with one change that shortterm rentals it will be back on the table next week but it's not on our our okay I agree for that one um the other change that I had was uh Sussex County Agricultural Development minutes we don't approve those so the word approval needs to be removed okay I have one change when you're ready for it under unfinished business Christine Dunbar the second sentence we currently have data for I think instead of sheds it should be sites three to five sites um there was also some spelling errors so under um what Christine Rogers comment both students and hi were spelled incorrectly yeah um and motion to adjourn down at the bottom and uh Christine dunbar's name is missing the I first name oh I miss that one thank you anybody see any other changes where's that one Christine dunbar's name okay found it yeah see down there yeah kind of shocking that that would be [Laughter] misspelled anybody have any um or I'm sorry do we have a second for the motion to approve with those changes I'll second okay all in favor I I I all right all right correspondence we got correspondents from the P paic River Coalition and freshwater wetlands I don't recall and I asked um Christine about this too Christine K if we had been a member of this Coalition before the correspondence that we got is asking if we would like to be part of their Coalition if you look at the map we're a very small portion of Sparta falls under the pic River Basin um so it's essentially um east of us mostly in whatever County that is Bergen County I guess right mostly Bergen County makes up a lot of the pic River Basin and we're a small Port over on the upper um West W hand side I think it goes into Morris County our little portion also yeah Rock away and Rand okay it is a $300 contribution well I certainly enjoyed the video I watched on was it Nova or nature it was it was extraordinary I guess you know my thought is is that maybe it's primarily our job to keep our Upstream most Upstream portion of the Watershed as clean as we possibly can and we have started to do that with the road salt monitoring so um the projects that they refer to are you know involve flooding yeah you know if we if you if we know of any flooding um that they're going to support um you know action towards um then I think that the $300 would be you know well donated to this organization absolutely I'm just not sure that we have $300 to give to so many good causes so so I do think that um that I feel that my job is to try to keep our water clean that we send to them Downstream yeah I would agree anybody have any other thoughts um I'll review the budget and see what funding we do have and we can go from there next item [Music] is um two applications that we have so the first one is planning board application 7-Eleven for the JP Morgan Chase Building which I think is very close to the um Sparta Dairy across the street they want to put up a solar carport um if folks didn't have a chance to review online that application we do have it here so if we want to go down to the other table we can take a look I did have a chance to review it I don't know what how other folks have what what does that look like does does it go over their parking lot yeah it goes over the parking lot essentially takes up the um handicap spot and the first four spaces I think it didn't cover the entire parking lot but a good portion of where the parking is that's pretty awesome yeah and then the connection to the building goes underneath essentially the sidewalk um that they have there into the building okay get a um green business award from us if they apply they could yeah so maybe that is what we should send to them as the application for that the information on I'm sorry how to register for that okay this is great I'd like to see more of these I know that's a green business yeah absolutely all right any other comments or questions on that we can certainly send them a memo our thing I have on the um PB 711 Morgan Chase I couldn't figure out what they wanted to do on the computer they're they're putting up a carport with um solar panels on the roof I I I couldn't seem to bring it up for some reason do you want to go look at the um plans no that's all right I don't worry about a car board okay all right the next one is planning board application 2394 East Coast development this has to do with um subdivisions of the um boundary lines around over in our Brown Fields where they're putting in the solar panels so I guess there was clarification that was needed around um where the boundaries are and I guess a piece of the boundary is going into um Lafayette also interesting they're also giving up an easan wasn't that part of it yeah of giving up an easan the township is right so anybody do you want to go look at the plans for that one I saw them I saw them too bu I I didn't see them okay so let's go look yeah I'd like to get a further look on that one yeah all right let's look it's hard to see on that yeah hard to see on the computer too you're John right you want to look at the plans also yeah come and look yeah they're public records and it's much easier to see them on a big piece of paper rather than on a little tiny computer screen oh thanks all right so this is the piece that's in Lafayette this is the easement that they were talking about this is Township owned property correct I that's I'm not sure about that one I believe it is because it's under that's where our BPW facility is right well I think it's isn't it by Demis Road over here somewhere I think it's on this side I think that's it is where the DPW is and then here's the railroad track yeah yep and so I think the reason that