##VIDEO ID:udQtnG4W0LI## e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome to the township of Springfield County of union state of New Jersey meeting for August 13 2024 regular session this meeting is being held in accordance with the public laws of 1975 chapter 231 and adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a notice sent to the Star Ledger the local source and posted in the main lobby of the municipal building and on the township website uh please join us for the Pledge of Allegiance led by Deputy Mayor Harris laer IED Al to flag flag of the United States of America stand indice please stay standing for a moment of silence for our soldiers overseas and home thank you roll call Mayor Weber here Deputy Mayor laer present committee man capes is absent committee man Yuber here committe Min Kaiser here thank you all right um just gonna do a quick reminder um I think we did pretty well last meeting with everybody speaking to the mics if anybody comes up please remember just speaking into the mic and all of us up here just let's stay focus on uh trying to speak to them all municipal offices will be closed on Labor Day Monday September 2nd 2024 the next committee meeting is Tuesday September 10th 2024 at 7 p.m. so this is it for August next one is Tuesday September 10th um townwide garage sale is scheduled for the weekend of September 14th and 15th senior residents 55 and up the August 24th calendar is out um you can pick it up at Chism center it's online it is also again filled every single day which is awesome senior citizens bus trip Tuesday September 24th 24 the music of ABBA at the PNC Art Center register a community pass trip is open to Springfield residents age 55 plus and members of the senior citizens Club one year away and I'm there year old my birthday was in a was only a few days ago and I just turned 54 so one more day one more year and I'm on that bus Union County of commissioner presents the veterans job fair Wednesday August 21st 5:00 p.m. at warano Sports Center open to the public on spot interviews bring your resume register at ucnj.org forward jobfair j o b f a iir that will also be online Township extends its consol uh extends its condolences to fighter fighter Stewart jersak on the passing of his mother Sylvia jerac due to inclement weather nationville night out was rescheduled to Tuesday August 20th at the Jonathan Dayton Parking Lot from 5: to 8 the township extends condolences to the laer family on the passing of Max laer grandfather of Deputy Mayor Harris laer how old was your grandad 99 99 99 survived the Holocaust veteran he lived he lived a long life thank you that is fantastic I'm sorry to hear that thank you that is thank you to everybody who came out and showed support thank you um and then we have a street dedication honoring Gloria Simpson that's going to be September 8th at 11: a.m. on mountain in North triet right out here in front of town hall so that'll be Sunday September 8th at 11: a.m. mountain in North triet uh we're going to just go right into public comment on agenda items only if anybody has any public comment on agenda items only just come up to the mic uh we did not have any emails received for any questions on the agenda and I'm not seeing anybody from the the audience for public comment on agenda items only with that we're going to just move straight into reports with our administrative report Mr John bico thank you Mr Mayor couple of items if I may touch on um we we again were in the rway river on the bridge again and I think as everybody knows you know what that bridge looks like it's got the three arches the debris keeps getting lodged in between so we had the state and the county out there along with our DPW hauling away all of the scrap that was piled in the river that's going to continue to be an ongoing problem until a replacement is done which supposedly is sometime in 2025 but when did that start probably 10 years ago easy to yeah so let's keep our fingers crossed PSC continues to upgrade their services on various streets in town once all the work is finished we will meet with the officials and decide on the restoration which ranges from either full Paving to localized repairs based on the extent of the work so we'll keep you a breast on that one we opened a bid on the eth for road project and this was for Henshaw and Christie Crossroads construction was the apparent low bidder we will award that at the next meeting we also uh in that kensaw is Mill and pave and there is some curb work to be done on Christie and that's full Mill and paven overlay with drainage work that'll be sometime in the fall that work will be done we also camed pit Henshaw Christie and miltown to make sure we had no blockage in any of the lines we continue to do that to try to track down infiltration and any blockage that we're finding in the lines that's an ongoing thing that we do on a regular basis and that's one of the reasons why we did the camera with Milburn that we split that that's what we do with that so it's not just sitting there shared services with Milburn we move forward with the new purchase of a sewer Jet and a flusher delivery date is only one year away the new the new equipment will replace our 2001 sewer jet so I think we got our our use out of it after 23 years and that thing is out being used on a almost a daily basis we get blockages so uh one other thing I