##VIDEO ID:UmknPuKAZe0## I'd like to welcome you to our September the 19th 2024 council meeting in the interest of time efficiency and ensuring that everyone who wishes to address the council has given the opportunity to do so the following will apply to all comments made by the public if you desire to be recognized by the chair please fill out request form and present it to the city clerk present here in Council Chambers each person shall be allotted three minutes to address the councel unless such time is extended by the mayor or by questions from Council group shall designate a spokesperson to avoid reputational comments every person or every effort will be made to avoid interrupting uh speakers thank you for participating in your city government we ask that you also please silence all your electronic devices with that I call this council meeting to order can we all stand together for the invocation like to invite Pastor David NY from Christ Our Savior Fellowship Church thank you for coming tonight if you'll lead us on invocation please remain standing after the invocation for the Pledge of Allegiance let us pray our most gracious Heavenly Father want to take this opportunity now to thank you for another day of life we also recognize that you are sovereign over all the Affairs of men as well as you are sovereign over the entire universe now Lord we ask that you would bless our city of St Cloud leaders especially these council members as they debate and make decisions that impact all the citizens of St Cloud Lord we ask that you'd give them wisdom good judgment we also ask that whatever decisions that are made here this evening would be pleasing and honoring to you we ask this in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in his name we pray amen amen thank you Pastor please join me in the pledge I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice thank you you may be seated Madam cler you please call the role mayor Blackwell here Deputy Mayor maeni here council member Urban here council member Gilbert here council member Fletcher here miss manager do you have any agenda updates you'd like to share with us yes thank you mayor I'd like to remove public hearing number five resolution number 2024-25 D 173r and we acknowledge that that has been pulled thank you anything else yes please I'd like to request to move Council action number one resolution number 2024-25 the consent agenda and if there no objections we will certainly do so thank you that is all there are no presentations for this evening so we'll move to our citizens Forum any person who desires to comment on any item not on this agenda is provided this opportunity to address the city council each person is requested to complete a signning form to be provided to the presiding officer prior to or as soon as is practical after the person addresses to councel we'll ask that if you come forward that you please take your name and address for the record and please limit your comments to three minutes is there anyone here tonight that would like to speak during the citizens Forum to any item not on the agenda if not thank you we'll move on to the consent agenda the next portion of tonight's meeting is the consent agenda which contains items that have been determined to be routine and non-controversial if anyone in the audience wishes to address a particular item on the consent agenda now is the opportunity for you to do so additionally if staff or members of the city council wish to speak on a consent item they will have the same opportunity first I'd like to ask the council are there any of the two items on the consent agenda that you are wanting to address then I'll ask if anyone in the audience would like to speak to the two items on our consent agenda would you please come forward at this time if not then we'll have discussion and or motion by councel what is a pleasure to council concerning our consent agenda motion to approve we have a motion from council member mathi for the approval of the consent agenda do I have a second second I have a second for council member Urban mad clerk will you please call the RO Deputy member thei hi council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z at this time we will hear item number one Council action item number one resolution number 2024 d122 R would you please read that into the record resolution number 202 24-1 122r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida authorizing the the issuance of capital Improvement revenue bonds in one or more series bearing such other designation as is approved by the city manager in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $90 million as provided herewith to one refund the the then outstanding amount if any of a loan from the Florida local government Finance commission approved by the city of on June 13 2024 as amended did August 26 2024 and the original aggregate principal amount of not exceeding 19 million and two Finance the cost of certain Capital Improvements by the city providing for the covenants of the city with the holders of the bonds providing for the right security and remedies of the registered owners by such bonds providing for the appointment of the bonds registar and paying agents for bonds and providing an effective date thank you Mr Cooper Jeff Cooper Finance director um I would like to introduce Jay Glover from pfm which will be giving you a short presentation on the bonds and him and our bond Council Sandy mcclinon is also here to answer any questions that you might have and I want to thank them for taking the time to uh attend this meeting mayor council members Jay Glover from pfm financial advisors and we we are the city's financial adviser on debt related matters uh so before you today is a resolution approving the issuance of the capital Improvement Revenue bond series 2024 and as you can see on this list it's to fund a variety of capital projects for Public Safety and Parks and Recreation needs um the resolution sets forth various parameters whereby you're delegating authority to move forward if we can actually meet those parameters and those parameters are listed here uh not to exceed par amount of $90 million uh true interest cost not to exceed 5% a final maturity no no later than September 1 of 2045 and a delivery date of no later than December 31 of 2025 so we have to close the financing before the end of next year I will also note that the bonds can be issued in one or more series to actually meet the spending needs of the city based on the various projects we might not issue the full not to exceed 90 million at one issuance we might split that up because you have to spend the proceeds for tax purposes within three years of issuance uh pfm has recommended that the bonds be sold via competitive sale so what that means on a advertise date will advertise the sale and accept bids from qualified Underwriters and the underwriter offering the lowest true interest cost will be awarded all of the bonds so that assures you of getting the lowest cost on that given day from entities that are willing to bid on these bonds uh the bonds are also secured by what we call a covenant to budget and appropriate legally available non adorm revenu so that's really everything but your adorm taxation is is uh securing these bonds although there's a plan to use 1% surcharge as well as various impact fees to actually make The Debt Service payment so while you have a broader security uh to improve the credit rating and get lower uh issuance rate um you will have a specific source of Revenue that you intend to make the payments from also you'll recall recently the city council approved up to $19 million worth of commercial paper uh we took down around 188 million of that I think earlier this week and that was to start uh start on some of the most shovel ready projects so some interim financing so you can go ahead and get started on the most ready projects and not AC crewing interest on the full Bond deal so we did that earlier this week and that commercial paper will be repaid by the issuance of the first series of long-term bonds that we do in the future uh on this page we show based on current market conditions we would expect an Allin true interest cost of around 4% um actually I think that would be a little bit better today than 4% the FED took some action yesterday to lower interest rates and and while that mostly impacts the short end of the yield curve long-term rates have come down a little bit as well but we would project something you know south of 4% in terms of an all-in true interest cost if we were entering the market today and obviously that will fluctuate as we move forward hopefully the trend will be for lower rates if fed continue to take action but again that's where we sit today also the table that you see that shows what the estimated annual Debt Service payments would be if we issued the full not to exceed $90 million in fact the projects are intended to be $85 million so the 90 million just gives us a little bit of cushion so this debt service schedule here is actually based on $85 million worth of projects really being funded at one time the actual Debt Service payments will obviously depend on when we issue the bonds if we do separate series and what the final interest rates might be but again we can only move forward if we're below 5% which I don't see any issues with that uh in the final slide just outlines what we're asking for you to do here today for you to consider and hopefully approve the resolution that authorizes the issuance of the capital Improvement Revenue bond series 2024 and we have the authority or the ability to change that series designation to 2025 if and if we likely will not issue the bonds till 2025 but we have the ability to do that so again as was mentioned by Mr Cooper seny mcclinon from Squire Patton bogs your bond counsel who drafted the bond resolution is here here to address any questions you might have about it from a legal perspective and I'm happy to answer any questions you might have from a financial perspective on the transaction and that concludes my presentation thank you is there anyone else from the advisers that are here to speak at this point Mr Cooper do you have anything if you'll stand aside uh just for a minute we'll allow public comment at this time would anyone of the audience like to speak to this item if not then we'll have this question discussion motion by councel motion approve second we have a motion from council member Gilbert and second from council member maeni for the approval of this bond issue Madam clerk will you please call the role council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor mareni I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z wow I say anything I just had some funny thoughts go through my head well uh at this time we'll go to public hearings item number one madame clerk will please read public hearing item number one into the record final public hearing for resolution number 2024 d119 r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida establishing a final ADV valorum tax millage for the city of St Cloud for the fiscal year 2024 2025 the same being adopted prior to the adoption of a final budget for said period Jeff Cooper Finance director again um as per Florida statute 200.0 65 this is the second of two required public hearings uh to adopt the final ADV valorum tax millage which is proposed to be 5.11 128 that will be the 12th consecutive year that it's been at that rate uh it is 7.69% above the roll back rate of 4747 n and of course the roll back rate is the rate that would generate the same amount of tax dollars as last year excluding new construction um so just as an example if someone had an assessed uh property value of 250,000 their city tax bill would be $1,278 uh the highlights