##VIDEO ID:hga5rq6oDns## this meeting is being recorded name do we have any public comment we have any public comment the waiting right okay chairman Johnson presenter Dave M pres commissioner John Kane pres okay who do we have here this a Windfield Circle I believe so yeah yes okay have a seat if you want I talk to you right now thank okay Bill go ahead and your reason I'm here is because I put in for an application for the senar discount and I wanted to make clarifications on it so that you understand the situation okay now um I purchased my condo at Windfield Circle uh in December 2015 moved in in 2016 and for the last seven years I am the one of course as the owner I pay the taxes I pay the water bill I pay everything associated with that okay last year I sold my condo to my oldest son the reason I did was because I'm 70 years old and I'm divorced I live alone and I just wanted to make sure that if anything happens to me or I can't live there for whatever reason then instead of having my my son or my children have to go through probe Court I've been through it okay and and so but I had an agreement with my son I said look okay you know you can you buy the place he lives down in near Fairfield Connecticut he has nothing to do with this condo okay he said um I said if you buy it I want to continue paying my share of the bills said I've always paid as the owner which include the taxes the water bill the HOA and everything else associated with life there so I pay my bills through the town website okay to that uh what's it called unipay or something yeah whatever it is yeah okay so I paid my taxes and the water bill through there and I when I pay them they send me a receipt email receipt which I took pictures of um and under pay of course my name is there my checking account as it always has been nothing has changed my son has nothing to do with my checking account he has nothing really to do other than the reason I told you is to why I sold it okay I don't I don't have any questions Dave no no I'm actually going through the same thing right yeah say normally we reject it because you still own it and your son is living there know that see that's what that's what happen triggered it before but that's what happen so okay I think he Liv in Connecticut and 5,000 home he doesn't need my condo but he did me a favor and and I in turn wanted to do them a favor I've been through I've been through probate believe me yes you understand can I have a motion then I make a motion to accept the Elder grate application for 81 fi Circle second second the motion for the other rate application favor Ed Johnson yes b m yes John Kane yes hey carries you're all set all right thank you gentlemen good night Merry Christmas same to you and ask you yeah thank you okay may want to come in how are you how are you have a seat anywhere you want just signing in okay you didn't have to move but thank you I all no I won't just name it we got snow coming tomorrow I know need snow for Christmas no well I don't care I won't be traveling on Christmas day you can go away on Thursday because of okay Randy who do we have here yeah please you want to start talking let the Comm know who do we have here this Marine K okay Ro go ahead you can and I don't hear well so okay if I look at you funny it's because I didn't understand what you said would you like to explain why you're oh your lead your case yeah okay I I was away in May um visiting some sick relatives for a month and I got a phone call um I forget the day probably the third second or third week I think in May from the town saying that um I had water running somewhere so I called my son and have him go over he got a plumber over there and F whatever the problem is I don't know because I wasn't there SP when I got home so I didn't ask um so I got a $1,200 water bill which I would have to sell my first child to for the whole out maybe for next year your name Amy is her name Amy no Caroline okay no no no I'm not a first child no no no Danielle sorry what's your what's your normal water bill then so she's she's always been on the minimum my normal water bill is somewhere around 250 I'm just thank you yeah so it's a combined water and just so you're clear so this is the water commission we're talking about just the water the water part then we'll focus on the sewer afterwards okay just so you know really TI you do have that they were yeah what your history yeah yeah so yeah we do you you you've been paying the minimum right barl every every year less than the minimum am so you've been paying the minimum okay which is usually $112 would have been the minimum bill for this build area the actual water not 1150 and and you were build uh for the water portion was somewhere around 400 was it yeah for the water 400 it was 464 okay 464 okay yep 464 57 y so there was a leap you know you can see in this chart here there was a leap here 50 some thousand gallons it was fixed right as you know soon as we reached out to Mrs count yeah she took care of it y any questions John D I make a motion to accept the abatement for 464 57 you want go I would go down it oh I'm sorry yeah so doing the the calculations out her actual use was only um like 7,800 gallons um so doing the the math out with the elderly rate that she does get she should have paid about 5877 so the difference that 40580 this is number you want consider and what is the minimum um so it's um $7.50 