##VIDEO ID:WFbct1j--vo## I'd like to welcome you to our September 12 2024 council meeting in the interest of time efficiency in ensuring that everyone who wishes to address the council is given the opportunity to do so the following will apply to all comments made by the public if you desire to be recognized by the chair please fill out a request form and present it to the city clerk present here in council chambers each speaker be allowed 3 minutes to address the councel unless this time is extended by the mayor or by questions from councel groups shall designate a spokesperson to avoid repetition of comments every effort will be made to avoid interrupting speakers we thank you for participating in your city of government and we ask that you please silence all electronic devices at this time with that I'll call this council meeting to order like to ask that we all please stand for our invocation i' like to invite Pastor Randy law from intercession City Church of God to come and lead us in our invocation please remain standing afterwards for our Pledge of Allegiance dear father Lord we come to you in the name of Jesus father the name above all names I ask Lord that you give this counsel father wisdom in the decisions that they have to make Lord father only you know what the future holds I ask father that they Lord reverence you in all the decisions that they make that they be decisions that are for the community Lord for the Youth for the generations to come father give them wisdom that you can give in Jesus name amen amen please join me in the pledge I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you may be seated Madame clerk will you please call the role mayor Blackwell here Deputy Mayor maeni here council member Urban here council member Gilbert here council member Fletcher here would like to ask manager Miller if there are any changes uh that you or Corrections you'd like to make to our agenda yes thank you mayor excuse me I would like to ask if we could please continue public hearing number 7 ordinance 24- 51 to the October 10th 2024 city council meeting and that is all thank you item number seven under public hearing will be continued well you mayor yes sir you that's a public hearing so we'll need to be right in and then we'll need to have a motion to continue it on the proclamations you're saying no on this since we're continuing yes okay can I just go ahead and do that now well yeah I'll just have the clerk read in item seven could I have a motion for continuing item number seven under public hearings hearing uh ordinance number 20 24- 51 do I have a motion for continu motion second we have motion before you vote mayor can we just have the clerk read it into the right I'm getting all kind of Corrections tonight Madam clerk could you please read uh that item into the uh record please final public hearing for ordinance number 2024-the standards by amending article 14 titled use regulations sections 314.23 of the Land Development code to update sighting standards for mini warehouse and storage facilities providing for subur Ability scribers error conflict codification and an effective date thank you we have a motion for continuance to October the 10th from council member Gilbert we have second from council member Urban Madame clerk would you please call the rooll council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z and item number seven is continued to October 10 under presentations first of all we have a proclamation and recognition of Constitution week could I have a motion that we accept and present this Proclamation tonight motion to approve we have a motion from council member Urban we have a second from the mayor Madam clerk please call the rooll deputy mayor maeni I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 z uh we'll let you read that in just a moment but uh could we also have a motion for uh the acceptance of presentation of Proclamation and recognition of Veterans of Foreign Wars day do I have a motion motion for approval we have a motion from council member Fletcher do I have a second second second from council member Urban Madam clerk please call the rooll council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5- Z we'd like to ask Mr Urban if you will please read the proclamation on Constitution week and present it to our distinguished group here tonight all right do we have any uh Representatives here for constitution week that would like to come up or yeah come on up you you sure you got this over whereas September 17th 2024 marks the 237th anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America by the Constitutional Convention and whereas it is fitting and proper to officially recognize this magnificent document and the anniversary of its creation and whereas it is fitting and proper to officially recognize the Patriotic celebrations which will commemorate the occasion and whereas Public Law 9:15 guarantees the issuing of a proclamation each year by the president of the United States of America designating September 17th through the 22nd as Constitution week now therefore I Colby irvan council member along with the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida do hereby Proclaim September 17th through 23rd 202 for to be Constitution weak in the city of St Cloud and ask our citizens to reaffirm the idea that the framers of the Constitution had in 1787 thank you so much for being thank you that's like a ro a thorn among the Roses Mr Fletcher would you like to present to us the proclamation recognition of Veterans of Foreign Wars Day what a great way to start the meeting huh um if representatives from the VFW would like to uh join me up here please whereas the Veterans of Foreign Wars was founded on September 29th 1899 making this the 125th anniversary of the organization and whereas members of the VFW have served honorably defending the United un States of America in her military in the United States Army Navy Marines Air Force Coast Guard and space force and whereas the vfw's mission is to Foster coder among United States Veterans of overseas conflicts to serve our veterans the military and our communities and to Advocate on behalf of all veterans and whereas the city of St Cloud Florida was founded by Veterans of the Civil War and continue to embrace all its veterans who have nobly served this country now therefore I Sean Fletcher council member along with the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida to hereby Proclaim September 29th 2024 to be Veterans of Foreign Wars Day in the city of St Cloud and urge our citizens to stand with the VFW to ensure veterans are respected for the sacrifices they and their loved ones have made on behalf of this great country we thank you thank you man appreciate it thank you thank you gentlemen thank all of you for your service thank you thank you thank you and if there are any other veterans in here we thank all of you for your service to our country the next item on our agenda is our citizens Forum any person who desires to comment on any item not on this agenda has provided this opportunity to address the city council each person is requested to complete a signing form to be provided to the residing officer prior to or as soon as is practical there after the personal address is the councel when you come forward we ask that you please state your name and address for the record and we ask that you please limit your comments to three minutes Joe is it thrower sir okay is that that got it yes sir all right Joe baseball good evening uh Mr Mayor Deputy Mayor counsel uh over the past week you probably seen an email floating around from me um today I was told by a couple my neighbors they sent emails as well um my name's Joe thrower I live at 521 clay Drive St Cloud uh one of the last communities down in that area that's still on Subic um everybody around us all the