he was just here like to welcome you to our February 8th 2024 council meeting in the interest of time efficiency and ensuring that everyone who wishes to address the council is given the opportunity to do so the following will apply to all comments made by the public if you desire to be recognized by the chair please fill out a request form and present it to the city clerk present here in council chambers each speaker shall be allowed three minutes to address the councel unless such time is extended by the mayor or by questions from counsel group shall designate a spokesperson to avoid repetition of comments every effort will be made to avoid interrupting speakers we thank you for participating in your city government and we ask that you please silence all electronic devices with that I'd like to welcome Pastor Kathy ther pastor of the First United Methodist Church of St Cloud please let's stand together she comes to lead us on invocation please remain standing afterward for the Pledge of Allegiance thank you mayor let us pray loving God our creator we thank you for this day for the gift of love we celebrate next week for the gift of our families and friends and for our beautiful city of St Cloud tonight we lift up our city manager Veron Miller's family in the passing of her father ask that you would bring peace and comfort to them we thank you for each and every person here today for all the planning and the work that has been done to prepare us for this time as we continue to see constant growth and expansion in our city we ask that you help us to remember that you are our constant presence yesterday today and tomorrow give us wisdom and direction as we plan and Implement improvements to keep our community safe and a place where all are welcome and can grow we thank you for the excellent departments for all our law enforcement Representatives here tonight we give you thanks for Emergency Management people fire the personnel and planning Services thank you for the dedication of each employee here to protect and serve our community and we thank you for the Commissioners and our mayor tonight we ask for your wisdom and guidance in this meeting that we make wise decisions for our economic development financial stability services for the public and for the benefit of our city in Jesus name we pray amen thank you Pastor theer please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of Al to of the United States of America and to the for it stands na indice thank you may be seated Madam clerk you please call the role mayor Blackwell here Deputy Mayor maeni here council member Urban here council member Gilbert here council member Fletcher here Mr Tomac do you have any agenda updates for us yes mayor thank you um on consent agenda item number K the proclamation policy I would like to remove that from the agenda um K will be pulled from the consent agenda yes sir um to allow the city manager to finalize and bring it back to yall all right um consent item number L I've attached or i' I put in front of you a clarification memo in the cover sheet we listed a an account number that would be affected by this item um the finance director has looked at it confirmed that the uh the funds will be uh reimbursed are actually paid for out of the proceeds of the bond and he gave me the five specific account numbers that'll be affected by it so instead of me reading those to you I just U put them in front of you in a memo um it can it can stay on consent it's just a clarification of thank for that clarification for consent item l do you have anything else yes sir um public hearing item number four um The Walker property yes sir um the applicant has requested that that item be continued to March 14th um so the the um the recommendation is to just continue that to March 14 and not hold the public hearing today we'll go ahead and and uh have the actual public hearing on March 14th um to do that that I think some folks might be here for that item I would ask if you guys could um adjust your agenda maybe move that to the very beginning we'll have the uh city clerk read it into the record and you all can make the motion to continue it to March 14th so have to stay if there are no objections from our Council we'll go ahead and read item number four from public hearings into the record first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-12 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a soning district of PUD plan unit development compatible with a low density residential future land use designation change adopted by ordinance number 2022-23 for approximately 2559 Acres identified as Walker property located south of chisa Park Trail West of South nusi Road north of Old Oak Trail providing for entering the designation on the official soning map providing for approval of the preliminary final master plan and prelimin preliminary subdivision plan filing of the Planning Commission recommendation andove of publication cability and effective date thank you do I have a motion from Council that we continue this item to the March 14 council meeting so move we have a motion for continuance to March 14 from council member aen a second from the mayor Madam clerk please call the RO council member Urban hi council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor maeni hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z thank you and it will be continued thank you mayor and then the under Council action items tonight um this is our new process to introduce um the ordinances so that we can publish the uh hearing notices there are no presentations from the developers or the staff and there will be no public input I'm afraid maybe because it's new some folks might have come for some of these items um specifically for the Pedic cab ordinance which is number 20 24-15 um and then there's a series of items for Lake Lizzy Ventures off of Pine Grove Road items 202 24-9 202 24-20 and 2024 -21 for the annexation uh comp plan Amendment and rezoning of property off of pine grve um these items are merely being U approved for staff to to publish the the public hearings um for February 20th before the Planning Commission and March 14th for this body um and uh and so if folks are waiting around to actually give public input um that they they will not um be allowed to do that Council action items 1 two three and four will simply be read into the record by and approved for publication by the council yes sir and then and then F then finally um Trinity Place development and Amelia Grove development on Pine grve um those those projects were adverti for today's meeting but they were not placed on the agenda um those are annexations um so um those will be read vertis and again those will be advertised for the March 14th council meeting so folks who live in that Lake Lizzy Pine Grove area are going to enjoy March 14th all right so those items will not come up tonight they will come forward in a future meeting yes sir thank you anything else no sir thanks for your patience all right that brings us to the next item presentation we have two presentations tonight the first presentation will be for the employee of the year by Richard Tonks good evening my name is Richard Thompson the acting fire chief for stcloud fire department we're here tonight to recognize one of our firefighters who got the 2023 employee of the year JCS Goldie J Jus has been a dedicated member of our department since 2018 he's always bringing his construction talents to our department and helping with a whole bunch of uh tasks he not for hire with your pens down but he's here tonight and recognized tonight for one great act of kindness and compassion on September 25th 2023 jaus and his fellow crew responded to a serious medical call involving a young child that child needed to be flown to a hospital in downtown Orlando when the ambulance crew along with the mother got to the helicopter the mother was met by the flight crew and said sorry ma'am it's it's a safety risk for you to get into the helicopter with your child wearing those shoes sandals or flipflops Jaa said nay nay he took off his own shoes gave it to the parent so that that mother could fly to the hospital beside her child and that that is why we are recognizing him this year that's the kind of compassion that we want all city employees to emulate and we're very very proud of JC [Applause] congratulations are these the shoes yeah you have to have those BR thank you so much for that creative and uh gracious work thank you for all that you do at this time we have a presentation for employee of the month by Roberto Smith good even good evening everyone Council mayor um I'm actually delighted to um for this opportunity to help recognize Mr Josh Meers Josh has been with the city now for less than a year he started around March this year and um since he's joined us would say his contribution has been remarkable um as our Network our senior nwk engineer Josh has basically owned the network since he came in um he's taken the initiative to document our fiber infrastructure he's forged Partnerships with our carriers that has really improved our connectivity um he's taken the initiatives as well to be a mentor for members of this of our team who are looking to expand their skill set and of course he's introduced cost cutting measures that has saves on our operating expenses or operating costs but Prim I think this award has has stemmed from Josh's worth e ethic uh this man Works non-stop um he's literally um gotten his hands dirty um to save the city thousands of dollars he's actually made some vendors mad some of the things that we've typically contracted out the vendors Josh has taking initiative to do himself and again save thousands of dollars so um it's it's a real privilege to have him on the team and um I think he's an asset to the city well done sir um your hard work is recognized [Applause] always a blessing to have second MERS thank you man the next item on our agenda is the citizens Forum any person who desires to comment on any item not in this agenda has provided this opportunity to address the city council each person is requested to complete a signing form to be provided to the residing officer prior to or as as soon as is practical there after the person addresses the council we ask that when you come forward that you please state your name and address for the record and we will ask that you limit your comments to three minutes um Tina you'll have to help me with that last name okay that's a beautiful name I like that wber all right so I'm Tina wber my address is 2555 stemwood Court CMI Florida I'm actually here for um St CLA middle school tonight um and we have always held our dance other than you know the two Co years um at the Civic Center and they've always graciously waved their fees this year I filled out all the paperwork and um was told by the person that's now in charge that you guys were no longer accepting any waivers not even looking at them and I reached out to the person I used to deal with and said well why um and so I have two questions one why and two will you reconsider um it is our end of your dance they have to be passing for the year no referrals for the fourth quarter it keeps our referrals down it gives us a safe economical place to hold the dance that's a little bit better than having it in our cafeteria um it also allows me to keep the cost between $15 and $20 which covers Food Supplies and the DJ um if not we either have to charge the kids about 40 or um hold it in the