by, gallon right so instead of the yeah so instead of the 12 4 it's only like $58 so that's a huge difference between 4580 470 58 still have to pay minimum $45 water but that brings it yeah this would have to go to the yeah what was your motion Dave I made a motion to obate the water bill $458 a second the the only the only problem I have with that is is that less than what the minimum bill be it is because she gets the elderly rape oh okay that's okay sorry yeah I'll second the motion to accept the abatement all in favor Johnson yes Nate mes yes John Kane yes okay motion carries you're all set okay how all you're all set water now you got to go to the select yeah so I will write a letter to the Selman I don't know when they're going to meet next the Selman are also the sewer of Commissioners oh okay so they can all they have to decide the sewer portion typically they follow what the water commissioner normally what we do they they follow do we have to go to a meeting for that I'll let you know okay will be in touch with you did you leave your phone number if you could leave your phone number morning and then um I know your number I just don't know where to put it anywhere anywhere anywhere they they're not meeting until January I don't know exactly all righty and are you um your name is barl try to send it back and forth on email yeah yeah okay yeah doesn't do well that way yeah so when the the time comes to look at those calculations too because of the interest that will that'll build we can go through that together and I'll make sure that it's it's like an accurate to the day and when do we want to do that after um I think after the probably after the holidays closer to to the meeting when we know that they're meeting so you get in touch with me yeah yeah probably going to be January 6th which is the first Monday but not sooner than that okay okay that's my old birthday so that'll work out well well have the sell to the that deal now okay I will call you right after the the turn of the Year all righty thank you very much Merry Christmas Christmas January 6 is when selfa goes back to school I'm retired and still driving you're still driving yes because they don't have enough drivers but only in the afternoon I told them I'm not getting up at the cracken Dawn anymore don't blame you I don't want to get up at go have your chair back thank you have a niceas she was my bus driver oh really third appointment Carolyn Caroline no is there Lake View Street appointment here or no so she's joining by Zoom she's not signed in yet he's not signed in not yet we'll go along with okay John Dave you reviewed the minutes from the last meeting November 21st I have reviewed the minutes make a motion to accept the minutes as written I'll second the motion to accept the minutes as written all in favor I Johnson I John K I okay motion carries he has just signed in I'm going to admit two elderly rate applications 55 Tobacco Road and 16 reny Avenue and they both meet the requirements for The Elder rate application a motion I make a motion to except the two raid applications elderly raid applications second second the motion to accept the two elderly rate applications Johnson I I John I motion carries okay okay so our third appointment is sign in Cynthia if you can hear me you are muted if you can unmute your phone you still muted do something in chat go your director's report any we're waiting yes question yep uh first items I had a meeting with Springfield Water and Sewer last week on December 12th as you know they're building a new Che facility yeah I'm buy there the other day yeah yeah so they're going to so there's more of an update with all their communities that they serve water to um they're going to break ground shortly um and they just want us s all the construction schedule um expected to be done by 2020 me so a lengthy construction project they did want to let us know that there may be periods where they will not be running up full capacity um they're trying to phase their Construction so that you know those periods those at least those known periods will happen during the winter months when there's not a peak Demand on the system but there's always construction so they want to let all the communties know that there may be periods where they may be as asking others to you know kind of help reduce the water use I don't think it'll affect us as much as it does other communities you know we use it as supplemental Source primary source right but there you know FY keep that in mind by the the other day and they working on uh the next item master plan imp implementation committee uh was is a recently found formed uh group so the master plan was developed and updated adopted um this past year this implementation committee is T with um following up on the recommendations of that of that of that document so that that group uh the npic they met for the first time last week um and Ed there was some C is yesterday which I copied you on they're going to reach out to all boards and commissions or boards and commissions over the next I'm assume few weeks or months to kind of coordinate what the recommendations are in the master plan and then you know discuss that with the boards or committees that are you know that are involved so for the water Commissioners I think the lift is pretty light um on the next page I printed out copies of what the little recommendations were that came out of