thank you for your patience we're ready to get started like to welcome you to sound our March the 28th uh council meeting in the interest of time efficiency and ensuring that everyone who wishes to address the council is given the opportunity to do so the following will apply to all comments made by the public each speaker shall be allowed three minutes to address the council unless such time is extended by the mayor or by questions from counsel group shall designate a spokesperson to avoid repetition of comments every effort will be made to avoid interrupting speakers we thank you for participating in your city government with that I call this council meeting to order can we all please stand together for the invocation like to welcome Pastor Jay mck from Crossroad Baptist Church who uh will lead us our invocation please remain standing after the invocation for our Pledge of Allegiance thank you Pastor please join me in prayer father God we thank you for the privilege that we have to be here tonight we thank you for this city we thank you for this community father this week as we remember the that time over 2000 years ago when your son came to die on the cross of Calvary and rise again we just pray that your peace and your joy and the comfort that comes from that will be poured out upon this community we thank you Father for these that are here yes thank you mayor um we're going to postpone the presentation by The Economic Development Department all right thank you that'll be rescheduled and could you also provide us with an update regarding our it yes situation thank you mayor as you know we became aware of a cyber event here on Monday morning uh this did cause disruption but we were prepared and our it Department responded quickly we're still working to determine the full impact the full sorry the full nature scope and any impact to data um but staff is is working around the clock and I'd like to thank the staff that's working on this um the remaining staff who is um modifying our current processes to continue to keep the City operating and thank Council for their support as well as the community that has been so understanding and willing to work with us right now and we're just we're really appreciative while we um recover from this and get back to our normal operations and on behalf the council we're certainly incredibly appreciative for uh the way the city has uh staff has responded to this Challenge and we know that you'll continue to walk us through this first of all we have a proclamation in recognition of water conservation month to Ronnie Tilly are you here from too Water Authority whereas water is a basic and essential need of every living creature and whereas the State of Florida water management districts the city of St Cloud and too Water Authority are working together to increase awareness about the importance of water conservation and whereas the city of St Cloud and the State of Florida have designated April typically a dry month when water demands are most acute Florida's water conservation month to educate citizens about how that can help save Florida's precious Water Resources whereas the city of St Cloud and Toho Water Authority have always encouraged and supported water conservation through various education programs and special events and whereas every business industry school and citizen can make a difference when it comes to conserving water and whereas every business industry school and citizen can help by saving water and thus promote a healthy economy and community and whereas outdoor irrigation comprises a large portion of water use the city of St Cloud and too Water Authority will encourage citizens of businesses to focus on improving outdoor irrigation efficiency now therefore be it resolved That by The Virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of St Cloud I do hereby proclaim the month of April as water conservation month St Cloud and toah water authorities calling upon each Citizen and business to help protect our precious Resources by practicing water saving measures and becoming more aware of the need to save water for this the 26th year of water conservation month there will be a special focus on improving outdoor irrigation efficiency thank you would you like to say something just appreciate appreciate your support thank you very much and I believe South Florida Water Management District is is here also all right I don't know if you'd like to at least join for the picture if you have anything to say you please go forward thank you you to say more quick okay excellent excellent I will do that I just wanted to say um so my name is Nicole Masters I'm an extern joural Affairs specialist for South Florida Water Management District and first I just want to say thank you mayor Blackwell city council members and the City of St Cloud for proclaiming April as water conservation month and it is just an honor and to be up here alongside the city of St Cloud and too water authority to help bring awareness and increase awareness about the importance of water conserv so thank you thank you all you over thank you thank you thank you very much thank you sorry me no at this time we have a presentation of the employee of the month by by Shane R is that close good evening I would like to be the I'd like to be the first to congratulate the February 20 24 employee ear the month Gabrielle clockers Gabrielle clockers demonstrated some sort service recently when a customer reported losing her phone in the recycling cart which had already been collected and taken to the transfer station without hesitation Gabrielle took it upon herself to search through the recycling piles and went above and beyond to retrieve the phone from the discarded materials at the transfer station and returned the phone to its owner Gabrielle dedicated dedication to customer service and willingness to help others exemplify the values we strive for the city and the City of St Cloud please join me in congratulating Gabrielle clarus on the well deserved recognition great job gabella a this is Claudia's daughter our Deputy city clerk's daughter over here that's right no kid just want to say about that phone it was one of my staff members at my church he was getting ready to go on a vacation trip and uh he realized he had lost his phone and it doned on him because were thinking about well I might have dropped that into the recycling bin that he had just uh emptied and been picked up by the city they got on the phone he got on the another phone and realized he saw his phone traveling down the road and realized it was in the recycling truck do you know how much recycling stuff is in a truck well they went dumped all of that and I it took a long time but they found that phone and it was intact and we just want to say thank you I had a very happy staff member uh that you recovered a phone and thank you so much for all your help I thought it was funny he didn't the next uh item on our agenda is the citizens Forum any person who desires to comment on any item not on this agenda is provideed this opportunity to address the city council each person is requested to complete a signing form to be provided to residing officer prior to or is or as soon as is practical there after the person addresses the council I have one request to address the counsel from uh Trish Tran Smith is that right and you can pronounce your name correctly when you introduce yourself my name is Tristan I work at too riverbat Adventures we just wanted to give you guys a quarterly update it's been about 6 months since we brought the Pearl here we are very excited to let you know that just since January we have welcomed 360 families from St Cloud so all of our locals are enjoying the boat down toown we have had 171 families from across Florida 162 from across the US and 65 families from across the world come to St Cloud to enjoy the boat we are excited to let you know that in November we will be hosting a large um Fall Festival at the lakefront on November 16th and we are looking forward to having all of you there um I don't know if anybody knows but we were on the St Cloud Chamber of Commerce directory and we are so honored I brought a couple of them for you guys all right if you'll get them over there they'll pass them out okay um so yeah that's we've had um a few businesses from downtown let us know and send letters that they have had an increase in sales and we love hearing that because part of Captain Stitch's mission was to help our community with the boat and we do see that so we just wanted to let you guys know happy update and we look forward to working with you guys in the future all right well thank you very much that's certainly been a delightful addition to our city would anyone else like to speak during the citizens Forum could your back button let me see if it's working okay there it's working that's working there okay all right Rob Miller 1660 Breeze Wood Street and I would like to address item X1 on the agenda no no no we're not we're not there yet okay oh oh well I don't know this is on the Cent agenda okay I'm give me just a second and I'll let you speak well should I fill this form out and turn it in sir I mean this is during the citizens form I yeah just just give me a second I'll give you a chance I haven't gotten to the consent agenda yet I'm sorry my apologies all right I think X1 is actually Council Action Council action okay I didn't hear exactly what he said the next item on the agenda is our consent agenda the next portion of tonight's meeting is the consent agenda which contains items that have been determined to be routine and non-controversial if anyone in the audience