##VIDEO ID:Xge_uTXykIU## e e e good evening Springfield welcome to the township of Springfield's planning board meeting of September 23rd 2024 adequate notice has been given in accordance with the sunshine laws notice was published on September 5th 2024 in the local source which is the official newspaper of the township of Springfield for 2024 and posted in the Annex Building on September 5th 2024 let's do a salute to the flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all okay welcome everyone Miss law can we please have a roll call committee man Rich Huber committee man Alex Kaiser present Mr David Barnett is absent Miss Marissa rerio here Mr Aaron laugher here Mr Richard Cedar Quist here M here uh Mr Brian kallo here Mr Scott wishna here Vice chair Sharon kessle here and chair tiger here uh for the record uh so David Barnett's the only one absent correct yeah so that would be an excused absence this was a special meeting that came up in order to accommodate all of our applications before us so it would be an excuse absence this was somewhat of a short notice for him uh okay okay so the first thing on the agenda is a resolution we're going to carry that resolution we haven't had an opportunity to review it so we're going to carry it till uh October 10th In This Very Room at our next meeting for the resolution for Jersey Mike's PCR store 17 LLC application 8-24 DS we have no meeting minutes from last time say that again meeting minutes from last time okay so that's right okay perfect okay so the first thing I wanted to put on the record is on October 10th our next meeting um Mr mrea our board planner is going to give us an overview of what's going on with the master plan and what are next steps and actions that this board has to take so just want to make sure everyone's aware October 10th Mr is going to do that before the board um and at that same meeting we'll also form some subcommittees for next year and do requests for rfps that will go out as well um so with that we'll take our first application it's application uh 10-22 24s 294 Mars Avenue block 206 lot 3 this is for Kenneth grusk this is for a minor site plan with variances generator wall sign and awnings so uh counselor uh before we get started I wanted to have Mr disco give the board a little bit of an overview because I know that we spent a lot of time this summer Mr disc can you give us an overview yes Mr chair uh the application you're about to hear is um for installation of a generator at the rear of the parking lot it's in a flood zone so the generator will be elevated the applicant has a basement that has been flooded on multiple M occasions they're located adjacent to Duffy's Corner parking uh lot and the vanwinkle brook and then there's a tributary that comes off that so they get hit very hard by that so the township is encouraging them to install the generator top of that they're going to do a refresh of the facade of the building and it generates two variances for a number of signs they have a truncated sign and they'll show that in exhibits and then they also are installing awnings on the front of the building buing and the awnings by our ordinance have to be I think it's 8 8 ft above the ground uh these are 6 and 1/2 ft due to circumstances on the building but there's no walkable area pedestrians accessible to the awnings so they're going to present that testimony those are the three things we're looking at to okay perfect okay councelor you want to give us a little overview and then call your first witness for some brief testimony yes thank you flow heric appearing on behalf of the applicant owner the GR Real Estate Group LLC and as Mike disco the engineer has indicated there are a number of variances and and wavers but I just want to put on the record with a little more spec specifics exactly what they are so um the applicant is seeking preliminary and final site plan approval in connection with exterior upgrades to the existing facade at the address that was given and that is in conjunction with the installation of a new backup electri electrical generator um now the the specific things that they're doing they are putting in an additional Ada parking space wall signs awnings and painting which has nothing to do with this the following variances are the ones that are required with regard to these upgrades section 35 31.8 A1 which indicates wall signs in commercial districts that there can only be one wall sign permitted for each facade facing a public Street in this case three wall signs are being proposed section 35 30.5 B architectural design standards the awnings the awning frame shall be less than no less than 10 8 ft above the ground as proposed here we have 6 feet9 and there will be justification given for why that doesn't create an issue also there's a design waiver that's required under the land use ordinance section 35 23.4 a the access aisle width 24 ft is required 20 6 ft is proposed for the aisle width that's adjacent to the generator and this generator as was stated is so needed because of the flood zone but it will be up on a platform that's satisfactory with regard to the flood Hazard area so I would like to call upon Mr grusin who is not only the applicant owner but he is also a professional planner to give testimony an arit an architect so let's qualify sir could you please raise your right hand uh do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth yes uh could you state your full name for the record spelling Kenneth grusin g r u SSN Sam k i n and uh sorry Council you said that he was he's the applicant owner but he's also the professional planner that's going to give the justifications and he's also an architect by profession so uh Mr the planning part of it is what are you can uh as far as as far as your credentials for um planning would you identify those for board well um my education I have a bachelor's of Architecture is a uh from Cornell masters from Harvard I've uh testified before numerous boards in New Jersey as a professional planner and uh all over the country as an architect does the board have any questions I think our board engineer our board engineer already outlined a lot of the U issues or just some of the just ifications for the variant as well if you could just briefly go over that and then sure yeah Mr gruskin we'll be brief and hit upon each one of them quickly I I know you've got a a anxious uh applicant behind you so this building as most of you are familiar the old money store building and uh We've owned it since uh TW uh 2003 and the parking in the building have pretty much been this way on the exterior sheet A6 these are all been submitted you can see the FL do not have to be marked as exhibits because you have them already submitted so in sheet A6 you can see pictures that were taken fairly recently of the flooding in the back the building actually on the North elevation on the rear of the building where the generators proposed has a flood wall which has been there now over the years we've never actually had water breach the flood wall we've had it close but we have nine sumps which have to run continuously if they stop running within an hour we'll get an inch of water and during Sandy we had feet of water because we didn't have power for days so the generator will provide backup power to keep the building operational the pumps as well as uh Power has been a little sketchy sometimes where we lose it over the summer keep our servers up and running so on sheet A2 this is an aerial image of the building this is Morris Avenue