e okay all the meeting to order okay um ladies are you ready yes good all right so uh Welcome to our first sports committee meeting of the year uh my name is Wayne swords um I work for a company called Delaware North and we run the courtyard um Marriott in Titusville as well as the Kennedy Space Center and um visitor complex and a bunch of other stuff so um last year I was on the capital facilities committee and this year I am on Sports and I'm excited to be here so um guess what do you want to do go around the room or do we need to do anything before that I'll actually be taking a formal roll call very good for hand okay please respond with here uh Wayne sword here Jason Pierce here ly M yeah damy too Brad poppy here Megan carlone here mayor Dan diesel Drew Waton here thank you very much chair talk about microphone etiquette um I guess when you're talking put on your microphone when you're not don't have it on it yeah it that was a tough topic of the day and then we'll go by the Robert Rules of Order I think everyone understands how that goes all right um are there any members here that have any conflicts or need to disclose any conflicting business relationship agenda no no and um we need a motion to approve the Sports Committee minutes of November 8th 2023 so move have second second you all in favor I and uh we need to appoint a Sports Committee Vice chair be nominated that's too difficult of check I like to use I can't nominate anybody I'm want to do it again or Lyn would you like to do it or okay J okay okay we have a second for Jam second all right all in favor right welcome Jamie congrats F be traffic okay I'm pass it off the ter this time all right well um just going to give you just going to go over the sports grants we're going to review discuss the the guidelines application checklist and the score sheet so first thing first you would turn your attention to the uh Sports Grant guideline our plan is to go uh one section at a time first first of all does everyone have a c very good we're going to go um one section at a time and one suggested one change at a time and then what we're have a discussion if anyone has anything to say pertaining to that particular uh edit then feel free to take the floor okay so in section 1.0 introduction and background you see here we've struck um competitive competitive events and change that to competition and we've also placed the goals of the sports and event uh grant program the goals are listed here as to assist the county attracting and growing highquality competitive events to to generate significant economic impact through participant ins spectator spending and hotel revenue and three to promote Kara County through Market reach and marketing reach towards the end of that particular page you'll see the introduction of our new two grants tier two grants will be fully administered by the tourism development office reimbursements for reimbursement for expenses will go to the vendors not the event organizers reimbursements are dependent on the ability for the tdo to contract for services uh and fees so at this moment I'll uh open the floor up for any discussion pertaining to section one of the 5 year 24 425 forth Grant guidelines um sorry could I pick off and just before we even got section one I did notice that events got crossed out of the title so is was that the reason for that that is correct uh land so I did over I did uh over see that so we're going to from hence forth will be known is the sports Grant guidelin simply instead of sports and events Grant guidelines program okay so does that mean that if it's an event that's proposed or an application that is an event that has nothing to do with sport it it's excluded automatically I would say that is the idea okay okay everything anything that qualify for this grant you have have to be a sports related competition or event already so it's sort of redundant to say in event so we're just going to keep it very simple been call it Sports Grant yep and I would like to make sure that that that's everywhere you see Sports and event Grant if it's not uh struck out then it's Sports Grant that's what we want to go with so at this time again I'll will open the floor for any questions or discussions pertaining to section one of the four program okay chry just a question about the reimbursements provided expenses the vendors not event organizers okay and that is strictly for for tier two okay the think the logic behind this is the these are the grants that in the past we have not been able to accommodate because of such short notice because of short such short notice they don't need any marketing they don't need any other expenses they would just like the the fields or the facilities paid for uh and with that being said so we'll make the arrangements if it's an event that takes place imminently uh we'll be able to make the arrangements with either the verar parks and recreation facility RAR public school facility here in the county and make arrangements to pay them directly at the conclusion of their event so the vendors will be essentially local stakeholders here whatever fields or that is correct okay that is correct okay so we will now go to I don't think we need there's no need to go through section two section three is fine section four section four events that occur between October 1st 2024 and September 30th 2025 shall submit their application between May 1st 2024 and May 31st 2024 this is essentially is getting rid of the the two cycles of our Sports Grant we're going to have going to a one cycle model uh for for any events that make that application in that application window um and as you see here it's uh if you look at the on the next page uh the Grant application window will open on May 1st it closes on May 31st applic applications will be seen by the Sports Committee members on June 15th there will be a recommendation meeting on July 10th it will go to the TDC for approval on July 24th and the board of County Commissioners final approval on August application processing key dates for tier two TI two events are available for funding year round annual funding of this program is subject to a full funding of the TDC sport budget line item in the event that applicant funding requests