new buildings all the new codes all bring their sewage and water straight into y'all system uh we do have water through you guys but our uh sewer system is right on property um over the past couple weeks we've been having uh quite a bit of rain and with the communities building around us it's causing our drainage to back up which in turn is causing our um Subic to not function um it's heartening disheartening for me because I have a wife that is going through some things cancer- wise and when she needs to use the facilities I like they for be there um but unfortunately when they don't work we got to find other means um I'm not really the one to to gripe but I've worked for Oola County for 22 years as an inspector I was a storm water inspector a number of those years and I understand you know what goes on with water and how things go but we're getting out of control especially on Michigan with the new houses at Sky Lake being built the ones out in ferx property over to the uh east of us and everything migrates over to us where the old airf Airfield used to be I used to take a tremendous amount of our water and used to take it right down that uh ditch line they used to go straight now it turns in a lot of different directions and it's not being maintained um all we ask in our community and you're going to hear a bunch of them ask is you know we we were promised a few years back that we would have our ditches cleaned and uh coverts and structures put in between our properties back in 2010 David and Rebecca was done we had ours our area was uh surveyed out we had structures in place and they were going to do the work uh at that time they came and pulled what they had left on the ground and said there was no funding that the funding was needed elsewhere well I was an inspector I asked around and I found out where it is I'm kind of disarten on where it where it went and I'll be happy to talk offline where I know it went that way don't get B bottled up within the city um but miss mathi and I have spoke uh Kobe Mr Ur came to my house and spoke to me and Kevin actually came to my house and seeing what we have so there's obviously a problem all we ask is do your do diligence help us and try to slow down the growth let's at least do the drainage roadway before we put any more houses on that road thank you thank you uh Miss Miller would you yes thank you mayor to address this um so Mr thrower after um Mr felblinger went to your property um he did make some short-term commitments and and also I have some long-term um hopefully with Council approval um in the short term our Operations Division is coming out cleaning any blockages along your ditches and openings and crossings uh also reaching out to the homeowners association for skylakes and to our code enforcement to get the ditches within that those HOA tracks maintained at a higher level than they're currently being maintained at you are correct I don't I don't know what the reasoning was why they removed the funding but um Mr finger did did confirm that that did happen um and so he's estimating it's about $150,000 for us to pipe the southern side of the road um and um we think that we would be able to start this in the new year with the council support obviously we'd have to do budget amendment budget transfer work with our finance department but he does believe that um we would be able to fund it with some of our storm water funds um if if Council um will you'll bring that recommendation back then after you well if you give me consensus we will just start moving forward with it okay thank any objections there aren't any objections so so real quick I appreciate they did come out and they did do some cleaning in front it it the ditches did not get clean we make that clear they just cleaned out in front of the cover pipes which is fine that'll take the hydraulic pressure out of the pipes and push the water to the next but with all that material that's still in the ditch we're still going to have a backup no matter and then across the street on ferx across from and I don't know if you guys are familiar with the area and I know I'm getting into time and I apologize but across from Miss uh slay Clark's Mama's old house the one right there on the corner of clay that ditch on the other side of the road needs to be maintained it hasn't been maintained since I was with the county and that was almost 12 14 years ago so we really need to have something done because that takes a lot of our water as well thank you for your time thank you thank you Mark bonsi if you'll come forward St your name and address for the record you hear me if you come to the mic we can okay Mark bons 801 Louisiana Avenue St Cloud Florida okay I'm here tonight to request that the city Take Over Control of the monthly Market from the downtown St Cloud business Group Inc the reason for this is I spent six months trying to apply to be a vendor I've been accused of being a liar of being nasty uh we've had some pretty nasty incidents and during this whole time never had a personal contact you you answer to an email address you get an email that is unsigned never attached a name until by accident when I paid my fee I paid by PayPal that was the only way that I knew that it was going to St Cloud downtown businessman's group because I got my receipt from PayPal doing a little research online I was able to go to the state and find out who the actual officers and people were of this organization I actually have names now took me six months uh they've been rude they've been obnoxious don't get me wrong I've been to this Wednesday Night Market it's fantastic my wife and I had attracted us to move here my friend said the mark the stuff you make we'd like you to be part of this but I've run into a wall with these people I was by chance ran into a man named Robert bechamp who's been a 40y year uh businessman in the area and he was the ex treasurer of this group and once he found out of my my plight he's the one that encouraged me to come here and say please get the city to take over this fabulous event before the people running it destroy it and I still got another minute but we we don't want to go into every little story if you guys are interested I will leave my phone number with the clerk and uh maybe somebody else gets another 50 seconds how's that thank you very much thank you and uh could you just make a note to follow up that and see what the problem is if there's anything we can do oh um I I can look at it the the they have also reached out to me separately it's it's not our event in fact we've actually been separating um from the event now that they are charging a fee they're going to be taking over some of the responsibilities that the city was previously doing in the effort that we've had that people should be not having fees waved so at this point it's it's not a city event and I can't take over another organization's event without their permission all right I'm just understand we're not asking Takeo we'll we'll do some inquires okay per all right thank you sir can I comment mayor yes sir you may okay sir uh the market has been uh beneficial to the city it is a private Market what I'm sorry I apolog I apologize uh but uh we should accept all vendors in good standing to to do that but we as a as a whole as a city do not have that jurisdiction over that but we understand your uh complaints and we we'll have somebody deal with that but we love the market the Market's great and we want more vendors vendors are good vendors are are startup companies that end up in the city of St Cloud so so I hope this could I'm sorry sir I'm sorry I'm sorry sir I'm sorry sir I I've read all the emails i' I've done my due diligence I'm sorry sir this this crowd is incapable of issuing me a refund without me giving me my name and address okay the only thing I would like to tell you is will we we will