they're talking about this is this is where those solar panels are going and that's the Brown field isn't it the brown field yeah see here's the um yeah the DPW okay and ironically this is where the the trail the old banded rail light runs through that's y exactly and here's the train tracks and over there is yeah so there's demist right yeah the Deus curves and this is where the is going to be maybe um so where are the brown Fields again well I could be wrong I thought this was it but I might be wrong I'm not sure why they're resoning everything so the town the town owns this property and they want to put solar panels on an open space instead of on all the roofs of the buildings they own or in carports over their parking lots this is the car part was only for the No No I know but I'm making a point like there are other places to put solar panels oh I see what you're saying um the placement on open open space is concerning if that's all it is I'm not going not completely clear I don't think it's town I saw Rob Nicholson's name on application yeah this property is private and this is the town so it's here and that's what I yeah and here's that sustainable way I'm sorry they're moving the Ed Zone I think a little bit with the open space Zone right yeah they want to move it here so I'm not sure or are they moving it that direction hold on I believe this is the original this is the shifted yeah that was that was gray on the what I don't understand is oh yeah existing line supposed to be vacant why would they want to shift it says unimproved to be vacated why would you want to shift the property well that's a question we can ask our engine yeah maybe that was in his report that data were submitted by I didn't read that report yet do do we have that it's in the drive that you sent there's a lot of information but I get to go through [Music] all I did I went through a little bit I don't think it mentioned existing law in this area the reason you would want to move it I think is to allow this roadway to be used so that people can get back here right says I think that labeling is inaccurate for interpretation at this point because I don't understand why then this this line is fine you know there's no reason to touch it yeah well yeah but I think it said in that the township was uh giving up the the easement here so yeah why so that's why yeah well maybe they don't need it or he wants to put in more panels here or I don't know what these LS here like would yeah and they want to be able to allow a roadway to get back here to this stuff that's all about the s or not the so the soil you have the folder with the rest of stuff in it so original yeah a lot line adjustment for solar installation essentially yeah doing East Coast name East Coast devel it's not Sparta doing so the owner of the property yes he's you saw it somewhere 10% interest 10% own yeah okay so then it makes more sense if this it's this owner why they want to push back take over the easement yeah what I don't understand is what are we getting out of it yeah to give up we get that information from yeah we can ask good question yeah tax revenue oh there we go probably or something like that okay so we can ask those questions anything else we should ask this was initially appliation the planning board yeah it's a planning board application because I don't ever call last time the property like this was spoken about it just came in I don't know when your last meeting was it may not have been ready for your last meeting no for the I was talking about a previous time that I think it was the Town Council had to deal with sell it off the profit piece of property I had to go through that I didn't dep up the planning had the authority to do something like this but I guess since it's an application quote to them that makes sense yeah okay Sparta Township to vacate the unapproved right away known as sustainable way together with two- sight triangle easement portions of vacated sustainable way will be deeded to tax Lots four and five shown as the subdivision thus expanding their Economic Development so which is why I get so doing the background reading they're putting solar panels on their property and to do that they want to take over sustainable way yeah that's what it looks like so it's going to be just like an energy producing like operation because I'm wondering not clear yeah if they're if they are citing on open space then there's a lot of like habitat value they could add under the solar panels and things like that um that a lot of like large operations have been implementing yeah so if we're giving them something like property maybe they can do some habitat enhancements in return yeah or of course I didn't for yeah and I didn't run an EI uh ER report on this either I don't know if anybody else had a chance to yeah okay all right so let's do let's run in the a report let's ask a couple questions and then maybe suggest some um improvements on the any other questions or comments on that just I I feel like I don't have enough background information to this really to to understand the pros and cons of it and to make a judgment is there a way that we can bring it back to our next yeah okay if they answer the questions yeah all right I'm also very curious about the water flow when you have those panels up over that area where is it going is it is it going right into like a drainage area or is it actually recharging our offer yeah I don't know enough about how what research they've done on solar Fields what do they usually do underneath like a grassland habitat mix that [Music] this is wetland delineation all right I got all that thank you um all