of um why we need 5128 is a 19.8% increase in Personnel cost uh due to uh 2% Cola and a 3% pay adjustment to uh keep um high quality professional staff here working for the city uh 13 new and six newly funded PD positions uh increase in health Insurance costs and also increase in our pension contribution costs of $2.5 million and here's the breakdown of all the general fund positions that uh this year's budget is funding and other funds uh there's two sanitation positions and three storm water positions uh uh funded um as well those are in other funds so we're requesting your approval for 2024 D 119r thank you would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion or motion by Council what is pleasure of the council motion to approve we have a motion for approval by council member Urban do I have a second second second council member FL Madam TR please call the rooll council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z Madam clerk will you please read item number two into the record the final public hearing for resolution number 2024-25 budget for the city of St Cloud for the fiscal year 2024 2025 the same being adopted following the adoption of the final millich rate for said period Jeff Cooper Finance director uh as you can see per Florida statute 16624 were required to adopt a budget by ordinance or resolution and the budget must uh balance revenues equals expenditures which it does uh our total budget for the city this year is 273.5 million uh as you can see actually this year our largest uh source is capital project funds uh thanks to the bond issue that you just approved and which will help us with some much needed Public Safety projects uh two fire stations the public safety complex phase one the 17th street ball fields Hopkins Park uh as well as the property at 3101 Progress Lane which we just closed on today and then the second would be the general fund is $8.8 million uh this is a breakdown of general fund Revenue um our two largest sources are of course the Ador proceeds from the millage rate you just approved and the other financing sources come from uh OU uh Revenue sharing approximately $13 million thank you very much and uh too Revenue sharing as well um at approximately $2.5 million and then we also have the uh utility tax fund which contributes to that as well this is the general fund so general fund expenditures as you can see uh Public Safety between fire department and police department um Encompass almost 56% of our budget as it should be um government services is much of the rest of us city manager Human Resources Finance procurement Community Development and so forth and then parks and wck is about 12% um this is the departmental operating budget breakdown and thanks to the city manager leadership and my fellow directors as I mentioned in the last hearing uh we actually were able to decrease our operating budget not counting salary and benefits uh by 1% which is is quite the feat given today's economic environment and you know recent uh increase in prices across the board so that's something that um we're all very proud of and of our budget these are the areas uh so we have key Focus areas in our strategic plan now so this budget supports uh diverse and magnetic economic development for these uh list of particular it items much of that is centered around uh the downtown area and uh improving our economic um development throughout the city effective Community safety as I mentioned uh we have a large emphasis on Comm Community safety which includes the public safety positions the um projects that you just funded a purchase of a new fire engine and ambulance as well as a a storm water project project at Tennessee Avenue in 17th Street and high performing government uh as you can see 23 total new positions a new fire Union contract which I believe comes to you in the next meeting the aformentioned pay increase for staff uh Security Services for City Hall an Erp consultant to get us a new Financial system and and the other items listed up there and effect Transportation uh Network funded project um which is near and dear to everyone's heart is uh a list of projects there um Paving parking lot uh Michigan Avenue pedestrian project Canoe Creek widening and so forth and we're requesting approval of resolution 20241 12r would anyone in the audience like to speak to this budget item if not we'll have discussion or motion by Council I'd just like to say personally think you and our city manager and all of the staff and directors who worked so hard to put all this together I know that's always a lot of work but you've done an excellent job we certainly appreciate uh all the diligence you guys have exercised in putting that together do we have any discussion or motions from Council motion to approve we have a motion from Council mthi do I have a second second second council member Fletcher Madam clerk please call the rooll council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor mathi I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z it was truly a team effort and thank you very much and I'm glad that it's [Laughter] over we start next month that's all Mr Gilbert you have some guests here tonight would you mind got your beautiful wife here and you got some guests would you like to introduce your guest oh yeah thank you mayor uh well my oldest and dearest friend I don't say that because of his age just of our tenure together I I didn't know he had any friends I was glad to meet one Mr Brad Davis and his wife uh Lon that are both attorneys and both dear friends of mine for for years so thank you here welcome good to have you here thank you for pointing out that attorney's going to have friends it cost [Laughter] me all right now item number three Madam cler you please read that into the record final public hearing for ordinance number 20 24-30 in ordinance of the city of St Cloud Florida amending city code chapter 18 Community Development adopting a new Mobility fee schedule adjustment and increasing Mobility fees finding that due to extraordinary circumstances there is a present and immediate need to increase the mobility fees providing for Liberal construction repealing all ordinances or parts of ordnances In conflict with this Ordnance to the extent of such conflict providing for subil codification administrative correction and an effective date good evening mayor council members um Dave Tomac with the um with the city manager's office um um we we addressed this back in June um the mobility fee updates um Mobility fees as you know are one-time charge assessed only against um development um construction that creates additional impacts on the transportation system whether it be a new or expanded development building or a change of land use to a more intense trip Generation Um in order to prepare for this meeting and for the adoption of the ordinance we prepared um the acola county and city of St Cloud joint Mobility fee study renewal and demonstrated knee study um to to provide the uh the correct and accurate U figures for your maximum fee schedule um in in addition the demonstrated need study that's um referred to um which was required by statutes in order to to um exceed the phas in limitations of Florida Statutes um was also prepared and is included in that in that report so uh I won't go back to November of 2023 um but um in June when we had our first reading on this ordinance council did ask us to go back and work with the great Orlando Builders Association goba um who hired a a consultant to do a peer review um so we we have um participated in that um and so a lot of the changes you see in the uh in the proposed schedule on the study come from the collaboration um to uh to uh update that study um a lot of the changes um are in my mind are are they the technical parts of formula inputs data data sources um just assumptions on the land uses Etc um we did we did look heavily at our land use maps um that we trying to promote commercial um development in the future years so that we can actually reduce trip lengths so some of that came about with the uh with the information um some of the key changes um the Standalone grocery store has been eliminated um pulled into the shopping center category which actually helped reduce that rate um the affordable housing category has been eliminated only because um we tried to establish an affordable housing rate it actually came in higher than the multif family rate and since most affordable housing is is multifamily it wasn't a real incentive so we got rid of that Florida statute still gives us Provisions to to work with affordable housing through development agreements Etc so um at the end of the day um that the the affordable housing category just didn't work if we were trying to actually reduce the fees for that category um fast food drive-through restaurants will be assessed at the shopping center rate as well when it's located within the center or as an out parcel of a center um and then finally we added three tables um for the U mixed use um conceptional master plan areas um east of too south of too and the alligator Chain of Lakes um just to capture some of the uh the nuances on the internal capture rates and bypass some of the ordinance highlights is we did provide for economic development incentives um we reference a resolution um for the incentive package um which will be coming to you all um shortly um and I think we gave you a draft um before this agenda item um also there's an independent study option um this was in the last ordinance um we just figured we'd highlight it for you um that there's there is always the opportunity if somebody thinks that the fee is too high um for their particular um circumstances and uniquness of their development um they can actually um do their own independent study and work with staff to bring something to you that's different um we've recommended that the effective date for the mobility fees or the implementation date for Mobility fees is be moved back to June 18th statutes require at least 90 days if they're going up um um the county went with a June 18th start date for the new fees we figured we probably ought to be in line with that the difference between the city and the county on that is that you just have to apply um for the permit prior to June 18th keep your permit active and then keep your construction active for Co um and then uh and then you can have the current fees um for that the next couple of slides are the actual uses um so I'm prepared to go over the next hour or two to talk about each use if you'd like or we can just say that we we'd be happy to talk about any use um at the end of this and after the public input finally our recommendation is approval for acceptance of the Oola County and city of St Cloud joint Mobility fee study renewal and demonstr need study and the amendment of chapter 18 Community Development of the city code providing an effective date we do request a council do as well and I would be remiss if I didn't recognize the hard work that your staff did on this study and the hard work um by some of our partners to uh to help us kind of fine-tune this um so um both Tammy rucky and Cameron Crandle um from internal staffs um um 18 plus months of hard work to bring you something that that would be fair and would actually provide the needed infrastructure to support the growth into the future um we also have with us tonight for support Josh Dev from the from Ula County um as they were a great partner in preparing all this as well and we always appreciate their effort um the folks from hntv Scott zornick is here in case you have any real technical questions that you don't want me answer answering okay at this time we will entertain public comment twizz the Swain I say that right I never do get it right you're very close mayor