wishes to address a particular item on the consent agenda now is the opportunity for you to do so additionally staff or memb of the city council wish to speak on a consent item they will be given the same opportunity uh first of all I'd like to recognize our City attorney thank you mayor so uh for I'd just like to make a comment on item J on the consent of whenever the council's writing okay you want to do down sure certainly So Adam J is the tri party between wsg LLC uh the city and oil County related to the Waterland project and the construction of a considerable amount of framework roads uh within the project uh the construction project of these fr the construction associated with these framework roads makes the developer eligible for Mobility fee credits most of which will likely be issued in the county however possibly there could be some that are issued in the city the agreement that's before you there was a last minute change made to that agreement I've there one page has been passed out to you that shows the changes essentially changes the language related to the transfer transferability of of Mobility fee credits it makes it more consistent with the statute that authorizes that to do that and designates the difference between the county Mobility fees and the and the city Mobility fees so when that item is approved if you are to approve that item we'd ask that you approve it with that once that change to page 13 of the agreement that's before you all right thank you very much council member ma um I want to sorry I want to pull item uh K and M for discussion K and M yes are there any other items that the council wishes to address if not we will look at item K counc thank you um so when I was reading my agenda package um I was concerned initially about um that we were doing 116 residential lots and that the development is mixed use and I wanted to make sure that we were following the mixed use guidelines in my conversation with um Mr Tomac I understand that that this is what the way that it was in the master plan and so we are following We are following that so that took that concern away my other concern oh thank you my other concern is that there are drainage problems in the roadway in um this community and I don't know if you guys saw it on um social media a few months ago that the roads were having a lot of U standing water on them and I know it's an issue that's being worked on however it's not resolved so for me I would like to postpone this um approval until that is addressed I understand there has been some conversations about holding some Mobility F fees and maybe Mr Tomac can come but in my experience what happens is we approve things then later we find the fixes more expensive or more difficult or more challenging than we initially thought so I would like to um I mean see how everybody else feels but I'm going to make a motion to postpone this um approval until the drainage issue is resolved not just an agreement I want it resolved um because I just know what happens you know people get busy more things get built and then you find out oh we needed to do something and now there's houses in the way or whatever it is um so um that was my concern with item K and I think m Mr Tomac I is he here oh I I think he's had some conversations with the county about it but um that's just my recommendation would be to hold off on it okay would would you like to address that before I entertain the motion sure good evening Council Sean hendle Hansen Walton Associates 8 Broadway CMI Florida so um what Lynett is our council member withi is referring to is there were some there was some flooding of Cross prair Parkway uh the flooding was associated with the inlets uh the outfall inlets in the Bios swell were covered with debris uh from the home builder so there was some wind before the storm some tarps blew over the the outfall inlets and blocked the inlets the BIOS swell filled up and back flow into the roadway uh we currently have a program that polies the builders and polies the Bosell and we keep it clean uh we're also in the process of cutting slots into those inlets so if any other debris gets into the BIOS whell it will flush through the slots into the pond and not block the great uh We've rerun all the calculations uh the county hired hmtb to run calculations uh we didn't agree with their calculations and uh so we reran those it shows that the road had uh five locations where the the hydraulic grade line would come out out of the inlets uh anywhere from 0.02 feet which is a/4 inch to 2 feet which is a little over um 2 in so that water would never even in the designed storm that water would never get outside of the uh of the parking spaces because those inlets are adjacent to parking spaces um so there's not an issue with the road There Was An Occurrence that's been addressed it's been addressed by the CDD I am the CDD engineer um and the project is still under maintenance of the CDD so there's still a maintenance Bond on the on the roadway so if there's anything else the maintenance Bond covers it but we will take care of it and we would ask you not to hold up a plat for development for a project that was the problem that was occurred by debris over an inlet you know we've we've addressed that and and we're continuing to address that so that's that's our request to you is to please proceed with the plat and allow our our Builders to continue building their homes all right thank you very much are you go ahead thank you mayor um the school district ask your your name oh sorry Melissa dunan community development director um after the distribution of staff's um staff report the school district provided us a school capacity report and asked that we um put it on the record for you today um basically it says the application has no impact on public school capacity the developer has addressed all of the school district's concerns so I'm going to hand it to the clerk all right thank you m thank you I'm going to make a motion to postpone this item until the fixes are in place and the county has signed off on the fixes um that's my motion I mean I don't know if I have to give it a date certain but we'd rather have a date certain there's no way to give a date certain I know but so okay we have a motion do I have a second do I have a second I'll second that I I will defer to our engineer on the board and trust her word on it Council Gilbert the only question I had while back Mr Tilly I remember this happened when Harmony football field first opened there was a storm and we had put great uh things over the grade so the athletes wouldn't trip or fall over those grades and then when the storm came it flooded we pulled them and is this something similar you're talking about is this tarps and stuff I I I'm sorry I just don't understand yes sir so when the builders were building they have um they have tyx that goes on the side of the building um that Pro protects it from water to the to the wood surfaces so they had put that into their dumpsters or they were adjacent to the dumpsters and the wind blew it into the BIOS well when the rain came it picked up the tyx it carried it to where the water is trying to get into the retention Pond and it covered up the inlet and the water couldn't leave this plat is to the east side of crossb Parkway the flooding was to the west side of crossberry Parkway so so even where this plat is it doesn't it's not impacted by any of this there is a there's another project that we're actually doing right now it's called clay wh Phase 2 and we were going to be widening the clay wh over the turnpike to four lanes and as part of that we're diverting the Basin that goes into the BIOS Swale into the retention Pond that we built on the southwest corner of that intersection and that will take another eight Acres off the BIOS Swale so the state just drop another foot and Ray stangle is already has already acknowledged that he is fine with us diverting that Basin and addressing the problem so I'm not I'm kind of shocked that we have an issue with this because we've been working diligently as the CDD and as the engineer of record and we understand that the problem was a maintenance that we weren't we didn't have the inlets maintained and we've addressed that so we have somebody in the field every single day that walks the BIOS well and make sure there's no debris so we're we're trying to be good partners and and prevent this from happening again but but I mean we have the pictures that show the the inlets completely covered with tyx and and debris so but yes very similar to what happened at Harmon so it's your contention the issue has been resolved yes sir thank you would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we will have a roll call please council member Fletcher i c um Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert I mayor Blackwell no motion carries 4 41 it's been postponed uh item m m please m counc m thank you um this one might require Dave Tomac to come up um because I don't have my our computer technology is not keeping up with us but um I went out and met with the residents um in Lancaster and um there were several items that were discussed in the field and um Mr Tomac has brought to my attention before the meeting the resolution for all of the items and I wanted him to share that are in the um approval yes ma'am um hi U mayor council members um Dave Tomac with the uh City manager's office um so for this particular consent item if you approve it um you're approving it with three conditions um basically we did meet out there with the adjacent residents um we have met with the uh applicant and their engineer of record to talk