the sparta Township planning board on behalf of the members of the entire planning board we like to thank the people that are here in person as well as those who may be streaming from home either now or later on YouTube I'd like to call this meeting to order for the record this meeting is being held March 6th 20124 at the sparta Municipal Building located at 65 Main Street Sparta the time is now 7:02 p.m. the live stream for this meeting can be viewed on YouTube at /am Sparta Township s p t awp public notice that uh I'm please note that public the adequate public notice as meeting was given in accordance with the open public meetings act please join the Ping board and our professionals as we stand and salute our flag I pledge Alle Alle to the flag of the United States of America stand one nation indivisible with liy and justice for all all right thank you everybody miss Fox could you call the RO please here r r heree here Mike Sylvester here Vice chairman Bill chairman Ronde here Deputy Mayor Dean buetti uh Nicholas pomilio here Janette Burke here celest Luciano here Rano okay on this matter so Dave Brady is here okay so um should we wait to go into close session would you make make a motion to go into a close session with you here but with Dave with Dave okay thank you thank you evening Mr Brady how are you sir all right tonight we're going to start start off by going into an executive session to discuss the pening litigation on1 Holdings LLC versus Sparta Township planning board uh and we'll be discussing attorney client priv privilege communication may I have a motion to move into Clos session for the purposes of discussing the the pening litigation I'll make the motion I'll make the motion go into close session I'll second okay so we're going to move into uh into a closed session Mr Brady any feel what like probably like 20 minutes to half hour tops if it goes a half hour I'd be surprised yeah okay okay thank you we should do a roll call or an all in favor Mr Brady oh roll call all in favor yeah all in favor I than you thank you Dory good okay so we're live again okay so um I'd like to have a motion to go back into public session so moved uh second please second roll call n Burke yes Christin dvar yes Justin Canalis yes CES Luciano yes Nick pomilio yes Ernie rad yes uh chairman Ronde yes thank you thank you everyone thank you you thank you I'll uh give them the heads up [Music] outs Nick do you do land use work or you who's an attorney and so you recognize I do personal and oh okay so you're familiar with L getting okay it's Crash Course had that wonderful five hour training on Thursday night though with njpo yeah that's fun one that's a good one but actually for I mean I'll give they do a pretty good job they do a pretty good job of laying it all out be able to sit and talk five hours so they did okay yeah I hope your instructor was fun yeah and the the the attorney was she you could tell she knew you know it's she did okay good I did I I sat on a planning board and um some reason when they were offering the cour this was like in 2014 or maybe 2013 they were only offering the course in some places and like I had to get it done by a certain time so next thing I know I'm like driving two hours away like I was in South Jersey somewhere in person in person yeah yeah yeah wow so I'm sitting in a classroom like it's 9:00 a.m I had to drive like an hour and a half yeah no they made it convenient it was just five hours to get it done sign the certification oh that's great it used to be like an in-person like uh like it was like you were sitting in like a college course class like commun college I assume it's the same organization that sends these out right off yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you hang on to these I would keep that yeah it's good thing to have I think it is very good thing to have okay all right so going to get back to to the the agenda so the next item on the agenda is the approval the minutes and I'm going to ask that uh we defer that to our next session unless uh anybody uh has an objection okay so we'll defer that to to the next anyone down here I just want you to look both directions did we need to do a motion we did we did oh we did that we did that um okay so that gets us down to the next item on the agenda which are the correspondents there are seven of them listed um these items are provided at as uh informational purposes only um I think they're pretty self-explanatory I I know we got a lot on our play tonight so um I think unless anybody has any questions on any of these items uh we could just move to the next sessiones anybody have any questions or comments okay see none okay so that then brings us to Other Board business right um and I'm going to suggest we have a lot of items on the other board business tonight so if no one objects I'd like to go right to the public hearing first and then discuss the uh the matter of other board business after the public hearing uh does anybody have an an objection with that okay so why we go right to the uh public hearing and public hearing is uh planing board application number 712 Titan Elite LLC 7 a way block 16001 Lot 19 this is an amended site plan andman day they're not here right okay okay okay yeah please or we could if you want more time we could do the other stuff for so I'll leave it up to you question so Gentlemen please welcome thanks for coming before us tonight thank you gentlemen I'll swearing the witnesses who might testify for the applicant tonight um gentle gentlemen I might be testifying please raise your right hands do you swear for him to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God thank you and please state your name spell your last name and give us at least a business address my name is stepen Sullivan last name s u l l i v an address is 14 Park Lake Road Sparta New Jersey speak uh it's better to pick up the yeah the remote mic I guess Jason done with extra Associates professional planner landscape architect thank you Jason the board Reon and accepts Jason dun's qualifications as a professional planner and certified landscape architect and please go ahead gentlemen thank you Mr Collins uh good evening uh Mr chairman members of the board my name is Robert mcbrier I'm attorney with SK price smth and King uh we represent uh the landlord timna 480 LLC and pro lease agreement uh we authorized to seek planning board approvals uh for the application before you uh filed by Titan Elite LLC uh by way of brief introduction the applicant seeks amended site plan approval bance relief and waivers to use the existing building for indoor recreational use including gymnastics training and cheerleader instruction as well as Associated office space the subject property is identified as block 16001 Lot 19 on the Township's tax maps and is commonly known as s Aaron Way the property is located in the Township's Economic Development Zone which expressly permits uh indoor recreational uses such as gymnastics basketball soccer health clubs and other similar uses Clayton has established itself as a talented and highly respected provider of athletic instruction coaching and training for young children in the area it seeks to continue providing these services at the subject facility uh with me uh this evening as just introduced are Jason Dunn who will testify as an expert in the field of professional planning as well as authorized representative Steven Sullivan uh on behalf of Titan Elite LLC uh we are in receipt of the Township's technical uh review reports and we'll address uh the comments and questions uh that were uh contained therein at this time I'd like to introduce Mr Dunn and uh ask that he provide uh an overview of the site plan as well as the relief being requested thank you um application is for occup of an existing building and site uh kind of a change in use that was a permitted use uh this site is already built um there is no proposed uh new building addition for um for uh even land disturbance uh existing parking and curving will stay as it is uh we are proposing new line striping and um a different circulation pattern which I believe is one of the reasons before this board um it would be a one way around the back and then exiting on the neighboring lot 20 there is an existing access easement in place um for that for that exit um the reason we're restriping the parking is to increase the amount of parking to uh to maximize the site uh this is a uh gymnasium uh which also by your parking ordinance uh would be considered a studio or similar to a studio so that's the uh part formula that we have to use which is one space per 100 square ft so we're here tonight also for an amended site plan but also for a uh variance for not having the adequate parking for your ordinance um there are two ADA compliance stalls there are 50 physical spaces being proposed the rear of the building has garage doors or overhead doors that the initial approval was for for what they call a flex building they didn't have a end user in mind when they got the first approval for this um so they figured it might