##VIDEO ID:3fba6bw1A_I## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ready sir welcome to the meeting for the township of Springfield County of union state of New Jersey uh meeting for October 8th 2024 this meeting is being held in accordance with the public laws of 1975 chapter 231 and adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a notice sent to the Star Ledger the local source and posted in the main lobby of the municipal building and on the township website uh please Le uh join us for the Pledge of Allegiance led by Carl AER guard Vice Commander American Legion Post 228 please rise I to the flag the United States of America the stands na indivisible jusice for all please remain standing for a moment of silence for our soldiers overseas and at home thank you roll call Mayor Weber here Deputy Mayor laer present committee man capes here committee Yuber is absent committee man Kaiser R okay proclamations and announcements we're going to start off with uh Springfield residence 55 plus October 2024 calendar is out filled up every day is filled pickle ball exercise bingo I'm just looking to see if there's any trips yep bus trip there's a bunch of stuff get your copy of the calendar at the Chism Center or online all municipal offices will be closed on Columbus Day Monday October 14th Tuesday October 15th is the last day of register to vote for the 2024 general election Town Hall will be open until 7 7: p.m. to accept applications the township extends their condolences to Father David Santos pastor of St James Church on the passing of his mother Maria Santos the Halloween Spooktacular Sunday October 27th 1 to 2:30 at Chisum Park costume contest winner announced at 2:15 rain location Chism Community Center um have a proclamation that we're going to read last date for the last date that the allstead Farms will be at the market is Monday October 21st okay so that's that's the end of the farmers market October 21st for this year well well for that we might have for the farm we might there might be a couple food trucks still there and a couple other vendors okay but the farmer will not be there but allad Farms will October 21st October 21st okay um so get on over there but there will be other stuff we will keep you updated after the 21st as to what else will be there we have a proclamation for breast cancer awareness month do we have anybody here that's going to accept us or nobody okay I'm just going to read yes I P um whereas October 2024 is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and October 18th 2024 is national mamography day and whereas breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and kills more women in the United States than any cancer except lung cancer and whereas in estimated in 2024 an estimated 300,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer expected to be diagnosed in women in the US and 43,600 breast cancer deaths and whereas while breast cancer in men is rare it does happen with an estimated 2650 new cases of breast cancer expected to be diagnosed in Men in 2024 and whereas death rates from breast cancer have have been declining those decreases are thought to be the result of treatment advances earlier detection through screening and increased awareness and mamography is the best available method of detecting breast changes that may be cancerous and whereas pink ribbons have been the symbol of the fight against breast cancer since 1993 now therefore I Chris Weber mayor of the township of Springfield on behalf of the township committee to hereby Proclaim October 2024 as breast cancer awareness month and October 18th 2024 as mamography day in the township of Springfield and call upon all citizens private businesses nonprofit organizations and all under interested groups to join in activities that will increase their awareness and understanding of breast cancer and what they can do to prevent it and control breast cancer and urge Springfield to show support by going pink I know all my girls are uh well the girls are wearing softball pink socks and everything this year and you don't want to have to sign something like this but it is um Beyond important that people go and keep themselves checked out and healthy all right um you know I just want to go back to um Father David Santos for two seconds because I because I really I just read through it and uh he he's a really good guy and uh without just reading through it um he's really a one of the best things that happened in Springfield in a long time he's he's really uh in touch with the community and everything else and um very sorry all right with we're going to go on to public comment agenda items only public comment anybody out there with agenda items only we had no emails out uh sent to me so with that we're going to close public comment on agenda items only and go straight to reports with our administrator's report Mr John B thank you Mr Mayor couple of items uh we're trying to finish up some Paving for this this year so markouts were done on Pit Road miltown and Smithfield residents will receive a letter with the schedules and the contractor information prior to the start of the project but that will be done this year is the goal there uh we have a pre-con meeting schedule with PSC and for the first stage of page Paving which includes woodrest Garden oval green Hill High Point Vista Way in full again residents will receive a letter from psng with all the necessary project information such as when where who they have to call if there's any questions or anything let's touch on leaf collection leaf collection will begin November 1st and run through December 