about things that we can do to address those concerns um so we we added three conditions um the first one was to install a six foot high opaque fence um on the kisac side um so there was a fence proposed at the bottom of the hill because they had brought fill in they've agreed to move it up to the top of the hill on on their um open space tract and then to continue it along the backs side of their culdesac until they get to the other side where there's a recreation track there as well and that should block the head lights from the different vehicles and things like that um in our last conversation with the applicant they agreed to um condition number one um condition number two um we talked about a concern about um drainage on the bottom of the hills um on the South Side um so we've added an unobstructed drainage easement along the south side of lots 51 through 57 with a note that the drainage easements to be maintained by the HOA um again um the the applicant has agreed to that condition and I think I've already seen the revised drawings to to show that so um that's fine the third one um we asked for a 6t high opaque fence at the top of the hill on the south side of buildings on Lots 51 through 56 again the privacy fence issue um as an option we've allowed them to bring in Phil put in a retaining wall um so that they can actually move that fence further away from the houses and give the customers of those lots a backyard um so um I I understand today that the applicant is selecting to do a retaining wall um and actually bring an in some fill to raise that level to be more flat um now that's a non-technical person's term flat so don't get me into your world um but uh and then to put the six foot opaque fence um backed by the retaining wall um so they're here to um discuss that if you need um but those are the three conditions that go with the cons and they agreed to those conditions well I'll let them speak for that um I do know on items one and two they agree to it item three they propos that um all right doing the retaining wall option um again they're here they can speak to that okay would the applicant like to speak good Council Sean hendle Hansen walon Associates um representing the applicant and uh Rick is here with Johnson surveying who's representing the uh the final plot for this the U three conditions we are in agreement with on the third condition it stated that they wanted the six foot fence to be 6 feet above finished floor um that is not a normal condition um typically if even if you take where we redesign the facilities and that you don't put the finished floors at existing grade so when you put the six foot fence on the property line it's typically about 4T above the finished floor uh so we would ask that that the six foot fence be on the plans that have been provided to the city on the top of the retaining wall it makes every finish floor between four and 5 feet uh the W the fence would be four or five feet above that finished floor um we are buffering a commercial business from residential in a residential district so even though the property is ldr to the south of us and in azoni it's a when we were in the field they said they run a commercial business out of that building um it's not their Homestead where they live it's just where they they operate their business so I don't know what type of business that is um but it did have rollup doors and he was concerned that people would be looking into his business so it'll be six feet above um the retaining wall and it's about four or five feet above finished floors we did lower some of the finished floors and we're going to remove that dirt um based on city code and then uh we regraded lots to make that uh work more effectively so if you have any questions we Happ to answer counc Council ma thank you so thank you for those concessions because I believe that answered all of the concerns of the neighbors I know they're here I don't know if they've turned in a paper to speak on it I'd like to hear from them but um I really appreciate that and when they say opaque fence it's like a white vinyl fence it's not going to be like chain link with like black slots or something it'll be a segmented um block retaining wall okay that's between 1.9 and 5.9 ft high and then on top of that wall you'll have a six foot white PVC Final Fence okay PVC fence yeah so I I do believe that addresses all the concerns and and I um would just I'm sure you're on top of that but um you know when we if they choose to put the retaining wall we still have to leave the room for drainage between the property line and the retaining wall so there's still a 6ot constructed easement there's still a Swale back there that goes to an inlet and drains to that Inlet so we'll still have that in our plans and it'll still provide for the drainage perfect and uh I'm going to bring up an item about Phil in my time at the end but um mayor did the residents fill out a paper um could we give them an opportunity to comment it yes I'll definitely be doing that okay would Ronald Hood would you like to speak to this item yes thank you mayor Ronald Hood uh 1756 up the road St Cloud um so the um the conditions that were agreed to um we we do think that's acceptable first thing that I wanted to say though is I want to thank the uh committee members that came out to the property to actually see what it looked like on the ground sometimes these things don't look the same on that paper as it does and when I say this thing changed this thing Changed by S feet okay and um it it was a a a pretty significant issue for us to to look out there and see this change so we we do appreciate the the changes we appreciate our new neighbors um and and making the change um for that to go out there we are still a little bit concerned about the drainage along the east side even though the the south side is addressed um in the conditions there's still drainage along the east side and as we heard in item K yeah draining can be a problem can it so um we we we we understand there's a performance bond that'll be attached to this and that um in the future if that is a drainage problem um we can bring that up but uh we are still concerned very concerned actually that we still going to have a significant amount of dirt that uh that water is going to percolate down and and come on to the property so um but uh other than that uh the staff members that came out I mean th thanks everybody for bringing the right staff members out I think that significantly made this uh a lot easier on the homeowner so thank you thank you Mr Hood Scott Seager please state your name and address for the record yeah Scott Sager uh 1776 D Line Road um I own the property south of this Landcaster uh development um first of off it just want to State there's not a commercial business there it's a it's a building uh I have a lot of toys I guess um and so yeah the the the the concern obviously is that this is now 7 ft high and that they were going to put the fences below that so the fence would now sit below and the house basically where those homes are situated everything would look directly into the property so our ask was to move the fence to the top of of that line up to that 7 foot line so if the agreement is that we're going to now and I I had offered that as one of the resolutions to put in a you know as a retaining wall cuz that was on the north side of the property there's a significant retaining wall along there and then put the fence at the top of that um you know I know we're kind of splitting hairs if we're talking about like at the at the floor level and things like that I understand that is unreasonable but I am asking that you know if if we can come to an agreement of a retaining wall that would border along whatever those lot numbers are at the basically the south end of those properties or the North End of my property line putting the retaining wall with the six- foot vinyl fence at the top of it I'm in agreement of that thank you Mr Sean so so yes so we we are in agreement with that the um and and I do apologize I thought when we were meeting in the field it was a business so it's a toy it's a toy shed um so we are um we're in agreement uh we're going to put the retaining wall in uh the uh this is Highland Homes uh Milton Andre and Joel Adams and and they always try to do what's right for the Neighbors um I did also want to let you know that on the development that this uh Gardens at Lancaster has joined the HOA of Lancaster so their their um Recreation facilities is part of that agreement with them that they're going to add some additional facilities and they're going to Not Duplicate like the Tot Lot and stuff that's already available in Lancaster so they're going to be adding some pickle ball courts and a basketball court to um to provide different opportunities for recreation in the area very good would anyone else in the audience like to speak to this item I need to do this to you mayor I just want to clarify something so that we know what we're going to get the retaining wall is behind the easement it's to the South E okay yeah so so the yeah so it is going to be where where the fen is now are on the property line so um so the the retaining wall will be on the prop property line where the original 6ot fence was proposed we'll raise up the grade and then we'll put the the the uh 6ot fence on top that retaining wall but it will be on the property line and between that point and the house will be the six foot drainage sale that the HOA will maintain all right thank you very much do you have anything else I do actually Dave I was jotting down the comments and I don't think you said another