be a contractor someone who would need loading and unloading uh this user does not need that so those Overhead Doors uh would be nonfunctional uh by way of loading or parking or getting into the building they're only really going to be used for ventilation if the weather permits um there are two EV ready spaces proposed um the one of the technical reports had mentioned that one of those spaces has to be uh accessible for ADA requirements and we would agree to make sure that that would be uh that would be moved to accommodate that we're asking also for a design waiver for not providing two loading spaces because the building is uh just over 10,000 square feet uh your designed standard ordinance requires two designated loading spaces um we asked for Relief on that because this particular use does not require um loading and offloading of a product if anything it would be uh minor office supplies so it would be a UPS truck from time to time not a regular in andout loading that you have to designate spot um those kind of deliveries could be done right uh in front of the building along the the driveway because they're they're don't won't take long in and out the uh as syndicated I agree the use is permitted in your Ed Zone um it's gymnastics and cheerleading training um this is highly specific uh it's for individual clinics and team training there will be no competitions held inside the building where we have where we would have uh other PL other businesses competitors come in here Spectators this is not that at all this is just for private train uh those kind of competitions are held in a regional basis whether it's in Atlantic City or other places we can have the owner talk a little more about that later there's no bleachers or seating for spectators age of the athletes uh can be from four years old up all the way up to seniors in high school 18 years old and then after that they move up to college level and they no longer are trained by this uh company anticipate 11 to 20 participants uh per session a session lasts between an hour and an hour and a half uh there would be three coaches and one office manager and with 50 physical parking spaces I keep saying physical because by by the Numbers we actually get credit for 52 because of the two EV spaces but there really 50 spaces even if um this was maxed out and every single student had one driver and the the coaches and the employee for the office all drove together together it would only amount to 44 spaces so we still have some left over um for that the sessions do overlap so that one session that's ending ending their their their practice session while that's ending 15 minutes before it ends another session comes in and starts stretching and warming up um that's important so that we don't have a traffic conflict of everybody trying to leave at the same time everybody's trying to come in so um we think that that works the best way and the most efficient use hours of operation we really don't want to get locked down to anything too specific so we would say 9:00 am to 900 P PM Monday through Saturday and close Sundays um you know right now they have several sessions a week they have um something called open open use for young kids during winter time uh they would it would be by registration only would limited numbers they could come and use some of the facilities just to get out of the bad weather and get some exercise um that's as far as I have for the site I I know this site has a little bit of a history um of outdoor storage and um overusing the site so to speak that that tenant has been moved out if you've heard of that that is not what this application is for um all the outdoor storage of those Wood Products um which had several violations it's all gone that tenant is gone the building has been vacant the site has been vacant since wall of last year while stepen the owner has been trying to get this get moved in here the building itself this was submitted uh as part of the application before it was deemed complete we had to have accurate drawings of the the building there is no propos signage um reason he doesn't need signage is because it's such a specific use that um his his uh students and their parents they By Word of Mouth they know of this they don't need to know by signage this doesn't have like he's not pulling people off the street so besides building identification you know the number uh we wouldn't need any signage on this if in the future need it you'd have to go before the site plan waiver committee and uh see where it goes from there but U this application no signs uh there is existing septic uh would agree to make sure the health department agrees that that is adequate for this use existing water connection existing power connection every everything is there but probably the most attractive part of this building to to this user is a wide openen training area um there's no interior support columns to be in the way of of what he needs to do to have these athletes uh improve themselves uh there is different equipment trampolines uh something that you called the pths uh tumble track the tumble track and the floor the floor itself call them the floor but I'll let him describe that a little bit better but the the main point is to do these kind of um activities you need a lot of space and that's important to know because if this were like something like a dance studio or karate or ju Jujitsu uh that could accommodate a lot more students in this space but the fact is because uh these participants are leaping and running and you know they're on the horse no horses floors and trampolines floors and trampolines um they they need to space so you wouldn't have those parking issues that you might have with the ordinance contemplated with um you know one for 100 square feet uh so the interior of the building is BAS is staying the same besides accommodating the equipment and the flooring type the mats uh we are adding a laboratory that would be Ada accessible uh there's a break room and two offices the prior application contemplated a mezzanine over top of the office areas uh that was never uh built out and this is not part of this proposal uh it's just the the ceiling of this of the office it wouldn't be used for any questions word about the site building and how we use could I suggest that maybe we let um Mr Mar and Mr Simmons goes first I think a lot of our questions probably get anwers with them doing theirs and then we we'll run up and down the diet and then to the public for questions still do have to put planning testimony in I just wanted to make sure that to he we don't have questions yeah anybody have any questions now that want to ask okay I did um explain about the design exception for loading spaces but as far as the uh shortage on parking there are 98 spaces required for this uh for this building according to ordinance we're having we show 52 uh my opinion is that this is a C2 variance better planning alternative if you will uh positive criteria is that um the economic development District shall be to allow for location of permitted uses in a campus-like setting with good access to Route 15 and properly buffered from residential uses that's in your master plan and your zoning workers um this is not near residential use behind the property is a Park and it would have uh no impact to that at all we also by allowing this user to occupy this building encourages you sustained economic growth and it is a what I would say is a clean use uh that would not impact your Wellhead protection aquafer which is directly underneath this property um there would be no hazardous substances stored here uh of any significant nature besides you know surface cleaners regular household cleaning products um there's no outdoor storage or drums or anything like that uh there's no overnight parking um I find that it furthers uh SE three of the land use law goals uh goal a which would enhance General Welfare as you'll hear from the owner you know we've touched upon tonight this use teaches young men and women um how to become confident how to work in a team um how to build upon themselves and I think that's very important for the community to have and I'll that for the Youth to do that um it's a viable proven and successful business he's bus in business here in Sparta for five years um he's looking to get a larger space to accommodate this this activity so it's more more toward the regulatory spaces that are needed um they they compete National level so they want to have a space that reflects that um goal G is to provide sufficient space for a variety of us for the needs of the citizens um as I explained about the building itself it doesn't have any support columns in the way of what's needed uh so I think because it's an already Dev site and the building is sufficient for the use um it fits that goal lastly is the go I it promotes the um desirable visual environment by not having the outdoor storage uh that was that could be here um not having overnight parking or trucks and uh uh other contractor issues that might might arise from a building