twist Liz Swain 1105 crossb Parkway CMI good evening council members I serve as the chief executive officer of the oila County Association of real tours representing nearly 6,000 real tours and business partners in the region and while we understand the need for Mobility fees to improve roads we're here today to voice our concerns about the mobility fee structure as proposed and the serious economic impact it will have on our members and more importantly their clients our Realtors work every day with families who want to own homes in communities just like St Cloud especially firsttime buyers for many of these clients affordability is already a significant barrier and this substantial increase in the mobility fee will only be passed down to the home buyer making home ownership more difficult to attain while the rising cost of living many residents are already stretched thin and these fees will drive up home prices further making it harder for clients to enter the market this directly affects our members when potential home buyers are priced out of the market it limits the ability of realtorss to serve their clients on the commercial side the economic impact could equally be damaging High Mobility fees will deter businesses and developers from investing in St Cloud sending them to neighboring areas with lower costs this stifles job creation reduces the availability of local services and ultimately slows economic growth without robust commercial development we lose the very infrastructure and economic base that can sustain a community in its future we respectfully urge the council to reconsider this fee structure and reduce the cost so the fee is fair and Equitable or at a minimum phase it in over time to mitigate the economic impact thank you for your time we want to work with you to find a balanced solution that ensures growth without placing burdens on home buyers real tours and the builders I appreciate your time thank you Maria LeBron good afternoon council members my name is Maria LeBron 1638 Kendrick drive cimi I'm here today as a commercial realtor in the community and I'd like to address the impact of Mobility fees while these fees are essential for infrastructure improvements requiring full payment up front can create a significant financial burden for developers this often prevents them from securing the necessary financing and can ultimately slow down growth and investment in our community I propose a phased in approach to these fees allowing them to be paid over time this would reduce the financial strain on developers while still ensuring the infrastructure funding is maintained thank you for your time thank you Teresa old daughtery you guys help me when I get these names wrong okay good evening and you're not the only one that gets it wrong so it's okay thank you um tereso DTI to make and way stcloud um I am a longtime resident and property owner in stcloud and currently I am a commercial real estate agent and this will have valid consequences on the commercial industry and I urge you to just reconsider what you're considering here and proposing for the mobility fees um the fees are extraordinarily high and will impact our industry immensely so I appreciate your time and thank you all okay and thank you okay Joe Johnson no problem with that I got you good evening my name is Joe Johnson 6735 Midland Drive St Cloud um I understand and appreciate the efforts that you've all put in the staff has spent time on this and I understand the need for additional funds we all want to see our improvements to our roads and have traffic alleviated however one of I think the things that you should be considering as Leaders of this community As Leaders we all in generally get put in positions that sometimes we have to make unpopular decisions I understand that completely I serve as the Orlando productivity director for ION way and have many agents that I take care of and have to make difficult decisions for and also have conversations about affordability with housing so one of the things as a leader though I think that you owe it to the people to put you in these positions to make sure that the decision make even though it might be a little unpopular will at least be more respected and understood if you use the right analytics and the proper data and all the right information in order to come to that decision so I say that because the current study that has been referenced although so many hours put into it I think we can agree there's some flaws in that study the peer review does show significant flaws in the calculations the amounts so I would ask you to consider making a reduction if you're going to approve the mobility fee and use that peer review as more accurate data in order to implement these fees with maybe a suggestion of 70 to 75% increase in the current fee instead of such a dramatic increase especially with single family because we all know that will get passed down to the consumer and then as consumers are looking forward to maybe building a new home or developers are coming in that Mobility fee is going to be so substantial that it's not going to happen at all and then the effect that's going to happen on the people in the construction business trying to make a living electricians plumbers as that construction slows down it's just going to have a domino effect going forward so I'd ask you to consider a significant reduction if you're going to approve this Mobility fee and as well make a little bit easier if we're not going to see the reduction or in addition to the reduction maybe a two-year or three-year phase in plan thank you so much for your consideration I appreciate it thank you Mr Johnson Derk web mayor council members uh this has been obviously a hot topic for some time now and as one of the primary uh voices of the business Community uh it has come to my attention that because of action already taken we're already starting to see a pullback from projects that's a concern to me Jobs business and uh and so that that is a large concern to me uh as the previous speaker said uh little concerned about the data that informed uh this particular uh proposal and so the chamber would like to caution you to uh revisit that again so thank you thank you Mr web Ricardo Rodriguez good evening mayor councel Ricardo Rodriguez um great Orlando Builders Association 1953 Clayton Heritage way I'm the um advisor uh to the association on governmental and Industry needs Goa and the homeb building industry certainly understand and acknowledge the city has infrastructure needs and that Mobility fees are part of addressing those needs it is not our intention to oppose funding for the city's infrastructure we only ask that the mobility fee increases are fair proportional and supported by the data um as you're aware due to the abnormally large fees increases proposed in the original study uh conducted by hntb on behalf of the county and the city Goa retain a Mobility fee consultant new Urban Concepts to conduct a peer review of the hntb study Newburn concept specialized in Mobility fee studies and for years has successfully passed and implemented them throughout the state including recently here in several uh jurisdictions in Central Florida through the extensive review uh peer review new Urban Concepts documented numerous deficiencies miscalculations and flaws in H&B study and concluded that as a result the study was proposing fee increas is likely 50% higher than they should be if properly calculated uh several of the issues and deficiencies documented by new Urban Concepts in their peerreview were eventually even acknowledged by hntb as a revised their original study um as it stands today however the study even in revised form still contains deficiencies documented in the peer review and is still overcharging new development both on the residential and Commercial side beyond what is Justified or supported by the data further these excessive increases proposed upon residential and Commercial will make it extremely difficult to develop in the city where housing restaurants or other commercial products a city and its residents may desire may not happen as a result of the proposed increases and likely to have a detrimental effect on the economy in fact it is reported already commercial products that have invested millions of dollars are already being cancelled scaled back or strongly reconsidered du to the anticipated size of these proposed fee increases a trend that obviously will continue if adopted again we fully understand the need for fee increases to address the city's infrastructure needs but based on the documented deficiencies that still exist in the study and the potential negative con U Economic Consequences of the increases we urge the council not to move forward with the fees as proposed instead we strongly encourage the council to consider fee increases in line with where they should be properly where they should be if they were properly calculated as well as a phase in approach for their implementation to minimize the negative economic Effects by providing projects and businesses a time and ability to adequate digest and plan for them so that the city can address its infrastructure needs while also avoiding undue harm to its economy and its residents thank you for your consideration and time thank you Mr Rodriguez I received a request U via the Internet for Matt Smith are you here I am oh thank you the only one that did it online okay good uh Matt Smith 102 West pinelock Avenue uh Orlando 32 oh 32806 I guess sorry um first of all thank you uh thanks to each one of you elected officials um and I think you'd agree good Lord thank you um maybe even more to your staff I mean this is a complex issue um and I can't tell you uh the benefit of being able to pick up a phone um and have someone speak to you uh relatively quickly the ability to send an email and have someone return it quickly um it ain't like that everywhere okay um I've worked all around the state it's not like that everywhere so thanks to to all of you um it's a difficult issue so I work for uh Center Lake Properties uh which owns Center Lake Ranch um about a 2,000 acre project uh in the city and then a thousand of it is Wetlands but um but it's an exciting project it's why I work where I work I came there to work through this project um it's a master plan community and I I mention that only because to me that means it's quality right um it takes many many years to um imagine what you're going to do right to start planning it um do some financial analysis to figure out if you can do it then go through the entitlement process right and and then you're really uh designing and Engineering right all all of those take a long time but it's important because we don't want you know code minimum landscaping and Hardscape along our main streets just don't want it it wouldn't be any fun for me you guys wouldn't love it it wouldn't preserve quality long term so that's why I do what I do um and I think we've done I think we've done a a good job thus far um if you haven't been out there lately please come out and see it um I'm going to skip part of my comments and just get down to the quick impacts and also leave you with an Ask uh the impacts CommunityWide I mean look you're doubling tripling or multiplying by 10 some fees uh it's going to impact businesses it's going to impact people you guys know that but I'll give you a couple of examples for us for us we're working through our current phase working with staff um spoke to them as recently as yesterday um on a one day on one day of notice to Dave um and really appreciate that for us we want to continue to do what we're doing we got the first phase that's rocking and rolling I want to do the next phase and I want to do the Final Phase here's where we are uh the county framework roads