31st residents can start placing leaves in the curb line the last week in October please refrain from piling them out before because what ends up happening is they block the storm drains and we get flooding please pile only leaves outside try to keep grass out of it if you can uh piles containing any other fign matter is going to get passed over uh there'll be three separate crews out to pick up the Lea starting on November 1st we go in no particular order we don't put out a schedule of what streets because as you can imagine it's fluid if we find one section that's heavier than another it may take an extra day so we don't do that it's just kind of uh what you guys will look at and probably think it's kind of random but it's not our DPW director does have its scheduled but we don't put that out for for good reason please wait if you can a minimum 5 days before placing leaves back out at the curb once we pass and keep them 10 ft away from the storm Basin if you will any questions on leaf collection should be directed to DPW supervisors only please uh we had a meeting today with the goms project again our monthly meeting on Center Street Center Street is going to start the work on the street itself is going to start next week the curb will be replaced there's parking that's got to go there drainage uh there's new lighting sidewalks that's going to start on I think it's the 14th or the 15th actually they're going to start uh they got a 60-day schedule have Center Street done which will take us to December 10th I believe they've posted a bond so that if they're later than that they would forfeit the bond so we think we've got that nailed down and and we're ready to go if you look the inside Courtyard is just about finished now all the ston workor is just about done they're inside doing sheet rocking got some kitchens in so they're actually they're moving along pretty well so we're uh we're hoping to see that building finished and not too distant future other than that I don't have anything else at the moment unless someone has a question on something I'd be happy to answer yeah oh God gotta work on the mics um I talked about the uh uh res repair of tires on 22 um and I asked that it was re-upped on social media I looked every day for the past two weeks I didn't see it once you're right sorry we still have that post on the cleaning for the vehicles we repost it it'll be up tomorrow I appreciate it sorry about that no problem uh Chief cook uh I wanted to ask if there was a plan for Tucker uh for Halloween um or if there isn't can there be one or I wanted to give you the floor um well I know last year we had a limited opening to residents only the year prior we had an issue with the public traffic taking up the street we had an ambulance that couldn't get through um I know we had an ordinance change last year uh so we haven't quite decided yet it's going to be limited opening or it's going to be open um I'm meeting with my captain and lieutenants this week to figure you the plan's going to be for that day can you keep us updated yeah and it'll be yeah you guys will know to be posted on our website sure appreciate it you're welcome uh and we're sorry Chief I don't me to pick on you but we're uh we're in contact with all the houses of worship given uh given you know Jewish High holidays are coming up been well well in advance I've been discussing it with yep people we know in common um for last few weeks yep so we're and I just wanted to pass on you yep we're we're on it the department was seen it's appreciated please keep it up you're welcome all I got okay question I got a couple questions separate um a traffic light by Scotty uh I think is off again the timing is off when you make the uh the right out of if you're pulling up alongside Scotty you're going to move right yeah straw right onto Morris uh the timing is off I think on that light that is between us and Milburn so you will you will make a right out of Bal to straw and then immediately you got stop stopped yeah I know it it it it's happened before and we just looked at it and it was right for a long time but literally I noticed it a couple weeks ago I think we kind of talked about it at one point and then like last night I was making that turn and somebody was not paying attention and was like almost it was almost right there St on that right yeah yeah so uh if we can just yeah and I know it took you guys worked diligently last time and it took like the state a bunch of times to get them to recognize that there's actual uh uh an actual issue uh somebody mentioned to me and I don't I don't got cable at home and I'm usually here so I'm not watching but uh television station I don't know who we contact it's the school contao yeah uh but the television stations they're saying that it's not broadcasting our Council meetings so everything else I'll wait till the end of the meeting okay all right thank you uh let's go on to minutes all right Madame clerk I move to approve the regular meeting minutes of September 10th 2024 regular and executive meeting minutes of September 2024 September 24th 2024 as email I was trying to do my best to a you did well no you did good okay all in favor all in favor all in favor sorry I I I all right new businesses ordinance second reading there are none we'll move on to First readings ordinance 20247 this ordinance accepts the dedication of the newly relocated Academy green roadway in the township of Springfield pursuing njsa 40 col 67-1 at SEC Madam clerk I would like to move ordinance 20247 with with publication in the local Source on October 17th 2024 with final hearing on