this is that North site so that yellow rectangle is where the generator is proposed by putting it there it's also screen from view from Morris Avenue it will be elevated above the um base flood elevation which is 94 ft above sea level so it's on a platform that also has a size to conform with the building department for OSHA regulations and it will conform with any NJ dap and FEMA requirements um it's going to go in this triangle area that you see striped off in the back here and I'm going ask a question you don't touch any residential you're back to the yes we're against a um commercial landscaper site Municipal lot and restaurant on the other side that's important um in terms of noise from the generator it is a 100kw generator natural gas um we did order it with the uh with the best sound attenuation uh enclosure so this is a blowup of this area over here so the waiver has to do with this existing uh dryve vial here all the other dryve vials on the site are over 24 fet this has been this way since we've moved in and it's never prevent uh presented any safety or operational difficulties but what we've done anyway is we've pushed the generator back so that we do have 24 ft from the edge of the curbing to the face of the platform however we don't want to make that the drive aisle because if we do so then we'll lose two parking spaces because they'll get clipped off but I just want to point out that the seven spaces here people can exit the way they came in they can exit out this drive a on the um east side of the building and we also have a cross connection to the municipal lot so it does doesn't present any practical issues by keeping it the way it is and you're within you're within 500t of a municipal lot which allows you that off track yeah we're adjacent to the municipal lot one second Mike you agree with the way this is outlined yes far okay I covered your aisle with so now if you would go to the wall signs and the awnings so that the board can hear that so the two boards I put up are A7 and A4 so what you're seeing on the bottom of A7 is the building today as it faces Morris Avenue the rendering on the right shows it uh with the new pain scheme some new gutters but the awnings and the signage so I'm going to talk about the awnings first so as you've heard 8ot clear is what's required by ordinance and the reason is safety they they want people walking into it Vehicles hitting it Etc but fortunately for us we have planter Beds which they will be over so it presents no safety issue to people vehicles or anything the other reason why we need them lower is the window head itself is below 8 ft and there there used to be some great trees out front that used to provide solar shading they're gone now because they were had carpenter ants and whatnot so this will help make the building more energy efficient besides the Aesthetics of enhancing the front of the building for the downtown so simply stated because of the Planters nobody can walk under these awnings and nobody can hit it with an umbrella or if they're carrying anything correct that is correct okay now on to the wall sign Mike Mike you agree perfect go ahead okay signage in most simple terms if we comply with all the requirements for signs on a building except for quantity basically as you can see from the photo on board a 7 there is no Central area that really allows a sign in the traditional sense so what we did is we took it and we divided our sign up so to speak into three parts and even with that I want to point out that we're allowed 10% sign area of the facade even with our three divided up we're using 4% so we're 6% under the area we would be allowed we're also allowed 60% length for the facade and if you add these three together we're less than 53% so in that respect we are not at our maximums so it's your testimony that the design of the building is existing and that's what's causing the yes Mike Mike you agree okay anything further perfect any members of the board have any questions with start with Mr wish well it's the number of signs of signs it's the logo there's one two three one two I I like that too Mr chairman I would just like uh just for him to do this summary part of that we would normally do so in your opinion as a professional planner I would just like you to put on the record that the relief you're requesting will advance the purpose of the municipal Landers law correct yes in addition to that will the relief request did not be a substantial detriment to the public goods such that the benefits and the deviations will substantially outweigh any detriments yes and finally um the intent and purpose of the Zone plan is being met here yes thank you Mike you agree with that as our planner yes you're good I don't see any negative impact Mr you have anything to add now thatu no I have nothing do you have anything nothing Richard Ryan okay seeing none I'm going to close this matter and open up to the public for this application Kenneth grusin 10-24 10- 2024 s anyone in the public that wish to speak on this application please come up don't rush up seeing none I'm going to close this matter to the public and open it up to the board I think uh the variances were justified by both the planner and our planner and our engineer um Mr justco you yeah I mean I think if you look at the nice aesthetic it's wonderful good it's a big Improvement big Improvement uh I have a motion on the table still Mo okay can we have a roll call Vice chair kessle yes M rerel yes committ and Huber committee M Kaiser yes Mr laugher yes Mr Cedar Quist yes Miss T yes Mr K Gallow yes Vice chair kessle oh I already called you sorry and chairman tiger yes can't vote twice yes okay perfect okay good luck thank you thank you work staying where I am work with councel for the next for the uh yeah you can't do that yet second okay so the next application is the continuation from our September 12th planning board meeting which is Congregation of Israel of Springfield 9-20 24s this is 339 to 347 Mountain Avenue 18 Pit Road Blocks block 1801 Lots 33 through 36 and 39 this is for preliminary and final site plan minor subdivision bulk variances in addition so let me do some housekeeping things first first uh at the last meeting we ended with I think two or three things and I think there's a fourth now the first thing was for you to come back and we eliminated a parking spot behind I believe it's Glazer's property lot 40 uh which we requested a a big buffer which then would reduce the impervious coverage so you were to come back to us with what is that new impervious coverage what does that buffer look like subject to Mr disco's approval was what the board recommended the third thing someone talked about construction that was going to be an four or five years something along the line to come back to us with the construction plan of of a time frame and then if the board acted favorably and approve this there would be you know given the location of mountain and um and Shunpike where you have fmg and the high school seven construction can been at 7 o'cl I think we would look to some sort of agreement to work with our board engineer if this was approved that during the heavy construction in the beginning of the site that you wouldn't start until after school started and would be cognizant that school gets out 215 to 245 is something like you know that time to avoid major construction and then eventually that condition can go away based upon that's the so those were the issues I believe Mr disco Mr uh Mr Eda any those were the issues