we're building about $50 million for our next phases 50 million the impact of these Mobility Mobility fees on our project about 45 million extra dollars that's not the fees we'll pay that's the additional fees we'll pay under the ordinance my ask is please keep working with us the way you've been working with us it's difficult there are gives and takes but please keep doing what you're doing thank you thank you Mr Smith would anyone else like to speak to this item please step forward set your name address fill out a form thank you good evening Joe ther 17 South Orlando Avenue CMI I think that the biggest problem isn't the raising of the impact the mobility fees it's the process that we went through because what we did is we got information at the last minute we found out the information was flawed we gave ideas and information to the Consultants they redid the study or or changed the study we got the information at the last minute and we know there's still flaws so what I'm asking for you to do today is to take the time to do the study with another uh independent um consultant that doesn't have any kind of relationship with the county or the city because I don't think there's any confidence in the study I also think you need to do a full business impact analysis it wasn't done you don't know what these impact fee increases are going to do you have no idea because the study doesn't include it so how can you say okay we're going to go forward with these increases and not understand what it's going to do I'll tell you what it's done since last week um my clients have already lost two contracts and that's in a week gone so it's going to happen now is it going to stop growth no we know it's not we know that people are still going to come but it's certainly going to slow it down especially the commercial the other thing is it takes a long long time to get through your pipeline years so you have people that are in your pipeline now that have been working feverishly to get through everything they need to they're not going to be able to pull building permits by June there's no way so they have budgeted these projects for years and it's not going to work anymore but they're already in the system so they don't have really any choice but to go they're they're already they're already pregnant right so they're going to have to keep going so the other thing is you all have the flexibility to do you don't have to follow what the county did you're not required to do that and I would say that you know you do what you all think is best but take into consideration all the information that you've heard tonight from the other speakers so I do appreciate your role Ro I do appreciate what you do um you know I have the opportunity to be in front of you a lot so I just want to say thank you thank you Mr seconder would anyone else like to speak to the council any anyone else Mr Tomac would you like to address any of the concerns that you've heard at this point yes sir there's just a couple of things um so um one of the concerns um was the impact on affordable housing there's already Provisions for folks that really want to develop affordable housing for us to work with them um with the developers agreement um firsttime home buyers um you know that the the reason for the new fees is for new development New Growth um that does nothing to existing housing um um smaller housing that's already been there that can be rehabed Etc so there's there are more opportunities than just new construction to deal with affordable housing um and and first-time home buyers um so we don't want to discourage that um but we do think we can broaden our our uh Horizons on what that what that product actually looks like um the um okay the the comment was some a concerned with the data um and I know we've worked hard with the uh folks from gr Goa and their peer um review um there are folks that do these kinds of studies that'll disagree on formulas that'll disagree on where to get the data Etc um you know but at the end of the day you know um the data always is done by reputable source and then the formulas apply those um so um i' I'd like to have the folks from hntb um give you a just a a small um example of some of the changes we made based on it and uh the assurance that what we ended up with is fair and and proportionate and meets your statutory requirements so um Scott zornick is from hntb and he can he can address the actual study in a very short period of time good evening mayor council I know this is an important issue it's very important for the growth of the community it's some you said your name and add oh I'm sorry Scott zornick um address 2600 Chipawa Trail matland Florida 32707 so Dave asked us to look at what changed in the study so there was original study done that's what goba had reviewed we took their comments we went back into our study um I should point out that the original study that we provided um the draft study used the exact same methodology that goas consultant had used for the county in 2015 so there was no difference other than they applied an arbitrary factor to reduce some of the um Mobility fees absolutely arbitrary there was no justification in the study for it when we moved forward we wanted to have a study that we could substantiate every factor that was used in the study and move forward so the mobility fee is very formulaic there's several factors that go into it one of them being it trip generation that is a standard Factor you can use the documentation look it up in the books I will tell you what we did do was we looked at a way to adjust that factor in a way that was preferable for the mobility fee and the the end users of that Mobility fee so when you look at trip generation you can look at it on a weekday trip Generation Um you can find trip generation for weekends we took a weighted average so we took the Monday through Friday that was 57th of the trip 17th on a Saturday and 17th on a Sunday in most cases that actually reduced the trip they've brought up the point of removing the affordable housing that was one thing that there's very little data out there right now from it regarding affordable housing and what is out there shows it a very high trip generation on the weekends um to the point say a single family home on average is N9 to 10 trips um the affordable housing was showing 14 trips on a Sunday which which is off but it was also based on two studies whereas most things are based off of you know 10 15 20 studies um the other thing we looked at in the conversations we had with goba was there's there's two data sets for the national household travel survey there's a 2017 set and a 2022 set now part of the mobility fee effort is to use the most recent and localized data so the 2017 set had Florida specific data but it was from 2017 the 2022 set looked at the entire southeast of the United States but it was from 2022 um it was a judgment call onto which to use Goa made the um recommendation to use the 2022 data we adjusted the study to use that data I can tell you that the factors in the 2022 study that were pulled out of it in some cases were higher and had that level of influence on the mobility fee um we looked at trip length another thing that comes out of the national uh household travel survey we went with the 2022 data um we also looked at um vehicle occupancy so when you do a Mobility fee because it's Mobility it's not just Vehicles so we're looking at the community as a whole um and so you convert the mobility into people trips person trips um with that if you're taking a car you have to say you have to make an assumption on the number of passengers in that in that car uh the 2022 survey had a higher um or a lower occupancy rate of a vehicle so that had impacts on the study and that actually causes the the study to increase um so and then the other the other big influence and really you know what what really caus influenced the need to update the mobility fee was just the actual construction cost construction cost has gone up uh 50% over the last 2 years years um when you and so what we had done is we took actual projects done in Oola County um for certain types of projects so there was really three main projects within the mobility fee that we looked at cost for and that was a new two-lane roadway a new four-lane roadway and widening of two lanane roadways to four-lane roadways or four-lane roadways to six Lane roadways um so I'm sorry there was four um so we looked at actual Ula County projects based here um we also for the new two-lane roadway data did not exist specific to this local area so we used information from fdot um they have standard numbers associated with um construction projects we use that for their 2023 costs except fot does not build um their costs are not um complete Street type facilities so they don't have they have bike Lanes but they're only 4ot bike Lanes they have travel Lanes but they're only 11t travel Lanes so those were adjusted in the cost calculations which increased from the standard dot cost to what the regular cost of the project was and then of course indexing um these were 2023 numbers we indexed them to 2024 using the uh National Highway construction cost index which is a standard practice in our business when coming up with construction cost and the reality is as you move forward um if this ordinance were to be adopted and we move forward with the new Mobility fees you're already behind the curve because if if construction costs continue to go up the way they're going up today you know it could be the the cost could be 20% higher next year and the year after that and the mobility is set based on a 2024 construction cost so when we look at 25 26 27 we could see significant increase if the trend continues and right now I don't see that there's not a foreseeable end to that um increase in cost for construction um unfortunately and outside of that it's very formula you take all those parameters and it's a multiplication process to get to the end for what the mobility fee is right do you have anything else Dave no just um you know there's the the I guess the criticism from one consultant to another that happens all the time um we we feel like our study passes muster and uh you know it's probably not perfect if it's sorry Dan if if you let for attorneys look at the same thing they might give you four different opinions I know that's hard to believe um I think the same the same thing holds true for some of these Consultants as they do their work they take great pride in it so um if it's not exactly the way they want all right but but um that's um that's it um we will continue to work with pine loock they're great development in in the city and we definitely want to make sure that we are very fair to them and that they can continue to be successful thank you if you guys will stand by we'll have discussion and our motion by Council council member Fletcher I believe your light was on first um thank you mayor um I believe that this decision is going to be one of the most important decisions that you know I make during my term here um our term as we're you know with this seated Council um it's going to have huge ramifications on the economic future um of our city and our transportation Network um I did want to give a a few Shout out and thank you um to Dave um to Cameron um Veronica Kelly um and our city manager's office as well as Tammy um I've had the opportunity to to work with them this week to to gather all of the information to be able to make an informed decision this evening um I've also had the opportunity to speak with uh twizz over at the realtors association Lee with the I believe uh the Home Owners Association and received letters from the apartment association and information both from the oila chamber and um uh the St Cloud chamber and