like to welcome you to our May 9th 2024 city council meeting in the interest of time efficiency and ensuring that everyone who wishes to address the council is given the opportunity to do so the following will apply to all comments made by the public if you desire to be recognized by the chair please fill out a request for and present it to the city clerk present here in council chambers each speaker shall be allowed 3 minutes to address the C the council unless such time is extended by the mayor or by questions from Council groups shall designate a spokesperson to avoid repetition of comments every effort will be made to avoid interrupting speakers thank you for participating in your city government we ask that you please silence all electronic devices with that I call this council meeting to order like to welcome Pastor Leonard Thompson from heart cry Chapel can we all please stand together as he comes to lead our invocation and please remain standing afterwards for the Pledge of Allegiance thank you Mr Mayor and counsel for this privilege would you pray with me please father we thank you in the name of Jesus for this opportunity to come together and to do business with this city of St Cloud I pray over the council members I pray over all the staff support staff I pray for the uh First Responders we pray God for their protection and uh watching over them and keeping them safe as they carry out their duties to protect the people of this city I pray for wisdom for the council members and all the staff as they conduct the business of this city and God I pray that they would look to you and depend on you for wisdom guidance Direction and understanding and I pray these things in Jesus name amen amen thank you P please go me the pledge I pledge to of the United States of America and to the for stands Nation indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you may be seated Madam cler you please call the RO mayor Blackwell here Deputy Mayor maeni here council member Urban here council member Gilbert here council member Fletcher here i' like to ask our city manager if we have any updates to the agenda no updates this evening thank you thank you very much our first presentation is for the employee of the month by Joshua Johnson would you please come good evening all Joshua Johnson Public Works supervisor for Road storm water and Traffic Division uh I would like to congratulate the May 2024 Employee of the Month Roy Campbell Roy always demonstrates exceptional service Citywide Roy was recently conducting a pothole inspection throughout the city's grid when he noticed some smoke coming from the back of a backyard of a home located at Louisiana and Fifth Street without hesitation Roy jumped into action as the fire was moving closer and closer to the home and took it upon himself not only to call 911 but Roy also woke the resident up and rushed him to safety before the firefighters could arrive Roy's attention to detail and dedication to customer service and willingness to help others exemplify the values we strive for in the city of stcloud please join me in congratulating Roy on his well-deserved recognition great job Mr Campbell [Applause] [Laughter] thank you r [Applause] next we have a proclamation recognition of building safety month to Bob deathridge you doing Bob whereas the city of St Cloud is committed to recognizing that our growth and strength depends on the safety and essential role of the homes buildings and infrastructure play that they play both in everyday life and in times of disaster and whereas our confidence in the resilience of these buildings that make up our community is achieved through the devotion of V Vigilant Guardians building safety and Fire Prevention officials Architects Engineers Builders trades people design professionals laborers plumbers and others in the construction industry who work year round to ensure the safe construction of buildings and whereas Building Safety month is sponsored by the International Code Council to remind the public about the critical role of our communities largely unknown Protectors of Public Safety our local code officials who assure us of safe sustainable and affordable buildings that are essential to our prosperity and whereas Mission possible the theme for building safety month encourages all to raise awareness about building safety on a personal local and global scale and whereas each year in observance of building safety month people all over the world are asked to consider the commitment to improve Building Safety resilience and economic investment at home and in the community and to acknowledge the essential service provided to all of us by local and State Building departments fire prevention bureaus and federal agencies in protecting lives and property now therefore I Nathan Blackwell mayor of the city of St Cloud Florida do hereby proclaim the month of May 2024 as Building Safety month accordingly I encourage our citizens to join with their communities in participation in building safety month activities and Bob we are incredibly grateful for your leadership and do you have something you'd like to say thank you Mr Mayor and Council on behalf of the building department and the uh fire department and our many many any industry uh Partners I want to thank you for this and we thank you for your leadership because that's a challenging job many times I know let's get a picture over [Applause] here you're moving into the come turn it around at this time we have a presentation by Oola Reids and the Early Learning Coalition of Oola County hello young lady hi good evening mayor council member city manager my name is Kelly trace and I'm the CEO at reach but one of our clients is the Ula reads initiative which is funded by several uh local partners and so I'm just here to give a brief update um CEO Amanda kenberg of the Early Learning Coalition couldn't be here tonight so she sends her regards but sent me instead so here we go I'm going to be as brief as possible um for those of you who don't know ocula reads was started in 2015 um in an effort to raise our kindergarten Readiness rate which means when those kindergarteners show up on the first day of school how ready are they to sit in that classroom learn from their teacher are they where they need to be do they know their site words and shapes and colors and things like that and unfortunately our rate was 133% was very very low and so um at the time superintendent Luciano um and fast forward through superintendent Dr Pace and now Dr shanoff are all on board for supporting this initiative and continuing to raise the Readiness rate which I will save the drum roll for the end these are our current um Community funding Partners so the Early Learning Coalition is the one who holds the initiative um funded uh based on population percentage oila County city of CMI and city of St Cloud uh the kind of expert partners are obviously our school district the Education Foundation at the state level the uh division of early learning uh everybody's involved and um I'm I'm sure I've sent several emails to somebody hey I was just wondering if you could um you know help me so we're just adding more and more Partners every single day um we also have a literacy committee um if you're interested in joining uh please let me know but for the most part it is any any entity that has a really high volume or high reach for liter um potentially also can bring several large audiences to the table so these are some of our committee members obviously the library addition financial and the why um have been added um these are our community adopters these are people like I said who we make those phone calls to hey can I have free tickets uh can I you know do you mind supporting literacy in this way can we give out free tablets so um I just wanted to give them some um some Support also in addition to some of our nonprofit Partners who readily uh use our programs um call us all the time for is there anything you can give us as a free prize uh for some of the families that use their services um we always step up to the plate to um help them as much as we can uh like I said the incom uh for this project the total project budget just to give you a high level is $65,000 45,000 of that comes from the three entities so St Cloud obviously being smaller pays the smallest percentage than CMI than the county uh and then the Early Learning Coalition matches uh 20,000 of that so that's the total as far as expenses go I'd be happy to provide anyone a breakdown if you would like to look at another budget spreadsheet just let me know I'd be happy to share with you in detail but it's labor which mostly is putting on events um coordinating literacy in the community uh we do some advertising campaigns uh we also do reading challenges and we provide free tablets to some of our challenge winners so these are some of our programs um footsteps are Brilliance was the very first app that we used um and for those those of you who aren't familiar it was basically a free app that doesn't require Wi-Fi to use it so that children all over our community could read books on a tablet on a mobile phone it worked on every platform the school district paid for it in full for the first 5 years um and that was kind of the the deal the school district would pay for the app usage and the other Community Partners would come to the table to help push the word out um that contract has expired and the Early Learning Coalition has just adopted some new soft Ware called Marco Polo that we'll be implementing similarly throughout the community as you know technology just the the the day we launch it it's out of date right so we're just trying to keep up with the times and make sure that the resources we provide are what our kids are learning on and need to be learning so I just provided some data since 2021 we have just over 250,000 hours of literacy read on footsteps to Brilliance um we do still have it as an option it's just doesn't it doesn't get as much support um and then almost $800,000 books read what we do is we partner with the libraries to do reading challenges um and I'm very proud to say as a St Cloud citizen resident that St Cloud has the most challenge winners um out of all of our government entities so good job to the citizens and families in St Cloud and I have a little video that henriett is going to play for us um so we do go to the Children's House when they finish the reading challenge we do it during a summer slump uh or the spring break slump we go to their house and surpris clearing sty well gu what you read more than any other kid in all of Oola County and you won an Amazon fire congrats baby we are so proud of you can you believe it baby what do you say thank you you are welcome I'm going to go do it right now we did not pay her to say that that was all natural um but it is really fun and it's really nice to get out and reward um the families that are are doing their best to to get our kids reading um we do spring break winter break and summer break and we do several throughout those breaks also so and couple more slides there we go um we partner with the oal library to use beanstack thank you uh beanstack is an mobile app where citizens can go and self-report uh the reading that they've been doing with their child so we um have a featured uh partnership with them where our reading challenges we'll go right to the top and we have several families um participating in those challenges all over the county um and you can kind of compare last year to well what I would consider this year's uh data where green is compared to Green purple to purple and pink to Pink we're seeing growth in all avenues from the number of participants the number of books and the number of minutes read and that's part of the challenge that our team is tasked with um so yeah um oh I forgot my drum roll dang okay well drum roll we were at 13% and now we're at 45% in 2023 so we're doing everything we can to try to increase that Readiness rate we obviously have challenges throughout the year you know different things happen and and our community uh changes every day but we do everything we can to try to support those families um and give them any resources so my my Shameless plug here is that on our website you can go to there's a parents resource section for free worksheets and downloads things we've done in partnership with the district and also a teacher resource landing page for teachers who might be in our classrooms in our schools but also private providers daycare centers and families who are at home with our children teaching them so they don't have