##VIDEO ID:KLRr3RZYKBw## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e welcome to the council meeting in the best interest of time efficienc efficiency and ensuring that everyone who wishes to address the council is given the opportunity to do so the following will apply to all comments made by the public each speaker will be allowed at three minutes to address the Council unless such time is extended by the mayor or by questions from councel group shall designate a spokesperson to avoid repetition of comments every effort will be made to avoid interrupting speakers for your information the items listed in section 11 of the agenda are for first reading and introduction and the council will not take final action on them tonight if you have questions on these items please see City staff in the back of the chambers thank you for participating in your city government I call this meeting to order and can we all please stand for the invocation by Pastor Delbert Rogers from Champion Baptist Church who will lead us in the invocation and please remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance let us pray together Heavenly Father we do thank you for this occasion we thank for the folks that gathered here to conduct the business of our city we do pray for the councilman the mayor and all the those in Authority here tonight that Lord you'll give them your wisdom I pray father we'll be fair honest in all of our dealing we do pray that the Lord Jesus might have the prance in everything we say and do in this place we do ask in his name and for his sake amen amen I pledge aliance to flag of the United States of America and the for it stands indivis andice all right and Madame clerk will you please call the role mayor Robertson here Deputy Mayor Fletcher here council member Paul here council member Urban here council member Gilbert here and City Manor Miller do you have any agenda updates for us yes thank you thank you I have three uh first if anyone is here for the Lakeside at Satia Community Development District public hearing it is not on this evening's agenda and it will be read advertised at a future date uh additionally I'd like to remove public hearings number two and three we will read vertise those in the future and last I would ask that we continue public hearing number eight to the February 13th city council agenda and that will require a motion and a reading and a reading thank you this is the public hearing one two and three no uh public hearing two and three are removed public hearing number one stays so two and three remove it will be read advertised in the future and then okay we're still going to Annex they would like that to still be on the agenda okay I get you yes and then public hearing number eight the um property owner has requested that we continue to the February 13th city council meeting Mr G you'll the clerk will read it first and then you can make your thank you Dan all right can we get do ask for a motion on that for what you've requested if we can have it read to the record and then we can ask for a motion all right Madam clerk can you please read that into the record public hearing for resolution number 20 25-1 r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida granting a conditional use to operate a private school in the r-1b single family dwelling zoning District on approximately 2.46 acres of land known as Christ centered academics generally located north of East erlo Bronson Memorial Highway East of Old Hickory Tree Road West of Dean Street and south of Tenth Street as described in the body of this [Music] resolution all right Madam clerk uh do we do them all at once well no we're doing we all we need is one motion on the items that the city manager pointed out and on this one I think Mr Gilbert has to declare a conflict council member Gilbert yes I would like to recuse myself from this U uh being as my involvement with this this this entity thank you and we take a motion on it now or you want to read the need a motion to continue till February 13th can I get a motion to continue that item for till February 13th motion to continue till February 13th motion from Deputy Mayor Fletcher a second second from council member Paul Madam clerk please call the rooll council member Gilbert he's not voting oh obain excuse me Deputy Mayor Fletcher I council member Paul I council member Urban I mayor Robertson I motion carries four zero and no actions needed on the other items that the city manager bot all right and so the first item on our agenda is the proclamation denouncing St Cloud's Sun downtown past reputation and affirming St Cloud's acceptance of all residents this Proclamation was sponsored by council member Paul and would you like to make a motion for the adoption of this Proclamation yes all right we have a motion from council member Paul second we have a second from council member Gilbert Madame clerk please call the role Deputy Mayor Fletcher hi council member Paul hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi and mayor Robertson hi motion carries 5 Z and council member Paul would you like to present the proclamation greetings everyone the city of St Cloud Florida Proclamation the purpose of this Proclamation is to courage C courageously recognize St Cloud's historical reputation as a Sundown town and move forward together in harmony and unity this Proclamation was requested by the NAACP Oola County Branch 5121 and fully supported by council member Paul whereas early St Cloud Florida was recognized as a Sundown town a term used to describe communities that enforce racial segregation and exclusion often discriminatory laws social practices or Unwritten rules and whereas the history of St Cloud marked by challenges is and growth has left a impact I'm sorry lasting impact on citizens AC across the city and whereas while its past includes periods of exclusion and segregation today St Cloud is moving forward with a renewed commitment to positive unity and whereas the vibrant diverse Community St Cloud is today Embraces inclusivity and welcomes all residents businesses and visitors and whereas this Dynamic shift has enriched the cultural fabric of the city and positioned it as a thriving Community where different perspectives and black backgrounds come together to build a stronger more connected community and whereas January 15 1929 is the birthday of Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr one of the most influential voices for peace unity and human rights in the world history and whereas Dr King's words and actions remain a be Deon of Hope and courage inspiring people worldwide to strive for Unity and the face of the vision and whereas Dr King's teachings remind us that progress is possible through dialogue and Collective action and whereas his legacy serves as a call to honor the dignity and Humanity of all people now therefore I Jennifer a Paul council member along with the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida do hereby rise together casting aside the darkness of our City's former reputation to joyfully declare on this ninth day of January 2025 that St Cloud is now a place of hope opportunity and New Beginnings shining brightly on all citizens thank you [Applause] so I will ask the NAACP members to come up and do a picture [Music] Center as here picture of the day right [Music] [Applause] there good even to the mayor to the Commissioners and all I am nah Hill I am the President of the inp Aela County 5121 I say to you look at God we have come a long way and to be here and to be a part of this day is exceptional for me at 67 years old growing up in the area we don't have to go back and look at history we're making history today and we say to you thank you diversity we are here and we're all looking forward to working together moving forward together to accomplish the same goal being kind to one another working together and making sure that the generations that's coming behind us see what we have done this day thank you [Applause] all right next on the agenda we have a present a presentation of employee the month for January by Melissa dunan good evening hi I'm Melissa dunan this is Tisha Manning our zoning manager and Everett Cole our com Community Code Compliance supervisor sorry we we recently changed the name of of that division so I would like to congratulate along with Everett and Tisha our 2025 Janu for the month of January 2025 Employee of the Month Pam [Applause] Neil while she walks up here I'll tell you a little bit about why she was nominated for employee of the month Pam has worked with the city of St Cloud since August of 2005 as a code enforcement officer in the days leading up to Hurricane Milton Pam was contacted by an elderly couple in need of sandbags the husband who is over 70 years old suffered from a heart condition and leg issues the wife is also disabled the couple had no one that could assist them in obtaining much needed resources so he called and entrusted Pam to assist him with securing his home for the impending hurricane melon Pam quickly began contacting other departments agencies to sorry and agencies to obtain information regarding sandbags once a location for the sandbags was established Pam went to the location alone and shoveled sand into the bags tied the bags and tossed them into the bed of her truck uh she then drove to the resident's home and installed the sandbags to prevent any water damage from occurring to their home her Acts were Paramount in the residents feeling secure and cared for in their time of need Pam's acts of service were were selfish and embodies the city's Vision to serve its citizens congratulations to code enforcement officer Pam Neil for being recognized as January's employee of the month and I'm pretty sure Pam prepared a speech for you all just thank you spech so nothing's changed G would you like to come on up here get a picture with us congratulations congrats Pam I would like to add um Pam has always been very respectful to Citizens uh if there is any issue she she goes she contacts him first I will say I listen to if anybody's heard of the cloudcast podcast that Mar 's been doing I went and listen to that with her and Everett and Everett walked away from here there he is great job now you're doing great good things over there and uh kudos to the city of manine for all that as well so y'all doing good so thank you Pam get my glasses on here all right next section of this meeting is the consent agenda the next portion of tonight's meeting is the consent agenda which contains items that have been determined to be routine and non-controversial if anyone in the audience wishes to address a particular item on the consent agenda now is the opportunity for you to do so additionally if staff or members of the city council wish to speak on any issues of on the consent item uh on a consent item they have the same opportunity and we do have a few and the first we have is Camille Levy mayor can I um can I correct an item before we um invite the public up yes ma'am um item C the cost is incorrect on the agenda it should actually be yeah how much five what I'm sorry $575,000 thank you B big difference than what was printed on the agenda so I wanted to correct that uh before anybody came up and since I'm speaking