exceed the total budget of the tier 2 Sports grant program funding Awards may be reduced proportionately in order to stay within the total budget amount allocated to the program so at this time I will open the floor for any discussion or question pertaining to section 4.0 of the fits for year 2425 Sports grant program um just so that I've got just so that I'm completely clear um we don't approve here two just deer one deer two comes straight to you there's a set budget for it and then the money goes straight to the vendors that is correct okay that is correct thank you are there any other questions mayor may have joined us on Zoom it's just a phone number but I'm missing okay maybe if you want ask okay the person 321 61510 one9 could you please identify yourself can we ask to you please ask you please unmute okay all right so we're going to go to section 5.0 eligibility eligibility for tier one competitions held on the on Florida Space Coast must produce a minimum of 200 room lights in Bor County AC accommodation with a tourism tax account have equivalent economic impact through attendance of athletes and or Spectators from outside of barar County or show a significant marketing reach outside of barara County Event application must receive a majority vote from Sports Committee members to be considered eligible for funding any applicant must be in good standing with any prior event funding Awards post event reporting requirements room light reports and or reimbursement requests in order to qualify for this application if an applicant has previously been awarded a grant in any cycle and has not fulfilled their contractual obligation under the grant or if an applicant has forfeited prior funding due to inability to comply with postevent reporting the Sports Committee May determine their eligibility on a Case by case fa so we'll just discuss that portion first um as you see here we're we the score of 70 or above is going away and it's strict majority uh vote of the Sports Committee members voting in favor of a proposal up or down essentially essentially yes sir and then in terms of in the past we've considered you know percentages how would we do we wouldn't do that essentially if they requested 20,000 if we vote Yes it's for the 20,000 whatever is that is correct okay we will now move on to the end of section 5.0 and speak to eligibility for tier two Vues must be located within Rara County if minimum number of 120 coaches players and fans must stay in accommodation that collect RAR County tourist development tax qualify accommodation stays must pay tourist development tax event must have a minimum of 120 players coaches and fans to qualify event must have a minimum of three days of competition Friday night start with a Sunday a Sunday afternoon in event organizer provide a rental agreement for the venue an event organizer must provide team invoice from the hotel are there any questions comments pertaining to eligibility of tier 2 events how do you know they actually come up with 120 people well uh most of not all of our events they provide some sort of roster uh so for instance we have numerous events that come here between the golf events and the events that are going on right now now in ut complex and they all provide the event organizer with rosters so ultimately it's up to the event organizer to provide to prove this provide this information to us so it it would uh benefit them to get that information from the team so that's how it's do are there any other questions okay so we will move that to six section six available funds up to 240,000 may be available for the fisc year 24 2024 2025 for a competitive sports program Sports Grant a competitive grant program to fund competitions that demonstrate a significant economic impact to provar County tourism as described in these guidelines the tdo allocates funds from its marketing budget to a gr program for event owners light holders tournament directors groups and organizations that coordinate events with a demonstrated history of producing significant economic impact Hotel revenue and or marketing reach outside of bvar County are there any question or comment Fe one the going rate for reimbursement is $15 per room night to a maximum a maximum Award of $25,000 you see the tiers here for a minimum of 200 room nights you can receive up to $3,000 worth of support 2001 to 500 is $3,115 to $7 to $7,500 501 room kns to 1,000 room KN 7,500 15 to 15,000 1,1 to 1500 room lights 15,5 to 22,500 and anything above, 1500 And1 room kns would be 22515 to up to the maximum of $25,000 going down to tier two the maximum funding amount would be $5,000 per event are there any questions pertaining to the funding award amount tier one and tier two b 2 240,000 total um and there's no division between tier one and tier two it's just the total part that's the total amount yes ma'am okay so now we will go to the eligible use of funds section 7.0 and we go down to what funding may be used for well excuse me let me go back up uh there's an area struck out here funding is intended to support marketing promotional efforts and our venue or event site rental so again that depends on what type of events those are so tier one we've added equipment I'm going read all of them sports facilities required Sports Personnel marketing and programming experience for the event paid advertising media buys outside of bravar County for the event site fees call and rental equipment gold rental or usage fee build or Court maintenance build or Court staff field or Court material rights and sanction fees for the governing body of sport and non-monetary awards I.E medals ribbons SP so on and for and tier two is it's venue rental equipment gold rental usage fee field or Court maintenance field or Court staff field or Court materials and official fees are there any questions about the use the uh funding uses for tier one and tier two events all right so the next page additional funding youth information fors event has been changed to competition um see here bu you also include projected revenue for the event section 8.0 there a couple of changes um not changes but Corrections excuse me section 9.0 um one two three four five six bullet number six individual members of the Sports