great make a motion take off board okay uh good evening Springfield welcome to the June 10th 2024 Township of Springfield planning board meeting adequate notice has been given in accordance with the sunshine laws notice was published on February 8th 2024 in the local source which is the official newspaper of the township of Springfield for 2024 and posted in the Annex Building on February 8th 2024 can we have a salute to the flag please to flag United States of America before we get started I'd like to take notice of the beautiful painting behind us now I guess it was the Battle of Springfield I'm assuming but very nice that the township committee and uh and Springfield con there's the church what you were there you were probably there that old yeah okay uh okay we have a quick roll call just a friendly reminder also to please make sure your microphones are on and you're speaking into the microphone I don't think they're they're working the lights aren't if the green light comes on me there I don't need a microne you do though all right roll call uh committe Huber this red light pres commit Alex Kaiser pres Mr David Barnett here M Marissa rerio here Mr Aaron offer is absent Mr Richard cederquist is absent Miss Julie too here Mr Brian canag Gallo is absent Mr Scott wishner here Vice chair kessle I believe for the record is going to be five minutes late and chairman Jeff tiger yes and we have a quum okay so uh before we get started in the meeting we'll do exec session at the end um so over the years we've always had an attendance policy we've never ever had an issue but going forward uh the township has an ordinance with uh or attendance set of meeting so going forward if everyone on the board and G will send out a note to the board whoever is not here letting them know is if there's a meeting that you can't make please just give 72 hours notice which in most cases is Friday is Friday for us because our meetings are usually on on a Monday uh just send a note to Jen copy me and this way we can put on the record that that your absence was excused so if there's a issue with missing absences or anything everyone's covered going forward so uh just send Jen a note and copy me or miss me and as long as Jen has it we'll read it into the record so going with that uh we did receive notice from Mr ller and Brian Calo that they needed that they needed to be excused so put that in the right okay perfect excuse okay so we have lots of resolutions um let's I guess we have to do them individually uh the first one is 2022 d224 Delhi mini market LLC blocks 206 Lots 455 and 16 for waiver of site plan parking variant for the deli mini Mark so moved second roll call Comm Kaiser yes Mr Barnett yes uh M yes and chairman tyer yes motion passes next one is the massage therapeutic massage conditional use massage 150 Mars Avenue Suite 305 block 401 lot three so moved second roll call committ M Kaiser yes Mr Barnett yes M Mayo yes and chairman tiger yes motion pass okay the last one is uh for a waiver of site plan for the cell tower T-Mobile so moved second roll call Kaiser yes Barnett yes M too yes and chairman tiger yes very efficient the meeting minutes there the meeting minutes were missing on there uh everyone have a chance to review the meeting minutes yes anyone opposed no I have a motion to approve the meeting so moved second second call all in favor I anyone oppose okay that's good okay the last one is for an application uh for 52024 s619 Mars Avenue block 504 504 Lot 4 this is for a minor minor sight plan parking variance are you the applicant yes okay come on want to come up Mr disco before they start you just want to give a quick overview because that'll help the board I have read letter it'll help a little bit it's it's a Springfield resident Luker I believe they'll testify stop Sharon's here okay this way uh let the record uh reflect that Miss kessle joined at 636 before any testimony of the application so she's eligible to vote perfect now you can continue so uh we have the owner of the property here uh she is a tenant of the uh the subject property she's looking to rent the basement space to a a single entity operation um the site shares a parking lot with the adjacent building which houses three distinct businesses it's got a shared access with um property to the other direction which has presumably one or more it's a uh one of the the workpace rental type of places um and um this is strict they're strictly here because of a parking variant which they're previously under it's a permitted use so as long as there's testimony entered into the record that the parking is going to work I really don't see what the objection would be from the board members and you've been to the site and see no issue multiple times including today again so no issues okay so why don't you uh introduce yourself for the record and then he'll swear you in and we can have some brief testimony and then let the board decide good evening Marina if you could talk in the microphone good evening Marina Chan B I'm the owner of 619 Morris Avenue ma'am could you please raise your uh right hand you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do thank you hi I'm Ariel sulin um I am attempting to rent the space in the building um so it will be a tenant uh when that goes through will you be um will you be testifying as well here okay yes I believe it was required I think it's but it's an individual it's an individual um I'm sorry do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about oh raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth yes I do thank you so tell us a little bit what they're doing there