24 in council chambers Sparta Township Municipal Building 65 Bane Street Sparta New Jersey the regular meeting is open now at 7:05 p.m. all Council meetings are now live streamed and can be viewed on the following link www.youtube.com spart wp- streams adequate notice of this meeting was provided to the public and the Press on January 5th 2024 by delivering to the press and posting on the township website a copy of the notice uh Madame clerk may we have a roll call please councilwoman Quinn here councilman shello I'm here Deputy Mayor blumetti here mayor Clark here all right let's stand to salute the flag please ALG to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible Li and justice for all um mayor could we just remain standing and have a moment of silence for Memorial most definitely uh let's have a moment of silence for Memorial Day thank you thank you before we get started i' like to remind everybody the microphones getting that in your face is important for people to follow along at home and also for the uh speakers have been reminded of that a couple times from residents so um please be mindful thanks all right we have no minutes tonight so we will proceed directly to the manager's report um manager Zep may I have your report please good evening mayor council and Sparta residence uh in our public works department one of our two assistant supervisors at Public Works Mr Brendan Kramer has passed his cpwm exam the certified public works manager uh course is a nine course taken through Ruckers University with the exam being administered by the New Jersey DCA this is a two-year process and uh I have uh great admiration for Mr Kramer on accomplishing this uh and all his uh training and knowledge will will benefit the township what can you just say what that is again I'm sorry C it's a cpwm and it stands for Certified Public Works manager sorry okay new problem all Hometown hero banners with 30 recent additions have been put on our street polls by staff I think many of you would have seen them over the weekend the banners will remain up until Veterans Day uh Monday November 11th we'll probably be taking them down shortly after that uh the May 23rd storm had staff out on many levels including debris cleanup on several roads the first phase of the road Improvement program has been completed dandelion Washington forest and Oak Hollow have all been paved the second phase of Roads is being prepped and and staff anticipates Paving late summer these roads include Hilltop Cherry Tree West Cherry Tree Angelo Drive woodsworth bym and Shelly Court in our Parks and Recreation Department the annual Trout Derby held on May 18th at Station Park had approximately 90 children with their parents and attendance despite the weather it was well received the recreation department is still hiring counselors and lifeguards for our Sparta recreation day camp at Camp saaka if anyone's interested please visit the town website at Spartan nj.org underemployment opportunities for summer day camp employment application there's still some availability for children to attend the summer day camp please get in touch with our Recreation Department for further information I will turn to my CFO and Deputy manager to share his Rec news and then Chief mccar can read his portion of the manager's report this conclud concludes my report thank you mayor council and spart reses um just mayor and councel I'd like to inform you that I've decided to retire as of August 1 after almost 40 years in municipal government uh auditing and everything else uh I think it's time to take a rest so well thank you for your servations now we can hire you back as a contractor well I'll always be here for advice and try to help you out I mean um never want to leave anybody hanging so you know um like I say I'll I'll be here not going far well I just want to thank you is that maybe camping or Florida or California I just want to thank you for your service and say it is welld deserved my friend welld deserved congratulations thank you Sam thank you so much for uh this town has benefited from your financial stewardship um I think we've spoken before uh about you know where we were 10 years ago and where we are now and a lot of that uh lays at your feet for um your proper you know fiscal management um you've always been available to explain things to Knuckleheads like me who may not understand the budget or just can't get through and you do it in such a thoughtful kind and patient way and you will be very much missed so you will not be there's no replacement for someone of your talent um but I'm just hoping we can get someone who can steer Us in the direction that you have so thank you so much for for your service and uh I know we have your cell phone and so we'll be sure to call you at 3:00 a.m. uh especially my colleague to my right here um uh so in anyway thank you so much for your service um sorry to see you go but it's a much deserved uh break for sure I can watch the meetings on Zoom now that's right that's right nice thing I hope you have better things to do with your re cold beverage of my [Laughter] choosing you don't know what's in here right Chief good good evening thank you manager Ze thank you mayor thank you Council uh obviously congratulations Sam uh we do appreciate your work I know moving into my new role last year you really helped me out I appreciate that so good luck with everything thanks with the growing concerns of uh motor vehicle crashes within Sparta Township as we've seen some people had some concerns at at the meeting um it's myself and uh my staff are conducting a traffic crash study from 2021 to the present in this study we will account for all the motor vehicle crashes that occurred within the township and what locations we will also be listing the cause for these Motor Vehicles crashes at all locations once the study is complete we will make it available to the public on our website it is going to take some time um there's a lot of crashes in town on a yearly basis on Wednesday May 15th um the sporta police uh attended the susus county chapter P flag uh monthly meeting we were asked along with members of the FBI Newark to present on law enforcement aspects regarding bias incidents and crimes knowing how involved the sus County prosecutor's office is with these investigations we asked them to assist also so it was our s uh our detectives uh a patrol officer susus County prosecutor's office and members special agents of FBI nework um these officers were able to inform the members of the process we follow when investigating and Prosecuting bias incidents and crimes there was a lot of interaction there was a lot of great questions and I think they have a better uh understanding of what actually uh goes on during this process so we were happy to do that I'd like to thank uh both uh Chief Thomas McCormack and sus County prosecutor Carolyn Murray for allowing their involvement and their staff and also say thank you to uh the detectives that came and Special Agents from uh newer field office last tonight I am proud to uh present to the sparta Township uh Council the sparta Police Department's first ever ever annual report so this report um I mentioned to a few of you uh what it does it breaks down exactly what the sparta police does who we are and uh there's a lot of information there um and although it's our first annual report what my plan is is to compare yearly um and uh see where our our weaknesses are where we need Improvement and obviously to highlight our strengths so tonight I have a hard copy for each of you and um I'm asking you at your leisure to take read through it very detailed thank you and once you read through it I would like to make it available to the public on our webs thank you this for Josh or I think we can I think Ro s yeah you know what uh Chief let me have it I'll put it here and then we'll take it to him there was a lot of effort and a lot of work put into this um we've been working on it um you know pretty much the entire part of this year so far and and you know starting last year with uh gathering information um it's broken down very well if anybody has any questions I I ask that you please contact me directly I really want to thank my staff um my lieutenants Lieutenant Snider uh Lieutenant Carberry Sergeant Frank schamp um Marie Morrow my Administrative Assistant um and our support staff uh David Drew Joseph K yusf and records Clerk Alexis they they all put a lot of effort and time into this uh going back and forth and you know we uh wanted to present you the best possible um you know product that we we could and so we put a lot of time into it and that concludes my report thank you great even think of like for posterity like think about looking at what a report would have looked like from 50 years ago from 100 years ago to to have this as an archive record is just fantastic