to start from scratch um we have those resources for them absolutely free and with that I will take any questions you might have well we certainly appreciate the incredible job that Al reg does to help kids get a u a step up on their education and certainly reading is is pivotal and so important we think I'm very grateful for all that you guys do thank you uh to make a difference would anyone else have a comment just one comment we we look at U um rates of incarceration and we look at reading rates of incarceration and if you look at statistics the data shows that fourth grade and below is probably 80% of your incarcerated folks so um this is cool this is something I think we can expand on and we're we're certainly proud of what we've done and those are huge numbers so I hope we continue to to go to the fourth grade and fifth grade so on so in the long run it really would help our incar incarceration rate so thank you for all you do yeah and I I'm glad you brought that up because actually the Early Learning Coalition has been a really big advocate of making sure we're not only helping children but sometimes those parents that need help with resources too so we have some resources for adults um and I did want to give a shout out really quickly to um Dave from fire pal and the St Cloud fire department they've been an excellent partner to us uh we are in process of expanding on their little libraries program and um what's funny is you know he was like we need sponsorships and partners and I'm like well that's good cuz we can't install these things by ourselves so it's been a really great partnership that um we're happy to to be working with him on and I think some of that will have adult literacy materials inside as well so thank you once again thank you thank you very much the next item on our agenda is the citizens for any person who desires to comment on any item not on this agenda is provide us opportunity to address the city council each person is requested to complete a signing form to be presided to be provided to the presiding officer prior to or as as soon as is practical there after the personal address is the councel when you come forward we ask that you please state your name and address for the record and we will ask that you to limit your comments to three minutes Albert Allen if you please come say your name and address for the Rec and your topic good evening I'm Albert Allen I live at 220 Edgewater Drive suncloud uh our block was incorporated in City about six seven years ago and I've got two problems first uh too water authorities building system is absolutely terrible when they first tug it over I think last fall they kept moving the D date of the bills up every month two days to the point my bank was starting to pay the bills late they've got that problem solved but then in February my bank cut a check on February 2nd it was sent to the address of Tojo in Tampa or clearw somewhere in that area which I understand was then riled back here to be entered into the system it finally got in the system a day after it was due on the 20th of February 18 days to have a check process is ridiculous then finally this month I'm to the point now where I I walk in and pay the bill by check downstairs last month they didn't even record the check today I uh I'm in paying the bill and they uh uh two too employees are there instead of the clerk receiving the payment tell me how they're key entering everything over again if their data processing system worked correctly they'd have backups on this I've been programming computers I've been in data center operations 60 years and I've never heard of anything this ridiculous they can have it easily have a backup system plain v no with just their software all they got to do is restore their database and run a journaling system to recapture all the information why they have to data enter everything by hand is beyond me but that's one of my problems the other one is that when we were in the county about 7 years ago my annual waste collection pickup bill was about $120 a year now as of this year it looks like it's going to be somewhere around $480 a year and a big part of that is a street drainage fee supposedly for draining our street we don't have any drains on our street we live on a peninsula between runme Lake and East Lake and all of our homeowners for 50 years have been draining our own Lots into the channel we're getting hit with this uh $13 bill every month for no service I've asked to have the bill the uh fee removed they tell me that it's not a tax it's a fee yet they won't remove it I've never requested the uh service and yet I can't get rid of it so that's my big problem right now so any questions you have any other comment no that's it all right so we like to ask our city manre make sure speak to to water I know they've been having a lot of challenge you when our computers here went down they were in the process of upgrading all of their stuff then they got impacted so that was another challenge because they were trying to to revamp everything so it's been so working hard as well I attended the too board meeting last night and uh they they are still dealing with the uh the challenges of the city's it incident that happened so that's probably part of the billing issues but I can give you my card and and help uh help you assist you in those building issues if you'd like well six years in data center operations this Ser when we installed our software on a plain vanilla IBM operating system we made a backup that we could recover from any time then just reapply the database which wouldn't have any viruses in it and then apply the journaling system for all the recent transactions to catch right up it shouldn't take an extended amount of time to do that no more than 24 hours to 48 Hours yes sir I understand I it stuff is a little bit over my head so I I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it as well but uh I'll happy to give you my card and assist you after glad to talk with you about it yeah thank you thank you sir okay thank you Donald gray my name's Don Gray it's 409 Florida Avenue and I've got more of a complaint um I see no reason why we as a city should be celebrating a sexual preference I I celebrate Black History Month I celebrate juneth because it's celebrating a race of people that had been put down homosexuality in the lgbtq community is not a race it is nothing more than a sexual preference and I object to my tax being paid to set this city aside to have one day in that celebration I think it's horrible and when we have a city council meeting and we invoke the blessings of a holy God upon something like that that asks for God's Wrath and not his blessings thank you thank you Mr Gray Jim Williams if you can St your name and address for the record please yes sir Jim Williams 2495 Long Pine Lane St Cloud Florida I would like to add my objections to the proclamation for lgbtq pride month please don't do that the sex acts performed are unnatural and holy they violate the laws of nature and the laws of God such acts are against God against his word against his design for male and female they are an attack against God's design for the family these are shameful acts not something to be proud of to make a proclamation is to speak for the entire city and yet it is an affront to a Christian people it endorses approves Advocates sexual immorality Christianity and morality are the basis of a safe and peaceful society yet these are affronts to the very things that are the foundations of our society it also recommends sexual immorality to our children and to our grandchildren and if we cannot make a moral decision correctly what's next will we have a prostitution pride month a pedophil pride month an adultery pride month a teen promiscuity pride month please do not do this thank you Mr waves Steven Barber my name is Steven Barber I live at 920 Indiana Avenue here in St Cloud I want to thank you for allowing me to speak and I'll try to keep this brief and to the point you know this country was founded on this book called The Bible and if you study history you'll see that so and here's the thing I want to say I want to address this abominable proud in the cloud event that's scheduled to take place June 8th at the waterfront I just looked on the website tonight now they've expanded it to 6 hours from 4 hours and more events I've studied this mov movement this LGBT QR s t u v WXYZ a b CDE E F G H I J K L M N O P movement and I say that on purpose because the P stands for predatory pervert pedophiles that's what this movement's about when you look into these drag queens and you see their real agenda and it is to molest our children mentally emotionally spiritually and physically and the thing is I'm not not going to hesitate to say this people are going to say it's hate speech and I will agree with that it is God says this kind of thing is an Abomination to him that's what this book says now here's the thing I want to say I've had members of this Council and I appreciate you getting back with me leaving me messages the latest yesterday was Mr Ken Gilbert who called me and I spoke to him briefly but here's the thing I'm hearing from the council members I've spoken to oh we're Christians we believe in Jesus we're against this but yet this city is the major sponsor of this abominable event I don't know about you but based on the authority of this book and my own common sense that's a contradiction I don't see how this city can sponsor this event in good conscience especially if you claim to be a Christian and look at I'm not your judge I'm not here to condemn anyone but I am here to condemn this abominable event because what these people are about there shouldn't even be a pride Alliance of St Cloud these people if you look in the history of this country going back to the colonial days this was called sodomy and it was punishable by death now I'm not calling for vigilantism I'm not calling for people to go out and pick these people off but I'm saying the churches in this uh this area especially ought to be standing up against this and certainly people on this Council that say that they are Christians and I understand some of you have voted no on this but to still be part of this which means you're part of what is sponsoring this along with Toho Water Authority you are saying yes to this Abomination and I would remind you you're going to stand before almighty God because the Bible says in Romans 13 there's no power but of God and he's talking about government Authority the powers that are be are ordained of God so yes as Citizens lawful citizens were to obey that but when it comes down to violating the law of God that's where we are to take a stand against it but what I'm saying is that you all are going to stand before God give an account so please stop this abominable event from taking place CU it's a stench in the nostrils of holy God thank you thank you Mr barara council member Mai thank you um I'm pretty upset about what I've been hearing today and I do agree with the previous speaker that it is hate speech to me some of my best friends are gay and they're wonderful wonderful people and beautiful I would you know they contribute to this community just in immeasurable ways so it's very upsetting to me to hear people speak like this in my opinion having elected official support pride month is significant as it demonstrates a commitment to equality diversity and inclusion in our community I I say let's advocate for inclusion let's advocate for diversity and love in all of its forms thank you councilor Mai Dwayne Norman good evening good evening mayor councel um I just wanted to come tonight um basically about the ball fields again so um thank you for your support and keeping this project rolling I know the the project started under the previous Council couple of you were here but I want to thank you guys and gal for for keeping this moving uh what's on the agenda time looks like it's going to come to fruition hopefully soon and I just want to thank you for that and for you and others that weren't here back when we started this to tell you some of the numbers the local little league has almost 900 kids you know that's big they need those fields but one of the needs for those fields from the very beginning where we play four nights a week those some of those 8 to 10 year olds 12-year-olds play till 10:00 at night so these fields will help with that and I appreciate you doing that uh the adult sports are going on down there they got kickball they got softball uh during the week nights and on weekend weekend days we go out there