wanted to make note of and I know Chris you brought this up Mr Mayor that we've got the on Route 22 where we had ruts in the road and then they put like a slurry down to coat it we think that from what we're finding out is that's their new thing that slurry is kind of their coding the problem is if it's not dry it gets on the car uh Robbie was in touch with DOT they are going back to the contractor the problem is is that they had State Police out blocking off the entrances and exits to all of those businesses but unfortunately as I think all of us sow there are so many they can't stop everyone and where they were pulling in and out they were leaving tracks so they're going to try to see if they can get the contractor to do something with the ruts that are in the road we'll keep you a breast of that we also got a note from DT that they're going to be Paving on August 19th on Route 124 in Springfield uh and that's going to be done at night there'll be some temporary lane closures and alternating traffic patterns but again it'll be done at night should be little impact to us that's 124 is no but where what location from uh they only gave us mile markers and to tell you the truth I didn't go online and look it up 10.6 to 11.3 so I got to look it up but that's got to be going somewhere down by Union because they're also on the same date and they're 12.5 to 13.6 so it's it's got to be somewhere towards right out here on marav on the main section so that's the 19th but again if they do it at night I don't think we'll see a lot of upset um we met today we met with our monthly meeting with Gomes again we're going to be coming to you with a ordinance because I think as everybody's aware Center Street is going to be partially one way when that is complete but we are very concerned that we have a very detailed and tight schedule before we do anything with Center Street because we don't want to repeat obviously of Caldwell so I told him that there's probably going to be some caveats attached to the permits to do that work also we may do we may do permits that expire in 30 days and then reup them or something like that I need to talk to Craig and and find out what we actually can do so we'll keep you guys a breast of that but we'll make sure that we don't have a repeat um other than that our other developments are going well they've started on our one down at Spring uh down at the end of church Mall um that is garden homes so they're working on that goes actually I think if you looked at is making decent progress but you know we're still a ways away uh we've been up to Sax's property they they're renting they've rented well they seem to be having no problems so that's been very successful and then we have some others that we're still working on for future that we'll discuss as the plans come in with the committee other than that I don't think there's anything else in the last two weeks that was very exciting anybody has any questions or comments uh one thing I did want to bring up and and I'm jumping the gun a little bit you'll see it in the resos but we had some um what do you call it what am I trying what's the word I'm trying to think of Diane help me out the tax tax reverse tax appeals which is going to bring us $2.1 million in and Diane can explain where that money goes and what happens since that money wasn't anticipated and it's based on the courts we will take that in all as Surplus which can be used next year to offset the budget um do we know specifically which properties they were yes we do they're on the resol on the resolution there are four properties that settled in Tax Court yep cool can you go back to one of your first things was Paving where was that at again and and it was PS yeah pscg if you I think we've all noticed everywhere you go the roads are ripped up everywhere everywhere I don't care what town you go everywhere so what we're going to do is when they're done with their work we are going to sit down with them and figure out what streets need to be paved curb to curb is there any that can be just repaired are there some that we want to switch with them have them pave a full Street and we'll do with our roadside assistance we may do some Paving so as we get further along I will bring you details of what our plan is but we'll have input in this 100% okay yes that's one number two um 22 if anybody's experiencing 22 my kid just came home with his white car that is covered in tar so it is it is everybody that is that is feeling it right now um can we can we make them do anything we understand I think we all know it's a state highway right we have no control over it we don't pick when they pave how they pave who they give the paving to we have nothing to say in that and most of it actually I believe is in Union is where they had the most of the we are lucky that we we only have a few tracks through it but yeah let's hold our breath and make sure hopefully goes all the way up to to Scotch Plains yeah I agree Bob's on the phone with DLT but again you know we can only ask we can't demand okay because it's not our road and we have really no input into to it unless somebody knows somebody that maybe we can get some help we'll make some more phone calls I I think they already know that uh our displeasure and unions displeasure with this whole thing yeah I mean I spoke to the union ba also and Don is called do also so they're