##VIDEO ID:Xgs4bHVZqNo## good evening everyone today's beway adjustment meeting will be held in session please rise for the national Pledge of Allegiance paron allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the republ for which it stands one nation under God indivisible Li and justice for all we takeing Titans for roll call Julian caligas presid Matthew bugs presid Gary jandro has resigned Mr rro has resigned yes that's correct Megan Marshall here George matys Courtney gno now Courtney Fetzer yes present and Miriam Trace Mr chairman we have a quorum and both M Fetzer and Miss Trace will be voting members for this evening one point of order for the board if I may Jack morgus attorney for the board is um the agenda talks about reviewing approval for the minutes of January 10th 2024 and February 14th 2024 but in looking at the minutes for February uh the minutes for January of 2024 were dispensed with at the at the at the meeting in February so only the minutes of February 2024 need be addressed this evening approval of Fe February minutes I'll make a motion second motion is to approve I'll make a motion to approve the Mee the minutes second y nice all in favor I iOS motion held M Trac minutes are approved you'll be voting on all those things so you voted I yes okay okay five All Passes five all Mr chairman thank you Mr chairman if I could just take a moment I know that um staff and the applicant have a case before just because we haven't seen each other in a little bit of time tonight's case is a special exception case which I think in all my time working with this board I think this is the first such uh of this type of case coming before the board this is a fairly new uh uh uh process if you will that the city has implemented by way of code um implementation and so but the report will guide you through it's no it's very similar in terms of procedure to the variance cases you're familiar with handling in terms of there are six criteria that all need to be equally weighed by the board board the facts and and presentations from applicant and from staff and from public comment and then making your decision based on those criteria as it contained in the report thank you thank you Mr chair all right new business we're going to have case number bo8 23-7 4913 rain shadow drive and the owners of the representatives please present I don't believe that the tonight's case is BOA 24- z001 yeah that that was a reference to the minutes case from February that's okay you can recall the case off of tonight's AG paron me thank you it's for the clarification case number boa 24- 00001 please say your full name before addressing the board good evening members this is Stephanie streer associate planner for Community Development tonight I'm presenting 3700 NTI Road a board of adjustments special exception boa 24- 00001 for background the zoning is R3 multifam the total acreage for the lot is 2.23 acres and the area of the primary structure is about 300 or I apologize 3,000 square ft this is important because the code that we are doing a special exception from states that an accessory structure may be 50% of the primary structure or 800 Square ft whichever is less so our maximum size for this particular lot would be 800 square ft in 2017 Community Development did approve a 900t shed through a building permit and the size of the proposed shed that the applicant is requesting is 1,200 square ft so it is 300 Square ft more than what exists now and 400 ft more than the maximum allowed for our code these are visual depictions of the lot at this time I do want to edit the map since we have posted this the parcels were combined so he actually has that whole rectangle that is on that future land use map so it is that full 2.23 Acres this is the proposed shed where it exists at this time that is where it is located just a little bit behind the primary structure staff is recommending approval for the special exception from 3.4.1 point a. 2 point G of the Land Development code to allow the 1200t accessory structure which will be 400 fet over the allowed maximum as a reminder the board of adjustment shall make findings that the requirements of section 1.3.2 point d.2 point e have or have not been demonstrated by the appc applicant the board of adjustment May approve this application approve with certain conditions or safeguards or deny this application we are requesting approval of the findings of fact I do have to go on record prior to this meeting we did receive one call from a Marilyn esy she lives at 3239 villaway Circle she had concerns regarding the 1200 ft accessory structure regarding Aesthetics potentially looking more Industrial in a residential area she also had concerns that allowing a 1200t shed could open him up to allow a business in there or potentially have any noise but those were all the verbal complaints that we received regarding this application staff and the applicant are available for any questions thank you thank you administrator like to open the floor for questions from the board uh was there any indication that the building is being built for a business no he did provide us a letter that stated he is using it to store antique cars and just to keep them from the weather that is the letter