and practice sometimes on Sunday and there's a couple of adult baseball or softball leagues doing that stuff on Sunday so just we need the fields and I appreciate you guys sticking with us and thank you for all you do thank you is there anyone else who' like to speak to the council during the citizens forum who has not spoken if not there are no other requests we'll move on to the next item on our agenda the consent agenda the next portion of tonight's meeting is the consent agenda which contains items that have been determined to be routine and non-controversial if anyone in the audience wishes to address a particular item on the consent agenda now is the opportunity for you to do so additionally if staff or members of the city council wish to speak on a consent item they have the same opportunity first of all would anyone in the council have any items on the consent agenda that you're wanting to address Mr leer um I would like to pull item e as well as item F councilman Gilbert uh yes thank you mayor um I would look to uh a and um C if I may sir and C yes sir sorry about that yes all right we'll start with item a Mr Gilbert well I would just like to say that uh uh although I dearly enjoy my council members I don't get a chance to talk to you all so uh when we have this forum I would really like to recognize the uh the support of these causes and and the resolution so uh I would like to look at the proclamation policy to be passed forward if we could look at that because I truly believe that's something that we should be able to vote on as a council so that's what I would ask the council in this open form if that you would you would consider consider that please okay so you're saying I think that's you'd like to see that passed right yes sir yeah okay all right uh I'd like to speak that since that item has been opened it says under item 6.2 that proclamations will be read into the record by the sponsoring council member either it needs to be understood or clarified that we don't want to read every proclamation in the record we ought to be able to read titles and uh make the proclamation available for unless it needs to be a part of the agenda reading the entire every Proclamation into the record I think that needs to be I think it needs to say Proclamation titles will be read into the record by sponsoring council member is that can that's what it says yes so are any objections to adding that Proclamation titles can be read in the record and if there's a request or it needs to be added to the agenda for the whole resolution to be read by uh a council member you can certainly do that make that request can I ask a point for clarification um so the the policy says a total of three presentations are permitted on the agenda to include proclamations so are you you saying within this three you are okay with us reading three and then the rest are titles or you want only titles any any know any time you put one on the agenda to be read that's fine but to say we need to read them all you know there could be yeah he's talking about the entire the entire Proclamation if you add that to the agenda under presentations that's a total that's a total issue those I expect to be read all I'm saying is that you know the document says that every Proclamation has to have a motion and a second and hopefully we have read that Proclamation but everyone should not have to be read in the record you're looking at a laborsome addition of Council meetings so 5.1.1 says proclamations not part of the presentation section of the agenda will be placed under the consent agenda okay so that and that is I think the mayor's point is that's a little inconsistent with 6.2 so that's just asking for cons so you just want to add proclamations may be read by title only into the record that would be fine if you that's a better warning I have a comment mayor council member maeni um I guess I feel like when the three proclamations and presentations is consistent with what we do now and so some proclamations do get read and I think some of them should be read um well I'm not against that okay I guess I'm not saying that if they're put on the under presentation they'll all be read okay but but when you get down to the end agenda you may have three or four five additional right they're saying it would just go in consent I just wanted that clarify yeah yeah yeah I'm good with that then okay Council M gilber no no I didn't have any additional questions I just wanted the council to consider us adopting that please so if there are no objections any you we can add that clarification then we'll just add that to the rest of the agenda to be voted on Mr Gilbert you want speak to item c yeah I I um coming from the private sector uh of life until this uh last 18 months uh this is a great resolution because hot dog costs a lot more in New York City than it does in Tampa Florida so if we're going to send our Council or we're going to send our city employees out to these cities to conduct City business they should be able to be able to eat breakfast lunch and dinner as you know I do because I'm 275 pounds so I think this is this this is a great adaption of that in the private sector most of the folks go by what the city prms are so I think this is something we should really consider also thank you very much I yield back to you mayor thank you councilman Fletcher item e um so this is for too river boats and the river boat um down at the lakefront we have a um I believe an agreement um that staff has prepared for us um I had a couple things that I wanted to bring to council's attention um and items that I would like to see um in it I would like to see if we could get a could extend it to five years um I would also like to see a sign placed at the lakefront if possible um that says boating at uh your own risk um and then my personal preference is the the waiver system that that he's currently using which has a print out of the Manifest indicating that um the the folks who have purchased a ticket um have done so which could be provided um on a monthly basis per the contract um that is there so I would like to see um those revisions added to that item what is the first revision you're saying a fiveyear five years that changed from what to what two one year so instead of it coming every year or renewing every year we would just give him a five-year contract council member Gilbert the only question I have for council member Fletcher uh is there going to be economy scales on those five-year contracts will there be a 3% CPI or something such as that as as it grows I would like to that to be under consideration because of the additional cost each year of our maintaining that that uh part understood y I personally would not support extending it to five years that I just asked for a lot of challenge we need to Del way it is because I think the council's S it or the staff has s this through and then if you if it's working really well and you want to expend extend it later we certainly can do you have any thoughts on this thank you mayor um so the way that agreement is written is although it's an annual agreement it renews automatically so it would not have to come back to the city council unless the city council gave the city manager direction to return it to you okay or unless staff felt that there was an issue that we needed to return it because we were having some type of problem [Music] um but I I I agree that actually the the language that councilman Gilbert just mentioned about an auto um automatically increasing based on the CPI was a great recommendation that we didn't take that into consideration on on this okay okay Mr monzer and just two points on that part of the reason why the there was no CPI included in it is because the agreement has a termination for convenience clause in it that I think the city has to have so the city at any time regardless of whether even if if it's a 5-year contract unless you want to change that provision of the agreement which we'd recommend you don't change uh the city has the ability to essentially come back to the council and say we're going to we we need to terminate this agreement for any reason so uh that's part of the reason that that we didn't look at an extended term with the with the CPI on it because uh the the other part is Mr Fletcher's other question with regard to the signage I think that's more of a Lakefront Direction issue than a part of this agreement for sure so uh it wouldn't be really be would be would be part of this agreement and on your third Point are we're happy to work with whatever waiver system that the and what he's talking about is those individuals who buy tickets and who become passengers on the boat are sign signed waivers that indentify and hold the city harmless because the connection between the moing of this vessel and the franchise agreement that we're considering and the City opens up the city for liability in the event that somebody gets injured on a boat while the boat's out on the cruise we are we are connected enough to it that I assure you that the city will be brought into any sort of personal injury lawsuit or anything that comes out of that so the the requirement was that every passenger would sign off on the hold harmless and the waiver Provisions um we're happy to work with the operator uh to work on something that might work more appropriately for them uh um and so at the direction of the council we can do that but I do think that for the there needs to be a sufficient uh waiver policy or program in place that would allow the the city to get that liability protection thank you Council Urban um I would do understand the oneyear annual automatic renewal however um this gentleman invested a lot into our community I just to give him the ility and comfort I would be fine doing five years barring any serious incident or illegal activity or something that that causes the city to take action I would like to give him some stability here at least and then do an annual renewal after that but um of course it's up to the council well you're getting automatic renewal as it is it's my argument Mr Gilbert coun Gilbert I I agree with uh uh M uh councilman Urban and councilman Fletcher uh a substantial investment is made by this vendor uh to do that so I think the city should show some kind of confidence in and a longed contract and I I I defer to our uh attorney that's been around for 24 years uh to put a clause in there for cause if there's cause that that that the contracts need not to be renewed for safety reasons or things like that but and I also would like again to look at the uh uh additional r rent as the contractual agreement goes on the this vendor spent over a million dollars to come to the city we still haven't determined how much economical impact and tourism impact in the TDC this is so we we should partner up with them but we should have some uh written agreement for cause uh uh attorney and then also uh an escalating rent as as the time goes on that's just my opinion on Long gated contracts uh if you renew them each year then it gets visited each year I'd like to show this vendor some confidence that the city's behind uh their Venture and making the city better that's my only coming in that thank you mayor you back C thank you I'm fine with the one year but it sounds like there's three that are supporting that way so um I when I read the agreement I thought that there was decent Provisions in there for cancellation on either party and then there was immediate termination um options in there also there was um several items in there that the city is providing for free to the operation I mean I understand what councilman Gilbert is saying about putting something about price escalation if maybe we're not even if we give a five-year term can we at least put some language in there that says says that the cost will be evaluated every year and that they you know price increases can happen or what you know put some language in there to cover that because I think it just only talks about like water and something else that they were using but is there a way to add some language to say hey we're going to be reevaluating the costs every year and well there's a provision in the agreement that deals with the water usage which at this point is all that the city I believe is providing there was two things when I read it well the solid waste collection the dumpster the dumpster that's there already it allows them to provide access to the dumpster but the dumpster is there and the city's you know dump using that dumpster already uh the Water issue has an ability to reevaluate in