##VIDEO ID:diEpB1XAkgU## professional we like to welcome everyone to tonight's meeting of Thea Township this meeting is now now called to order for the record this meeting is being held on September 18th 2024 at the sped Township Municipal Building located at 65 Main Street SP New Jersey the time is now 701 it's important to note that the live stream for this meeting may be viewed at YouTube at www.youtube.com please note that adequate public notice of this meeting was provided in accordance with the open public meeting the next item on agenda salute to flag I ask everyone please stand join our board members and our professionals as we proud begin this meeting with salute to Our Nation flag IED to flag states God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right thank you everyone uh the next item on the agenda gu roll call Miss Fox if you pleas call Ernie Christine dbar Mike Sylvester Vice chairman Bill en chairman Ron Deputy Mayor de fman Janette Burano Brian here okay thank you okay uh the next item on the agenda is an ex executive session so I'm going to anticipate that the session is going to last about 20 minutes um so I'd like to proceed into the executive session subcribed an executive session session resolution 20246 relating to Adrian versus SP Township Board tra pvm taking action asid veter Associates urg care please note that Mr will be recusing himself in the part of the meeting would someone like to make a motion to go into executive session that's described in resolution 20246 I'll make a roll call please pleas bar yes Vice chairman D yes Jo Ferman yes Justin canis celesto Ernie Mikester Brian zmer yes all right so we're going to move into public session again I expect should you know 20 minutes or so in the a can I ask you give us for that time thank you thank you okay we're good thank youa okay we're good all right so um what want to did tonight going to handle this executive session a little different than we have in the past because we don't have Mr Brady with us unfortunately Mr Brady is was not feeling well and um so we don't have attorney client privilege per se this is confidential but we don't have that layer so so there's a lot that's gone on I want see that there's been some pretty important things that have gone on the last week relative to this hearing so um I came up with a list of things I want to make sure everyone's updated as to where we are so when the discussion goes tonight you everyone knows where we are um what I'm going to say is very scripted intentionally um I'm going to try to discourage dialogue if someone feels the need to feel free to to weigh in but the idea is um making sure that um I'm trying to keep what whatever extent uh attorney client privilege we can um without having here that's that's why it's scripted so to give folks an update what's going on so um you may have heard that the extension for the filing date uh was not submitted on on time um so when the reason for that is um there was Dave I I apologize for interrupting I'm just getting a text message that our audio is still on so if you could bear with me one minute because I'm talking to the township administrator at the moment so bear with me one minute [Music] h if um this doesn't get fixed come out of EX session yep testing Jim can you hear me my SN CH J CH looks like we're off yeah I don't see does it sound good or we we're not sure we still have to hold up one minute okay on my end everything is muted and everything is in executive session as we've always done it so we have to see on the back end what they can do we we we still have it all right so it's still it's still come through I think at this stage I've been advised to shut the executive session down from Administration so unfortunately the it is going to have to work on that okay all right so given that um let's uh I'd like to get a motion to go back into public session I'll make a motion there a second second roll call Janette Burke yes Vice chairman Bill and R yes Joan Ferman yes Justin caneles yes Celeste Luciano yes Ernie ragad yes Mike Sylvester yes Brian zman yes chairman Ronde yes all right so back in public session and I guess we can invite everybody back in that was quick that was quick amazing to figure th update well since I'm Oakwood everybody's coming past my house now so I'm just bavid of all the sections to pay the road is so big coming from Rocky ter is all the way down to the island but they pave that little section in Oak God I mean are yeah my oak wood that was pretty good to begin with and I lose it like three times a week no way I lose it all the time yeah that's how that's how mine used to look like my Street's been done my street been they made it [Laughter] okay okay all right welcome back everybody we're back in uh public session so uh the next item on the agenda is going to be approval of minutes uh we've got two sets of minutes for approval tonight the first set of minutes is are the minutes from the meeting of March 20th 2024 um would anyone like to make a motion to approve the minutes of the March 20th 2024 planning board meeting I'll make a motion a second okay okay any comments comments okay can we have a roll justtin yes ER yes Vice chairman Bill yes chairman Ron yes yes yes all right the minutes for the March 204 planning board meeting are approved the second set is for the minutes of June 26 2024 but anyone like to make a motion to approve those minutes any comments from anybody okay can we get a roll please if we can go back unfortunately Celeste is not eligible to vote on these minutes I there I'll make a motion thank you all right second second thank you okay roll call please yes yes all right soend of the June 26 2024 CL board meeting are approved uh so thank you for that the next uh and sixth item on the agenda is the public hearing the meeting we were initially scheduled to hear application uh 713 from