that we received from the applicant so okay he provided that in his application um yeah that's that's all I have in regards to noise complaints have there been any adjustments to to the potential installation of the building and the shed due to the amount of noise and the tools and the requirements of the car Manu um maintenance and other work that be done I'll defer that to the applicate thank you chairman I would just like to acknowledge or board member Mr Mattis is here and so miss Trace will be participating but will not be a voting member of tonight's thank you Mr hello please say your name for the board uh Steven D Clark I live at 37 100 Niti Road St Cloud Florida and I'm also with my wife Christine CL who resides at the same address this evening um do you want some background or just answer your question I'm interested in the particular structure that you're going to be building and potential actions we can take in order to just kind of Safeguard the noise complaints okay um what um what you can see from that drawing is to the side of that yellow block is a fence and down both sides of my property there's about it's about 436 I think it says 500 on one side of fenced in yard that is fairly mature with growth trees brush you know shrubs and stuff like that um the other thing is is that we what I do there is just Tinker with old cars I just want to get them out of the heat there there's been a property a building there since I thought it was 2006 when we had it all all the they came out and measured the the the concrete and all that jazz and it was all approved I thought I read in the history of the property 2006 I I think one of the ladies here say 2017 but it it it's just it got so worn out and and damaged that it was time to get people to come in to repair it and everyone was saying it's so dilapidated you're better off probably more cost effective to just replace replace that building with regards to addressing your problem we we're not I'm not making any noise there's no paint and body shop there's no an electric drill maybe but the the people who were procuring it from a company in Okala have talked about putting a 2in thick insulation in there which is a a proper insulation it has two factors one it keeps the heat down and and secondly will have a noise um Quality to it and um and the the really and truly the use of it is if if you be kind enough to uh Grant it is not going to change we've never had the police called we've never had neighbors complaining about you know the public coming and going or it's a business The Better Bureau you know has never had a complaint from a customer because we don't have any my wife and I are both retired music professors and we're retired just uh in November of last year and I've always wanted to Tinker with old cars that's it I can assure you there's going to be no noise if if you're standing 10 ft away from the building I can assure you of that and there's I think it's something that I should cross right now there's absolutely no intention of being in business I'm far too old now I'm retired and I just want to have pleasant quiet enjoyment of that thank you does anyone else have any followup questions yes Mr chairman um to the industrial question I'm just curious the height uh I think it's 10 feet at the at this it's going to be 10 feet at the sides which will give a pitch I think of about 13 ft if I'm not mistaken my wife and I live in a in a twostory residence which has a 4T crawl underneath it which is great if you're doing Plumbing or electrical work so it's it's it's double height plus that so the it's it's half the height of the house the house is white with a gray roof the proposed property is going to be white with a gray roof it's going to be beautiful and and blend in frankly unless you go up on tippy toes and look over our fence which is a 6' he standard Home Depot wooden fence in all the way around you can't even see it it's it's in the backyard there's you can't see it from the road um we're on very good terms with most of our neighbors and uh we you know we we've lived there like we've lived there for over 25 years and we're not about to start any trouble I make it a business to drive past every property before I rule on it and uh you have a great property I think it adds to the aesthetic of the of that road in general and um I'm sorry you had to change your address a couple times because I know that road name changed a couple times well yes and of course we lost about 15 ft at the front I don't know who's responsible for 5 530 in the morning all that traffic running into the t bike but it work it wakes up our little puppy so we're up at 6:00 a.m. that's the my questions Mr chairman um yeah thank you Mr Matthew questions I do excuse me member Marshall a question yes ma'am um you said the the color is going to match but is the exterior siding going to match the accessory building to the principal structure it would absolutely be spoton okay same material yes they are still required by our code to have the exterior match the principal structure that will not be an exception the code that is I just wanted to confirm that thank you that is our code requirement yeah thank you m did that satisfied no that's yesi thank you anyone else from