thank you you're welcome yeah I want to commend the chief and all his staff for putting this together um I think you know at least we all know here uh why we have uh what in my opinion is the best police force in New Jersey but what this enables us to do is is to see why and um I think government always benefits from transparency um and to give more information so the public knows and that's exactly what you and your staff have have done here um so I look forward to reading this and then you know following up if we have any questions including I'm sure uh you know members of the public when it's made available they may have some questions as well and I really appreciate your effort and your um consideration and also your willingness to to be available and to present this information I think it makes this town stronger when we do so so thank you you're welcome thank you all right may I have a motion to accept the manager's report I'll make a motion to accept the manager's report may I have a second I'll second all in favor say I I I motion carries the manager's report uh is approved uh We've now reached the first um public comment period uh this is for items that are not on the agenda so again look at the agenda if you see something you want to talk about it now is not the time um so uh now now is the time only to speak to to items that are not on the agenda so is there anyone from for the public wishing to be heard on items that are not on the agenda all right seeing no one we will move on to the expenditures uh Deputy Mayor would you please read the expenditures for May 28th 2024 I make a motion that we approve the expenditures for May 28th 2024 totaling $6 million [Music] 89,1 49 may I have a second please I will second it okay all those uh all those in favor of approving the expenditures uh say I I I the expenditures of May 28th 2024 have been approved uh we neither have an introduction of an ordinance nor a hearing of an ordinance today and so we go immediately to the next public uh comment period And this is limited to resolution so if you'll look at your agenda on uh under nine are the resolutions for this evening so if you would like to be heard on those resolutions please step to the mic speak clearly and be mindful of the 5 minute time limit do we have anyone from the public wishing to be heard on the resolutions okay uh see no one uh we will go right to that I think uh I would like to uh handle 93 through 97 separately um as there may be some questions on them so my first will be may I have a motion to approve resolutions 91 through 92 I move that we approve resolutions 91 and 92 all those in favor say I I'll I'll second it I'll second it sorry didn't and all those in favor say I I I uh resolutions 91 and 92 are approved uh may I have a r resolution um have a motion to approve resolution 93 which is a resolution providing for the the combination of certain issues of bonds of the township of Sparta and the county of Sussex New Jersey into a single issue of General Bonds aggregating 4,541 th000 in principal amount I'll make a motion uh may I have a second please I will second it and uh before we vote I just a question what is the purpose of combining these um bonds uh Mr Rome BAS basically um the our financial advisor and the bonding attorney felt that this was an opportune time where the rates were pretty stable on the long-term bonds um we in fact have paid off most of our bonds uh actually this year all of them will be paid um so basically these will secure us out to I think one goes up to what 15-year period for the sewer because that can be bonded a little longer and this is taking all of our debt that we had in notes and now wrapping it up into Bond issues so that will basically be the fixed rate for once it actually goes out the market and we get the rates that'll be the fixed rate for the term of the remaining Bond okay thank you for that explanation these were individual notes not Bonds we had individual notes uh we had um probably several for general fund we had the ones for sewer for all the conversions to the treatment plant uh to to actually make it a pump station and just the consolidation of the water for the various improvements we've done are done and continue doing in water um water has a you know they've been working on a plan now I think we did an ordinance like for 2 and A5 Million last year for the upgrades of some of the pumps and and the uh chlorination system as well as actually probably having some of the tanks painted and stuff like that um and because I'm not that smart so a municipal note is usually directed at a at A lender versus that a bond would be open up to the more of a public this basically goes out what's the difference between a note and a bond is what I'm saying in this context note is short term so a lot of times we'll take our notes the issues were pretty large which actually you get good rates at most of them were taken up by depository trust but it also the short-term notes Avail to the local lenders to go out so if Lakeland Bank or Provident Bank or one of them would want to buy our notes in the smaller issues they can usually when you go to the long term it it basically goes right out to Wall Street most of the time they're taken up by depository trust and uh and this and thank you and and and also in this context so you mentioned that our bonds will be paid for this year but we're going to between these next resolutions create new bonds and so that's um right so that'll basically but the notes will be going away so in essence we're not increasing our debt we're just swapping it from one pocket to the other it's going from short-term notes which we can only can take up to a 12 Monon period to longterm which goes out to um up to the useful life of of the asset okay so we're advertising this debt over a longer period of time yes it's spreading out the principal payments so more than likely next year some of these principal payments will decrease under what we were paying when we were paying off the note the note we have to pay off notes we have to pay off within a 10year period so basically be one tenen of it well now some of these May um maybe gr to with 15year useful life so it'll spread that out a little further so it gives us more cash on hand thank you I I have two questions Sam um first one is and we briefly talked about this when you total up these amounts that are in these four resolutions sorry three resolutions it's about $9 million combined and so is does that basically represent all or most of what our outstanding debt will be then after if this gets approved tonight okay split between the utilities as well you know between water sewer and okay and that's not that's not changing it's it's the same today it's just that tomorrow if this gets approved it's going to be more Consolidated and More in long-term bonds is that correct right okay it's like some of the some of the utility payments like the life on you know the pump station you know it may be like a 25 or 30 year life so they can spread that bond out to like maybe a 15-year period or the same with uh with water I mean some of the improvements are doing with the tanks well the life expectancy if you were to pay on water tank is probably 15 to 20 year period so again they could spread that debt out longer so that it makes the principal and interest payments a little less which makes it easier to balance the budget if I can build up that so the water and sewer bonds are different pockets of money right different P of money than the general fund is the 4.5 million but what they'll do is again they go out they go out with a larger amount like they'll say okay if it's if the total is like 9 million they'll go out for the 9 million which allows the lenders the the larger lenders you know to be a little bit more aggressive on it um right but you wouldn't combine the general fund with the water and sewer because they they come they're paid it from different pockets of money right they're paid for utilities yeah well each each fund will like the general capital is paid for through the current budget and then water is paid through water and the sewer is paid through SE so you wouldn't combine those those bonds right because they're but when we put it on the table they say okay here's here's the bonds we have and you know they're looking at it now is they're bidding on a 9 million let's say a $9 million issue so even though those bonds may have different terms it would still be three separate bonds there'd be a water Bond a sewer Bond and in general okay that's I think we're saying the same thing yeah yeah but like I say it just makes it more attractive when they're looking at larger amounts to bring in your larger lenders because if hypothetically if your water utility wasn't solvent that doesn't necessarily mean the other pools of money S I mean normally