Committee will evaluate and validate each application so again it speaks to we not going to be doing the ranking as in the past hotel room Revenue economic impact and marketing reach will be taken into account when considering Grant award the TD director has the authority to approve expenses related to competitions or events up to and not exceeding the highest level of a award $25,000 and on the that next page the last sentence of section 9.0 awards are not final and a ailable for use until final approval by the tdo executive director and contract have been fully executed are there any questions pertaining to section 9.0 hry I guess uh the second to last Point essentially that says that the TD director has the discretion uh to provide any additional funding up to 25,000 for an event uh the TD director at the authority so whatever reason you know um we decided not to he has a discretion of the 25,000 that is correct okay all right reporting requirements section 10 excuse me Mr chair may I be recognize this is Peter cranes hi Peter hey hi Wayne thank you uh thank you for uh to everybody on the committee um I just apologies for not being there in person I had a I have a 3:00 meeting at the um Government Center so uh leaving you in good hands with Terry and John I just want to respond to that last question um the intent of that is just to make sure that I can sign agreements related to to Grants that the the committee the TDC and the board approves there would not I would not um use that that the intent is not to use that to um circumvent or or go against any any committee decisions so it that that's really M merely perfunctory to give me the ability to to sign agreements um not necessarily to award something beyond what what the committee would recommend thank thank you Peter for the clarification I think it also prevents a situation that I think we had happened last time we didn't have Forum to approve something that was sort of universally agreed upon that avoid a situation like we had last time yes sir correct thank you okay so now we'll go to section 10.0 reporting requirement uh the most the all of these items were crossed out because of redundancy they're listed later on in the reimbursement procedures in this package so um that's why those are are red so if you go to uh the next page uh tier two which because it is a new product the new the event organizer is responsible for providing the following event organize them must provide a rental agreement for the venue event organizer must provide teams invoices and room night reports from the hotel are there any questions or comment pertaining to section 10 okay so we'll move to section 11 again um the paragraph that is marked through is is because of redundancy it's already lted later on um who will go down to those dates uh in the second to last section um deadline for all Grant reimbursement for FIS year 2425 is 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time on Friday October 9th 2025 okay on the next page we'll go to item number two vendor invoices and receipts for allowable expenses it speaks to again the addition of tier two uh letter C original invoices from venues must be provided and finally on the next page item uh letter M original invoices from venues must be provided again these are first year two events are there any questions pertaining to section 11 Lo in section 13 terms and conditions on turn to section one payment procedures for tier one it speaks to the date new dates of October 9th of 2025 as the absolute um end of the payment according to payment procedures be be paid by October excuse me all of your paperwork has got to be in by October 9th 2025 in the last paragraph the grantee must reach 100% of projected total room nights in order to be eligible to receive the full amount if the total room nights are less than 100% example if 75% of the room nights are delivered then the grant recipient will receive up to 75% of that Grant amount on the next page it speaks to the payment procedur of year two payment will only be made to the venue after it has been determined venues are located within Bard County Event meets the minimum number of players coaches and fans the event meets the minimum number of competition days the event organizer provides original rental agreement for the venue event organized provide invoices from hotel D during the event payment will be made to base Cod Sports commission will pay invoices directly to the vendors once the event has been completed event support will not exceed this formula the number of room nights paid you I can't see that the number of room nights PID DDT times 15 and the total events of report will not exceed $5,000 per event the remainder is just the boiler plate the only changes you might see there as is as a result of changing from a ABCD to a um on the but it's one more there one more change here on the bottom of the score on the bottom of the score sheet turn to the score sheet at the bottom all of the uh those application checklist has been they been removed so there's no longer a uh completed application check plate check point detail event description uh event budget event timeline schedule event Maps event history so that's no longer there because we have a new checklist that we will go over here momentarily are there any comments or questions about the guidelines at this moment you may move to accept these guidelines just the guidelines right not the application this time get the guidelines okay all right so I can make the motion we need a motion to approve the um the guidelines we just reviewed motion to approve the guidelines that we've just approved second right all in favor oppos all right motion passes okay next up on the agenda we have the applications if you turn your attention to the packet label fiscal year 2425 Sports Grant application I want to interrupt one second um I want to let people on the phone know that Jamie has arrived participating in the meeting if you didn't figure that out already thank you yes sir so question number one we are identifying the type of the application that's being submitted will your event be tier one or tier two event the maximum awards are listed for both as the as is the eligibility for both of these