the event that the water there's excess of water that's the being used so the key to the term piece again I'll bring it back to us is the provision that's in there that says the city can terminate the contract or the agreement without cause it's currently on 30 days notice so again um there are termination for cause Provisions in the agreement already and that's immediately uh the other termination is without cause where the city actually either party can can terminate it without cause upon 30 days notice so right but that doesn't really cover the um the monthly payments well well in theory it does be we could add some I don't want to be like we're going to cancel it if you know I want I want to say like you know we we will'll reevaluate the so we can that we can add that to the rent of the just so they're on notice they can't say well we didn't know anything about it sounds like a Disney contract yeah yeah but I'm write it I'll go with the term however the group wants it it sounds like there's three that want it longer so help me Mr M for it well it sounds like if I may that at least the majority of the council is okay with a fiveyear term and then you'd want an annual re-evaluation of the franchise fee [Music] MH yeah has to be an annual evaluation has to be if you're asking me everything uh increases through the consumer product in do you want to do a CPI annually uh I we at least have to evaluate wouldn't you think I mean our costs are going to uh raise by taking care of the park the entrance way there the signage I mean well if we put ourselves in a fiveyear commitment do we not raise or have the opportunity to raise it through the CPA well in these type in any sort of agreement like this or any sort of lease agreement like this it is when you're having a five-year provision typically the landlord or the llord does not want to wait five years to get their CPI on so they will do a c Pi annually there's an annual increase of it all so if you want to go to a 5-year contract lease term with an annual CPI increase over the current uh what is it $750 a month then that would go up by the CPI every year so three of you are warning a fiveyear into the contract include you oh yes sir mayor I'm sorry and I'm good with the CPI that Mr Gilbert as long as we long as we have an evaluation and and have a a cause Clause no so what we're going to do is we're going to write it up with annually the franchise fee would would be increased on the anniversary of the agreement by the CPI so it would go up every year without having to come back to council okay of course you know the operator always has an ability to come back to council and say we need to work on this right the CPI will dictate that increase yes sorry one more question so if the the water usage or the solid waste needs to be adjusted does that have to come back to council or is that that can happen car I shouldn't have to come back to council I thought that we I wouldn't want it to come back to council for that I just want to make sure I'll make sure it doesn't have to it doesn't have to come I thought we've had it so that this I don't that we added that one last have to look back on I'm trying to find it right now um the agreement says City shall monitor the water usage and May at any time during the term of the agreement seek an adjustment in the franchise fee to reimburse the city for the water used by franchisee I would like like it to also be the solid waste that's section nine yeah right okay okay council member Irving and that would I'm sorry Mr but you're okay with the city manager making that deter okay I'm sorry Solid Waste was brought up and it uh turned a light on in my brain um when we were out there uh one day we noticed that um there's like a large dumpster right in front of where he parks and I would like to know if there's any desire on the council if uh there would be interest in maybe finding a place to relocate that dumpster so that it's not right in front of the this boat I think it would be more aesthetically pleasing for St Cloud's visitors but just want to see what the council thinks Council ref Fletcher I would agree with that and I think we put that a provision in the agreement to allow the city manager to relocate the dumpster we're already working on that yeah all right because her her aesthetic eye looked at it and said that's ugly I wouldn't want to wait in line next to a dumpster do we need to vote on this item separately or is it can we pass it on to the agenda now as long as so we understand the major term would be the the current term would actually we turn that the term language would be revised to delete to include a 5year term with an annual Consumer Price Index uh increase as of the effective date of this the annual effective date of this agreement so as a basically and then the other item well the sign we already talked about that doesn't need uh and then we would also address the water issue uh and the dumpster Solid Waste dumpster issue uh to allow the city manager to revise it the cost associated with that if necessary and then the only final issue is with regard to Mr council member Fletcher's comment on the waiver and the agreement provides that the boat operator will provide waivers essentially in a form as determined by the city so what we have had a couple conversations with the operator on is to give us and I get a good understanding of what they're doing for waivers he he mentioned they have mentioned to us that they have a waiver system and we're happy to look at that to see how that works uh and and and address that and uh so I think there's enough in the Lang in there to allow the city manager to work with our office to put in place a system would be as protective to the city as possible but also least obtrusive to his operation um fantastic I I had the opportunity to meet with the operator and he had he had showed um you know trying to make it as easy as possible right because it's a monthly process where you have to provide this this information and the system that he does have now has a spreadsheet where he's able to print out um a mass list of all of the basically the Manifest showing that all of the the the passengers have you know signed that and checked that off and has been able to you know that's something that can be sent to the city every month with payment as dictated by the contract I am showing the City attorney what a copy of that looks like right now thank you sure we can we can work with that with a system system like that on I'll need more information that I saw on one little screen on a phone very good thank you okay Mr Gil your light on yes uh one more thing and you uh uh Mr Urban you talked about the dumpster and things like that when this business becomes awesome which I think it will and there be it attracting numerous folks and I know Miss hokom is in the audience to look at some kind of platform which it's more welcoming at the entrance and exit of it not today but just be on record of the dumpster is right there but it' be nice to have a platform as this business is going to take off and be a big part of our city so I just want to put that on record that there we may need to look at a platform uh in future dates so just on record not saying has happen today but I just want to put on record the dumpster moves we put platform it's a great place to sit and enjoy each other thank you yeld back to you mayor thank you are we done done Mr M can I ask a clarification point the term of the agreement was changed to five years and not automatically renewing correct what would renew every year after that annually after it gets annually evaluated even though it's got a 5year term well no if you put the five-year term in there without the annual automatic renewal it'll have to come back to the council after five years well when I said annually evaluated we were talking about the money yes not the term of the what you were talking about but they were asking for a five-year term so I just I wanted to make sure it was clear because we stopped talking about automatic renewals so 5 years plus an automatic renewal cuz that's enough for him to go and expand and do all kinds of stuff and then you know it's it's enough for him to maybe go get financing all kinds of things because if I was investing in a business that I could be kicked out in 30 days I wouldn't be willing to come out of pocket for much I would like it to automatically renew annually after the five-year term if possible okay so it'll be fi it'll start out as a five-year term and then it'll be onee renewals thereafter okay okay that's okay Mr Fletcher um I just wanted it f excuse me sir item F okay um I just wanted to pull item f for a separate vote all right do you want to comment um I have no comments at this time would anyone in the audience like to speak to item F if not we'll have discussion and motion by council at this time do I have a a motion that we approve resolution number 2024 061 r that has been pulled for separate vote motion approve we have a motion do I have a second second I have a second counc athi Madam clery please call the role council member Urban no council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher no Deputy Mayor mareni I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 32 okay okay would anyone the audience like to speak to any other item on the agenda if not I'll have discussion and a motion by councel a motion for the adoption of the consent agenda Minish the item that has been pulled and the items that have been amended motion to approve we have a motion from council member Urban do I have a second second Madam cler please call the role council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z brings us to public hearings Madame clerk could you please read item number one into the record final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24-24 and ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida closing vacating and abandoning the plaed rideway generally located between a portion of Ralph Miller Road East of Hackney Road and West of 12 Oaks Road and a portion of 12 Oaks Road East of hacknee Road and West of handsome Road of the public records of the Oola County Florida specifically describing the body of this Ordnance providing for sub ability conflicts and an effective date good evening Council mayor this is D Mar Sagar deputy director for the Community Development this this item in front of you is the second reading of the abandonment of um c um Center Lake Ranch 12 Oaks uh for Road improvements the uh first reading and approve um first reading Was Heard last month um it is this is the location of the rideway abandonment um it is to um the realignment of 12 Oaks Road this is the area that the road will be realigned to and these are the areas to be vacated um no objections were received from any utility providers um and staff recommends approval and it's requested for this Council to recommend approval ordinance 20 24-24 I'll be glad to answer any questions thank you would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion and or motion by Council motion to approve we have a motion for approval council member Urban do I have a second second second council member Fletcher Madam clerk council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z could you please read items two and three into the record final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24-26 in Ordnance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation of low density residential to approximately 14.37 Acres identified as Vista Grand located north north of Old Hickory Tree Road South of Noti Road East of Old Hickory Tree Road and West of Hickory Tree Road provid writing for the amending the official future land use map of the comprehensive plan following of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effect cability copies on files and effective date final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24-27 in ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a zoning District of PUD plan unit development compatible with a low density residential futur land use designation change adopted by ordinance number 202 24-26 for approximately 14.37 Acres identified as Vista Grand located north of Old Hickory Tree Road South of old Noti Road East of Old Hickory Tree Road and West of Hickory Tree Road providing for entering the designation on the official Sony map providing for approval of the preliminary master plan following of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication cability and effective date good even mayor council D Mar Sara deputy