however the request the application is being carried to October and we received an extension of time to act until October 16th Tom D anything that we need to add or yes we'll just confirm on the record that if anybody's here for thez company application that is being carried without additional notices to October 2nd at 7 p.m. no further notices at this meeting room okay all right thank you Mr okay moving on to the next section which is other board business so um tonight we got the opportunity use the time to talk to discuss some non application matters which something we don't get a chance to do that often so it's a good night here um we've got three items on the agenda we'll be talking about tonight the first item is going to be a master plan subcommittee update which Mr will us through um then we'll have a zoning map update from Mr simm and then have a discussion the PR2 ordinance so before before we launch into the sub plan I just want to introduce the members of the plan sub committee sub committee team as well as take a moment to thank them in advance for the great work that they've accomplished um the team was formed in 2023 we've met a few times this year um and since I think you're can see the results of what we've been doing throughout the year when when M samard uh walks through the presentation so just an introduction of who's on on on the team so deputy mayor uh Dean bmet who's not here tonight he had uh previous commitment Jennifer Derek who is member of the public so thank you chenny uh Allison Jean uh Ken lry who is the zoning board chairman thank you Ken leanos uh planning board Michael dine member of the public Mike could not be here tonight either Brian ranesi member of the public who could not be here Neil SAU one is Neil there he is great in the back Neil is the uh Vice chair for the environmental Commission uh Michael Sylvester planning board member Christy White House myself and professionals we as we've been using Mr Collins Miss Fox uh Katherine Samar and and uh Mr Simmons as our engineer so before I turn the floor to miss I just want um let the uh I I think I speak for the entire uh subcommittee Team saying that we've been fortunate that Katherine has done a great job leading us through where what you're going to see tonight she's been the the architect for the website that she'll walk us through that so Katherine with that the floor is yours thank you Ron and I just so I I'm going to start uh by showing just the regular Sparta Township website because this is one of the Avenues to get to the What's called the community engagement Hub um and so it may be easier actually for the board members for you to all see if you want to take a minute to move to the audience if you feel more comfortable if you'd like to if otherwise if you can see it you can stay there but it may be easier um and so this is like said this is one of the Avenues to get there um otherwise it's www.spartan.com and I'll show you right here um I want to thank Dory and the it and all the administration uh staff at Sparta for helping get this on the website as we launched it um and so if you look in the news flash section you can see the community engagement Hub and a little bit of news flash about it so you can either click here or click that link and it'll take you to like I said www. sparter plan.com so uh as part of the uh the sub the master plan subcommittee um very early in the stages of when we were having discussions um about how to get this process kicked off um a big idea was to have kind of a a concentrated area where anyone from the township could look for information um you know basic stuff about what a master plan is and what the process entails as well as other information and updates as the process goes along and so um we kind of landed on this idea of you know maybe we do like a website and um the dream kind of came alive um as we were able to put this together and um we think it's going to be a really good tool to help kind of navigate um the the plan process in the next um year or so and to make sure that um the entire public and Community can get involved and find ways to get involved and keep updated about everything that's going on um so that the process isn't just the subcommittee or the planning board that everyone can have access to it so um this is the kind of landing page this is the homepage um it gives a little bit of a of a description of what a master plan is um and you know kind of where Sparta is in that uh stage of the master plan um and that we're seeking you know the all Community input as we move through this there are some tabs um these these links U match the kind of header links up here that take you through different pages um and so they're just kind of Midway through the page if you're scrolling through and you want to click the bigger icons but they do match these they're no different than those pages um and I I'll say that I'm going to just take a quick tour through the site for everyone and and uh we'll answer any questions or um definitely take any feedback as at the end of the presentation um this section is kind of a pending section but it's uh upcoming events so as the master plan subcommittee is working through identifying stakeholder groups uh identifying different public engagement strategies uh we're going to kind of publish any upcoming events here um to let people know and give awareness to anything that's coming up um so this will be more populated but for now it's just a placeholder until we start to schedule and think about those things um additionally this is an updates and information section um which brings you back to uh the sparta Township page for civic alerts the Township calendar for uh anything that's shown on the calendar and then the tap into Sparta uh local news uh page which will have other updates as we go along um in this process and then uh this is kind of a a next