if you don't mind item H um if we could which is the conceptual calendar the city council has their budget Workshop um and I and would request because there's a conflict if we could move that to August 20th sorry come here we're gonna hold off we're gonna take we're gonna vote on this first all right are any items on the consent agenda uh can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda can can weor can I speak on resolution uh a council member Gilbert the uh just to go on record the reductions are 10% and 18% is that correct yes for one year we will be um reducing the building department fees 10% for permits based on square footage and 18% for permits issued by value I I thank you city manager very seldom do we see reductions in in cost so uh for our citizens I think this is a great and for the people that are going to be doing construction or any work for our commercial area too so thank you I yield back mayor and Deputy Mayor Fletcher um I had the same comment um as well I was going to pull it as well um this is a a good thing for our city um it aligns with our strategic um plan um of providing Services um to the city anytime that we can go ahead and reduce fees um that can benefit all of us um I think it's something that that that is good for the city and I also want want to thank Bob for his leadership and recognizing that and bringing this item forward tonight so thank you all right can I entertain a motion to approve the consent agenda motion to approve with the changes to item C reflecting the roof at Madam court please call the RO council member Paul I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I Deputy Mayor Fletcher I mayor Robertson I motion carries 5 Z all right next section of this meeting in citizens form any person who desires to comment on any item not on this agenda has provided this opportunity to address the city council each person is requested to complete a signin form to be provided to the presiding officer prior to or as soon as imp pract practical thereafter the person to address the council when you come forward we ask that you please state your name and your address for the record and we ask that you please limit your comments to three minutes and now we have Miss Camille Levy good evening mayor city council and City staff Camille Levy 515 Neptune Bay Circle St Cloud Florida I come to you tonight as president of the friends of the Veterans Memorial Library in St Cloud and I invite you and all of St Cloud to come and support our semiannual book sale which shall be held January 31st to February 2nd and I believe you all have flyers in front of you books CDs and tapes are only $5 a bag and they are replenished throughout the sale last year the 48 members of the friends of the library um raised over $5,000 in these Book Sales we volunteered 920 hours and gave back to the library $9,600 in Goods programs and services which benefited all ages of the St Cloud Community we hope that you will join us in supporting our mission and supporting and stimulating the use of the library's resources and services we have a Gem of a library here in St Cloud if you haven't been there you need to come visit when it was when that building was founded in 1995 we had 15,000 citizens I don't need to tell you what we have now we've sorely outgrown our facility but we continue to reach hundreds of thousands of individuals throughout the year so please all of you come support the library come visit us and if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them for you if not thank you so much for your time yeah well I know I I think many of us remember when that was SunBank there and uh 1995 Miss Barbara Schuman was my 10th grade teacher so I know she volunteered quite heavily there yes she did up until this last year yeah no she was a great teacher so please tell her I said hi if you see I will do that thank you thank you all right next we have Helen doy Adams good evening Helen Dy Adams 1767 California Avenue St Cloud Florida hello mayor council members it's wonderful for the opportunity to stand before you to ask one simple question um since I've been here since uh 19 no excuse me 2022 I've been helping veterans in our community and their families and the need is growing desperately um I am asking that you consider doing a veterans commission or veterans board so that we have a veterans voice in the city so that we can do strategic planning for the future and hopefully one day have a One-Stop veteran shop so that all veterans and their families has one location to go to to get information because I'm seeing out there in the community that there everybody's still very lost and so I'm part of connecting the dots for veterans I'm the founder and president and I'm an army veteran and I ask humbly that we we do something better for our our citizens that in St Cloud I love the city and I want to see it grow in veterans issues thank you sir yeah and if you have any questions I'd love love to answer that's great doy I know you're you're involved with the sheriff's department veterans Council as well is that you want to talk about that yes sir um I just completed my two-year requirement to serve on that board and it was the Victor board and we just had a new influx of individuals that wanted to come on the board so after my two-year commitment I have sat down from that position but that just gives me more time to work on other things I'm also I just uh got accepted into the Citizens Academy so I'm super excited to be part of that very cool as you know I sit on mayor buddy Dyer's veterans Council in Orlando and I know Christine LR in the audience she's on there as well and it's a great organization it's all veteran resources there's always somebody Josh from T Soto's office Congressman Soto's office is on there as well and um I do believe in that youall know I'm heavy in the veterans community as well and I think that's something we should maybe discuss in the future we'll talk to staff and yes sir so thank you so much yes thank you doy all right next we have Nick biano and Jamie can we do two at a time is that it's up to them if that's all they want to Nick Bianco and Jamie ARA good evening mayor councilman staff Chief um we address the uh city today um representation for the store as we all know it here in stcloud I'm a member of stcloud City since 2019 and oh Ma'am can you please give your name and address to the record Jamie ARA I'm sorry thank you my first addressing you we're here representing the address is 2401 13th Street in stcloud um that's a store well known as Thrifty we all know it um that's my store and we present here the owner of Thrifty who wants to add a canopy to his building uh making it a um start of the art the canopy um adding solar panels to it to provide a canopy for his clients where they have shade as well as energy for his store uh this is a new thing for uh sacloud sacloud doesn't have anything like it it's completely off the code and so I'm here requesting an exception to code number sorry 13.1 14.6 where allows canopies to gas stations which try has both two one in each side but it does not allow it to the stores there for um we've been talking to zoning and building um to try to address this issue um and they told us the only way we could do this is by uh uh requesting a Amendment to the code which we are aware it's hard to do but we are asking um a representation of the owner of the building who is extremely interested in doing this project for his building and improving uh technology here in St Cloud yes ma'am uh I'll ask city manager uh Miller if she'd like to address this about staff um discussions thank you thank you mayor um at this point the Land Development code does not allow this and I I as I understand it um from building and fire there's also challenges with the build with the Florida building code also so we have our business Navigator who actually was trying to meet with um not sure if it was you or or a different representative she's out this week um so that meeting has been basically postponed until next week um I don't know um we would need direction from the city council if that is something that you want to do the code does not allow it um so so there's multiple challenges multiple obstacles that we would have to try to get through and I believe the solar C the solar panel company reached out to sta or reached out to the council wanted us to meet with them but I think they should meet with Staff first before we sit down and see if they can address some of these issues we we have had multiple meetings with the staff and uh the answer we've had several answers but one of the answers was to the code that we had addressed you guys uh in order to do a exception to the code okay well I'm uh council member Urban um yeah I mean I'm always looking for ways that St Cloud can be uh the most best business friendly City uh possible and so I would be open to looking for ways that we can uh help make an exception possibly here if they can find a way to make it work with the Florida building code obviously that would be first and foremost but um I would like to see if we can work with him at that all possible Right Deputy Mayor Fletcher um I just want to say thank you thank you for you know you you have an awesome store here here in town it's a beautiful building I know that you guys have been working to to renovate that I know it's it can be a little scary to get up here um and and and address the council um I think it's a little bit premature to give direction to the to the city manager at this point um not knowing any information um on it so I would I would ask that you know if you could work with uh the C our business Navigator um and those folks um I know that she's out until Monday um also requested an update from her once she gets back um so that I can take a look at at least what you're proposing and then once I have that information I'd be better um it' be better um and then I can make a decision at that time appreciate but again thank you for everything that you do for the good evening all right council member Gilbert ju just one question uh great idea so we're looking at the canopy over to parking spaces to generate uh solar energy for the building itself yes yes sir so so there's a drawing where I can show you really quickly if you if you allow me well mayor if I could I know she's got some drawings and stuff but you know there's there's a process related to code changes like this related so I think it'd be better to follow with Mr Fletchers and the mayor suggestion M Urban yeah let staff we can look at the drawings and we can and we can report back to the council about what we think and so Council can give us some direction yes sir I believe you just need consensus on that yeah I would like to also point out though um just so that everybody's clear because I I just pulled up the section of the code I think the issue is that there's a 25 foot setback um so so that I think that is the section of the code specifically that there would need to have amended to make this work so so now that you know that is that something that the city council wants us looking at that type of setback or or would you rather us bring it kind of back at a workshop to talk about it first let's see if she can