um events these tiers and from there everything else is pretty standard nothing else is ched uh number two applicant information what is the event vital number three the applicant contact information number four the event information how many days will you EV be held number five what is the desired first day number six a brief description of your event number seven where is the location number eight has your location Vue or facility been secured uh number nine estimated event attendance total participant projected to attend your event number 10 the total Spectators projected to attend your event number 11 with toal members of media number 12 how much Grant event Grant support are you requesting number 13 what is the purpose of your financial support number 14 what is the projected total number of paid room nights for your events number 15 have you secured hotel and or lodging Partners number 16 please provide the names and locations of those Partners number 17 event history number 18 uh insurance for the event and number 19 is e verify enrollment status number 20 is Untitled number 21 is a message and then finally 22 are your required attachments are there any questions or comments pertaining to the fiscal year 2425 for Grant application per I have one and it relates more to uh my department in the past we've had uh groups come in use our appeals and in our fee policy they get a discount if if it's PDC approved so I'm not quite sure how that would work now if they came to you would you contact us if you're using our facilities could be the other way too well the reason I'm asking you because in the past those when they came to us they were already approved by the TDC and because of that in our fee structure we we give them the discount because of that um so I'm not sure quite how that would work in this under these new guidelines well ultimately you you can charge them whatever you want to charge them I understand that understand I'm just saying that that because because it because it helped with tourism everything we gave them a break because we thought that you know maybe that would enhance the the the use of the fields more yeah I would say I know barar County Parks Recreation they don't employ they don't use anything like that they used to okay we can look at for sure but I think that's a you know kind of a a little bit of marketing leverage that we have when we per going to trade shows and conferences and that kind of thing say let us know when you're coming down if we book you down in your neck of the woods then there's going to be some additional discounts to your your invoice yeah I just I just wanted the communication would run you know a good example of that was that flag football was one of those right right right and then I know there was difficulties with you know him as far as after event information but but you know when they came down I mean they brought 30 40 teams down so they definitely qualified you know um I don't see I and I understand what you're saying I don't think that's necessarily critical to the nature of the guy guidelines I think that's going to just be good communication between you and Terry okay you know I think and to count on it on our side of things that we will make sure that communication happens with you okay that's fine that's that's what I need to clarify okay okay I have a question on the application as a newbie as far as the fan count how is that calculated is that an average and then also how is that verified when they give you that number the ban count um well some times some and this thing some events use their ticketed so they use their ticket information and in the past we've also used um U cell phone Data Tracking to to sort of uh use as a backup for whatever numbers that they provide uh but they do they provide the best number that they can so the GU we have evaluate application based on what they're telling us in the F house yes sir okay there are some generally accepted um measurements that you can use like a like an average like one to two person per family or per athlete yeah and it really kind of depends on the event you know a you12 girls event you're GNA have quite a few more people attending than if it's a Collegiate event um but I think that part of what we're trying to you know accomplish with our engagement relationships with the event organizers that they like you know make sure everybody's giving you all their information so that we can account for all of that F right home yeah because a count can play a big big role in your your vote on a typical event more more people the other component is the benefit of History so you'll most of these fents have history so they'll have room counts they validate the information so if someone you know has historically produced this number and it's been validated unless they're making a big jump and it's you know it's safe to assume that they're going to be able to meet that Target and if they're projecting an increase of double what have you what accounts for that increase they will explain it a lot of these events will be repeat events with established hisory okay okay next up on the agenda we have the checklist so if you pull your checklist out okay all right we need a motion to approve the 2425 Sports Grant application motion to approve the sport Grant application is presented for p year 2425 second all approved all in favor hi any oppos motion passes at this time we will uh draw attention to a checklist you have your check with you everyone no yeah okay y if you're turn you turn your attention to either screen you can go over the checklist development Sports Grant checklist each of the below items must be included with the application uh one being the checklist and the applicant information in part one there are five um portion of the checklist you the application you have a detailed budget table form the letters of commitment for any funding Partners a detailed marketing plan and a detailed event or site plan in part two we have an executed contracts the uh Certificate of Insurance of a minimum of $1 million of general liability insurance e verify uh enrollment uh verification W9 and in part three uh reimbursement request form post event report and a lodging report and