##VIDEO ID:cWpUO0v-ws8## to come micone [Music] say again the lawyer can microphone does the lawyer get a microphone no I'm Rel what he said thank you they can use the one that's up on the podium when need be we'll have to share we only got two right I'm start off good evening spring welcome to the to Christmas Springfield meeting of the planning board August 26 2020 adequate notice has been given accordance with the sunshine laws notice was published on July 18th 2024 in the local source which is the official newspaper of Springfield 2024 posted in the anex building on July 18 2024 let's do a salute to the flag the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indiv andice for Rich Alex Kaiser Mr here Mr Juro here Mr laer here Mr Cedar here Mr Mayo here Mr panalo Mr wishner Vice chair kessle here chairman tiger yes for the record Mr have thank you okay so um just to get started I know there's a lot of interest in some of the applications tonight I just want to how the meetings run so no one's off guard tonight we're going to end around 8:30ish um the way that applications are done in Springfield before the plan board is we let the applicant put on all their testimony whatever Witnesses they have you know whatever cross from our engineer planner or the board that all takes place once they finish with all their Witnesses and they will at a certain point in time if it's not today it will be the next meeting the public will have an opportunity to speak at that point in time and ask questions of all Witnesses they will all Witnesses here all times all for the the remainder of their application so if you don't get a chance to speak tonight just take notes of what your questions are some of them may get answered as the applications go on and some of them may be outstanding and you will have everyone will have an opportunity to speak app closes concludes Tes so being clear um just want to make sure the way meeting runs um so first item of business we have a resolution for drip tax 7224 Road 4 block 3903 9 this was Final site plan a condition use for candid delivery service the resolution was out on the drive the license that they needed anyone any questions or concerns can I'll second Mr Barett yes Mr laer yes Mr Cedar yeser motion Pass Perfect next two applications are waer site plan for AT&T AT&T council is he here she here hand both at the same time because both same consequences this should be very short this week before you come up I just want to read it into the record AT&T 200 M na block 122 35 AT&T 33 start want and all the conditions of his report as well as the plan okay perect any of the board members have any questions so I'm gonna since since unless someone descends I'm going to do a motion for both the same time okay we're going to do a separate each time okay so the first one I can entertain a motion what oh well that's true do anyone of the public want to speak on the AT&T s plan waivers think so seeing that I'll close the portion and if you want to make a motion to approve the first one U Mr chair i' like to make a motion to approve um Mr Barett yes M kle yes Comm hu yes Mr yes yes M yes can I entertain a motion any members of the public wish to speak on the second one one Cornell Parkway block 393 lot open questions concerns Mr H Mr ler yes commit Kaiser yes Mr bornett yes Mr jro yes Mr cist yes Mr Mayo yes vice sh Castle yes yes perfect okay next thing is application 822 thank thank you uh wait one second do you want us to leave reading that you could uh do the work sure any questions concerns on either one of them perfect good luck thank you perfect the next is uh application 202s which ISC store7 l 2011 through 22 372 2 this will be carried to any members of the public that are here for Jersey Mikes preliminary and final site plan for conditional use in a parking variance this will be carried to September 12th 2024 in this bar room with no further notice um this will be the first application on the agenda on September 12 if anyone's here for Jersey M please come back and next application is congregation Israel Springfield 9-24 which was 339 and 347 Avenue 18 pit road block 1801 LS 33 through 36 39 Del and final site plan minor subdivision both variances any additions so get started um does it to theate standards con to the state standards uh posted in the appropriate time frames um and proof of that posting was provided by perfect okay so for the record just want to read the record as I always do this application was submitted on Jan June 10th with deemed complete Mr disco correct on July 29th is that correct okay and then was scheduled for a hearing shortly after for the hearing tonight is that correct Mr disco yes perfect okay let's get started councelor thank you very much Esquire appearing on behalf of the applicant owner congregation Israel of Springfield a Jewish Orthodox house of worship the applicant is seeking preliminary and final site plan approval with variance relief waiver approval and lot consolidation approval in connection with a new construction addition to expand the existing synagogue building and parking lot located at 339 34 to 347 Mountain Avenue block 1801 Lots 3336 and for a minor subdivision to adjust the rear lot line at 18 pit road block 1801 lot 39 the single family youth director assistant Rabbi house which adjoins 339 and 345 Mountain Avenue owned by the applicate the application involves the construction of a twostory building addition to the current existing synagogue building internal renovations to the existing synagogue building at 339 Mountain Avenue elimination of the synagogue playground at 343 Mountain Avenue and demolition of the two houses owned by the applicant