fully aware they got a bunch of phone calls they realize that they need to do something they can't just ignore this so something will be addressed whether it's our satisfaction or not remains to be seen thank you if there's any other questions or anything I'd be happy to answer Mr Hubert have we have we been checking all the Brooks and things like that Hurrican here and I'm trying Mr beter is out there on a regular basis from DPW yep I think we did actually fairly well in the last couple of heavy rains we actually had we didn't have any reports of you know any aside from myel I know we had some flooding on unfortunately we get that all the time I just want to make sure we're and again just and I know you know that's not our road that's County so our hands are somewhat tied there also than thank you anybody else anything none good okay uh minutes regular meeting minutes of June 11 2024 regular and executive meeting minutes of June 25th 2024 regular meeting minutes of July 17th as emailed I'll make a motion to adopt the the the the minutes as read by uh Mr Mayor second all in favor I I there here on July okay and let's move on to new business please ordinance second reading second reading for ordinance 20244 this ordinance amends provisions of the township code to create the position of public information officer uh I'll make a motion to adopt ordinance 202 24-14 as read by Madam clerk with publication in the local Source on August 15 2024 I will second that okay any public comment on ordinance 202 24-14 um well I was I happen to be at the last concert the first concert for last whatever there was and one of the gentleman you guys interviewed was here with his family nothing to do with you know bid and all that and I was very impressed with him you know talk to him but I was very impressed his wife was there she's pregnant and I think they have another child too so whole family was here and he's backing Springfield he was here Springfield I was very impressive um I think you need a public hearing you said public comment oh public hearing sorry I did say public comment 100% just to make sure that we don't get no you thank you any public hearing on anything seeing none go for a roll call vote sure committee man Kaiser uh yes Deputy Mayor laer yes committee man Yuber yes mayor Weber yes okay ordinance 20245 this ordinance amends the existing ordinance govering certain employment positions and establishes compensation levels for for the position of public information officer within the township of Springfield I will make a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 D15 as read by Madam clerk with publication in the local Source on August 15 2024 I will second that okay uh public hearing on this if there's any seeing none is there any comments up here on anything no uh just keep in mind if you're reading this this is arranged it does not mean that that anybody is coming in at any specific uh higher number or lower number it is just a range so this does not have to be done yearly roll call please committee man Kaiser yes Deputy Mayor laer yes committee man Yuber mayor Weber yes none uh seeing none on first readings we're going to move to resolutions and approve them by consent agenda if anybody wants anything pulled just Shout It Out resolution 20 24-1 90 20 24-1 191 2024 d192 2024 d193 20 24-1 194 20 24-1 195 2024 d196 2024 d197 20 24-1 198 202 24-1 199 2024 D200 202 24-21 202 24-22 2024 d23 2024 d 204 2024-25 204-206 2024 d207 but before I I finalize that I'm sorry just go back I want to pull uh 2024 203 yeah I was going to say yeah thank you I would like to pull 1911 191 all right so we're pulling 191 I was waiting until he was done yeah just kidding the respectful thank you and and 203 so with that said uh can I have a motion Please Mr Mayor uh this red you 20 24 1990 and 20 24 192 to uh 20 24202 and then resolution 20 24204 to 20 24207 second committee Yuber yes Deputy Mayor laer yes mman Kaiser yes mayor Weber yes resolution 2024 1991 this resolution amends the adopted budget for additional item of Revenue and offsetting appropriation chapter 159 for cdbg roadway Rehabilitation Grant year 50 I'll make a motion to adopt resolution 20241 191 as read by Madam BL I will second that but before we vote if I can make a comment so the cdbg is the Community Development block grant program that's run by the county of Union myself and the administrator Mr bico are Springfield's delegates on uh to that committee uh this year I believe we received about I think $120,000 or something in that neighborhood uh to pill to to rehabilitate these roadways in certain areas um this is one of the good things that the township does with the county this is one of the great programs uh that we're able to do because we have an Administration that is uh that is willing to invest time in time into these programs because I will tell you that there are other towns that are both larger and smaller that do not reap the benefits of these programs um so this is very good for the town absolutely how much did we get about 120,000 that's that's a good amount of money okay thank you he roal committee man Kaiser yes Deputy Mayor laer Yes committe Man Yuber yes mayor Weber this is where you say yes yes yes sorry okay resolution 202 24203 this resolution authorizes the appointment of J Spinelli to the position of public information officer I'll make a