##VIDEO ID:PNPFZnKRWn8## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay opener up tonight's meeting Wendy you do it meia the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the sparta board of education has caused notice of the time and place of this meeting to be published in the new the New Jersey Herald The Star Ledger tap into spa.net and notice of the meeting has been posted on the sparta Township School District website thank you and can I get a roll call please miss Coler here miss gagman present Miss McMichael here Mr pesi Miss cand here miss sarapo Dr Serrano for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay we're going now convene to close session to hear personnel and legal matters and we'll be back up approximately 7 p.m. can I get a motion to go close session motion thank you kayen second second all in favor all POS e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] welcome everyone sorry we're late big business big business can get a roll call hand thank you misser here miss gag present m m here miss seander here Dr San here Mr wood here Mr Morris here right all right we're going to start this evening with a presentation from Mr Benson District Hib self assessment and if I could just point out right now um this is Mr Benson's last last presentation with us uh you see you see his resignation on tonight's um on tonight's agenda I'd like to miss wish Mr Benson the best thank Mr Benson for all he has done Mr Benson's been with our district for a couple years he's served in a couple of different roles he's done a lot for our students he's done a lot for our district um he's done a lot to push the culture and climate initiative um he was destined for bigger and better things and he found a bigger and better thing so uh we'd like to thank him and uh congratulate him before he goes ahead and does his last presentation thank you Dr [Applause] back uh so as Dr Beck said I am Shannon Benson uh director of student support services and part of my role as director student Support Services I serve as the district harassment intimidation and bullying coordinator um and this evening I will be presenting our Hib self self assessment report preliminary report as required by our anti-bullying Bill of Rights Act and so our hip self assessment is a yearly self assessment that is conducted by each individual school's antibullying antibullying specialist um which is aligned with the with the anti-bullying Bill of Rights Act um as you will see once we get into the actual categories it focuses on eight different categories that are broken down into subcategories that are rated on a scale of 0 to three uh once again once we get to the actual data you will see that the indicators um or sub indicators are all centered around the processes the procedures staff and initiatives as it pertains to our district um harassment intimidation and bullying efforts um the categories are all really designed to help um strengthen prevention and intervention of harassment intimidation and bullying while also helping improve our overall culture and climate in each of our buildings and so this is a a preliminary report um that was generated from all of our anti-bullying Specialists uh that information was sub submitted to the New Jersey Department of Education and to go back this is a New Jersey Department of Education requirement that has to be done yearly of course uh this is a preliminary report card that which I'm doing this evening has to be presented to the Board of Education with the hope of being a approved this evening from that point what will happen is this preliminary report will be submitted to the New Jersey Department of Education um and at a later date we will receive our official report card and once that official report card is received it will also be submitted to the Board of Education um on the agenda for approval in addition to it will be provided on our district website for the community to view and so to get into the data um I won't go through all of these specific numbers however there's a few pieces that that I would like you to take notice of and a few pieces that sticks out to me and I think the first piece is the alignment across all of our buildings of course this was an individual assessment that was done by each of our anti-bullying Specialists however you can see that all our scores are identical and so that is not by coincident that is um something that's intentional and the reason that's intentional is not that the numbers are being skewed but it's more so the it speaks to the collaboration that um our anti-bullying Specialists across each of our buildings have and it really speaks to just their efforts to use best practices across all buildings to ensure that we're doing what's best as it pertains to our students in culture and climate that's the first piece I think the second piece being that as you can see the the parentheses really shows you what the max scores are in each of these categories uh the overall score for all of our buildings are 77 out of 78 so we only had one point that was taken away and that was essentially for our hi our hip process approach which that doesn't give you a lot of information but the subcategory when we look at that really provides you the information as to why we lost that one point which I will talk more about um in the next slide but once again these are all great scores and I think once again this is a yearly report and it really uh aligns with what we've looked like in previous years which really just speaks to the programs and initiatives that we have within the district and so as we think about the areas of focus um some of the things that we're going to continue and some of the things that we're going to deep do a deeper dive with I think the first piece is we will continue to identify patterns of preventive measures during our team meetings and what that looks like there are team meetings that