cafeteria and again we've always worked with them we've always done a good job cleaning up after ourselves um and I understand sometimes you know people take advantage of waivers but we're also a public school and we're not taking advantage so I EMP you you to reconsider and I brought my waiver with me tonight just in case you would reconsider and that's all I got to say all right well thank you very much for your comment can I turn this in somewhere you're welcome to turn that in Mr toer you want to speak to this um yeah I'll take a look at it tomorrow I think I think that has something to do with our new policies on on uh our Parks programming um so I can talk to the staff and find out where this one fell and get back to you on all right thank you very much we certainly understand your frustration but it's we had this polic because of this very thing it we just had a line of people you if you grant one you feel like you got to grant them all and so he'll take a look at that yes and see if there's any loopholes I would greatly appreciate that graders would great all right thank you very much thank you would anyone else like to speak during the citizen forum if not we will move to the next item on the agenda which is our consent agenda the next portion of tonight's meeting is the consent agenda which contains items that have been determined to be routine and non-controversial if anyone in the audience wishes to address a particular item on the consent agenda now is the opportunity for you to do so additionally if staff or members of the city council wish to speak on a consent item they have the same opportunity first of all we've already had uh two items on the agenda noted K&L do we have any other input from councel BNC I don't see any lights so oh Mr Gilbert councilman Gilbert DNC please what DNC did you want mistake okay thank you first of all would anyone in the audience like to speak to the consent agenda if not could I entertain a motion for the adoption of the consent agenda knowing that item K has been pulled and L has been amended Council memberi mayor I maybe misheard it but Mr Gilbert were you trying to pull B and C just to discuss to discuss yeah oh you want to discuss them yes I'm sorry make that really clear to me last time we just called up alphabets and then you you put them on paper so I thought we were do alphabet super all right well let's back up then my bad let's go to item number c b and c b and c yeah they're the block grants all right you have the floor I just wanted to uh to make sure we're talking about these grants that are that are awarded to us it looks like both of them are for ASO County but the city of St Cloud is going to be granted the U the I think it's $180,000 and then $80,000 correct is that going to go to Citizens St Cloud for roofs and windows and things such as that good evening atret Forbes economic development director yes both B and C are programs that are specifically for St Cloud residents I just I just want to make that clear I know we're working with the council in aging and and also the county I just want to make clear that that money will be spent here in St Cloud is that correct absolutely thank you very much sorry for the inconvenience mayor will you forgive me I don't have my hearing aids in tonight so you need to speak a little louder okay yes sir I knew I forgot something now let's back up again could we have a motion to adopt the consent agenda so moved we have a motion for council member them do I have a second second second council member Urban Madam clerk please call the RO council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor Mai hi council member Irvin hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries five zero all right thank you very much the next portion of tonight's meeting is the public hearings we'll begin with it one Madam clerk please read that into the record public hearing for resolution number 2024-the single family dwelling zoning District on a 2.61 Acres known as Jesus is Lord Ministry generally located east of South Indiana Avenue West of Michigan Avenue south of fdick Road and North north of Niti Road as described in the body of this resolution good evening Council this is Tisha Manning zon and manager for Community Development and I will be presenting this conditional use to you tonight um it is um for a place of worship and um it's about 2.61 Acres staff does recommend approval with conditions the current zoning is single family dwelling with the future land use of low density residential the proposed conditional use is for a place of worship that will host approximately 150 to 250 people for weekly Services um the development um poses no adverse impacts to City facilities this is a graphic depiction of the area in which the proper um in which the property currently is and the zoning and future land use surrounded in that area this is a concept plan that was presented by the applicant of what they're proposing to build there is a second concept plan that the applicant provided however this is the concept plan that they are more likely to go with if possible um again staff recommendation is approval with conditions and the conditions are as follows the approval of the requested conditional use does not constitute the approval of the provided concept plan as a site plan changes to the site will require approval of a site development plan any additional approvals required by the Land Development code the second condition is that if the um the conditional use is specifically for the use identified as place of worship to include Bible study office space classrooms to accommodate workshops and preparation for community events if at such time the church intends to serve as a food pantry or school another conditional use will be required and the fourth condition is that the main Auditorium or Sanctuary shall not have more than 250 seats I would also like to mention that um Planning Commission did deny um the rec did present a recommendation of denial for resolution 20247 based upon the six factual matters of the and development code um following ping commission the applicant did reach out to staff and staff suggested that the applicant hold a community meeting at which time two Community meetings were held um for this conditional use one was held on January 29th at 4:30 in which staff attended and no one from the community attended uh the second community meeting was also was held on February 5th this time it was held at 600 p.m. at veterans Memorial Library and again no one from the community attended the requested action is that city council approved this resolution 20247 with conditions as stated by staff staff and the applicant are available if you have any questions thank you very much would the applicant like to speak to this please state your name and address for the record good evening Council my name is Monique Harris address is 4727 o Cano Creek Road St Cloud you need the ZIP code 34769 that's all okay um good evening um we did um take the um recommendations from the planning committee um they denied it but then they also suggest to get to meet the neighbors and so we had a um a letter mailed out to to the resident within that area and um so we had it that that evening um on 29th it was a little chilly and it was outside on the on the land itself um no one came so the city um recommended maybe having another one a different location because it was at 4:30 at that time and so we took that recommendation and we had it at the library in St Cloud from 6:00 to 7:30 and um no one from the uh Community showed up and and those the second letter just to make sure because we had that on the fifth to make sure that the letters would get there in an appropriate time um I sent them out priority mail and so um they they did receive those um but no one no one showed up and we were the the the meetings were set from the antenna of our heart to um show the site plan um I know from the Planning Commission meeting some neighbors had some concerns and we were you know we're open um because the site the way the site plan is now um where the building is sitting we're we're open to put the building on the other side or you know what I mean so we're we're open to all that we're not um here to try to um cause the conflict we really here to uh serve the community um so um unfortunately no one came out to to the meeting so that we could hear if they had some other suggestions um for us we would you know be open to that okay do you have anything else for us no that's all I see that you're here do you yes hi I'm uh Christopher Bravo step up the mic okay Christopher Bravo 7221 Aloma Avenue Winter Park 32792 I'm the engineer on this project and again I'm available to answer any questions or address any concern concerns you may have one one of the things that I wanted to make sure was abundantly clear to staff and any uh residents who may be concerned again is that the conceptual site plan that was presented is not the final plan that we will you know work with staff and we're open to comments suggestions and and certainly any conditions that the board May uh determine to be uh appropriate um so that you know we can fit into the community it it is the applicant's desire to be a good neighbor and to be an asset to the community they they don't want to you know be a negative impact thank you very much if you'll stand by we if we have any questions would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item please step forward step to the mic hi I'm Jamie coft I'm at 3175 Michigan I'm about three properties down across the street um haven't received notification spoke to a couple of neighbors also didn't receive notification um I did find out about this meeting and I made it here as quick as I could tonight my concerns are the traffic is already terrible on Michigan um the property being built up my property floods because of the neighborhood right around me and the water doesn't really have anywhere to go once it starts draining down toward me um when there's a heavy rain Michigan floods over right there at David which is right by the church um it's just the water's doesn't really drain like it should but that property I know had fi dirt being brought in I remember seeing a sign up there and it's definitely built up um I thought it was Wetlands back there um I don't know what else to say other than I have concerns about the traffic and the water thank you very much John Hower John Hower 600 West New niy Road St Cloud Florida been living there over 25 years on the corner of West new Niti and Michigan Avenue never received a letter um from anybody about a meeting on the property or a meeting at the library so my biggest concern is uh that part of Michigan is a residential neighborhood everyone there single family homes maybe you live on a quarter acre maybe you live on 10 acres there's no commercial property there's no commercial buildings on that entire section of Michigan Avenue it's not conducive to our neighborhood and it doesn't fit the fabric of our neighborhood so what I've seen there they have 60 parking lots is that correct 60 parking spaces you need to I'm sorry there's 60 Park spaces don't you you just speak you can't engage oh you tell me if I had any questions I can revert to the guy behind you ask your question and we'll ask them to address it okay is there 60 parking spaces on that lot go ahead what else what other question you have um has there been any traffic studies go ahead um and also like I I'll just