November 12th 2024 I second okay uh discussion can we have can you can you give us a full breakdown of what this is for everybody well Academy green used to actually be in a different location but it ran through the property where patri way is going to be built so what they did is they actually just relocated the street so it was out of the middle of the building basically so impact actually if you go down either church or down Black's Lane Academy green still runs between it's it's just moved moved a few feet here there just moved outside of a building yeah exactly okay cool this was this was part of the re yes okay so no change it will still be there it will just be in a different location and there will still be entrance ways on both sides yes may also y relates to the next as okay as of former Academy okay and okay so I'll should we talk about those now or we just going to they does it matter or we have to we have to do public hearing on the ordinances okay yeah okay roll call vote please uh Deputy Mayor laer yes Mapes yes M Kaiser yes mayor Weber yes ordinance 20248 this ordinance vacates Academy Academy green a RightWay in the township of Springfield pursuant to njsa 40 col 67-1 at mam yep we're vacating for the new one yep Madam clerk I would like to move ordinance 20248 with uh publication in the local Source on October 17th 2024 with final hearing on November 12th 2024 I second okay any discussion but that that this so this one is just moving this this is just vacating the existing Academy green okay roll call vote Deputy Mayor laer Yes committe Man cities yes committee man Kaiser yes mayor Weber yes ordinance 20249 this ordinance vacates a portion of black Slaine right away in the township of Springfield pursuant to njsa 40 67-1 SEC Madam clerk I would like to move ordinance 20249 with publication in the local Source on October 17th 201 24 final hearing on November 12th 2024 I second okay any discussion at all no I wonder if this has anything to do with the last two ordinances Deputy Mayor laer yes cities yes M Kaiser yes mayor Weber yes and we are going to go to resolutions if anybody wants anything pulled please pull it we will approve this by consent agenda res resolution 2024 d235 resolution 2024 d236 resolution 202 24-23 7 and resolution 2024 d238 Mr Mayor I'd make a motion to approve resolutions 2024 235 through 2024 238 second committee M cities yes Deputy Mayor laer yes Kaiser yes mayor Weber yes Mr Mayor I would like to the approve a request from Troy Hills Condo Association to hold a community meeting at Chisum community center on Tuesday October 15th from 5 to 10 p.m. hold harmless and Certificate of Insurance have been provided second all in favor I go to finance and pay some bills with commit mckaiser uh I'll make a motion to adopt payroll invoices for the period of September 25th 2024 through October 8th 2024 in the amount of 1,1 19,1 18486 second committee man Kaiser yes Deputy Mayor laer yes capes yes mayor Weber yes correspondence we have jcpnl virtual public hearing 2022 2023 SBC filing on October 15th 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. for both njlm proposing 2% dues increase for calendar year effective 2025 now we're going to go to public comment on any governmental issue public comment on any governmental issue if anybody has anything come on up for a public comment on any governmental issue come on up State your name and address and public comment please Dominic sea 97 kfax Road Springfield New Jersey uh I just wanted to ask um has the cover been put on the pool yes it has been okay on the next day after the meeting awesome thank you I I tried to look I couldn't see I didn't have my glasses on when I looked but I just want was amazing you brought it up and the next day guy was out there put it on that's schome eight guys D that I know it's a lot of work I've done it in the past like years ago I I know I know it's a it's aad yeah so um and uh also I want to know the breathe easy ordinance um in the Parks does that extend to marijuana smoking or is it just for regular smoking should should extend to all smoking yeah it should extend to any form of smoking pipe cigars tobacco anything yeah cuz they're like in denim Park they're smoking weed with the kids on the swings that's what's going on I've seen it twice already I walk my dog there every morning and in the afternoon I've seen it happen so I just want I didn't know I saw a sign we'll have it we'll have it taken a look at and and we'll have it looked at and uh okay we'll have it uh patroled I would imagine that it's covered but yeah yeah I saw the breath easy I I wasn't sure I wanted I would think but we'll check my interpretation of it is any form of of smoke at all okay applies to so we will definitely keep an eye out for that thank you all right that's it that thank you any other public comment on any governmental issue at all this is not possible 725 can't do this I have a couple question yeah let's go come on who's going first go ahead K cap go first um oh sorry I'm going to close public comment then thank you thank you um Mr Mayor following your initiative this year for the community advisory boards both for finance and Recreation you and and the finance committee has obviously given updates to the finance uh citizens advisory boards however we have had no updates yet for the recreation side and I figure this is well overdue um the team like the finance committee has been meeting composed of myself uh commitment Heber and of residents um obviously as you're all aware with the uh Springfield Recreation Department every month there is the senior citizens