like this um so it's my opinion that the Grant and the parking variance would not be inconsistent with your uh master plan and zoning ordinance um I think that the intent of that was was Noble in that you didn't want these kind of Studio uses way overp parked and um having overlapping large quantities of people coming in and out that that's that's appropriate and would not compare or have a negative impact to so I think on balance the positive certainly outweighs any negative from your professionals if you'd like or if you have questions for me is it will there be any more testimony tonight would it make sense to go through testimony um stepen solvent's here on behalf of Titan that could provide uh a little a little bit more detail about the scope of operations and also to answer any questions that may be posed by the board um it may be beneficial just to maybe go through the testimony so we you know we may get some of our questions answered there and then come back and we could do all questions thank you Mr CH do you mind if we go if we go to the professional and just go through Jason's sure some of those things just I think there's some minor stuff that I just like to clear up before we get into any kind of operation let's do that then thank you um um I think I think a lot of my comments um have largely to do just with clarifications because they're housekeeping items that were um you know misrepresented on the site plan and it was mostly just I think typo errors and you know carryovers from previous plans because this is a previously approved site so because it's not because you're not proposing to change the site I don't think they're detrimental it's not detrimental that there's going to be an error in in the building it's really just the site plans need to be cleaned up you probably read the memo there's a handful of them I think the zoning table needs to be cleaned up um you know Mr Simmons I had had indicated in his report the same thing um some of the setbacks were incorrect but those can be cleaned up pretty easily um the zoning table needs to be cleaned up and then the parking calculation needs to be cleaned up um because it it doesn't show the correct calculation right now that's right we when we initially reviewed this um we had a different spin on it so to speak using the one number 200 but uh you we agree that this should be by the letter correct stud correct just to and show the variances um correctly um um the other part was I'll come back to the when I when I remember it um the the other piece was um Jason let me know via email before the meeting I made a a slight error in the um EV spaces required I misapplied the the the model ordinance and applied the 15% for non-residential uses it's um anything below 50 but over 25 requires one space and anything above that u under 100 requires two spaces it's not written very well the state model ordinance on the EV spaces so it's unclear if it applies to the what would be required if you didn't need a if you weren't requesting a variance for the parking or if it's what you're actually proposing technically I mean in most cases Common Sense would dictate that the parking spaces you actually are providing would would be what what um rules there but uh the the ordinance is not clear about how it applies that either way they are they are proposing two spaces which they are compliant my memo mentioned that they might need a waiver for that that's not that's not the case I misapplied the the standard um in my confusion there um so they are providing two spaces they Jason has indicated that one of those spaces would be Ada accessible which is required per the 5% so um that would you know eliminate any kind of waiver for that um and I think I think that's the only you know real commentary with mostly mostly housekeeping mostly you know they've really got to clean up the plans if they if they are approved for final submission um and that's I could just add what that is exactly just to clarify because um two of the two of the requirements have to do with parking in the front yes and I did uh clarify that the parking front yard setback was not indicated on the plans um and it's 55 ft from the road right away to the um to the curb line okay 78 ft from the road right away to the actual parking spaces so we would comply with that okay maximum front yard parking ratio is uh 25% and we are at 20% with 10 spaces in the front yard so we would comply with that regarding the setbacks we had 35 feet shown on the plan where the Ed Zone requirements allow 30 feet so that wouldn't trigger any new relief or variance um and then the only other one that I don't know if I indicated was the front yard setback which was previously approved for 75 ft shows existing 100 but I believe the dimension on the planch shows does it show 75 ft or it is 100 the actual Dimension to the building is is 100 okay but the front yard setep back was appr was approved previously for that okay which I think that's what Dave had indicated on the site plan um oh the only other question was about the um the mezzanine inside if it was ever constructed um I did not see that with my own eyes but I was informed by the architect and the owner that that was never okay constructed with stairs to it there's no stairs to it okay the Meine would uh impact probably the office calculation for the parking so that's why it's uh it's like additional space because it's it's up there but it still counts so that's just uh important so thank you thank you I think that's all I have Mr Simmons you want to go through your now do you want to hear the additional testimony or what what would you prefer uh Mr chairman if I may I can go through my comments because I think between uh Katherine and the applicant they've covered a lot of the items but I'll just flesh out a couple other things if I may okay thank you uh for the record this is from the report I did prepared February 5th 2024 uh they summarized what's going on with the site plan and the circulation change and what have you and the parking and one of the things I wanted clarification on which Mr Dunn just gave was with regards to the the mezzanine area because as M armad uh indicated that would affect the parking calculation as well uh with regards to storm water this particular site is in the overall development where at the end of the culdesac there's a call it a Regional Detention Basin if you will so that part is taken care of uh the exception to that is that over the course of the development of this particular development on Aaron way one of the things uh Eric pal the former Township engineer had requested was that there be some language put in the chain of title that basically requires them to do some testing and monitoring of the storm water discharge from their particular property on an annual basis um the reason for that was not that this applicant is doing anything wrong uh but if they did end up with some sort of pollution down in the Township's Regional Basin they want to know where it came from hopefully this is a academic St statement if you will but that's the reason and whatever documentation he had come up with for the other sites I'd suggest that be built into this application if the board was to approve that as well uh with regards to the lighting plan uh there are some other lighting fixtures on the building that haven't been shown but there was a lighting plan approved for the original application so I think that's just a matter of adding that on the site plan with regards to water and septic system again they're served by the Township water system I'm not anticipating a problem with that and the septic system as Mr Dunn indicated would be reviewed with the county health department just to make sure they're in agreement with the calculations that were prepared for this particular use I looked at them and they were satisfactory to me but it's the County Health Department's jurisdiction uh with regards to landscape plan the only thing I noticed again along the rear line of the Lots on Aaron Road Aaron Avenue Drive uh there's some evergreen trees that were planted uh exactly where Mr Dunn's pointing and those should be shown on the plan just so there's a record of that Landscaping being provided uh with regards to the architectural plans just a couple things perhaps Mr Dunn and the applicant can testify to the way I interpreted the floor plans the way this was set up as Mr Dunn indicated before it was really set up at the time originally for a flex building they didn't know if they were going to have one tenant or three tenants and so the a variety of garage doors in the back depending on how many contractors or what use went in there my assumption is and maybe you could clarify this Forest that the plans seem to show that those doors are going to remain and my assumption is you're just not going to use them you're going to leave them down and locked unless we want to use them for ventilation only on nicer days we let some air in by opening but we're not going to use them for in andout deliveries or anything like that okay and