reiterate again this is not this is not conducive to the fabric of our neighborhood it's a residential neighborhood we don't want a commercial building on that lot thank you sir thank you would you like to address the issue any questions that you raised there before we go on other questions good evening um the letters I did ask the city to assist me and they did send me a mailing list so those letters were sent out um I also sent um when I sent the priority mail the second time to make sure that the letters were sent out it was based on the mailing list that I was giving and they got their pictures they got the receipts of those letters were sent out um unfortunately it may not have into the whole Michigan Street but the mailing list that I did receive I did attend to that the other um important information is that we did a traffic impact analysis that was included in the conditional use um the timing of our services would be in the evening primarily on the weekend um and it did not show a significant impact of the traffic on that side um we also did a um hired a Coles to come and to give us an analysis I think it's a 25 page report on the Wetland that I was even concerned about as well and so that should have been um included in the um conditional use as well because he had questions and um according to um I believe the statistics or the the codes that you have the requirement was for one parking lot per four seats um and we're even um open to decrease um between 1 15 and 200 we don't necessarily have to Max that out so we're open for that okay uh couple other things with regards to the parking spaces they're depicted on the site plan so that staff can see that we're making Provisions for the minimum number of vehicles uh we're providing uh paved parking for the daily use in the handicap Vehicles major majority of the proposed parking would be grass parking so again an attempt to minimize the amount of runoff associated with proposed improvements okay and uh we are including uh Austin environment Austin ecological the environmental uh uh consulting firm that we're working with is is you know prepared to work with the staff the Water Management District and D to make sure that any concerns whether it's going forward or uh performed by the previous owner that everything is addressed appropriately and uh you know avoided if possible uh mitigated if uh impacts are not possible with regards to the drainage concerns um as I mentioned at the Planning Commission meeting and again I assume uh each of you is is familiar with this right now things are in a a natural condition which means the water goes where the water goes uh with an engineered site plan we can uh control that to some extent and um direct it uh to a location that is going to have the least impact on the adjacent uh properties and and that might mean holding a little bit more water on site than what the code minimum would require but we'll do whatever is necessary to ensure that you know we're not causing an adverse impact on the neighbors all right thank you I'm going to entertain the rest of these comments and if you have any other comments after all these you're welcome to speak once again Michael he heape is that correct hi Michael you come up say your name and address he 994 sen tril St CLA Florida um as as uh Mr Hower had noted that um the primary concern is that is a residential neighborhood once commercial properties start moving and what's to stop changing Zoning for other properties in that area and also we know that the area of growth is um you know across the street there's proposed possibly another 30 homes there uh the corner of Noti and Michigan Avenue we have two corners right now that could be converted into commercial properties so as as the impact study goes where impact and traffic studies where is the start and end of that impact study you know I've never seen any of the uh of the metering devices that go across the road to measure traffic at this time of day and what's to say we were talking about the you know the um uh food pantry or or anything that could possibly come along with that this is going to bring more people into the neighborhood people that are from outside the neighborhood which and I appreciate what they're trying to do I really do help is always wanted but it's not really the right spot and and there's no public transportation there I'm not understanding the reason for the location besides a good price you know what I mean I don't it doesn't fit in our neighborhood especially the people to the right and to the left and also if it does convert into something else down the road there's just so much traffic there you know I don't know if any of you guys know where it is exactly you don't live there but we do you know and that's really the concern I think the I think the the objective of the program is nice but not there it's a residential neighborhood your kids are in the backyard and you know what happens when the when the pastor says hey qu keep it down out there you know you know Sunday mass you know it's it's just not the right spot and also we do have the water mitigation issues there is a pond on the property and I engineering is a great thing and uh I appreciate that but you also know Engineers do make problems and mistakes so how do we address that like we're talking about the water now we're talking parking grass and uh cars on the grass parking lot how do we handle the situation when there's oils dripping into the groundwater there where there's other issues that really have should be addressed a a complete environment impact St environmental impact study should be done and I don't think they've they've reached that bar yet and also what about the people in the neighborhood these guys are from not from our neighborhood let us do what we want in our neighborhood you know and uh appreciate the hard work I don't want your jobs and uh just consider the people that live right there because it did not pass the last time and I don't see how we've done one before and we go to do another one it's it's double and doublek you very much thank you thank you Richard Brenham good evening Richard brandom is my name I live on um the Michigan Avenue at 3615 I've lived there for 25 years and uh I did get a letter from y'all uh because it's that I was within 500 ft of the PO church I got no problem with churches um what uh I do have a problem with is and some of the other citizens have said traffic I got a big problem with that it's not getting any better when I moved out there I could uh back out of my driveway I can no longer do that at peak times and I've looked at the traffic studies and this has been a topic which the neighbors have been talking about now however I did not get a letter for January 29th meeting or February 6 at the veterans library but um I told I was aware of the planning commission meeting and I showed or I told them that that particular day I'm retired now and I see what's happening in my neighborhood and I watch 12 buses at a peak time back to back roll down Michigan Avenue South past my house when I when I say I can't back out of my driveway I can't so especially when peak hours are going on I come around and drive through my neighbor's yard who doesn't complain and I get pointed out to where I can get on the Michigan Avenue now from what I've seen uh there is no tling for this proposed uh Church there is no sidewalks on that side of the road and I think that's theyve missed the boat on a couple of those things in trying to present it as a viable site and the only thing that I think could make it really acceptable to me for them to be good neighbor is to have a turn lane sidewalks and you need the four lane Michigan Avenue and I don't think y'all want to do that right now when you got so much other stuff going on which looks like that infrastructure is behind so essentially I'm saying it like Mr Hower said it doesn't to me fit into the neighborhood and the commercial and the things does not not fit either and if the ministry goes on to a lot more uh people coming in at out of there at different times that's just going to make my situation worse so thank you for your time I appreciate it that's my take on thank you Richard you're welc Clyde Wells good evening Mr Mayor and city council uh Clyde Wells property owner at 33 24 Michigan Avenue which is just to the north of this property adjacent to it or contiguous to it um the water is one issue we have noticed over the years there's a pond on the site I don't know if the previous owner had went in there and filled it whether it was permitted to be filled or not uh the national Wetland inventory mapping program shows that there's a clear Wetland through the middle of the property where the pond is so I don't see how that can be uh used for any of the parking or any of it and unless they go through get all the permitting for it um we have started to have some flooding on our property the other thing is this is a conditional use zoning change uh taking it from ldr into uh for a uh religious establishment which is fine that's fine but the properties our property and the a few of the others to the north of that are zoned Agriculture and they've they've been uh in my wife's family for years you're going to hear from uh a cousin of ours and and my wife about that and it it is agricultural property and it's been used that way for years they 2 and a half 5 acre Tri in there and it just uh doesn't seem that this is a good fit for the location so that's my take on it um you'll hear some more from them more about it because they grew up and they've owned the property for u a long long time so thank you thank you Mr Wells eie eie Wells is that correct yes I Amie Wells 3324 Michigan Avenue my family my grandparents bought that property in 1944 they put a dairy on it they Campbell's Dairy was there for several years until the family had to move on my grandfather got killed on the road on the way back from NASA and we had to let they had to let it go the property that I am on is directly next to this property I'm on the north side of the property in question I do not feel that it fits in with the neighborhood at all to change the land use that doesn't work at all we are all neighbors there we have all residential area and I don't feel the commercial coming in there in the middle of all of us is is a good thing at all I do have problems with the water that actual area that there's three properties that property sits in the middle that property is actually the lowest it is about 10 in lower than my property and the property adjacent to it that's the actual for the um National Wetlands so it is the wetlands that's that's my issue is a big one it does not fit the area and it's not I I just don't believe it fits I have way more but it doesn't fit I'll let you go thank you thank you Mr Wells Joe Anna Edwards good evening my name is Joanna Edwards I live at 3,400 Michigan Avenue St Cloud Florida I'm to the property south of um the one in question I did not receive any letters I am caught up against it received no letters for any kind of meetings for me to attend and address my issues the biggest issue I have where they're placing that is where my house is so there would probably be 50 feet between a church going on and my house where I may be sleeping I have a daughter who is a labor and delivery nurse works nights sleeps during the day and I don't think the noise of a church going on while she needs to sleep because she just put in 12 hours um I don't I just