happen amongst our anti buling specialist in each of our buildings in addition to meetings with myself and a lot of times what we're really focusing on is focusing on some of the trends that we're seeing across the district um and really focusing on efforts to uh put initiatives into place to focus on those gaps that we're seeing within our culture um in addition to that we really see that there's a a a direct correlation between the building and District level culture and climate teams and so a lot of conversations around uh the coaching climate teams in addition to meeting with uh the hip coordinators is something that we will continue to collaborate and and focus on um we will also continue our initiative uh with sa e culture and climate initiative which once again as I said before culturing climate and and harassment intimidation and bullying really goes together hand inand uh because coaching climate is really a way that we can decrease the level the number of hibs that we're seeing within the district and as I said before um the one category category one from this slide um as we see we had a 14 out of 15 and this last bullet point really points out why we lost that point which was uh a subcategory and essentially we needed to do a deeper dive to really focus on um the effectiveness of our programs and of course comparing the effectiveness to the intended goals and that's something that we will continue to do throughout the course of the year uh to just ensure that the the incentives what the initiatives that we're putting in place are really reaching his intended goals and so the goal of course going into next year not is not just about the numbers but of course if we see that one of our gaps is just thank you thank you on wasn't coming on does anyone have any questions before he leaves so close I couldn't get my mic on no questions all right perfect thank you thank hey student representative report okay so from our homecoming we did make a significant amount of money which we are hoping to plan a stu or a schoolwide event for the entire student body maybe a ferris whe for Delia um we are planning a districtwide food drive for the PARTA Pantry uh VFW the student council is volunteering to help them get their Christmas trees out of the trucks and set those up for them um we have an upcoming college fair on Thursday October 24th from 700 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the high school and we have a talent show sponsored by the senior class um performance date uh set for January 8th um there's was a senior parking raffle and it will be announced tomorrow um during the morning scoop video um fine the courage Club went to a Leadership Summit AT Sussex Tech today and deca went to a cult conference at Kee University today and the the ski team swap will be on November 9th from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m and drop off for sellers on November 8th from 5: to 8:00 p.m. thank you and can I get um motion to approve the minutes motion thank you second all in favor I yes I abstain as well too yes I abstain too I forgot about Dr Beck thank you um my report is short this evening is a quick turnaround between meetings and you're probably still recovering from my long presentations from last month so I'll keep it short um first I'd like to acknowledge the lone retirement on this evening's agenda uh Ms Andrea santor is retiring she is the music teacher Orchestra teacher at uh Sparta Middle School and she has served our district for 20 years so congratulations and best wishes to her on this evening's agenda you will find my recommendation of Ms Barbara Decker for the school business administrator board secretary position there were eight applicants for this position and a committee of central office administrators interviewed those candidates that were qualified and certified M Decker currently serves as our assistant business administrator and her experience as a business administrator and experience in our district set her apart from the other candidates she brings 15 years of business office EXP experience and has experience working with large District budgets Ms Decker will be taking over for Ms Black on January 1st 2025 and last just another cell phone policy update I had the opportunity to speak to some students teachers and administrators recently to check in on on the cell phone policy implementation I'm happy to report that all feedback continues to be positive one teacher even stated that this has been the best thing we have done for their classroom and that's the report thank you can I get a motion to move the Hib report please motion thanks can second second thank you an Miss klier yes Miss gagnan yes Miss McMichael yes Miss cander yes Dr Serrano yes Mr wood yes Mr Morris yes any Communications anything on your end an no delegate liaison reports I have one for the Town Council so last Thursday Dr Beck Kurt and I met with our Town Council representatives to discuss a few items the main area we discussed involved Grant research and potential collaboration with the township the township has successfully worked with a grant research firm for many years I think we found out 10 and highly recommended we get in touch Kurt had also recommended this firm because of his work with them in the past through the sparta PD we also discussed our proposed referendum the township highlighted the PO positive collaboration that's taking place with our DPW on various District projects at a reduced rate which is great for the community in terms of cost so thanks to Our Town Council Liaisons for taking the time to meet with us miss Rossy Miss Decker Kurt and I then met yesterday with the grant research firm that was recommended it was another productive and successful meeting we will be sharing what we've learned about the firm with the rest of the board and hope to have an update to provide to the public during the November meeting this effort