right public comment do you have anything you want to talk okay thank you thanks for coming tonight all right unfinished business open space planning um so we have not had a second meeting um with uh the Land Conservancy at this point um I wanted to talk through some more tonight about um either doing the tour on the bus um for like the public meeting type of thing or if we wanted to um just have the meeting like here in the municipal building and talk about um the open space plan aren't they I didn't know if anybody had a preference what aren't they coming on Monday to do the photos or is it the following Monday not that I'm aware of Christine yeah dunar aren't you going with them around on a photo tour or did I make that they want to take pictures of the area and get familiar right so I volunteered to go um so that was the trip I was hoping we could get more people on but they're coming on Monday that uh let me look for theil I can't organize anything by it's not on Easter weekend we're going on um I have the 8th at 9:00 survey of Sparta April 8th I mean I don't know you know it would be nice to know um what people want to show them you know like what would um Jim Zep like to show them what would Cory Corey Stoner like to show them that's a very bad day to do this it's the day of the solar eclipse and we are not in a path of totality but we are in a path of partial um what time uh like 2 o'clock to four o'clock in the afternoon okay um and they're warning that like obviously nothing's going to happen really but there the roadways like people are going to try to travel to the path of totality so I don't know if we're close enough to get any of that traffic or not but I that's not a good day to do that definitely not close enough to get the traffic it's like Western Pennsylvania Utah is the total totality so it would be like this weekend or or next weekend that would be really really busy but not necessarily by Monday unless they're coming back never mind oh no they couldn't so it's on you're planning on doing the the discussion is she's coming on the eth the day of the actual eclipse from 2: to 4: that day yeah so I know School 2: in the afternoon till 4 is the eclipse yes yeah I know the schools are going to stay open unlike some schools farther north are closing but um they're also going to uh do some Eclipse viewing I I do also believe that the elementary school is getting out early yeah yeah the other the middle and high school are not you know I think they sent an email out just warning you know if they're going to watch it but I do believe because of the timing with the elementary children they're afraid that going to be all booking yeah everybody like all traffic will just stop moving to look at I do know Elementary is getting out early but middle and high school are not well to answer your original question the only reason I was interested in the bus tour was for this photographing trip I don't I wasn't saying that that should be the public meeting I was just hoping to capitalize on this photographing trip if especially if we had somebody that was like maybe on the fence and we could use it to be like to get them more interested in it that's the only um reason I was mentioning the bus tour at all so I would prefer for the actual public meeting to do it in an open setting where people can look at pictures and things like that okay and if there is anybody we could send with Christine like maybe just one other person or something so it's not a you I thought we definitely needed to send somebody with on that trip to talk about what is around like I thought we needed folks to go with you with me and not just you but I don't it should be just me because it's a big you know Township and I yeah what about somebody from public works somebody from Parks and rack who like knows here's the sewer system from here to here and like all that kind of well isn't Jim's up guiding this is it no not that is not that I'm aware of was Jim gonna go with you well was it sent out to him I don't think so I think the invitation said to Cory is being our contact person it was a mass email but I don't know who all was on I'm trying to look for it now were you on this Christine did I miss I must have missed an email so I apologize I missed it too don't feel bad yeah because if it doesn't work I don't know if she would just come anyway or we can ask her to reschedule I don't I think we need to ask her to reschedule so I think she needs some additional folks to go with her somebody like who knows Parks and Recreation somebody from the Department of Public Works who knows where the sewer start and ends and you are not on this email okay that's why I'm so confused Christine Christine me Corey and then yeah I didn't either okay um I don't and I don't think the day of the eclipse is the right day to do it either oh okay well yeah that's that's fine yeah yeah I mean not we're not in a huge hurry at this at this point so let's let's be comfortable with the day we pick and that will give us a little bit more time maybe yeah and I'd like to organize some of the township folks who I know want to be involved involved so we definitely get their Buy in into the process but it's I don't think Barbara Davis is going that's true it's only Toni and um another coworker okay but um convan alley okay I just forwarded this you okay thank you I'll take a look at it and so maybe a van would be appropriate um I don't know there a school bus that would be too that would be too much I think to have a School Bus full of people I mean I don't think we can have that be the public forum no because now we're talking about a different kind of