work maybe sit down with staff and maybe you could let us know if it didn't if it didn't work out and then we can uh address it later date setback 25 foot setback I think is what the the chall pleas sit back down with staff and if it doesn't get worked out then we'll be notified and we can address it down appreciate it thank you for your time yes ma'am thank you all right would anyone else like to in the audience like to speak during the citizens form on any item not on the agenda all right the next portion of this meeting will be the public hearings Madame clerk please read item one into the record final public hearing for ordinance number 2024 71 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida to Annex into the city of St Cloud approximately plus minus 1.64 Acres identified as palm properties located east of nusi Road north of East erlo Bronson Memorial South of lilan Lee Road West of puffen Road in accordance with the volunteer Annex annexation provisions of chapter 171 1.44 Florida Statutes good evening Melissa dunan director of Community Development this case before you tonight is for a voluntary annexation for the project known as palm properties annexation the request for annexation is in compliance with State statutes and is contiguous to the city limits on the northern eastern and western boundaries of the property the existing future use is low density residential and the existing County zoning is agricultural here's a graphic representation depicting the location of the property showing that it that it is contiguous to city limits on the northern eastern and western boundaries of the property honor before October 25th 2024 staff recommended approval the Planning Commission also recommended approval likewise it is requested that city council approve ordinance number 2024-the speak on this item good evening my name is Matthew rcky 4732 red Pineway Wesley Chapel Florida um I'm actually the son of the property owner I'm just here to answer any questions if anything and uh yeah we have no additional comments um we don't have any additional comments regarding the indexation but I don't know if I could take a time to um mention we did have some drainage issues arise due to some development in the recent in the surrounding area I think right now we're just talking about the the annexation sir um and if you'd like to address that with staff maybe talk to staff problem after the meeting and then get you information on that yeah apart from that no additional comments can I entertain some discussion from Council on this item motion to approve second all right we have a motion from Deputy Mayor Fletcher uh second from Mr mer before you take a vote can you ask for just specifically for public comment oops oh yes for the that up all right anyone in the audience like to speak on this item if not does council have any comments I was trying to wing it Dan don't F I didn't read all right with no discussion uh we do have can I get a motion on that item please a motion to approve all right motion from Deputy Mayor Fletcher second from council member Urban Madame clerk please call the RO council member Urban I council member Gilbert I Deputy Mayor Fletcher hi council member Paul I mayor Robertson I motion carries 5 Z all right the next two items have been withdrawn by the applicant Madam clerk please read item number four under the record reminder that items two and three have been withdrawn by the applicant final public hearing for ordinance number 204-8234 Florida Statutes good evening Melissa dunan again director of Community Development this case before you tonight is also a voluntary annexation for the project known as tavar Santiago annexation the request for annexation is in compliance with State statutes and and is contiguous to city limits the existing County future land use is low density residential and the existing County zoning is agricultural here's a graphic representation depicting the location of the property showing that it is diagonally contiguous to City Limits honor before October 25th 2024 staff recommended approval Planning Commission also recommended approval and we are requesting that Council approve ordinance number 2024-25 like to speak on this item yes good evening Iris Tavaris uh 605 Orange Avenue St Cloud Florida 34769 um my husband and myself are the applicants uh thank you for listening to me today um so I wanted to let you know how we kind of got here because I myself don't know how I got here so um we decided to let our kids um try to build next door and um the reason why is uh my daughter developed um MS and then we decided that we wanted to have her close by um so this is how we got to us trying to build next door to us we went to the county because we like County so County tells us um uh sorry we they even took us our um split lot application and we paid the fee and they called us back emailed us back uh get a refund because you can't do County you you're going to be annexed eventually so you have to go uh get annexed to the city so I think that's kind of how we got here tonight then we went we came to the city and City said um you're you have to voluntarily ask for annexation so that's kind of how we got here so between County which I like I like the farm life and the Open Spaces and chickens and roosters um and having my daughter next to me I chose my daughter and her family being next to me um because I don't want to move like I said that's kind of our forever home so I would like to stay there and that's the reason why we're asking for the annexation today thank you for listening to me you have any questions uh Council uh Deputy Mayor Fletcher um thank you um for speaking and as I said previously you know it's a little can be a little difficult getting up here and speak um I'm assuming this this is because of the the jpa the requirement they have to go and and then come back um one of the things that I did want to ask staff um real quick so any she had spoke about agricultural so none of that none of that's really going to change um for them because it's just going to be similar zoning that matches up oh I'm so sorry okay okay I just want to speak into the microphone yes that is correct they have a County Agricultural zoning right now the city has a compatible agricultural zoning so they can maintain their agricultural zoning once annexed but no roosters no no roosters we have a chicken program we have we do have a chicken keeping program thank you thank you so much for listening to me have a good night yes thank you and council member Gilbert ma'am ma'am council member has a question sorry I I don't know if it's a question rather than a statement but we welcome you to the city and you're GNA like the city ah thank you so much I appreciate that that's very nice council member Urban thank you I was just gonna say the same thing also wanted to verify what council Deputy Mayor Fletcher was asking about she can still keep the agriculture land so welcome to the city of St Cloud great than you so much yes and next we have uh Mitchell Lee my name is Mitchell Lee um I've been in this County my whole life um I own Lan Outdoor Services Inc I live at 701 Orange Avenue which is right next door to them the neighbor to the right of me is already the city um with them being annexed into the city remember they said they chose to become in part of the city the reason I bought my house is to have space be able to have roosters and chickens and all the things that I want um the Christian thing to do is to be neighborly and be concerning about your neighbors and stuff like that and and and put thoughts into what everybody else wants I would never put myself or or my family before somebody else I would be the type of person to ask my neighbors and let my neighbors know what I want to do and then then maybe do it at that point um so for me I feel like um you know the bottom line of it it's Community right I don't wish any will it will go on anybody I want the best for everybody um but for me that puts me at no choice because I'm want to finger them right so then I lose what I booed and bought my house for which was supposed to be my my forever home so um you know for me I don't I don't necessarily think it's fair for somebody to say that they want to go into the City and not taking accountability of their neighbors what they want so that's basically what I have to say about that um I love the city love everybody here in the city I you know like I said I've worked in a business here for about 30 years now um Community is everything to me um but you know having my little Retreat not having a house right on top of me is one of the reasons I bought there you know I didn't want to move to a neighborhood right so that's just you know my my voice of opinion all right I'd like to go ahead and recognize the city manager first thank you um I just wanted to clarify that for our joint planning agreement with the county any properties that are within an enclave will eventually be annexed into the city whether or not they're currently contiguous or not City Planning Department is currently looking at annexing enclaves um so um you are located in an enclave so uh whether this property was annexed this evening or not most likely you um we will be bringing that forward to the city council here soon but this would just make it a lot faster probably no it won't change that no the the it's not a one by one process we we do the groups of property all at once through an interlocal agreement with the county well and and the other thing I would take note is you you had mentioned agriculture right my property used to be a plant nursery theirs were used to be an Orange Grove the people across the street used to have all those things and you know of course this is going to change everything you know what I mean I know you say it's still going to stay at gr but you already said we couldn't have our roosters um people across the street ain't going to have their cows no more they have to get rid of their goats and things like that so what my thing is is what does the community want not one person all right that's it council member Urban I I I definitely understand and and and sympathize with what you're saying um unfortunately I I believe also it would be fiscally irresponsible for us to not think about um these enclaves as our city grows and and and we have to do what's best for the the residents of St Cloud as well I do understand that and hopefully we can preserve the the uh the the your way of life uh in in your neighborhood for as long as possible but um unfortunately the the annexations are um necessary I believe um at a certain point here in the city so just wanted to to say that sorry mayor I turn my light back on all right de May Fletcher um I know the the city manager had said that we are working on the enclaves um um which we are um because we do have to provide services and then it's kind of spotty um I believe the reason why this voluntary annexation um is coming um to us is because it was triggered by development so she's she's looking you know so that's why why she's doing it um I would ask um if one of our planning folks could uh get this gentleman's information um um prior to him leaving um and and kind of get him information as far as our