we don't have any jurisdiction over that it's a great Market but we will try to work with the the the the private entity of the Market to to uh get all vendors that want to come and grow the market so so thank you very much for for what you have but but it it's a private market so so thank you very much give an idea one vendor took the time to come here there's probably more of a problem all right thank you sir Darren Davis please St your name and address for the record and you've got three minutes good evening Darren Davis uh hi Tree Road um on Cent Agenda night on item D yall are doing a Mr Davis you need to wait for that item to come up I was told I had to come up now no when that when the consent agenda we called may you tell Mr Tomac that he told me I had to come up and have it pulled Mr Davis you can when the mayor you be seated we'll get to the itum in just a moment I just wanted to get it pulled that's all all right thank you would anyone else like to speak during the citizens Forum on any item not on the agenda if not we move on to the next item which is our consent agenda the next portion of tonight's meeting is the consent agenda which contains items that have been determined to be routine and non-controversial if anyone in the audience wishes to address a particular item on the consent agenda now is the opportunity for you to do so additionally if staff or members of the city council wish to speak on a consent item they will be given the same opportunity first i' like to ask any the council members are there any items on the consent agenda Council M mthi um item D for Mr Davis and uh did you say d yes D and uh item M I wanted to um comment on item m m okay then let's move to item D first before we consider the whole agenda ready I was I was pulling it for Mr Davis do what I was pulling it for Mr Davis okay Mr Davis you want to step up and speak to that good evening again uh Darren Davis secr tree wrote uh on item D it is a lot grading new engineering specifications standards and all this are they going to put a maximum elevation on new subdivisions coming in are they going to put any regulations on how high they can be above the 100-year flood plane uh standards of drainage or any of that I don't think we can answer that if you'll just continue talking about what your concerns are we'll refer that to the people I know what your concerns are for sure yeah I've got a subdivisions on two sides right now one is some of them are 8 to 10 foot above the 100-year flood plane the other one's probably 6 to 8 foot above the 100-year flood plane and now everybody else arounded is suffering for it all their water runs out of their ground sheet flows into the lower ground and everybody's having water problems just like when Mr thrower was in here when they tell have this new uh subdivision put in on Michigan he's even going to be worse because there's probably no elevations on the engineering far as regulations it's probably a good idea if they would do something like Delona and the rest of them are doing saying okay we know everybody wants to be up dry safe but there's realistic levels that they need to go by way there's no use to go 10 foot above the 100-year flood I mean it's just it's just crazy besides the cost of the field dirt besides all the roads and everything they tear up bringing it in and you know all that it's uh it's not cost effective I don't think they really gain anything by doing the elevation that way uh only thing I was told is to give them more houses because the footprint of the pro Pond went smaller because it was deeper but I would appreciate it if you all could take it into consideration while you're doing this ordinance thank you thank you Mr Davis uh Council Mia thank you so that you know what Mr Davis has experienced and others is the reason that I asked for this to like look at the Land Development code and look if there's things we can do to help harmonize the grading um better because it is it is unfortunate I've seen it a lot in my job and I've seen it a lot in the city where it's like the existing the existing homes I'll hear well they they'll develop eventually I'm like but that's that's not the way you should look at that it should be like it should work for everyone um and I mean I like the idea I don't mind um postponing because this really is my item that I brought forward and if Mr Davis had comments that he wants us to look at I'm I'm fine with continuing it um if the other council members are okay with it Mr well just generally speaking several years ago the city went to this process which is what we're talking about with regard to these specific technical standards because the city at the time realized that these technical standards evolve and they move and the ordinance process to reopt them was a little bit too complicated and took too much time so you in theory could adopt this particular item and then work with staff to adopt to address the issue that you're talking about in a subsequent resolution so or could we just postpone it you could do that you could do it that way too I think if we adopt it it kind of like goes on the back of the queue um Kevin does it does it do does it address I'm sorry I'm sure I don't think it has like a maximum in there M Miller go ahead Kevin sorry uh Kevin P public works director uh no it does not have a specific maximum height um it does as you go higher it does have different uh uh um the different Landscaping requirements that sort of stuff to be able to um be able to help try to minimiz the impacts of the adjacent properties um but there is not a maximum um height restriction in this or I I mean I would like to postpone it to work on the language um if everybody was amable to it can that just be a consensus well no you need a motion to a motion I'll make a motion to uh continue this item to work on additional refinement oh second from councilman Marini do I have a second second for councilman Gilbert thank you Mr Gilbert madam clerk please call the RO council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z it will be pulled and worked on is there any chance I could add something to that if you make it quick okay uh another thing that might add to that ordinance is like on the ditch cleaning and stuff like they were talking about maybe they can add something into that to where the development would have to take care of the onsite and inside ditches to make sure they stay clean cuz like grammar see there they bought it in like 2006 2007 and the ditches have never been touched on the out flow of it at all there's never been a machine in them they've never sprayed them they've never done anything you can't even tell where they're at they're overg growing that much all right and that would be a good thing to put to it and on this ordinance you're doing tonight I was talking to Mr Tomac about it and they were talking about doing fences if this subdivision was 10 foot higher than this one the fence would have to go up on this side and it would have to be like six foot higher than they are in my case you'd have a 10-ft wall with a six foot fence on top of it so to have a 16t high barrier between me wouldn't be all bad thank you thank you um Miss Miller could we look into the ditches inside of gramar SE to see if we can I I believe since I've been on Council like like eight years ago or something we had to intercede and force them to clean their ditches and so maybe we have to do it again yeah we we'll look into it thank you all right is this citiz for okay very got Miss Council ath would you like to item M are we done now no I need m m let's go to that then um I was just confirming with the city manager and and uh just want to kind of say it aloud that I saw we have this contract with scansa when I read it it said oh was something go ahead I I jumped ahead of myself go ahead but I'll jump back to it oh