process yeah just like if if there's Municipal people yes that we want to all be on the same right schedule and you know instead of running 10 cars to a particular site you could do like a little van or bus okay that's that's what was I was pictur okay and then we will we'll organize the um first visioning process with the public we'll organize it here okay I think that's best to include the public and have a visioning process here yeah maybe workshops yep yeah y okay on that planned bus trip or van trip is there a set location that are intended to be looked at they wanted to go around and look at things I suppose they have their checklist and they are going to be taking pictures it may be good to also have a backup list of some key locations from you know the most northern western part of sarta to the the southern tip and just the variety because like we look in these maps and we have such a variety of environmental you know watersheds and other different things here so be good to get a make sure they get a real taste of what spart is like all right great I'll take a look at that email and make sure we get that organized um road salt testing So Christine and I have been working on um what we're going to post on the um Township website so that everybody can be informed about the the work and the testing that we did um but we were working on getting the actual report do you have an update on that piece you mean the actual parts per million yeah adding that to the report you want that do you yeah I would like that on there that might be a little hard well I will um I will keep prodding them okay um to see where we can get other than just the you know the sites um and the map the map itself I haven't made any Headway um well for the food sh lines or the part of EC the two groups that I'm working with to actually just have a link that clicks on and shows Sparta right okay um you have to get that picture of the United States and then right have to you know find Sparta and then see but we could um I don't know we could have a table or something once we get the chloride concentration we could have a table there that um you know indicates what watershed it was in and uh the location maybe the street location and description and then the parts per million you know have that that's what I kind of Envision easy quick to read and then a link to the map and people will be interested to see what's going on in other places in the United States also in the northern here where all the monitoring is going on um and other parts of New Jersey yep so um so I will keep um working on that um you know but but we do have the sites and we do have the watersheds and we do have a a map link to embed yeah the map link was not working still for me okay yeah so are you the you an admin for it yes for Sparta EC yeah Christine and I are okay the the managers of that site okay so you should go in where the pencil is what SP you see where the pencil edit is be able to go in and then just highlight it copy it and then paste it when I did that for um for the sparta EC and for the food ched Alliance it took me to the map but it was the whole map of the United States you know where you had to exactly you know zoom in yeah yeah it doesn't take you right to the sparta Township I was hoping to embed a link right to Sparta so that people didn't have to search for it you could put underneath the map you could put um you know zoom in to New Jersey and Sparta to see our specific locations or what we could do is we could take a picture of that you know once we get oh yeah if you want to get the map and just take a picture and then you know just load that also okay why don't we do that I think that's easier so we could do that and then have the embed to take a look at the regional and um country situation okay I like that yeah okay so if you'll send me a picture then too that'd be great okay would you be able to share like if the map ends up not working would you be able to share the the direct website link to the EC page that had all of the different breakouts for all the sites that we've been sampling because then if you click on any one of them um like walkill River at West Mountain Road it will show every sample that I took at that site with the um parts per million did you see the parts per million yeah but it's just not in but it only showed yours no showed all of them it shows all of them but not in a map form it's like little boxes with each of the 10 sites or whatever right but they added the parts per million to the boxes because at first they were only having the right now I I was on there yesterday it shows a graph and it shows each date I went out and you know I took some when it was winter weather and it was high and then when it was it's like oscillating exactly yeah so you can see it's they make it like a line graph but you can only see that if you go on each individual that's right site but if you link I guess that's why I'm saying if you link to the overall EC page it would show our 10 or 12 sites or however many we did and then people can investigate further depending on where they live or whatever we can certainly do that and then if people want to click down but what we were looking for is like here's the snapshot yeah right yeah yeah yeah so we could do that also okay all right love it and then did we submit to Sustainable New Jersey yet haven't gotten any information about that at all any information about how to get in um I still have the files electronic files and then I have hard copies that were given to me when we had the meeting yeah Christina I think you had access to it right so does somebody just need to