agricultural zoning District um because I mean there are a lot of similarities I know that we had just went through this probably about a year and a half ago I believe Dave Tomac brought it um and the concerns that um you have um I believe a lot of them were addressed back then um we don't have all that information here tonight but uh they'll get your information so that we can get that over to you thank you I apprciate everything you guys thank you sir thank you sir all right is there anyone else that would like to speak on this item if not does council have any other comments or discussion and does uh if not can I entertain a motion for the adoption of ordinance number 2024-25 Z and Madam clerk please read item number four I'm sorry five and six into the record final public hearing for ordinance number 2024 d83 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation of Park and open space to approximately plusus 6.61 Acres identified as Hopkins Park improvements located east of Orange Avenue North of East 17th Street south of east erlo bromson memorial and west of Crawford Avenue Prov providing for amending the official future land use map of the comprehensive plan filing on the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effect severability copies on file and effective date good evening Melissa dunan again director of Community Development this case sorry these cases before you tonight are for the comprehensive plan Amendment and the zoning map Amendment for the project known as Hopkins Park Improvement the existing future land use is low density residential and medium density residential with an agricultural professional r1a for single family are two for two family dwelling zoning designations the requested city land use is park in open space and the requested zoning designation is O open space and Recreation here's a graphic representation of the future land use map and zoning map on our before December 17 2024 staff recommended approval Planning Commission also recommended approval we are requesting city council approve ordinance number numbers sorry 202 24-8 3 and 202 24-8 4 and staff is available for questions as this is an applicant um initiated U sorry City application initiated by the city all right thank you you and would anyone from the audience like to speak on this item good evening everyone good evening Council thank you all very much my name is Pastor August odm I live at 1621 on Avenue St Cloud just two blocks down from Hopkins Park and I am the President of the Hopkins Park Community and we're so grateful to uh the council and this community you know it's been a long time coming you know for uh the uh improvements on our part and we just want to thank y'all for what you're doing I know it's a slow process but we have patience and we just waited on y'all to uh to go ahead on in and get everything complete and start work out there the community thanks every one of you God bless you thank you guys uh and Melissa we do have to read item number six in the the record Madam clerk can you please read item number six into the record final public hearing for ordinance number 20 2484 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida providing for the zoning Amendment of the zoning map of the Land Development code of the city of St Cloud Florida specifically changing the zoning designation of approximately plusus 6.61 Acres identified as Hopkins Park improvements from a agriculture to p uh a a agriculture P professional R-1 a single family dwelling and r-2 single and two family dwelling or o r open space and recreational zoning designation with a park in open space future land use designation generally located east of Orange Avenue North of East 17th Street south of East erlo Bronson Memorial and west of Crawford AV providing for entering the designation on the official zoning map filing on the Planning Commission recommendation improve of publication severability and effective date staff is available for questions all right thank you Gus would you like to speak on this one as well all right and anyone from the audience like to speak on either on item five or six and if no comment from the audience would Council like to speak on this Deputy Mayor Fletcher I just want to say uh uh Pastor odm we're getting there we it's taking it's been taking a while but we're getting there um we do have a representative from Congressman SOS in the office um here and I'd like to to thank his his office for for the work that they've done out there um and uh thank staff um and for all the work that they they've done we're going to get this across the finish line thanks sir all right does council have any more comments if not can I entertain a motion for the adoption ordinance number 2024 d83 motion to approve and 202 24-8 4 motion to approve that also motion to approve from council member Gilbert so we need a actually need a action on each individual item individ okay yes thank you I'll second the motion all right so we have a second from council member Gilbert on item number 202 24-8 3 in a second from uh council member Urban Madame clerk please call the role Deputy Mayor Fletcher I council member Paul I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I mayor Robertson I motion carries five Z and I get a motion on item number 20 24-8 four motion approve motion from council member Gilbert second second from council member Paul Madam clerk please call the RO council member Paul I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I Deputy Mayor Fletcher hi mayor Robertson I motion carries 5 Z and Madam clerk please read item number seven into the record final public hearing for ordinance number 204-8606 development process procedures and permits Article 4 subdivision plans section 2.4.1 through 2.4.2 of the Land Development code to update procedures for platting and vacations of easements providing for severability conflict administrative correction codification publication and an effective date good evening Melissa dunan director of Community Development this case before you tonight is for a Land Development code amendment to streamline the approval process for final plats and easement vacations currently there are three steps as part of the subdivision approval process which include the preliminary subdivision plan the subdivision construction plan and the final PL process two of these three steps require city council approval the preliminary subdivision plan and the final plan when the preliminary subdivision plan comes to city council city council approves the lot layouts uh they ensure compatibility with ajacent properties and give the opportunity to add any special condition they are given the opportunity to add any special conditions of approval once it's approved by city council any major changes would require an amendment to the preliminary subdivision plan which would require it to come back to city council the process for final plats requires staff to verify and confirm consistency with the approved preliminary subdivision plan and then once staff confirms that the plat is consistent with the preliminary subdivision plan we have to bring it back to council and that adds approximately 60 days to the approval process currently construction and utility easements require city council approval in order to be vacated which may take approximately 90 days to process there are generic easements that were required with the plat or specific easements that were recorded for construction projects over time with the current trend for development these generic or special per special purpose easements may prove to be unnecessary or even conflict with the city's infrastructure needs what oops what staff is requesting ing is that Council allow the development Review Committee to make the final decisions on the final plats uh keeping keeping in mind that the plat must be in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary subdivision plans and all applicable state and local laws prior to approval also we are requesting that the city manager or designate have the authority to approve easement vacations that meet the requirements of State statutes and are local ordinances because we believe that this new process will provide more efficient business-friendly services and remove the Redundant formality that adds over 3 to six months to the approval processes honorable 4 December 10th 2024 staff recommended approval Planning Commission also recommended approval and staff is is requesting that city council approve ordinance this is a city initiated request so I am available for any questions all right thank you and would anyone from the audience like to speak about this item council member Gilbert uh Miss Duncan do you have a second um I I've been spending some time with some of the developers here and U some of the longtime developers and they said you know the process used to take nine months to and it's up to two years now so this process e here will help close that gap for the developers as as we grow is that is that what this this ordinance is about yes sir we're trying to shorten that review process and get that approval out because once we bring the preliminary subdivision plan to council um you've already given it your blessing so if it is not um com uh consistent with what you've already blessed then we'll bring it back to council and ask for any amendments but if it's consistent with what you've approved then we'll just go ahead and and process it and get it out the door thank you m duckin i yo back mayor and council member Urban yeah thank you just wanted to thank uh staff for bringing this forward I I know had um requested this because we um want to be like I said keep repeating myself want to be one of the most business friendly towns uh in Florida and uh encourage uh business here and and I think this is a great way to streamline things makes it easier on applicant and on staff so uh with that I'll make a motion to approve all right we have a motion to approve from council member Urban can I get a second second second from Deputy Mayor Fletcher Madame clerk please call the role council member Urban I council member Gilbert hi Deputy Mayor Fletcher I council member Paul I mayor Robertson hi motion carries 5 Z Madam clerk please call item number eight into the record well item number eight is continued to February that's right ad number eight and so we had three people speak on that but that'll be continued to the February 13th meeting Madame clerk please item number n read item number nine into the record public hearing for resolution number 225-3241 12r which adopted the fiscal year 2024 2025 budget for the city of St Cloud finding the city manager has certified there are prior year fund balances and or current revenues available in the budget for additional projects and programs and various funds not included in the original budget requiring the budget to be increased to include said additional funding in in the various funds and making supplemental Appropriations within the funds Jeff Cooper Finance director this is budget amendment number two to our fiscal year 2024 2025 budget uh as indicated the city manager has certified funds are available to appropriate for these projects which are as follows uh project St 2503 Orange Avenue