motion to adopt resolution uh 2024 203 second um I go ahead yeah I just want people to realize he's working for us but not full-time you I mean no benefits no nothing and he's he's on call 24 hours so I just want people to realize that I I I really want to thank uh thank everybody up here um for getting this done we went through the interview process we had a bunch of candidates who were all qualified um we think he's going to be a fantastic addition to the township there's a lot of things going on in the township that happen every day that nobody knows about and unfortunately um for all of us up here social media is a de you know I'm still after all of these years still navigating my way around it because there's been nobody's been in more fights in social media than me and I I need to just stay off sometimes but there is a delicate balance between trying to tell people what is actually happing around town and and and almost making it look like you're patting yourself on the back it is not an easy task by any means right um there is a lot of things that have happened here over the last few years we are looking uh at doing things way different than we did previously um and I think this is going to work out really well for the Township in terms of keeping the township informed on just anything whether it's a a Transformer fire somewhere or it's uh an event like we're having in front of town hall from the library for the kids today we're looking at merging uh social calendars and we've seen what he's done in in in a local town a neighboring town and and I for one I'm excited to have him on board um so looking forward to working with you Mr J Spinelli anything roll call all right roll call please committee man Kaiser yes Deputy Mayor laer yes committee man Huber yes mayor Weber yes Mr Mayor if there's nothing else there can I make a comment if I may on 202 this is an idea that we put in place recently this is our bench we call it what we're doing is that we've got some people that are available if we should need them in a pinch if somebody goes down that gets hurt or and we've had this happen actually in our clerical in our building department and in our engineering department so we've got a couple of people that are previous employees that were in these positions that are available on a short-term basis if we need them we pay no benefits no holidays no vacation nothing it's just a per hour only when we need them so we bring them in for a week our other person comes back we send them back home it gives us the opportunity to keep our residents they get the service that's required we don't hold them up from getting permits that type of thing so it's important we've got somebody comes in that knows the job there's no training so it just works out extremely well for us so that's that's what that is I think that's absolutely a fantastic idea because it benefits the residents we don't miss a beat yep I was here at the last meeting I one was Dale the librarian good luck she left in the end of July right am I correct yeah end of July spindle yeah thank you yeah thank thank you Dale for want to wish you good luck and thank you for all you did Echo what rich said thank you for her service to our town and best of luck in future endeavors not this morning but like August 1 okay no it's been taking over yeah yes there's someone and who y Bonnie Bonnie leasin is the new director I think she's going to be I think she's going to be very effective Dale's the one who started this in front of the town hall with kids and things and they're making something for the kids too I remember they had Touch a Truck and and and all of that stuff where they you know bring in the the DPW equipment the fire truck equipment the police a lot of good programs started from there and um yeah thank thank you Dale for for um getting all of that going and and Bonnie we're we're excited for you to continue come up with your own ideas also and um make the program even bigger and better so we're looking forward to working with you you want on yeah I'm GNA um got some information let me go through discussion action items I'm going to take that down to the end at uh yep public comment stuff I'll take that at the end uh Mr Mayor I I move that we accept the resignation of Shelly L stangler as a member of the Springfield library Board of Trustees effective immediately for her term ending December 31 2024 the the second um thank you for your service thank you Miss stangler for your service and willingness to make the library a better place all in favor uh Mr Mayor I move move to approve a request from St James Church for the use of the Chism parking lot for overflow parking for the church Festival which will be on October 15th through the 19th from 5:30 until 11:00 p.m. and October 20th from 1:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. they and also for the 5K Turkey Trot on from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. hold harmless agreement and Certificate of Insurance provided second well in favor I okay um I'm going to move to adop to approve a request from congregation Israel to wave the application fees for new construction project in the amount of $ 2,300 I second that committee man Kaiser uh yes dep mayor laer absolutely committee man Yuber yes mayor Weber yes okay um pay some bills bills I'm going to I'm going to make a motion to adopt the payroll