send you exactly what to upload okay yeah send me what you're looking to upload and then I'll I'll work on it and so I guess I must have gotten all of the um all of the information filled out in electric electronic form from Michelle maybe yes you did okay so I will search that way and then forward to Christine yeah yeah um but what's not included in there is the additional piece about the salt watch right so there was the checklists that um Jim Zep filled out right but then you had an additional checklist about the salt watch oh because he didn't include that because we were doing the salt watch piece we're doing that piece to to gain the extra five points exactly yeah so you need to email both the part that Jim Zep filled out and the part that we filled out okay great all right perfect for um if we're updating the website with information about salt it might also be really good to include I know that the New Jersey um salt watch just released earlier this year in like a three-year summary of what they've been finding which is kind of important for more of a regional perspective and also to account account for some of the winters that were you know worse than this winter because we're obviously going to have more of a salt issue in a winter that gets more snow and ice than we did this year yeah have a link to that it's it's the it's the New Jersey Watershed watch okay New Jersey Watershed watch.org roads salt and they have a complete analysis of what's been going on for the past three years I guess okay season at least yeah right I could look for it though I'll send it to you thank you all right any other comments or questions on saltat all right Sparta Glenn Arbor Day event okay um so since our last meeting Christine was able to send me a copy of our Earth a proclamation that was presented to the Town Council last year so I did update that for our Arbor Day event and made it more applicable to left a lot of the text the same but just updated it so this is a copy I can just pass around if people want to take a a look um so that's the updated Proclamation that I'm hoping can be shared at a town council meeting prior to our event and um the trees have been picked out um just waiting for final confirmation from the parks and wck uh Department that they're okay with the selections and just working out some of the details of how that gets paid um and how the trees can be officially ordered but everything is coming along with that and then I guess the last piece that I just wanted to ask people about was part of the day is going to involve some hiking up U The Glenn on some of the trails there so I was just just wondering because the New Jersey Highlands Coalition is going to be leading that tour while I'm working over at the tree planting station are there like overall maps of the trails or does anyone have a recommendation of which Trails would be best um like is there a certain color they should be following that would be ideal to bring a student group or is there not that information I mean I just don't know if he has gone there yet to kind of scope it out so I will check with him but I just thought if we have some maps or information or anything that could be shared that would be helpful but I'm not sure if they exist must be I haven't seen a map but um I have gone all the way to the top and I would recommend not taking the kids all the way to the top there was um they would regular hikers would probably call it a moderate scramble I would call it a tough scramble um basically straight up this Cliff side and then you there is a large rock face that like basically has a cliff on the other side of it okay so I would recommend probably not going going all the way it is at the very top that Hard Scrabble scramble and the um rock face probably something in between or turning around like before you got all the way up there nice walk is the Blue Trail as you go up and you go you go up and you kind of go to the left and around and and it's steep just at first and then um you start from the lower portion where that where I think the scouts had put down a lot of where the mulch is mulch okay and then go up till you get to a regular Trail and then head out um towards the left and then what you'll come to is a beautiful view you don't even have to take them up of you can see like the Wallkill Valley and where the schools are in Station Park oh okay good all right so that that wouldn't be like where you're talking about or they would have to go up the scramble no I think what you're talking about is they're kind of like in front of the scramble at the kind of at the base where it really starts to get steep steep it's not like up the yellow Trail yeah yeah it's really pretty to go up there because you can get on the Rock and see Lake Mohawk yeah but um it it would be probably too much for a casual event okay yeah I can also recommend you an app that might be helpful when you're there um and maybe beforehand okay perfect I can show you it after but those type of there there isn't a direct map for that yeah but I there's definitely something that I can show you so hopefully that be helpful all right thank you um yeah I think that's it for me do we need um to vote on uh sending the proclamation to the count Town Council does anybody want to make a motion I'll make the motion okay any second I'll second okay Christine second all in favor I I I okay all right um I did Skip reports and I'm going to go back there so um but let's finish unfinished business first and then we'll go back to reports is that okay um rain barrel event was postponed it was supposed to be on that wash out of a Saturday so I think that