##VIDEO ID:wyZfTTmu5hY## he hello and welcome to the township of Sparta environmental Commission meeting for Thursday August 8th 2024 um it we are live in the council chamber at the municipal building and also live streaming at https DOB www.youtube.tv to the public and the Press on January 5th 2024 by delivering to the press and posting on the township website a copy of the notice Michelle can you do roll call please yes councilman Daniel chello chairwoman Kimberly null here Vice chair Neil swine here Christine Dunbar Ted Gaul here Christine Rogers here Linda Tower Barbara klasa here landoni Robert Otto here thank you pleas oh I'm sorry did I miss one I know I was saying we have a qu okay thank you please join me including the the flag algian to the flag flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay um we have no minutes to approve tonight and we have no correspondence we have three applications to look at um the first one is one that we have seen before it's the Chipotle and it's under a court order to be reviewed we have Admiral medals which is really it's no external changes it's only internal and it's a new tenant and then we also have Brownstone brandstone of New Jersey which is a change in tendency so do we want to go down and take a look at those applications okay is a Whispering Woods hearing so I guess there is a time frame for when they have to review it got to look that up what is Whispering Woods it's probably the name of the case that that's what I if anybody looked at to see what it actually was yeah yeah it might make more sense when you see it um I was having a hard time trying to discern what they had actually changed so it does say revised but would it have to do with the drive through yeah the road usually it would usually update there and have clouds around yeah this one is one that's the degal deal yeah 517 same [Music] okay this is from far away so you're still doing 15 and not really showing the driver infiltration cons I still have this entrance here I think that's existing this is what it looks like now and this is the future State one say it was revised 57 service Lane so did anybody go to North Village before they fixed the drivethru to the Starbucks and you would have people sitting to get driveth through into Starbucks in the entrance Lane like 10 cars deep yeah it was a disaster and then they had to go through and completely fix the drive-thru portion like right over here because otherwise there were people waiting here on this road to go through the drive-thru at the Starbucks and I think that was one of the concerns that they were having is that this would back up too far so one two three four five six seven eight eight CS and you're going to have people interesting here two car one car can only go through there but e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e e e e e e e you e pleas for Qui what yeah one of than 23 yeah they show the circulation yes right so this is is the same e enal any other things yes Admiral medals ET Z new I at this one after think it's a couple Pages back brass is that yeah processing around it I thought this good I just noticed I did Noti something I think maybe Engineers about the lighting that was the only yeah that was already it's been that way yeah think that's something we can like the tree a tree plan we also provide like a lighting referred lighting 3,000 kelv yeah we say that but I mean do we have that just written as something that an appli we're doing my landscape plan here at the preferred plant when I'm doing my lighting plan here's make it EAS for them yeah fabricating course they have a they make a mixture of play and other stuff and then they uh they have a pressor some some High Press pressure machine heating it vyl adhl adrent Med oh that's the current applicant is forel fabrication cutel yeah there's the compressor probably diamond probably I think that was mentioned in Med engineers no that's but it's the original orig be inst on the waterf I was to engineers I don't know what r compressor water based air polishing machine so you're going to have enough I don't have the waste water dust porcelain dust mix with water I just be curious how they intend to discharge that off I imagine all these tables have like I would be worried about like silicosis so I would just be curious what their what their waste water is I her water treatment yeah it might might just be a collection treatment use but still like to see it because of where we are okay great H thank you everybody okay we will open it up to public comment not at this time okay thank you um reports so Dan is sick this evening so he's not here um do you want to give a Master Plan update Neil happen since well we did we M meet um after the uh after the ordinance was was denied yeah so we already know about that yeah so there's nothing new on that except we are planning still planning to meet uh next Monday uh we have we have funding sufficient funding to keep going okay um for the time being yes great U Pak has been that's kind of on hold now because of the master plan um uh funding issue great um we don't have anybody representative from the planning board um and no Town Council so I think that's all the reports right I didn't miss anybody no all right unfinished business okay so the open space plan um there was a couple sites that were found to um that were fell under a cluster ordinance and that cluster ordinance um had several different communities in town that had required them to have open spaces so we did had to do a little bit of research on that I think Michelle was integral and getting the information on that thank you Michelle and so now Barbara does have that information so she's looking at it and incorporating it into our um final document um we did not have any meeting between now and the last time we met um they're basically heads down getting that inventory ticked and tied at this point so in preparation for having a draft to us hopefully by the next meeting since our next meeting is the fourth um Thursday we should hopefully have a draft by next meeting to to take a look at any questions on that okay um the salt watch press release was updated and I think it's ready to go did everybody was it here in this packet yeah here it is so um please do when when you write something and take a look at it a lot of times you miss things so um this didn't go out yet right Michelle it's still draft don't think it did I don't think it did either so if you see anything or want to make any changes let me know and then we can go ahead and release it and there was a previous version of this that did not outline the some of the areas that had either impaired or high categories such as the East Mountain Road near the corner of woodport road that was definitely had high levels of salt um and then some areas showed elevated levels such as buers Pond I don't even know if I'm saying that bers thank you Spring Brook Trail Lake sagona Upper Lake Mohawk walkill River by the high school and then the Fox Hollow outflow the um sa is Sparta Athletic Club parking lot outflow um and then basically we also added that we definitely plan on testing again um this winter so this was really the first year I know we did the year before but this is the first year