then um on the next page is the actual checklist that we would use for each one of our our grantees this was something that was started um at the end of last year basically because you know we uh when you're working with a lot of these event organizers we want it to be very clear to them I need this this I need this what you see is this is all the stuff you need to have and then staff will be and this is for all the all the Committees they'll be checking off did they uh you know provide us with the budget table format did they provide us with a detailed marketing plan if we check yes no problem but if we check no then we need to write in there what's the rationale for why they didn't provide this to us um there was there were some issues last year that this is going to address those and everybody's using basically the same thing there's a couple little bit changes little changes between committees this is just a check and double check then check again make sure all we have everything that you absolutely need we want to make sure these people get get what we can give okay now we need a motion to approve the checklist and score sheet for 2425 motion to motion to approve and checklist thank you second second thank you all in favor okay motion pass okay so and back into your main packet on the third to last page is your or and other than the changes that I described earlier everything will remain the same okay so that the guideline packet it'll be towards the end up yes there you go everyone have their okay so again nothing has changed whatsoever other than Joanna would you mind scrolling up to where we can see the bottom of that page please okay so they've been taken out already okay but on in your packet it's been read it's red so we want to get rid of that because we just going over the new tlist that we we will be using going forward that's it there okay I think I prematurely approved or we already voted for this didn't we I think we last check this is the there's kind of two checklists AR all right because there's the checklist that was for the vendor and then there's our checklist we're getting rid of this checkl on this score sheet complete we're getting rid of the score sheet yes that's what I thought confused this is going yeah so we need or right correct bring a motion to what's the motion here to eliminate the pre score sheeet we have a motion to eliminate the previous score sheet motion to approve the elimination of the pre-existing score sheet I second all in favor okay 7377 I think there's some significant improvements in all of this I think it's great thank you I love the the two-tier thing I think that that's going to create a lot of opportunities for the smaller events that you know equally is important in a different kind of way well my rule from when I was in Terry's position was you can do a lot of small events or you can do a big event and the small events are usually a lot easier to handle they're less expensive and in the end of the day the end of the year they produced quite a few room and ultimately that's what we're after right and there's also the possibility of the opportunity for small events to grow a little bigger okay okay so sports event update so I will do my best not to bore you all to death so so the first thing we're going to talk about is these particular events um the Columbia Classic golf tournament I put your on your desk a template of what the the news our newsletters will be looking like um it's titled uh news and update from the space code Sports commission and in this uh update here you'll see the uh Columbia classic and the uh 24 uh 2024 Moon Golf Invitational golf tournament their dates who all participated the the winners so on and so forth so again just as a mean of of means of communication with you guys and it's giving you all some um just some some insight as to what's going on you know one thing like in the past you know I wanted to improve upon with your engagement um complete engagement of you all I figured if you're if you if you have the want and the desire to offer your input you know we want to give you as much information as possible um to keep you keep you AR bre of the happenings of the sports commission um the Ron John Beach and Boards Fest that just finished up I attended that I went there um very good event very familyfriendly event lots of stuff going on lots of food truck uh pickle ball um pering obviously uh volleyball this this a great great event for the community that's like my second second or third time attending so I can speak to that uh the flare for the marathon weekend again was held um those dates correct uh back in February February uh 11 and as we all know is uh begin begins at front three park down in Melbourne and of course the blues running over the both the ALG and the melbour caway bridges the event that's going on right now uh there actually that's the uh Space Coast spring game softball event at the UTA complex um just want to give you a brief synopsis of what's going on there as it stands now there are 116 Bal teams participating at this event some of the states represented are Wisconsin Connecticut New Hampshire North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Louisville Kentucky Indiana Ohio Pennsylvania Michigan Illinois Minnesota Nebraska Kansas Iowa New Jersey New York Virginia West Virginia Tennessee British Columbia and Texas and Alabama and I can tell you I was there I've been there two days since it started it is packed through the brim with with with not only teams but fans and people coming down here to uh support their their teams and um and we worked up some preliminary numbers myself and the event organizers because most of those teams uh get a minimum of 10 rooms and they say a minimum of four nights so between uh the all those team in room four nights we worked up about approximately 4,600 room nights already they're here for a little bit about over a month and these are just these are room nights that are not including umpires and not including family numbers these are the strictly numbers produced by the team so that's a promising event and going forward not only do they plan on having an event for softball next year but they also are looking to have a b event as well