e e e e I'll start over good evening Springfield welcome to the township of Springfield planning board meeting for June 25th adequate notice has been given in accordance with the sunshine laws notice was published on June 13th in the local source which is the official newspaper of the township of Springfield for 202 for posted on the Annex Building on June 13th 2024 let's do a salute to the please IED aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay can we do a roll call commit man Rich Huber it's not turning on though Alex Kaiser yes here Mr David Barnett here miss Marissa rerio here Mr Aaron loer here Mr Richard Cedar here miss Julie here Mr Brian Gallo late Mr Scott wishna here Vice chair Sharon Castle here and chairman Jeff tiger yes here Forum perfect okay so first order of business is an attendance policy we talked about this last meeting now that I know that everyone's will be here um so the township has an attendance policy that everyone needs to familiarize himself with Jen's going to send it out but basically nutshell is we you cannot miss more than three meetings in a row if you have a an excuse or something comes up you know before the meeting please make sure you email Jen and copy me we're what we would like is if you have something that comes up not a problem uh just emails on you know on the Friday which will be basically 72 hours before the meeting and um you know assuming that you know it's not habitual it it'll be excused if it's on the Monday before the meeting uh that'll be something that the board will collectively decide so Jen's going to send out a copy of the township attendance policy um any questions with it no okay we have we don't typically have a problem we always look we have no room for everyone up on the board so it's a good sign we have people committed and very interested so if anyone doesn't has any questions just make sure Jen will send it out and our attorney can help you you understand it and for the record uh Mr canalo uh was here at 603 perfect uh next thing is we have an application that's coming before this board um that is has issues with some of our dates and schedules uh the temple on the corner of Mountain and Shunpike has asked that we work with them there are for some reason our dates conflict with some of the you know maybe less religious holidays for some folks but more religious for other folks so I want wanted to get the board's um uh thoughts on moving our August meeting to August 15th and our September meeting to September 12th it will not cost the township any money the applicant is going to pay for the notice fee so it won't be C won't cost anything it is non-for-profit so that's why we there won't be a special meeting uh This Way um so I wanted to get because we've moved so many dates around for other things I just want to make sure the board's comfortable with it so I'm just gonna repeat it would be August 15th and September 12th so if we if we have a quorum and everyone's okay if if if anyone can't be there September 12th yeah September 12th if anyone can't be there we will excuse it because we're moving dates around um so if you tell me now that you know you can't be there it'll be excused yes are th are those being moved from different dates or additional special meetings it would it would just be moved from the original meeting but if it doesn't work for the the board then we will not do it we'll have to figure out some other options I can't be here for the September meeting I can be there I can make August but thday so so what we will do is see that anyone else concerns that's one two I have a problem it's four uh let's go back to the applicant we're meeting again on July 8th we'll come up with some other we're meeting on July 8th so now keeping the 12 keep everything the way it is I just wanted to discuss it because again the reason for discussion was people have have an issue with it um you know maybe we'll try to work with them on one and see where the path of re resistances to maybe get one of them there um but we'll go from that standpoint but right as of now our next meeting is July 8th as of now okay next thing is application this is a a remand from for reconsideration from the the judge from our uh litigation this is out fromont media 8 2022 s 11 Edison Place block 210 l one and N for the rec reconsideration of preliminary and final site plan for a commission multimedia me assign so let me give everyone a little update so obviously everyone knows that outfront media filed a complaint against us uh beginning of January January 4th 5th whatever date that was uh from this time our Council has been working with them on resolution to this matter filed answers they went to court had a lot of discussions and the judge at our last last case management conference remanded it back to us with a couple considerations for us to look at as well as outfront offered to eliminate the sign on one South Springfield Avenue I don't know what the lot and block number is but it's in the record uh and then swap the signs that we give them the sign on Edison Place uh there's letters uh that are attached in your plan that talk a little bit about this from out front's Council and our Council as well as um some review letters from our engine and planners um so I think that's it um what we're going to do is we're going to enter in every transcript every record from our prior meetings I'm going to read them out loud if I have them so or we just assume