at 345 and 347 Mountain Avenue the applicant house of worship is a permitted use in the S60 Zone it should be noted however that the buk regulations in the S60 zone for a single family house and the house of worship are the same though the uses and size are distinctly different which is what gives rise to the variances and waivers requested further it should be noted that religious institutions are considered inherently beneficial uses that serve the purpose of zoning without going into detail because I will leave that for the applicants representative and the experts that are testifying tonight I would like to briefly put on the record the specific variances in labors requested in conjunction with the site plan approval the Varan are lot coverage building coverage parking spaces and loading spaces the waivers are for driveways prohibited on both streets of corner Lots access aisle width sidewalk width and parking lot Landscaping in addition to the variances and waivers there is the request for lot consolidation for Lots 33 to 36 to become one lot which will be comprised of the existing synagog build building an existing parking lot and the new construction building Edition and additional parking spaces plus a portion of the land from lot 39 following the minor subdivision in connection with the rear lot line of 18 Pit Road which adjoins the Mountain Avenue synagogue property 18 Pit Road as well as 339 Mountain Avenue the location of the existing synagogue building also have pre-existing non-conforming conditions which shall remain unchanged the reason we are here tonight is because the applicant outgrew its current space the existing building was built in the 1970s and is no longer adequate for the congregation the Expansion Project will give the applicant the opportunity to have the building and parking space it requires in order to meet the needs of the congregation membership the number of children in the synagogue has grown significant ific L even though the number of family members has remained somewhat status quo this is due to the fact that the average amount of children per family has grown I wish to stress that this Expansion Project is not for recruitment to build a bigger synagogue membership population if that was the goal then the applic would have added far more seats to the sanctuary than the 17 being added as part of the Expansion Project rather it is to add needed rooms for the children and to improve the worship environment I also wish to stress that the applicant's current operations will remain the same the primary use of the synagogue building is for worship and religious events such as Bar Mitzvah baby namings religious holiday parties lectures by the rabbi there is no daycare there is is no Hebrew school and there is no in-house caterer for daily Services during the week there are approximately 20 people during normal business hours only the secretary is in the building with an occasional visitor the testimony tonight will detail the reasons why the expansion of the existing synagogue building and parking lot is needed and why the variances waivers lock consolidation and minor subdivision being s are Justified for the expansion I would however like to put on the record the inadequacies of the current existing building the building is too small to accommodate the youth groups for the 200 plus children the children are too disruptive to the worship Services taking place in the sanctuary the new construction addition solves the problem by adding multiple rooms for youth groups and a multi-purpose room all a distance away from the Sanctuary the building does not have space for an office for the rabbi a rabbi's office is part of the new building Edition the building does not have a basement for storage in fact there's very little Storage St the new building addition will have a full storage basement the building does not have enough baths the new building Edition adds multiple baths the kitchens social wall administrative office and coat room are too small through renovation and the new building addition these items will now be the appropriate size as to the number of parking space 20 additional spaces will be added which improves a pre-existing non-conforming condition the applicant is an orthodox synagogue so driving a vehicle on the Sabbath and holidays is prohibited for religious reasons accordingly the majority of congregants walk to and from the synagogue on the Sabbath and holidays the the parking lot is closed to vehicles coming in or out during the Sabbath and holidays to use the parking lot on Sabbath and holidays people must arrive in the parking lot immediately before the Sabbath or holiday begins and leave their vehicles until the Sabbath or holiday ends appearing and testifying on behalf of the applicant tonight and or extended if we don't get to everybody tonight will be the following Professionals in the order of appearance Dr Josh Smo the president of congregation Israel of Springfield Danielle leer of dynamic engineering Consultants a licensed professional engineer Conor Hughes of dynamic engineering consultant a licensed professional traffic engineer David mayerfeld of mayerfeld architecture a licensed professional architect Thomas Richie or Matthew setler of Stonefield engineering licensed professional planners and also president available to answer any questions is Rabbi C Marcus the rabbi of congregation Israel of Springfield through their testimony the professionals listed will thoroughly present the site plan the architectural plans the operations of the applicant and address all the comments set forth in the review letters from the township engineer Michael discount and the