uh so we're looking at having two events of this caliber per year um if things work out uh upcoming events on April 6th you have uh the Space Coast class soccer tournament that's done by uh fa Coast United Soccer Club and um that one had a projected move night of 800 so looking forward to supporting that as well well and other space Co Sports commission news uh we are engaging in a very very um exciting Sports marketing campaign um that Sports marketing campaign consists of um a uh revitalization of our Li our media library with photos videography Drone footage so on and so forth let me get my notes together here um great we contracted with great Scott production for for our our videography and Drone footage and they have completed each and every one of their uh their Tas they thought basically they took videos of our main facilities here in the county almost used facilities in the county those that's could hold uh events uh Vier Regional Park uh chain of Lake Mitchell Ellington or just the name of few um we've been down to Canal 54 cool story we went down myself in one of our my teammates we went down the canal 54 just to take photo photograph and video and happing upon a team from Dallas Texas that was a high school team that was down here in the area to train for a week it was 58 students and five coaches they had just got came in come in from Orlando and they were leaving this weekend so they're training at Canal 54 uh there's a rata that they're participating in on Saturday but with that being said just seeing them and just knowing that he was actually told about this with this location by a former a college teammate because a lot of people really don't know about Canal 54 and and everything that it has to offer so it was a pretty cool story and meeting those guys and it turns out you know most of were were engineer uh or stem students that were interested in that field so I was able to get them a a tour for detect today uh to did a campus tour and they're very excited about that but but that was a uh cool thing that happen um another thing that we're doing besides the uh video and uh and um photographs we are doing uh we just a mail out we have a mail out campaign as well with um postcards and our main targets are going to are baseball and softball uh for spring training lacrosse for training obviously rowing for training um and these mail outs will be done strategically throughout the course of the year uh in fact we m out four Prime air times throughout the course of the year to get those out to school um the first would be when school starts and that would have more of a a welcome back uh message uh the second would be when practice or preseason starts and that's wishing them luck on the upcoming season Once the season ends you know we want to definitely push our areas of as a place to train uh for the year coming up and at the end of school obviously I have a happy summer good communicating with you and we also like to speak to them before attending our trade shows which I will talk about here momentarily uh the trade shows that I attend just to say hey I'm going to be here would love to connect with you see what's going on catch up see how your year went you know what you know the catch up essentially um our next campaign is a more of a uh like I said with a newsletter uh we had have um subscribed to a digital uh coaches database primarily of schools in the Northeast and the Midwest uh as it stands now we have 881 uh baseball contacts these are schools uh 793 lacrosse contacts 138 rowing uh 889 softball so strategically again these newsletters and I give you a also in your on your desk in front of you there's a there are two examples of some blasts that were sent out to to uh LA and Rowing te um again this promoting the space health for their training need the rowing newsletter was sent out to 138 contacts and was open by 102 which was a 8 % almost open rate so it was a very very uh it was receive very well um we sent the uh lacrosse uh newsletter out to 1,186 and that had a 30 36 37% open rate but from each of those within a day or so we were I was getting responses about this wed to know more about the area how to go about who can they contact um the facilities requesting more information so just on that alone is already providing some sort of U of value if by doing that ter what's the name of that platform that Harvest all that coaches information so it is called get right here qu Wade coaches directory CL l w a d used to be the college Blue Book be like a Bible it was my Bible yeah it was my Bible it had everything in there that you needed to know and it's just a little more advanced nowadays with and and that you know you can reach out to CL you know and get just give me all the email addresses for all the lacrosse coaches in division to on the East Coast they can send that to you an annual subscription annual subscription my next question how do we determine who we're targeting and who we're sending the digital and the postcards and the newsletters too well again it all depends on the purpose our purpose is training so more times than not those teams that are up in the Northeast in the midest they're trying to get out of there so mostly location based correct not necessarily division correct yeah the uh Target Rich environment as I like to call it is D2 and D3 teams uh even okay because there's so many there's so many more of them you know and a and a B1 room night is equal to a d D3 room I like to say you they're both going to pay the same price but you know put your efforts to where you have the most opportunities you usually better a D2 D3 and J to go directly to the coach anyway you're your D1 you're going to have a whole travel team and yeah usually a third party involved and they the D1 in a lot of these programs you know there's established there you know they have training sites in yeah thank you you're welcome and to to add to that we also are creating a sport planner guide a guide uh for both a hard copy and a digital copy of of the the facilities that we have to offer for local in relation to ke tourist areas the uh U like how far to the beach how far to the airport both airport so on and so forth demos the the the u i 95 so on and so forth so