I think you covered the basis on perfect so maybe if you can have your engineer come up for very briefly because is my the for the Public's uh plan is once they uh have their engineer testify and close out this the we will use this opportunity to finally have some public comment which is important it's part of what the board does to kind of make a decision um the I know there's some objector attorneys in in the audience the way we will take um you know comments from the public would be the objector attorney first then we'll go to public comment um so everyone we're going to try to get everyone to speak tonight the plan is to try to get everyone a reasonable amount of time time to speak so and we'll go through that as we take out the testimony okay and before she testifies I just want to let the board know based on the list that you just gave the following yes we eliminated the parking spot the landscape exhibit that's going to be presented tonight will reflect the change in the impervious coverage and what we did with regard to that landscaping for that that particular spot the construction time frame is as follows um once we get permits and a shovel is in the ground it will be under two years we will comply with all the time frames to accommodate the schools the neighbors who also don't want to wake up to the sound of construction and the like um obviously there will be Renovations on the inside after that two-year period but that will not impact anybody on the on the outside um so I will now ask to recall my engineer which is Danielle lrer from Dynamic engineering um if you want to swear again to be able to present what you just asked about and then also there wouldn't be would there be construction on Saturday no no no I mean well I don't think so I mean okay no so would that's a plus two that is a that is a plus two okay you're you're still under Ro just thank you good evening everyone again um as melic has already stated the main difference between the plan that we have before you this evening and the that we showed at the last public meeting is the removal of that parking space in question which is at the southern Corner near lot 40 and lot 32 that added an additional 9 ft of depth for landscaping buffer and we did plant that here with various Evergreen uh shrubs and with trees as well and that serves as a couple things obviously the additional buffer buffer to the neighbor uh lot 40 and it's also a nice focal point right across from the main double door which is signified by The Wider sidewalk area which obviously allows for the membership to Ingress and egress from the congregation for their services it also ties in nicely to the buffer that's directly adjacent to the shared driveway which we reiterate not touching as a part of will for the residents of lot 32 and so as a part of this application are has on so that eliminated parking start2 Drive L is approximately of Evers and trees basically buff between and around the corner I'm just mentioning the elimination of that parking space 16 of buffer again a mix of shrubs and ever trees there some AR some Hol which has beened by professionals around the next Corner again some changes that we made throughout the course of these public meetings has been to increase the buffer in front of these five spes now they are perpendicular instead of angled to create a little bit more room for the buffering in front of those and this is the closest point to where we have improvements to an adjacent property however that property is a part of this application and is owned by the congregation that's then we move to the east we have lot 38 as the adjacent neighbor and again the changes that we made over the of this application have been to remove a parking space that was previously proposed in and what is that buffer and what is that size it's important I want the public to know that so that way when questions come up take what was it PR previous like two wasn't it something like that yes it was very CL okay here we we have the driveway which the Cur line of this driveway is effectively staying in the same place is AED again through the of these hearings we also removed over here in the southern Corner which is adjacent to Lot 37 and that provides I would say more than 10 or 12T of additional bu that supplements the existing treesin that area with additional trees ever we also increased the buffer directly along the southern lot line of subject property which is the Northwestern lot line of Lot 37 that used to be wide non to of buffer from side we took some from the professionals is 2R 2 wide minim and allow us if you could also tell the board the increase and decrease the increase in the actual buffering and the decrease in the lot coverage by percentage well the number of trees okay so we know the number of trees originally was X and now we're at y if you could tell the board under the original proposal which was rev zero prior to which we met with the township for our TRC meeting there were 28 trees as a part of the application now we're proposing 40 and if you could tell the board the decrease in the impervious coverage as a result of taking away the various parking space of course it was originally proposed to be 763 is currently proposed to3 decreas of9 and if you could also tell the board about the decrease from the TRC meeting to now in the building coverage sure under the original application the building was proposed to be matching the existing which was proposed to Vic enro eliminated back and also if you could let the board know we've also succeeded in eliminating two waivers correct that's correct uh previously we were proposing that additional space that wouldes row side distance to the property line is the second waiver Eliminator yes so the waiver for the sidewalk for the strollers that remains because that's a necessity to the synagogue correct that remains and the seems like the intention of the ordinance is for The Pedestrian ccum OFW asally is actually park for the pedestrians and finally with regard to the waivers the aisle width in the existing parking lot was brought down from the 27 plus to 24 feet but in the new parking lot the driveway is there still an aisle with waiver uh there's there's no no not the existing the new yeah as you go down the driveway that's what I want you to test okay so we are we are good with that first we have to mark that yes like like it's like 8 what is it now um think 13 813 okay so I should have asked you this to confirm before all your Witnesses are here from last time they're all here do you have anything further I just have one question if you don't have anything further the lighting again I know that we had this from last time but just so the board just so the public and the board's aware any lighted light spillage on the current existing is something that will be done by the end of the year I I can answer to that we've already been investigating that um the congregation will put shields on the poles that are in the existing parking lot as well as there are lights on the building that have apparently been creating a glare so that will also be dealt with we've already consulted with somebody who can do that so surely by the end of the year we can take care of and then it's your testimony that any and we'll do it sooner if we can yeah of course any Lighting in the future you know when this is all done will not spill onto any neighbors properties that is the in the design and so it's demonstrated okay and then last thing is any uh drainage all the dra I know