is in alignment with our newly set board goals and will hopefully open the door for us to explore supplemental funding opportunities for the district in the near future thank you kayln any other just a quick update regarding our solar uh we passed all inspections so we are now officially on online with our solar for both the Sparta High School and the Sparta Middle School and um this was a long-standing project so the finance committee is really excited to see that completed and we're looking forward to um working with Miss Decker starting in January and glad to see someone coming up from our district um I had the opportunity to join in on the Garden State Coalition of schools um October meeting and that was with Joel Moore of the education Commission of the states and they actually offer free policy review and research and things that I had actually never heard of um a lot of good research and Trends and interestingly enough we're really doing a lot of the same things you know nationally that people are looking at within the Mid-Atlantic region by cell phone policy looking at Chronic absenteeism but um it's a good resource to us so I'll send an email with a couple screenshots of the presentation I received we you might see the full presentation come through from Garden State Coalition um but I thought they might be a helpful and free resource for us to use they also offer a 72-hour turnaround time which is pretty impressive um as well so that's all I have thank you um the ideas committee uh met this month um during that meeting we discussed as Dr beex uh mentioned the cell phone policy the progress and where we're going with it no uh mainly surrounding the Middle School touched on the high school a little bit nothing but positive feedback um even when it's time where the students can use their cell phone in the high school they're seeing they're not even using them anymore so I think it's uh good thing moving forward and hopefully you know continues that way uh I'm sure the proud president of the sca will um touch on this she brought in this idea of I I'll say teacher for a day she has another saying Day of Discovery Day of Discovery um it's where uh non-teachers will come in meet with a teacher go over lesson plans and teach the class for the day you know just to give it outside perspective of what they do um in there yeah I requested to be the media specialist for today so we'll see how that goes but yeah so all good things moving forward Angela and uh great collaboration oh one more thing um speaking of collaboration um the tech the tech plan committee also met so um and I was pleased to be able to sit in as a board member on that and we were looking at um the results of the tech audit and all the work that the tech committee has done in coordination with Dr Beck and um Mr rivers and everyone from our it team and I thank them for all their work on creating um since everyone excuse me on the district technology committee and creating a comprehensive plan and goals and the hope is to present those after getting other stakeholder feedback and having a little bit of the voice of the community in there and our students um our goals for just overall technology for the next you know couple coming years so we hope to present that um before the end of the year thank you I have um a couple updates from the sparta Education Foundation um they wanted to announce that the readathon this year was a huge success they want to thank the students parents and community members who made it possible by getting involved and getting the children involved they raised vital funds that are going to go directly back into the school so huge success I'm assuming they're going to look at doing it again the other update is the giving pump on um the shell on Sparta AV is you can see it it's like wrapped in purple says I think it says Sparta SCF that through October 31st a portion of every sale goes back to um Sparta so if you have to get guests stop there and then the last one Turkey Trot as you know Thanksgiving Day uh registrations are still open still looking for volunteers if you want to sign for your yard um you can get a sign you can for signing up for the race it's through run sign up you can search Crow's annual Turkey Trot so obviously that's that's happening on Thanksgiving Day you still have some time so um make sure you come out it's a great morning it's a fun morning A lot of people are there you can run it you can walk it um it's just a great way to get out in the morning before you sit on the couch all afternoon so check it out speak for yourself okay I run it twice okay anyone have any else move on okay going to public comment number one public comments are invited on matters pertaining only to action items at this time please site the action item number as well as your name municipality and group affiliation if appropriate for the record each participant will be given 3 minutes to speak once you have had your allotted three minutes to speak you will not be permitted to speak again until public comment number two all statements should be directed to me as presiding officer the board or Administration may or may not respond to any questions comments after the conclusion of public participation motion to close partition page number one second second all in favor I okay thank you can I get a motion to move item number 15 personnel and policy motion thank you second second thank you discussion um I would like to once again recognize that we've got some staff moving across the salary guide and um obtaining higher education and this month it looks like we've got William Brenan who has achieved his master's degree so I'd like to extend my congratulations on behalf of the board thank you l no more discussion roll call in Miss Coler yes Miss gagan yes Miss McMichael yes Miss seander yes Dr Serrano yes Mr wood yes Mr Morris yes I get a motion to move item 16 curriculum motion thank you