Extension $1 million in Mobility impact fee fund uh that's for uh land purchase to accommodate the Orange Avenue extension and interest only debt payments for the 2024 FL lgfc Florida government Finance commission loan uh that was used for the progress Lane property purchase uh which the fire department um now resides part uh Administration and we also have some other departments moving out there and also put towards the 17 Street ballfields project uh so that's 320,000 in fire impact fee fees and staff recommendation is approval of resolution 2025-the 3 R and we're requesting that city council approve resolution 2025-the and I have a question for the city man yes Mr odm and please your name and record uh address for the record again Pastor gust Odum 1621 on Avenue S Cloud uh CU I an easement on on on Avenue uh which I'm assuming that's going instead of just gonna go right straight through just one to uh going straight through where is it goingon to end up at uh so that item is actually on the agenda um on Council action um but basically the portion that we are purchasing is going to go from Niti Road up into the rbridge subdivision um and then from from there through the Rome Bri Bridge subdivision to is that 17th Street or 19th Street uh 19 19th Street 19th Street yes okay another question uh when we this was talked about a while ago uh and as you know right now we have uh uh a lot of uh traffic on 192 you know getting out on Crawford Street and Orange Avenue and it's a major problem especially oning rush rush houra we was told that it was going to be a red light put up at on you knew is that going to happen so so originally when the rone bridge subdivision was going through they did talk about the fact that Orange Avenue and 192 did meet the separation distance for a a light in the future but we can't guarantee the timing because that's actually um the do's um Do's road but it is something that the city would support in the future okay what I'm concerned about is when that road goes straight through um just imagine there going to be a lot of subdivisions or something build down that's going to bring in more traffic going on Avenue well we're hoping that the piece that we're purchasing is going to send them down to Niti so that then they can take Niti to the turnpike or Niti to um hickory tree to go up to a 417 and that'll be just great thank you will will that the Orange Avenue will connect to the 90 degree at Orange and or 17th and orange or 19th and orange so so the rone bridge subdivision I don't have the plans with me this this evening to see what that exact alignment is but it it it will connect up to n n uh 19th Street um there's a there's going to be a school over there along the way also um and but Mr Odum you're welcome to come in and we'll show you the plans for the Rome Bridge subdivision because it sounds like you want to look at them thank you very much are we talking about widening orange cuz R Bridge that's going to be a four-lane road I think the north south right isn't that um connected an N so I don't know what is going through the rone bridge subdivision but there is no current plans to widen Orange Avenue from 19th Street North to 192 in my opinion it's a little bit of a constrained roadway there's there's the Benjamin estate subdivision is like that's your question is what's the impact to that area right there right that's true if you do it's going to take all of my yard are you right on that little call to 17th and nor Avenue yeah on okay okay okay yeah right now there's no plans to wien Orange Avenue North of 19th Street okay do we have any anybody anyone else from the audience like discuss this item and any discussion with Council Jeff did you have something else I do not all right and can I get a motion to approve uh number 2025-the uh motion from council member Urban second second from council member Paul Madame clerk please call the rooll council member Gilbert I Deputy Mayor Fletcher I council member Paul I council member Urban I mayor Robertson I motion carries 5 Z thank you thanks Co Melissa can you give your number to Mr Odum so you can come in and see rone Bridge all right and this brings us to the council action section uh Madame clerk ple please read Council action number one resolution number 202-02 r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida approving the agreement for the purchase of approximately 3.25 Acres of certain vacant real properties and associated tempor construction easements located on Niti Road north of Hickory Grove Road and West of hitch Loop for the purchase price of % resolution 2025 d012 R this resolution is for a purchase agreement for RightWay acquisition related to the Orange Avenue Extension project the terms of the agreement is for the purchase of 3.25 Acres of which 2.2 acres is for rideway and 097 acres for stone water Pond and as and also the agreement also includes two 10 feet temporary Rec construction easements uh the purchase price is here we go again with the numbers is 95985 uh with the closing cost being paid by the buyer there's also some special conditions um that are non monetary that are put in the contract uh the purchase agreement which is the construction of a cattle agricultural fencing by the city as well as keeping the proposed access points on Orange Avenue into the ferx family property and I will show you what that means in just a second so hopefully you can see this a little bit so I'll explain what this map means we have the first the color the I believe that is a yellowish color that's the existing RightWay uh what would the city's intention on the purchase is the light pink that is the 2.3 Acres that we are referring to that's for the RightWay uh the blue at the bottom is already existing right away sorry I forgot to mention that with the yellow so the yellow and the blue is existing right away the pink is the proposed RightWay acquisition and then we have the solid more bright pink or more of a stronger pink which those are the 10 feet East mins uh the dash area there on the East is the rectangle that's dashed that is the storm water Pond location so that you have a little bit of reference the special con considerations if you can turn around and see the uh my light over here so these two arrows on the top those are the entrances that we mentioned that they would like to keep as the axis and then on top in this little area over here uh that is for the where the fencing the cattle fencing will be located so that you have a little bit of reference oh those a I'm sorry those access points are those um are those rways now or or no there will be curve cuts for eventual uh if there's going to be development there will be just curve Cuts 82 feet is what we have proposing there and that's where eventual roads will come off into neighboring properties uh one day develop yeah okay uh bit of background on this agreement uh the purchase of this RightWay is actually part of an agreement with the between the city and the developers of rbridge in which there's a timeline where the city is required to acquire this right away before March 2025 uh so we're almost there uh this also meets our strategic key Focus area reliable transportation network uh staff recommends approval of this resolution and I am here tonight asking for uh City council's approval as well it's staff initiated so I'm here if you have any questions and I believe the family the feric family I saw them here as well if you have questions from them thank thank you and would the applicant like to speak on this item there is no staff is the applicant oh staff is the got you all right and we have Council uh any anyone in the audience like to speak on this item all right and so we have Council comment council member gber the comment I'd like to make is to thank the fct for working with the city of St Cloud as we continue to grow and their ability to help us do that in in the right way so I just like to thank the fct uh for for their generosity in working with the city council and the City of St Cloud I yield back mayor all right thank you now I'd like to recognize city manager Miller thank you I just wanted to comment although because we put together the agenda it says we're it's staff initiated but we were actually directed by the past city council to acquire this right of way because within the rone bridge subdivision the southernmost lot is planned to be a fire station so the city council directed staff to to pursue this and yes we thank the ferx quite a bit we we brought them in on the holidays and and many other days so we we really do appreciate and would anyone from the fct family like to speak on this good evening Council mayor um jerem fer 50 feric Road um the only thing I'd like to say so hear in kind of what the Orange Avenue talk was earlier since it would be nice to separate it and make it a Boulevard that it is by itself so people won't think orange connects might help out with traffic renaming it to a Boulevard name if you need a name I have a name also what you got since both properties that you are affecting someone sold my grandfather's place which is running bridge and then this the road that comes through our Ranch it'd be good if it was broken T Ranch Boulevard just a thought be something to think about distinguished from Orange old Orange Avenue which the traffic you do not want on that road I agree because it's not a good road to drive on with a lot of traffic so just a thought but yes it was good work with you it took a little bit but it was we worked through the process and you know we got accesses to both sides of the road which we didn't get with Noti so we appreciate you looking at the business of cattle it does affect my mom's Ranch and cattle quite a bit I know progress comes through the city and it's here and we're trying to help you know grow with this city as much as we can but we don't want to leave see a lot of people want to sell their land we want to stay and do cattle I know it's hard to understand when the people talk about money and this and that my mom likes to cattle we want to do cattle these Ro roads do affect us quite a bit because now you have to transport stuff across roads and stuff to keep running if you like to do it so we appreciate you working with us on the fencing and so on because I mean it does affect a lot of the business that we do with the cattle so all right um now I was seeing those connector points those access points are those so do you have planes in the future if you mind don't mind me asking no those were just literally those connector points is for me to drive hay and food to the other side for for cows now could they be used in the future for something sure if if Mom ever decides to want to sell the property sure because I know with that 30 acres to the it' be the east side of the road we were in talks kind of with even the fire department maybe going there but I think it was they are going just above a sun to the running Bridge property so I mean it has open that section into harder to be cattle so I think in the future we'll price it down with you but listen we want to work with you as a city because listen all this is in County still right so if y'all want to plan y'all need to sit and actually give and take right treat your citizens