township planner Michael MST the applicant has been working on the plans for this expansion for a long period of time much thought has gone into the best plan to meet the current and future needs of the African satisfying the membership is a top priority in the synagogue Community satisfying the township and being a good neighbor is also a top priority of the synagogue Community this is why when the applicant was asked to make changes to the plans by the township professional changes that were not always in the best interest of the applicant but we in the best interest of the neighbors the applicant agree the applicants professionals will elaborate upon that at this time I will state some of the ways the applicant has addressed concerns that related to Neighbors which through the applicant and or its team of professionals will be put on the record through testimonies one the applicant intends to maintain 18 pit roads as a single family house and will prohibit it from being used as a parking lot drivethru or walking p cut through for the applicant synagog two fencing and Landscaping have been increased to create greater buffers for the Neighbors aesthetically the applicant's new fencing will match the existing two-tone fence three there are no height or setback variances being requested height and setback variances would have negatively impacted the neighbors four no additional storm water will flow off site that would impact the neighbors the drainage and sewage are adequately controlled five the Mountain Avenue Ingress only entrance will be further away from Q drive and the shun Shunpike Mountain Avenue intersection which improves the traffic situation six additional parking spaces are being added to further reduce any offs parking but it should be noted that parking is allowed on all the surrounding streets seven lighting will be directed away from the neighbors and controlled with ERS eight a mutually agreed upon agreement or easement will be worked out with the mount Avenue neighbor with whom the applicant shares a current driveway and nine an outdoor Terrace on the second floor of the building being built partly for religious reasons for a Suka in celebration of the holiday suo will have a higher wall to maintain greater privacy for the neighbors and lighting directed inward in addition it is anticipated that its use will be infrequent the proposed site plan law consolidation and minor subdivision represent good planning on the part of the applicant in connection with meeting its current and future needs and addressing the concerns of the surrounding Neighbors congregation Israel at Springfield has been an integral part of the Springfield Community for over 50 years I would know this firsthand because my parents were amongst the first members of the congregation in 1972 and the synagogue has been an important part of my life growing up to the credit of the founders of the congregation the building they envisioned 50 plus years ago and ultimately built served the membership well unlike other houses of worship that have lost members over the years congregation Israel grew and finally outw its space the congregation serves many Township residents the proposed addition has been planned to meet the current and future needs of the congregation based upon its long history based upon the above it will be shown through testimony that the relief requested will advance the purpose of the municipal Landings law that there will not be a substantial detriment to the public good that the benefits of the deviation will substantially outweigh any detriment and that the intent and purpose of the Zone plan and the zoning ordinance will not be substantially okay thank you counselor um so we have about an hour and a half that we're allotting for tonight so if you think of your Witnesses I would I'd love to hear on the of the board from your temp president your Eng that's who we're calling engineer and then see where we are absolutely I would like now to call Dr Josh Smo president of congregation Israel of Springfield you start he like to be a firm right you affirm that the testimony the truth truth could you say your name again for the record please spell your thank you Dr Smo canly tell the board why the applicant needs the building addition and parking spes so the existing building doesn't meet our needs we have outgrown our building the number of members on a year-to-year basis goes up and down by a few every year remaining relatively consistent but it's our kids that we have thank God obviously that increased break and this is one of the primary reasons for the addition this building is being expanded in order to meet the current needs of our membership the intention is not to use the expansion to increase the number of members we are an orthodox synagogue our main services are on Saturday morning our sanctuary and Social Hall share a wall this is a very disruptive because all the kids Gather in the social homeall in addition to the Social Hall in our current building there are only two classrooms where the children are able to gather during Services one is also right near the sanctuary like to go over the types of groups that we have in our Sho on a on a weekly basis we have 2 and a2y olds with Nursery prek K in kindergarten first and second grade girls first and second grade boys third and fourth grade girls third and fourth grade boys and fifth grade boys and girls we have a total of 90 preschoolers 48 kids in grades 1- 4 43 in grades 5-8 and 27 high schoolers for a total of 208 kids our older kids help out the younger kids as group leaders on our Sab I'm not going to say that's a sign but that might be a sign all right now that we got