by the same token in the uh front of the building there's three entrance doors because they didn't know again how many tenants were going to be there my assumption is that one of the doors is going to be used for the main entrance so you can process people through your office area but the other doors will remain locked yes we will use the first door on the right as you face the building go into the office have our people go through the office the other doors will not be in use okay uh the other question I had was and I'll just read this the floor plan basically shows an office area with the balance of the first floor being a quote unquote training area and I understand with the open no columns etc etc that's works good for you I said the applicant should outline to the board the overall operation of the facility for example there are no locker rooms for changing that type of thing maybe if my suggestion is just to give the board a little background I'm assuming based on no locker rooms or showers or that type of thing the students show up they're already dressed ready to go they EX exercise and then they leave and go home and shower or whatever that's correct we don't have changing facilities because athletes come to the facility they come to the facility already prepared with the exception of shoes so they come in they do their practice for anywhere between an hour and an hour and a half and then they leave they don't uh there are no need for any sort of locker rooms okay uh with regards to signage indicated that there's no sign proposed right now fire protection do we know I don't remember from seeing the site plan is the building sprinklered right now it is not it is not and I think one of the reasons they were waiting to see what the use would be that might dictate whether it had to be but my understanding is that you're not going to need sprinkler system for your type of use that's also my understanding okay uh with regards to an environmental impact statement there was none prepared for this application because basically the site in the building is done it's erected uh what I just want to remind the applicant is that this is in the Wellhead protection area and the applicant should confirmed that there'll be no discharges of hazardous materials from the subject property for the proposed operation that's right okay uh we need some details for the proposed EV parking spaces and as usual we've got a listing here on page five of my report of the various approvals they've got to get from the County planning board or waiver the health department the fire prevention Bureau the construction official and others the water department uh and also upon completion of the restriping and what have you to update the site plan as built plan so there's a record of that for the township zoning officer and that's my update Mr chairman did go through Mr sion's letter um I agree with the applicant would agree to clarify or take care of all the matters in the report I just had two comments um one is about the storm order it's possible that this was already recorded in the Deeds to maintain the catch Basin but um we do agree to check into that do what we need to do I just didn't want it to be misunderstood that that maybe that's done maybe it's not I'm not sure yet and and I don't know either that was Mr Pal's request way back when he was here in the township so we can check that I remember one of the things that Mr Po asked or required to do on these Lots is that where where the stor water and discharges you have a sump what's called a sump I think right yes so the gravel kind of flexs there one of the maintenance procedures was to suck out that gravel annually or something so yes we agree to do um in the approvals needed for the for the application other than this approval we have land disturbance permit uh listed how how would we go for that basically that land disturbance permit there's if the board acts favorably on the application usually you approve it and you they've got a lot list of conditions in the resolution that Mr Collins puts together and basically it's a form that's submitted with copies of the soil erosion sment control permit letter from the county health department it's almost like a clearing house to make sure all those resolution compliance items were taken care of and and the board secretary sends that over to us we look at it or Mr Stoner checks it out when he's down here on during the week and verifies that all the conditions have been met and then way you go that's what that's about so the members of the board would you prefer to ask questions now would you like to hear the uh additional testimony first and then ask questions or I have one question um since we're talking about the mats and we were talking a little bit about um how no hazardous materials are going through uh uh are are being used but how are the mats cleaned a mopin bucket something household cleaner like a Lysol diluted with water and we mop them up that way uh Windex on mirrors and uh toilet cleaners in the toilets okay how often are they cleaned uh almost every day three or four days a week for just once a day just once a day yes and that's all done inside the building correct yes correct thank you another quick question um so obviously gymnastics cheerleading potential for injury um how do how do you handle any type of blood that's sort of thing I mean without any other facilities in there other than you know the Open Floor training H how are those things handled we have first aid kits and as coaches we are trained in what they call C safety certification so we go through all the things of what to do with broken what we do with broken bones uh small abrasions big abrasions spinal cord injuries and everything else but we are trained how to best prevent them and how to know how to treat them to our ability and then call 911 when necessary um I was just wondering you didn't mention a difference in summer scheduling do you have uh camps gymnastic camps and would that change the number of um occupants at all or traffic situation it would change the number of occupants we operate the summer camps uh we do operate summer camps and they operate from 9 to 3 during the summer weekdays of Monday through Thursday I believe um but that is again a drop off situation uh they come in we limit the camps to 25 participants per week so it'll be the same 25 children each day during a week they do their activities they leave at three o'clock and then at 3:30 or 4 we resume our team trainings thank you I I've got some questions but I think I'd rather hear the rest of the testimony and then come back if that's okay unless anybody else has any questions that you'd like to ask you know before that um thank you Mr chairman um I think a lot of things have been covered uh but Mr suan could you I think the board will benefit uh learning more about uh you po operations could you provide a summmer of your recent work experience certainly I've been coaching gymnastics and cheerleading for 30 years uh the past last three have been with Titan Elite in Sparta um what we do there is we train athletes in the sport of cheerleading almost exclusively female athletes at this point that doesn't restrict boys from doing it but it's almost exclusively uh females for us right now uh tumbling which are like cartwheels forward rolls backhand Springs and flips uh stunting where athletes will stand on each other and go up and do different skills in the air and we take these athletes to Regional and National competitions for for example this past weekend we were in Washington DC with uh five teams uh weekend before that we were in Georgia with two teams we've been to Atlantic City uh and the final goal of the season is to compete in uh Disney at what they call the summit and I assume that Sparta Township isn't one of the uh locations where that circuit the national circuit uh stops for its its competitions that it does not um is it safe to say that the site is focused on the instructional and training and coaching elements and is not uh meant to serve as a spectator ctis or a venue for uh watching and observing competitions such as the one you just described it's exclusively for training no competitions at all and can you provide a little bit more uh detail as to the type of equipment that you'll have uh to support the services that you'll provide certainly it's uh as we discussed before floors uh in the large area there will be a floor that measures uh 42 ft by 54 ft this is a flat area that is boards on top of Springs with mats covering to keep the surface safe it enhances tumbling abilities and things like that safer than falling on the concrete on the smaller area there will be an additional floor for stretching conditioning exercises and uh things like that of 42 by 42 feet and down the center excuse me the plan is to have tumbling trampolines uh a regular size trampoline in the rectangle form 12 foot x 14 feet I believe the measurement is and a running tumble track which is 40 feet by 6 feet long and the uh the dimensions for some of the mats and