and I'll ask Mike again all the drainage calculations with the with the Imp perious coverage even know you brought it down more than attenuate the water and will cause Help The Help any of the water on the site Michael they're they're reducing the uh runoff uh flows from the pre the current condition do you agree that it's a benefit that with all the water being entain underground it's better than it was before yes okay to the board with any questions if you have nothing further no I'll just reserve the right to make a closing statement after public Mr wish Mr Ho no you have no okay so seeing none um don't go anywhere because I'm sure people have questions not leaving so at this point uh we've reached the public portion also lower direct yes yes the poles are going to be lowered from the 20 feet they are now to 14 feet post construction post construction right those are not coming down now they're being shielded until we end up re redoing the parking lot okay perfect all right it's just one comment turn on your mic closer to you just Alex watched the videos and I did and there is one I'm looking at I couldn't barely here our own professional can you hear me yes good Alex I'm sure you had no trouble hearing me though hey you weren't too bad but Jeff oh my God loud all right so let's take this opportunity so the way I'd like to do the public comment is are there any attorneys on behalf of their applicant on behalf of of residents that wish to come up first on this application go ahead any other ones afterwards okay so then we'll figure out how to do the rest evening Mr chairman MERS of work speak in the microphone or Alex gets upset how about now how about now that's good okay good I'm like one of five boys I'm like I usually don't have a problem being heard sorry uh Lawrence Powers Hogan Longo Moran dunon ducas for the praisers that's lot 38 14 pit um before I do anything I want to give my congratulations and thanks to the congregation for a lot of the changes that you've made to the plan already um before I came for the first hearing went over the application with my client I said you know they really need to do these things and lo and behold the next time I came to a hearing most of those things had been done so I really don't have a lot to to delve into tonight but I want to raise some issues with the board I did have a couple of questions maybe for Dr smil out or the architect but the first thing I would note is um at lot 38 if you see they put a big buffer behind my client's house which they're really appreciative of as soon as you make the turn there on the traffic aisle there's really no Landscaping at all and my understanding was from I spoke to Mr mrea before that it would be difficult to put any Landscaping in that particular location is because it's if you're going to plow snow it's going to be up against the fence and can't really put a lot there there there's maybe something you could do to screen the top of the fence there because so that the you know you get noise and light projecting into my client's yard it's I know it might be difficult but I did tell my client I would raise it next thing is the dumpster pad for this Edition is right behind my client's house and I don't I looked at the plan I don't really see a lot of other places you could put it but there's another place to put it that would be great if there's not if there could be some sort of a reasonable restriction as to when the trash pickups could be made I don't really hear a lot of testimony about how often and you know I might have just missed it how often there's a trash pickup or how much trash this facility generates I I can't imagine a synagogue generates a lot of trash but you know if if as long as there's some reasonable restriction as to the hours of the pickup like they're not coming at 6:00 or 7 in the morning and like with a big rolloff container like something like that would be certainly be objectionable to my client um those are the two things my big issue is with respect to theka and I understand the religious purpose of ahoka I understand how it has to be open to the air I understand all those things but I this is pretty big and I understand you have a decent sized congregation you want to get as many people as you can in air to take your meals together during the season but um I Heard testimony that that apart from suot that it will be used for other religious purposes and I'm not really sure what those religious purposes are I mean if the religious purposes are are Mitzvah and naming ceremonies and are going to be having parties up there on a regular basis that could be problematic because it it is a large area and whatever I mean is there somebody who could tell me what types of uses it will be will be made of it other in for the the holiday well first there was testimony with regard to the fact that a it's seasonal B it would be used infrequently see it might be used if there is a bar mitzvah B Mitzvah a baby naming Etc um but that's the reason why we put up a 5- foot wall for privacy purposes that's the reason why we have all lighting directed downward nowhere near the um the neighbors and we have every right to use a Terrace we're not looking for a height uh variance or anything like that I think we have a we have a Township ordinance that says 11 11 o'clock we already agree we will be off of it like anybody like balurs off at 11 like we will do the same thing no no Amplified music no we already had testimony to the fact that there would be no speakers outside on the Terrace and as to the holiday of sukot yes it is true it is a 7-Day holiday but you just mentioned um to the board you're going to be out there eating meals Etc I just want to put that in perspective there's not going to be like breakfast lunch and dinner seated meals out there basically after Services people will come out get a little something in the Suka and then walk back out my my grandmother was Jewish so I know that I know the deal I know the holiday um and by the way I would like to add to the terrorist that we already had testimony that with regard to the 5- foot wall that's being done not only for privacy for both the congregation and the neighbor but that's the security plan height oh no I understand my client was grateful when the wall was raised to fight feet because if you're seated at a table eating you won't even be able to see anybody so that's great um and I know it does have a sound attenuation purpose but there's not going to be any like party lighting or anything out there just the normal lighting yes and also you had mentioned about the dumpster I just wanted to make mention that the dumpster didn't move it's in the same location it's been for all the years the synagogue has existed there right so it's the same and we will certainly reach out to the company that hauls which we only have pick up once a week to try to ensure that they don't don't you know come at unreasonable hours and in addition to that the only time there'd be an additional pickup is if there was an affair or an event or something and we wouldn't want to leave the garbage out you know to create a smell or something for the your pickup because I know that unfortunately we do this with even businesses that are there there's really little control you sign a contract and they just do it in the order of of the routing but what what time has been the pickup Josh do you know the hall the time the time of the pickup yeah so so we could try to see if we'll do it at 8:00 I think that it can't come before because