was a good idea um to April 6 do we know if folks are okay with that move or did a bunch of people drop out or anything no they didn't drop out so I think we're I think we're still good did you did you let Ethan know okay okay great yeah I think most people are still going to be able to come and I um there was a whole discussion about how we were going to skip this weekend just because with Easter coming up we thought more people would be uh I agree unavailable so yeah that was a good call all right uh next item is Sparta day which is June 8th you submitted Christine K submitted the application so I submitted the application and I also got a PO from them which was office so they'll take care of that and they'll have our spot okay great so we're all set for the folks that are going to be doing that um skipping back up to reports apologize for missing that originally uh who wants to go first you want to go first Neil um yes the only thing uh I have to announce is that the uh plan endorsements uh advisory subcommittee is presenting uh our mission statement to the planning board this coming Wednesday April 3rd so tune in um Christine Donar I really do not have anything else uh to report I was going to mention that that the planning board was holding a joint meeting with the the two committees and open to the public so hopefully there'll be a good turnout for that yeah um other other than that we've just been going over applications some that we've um we've here taken a look at um the one um that we looked at was Captiva at the time now it's FL Holdings okay so that's um because of the Coalition the two committees meeting this next Wednesday um that's been pushed back um to the next planning board um we've heard from from them twice now and they're still in the process of revising their drawings and design so okay yeah thank you and then the rest was just executive readings okay thank you all right um two new business items um so there was a uh request from another organization um environmental organization in New Jersey to modify Municipal tree um ordinances um to include native plants and um also just take a look at the tree ordinances and make sure that um they conformed uh to some of the advice that they were providing about them um so I asked if Christine Kay could provide that um tree ordinance to us um if folks didn't have a time to take a look um one of the things I noticed in our tree ordinance is that it does not suggest native plants and also discourage noninvasive plants or trees I should say um it also mentions a little bit about um trying to um at least evaluating the size or the age of the trees that are in on the property that is being cleared um but it doesn't really mention you know how important old growth trees are so I think maybe that would be also something that we would consider adding um I know folks just got this tonight so my thought is that you know we start the discussion tonight and then um give you all the opportunity to think about it and review it and um metion talk about it again next time I I really like that idea and that kind of ties into um the native species for or native plants ordinance as well so this is a good starting point maybe and that can kick start looking maybe at our other ordinances as well yeah okay so take a look at that and um we'll we'll include it on the agenda next time too um last new business item was the sparta Women's Club their Garden committee sent a request to us to attend one of their meetings and talk talk on a uh topic that um or suggest a topic that they might be interested in hearing about um they meet the third Thursday at the sparta Library um so that's the opposite of when we we're usually meeting so at least one of us would be available um I wasn't sure if anybody had um an interesting Garden environmental or um something that they were interested in talking about with the Garden Club committee if they wanted to volunteer and um go speak to them right now their meetings are July 18th they're looking for a speaker for July 18th September 19th or uh November 21st did they make any suggestion of topics like the only thing they suggested was um anything environmental or garden related so I think if we had Aid presentation that we were used to doing or interested in doing we could put something together or one that you know maybe you often give then they would probably be happy to hear that anything um unless I've already had it like just native plant alternatives to ornamental species that are more popularly seen in garden centers um I hate public speaking though well I'm giving invasive species talk to the Fairview Lake Association in June so if that goes well maybe we we could carry that over and then you know what what Linda suggested to give them suggestions of of of what to to plant that's showy and pleasant and Evergreen um and just um to really it would be fun to quiz them uh you know bring in some clippings of invasives and say okay what what is this you know and and so that they can identify them you know because they're so hard to eradicate once they establish themselves and there might even be some new invasives I don't know if you're aware of that that they think or are almost here in New Jersey you know just because of the um the change in the the climate and the weather or maybe even Commerce that um are coming into our area that they need to keep their eye out for um so I want to do a little research on that I think so that's a so that's a possibility I think that would be great and I think again it ties into the idea of a native plant ordinance for us to do sort of that public education and if we had a present