update but uh the master plan subcommittee has also been working on a public engagement survey and um it is again just a placeholder here but the survey is in the process of being uh kind of tweaked and prepared and and the intention is that on October 1st we will have a live survey which will be online um it'll be able to be accessed through this website and we'll talk about um how how else we're going to um kind of share that but the intention is that the survey will be able to be right on this page and there's a link also at the top in this community survey area uh the bottom is just contact information I will note that uh the ID and working with Dory we were able to get a Sparta andj uh email address that will be uh accessed by Dorian Isa um they'll be able to take any kind of comments and um any if anyone has any interest they'll be able to kind of field those and it's spart of master plan at Sparta nj.org so that's the homepage and as you go through you can still see the header here um at the top as you want to go through so these links uh all have different purposes and I'll go through each of them just to give you a little a quick overview of what they are so um the what is master plan page is kind of what it sounds like uh it gives a good over rview about what a master plan is a little bit more detailed than that homepage um talks about the mlul how it fits into zoning how it fits into uh some of the elements of a master plan that are required by law and what a master plan gives powers for um specifically one of them being master plan and Zoning um and how it's the Legal Foundation for zoning ordinances and a zoning map to exist um and that's the current copy of the sparta zoning map but uh later tonight we will have a presentation on the updates to that and so hopefully as this process proc moves along and that zoning map gets updated we can insert uh the new zoning map image here as well and a link to that um some of these are just more questions or more questions and answers about who adopts a master plan um that it's the planning board's responsibility to adopt a master plan uh why is a master plan important and then uh a quick outline of some information that's included in a master plan so if you wanted to think of what maybe a table of contents and some of the information that follows uh in a master plan would be this is kind of like the what the table of contents might look like so you can kind of scroll through th some of those ideas um the next page is a m is about the master plan subcommittee um this is kind of the mission statement of the master plan subcommittee uh Celeste and Brian from the uh subcommittee volunteered to help put it together and then the subcommittee as a whole went through and gave their input um and so that you know that statement was put together by the subcommittee as a whole about uh the responsibilities and kind of role of the subcommittee as Ron mentioned the sub me subcommittee members are listed here in some of their other roles and the professional team that advises the subcommittee is included here so this is a a page that gives you a little bit information about its role responsibilities and some of the people that have been involved uh again the community survey so when you click this link you'll be able to take the survey right on this page it'll be embedded in the page or there will be a link also so you can you can uh access it outside but it will be an online survey as I mentioned so check back back here uh when we plan to launch it this section for previous Master plans gives a background specifically to Sparta's master plan so a history of Sparta's master plan uh including that the last comprehensive master plan was written over about 40 years ago in 1984 um and just some kind of things to put you into context of what what happened in 1984 um so you can kind of get some ideas there um this these are links to um the actual documents so I'll click one of these and this is the actual 1960 master plan study so it wasn't formally a master plan it was a master plan study but you can actually go read through some of these documents um including the 1984 comprehensive master plan and the last reexamination report that was done in 2020 which is separate from a master plan document but it is a re-exam of the master plan um so all of those are linked to a Google Drive it'll take you externally there and you can click on any of those um similar to the uh what do master plan page there's uh a framework of kind of the stages of the master plan process kind of a little estimate of how much time it will take for each of these steps so in early preparation stages the existing conditions analysis the public Outreach stage and uh distilling of data and inputting it into a draft master plan um and some of those steps will overlap again some of those are just estimates of timing but it just gives you an idea of kind of the work that's going to go into this and the involvement of a lot of different groups um the public the stakeholders the township employees the master plan subcommittee the planning board um and all the work that will go behind the scenes um for to get that document starting to get put together the document and resources tab includes um an even larger Trove of documents related to the master plan um in a Google Drive you'll see this link to a Google Drive user guide and that's really just to describe kind of the organization there are a lot of documents but there are documents that many people may not be familiar with so we provided a little bit of a context of what a comprehensive master plan and its amendments include what the different elements specifically the open space Highlands or housing element Fair Share Plans include and that what re-examination reports are um this also includes a little bit of a bibliography in chronological order of all of the documents dating