that's part of our noise things but I I think the board would strongly suggest that we figure out a way and we can have it reasonable efforts would have be have to made to see if there's another alternative whether it's another company whether it's the town company that you can work with uh the town company maybe you can contract we can talk to the business administrator that if if they do it maybe they can figure it into a different route because it could be later to buffer the residents by the way the town garbage truck comes to me at 6:15 in the morning I'm not getting involved I think that's a good choice it's only for this application only but but but yeah so let's see what we can we can look to do because that's would be uh you know not something we would like to have and I did explain to my client about the Community noise Control Ordinance that every every town has it so I told them like you know after 7 before 10: you know this not a lot you can do except and if it's really objectionable I'm not and I told them how the unamplified human voice isn't regulate it either so he does understand it that's why I asked the question about whether there'll be like any you know like outside loudspeakers or anything talk to us a little bit about the the the Landscaping where he said that one area doesn't have landcap we offered the entire thing was talking about right here I don't know that there's a lot you can do there because it's a traffic aisle I mean if there's you could extend the height of the fence I don't I'm not really sure I mean what they did around the balance of the of my client's property is wonderful and we thank you for that we really do I believe your client has trees that are already planted there in that area correct some some right he did not tell me that if you go out and look you we we got pictures of that very good okay and then the last thing was is is the Suka going to be like it's going to have a commercial use I mean is it going to be available for rentals no no it's just used by our congregation seven days just by your congregation by our congregation that's it wonderful okay that those are the only issues I have and want to bring them to the attention in the board and I'm sure you'll I I did keep a list of the types of uh conditions you might impose on the application I'm sure you'll cover them all when you formulate your resolution thank you very much thank you thank you for your time okay um the one thing that we didn't hear to is the shared driveway uh how we're handling that okay with regard to the shared driveway I had a title search done there is no existing ID agreement they went back to 1960 so my position and I have spoken with the board attorney is that um it's up to the parties to see whether or not they want to have an agreement from this point forward but that the Mountain Avenue property is not part of this application meaning the owner of that property and that that they should not be forced into any type of an agreement I think the board would say that you would make reasonable attempts subject to Matt a board attorney being comfortable that you made reasonable attempts to protect both sides to make sure that I don't want them to come to us and say you know I can't access my driveway anymore they're not letting us there well actually the the engineer just gave testimony to the fact that we're not using that driveway we're giving them the whole use of the driveway and we created our buffer and our entry to our parking lot beyond that driveway I understand I I think that we would like reasonable attempts letter or something where Matt's Comfort the board attorney's comfortable that you made an effort to reach out to them and if they don't respond you're right we can't force them to do any do anything but a reasonable tempt that way we're covered I don't want when they go to sell the house that that there's an issue in the future and they come to the board and say you approv this without anything so you know reasonable attempt subject to board attorney's approval to he can wave that through you know your process I will address that with the board attorney and then we will do whatever is needed we'll work through that that was also testimony that I believe was offered on the first day yes if I'm not mistaken yes perfect okay so there are no other objector attorneys so seeing none uh let's open it up to the public I mean I guess come up in single file anyone that wish to speak on this application for or against it feel free to come up I'd like our Rabbi to come first Hi Marcus Rabbi congregation Israel just a little nervous about speaking because my congregants are going to see that it could speak for less than 15 minutes in front of a Pulpit here unless you'll sit for 15 minutes I'll give you no no okay I make this your shortest sermon ever told I was told no this isn't going to be a sermon just to share with the board the purpose of what we're looking for you know put his name on the record and his oh sorry name address K Marcus 3 Richland Drive Springfield New Jersey just wanted to share with the board that the congregation is really the center of religious and spiritual life for the Orthodox families in Springfield New Jersey of which numbers I don't know the exact numbers other would know the exact numbers we have four to five daily Services every day of the week maximum at each of those daily Services talking about 20 people I wish there would be more you know as the rabbi try to get people to come to services more often Saturday from Friday night until Saturday night we have about seven to eight Services depending upon the time of the year and this expansion is really just to create a broader spiritual space when you have 150 kids running around the Social Hall that's right next to the sanctuary divided by a thin wall you know during my sermon I'm loud but you know during Torah reading sometimes the kids voices outweigh the voice of the Torah reader and we just want to create a proper spiritual space that's that's what this is about when I first came to Springfield 23 years ago I had an office in the congregation now it's a groups room for the kids because thank God there's been an increase just in terms of the number of kids and we want to provide meaningful programming for them Saturday morning as well so it was put on the record I'd love to have an office again in the congregation my wife would like me to have an office in the congregation keep me out of the house a little bit um and that's really what this is about it's about just serving the community the Orthodox families that are here about creating a spiritual and religious space for them thank you so much thank you Hi how are you my name is uh mayor Milgram I live at 25 midv drive you me to spell it no no there's no okay go ahead good um on the head of the expansion Committee of congregation Israel um I live at 25 Midville Drive I go to the synagogue almost every day um I have six children my two little ones uh two boys ages uh two and almost one and there is no space for them to come to the synagogue on Saturdays we really have outgrown our existing facility which is why we Endeavor to to do this we appreciate the work that everybody's uh put into this um we've gone back and forth but right now we really only have you know two youth rooms to accommodate as Rabbi said 150 which I actually think is a light number of the amount of uh youth that are there 200 200 this is this this expansion of uh you know will accommodate the ever growing youth uh