and invoices uh for the period of July 18th 2024 through August 13 2024 in the amount of 2,531 255 and 95 cents I believe I will second that committee man Kaiser yes Deputy Mayor laer yes comman Yuber mayor Weber yes um everybody should have received the July budget report the July pool budget report the July revenue report and the July pool revenue report and that should be filed accordingly correspondents we have a public hearing accepting input concerning the 2025 application to New Jersey Transit September 3rd 2024 7 P.M Union County Administration Building and then we have the public hearing Township of Milburn zoning board adjustments august 19 2024 700 p.m. in Milburn Town Hall bulk variance for 720 Morris turn bike um all right before I go and open up the public comment we have a few things up here we just want to uh talk on that anybody in public comment might want to touch on first is Lighting on misel myel field Mr we had a meeting the other day with the county and they are preparing to start that project the drawings have been submitted they have to review them and approve them then the contractor said that the material is 10 to 12 weeks before they receive it they're planning on having that done sometime in the fall the lighting should be done once the material is ordered and they know they're going to get their hands on it they're probably going to start trenching and the other things they need to do in anticipation of getting the lighting so that's the latest update when I find out some more we're schedule 11 another meeting I'll let you guys know can you they did you notify to school because I know they play soccer games there that's right and they do they also do track there they do track there I mean because I know it's going to be dug up well nothing's been done yet and we really don't have a date so it's kind of premature as soon as we get something confirmed we'll make sure they're in the loop I don't think they're touching the field at all I think they're going around the perimeter of it yeah we'll keep them in the loop they run around do you know if they we don't know if they're doing the baseball fields we you think it's just the track right or as far as I know yes but we'll get confirmation with the next meeting driveway still on pause we're still waiting to hear on that okay um okay so that's exciting Mel Avenue lighting we've been talking about it for uh well well over two years it is finally a motion and we should see it installed in the next coming uh two to three months um all right bulk pickup uh we tried anything and everything to lower taxes and that meant cutting services if we had to and we tried to cut bulk pickup and we took bulk pick up from uh four times a year down to twice a year and what we ended up doing uh our head of our DPW um went through bulk is picked up on tonnage and we you know wanted to see was it worth it were people just stashing up the same amount of stuff at the six-month marker versus the three-month marker and we're getting charged basically the same amount on tonnage ver having you know the the the four to two pickups well it turns out in the whole scheme of things cutting us down to two pickups was I a savings of less than $220,000 it was not anything significant that we would decide to keep on for the inconvenience of the residents so effective immediately right effective immediately we're going back to bulk pickup four times a year and the first pickup is actually going to be September 18th uh will be the um pickup and then we will have one at the end of the year in in December like we normally do so we're going back to four times a year again sorry for the inconvenience but when you're in our position up here and and what ended up happening that was beyond our control we looked at every possible measure to to to save a dime for anybody up here and and and not up here but I mean anybody that lives in Springfield and and uh any way that was possible to to make it easier on on everybody's wallets but we didn't see any savings so we're going back to four times a year for bulk pickup effective immediately uh September 18th we will put something out there'll be something on you know the township form social media and everything else it it it will it will reach around so if you if you have any you know neighbors or friends who aren't on those things please let them know anybody got anything on bul up or anything I got go ahead about the pool I was happen to be over in re Su today I talk to Adam about and um I got some complaints because some it wasn't keeping up with um maintenance I mean in the women's bathroom alone on Sunday with three of the Stalls and I don't know how many they have had no toilet paper in it no nothing I mean and then I get calls with one of them called me or she was in it said what am I supposed to no and you got take care but you know I just want I meant to tell you that I meant to rec I was over there todays so we'll have we'll have them take a look at it and and see what's going on over there oh and the and the basketball they um he ordered the parts for that you need for the basketball shooter in over at the pool and it's old we know and he's waiting for it to come in probably won't be until the end of the year but do what is it basetball sh but you know the yeah about that um yeah pickle ball that that's open during all the time that the