what the effects of the decision that we make tonight we'll have um on us here here locally um you know the the the studies go out and and all of that stuff um I want to just make sure in the decision that we make tonight that it's not going to have it's going to end up on on the bottom line for for our residents um while also um battling the infrastructure challenges that we have um here locally so that's really what we're deciding is how much are we going to fund an infrastructure and how much um do we want to affect the commercial real estate and development Market as well as you know the residential side and the cost of housing um the money that that is set aside in our Mobility fee calculation um I believe you know if the interlocal agreement that's approved later on 19% of that is going to be sent over to the county based on a party Network that we've coordinated um um with the county um we adopted our transportation master plan at the last meeting so so that had a huge effect on it um the county you know adopted at 21,000 the proposed city um what we're we're looking at for single family that is is 177,000 um I'm happy to to hear that the the the ability um or the implementation um you're able to submit the permit right up so so the implementation date is June 18th they can submit a billing permit on June 17th um uh so so with that um I had the opportunity to speak with with uh um Dan in the city attorney's office um and bear with me here mayor I um I would like um to make a motion obviously with with discussion because I know everybody up here is going to want um to discuss is I personally would like to adopt 85% of what um the the study came back at um which would put single family residential at $1 14,51 um on a single family home while also reducing 15% um down the line on both industrial commercial um and sou in all the other categories um with that being said you know putting that into a motion um in preparation for this meeting I had asked if Dan could draft a resolution so if we the the motion would be um adopted 100% contingent on an approval of a resolution that reduces it um to 85% um implementation with all of the other items in here um and then we can see the effect that it has on the economic um conditions here locally and if we need to bring it back um and adjust it we can do it at that time so that really um is all the comments that I have and I want to thank um all of the stakeholders the amount of time that we've spent this week um on the phone some have bothered more than others um and our staff has done absolutely amazing job um so that's where I'm at on those I'll come back to you for a motion after we've had discussion thank mayor Mr Gilbert well thank you mayor um we this city um have been working on this over 18 months and it's uh been um difficult to say the least because nobody wants to have any raises however it hasn't been raised in the last seven years so we're we're talking about a four year Gap here but there's actually a seven-year Gap that the it that the the uh the mobility fee has not been raised and I don't think any of the speakers here tonight said hey Council you think about raising this Mobility fee but then what it is raised and say hey you can't do that uh infrastructure cost has risen they say 50% but at some expectancy over 125% of cost of of of doing business the citizens that this Council Services right now I would estimate about 70,000 people and I believe it's my job to do the commitment in their best interest the people that are actually citizens today uh and we also focus on the folks that do business here that are out of town uh but we don't want to do it on the expense of our citizens I received hundreds of emails hundreds of phone calls hundreds of meetings and I've answered 90% of it I did answer every individual email that came to me but I did get a bunch of me emails that says uh council member Gilbert I am writing you from such and such organization to express my concerns regarding the mobility fee uh 70 emails with that either they form letters or or they plagiarism because they're not individual emails they were cut and paste hey send an email to the council and the email wasn't an individual email it was from an organization with special interests in a private business which we own a few of them we can raise costs each year the Florida laws and statutes don't let us do that we can do that every four years and and then we have three years behind so we're seven years for raising cost of Mobility fees I also get hundreds of calls and talk to a lot of people that are citizens here that are worried about the congestion and the cost here now those are the people that elected me in this position to represent them to control growth I don't have any tools in my toolkit to do that this is a tool in the toolkit to do that this is the only tool I have in two years to help the citizens that are here out to get better roads infrastructure and eliminate some of the congestion in the city government it's Mobility fees it if it'd be 3.5% a year times s years we'd still be 50% behind in the in the cost of doing business those who elected me trusted me when I said we're going to help control growth this I think is a tool how do we catch up up from the seven years that we don't have Mobility fees well I think they're called uh exceptional circumstances in they need special attention I can't look in a re miror but I can look in a windshield moving forward and provide the 70,000 plus residents in our community the life and amenities that they grew up in that they have that they're losing today and y'll back thank you Mr G councilman Urban thank you uh we're going to sound like a broken record up here but I just wanted to uh to just first give recognition to our staff our city manager Veronica assistant city manager Dave who unfortunately is leaving us soon and Tammy and Cameron everybody on on staff who work so hard on this we we tasked them with nearly the impossible task which was hey help us fix this Transportation issue that we are all dealing with in this city and that our residents call us about every day and and they they have uh worked very hard on that so I just want to express my appreciation to them uh now we on the council are tasked with with making a decision on this um and I just wanted to um you know express some of my concerns um there's no doubt we have a transportation crisis in St Cloud in an OS County um it certainly warrants extraordinary circumstances I would say nobody's satisfied with the status quo um however I do have significant concerns over the negative consequences that we will face by taking such a drastic approach you know so many times those of us in government are quick to implement new taxes and fees without taking a step back and thinking about the implications it will have on the business climate and our local economy so first to me the most alarming and concerning factor that I I I just don't think this study fully grasp is the uh negative economic impacts it will have on Commercial development our city has a massive deficit in its commercial to residential ratio the proposed fee increase will have significant adverse effects to our City's ability to bring quality commercial projects and jobs for our residents extremely high commercial Mobility fees can deter businesses from investing in our community leading to a Slowdown in local job creation and economic growth when businesses uh increase when businesses face increased cost they will almost certainly choose to build in areas with more favorable Financial conditions a significant majority of our residents have to drive out of this city to earn a paycheck or a living wage some people drive two-hour commute and jump on the turnpike just to go to work I fear that if we want to remain a bedroom community and our residents have two-hour commutes to work every day that this impact fee will essentially guarantee the status quo um secondly in full disclosure I work in the building industry I have a deep understanding on how these fees directly affect our small businesses and residents this will undoubtedly disproportionately hurt small local businesses while the national Builders continue to thrive large National Builders which in my opinion contribute most of the transportation issues in our city and county today have the resources to absorb these costs um this could effectively create a monopoly in the housing market where only the largest developers and largest developments survive this limits competition and stifles Innovation as well as diversity and our housing options for our residents uh this also affects jobs as many of the residents who are lucky enough to not have a two-hour commute work in the construction trades and they'll surely be affected as well so my request um I think council member Fletcher's request is a little bit more palatable but you know we're facing this deadline I don't think we should Rush such a drastic decision like this I would like to take a step back look at some alternative studies that specifically examine the commercial to residential deficit that we Face here in our city with jobs um we need to look out for uh that and how that's going to affect our jobs specifically for our city and if we can't do that um I would uh at least like to phase it in very conservatively kind of similar to how the the Federal Reserve phases in their uh their you know the the uh interest rates so they don't shock the economy we need to wait and look and see how this basically affects our our local economy step by step instead of all at once so um that would be my request and I'll y yield back to you mayor thank you excuse well I'm certainly concerned about U the negative impact of such a large across the board increase I think uh increasing the cost for first-time home buyers with limited resources is a significant issue I think uh how significant this impact will be on Commercial developers and residential developers will be significant it not only impacts them but it impacts uh if they cut back on the work job opportunities um and I think you do we will have to deal with the issue of investors walking away from current and future projects I think that's just the nature of impact fees um I'm certainly concerned about the impact that this will have on developers wanting to invest in St Cloud but that's going to happen with any any City I you know most likely the county can the county can weather this better than we can uh they certainly have the advantage of having Margaritaville uh Champions Gate Oola Heritage Park Disney uh Silver Spurs the bridge Neo City to help them weather this storm and continue to bring in commercial growth so uh I'm certainly concerned about all those things but I think something has to be done if this room right now was filled with City residents I'm fairly confident that if we were to take a vote from them overwhelmingly the majority would say hey don't even increase them that more if can you increase them more if it'll stop all the growth and help with uh infrastructure you know we certainly need to improve and add more infrastructure and unfortunately that takes money it takes a lot of money to do that and we certainly need to do something decisive to help offset the cost of roadways you know I thought it was interesting having talk to different Builders and Realtors um you know we definitely uh I I found it interesting that most of the builders and um Realtors and a couple of Engineers uh admitted that we need to do something uh and you know I I kind of came tonight wanting to propose that we consider a phasing in these fees uh I certainly don't think the fee is unreasonable in the long term I really like I think what Mr Fletcher has councilman Fletcher has proposed um setting up some kind of discount uh in order