like said when you go out to a larger issue like this you're not going to get any of the local banks to bid on this because it it's you know it's Tiner cash flow up too much but you know you're looking at now going down the Wall Street and looking at you know your Mar lynches in your whatever your big funds are going to look at this yeah all right thank you Sam my my second question is around the impact on the budget uh when you think about our debt service payments so if you were to look at 2023 and then this year and then say the next couple years does doing this greatly increase or decrease our annual pretty much fall into place where we're at it may deviate by you know 105,000 here there but we're taking the the notes we were already paying on and now we're stretching them out a little bit more so basically it'll either stay the same or maybe you should be fing up cash yeah you one would think almost that the annual debt payments would be lower if we're spreading it out now right almost like you're refinancing it yeah do we see that clearly happening in this next year or two or three or it's just a little amount it it should you you'll you'll see again it happening um you know one of the other things it'll make is it makes balancing your sewer and your water budgets a little more because when we have them in short-term notes like when we're doing the the construction portions of the projects again they're only a 10-year period so therefore the interest rates are a little higher when you go out for this is actually taken them like with the sewer you could go up to probably a 35 40y year bond if they really wanted to because that infrastructure is going to be there for a long period of time so that's really like taking and stretching that out which in the S budget here we need because you know we don't have 100% usership in the amount of allocation I mean we we really like I said we need to do mandatory hookups in a s service area that type of thing but this is going to help us out because at least it'll make it a little bit easier to balance a budget so this is why you can't leave so and just one one final question only was I emailed you a question or two and I think we resolved it but the the figures that we see in these resolutions as they appear here um you're comfortable with all the ones that alignment with the ordinances and there's no you don't see any issues you're comfortable with yeah because some of those words like say it may show the original Total but you've had maybe two or three years of pay down on that so it it actually decreases back to what the actual principle is now but for all intensive purposes in the in the paperwork they got to show what the total amount of the project was M as far as like what we put out to notes or bonds or whatever yeah and in the case that one example where it's higher in this than the original issue that you're saying I think that it could have been combined or added on to later on yes okay one of the other things they did for this is because we're doing this mid year year um they took the amount of Debt Service payments that we were supposed to make um in October um they took that one which was like the I think there's one in there for $541,000 that you may have had a question on what they did is they took that payment out of the budget well it's it's still in the budget but they took that payment and wrapped it up into this so that in December we'll have money to make the first principal payment so they they took the existing bond we had now they're they're wrapp are basically like refinancing it so that it it we have the money in December to make the first payment on the new Bond so it like say sort of like a refinance type of thing any other questions okay um all right so all those in favor of approving resolution 93 did we introduce it yeah we did we introduced it and we had a second and then we just needed questions so now we're up for a vote um all those in favor of approving approving resolution 93 say I I I resolution 93 is approved uh resolution may have a motion to approve resolution 94 which is a resolution providing for the combination of certain issues of bonds of the township of Sparta and the county of Sussex New Jersey Jersey into a single issue of water bonds a aggregating $2,882 th000 in principal amount so I'm asking for a motion to approve resolution 94 I move that we approve resolution 94 as presented may I have a second please I'll second all those in favor say I I I may I have a motion to approve resolution 995 which is a resolution providing for the combination of certain issues of bond of the township of Sparta in the county of Sussex New Jersey into a single issue of sewer Bonds aggregating 1,67 th000 in principal amount I'll make a motion that we approve resolution 95 may I have a second please I'll second it all those in favor of approving approving resolution 95 say I I I resolution 95 is approved may I have a motion to approve resolution 96 which is entitled resolution determining the form and other details of 4,541 th000 General bonds of 2024 2,882 th000 water bonds of 2024 and 1, 67,000 sewer bonds of 2024 of the township of Sparta and the county of Sussex New Jersey and providing for their sale so I'm looking for a motion to approve resolution 96 I I move that we approve resolution 96 as presented uh may I have a second please I will second and before we vote um yes thank you Mr Rome what is uh what's the purpose of 96 in light of 934 and five why do we need to do this this basically allows the combination the three separate issues into feasibly one Bond if that's how the ends up going to the market I mean we still would pay it out of the three separate budgets but they this basically allows us to wrap it into one to make it more attractive to the larger lenders okay and again this is simply a restructuring of debt we already have not the encumbrance of it not the bringing on of additional debt is that right right this is this basically is taking into fold basically all the debt we have right now we had some that was uh still in notes um but this is taking all the ones that we didn't even have in notes and bringing them in as well like we never we never actually took a note out for the construction of the salt shed that's coming into here that's all part of this as well as the fire truck which has been ordered for three years but we haven't seen it yet um so that that is bringing that all into into line into this uh Total Bond and thank you you any other questions okay all those we've had a motion with the first and a second so all those in favor of approving resolution 96 say I I I resolution 96 has passed uh may I have a motion to approve resolution 97 which is a resolution of the township of Sparta awarding the bid for the Township's contract number CN number 24-02 for the chemical metering pump equipment contract I move that we approve resolution 9-7 as presented uh may I have a second please will second I have a question on that the chemical metering pump uh it's pumps pumps so where are they they went out to purchase when we bid it out it's 80 units of these chemical metor pumps for the water department they use that to treat the water so that's the treatment of what the water right not the um not the actual production and okay all right that'll also be paid out of these bonds no I mean I'm just saying I wasn't sure it what they were actually it say metering so I wasn't sure if they were actually surveying or testing or whatever they were doing okay and um what process did we use to uh award this contract we actually uh bid bid the the the specification of the metering pump itself out uh our engineer assisted with that Cory Stoner of haral Pell and we wrote the specs up and put it out uh in the streets and we received one bid uh from that and um what it does is it it it ensures our compliance with public Contracting law when we when we have a a bulk purchase this large uh I think the total bill came in just under $100,000 for 80 pumps and I think there was 30 repair kits uh to it and um when you have a a purchase that large you need to abide by Contracting law uh they weren't offered on uh contracts or co-ops we scan those first and they weren't out there so then what we do is we go out to bid and then um the vendor um you know puts in a bid we only had one vendor you you like it when you have more than that but we only had one and um this is what Ma matched it and so we're we're just following through and our engineer is comfortable with the GP I guess Jagger Incorporated I think is the winning the only and winning bidder for this yes he wrote a recommendation to award after he carefully reviewed the uh the specifications and uh Tom Ryan's office also helps out too okay and just a general question if if there comes a time and I'm not this isn't it um that we do only receive one