pool is open do we know I'm checking think yeah you think so right I thought the pickle ball courts were year round uh yeah they were year round the tennis courts we've done over we've made them for pickle ball as well yeah and even including the one at the pool when the when the Y is not doing the pool it's it's accessible through the wreck department it is it is okay somebody asked me if they were able to get in and I didn't I wasn't yeah it's year round yep so so the pickle Bol court is accessible there um uh I'll relay that all right if anybody else have anything or we're going to go to public comment on any governmental issue has nothing to do with agenda come on up public comment on any governmental issue thank you Mr Mayor uh I I'm coming on a good night because I was going to tell you all about something good that happened name and address please sure Abby Goran 611 Forest Drive I reside at sh Hills Club Village at the July 10th meeting I came before the committee uh thank you for remembering Mr Mayor I wanted to say that we had much success talking to management uh if that was the result of anything that the township committee did we thank you uh we uh are now in the process of working with management at putting in an interface between apartment thermostats and the individual air conditioning systems so that people won't have to suffer uh and that also will apply for when the turnover has to be made from AC to cold to eating systems in the fall so we're in the process of that and management did admit that the latest they did conversions in the springtime from heating systems to cooling systems and now we have more seniors in Short Hills Club Village was May 5th so the May 16th or May 15th date wasn't proper and they now are committed to do a turnover on or about May 1st uh I just wanted to mention so it's this is a good thing we came good uh in very dark in July 10th and I I hope everyone hears that I was going to say and it's interesting that committee man Yuber talks about this has been the the beginning of hurricane season and something I began to think about is that after Hurricane after tropical storm Ida years ago the same Management Group which we just had a feud with on their own rented portable generators to make sure that each of the apartments had 50 watts of power now 50 watts is this was during the storm period 50 watts is not enough to do much but at least it keeps appliances on and allows the ignition system for a boiler to run but however they did that at their own expense and I did appear before the township committee after Hurricane audit and suggested that maybe it should be examined where is active guard we uh legally speaking a force majour we usually landlords are excused of responsibility that some provision should be made or an amendment to the ordinance chapter 14 of the Springfield ordinances which says rent increases should be 4% a year that something unexpected such as a storm where all of the sudden a homeowner or a building owner of four or more units has to hire uh has to rent out a generator be able to uh prate the cost of a month or whatever how many weeks and I say this as a tenant how many weeks for the cost of keeping people in the apartments because it's a great thing in uh the months ahead the township will receive many more rental buildings online because of the construction that's being done and if there's uh an emergency declared by the governor because of an environmental problem the landlord shouldn't be told well you're getting your 4% increase uh back in the 80s in New York City when there was the Iranian oil boycott the conciliation of appeals board New York City is equivalent to their rent leveling board had a pass along for small landlords and even large landlords that they could pass along the increased cost of fuel during the winter to keep people heated so it's something to consider and and one of the problems we had when we were before the rent leveling board is we don't know what to do we don't have the experience but there are people on uh the Pres present Township rent leveling board who understand marketing understand computers if you said to them examine how much it cost to to rent out a generator in an emergency maybe this is something the township can should consider as something separate and apart from the 4% increase to make it right thank you um good good news congrat thank you that you you you gave us a followup on that welcome thank you come on come on up do ladies and gentlemen um name and address Michael warier 317 Morris avenon Springfield New Jersey Apartment One hi Mike um I've been dealing with uh BRS Brothers Holdings LLC for over five years with deplorable living conditions rat infestation roach infestation my ceilings are down I can't cook I can't put nothing in the refrigerator and there's no Health Board here in town what's the address 37 Morris it's uh own owned by the Briggs the Big White House on the corner of killer and Salter um I came out of my apartment tonight and uh I was hit with a stench from dead rats underneath the porch and in the garbage cans and I was vomiting some something has to be done with these people with that property I I'm I'm sorry you know what I mean I I understand it's a my unit's a five unit apartment so it's run by the state but uh consumer affairs okay and um but they have $185,000 in findes on them right now