community that we have and uh it's really needed so thanks for your time and hard work that I know that everybody on the board as well as all professionals have put in any other members of the public that wish to speak on this application deula sou 351 Mountain Avenue I just my questions are basically more of the tearing down of the houses when the houses come down have they been checked for asbest rodents that's subject to the building department will do all those sorts of things is it going to be wetted down I'm just more concerned about dust and everything else going in there that's not the purview of this board but I do know that the building department will ask them for certificate I just want to present that I appr control and everything everything that she's asking is done is there's a checklist of items that have to be done by the building department for a demolition all of those things she's pointed out are part of that okay so they'll be addressed um the wet down obviously if you see that and it's not being done call the building department and they'll Mike do they have to notify any of the neighbors or no was part of that the surrounding neighbors they should right I thought that the immediate that touch it I thought I again I'm not the building department I think there is a requirement I don't know what it is so I don't want to say something that's inaccurate a perfect I I think I would indicate that we do have a demolition plan and that we will obviously have pre-construction meetings with the town and that we will also seek all necessary permits and we will do everything to ensure that the neighbors are safe from whatever demolition occurs also um for security what are you putting in front of the new building and the parking lot I know you have the boulders out and you have the the heavy cement B the Ballers bards are when they go up during service if if an emergency happens who has keys to lower them the fire department okay and the police department okay okay so they okay okay um and also for safety of the congregants do you have I know that there's a security guard outside are there is there another security guard I'm just looking for more of and and the way the world is if let me let me say that we I had asked on behalf of the board that the security plan is reviewed with Chief cook he's here but Chief cook wrote the board a letter that he is satisfied with the security plan and all the cameras and images and so when the building is up he's going to review to make sure it's acceptable I want to keep the security plan out of the public I just I just wanted to make sure that it's it's good question great we appreciate that the neighbors care about our security and it's well it is because it also it's both it works both absolutely but I do want to add to what the board chair just said um if you didn't catch it at the pre prior hearing is that I also met with the director of security for the greater Metro West Jewish Federation Who provided us with his ideas for security they were then shared with the chief of I bet with the chief of police as well as Captain Rachel all that was put into a letter by the chief which is confidential it's a security plan that was shared with the board but cannot be shared with the public obvious I don't expect exactly I'm a former I'm retired police officer so I understand no I know I don't want you to announce anything the um generator that's on top of the building what time is it going to test we said to work that out typically it would be during the day but it would be worked out with the township engineer because it's in a residential area they would come up with a time like my my goes off at 10 o'clock in the morning or 10 or 11 o'clock depending on the time zone that move you know with the uh daylight savings time but they'll work that out with the township and we will agree to have it tested whenever it's the least OB you know least obstructive to the neighb it will not be on a on a Saturday or or Sunday as if that's for sure it won't be will be during the week so um the water issue I know they had said that because you increase the impervious area are there water tanks in on the property right we've got a storm water plan but go ahead let the engineer take that one yeah sure it's a good question um we do have St order management plan and report that was submitted to the township and reviewed by Mr disco um they're not so much tanks but it's what's called an underground detention Basin which there is already one there today under the existing parking area we're proposing to essentially expand that system to miate the increase in just so that you know this is the stormw plan very exciting reading but you know what they need it they need it um is there parking going to be when you build the new um area and you change the driveway is that going to be allowable to park there again once the driveway is closed up and where where's the new driveway going the new driveway is actually going to be further down away from the intersection of mountain and Shan Pike well well but it's going to be further away from Q drive and the intersection such that um it's going to improve the traffic situation there and is it going to be is it still going to be one way in two ways beautiful and that was done to make sure that there were no new traffic problems created and I think that is basically oh the video screen there's a video screen on The Veranda or on the um somebody had said that the um I can't think what gonna have the Terrace yes there's no video screen I think maybe you got confused with screening on the roof for the generator and the air conditioning un because I thought that somebody had mentioned maybe during one of the events you would have okay perfect that's it thank you great questions thank you very much I appreciate it thank you good luck any other members of the public good evening Benjamin Hofer 183 miltown Road uh originally I grew up in Springfield on golf oval I'm a past pres in the synagogue I uh also involved in the expansion committee I want to start by thanking everybody for their time and their energy their hard work to make this application progress um when I grew up in Springfield in our Sho there were very very few children I think there was one other child my age when I moved back here with my first uh my oldest child my wife said to me if there aren't any more children we can't stay here uh thank God as I had my second my third third and my fourth with each of my successive children there's more and more children in the community um and now we've gotone to the point that the rabbi is saying there 150 children running around because there's still another 60 children who can't come to sh because we don't have room for them right we have about 208 children in sh only 27 of those children are high school aged almost all of those children are Middle School elementary school or early childhood we simply do not have place to bring our children so a lot of times mothers have to stay home with their youngest children because we do not have a place to give them to watch our kids in sh otherwise they're going making a lot of noise and it's disruptive to the entire community so uh the synagogue is an extension of each one of our homes every person who comes to our synagogue is an extension of our family so this new building is really important to the uh the health of our community I really appreciate everybody's uh cooperation and um just overall insight into making this uh great it's really been a a