calendar there's also a calendar that's available online on Facebook on on our website and email there's also I don't know if anybody has a chance to actually see this these are all also all over the place this is just a snapshot of all the things that the recreation department is responsible for uh throughout the year throughout every season um at times the Chism Center is is is bustling every every every seems like every moment of the day there's also uh some other activities that perhaps are not as well known uh for instance Fitness uh for 55 and over club uh that meets on a regular basis so there's always something going on I I I do encourage all of you um you know obviously the the calendar is publicized as part of our meting minutes and uh announcements every month I encourage all of our residents to take a look uh at all of our activities and the reason I say all of this is one of the projects that this committee has been working on is an interest survey uh that has probably gone out I think immediately following our last Township committee meeting and again this has been publicized in this in the Springfield Pap Patriot on our website on our Facebook page and was also an email blast and it's an interest survey for our residents about what types of things even though we have so many activities what additional things if anything you would like to see um and we're asking all of our residents to to fill this out we're encouraging everyone who can to fill it out we're asking uh all sorts of questions about age ranges for activities that you would uh like to see have programs for the times the type of activities and and and what your perhaps participation would be in those activities whether it be a Popin every now and again a regular member or perhaps would like to lead either a new or existing activity uh and also i' asks you know what if anything you would like to give uh whether it's uh you're you're donating your time to lead an activity uh material or or any monetary donations you would happen to give so I encourage all of you if you have not done so already again H as as following the mayor's initiative we really want to get our residents feedback please if you have not done so already please fill out that form uh this group that uh I've had the pleasure of working with spent a lot of time on this uh Adam leave our director definitely had a a hand in in in designing this it's a Google form it doesn't take that long it might take you two minutes to complete and we encourage you to fill out and share it with your friends and neighbors thank you excellent my turn your turn um a couple things that was brought up also at the street fair but more not necessarily questions but proposals that they asked us to look into somebody came up and I I I still don't know how I feel on the matter necessarily and I think it's something that a broader discussion up here and probably for the administration to really look at uh is is possibly like Community composting um it sounded like they used to do it at the community gardens I don't know how that went um I don't know uh I I think somebody said Montclair might have looked at it uh so maybe it's something up here that we can kind of take a look at uh uh and and see if it's worthy um and see if anybody else is having luck with Community composting um yeah go no my my opinion on that would be if someone from the environmental commission is so inclined to pull up the details of it specifically and come up with something I'll listen to it but I don't have any knowledge at all of yeah no no no me me me neither and and and this and this did not come from the environmental commission so maybe it's a task that we can kind of put on the environmental commission to kind of to to kind of ask their because they are part of like a a countywide and Statewide Coalition so maybe it's something that they can bring up at their their Coalition uh cuz it didn't come from them came from a a constituent uh uh outside of that so maybe it's something to put on on them I'll be glad well we'll be glad to listen to it yeah just I know it's something I don't think any of us really have any knowledge of um the other and I I think I've already kind of talk to the administration about this uh and we kind of talked about it a while ago and I don't know if we ever went through it if there needed to be uh an ordinance ridden but sale of street signs I noticed in a in a article in the league of municipalities somebody freaking stole Chris and IA and there is like a town praising how they're selling street signs and it's a novel idea and I was like wasn't that novel oh we we we we we did it we bought them so yeah we did or years yeah we we we did whatever Robbie was taking down we were he had a pile of them and we were selling is what I remember we still have a pile so we can let do it again if you let's put it back out there let's put Jay on first she's got to post my uh Tire thing first right let's put that let's revisit that again because I did ask himim okay so so here is what I remember I remember we a few of them had been sold off there was still a huge pile of them I asked them not to throw them out let us figure out what was going on with them they should still be there I think if we Market that I don't know all I know is there was an article in the league of municipalities about how some C dunk town in South Jersey came up with this novel idea to sell street signs and uh wrote a whole article about it and I was like wait what Springfield 2018 yeah so came up with uh uh uh so if we can like that would be kind of cool give Jay something to kind of put