director for Community Development this is a a item in front of you is for a comprehensive plan Amendment a PUD Zoning for uh and a pro a property loc located in Hickory Tree uh the approximately acres is 14.35 Acres um this property was annexed in June of 2023 and uh currently has a comprehensive amendment to low density residential as is consistent with the comprehensive plan the existing County future land uses lowdensity residential the proposed is also line low density residential and the existing County zoning is agricultural U the proposed zoning is PUD the total density for this property that is uh is approximately um currently eight dwelling units per acre the the applicant is proposing a density of 3.93 under the Pud this is a depiction of the area future L news and Zoning um in the Pud the Publican is proposing a total of 54 single family detached front and rear loaded with lots approximately 40 and 55 in wide the net residential density is 14.10 and the gross resident residential density is 3.83 the project is to be developed in one single phase and it has an active Recreation Area with pedestrian path around the storm water and Landscaping buffering to the south and east access to confiture connections as well I provided this is a depiction of the preliminary master plan with the details that I just um um mention and it is a staff recommendation of approval apply commission heard this item on March 19 and also recommended approval the applicant is here present to answer any questions you may have would the applicant like to speak uh good evening Mayor councel John R Adams 8 Broadway cassm Florida 34741 we're the planners for the project we're in agreement with uh your staff and uh the Planning Commission for approval and we're asking for approval on both these items tonight and I'd be happy to answer any questions thank you very much you stand by would anyone in the audience like to speak to these items if not we'll have discussion and or motion by councel what is your pleasure regarding the future land designation uh item number 202 24-26 can I make a motion that we adopt ordinance number 20 24-26 do I have a second second second from Mr Gilbert Madam CL please call the rooll deputy mayor maeni I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z I'd also like to make a motion for the adoption of ordinance number 2012 24-27 do I have a second second madam cler please call the RO M Mr Gilbert made a second council member Urban I council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z thank you brings us to item number four final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24-21 in ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida amending chapter 2 development process procedures and permits Article 4 subdivision plan sections 2.4.1 through the 2.4.2 of the Land Development code to update procedures for plating and vacating of easements providing for subab ility conflicts administrative Corrections codification publication and an effective date good evening mayor council members um Dave Tomac with the city manager's office um this ordinance addresses a couple of our processes um the first one is for easement um that are being vacated for um purposes that they're either being replaced with something in the right location or they're no longer needed um it's uh consistent with uh Florida Statutes um with this ordinance you would give that um decision over to the city manager or designate um some examples of that recently um the county was building a road on uh on uh um Jack bre Road connecting it further east there were a couple of Remnant easements for drainage um that were special purpose that were no longer needed and with the new roadway um they were providing replacement easements um OU's had a couple of uh requests to us um where um because they're running our system and they're designing it um they don't need some of the easements that were placed U historically and they're trying to get them placed somewhere else so this just gives us that flexibility to work with our utility providers and to uh uh keep keep things moving along according to the statutes um the second item in this ordinance is on Final plots um right now we do preliminary um subdivision plans and final plats um through city council approval on the proposed ordinance um again is consistent with Florida Statutes um would give city council the approval authority over preliminary subdivision plans and then as long as the construction plans and the final plats are consistent um with the preliminary subdivision plan approval um staff can go ahead and approve it through the development Review Committee um and then um record the plat if there's any substantial change I know recently we had one where um they graded an extra 3 and 1/2 ft um from what they said in the original those would have to come back to amend the preliminary subdivision plan which would require your approval and then we would proceed through construction and final plot um this meets the Strategic plan goals um staff did recommend approval Planning Commission recommended at its last meeting approval 5 and we're requesting city council approval um this evening I'll be happy to answer any questions oops and I forgot the dog again next meeting we'll have a dog all right thank you Mr Tomac would anyone the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion then or motion by Council council member Gilbert I would uh just like to ask councilman merini through her expertise to uh assist us with this this is not my baileywick this this is not what I do this is what you do so I respect your expertise so if you have any input could you please educate Us in the audience I'd be happy to you're so sweet Dr mathi well you guys might have noticed that the last meeting when we did the first introduction a reading I voted against this I would um I'm not a fan of these new streamlined procedures personally I feel like it's a really slippery slope you know a a lot of times staff isn't going to make the same decision necessarily that we would or listening to our constituents I mean we got elected to make these decisions so I'm not a fan of streamlining these items I know it's it's faster and helps everybody get through the system but faster to me isn't necessarily the best thing for the city so I'm not in favor of this um I I think you know still needs to come to us the only thing is I know the eement vacations come twice if they could just come once I don't know if that's something that could change but but I I still believe they need to come to us because I mean you guys know we make changes all the time we see stuff and oh we want this we want that but when it goes to the city manager or design me so that basically is Staff right you know they're not going to necessarily make the same decisions that we would so I'm I'm not in favor of this Mr to um do you have any questions you like you what you had to say something I was listening intently council member Urban um I I definitely understand where you're you're coming from I I've also heard from a couple of residents with concern um what sold me on this is I had a pretty good conversation with Mr toek about it and um basically if there's any changes um any of us can can can bring it back and ask for it to to be brought back to a meeting so that's what kind of made me more comfortable with it is that we could still hold these guys accountable for for what they present but um it just just my thought on it open up more discussion I I guess I forgot to mention in the presentation that there's also provision in there that your city manager can um require additional things with the preliminary subdivision plan so if there's issues that you're particularly interested in protecting for the preliminary subdivision plan we can require that those items be included in the application so that you will get to see those without a code change every every time the city council wants to give me direction to start including something then we would be able to just Implement immediately yeah and I know we're working on the grading issue while we're working on that ordinance uh we're already asking staff to if this gets approved to go ahead and add the requirements for the perimeter grading um with the preliminary subdivision so that we know kind of what it's going to do to the adjacent properties but that's just one that's just one example I mean I'm okay sorry council member mthi thank you um I guess to me it's kind of like out ofs side out of mind like if it's not coming before Council we're not going to know and then we're going to drive by and be like what's that and then you know it's like oh well staff approve that because they interpreted what we said to mean X when we meant y I just I I'm going to make a motion to deny this we have a motion for denial do I have a second second Mr monzer I want to wait for get and and I understand uh deputy mayor Mei I would if I could just comment on the easement portion of it all that is a cumbersome process that is unique to St Cloud because of the fact that your two most significant utilities who are the ones that are utilizing most of these easement are separate entities that are managing your utilities so Dave pointed it out but the way this language was written allowed for you basically kept the process for RightWay abandon abandonments those that are done not the ones that are done through repats but those that are done Standalone ones that process will still come before you the same way what we were looking at was trying to streamline the Eastman process because what we have been found found out is that very often there are some a ton of old utility easements that are out there that have been around for decades and you don't typically we don't typically find out about until too or OU contact us and said they we're working on an agreement with this developer we're going to get a new easement for this area because this is where their utility lines are going to go but they've got this old easement that's been around there forever and we have to take that through the process so that's why we put that in we specifically limited it to utility construction and sidewalk easements I understand I been up here seven years though it's not like we get a ton of easement vacation requests from OU I mean I I don't there that's not okay I personally it's I you know I made my motion Madam clerk please call the rooll for denial council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni I council member Urban I mayor Blackwell no motion carries 41 thank you Adam CCT believe item number five into the record final public hearing for ordinance number 2024-the chapter 42 traffic and vehicles article 3 parking stopping and standing section 42- 68 Authority 10 pound Vehicles providing for subil conflict administrative correction codification publication and an effective date good evening Council mayor Dak Mar Sagara deputy director this um Land Development code amendment is to give the authority to court enforcement and other author authorized employees to um restricting or or move um vehicles that are not functioning from the right away it it makes the change from that from previously it only give that authority to the police department and the proposed language will give the authority to any designated employee such as Court enforcement it is St recommendation of approval um for ordinance 2431 and I'll be glad to answer any questions Mr M I just want to clarify this is a change to the city code it's that it's not a change to the Land Development code that was in the staff memo it refers to the LDC but it's a city code change okay and also for the purpose of the record the new requirement for business impact estimates there's one that's been prepared it's in your packet and it was also posted on the city's website in accordance with the law all right thank you Council Fletcher um on this I brought this up in my briefing I just wanted to confirm um we have a lot of subdivisions where um driving around the subdivisions cars are parked all over the streets it's hard to get through um I hear complaints all the time by by passing this that's going to assist us in being able ble to either ticket or tow um those vehicles um where we see subdivisions that are completely cram packed with vehicles I no um I don't frankly this code provision was not designated for the purpose that you just indicated it was mostly designated to address non-subdivision roads where there are disabled vehicles or vehicles that are so parked that they create a traffic Hazard to do that that's how