and um it's a mixed it's a mixed used building I have the um residential tenant and there is commercial spaces there used to be Dr platkin Who was a medical office he was a is there for years I purchased the property at the end of November 30th of 2020 and the proposed space is just a basement um unit not a unit that's just space for storage for her business and you see no issues with parking at absolutely not I'm the only one who is the commercial tenant at the property and because of Co I do all my business via Zoom nowadays so I don't you know I don't have any what is your business well right now I'm do life coaching okay I used to be turning my past slide but they'll hold it against me we don't like it turning hey hey that's in done and over with not coming back to that okay that's fine if you would just stay up in case the board has questions afterwards if you just want to tell us a little bit about your business and what your potential parking demand is and and so yeah so um my I have an online shop featuring different makers and artist products including my own um primarily I need space for inventory and like just to have not be in working out of my house anymore because I have small children and things go missing so I would like to have space outside the home and um it's primarily I mean really it's a lot of storage a lot of like just you know to have boxes come in be able to unload things ship things take orders ET no employees nothing uh no I don't have any any employees and I don't have any like uh there's no front-facing side of the business is online um or I go out to markets but it's not going to be in that space um any questions from the board let me start with richar David what type of uh traffic will you have in terms of trucks coming in making deliveries standard pickups things like that standard UPS uh USPS FedEx once a day once a week I would say less than once a day I mean I don't know how often they're going to come to the building but I for me my deliveries I'm not having daily deliveries um and I take most of my packages out I don't have them pickup I take them out to the to the usually USPS I mean UPS rather no Mr wish no questions for both this was for both Witnesses no questions for both Mike anything further no there's an aial in the uh package I think the only really significant comment I had was that over the last couple years two um Ada parking spaces appear one of which has no sign and no um width that meets the Federal Regulation and it was also placed sort of in the entrance driveway so I don't know if the owner can talk to that point but we suggested that that disappear they don't need the spaces technically uh based upon our observations and their testimony and it's if somebody did park there it would probably tend to restrict free movement of you're okay with the limiting oh absolutely actually we did that because when I purchased the building I did the tency application for my own business even though I was the owner and we were required to paint whatever was there like Ada parking thing I don't need it I would gladly paint it over cover it whatever yeah for the number of spaces they only need one currently have three perfect and so um so do I have the permission to paint it over the soon as the resolution get soon as we be perfect thank you m no no comments we support it Mike uh review is very thorough we support the application basement is being used for storage only no additional employees okay perfect okay seeing no more questions any members of the public wish to speak on this application so many there's a lot give a few all right seeing none I'll close it and we'll just remand it I think the board's in agreement does anyone want to make a motion so Mo second so this will be to approve but with the condition that they remove that parking as outlined in Mike's letter so can we have a roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes and this is to continue the yes than you this is to continue continue the parking variance that already existing onite okay that's it thank you so you want to are you ready to move in right away do you want us to wave I would like to move in right away so is the board comfortable with waving reading yep fine so you can go at your own risk the board will meet at the end of June it looks like and they'll resolution will be adopted you have to publish it like work with our secretary but I don't see anyone being concerned I'll cover the space right away I'll have the close depart thank you thank you take care thank you so much okay so the next part uh we're going to go into executive session um to discuss pending litigation against the board can I have a motion motion let me okay I got to say that the uh chairman tiger already said it but the purpose of the executive session is for legal advice to be provided to the board related to pending uh litigation can I have a second second can we have a roll call just so it's official Huber H and and Sharon maybe yes yes yes yes yes can we go off e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e seeing no more business I'm going to open it up we're back on session back on the record from executive session seeing no uh uh other applications or business before the board I'm going to open up to the public to see if anyone members of the public wish to speak on any in all business before this board seeing not I'm going to close it and I would like to entertain a motion to adjourn with on the record that our next planning board meeting is June 25th at 6m in this room so can I have a motion so moved second all in favor I no one opposed oppos okay good no