order to lessen the immediate impact uh that this would have on developers would certainly be something we ought to consider tonight and so I think he's come up with u with a viable concept I would certainly encourage our Council to consider and I'd like to ask our City attorney if you could just speak to this thing how we could establish approve this rate but then set up a a discount that could either be changed one way or the other later well his historically since the city adopted its first impact fees periodically there's been adoptions of the impact fees based on the studies and the mobility fees based on the studies that have been presented and based on the analysis by the experts and the council has adopted those uh in full then by essentially subsequent action through resolution the council has historically at times adopted a discount so you the general premises and processes you adopt the ordinance that approves the in this case the mobility fee study and the attended Mobility fee rates and then you would by a subsequent action essentially adopt a discount amount off of that so the rates are adopted at the full maximum amount that's contained in the mobility fee study but the council adopts a discount which stays in place until the council elects it's no longer in place and so it just would it it does require historically it's been done two separate actions and that's how you would do it and then it would just amount to the council coming into some agreement as to what the discount would be is there any other discussion Mr Fletcher I'll yield back to you um so at this point um I would like to make a motion to propose that we adopt the full amount contingent upon the the approval of a subsequent resolution discounting um the the the rate by 15% that's that's good enough yeah um the only other thing that I would would ask council is if they believe um 85% or the discount of 15% um is too much or too less make your motion first I'll entertain a second then we'll have discussion it can be changed yes mayor um so adoption um at 100% uh contingent on a subsequent resolution with a discount of 15% that is my motion mayor okay we have a motion as stated by councilman Fletcher do I have a second and then we will entertain discussion second we have a second from council member Gilbert uh Mr urvan councilman would the council consider 75% the first year 85% after that just a open for a discussion Council M minini hi um I don't think so for me like not 75% I mean we're already delaying it till June and then we're already discounting it I mean I was more inclined to adopt it as is but based on the comments I mean I'll I'll support the 85% any other discussion are you guys happy with the percentage I know you're not are you ready to vote Madam clerk call the rooll deputy mayor mthi hi council member Urban no council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher I mayor Blackwell I Lu to I motion carries 41 thank you and mayor since uh Mr as should point out council member Fletcher did talk with me about this beforehand so we understood this might be a possibility so we actually did draft a resolution I think it would be appropriate just so we clearly understand to do that the clerk has a form resolution that could be read to reckon and the council could take some action on it and it does provide for a basically a 15% reduction so the adopted fees would be charged at 85% all fees would be across the board for all fees Madam clerk we please read that into the record public hearing for resolution number 202 24- 176 r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida relating to ordinance number 202 24-30 whose subject is mobility fees and adopting a discount percentage providing for conflict providing for an effective date do you have any no that's that's consistent with what it is so you we just need a motion motion to approve can we have a motion motion to approve I have a motion for councilman Fletcher do I have a second second second counc member Gilbert have any discussion do I need to ask anyone the public like to speak that resolution as to the discount piece the discount Joe ther 17 South Orlando Avenue i' just like to see a copy of the resolution Joe you can have this one has a it has a typo in it but M have a typo that's this is ordinance same thing abysm before we do can you just put the copy up on the on this the screen there please just I'm sorry I thought no don't know here abysmo just throw that up there has a minor type but no one will see it so the effective date of the discount would be consistent with the effective date of the charging of the increased Mobility fees is put forth in the ordinance provides for an 80 uh 15% discount charge at 85% would you like to speak yes you may Matt Smith again thank you for the extra couple seconds um I wanted to point out a couple of things understand please that um as we're as a project that has County framework roads in it we have to build those roads as we've discussed so when we're talking about Road costs increasing by 50% Mr Smith the discussion regarding the mobility fee study was done on the last time this item only has to do with this particular discount okay so well I guess my point is that um the cost being considered here um for some projects that are building much bigger roads um is materially more than a 15% discount that's how i' I appreciate the thought and the and the spirit of that um it's we're just dealing with some numbers that are that are pretty incredible and we it just makes it hard to keep projects moving forward so thank you thank you sir and unfortunately if the the only way manner that a discount like this can be implemented if it's done not project by project it's done based on the study and so basically why the action is we're adopting the study at 100% but we are we are willing at this point for a variety of reasons many many of which were brought up tonight to say we're only going to collect 85% of it for a period of time across the board would anyone else like to speak to this Joe Johnson again thank you I don't know if it's appropriate um for one to 15% I think is probably a little bit light I would like to see a 20 or 25% of course however U many of you discussed the possibility of a phase in I don't know if this is addressable in this or it has to be added thing but I think I would highly recommend consideration of that to even if you just go with this 15% discount then the phase in would be a little bit more Palin or less impactful on the community thank you thank you would anyone else like to speak to this resolution not then we'll have continued discussion and we by counc we have a motion we have any other discussion I I would just say I would be in favor of the the phase in but I I know I'm outnumbered on that so uh I'll you bet do we have any other discussion M cler please call the rooll council member Urban I Council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z thank you find a minute item number four under public hearings please could you read that into the record final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24- 66 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida amending chapter 3 Performance inciting standards article 6 commercial zoning districts section 6 sorry 3.6.5 k. 6. a and chapter 4 site design and development standards by adding a new article title article 10 mural Arts providing for mural art requirements for non-residential developments and also includes applicability suburb ility conflict codification and effective date good evening Melissa dunan community community development director this item before you is a request to amend the Land Development code to allow the installation of mural art in certain areas in the city murals create unique and attractive spaces while providing a legacy of artworks to be enjoyed by Future Generations the purpose of this article is to allow integration of murals into public or semi-public spaces and establish the criteria for installation murals are currently permitted to be installed in the cbd1 and cbd2 Zoning districts this article will expand it to be permitted in the CRA area and along any arterial roadway pH of note since the publication of the agenda we added clarifying language to ensure that murals were only permitted to be installed on new or existing non-residential development so in two different areas we just added the word non-residential we also established a definition of mural and require that the color scheme be complimentary and harmonious with the exterior colors of the building regarding design standards the murals shall not cover or detract from architectural features shall not cover doors and windows must be designed to enhance City's unique the city's unique character and quality of life and shall be done in a manner that does not damage the building the permitted materials are paint or other artistic mediums such as tile mosaic original Digital Image or low relief sculpture the size of the murals are limited to 100% wall coverage for structures up to two stories and 50% wall coverage for structures greater than two stories properties within the historic preservation District or the CRA may require additional approvals and any text shall not be more than 10% of the mural art staff recommends approval with the noted changes and as a reminder um since the publication of the agenda we added the clarifying language to um ensure that murals were only permitted to be installed on new or existing non-residential buildings um at their meeting on September 17th 2024 the Planning Commission recommended approval U likewise it is requested that city council approve ordinance number 2024 66 with the changes as noted by staff this is a city initiated Land Development code Amendment therefore staff is available if you have any questions thank you would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion under a motion by councel motion to approve we have motion Council for approval do I have a second second second council member Fletcher Madam clerk CC counc member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor reinii I council member Urban I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z Item number five has been pulled brings us to council action number two please resolution number 2024-25 r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida authorizing the mayor to enter into an interlocal agreement between Oola County Florida a political subdivision of the State of Florida and the City of St Cloud Florida a Florida Municipal Corporation regarding roadway maintenance Mobility fee Administration and transportation infrastructure and providing an effective date they they didn't threaten you out there today no you guys are going like really fast I was just trying to get a drink of water hi thank you I'm Dave Tomac um with the city manager's office mayor council members um so this this is kind of the final piece of the four Transportation um pieces of the puzzle that we've been uh um getting to you all this month um again a culmination of 18 plus months um working hand inand between your internal staff and the County's internal staff I can tell you to try to get agent agencies together that serve the public and have real issues of of public service and trying to address the big issues um the staffs from both sides did an incredible job because you know what roads do we own and maintain what roads does the county own and maintain if if there's a deficiency how do we fund it um all those things were addressed in this agreement um the county and City go way back I think 2006 we started um working on interlocal agreements um and uh as recently as like 2014 we we did a a joint planning area agreement um establishing the area that the city wanted to Annex primarily based