out there on social media I I think I think what we were missing if I remember right also was I don't think there was any um way I I don't think anybody was picturing and documenting them for sale I think it was just you had to show up there go through rumage through them and so on another thing it's a task or whatever but you know I'm sure that there's some way to do it if we put it online like picture of the set and an edit put them all out there and say come on in and get a sign it's not to make much money but I think I a little bit help um well uh lastly on my end two two points you know the the I think our thoughts are with all the people uh it was part of hurricane Helen and then tomorrow with hurricane Milton I think the death toll as I walked in here I think shot up to like 230 people from the last hurricane and and and another hurricane of a category three or four about to hit that that that tragic number is unfortunately going to go and and as a community as ours I think we kind of understand maybe not to that extent but understand that uh what flooding can do to family and a community and the the ravages so I think I speak for everybody uh when I say our community certainly stands with the people of Florida and the entire South and anything that we could do you know it's terrible tragedy and and really really should focus all of us as as as a country to really face the existential and the cataclysmic uh uh crisis we're facing in climate change there's no other way to say it this is real this isn't normal there's not supposed to be a a a category four this late in the season smashing backto back there's a tropical storm that I just saw and that's hitting Europe and going to go not only through Spain France but make its way to Germany it's never happened before either so we really it's not something that we're going to conquer here at the Town level but we all uh can do our part in recognizing ing understanding and and and trying to make significant changes that we need to as a civilization to make sure that it's kind of tragedy because 230 people that's that that is tragic there there's um my only thing I'm going to add to that is um internet's becoming more dangerous by the day I mean it's out there now that that there are there are stories out there that these storms are man-made that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life storms are not man-made this is not some meeting that is held between powers to to create storms to create havoc on people um anyway no no you you summed it up perfectly this is a this is a time that everybody as a country should come together and and I think that was shown clearly between the comments of President Biden and Governor DeSantis who both said uh that FEMA and the state government was working together to to get a handle on it and you unfortunately have sickos I think is what you should call them that that would be on the opposite side of the country and all for political ver reasons are somehow saying that it's it's it's either the administration's fault or some conspiracy or that the the funding is going going to where it's not when local leaders on both sides are saying uh uh that it's clearly coming together and working together it's dangerous that kind of stuff is not what we need in this country and it's sickening and a a a a danger to our democracy the fact that it's being entertained that you know people are believing that hurricanes of this nature are man-made by the government there's something happening there stay off the internet um all right I got I have you got anything else two things two things I got two things all right go ahead I just wanted to uh publicly say to uh all of our Jewish residents uh Happy New Year and uh I hope their uh High holiday season is Meaningful absolutely happy New Year right yeah thank you um this Sunday we had a fall festival I don't know if um I lose my memory every year but I have to say that every year I think it's getting better and better and better um the two Primary people that are responsible for our street fair our fall festival is Jen law and Jen Sherman and Scott Scott's got a good amount of input in it I don't think he does as much as the two Jens do he was a little late to the party this year I heard he only showed up at 7:30 instead of the usual 6:00 a.m. so we're going to dock him we're going to dock him for that but uh but I have to say that again I think that it gets bigger and better every year um and it's interesting because why I appreciate the street fair is um as a air quote politician um which I guess I am and Alex is and Harris we all are anytime anybody puts their name to a ballot you are immediately a politician all right so you can knock on doors for two weeks straight and still not get to the amount of people that you will get at a fall festival you will get hundreds of people and um the reception this year was amazing thank you all for being so nice uh thank you to our vendors everybody was just in a great mood and it was organized well it was just clean and efficient and thank you to both of our Jens and Scott and anybody else that was involved in at the chamber um the bid DPW DPW um we had an interesting uh situation we had a uh little car show mixup because everybody in the world had their car shows we had um Ronnie aam showed up with five star Exotics and this was the place to be if you wanted to see some Lamborghinis and some gt3s and and some really neat high-end Next Level stuff this is where it was going to happen and and it did and we're hoping we're going to have it even bigger and better next year so uh Street Fair