so yep we were up to well we we did move to appoint Mr Ro seven nine is that we moved up to I can't remember correct we appointed Mr Ro yes we did congratulations we did thank you thank you for witing it out this kind of goes against what I was trying to say a little bit earlier but you had to kind of sort this out so all right historical commission we have one vacancy um Linda mlade has a a remaining term to 6:30 27 we have not heard from Aaron person yes we have not heard from Aaron personally but we did get Kirk's endorsement after he met with her we can appoint her and did the other she did send a letter which I had fled to you all earlier I don't know if who saw those which was that I'm sorry historical was the name Aaron villan yes I second your Mo you're good all right so she will be appointed to fill the term to 630 27 after know to 20 six right she's filling Linda MC it says 71 26 so it would be through 63026 mine says 27 mine say 630 27 as well subject to verification of the expiration and then certainly you could just do it to 26 the rest of them are 27 you could stagger this one the other two and the other two are expires would run through 27 so I would and then they have not submitted a re a reappointment request um they're meeting downstairs right now run down and ask them but um what would you like to do would you like to reappoint and have I would they can they don't want if they're meeting right now they're active they're there the meetings I Know M yeah Mr and I know you know congratulations to those guys for actually you know for the most part uh with I think one exception who's had some other stuff going on uh that board's actually gotten more active than it's been previous so congratulations to them so I would motion to appoint Richard maril to 6327 and Mark Ranken to 6327 he did second oh he did already Jason prai dou yes very good Lake management um on Lake management we had Jen Bernier interested her main the Petro her main goal is to be agricultural if these are available she would like to be considered what do you want to do with that there are expirations I think that that that group does a phenomenal job and we did find Jennifer has a home on Adcom as a full member now correct yes so I would if if those folks have indicated an interest to continue I would support that they all have multiple times they multiple I know they did that's why I'm kind of smiling all right they all they all came from Norm's IP address but that's okay I saw how many of them were one yeah all right so uh expiration appointment of Rick wot and WK Phillips to 63025 that was a motion second roll call vote Jason Peron i d i Doug mogin yes for motion to appoint for an expiration of 6327 dick granel Malcolm debay Michael debay and Eric Mueller I will second the motion and I always call him Dr Muller roll call vote Jason poron I go I Doug moglin yes he submitted Eric I know and he always tells me to call him Eric and I that's why I call him back home all right Lake management Canal expiring 63025 motion to point WK Phillips second roll call vote Jason p i Fang I motion to appoint for an expiration of 6327 Malcolm debay Michael debay dick granel and Eric meller second roll call vote Jason Peron I vanil I Doug mogin yes um lbpc it says select board doing [Music] we have to move we should have done that right after the election I think we might have actually uh I said I was going to stay we did talk I think we did vot I think we actually did vote it Nicole replacing Carl second R call Jason i d i Doug I and everybody else is due to their positions everywhere else I believe right or do we no there is there is a public appointment oh because they do okay no no so may I when I could see too so it does expire but but this is it's not by virtue of their position I don't even know if there's a comp but there is a couple of members of the public so I would also have uh Lisa Anderson come on and then I believe Mr trell has left y um so we got that one and has resigned y so we need and you already have I don't know if the chief is still on there or not and then you there was see these are select board appointments this Mr Lynch Mr Kane um but these are all select board appointments by virtue of their position so I think we should go through them and I don't know if they're expired I think they it's an annual appointment so I think we should just roll through it the list um they are all annual yep so here we'll leave some vacancies and we'll have to take a note to reach out to the police department um and I did Mr Kane or Mr no no one has indicate an interest to that no so let's leave those for now um where's Joshua to from he is the hospital yes yeah so y so we would and Cil Lewis Jessica Bishop Jennifer Willard Lisa Anderson Randy Brown Chief banish Thomas Hebert Chief stefanowitz naen signon Nicole Parker Russell Anderson uh to that to Lac second roll call vote Jason pone I Doug Mogan yes Mr Crone I didn't leave you off I believe we already we did we had that discussion you had asked me if I was gonna stay and I said yes so someone needs to reach out to Mr P and Mr Lynch yeah see if they want to continue who's the current chair wasn't that Chief banish it was yes um yes Chief banish is online Chief banish yes are you the current chair of LC uh I'm not actually the Emergency Management director actually is oh are you the vice chair uh nope well you're the one that's on that committee that's on this H too besides yourself and Mr Bron so do you have any thoughts on anyone that you that we you have a safety person that you want to appoint or as an alternate for the