##VIDEO ID:0YavvSTcR5c## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everybody Welcome to the annual organization meeting for Sparta Board of Education at this time we will read the meeting announcement uh the New Jersey open public public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of public to have advanced notice of and to attend meetings of public bodies at which business affecting their interests is discussed and acted upon in accordance with the provision of the ACT Sparta board of education has caused notice of the time and place of this meeting to be published in the New Jersey Herald Star Ledger tap into sparta.nj [Music] flag of the United States of America the for stands na God indivisible withy and jusice for all item number two on the agenda is the annual election results the November 5th uh ballot included one twoyear seat and three three-year seats and the results were as follows the candidates for the three-year terms were Emily Ramos sarafino with 6,170 votes Rebecca Williams with 6,114 votes and Rocky Martinez with 6,064 votes Michelle hanle was the successful 2-year candidate with 6,421 votes and there are a total of 68 right in votes congratulations to all at this time I will turn the meeting over to miss uh gilan our board attorney and she will uh administer the Oaths of office to our new board members so with the new board members and returning MERS do solemnly swear Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and I will bear true faith and aliance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and the government established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people so help me God under the authority of the people so help me God I state your name I do solemly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law do swear qualifications prescribed by the law for the office of a member of the board of education for the office of a member of theard Education that I am not disqualified that I am not disqualified as a voter as a voter pursuant to rs9 4-1 purs to [Music] R nor disqualified due to conviction of a crime nor disqualified due to of a crime or offense or off listed in listed in NJ s 18a colon 12-1 NJ 18 12 and that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly performed and justly performed all the duties of that office all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me out so help me congratulations thank you thank take congratulations I think you're congratulations okay thank you sec good okay at this time we'll take a roll call for the uh board members Miss Coler here miss gagan present Dr hle present Dr Martinez present Miss McMichael here Mr Morris here miss seraphino here Miss Williams president and Mr wood here Quorum confirmed okay at this time uh agenda item number four election of the board president just take a quick moment to review how that process um will roll out it's according to board policy 0152 any board member can nominate a fellow board member or yourself to uh the position of either president or vice president at this point we'll do just the president uh second is not required just a nomination and then once the nominations are closed we'll open it and then close it uh at that point we'll have any discussion if there are any discussion among the board members and then we'll take a vote in the order of which the candidates were nominated and the first uh candidate to receive a majority of the vote which with nine board members president is five yeses then that person will seek the uh the position for the year of President any questions okay great then I'm asking for a motion to open the floor for nominations for the Board of Education president motion and a second second go Ahad any nominees I make a motion to nominate Caitlyn for president any other nominees I make a motion to nominee Emily sarapo for president any other okay at this time I'd ask for a motion to close the nominees motion second second any discussion um in her time on the board Emily has shown great potential for board leadership in the way that she works collegiately and respectfully with fellow board members she is someone who consistently acts with diplomacy and shows respect for all of her fellow board members as she is is able to honor and consider diversity of thought in a professionally and open-minded Manner and perhaps most importantly Emily consistently demonstrates excellent interpersonal skills both at the table during meetings and as a private citizen in her dealings with towns people all of which are crucial in the role of board of leadership I would like to thank Kurt for the nomination and I would also like to note I had uh quite a lengthy speech prepared last January and I can honestly say that uh Kurt has led this board as our president for the last year very well um and surpassed my expectations for sure so thank you Kurt for your leadership this year um and thank you especially for your nomination thank you any further discussion okay then at this time we'll take a vote for board president with nominee Caitlyn gagan Miss CER no Miss gagnan yes Dr hle yes Dr Martinez yes Miss McMichael no Mr Morris yes M Miss sarafino yes Miss Williams yes and Mr wood yes okay congratulations [Applause] we'll now turn the meeting over to our newly elected board president miss gagin than so at this time we're on to uh item six which would be our election of our board vice president so I am requesting a motion to open the floor for nominations for Board of Education vice president motion second second thank you I'd like to nominate Emily seraphino for vice president I'd like to nominate Chad wood for vice president any other nominations motion to close motion second second Barber can we please have a roll call oh excuse me thank you discussion first learn in the ropes okay Miss ker we are voting for Emily sarafino at this point Miss ker yes Miss gagan no Dr Hinkle no Dr Martinez no Miss McMichael yes Mr Morris no Miss seraphino no Miss Williams no and Mr wood no okay since that was um for Miss sarapo was not a majority of the vote we will now move to Chad wood to vote for vice president miss CER no Miss Gagnon yes Dr hle yes Dr Martinez yes Miss McMichael no Mr Morris yes Miss sarafino yes Miss Williams yes and Mr wood yes congratulations [Applause] congratulations would I think we back I switch should we wait y That's okay okay so moving on to board or excuse me to agenda item seven which would be board committees and 8 as well delegate and liaison assignments uh these will be decided and appointed at a later date uh likely this week I will be reaching out actually tomorrow I will be reaching out to everyone uh to discuss and we will have those appointments announced at some point later this week in hopes that we could start our committee meetings next week excellent thank you item nine public comment number one public comments are invited on matters pertaining only to action items at this time please State the action item number as well as your name municipality and group affiliation if appropriate for the record each participant will receive 3 minutes to speak once you have had your allotted 3 minutes to speak you will not be permitted to speak again until public comment number two all statements should be excuse me directed to me as the presiding officer the board or Administration may or may not respond to any questions or comments after the conclusion of the public participation so we're opening public comment at this time if anyone has anything seeing nothing we'll move on motion to close second second thank you um items 10.1 through 10.4 motion to move second thank you Rocky can we have a roll call please miss Collier yes Miss gagon yes Dr Hinkle yes Dr Martinez yes Miss McMichael yes Mr Morris yes Miss sarapo yes Miss Williams yes and Mr wood yes motions Carri moving on to public comment number two the board uses the second public comment period to invite comments on all matters pertaining to the school district please state your name municipality and group affiliation if appropriate for the record each participant will receive 3 minutes to speak once you have had your allotted 3 minutes to speak you will not be permitted to speak again all statements should be directed to me as the presiding officer the board or Administration may or may not respond to any questions or comments after the conclusion of the public participation Jenny are you standing for public okay thank you all right so seeing no one we'll move on uh good of the order anyone have anything yeah like my microphone work there you go I just want to congratulate once again the incoming board members I look forward to working with you uh I also wanted to thank Kurt for his past two years as president and uh countless phone calls so be ready for that Miss Gagnon and of course congratulate Miss Gagnon and Mr wood U for their positions and I look forward to working with the entire board I'll Echo that and welcome the newest members look forward to working with you all happy New Year to all thank you motion to adjourn right thank you motion to adjourn second second all in favor I any opposed just kidding 616 let's just organize a a nice group photo e for