that mission out of that plan the first page is are what the lead roads are so where the water department or water Commissioners will take the lead on this item and the second page are you know more support roles so items where you know we may we may not be the lead but we may provide some input on so um the lead role for the Water Commission focus on this real quick is to establish a multi-community aqua for advisory committee um so that was a recommendation to the to the master plan um so we talk to more about that in a little bit and actually if you look to my meeting my director's report kind of coincidentally I had such a meeting with pin valley planning and representatives from others in the Great Brook and Barnes oer over the past month um looking to establish such you know a group you know that same type of group where we could meet collaborate talk about ideas talk about challenges that we're all facing see how we can address them you know collectively as opposed to individually so I'm not sure where that um that's going to go but there's been two meetings now to kind potential uh uh groundwork for that that that that protection committee okay so I'll keep you in loop on that as um but that would certainly fulfill you know this this action right right from the master plan and then just the last item real quickly Jeff F he does our back inspections he finished for the year uh and he'll come back in the springtime and do you know his next round of inspections in 205 that's all I have okay we'll recorder some be back here just seasonal shut offs and leer yeah there are quite a few meters that for whatever reason we're not reading in our system okay some of them um have since reset themselves for some odd technical um but there were quite a few that are water form and went out and checked some of them were meter pits some of them were very obvious like wire unhooked some of them had you know Leaf brush around them stuff like that so yeah have they been all repaired or still almost there like three of the way through okay yeah okay plus okay Cindy can you hear us yes I can here we go and we can hear you I apologize it took me a minute to figure that out technology not more to us we are fine okay perfect so this is our third appointment for the night is our 33 Lake H Street okay um abatement request um so Cindy I'll let you um GNA State your case for the abatement okay yes um when I received the bill um I was just I'm thinking this is a summer Cottage that gets used not that often mostly weekends by myself and uh occasionally my daughter and uh the the hot water heater doesn't work so we don't shower it's mainly used just for um uh toileting purposes and um washing dishes whatever after we heat it up so I don't think the volume is very much and I was wondering that I mean we're only there from May to September um and it just it just doesn't get used very often so I was wondering if there was any way um to lower that bill a little bit that's our that's our lowest rate Randy correct yeah so you you're your build the the minimum bill at each each uh bill cycle when you can only get the bill during the summer months when you're you know using the the property yes so this is the minimum bill that you could be getting okay all right y I want that's our standard y yeah I just wanted to check to see if there was any way it could get lowered but um yeah no that's our that's our rule 11250 is our St standard low rate okay all right and nothing for the senior um consideration you you don't live there correct no summer Cottage just a summer Cottage so yeah one of the criteria is that you use a proper your fulltime reg right you can't it's got to be full okay all right well okay I appreciate your consideration I've have already sent a checkin for the the full amount but was hoping maybe to get it down a little bit um but thank you okay thank you all right bye bye take care okay motion for that yeah take motion yeah make a motion to reject abatement for 33 33 I'll second the motion to deny the abatement for 33 Lake View Street all in favor Johnson I John K and I okay motion carries okay anything under old business new business Randy nothing for me okay so is that he's going to reach out to me the whoever that just sent I I didn't know what it was about I said that I could have been more clear I guess but yeah they um yeah that that was um Norm Norm chever yeah I didn't recognize the name I master plan impation committing yeah I'm assuming he's going to reach out to you with probably a request to meet either with you individually or meet you know come to a meeting no I I haven't come to a meeting talked to the three of us that's fine and I don't want I don't like oneon-one so so never have that's fine that's fair so um I'm assuming you know we can talk to Norm and have him yeah CU I feel the rest of the board should be on in the loop of what's going on you know not just me so that's right okay John or David anything else on the new business no sir no all right what about the next meeting uh January 23r be out of town third the 3D would be the 16th the third to th oh wait AE I'm yeah the 16 16 I'm sorry scroll down I think I'm good for the 16 all right well we'll just keep yeah I'm for 16 okay we'll just go for the we'll just go for the 16th then motion for adjournment I make a motion to adjourn second the motion to adjourn Johnson I I John K and I meaning is adjourned