don't think that's going to be very good and you cannot be quiet a church is not going to be quiet at all and I have animals I have a horse that is blind living his last life there and if people touch him on the wrong side it will free freak them out I just don't think they have nothing to put a barrier and for me to be 50 ft from that I mean I know they're glad that they're building it back but that's where my house is and I don't think it's conducive it's a low density we've already been approved on the other side for 30 more houses to go in on the other side of me I just it's too much traffic um it's hard to get out in the mornings it's hard to get out in the afternoons because of everything going on with school after school activities football games on Friday night when they're planning on having a service on Friday nights and you have the football games letting out the same time I just don't think it's conducive for what we already have there so I appreciate your time thank you M Wilson Santiago good evening Council my name is Wilson Santiago 3354 Michigan Avenue I'm in favor of the church uh I don't see why not not having a church in every corner that will help everybody between all the balance that they have if we get to talk to these people we'll be able to get them to a church and be able to get them fixed in another word no I'm in favor thank you as a fact I got all the letters that they have sent thank you thank you thank you Mr Santiago William Campbell good evening William Campbell 816 Maryland Avenue uh stcloud Florida 34769 but I do own the property just north of Miss Effie Campbell at I believe the address is 3260 Michigan Avenue there um and I own about almost five acres there talking about wet my property stays wet because of all the growth around it already uh y all forced standex that into the City and made it agriculture okay but still that is a residential location out there a lot of residents you got a lot more residents coming in there I don't see why you should put anything commercial into that location there's many other places around that you could place commercial property uh that's not in a residential area okay so I'm going to ask you not to change the zoning on this keep it residential your Planning Commission has voted against this all right and what says if it does pass that they can't change or start adding things to this property as it goes along all right so you're the ones that needs to make that decision all right and I wish that you would use your roles and responsibilities to the community out here and the residents of this city and to make sure that you do the right thing for them all right not for one Church okay I'm all for churches okay not a problem with them it's the idea that you're putting a large commercial structure in a residential area that's going to cause flooding traffic and everything like that so all right thank you very much thank you Daniel Kirk good evening Daniel Kirk 3601 Michigan Avenue St Cloud um when I was attendance at the planning meeting in January um the engineer on the project Mr Bravo um he referred to the road as a Michigan Road he didn't even know it was Michigan Avenue and that just speaks to what's going on in St Cloud people are coming in from all over that are just changing everything I've lived on Michigan Avenue for 28 years uh a little over 28 years this summer um it'll be over half my life and um when I first moved in Michigan Avenue was a dirt road Dead End Street now it's one of only six north south corridors connecting Niti road to 192 as many of us a Michigan Avenue know the traffic is increasing and will only get worse as St Cloud grows um speaking of growing this city council recently approved a zoning change for 10 acres from agricultureal on the backside and uh rre to r1b to allow 32 houses to be built and a new road the same company has an additional 5 acre parcel that I was made aware of um just north of Michigan that will likely be a future subdivision and um if they can add more a that'll just be more houses uh we have Michigan Estates just up the street right across the street is another subdivision uh on Cody uh Cody Allen Court which is 21 houses and Sky Lakes uh subdivision is budding up on feric AV Avenue and uh they're probably going to run that through is what I I heard so it's good just add more traffic I don't know what the traffic study was done but I like the other gentleman said I've never seen any banss out there to measure traffic um as far as these letters are concerned I never received a letter and I gave my address right here in the in the planning meeting uh nobody Val to contact me about these meetings and as uh the gentleman who just spoke in favor of it he's the gentleman who sold them the property so I I believe that's a little biased um you know back in 2005 another religious group applied for a conditional use permit and when we were in the county it was denied and they sued claiming religious discrimination it was taken to federal court and they were U proven that it was not discrimination and the the county prevailed so there is um there is precedent that it can be turned down and there's nothing in this area that's anywhere near this uh commercial property the size of it the scale and uh we are residential that's the future land use it's been turned down by the uh planning um planning department they they recommended against it and I hope that you'll do the same tonight thank you thank you Mr KK would anyone else in the audience like to speak to this item if not would the applicant like to address any of the concerns that were raised by the residents here are you coming to speak yes okay I'm sorry Darren Davis uh Michigan Avenue or Mercedes Avenue uh I was asked to come here by a gentleman lives in the neighborhood he's dealing with some medical issues so he couldn't show up okay and he has some concerns uh one is the water uh he wanted to know where the outfall of that water was going to come off that property and go to uh the surveyor that lives in the neighborhood said that is a natural low ground he said there's nowhere for that water to actually get out of there until it gets high enough to run over the road or through the back to where the airport used to be there's a ditch there but he said it has to get really deep to be able to flow that far um he say as far as the traffic there you have all the school traffic you have the bus barn you have several new projects in the neighborhood that are feeding traffic to that road y'all had one in here a couple months ago that they were trying to open up feric Road to bring more traffic to Michigan Avenue but I think the opening of that road was either pulled away or denied um let's see uh we walked the property out there and looked at it at the back of the property where they've been filling it there's actually sandbags on the property line where they have tried to stop the dirt from flowing over on the neighbors so that tells you there they've already done extensive filling on the project um let's see they already had a halfway host out there a few years ago I think it was back before they done the transition home and they had problem with the kids walking back forth to the school being I don't know you want to call it harassed or but by messing with the the kids out of the halfway house and that was kind of a religious thing that was approved there I'm not saying these people are going to do that but it's something that happened I was at the planning board meeting for this gentleman and they said they're going to have the religious services on Sundays and they're going to have I think it's Wednesday nights they have meetings but what they didn't tell everybody is they're planning to have training facil there to do uh employee training they're going to have counseling there during the week all these things are going to happen during the week while the traffic is coming in and out of there so all this about it'll be after hours and the traffic won't be an issue will be an issue when they're doing all their other stuff that they're going to run through the church I think I covered everything he asked but thank you thank you make sure to fill out that you you know the routine anyone else want to speak to this item if not I'm going to allow the applicant to speak one more time um just to address some of the concerns that the resident did have the gentleman that was here he said that the um the counseling and the traine um that would not includ 250 people that counseling is like a one-on-one counseling the training would be um a typical it's not a large a group um and the um Services we have is Sunday morning Sunday night Tuesday and Friday he also um alluded to that there's sandbags on the back of the property there's no sandbags on the back of the property um um currently um they they weren't there the other days unless somebody else put them there we're not we have not beg to build or do anything on the property besides keep the grass cut because we're anticipating whatever the decision that we have tonight to carry out with the project okay thank you do you have anything else to add no sir just one I guess one more thing first of all I think as everyone who's come up and spoken with you realizes can be a little intimidating so if I misspoke on the name of the road please accept my apologies uh I did want to point out that the the applicants only own the property since July of last year so a lot of the uh issues that have been raised uh you know were these anything that did occur occurred prior to uh their uh acquisition and and like I said we are already uh assessing the the environment and working with uh D staff as far as addressing anything that may have occurred uh prior to them taking ownership of the uh of the land all right thank you sir thank you this time we'll have discussion and or motion by councel councilman Urban uh I just wanted to say for the record I did uh meet with u number of residents and also spoke to a number of residents who voiced the same concerns they did this evening um I I do uh sympathize and share with their concerns on on the traffic I I travel down Michigan Avenue every day and uh it's it's quite a mess that that road is and I I don't I don't think it can support uh especially in this portion of the road any more commercial activity but I do share those concerns I I did want to know um they said that they spoke to the city about um the mailing list do we have a list of what was mailed out and and that happened Tisha Manning's only manager so the applicant did reach out to us and request um a mailing list which we provided to them and they also provided us a copy of the letter was mail they did not um we were not provided any proof of mailing but we did provide the list to them and have a copy of what they mailed out to the citizens okay thank you any other comments comments from Council council member Fletcher um thank you mayor um I appreciate everybody from the community coming to speak I I obviously value um your input and it goes into the decision that that you know we we make this evening um on this and then I also understand you guys are working very hard to get your project underway for your congregation you've spent a lot of money um as well um I agree with the gentleman here that you know I wish we could have a church on every corner where where people can conduct fellowship and and access Services we always need word Services when it comes to those things in the city of St Cloud