the equipment that's standard for this type of activity is that correct that's right when we go to these competitions the standard matting is 54x 42 which uh this space would enable us to have in our current space we only have uh 40 by 42 and the space that you previously had uh didn't allow you to accommodate regulation siiz uh equipment is that correct that's correct yes and and that's one of the features that attracted uh Titan Elite LLC to this uh facility is that is that accurate it is um can you talk a little bit about how individuals or teams are enrolled in the programs certainly I'm going to drink some water first if you don't mind athletes reach out to us via the office or online and tell us they're interested in this sport what we do is we evaluate the athlete and then place them on a team where we feel their skills best fit for the team and for their own personal progression uh in the sport and uh how many teams will be on site at at any given time on any given time two teams at a time okay and based on your personal experience having operated a similar facility before um is it your uh opinion that the facility uh adequately uh supports the services that you intend to provide uh it does yes and based on your personal experience do you believe that the parking uh is adequate for the services and programming that you intent to provide I do I think that's uh all that I have unless there are any questions from the board okay Mr canel why we start on your end this time any questions um I don't think so I'm just curious so between the two buildings do you have any plans for people need to walk between the two buildings we're not going to keep both if we are approved for this building we will vacate the building we're currently in perfect all right no no questions for me then I know you're current buildings just right down the street from this one correct in the sa development um how many parking spaces are in that building we have access to 15 there are a total of 45 I believe 45 on the entire site because we only use a third of the building all right so you're so you already you already know what kind of parking you're using what I'm ask all right and you're transferring it to this place all right correct got it thank you no questions no questions so so one question I had and this is just me just not understanding when I looked at the the the site plan um and I guess there's 50 parking spaces I had trouble identifying the 50 spaces you know I I got one through 33 and I go to 34 and then I lost track from Nick and he just kind of helped me walk through it so 10 parking spaces in front of the building space number 11 through 22 is on the east side of the building and behind the building um space is 33 through 50 U there's two parallel parking spaces here that you your eye may not have caught okay that's how so like 34 I I I was good 33 and 34 and is just what 33 through 47 are directly behind the building okay two more they're just not numbered on on on the drawing okay ah okay I see I see what I was missing thank you okay and the parking spaces themselves are what size ones are 9 by 20 I think the pre-existing ones may be 9 by 18 not sure that design waiver was granted previously so the question is do we if would we need to approve um a design waiver if they were 9 by8 I don't think we'd have to re-approve it tonight um but okay I don't I don't either um if the the only one a question for me is I small so the good news is these are all uh 9 by 20 so we would not need that great thank you that's all my questions I apologize for not having convention on there I just have one question thank you first of all and just to confirm for the record you're the only tenant proposed in this we will be the only tenant in the building thank you I'm good thank you um just one quick question in terms of equipment is there be going to be any um strength training type of equipment on on site no um everything's body weight that we use or theraband the elastic bands that's it okay perfect thank you I have just two questions um I was I had a chance to look at the website just to familiarize myself with the use to get an idea um it looks like um you offer kind of like the in the sports world like travel like uh you know High commitment and then like kind of recreation the half year is kind of like a wreck League which you know great I noticed that there was a in the past maybe a a a tour a tournament or something for half your cheer yes for it at one point in the year it listed in Sparta so I was just curious as we were talking kind of about that tournament play or competition I know it's probably not the scale of one of those you know very large Regional competitions but what would something like that entail if there was like a an event that wasn't us first of all that was a a a thing called the crown it's a company that also runs cheerleading competitions they rented Sparta High School they did it in and then they would hold they have different sessions during the days for different ages and different abilities so the half year does more of the high school more local like uh this weekend we're going down to linkof the Community College and things like that okay great um and then the other thing was um I know Christine had mentioned summer camps do you offer other kind of like non team-based activities I saw there was like a tumbling like a free play um free play is the one in the morning for the younger children what happens there is we limit it to 20 participants uh parents bring in their younger children um two to four basically and they wander around with their children bouncing on trampolines and running around the open space gym class for toddlers exactly okay um that answers my question thank you Mr Sims any additional questions on your part no sir okay so I think it at this point we could we can open up to the public for questions any questions for the applicant Tes okay please raise your right hand do you swear firm to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you God I do Jenny derk's tapping to Sparta is the exterior going to stay the same yes okay thank you that's it thank you okay any other questions cins if the if the board is ready you might I consider a motion to approve the amended preliminary and final site plan and the C variant C2 variants and site plan exceptions as requested by the applicant uh with the standard conditions and with the conditions that are I think generally as follows uh they'll comply with the uh review reports of the township planner and board engineer uh there'll be no hazardous materials uh used on the site or disposed on the property or accepted system uh they will um if there isn't already language about maintaining and sampling the U storm water uh as required previously by the township engineer Eric Powell uh then the applicant will have that language added to the U deed restrictions on the property uh they will obtain Health Department review of the septic to confirm its suitability for the proposed use uh they'll um uh show revise the plans to show all the details that the planning planning board planner and engineer requested and that they described but one of them was to show The Evergreens along the rear property line uh they'll provide an asil plan with the revised revised U revised plans to address the review comments and this resolution uh they'll um the use will will not be used well I'm sorry the property will be used solely for instructional gymnastics uh instructor-led gymnastics and cheerleading it will not be used for tournaments or for spectator events or similar events uh there will be only one tenant in the building and on the property and that tenant will be Titan gymnastics and they'll control the entire parking lot and that's all I had Mr chairman okay would somebody like to make a motion I'll make a motion I'll second okay Mat B yes Christine D yes Justin caneles yes Le Luciano yes Nick pompelo yes Bernie rad yes Mike Sylvester yes chairman Ronde yes thank you and good luck thank you John thank you a lot of wish you a lot of success good evening thank you enjoy the rest of your night to just SP my papers here first one good I'll be right back um why don't we take a five minute break and then we'll come back and we'll get to Other Board business thank you everyone thank you night we've been looking at um potential grants that could be out there to help uh the planning board in the town in terms of uh help to fund some of the work that we're doing on you know the ordinance work the and the various subcommittees master plan plan endorsement um and I I I keep hearing about them and we keep hearing about them but I wasn't really sure that we were getting the the data we need to go chase them so I spoke with uh Mr Jeep Mr Zep Our Town manager and he thought the best way would be for members of the board here to meet face Toof face with members of the Highlands Council so we look at volunteers we've got uh four four people that' be interested in doing that which are Mr enr Miss Burke Mr canelos and Miss Luciano um so I'd like to