e e e e e e e e okay I'd like to call this meeting of the township of Springfield planning board agenda of April 11th 2024 adequate notice has been given in accordance with the sunshine laws notice was published on February 8th 2024 in the local source which is the official newspaper of the township of Springfield and posted on the annex on February 8th 2024 we're going to do a salute to the flag please I plge aliance to the flag United States of America to the stands andice it's fine because there's no reporter oh there we go perfect okay let's do a uh roll call commit man Rich Huber so loud it's loud is the mic commitment Alex hot Kaiser Mr David Barnett here Mr Aaron loer Miss Marissa rerio Mr Richard cist Miss Julie too here Mr Brian kallo here Scott wish VI Sharon kle and chairman Jeffer yes have okay we're going to go out of order we're going to do executive session uh at the end of the meeting given the fact that there's applications in Council so they don't have to stay uh let's talk our our February minutes we had the meeting they were posted to the the Google Drive I'm sure everyone had a chance to review them I didn't hear any corrections or anything uh can I have a motion to approve the February minutes so moved second can I have a roll call or actually no we don't need all in favor yes you oh roll call uh Mr Barnett yes M May yes Kaiser loer Cedar Mr K Gallow and chairman tiger yes okay we have uh two e e e e e e 45 15 and 16 this is for a waiver of site plan parking variants Deli and mini Mark yeah um what firm are you with kind of um they'll be selling dry goods and some fresh fruit and you want let say chicken thighs or 10 gum sticks they'll out soine are you by within 500 feet of the municipal I don't know how far it is but I'm just saying that resolves some of the parking variant discuss that's the case mik can you look I'll try to look why don't you bring up your engineer and why he looks and we'll see if we can walk through that and um swe I'm in your raise your right hand you swear that and affirm that the test that's fine talk loud okay would you identify where where your just never okay now works now now works okay okay uh any board me I think your qualifications is Right any board members have any questions or concerns or accept the qualifications any concerns okay board will accept your qualifications can give a maybe maybe focus a little bit on the parking variants what your thought is on that did the overview I me of the work as Park so any of the employees how many employees will be on site as an additional for this site so Mike um I did look up it is within 500t to bolt Duffy and the DM so the parking standards that's that's what I was trying to get out it's a paper parking Vari availed perfect Mr M perfect Rich questions any anything further okay any members of the public wish to speak on application 224s seeing none I'm going to close this matter to the public and ran it back to the board I mean my thought is if it as our engineer said if it meets the ability for us to Grant a waiver and because of the mun being close to Municipal lot you know that that solves our conditions chairman May missed it while I was researching I think did they mention that there's no seating inside yeah is that on the record no okay any other members of the public because you spoke wish to speak on this application seeing none back to the board um any concerns from the board seeing none um Richard do you want to make a motion to approve the application Mr canala was perfect roll call Mr Gall yes Kaiser yes Mr Locker M Mayo yes and chair tiger yes okay moving right along the next one is application 42024 S150 Mars Avenue Suite 305 block 41 lot 3 conditional use for massage um therap Therapeutic Massage sorry I'm sorry go ahead try treatment room at hello evening oh hold on hold on just got to swear you win um could you raise your right hand please you swear or affirm that the test you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth please state your name for the record and spell your last thank you op Prov don't with you patient no if you would just hang up hang up one second Mr Disco If you can go over the condition who use is there any is everything part of the application that they did meet the terms we've had one of these each of the last two months so essentially has to come put the board as a conditional use so we keep out those Riff Raff massage establishments and uh must apply with chapter 4-30 that's the licensing with the township and the clerk so that would be a condition that she gets her license in this Zone this particular zone is permitted as a conditional use all street parking must be provided at the rate of one per 200 square fet I think we've got ample paring data that and all massages must submit a site plan so we've essentially got so you're comfortable with it very Comfort okay perfect questions concerns Al my hurts no it's just myself perfect any members of the public that wish to speak on this application don't rush up all at once seeing none will'll close the matter to the public portion Mr just go you're comfortable it meets all the use and so Mr so that's perfect any members of the board have anything else no I I think Alex was going to make this motions as AAL use Mass I think Aaron was going to second we have a roll call Kaiser yes Mr laugher yes Mr Bernett yes Mr Cedar yes M Mayo yes Mr calo and chairman tiger yes motion pass so I I heard that she wants to move in by May 6 so if you want would that be something you want us to wave the reading of the resolution I mean it would still be conditional on the licensing and anything else that Township does do any members of the board have any concern with that no ISS no issue okay Aaron okay good luck thank you thank you luck um so at this point we're g to move into executive session do you want to read your normal thing and then if everyone's leaving we close the door as opposed to going in the other room they can take us off camera once he reads that is he staying e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e let the record reflect that we are back from executive session and at this point I'm going to take the opportunity since we have no new business to open this matter up to the public any members out of the public that wish to speak got any business before this board Jen okay seeing none I'm going to close the matter to the public and it back to the board uh if there's no nothing further from the board then I'd like to entertain a motion to adjourn all in favor perfect thanks