that's going to be I'm excited about doing that as well um trade shows uh throughout the course of the year and this two is on your desk in front of you I had the uh I had the ability to attend three trade shows again each of them with the purpose of making contact with schools uh and offering uh train a training location the first one that I attended was the U iwlca that's women's Lacross uh that was over in St P had a had great feedback from them uh so much so that the uh executive director of the iwlca ACX did a a site visit here and we rode around looking at places that might be a viable location to actually not only train but host and event uh we went down to Florida Tech we went to merid Island High School we went to KOCO Beach High School we went to Vieira high school so she was very very impressed with the the the locations that we have um and just the how the ease of getting here because she lived in Boston and she flew right into Orlando and and drove right on over here and then she went to another event while she was here down in St pet St Petersburg and just the ease of even getting there so the ease of getting here the the weather and she is very very high on getting uh at least establishing a year uh a season starting event here much like they do in softball uh some of the teams that you mentioned were like uton Syracuse not Dame that would come down here for the for for two or three days uh to run an event now obviously room nightwise it's not going to do much not not as much as a an amateur event would do but name wise they would do our area very very well name recognition uh I then went attended the national Basit coaches association made a lot of contacts there as well as the American baseball coaches association um convention uh lots of contacts were made um from the we I've had um numerous meetings with baseball so far with event organizers people that are interested in hosting events want to know more about our grants so on and so forth um we also have uh an opportunity to sponsor again for the second year the Jefferson dville rata which is up in New Jersey uh Pennsylvania area and um a major voting um event if you don't know what that is um very impressive a lot of schools of all divisions men and women attend this event so um again uh that's one that we hope to uh visit in the future uh just again just to get in front of people and to let answer any questions in person that people might have about our location um and that is your update give a little bit more on that HBCU softball uh so I had an opportunity while at the softball event I met a young lady who runs a like John stated a a tournament a classic it's called the HB Invitational HBCU Invitational and these is a Invitational Tournament made up exclusively of historically black colleges and universities that will come down for uh three days and play games uh we are still in talk with them they plan on Ving paperwork for a grant as well um their biggest thing is you know they would like since they're a fledgling this is their first year doing it they did it up in Congress Georgia this year uh but since it's a fledgling event they they were really hoping which they could do they want to get some help with the with the U facilities in the field so they have 12 teams so I don't see that being an issue so uh I would expect that they would be an applicant when the application window open spring training and then essentially around that February Mark April for that particular event that would be a lead off event an Invitational event to start their respective season so they would they would congregate here before the season starts and then they would go out so it would be about the same time frame though yeah I want to talk a moment about the difference between training and tournament training car is out there in about doing thing and he's talking to all these different teams you know the idea is come on down for training we don't pay for training if they come down here for training that's great now if they organize and they create a tournament happens during the training then yeah we'll get involved with them there but if they're using the fields and their facilities and they're doing all this and they're just training they're on their own and uh you know like Len led to and that is you know you get these teams they're down here and they're just doing their training um but then they'll develop into a tournament in the tournament we'll take we we'll assist with the tournament if they're training for two or three days before and two or three days after and they're using fields and Facilities they're on their own now that's that's the real value in bringing in those those teams for the training they don't cost you any money you do your thing you get out there you get in front of them you tell them how great the place is and and what great facilities we have they come down for that then you build on that from there and they want to do a tournament then we'll get involved so what s is talking about with h BCU I really like it for a number of reasons it's a very niche market that we can get behind and we can you know use to our advantage to to start developing that down here um that's that could possibly be a tournament then you talk about the high schools from Texas or the other teams that are coming down here for rowing come on down row all you want stay in our Hotels St you know go visit and everything like that that's all on that that's that's value I also want to say that you know the nice thing about Terry going to all these trade shows and conferences and he's only going to five now right right yeah there's there's a lot more that are out there but the nice thing about that is that previous to Terry getting here we didn't we weren't we were more reactive than proactive in the efforts to promote Sports now the Terry's out there you know everybody goes oh hey new guy right you know a new destination and shiny and new and it's different and and and it's really important that we take complete advantage of this newness and and uh and and develop relationships so that people are coming here on a regular basis so he's doing great stuff that's what I well thank you and the last thing we want to do before we U