bid but uh for whatever reason say our engineer says you know what I I don't trust that bidder I don't think they do good work do we have the option to Simply say no and take it out to bid again yeah we can reject bid this we can reject bids okay but in this instance we were comfortable with the uh professionalism and the Integrity of GP Jagger according to our professional so it's we will go ahead and award the contract okay thank you anyone else have any questions uh with respect uh to uh 97 okay hearing none all those in favor of approving approving resolution 97 say I I resolution 97 has passed and we are now up to council liaison updates and I will start with uh councilwoman Quinn if that's okay unless you want to sure okay NOP that's fine um so first and foremost as the manager said I want to really extend huge thanks to the parks and DPW guys for getting up the banners oh um they look amazing we always get such it is so great for the community and and there it's so appreciated and we also want to thank you for um we know that this grew very quickly and we want to thank you for your agile approach to ordering additional Hardware to be able to you know support hanging two banners on all the light posts and um although we're very excited excited about that is it is our full intention to surpass every post that we have right now that's that's our goal so we have to just start thinking about what happens when we get there I think we still have some left still have a little bit of room left a little bit of room so but I do want to thank you um very much I also want to thank Pete um and the VFW and also Vanessa Serrano for all of her work as well so as always it's a it's such a an honor to work with all these great people to bring this initiative to the community and I just want to say thank you additionally we were in the parade yesterday and I do want to make a quick shout out to Dave and Gina at the sparta Library who were able to put together a salute 07871 Banner for us very quickly that we did have in the parade um in the back of the Jeeps so I do want to really thank them very much for their ability to quickly uh react and respond and it really is a nice service to have at the live library to be able to get these banners made so I wanted to thank them very much the next initiative will be announced very shortly we are looking at ways to update our online form so that people will be able to upload the photographs electronically with the application so right now we have to send out separate emails after people put in the forms and then hope that they get the emails and hope they get the pictures back so we're testing out some new things in our technology to hopefully be able to ow us to streamline that process um the with regard to the health committee there were some updates that we got from Steve and also updates have been made to the Health Corner with regard to some different things going on throughout the county so if anyone gets a chance and you're interested please check out the Health Corner that's available from the main page of our website at Spartan nj.org with regard to Recreation we had a meeting last week it was a great meeting a very busy busy busy meeting we were lucky to have um councilman cherell join us as well as Kim Noel from environmental our next meeting will be in July and we have a lot of work that we are doing right now so we're super excited it's a great time for the community as the manager reported I think in the last meeting we were approved to move forward to the next phase of getting of the grant for the um Jake's playgrounds the grant for that we're very excited that will help us build an all-inclusive playgrounds we have a contribution to that as well but we are just um cautiously optimistic and waiting to hear back I think you said by the end of the summer if we're going to get that we're also doing extensive we'll be doing some extensive planning on our next meeting on a lot of the initiatives that we had identified and prioritized in the spreadsheet that we gave to the council and the manager for review so a lot of work going on there as well um the seniors met as well and the seniors also I want to thank um and congratulate Renee and Father David we attended the senior dinner and they were the recipients of the of this year's um older American award and I also want to thank Jackie Bert tanola and the choir that came from Pope John they were fantastic they come every single year and they really did a great job they did they did so I want to just extend congratulations to them big news the um Senior Olympics is right around the corner there are going to be two sessions this year so we're very excited about that and the municipal Alliance will be sponsoring them as well uh with regard to the municipal Alliance we have a a conference call scheduled for this week to uh meet with screenagers to talk to them about the uh media programs that they run and see if we can't look into that a little bit more we're very interested in starting a campaign and partnering with um the school and different demographics within the community to be able to get in front of that major issue um that's plaguing everyone we are also uh we're very proud and we want to congratulate Girls on the Run as well also the alliance is a sponsor of them they had their run um they always do you know great things for the community it's a great program so really excited to be sponsoring them and I'm super excited that I'll be going on June 6 to votek to be able to give out the um Spartan award so very excited about that it's always a great event and I'm really looking forward to it um with that said that's that's all that I have right now for liaison reports thank you very much uh councilman blue medy do you have any updates yeah the uh just a quick update planning board met since we last met uh the hearing for Fluss Holdings the application which is 708 continued and will be carried forward also the planning board passed three resolutions at the last meeting East Coast development Associates uh the susex County Tech Capital Improvement plan and Pope John A minor subdivision um that's it for now thanks thank you uh councilman cherell yeah thanks I have a couple of updates um start with the revolution NJ committee our last meeting was Monday the 13th uh we went through our plan and made some updates uh one thing of note that I'll share with is that um I guess two things one is that uh one of our our initiatives is to solicit uh family stories from Sparta families uh both stories from um history of uh if they have deep history family roots in Sparta but also if somewhere in their family history they have a um a tie to the American Revolution uh I we did I did submit a press release or s a press release out and I think that was submitted to the local um news outlets so um uh hopefully that will go out soon and U we can start collecting some stories and and trying to then the next step is try to find a good way to present that to the community once we have these stories collected um and then secondly I did create a presentation that I aimed to um have at the uh uh at our next meeting to try to bring in some of the ancillary groups like The Women's Club and Scouts and and some of the athletic groups and whatnot to try to get them involved in the revolution NJ planning for 2026 um I'm happy to share that presentation with the council if it's a if and when it's to do so in case anybody wants to learn more about what the committee is up to um next update is on the environmental commission uh our last meeting was on the 23rd of May uh we did also at that the same day have a a tour of Sparta Parks uh for our vendor or or consultant who's putting together our open space uh plan um it was an interesting experience there was a park I'd never heard of before so uh I never at Taylor Park never knew it was there Tyler Tyler Park Ty I didn't even know how to spell it say it so um yeah learning a lot about Tyler Park um any case um so that was um and so the I think the environmental commission is planning a um a presentation or at least a public question and answer session about the open space plan I want to say it's I'm G to get the date wrong it's in June sometime so I'm not going to guess at it as soon 13th it's thank you it's the 13th uh thanks um the commission's also working on uh two ordinances that they were we're going to try to pass to the council uh for recommendation uh one is a tree removal and replacement ordinance that models or mirrors what the was recommended at the state D level and another one is a resolution that would support um the creation of or expansion of our trail system in Sparta um those resolutions are still in the oven so we'll get them um hopefully in the next couple weeks or months uh next committee update is the culture and arts committee the lineup