um I saw that it says project management and I just wanted to make sure that was construction engineering inspection um so we have like a full-time CI on the project like we needed in our downtown project you know it's a very large project let's make sure we have full-time CI assigned to it um she's confirmed that it does but I just want to say let's if it doesn't we need to revisit this I I didn't get that out of what what I read um but um I'm glad to see that we've got scans SC board to help monitor this construction good where I dropped the ball here we have a motion from council member maeni I don't think we vot V on that on did we I don't think we I don't think you did I we did thank you mayor I have a motion from counc ma a second from Mr Gilbert to pull resolution number 202 24-1 143r item D we can do it again but we already did it did we vote on that we voted yes I'm getting old let's go to the video old all right I did it right start with then would anyone else in the auditor like to speak to any item that's on the consent agenda if not could I entertain a motion for the adoption of the consent agenda a motion to approve um except for D that we've already voted on right we have a motion from council member do I have a second second second council member Fletcher Madam clerk council member Fletcher hi Deputy member theeni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z all right the next item on tonight is agenda are public hearings Madam clerk could you please read item number one into the record first of two public hearings for resolution number 224-1 19r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida established in a final adalum tax millage for the city of St Cloud for the fiscal year 2024 2025 the same being adopted prior to the adoption of a final budget for said period Jeff Cooper Finance director uh this is the first required hearing for the final uh ADV valorum tax millage uh we're proposing that the rate stay the same it is a 7.69% uh above the rolled back rate which is 4.74 79 uh the roll back rate is um shown to you there the definition of of the roll back rate uh one mil equals $1 in tax per th000 of assessed value uh property taxes are multiplied by the assessed taxable value by the millage rate and divide by a th000 so there's an example um here's the history of the last several years of the ad vorum um Mage rate and the roll back rate and this is an example of uh an property with 250,000 in assess value would have the average yearly tax cost for city taxes of $1,278 um the highlights of um what we need the millage U tax rate for uh 19.8% increase in Personnel costs uh due to the items listed there uh pay adjustment for staff to keep up with cost of living um uh 13 new and six newly funded uh PD positions uh increase in health insurance costs those continue to rise and in increase in our p contribution cost as well uh here's the detail of all the positions that uh we're proposing to be funded and these are some positions in the other funds which aren't related to the ad vorum but for informational purposes two for sanitation and three for storm water and we're recommending approval uh staff recommends approval and we're recommending that you approve and this is the first reading so you don't have to vote this time the next reading will be next Thursday at 6:30 p.m. now you actually do have to do need to take approval of yes you do okay for the first reading so you're what you're doing is you're approving the tenative millit rate then the final action will be at U next week thank you would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion and our motion by Council council member Gilbert um I'm glad that we can keep this Mill at at this point as we grow and as the services continue to grow I just like to recognize that this may have to increase in years to come I know it's not a popular thing but uh I'm happy that the city can keep the mill where it's at and and the cost of living where it's at because of all the other increases that they have I you back May thank you counc Mai thank you I just want to confirm that this has the changes I request said to cover the additional Insurance costs for the employees yes it does okay any other questions from Council could I entertain a motion for the adoption of resolution 2024 -119 R motion to approve second we have a motion from council member Fletcher second Council memberi Madam clerk you please read I mean call the role please de member thy hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z I need you to sit down for just a moment is Carol Moffett here Carol Moffett here she had requested to speak during the uh Consin and I thought I gave opportunity but I didn't realize she had filled out a request so she's not here all right we'll move on then Madam clerk could you please reate item number two into the record first of two public hearings for resolution number 2024-25 2025 the same being adopted following the adoption of the fin millage rate fores said period Jeff Cooper Finance director again this is our fiscal year 2024 2025 budget resolution um in summary for the background the revenues have to equal expenditures uh our total revenue for this fiscal year is 273.5 million um detailed across the different funds as as you can see 80.8 million for the general fund as you can see the capital projects fund is uh larger than normal uh so we are funding um numerous uh Public Safety um projects to include two fire stations and Public Safety complex phase one uh this is a breakdown of the revenues in the general fund 80.8 million uh approxim a third of that comes from adoram uh another approximate third of that comes from other financing sources and that incompasses the OU Revenue sharing which is almost $13 million now and also from Tojo Revenue sharing uh is over $2 million and then we also have the uh utility tax fund is included in that as well so those are our major Revenue sources as far as expenditures go you can see the breakdown uh fire department and police department uh between the two they make up about almost 56% of the general fund budget uh with parks and wreck being 10.2 million of the 80.8 and most of the remainder being government services and so that includes Finance Human Resources procurement City manager's office and so forth more of the administrative functions here's general fund uh departmental operating budgets uh breakdown by department and as you can see and we're very proud of this fact that all departments worked diligently to um maintain or in many cases decrease their budgets so we actually have an operating budget decrease of 1% um these are parts of our budget that support the different key Focus areas so diversity and magnetic economic de development these are all the items that are included in the budget that are in support of that and then we have effective Community safety uh the additional positions that were mentioned the additional projects new fire engine new ambulance and a significant storm water project at Tennessee Avenue and 17th Street High performing government a 23 total new positions a new fire Union contract which will be coming to you in October as I understand it uh and as you can see the rest of the items um there an effective Transportation network uh which is important to uh everyone in the city as you can see the projects that are funded as part of this budget uh which will help with traffic road paving uh and so forth and again staff recommends approval and we're requesting your approval of res resolution 202 24-120 R and this is first hearing as well thank you would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion and our motion by Council council member Fletcher uh council member Gilbert was first well thank you Council Fletcher this is the first time in a long time I've heard a decrease uh a a as a citizen of the city in the