residents that have paid taxes here a long time better than developers because developers come in you don't charge them to change right vacate right aways if I come in to vacated right away you're going to charge me almost two grand I mean there's a lot of things that need you need to as memb was Tak in consideration as small residents versus developers we're running cows I'm not building houses and making a lot off of it we barely make money on cows but we love it so big difference big green open space we're not impacting the roads we're not doing a lot of stuff we're going to impact this road because we're going to drive across it the feed cows that's the only impact you'll see so you might get some complaint with dirt on the road not a lot but maybe some uh I do see another access point on the the roundabout there I think that's a proposed I mean we'll take it if you want to put one there but it does no purpose for us to have that access there on the roundabout I think because I don't think you ever want traffic to enter into that roundabout like that I'm no engineer though city manager is that a a staff that we put that there that we wanted it there or no um you know I think that was the design that Rome Bridge worked on with staff and I I I I would not want to make that change now unless we had to right so we're fine with if it's there um I mean that just means there's going to be a gate at this point right that's not necessary gon to be a road or right okay we have no plans for anything because if you if you look straight across from where all that connects we have another access point on the north and south side of Noti 82 foot curb cut on both sides of the road too you can't see it on your map because the two squares are in the way but um listen the property here for the long term my the south side of know was on the I think y all had a retreat and youall put in order different properties that you were interested in purchasing and I believe we were on one of the list for one of the top people the south side of Noti my mom would love to see you go to the City versus the building so of course we're not wanting to give away it's not donation but we still want to work with the city these roads are lining up to do something that I think the city could use I think y'all need to really give staff direction to work on that and we're flexible on how we work with it because we know yall have budgets so there's ways we can work it out because she would love to see that be Parkland or Civic Center ball fields just just thought since I have a little bit of time because listen we want to grow with the city it's coming right we know we're being pushed out okay so so we rather see things grow in a good way longevity wise better for the city other than more rooftops right so all right thank you Mr ferdi all Deputy Mayor Fletcher I just want to say thank you and and thank you to your family um your mother I knew your father you know we knew we knew him well and uh I appreciate that and I appreciate you not saying hey you know what I'm out of here um and you know what it's like up here and and how it is to serve and we we thank you for that so thank you very much sir yeah thank you and council member Paul yes I want to say thank you to the fdick family for and especially your heartfelt message and also working with the city on this project so thank you appreciate it yeah and you mentioned rideways are there current rideways on any of these these Parcels that we're going to have to address in the future yeah so we have talked with staff and um that's kind of why I bring it up because we have to work through and when you have engineering firms and stuff and you can just turn turn stuff over the process is a little easier when you can just give it to someone for like vacating something that you own paper map like say you see that RightWay we're not building nothing we want to eliminate our rideways and there like there's roads that are basically canals you're not going to build on a canal I promise you so there there's a few of those roads that we would like to vacate and we're working on it but it's a whole packet you know and I never done one of these to vacate right aways is there any way you know is there anything that we could do different on that along with this I don't know the process on RightWay city manager Miller is that something how do they go about vacating rways on any of these Parcels so we' originally we were actually trying to work with them at to do it as part of this it got really complicated and so the decision was basically made to Let's separate and and do one thing at a time so um the problem with the vacation is there is additional expense involved because we have to advertise it we have to send out mailers so so there are some additional concerns I will say that there there's on the staff side there's there's still some concern conerns about vacating some of these rways um I I I understand Mr ferdi's point about there being a canal um so so I think there's like part that that staff is comfortable with and I think there's part that staff's a little concerned about in the future because once you miss miss mathi used to say it all the time once you give up a right away you never really get it back um where we know he's not going to develop and we don't want to have to fight with someone in 20 years if if they ever do decide to so it's just something we have to continue working together on but we're going to we've worked good on this and we're going to continue to work on that we're also um and he's right um the number one land that we were interested in was their property south of Niti Road um it's just a really big piece of property so it it was you know a lot for us financially to to um try to handle there's also quite a bit of wetlands on there um we we actually wanted to buy the part that they're running cattle on right now they didn't want to they didn't want to sell that part um but then we'll then we will move out the reason you have land next to you is not to have people at your back door right so right now y'all currently live at the end of feric fer Road okay and there's a road that may or may not go through there well this is why this came about right feric Road was this road originally when I came up here to address why are we putting fertic Road into Michigan Avenue because Sky Lakes it would have Dead End fertic Road into the subdivision Sky Lake which would have solved no traffic issues for you least this road gives you alleviation and it doesn't come and it has personal gain to our family because it doesn't come through our front door right because the four lane that kind of Highway would have took between me and my brother's house we'd be right on the sidewalk right so there was personal but there's also Lo logical that NTI road is not a faing road you're dumping your whole subdivision out on Multi road now but we were guaranteed that fertic road is not going through so if you want to ask if that is still the case I would appreciate that is that is fertic Road still going not going to go through or is that right so they Revis their plans to to not send feric Road through um again if Mr fdick sells his property in the future that it is made so that we could um connect but it's there's but as it is right now it's it's not going through and I think the I think if I remember correctly the road with the vacation that staff might have been the most concerned about if I remember correctly was Eastern I think Eastern was on your property and that's I think where we were the most concerned yeah so if you if you all want to come look at that because it will be something I we'll be bringing forward even if we have to go through the application to vacate you're G to see it's just the canal so you're not g even the RightWay that you by paper have you're either going to have to fill in a canal and figure out drainage from the school that we allowed to dig across our property and figure out where that's going to go because you're going to fill in that Canal to use it so I be more and that's the whole way of Eastern the whole length of Eastern on our property so it doesn't make sense for you to not let us vacate it and the only reason we want to vacate it is because of this we're trying to run a ranch a business just like any other business is running and we can't keep running it without knowing what's being pushed next down us right so you should take in consideration of a business that's been running here for almost a hundred years my grandfather started this he actually allowed your City to grow the spray field that you all are turned into a golf course we let you Annex five acre tracks to get to that spray field so the city could grow so there's a lot of history but y'all change a lot of people change up here you don't get fed the history your job is to look at things that come in front of you but we also give and take we're not stopping progress but you also have to work with us I don't see the effect of if we shut off an easement how that affects anything because these projects that come in vacate every easement you got anyway then they put the roads where if we would have gave you this Boulevard and you would have got your 30 foot easement the traffic would be atrocious out on orange up to 192 I mean it'd be a nightmare I mean logistically so we are working with you I think it's really easy to have good faith that we're working with you to also work back the same way right we have we apply just like anyone else we apply for it to get the vacation and that's not all we're doing is trying to protect what we have as a business so we have long-term visibility because you understand Niti Road split our Ranch in half we're the only we were the largest property owner the road affected and we didn't get entrances across from each other because the city was mad we fought so every other development got interestes across from each other the biggest property own they did not allow us insurances across from each other you were not involved in that but I'm just telling you a little history so I have to drive a tractor over a curb and humps to get to my other side of the property that's not working good with your residents here so that's why we're happy with you're giving us insurances we're working with you but also if you don't mind if we could do the vacation which is a whole another separate issue I guess unless you all direct differently well and that's where I want to ask a question on that so this road came through here are is are the the rways still on either of these two Parcels to to the east or the West yes they are but uh city manager you said they were taken out of the negotiations is it because of a timeline to close the deal by March you mean fck Road no the the uh to vacate the rways so you said they were they you stopped talking about that because for some reason Mr tomek was negotiating to drop the purchase price right so for the vacation and and that's where the decision was made to separate and let's just talk one issue at a time so so it came down to unusable Land versus usable land you can't tell me a piece of property is worth so and so but we we went back and forth on because a canal is what you're trading me a rideway