then we could replicate it and and start to the education process before an ordinance was installed sure maybe they'll join our Green Team you never yeah she already said she did want to join the Green Team never know and then and that's that's true you I usually think of uh like perennials or shrubs or something like that but to really look at our trees too yeah yeah and just maybe this is a little new business e but it made me think of an idea that Christine had a while back of like using some of this time as a little bit more of a public education Forum where we could invite speakers here and then you know invite the public to our meetings to listen to these speakers and maybe it's like a native plant speaker or you know some sort of conservation organization something like that yeah we had at least one of those last year I don't know if we did two at least one all right okay I have another new bu thing yeah go ahead um the an grant that you asked me to look into last week um I priced out a little bit if we were able to get a contractor to come into Station Park and clear invasives and then um Reed the area with like reparan Natives and maybe be like a cover crop that was also mostly native that would grow quickly in the shade and the conditions and if we could get a contractor to come in like clear and Grub or less than clear and Grub for like $1,000 doll depending on how much we wanted to clear like we could I mean that the pricing works out perfectly for the grant because the seeds for like a half an acre would be about $500 so if that's something we're interested in I guess I'll go out and like look more closely at the area and see you know what work there really is to do and then and then we could decide whether we're going to submit um what is the gentleman's name from Park uh Recreation and Parks who we met with was it David Bill Hines bill yeah maybe um bill could provide like we know this area in the park needs some restoration okay um kind of guidance um and I know we we I think it would be cool to like do more in the Glenn but I don't know I know you said they don't really want to more plantings but is are there invasives that we could you know can we do habitat enhancement there like little by little probably um I think I answered you that way in your email just because that was my sense like I really want this year's event to go well without a hitch and not cause the parks department any problems and get this year's event to be an easy Victory before we propose anything else planting wise so but even if we didn't do trees right maybe we can propose something else I don't I didn't get the sense that they really want more than the 150 trees and shrubs that are proposed right now right and I guess I'd be curious if there's like work to do with invasive trees and stuff throughout the canopy that canopy that might make room for you know new plantings over time like sort of targeted removals but I don't know what's been done there what the forestry plan for the Glenn really looks like or if there is one I'm not aware of one I don't know yeah but there's a whole lot of other properties like all around White Lake right they've I know they've done a lot of building so maybe there's areas that could um use restoration I mean we just we have a lot of public land so I don't know if I would just only focus on the Glenn and I don't know where else to look but maybe just like the idea of like chipping away at something so it's like really good when you walk away from it but no I understand look unless we did something completely differently and propose doing something with the trails or with mapping or something like that too down the road especially if these Maps like don't exist that would be really beneficial to have something in like the kiosk right in the front right I think there is but even something on our website that people could just on use yeah too and that almost to me just brings up another idea just because that ties into the Parks and Recreation and and their committee as well so I don't know if we can encourage more collaboration with them I know they that committee only meets quarterly really right there's maybe four or five meetings a year but so a lot of recreational issues and trails and things like that that are map stuff come they come to us for that thing or this is the the location for it so maybe we could look into collaborating with that that department more and getting hearing their issues on things and what they would like to see you know vocalized more at this level but that's just food for thought maybe yeah I think that um somebody from their Department would come and speak to us and from what I have learned is is that they're very concerned about having a large Recreation Center somewhere in Sparta they want to have a recreation facility right yeah this is what and they're looking at a few Parcels of land that might be suitable for that yeah and um don't know when they meet but um we could invite them to come and share their ideas with us and they should be on the tour well exactly yeah because it's called the open space and Recreation well that's why I was concerned that like the tour was happening and we don't have anybody from the township going on it so yeah um definitely they should be involved in that yeah I think I'm hearing positive feedback I think we still interested in hearing more yeah all right any other new business all right do I have a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn all right Neil second second all right Christine Roger second all in favor I I I you okay to adjourn y okay fun for the evening great to see you everyone