second second discussion okay and for 161 to 166 Miss CER yes Miss gagan yes Miss McMichael yes Miss cander yes Dr Serrano yes Mr wood yes Mr Morris yes moving on to finance item number 17 can I get a motion to move 171 to 1710 motion thanks second second thank you discussion I'd just like to draw attention to item 17.10 a donation from the Sparta High School class of 2024 for the um of $584 71 to the uh Fitness and Wellness Center at sport high school we thank their class and we hope they're all doing great in their future endeavors it's amazing thank you m Miss CER yes Miss gagman yes M McMichael yes Miss cander yes Dr Serrano yes Mr wood yes Mr Morris yes can I get a motion to move item 18 181 to 184 operations motion thank you la thank you Chad discussion Miss CER yes Miss gagan yes Miss McMichael yes Miss cander yes Dr Serrano yes Mr wood yes Mr Morris yes does anybody have anything for old business new business okay we're now public comment number two the board uses a second public comment period to invite comments on all matters pertaining to the school district please state your name municipality and group affiliation if appropriate for the record each participant will receive three minutes to speak once you have had your allotted three minutes to speak will not be permitted to speak again all statements should be directed to me as presiding officer the board and administration may or may not respond to any questions or comments after the conclusion of public participation before my three minutes starts I'm going to talk about the Day of Discovery in November just so you know okay that's fine okay you can start now good evening my name is Angela luia and I am the very proud president of the sparta Education Association and Sussex County Education Association it is October 17th and our members have been on a rooll this month last week across the district we recognized the week of respect each School celebrated kindness and inclusivity in a variety of ways from Spirit days to activities that inspired students and staff alike the sea also collectively participated by rallying for respect our members stand up to bullying and know that our school Community is one that always chooses kindness this week is National digital citizenship week and the sparta Librarians are busy ensuring that all students have the resources to become responsible members of the digital world checking sources for validity and accuracy and being able to discern quality versus biased information is a life skill that will be beneficial well beyond graduation and as we all know our members are always doing something but this month Alpine specials teachers really need to be recognized librarian Taran Daris worked with Sparta books to bring New York Times best-selling author Chris Harris from Los Angeles for an assembly and the kids absolutely loved it computer science teacher Christina Morrow was approved for an SEF Grant to purchase iPads and robots for her classes PE teachers from Alpine coordinated a Fun Run and added a teacher run where teachers raced in blowup costumes around the grounds for the kids and they had a blast art teacher Caitlyn Connelly is adding character to the walls of Alpine working on fun murals inside the building and at Mohawk Avenue students ran a mini marathon on October 11th the students did an amazing job training and completing the course PE teacher Mr G uh G&G Gino excuse me also led the students in a fun dance at the end parents were there to watch and enjoy students from Mas also took a field trip to waterl Village this week and learned about the indigenous people from our area and Miss Ahern got married on September 28th and now she is Mrs Tobin finally at Sparta High School we want to extend a very warm congratulations to job coach and power professional Lisa Elias who worked so hard and earned her Elementary teaching certification we hope that that new certification allows her many new opportunities and we have also officially unveiled our little Free Library at the ENT entrance of Sparta High School so the availability of resources is now unlimited and as I say every month it is an honor to represent such a strong dedicated and invested group of Educators and support professionals who are committed to providing outstanding instruction on unwavering support and excellent resources for every Sparta student we stop really M just telling his time but we're grateful for the Partnerships thank you ironically and we look forward to sharing more in November yeah thank you I'll sign in when I get done Jenny Derek step into Sparta um just two quick questions I don't even think this is on how how are we doing with attendant with the attendance with the um initiative to bring attendance numbers up and how many hip Specialists do we have Mr Benson referenced a committee uh how many are on that committee I'm going to switch hats I'm also a part of the um master plan subcommittee of the sparta planning board um we launched a survey of for the community any residents or businesses or people who have interest in Sparta are encouraged to take the survey it's located uh the QR for the and the link are located on the township website and I was going to ask if there might be some way we could present that out to the district uh the link out to the district to ask or encourage other families to um to participate in the survey um for the for the adults for the parents and then also to ask about the demographic study that we um that you guys have already done maybe we could have a conversation about if we could have some of that information for the work that we're doing on the master plan subcommittee thank you thank you okay how you doing guys uh Mr Morris you weren't here last month but I asked if they could uh about IEPs if we could have 45 and I watched the meeting too last month okay cool so uh I wanted to see if there was any Headway with that if you guys had any ideas or what