ask the four of them to uh uh to get together and and um we'll have Mr enr head up the team and coordinate a date to meet with the members of the council and come back and brief the board on any potential uh opportunities that you think we could find I know we've had some some sessions before poor um or top level but I think to get down to look at this grant look at that Grant I think that's the face to face um so the objective is to basically understand what what grant funding is available how do we apply and how can we be made aware of future grants uh when they become available so hopefully we can use that to help offset the cost of some of the work we're doing um anybody have any questions on that okay well thank you for folks for volunteering um second uh topic is the zoning map so um I know there's been a lot of questions on the zoning map in terms of where are we what's going on and the the town um has been apparently they they've been making some tremendous progress on this so uh Mr Simmons if you could maybe you can kind of give an update on where we stand with that sure Mr chairman um I spoke with Mr Stoner the township engineer before I came tonight and I don't have it on an easel but the zoning map is in progress so basically this is the new map that's in the gis system and as you can see the I hope you can see the uh zones are on there uh We've also put an inset on here so it's delineating for sure where the uh Highlands preservation versus the planning area is with respect to various parts of the township and also uh they're putting the different zones in and one of the things they're going to add I believe uh some of the colors are very similar on the old zoning map and sometimes you have to get real close and personal to make sure you're in the right shade of green if you will so we're going to add some additional text there just so it's clear on the map which one is which as far as the zones go so the map is in progress as I say it's in GIS so it'll be able to be compatible with other maps that the township may want to have prepared in the future okay great thanks um and you know maybe be worthwhile there you know I don't want to pin anyone down in terms of once it going to be done but maybe in another month or so maybe we can get another update in terms of oh absolutely absolutely anybody have any questions on the zoning map thank I think that it's a a a trific idea to do this um because we're starting our our open space committee right um and I'm sure that um the public you know um for their input need to to see these zones very clearly which you know really is difficult I know for me to actually discern so for our open space committee as well as our master plan committee you know AB absolutely yeah we need another month we'll have another update for you yeah thank you yeah I just want to note this and um I have not been involved in the process um with Mr Stoner and Dave's office but um if in the future because it's being done in GIS if we ever wanted to host an interactive map online um it's not difficult at all once the files have been you know the layers have been created and so if we want to explore that in the future you know we could we could definitely entertain that um and my office does that for a few other municipalities so um rcjs online actually is the kind of host platform for it and it can be managed by the township um and then it can be interactive so you can like actually find your property have a base map underneath it um if we want to look at into that in the future okay and again so I think this is being done we'll report on that here but um it's really been done by the township so it may be reach worth reaching out to Mr Stoner and and you know offering absolutely okay we'll do any other questions on that I just Echo I strongly recommend it goes rgis you get to set this up you pick the right layers and it's interactive it's usable and you're going to save a lot of to definitely be a more powerful tool okay okay our next topic is uh conform copies of ordinances so some of the discussion we've had in the past is that some of our ordinances I'm not going to say they're outdated but you you've got to take uh an ordinance together with what's online and marry them together so so the goal has been to conform them um so similar to the zoning map I know the Township's been doing a lot of a lot of good stuff to to try to bring that current so I'm going to ask Mr Fox to if she can give us an update on what's going on there yes so I received uh information from Rock s Landy our Township Clerk um and we do have the updates in progress with the um company for ecode and it just needs to take approximately I believe she said six to eight weeks for it to actually populate in the ecode um but we got the approval and we're moving forward with that that's great news thank you thank you any questions and have from anybody okay um another topic is uh traffic engineer so um on some of our I'll call them our our larger applications it may be worthwhile to um consider hiring a consultant just as as we have uh Mr Simmons and Mr Samar but this consultant would would are really specialize in the um the area of traffic engineering and and certainly Mr Simmons has done been doing a great job on on the on the day-to-day stuff and and I appreciate that but I think the feeling is that we we should do that and um had some discussions actually um we've got a a few members that have uh you know just looked at a little bit further so if you guys can maybe give us your thoughts on what you found yeah well we we we discussed with the U with the engineer that was uh it was preliminarily on that on the the project and uh one of the things we discussed one of one of the main points was um if we're we restart this how how quickly could he update his information and get us a a fresh report and he he said that was basically just days so that that was a good thing um and um you know we the discussion was most of the sorry whichever way I'm talking which microphone all right um basically the um you know the discussion was that the majority of the the data that was collected um he believes is still relevant he said that can be uh that can be double checked um by uh um electronic means and by uh spot checking certain areas but um basically the way he explained it is the uh kind of similar to the way you you go on ways or or you know one of those mapping things you ask for traffic they get the data from the cell phones and since almost everyone has a cell phone they're collecting that data and they can actually get spot traffic counts um from a of service uh that that pulls it from that that stuff so it's it's a good way of checking things without having to put someone out there that that's that saves us a cost and and that's that way we can check the uh uh he can check the work of the uh um the applicants traffic person you know for for accuracy so that was those were the main things that I cleaned from it so yeah same here and just uh just a comment additionally that it would it would need to be updated and updating it you you know you could actually expand There Was You Know issues of you know covid versus counts now um although there may not have been no D dramatic change um with some of the other activities going in and around the area that um it should be considered uh you know and definitely updated so again just just a clarification so this is not to actually perform a traffic study this is actually to look at what the applicant submits and you know look at it with the same set of eyes as our professionals do now but this person would be a specialized traffic engineer they are expert they are and I think I think the goodness there is also that taking that approach that um the the the um this would not be paid for by the township it gets paid for out of the funds um Mr colins what's it with the escrow accounts paid by the applicant's escrow account yeah so so um it sounds like it may be a good idea I don't know you you guys thoughts after talk yeah we we we didn't feel there was we felt there was value in it okay anybody else comments like that okay so um Mr Collins going to ask some help here in terms of how we moved this forward do we need to um when when you're ready uh you would adopt a maybe at the next meeting a Professional Services agreement with the traffic engineer and they submit the paperwork for that and we review it with Dory and with Mr Z so we would ask them to to give us their agreement or we have yes and there we have the form we know the forms and the types of documents they have to provide it's a Professional Services agreement and a Professional Services resolution and that's what I think we would be doing something similar to you've seen that before okay thank you we we did um go into qualifications experience availability and um just uh it was kind of standard protocol for the experience that they had any commitment they'd be able to make to the board okay how long does that uh you know how how much time are we talking about in terms of you know a study for an