is Set uh the concerts uh series begins on July 5th with Dustin Douglas and the electric gentleman so looking forward to seeing some uh live music here in Sparta uh and um that is all the I'll let uh mayor Clark speak to some other initiatives we had film R committee uh that is all I have for my new um um committee updates uh thank you councilman Chell uh as councilman Chell alluded to we had our uh another meeting of the sparta film Readiness committee last Wednesday uh and we also participated some of us did in a one-on-one with New Jersey film commission about the application to get uh more instruction on it and we are in the thick of uh first uh obtaining photography and photos of various sites in Sparta uh that would be willing willing to uh participate in the film ready commission so that that involves contacting uh in the case of any type of property uh contacting the owner uh asking whether they're agreeable to it and again it doesn't obligate them to have a film or movie shot there just means for purposes of our application they'd be willing to include those pictures and so along with a description of them because what happens is these photos get loaded onto a dat datase called real Scout real Scout is used by probably movie studios across the world um and it's a searchable database um you can do keyword searches so if someone's looking for um a place in New J in northwest New Jersey that has a lot of lakes um probably Sparta will show up on that and then you know they could contact us so we're in the process of filling that application uh the deadline to submit it uh is August 30th uh once it goes into the film commission uh they then look at it and they will announce in probably mid November uh what towns across New Jersey have been awarded the uh film Readiness uh designation so we are busy doing that um we we are benefiting greatly from members of the committee U I would say that if I don't say so myself we have what I would call almost a blue ribbon committee uh between two actors two people from this who have stage experience we have a um produ someone who's been in production for 20 years and then uh tonight when I get to new business um I will be uh appointing an additional person who comes from the more technical editing side uh who's the winner of two Emmy Awards uh who is also um and from Sparta who will be on the committee so he his expertise is really in the technological side of production and the editing so we are really benefiting and this is all local talent these are all Sparta folks and so we are very fortunate to have that degree of talent um members of the film committee um at the request of James Kimble who is the owner of Camp sacko jaia uh went out to visit camp sacka jaia this Saturday uh Cuz Mr Kimble uh heard about the initiative and said his Camp uh has actually been the side of a couple U Productions and would we be interested in taking a look at it so we did not cover all 200 Acres that would have been I think Mr Kimble said that would be a 9-hour journey had we tried that but what we did get to see was quite incredible um that is I think an asset that Sparta has that really is going to separate it from a lot of other towns and why is that well one it's private property and when you have a private property owner willing to uh allow this um it really frees up a lot of the logistics um because you simply need to work with the private property owner and a lot of the parking um a lot of the entire set a lot of the crew can be on it could fit all of that so I'm very thankful for and appreciative of uh Mr Kimble for allowing us to go see that it's it's quite the place uh I know probably a lot of people from Sparta send their kids there but it's um if you do go check it out with the Renaissance Fair that's sort of his main thing that he uses it for and he's done quite a job so again thank you uh for that next is um I've been I was fortunate to the reason why I couldn't go to the senior dinner last Wednesday is that I presented the distinguished student award for Pope John uh to anuka Rodriguez anuka um has a award sheet that probably feels like a fill up a a phone book um AP Awards um math Awards uh it was quite the incredible uh resume and I was very honored to be able to present her with this uh Sparta uh distinguished student award and she will be a freshman at Georgia Tech next year so and also thankful for our Pope John Community um for their role in shaping the kind of hearts and minds of the not only Sparta people but folks all across this County and other counties so they do a really a really good job and I'll be presenting the um Sparta uh High School academic Honor Society induction ceremony on June 4th and then the sparta distinguished student award on June 11th and um let's see anything else uh no at this moment uh that is all the updates uh I have I do want to say I did get to participate along with councilwoman Quinn councilman blue medy and councilman cherell at the Memorial Day um parade yesterday and it was it was very wonderful to see all the people out there on what is otherwise somewhat a solemn occasion um because we are you know we are recognizing uh those that gave their their lives and it's it's a somber moment when you have to put that reath and um on and remember and I met with someone from the VFW I think a day before that happened and um I asked them I said you know listen do you ever feel I guess what they call Survivor guilt because you know you did you made it and your buddy didn't and he had a very interesting answer and one that I I I think now resonates with me which is I actually don't because um I've I've taken what the fortune that I've had and given back and that gratitude and I think that's sort of the what we owe those who did give the ultimate sacrifice is that we then sacrifice our time and our effort uh to give back and give to a cause greater than ourselves and so that's the appreciation that we pay uh to the service members who have given the ultimate sacrifice and the people who give that sacrifice day in and day out were on display yesterday from our police force to our veterans to the members of our various clubs they are giving something of their time and effort um to something greater than themselves and I think that's a a fair tribute of gratitude to our service members so again it was it was a very um reaffirming and reflective time and I'm I'm glad and honored to be able to parti participate in it and with that I have no further updates and we have now on to unfinished or new business councilwoman Quinn do you have any unfinished or new business um I do so um uh just want to let everyone know that the next Council connect is on June 20th and scheduled to appear at 6 p.m. are Dean and NE so if anyone is so inclined please mark your calendars for that date um also I just had a request and I'm happy to sit in on this as well but I'd like to request um Jim that uh you and maybe Corey or who whomever you see fit reach out and speak with a concerned resident James castore um and I'm happy to to be in that meeting or the mayor um whoever but um I think it would would be a good idea to get the history Jim has an amazing amazing I think it's three generations possibly four in Sparta he his family has lived here he's lived here um I think it would be he's got some concerns and I just want to make sure that he can get to you or you know and and talk about them so with that said um that would be fantastic thank you also um I do want to say I know that um Sparta is Big Sports town I have some great news so for all you football fans I know that our colors are normally blue um you know that's our our base color but I will tell you all that we should all start getting some Miami Dolphins colors out because our very own Ireland Brown has signed a three-year contract play for the Miami Dolphins this is a big deal this is is a big deal um you know the the statistics around even a player that played at the high school level going to the college level which he did he played at Ruckers that statistic is so small but then to take that and go to the next level and get get a contract with a professional football team is something we should all be super proud of so in addition to our dark blue colors um you I just want to let everyone know keep an eye on the Miami Dolphins this year and sincere congratulations to Ireland Brown and and his family so it's a a lot of hard work and it really paid off so congratulations I think Greg batty also played for the Dolphins didn't he what's that Greg batty class of 82 I think he also played for the Dolphins didn't he yeah so interesting we have to get out all of our our sports gear uh the last thing that I have is I know that um you know past practices and everything are for when a business comes to town and they're interested in um you know doing business here or coming