police department to replace retired Sergeant Paul miles at this point I will put in Lieutenant Michael tagert as my alterant oh good don't take him off mute make a motion no he doesn't he's Lieutenant it's also don't take him off mute is that don't let him off mute quick vote all right I'll make a motion to appoint Lieutenant tiger as the uh to the local emergency planning committee second roll call vote Jason Peron I yes all right done okay can't get out of that now done thank congratulations congratulations Lieutenant thank you all right master plan implementation um are we ready with that how many members were we having from the public oh man we hashed that six times was it two what did we decide three and one from the select board and one from the planning board that's fine Perfect all right so we have we heard from Jess Taylor Mara cook oon cam Bonnie and Norm Cher I did send did you get to review the documents I sent you earlier today I did I saw them but I had a Karen um Karen is the one did I say she was the class started today so you mentioned something you want to take a quick look good sir trans uh and she has a resume here oh good this oh grades her student individual want to give Greg the bad news you got reappointed ADC oh I got reappointed yeah oh thank you how about my friend Stephen here of course he made it certainly did where the GPA right but this one has not we did not meet her yet correct correct because her classes tonight she could make it I offer recation for you s your name to the chair the board to seven I'll withraw get your I think that was a long process with Mr Man I cost this there was a lot of dinners and stuff involved in that negotiation to get to the where we were so I I don't think it's a good idea to be honest with you um make an ask for later dream and you know I think that there should be I may I Mr chair absolutely I I really do think that there should be some continuity of someone that was involved with the process I'm I'm completely open to uh having you know some new blood on there but I think that there should be some experience and and um to be honest with you Norm I think you know a lot of the the metrics and measurement that you had proposed to be in the master plan that were adopted would make you an excellent candidate to be on there along with um you know whether it's uh Miss Taylor or Miss uh spani um to round out that committee I I have no objection and we'll see where we go from there and just like the master plan advisory committee there was plenty of people that sat in the audience that had a full participatory role short of voting and they didn't take a ton of votes on the master plan advisory committee other than you know accepting minutes and stuff like that I really think it was um you know depending on how whoever is going to be the chair of that board decides how to run it yeah it can be a very open and and and you know productive process and it's not like well you're not a member on the board you can't speak I I don't think the board that meeting will run like that a lot of other boards have um run that way and taken you know more input that than is provided for under the law as is their right as the chair you know there's times when you have to run your meeting with the members on your board and make those votes and decisions but you know others can take ideas and thought elsewhere I know edc's done it other boards have done it to their credit so um I'm not going to propose a slate here that's just my recommendation at this moment unless the chair is looking for one but that would have been um do we want reses I I have I was going to I was going to put Mr ch was yes I think we're in agreement with Mr J I'm not going to let it get off that easy so there's one and then you want to make that as a mo and are these going to be like there did we stagger the terms or we're just going to call them the what are the terms that we came up with for that board they're all showing yearly right now I think they're said in year I believe we're said in year off the ground and then one year I think yeah one year um so and how many did you say resident three three plus one planning board member and one select board member which should be separate votes from this all right my you want my three choices go force chair mine chair mine were Norm CH ham Sani and Jessica Taylor well then I would just second your motion okay and I look for a roll call vote Jes I I Doug Mogan yes um select board member I won't nominate Jason per next um not OPP post that's I have no objection I wish I had more time I really would relish to do it having sat on the impact um I certainly will be a frequent visitor um me too and hopefully active participant you know I don't believe in well we'll see who's the chair if they allow it but I'm just saying I think it you know this is a critically important I would say this is something that's as it's been brewing stewing however you want to put it it's kind of been on my radar um and and my hope is I will be here next year to F to continue but at least I can put a little bit of a stamp on it if that's what you guys agree upon you have expressed interest in doing it um and I nominate you to do that because there's another component to this of the housing production plan which I really want to focus on okay it's not it's a it kind of went with the master plan yeah and that's what I really want to focus on so um I'll second the motion and I just I just want to say um before we vote and I nothing this is totally a great idea let's keep moving I will tell you that to a border commission and I I