back to 1960 and all the way through 2020 oh the page also includes uh a Google Drive so that was just a bibliography that Google user drive but this takes you to um an entire Google Drive of including that that PDF of all of those documents so you can read through them they're a resource they're a reference guide so everyone has access to those but that's all in the Google Drive um and these are just just they're sorted differently so that's in chronological order and these are sorted into categories but they're all take you to that same Google Drive um this section will be updated periodically to provide some upcoming um deliverable products so as things are presented to the board um or the subcommittee releases anything um like the survey results or as we work through some of those steps on existing conditions or maps that are going to go into the master plan um and finally the final master plan this will be a a source of that information of of of actual work products that are going on through the subcommittee and through the standing board and then finally uh the tab the last tab is a frequently asked questions tab so this is really intended so that if anyone um comes to this page they read through the tabs and they are still wondering they still have questions these are some ideas um about questions before you send an email you're you definitely can send an email but before you send an email with some of these questions look through them see if they provide any answers and if you still have more questions then you can contact the sub contact Dory and the sub committee um but for the most part we hope that these will answer a lot of the you know the more highlevel questions about the master plan about uh who who uses it who adopts it and even how you can get involved um and utilize this website um and again if you still have questions uh the best way to reach is the email so it's included at the bottom again if you if you find yourself at the bottom of this page and you're still thinking um that things are have been unanswered um so that's the the kind of entirety of our our uhi engagement Hub website um you know we we just launched it two days ago so it's been up live for for two days now but we'd love for uh everyone to look through it themselves um to explore it to utilize it um and to keep utilizing it as we go through this master plan process and with that I'll take any questions [Applause] hold on Lost all right um um so that thank you think the good team did putting all these great job job everybody all right with that open talk about t excited okay thank you thank you anybody else anybody else thank you I I just have question thank you so much on to get this to this point in terms terms of the survey survey umag take will up long going be up and when results be disin that work sure surve sub was the survey is nearly ready to go um that the idea is to launch it um and to do like kind of the same like news flash to get it out there and to do like a tap into um kind of blast about it starting October 1st so opening October 1st and having it run for 6 weeks through November 15th um and the analytics so the site we're using we're doing it's going through arcgis which is like a mapping and planning kind of um host and they you know they do a lot of mapping data and things like that but they do a lot of community engagement which is where this Hub website and the survey come from they actually partner with survey 123 and they distill a lot of the data into analytics already so when you get the results they distill them and then um the idea is like very shortly after we'll be able to have a presentation so um depending on when the planning board meets after November 15th it may be like the December meeting or something I'm not making any promises we're going to base it on if the if that survey gets extended out or anything like that but um hopefully by the end of the year we'll have something that we can present to the board um with some of that some of that data do we have a a number of um survey results that we are looking for in order to get a a good representation of the community as many as possible so we're going to keep an eye on um and the reason why we have it for six weeks is we're going to keep an eye on kind of that first kind of jump when it first gets out and people take it um and then we're going to keep an eye and if it starts to get into like a plateau or a lull then we're going to work on our engagement efforts at the subcommittee level to kind of get the word out again um and again keep the eye out on it and if we found that we could get a final push after the 15th we would extend the deadline to take it for like another two weeks basically to Thanksgiving so we've talked through some of those Logistics but we haven't made any decisions about those yet something that we might consider is perhaps uh doing a social media um you know post that we can all um disseminate just to get our you know feedback from our our residents yes we're we want as many results as possible uh we want the survey to be taken as by as many residents and I think even um you know business owners and people that are involved in the community uh as possible and so we're going to try and use any of those strategies we discussed a bunch of them at the subcommittee so we're going to get the word out perfect thank you and Community groups as well reaching out to them I just going to ask if there's any up on the master plan funding or I know there was a grant that was discussed is there any update I I don't have an update on per se I know it's been worked uh as we speak I'm just not sure where it is okay but great job everybody thank you anybody else all right with that let me just uh let me offer the opportunity actually Ron can I sorry I apologize um I just wanted to take a moment and Echo Ron's Ron's sentiment thank you everybody