issue that the residents were concerned about but I believe everybody's okay with it was there was a track next to one of the lots and initially the fence was down at the bottom and we wanted to move it up to the top that's part of condition one I think I must have just breeed through it I I was raing so I could have missed it yeah that's the that was the not the first condition was it comes to the top of that tract and then connects to the back of that culdesac you where the sidewalk is and then goes around and ties into that Recreation tract on the other side thank you um I'll make a motion to approve with the conditions oh sorry give let me let Mr Urban speak first oh no I just wanted to State for the record that I did meet on site with the uh residents and I'm uh thankful and happy that everybody has come to agreement here so thank you Council mthi would you like to make a motion now I'll make a motion to approve with the conditions as stated second we have a motion for council member second council member Urban for the approval item K Madam clerk will you please call rooll Deputy Mayor Mai I or council member Urban hi council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell I clarify and I said item K it should have been item M I'm sorry motion carries 5 Z all right thank you would anyone else like to speak to any other items on the consent agenda yes I just wanted to make one more more comment on the uh the previous item uh affecting ed2 the um but that it is that item K it's been continued item K yes I just want to make a statement again it's been continued so next time it comes back sorry about that no worries all right if not could I have an entertainment for approving the remaining items on the agenda that have remain unaddressed so moved we have a motion council do I have a second second we have second council member Fletcher Madam clerk please call the RO council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor maeni I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z brings us to public hearings Madam clerk you please read items one and two final public hearing for ordinance number 20 23-54 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation mixed use to approximately 65586 Acres identified as bellara generally located south of cimi Park Road East Lake too paga and west of Florida's Turnpike providing for amending the official future land use map and comprehensive plan filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effect severability copies on file and effective date final public hearing for ordinance number 2023 55 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida providing for the zoning Amendment of the zoning map of the Land Development code of the city of stcloud Florida specifically changing the zoning designation of approximately 655 86 Acres identified as bellara from mixed use zoning designation County to a mixed use zoning designation city with a mixed use future land use designation adopted by ordinance number 2023-the Park Road East of Lake too piga and west of Florida's Turnpike providing for entering the designation of the official zoning map filing of the Planning Commission recommendation improv of publication severability and effective date good evening Council Dak Mar Sagara deputy director plan uh development re Community Development it's been a minute I haven't been up front so I'm trying to warm up so this item in front of you is for the final hearing and Adoption of a uh uh Fisher line use to mix use from the county into mix use City and uh zoning a map Amendment also from the mixu uh County to mixu City the property is approxim 655 acres and as stated located of um South Kimi Park Road East of Lake too west of the turnpike um the property uh was annexed into the city in January of 2024 by this Council the applicant with the approval of this uh resoning in future line news um the city has adopted and the approvals from the previous approves from Oola County for the concept plan the preliminary subdivision plan the habitat management conservation plan and the CDD the pro the the applicant proposing multif family single family residents and apartments with two neighborhood center and a multiple purpose Trail path um it meets the growth management um strategic goal and a staff recommendation for approval of ordinance 2023 d54 and ordinance 2023 d55 applicant is here to answer any questions I'll be happy to answer any questions as well all right thank you would the applicant like to speak to these two items thank you and good evening mayor council members Tom Sullivan with the gray Robinson Law Firm I'm here on behalf of the the applicant I'm just uh wanted to say that uh we're happy to be in the city I know last time we were here we just got annexed um but no changes since we were before you the last time um just as D Marie said just going from mixed juice in the county to mixed ju here in the city and would appreciate your support thank you thank you this time we'll take public comment Robert Miller I'm sorry oh I'm sorry I read the item wrong forgive me I apologize guys I read your uh item wrong would anyone in in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion or motion by Council council member maeni oh sorry that's old do what old light okay I'll make a motion to approve okay we have a motion from council member Irving for approval do I have a second second this is for ordinance number 20 23-54 we have second council member Fletcher Madam cler please call the rooll council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor matini no council member Urban I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 41 do I have a motion for the adoption of ordinance number 2023 55 motion to approve I have a motion council member Urban do I have a second second second council member Fletcher Madam clerk please call the rooll council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor maeni no council member Urban I council member gilbertt I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 41 brings us item number three Madam clerk final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24-15 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida amending chapter 46 traffic and vehicles creating article 3 Petty cabs section 46131 through 46-200 and authorizing the use of petty cabs upon designated streets providing that state and County roads are not authorized providing for a revocable license providing for a waiver of claims providing for parking regulations providing that the driver that a driver's license is required providing for registration providing for required equipment designating a petty cab boundary area providing for number of occupants speed and required insurance providing for enforcement providing for conflict severability administrative Corrections codification and an effective date good evening anet Forbes economic development director uh the item before you which is ordinance number 20245 authorizes the use of petty caps also establishes a petty cap boundary within the city this item was presented to the city council back in December of last year um and then again its first public hearing was February the 8th um since that time we've made some changes and updates in accordance to the comments that were provided by Council um just a brief summary that the scope will allow privately operated permit required um um vendors they must register with the city these will be non-motorized Vehicles the proposed boundary continues to be the lakefront on the North Brown Chapel to the East Mississippi to the west and 13th Street um on the south um the Ala operation will mirror the Entertainment District we have not designated any drop off or pickup areas I do want to Note One scrier area error uh where it says one approved vendor will be in use at a time that is incorrect during the time of that we were creating the agenda this should have been removed off by staff and it was not um so we are allowing for multiple vendors um for this particular ordinance um a decal as well as rates must be openly displayed also in accordance with council's uh comments that there is a um excuse me a provision about music and Loud Noises not more than 10 DB or were to be reasonably heard by a driver of passengers um so that is the summation of this proposed ordinance uh staff is requesting the approval of ordinance 20245 excuse me it's just allergies done all right would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion and a motion by Council council member Urban just uh wanted to say so happy to see this uh getting across the Finish Line excited to for this for our city and I just also had one question if this uh was passed tonight when would this go into effect so it should go into effect immediately take effect okay thank you are are you want to get a ride or something sorry forgive council member Gilbert thank you I uh this again councilman Urban great getting us through uh I've seen in in the past where we might need to look in a future of staging areas um of where these Petty cabs stage as events go on and come back maybe somewhere Lakefront or somewhere else not necessar right now but as we see the traffic patterns I would like the staff to at least acknowledge that there might have to be certain staging areas as we grow and for certain uh City function that parking and staging is already an area but I'm so excited about this but I'd just like to keep in mind in future if we have to designate staging areas for larger events and function so uh it helps the traffic patterns thank you yes any other discussion from Council could I entertain a motion uh motion to approve