the board have any questions there no questions from the board then call for public comment is there any public comment I can hear for the board do I have are there any members public comments for us to hear are there any members of the public that wish to speak on us than here is not here is not in favor or opposition of this request no no Mr chairman I don't see any all right want move to make a motion to to approve it it would be it would be procedurally you'd close the public hearing at this time unless you had any file questions for the applicant or staff and if not then you can deliberate and call for a motion okay I'd like to close the comment section for this for this meeting and then move on and then can Mr discussion discussion to discussion no Mr chair Mr chair to the mic so everybody can hear you got to be on the mic thank you I think having a potential condition so that way the insallation can guarantee the sound so that way there's at least something there that will give some incentive for or someone that may have Mr chairman I'm sorry I'm just not picking you up on the mic as you speak to the mic just so that they can hear everything I wanted to reassure that the complaints about sound could be addressed by potentially ensuring that the Safeguard that's going to be required by the building is cod anyway the insulation for the Heat and everything like that would allow for us to move forward with a little bit of wiggle room so way if there's a complaint we can say there's been a structural action taking place for that particular complaint you see suggesting some type of a condition yes that they already anticipate doing with their current plan that doesn't adjust anything they're doing okay so again whoever makes a motion and in whatever Direction make sure that you contemplated the six criteria in the report for special exception and then and then uh if there is a condition you wish to include just clearly State what that would be in in direction of your motion Mr Sher can I ask you one more followup question there a reopen public comment thank you um do you recall what the was it two in of installation for the special condition I think was I'm sorry we just can't hear you oh pardon me I wanted to clarify what the amount of insulation that was going to be there so that way the special condition could be in alignment with that no more no less you want to hear from the applicant on that yes that would be the applicant our requirements are architecturally for the exterior any other install installation would be the applicant so okay so while he comes up if I can ask a question in addition cu I have a familiarity with I'm assuming it's a metal building yes sir it's a it's a metal building and then the insulation that you talked about is it just in the roof or the roof and walls it's going to be the roof and the walls and it's a professional product that so is tubular steel or red Iron it is no it's just tubular steel it's a I think it's they said it's 2 and a/4 inch galvanized metal and the the insulation is exactly 2 in and it's actually stuck to the walls and the ceiling and um and evidently it's going to make it somewhat cooler in there for me you know when the summer returns um there it must it will help in insulation for me and absolutely with sound I I can't remember the name of it I can picture it and and obviously if it's approved if you'll be kind enough then we'll work with the um with with the code enforcement here they can inspect that you're getting exact what you want which was part of my plan in the future anyway so all right thank you I mean my familiarity with the buildings is they're you know regular steel structures that you see with the outside corrugated metaling and metal so I I I know it is I can I can see what's being built you know just for clarification though this building is not going to look like that because the code requires it to match the principal structure so it's actually going to look more aesthetically pleasing because it's going to be a secondary structure that looks similar material and color of the principal structure but the bones of it will be the metal so what's the exterior structure or material made out of okay so I don't wish to correct you miss miss Marshall but aesthetically it's going to look exactly the same the house is painted white and the house is constructed I think it's a Wood Construction but has stco on the side white gray trim gray roof the proposed building is white obviously brand new white metal um and with a gray structured roof and I plan to put a couple of Windows in there that my wife can put window boxes there so you know we have taste and and it's going to have to be something that we're proud of if You' be kind enough to Grant it so so it it's going to be a perfect match it's you know the house is very sort of square and oblong with a a gray roof and the building proposal would be much the same thank you just for a point of clarification sorry Stephanie streer associate planner um at building permit he will have to make it look aesthetically that includes the materials and things like that that would be further discussed when he does apply for his building permit so it it will not be on the metal exterior okay