here with a business or maybe coming here with something new I know that um in the past there's been concept meetings that happened you know with professionals and stuff like that um I was just wondering if there's any way I know that normally that information never gets conveyed to anybody in CA unless it becomes an actual application and the application is whole and all that kind of good stuff and and I was just sort of wondering if we could look at putting a process in place so that um we at least know who's thinking of coming and and what potential things might be coming and whatnot even if they don't [Music] um specifically turn into an actual application and the reason why I say that is because when we're looking at the ordinances and we're looking at land use loan we're looking at different ways to support you know as we've seen business is changing constantly so we want to make sure that um if if someone wants to commun with any particular business XYZ whatever it might be a that it's not you know that our ordinances are protecting us the way they should but also are there things we need to be looking at to make us more friendly to a new thing you know like there's businesses are changing all the time Co certainly changed the way that we do business so just kind of wondering if we can get um that I don't know if you're involved with that or the I don't know who I I am involved with that and and I believe we do have a few areas of conduit for exactly that okay the the real obvious one is the business development committee with with Josh and and John Drake and Dan um I would invite anyone who's considering uh any type of business to to to talk to those folks and obviously anybody in our planning board I mean r Ron's here too um okay um that can and uh Glen ke is very knowledgeable and um they're frequently out there all the time time uh talking to potential businesses and they have questions and you're right you don't want to jump into a commit they want to feel out first you know right the ideas and stuff it's it's so that's a great concept and I hope we're yeah friendly enough and approachable enough for for those folks to I can add a little bit to that too the the planning board practice has been at least in the last year or so to uh offer concept review meetings but in the public in the in public settings to come in and have it get onto the agenda um and we're not uh actively practicing having our professionals meet behind closed doors in advance before it becomes to the point of an application but um entities are welcome to request to get on the agenda for a concept review consideration right and I think Dan the business development does a lot of similar stuff correct yeah it's more informal um but we do have an utsman with Glenn Drake and Greg Drake and um and um so I I I the next step is to socialize that so how does a business wantan to come into spart and know to meet with our business development committee that I don't have an answer for but the mechanism the mechanics well they can email me can email you I I will I will connect them for Jim that's our answer for everything email Jim email Jim I I just was wondering about it because I know sometimes you know things are going on and I think again I think one of the things that I learned so much in all the um research that I've been doing lately in the world of business and and whatnot it really opened my eyes to how much has really changed in the in the grand scheme of a lot of different aspects and I just want to make sure that we're you know where we can and where it makes sense we're being mindful of that and we're also looking out for what could be a risk so I just want to make sure that everyone involved all the correct people that are involved are getting that information so that we everybody can plan accordingly all right that's it for me mayor all right anyone else with new or unfinished business I have a yeah a few points I have a straight comment I meant to include with the planning board update uh for the I mentioned this uh here I think two meetings ago the planning board did uh work through an update to the parking design standards ordinance and with lots of work with our planner and our attorneys uh came to a a consensus and approved it and that was sent to the council for consideration and for placement on our upcoming agenda I believe it was distributed not in the last week or two I think it was distributed maybe in the last three weeks to everyone I think Jim you sent it I believe sent it out to everyone that draft ordinance if not we can have it resent again I didn't see it yeah I'll check to see if it was distributed I think it was to us yeah yeah I didn't see it yeah um well we follow yeah if not we'll get it out again and we'll look to get that onto our next agenda for Council uh in terms of updates um first I had the the pleasure of attending the dinner for the seniors of the year as well as Chris mentioned two outstanding seniors uh Maryann Francisco and Reverend Reverend David mcdonal uh really enjoyed the whole event and uh including the music was it was wonderful to see them receive that um the uh Trout Derby had a wonderful time at the Trout Derby and I also wanted to and it was mentioned already once or so but I wanted to thank uh our employees recreation parks and all the others who made it the success uh and the trout unlimited volunteers that were there to help uh with some some bait and some fishing tips with the kids and it really was such a success and a valuable experience for many many kids and their families and multigenerational families there was grandparents there too having a fun time so uh kudos to all the the staff that made that possible and the park looked wonderful and the the pond looked wonderful too uh and finally I I also had the honor of marching in yesterday's parade uh with several of my fellow council members and uh it was an honor I I enjoyed meeting so many residents handing out un countless Flags to everyone and I want to just thank the organizers and the numerous volunteers for all their work and not only making the parade smooth but also making the ceremony part of it so special at the end so that's all my updates I have a couple things first of all um I went to high school with a Greg Drake and I was not talking about Greg Drake I was talking about John Drake before so I'm sorry about that um I had Greg in my brain um and second I had a question for uh mayor Clark you mentioned um with the film ready committee that somebody was going through the database wanted to contact Sparta um regarding some film ready matter who would that person contact I guess I guess and I think the answer you're going to tell me is there's there's a contact list on there but is there is this committee going to be some kind of a a permanent that some kind of well it starts with um what will happen yeah what will happen will be the first probably order of contact will be the actual State film commission um and what they will what will happen is uh an entertainment uh production company we we'll contact them and say we noticed on your database uh we're very interested in Sparta they will then lay out to the uh State film commission sort of the Mets and Bounds of what the production will involve and then someone from the film commission will then contact us there has to be us that that the US will be every uh whoever is the uh point of contact for right now that will be me because they one of the positions it requires is someone from um from the town has to be on the committee who has either is a council person or member of the staff um they will be the first order of contact for the local film commission say and it will be someone from the New Jersey film commission will contact let's say me we're interested in they're interested in doing that and then at that point um but also somewhat the film commission we work with them and they become if something we do not want to do um they then will communicate that to the uh film Committee of commission the state film commission but the contact person uh will be when we first get started will be me and then this as we go on um if we find that we need an actual person to do this we can you know cross that bridge when we get to it um but right now we don't no one's contacting us so who says so who says no who says yes or no who makes that decision we do but it's who is we yeah the the we would be um the film committee can say whether yes or no whether we want that or not after Consulting with obviously you know whoever needs to be consulted obviously if for example if they say we want part of this production involves taking a building in Station Park and blowing it up and setting it on fire um that's probably something that we we would probably not agree to so so when when this first came up when the topic of film ready first came