application do we know like typically how long does it take them to do this well basically what happens is the you know the the traffic study is required to be done by the applicant they're going to submit that then that then they have a period of time and and we know that by the time something gets submitted and the time it's heard there's plenty of time in there for him him or her to review uh the information and give there yeah you should four five days is what they're saying and there's so there's more than enough uh time for them to to do that review yeah because they're not doing the study they're doing a review of the study right you know and then they would come to your meeting for hearings on that application and like Dave comes and Katherine comes they probably be here primarily for the traffic portion of the case okay so we'll take we'll we'll move out and we'll see about uh getting that taken care of all right uh then the last item on the board business is um so we've had a couple meetings on on parking standards um and and I think when I look at where we started to where we are now I think there's been a lot of value from comments from everyone on the board here from members of the public are professionals um the last meeting we had on the subject um there were a lot of questions that came up so we tried to get all those questions out to everybody in the board to make sure that what we want to do is we want to bring forward an ordinance at either our next meeting or the meeting afterwards that says we've addressed all these concerns and then put it to a vote as opposed to try to you know to to build so if you have concerns could you please get them to Katherine as soon as soon as possible so when she rewrites the ordinance she everyone's all the comments have been addressed and you know we can't possibly address all the concerns because some were conflicting so but I I I think we're close enough now that we either think it's a good idea as a team or or we don't but let's put it to a vote and see where it goes Le that would be the the goal so does anybody have any questions on on that okay no one down here okay I gotta remember look both ways okay um so that's all the the subjects all the topics I had on other board business so I think now that moves us into updates um Town Council uh Deputy Mayor bmed is not here tonight um but he will brief us at the next meeting uh environmental commission thank thank you chairman um I I don't have um really anything to update that I haven't really brought forth um previously I would like to just pass around um the arbor dat tree planting event in Sparta Glenn for perhaps folks to take a look at the agenda so you're aware of what's going on um from that angle um so it should be a great event uh Christine Rogers has done a lot of work on it to make the day a really fun and educational day for our students um middle school students a April 26th yeah and the rain barrel Workshop is uh it's almost sold out there's one place one rain barrel left and it's free it's fun for the yeah and that's going to take place right out here um in front of the municipal building [Music] um I made an error uh last time um I stated that uh we had a student that joined the environmental commission is not a student it's an it's a college student and he's an adjunct member so and that's uh Landon tanier so I I apologize for that um but we will be getting um a student aison um soon hopefully and um that's about it thank you Christine do you mind if I pass this to members of the public oh absolutely okay I'll just run down real quick uh some of the other ones uh master plan subcommittee will be having a secondate meeting on March 22nd the topic there is going to be goals and objectives um the ordinance subcommittee I I apologize I still need to get that back on track where we'll talk about the uh economic de economic develop development Zone uh minor s plan subcommittee so we met before tonight's meeting I think we we have about nine applications I think we had one tough one where we actually met with the applicant tonight um and I think we made some progress so I think the team there is doing a great job and we appreciate all the work uh everyone's doing there um this one I do I do want to make sure we I spend the proper amount of time on and that's on the planned endorsement advisory committee so we had our second meeting of the year on March 5th um and I believe the team felt that we are now ready to come forward to to have some discussion with the public we're going to Target uh Miss Fox I think we said April 3rd was that April 3rd we'll come before we'll have a a a session of the planning board uh where the plan endorsement committee uh advisory committee uh primary Le uh Katherine is going to brief the public on the process and answer any questions that you may have um and I think that's uh that' be a good good time to to to really kick off this process and let people know where we're standing so again a lot of good work by everybody on on that team um we met a couple times and and I I think everyone's excited to to go to this next step um and hopefully we'll see a good turnout on on the third um uh anyone else uh want to add anything on any of those committees that I may have missed I know there a lot of people involved so okay the only thing I would say uh for the um the site plan committee the minor site plane Risha has been very very helpful and I think she should be acknowledged with that she's new employee here and she's really doing a good job keeping us um focused and reminding us to respond to you and you should be acknowledged for that yeah and to that point I think the the person that came in today um the applicant actually went out on their way to say the same thing that she's just been terrific so many thanks okay unless anyone has any questions there I think that moves us into open to the public for comments on Ma for comments on matters not on the agenda or matters not related to a hearing to a hearing on application for development so any members of the public wish to speak tonight Jenny Derek Sten Sparta um still same question as last meeting what is the implication for the um Sparta Township planning board regarding the diamond chip application rejection at the county level same answer we shouldn't talk about Diamond ship application in the meeting without the applicant being here on so that will be when their hearing is taking place so we're going to continue with the hearing even though they can't I mean and Mr we're not going to talk about the details of anything about the application but just every site plan and subdivision requires uh that' be conditioned if there is an approval it' be conditioned upon all other governmental approvals and the municipal Anar specifically requires County planning board approval so that will be required if they never get it then they won't be able to build but they've already been they've already received a non-approval right and that doesn't mean that they can't process an application at the spart of planning board or at any planning board that's the two there's two separate governmental reviews and the any Township approval would require County approval and if and that's a requirement of the municipal Landy law reading the app reading the letter from the engineer the report Dan I think we're now Way Beyond talking about just the procedure we can't talk about the diamond ship application outside their hearing and their hearing is not tonight and the applicant is not present so well I can talk you don't have to answer me the the the letter does state that it's been not approved for safety reasons and since as Mr Collins stated that a county approval is required for the township to give their approval to con to continue with the application seems uh redundant unnecessary um not my opinion and I know that this very rarely happens so it's possible that there hasn't been any in this in our um in Mr Collins's experience but um the appc the letter the response from the engineer the letter giving advice to the planning board at the county level to reject brings up a whole host of ways that they could remediate but that would require a new application and then that would mean that we would have to get a new application here as well so something it's mystifying why we would cons why we would cons continue to expect the hearing to continue it's litigated it's being litigated I understand that but it seems pretty clear that if a requirement of the project to be built is County approval and it doesn't have County approval it can't be built similar to when Captiva got their approval with a deed restriction that could never have been built with the deed restriction on it so we're we're kind of in the same situation here this is something that can't be built because it does not have an approval that is required for it to be built for it to be completed okay any other comments from the public yes hi Margie Murphy 9 P Parkway um can I ask what you were talking about the traffic studies for what or was that just in general