have a motion from council member Fletcher second from the mayor mam cler please call the RO Deputy Mayor maeni I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z thank you madam clerk you please read item number four into the record final public hearing for ordinance number 2024 4-07 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida to Annex into the city of St Cloud approximately 7229 Acres identified as Trinity Place located east and south of Nova Road West of Pine grve Road and North of Lake Lizzy Drive in accordance with the voluntary annexation provisions of chapter 171.5 for Florida Statutes thank you Melissa dunan director of Community Development the request before you tonight is is consideration of an annexation of 72.2 n acres of land including any and all adjacent rights of way known as Trinity Place after the distribution of our staff report the school district provided a school capacity report for the record I'm going to hand this over to the clerk staff recommended approval and on January 16th 2024 planning Comm Mission also recommended approval on February 22nd 2024 this city council authorized ordinance number 20247 to move forward to final public hearing therefore we are requesting that you approve ordinance number 20247 Staff is available if you have any questions thank you thanks is there an applicant here that would like to speak to this well to be clear the excuse me the applicant is Staff sir the applicant is the city on this this ISC annexation good evening Sean hindel Hans Walter rep H Walter Associates representing the app the uh developer sorry uh the city is the applicant and developers in agreement uh excited the opportunity to be part of the city and they wanted me to convey that to you thank you all right very good anyone else like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion in a motion by councel we'll have discussion in our motion by Council motion approve we have a motion from council member Gilbert do we have a second second second council member Urban Madame clerk please call the role council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor mathi I mayor Blackwell I motion carried 5 brings us to item number five final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24-4 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida to Annex into the city of St Cloud approximately 91. 815 Acres identified as ailia Groves Phase 1 and two located east and south of Nova Road West of Pine Grove Road and North of Lake Lizzy Drive in accordance with the voluntary annexation provisions of chapter 171.000 44 Florida Statutes good evening Melissa dunan again this is a request for the consideration of annexation and this is also an encumbrance annexation for 91.8 one5 acres of land including any and all adjacent rights of way into the city staff recommends approval on January January 16th 20124 Planning Commission also recommended approval and on February 22nd 2024 this Council authorized ordinance number 20244 to move forward to this final public hearing therefore we are requesting approval of ordinance number 20244 I am available if you have any questions on this one as well thank you would anyone the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion and our motion by Council what is the pleasure of the council could I entertain a motion motion to approve have a motion from council member Gilbert do I have a second second second council member Fletcher Madam clerk please call the RO council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor maeni I council member Urban hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z brings us to item six seven and eight mam clerk final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24-16 an ordinance of the city council of the city city of St Cloud Florida to Annex into the city of St Cloud approximately 1.6 acres identified as Alpha Neptune and Sunnyside Avenue located north of Sunnyside Avenue south of Neptune Road and West of Breeze Wood Street in accordance with the voluntary annexation provisions of chapter 171.000 44 Florida Statutes final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24-17 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation of mixed use to approximately 1.6 acres identified as Alpha Neptune in Sunnyside located north of Sunnyside Avenue and south of Neptune Road and West of breezwood Street providing for amending the official future land use map of the comprehensive plan filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and pro of publication applicability and effects severability copies on file and effective date final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24-18 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida providing for the zoning Amendment of the zoning map of the Land Development code of the city of St Cloud Florida specifically changing the zoning designation of approximately 1.6 acres identified as Alpha Neptune and Sunnyside from mixed use zoning designation County to a mixed use zoning designation city with a mixed use future land use designation adopted by ordinance number 20 24-17 generally located north of Sunnyside Avenue south of Neptune Road and West of breezwood Street providing for for entering the designation on the official zoning map filing of the Planning Commission recommendation improve of publication severability and effective date good evening Melissa dunan this is a request for annexation future land use assignment and zoning map Amendment for the project known as Alpha Neptune and Sunnyside they are requesting uh annexation and also to assign them the mixed use land use which is consistent with what they have in the county right now and they asking for the Mixed use zoning designation which is also consistent with what they have in the county right now staff recommends approval Planning Commission also recommended approval and we are requesting that you approve this item if you have any questions um staff is available and the applicant is also available and staff is recommending approval for all three ordinances for ordinance number 2024 4-16 for the annexation 2024-25 for the zoning map Amendment thank you with the applicant like speak uh good evening coun members John R Adams RJ whiten Associates uh 8 Broadway CMI 34741 uh we're the planners for the project we're in agreement with staff and Planning Commission for approval of these items uh if you guys have any questions I'd be more than happy to answer them all right thank you very much would anyone in the audience like to speak to any of these items Miller 16 you need to come to the mic speak please I'm sorry speak into the mic you're speaking on your way to the mic my apologies okay go ahead I'm sorry I'm giving you a hard time tonight go ahead not a problem meter's not running so I'm good all right um yes sir I just want to know what these gentlemen are going to do about retention and storm water runoff because um naturally everything in that area drains to the southwest and prior to toopa putting their retention pond in with their BM everything would drain to a marsh area into the pasture and um we get some heavy rains and all that corner does flood out and they had an emergency back there one in time where EMS would not come in for two reasons number one it was private Road being Sunnyside and the fact that the road was flooded so that is an address something that needs to be addressed I'd like to see you know how these guys are going to put 18 apartments in on an acre and a half with retention and parking respectfully I haven't seen no site plans or anything like that so all right thank you thank you sir sir would you like to speak to that please and mayor if I could as you know we're talking about annexation land use and Zoning right now the conent plan is your first item on the council action I don't I don't know if you want to just roll them all in together and talk about it all right now uh because some of these questions are probably more directed towards the concept plan okay so why don't I have Madam clerk could you read item number one on Council action into the record please discussion discussion and possible action regarding approval for a mixed use concept plan consisting of 18 multif family units on property containing approximately 1.6 acres of land generally located north of Sunnyside Avenue and south of Neptune Road and West of breezwood street thank you yes to address those questions uh water management will all be taken care of at the next stage after this which would be a site development plan it's required by code to handle all the water management uh the concept plan we've come up with actually shows a water management pond in that location next to that adjacent house in the South Corner uh also the roads that are being addressed I know you mentioned that uh emergency service has had issues Sunnyside were're given an additional 10 ft to pave that road to a 50 foot right away and then that unnamed Road there's an existing 30 foot right away but we're given another 20 feet to bring that road up to Urban standards as well and along with the widening of Neptune Road will be four lanes out front I'll give you one more opportunity to speak come to the mic state your name and address again I'm learning the procedure sir U Rob Miller 1660 breezwood Street um also Ingress and egress to this property are they going to allow them to come and go off a sunny side talk to the council please my apologies are they going to allow them to come um use Sunnyside as a driveway connection for Ingress and Ingress are they blocking that off and they're going to make them come in on breezwood and