on your uh your your utility service area um so this update actually takes those initial agreements to the next level we decided to to sit down and really look at the detailed issues we put procedures in here for how do we address annexations and the actual transfer process the city and county agreed on kind of a service level for roads that come over we talked about not not trying to to require either jurisdiction to do things where it's a substandard condition um we can work with the residents um with a funding source to do that but over time we don't have to bring it up to current standards nor do we require the county to bring it up to current standards before we'll take it um we do have a PCR we we try to establish if they're paved roads that they at least be like at a 75 because there's an 18-month lull between the time we Annex and the time we actually take over the roads um there's there's some time for that to be budgeted so we've tried to look at all those things and both jurisdictions worked well doing it um so this deals with with transportation for those of you who like to read everything I apologize for putting all of the old agreements as exhibits so so I that the thought was we've been working for so long one document should be like a compendium of all um that's been agreed to so that it's all in one spot so so I do apologize for that but um it makes it easier for staff over time to actually implement it um again 2006 you all have been working together um we've been working hard to address specific issues um we actually have a process now whereby the city collects um impact fees for Parks the county collects impact fees for Parks but for the jpa area the county sends us a check every three months because we're planning for those parks to make sure that we can meet the future needs of those areas as they Annex um and the the count is actually giving us the funding to do that um transportation's kind of similar um we're looking at how do we fund all these roads you know folks folks are going to be annexing um into the city there are both city and county roads that need to be built with new development we've both been doing individual agreements we've actually with this agreement agreed to what we call Tri party agreements which is the city and county um in on each of those agreements so that we make sure that you know they're Fair um to to Mr West's Point um for like the bigger roads in the county you know they're not going to get full Mobility fee credits um just the um the difference between what they'd be required by code and what's required to upgrade the capacity for our purpose um all of those things can then transfer across um The Joint Mobility fee um study we've committed to working together again in three or four years to update it um so hopefully these processes get simpler as time goes on um so we talked about the city street system and the county road system there's actually uh an um a document that provides the criteria for which roads are to be owned and maintained by the city which ones are to be owned and maintained by the county it's pretty basic if it's a local Street in the city we we own and maintain it um for like the annexation purposes there's like a 50% thing once we get past 50% of Frontage on that on those roads um we basically take them over within 18 months um we've been trying to Annex it a much more holistic way so um BAS basically covering both the enclaves and with the new developments taking in the whole areas at one time so so we've been working through that um we talked about maintenance transfer and what that process is we will actually notify the county when we're ready to Annex areas then the county looks at what roads are affected by it um we share lists of which roads would be transferred which ones would not and then we look at the PCR rating pavement condition rating um so to make sure that if there's anything below you know that's starting to fail as far as the asphalt goes that we can actually plan for that and then after the annexation then we make Provisions to go ahead and take over maintenance and it's done with the annexation ordinance for us um what what's going to be transferred and then when it's time to be transferred um we do that by um the city manager and the county manager letter um they trade um signatures um development reviews um with the approval of the Ila we're going to go with the trip party agreements so that we both know what's getting approved and what the funds are being used for so that we can make sure that the priorities stay priorities um as far as like um Land Development code updates within a year we're going to look at both of our codes and then try to make the changes to make us consistent so that you know we're not having typical sections that are a couple of feet off with each jurisdiction so that when they Annex we got issues um so we're going to be doing all that as part of this um Capital Improvement plans no Mobility fee collection you probably heard enough about Administration and credit issuance on that stuff but um we're still responsible for our own Mobility fee um process um with each trip party agreement whatever credits are issued we will mon monitor maintain those that are done in the city the county take the county monitors and maintains for those in the county um Capital Improvement plans There's an actual process similar to what you guys do with the school district right now the school district um both the city and uh and the county and the City of CMI work with the School District staff and every year they come up with you know a list of which schools are going to be done and like how that affects each other and you know what what we need to do from the impacts we're going to be doing the same thing with our Capital Improvement plans with roads now so staffs will get together they'll work through it figure out what changes need to be made so that that way when you all approve your Capital Improvements plan you'll make sure that the right roads are in the right order um one of the things that um for the funding is the county um has has agreed to look at the uh tax increment Finance um and so I'm old so we used to call it the Tiff I think they probably call it something else by now um but it's the same basis as a CRA where um for the jpa area um they will um set a benchmark a Baseline and then as growth occurs and values they'll set aside a certain percentage of that to actually fund the roads that we're we're making our priorities in the jpa um in return um we did an analysis that showed that some of the roads that were collecting mobilities fees for are to larger roads this the counties agreed to take over project management of those we'll be sending over about 19.45% which is kind of the the percentage of what those roads would be if we're doing credits um are any kind of waivers if we're not collecting money we don't send anything it's only for the projects that we're actually collecting the funds where we'll do that distribution um for that um so then as part of your process that'll help the county um they're they've committed to doing crossb Parkway first to get over that canal and get connected to NTI interchange which is huge for us and then there's other roads that we'll be working on prioritizing as well right now it's um Cano Creeks sou the deer run I think prior cover Road um and uh I think mild bass um but at the end of the day with that process we can be looking at different different projects over time um this talks about what I've already talked about I'm so sorry um we obviously recommend approval before we do that um mayor council we made one change to the interlocal agreement um well actually it's it's a couple changes you should have in front of you a document called the transportation Ila update September 19th um I want to put this on the overhead Chief thinks that if I drink I talk less so he gave me a whole bottle so the the first thing is is we had we had concern earns from some of the development um community that putting the entire sunbridge um agreement that the county has with the sunbridge development folks um was kind of getting special treatment we actually already have a paragraph a section that deals with any existing agreements that we have or the county has prior to this being adopted we respect everything that's been adopted similar to what we do with annexations so we don't necessarily need this this um paragraph that found in section 9 is the second last par paragraph and I'll read it it says top priorities within the County's Northeast Mobility fee District shall be consistent with County Road obligations in that area this is consistent with the sunbridge development agreement dated December 13th 2021 included here as exhibit 12 so we'll be removing that paragraph and we'll be eliminating exhibit 12 um so we already respect that we just didn't need to do it drawn out because as you've heard we've also got an agreement with Senator Lake Ranch we're doing we've got we got agreements with Lakeside at Satia um although I think we did Tri party on that um there's there's agreements that we've done over time and that the County's done over time we're actually respecting that but so we didn't have to call out sunbridge is what I'm saying now what the county did with sunbridge however is similar to what they're going to be doing with the jpa um so we think it's going to be very successful um what happened when we took out exhibit 12 was that exhibit 13 becomes exhibit 12 exhibit 14 becomes 13 exhibit 15 becomes 14 we've modified that that portion of the agreement to change the numbers and we re redid the index to reflect it accurately with those changes we recommend approval and we ask you all also to to approve it I do want to mention that de Reza sat through the whole meeting from the county um um Josh um Nick Harley um and and their entire staff at at the county was very helpful on this Cameron crle once again with Kevin felblinger the Public Works director Melissa dunan and her team especially Tammy recky did an incredible job here they were doing mobility Plan update Vision zero the mobility fee study and this um for the last two years so I don't know that they'd want me to talk anymore so I'll just shut up and answer questions thank you if you'll uh stand by for just a moment would anyone the audience like to speak to this item please come forward hello Matt Smith again appreciate uh this and I appreciate Dave uh taking that um sunbridge agreement out certainly um our ears pricked up when we saw that the sunbridge agreement was the only private agreement attached to the interlocal agreement um and it it raised this issue well Dave set up a meeting again with one day of notice with the county staff so I'm letting you know the county staff assured us that um sunbridge is going to pay full Mobility fees and that also means that they're going to pay the same amount essentially that anybody else would right I mean we're building a major road a county framework Road up to sunbridge we can't have other a neighbor project that has lower costs than we do um for roads like that people we wouldn't be able to do anything everyone would just go there of course quality commercial everything of quality would go there first um and we'd just have to sit there and wait to build our roads later right there's no way in that scenario we could Finance Road even if we can figure out the extra $45 million Mobility fees here or mean less 15% so I I'm not blowing that off um there's no way we can build roads uh to connect nusi and Nova it just we we could it's just going to take I don't know however however long for the market to catch up with $45 million 10 years whatever it is I don't know um so the point is that they pay this everyone pays the same Mobility fee