try to watch every single video of every meeting that I don't atttend in person it's front of mine for every boarding commission like hey this is in the master plan we need to be doing this or hey this isn't the master plan we shouldn't be doing this right so it's going to be up to the the master plan implementation committee to kind of nudge boards where they can or and also I know Norm is going to is up for this is you know take take a look at some of the metrics that are in in the master plan to kind of gauge progress you know certain things we've done certain things have to be done um but I I just you know I know we've mentioned it on this board I I've heard it on the planning board I've heard it at ADC I've heard it at a where everyone's cognizant of the master plan and we just need to make sure we keep that front of mind so I'll second the motion I would be looking for a roll call vote I'm going to abstain thank you Doug Mogan yes before we move on from that are we going to actually give them a written charge what their duties are or are we going to let them flail and figure it out I believe you did some research on this with other had submitted to him to talk to Mr D on but what is their I think go what what what is their power sure part of it's in the master plan it it delineates what that mic does though it didn't did not delineate the composition because we couldn't come to an agreement then so um that was probably the most hotly contested part of the entire master plan was the compensation of the master plan implementation committee um me and me and chairman Phelps darn Year got angry at each other but um I think that would be a great meeting for um yourself to attend I would love to and and even if you have to post it right I if you'd like for me to attend as well because it is a subcommittee of the of this board and have the chair of the planning board there because uh he threatened to go to town meeting with the bylaw if we don't uh do everything correctly and I don't I think we really I think we really should so and and kind of figure out where figure out what that is go through the master plan you've developed some great stuff we allation figure out how we can you pull something together with I guess that would be selector and when yeah whenever that meeting is going to be we just post it because if we all show up we start talking about something that is in front of this board uh we probably should post it it's different if you know if we go sit in the audience of an EDC meeting and we're not talking about a topic that's in front of us but this is actually a direct chartered committing so okay moving on and I know what time is um pvpc did that Jessica Thorton oh that needs to come from it a select board yeah but we usually get a recommendation from the planning board and honor that she's on it now right I'll second your motion roll call vote Jason Peron thank uh planning board associate member that is wait yep can we um that one again Connor was more interested in the conservation but this was a second there to him if she was not interested but she did reapply it doesn't say that but she did Dian J so that is a second we did that one sealer weights and measures I know he has an agreement it says he's an appointment I don't think that's that's one of those employee things I don't know that I don't know if we need to do it or not do were implementation committee for a one-year term fra Brown Jerry Patria and Randy Brown expiring 63025 that was a motion to reappoint Second roll call vote Jason p i i Doug M souck Housing Authority we have the tenant member to reappoint she did reapply Glenn St for a turn to expire it says 514 29 um so I'll make a motion to do that second roll call vote Jason phone I I and I think we're done and I'll go back through and uh determine who needs to or who we passed and we'll get that on the next next thing like I said we're we're gonna work on it it's so painful okay let's see so we are so we don't have B we are not going to ratify that so option C 6C is northpond Task Force update task force we met on 8:27 had a very productive meeting um we are meeting again Friday the 13th we all had assignments to do and uh we're coming back with some additional information we addressed access to the parking lot no parking signs along the streets access to the Shoreline restoration to certain areas signage enforcement is a big one and we're looking at bylaws um or enhancing bylaws funding to do some of these things it's a big one everybody's searching for funds or begging um and again we'll have a recap after we meet I accept to have a recap after our next meeting on Friday to bring back to you guys um we did discuss keeping the parking area closed for some time still um until a full plan is presented and approved but a soft reopening on the area because the state does not want it closed so we took off the words Conservation Area is closed and just said the parking lot is closed on the website look for me for now so I I know they said what they said but if into another emergency problem that would put them in a bance that was kind of but if we run into I don't foresee it this time of year but if we run another problem bunch of recommendations for you yep did read some of the I read a lot of the stuff that was said come on mean your passw oh so okay so that's all we got on that so now all right lpp discussion vote nor you want to come up so I'm GNA go into I spoke with Nicole earlier today so here's the the sticking point with Suffield is they still want a voting voice now I'm gonna just gonna put this the way I feel so