that everything's in the record from all the othere I mean the public hearings were on January 30th 2023 J June 5th 2023 September 7th 2023 and October 2nd 2023 so all transcripts related to that uh and all testimony is within this matter perfect and then also attached is Julie is our new board member or is she and she certified uh with a absent uh member certification that she read the transcript and she signed it noiz is this your signature and you can confirm this issue yes it is okay is that okay with you okay per okay so uh let's get uh moving right along counselor do you want to come up we're going to have a very brief discussion if if everyone recalls the last application the board conceded uh to 20 out of the 21 conditions of approval the only thing that we had some discussion was on visibility I understand Mike disco's on the phone U talk to a little bit about this the only issue that was concerned was visibility on that sign and how it would affect our our residents so if you want to come up and introduce the application then I want to turn it over to Mike to to do it [Music] that one's better can you hear me with this one G likes to be in front of everyone so and I've never been accused of not being heard uh Gail price from the uh law firm of price me shman and ormeno in woodliff Lake um and we're appearing as the chair said um back on reman by consent order um from uh law Division Union County on behalf of outfront media we um are back under what's known in the law as chain circumstances uh for this board to consider looking at the application again um as a reconsideration um the primary focus would be um as the chair said the swap of the signage that is um presently downtown in um a much more residential area um to the signage at 11 um Edison which is along as you know runs along the frontage of an interstate highway specifically i78 so um we've worked our engineer with your engineer and our planner is also out but we have our other planner here tonight um so I think we have two people available by phone um and so we've tried to hash everything out we've worked with with your attorney um on this issue since the consent order and we have engineering planning and our outfront rep here to confirm any um answers that the board has any questions once you hear from your professionals we're happy to um reconfirm any any issues that the board has perfect I'm going to do this a little differently I'm going to have our professionals talk about I I know there was a meeting between the minds of the Engineers last week that's great I'm GNA Mike is on the phone I'm Mike I'm going to move the microphone over to to the phone if you can just I'm going to ask you just talk a little bit about the meeting and really address the visibility issue good evening everybody I hope you can hear me we can now loud and clear I did have a meeting with um um Zoom meeting with Mike tantala of tantala Associates uh we re reviewed the drawing uh specifically drawing SKB which shows the 35 ft spread and 50° uh cone of vision from each face and that um utilizing the what I call light mitigating technology I think Michael uses light blocking technology as the descriptor um this technology will cut off the display of the billboard beyond the 50° angle from each face so that anything outside of that angle will not be visible at all and only within that cone will you have visibility of the billboard the angle and the spread and the location have zero impact to any Residential Properties looking to the east or traveling West and looking West or traveling East it touches two Residential Properties on the limit of the 50° angle and so other than a 10 foot um issue there it doesn't have any visibility to residential structures those two properties that we're talking about also uh we're talking talking about the edge of the building as opposed to Windows and then there's other mitigating factors for the majority of the year that also limit the visibility uh we also reviewed the um some of the exhibits that showed the technology of the the individual um elements of the billboard display and how the light blocking technology would be uh a fixed to the billboard structure to limit that and to block out the light so I I feel very comfortable with the description of it and the operation of it and um I'm here to answer any questions or join in the discussion Mike I'm gonna ask you one and then also then I'm open up to the board there's also and so there's a tremendous amount of vation that correct yeah the there's vegetation between the proposed billboard location at 11 Edison Place and Spring Mill Manor on both sides of Main Street the uh vegetation is going to be there substantial vegetation from probably April through uh November is um and you also again only have about a 10 foot uh inclusion of the building perhaps one window on the second story of Spring Mill Manor that building is situated below Main Street so any first floor um property is looking literally out into the side of the embankment of the road um so you're only talking about the upper story at that the uh good no I was going to say so your testimony is that this plan now is the best option for us minimizing visibility for our the utilization of the light mitigating technology the change of the spread of the faces and The Cone evision limitation have minimizes what any exposure to a residential property even saying that it's the you know what impact a window uh visibility