thank you Mr tror and the other other questions okay close public comment close public comment I'm sorry it's Mrs streer uh I do have one question I'm a devil's advocate person uh what is the rationale for the limit on how big his accessory building could be I'm sorry do you mind clarifying that question why would the city want to limit how small or how large his accessory building could be so typically with the code it just it depends on how big the accessory structure I believe it's more Aesthetics what's allowed on a property you don't want a accessory structure to be larger than the actual principal structure in this case the reason why we do support it is because his structure is about 3,000 sare ft he's not doing, 1500 our Max is 800 we can understand that of the need for a house that large to be he was just limited by the code which would be 800 all right thank you you're welcome Mr chairman I'll move to close public comment we close public comment any uh open discussion with the board okay based on the six criteria I would also like to add potential addition of the insulation being a certain condition that we add discussion I think right I understand that you had recommended that condition be addressed I you if unless there's more discussion you would call for one of the members to make a motion okay thank you Mr chair any motions I think before we make a motion I just want to point of clarification to based off of what we were shown this building while large in size and larger than what the code allows because he's aggregated that lot to make it much larger I think the footprint of it is going to be a lot smaller um when you're driving by and smaller propertywise you've got a couple acres so this building I think would actually fit in so okay great comments I agree is there any other discussion are we discussing yes yes I personally feel a little assuaged by the 13 foot I believe limit that we're facing that sounds more like a uh a mother-in-law home from an aesthetic point of view just personally can you clarify the 13th fight I'm sorry I didn't know you do you mean the side the square footage yeah he said it wasn't going to be I believe it was 13t tall I'm sorry he can't correct me this it's 10 it's 10 feet walls 13 feet at the peak okay it's because of the pitch of the roof right it's I'm sorry I just was talking to the maximum that's why I wanted to clarify like understand ABS on the same page sorry to misrepresent the the the theoretical building uh if we're not I have no more comments yeah that I think that your comment is complet and your concern is completely valid um but we can only do what is in presented in front of us and if this gentleman chooses to change the use of that then that would be on the city to go and check out and enforce their code and apply it that way but what's what's presented to us I think is a good proposal oh yeah if anybody else disagrees no disagreement would anyone like to make a motion I'll motion to approve would like to make a motion to approve the uh boa4 00001 um application as presented based on 3.4.2 D of the Land Development code all the six criteria meeting all the six gr and did you wish to include in that a condition with regard to the insulation as referenced by the chairman I based on the usage and what I had read I do not didn't feel it was okay all those in favor say I well we have to we have to have a second I think Mr Bo did you say I will actually yeah I'll still second that okay so now we have second yes sir now you can call for a vote I'd like to call for a vote for all those in favor say I I I I all those n so passes 5 Z okay passes 5 Z special exception approved based on the motions and the Land Development code thank you thank you for your patience this evening as I get acclimated I did a great job uh sir I was just wonder is it our place to discuss uh replacement or recommendation even of replacement or you know the appointment of uh what's the word alternates and to make them regulars since Mr G jandro has uh left the board that'll be notified it's up to the council to to fill those to fill those vacancies but we'll alert all the appropriate person now is there anything we got six no one two three we got six right yeah I can count so we're only missing one and that will be so um Miss Fetzer will will if if we add an alternate then miss Fetzer would move to be a regular and Miss Trace would become the first alternate I'm not sure it works quite that way because seats are filled in a particular fashion so I don't know exactly how that'll work but we'll alert uh Council to fill whatever V can see we need to fill is there any problem with us uh speaking to the council members to recommend filling the whole uh the position with somebody in particular you can you can okay speak to the council as members of the community I'm I'm sure they'd like to hear sure they'd like to hear from you um I think that I think that's all we had on the agenda this evening Mr chair all right thank you Mr Dorsey all right we'll end this uh Board of adjustment meeting for this evening thank you so much for your time we need a motion toj motion to adjourn yeah need a motion to adjourn second all in favor I we're adjourned nice job y'all thank you job