up um my understanding of putting the committee together and all of that and I I spoke I've spoken to you about this was that you guys were going to gather information and then come back to the council so that we we could figure out if we thought this was um something that would really benefit Sparta or something that we wanted to move forward with and at that time I brought up a number of concerns some of which were around this exact topic when it comes in who decides it what's the backend how do they register what are the processes um and so I think what I'm hearing is that these decisions are being made that this small committee group of people are going to now be deciding what film crews are coming into Sparta I don't think I'm comfortable with that I I've also done other research and reached out with other municipalities that are film ready and they had a lot of really good Insight but one of the things that came back almost across the board was you really need to have good processes in place and you need to have the right mechanisms in place to be able to to manage it so I I just think that before we go charging forward with this I'm not saying I'm against it but I think we need to be tightening up especially because this could potentially I mean maybe it won't but it could have a big impact on the entire town and I don't think it's right if just a uh group of people are going to be making uh those determinations or going to be vetting and I also want to make sure that we're not setting the volunteers up to be situation where if we do say no to something um there's any kind of litigation or anything for being subjective I I just think there's a lot of things that we need to put in place if we decide we are going to move forward and everything is going to move forward I think we need to be ready and prepared for how to properly do it I know isn't Tammy horfield involved with this as well maybe on a county level I don't know if people may have missed uh the the part and maybe I didn't make it clear enough one of the aspects of the application uh is that you either have a standard of conduct kind of rules of the road guidelines or an ordinance that governs governs the permitting process and the information that we need um so that's part of the application uh and that obviously the council will have uh inside into and and feedback on and and and um approval of so that is you know towns have done that Montclair Atlantic Highlands uh probably Cranford and so we have a good body of Prior resolutions or ordinances or guidelines that will follow this so there are steps it's not some kind of arbitrary process uh that's all spelled out in either a standards of conduct that a entertainment production company can look at um and so that we will know so there will be a process involved it won't just be kind of an ad hoc committee and I apologize if if people got that impression but that's the P that's the part of the application that is you have to include either an ordinance or guidelines and so we'll we are currently the committee will you know work on those guidelines and then when we feel like we have uh sufficient ones then we will present it uh to council and others uh for their uh inside into so thank you for that explanation so bringing it back to where I was going was um so there's the committee it's right now is is addressing an acute issue of we need to we want to we have a deadline we want to meet to to uh to to complete an application uh but the more permanent part of it will be um a some kind of a structure in place to actually do those reviews and and approvals and when that structure is in place um there will be some kind of a resolution or or ordinance that will establish that structure that the council will review and vote on that's what I'm hearing yeah I mean we yeah we have to you know there the feedback that we get from the film commission is that what you really want are are guidelines and not um kind of ordinances can be very cumbersome and ones that are hard to administer uh guidelines but I can tell you for every production that goes on the township knows every single thing that is going to happen with that production um like I said I may have alluded to the last time when I went to Kate may I got the I met with the head of Tourism there that that they're doing the Dylan biopic and they get a shot list of what's Happening that day they know where the staging is going on they know the road closures they know what signs have to come down all of this is is very well orchestrated um and the township has a lot of advanced notice before this happens so um and that you can put in in the guidelines which is you know if you have any road closures you have to identify them uh within 2 weeks of shooting or so everyone knows it's not just oh my gosh they're here um in fact even though that's what's been going on I mean there's this will not be there's other movies and TV shows that have been shot in Sparta for years um without an ordinance in place without but this is a structured way to do it uh and one that then also highlights our town again with with the object is not only to have entertainment reduction but as I've spoken to about you know repeatedly uh this is a way that our small businesses can can benefit so like I said the only reason why they're doing so many of these in New Jersey is because of the tax credit and you only get the tax credit if you spend the money in New Jersey and using local um businesses so it's not like they're going to spend money on if they need to build a set they're going to use people locally to build that set not go ship it in from Hollywood and then put it there so in any event um but as we get the uh application ready particularly on the guidelines and ordinance that the council will have some input into that thank you and so the structure will be a point person or an entity or some kind of organization who will uh enforce the guidelines uh and also make some decisions and so I as you said when that when the application's complete you know that that structure that process will be presented to us and we can um look at it and get comfortable with it okay thank y um okay um uh a couple things else wanted to mention one I also want to say that I enjoyed the Memorial Day Parade great weather great turnout it was a very moving ceremony that I enjoyed and um I'm also happy that may Murphy didn't run me over in the Jeep um and um if you were from Newton I hope you participated because we were the only show in the area it seemed like so um uh um and next thing is um uh I uh I did send um okay I'd like to I'd like to what's the right way to do this um I believe we need to establish a committee or subcommittee of the cultural Affairs committee to start a more formal planning process for the uh 2026 Sparta in International Conference B Institute National Conference that we spoke about um we did um you know with our meeting with our counterparts from Sparta Greece um discussed forming a committee and planning for that 2026 conference and and what the Contour of that might be um so I think I think a citizen committee uh with one or more representatives from the council and other areas would be appropriate um so that said um how does how does one set up a committee do we just say zimzam we have a committee do we need a resolution um you just want to set up an ad hoc committee correct yeah you certainly can do that by resolution okay is a subcommittee of the cultural Affairs that I hear you say or is that would be appropriate yes um so I could provide some guidelines or or Contours of that and send it to the mayor and you do you have that discre to provide that to the council and if you see fit um bring it to an agenda item in the future yeah that just get it to us and then we'll we'll put it as a resolution okay thank you m um similarly um we did um mayor Clark and I met with a representative from the uh DP uh and with uh a um a Sparta resident uh to discuss uh the development of recreational trails and new uh expanding on our current system of recreational trails in Sparta um uh together with um the manager and other people that were there um I believe we concluded that the best way to sort of aggregate this these ideas and uh come up with a plan would be to establish a separate Trails committee uh this might be a subcommittee of the recreation committee because I think that would be most appropriate um and this committee would among other things uh create an inventory of potential Trail projects excuse me decompose those Trail projects into manageable sections and develop a plan uh liaz with the state D and the county uh committees um commensurate committee that they have um explore the availability of government and non-government grants to help offset the costs and uh uh with the goal in mind to connect to a larger uh Regional State