the whole point of this was to get this lpp permit in place get the get the proper funding and proper money that we've been searching for to get compensated properly and cover the losses um we've been able to do that portion of it the biggest portion is subfield wanting a voice now Norm you're on their you're on their conservation committee but you don't have a voice that was one of the things I expressed with Mr Maul is a similar was a liaison um because well I and I'm going to put this the way I feel and to me to give them a voice personally if we could do it I would do it because and I know Miss Gil might disagree with me on this right as it's their vote and I and I don't want to put minimize this would be inconsequential and for in most points and the one thing they really focused on is the lake and I completely UND even before I moved to South Vick I've heard this selfio taxation without representation and I know you've been here quite some time so you I know you've heard it numerous times and I understand it I did a lot research uh Miss Gil mentioned Winchendon they do not do their own lpp they do strictly chapter 91 um they don't even really enforce it PA did you get I didn't hear anything okay so the people that I talked to really couldn't answer my question on that they don't uh Winchendon and ringe I even reached out to ring New Hampshire because that's those are the two towns ringe has like a part-time town clerk there here these hours that I haven't heard back from them in two weeks so um so basically to shorten this um most of the agreement is that everybody wants is there there's those sticking points norm and I are going to go one last time and at that point if we can't get this cross I'm going to come back and ask the vote the board to vote on what they've agreed to and we either say yay or nay and if we say nay I go back and say this is the only thing you're going to get and if not and I've as I've explained in the past you know I think it's beneficial somewhere to for some give and take on this because it just becomes a gigantic hassle as Norm you know with the we're going to enforce this person this person isn't going to pay I'm not paying them much so that's just where that's at um so norm and I are going to take one last stab to get this to try and get it's not Mr Maul I guess it's his his concom and his select board that are very hung up on a voting member the words came has met yes they're hung up on the voting member he said so that we had too much power oh I haven't heard that one they came out of his M on this record oh interest who has too much power at our conservation conservation that's an interesting one I hadn't heard let me if I may so I did look up ex officio just to be sure it's by virtue of their position and it is a voting if they were it would supp a member of our Conservation Commission as I understand it because uh it would supplant a member of our Conservation Commission potentially I I think we'd have to reach out to Town Council because as of today um we still have that other issue hang come back to that as of today the conservation is composed according to Mass General law this board voted to in my opinion diminish the power of this board by allow by permitting the conservation a portion of the Conservation Commission to be appointed therefore assenting to this would further diminish the authority of the um of this board because it would supplant potentially supplant one additional appointed member of the Conservation Commission and I also think we'd have to talk to Town Council whether it's even legal for someone to serve on our con ation commission that's not a a a resident and vot registered voter in the town of Southway um and for those reasons I have reservations and it's there's not a reciprocal piece I found it also interesting I did reach out to ask for some reciprocity and I just received the email back today there is not an appetite for that and and I and I and I also appreciate 100% your position of hey we're sending you over the mountain then you come back and then we yell at you so oh I don't feel like yell that at all so no no I just you know like I I I've said to people you know it's almost kind of my in my Police role so the reverse psychology thing hey I'm gonna give you what you want but you're not really getting anything type thing and in a sense that's the way I look at it you know because I'm looking at at it from through my glasses on that side but absolutely you know you're right the the change in the way the structure of the Conservation Commission is you know um change the the reach for lack of better term with the select board um and I understand that point I mean I would love to give them and I have no problem personally and I've tried to push this point numerous times an official liaison that has full discussion debate and whatever Powers but with no official vote I think that would work great for both of us but apparently we have too much power right that's I'm going to restate my position if I may absolutely um I keep saying they have representation on Lake Management Lake management has a lot of discretion in what they do what projects they work on what they address they have GRE members there's five Connecticut numbers 46 45% of is Connecticut so they have a say on the lake which is their concern here they need to recognize that and if they don't like those particular members then they need to suggest other members to our board to consider how did those members get on there did we solicit them did they volunteer how did they get on there in the first place they can get members