you guys came up with and that's all okay thanks thank you I'm Janelle leard from Sparta um I emailed earlier this week about an idea for a nonprofit that I would like to bring to our district um in our old school district in Point Pleasant they had something called Panthers let's eat and I would love to create our own version here in Sparta called Spartans let's eat they would fundraise throughout the year and provide grocery boxes and gift cards gross specifically grocery gift cards to families that qualified for free and reduced lunches during the year but they would provide their services in the summer months so once a week they would do a distribution to all of the families that opted in to the program and then they also did emergency assistance throughout the year so if a teacher or a counselor or an administrator identified a family that was in need they could confidentially reach out to the program they could give emergency assistance so maybe they need a Kohl's gift card card because one kid needs basketball shoes that month because the father got laid off or the mother got laid off so they can do this All anonymously and confidentially a top priority of the program is confidentiality so the school would send the letters out to all of the families that are enrolled or qualify for free and reduced Lunes and those families would have a code or a link with their own specific um code that they would put into the website to enter them into the program so that way the people in Spartans Le seat would never receive the full list of families that qualify for free and reduced lunches they would only have the list of families that opt in to the program and then once they have their list and they start Distributing in the summer only people like myself or a board if we were to create a board or people who do not have kids in K to 12 at the time could deliver to those families during the distributions so that way no one has access to see who is receiving the donations and only we would have probably myself and maybe one other person would have the actual names of who is getting the donations um the only way we could probably do something like this is with a partnership with the boards that's why I'm bringing it here to you guys um I think a less o less obvious benefit is that kids could have the opportunity to volunteer which I think in theory we all want to volunteer with our kids but the opportunity to that is hard I know I look into opportunities and it sounds great and then they say well you can't bring little kids or you can't have a group of kids come in so this is something that allows kids to support other kids in their District even if they don't know which kid they know they're supporting someone that they go to school with um the founder of panthers letsy is amazing and she has offered to help in any way and their superintendent is a huge fan of it down in their District so um he's offered to speak to anyone who has any questions on like the administrative side of things because they've been doing it now for quite a few years um and I can try to answer questions but probably Kate who started there and their superintendent that's time if there's anything else you can email us move forward thank you anybody else motion to close motion thank you second thank you all in favor I'll address those things uh I'll start with the most recent and go backwards uh Miss leard do me a favor I'm sorry if I mispronounced your name um send me an email and we'll set up an appointment come in and you'll talk to me and and a small team I'll get uh really some more information and uh see how this would be best implemented in our district but I think that would be the next step is to have a small meeting and then I could push it out to administrators from there with more information so just send me an email we'll set up a meeting thank you no problem um Mr Al ironically enough uh when you brought that up last week um um last month um I had gone around the schools the following day and um the director of special services had caught my ear and she said hey I saw Mr omu last night we were actually starting to talk about that uh so that's the update I have more details that I can't really share right now because it's not in stone or anything like that but they were actually talking about how to uh ease the Transitions and how to maybe combine child study teams not uh with the same amount of people but to way to break them up uh differently to to help the students with their Transitions okay yeah so we're working on something working on something um M derk's that last part about the master plan you had a couple of requests there it sounds like I could accommodate so just email me those requests about the uh the master plan how many hip Specialists are there there's one in each building and then uh Mr Benson being the coordinator uh that brings it all together and attendance uh it's kind of early uh statistically to to measure if there's been uh a lot of effect there's some anecdotal things about um parents sending kids to school more so now um but um it's a little early for the data part of it but I can tell you we are implementing the plan um the data teams have been meeting um and just yesterday I approved uh a letter that the El at least the elementary teacher the elementary principles want to collaborate on um it's a very personalized letter to students that are starting to really to start to slip already um and it's based on the data so the the plan is is in motion uh the effect U is still up in the air it's kind of early thank you moving on to good of the order does anybody have anything for good of the order I do um as Mr Lucia mentioned there was the uh the Mohawk mini marathon I got the chance to attend it as a parent um but it's not too often that you find an educator who can successfully motivate and Corral upwards of 200 to 300 third graders and Mr janino just just did an