for all the great work I am honored to be a part of this process I'm so excited that we were able to start this you know when we did and you know um Grant notwithstanding we're still able to move through till the end of the year and uh and hopefully we'll get a lot more great information great work done so thank you again everybody I really appreciate it wonderful than anybody else all right with that let me open up to the public does anybody from the public have any comments or questions questions you had about what you saw tonight relative to the uh to the master plan all right so again so thank you everybody so what I'd like to do it sounds like we we had some uh technical problems before we got them resolved so I'd like to if we can Tom can we go back into executive session do we need a separate resolution that you moved the resolution again but I I I recuse so you'll take care of that okay okay audience has to leave all right so I apologize to members of the public so this should this should be like 10 to 15 minutes hopefully not longer than that um so can I get a motion to go back into executive session I'll make a motion I'll second okay roll call please Janette Burke yes uh Vice chairman Bill enr yes Joan Ferman yes Justin caneles yes Celeste Luciano she shouldn't have access yes Ernie rad yes Mike Sylvester yes Brian zman yes chairman Ronde yes and it's on this one okay let's make make sure we're good e e e e e e e e e e e e e the audience audience is looking up this way maybe that one can be put in front of us yeah for you to look at P can you put that zoning map up on the say I don't like yeah you know I have like five minutes less to sleep sleep is over okay is that everybody might give a few minutes there's people outside what's that you might wait a few minutes because I think people are coming in but okay I was trying to finalize our street sides our road sides cuz we have our door hangers we got business carard now I got to get the road sides done might be a make is a who was there any with there other people out there or okay all right why don't we move on to the the next item so um one of the other next item on the other board business is an update from Mr Simmons on the zoning map so Mr Simmons if you would yes sir Mr chairman uh on the screen you see the latest version and also over on the easel the latest version of the zoning map uh we dated it September 8 e e e e e uh the other thing we asked the fellas to do in the office was to uh label a lot of the water bodies on the map uh when we look at the map we we basically go to Route 15 then we Branch off from there to see where we're at or if we're looking for some place in the Lake Mohawk area Lake Mohawk is the biggest body of water in the township you can get there real quick but for people who aren't familiar with a lot of lakes in the township uh we've labeled the majority of them that did have proper names so that's that's some further enhancement as well and if you look over to the right there's a legend that we added if she could zoom over there please Catherine over there there you go I don't have scrolling ability across the page so okay well that that's close enough though that shows the zoning Legend and we probably got about 20 25 different zones in the township so between the color codes and the labels Plus the same uh acronym that's used in the zoning map itself is on there as well so those are the main enhancements as Tom and I discussed and Corey in the office we didn't change any of the zones other than what the previous zoning map had or in addition to that the ordinance that was passed for the pced section of properties out on the west side of Route 15 if you will um so those were the major enhancements to the map it is GIS so it's interactive that way and can be used uh in further work with uh GIS and also the metadata and what have you for future use integrated in in with other mapping that the township can undertake so that's basically a summary of what we came up with and Dave I think you sold yourself short there's one more change I noticed that's really helpful is the road names so I don't think the old the old zoning map included Road names so sometimes it was hard to locate where you were you added add street names we we did add several we we couldn't add all of them because it got a little too busy from time to time but I think if if you look at the names up there it'll get you in the right neighborhood if you will and I think it'll be a lot easier to find a property that you're looking for and the TC zones you also changed the color coding which is really helpful because there was a lot of symbols that were used so hatching or there was a lot of purple with lines or numbers or whatever and this was a lot a lot clean I think this is a lot cleaner to look at and that's our presentation Mr chairman okay thank you so um I'm going thank you and and Corey I'm not sure who maybe you can help me understand who who was involved in in bringing it I know this this Mass been a a reason for frustration for a lot of folks so to have this where it is now is a big deal so I want to make sure the right people uh get get our thanks and appreciation I'll certainly pass it on to Corey and to Ray in our office who did the majority of work on the mapping okay thanks so the next step in terms of is this is is this now final will this get updated to the town website or what's the next steps this was labeled draft tonight because uh number one I wanted to present it to everyone number two uh if you'll recall a few weeks ago I handed out an earlier version of this map and Tom at that time had pointed out that we had to put the pced Lots in a different Zone which we've added to the legend and also to the map itself and I didn't know if anyone had any other revisions or Corrections of something we may have inadvertently missed that we could update and