they want on that thing and then they have to recognize those members on their side there's no reciprocity because they don't want to give up their jurisdiction but they're asking us to makes no sense I would never vote for that for the voting them yes I understand that and and I'm not going to do this agreement just to get $6,900 and give up that jurisdiction to another state never mind another town call jurisdiction the conserv commission much like our planning board or other uh certain other boards and commissions are they're chartered by by the wetlands bylaw and the other bylaws that they're they're subject to Mass General law and so I understand the concern and I I agree with you and lastly I'm sorry and lastly that means that their voting members get to vote on North Lumis Street if something comes up that wasn't the way it was stred I get that you can't be a little pregnant on that be that in my ref you're on you're on here's that's why I said this this has gone back a split vote this has gone back let me just address that issue because I said it would only be based on Lake me Lake issues and issues that were border and you know dealt with Southfield South Lake border and Lake issues again that I got that's not here I understand that that isn't going to make a difference on my vote I so I like I said I just got the email back that was supposed to addressed these issues literally this morning um so didn't have time to even speak with Mr Maul and I completely agree with you on that aspect of it um so again I five Le own is fine they already have five I they want to replace those I get that but you know I'm I'm just going to say they did allow however it little input Norm has they have Lake management members we have Lake management members and they did allow him as a liaison in whatever form they let you onto his CL so that's I get that and I'm 100% in favor of that I mean because they they have an interest I no one doubts their interest I I'm by no means saying we got to give it to them you know I want to make that pointedly clear and like I said I don't feel you guys are yelling at me so don't feel bad um you know the whole I I wholeheartedly agree with both aspects that they they want to voice and you like you said you understand um I've tried to drive that point home to Mr Maul I mean I wouldn't be personally against it if we could figure a way to do it but obviously there are some drawbacks to it we lose a member a v here in town and like Diane said there's no guarantees unless we were to put it in writing which I had sent back in my email that it would only affect the lake and B border issues but then when he kicked me back and said there's not an appetite on their side um to do anything other than allow normal voice that's where we're at right now that's why I wanted to really address like for $7,000 they buy a seat on our Conservation Commission that seems like a I mean I'm at the point honestly right now or if we if we can't come to an agreement in this next by the time we have the next meeting I say and don't take this the wrong way let them deal with chapter 91 and we'll just go from there correct can I ask a question number 11 should a third party audit we did that's we mind mail before this meeting actually nor you did we that's one of the things we're going to discuss was the third party the third party audit to try and put that to to best to bed as well um okay I'm gonna be and I'm GNA be honest here I can completely understand why they want an audit they don't trust us 100% as long as they pay for it and do it and they just put that one sentence in and I'm totally gay they haven't seen my finalen but I have photos of every every know in Connecticut who knows you I can give them yes because I did get a comment from M well somebody was calling me today saying there's people going around taking pictures I'm like I'm sure it's probably norm and we got approval from they knew they did we going to do they did know because I would never go with number 11 if it's not satisfactory to them they're going to avoid the agreement anyway that's why it's sitting here in front you and I would also add I think I I it my eye I wouldn't be opposed if they wanted to audit audit the the data fully at their expense well that's what I I asked doesn't say that there and I don't want them to do an audit and send you know hire deoe and have them come back with a well i' asked them have you guys even looked into what kind of audit and he said no they but it should be just it however it is it should the expensive it should be borne by suff absolutely we' we've been very fortunate that we have volunteers like Norm who who have done it and I don't doubt Norm's numbers for one second no great sunen but if anybody wants to audit it by all means but it's at your expense to audit and then we can reconcile yeah so two other pieces of information yep the eyes and ears for the lpp program is like management not conservation they get all the grief so and they got four members from subfield on on on Lake management and one from East Grand yep okay do they go to the conservation commission or the select board meetings in their town no well not not for these issues they might public comment yeah and then the second thing is our vice chair is one of the S field members conservation of Lake management of Lake management oh your Vice chair of Lake management is is from Con well and and to Norm's point he's 100% right and we've gone through this we actually um did a mission statement together a couple of years ago because we kind of had a discussion about that because