is even less than the the building extent perfect let me open up to the board because I know you're no question no questions I'm good questions you stay on in any members or is under um I'd like to sarm him in again but he won't have to be requalified sorry I just have to I haven't actually put my appearance on the record yet Matthew Weiss price me shman andinia all right if you raise your right hand uh do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give this the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth can you state your name for the record Michael W tantel okay Mr tantel I just want to State for the record you've previously appeared before the board on this application and you've uh offered your qualifications at that point in time yes sir okay thank you yes sir okay um just very briefly Mr tantala um you're aware of that the letter that chairman tiger referred to earlier from from gaale to Mr Taris yes sir okay um and did you meet with Mr disco in events of today's meeting yes sir and do you agree with the report he just gave that um the light blocking technology will minimize to the biggest extent impossible the any theoretical risk on residences nearby yes sir okay last question um is it your testimony therefore as it was in October that the site plan which is um already in the record as a16 and the viewshed exhibit which the board has in front of them but was already marked as a15 um conform with the bill board ordinance yes sir okay my professional opinion no further questions let's bring up you just go I you issued a to us like a little sard from a residential area to commercial area sure Mike Disco If you can stay on only because it'll be quick keep them on I have to keep you on until we should be over sorry Mike very very quickly uh chairman um we agree with Mike disco's comments and support them it's in we believe in our Township's best interest and our residential community's best interest by swapping out the sign removing the sign from the residential area and relocating it and placing it with again along i78 interstate highway where it is zoned for this use so that's the first one the second one is I don't want to repeat Mr disco's comments or his testimony but the the light mitigating technology being added into this application further protects the interest of the residents and the residents in this case only being the one corner of the building on Springmill Manor so that coupled with as you can see on your exhibit the substantial amount of mature large vegetation that exists between the billboard and Spring Mill Manor it's just one additional level of protection for those residents So based on all of that and these exhibits we support this we think it it it's based on sound planning that the board moves forward with this he is on the phone George Williams he was previously previously sworn so if you can just give the board a little bit your professional opin the plan was that for me Mr chairman yeah certainly good evening Commissioners my name is George Weedle Williams uh Serv the planner for uh this site plan application I had a chance to review uh your board professionals review memo did June 24th and I agree with the assessment therein perfect you have any questions very quickly yeah George can you hear me no I can you can okay great I'll project um so Mr Williams did you read um the letter I just referred to from um Miss price to Mr Taris yes I did okay can okay um and did did you hear all the testimony I did do you agree that the plan that was pres presented in October and we're still sticking with today is compliant with the billboard ordinance I do okay and you already said this but just to reconfirm do you agree that the relocation of the sign at one South Springfield uh Avenue to Edison Place is good planning I do for all the reasons that M disc mentioned and in the board planners okay thanks nothing else Council can you ask him to confirm his testimony from the prior hearings oh sure sure um you you heard the question Mr RS can you confirm your testimony from the prior hearings can you say it one more time can you confirm your testimony from the prior hearings yes I can Mr chairman yeah okay ran any questions demol so if you guys can just hang on for probably another five minutes sorry no worries we'll do evening uh raise your right hand you swear affirm the testimony you're about to give us the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do can you please take your name for the record John anol A N from outfront media okay Mr anol I also understand that you previously provided testimony yes I did okay okay um very quickly John can you just remind the board who you are yes I'm the general manager for outfront media's New Jersey operation okay are you aware of the letter that we've been talking about all night yes I am and you read that I did okay so is it true that outfront is willing to relocate the signs that owns this sign sorry it owns and operates at one South Springfield Avenue to the subject property 11 place yes it is um and is out front intending to conform this Edison Place sign to the site plan that's been marked as a16 and was submitted to the board before the October meeting yes and is out front committing to use the technology that was detailed in a15 and discussed by both Mr diso on Mr chantala yes we are okay um a few other cleanup things we talked about previous hearings uh Pro what we call protocols A and B those are