United States the increase has been significant to all the families so I'd like to thank you and your finance department to lowering the budget and lowering cost for the citizens because as you know right now increase in everything so I just like to thank you for the wonderful job you did with your staff so I yield back to you mayor thank thank the city manager and all my fellow directors I honestly had nothing to do with it um they they all work diligently to fine-tune their budgets I appreciate the comment but all I do is put the numbers together but thank thank you on behalf of all of us L he does a lot Council M Fletcher um I just wanted to Echo the the the same comments I we had the opportunity to sit down and and draft the city's uh strategic plan um this is the budget uh coming forward to to take on the priorities and responsibilities and the items that we detailed um in that strategic plan um then amount of stuff that we've been able to accomplish in the last um at least since since I you know we've been sitting up here this this seated Council um has been quite vast and and and a lot a lot of stuff uh good things are coming and I appreciate all the hard work of of City staff to be able to to move these items along in a efficient um manner um for the citizens so thank you thank you would anyone else like to comment if not could I entertain a motion for for the adoption of this resolution 2024-the hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z if you could please read item three into our record public hearing for resolution number 20241 144r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida amending resolution number 2023-the 2023 2024 budget for the city of St Cloud finding the city manager has certify there are prior year fund balances and or current revenues available in the budget for additional projects and programs and various funds not included in the original budget requiring the budget to be increased to include set additional fund ings in the various funds and making supplemental Appropriations within the funds Jeff Cooper Finance director one last time uh this is budget amendment number five of our current fiscal year 2023 2024 and the city manager certified funds are available to appropriate for the following projects um we're obtaining a Florida government Finance commission commission loan for the purchase uh and renovation of the property and buildings located at 3101 Progress Lane that is for a total of $8 million and we're increasing revenue from prior fund balance and City Health Insurance contributions for fund 520 self-insurance Health Fund for increased medical claim costs that we've uh endured this fiscal year for $1.7 million and that is all um so we're staff are recommending approval of this resolution and we're requesting that city council approve resolution 20241 144r Mr again I was going to mention under my report pce but since we talked about the 3101 3101 progress bll purchase we just will let the council know we have met all the conditions of that purchase and sale agreement uh the appraisal and the title work has all been reviewed and we are set to close and we'll proceeding with closing on that on a week from today so that transaction will complete what any the audience like to speak to item number three if not we'll have discussion and our motion from Council so moved we have motion from council member maeni do I have a second second second council member Urban Madame clerk council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5- Z thank you very much thank you Mr CER M clerk could you please write read item number four into our record final public hearing for ordinance number 2024 49 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida providing for the soning amendment of the soning map of the Land Development code of the city of St Cloud Florida specifically changing the zoning designation of approximately 10.31 Acres identified as Clark property from a agricultural zoning designation to r-1b single family dwelling Z in designation with a lowdensity residential future land use designation generally located south of fdick Road East of Michigan Avenue providing for the entering the designation of the official Sony map and filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication subil and effective date thank you m dunlin thank you good evening Melissa dunan community development director the case before you tonight is for a zoning map Amendment for the project known as Clark property the exist existing zoning designation is agriculture the requested zoning designation is r1b single family um which is consistent with the existing land use of low density residential this request is compatible with the surrounding area and will have no adverse impacts on City facilities here are graphic representations of the future land use and Zoning Maps depicting the low density residential land use and the exist existing agricultural zoning district for context honor for July 25th 2024 staff recommended approval Planning Commission also recommended approval likewise it is requested that city council approve ordinance number 20 24-4 n for the zoning map Amendment known as The Clark property at this time staff and the applicant are available for questions thank you would the applicant like to speak to this item good evening Jesse Anderson 2602 East Livingston Orlando Florida uh planner from pus and Bennett representing fourstar we don't have anything specific to add as staff did a great job but we'd love the opportunity to answer any questions that you may have or that the public may have thank you thank you if you remain ready for that this time we'll have public comment Sam does is that correct if you'll state your name and address yes my name is Sam dues I live at 531 Michigan Estate Circle um right here in St Cloud so um I represent not just myself and our home but also our the homeowners association for the Michigan Estate Circle um homeowners uh Our concern with this property is that there and the development of this property is that right now um the agricultural use fits in perfectly with what's going on and it's mainly has to do with as mentioned earlier the drainage in the area is already encumbered um and we have not begun to feel the brunt of that until skylakes is fully developed um it doesn't take a hurricane anymore in order or that amount of rain in order to have impacts on Michigan Avenue the it's all open drainage and that water really doesn't have much place to go it with all the impervious proposed for a project like this to get this intensity of use um South Florida would require a storm water Pond um with prepost but they're always going to require an outfall and um that outfall is going to go where right like right now it perks into the ground at some point it's going to go either to the road or into the conservation area around our neighborhood so for that um that reason that's one main reason but also traffic right now is uh is really terrible along there um we're not it's not just serving us and our neighbors and adjourning adjoining communities subdivisions but the high school the Middle School the elementary school there are certain times in the day where you just cannot go on Michigan or you will be trapped for at least 45 minutes of your life and so in their traffic I know they they have a traffic impact study um there's there's points on this that I think are subjective and pretty mute they they say um that it operates at an adequate level of service and is projected to continue to do so at the buildout of the development which I completely disagree with um as I stated skylakes is not even 25 30% completed yet and there's going to be over 355 Lots there that's two cars a piece where are they going to go um these times to day it's it's really going to be more of an encumbrance um there's other