it could be used in those instances uh but you know the and you know we're going to have to look at those pretty closely to see if where the how the vehicles are parked are restricting Public Safety access and all those so it could available but that's not typically what it was designed to deal with so so um okay I was under the impression that that was possible with with well it is possible I just I'm not sure that the city and the code enforce the city police department the code enforcement department are going to be running through subdivisions to try to tow a bunch of cars the problem with the subdivision issue is if we're towing a bunch of cars what we're doing is we're probably towing cars of people that live in that subdivision and it's it's going to get pretty pretty ugly pretty ugly well I mean it's not like we're going to I didn't intend to like go out there and attack the subdivisions and write tickets but there is subdivisions where you can't even drive through the subdivisions that were built prior to adding the 0 five in the parking ordinance in the Land Development code so that was that was the intent because there is subdivisions you can't even drive a fire truck there so sure Council M Gil yeah I I I truly uh thought of this a little differently and and and um U police chief gir's here uh and it I would think it would help our police officer for code enforcement to be able to conduct these kind of uh uh warnings or tickets and things like that so the the police and the safety can do what they're supposed to do and this kind of uh Duty is on a public safety officer but not necessarily A sworn police officer could you uh if I'm wrong please tell me yes sir Doug bery police chief um this is actually to assist uh code enforcement normally goes out this is in relations to potentially deric vehicles that are unregistered there's no license plates on the vehicles um we've get those complaints code enforcement would normally go out there and put a notice of a tag on there that it needs to be moved from the roadway or where it's parked um in a certain time frame when they go back out there after the time time frame that's been quoted they go back and the vehicles are still there they have to call the police department to have an officer come over verify it and say yes this is properly tagged and we now we have to initiate the toe it does tie up Law Enforcement Officers quite a bit uh what this does is actually give code enforcement the authority to just call for the tow truck and have the vehicle removed um obviously if there's going to be a potential challenge or any type of threat from uh anyone that might come out to a code enforcement officer obviously the police would always respond back and and just ensure that the safety of every one is uh is maintained but that's really the intent of this to give them the authority to assist us and remove some of those deric Vehicles it's a truthfully this is a code provision that's been around for a while it's a very small change if you look at the provision that's in the ordinance it basically changes it it used to require as the chief pointed out that the police department had to coordinate start handle the toe now it allows for basically anybody charged with code enforcement to be able to do it Council or um yeah just um back to council member Fletcher's point I I get calls all the time about cars parked in the way in subdivisions if there's anything we can do to uh to look into maybe an ordinance that helps uh helps with that I I would love to look into that because it it is a big issue especially if you need Public Safety Vehicles getting down down there and I know our uh police department has limited resources uh can't be out there all the time but uh if there's a specific complaint from Neighbors I would love to have a way that those cars could also be tagged maybe and uh and sent out if possible so that's a that's a challenge to be honest with you sir uh when you get down that line whether vehicles are legally parked we just have to be cautious of that um to to start going in there and ticketing some of those Vehicles some of them are for private uh developments as well um so they have every legal right if they choose to based on their Charter and if they want to call their own tow truck they're welcome to um same thing if someone's blocking a driveway blocking a sidewalk they have every right to basically call a tow truck as well um that's that's on them but um it's always a challenge to have law enforcement go in and try to uh work on parking issues in those developments but uh we we'll assist in any way we can thanks so remember the key the key to the city being able to do this is the vehicle is parked illegally yes so subdivision if a subdivision wants the city council to put up a bunch bunch of no parking signs all along the subdivision then you could you could have illegally parked vehicles within the subdivision lot of subdivision and a lot of homes council member Fletcher um just just to follow up and on that real quick um when I was a Cod enforcement officer for oila County one of the things that we did once a month was we went out to subdivisions where we receiv received complaints from either the HOAs or residents who were having issues and then we would go out and we would issue warnings as Code Enforcement Officers not not police officers to kind of give an indication like guys you know you need to do this this or that um and then we would come back several months later and if there was two or three left then then we would ticket them we wouldn't go in there and like just rip all the vehicles out there it was more of an education um scenario for them um and I think at that time the county took the position that if you're parked on the side of the road and you had to travel into the oncoming travel Lane and and move to go around the vehicle then you were blocking that travel Lane um through the middle of the road that was the position that they took and then all of those tickets went to a special magistrate um to be handled that was just my experience with it so just adding my two cents interesting interpretation um I I was just going to comment don't the HOAs have a heck of a lot more ability to ticket and Tow and whatever than we cuz I know my neighborhood my old neighborhood you know they had signs UPS like no parking and they I mean they were like on you like if you parked overnight or whatever and and then my mom's neighborhood has that and they'll tow you you know but it's the HOA doing it versus maybe many HOA their deeds covenants and restrictions have parking enforcement Provisions like that and restrictions yes maybe when communities are complaining we need to help the HOA have the tools to enforce their own parking and because yeah I know so I know some neighborhoods you're just like heaven forbid if there's an emergency our fire chief is crashing some cars I assure you they will get through I promise you that yes that they will get through I promise you those chrome bumpers do very [Laughter] well do we have any other discussion could I entertain a motion for the adoption motion to approve I have a second for the mayor mam clerk please call the roll council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor mathini hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z and think could you read the next item public hearing for resolution number 224-0400 r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida amending resolution number 2023-the 20232 24 budget for the city of St Cloud finding the city manager has certified there are prior year fund balances and or current revenues available in the budget for additional projects and programs in various funds not included in the original budget requiring the budget to be increased to include set additional fundings in the various funds and making supplemental Appropriations within the funds Jeff Cooper Finance director good evening um as indicated this this is per city code section 2- 212 amendments after adoption and the city manager has certified funds available to appropriate funds to for the uh following purposes so the general fund has a $266,200 increase we're doing a number of things increasing revenue from insurance proceeds by 45,500 decreasing expenditures for city council contingency by 103,000 and increasing expenditures for Police Department machinery and equipment by 148,00 and that is to replace two uh vehicles and their emergency lighting that were involved in accidents uh we're increasing revenue from prior year fund balance by 150,000 and increasing expenditures for intergovernmental transfers to capital projects by 150,000 for project CM 201101 city hall building a third floor remodel we're decreasing city council contingency by 100,000 and increase expenditures for Parks and Recreation other improvements by 100,000 for the replacement of playground equipment at wheel Park uh parks and wreck kicked in the rest it's way more than 100,000 just for your reference uh increase revenue from Parks and Recreation sponsorships by 35,000 increased donations by 8,700 and increase expenditures for Parks and Recreation promotional activities by 43,700 to promote Parks and Rec events throughout the the year and finally increase revenue from federal grants Public Safety by 27,000 and decrease overtime and related benefi that should be an increase oh sorry increase overtime and related benefit expenditures by 27,000 for the St Cloud distracted driver education enforcement program and this is an fdot Grant any questions that was a mouthful for the general fund any specific questions on any of those uh Debt Service fund has a $150,000 increase stop just a second please Mr Gilbert yeah uh sorry about that CP um great stuff's happening and Parks and Rec is part of it and sponsorship is great because there's different cities I go to that are sponsored and parks are sponsored by the the utility company or or car dealership or something like that and when I first came on Council we talked about that and sometimes we don't recognize staff for actually doing what we give direction to and they have so I looked at there's 35,000 from corporate sponsors for parks and wreck so I just want to go on record and saying great job because we ask and it was delivered and it come sometimes gets buried in the minutia so thank you very much C yep I you back just thanks to Parks and Recreation Coupe did nothing for that particular one uh so Debt Service fund we have a $150,000 increase we're increasing revenue from in fund transfer by 150,000 and increase interest expens expenditures for interest payments on the Florida government financing commission loan for $10 million associated with project PR 2106 17 street ball fields uh this resolution for the actual appr um approving the loan will be presented at the next meeting on June 13th so this is just given the budget to because we're going to pay somewhere around 5% interest uh annually for this $10 million loan uh capital projects fund we have an increase of 11,463 197 uh we're increasing revenue from inter fund transfer by 1,463 197 and expenditures for the following projects the previously mentioned CM 2101 for 150,000 CR2 2401 the CR Alleyway improvements project 500,000 pw22 O2 Downtown parking 15639 and CR 242 Centennial Park renovation for 100,000 uh all the latter three projects are funded by the CRA year end fund balance that's we'll get to in a minute uh and then we're increasing revenue from debt proceeds by $10 million in expenditures for the ball fields project Parks impact fee fund $650,000 increase we're increasing revenue from prior your fund balance by 150,000 and increase interest expenditures by $150,000 for the a for mentioned uh Florida government financing commission loan which will come to you at the next meeting uh we're increasing revenue from prior fund balance by 500,000 and we're increasing interfund transfer expenditures for the additional land purchase for project PR 2 402 Hopkins Park and we did just receive the appraisal for that so we're on track I skipping okay sanitation fund we have a $750,000 increase we're increasing revenue from residential collection fees uh due to the January 1st rate increase um so that wasn't in our initial budget for FY 2324 and then we're in turn increasing our expenditures for vehicle maintenance by 200,000 those vehicles are very expensive to maintain so we've exceeded our budget already and Machinery equipment by 300,000 uh and vehicle fuel by 250,000 these increases are necessary due to increased costs while uh awaiting delivery of new side loader