outstanding job actually brought a tear to my eye to see the Rapport that he had with the students um some of the kids were struggling to get through the finish line and he was high-fiving them he had them break out into a dance at the end it was just really heartwarming and I'd like to just say that it's appreciated to see that um it's sports news it's hws season so if you have time to get out there and support the sports teams that are participating in hws be greatly appreciated I have something brief um so first I'd like to thank Miss leard because that sounds like a wonderful initiative uh and obviously we'll need to discuss further but I look forward to supporting in any capacity that I can so thank you these are the exact types of initiatives that we should be bringing to our district uh to help improve things like our culture and our climate uh right in alignment with that so thank you so much for bringing that to us uh I'd also like to wish our retiring Educators the very best in their future endeavors especially Dr Benson who has served this District well I wish him all the best in his NE next chapter where I'm very sure he will be welcomed with open arms uh lastly I do have something I'd like to briefly discuss I would just like to remind this year's Board of Education candidates and our community that I'm not running for election this year however on a fairly regular basis there are candidate statements that mention me by name and oftentimes these articles contain concerning misinformation I am an elected official and with that role comes criticism which I wholeheartedly welcome I will never stifle a constituent's voice in expressing their concern with me with this board or any other matter but I cannot in good faith tolerate misinformation about me to clarify no I was not handpicked for this role by our sea president nor was I bought by the njaa I filed my petition last year in the 11th Hour on the very day it was due and the only people we can thank for that are my children further to suggest any select member of this board is responsible for the audit that took place regarding our online curriculum subscriptions postco is very misleading our district can thank Miss Rossy our assistant superintendent for spearheading that process and it troubles me to think that anyone would try to take credit for her efforts which we as a collective entity did support while there are several other claims that deserve correction I think what's more important instead is to emphasize the fact that no matter who is elected any power we have as a board is rooted in the board itself those elected will be expected to sit on this board as an entity of one and the community will expect our future board to find solutions for Sparta together if you choose to spend your campaign time or your general time focusing on me or perpetuating claims that are not rooted in fact that is certainly your prerogative and I will not be the one to stop you but I do think our community would much rather hear about candidate platforms and the intentions for this District instead no matter who is elected you will be sitting up here beside me we will be serving on this board together so out of respect for this entity and for the sake of any potential future collaboration I kindly ask that all candidates make sure any content you publish is factual especially if it mentions me or any other board members or staff members by name and I also encourage my fellow board members to ensure that we are in no way contributing to the perpetuation of misinformation given our next meeting will take place well into November I encourage our community to vote to engage our democracy in ways that so many people around this world do not have such privilege and I wish everyone a very safe and successful election day I look forward to welcoming the new board when the time comes thank you Caitlyn anybody else chat just to also touch on the teachers retiring um I personally never had Miss Tora but uh losing a music professional and educator is always hard and I know that a lot of students really really enjoyed her class and although she might have been a little hard I hear that for the students who were really passionate about it that they really loved it and in terms of losing Dr Benson it's uh pretty sad he was the first uh kind of stepping stone in my eyes in high school who really got us into climate and culture and he was the spear header of a lot of those meetings so it's uh going to be really important to to make sure that we continue the progress ress that he has left off for us in this District thank you CH I just wanted to give a quick shout out to hel Morgan um I had the opportunity to attend in a parent capacity of course um the hike that they plant Mr Layman and the teachers um planned hikes for the students in Sparta Glenn and I love to see the Partnerships that they've cultivated between teachers that enjoy being you know local historians also with the Historical Society to try to bring alive the stories the past um and let those students see it and it was neat to see how many students had never been there to that gym in our own town and how many were excited to come back and seek the summit and one of the coolest Parts about it was adults included no one got out their cell phones right so completely disconnected even though we wish we could help identify a leaf or things like that it was so great to just see the kids enjoying nature the quiet um the collaboration and seeing them just really enjoy the challenge um of hiking up a little bit of a rugged terrain and um they also got to take part in team building and I just love to see the way that we can use our beautiful expanded Campus of this town and the continued Partnerships to make that happen so thank you hel Moran Administration teachers thank you Boren anybody else okay you a motion to adjourn okay thank you Wendy second Caitlyn all in favor I be e e