um and then to the comment of the the gentleman I forget his name Michael um said you know we don't necessarily live in the neighborhood I actually grew up in this neighborhood and probably a lot of you probably ran me off of your property at one point in the day from riding my dirt bike um all through that neighborhood so I'm very familiar with it um this is a tough one um for me um but I do have some concerns just like um council member um Urban had said you know with with the traffic and you know the addition of some commercial um out there there is commercial um going in um on on unti um in Michigan um you guys probably already see the signs up there and I don't know if we should start you know creeping in down down Michigan um I've had the opportunity to speak with a lot of residents on Rebecca David South Indiana all up and down Michigan um so I'll probably end up voting no on this tonight um but I just wanted to take a few minutes to uh say thank you um to the community for coming out and spending some time with us this evening um to help us better make a decision anyone else well I'm kind of between a rock and a hard place I'm a I'm a pastor I've been down this road before I remember when we applied for permitting of the 30 Acres that we own on Canoe Creek and uh heard all the same arguments from people from the community were surrounded by residential uh and the biggest concern was felt we would create a drainage problem felt we would create a noise problem and they felt uh the biggest issue is that we would U create a traffic problem problem and um the truth is you know we we run several thousand now uh as far as membership is concerned we have a daycare and uh we have Sunday morning Services we have activities during the week and the problem is most of our traffic is not during Peak business hours when people are coming and going from work U there certainly are times that it is a CH challenge you when people are coming there and trying to get out on the highway but it hasn't created a a traffic Hazard and most of the concerns that people well just about all the concerns that people had in our community uh turned out to be un unfounded um and now many of the people it's really interesting uh within a few years of our being there and being established and making a positive impact in the community many of those residents in that Community are now attending my church that bring their kids to our daycare um you know we have hundreds of people that are playing soccer on the weekends that are most of them are from the neighborhood and so it's making a positive impact and uh if anything we helped correct some of the drainage problems because of we had you know engineering work that was brought up to date and so I'm kind of struggling with this thing uh I certainly don't want to upset our residents but again I'm I've been down this road before and it many of the fears just did not work out U will there be some challenges I'm sure there always are no matter what is built there and so I'm inclined to support the staff on this issue Mr menzer you have a sir sir sir no comment Please Mr M thank you Mr Mayor so uh I just want to remind the council what you're looking at here is a approving a conditional use permit for property that has low density residential and and a residential zoning on it right now the code allows for for religious institutions churches to be to be uh approved with conditional uses in those areas uh and that's the analysis you're going through right now I just want to make sure the council understands that to comply with the the law with regard to this you need to stay away from the issue of what of it being a church facility and the way I would encourage you to look at it you have to look at it as a nonr residential use in a residential area and you have and on uh and your staff member the staff's done a good job pointing it out when your staff memo has the six factors that you're supposed to consider in doing it so part of your analysis need to stay away from the issue about what the actual use is whether it's being a church but more along the lines if it's a non-residential use and does it fit in the area and in the neighborhood understand would anyone else on the council like to speak to this item do we have a motion for approval or a motion for denial motion to deny we have a motion for denial from council member ma do I have a second second we have a second from council member Fletcher Mr maer and just to point out for the motion maker so there are uh if you could just refer to either of the factors that you see in the in on in the staff memo that we're talking about and my guess my suggestion to you is you probably just don't think it doesn't fit there right so it doesn't meet the consistent with the general patterns of Land Development within the zoning district and in the area in the neighborhood is that correct correct right thank you madam clerk please call the RO council member Fletcher hi council member ma Deputy Mayor Mai council member Urban hi council member Gilbert nay mayor Blackwell nay motion carries 32 and it the motion fails I mean the motion that she made passes but uh the application has been denied thank all of you for coming and offering your input we're very grateful for your uh being here today and taking time to offer us your input thank you if you please uh move on outside for your conversations thank you madam clerk we read items two and three into the record first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-1 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation of approximately 2 36 Acres identified as downtown site one from pu public institutional and MDR medium density residential future land use designation to coom commercial future land use designation generally located north of 10th Street East of Massachusetts Avenue and south of 8th Street providing for amending the official future land use map of the comprehensive plan filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and Pro of publication applicability and effect cability copies on files and effective date first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-02 in ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida providing for soning Amendment of the soning map of the Land Development code of the city of St Cloud Florida specifically changing the soning designation of approximately 1.56 Acres identified as downtown site 1 from R-3 multi family dwelling residential zoning designation to cbd-1 Central Business District 1 zoning designation generally located west of New York Avenue East of Massachusetts Avenue and south of 8 Street providing for entering the designation of the official Sony Matt filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and proove of publication applicability and effect cability copies on files and effective date thank you Melissa dunin director of Community Development the request before you tonight is to amend the future land use and Zoning for the parcels known as the downtown site one the existing future land use is medium density residential and public institutional the proposed future land use is commercial the existing zoning is multif family dwelling R3 and the proposed zoning is Central Business District 1 this development is compatible with the surrounding area and will have no adverse impacts on City facilities the graphics before you depict the existing future land use um and proposed future land use um on the left you'll see that currently it's uh um medium density residential and the and the public institutional land use and then on the right you'll see where we're changing it to commercial to um complete the block there these Graphics depict the existing zoning and proposed zoning map changes and again on the left you'll see the existing and on the right you'll see the proposed where we um complete the block with the cbd1 zoning District staff reviewed this request and it went to Dr DRC on November 21st 2023 and recommended approval likewise the Planning Commission recommended appr approval and we are requesting that city council approve ordinance number 202 24-1 and 20 24-02 and I am available for any questions as this is a city initiated project thank you would anyone in the audience like to speak to these items please St forward and St your name and address for the record my name is Ed hilers and I live at 714 Massachusetts Avenue St Cloud Florida and I want to know what you're going to do with all the water that's going to come off the parking lot that's going to be there because right now Massachusetts Avenue is like a river in a hard rain right now and on E the corner eth I've lived there for seven years and there's a sewage problem and a hole that keeps coming in that road every six months they fill it back up and it's just that has to be fixed before anything is done that's all I say would anyone else like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion and and or motion by councel council member Urban thank you so uh I I did uh watch the Planning Commission meeting and heard some of the comments from the other other residents and I just wanted to point out that this is simply changing the future land use and Zoning there are no no other plans at this time it just give the city more flexibility to uh to improve our our downtown and and the area around us so just wanted to point that out the other concern I I heard before that I didn't hear this evening was about the community garden I know it's very important to some residents in our community so U that as far as I've understand that's not going anywhere in the in the near term right yeah this these decisions um don't affect what we do at the community garden it'll have to do with you know how it's being used um how many Lots we can run it and what's the best use for the property so we got plenty of places for a community Gard if we need thank you that's all thank you would anyone else like to speak to these items could I entertain a motion regarding the first ordinance 202 24-1 motion to approve second we have a motion for council member Fletcher a second from council member mathi for approval Madam clerk could you please call the role Deputy Mayor M hi council member Irvin hi council member gilbertt I council member Fletcher I bwell I motion carries 5 Z could I entertain a motion for the adoption of 202 24-2 member Mai makes a motion the mayor makes the second Madam clerk could call the rooll council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor mathi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z reminding that item number four has been continued to the March 14th meeting brings us to item number five Madam clerk will you please read that into the record final public hearing for ordinance number 2023-the retirement system plan to include council members as eligible participants and restating the plan in its entirety to incorporate re recent plan amendments providing for codification providing for subil of Provisions repealing all ordinances in Conflict herewith providing for administrative corrective Corrections of scribers errors and providing for publication and effective date good evening Justin clner Human Resources Director uh this ordinance tonight expands the definition of eligible participants in our general pension to include council members this would take effect uh immediately following the passing of it uh which means that the council members would begin the required contributions of 1% to the pension