trucks increased costs of budgeted trucks and increasing cost of vehicle fuel storm water fund we have an increase of $3,616 279 that's revenue from federal grants of 1,616 279 that's HUD Grant for storm water improvements for project SW 2401 Alabama and 11th stormw water improvements and we're increasing residential and Commercial Revenue by a total of $2 million due to the October 1st rate increase which was not not previously budgeted um and this is to provide additional machinery and equipment funding for a work truck dump truck and excavator uh which total $750,000 and the remainder will be placed as contingency expenditures for 1,250,000 um to be used at a later date sanitation impact fee $60,000 increase we're increasing revenue from prior fund balance by 60,000 and increase expenditures for machinery and equipment by 60,000 to account for price increases of a budgeted side loader truck and tractor trailer so uh inflationary pressures are still there so that's uh continues to affect us and finally the CRA fund has an increase of $756,000 we're increasing revenue from prior fund balance and increasing expenditures for the for mentioned projects and this is the required assignment of the FY 2223 year end fund balance uh to CRA approved projects staff recommendation is approval and we're requesting your approval and if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion and or motion by councel motion to approve we have a motion for approval from council member Mai do I have a second second second from council member Fletcher Madam clerk Deputy Mayor m i council member Urban hi council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z thank you you need to back up a slide the next items on the agenda ordinances before the council for first reading in introduction for the sole purpose of the council to authorize the publication of the ordinance for a final hearing the council will not take final action on the items tonight full presentations and public input on these ordinances will occur at the final hearing at which the council will consider final action Madam K you please read item number one under Council action into the record first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-36 in ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida to Annex into the city of St Cloud approximately 6.03 Acres identified as too Water Authority water plant located at 3201 CMI Park Road St Cloud Florida in accordance with the voluntary annexation provision of chapter 17144 Florida Statutes do I have a motion for the adoption of the first reading of ordinance 2024-25 motion to approve we have a motion for approval from council member Urban do we have a second second second council member Fletcher Madam clerk council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5- Z please item two into the record first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-37 an ordinance of the city council the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation of mixed use to approximately 6. 03 Acres identified as Toho Water Authority water plant located at 3201 CMI Park Road St Cloud Florida providing for amending the official future land use map of the comprehensive plan following of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effects subil copies on files and effective date can I entertain a motion for the adoption of this ordinance also so moved we have a motion from Council MTH second from the mayor Madam clerk please call the role council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni I council member Urban hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z and could you please read the final Council a item ordinance into the record first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-38 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a soning district of mixed use compatible with a mixed use future plan use designation change adopted by ordinance number 2024-25 for approximately 6.03 Acres identified as Toho Water Authority water plant located at 3201 CMI Park Road St Cloud Florida providing for entering the designation on the official Sony map providing for approval of the preliminary master plan following of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of Publications sub ability and effective date the mayor makes a motion for the adoption of this ordinance 202 24-38 do I have a second second have a second council member Fletcher Madam clerk council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 z Mr benzer I do not have anything Mr maror thank you thank you very much coun city manager Miller thank you mayor yes I have a couple items um first I wanted to let the city council know previous VI L You' given direction for downtown Phase 1 for us to um try to find somebody to come out and start doing maintenance on the phase one bricks as you know we put it up to bid twice and we never got responsive biders so we did end up hiring an additional staff person adding it to our streets division we've purchased materials we've got people ready to go and starting on Monday we are going to start working on phase one New York Avenue so what will happen is the crew is going to start at New York and 10th Street and they're going to work on the southbound lane towards US 192 then they will come back North on the other side through the 10th Street intersection in front of City Hall and East to Pennsylvania Avenue they will work in the mornings from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. so that we don't um continue in the afternoon when the shops are open um they're only going to be working on the phase one bricks right now um additionally I wanted to look for direction on phase two so uh osal engineering has already drawn plans for us uh we have plans now for 10th Street um to be asphalt um a engineering and the city engineer have made the recommendation that we move forward with asphalt they advise that stamp concrete uh can be a maintenance issue and it looks bad when it cracks when you have to make the repairs um they're large chunks and and the coloring won't match the existing stamped concrete um also we've been told that stamped asphalt could be something that the city could put in later on if we wanted to that we would only have to heat up the asphalt and we would be able to do that but that usually that's really only done for intersections um we are maintaining the intersections with the current um pavers so I would like to get city council Direction on this material to use additionally um with the plans that we have we have an existing contract that I'm hoping to be able to use and if the city council would give me direction to proceed with asphalt using the current approved Phase 2 remaining balance which is $69,000 uh 6921 63 I'm sorry um I was told that it was six by Cameron Cameron does the 600 six is the contingency amount left in the in the project is that correct so he said there's 935 left pay up 3269 okay all right okay um so don't let lawyers do math don't let lawyers do math um so if if the city council um would authorize me I could try to use our existing contract that we have um it's a contract that we piggybacked from Oola County um the engineers estimate can go ahead and pass that around if any of you would like to see it it's only estimated to be um 250 but I I'd like to have flexibility so we don't have to come back we want to have all of this done before the holidays um would like to make sure we're able to do the work during the summer i' want to get the project done as quickly as possible with the least impact to the businesses um I'm just looking for direction council member Urban um this just uh the roads need to be fixed our residents deserve it our um the downtown businesses deserve it the the my only concern is we need and I'm not an engineer so uh don't don't quote me on this we need to make sure that the base is suitable for asphalt before it goes down we got to make sure that this is done right this time um so obviously we none of us are happy with the the current condition of the road so I just want to make sure the base is suitable for the the as faal if if that was the case um so um my understanding when we met with Mr Moody although I haven't looked at the final plans that he was going to require that the plans were going to rework the base and was also going to require testing again um to make sure before the asphalt goes goes down and Cameron nodded so I that so that the plans did end up doing that and I'm I I'd like to have someone besides staff out there during the process I'd like to have have somebody else this time monitoring the entire situation okay sorry one more thing my only other comment is um we just also need to make sure we are um communicating very thoroughly with the downtown businesses um as much as possible and um if we could do it in the least intrusive way to the businesses because that was another big issue last time as well yeah so um I failed to mention um by by doing the asphalt what the the plans were were was to leave the intersections open and the sidewalks open so the businesses won't have the same impact that they had last time so what we were envisioning was that we would do one block at a time um to have to to have the least amount of impact and if and if there's a way to work the hours we'll work the hours but um that's also why why the asphalt is the current recommendation because it's much faster if we had gone with the stamped concrete it takes two weeks for that to cure um and and asalt can be ready the next day that the the the biggest time constraint we're going to have is picking up the BRS Cameron are you want to say something just here to answer questions hang on Kel he's my helper um yeah so I'm not in favor of the stamped asphalt I think that would look cheesy I'm like we're going to have brick papers and then we're going to have um historic bricks and then we're going to have stamped as I I'm just not a fan I would say just asphalt the road and leave the intersections as is um I also would like um fulltime CI that's not the city um because we just need the expertise out there and I feel like we you know we are where we are right um also also not um you know we would want to pick somebody different than the engineer of record um so like consors in town they're great they do CI for the county all the time you know they have full-time you know inspection staff it's just an idea but um yeah I'm I'm all for it and I know that that County contract that the city is piggybacked is probably the most most efficient way to go about it and and the best pricing too um but um yeah I'm I'm just like let's asphalt it and leave the intersections brick Council Fletcher um I just wanted to make a few comments on this um as you know um in my briefing i' had the opportunity to speak with the city manager and um City attorney um I think the the the city manager has done an absolute wonderful job trying to get this um this issue resolved um in the quickest fashion possible um I think not litigating it um was a mistake I think we should have proceeded with litigation while also working on um fixing the road um I think for them to to settle for the amount that they settled and then walk away and have no repercussions for the work that they've done um at the last city council meeting that we talked about this we talked about pulling the performance and payment Bond and that wasn't even looked at and I don't like it I don't agree with it um but this is where we're at and if if we're going to go with the conc with the the asphalt then I agree with councilman um Urban to make sure that it is 100% correct that we get the the the folks that um councilwoman or Deputy Mayor maeni um had mentioned um in the estimate I mean those things that we we had discussed in the briefing those things those items were not listed um here yet um but I'm sure we'll get a better um understanding of what that is we do have the contingency there to work with um I'm just I'm just not happy the way that the the mediation went and I think the the company should be held accountable um for the complete disaster that they left our town so those are my comments agree council member Gilbert well you know uh I love council member Fletcher and urban but uh I've been in negotiations for about 26 years with uh and the only people that win are the lawyers um there then there's no money so sometimes you have to split the baby don't agree with it but at this point in juncture this could be litigated for two or three years years and who does that impact our downtown vendors our visitors and our