for for usable land okay am I allowed to fill that canal in you know what I mean and then cause problems for yall later I mean that's the you get what I'm saying like that we're not wanting to causing problems we're just wanting vacation so we know roads are not going to future down the line pushing straight across we're giving you a north to south you shouldn't need any more north to south we're giving you 118 foot wide north to south Ronin bridge is not even giving you that and you control the development how come you don't have it going through the whole development so if I can help I think what I think what he's really asking is if the council would allow him to apply for the vacations and not pay the application fee was just gonna say that is that I think I think that's what the application I think that's what the request is it was brought up I didn't bring it up so yeah I'll take that well yeah but I'm good with that thanks hey you can come work for me Ronica it's great all right and also staff you you'll work with staff I guess to determine whether or not they are that we need want to vacate them in the future I mean we're gonna tell you the pros and the cons and we're gonna give you both sides of it and you know council's gonna have to make that final decision but I think that's really what what the request at this point is is if if we could just wait the application fee and I if you if I see three nods I see three nods so City attorney I just want to clarify that is really the application fee as I think Mr Mr fer alluded to it there's a lot of moving parts to an abandonment of VAR RightWay including surveys and title work and things like that the staff the city can't wave that right we need so but we can work on those things but the application that we can do that okay stra application fee we can go ahead and leave that all right because I know we've I I got to tell you growing up here I didn't know what land was y'all's or Clays or who you know whoever's and you know roads go through and chopped up and I mean I was riding down Michigan the other day and I said well Indian Lakes that Indian Lakes to the one side and Southern Pines to the other and I know that both Sid used to be fertic CL right um what 1998 I think that cut through there yeah um so thank you for clarifying that for me so all right um do you have any other questions good thank you good all right appreciate your time all right and can I entertain a motion from Council on this item motion to approve motion from council member Paul second second from council member Urban Madame clerk please call the role Deputy Mayor Fletcher hi council member Paul I council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi mayor Robertson hi motion carries 5 Z all right next items on the agenda are ordinance for the city council first ran introduction for the sole purpose of the council to authorize the publication of the ordinance for a final hearing if you have questions on these items please see C City staff in the back of the chambers full presentations and public input on the ordinances will occur at the final hearing at which the council will consider final action Madam clerk please read item number one to the record first reading and introduction for ordinance number 2025-the of Kaiser Avenue and west of Lal Avenue owned by cin Duke and shanto V war and ciry Dustin Cole amending the boundary lines of the municipality to remove said properties from ordinance number 2024 52 due to a scrier error providing for severability conflicts publication and effective date all right can I Mo can I get a motion on the approval of ordinance number 2025 d01 motion to approve motion from Deputy Mayor Fletcher second second from council member Paul Madam clerk please call the role council member Paul I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I Deputy Mayor Fletcher I mayor Robertson I motion carries 5 Z Madam clerk please read item number two into the record first reading and introduction for ordinance number 20 25-2 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud of Oola County Florida amending city code chapter 44 utilities by amending section 44-31 adoption of the Tojo Pico Water Authority policies and adding section 44-32 new individual residential and general Services providing for severability conflict administrative correction codification and effective date all right can I please have a motion for the approval of ordinance number 2025 d02 motion to approve motion from Deputy Mayor Fletcher second second from council member Urban Madame clerk please call a rooll council member Urban I council member Gilbert I Deputy Mayor Fletcher hi council member Paul hi mayor Robertson hi motion carries 5 Z all right and City attorney I do not have anything Mr Mayor thank you very yes sir thank you and city manager so I put on my glasses a little while ago and realized that I read the wrong a higher number for the roof than it actually was um so I just wanted to correct I think I said 575,000 it was actually 515,000 could you read that again cuz each time you read it it goes down [Laughter] so um is that the police chief working that number down bring it lower t i I deserve it all luckily that number was only on the agenda and not on the resolution so I just I just wanted to clarify that I apologize thank um I'm gonna tell you another saving so I'll put my glasses on again um we have a contract for um 17th street ball fields and if we buy the lighting ourselves we can save $ 38,5 something1 and 80 cents um so staff is um am I asking for consensus to allow us just essentially a consistence acknowledgement that it's okay for the the city to self-purchase those items Saving right to check right right right so see you know how much money you just saved in the last two minut can you read about the uh roof again um additionally um I would like to ask for the council's consensus to have the mayor sign two support letters for Oola County grants one is for cross Prairie Parkway and the other is for an advanced flood model technology I see I see three okay thank you and the very last thing is I just want to recognize that today is National Law Enforcement appreciation day so we appreciate we appreciate all of the people in our police department and that they keep us safe every day so thank you that's all thank you council member Paul um I don't have anything thank you to everyone for coming out tonight all right council member Urban um we had a uh a resident speak at the citizens Forum about the veterans uh Council I would like to look into explore ways that our city could uh could could Embrace that I think that might be a good idea if the council's interested in that I would be supportive of that so so I'll need kind of Direction on what you will want the C the committee to work on um at some point we would the processes would have to to bring forward a resolution that would you know call out the terms of of what that committee does um and so we'll so you know we'll be looking for some more Direction on what you would want them to do right and I the mayor you mentioned you serve on the city of Orlando it's a similar type of committee or commission we can reach out and see how how they're established and what you know what goals they've have established so that committee has a benchmark to to put together something and bring it back to you as well as other cities that have those yeah it's an amazing coun it's it's really it's you've got somebody from Congressman Soto's office you got representative esam's on there uh myself members from all uh Vos so veteran services it's it's a makeup of everybody we all kind of Network and and work together for uh well for mayor Dyer and his initiatives but this would be more of a council veterans count uh Council or committee however however we want to call it yeah um but thank you council member uran I think that's great in Deputy Mayor flasher that's a great idea so yeah even if it's something we got to talk about in a workshop go more in depth on it I just would like to start exploring that idea so yeah great and that is something that tensan Fletcher has come into my office several times to to talk about the resource center and what we can do we had actually talked a few ideas forward previously that maybe we could come tell you about at a workshop also yeah that was kind of so you know like having dinner and and and learning you know the challenges that that veterans have getting connected to um the services um at the VA I had the opportunity to to to meet with doy um over the last oh probably was about a couple months ago um at fire to get a better understanding of what um the challenges that they have and how we could better assist them so I'm excited to to to see that you know other council members are wanting to put something together because I do think it's something that we need especially since we're Soldier City so yeah and the one in Orlando is heavily involved they actually put on a very large parade every year for Veterans Day um and maybe that's something we can look at in the future that that group can put together um obvious we were the the friendly Soldier City so obviously our focus on Veterans is a very good thing for our citizens so I I hear a workshop to talk it through that's what I heard okay yes uh the only other thing is U um the their MLK Day of Service at Hopkins Park on January 20th it's a great event gets the community out help and serve so uh unfortunately I won't make it this year last year it was a um great group of people that made it out there and would like to encourage residents to uh to come out to that so so that's all I have thank you all right thank you and council member Gilbert well uh councilman Urban I won't be able to make it either I'll be at the inauguration during that day but it's a great event and I hope that that folks show up uh in 2025 you know the city of St Cloud's a wonderful place to live wonderful place to work a wonderful place to play I'm honored to work with the council folks the council people have been here the new Council people that are here uh to continue our growth in a professional manner and also recognize that the citizens come first so uh I'm excited for 2025 each year as I get older I'm an older Statesman here on Das now so you can call me grandfather or pops or whatever but but uh I certainly look forward to 2025 and getting a lot of things done on our plate I thought last year was a very good year and I think we can outdo ourselves with the council and the city and the citizens and I love the city of St Cloud and I'm honored to work with you guys so I yield back May thank you and Deputy Mayor Fletcher um I I feel like I'm turning into a councilwoman mathi because I West so um New Year's um was great um I wanted to say thank you to Rose Aaron um Oakley and all the staff who who put that on on um I know that we gave um Direction um to to save money they came in and and were able to provide provide a good celebration um to the city it was nice to see everybody out there um second um the pi office um has done a wonderful job of putting together um a list of committee vacancies um I've seen it out on social media um there's no better way to get involved than to join um one of the