aspects of this that I could go through I myself am a professional engineer I work for Le local jurisdiction in the area um so I can speak with knowledge on the technical aspects of this but from a a drainage standpoint and a traffic standpoint it doesn't really make sense so it meets the criteria just in closing just like tomatoes meet the criteria of a fruit but the wisdom is you don't put it in Fruit Salad right it the environment is not conducive to it right now unfortunately it's just not a good idea thank you all right thanks Marine fdick Marin ferik at 203 fdick Road I'm gonna let my son do my time jerem fdick all right Jerome fdick can we start the clock again jerem feric 50 feric road before I get out that Dan I know you're were going for it how you doing Dan I'm doing good you good hey so quick question on Michigan has anyone drove down it lately when the rain happens so have you seen the flooding that's going on in Michigan right in the school zone right in the sidewalks that kids can't go across that's already felling so Development coming in to a new area we know southw Water Management supposed to contain the water on the project you're our voice to cover the rest of it so outside the project we're asking you to look at the project as a whole not just this one but this is personally affecting us but all projects that come in the water flow is an issue if there is no game plan and no planning for drainage there needs to be a real big workshop and take some of that money out of the budget start working on drainage especially on main roads like your your schools cuz how many schools let out on that quite a few so I got a couple pictures I'm going to put in exhibit uh this one up first so I was told the water goes east to west from east to west the project you're about to look at is the trees on the right side of the picture the water looks like it's moving so West is towards the trees water sitting there still today trying to go East so I think you'all need to look at your your plans on sheet flow because if you're trying to put all the water towards a pond on the opposite side of the property I don't know how you're going to do that if you're going to raise up the dirt mess up sheet flow and keep it coming the way to the east so that's one picture the other picture if you don't mind putting up so that's the project in yellow to give youall a visual on it the the green is uh my mom's piece that she gave me her time for so the blue is where the the puddling was the water sitting so and then like that red little squiggle up there where feric Meeks Michigan you can't see the anybody coming down the road that needs to be adjusted if y'all are going to do a development here it's a blind left turn and that's for kids on bikes that's for people in cars buses you you have to pull all the way out into the crosswalk block the crosswalk to be able to turn out that's not even at school time at school time it gets even worse because now you have cars stopped in front of it and you're trying to get past it so you can see the red and the blue lines that is two other entities that own there and I think one's here to speak no one's developing in that area do I still got my three minutes yes sir go ahead I'm all right thank you so the the red and blue are just separate owners so that's not development so I'm curious on on the plan on zoning I was told that the easement y'all are trying to make the developer push a road through on Delaware and if I if so can I get that answer yes or no but I think the bigger picture of this you can see the big blue circle on Michigan that is where the road floods across every time if you want to ever see it come after a good rain you will see kids trying to make it through the subdivision water there so as you know the as they talked about earlier the pond that their developer wants to put in the mitered end goes underneath the road and dumps back into the flooding that you already have so your master plan for where this water pops off off site is not going to help you all in the long run so I don't know what the answer is I don't think there's a quick easy answer but the concerns we have with Development coming in it's nothing new but it's getting worse so we want your ear your thoughts and what's the rush to develop if we already have issues so if we're going to Zone something in zoning is what we're talking about tonight but this is the first steps of the couple of readings this is the only time we get to speak on any development so that's why we're trying to hit this ahead get you to think come look at the property see what you're about to Zone in what's what's wrong with table in something and learning what you're zon in and on projects you know as a council member I know you all take it seriously but take your time go visit some of these sites and put your feet on the ground and look and see what you're zoning in on a project the other concern I have is they're putting two outlets on to fertic Road why do we need two outlets for 30 houses the question I have is here we have 80 houses at Michigan Estates so now not talk about the neighborhood but you have people running stop signs constantly right it's just human nature because it's a dead end road now you're going to put two more entrances where people can run stop signs and cause problems on a road why not put one like they have designed straight across the entrance like they have to Michigan Estates put a dead end in there less traffic coming out on the road at least it's contained in one area where people know where to look in one spot so these are the concerns so flooding easan if I can get an answer on if y'all are trying to push Delaware through I would like to have that answer tonight because it makes a big difference if I come to any other meetings because if you are just look where that green line goes my mom owns that whole land no one's developing there I won't talk for the person that's in red that he's going to come up and speak for himself but there's no development there so why are you trying to push more roads to go nowhere if you are trying to push that through thank you for time thank you Mr fdick Seth fdick verdick 55 verdick Road and uh just going back on to what he has put up there it is a blind turn coming out a to the left horrible and the water is going to be your issue it's just not flowing like it did before I mean we build up all the way around so it's just we need to look at either widen that canal through Sky Lake I don't know what your answer is I know y'all put culs in on the other side of fery closed all that up which we know C doesn't f as much as open Dish does sometimes so and like to know about Delaware too I I just don't see pushing Delaware through to a dead end to a dead end because even if you push it to Westy Noti it's just going out to the right and coming in from the right so I don't see the issue of making them put two entrances on that development thank you thank you Mr fdick Scott Glascock thank you Scott Glascock 401 clay and 3074 south of Delaware I'm the red square that was talking about and I own a home across the street on Delaware my concern I I I understand people want to do stuff with their property and I get that that yellow rectangle when they build it it will not be at the same elevation I promise you so they will be dry and my property will be underwater for six months out of the year when we were forced to Annex into the city we were told our taxes wouldn't go up they went up three times I have two properties bordering Delaware if Delaware is made a road which we beg them not to put gravel in it because it would increase traffic but we felt that we had to do that if that is paid that will be nothing but a highway for people trying to butt line to get to the school it will be a speed zone for every road that connects to Michigan for someone