Lake management is a ad hoc subcommittee of of this board right so they don't have a statutory power that exists within that committee uh it exists to assist this board with any Lake issues but and therefore their enforcement Authority rest with the the boards commissions or agencies that have that Authority whether it's the Harbor Master the south of police department Conservation Commission or even the planning right if it's a zoning issue so um and they've done an excellent job of that but that's a kind of a good example of you know we'll take all that input you know they they're very vocal and very active when they have a concern of bringing it forth and bring it to those other boards and then what we did with their mission statement was to emphasize that if they're not getting the desired result from the board that is chartered with that Authority or vested with that authority to come back to their appointing authority to bird dog I.E I you know for example conservation chooses not to do their job in their opinion it's our their job to come back to us because at the time that Conservation Commission is also was appointed and still is appointed by this board if they're not fulfilling their our obligations under Mass General law well then we are almost Duty bound to appoint a Conservation Commission that does so um at least until that bill is signed by the governor and then it'll be up to the town the voters of the town of Southwick direct to um part of it you know put someone up to to run uh for that board that hopefully will enforce Mass General law so that's where we are I don't want to we we're already pass our 7:30 time limit so um I don't want to I don't want to beat this any harder Norman do you have anything else you wanted to so Norman and I are going to go and give this one last try and if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen i' I've explained the promise the problems that come with if it doesn't and that's where we're at don't take the military option off the table thank you I have something that segment right I would I can't really joke about what I want to joke about it's not a not an inappropriate thing but it's it's not appro it's a friendly rival we love the town of South we love the town of South like the town of subfield too yep uh Mr Molen there the acronym hsic t- mobile Hometown Grant um I spoke you were also gonna get us your package I did not I'm been just embroiled I will get it 100% I I feel for you I know what you're going through right now so T-Mobile Hometown Grant um Lisa Anderson and Cara are writing me a two letters for the stakeholders as I said I needed um I might reach out to um one other person um and then that goes out and we wait on determin um because I did it's not a requirement but the couple of towns that I've reached out to that have received these grants they said the stakeholder comment and letters of help yeah yes help so um that's where we are on that uh and then we're at master plan so I know who that is now other old business I have none as far as old business other than um wrap that up so I'm good Diane I have Mr mland I have a couple um first of all reminder to everyone um that we do have the 911 ceremony on the at the firehouse on obviously Wednesday September 11th it's always well attended um and I want to thank the fire department and the police department for continuing to put that on so that um we remember those that were lost that day um in that evening rotary's having their steak roast Wednesday night 9 UM of 911 I believe it's at the legion probably six o'clock I'm guessing all the time I'm representing the select board there I'm going to do my darnest to attend but I I will be I'm technically a member of both so and then s and I also once again want to put in a plug for the fire department versus Police Department charity softball game for September 21st I think the game's at 11 o'clock at Wall-E Park uh please come please give till it Hertz it's for a very worthy cause and um have a good to put a select board member on one of the team uh negative we will have a celebrity umpire and and uh I've asked uh Mr Rank and a Die Hard Whalers fan who also call softball games to help umpire to put me behind set well we'll see and so I think that's gonna be great and um I don't know if it's appropriate so I'll um at at risk I just want to congratulate my employer um and and the town of Southwick um they're commissioning their brand new 84,000 foot facility tomorrow um as it comes into use and and it's also uh Mr Wall's 80th birthday he's also a member of our parking they do I believe they do I'm I'm only involved in getting the helping to get the building a little bit ready the planning of the event is not on um but I I want to with because I'm not going to be able to be there I'm going to have to be in Boston um congratulations to to them for for their hard work and continued growth and it's been good it's been a great relationship with the town overall heard they got a decent management team it's a big job so but but thank you that's it for me that's it Nico did you acknowledge I'm just gonna hit that no I have no no all right and last but not least like I said I stuck all this stuff at the back because I wanted to get everybody else out of here so the only thing we have left to do is we acknowledge the payroll warrant 2505 dat 82624 in the amount of $283,200 yeah okay I'm like what okay and 50 cents you got it acknowledge payables warrant number 250b dated 8224 in the amount of $847,000 8471 188,00 78 and acknowledge payables warrant 2 or 256b dated 94224 in the amount of $47,375