they don't care they're making me live in this I haven't slept in days I sit up all night long with spray bottles with Ajax soap and water shooting roaches and my cats are killing rats coming out from underneath the the stove and everything else and it's just disgusting something has to be done with these people I hate to say it but no legal recour there it's Hand by the state we've had this issue before us multiple times I know Mr B CRA it's just it's a state issue everybody has has yeah has the Board of Health been out there I don't know off hand if the Board of Health has been out there or not I have to check that for you I don't know the top of my head we don't have a board of health in town it's run by either mon Clair or Madison and Union and they don't handle this we we have they they do handle this we have envir we have environmental health experts we're going we're going to take your inform and and um we'll get somebody from the Board of Health over there and and take a look at it it's disgusting they have the garbage cans outside my my my my windows all my apartment roaches and the rats and the stench I can't even open my windows I can't turn the air conditioner on and they won't fix nothing I understand it's run by the state but still there has to be local ordinances to to to to take care of this stuff should be responsible for it and all the properties are the same way so can you hang out after the meeting so so we can take your info um yes I just have to run downstairs real quick and then I'll be right you have it oh okay we have my okay Mr Michelle yeah he has it that should be very easy to reach out to the state that's that's unacceptable oh it's it's disgusting I got I got I got videos right in my phone right now if you want to say I miss no I I think we we passed by that no it's deplorable it's deplorable you know I mean i' I've lost over 80 pounds in the last three months like living in this place CU I can't cook the refrigerator don't work the stove don't work my ceilings are down the back in the apartment's falling off into the ground because there supposed to be a structural engineer it's just to just keep doing it to just keep let going okay thank you Mr we we have we have your info uh you will hear from us asap thank you Mr B I'll you know try to give you a call tomorrow just to follow up just to talk to you personally okay mayor Weber thank you yep thank you so much you got a mic [Laughter] all right any uh public comment any governmental issue come on up Junior U my name is Dylan sargis 142 Treetop Drive Springfield uh I talked to mayor before but um I wanted to ask you guys this now uh when you go down Mountain View um to make that left turn is heroic it's awful literally you can't make the left cuz you don't know if there's a car coming you think that nobody's coming but then 2 seconds later there's a car coming is there any way we could put like a mirror there to make it easier cuz um my my mom said I'm not allowed to make that left turn but I'm just saying in general um cuz it's hard you literally have to go around um buy Ball just to the blinking light and then do the loop it's literally a square to get back out um you're talking about coming down MF you got the bridge yeah to the left yeah chief yes this has come up um in the past few years back two things off the top of my head it's a County Road and I remember something of the effect there being a liability issue by placing a mirror there I don't recall exactly uh why it was didn't go forth the last time but I I will double check on that and uh get back to you all right thank I appreciate you guys thank you thank you thank you I say something yes please um can you have once School opens can you I'm Rose Aven it's like a ro Raceway sometimes and mothers dropping their kids off at school and everything else and picking them up it's it's fast and we have a lot of young kids on there and I got a call about another Street and I left at home but I will call on you now Chief yeah just yeah I I left yeah just call call me with the list I'll make sure it's taken care of it's now it's when my Rose Avenue is when after school rushing drop them off in the morning and rushing to go home get and with the way the school's going now I don't you know this is going to be uh yeah being all that's taking place in 202 this year this year and I I don't know what kind of schedule you have there but we'll make it happen okay thank you okay uh any other public comment on any governmental issue at all seeing none we are going to close public comment and go into executive session resolution 8324 whereas article six of the open public meetings act provides that a public body May hold a closed session and whereas the township committee will during this meeting enter into discussion of the following matters attorney client privilege and potential litigation whereas matters to be discussed in closed session are to remain in the strictest of confidence by all Township committee members in furtherance of their fiduciary duties to the township now therefore be it resolved matters discussed at this meeting will be released to the public public when reasons for discussing and acting upon them in close session no longer exists may have a motion motion second oh yes we'll be about shortly but there will be no actions taken e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e