rates but that also means without any other mechanisms that would sort of result in the same thing that would result in them paying a little someone paying less even though they're the checks are being written for the same Mobility amounts well but if it's if it's sort of been made up somewhere else it's the same problem just couched differently I don't know if any of this exists so part of our concern was let's have the county confirm these things in writing I know it's late it's a hard thing to say now but this also emphasizes the problem with having a Mobility fees revised they come out on a Wednesday at the county and they are approved by the board of County Commissioners on Monday what do you do as a private organization someone who's been planning a project for over 10 years there's there's no stakeholder meeting about hey here's the new methodology here's what we've done no I've got 3 minutes and then 3 minutes before to talk about this but hntb can get up here and talk as long as they want to explain their perspective on these things but you know I could talk I could stand here for an hour and we wouldn't get through half of it I mean these are major issues for us and again we just want to build roads but we have to these things should be understood before they're adopted thank you very much would anyone else like to speak to this item surpris you didn't speak earlier go ahead good evening Council Sean hendle 8 Broadway cassm Florida H Walter Associates um first off thank you um I know decisions you make are difficult and I appreciate you considering our community it's been my community for over 35 years and and it's important to me that that we're taken care of so I appreciate it I know it's not not easy um on the Ila it's obviously the perfect document that needs to be put in place to bring all this together but there's a gap and we've talked about it on a previous project before that just needs a policy it doesn't need to be in Ila but we need a policy at the county and the city um concerning annexations and projects that are approved uh if we've submitted sdps or submitted approvals in the county and then we go to construction um we're running into to unknowns about who we pay our inspection fees to who we have our preconstruction conferences with and who's going to inspect the road um while we're while we're building it and and I know it seems like a little thing but as we ramp up and we bid these projects out through our cdds you know we don't know what our our inspection fees amounts are going to be and we don't know who's going to inspect it and I don't think it's a difficult policy I think it if it's a if it's a road that's going to be a city road uh whether it's an 18 months or or three years the city should inspect it you know they're the one that that that road lasts 20 years before you do any major maintenance so they should be inspecting it um but if if it's a staff thing or we need to hire a CI consultant inspect it just tell us but we need to we need to get a see that that we know going in that this is the direction we go because we're spending a lot of time and your staff is spending a lot of time going back and forth trying to figure out who's going to do this and that's all I ask is if if you know your transportation your Public Works people can get together and establish a solid policy just so I know and and my my uh my other Engineers that that work in this area know what how to proceed and how to direct our clients that's all I ask and I appreciate it thank you Sean is this something that you can address for us it's it's already I'm sorry it's it's already on the list um the next step is to coordinate those trip party agreements review of all the developments and where that transfer takes place staff is already meeting with the county on a regular basis to go over developments that it is in the works but it will be imminently annexed so we're doing much better at coordin ating communicating um this next year um if this all goes well um we will be slowly putting all those things into place so that we're actually working as one team so all right would anyone else like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion and motion my Council council member Fletcher um so we adopted the the mobility fee schedule as well as the resolution to come up with how much we charge this is the document that um basically says how the money get spent um I have a couple issues with with with this document and I would like to uh this is not I mean obviously it's tied to it but we're not up against the deadline with this um I'd like to bring it back um when's our next meeting October 10th October 10 so September I would like to bring it back at next next um the next city council meeting if Council was um okay with that I are you making a motion for continuance yes second that was quick I didn't even ask sorry Mr Fletcher I think we would be looking for some understanding of what we need to do to work on the agreement to bring it back with um because staff has spent a lot of time with County staff working on this and working out the language on this so if there's issues I think we um so I would like to get um questions answered and reference to to Center Lake um I also um the implementation of the priority Network which I believe is exhibit 7 um I understand that all of the roads um on there do benefit um the city but I don't believe there's a a city road on Fri Cove Fri Cove is on there um and then you know those are are really like I would just like a little bit more time okay to to to take a look at it we can we can schedule time with you thank you do anything else no that's enough I was just trying to see if we were talking about a word smithing thing or language thing but more you initially you're looking at more of an understanding to go through all the correct multile exhibits that Mr Tomic felt were necessary rather than doing it up here I just I would like to have more time I mean I we spent probably 50 hours on it this we but I need more time so do we have a date October 10th I think you said right October 10th so the motion is for continuance to October 10th of resolution number 2024-25 R is that correct that is correct mayor and we had a delightful second team by Mr Urban Madame cler you please call the role for continuance council member Fletcher all Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z you're going to miss me aren't you definitely Mr menzer U the only thing I the report Mr Cooper said it earlier we did close on the property at 3101 Progress Lane it went very smoothly uh and uh the city is proud owner of that but I told the fire chief that he was chomping at the bit to get in the building he was basically emailing me every 10 minutes saying did we close yet did we close yet I'm sorry it was every 15 minutes it wasn't every 10 minutes that's allk thank you very much that was obviously an incredibly wise and good move I think it's going to greatly benefit our city I'd like to ask our city manager do you have anything for us M Miller uh I have two things uh first the paddleboat agreement which you approved earlier tonight I just wanted to report that the electric installation will begin on Monday um for the paddle booat and also for the ballards um that we're putting in for the safety purposes down there and the other thing was just to go on record that we're going to miss Mr toek a lot me especially um and we we were really lucky to have him for as long as he was here to help us get some of these really big projects across the finish line so thank you [Music] Dave that's all council member Fletch sure um I just have two things um one at the last council meeting um during my time I had asked if uh if we could put some no parking signs up on the corner of Russell or on on Russell um over by the schools um kind of funny so so got home went to bed woke up and they were already on site at like 6:30 in the morning texting me going hey here's the sign so like it's they they really got it taken care of we really listen got a bit I spoke to the resident um there on the corner he was very thankful so I just wanted to report that back back to staff um and then to to say thank you to Dave um it's been honored to to work with you um you know you're here at 6 o'cl and you don't leave till night and I think the community knows it all of the downtown business owners I've spoken to them they're going to miss you coming in for your sandwiches your barbecue and so forth um but I look forward to having a a contact at the county um to be able to continue further um the projects that we're currently working on so thank you for your service to our city sir coun mthi um I don't really have anything to say I would tell Mr Tac I'm GNA miss him but he's GNA be sitting right next to me um but thank you for all your help at the city and um I don't I don't have anything else council member Urban just want to also thank Mr toek for his service to this city I actually went and had the Dave toek sandwich down at 10th Street produce today in honor of him so uh just wanted to thank him for that he'll definitely be missed Council Gilbert uh nothing publicly uh Dave and I talk personally so we're we're good brother and I guess it's my turn I too would like to thank you for your friendship thank you for your wisdom and your counsel thank you for always being a positive asset uh even when times were difficult and uh I think you're going to continue to be an asset for us certainly over at the county and we want to be sure to thank the county for those checks for you know Recreation and see if you can get any more checks sent over here we would be really grateful but you will be missed big time uh I have an item I serve on the metro plan and we just were recently approved to actually be become a voting member took a year for that to get P even though I was attending the meetings uh Mr Gilbert has been the altern the alternate uh member of uh representing our city on metro plan and uh he's attended as many meetings as I have he's been diligent and the next metr plan meeting will be in November and in talking with the director of metro plan they would really love to see someone uh actively in place uh by our city to and not have to wait on an election to take place uh to replace U me but I'm sure Mr gilber could jump in but I'd like to see him appointed uh as the primary representative from our city uh to metro plan and I'd like to make that a motion if I could have a second second any objections I don't have to call the roll on that no you don't I got a lot of nods would any of you guys like to be the alternate not me thank you he said guys it's a very important thing Mr Gilbert is very faithful in attending but uh this is a very important I wouldn't mind position Mr Fletcher has volunteered uh do I have a motion that we appoint Mr Fletcher do I need a motion for that I don't think you do no all right are there any objection to Mr Fletcher serving as our alternative our an alter and you are so appointed and Mr Gilbert thank you for uh doing such a great job as a backup and filling in the times that I couldn't make those meetings I appreciate mayor that's a big big shoes to fill but I I promise you I'll do my best well I I'm I'm sure U you will do a much better job than I could have done with that we bring to our information section and Report section third Thursday October the 10th there will be a city council meeting at 6:30 p.m. here in council chambers Thursday October the 17th there'll be a CRA meeting that has been cancelled and then Thursday October 17th there will be a city council Workshop that has also been cancelled there are no reports to report with that we will consider ourselves adjourned thank you for participating in your government I know I didn't I didn't notice it