if no one has anything else then I think at this point uh we could take the draft off and go live if you will that's great so it sounds like we're we're fairly close time wise to to having this live on on our website on our part yes fantastic okay again thank you very much and thanks everybody involved who uh helped us get to this point like said I know it's been a been cause of frustration for folks and it's it's good to have it updated so thank you no problem okay um I'm not going to open up to on to the public for the zoning map or or for peterm to which we're about to have discussion but we will allow for comments um at the end of of the meeting tonight so in terms of uh pdrm uh Tu zone so uh earli in the year the ordinance subcommittee which which included Bill Enright uh Janette Burke Ernie rstat and myself with guidance from Mr Collins Mr mrea Miss armad and and Mr Simmons had met and we talked about a couple different ordinances one of them being the pdrm M2 is the meth still up it is maybe we can show folks what i is talk about there you go for the public just um plan development Resource Management to thank you so um we talked about a lot of different changes and and I think where where we talked about where we kind of where we settled out was well I think last week we recommended that the board have a discussion in regard to two areas uh one is that um there was an ordinance 2221 that I believe was approved I I can't remember it was late 22 or 23 but basically limited the size of of the buildings in the economic development Zone and pdm1 to7 175,000 Square ft um it also included uh required impact tax statements for new developments in in those zones um when you look at that or once it also had some new definitions for permitted uses in the zones um it it prohibited um distribution centers Trucking terminals um and um H and what's that no hotels but um let see we get it right here I got the get my folder here so re it redefined what a warehouse was it uh it prohibited distribution centers fulfillment centers and parcel hubs as well as Trucking terminals so that part made in so the only thing that that the question for tonight is do we want to have a discussion on limiting the building size and adding the required impact statements as was done with the economic development Zone and P1 that would make all three zones pretty consistent so um with that let me uh Katherine I don't know if you've got any thoughts on that um so I I have not done I know at the last meeting uh you the board had basically discussed um asking me to do an analysis of kind of that those zoning changes based on the discussions that were had by the subcommittee previously I just want to say that um the I was requested to to basically put in a budget to just to determine what the whole process would look like and all the professionals would look like so we can get approval from the town manager to go with that process and that was not re that was just approved um as recent as today so I did not do any analyses um I will have that prepared for the next okay meeting um and I did look back at some of the documents um that the subcommittee had put together previously um to do that but I just haven't gotten into the weeds with it until I got approval so I just wanted to give that update and so by the next next planning board meeting I will have something to share okay as an update thank you uh let me just open to the th anybody have any questions or or thoughts okay all right so Ron just just a quick question um I I know you know not not that and I'm not disagreeing with with this process in any way shape or form I'm just I just have one concern which is when we went through everything that we went through with pced and we we spent a lot of time and a lot of effort and then of course it got to the Town Council level and and ended up not going anywhere anyway um do we have any indication or assurances that even if we we go through this process and spend the money and the time and the effort that that the council is going to kind of you know see fit to to make the changes that we're we're suggesting we don't and and and and the thought process is you know let's I wanted to start here to say before we even go to them do we want to have this discussion and if so you know what does it look like and kind of shape what it is that we would like like for them to approve it and then if you know the process would be that if if we want to make a recommendation on an ordinance change that that would have to get approved here first and then the ordinance uh would go to the Town Council as a recommendation so but I haven't had any discussions with the Town Council on this Dean may have his part of the Leo on he's not here tonight so I can't talk to that but I would imagine is if we go forward that there'll be discussions as as we have those discussions similar what we did with the um the uh indoor Recreation okay yeah because to see us get get stonewalls the the same way we did and and that could happen it's really so but again it really comes down to what do we want to recommend and then we'll take it to the next level if if it's determined that we do want to make a recommendation okay great okay thanks thank you and Katherine when you do your review you'll summarize what the Zone currently what ordinances are in place for that zone now versus this conversation right oh yeah so we'll discuss the existing standards um as implemented and adopted right now and then kind of those changes similar to the indoor parking we'll take a walk through that um so that's uh and I I should have something prepared by the next planning board meeting on that okay okay so we'll pick that up we add that to the agenda for the next meeting under under uh of the board business all right thank you um so the next item on the agenda is our uh updates so uh deputy mayor uh blumetti is not