in general in general yes um and there were traffic studies that were not asked they were are supposed to be done by the applicants yes well I think in some cases and I Mr Simmons is I don't know if there's a threshold or it's just a judgment but uh one one what would be the trigger to say when a traffic study is is needed well I I think basically on larger applications that would in particular require uh permit for an access to a State Highway or to a County Highway uh that would probably trigger something that would have to be done by the applicants traffic engineer his consultant uh especially if they knew from the size and scope of the project if it met certain thresholds where the state or County definitely was going to require permit okay so there there are some traffic studies that have not been done that should have been done no let me I want to make sure we're real clear there um in the past and this is going forward I understand correct so so going forward when a traffic study is required the board will look at it in terms of work with our professionals to determine is this something that that we can do with the normal course of business or is it large enough that says maybe we want to bring in a little extra help on this one and that's the intent of what we talked about tonight is for those those larger applications none no one in particular um it it may pay to have a a a a a someone that does just traffic engineering a consulting firm come in and help us evaluate that study I think that's absolutely necessary I think that's terrific and absolutely should be done as well as any developer or somebody that wants to come in and bring something large into our town what do we get out of it what do we get for letting them if possible allowing them to build something large in our town what how do we benefit by allowing that to come in and there's many other towns and many other cities in the state that places have wanted to build something very large that needed huge amount of space and they benefited by having golf courses built by having parks and by having uh baseball fields built have is that put into not necessarily a code but it should be fa you know it should be brought up by someone on this committee or zoning board committee that we should benefit tremendously by having I mean yes we have a new shop well not we but in Sussex County up in Sussex there's a new shop right and it's wble Plaza but did he donate the land I mean just saying it's named wble Plaza w Street what you know what did the town get in allowing this to happen that should be put into consideration and with people on on all the boards that maybe have real estate expertise that could bring that into the the pot also um and I apologize what were you talking about parking and and where is that in just in general but so so over the last um not the last couple weeks had a few meetings on looking at uh adjusting the Poss possibly adjusting the parking standards for uh indoor recreational uses and we've we've kind of looked at that because we think that may be a good use to bring into this town kind of like what we heard tonight on that on application um and so there's been discussion about what would that look like um and and we've had I guess two meetings three meetings I don't I don't know what it is so at the next meeting we're going to kind of bring all that to a final hopefully a final conclusion says this is what it's going to look like um and does it make sense IND indoor parking no no uh indoor Recreation recreational such as we talked about um Chilean it could be karate it it could be acoss you know it could be you know indoor Recreation uses could be a Fieldhouse um so so think of any recreational use that's being done indoors and it's limited to certain zones yes it's not just a quick overview right now the parking ordinance that's on the books only has a requirement for what's shown as dance studios and karate classes which is hyp specific and it doesn't have any other standards for anything else prescribed um despite those uses being permitted like the one we heard tonight um and so we were trying to find a way to expand that to other indoor recreational uses and also look at the parking standards specifically in bigger uh zones like the Ed Zone like this like this property it was here tonight oh okay and that was the cheerleading I I missed that I just talk to briefly outside sorry so so not in the Town Center not in places where there's shopping centers that may have multi-uses not in those zones at all only in these kind of larger zones where it would specifically only be one use of that property um would relax the parking a little bit okay thank you thank you Mark Scott I'm weo Parkway just a quick question I just want to know why is Mr Collins working on the diamond chip application why is he defending the planning board when he was one of the ones that helped craft the ordinance before the application ever came in front of us isn't that a conflict no not a you you being the judge is that what you're saying just not a conflict Mark so if you have something further you'd like to add you can add you can work to design the ordinance and then you should taking money from the developer and then and then essentially navigate Shepherd this thing through I'm not shepher anything through Mark I'm the board attorney I don't think the question is appropriate I mean we respect the fact that you could answer ask it but I mean you're directing it at at Tom Andor the board here and I think we've moved on and pass that right now Mr Collins he's he's our attorney counil I agree wanted to thank you for working on the map and the ordinance review I really appreciate that and I'd love to take the credit but is it's all the people Dory and for everybody else who's doing the work we're reporting out but the work by a lot of folks so got a lot of good work done today thank you I appreciate thank you I just wanted to mention briefly this is onund Dash 17 pondosa Ron I just observe you know I'm very pleased to see the Cadence in which you speak and your considered and thoughtful approach to these meetings um I think is tremendous than the whole board and and the whole board and I think you bring a dignity to this board that it it it needs and I appreciate that very much and while we're on the topic of giving credit to folks I think all of us you would all agree with me that the value that our local press provides to the for the accountability for the public um the wealth of knowledge and experience that uh it brings for for all of us who may not be paying attention uh makes this uh elevates all of us and um I think whether implicitly or explicitly uh we should be appreciative of that and continue to support uh our local Press thank you appreciate your comments Mr Dash thank you anybody else okay so I I think with that U we're going to move into executive session unless I I typically miss something did I'm checking on everybody did I miss something on the agenda okay so uh before we do that I just want to thank everybody that came out tonight for coming out tonight for all your comments um also like to thank the people that may be watching on uh on YouTube on the stream either live or later so again thank you very much we wish everyone a good night and we're going to to go into an executive session where we're going to talk about the pening litigation of diamond ship uh realy LLC versus Sparta Township planning board and a not Dash versus Sparta Township planning board and attorney client Pro communication along those lines not we will not be going in needing to take any action after the closed session so even though we will open there will be no action taken after the the closed session so it's a resolution to go into Clos session pursuant sections 7 and 8 of the open public meetings act to discuss matters of attorney clim privilege communication pending litigation the two just described by Mr uh day uh the is anticipated this time that the subject matter will may be made public upon completion of all litigation and appeals and when deemed appropriate and uh is there such a motion have motion and a second second yeah I all in favor do a do a roll call just for purposes of the record roll please Janette Burke yes Christine dunar yes Justin Canalis yes celest luano yes Nick pompelio yes Ernie rad yes Mike Sylvester yes chairman Ronde yes thank you folks you and then we'll adjourn after that they're live all right all right may I have a motion to go back into Open Session I'll make a motion second second who depending roll call please n Burke yes Christine Dunbar yes just Canal yes celest Luciano yes Nick pilo yes Ernie rad yes Mike Sylvester yes chairman R yes all right we're back an open session um do I have a one before we close does anyone have any thoughts and if not may I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn I have we need a roll call there Tom yes roll call roll call please oh I'm sorry eyes are sufficient eyes are okay all in favor I seeing none we are ajour good night everyone thank you folks