fantastic thank you the next one it's October 8th we got to talk about it because it's coming around soon and you mentioned you talked to the chief a second ago about Tucker does anybody have any input about Tucker and or or or Halloween in general or what they feel we should or should not be doing because the internet will be coming alive shortly with government input on Halloween um wait what it what it tuer tuer I I'm of the opinion that and I've said it every year I'm of the opinion that we cannot do anything about Halloween this is something that if you know parents residents and kids they're the ones that decide who goes where and and where is the spots to go trick-or-treating at it's not something that I even have any interest in getting involved in any thoughts sure uh I agree we don't choose where people go but it's Our obligation to make sure that they are trick-or-treating safely and and and you know not harming anybody I thought you know Chris and I last year spent pretty much the whole night there uh on tuer on Tucker I thought it was an incredibly well-run operation um and it was like I think it was the closest thing you know I've I've seen to like you know the opening scenes of like you know Gangs of New York where everybody's just like out there and just like trick-or-treating but uh like men in black with all of the different creatures and and everything but I mean I I I thought I thought the way last year ran the way PD PD was omnipresent um you know I thought they did I thought they did an outstanding job and and you know for whatever that's worth to you Chief I know you're meeting with your leadership team but I I thought I thought last year ran incred L smoothly um the police department has handled it yeah wonderfully every time it's been that's my two cents same thing those made I I I feel the same way I I I need to commend the police department for their their tremendous job that they do um being aware of Public Safety especially for that time of the year at that particular day um I'm also appreciative of how mindful our residents have become knowing that this is one of the popular streets and most highly walked Street on this particular night I certainly appreciative of how mindful our residents have become both recognizing what a cherished event it is but also doing their part in the minds of Public Safety making sure that the road is for the most part clear in the center people keeping to the sidewalks and edges of the streets whenever possible and knowing that yes it is a fun Community Family time knowing that it also is an active roadway it's an active Street there are things that could happen at a moment's notice someone's family member could live on that street and God forbid something happens they you know Emergency Services would need to get there in a moment's notice so I believe that as long as our residents remain reflective and uh you know just aware that it is still an active roadway on Halloween uh I I think we will we will continue to have a a successful you're up uh I will defer on this to to to to to smarter people than me uh no I I don't the kids yeah I I hey I still love trick-or-treating I go out every year no I'm just joking everyone um no I I I don't know if it's something that we should hey we have to keep the peace we have to understand that it shouldn't get out of uh out of control I think last year I think the smartest comment somebody I think it was you Chris that said you know spread the love around a little bit you know I hey Tucker's fun but there's other neighborhoods that also could be just as much fun if everybody spreads the love around so be cognizant as a as a as a parent I know everyone wants to hang out on Tucker but kind of spread it around trust me it'll probably be honestly more fun if you're not competing uh for every little piece of candy um also I think locally I think the people of Tucker you know donate to them if you can cuz it is uh the the the the the costs have Skyrocket I think that's real I think Halloween candy is kind of crazy so uh help out our fellow neighbors and and and the police do a terrific job like they do every single day for us in keeping us safe and their main responsibility um is ensuring that no one gets hurt and I think they've done they've upheld to that mission so thank you Chief yeah in in no way are we will we or do we endorse everybody going to one block okay spread the love but you you have to realize something that we have to acknowledge what happens and we have to be proactive on what is going to happen so again the only one that can control what happens with trick-or-treating are parents residents who say yay or nay and the kids on where they want to go it is not our business yeah no I I forget which I was reading I think it might have been in in in The Ledger there was like calls of towns saying trick-or-treating should actually be on Saturday it's like no how about we stick to the holiday we've made it we've made it in Generations let's not mess with it right don't break what's broken you know sometimes I think that's we we do that too often we get involved in something and and break something that's not broken it's it's Halloween don't mess with it be safe be cognizant we've made it through it this far I think we can continue that's right all right thank you so we're all in agreement up here that whatever it is Chief whatever it is um anything else move to ajour it was 725 when we started this oh we've dragged it out 20 more minutes I'll wish the Mets good luck but really everybody watch the Yankees let's go Mets motion to adjourn motion all in favor hi bye