collaborative effort so thank you very much to the professionals and to the board any other members of the public and counselor if it's from your congregation I don't want to stop anyone from testif or coming before this board with questions hi my name is Roberta asro I live at three Shadow La drive you will not be stopped I'm going ahead all right go ahead okay I happen to be a realtor in Springfield for over 30 years and I just want to make a couple comments number one that Congress congregation Israel Springfield serves a wonderful uh basis for the Orthodox community in Springfield number two that the uh because the congregation does not drive on Sabbath or on the holidays that most people are looking for houses in the walking you know closest possible to the synagogue because they walk to synagogue and that it is a benefit to the uh the whole city that this uh that the congregation expansion goes through as it will help uh not for it'll help the community any questions thank you thank you all right so councelor I definitely I understand everyone from the temple is excited about it and um but I would rather you know not if anyone wants to come up I think the board doesn't want to um stop them from coming up but if there's any other members of the public that want to ask questions of the applicant would be a better use right now that's okay with you it's okay good evening everyone uh Tracy glazner 24 Pit Road um I just had a couple questions um first if you could just confirm what the final number on the buffer is between my lot which was Lot 40 16 16 okay and that the fence will continue yes there's also there's the six foot fence which is immediately adj to the property line then 16 okay great um and then also if we could just um talk about uh 18 pit right next door um any I know it's it's right now it's a residence it's used as a resident for I believe a temple member no it's currently the residence for our youth director and in the past it's been our assistant Rabbi and if your question is going to be what is the future of 18 pit we've already put testimony on that we will agree that 18 Pit Road will remain residential it will not be allowed to be torn down for a parking lot it will not be a walk through it will not be a pass through a cut through or any kind of vehicle driveway in order to get to the synagogue okay cuz I know um a a gate was put in as a as a that can open and close directly from the backyard to the to the prop property and we we intend to keep that gate because that's the youth director's house that's sometimes the assistant rabbis house and it makes sense for him or her whoever to be able to go through right and whoever is living there yes to be able to cut through their and not only that but talking about a security plan you know for somebody who's that close to the building who has an eye on the building because they are an employee of the building to be able to get quickly to the building is very important other than them having to go all the way up pick come around shum bike and come around so counselor I think we agreed that they were going to keep the gate however they were going to notify all congregant that that obvious person that lives there family that's there obviously can use utilize that passageway to get through but that people coming up and down pit that's why they're putting in a new sidewalk all the way around that they cannot use that house as a cut through and as she has indicated there'll be restrictions to make sure that that I mean that house ever comes down in the future we can't stop it but it will not be a road out to pit or or cut through uh it could be a playground it could be anything they want but that if that house ever in the future does come down it cannot be a road out to Pit Road and we wouldn't have the authority to do that anyway I mean it would have to come before the board right okay um all right that was all yeah those are basically just my questions perfect thank you very much and the Landscaping there was also increased in height to be 8 to 10 feet tall on initial planting to cover that okay perfect and have you you've reviewed and approved their newest Landscaping plan correct I that was provided today the exhibit that was presented tonight a 12 or 13 yes okay perfect any other members of the public that wish to speak on this application going once going twice okay I'm going to close this matter to the public andand it back to the board for some discussion and if you want to do a closing argu a closing statement make your closing statement first and then the board will talk okay well I I think it's obvious that we've put on a lot of testimony with regard to this application we've heard from all our experts which included obviously an engineer a traffic expert an architect a planner of course you've heard testimony also from the president of the synagogue you've heard the reasons why we need to do this project simply stated we've outgrown our space and I know that the two professionals from the municipality both Mike disco and Mike Musta were kind enough to go to the property to go inside and outside to see that in fact we've outgrown our space and they have been very instrumental in terms of the recommendations that they've made to the applicant as well as the board for you know making revisions to these particular plans which I believe I can make a statement here today saying that after each hearing we incorporated all of the recommendations that were asked of us um with respect to the professionals from the town and just to reiterate that point I would like to just I actually put together I'll do it very quickly a list now I'll do it very quickly but I think it's very important um that this is a list of the modifications to the plans that we made from the point of the TRC meeting to here yeah I don't I don't think you need that I think it would R you outline what are the variant is the board when they deliberate knows exactly what you're asking for so we can make sure all right so I know you guys have made extensive changes the board gave you a tremendous amount of feedback and so did the TRC I think that's part of the reason you don't have a tremendous amount of public with it because we've made some great buffers and you guys have done great strides so which is awesome but if you could just read through the vacances that's fine okay I'll just tell you it was a list of 10 items of modifications got to get that in do you want to submit that as part of this if you would like yes sure if you could I would Mark that you can submit okay so what we were seeking was preliminary and final site plan approval we had four variances the four variants were building coverage lot coverage or you call it impervious coverage parking variants and I would just note that um we had more parking spaces when we sought this out and then reduced them at the request of the board and the professionals and the loading uh space that we only need one and you're supposed to have two so those are the variances with regard to the waivers we already had testimony tonight that we eliminated two of them so the only waivers that are left are the uh with of the sidewalk and that was already uh testified to with regard to the stroller and do we have any more left comp oh yeah the the the parking space the I'd like to Red remove the EV from the calculation when you ask for varant just to make sure it I know that that they're there since they won't be open to the public if the board's going to Grant the variance it doesn't