plan uh the same provisions and vesting periods apply just like any other uh full-time General employee if you have any questions I'll be available thank you would anyone the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion and our motion by Council motion to approve we have a motion from Council memberi do I have a second second second council member Gilbert Madam clerk please call the rooll council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor Marini hi council member Urban hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z Item number six please final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24-3 in ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida amending section 5.07 of the city's employees handbook providing for cability conflict and effective date hello again Justin clner Human Resources Director uh this ordinance tonight uh updates our employee handbook repayment plan revision uh our policy um this is something that we did following the direction of the city council um this updated language sets a cap for how much an employee uh must pay at a monthly rate if they're overpaid for a certain amount of period uh three months for example it grants the city manager the authority to enter into a written agreement uh that may deviate from that policy it also encourages employees or tell employees that they need to notify us if they've uh uh found any potential errors on their pay stubs uh we do have systems in place so that um this situation shouldn't happen again in the future and if you have any questions I'll be available thank you would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion a motion by councel could I entertain a motion motion to approve we have a motion from council member Fletcher do I have a second second second counc Urban Madam clerk council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z brings us to item number seven final public hearing for ordinance number 2024 -10 and ordinance of the city council of the city of St CLA Florida closing vacating and abandoning the plaed utility and drainage eastment located west of okenu Creek Road South of doino cord and east of ciani Lane specifically described in the body of this ordinance providing for sub ability conflict and effective date good evening Melissa dunan director of Community Development the request before you tonight is for an abandonment of a drainage and utility easement this is the second and final hearing little background on this project it is located in the vagio subdivision uh in 2015 it was annexed into the City uh subsequently in 2016 the bagio Community Association sold off portions of track C and um though that tra SE is located to the rear of lots 19 20 21 and 23 and I believe on the E side of um those lots and they sold portions to both those homeowners and other individuals and so the um owner um conveyed portions of track SE and then we discovered during a building permit review that the um pool and screen enclosure encroached into the 5 foot utility and drainage eement and a portion of trxi so the homeowner came in and they completed a lot reconfiguration and now they're requesting to abandon the utility and drainage eement here's a graphic representation for context showing the five foot by 50 foot easement to be abandoned it's highlighted in yellow on the left hand uh sketch of description and the right uh graphic shows the lot reconfiguration that was completed in November that added the portion of track C to the South Den East to the original Lot 19 um the graphic to the right also depicts the new property boundary okay we we routed this request for review and there were no objections received uh DRC and staff recommended approval and we are requesting that Council approve ordinance number 20 24-10 and staff is available for any questions thank you would anyone the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion Andor motion by councel motion to approve we have a motion for approval by council member Fletcher do I have a second second second council member Urban Madam clerk please call the RO Deputy Mayor mthi hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z Item number eight first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-14 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida CL in vacating and abandoning the plattered right of way generally located on Florida drained Land Company subdivision number one as recorded in plat bck B Pages 65 and 66 of the public records of Oola County Florida more specifically described in the body of this ordinance providing for subili conflict and effective date thank you Melissa dunan director of Community Development this request before you is for a vacation of a right of way or sorry rights ofo um adjacent to Macy Island Road and the K8 School site in the development known as Tahoka the rights of way run through the proposed K8 School site and they're not required for the construction of the school site here's a graphic representation for context depicting the two rights of way you'll see them um colored in red there the graphic on the left is a snippet from the approved concept plan for to Hoka and the K8 school is the red Neighborhood Center um at the uh South West portion of the concept plan and the graphic to the right shows the locations of the two areas where the rights of way will be vacated this request was routed for review and no OB objections were received therefore staff recommends approval and request that Council approve ordinance number 20 24-14 and we are available for any questions thank you would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion and or motion by councel motion to approve second we have a motion for approval by council member second by council member Gilberts Gilbert yes sir Madam clerk council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor Mai hi mayor blackall I motion carries 5 Z bring us to item number nine public hearing for resolution number 2024 d01 r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida amending resolution number 2023-the 2023 2024 budget for the city of St Cloud the city manager had certified there are prior year fund balances and or current revenues available in the budget for additional projects and programs and various funds not included in the original budget requiring the budget to be increased to include set additional fundings in the various funds and making supplemental Appropriations within the funds Jeff Cooper Finance director uh this is budget amendment number two of fiscal year 2324 um and the summary of the background is the city manager is certified there's are funds available to appropriate additional funds so for the general fund it's a 1,284 640 increase um the majority of that increase is from intergovernmental transfers by 99851 and this is the repayment to the general fund for amounts previously paid towards project s W 2006 the Illinois Avenue pipelining project this project was Grant funded and funds have been received by the storm water fund um the grant reimbursement so now the storm water fund is paying the general fund back uh increased revenues from federal grants Public Safety by 250,000 for our awarded 2024 cops Grant 30,000 for a Jag grant for a tracked robot and $ 6,589 for a Jag grant for police ready bicycles uh increase expenditures for the Fire Department salaries and benefits by that same 99851 that was a well-timed repayment uh because we did not receive the safer Grant this year and we need additional firefighters to staff uh an additional station uh it's increased expenditures for the Police Department salaries and benefits by 250,000 for the six additional police officers for the f T mentioned cops Grant and increase expenditures for the police department uh operating supplies by 6,589 for three police ready bicycles uh decrease your city council contingency by 127,000 increase Police Department expenditures for communication Services by 9,000 maintenance contracts by 177,000 and operating supplies by 66,000 to account for additional expenses for for those six new cops Grant police officers they fund the salaries and benefits they do not fund everything else that is required and increase expenditures for the police department machinery and equipment by $65,000 for the purchase of the aformentioned uh track robot okay so that was a lot mouthful for the general fund so do you have any questions before I move on to the rest of it I have pictures of the robot if you want and the chief can probably explain more to you if you you're G to do the robot they said it's it's it's uh yeah it's I'm sure it's G to be a an asset to the police department so if there are no questions I'll move on to the next items uh the gas tax uh it's a zero doll increase we're decreasing expenditures which were budgeted for contractual Services by 17,00 205 and increasing expenditures for intergovernmental transfers by the same amount for the newly established project of St 2405 and this is the bud Budinger Avenue sidewalk extension I believe that was requested by Council 1% search charge fund an increase of 1,120 786 uh we're increasing revenue from prior fund balance uh we're increasing expenditures for intergovernmental transfers by 735,000 those were increased costs for project PS 2104 the fire station 32 rebuild uh also increase expenditures for the fire department machinery and equipment by 302,000 to account for a fire rescue budgeted and expended in last fiscal year but not received until like right after the 1st of October so this is an administrative update only not spending $32,000 more dollars we already spent it but this is administratively correcting our current Year's budget it's accounting weeds uh and we're increasing expenditures for the police department machinery and equipment by 76,000 and for Parks and Recreation by 7500 and this accounts for increased vehicle replacement costs uh new vehicle costs continue to rise and as hard as we try to uh account for that um you know we came up a little short you know 76,000 is a lot but it is spread over I think 17 Vehicles so it's actually not that much per vehicle capital projects fund the 17,25 increase and that's for the project St 2405 the buinger Avenue sidewalk extension police impact fee fund an increase of 680,000 and that's for uh vehicles and emergency lighting for our six new cops Grant police officer positions uh the Water fund haven't seen that one in a while $800,000 increase um and this is for the transfer of the remaining Cash In The Water fund to Tojo so we have it's a little bit less than $ 800,000 but all the cash belongs to them um just as a side note we have uh trans transferred all of our water and sewer impact fees to Tojo so all those are gone so now we just have the water and the sewer fund is 700,000 increase for the same reason reason transferring the remaining uh fund cash to Tojo in accordance with the interlocal agreement and the storm water fund a 998,199 for them for that uh Illinois Avenue pipelining project which was Grant funded and finally the building fund a zero increase uh we are decreasing expenditure expenditures for contingency by 117,000 and increasing expenditures for Professional Services by the same amount for ICC accreditation for the building department and a building fund future growth master plan study and and our recommendation is approval of resolution 202 24-1 R and if there are any questions I'll be happy to answer thank you would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have