around sunyside have that all paved and everything which is a private road all right do you have any other questions that's it sir do you have any other uh uh negative not this time sir all well thank you thank you for the time thank you uh like I said the road with the current 30 foot RightWay will be improved to an urban standard they'll likely use that Road Sunnyside is also a public road and along with Breeze wood it might have a blue sign but it is a public road I know on the Neptune Improvement and Road widening Breeze will actually cross across the street and they'll be uh making a CAC to the north up there where it kind of comes in at a y and Breeze what will actually cross perpendicular and that road eventually will be brought up to Urban standards as well this is Sun side Sun side has always been wait till you get the microphone to talk okay thank you you're welcome sir thank you um sunyside has always been a private road and I've tried to C get the county in there to maintain it and our family's been there for over 50 years and it they've always stated it's a private road and it's up to us they've never graded it or anything never put no fill in it or anything like that so it is a private road and it's my understanding with them cutting Ames Haven off there and they're not going to allow Sunnyside Ingress and egress that they're going to make it come out to the light a new traffic light at breezwood and it's going to cut straight through Ames Haven where the fire station's going that's my understanding of the plan for right now all right all right thank you thank you would anyone else in the audience like to speak to this item e items if not we'll have discussion and or motion by Council we will begin with council member maeni thank you um I don't have a problem with the first three I was more um on Council action one um I just know what's happened to me and my T tenure up here for seven plus years is a lot of times things get approved and then what comes in the next phase is not what anybody was expecting you know because we didn't see a elevation of a building we didn't talk about Building height we didn't talk about anything and I did ask the city manager just to make sure that there's not to me like planner language is confusing like I think it means something but then later you find out it means something completely different but I said you know I want to make sure what 18 multif family units means I'm like is that buildings or is that like addresses like literal places people live and she confirmed as addresses the way that this is written but for me um on the council action I would like to see some renderings of the buildings and like what the site's going to look like um the city manager said that's not typically what comes in in the concept phase but I just want to make sure we get that I mean so do we have an opportunity to see it before it's already like you know here comes our planning director hi good evening Melissa dunan again um so the way the site is approved on the concept plan they will be doing um a subdivision because they're uh splitting it with roadway um by three so they'd have to do oops do a plat sorry my my tablet jumped I just want to confirm that it is a actual Road and not a driveway before I misspeak the fine grein Road Network I'm not so concerned about that I'm more concerned about how the Lots laid out what the buildings look like what the height is I'm more concerned about that than well I think what she's saying is if they have to do a preliminary subdivision plan then you can give them direction that when they come with the preliminary subdivision plan you want elevations included prior to approval yes and looking at at the concept plan it appears that there it's labeled as alleys and drives if it's a public alley then they will do a subdivision so I just need the applicant to confirm that that will be a public alley and not um a private Drive good evening again uh being this is a concept plan they do not have any renderings yet they have not finalized product we're requesting a neighborhood to within the mix use district and that's a predominance of 18 multif family units so the max we could get is 18 multif family we're right adjacent to a community center and makees sense for neighborhood 2 to be next to a community center so that's what we're requesting tonight at a later stage in the process after this approval you'll have the opportunity to review and approve those renderings in the final site plan so you're confirming it will be a public road that's what um Miss dunan was asking yeah because it's not going to come back unless you have to have a PS there would still be an sdp that would still need approval our city council doesn't approve sdps they we don't have a finalize sight plan uh the roads will likely be public yes so how do we check the box for me well I I I would think that you can require an the sdp to have city council approval if they don't go with a PSP I would prefer that I don't know how everybody else fed okay I think we got a consensus on I think we got it I'm sorry for CL ification you want the sdp to come if they don't do a PS correct that's what the direction of the council is ju just a question to the has that been done in the past well many people have brought their renderings at this point knowing our city council likes renderings had a mixed use concept plan they've brought renderings yes okay all right do we have any other discussion from Council then that brings us to the first item of annexation could I entertain him the pleasure of the council regarding item number 202 24-16 motion to approve got a motion from council member Urban do I have a second a second from the mayor Madame clerk please call the role council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni Hi C council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z as to the item of the future land use item number 20 24-17 what's pleasure of the council do I have a motion the mayor makes a motion could we have a second second second council member Gilbert Madam clerk please call the role Deputy Mayor maeni I council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z and now what is your pleasure concerning item number 202 24-18 the zoning Amendment do I have a motion for approval the mayor makes a motion do I have a second second second council member Urban Madam clerk please call the rooll council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z brings us Council action item number one miss maeni would you like to make a motion with whatever yes I'm going to try I jotted it down but I'm sure the attorney will correct me um motion to approve with the condition that if a PS if they don't go the PS route and they go the sdp route then that needs to come to the city council for approval with renderings that works okay do I have a second second second council member Fletcher motion from Council maeni Madame cler please call the rooll council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban I council member Gilbert I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z and Caris thank you brings to item number nine public hearing for ordinance number 2024-25 c titled 31 hcmp and chapter 3 Performance and sitting standards by adding a new section to article 10 mixed use District 3.10.49 management plan providing for conservation of Natural Resources within the mixed use districts and also include effect separability scrier error conf conflict codification and effective date good evening D Marie Sagara um this is the final uh final hearing for ordinance uh 20 24-11 which would adopt the habitat conservation and management plan for mixed use districts within the city of suncloud the ordinance amend the Land Development code to add a section in article 10 Within Chapter 3 to integrate the plan the hcmp plan within the mix use districts in the city this is similar to this uh Al uh to the Cy's uh process in hcmp as well the hcmp will enforce to create measurements to protect preserve maintain and conserve the natural resources within the city this item was heard by the Planning Commission in January 2024 and recommended approval and this board in February 22nd authorized the ordinance to move forward to a final public hearing is Staff recommendation to approve ordinance number 2024 D1 I'll be glad to answer any questions thank you would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion and a motion by Council so moved we have a Mot from Council memberi for adoption do I have a second second a second council member Fletcher Madam clerk Deputy Mayor Mai I council member Urban I council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z brings us to item number 10 final public hearing for ordinance number 20 23-43 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida adopting the portable water element of the comprehensive plan providing for filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effect severability conflicts copies on file and effective date D Mar Sagara again ordinance 2023 d23 amends the existing portable water element of the comprehensive plan which was adopted in uh 2019 this update includes uh principles guidelines and strategies consistent with Florida State statutes regarding portable water within the city of s cloud and the data and Analysis within this update identified a plan for water supply resources and Facilities needed to serve existing and new development on December 14 this Council approved the transmitter and review of this ordinance to the Florida commerce we received no comments and um no comments were received is Staff recommendation to approve ordinance