here tonight so we'll get an update on the Town Council at the next meeting uh Miss dumbar from the environmental commission is not here so we'll get an update on what's going on there at the next meeting in terms of the the master plan subcommittee um I think tonight the presentation speaks to you know kind of where we are and what we've done and again I think everyone in the team is should be very proud of what uh what what the website and again special thanks to Katherine um miss enri any dat on the minor sight plan sub commmittee yes we had an a meeting earlier today and one of the applicants one of our three outstanding applicants came in and met with the uh Joe and Ron and and and myself um they're going to come back to us with with a few updated modifications for their application we have two other applications one of which we're waiting on the applicant uh for more information and then the other big news out the minor side plan committee is we did approve our minutes for July and August okay thank you okay so that that concludes the updates anybody have any other any updates that uh you'd like to to put out there in case we miss anything all right so that brings us to the ninth item on the agenda which is res resolutions uh we have two resolutions for approval tonight so let's take them one at a time the first resolution is 20246 which memorializes the approval of uh application 2417 for baringer Corp to be located at 10 Aaron Way block 16003 lot five in the economic development Zone would anybody like to make a motion to approve resolution 2024 uh D14 I'll make a motion I'll second okay okay any discussion okay uh just just to clarify two 2024 d166 baringer yes that's what I had is that the right number yes yes yes clarify oh you know I I I did say at one point7 715 so thanks for correcting that mic so it is a 202 416 so anyone like to make a motion to approve uh applic uh resolution that memorializes that that application for Binger okay yes all right so I guess what roll call please roll call Janette Burke yes Joan Ferman yes Justin caneles yes celest Luciano yes Ernie rad yes Brian Zimmerman yes chairman Ronde yes all right so so the motion to approve that resolution has been approved the second resolution is uh resolution 2024-25 uh real quick here yeah okay uh please which is uh for omv Holdings to be located at one North Village uh Boulevard would anybody like to make a motion to approve resolution 20241 14-14 I'll make a motion may I have a second second okay any discussion all right the only discussion I have I think just just one quick change uh I believe uh Jennifer Derek's name uh was was uh mistyped in a couple places it was Jennifer Derek's but uh those are very minor changes it was on pages four and Pages nine so so I think Tom with that we can take this to a roll call Dory should help you on that okay Dory uh Janette Burke yes Vice chairman Bill enr yes Celeste Luciano yes Ernie ragad yes chairman Ronde yes and I will suggest those changes to um the great thank you okay so that approves the the resolution so the next portion of the program is is open to the public um and this is for anyone in the public that has any comments that you'd like to make uh that's not relative to an application for development so if anyone has any comments please come up to the microphone and state and spell your name does anyone from the public have any comments or questions the affir mention Jennifer Derek's tap into Sparta first I want to thank you very much for the map it looks great I know it's a small it's a big undertaking for you and maybe seem small but I really appreciate it so um and thank you for getting the minutes really appreciate the work on that and on the subcommittee minutes as well um just a quick note about the pdrm 2 um when you're spending time digging into it a lot of this was done to this Zone my understanding this Zone covering it from when it was first approved was to be a soil mine and many of the um elements of the ordinance relate to soil Mining and what can and can't be done and how it has to be handled when it's done in three-year limit and certain number of tons per year and so on and so on and um that parcel of land you may or may not know has changed hands and I don't believe it's an active soil mine anymore or currently I guess is the better way to say it and so that may play into how this is reviewed and some of the updates and changes that might get made to that this was again one of those zones that happened when they first applied to the zoning board were rejected there went to the M Town manager waited a couple years till the C changed and then got it uh as an ordinance change to the zoning all right thank you thank you anybody else I um my name is Joe C I actually represent the owner of it is an I'm just saying it is an active soil soil M so thank you sure okay thank you look into it thing okay anybody else have any comments or questions all right so seeing none I think that brings us down to adjournment did we cover everything let me just do a quick double check here yeah all right so um hope folks found the discussion on the on the various topics helpful tonight again I want to thank all the members of the master plan subcommittee the ordinance subcommittee as well as Mr Simmons and Mr Stoner who helped with the presentations tonight uh the next meeting planner board will be on October 2nd items on the agenda at this time will be the continuation of uh plan board application 713 ramz and Company and the continuation of application 719 brainsteps you know the agenda is always subject to change so uh again thank you everybody enjoy the rest of the night and have a safe trip home so would anybody like to make a motion to adjourn motion to adj Second all oppose and say I I was that oppos or in favor yeah I think you said all those in favor please say I iOS long night huh see n with