trying to beat someone through the light to get two cars in front so they can pick up their kid before everybody else it is if you haven't sat there at 7:00 in the morning get behind the other people that are parked on Clay Drive waiting to get in line to go to the schools it's a nightmare the traffic I I saw we have a a a Michigan pedestrian plan you better have a good one because people are going to get run over you can't come up with a good enough plan to keep that from happening you know what a nightmare it is already please do not increase it there is no need for Delaware to be opened it's a road to nowhere except for people trying to get to Michigan speeding through places where they already don't need to be and someone's going to get hurt thank you that's all I have thank you Mr Glascock would anyone else like to speak to the item would the applicant like to address any of the questions or issues that have been brought for before we have disc discussion by councel yes please uh thank you Jesse Anderson uh for the record again for some of the issues I would like to kind of go in reverse order I guess to an extent so per the Land Development code dra will have to be kept on site however I do want to note that this is a zoning Amendment request tonight um so configuration of the the site itself is still PR preliminary and undergoing potential conceptual changes as we conform to and adhere to code requirements while we design our plan sheets and again and that is if we do get approval tonight are we going to go forward with those potential subdivision plans where you would see a preliminary plat and a final plat come before you again um before those you will also see tonight that we have issues with transportation from the public as well as uh drainage issues these issues are something that we seek to mitigate for our property as well as potentially the surrounding areas through our transportation um impact analysis that we'll have to do during the subdivision construction plan level which will determine what type of improvements would be required at that level and again to emphasize this the transportation element of the comprehensive plan does State at policy 1.1.5 that it is through the DRC which does review by the way the preliminary subdivision plans as you all know uh construction plans and final plats that it is to be through through the DRC that it should be reviewed process for new developments for impacts on adopted levels of service so speaking of levels of service tonight we are at a future land use of lowend City Residential the future land use element and its future land use category are what correspond with the level of service we are not seeking to change that tonight we're seeking to be compatible with that and just go to r1b residential which is compatible with that low density residential future land use therefore it should be consistent with the level of service which will be assessed through two different stages uh there's two different requirements during the preliminary subdivision plan level as well as the final plat level in which concurrency will be evaluated in a test format to make sure level of service is not abruptly um Extended and if it were to be we would have to solve for mitigation purposes finally there is the approval process inside of the concurrency management aspect of article 11 in the Land Development code as well as in cie which is the Capital Improvements element that test for final development plans States procedures for concern or procedures for concurrency determination subject shall be subject to conditions of having uh a level of service consistent in place at the time of building permit that's a little bit of a paraphrase but it is where you have to have a you can put a condition on this final development uh order tonight where we have to have a level of service mitigated by the time we do get building permits which is a traditional aspect of most uh rezonings as well as going through the development process any other questions please feel free to ask I would love to answer them thank you any other comment from the audience if not we'll have discussion you've already been up Sir any other anyone who has not addressed this issue like to speak to this item one more time Darren Davis Hickory Tree Road uh I don't know from what I understand the gentleman said they don't have the plans in engineering or any of this done on this project yet okay why would anybody bring this to the council without having the engineering and the statistics of how much water how much elevation where it's going to go to be approved by the council without that information you're making a decision which you don't know what's going on you know look at grammarcy oh it's great it was the greatest thing that ever hit it's 10t high it was all approved and now we got to live with it thank you thank you we will have discussion a motion by Council this time council member Fletcher um I'm not sure if if Kevin is still here U maybe the city manager Dave could could answer this question isn't one of our Capital Improvement projects feric road with s water retention on the west side of that at the sky Lake Secondary entrance yes okay thank you Council so Mr Davis took took my point and what I was going to talk to council about is um since the mayor and I were on here we've had these kind of applications come before us and we don't approve them because we don't know what they're going to put on there you know we we've had that happen before where we've said we we're you know we're not approving it because we want to see what you're putting on here and residents were concerned and and so we postponed it until they could come back with the full set of plans like what exactly are you building um it is challenging you know the more and more developed we get all the problems like exacerbate you know even if even if the development meets all the requirements he said they keep all the water on site that's I doubt they're keeping all the water on site um you know they'll match prepost right which is then going to go out and tie into the the system that's already over capacity doesn't match volume it matches rate so that's one of the caveats you know it matches the rate if you imagine a curve it matches the top of the curve but then the curve stays high so the volume of water is more but the rate is the same that's what that's what the permit set um and then you have all this empty property historically as development came in you know maybe a little more water went on this empty field and nobody noticed and maybe a little more water went over here but as that empty field gets developed then the water that was stored there that nobody noticed is now displaced out into the it it it's a challenging it's a challenging system you know I tend to agree with the the residents that got up and spoke I mean we've heard every time anything comes on Michigan the the the drum beat is how bad the road is how bad the traffic is and I think Mr Urban even the last time you sat in it the last time um we had something come forward um but I I just wanted to talk to council we have delayed these approvals before and said no not until you come back with all the details I'm more comfortable with that I feel like it's like this you know is at the Hamburglar so the promise Pro you know we'll do this tomor tomorrow if you do this today like I think it's better if we can review things all at the same time and kind of understand um what we're approving Council Urban this is why I'm thankful to have a engineer on our Council to help explain these things that's never said anywhere um yeah um I I I would share the same concerns uh that Deputy Mayor mathini said I I did want to follow back up with this this is the the Delaware extension is are there any plans for that I have to turn to my planning department