and Regional Trail systems um so um again there's another subcommittee um I I we can provide those uh notes to the mayor and manager and sounds like you just wrote The Resolution Dan I think I just did so whatever I just wrote down the clerk will write up um so hopefully we can entertain this at a future council meeting as well a resolution to establish a trail subcommittee um and lastly uh I would like to put on the agenda for our next council meeting uh three resolutions that we fly the following commemorative flag so I think we can all vote on these one at a time I think is more appropriate um so number one I would like to move the make a motion that we uh uh put on the agenda for the next council meeting that we fly the flag of the US Army on June 14th to commemorate the founding of the US Army uh that flag will be donated by the BFW so that is my motion I'll second it all those in favor say I I I motion abstentions I'm going to abstain okay so we have three that's the first one I'm gonna um have another two more okay uh secondly I would like to make a motion that we fly the juneth flag a put on the agenda for the next U council meeting that we fly the juneth flag on June 19th and June 21st to commemorate juneth uh the state holiday is on June 21st uh it's nationally U recognized on June 19th um and that flag was donated by a citizen uh to the township last year so the township is already in in possession of that flag so that is the motion that I made I'll second the motion all those in favor say I I I any objection or abstentions I'm going to abstain motion carries we will put that on the next res uh resolution at the next town council meeting and you have another motion yes and thirdly I would like to move that I make a motion that we put on the agenda for the next council meeting that we fly the disability pride flag during the week of July 21st to July 27th to commemorate uh disability pride and the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act uh this flag will be donated by a Sparta resident I'll second that all those in favor say I I I all objections or abstentions I'll abstain so uh motion carries we'll put on for a resolution uh next week week or in the next council meeting for disability Pride flag thank you that is all the comments I have for under new business or on new business and then the pickup on on the new business uh it was a meeting of um the Jee montimurro Mr Zep a member from the State Park Service the regional director uh which is located in keni and uh the meeting was very eye openening uh cuz we actually got to see the entire map of all the trails throughout the county and um so as you look at some of these Trails if you get the right feeder Trail done they will have the potential to connect up to uh a bike trail that would go all the way to Philipsburg which then would go on to Philadelphia they have another one assuming and some of this is contingent on other counties doing their own uh improving the trails but would be able to go all the way up to Albany and so what you know we will be focusing on when we're in Sparta um there was there is some Trails right now um that could be used if we improveed them they would link up to other trails that would then go and be able to extend it so it's a real way to improve uh the recreational opportunities for Spartans uh but also for everyone because if you can connect a lot of different trails and you have it you know if you have a 10m trail compared to a 50-m trail the 50m trail Trail is much more attractive um and then you know simply looking into this I I I have seen you know studies that show that if your proximity to a trail can increase your property values anywhere between 3 and 15% and so uh it would be a benefit to uh Sparta residents if we could really improve some of the trails and I know we are not Reinventing the wheel this has been looked at um before and so you know we were hoping to you know get some institutional knowledge for folks that have you know looked at this issue um but for one reason or the another we haven't been able to to complete it and so my hope is that uh we'll be able to do so uh this time and so I'm really excited about the trails I think that's you know that's a fantastic thing for Sparta uh and as I'll just add that uh Landon teneri who's a volunteer on zoning board and I believe enironmental commission uh he did a lot of that work early on right with connecting trails and looking to convert rail trails and he might be a good resource to we met withon yeah that's how um that's how I initially met Landon when he was a senior at Sparta High School and he had contacted me and uh it's an he's an impressive young man who's done a lot of lead work on this and he actually has a lot of knowledge about he could tell you where the trail is located um and what's missing from it how what you need to connect in order to make it a further connector to other Trails so it's he's done a lot of work with it so we're very fortunate to have him and um and so with that I look forward to note to that too um one of the things that I didn't occur to me but is interesting and seems obvious now that uh with the rise in popularity of ebikes um there was a need now for longer Trails because people get less tired on the trails when they get their ebike going um so it was another impetus in getting connected to a longer a larger uh more connected uh trail system uh both regionally and the statewise so that's it and so as I uh alluded to in my um liaison updates um I would I'm going to make a motion uh to appoint Justin carpa Witch uh to the Sparty film Readiness commission uh Mr carpa is a media professional with over 25 years of experience in broadcast film Sports and corporate markets he has experience in Pre and post- production broadcast operations video production Asset Management and on very uh multi-delivery platforms uh some of his credits include the National Hockey League CBS Sports NBC Sports the 2012 14 and 16 Olympics uh he is an Emmy Award winner for technical Emmy in 2021 and he won an Emmy for Technology and Engineering for the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for the contribution of cloud editing environment for technical em em Emy nominated the 20 2014 Sochi Olympics so we're very fortunate to have Mr carpa as a a member of this Farm film Readiness committee so with that I'll make a motion to appoint Justin carpt to the film Readiness commission I'll second that all those in favor say I I I so congratulations uh Mr carpit look forward to working with you on that committee and with that I do not have any other new or unfinished um well I will add that um councilwoman Quinn and I are aware of um the ballet parking issue that is um going on at Lake Mohawk we were in you know talking about that um my understanding of of where that stands is that I I believe the the property owner um who wishes to use his property as a valet will likely be going before uh the planning board or zoning board related to that but um I know it's councilwoman Quinn and I's desire to see some type of resolution to that because I think we all speak to that is a congested area particularly this time of year and so I encourage folks to come up with a reasonable solution to that so um I appreciate uh councilwoman Quinn's input into that and as we uh worked with some of the business owners but again I do hope they find some type of of resolution to that and with that that is all I have anyone else in the public okay I'm just seeing if anyone else forgot any new or unfinished business okay with that we are at the last uh public comment period And so this is a grab bag um whatever you want to speak about vent about praise about now's your opportunity uh just please be mindful of the five minute limit so any one from the public wishing to be heard all right seeing no one you got to say something right you come on came all the way out here Ron either Ron thanks for coming out here there you go right we're on day 22 Fox Hollow Road um just want to thank you guys for everything you've been you've been doing over the last you know since you you've been here you know looking at some of that the hard issues that you guys have have have attacked you know the uh the short-term rentals and and a bu of other things and I just uh seeing you guys work together in the way that you are it's just really good so just much appreciation to all of you thanks feel the same about you guys and thank you for all your work at at at the planning board thanks we got a good team yeah right with that I don't see any other one from the public wishing to be heard um may I have a motion to adjourn I move that we adjourn may I have a second I have a second second all in favor say I I I I motion carries we are adjourned wow record fashion 25 have not seen any Tuesday night TV more like the French Open yeah and