communities to actually um get up here and uh and affect change um also I had the opportunity to attend a production by theater in the cloud um and they do an outstanding job um with the Arts here here locally um I was wondering if if the council would be interested in them coming to a future council meeting and providing a presentation of all the wonderful things that they do um for the Arts here in the community I know that you know they're always at the downtown Market and they're over at the uh the Women's Club if we could get possibly get you know allow that that would be great um and then the the the final uh thing that I have is a while back we had passed a an ordinance or resolution um in reference to accessory dwelling units um and I would like to we've had two applicants for that in over you know a year and I believe that the the language in the the ordinance is that's restricting I want say restricting that's stopping people from applying is the impact fee um requirements um so we just at at the council meeting at that time we struck through that paragraph um I'd like to see if we could get consensus to bring that back with the original language um not charging the impact fees um on those um so that it could you know it'll it'll help with you know seniors that are you know living with kids it'll help with um you know children that are still living at home Etc they'd have to meet all the other requirements and they'd also have to um pay the school impact fees so it does the language does exclude the school impact fees um I did speak with the the school district they're currently going through a Mobility fee or impact fee study that may or may not um include that um I just think it would be a better program if we didn't charge the impact council member I yeah I just wanted to say I could speak from personal experience this is we always talk about how unaffordable housing has become especially here in Central Florida this is a great afford affordable housing alternative for our residents and by charging the Double Impact fees that I I just always felt that that was uh that was an extra burden that that made housing more affordable so I'm 100% in support of of that city manager um I from the feedback that I have gotten the impact fees are definitely one obstacle the other obstacle that we are encountering is the additional parking that we are requiring by the addition so if you think about the fact that if it's supposed to be to help you with an elderly relative um the additional parking spaces they're you know they may not be driving anymore that's why they're living with their children um so so that is something that you may also want to ask us to look at at the same time or or not just wanted to put that consideration I think we should look at the entirety so I mean obviously the the impact fee is the bigger um concern at the moment um but if we could just give it a once over and if there's anything that staff thinks we should look at when we bring it back we could just go ahead and include that okay I saw enough nods we will bring it back yeah and I I support that uh the one question I have now this is on R1 zonings that we allow accessor structures this was done before it was it was everywhere um so it's allowed on all but but really it's the grid because in you know subdivisions with HOAs they're typically not going to allow it um but it but it was for straight zoning yeah and I fully support obviously if it's a a grandmother or a child going in college and they they want to live behind the house um what prevents a secondary family and them running out for another family like is that so those were all things those were all things that we covered and when we brought it forward the first time I don't have the ordinance here off the top of my head but we will be happy to sit down with you and go over it all right so it is addressed in there if I remember there's conditions on there's conditions on Accessory structures as to how many can live in it or what the no I'm looking you can I ask our planning director to come up I'm guy lot of questions I'm sorry that's expert yeah hello Melissa dunan um going strictly off of memory I believe that we included a clause that said um the property owner had to live in the primary structure and then the um accessory structure could be rented out but we did not restrict the number of people um because we thought if it's the property owner in the principal structure they're going to make sure that there's uh some sort of uh limitation on how many people are in their backyard Melissa I don't think it was a family could be any right it could be a single person a single mom a husband wife you know any Dynamic that would make sense in in that sort of accessory unit and restricted to square footage that was the biggest square footage I believe was restricted restricted to either um 60% of the primary dwelling unit or less okay and I think it was or a thousand a thousand maximum of a th square feet I think also okay can't CR cram 12 people in the thousand square so that's where I was asking is how how many people are we putting on one property if I could May so as I recall when this was brought back it was as Mr Urban pointed out there was a goal to try to encourage additional H housing options and that's what staff supported I do believe when we were talking to the city council we we realized that this was a code that may have to be tweaked depending on how many folks actually applied as Mr Fletcher point out I don't think it's meaning the goal that was intended so it's probably worth it to do a complete almost review or audit of the ordinance to find out what's what's holding up the applications or what the obstacles are for the people that can do this because it's staff's goal was to was to promote additional housing options in the city and doesn't seem to be working at this point council member Fletcher and so if we if we so we've had two people apply and they've paid impact fees and then we decide to change it what happens to the impact fees that we collected you're opening up a I know I know can we talk about that later yes sir all right is all that all today that all right thank you uh I would like to say New Year's Eve was amazing the city did a phenomenal job U police chief gery your your crew deput uh Jason Miller fire chief Miller everybody was amazing they showed the presence downtown everybody appreciated seeing that we all felt safe uh Rose did an amazing job was up all night there and she ate within the last 10 minutes of the night and about fell asleep she about Crash but no they they worked very hard um parks and W Stephanie the whole group really put an amazing event on uh the theater and the cloud folks back here yall did an amazing job thank you for letting us come up there and throw some shirts and allowing Ken to dance have a dance off in front of everybody um wasn't pretty but okay it was a lot of fun um I couldn't talk all night so um I lost my voice but I really had an amazing time so it's I hadn't been out in in many years for the downtown and so city manager you did a phenomenal job so thank you for uh orchestrating it all the team did good and I I I I I must recognize that I had asked the city council to allow councilman Gilbert to join us with his special event planning expertise so you know I I I we definitely need to recognize that he helped staff um take it to the next level very good well I I thank you but it is all staff and sorry that Rose is my daughter but she was hired well before I was elected so she wants me make sure did great job yeah the m music was great had three stages bands all night and great job may it it was beautiful yep and of course the super villains they messaged me and said hey you know whenever you guys are ready we'll come back I know they've done it in the past um the last thing I I'm I was sad to see that the farmers market downtown is not moving forward I know I saw a lot of comments on social media um do we have see one in the future or maybe using Veterans Park or something that maybe gets the exposure out there I'm sorry I keep hitting my mic um I think maybe it just maybe wasn't recognized that it was downtown and people didn't I don't know where where do we feel that the it why it didn't survive we don't know yet it was not supported by the local businesses downtown um you know so um that that was a that was a struggle from the very beginning um was the location um not wanting to have the Street closed um and I know that she would have liked helped with advertising you know um I think I think she in addition to us advertising and I think she um had hoped that you know some of the businesses would help advertise it also the monthly Market group help you know they're all the same um people so uh she was a business and she couldn't continue you know they they had to she she she was a business she had make money um she knows that we would love to work with her again in the future um right I'd like to um maybe when we talk about the veterans committee maybe we throw that on that workshop and maybe try and strategize come up with some ideas because I really love to see a farmers market Thrive and and um in our community I know they've tried it many times but every time it's downtown and it doesn't seem like the downtown businesses are receptive to it so I mean and and to I I do want to defend that the downtown businesses they they did say from the very beginning that they felt that um customers that doing it every week could not support it um that that um I forget the word they use but they they did say that um almost like fatigue if you did it every week where that's that's why they think that their monthly Market is so successful we also had problems with the weekly Market that when they were in front of City Hall they didn't have access to power um and and um the the power connections are south of 10th Street um which the businesses didn't want her to close the road on Saturdays which meant it had to be on Sunday but then a lot of the businesses weren't open on Sunday so I think the success of a market involves you know the customers not just going to the farmers market but being able to to Window Shop walk through the downtown um and that that wasn't quite possible but we can talk about it further staff staff would like to do whatever we can okay let's throw that on that Workshop as well please if we can um for that I don't know if we have a sometime in February I assume we have a we have um we can put it on February okay thank you and that is all I have and let me um make sure we got everything here this brings us to the information and Report section so Friday January 10th 2025 we have the community redevelopment agency meeting at 2 pm in the building department conference room Thursday January 16th 2025 city council Workshop 1 p.m. at the building department conference room Monday January 20th 2025 city offices are closed an observance of Martin Luther King day Friday January 24th 2025 city council Workshop 2 p.m at the building department conference room and Thursday February 13 2025 city council meeting at the city hall council chambers and for your review we do have warrant list number three and with that being said this meeting is adjourned e e