tourism uh corridors so although I don't sometimes you don't agree with decisions it don't think it's right but you have to do it for the betterment of the project in the betterment project let's get this done but what I don't want to see is us putting down sub flooring for this project I I I worked in different cities and they had a contractual agreement to build a highway and put cement down well they put the wrong cement down they had one job and they put the wrong cement down and it's a heavy duty and the me just blew up so I would suggest not coming within budget not weing get get it right because we're we we have a 10th Street that is a is a delivery Corridor it's not just a a passenger traffic lane trucks come deliveries come they they use tent straight as a main Corridor for passing through so although I don't agree with that but sometimes in litigation and owning companies you have to split the baby and we did that so now it's move on but I would suggest and I don't know so I I refer back to Deputy Mayor what is the right uh stuff to put down is it a certain type of ashalt or is it just Bland ashphalt I don't know but there's certain mixtures of cement and there's certain mixtures for heavier Pathways and I we have to look at 10th Street as a corridor for both Freight deliveries and passenger traffic not just passenger traffic so that's my only comment on that I'm not satisfied with that but I just I want to satisfy the citizens and the vendors so that's my comment I yield back to you mayor council thank you um I agree I agree with everything everybody said I mean the poor city manager when she called me got to hear me freak out over you know over the call about what you know like and and so the way I I you you know then you try to sit back and like think about it like okay pros and cons and what it does to the downtown businesses and what it does you know like you're trying to kind of go what do we do we're going to be in litigation for years and of course you know everybody's pointing fingers at each other right and that's like I'm like isn't that lawsuit 101 everybody does this and point points and blames and stuff so the thing that I asked the city manager for which made me feel less horrible I won't say good you know like I mean it's hor it's just it's just it's just awful you know I hate to drive downtown it just you know um but I I asked if they could um have staff go through the contract and pull out the costs for the installation of the bricks I said just the installation of the bricks I said we have the bricks right so we we have that asset and all the other work that they did is good it's just the bricks right and so when they pulled the number out it's very similar to the number that we withheld so then that made me have some kind of something to hang on to but yeah I agree I was I was like not very happy when I heard it just you know um but you know once I kind of just weighed the pros and cons and you know fixing it getting it fixed getting the businesses up and running you know having everybody have a great experience when they come downtown you know I just tried to to weigh the pros and cons with it too but I you know I am not happy I'm hoping that they are at one point I was told but I don't know are they barred from business at the city we cannot we we we're we're we can't specifically borrow them under the public procurement policies you can't pre I should the word I use the wrong word we can't preemptively borrow them from so if they apply for another and they're low bit then we have to give it I didn't say that disagree I did not say that I said they are we cannot preemptively bar them from submitting proposals so staff can't but then we still bring it to you for approval and the city council can make whatever decision they they deem is in the best interest of the citizen I I I understand what the council is talking about on this issue but I would caution you about having any more discussion about it right now you cannot make a determination as a government that would address something that could or may may or may not happen in the future in advance so I thought it was in the settlement no no it was that they had to remove all pictures of St Cloud from their website um they had phases one and phase two okay Kel Irving well regardless as long as I'm sitting in this seat they will never get an approved project for me so no comment we have to comment on that you're L you still on yes I just wanted to address a couple of the of the things that I heard um just to to clarify um The Brick installation cost was 265,000 um we maintained we held back 200,000 so so that did cover most of the brick installation cost um I also failed to mention we are working on the um 10th Street Corridor PDN and that's going to be asphalt so it it will tie in to what we're doing um and then the benefit will be that you'll know that you're downtown because our intersections will be different since they'll have the pavers addition Ally um Mr Moody told me that the plans were going to be done using Oola County's standard detail um for the road and Oola County's width for the asphalt which was thicker than our standard so um and yes I agree the CI will not be staff I I had already planned on that um but um when conversation's over I still need direction on what surface type and and also if you give me the authority to move forward as quickly as possible getting these contracts or if you want them to come back to the city council I'm for asphalt and moving forward as fast as we can that's my vote you're not talking about stamped asphalt though you just want no I don't want stamped just plain that's a that's a major M just plain asphalt um so now that we're at this point yes I agree with um um um Deputy Mayor meeni um let's go ahead and move forward and then I would like to authorize the city manager to move as quickly as possible and giving her the authority within the budget to be able to just go as quickly as possible um to to get it done um my understanding that it can be done you know fairly in a short um time I know that's relative um but to definitely work um with the downtown businesses on the road closures let's communicate um with them as as best as we can so that they know every single day that there if there's a barricade out there we've we've talked to them even if we've just given them a call so even if we went got a contact list from everybody and then somebody sat there in the morning goes hey night before this is what we're doing so they have a heads up so that they can plan accordingly um I also brought up in my briefing if there was any any um Downtown special event permits that have been pulled any events that would be effective that we would communicate in advance to them as well and I'd like to see that that in there I think I think staff and the city manager have done an absolute wonderful job in getting us um to this point um to be able to get it handled quickly as possible does anyone have anything new to add that we've already heard so are we in agreement is that all you need is from us well we I think I think the city manager needs a formal motion to approve the authorization that council member Fletcher just pointed out so basically it's to move the project forward to enter into an agreement with the contractor whoever the contractor selected by staff and to stay within the budget and amount that you just mentioned do you still move so and I'll second it Madam clerk you please call the roll Deputy Mayor hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert no council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell Rel I motion carries 41 that was all thank you you have anything else for us no thank you coun m Fletcher um I just had two things um one I had the opportunity to visit Hopkins Park and the new playground looks amazing I see Stephanie she's not in the room but I wanted to thank her um and staff for getting that taken care of it it looks amazing out there and I'm sure the kids are going to love it um the last thing I just wanted to say thank you to deputy mayor meeni for your kind comments um earlier regarding the proclamation and it's an honor to serve with you this evening so thank you dto counc Gilbert uh you want to give him about two cents and I spent a nickel so I'm good Council M Urban uh just a couple of things um I have been hearing a lot lately from business owners particularly downtown but also all over the city who have had a lot of trouble getting permitting for their signage and I don't know if there's anything we can do any direction we can give staff clean up some ordinances make it a lot easier on these businesses just to let them put up their sign these are small businesses that are just trying to make a living and it's like the process that the city makes you go through is um you have to have an engineering degree almost to to understand how to uh how to do it I would just like to say hey put up your sign and unless it's something wild or crazy just we'll deal with that but we we need to have a much more simplified process um for that in particular so I don't know if there's any direction I don't know what the particular direction is but if there's anything the council would recommend that we can direct staff to look at that and and maybe uh maybe work with these small businesses on on simplifying the sign sign permitting I think it's a great idea I I think it's a great idea too what would probably be super helpful would be to give some examples to the city manager because what ends up happening to me is when people come and complain to me and you know about whatever then when I come and and talk to like the building official or whatever like no there's no application so it's like sometimes not all the time but sometimes it's like the fence company is telling the homeowner it's the city it's the city but they haven't even turned it in so if you had some specific examples that maybe we could see like where um adjustments could be made I just know in my experience every time I've called Bob like these people are all upset and he looks up and he's like we don't even have an application I'm like okay never mind addresses would be helpful we did discuss one specifically and I think the issue was having to go through the CER the historic preservation certificate of appropriateness process um but I I'll still reach out to all of those people um and if you could give me the other addresses that'd be great okay uh the only other thing is I I also received an email you guys might have received that too about Veterans Park and maybe uh moving the fencing around a little bit to um add additional parking uh for Veterans Park to possibly have more events in that area I don't know if that's something you guys wanted to look at or or were interested in but I thought it was a pretty neat idea parking's a problem I see I see nods look at that Park it's beautiful but there there's not enough parking and if you bring the fence in even though it's deteriorating you're going to create 100 to 200 more parking spots and we can do a market there and we can do stuff there but right now there's the uh if you look at 13th Street so it be 14th streets only parking available but the park is so large if you bring the rod iron fence in and just keep grass parking you're adding 200 spots and then we can use that for public uh space I love that space But it's very very rarely used that's a great I agree with you uh councilman I agree with you councilman okay well that's all I have so we have a consensus on that for sure Mr menzer your light is on do you have something no sir sorry about that Council Mai I don't have anything really good um thank Mr Urban for bringing that item up I was going to bring up the same item but I certainly agree that part needs to be facil fa facilitated such a way it can be used more readily and more safely uh with that we come to our information section and Report section Thursday May the 16th there will be a city council workshop at 3 pm. at City Hall council chambers Monday May the 27th there will be a closure of our city offices and observance for Memorial Day Thurs June the 13th city council meeting will be at 6:30 in City Hall council chambers two proclamations have been issued I issue a proclamation recognition of national cities towns and Villages Mr Fletcher issued a proclamation in recognition of lgbtq plus Pride MTH reports warrant list number one is or number eight is available for your review with that where there are no other items on agenda we will be adjourned thank you mayor your statement e e e e e e e e