question or discussion or motion by councel we'll have motion from councel so moved thank you we have a motion for council member meeni for the mayor Madam clerk please call the RO council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor M hi council member Urban hi mayor blackwall I motion carries 5 zero thank you thank you brings us to item number 10 public hearing for resolution number 202 24-0 6r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida granting a conditional use for a place of worship in a CB d-1 Central Business one zoning District on a 0.14 Acres known as igia Theos El Faro generally located south of 9th Street East of Kentucky Avenue West of Massachusetts Avenue and north of 10th Street as described in the body of this resolution good evening Council Tisha Manning's Z and manager for Community Development I am presenting to you tonight a conditional use for elcia day d alaro um and it's at 14181 Street staff does recommend approval with some conditions um this uh the background is it's current zoning is CBD one the future land use is commercial and the proposed conditional use is an expansion of the existing church and staging for a food pantry um it poses no adverse impacts to City facilities this is the graphic depi depiction of where the um property is located um again it's within the cbd1 zoning district and it has commercial future land use which is what is also surrounding the property um staff recommendation is approval with conditions um the site so to for the site changes to the site will require approval of a site development plan and any additional approvals required by the Land Development code there are no proposed changes to the site at this time they will be using the site as is so condition number two is that any garbage and or pallet shall not be kept at the front of the building except on designated pickup dates provided by Solid Waste um because they are using the building that fronts right on 10th Street for the staging um we are asking that they just store those pallets on the side or the behind the property um as to keep you know uh clutter free right there on 10th Street um Planning Commission um reviewed this item and recommended approval resolution 20246 r with conditions as stated by staff and likewise staff is asking the same of city council and I am available if you have any questions and I did not see the applic in the audience um so if you have any questions I'm available to all right thank you would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion under motion by councel do we have any questions or motions so moved we have a motion from council member Mai second from the mayor Madam clerk please call the RO council member FL I Deputy Deputy Mayor Mai I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I mayor blackwall I motion carries by Z thank you next item 11 public hearing for resolution number 2024 -8r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida granting a conditional use for a ballet studio in the NB neighborhood business zoning District on the 1.06 Acres known as City beautiful ballet generally located south of Chisum Park Trail East of hidden Heights Trail West of South nusi Road and North of Rumble Road as described in the body of this resolution good evening Council Tisha Manny's Z manag for Community Development um the conditional use before you tonight is for City beautiful ballet and it is located at 1424 South nusi Road which is actually inside um a strip Plaza uh staff is recommending approval with conditions of this item as well um this item is currently located in the neighborhood business zoning district with the future land use of commercial um again it is a ballet studio in an existing retail strip Plaza a little Mt bore background is this ballet studio is already in existence and has been in existence the reason this conditional use is before you is because they came into they were annexed into the city started operating as a ballet studio sold the property and the new property owner did not acquire their business tax receipt within the allotted time frame thus requiring now that they come back for a conditional use so their operations never stopped um it this is no adverse impacts to City facilities um and this just describes again a little bit more about that background of why they're here for this conditional use um this is just a graphic depiction of the current zoning in the current future land use and staff recommends approval resolution 20248 R Planning Commission also recommended approval and likewise we ask the same of City Council and I'm available if you have any questions as well as I believe the applicant is available is the applicant would you like to speak to that item not that you have to all right would anyone else like to speak to this item you want have discussion and a motion by Council council member Gilbert yeah just wanted to make sure they came up to compliance with the um for the license um yes sir we have been in communication with the applicant if the conditional use is approved then we will go ahead and issue them at BTR thank you any other discussion could I entertain a motion motion to approve we have a motion for approval by councilman Urban second and a second by council member mini Madame clerk Deputy May Mai I council member Ur I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I mayor black wall I motion carries 5 z d away brother item number 12 public hearing for resolution number 2024-the daycare facility in the Stevens planation PUD plan unit development zoning District on the 1.38 Acres known as Kitty Academy generally located south of Niti Road East of Lafayette Trace Circle west of Canoe Creek Road and North of Marietta way as described in the body of this resolution good evening Council Tisha Manny zoning manager for Community Development and the conditional use before you tonight is for Kitty Academy St Cloud it's a daycare that will um is proposing to be in the Stevens Plantation PUD area retail Plaza area which is um almost directly behind where the Walmart is right there off um staff does recommend approval with conditions of this conditional use um the background is again it's in the retail Plaza of the Stevens Plantation PUD so their future land use is low density residential and the proposed conditional use is for a twostory daycare facility of approximately 5,000 square feet um and it poses no adverse impact to City facilities um this is the graphic depiction of where the um care will be located um as you can see it is uh surrounded by low density future land use um and it does depict um with the zoning that it is inside the Pud area this is a concept plan that is proposed by the applicant of um what they are anticipating building um for their daycare again it's a twostory 5,000 square feet facility um in that area and so this is just another representation of the vacant lot there and what I want to point out here with this is that directly behind where they're wanting to build it's about 154 square feet of a drainage easement so it does give it some type of buffering to that residential um that is in the rear of the property there as well as um you know once they come in for site development plan um we could always look at other ways to try to buffer them up against that residential um staff does recommend um approval with conditions uh the approvals are that the concept plan of course does not serve as the site plan and they would need to come in for approval of a site development plan Planning Commission um recommended approval of this item on January 16th of 24 and likewise staff does ask that city council approve resolution 20249 r with conditions that stated by staff and staff is available if you have any questions as well as the applicant thank you is the applicant here would you like to speak to this item good evening Council my name is Todd howder I'm with mbb engineering 1835 20th Street your Beach Florida where the civil engineers representing the applicant who's also with us tonight uh just want to appreciate staff's time and the planing staff for working through this project we'll remain available if you have any questions for us tonight thank you thank you very much would anyone else in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion and or motion by Council Council R matini thank you so um probably the mayor is the only one who remembers I always am concerned about the noise with the um the daycare I mean I love daycare we need it and all that but I think about the single family home that are going to back right up to the daycare and you know the impact on their quality of life with you know children having a good time outside all day long um so I'm not opposed to the conditional use I just want to put some conditions in it and I don't know the best way to craft it but that there needs to be some monitoring of the noise or possibly instead of pushing the the play area back against the pond the pond isn't going to provide any buffer to noise you know maybe move it put the building in the area I don't know reconfigure the site I just I just am really concerned about the noise for the single family homes that have been there for 20 plus years that this is going to be right next to so um if my other council members are okay with that I would like you know to ask staff to work on finding ways to mitigate the noise and and the pond is not going to do it so don't say there's a 150 foot pond back you know wide Pond I mean the water you know the noise is going to go right over that pond so um trees won't do it either either so just would like to have some consideration for that council member Fletcher um I agree with councilwoman U Mai on that I have no I have no issues with that um one of the concerns that I have on this um that's that's one of the the areas that I you know I go into the neighborhood of Walmart there and that is extremely busy like that parking lot in that that whole corner there's never no parking there it's it's really tough and then by adding um I'm glad that you know we got the new you know the new restaurant coming in there's that's finally all getting built out I just want to put on the record that it I mean it's congested we're going to have to figure out the parking um over there I'm not against the approving the conditional use it's just maybe something we can talk about offline because it's maxed out there's no more parking at that WM I have a daycare at my church people come and go go at different times nobody we do have a events every now and then like a commencement or something and uh that would certainly might create a problem with parking um but most of the time the parking is not an issue but I could certainly see where that might be a issue I I could see where the noise might be a challenge at times uh and I do you have any ideas of how to mitigate that besides putting Mufflers on them yes sir so staff um was taken into consideration some of the noise so one of the things is when the applicant comes in for um site development plan and we've been in kind of conversation with the applicant is maybe having them put up some type of wall there um that will help buffer that area as well as maybe some um different type of landscaping just to kind of add some more buffering so that like um Council Deputy Mayor said the noise doesn't just go right over that EAS Council M Gilbert could you speak to your mik could you bring that plan up so we can look at it yes sir I was kind of hoping