matter whether it's 47 or 51 just to make it cleaner okay we're also asking for a minor subdivision with regard to the lot line adjustment for the rear of uh 18 Pit Road which we own and there was already testimony with regard to the fact that you know we are not changing the setback to be non compliant it would remain compliant and then also lot consolidation which is to take the 339 Mountain Avenue and then the three lots that go beyond that which will then become the addition to the existing building and the new parking lot and make it all one lot with one address which I assume would remain 339 Mountain Avenue I'm sure our tax assessor will work that out okay th those are the variances and the waivers perfect seeing not anything further uh I want to open up to the board for some discussion Mr kallo any questions concerns or any statements because I have no questions or concerns but I appreciate everybody's ability to interact in a cival manner thank you very muchard no question thank you um you know for you know listening to our concerns and uh being very age so thank you Alex uh I think we have just a stronger application at the present moment so thank you I Echo everyone else's sentence I don't see any contention so it looks good to me I appreciate that no questions or concerns thank you Mr I to talk what' you say I said I I love to talk um we started I was very hesitant against it uh but you've done everything you could been over backwards to make it what we want in town professionals and and that I congratulate you and I you have my vote I appreciate that and I just would state to that comment that we believe in being a good neighbor and so sometimes you make a compromise that may not always be in your best interest but in the end is in the best interest for all question one one quick question I will make it very quick I did not have the opportunity to be present during the first two presentations but I did review the testimony what is the mitigating um way to eliminate right turns from Mountain Avenue through and behind the building and onto miltown Road what wouldent somebody from cutting off the traffic light and turning into the new lot you mean to cut the light and go through our parking lot well yeah I mean it's been like that for 50 years so I mean you know it's okay but by doing the expansion and Paving out from where the houses are being demoed you're creating a new access point correct no we're moving our parking lot down okay okay there is already an access point there and the it's basically just being shifted over a little bit um the circulation is exactly the same as okay um I I think you guys did a great job presenting this application and I got to listen to all of it in one day more than anybody here can I got to listen to it all of it in years know I I do think this is an important the synagogue is an important part of this community um and I think that the congregants shouldn't be the only ones that have a source of Pride by being able to tackle this expansion it should be everybody in the town um you know this is this I think is a benefit um I do want to say for the residents that are going to be the ones living closest to any of this work you mentioned it's going to be two years in construction and it seems like we're doing everything possible to ensure the residents are protected during that time frame because clearly they're going to be the ones living through it we're saying it could be under two years and the proper fencing everything will be done to make you know the most out of the concerns that the neighbors would have and I think the two years would really start from the digging of the foundation if you go to take down the houses that's ancillary but really when you start the main building is when like the two years right and don't forget weather sometimes plays a big big role um and then I'll just end with saying that I think we made great strides really providing buffers to give the public the residents that are surrounding the property the most screening that we can do and I appreciate you guys working very closely with our board engineer and board planner to accomplish that the lighting security plan and everything so uh for the record uh so some of our board members did have some popcorn viewing and watch the the video so Alex just reading in the record Alex Kaiser uh did sign an affidavit that he read the he read and watched the uh board meeting which our board attorney sign so I'm witness R rerio the same thing Mr wishna and Miss Sharon kessle so for the record they're eligible to vote we'll give these to you to keep the file so um seeing none um I think you read the variances so I I'm not going to have them reread I think that our board uh engineer and board planner supported those variances as well as their testimony is that correct guys just go yes yes perfect so seeing none do someone want to make the motion for approval I'll to approve the to approve uh approve application 9-20 24- call Mr laugher conditions we did okay we did did so we read the the things any of the conditions that we've already talked about with starting school time making sure the Landscaping gets installed pursuant to Mr disco's um know reconstruction meeting with you when they work that out a performance bond will have to be issued for certain parts of the sites I mean I think the sidewalks we agreed to get redone um you know an installed the new fence with the similar like kind on I guess it would be lot 40 would get the new fence right well we agreed that what we would do is put up a two-tone fence to match what already exist yes exactly just fence um I'm trying to think what else are some of the conditions you're going to work with the garbage people to determine whether you can do it later contract with someone new the town that'll be subject to you know if you can't you just Mr Our Town engineer will satisfy that with a letter to the board um you said by the end of the year we would get back to you if there was any kind of an agreement on that driveway the the lighting um will be the additional lighting that's being screened that will be done by the end of the year December 31st which you've agreed to do that was actually the end of the year that was the end of the year I okay condition respect to their reports yeah anything in the report you've already agreed to on the record already any M of the board oh yes the resolution will be out we we'll make sure that the resolution is if our next meeting is October 10th so we'll make sure that the resolution is out by the 8th or 9th I would ask to review it before it you know comes before the board also for any kind of a vote that has homework I got yes I'm sure okay uh any other conditions Mr disco Mr mrea that we missed wa what did he say in here wants the opportunity to look at the resolution yeah I think we all do be must reading I'm sure okay um anything else okay so with all those conditions and the variances reliefed let's do a roll call Mr laugher yeah Mr Mayo yes bless you committ man Huber yes comman Kaiser yes Mr Cedar Quist yes M rerio yes Mr kallo yes Vice chair kessle yes and chairman tiger yes motion tax all right Perfect all right so see thank you to the board no thank you guys and the professionals any other members of the public that wish to speak to any other members any other matters before this board seeing that I'm going to close this portion I would entertain a motion to adjourn to October 10th 2024 move all in favor perfect thank you that was great that was great for