in the record yes they are um is out still intending to offer that to the township yes as a public service absolutely yes and that includes the Board of Education yes it does okay um Mr chair if you have other questions about the demolition go ahead but yeah so I know that if this application is approved you would need to apply for demo permit which I know was discussed yes I think the board would like I'm sure it's outlined in the resolution all best efforts to get that done prior to school that is Our intention yes and if not there are certain conditions in the resolution that between 7 and 8:30 two and 3:30 that um that you can't work during those times if it's understood and we would abide by the resolution the only thing that I didn't I know that we emitted which I would like to add in there would be that you would notify uh the township five days in advance of taking down the billboard so that way they could notify the school so they're aware we will abide by that is that fine that is fine which is good um any members of the board with any questions no okay so I'm going to close this part of to the public portion remand it back to the board for some questions and concerns um I know everyone um so basically what the board would be doing is um approving the application um within certain period of time which is outlined in the resolution they're going to work to to uh obtain a demo permit apply for a building permit for their current sign that they would like to put on Edison Avenue uh as well as um they cannot start construction on Edison Avenue until all structures above ground are gone Edison Place sorry um everyone have a chance because this this outlines the conditions if they want to take a quick moment did everyone get a chance to review it on the the forget to open I know I need to open just wanted to have a chance for us to talk few PES yes great okay seeing none I'm going to take this opportunity to open this matter up to the public anyone that wish to speak on this application 8-20 22s please come forward don't rush up all at once seeing none I'm going to close this matter to the public and go back to the board so basically um the plan is tonight we would approve the application and uh Mor moralize the resolution tonight as well as give them the ability to um wait readings so they can um apply for their building permits so the conditions are you know just as I said they have to apply for a demo permit I mean it's outlined in the resolution they have to um notify the township within five days and and there's requirements that they may have to have police direct traffic and so forth that that's all part of the demo permit nothing to do with uh Town nothing to do with the planning board uh they um cannot start the construction on Edison Place without um without getting a clear that everything's All Above structures are are taken care of I'm trying to see what else Wass chairman there's a condition of dismissal of the litigation with respect to that yes within no no later than seven days after all appeal processes expired to stipulation of dismissal before the litigation would be filed on behalf of the Superior Court um I know that the board uh secretary will publish this resolution uh tomorrow hopefully in the paper a few days later and the appeal process will start um and that the Board of Ed and the township can utilize um the billboard based upon spaces needed and if there's ever a 911 situation that that trumps everything that the the police will work at and I think you agreed to like a meeting with a representative from the police department our business administrator and the superintendent of schools or whoever they're designity to kind of educate them on the process yes so I think that's it you sent them to me I can forward them along that's perfect John John B the business administrator will own that process which is great so um seeing none does anyone want to make a motion Mr chairman I'd like to make a motion for the approval of application 8-22 s outfront media 11 Edison Place blocks 210 Lots one and nine this is for reconsideration of preliminary and final site plan conditional use for mul sign second have a roll call please Mr Barnett yes Vice chair Sharon kessle yes committee man Huber yes committee man Kaiser no M rerio yes Mr laugher yes Mr Cedar Quist yes M too yes and chairman tiger yes motion passes perfect can I at the same time and Matt Mike you guys can hang up now um you both can hang up right thank you thank you thank you thank you George thank you bye bye thanks Mike take care uh we everyone had a chance to review the said resolution yes if I can just get a motion to that we adopt said resolution at the same time give the ability to wave reading so moved Mr Barnett yes Vice chair Kastle yes commit man Huber commitment Kaiser M rerio Mr laugher yes Mr cederquist yes Miss too yes chairman tiger yes motion passes them to wave reading so they can go apply for your building permit as quick as possible and work with the township the only thing that's different from what I signed is that they have to provide notice within 5 days so that'll get okay so that's it good luck congratulations uh the next meeting is July 8th and it will be at 6:30 in this room at 6 can I have a motion to oh actually any members of the public that wish to speak on any business that comes for us seeing none we'll close this portion and I'll entertain a motion to adjourn second all in favor perfect