number 20234 3 I'll be glad to answer any questions thank you would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion and or motion by councel so moved we have a motion from council member maeni second from the mayor Madam clerk council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor maeni I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z thank you and that brings us to item number 11 Madam clerk final public hearing for ordinance number 2024-25 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida amending St Cloud city code chapter 2 Administration article 6 code enforcement division one generally to add section 2- 262 civil penalty providing penal penalties for code violations shall not exceed $1,000 per day per violation for the first violation $5,000 per day per viol violation for a repeat violation and $155,000 for a violation that is irreparable or irreversible in nature providing for severability conflict codification administra administrative correction publication and an effective date thank you hey mayor um council members I'm Dave Tomac with the city manager's office um chapter 162 Florida Statutes says that once we go over 50,000 people we are allowed to raise our maximum f um um for code enforcement so um we're actually asking you to do that this evening um your current uh uh penalty for a firsttime violation is up to $250 a day um we're proposing to increase that to and not to exceed of $1,000 a day for repeat violations it's currently at $500 per day we're asking you to increase that to a maximum of $5,000 per day um for um a reparable or irreversible I have to read that um uh we're taking that up from 1,000 to 15,000 or no actually 5,000 5,000 to 15,000 um I was on a roll there too and I blew it um so these are maximums obviously we would look at the different characteristics of each violation in setting what the fine would be assessed by your special magistrate process um it's also not the only way that you can enforce your codes um that that there's um Provisions that you can actually um take civil action and there's special uh Provisions in some of your ordinances that actually provide for restoration um payment into um um tree Banks Etc so this is just the standard way of doing it but for particularly difficult um violations um we're allowed to take additional actions if if you see fit also um for this it it it allows you to collect your administrative costs um for that so this doesn't preclude you from including administrative costs which you guys do pretty much in every case um I'd be happy to answer any questions there would be a cute little dog with glasses looking at you but I don't have that available so you just have me looking back at you all right you'll just hold on case there's any questions uh would anyone the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion on a motion by Council Council M thank you so Dave I just want to confirm or or the attorney the $1,000 and 5,000 is the max we can do yes based on our size okay so my concern was about the $155,000 for a violation that is irreparable or irreversible in nature okay because irreparable means impossible to repair or make right again and irreversible means incapable of being reversed right so not that anybody would do this but I just thought some people might say hey it's the cost of doing business I'm gonna go do these things the max they're going to charge me is $115,000 right you know cost of doing business I'll go wipe all this stuff out and then they cost me 15,000 but I can build 10 more homes or what you know whatever the thing is so I was concerned about that and I understand 15,000 is also the maximum that's correct statutory limits so the language that Dave spoke about about we have other avenues and opportunities is that do we need to add that to this ordinance no he was talking about those are Provisions that are already provided in State Statute or provided in the city Cod elsewhere because we all might be familiar with a case that we've dealt with recently where you know they're being charged $250 a day but if they're making $5,000 a day they're just like hey that's the cost of doing business I'll just get fined forever you know um so I mean it's the maximum I guess it's the maximum but the 15,000 concerns me just because you know that's really not that much to a lot of people be a lot to me but um to a lot depending on what the return is yeah but depending on what the violation is you have other options um civil actions um Mr manzer has um done a lot of cases here where we've talked about injunctions we've talked about um actually we had one recently where they cut down a bunch of trees um they actually had the pay into the tree Bank double the cost of replacing all those trees inch for inch and a restoration plan where they have to uh to replant so there's other things that you can do for particularly egregious things it's just not tied to the dollars because the dollars is probably like 99% of what takes care of stuff that happens in the city there's other places you can go to when we need a bigger stick okay I don't know if Sean has any Mr Fletcher has any thoughts on it since you have experience I just thought somebody might just go so I I think what Dave was saying is is is good um we did have an issue where there was trees that were chopped down um in oilla county and the e reparable e you know whatever that section was I think we ended up charging per tree so it wasn't just one um it like it ended up being a lot of money um so I for me I think I think this is probably good enough okay y i just remind the count this is the most we can do by law yeah so doesn't keep us from using other other things so any other discussion could I entertain a motion so moved we have a motion Council memberi we have a second from council member Gilbert gilbertt sure council member Gilbert not picking them up counc sorry council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor Mai hi council member Urban I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z brings us to council action we have items two and three that are first readings they will not be uh up for discussion or input they will simply be voted on is that not correct yes to decide whether you want to move forward to final hearing thank you could you read item number two into the record first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-12 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a zoning District of PUD plan unit development compatible with a low density residential future land use designation change adopted by ordinance number 2022 43 for approximately 2559 Acres identified as Walker property located south of Chisum Park Trail West of South nusi Road and North of Old Oak Trail providing for entering the designation of the official zoning map providing for approval of the preliminary preliminary final master plan filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication severability and effective date could I entertain a motion for the adoption of the first reading of ordinance number 2014-12 motion to approve we have a motion from council member Urban have a second from the mayor Madam clerk you please please call the roll council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor maeni I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z could you read item number three into the record first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-28 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida providing for the zoning Amendment of the zoning map of the Land Development code of the city of St Cloud Florida specifically changing the zoning designation of a approximately 10.33 Acres identified as St Cloud Marketplace from HB Highway business to PUD planned unit development generally located south of East erlo Bronson Memorial Highway East of Hickory Tree Road and North of lioke Boulevard providing for entering the designation on the official zoning map fing filing of the Planning Commission recommendation improve of publication severability and effective date I'd like to make a motion for the adoption of ordinance number 2024 4-28 do I have a second second second council member Gilbert Madam cler please call the RO Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 z Mr menerus I do not have anything Mr Mary thank you thank you city manager Miller no I have nothing thank you Council roomi I'm going to ruin that streak sorry but I'll be quick so first I wanted to find out about the art ordinance and make sure it's coming to the next meeting the second reading because it's been six months or so since we had the first reading yes we had to pull it we had an advertising um language glitch that our attorney advised we should correct so it's next meeting yes okay um well I actually have three things I have a request for the maps could we vary the colors instead of multiple shades of pink you know like keep that in mind when when you're doing Maps it's like you had maps in the meeting that had the city was pink and the county was pinkish like you know is there not a so was it the was it like the zoning and future land use map colors is that what we're talking about just have to look but I mean just keep in mind when you do maps is like you know there's millions of Colors Let's vary them a little bit um but the last thing I want to talk about is Phil so I brought this up before um and I guess we haven't changed any of the regulations at the city but as projects are being developed and maybe they're not the most desirable piece of land anymore and so then it requires six feet of fill I think there needs to be some regulation in the city