when they said two story I was like well maybe the play area is inside thank you very much yeah you you can't keep kids inside a building for the whole day I mean uh we're right up against the neighborhood and we have never had any noise complaints even though we got a playground right up against the neighborhood but we have a big buffer Hedges and U but again that's just uh understand the concern the noise Mr so this is a conditional use permit and obviously as it says in its name this is the time if you have some conditions that you'd like to sort of consider like to try to craft it would be appropriate if you did those tonight if you're going to prove it the way it is some of these a lot of things that you see inal use perimeters like this are hours of operation hours of outdoor play kind of that kind of thing uh that you could put in there that might address the no uh so that the neighbors aren't don't have to hear the noise to extent they can all day long so and I'm assuming that might be something that you could work through other than that I don't know what other ideas you might have dep I really have any good ones I'll be honest with you I just think like you know everybody's like well it's during the day and everybody's at work I'm like well not everybody's at work all day you know so if now I have this noise constantly you know which it's great it's kids and having fun and stuff but I just you know I mean maybe a wall um mean it' be great if the site could be reconfigured and the building was in between you know the building was towards the back but I understand you're buffering the play area um but I guess for me I would want like a wall and some Landscaping to and and not like I mean like a masonry wall you know and some Landscaping to try to buffer the noise any other discussion so are you I'll make a motion with condition sure I'll make a motion um to um when the site plan comes in for staff to work on the Mitigation Of The Sound some ideas would be a wall and Landscaping maybe reconfigure the site also to look um I don't know if do you want me to add a condition about parking Sean um um I don't think it's going to get any better but um are you making a special condition to to to force the the wall in the back yeah okay okay require to require it yeah yeah sorry to require yeah bad choice Works um that's my motion we have a motion with conditions by council member meeni do I have a second second we have a second from council member Fletcher Madam clerk please call the RO council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor Mai hi mayor blackwall I motion carries 5 okay the next items on the agenda are ordinances before the council for first reading and introduction for the sole purpose of the council to authorize the publication of the ordinance for a final hearing the council will not take final action on the item tonight full presentations and public input on the ordinances will occur at the final hearing at which the council will consider final action Madam cler you please read the first item into the record introduction for ordinance number 202 4-15 and ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida amending chapter 46 traffic and vehicles creating article 3 pedicab sections 46 through 1 31 through 46-200 and authorizing the use of petty C caps upon designated streets providing for that state and County roads are not authorized providing for a revocable license providing for a waiver of claims provid providing for parking regulations providing that a driver's license is required providing for registration providing for required equipment designating a petty cab boundary area providing for number of occupants speed and required insurance providing for enforcement providing for conflict cability administrative Corrections codification and an effective date thank you thanks at this time I'll entertain a motion from Council for adoption of this no for authorization yes approval of introduction the approval of introduction thank you for keeping me straight motion to approve we have a motion from Council M Fletcher do I have a second second second council member Urban M clerk council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor Mai hi council member Urban hi mayor black mul I motion carries 5 Z I believe items two three and four go together if you could read those introduction for ordinance number 202 24-9 in ordinance of the city council with the city of St Cloud Florida to Annex into the city of St Cloud approximately 16.2 Acres identified as Lake lissy Ventures LLC located north of East ear L Bronson Memorial Highway and East of Pine grve Road in accordance with the voluntary annexation provisions of chapter 171.000 44 Florida statutes since we are not discussing can we just go and entertain a motion here could I entertain a motion for the adoption of this ordinance the reading motion to approve we got a motion from council member Fletcher D second second second Council Urban Madam clerk council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor Mai hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi mayor Blackwell thank you motion motion carries 5 Z please read item number three the record introduction for ordinance number 202 24-20 in ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation MDR medium density residential to approximately 16.2 Acres identified as Lake lissy Ventures LLC located north of East earo bronza Memorial Highway and East of Pine Grove Road providing for amending of the fut official future land use map of the comprehensive plan filing of the planning commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effect subil and copies on files and effective date thank you could I entertain a motion for the publication of this ordinance motion to approve got another motion from council member Fletcher could I have a second second on the roll council member urvan Madam clerk call the rooll deputy mayor mthi hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z thank you and item number four introduction for ordinance number 202 24-21 in ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a zwn district of PUD plan unit development compatible with a medium density residential futur land use designation change adopted by ordinance number 2024-25 two acres identified as Lake lissy PUD located north of EAS Le Bronson Memorial Highway and east of Pine grve Road providing for entering the designation of the official soning map providing for the approval of the preliminary master plan following of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication cability and effective date thank you could I entertain a motion for the publication of this ordinance I have motion to approve we have a motion from council member Fletcher do I have a second second council member uran makes a second Madam clerk please call the role council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member fetcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z that certainly speeds things up Mr attorney thank you mayor I have uh just one item I wanted to discuss with you real quick it's just most of an update on the uh on where we are with the with the phase two downtown project and uh the previous direction of the council to uh work to work with the contractor on that job as you know under our contract the initial step towards revolving resolving disputes is to have a pre-litigation mediation and we have initiated that process in which we're getting that schedule we selected a mediator we're moving forward what is what has become clear is that the uh you know that the contractor although willing to talk to us I we are uh we are trying to work through it so that we can be in the best position to present the best case on behalf of the city and as well as to avoid any problems with future ation because I think there is a a strong likel will be in that path and of course that's something that the city may have to do to address the problems with the project so towards that end uh we have uh uh that's all I have anything else no no sir thank you Mr tomat okay uh thanks mayor um I sent out the January CIP project report update today this afternoon I would have sent it earlier but I didn't realize we didn't copy you so m error um but so you should have gotten it this afternoon um I appreciate your patience um we went through that new process very well um what I took down for notes for the council actions for the introduction of ordinances is with each item I'll actually prepare a recommended motion and then that way you guys can just refer to that when you're you're making the actual motion um but I appreciate your patience and working through that with us um and uh um other than that um have a wonderful weekend and Rod thank you for your patience and and helping the mayor handle that so thank you uh council member flescher um I just want to say thank you to um the assistant City Manager for stepping in um While Veronica is out and of course our thoughts ands are with her family as she she goes through um this time um regarding the due process um as far as the council action items go um is it possible to do like a second consent agenda where we can just wipe them in one swoop now now each so every ordinance has to be read has to have a first reading and then a final adoption so you actually have to read the ordinance by title okay just that's all I have Mary thank you but next time you're in Tallahassee you can ask them to change the law council member meth um I don't have anything except I hope to see everybody at the parade on Saturday are you riding a horse I would love to but I think I think we're on a float I think I think the floats are more dangerous is What I Hear by looking at me I I was going to make a comment there that's a longer fall from a wagon all right council member gilber you stop laughing and have any CL comment I look forward to seeing you all with my boots and my hat and it's going to be a wonderful uh parade so I'm looking forward to that very good Council Irving looking forward to the Rodeo Parade as well hopefully everybody stays safe out there doesn't fall off anything and uh thank you to uh Mr Mr TK and all staff who have stepped up during this difficult time for our city manager so thank you for that that's all thank you Mr Tomac for filling in and well your leadership has certainly been incredibly effective and helpful especially uh with Miss Miller's absence and I just encourage everyone to remember her in your prayers it's a tough thing losing your dad the Boy Scouts of America would like to extend their deepest gratitude for the continued support of their program and our contribution to our grant program of $1,700 and they are very grateful for our continued support also on behalf of the Arbor Day Foundation they are congratulating St Cloud on earning recognition as a 2023 Tree City USA uh and we love trees in St Cloud so glad to recognize that recognition thank our staff for their faithful support that makes that recognition possible with that we come to our information section and Report section Thursday February the 15th there will be a city council workshop at 3 pm heing council chambers Thursday February the 22nd there will be a city council meeting at 6:30 p.m also here in uh the chamber aail available for your review is warrant list number four and we do remind everybody please come out and enjoy the uh Rodeo Parade with that there are no other items on our agenda we will be adjourned thank you good job d