move forward is to have a brief discussion about the mode and frequency of our um communication what would you like to see what you know how much how much is too much how much is too little um so what were you guys doing I guess last year previously I'll see you in March I'll see you in August see you in November now again a part of that and I'm not going to put the blame on anybody is just trying to figure everything out you know we have so many moving Parts but at the minimum you know that's what I'm going into this year I at the absolute minimum we'll get a newsletter at least once a month okay you know so U it could be me myself you know if something were to come up like for instance if you just got a newsletter and I come across a group from Dallas I would like to share that with you like instantly just to let you know that hey we got people coming here um the uh athletic director uh of Eastern Florida State College Jeff Carr texted me the day before yesterday and he says just so you know the Australian Women's National Soccer Team J called me yesterday and they are coming April 1st through the 6 to train in our place they're going to have 45 rooms a night plus catering for a week so and these are things that we don't know about but but there I would like to share that with you because I think it's pretty cool yeah you know so are they playing any matches or just training I mean they're just training Australia here's what I'll tell you that used to be my business I used to I used to run the US Women's National Training u center up in Stanford Florida so when we'd Australia we'd have Germany we have Sweden we'd have all these teams coming in playf and so they wouldn't play at the citus PO but they would come in for train that's what they would do but they would always have these uh what do you call it friendlies yeah they have friendlies yeah at my training center so literally you were watching Australia versus United States on a field and there was like eight people standing there watching so so you know if they were going to be doing something at that college and they were gonna that's something we should really look into now is it a u21 team do we know team u8 whatever but if they're going to do a friendly that that might be something that we want to talk about so again I'll go back to you know what do you think is too much what would you like to see as a Committee Member to make sure that you're engaged and you feel like you have some sort of interest uh in this whole entire process because it will pick up especially once we get all these applicants and applications that we got to go through them and sift through them thoroughly and before they get to you I got to make sure that they have everything that they need to have before they can move on because you won't see them until that checklist is complete and only then so but you have to open the floor up to y'all frequently I don't know if they have the agenda for every month but it's every other month I mean for me personally if it's on my calendar it's better even if we have to cancel it than it is to trying to put it on last minute for me personally so you're talking about an iners yeah oh yeah oh sorry sorry sorry News letters this is what's going on I mean I I don't if you have something I'm open to getting it however whenever if that's just like an email or a newsletter yeah I don't the frequency doesn't bother me there I think too much information is better than not know yeah no matter what it is right I'm a wife so I agree and also you know that just is like even like current events what's going on in the state regarding Sports tourism know new facilities new new happenings uh that thing we just need to be aware of I'm going to try my best to keep you all as current as possible that's the least I can do Terry when do you anticipate the applications I think one of the things that we struggled with in the past is the turnaround time receiving the applications and then getting it back so I think more than anything else if we could get those and you know give us couple weeks two or three weeks would be ideal to review because the last minute you know it's tough it puts a bit of a the process is tempar though the and according to according to the schedule that we just approved today U you will get all the applications on this me back up the window opens on the first it closes on the 301 so I have 15 days to get those to you you'll have them by the 15th and then the recommendation meeting is July 10th so it's almost a month that you'll have yeah yeah so I really like the way that the uh it's spaced out I really like that so I know you're appreciate it too obviously he can do review one Grant a day having that many grants come in it's great oh you know the other thing to I'd like to mention is that it's this is two-way right so if you guys stumble on anything or if you just have like geez no I just saw this or that or the other thing reach out to Terry that's that's what we here for we'll find find out answers and I should say too that Terry and I have month is no every two weeks the sunshine Sports Council correct so it's a it's a closed group of sports commans and others from around the State of Florida and we're talking about the state of the of the UN State of the State and the state of the game you know Sports um to where that's just more information you know valid or valuable information that we can share with you guys too as well but we're getting this from Miami to Paca getting feedback okay uh before we move forward again this some housekeeping here um your potential conflict disos disposure form I have one from l m red poppy Andrew Watson J Pierce and Wayne for I have mine sobody no I'm gonna email you right now that's fine so that's all I have chair chair excuse me I don't think we public today the mystery person online there whoever that is the number anybody online has yeah any commentary from the people online unmute Buton don't forget your Journal take those with all right I'll ask for a motion to adjourn the meeting we just want to stay here really there there's too much we can work give till 3:30 wait am I on I motion to ad all all in favor hi okay thank you thanks everyone thank you do have really