where we really covered a lot more areas so um you remind me that color code and like the size is that that counts and the color is it looks like red is the uh high red is bad right high and yellow is a larger circle is more more counts you think yes y okay okay exactly do upper like Mohawk but I'm looking at it and looks green to me not orange oh yeah on that data point yeah the link is there you can go see exactly where it was taken yeah if people go on to the link does it explain about the size and the colors what what that means so that people don't have to interpret it I can double check that I mean this this should include that if it doesn't if this is going to be released I live on Spring Brook Trail uh and at times during the winter I see mounds of road salt from the trucks and I was wondering um is there someone you can report that too to have cleaned up yeah if you're in Lake Mohawk who's your who's your salt distributor because it's not the township engineering department there's a road department under truck oh there is it is Sparta that does the Lake Mohawk roads too no the engineer Club Lake Mohawk has Lake Mohawk but the club does some of the roads yeah so I guess the one to call would be the club then yeah mhm yeah and this would be a good thing to bring to them to share then Ted you'd send and email the Sabina Sabina or call her Saina evidently she's the club engineer yeah but the road crew Works under her okay how is the name of you know the road crew I I heard don't know who's in charge or phone number for okay report to the engineer I have to get that okay I think that's a great idea Kur Ross CT R okay next thing is Municipal tree ordinance I did get a list of native plants but my printer wasn't working yes I have the too like yeah I have like the whole table prepared with the with the uh references for uh you know for like the information regarding the plants okay I will send it to like everyone to review but if you have the list as well send it or like you send it to me and I can kind of like you know combine them or I send it to you know to you and we can both look into that okay and then we can distribute that to everyone okay and are there like any other comments regarding the uh regarding it or just what's anchor trees middle and small plants have the variable plants the native plants they have trees bushes and no it was only addressing the tree ordinance it's not addressing um yeah in general native PL did you guys see this study I just sent to Dan but then I just sent to Neil and a few others about oak trees mhm they this study that they contribute like 800% isoprenes versus other trees so that when combined with uh missions they create a bunch of volatiles and low-lying ozone so is that good or bad it's not good oh it's not good for it's not good for New York City um in areas where we' have a lot of exhaust because it binds to what they're outputting so it's just something to keep in mind if development continues in this area that maybe even though it's not the it's not it's just an interesting little thing like choosing a maple over an oak in areas of high vehicular exhaust output oh interesting yeah which I didn't okay yeah can you share that article with every it just came out lont they already but we can like include information like that in you know in the table Yeah if we have well and then if you're talking about EVS you can we can include that as like the side notes comments yeah like if it's going to be along a road or some place where vehicles are truck terminal per se you wouldn't want right you don't want to put an oak tree there where the trucks are idling that's that's all I'm saying okay okay so I will finish the table and then uh we'll redistribute again hopefully comment and then we can uh yeah so then the next steps are after we've all agreed on uh the the changes is to send that to Jim for a review the town manager um and work through um him any changes and then it would go uh potentially up to the Town Council for approval and then we can maybe send it to the DP one one last time for like the approval not the approval for like the comments if we have to go through Jim first yeah yeah but after we go you know after we go through him we can ask if we can just send it to the DP for last uh you know just look look into it to make sure that we comply with the uh ms4 permit because that's what we have to do mhm okay sounds good all right final item or not the final item sorry final item and unfinish business is the green teen appointment um this was supposed to be uh part of as per our um NJ uh certification uh Sustainable New Jersey certification that our green team gets appointed by the Town Council um so this is the list of the members that we have so far um I think the next step is to just approve that we're going to have the members the Green Team appointed and send that up to the Town Council any comments or questions on that any further developments on the like Captain and the I think after we get them appointed then we would reach out to them and let them know um we're looking to have somebody be a c and go from there okay lastly um the County Commissioners are um well they postponed approval of the susex County Wastewater management plan related to Diamond chip and um I wanted to talk to the team about or the Comm uh committee about getting writing them a letter supporting rejecting the Wastewater management plan as it stands right now um I didn't draft it yet but would we support that action or thoughts on potentially doing that yeah yes yeah okay I all right all right we'll we'll do that we don't know when it's going to be back on the agenda next um they said they wanted to take their 60 days to review everything and then go from there so we probably I don't I think their next meeting is their only meeting monthly I think but we'll try to do it before the next meeting all right anything else for the good of the township or the environment tonight oh I I um I emailed Jim zpp about electric vehicle and uh the the issue is that they're they're so costly right now and we don't have the uh infrastructure in place for in-house charging yet um but he sees them in Jims sees them in the future in our future for sure and he also mentioned that we have that Parks the parks department has an electric lawn mower now oh that's great yeah he's he's doesn't doesn't know what where what its status is he's going to inquire about it okay and he also uh wants to get together and talk about sustainable Jersey points how you some things which is great okay good yeah we have to um get on that again don't we yes we're we're we need to recertify for 2025 okay it's going to be here before we know it tell me so who's on still on that committee with you are me and Christine right yes okay all right great should we start adding it to the agenda again to get updates you think we could but we haven't met in a in a while okay yeah okay all right great anything else all right awesome thanks everyone oh I'm sorry do I have motion to adjourn I'll make a motion that we adjourn thanks second Ted second all in favor I thank you half a second I was at work thanks guys click the button then hang out thanks for coming night actually looking at those oh I got to write down all