that you have to think about the neighboring properties you know it you just think I think if I'm living somewhere and and this neighborhood comes in and they bring in six feet of fill to 5 feet from the property line and then you know putting a house on top of that I I just think there seems to be some consideration for the existing property owners and maybe like for every foot they take up and fill you have to be three feet away from the property line or something like there needs to be some consideration to like the neighbors and and just like the stuff we experience where um a fence was going to go on the property line which didn't make any sense seeing how the was you know six feet a fill like that fence isn't going to do anything I just want to put into the city's mind of just I I was surprised when I went out to Lancaster because I thought you know we got beat up pretty bad on the grammarcy Phill that we're still doing it you know we're still allowing all this fill and not really kind of thinking about how it harmonizes with the surrounding areas so I wanted to see if the other council members feel the same way um you know there's some conversation I heard that land's going to develop Someday I'm like but it's not developed and there's people living there and they've lived there you know whatever 20 years so um I would like to see the city put some regulations in place regarding Phil um so just going to see how the other council members feel about it I can give you an update if if you um so councilman mathena you've brought this up before we had a joint workshop with the County Commission and and direction from both boards was to move forward um so we were hoping to adopt what the county was going to put in place but unfortunately that um I don't think they're moving forward with that anymore our public works department did reach out to a engineering firm to help us with this code language uh unfortunately there's been a very long delay getting a scope so I directed our Public Works director to go use another engineering firm that we have on contract so we are moving forward with a code change for that great good I think that just I think we got to keep everybody in mind when we're designing these but that's all I have council member Urban yeah thank you um I know we discussed it briefly at our Workshop but um the there were three-way stop signs installed Lake Shore and not by us but it's an issue for our residents because it's one of the main thorough fars coming in and out of our city um I thought that maybe after a while it would some of the issues would die down but I drove by again today at 3:30 in the afternoon which isn't even Peak rush hour yet and it was just an absolute nightmare so number one I was just going to ask if there are any updates from our Direction at the workshop but also um just to maybe we can work with the county better in the future to address some of the main thorough Affairs in our um city that affect our our residents in a negative way like that so that's all I wanted to say I can I can provide an update on that also yes so yes the direction at Saturday's Workshop was for me to send a letter uh to County Manager asking for assistance on this to to work on another alternative to to um um that we know that there was a stop sign going there um and perhaps we could wait to have the sorry there was a stop light that was eventually going to be there but perhaps we could remove the stop sign since the crosswalk hasn't been put in yet and and wait to put the crosswalk in until the the street light uh I did I don't have a computer to send a letter but I did call uh the county manager Fisher and he um was actually agreeed for the potential he asked me if we would be willing to help pay for the cost of a roundabout instead and I said yes we would if I could use Mobility fees for that um so we are going to try to move forward with a with a roundabout but I am getting the same complaints that that that you are also thank you that's all thank you mayor thank you Council M Fletcher um so I just want to say thank you to staff the city city manager and the directors and everybody um for um all the work that they've additional work they they've been given uh and had to work through because of the the IT issues um and then I just wanted to bring up one thing I briefly spoke with the the city manager like really briefly um as I won't be excuse me at the uh the the next Workshop in C meeting because I will be out of town um I had reached out to uh State Rep um Stark in in Main Street to get a copy of all of the work that they did on the archway um back in the day um and I was wondering if um Council was at least had some interest in revisiting that um I didn't want to continue going down that path if it was something that you know we didn't necessarily want to do so I was looking for for some help or assistance or a head nod to see if we could you know maybe bring that up again i' be up for it I've I saw one thumbs up I haven't seen any others Mr gilber sleep I'm sorry what no we we we did talk at the workshop and we do talk and and and and our citizens ask you know we didn't know this was going on or so yes let's move forward with something and if that's the ideal way to start let's start yes I'm sorry yes thank you yes you got it you got up okay so so um we will work with the CRA on potentially bringing back uh the archway concept um years past it didn't it wasn't able to proceed because the city was unable to purchase the land needed on one side um but it has been 20 years so uh I I think it would be a wonderful addition to the downtown I'd be happy to work on it can can I add something to that sure so I don't really know what the Archway looks like but I'm cool with the idea but I'm sure we all remember in our youth um Maybe not maybe not you you probably weren't born but they used to hang banners across 192 and it would tell you like all the events and I thought it was like a really great way back in the day that they would say spring fling's coming or whatever's coming but you can't do it now because the road's so large but maybe the entryway feature could have some kind of like sign component to it and the other thing is does it make sense to do a pedestrian Crossing an aerial pedestrian Crossing I don't know just saying you know maybe we're bringing it back maybe we have opportunity to like revision like what it is I I staff we've talked about a pedestrian Crossing many times also but I I do want to the cost is is um is large but that doesn't mean that we can't apply for Grants but but I would like to point out perhaps if we're going to pay for one of those we might consider Michigan Avenue first because of all the all the kids that are walking across to the three schools if we could maybe try for both or not I I don't know I think I think New York for me but yeah I'm open to to any and all ideas I just want to see some signage um or something to to Mark the downtown um as a des what we're talking about is over 192 yeah so the the arch for over you're just talking about an arch on New York Avenue York it's a bigger much bigger project to go take the arch over one even I mean I would be open to that something to to to make a significant statement make a left or make a right instead of just blue light traffic light where you're like why are these blue why is this one blue was it on sale um but you know the city of CMI I don't know if you ever seen the one is it on like John y Parkway that they built the massive but that was that was fdot funded mhm you know I mean so if we can I mean if we can work with you know State Partners um something to where and I think if we could even have some type of messaging like you're saying there it would allow us to get out a message to a lot of residents in a very easy manner so yeah Florida Avenue might be a good spot for that to connect our new brand new trail that goes to the lakefront which would that would actually be really that's a good idea because uh Florida ad running down with the sidewalk if it did go over it would run right into you know some future um sidewalk on that side that could potentially come down 17th Street and then connect the schools that way right just idea they'll be working on you have anything else that's it thank you mayor that's it council member Gilbert you're I'm good really Elizabeth I'm coming I have a thank you note from the Boys and Girls Club of Central Florida expressing uh their appreciation for our support and Proclamation that we answer we uh issued and we are very grateful for the impact that the Boys and Girls Club is happening uh on our residents here in St Cloud I also have a a thank you letter from the Education Foundation expressing their appreciation for uh St Cloud's generous uh support of the scholarship fund and the scholarship that we provide and so just for the record we uh have received that and U we're certainly delighted to be able to be a part of the Education Foundation with that we've come to our information section and Report section Thursday April the 4th there will be a CRA community redevelopment agency meeting at 6 p.m. here at uh City Hall council chambers Thursday April the 18th there will be a city council work workshop at 300 p.m. here at council chambers Thursday April the 25th there will be a city council meeting at 6:30 p.m. in Council chamber uh we have issued a proclamation and recognition of the Irish American Heritage Month warrant list number six and the recreation advisory committee minutes for October have been approved in our available for your review with that there are no other items on our agenda we will be adj burned