I know we've recently been doing the transportation plan I think because there's existing ride of way that we are keeping it for future interconnectivity to Niti Road correct so right now there's um paper ride of way that goes from Noti all the way up to um 17th Street sorry I meant fct sorry um in the transportation Mobility master plan it does call for improvements um to Delaware but from 17th Street up to Lake Shore uh so it's not in the transportation and Mobility plan as any type of framework road but because there is existing ride of way we would either need to abandon that right of way or they would have to improve that right of way when they come in to develop that site there thank you all anything else any other comments any other questions from Council mayor may we respond by any chance yes I'll allow you to do that I appreciate that uh could I invite my engineer up to just speak a little bit on the engineering aspect that we've been going through good evening um Mark sty po benett 2602 East Livingston Street um I did want to address your comment um we did could you speak up a little bit some of us sorry you're good I did want to address your comment um we did provide a conceptual plan with our application uh we have looked at the drainage in uh in whole as well as considering the surrounding areas um I think these things are uh PSP related when we get to the pimary plat to dive into however we have taken the opportunity to look through it um up front to to ensure that we're comfortable with our development moving forward uh at the resoning stage so if there's anything in particular you'd like to talk about um I can go into those but to say that we have not looked at it would not be accurate and we have provided the uh the plan to staff okay thank you thank you you have any other comments from St from Council okay I would just like for the record to U point out that any plans that were given to staff may have been in like a pre-application meeting or um other side meetings but there are has been no official submittal of the PSP yet all right Mr M and then typically at the zoning stage you do not see in many projects you do not see specific plans and they are they they do work through the development review process I think it's more common now especially when you get in these smaller somewhat smaller project that are more defined as infill projects that you start needing to see those plans so if that's something the council would like to see they've indicated there are some sort of preliminary plans I don't know how Intense or how how involved they are but um right now if if that's your option then you you you could continue this matter for those items to be brought back before you at least a better understanding of what what they're thinking about doing well I would certainly like to see the plans we again to that point you know this is a rezoning application I understand we have the opportunity and we come back forth uh in front of the council again with our preliminary uh PL prary subdivision plan at that time um at this point since like I said we we've gone through it we have provided a uh plan it wasn't a formal sumal I agree with that um but we did want to be upfront with staff in terms of what we were providing there and so moving forward with the resoning is kind of our intent now and then to move into the preliminary uh subdivision plan stage where the opportunity to review these uh items in detail is uh is the process that we normally go through is the process that your code uh dictates and so that's that we'd like to move forward in that direction Mr M and just remember so before you this is a zoning application but your Land Development code provides 16 criteria that all zoning applications have to make one of which is related to drainage so I think what I'm hearing from the council is that council is not inclined to move this forward tonight based on the information that you've heard at least on with regard to the drainage issue so I guess this is more to the applicant I think to be frank I think your options are you either provide some information from a planning perspective or the if I'm not reading the room right this might be a denial so it's your your choice how you want to handle it I'd recommend a continu that's fine vot it down that that's fine so you continue them did I hear you correctly yeah if that's the the council's uh position yes that's fine agree to that well we can certainly vote in are we in favor of continu have motion to continue second motion for continuous can we pick a date and when try October after November yeah well November would be absolutely wonderful only because we need to we we to avoid having to re advertize it all right November no October may I just ask clarifying question October sounds great um I just had a clarifying question about the parameters of what you're looking for in those plans for just prelim subdivision plan level versus subdivision construction plan details just so we make sure we're hitting the right Mark for you all is there a way we can work with staff possibly as part of this process to ensure we're getting what we need for you all next hearing sure they can work with staff definitely thank you all right if we could find out what level you do want so so staff can work with them on that do you want the construction plans or just the the PSP is really the lot the lot layout the construction plans is when the drainage comes into play drainage drainage your issue is drainage so I think that's needs to be the most to so okay so you have a motion on the table Mr Mayor okay we have a motion in a second for continuance uh Mr Mayor yes I'm sorry I saw you li now Mr Fletcher sorry about that um if the the applicant could reach out to me so that we could set up a time with our Public Works director so I can sit down and go over the project when you get the the drainage stuff um I know there are concerns in the residents have spoke I'd like to do that um so if you you guys can please reach out to uh City manager's office so we can set a time up thank you thank you we have a motion on the second FL continuance to the October meeting Madam clerk we please call the role council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z so contined to October 10 October 10th if you'll add that thanks sir Madam clerk could you please read items five and six into the record final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24- 45 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation MDR to approximately plus minus 17820 6 Acres identified as Live Oak Lakes located south of East earo Bronson Memorial Highway West of Nova Road East of Mossy Vine Avenue providing for amending the official future land use map of the comprehensive plan filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effect subber abilities copies on files and effective date final public hearing for ordinance number 20244 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida providing for the soning amendment of the soning map of the Land Development code of the city of St Cloud Florida specifically changing the soning designation of approximately plusus 17826 Acres identified as Live Oak Lake from PD soning designation County to a PUD City Zoning designation with an with a MDR futur land use designation adopted by ordinance number 202 24- 45 located at South of East earo brons Memorial Highway West of Nova Road East of moss mossi Vine Avenue providing for entering the designation on the official soning map providing for the acceptance of Oola County plan development PD 15-14 filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication sub ability and effective date good evening Council Dak Mar Sagara deputy director um in front of you is a request for a future us designation and Zoning for Live Oak Lake a staff recommends approval um the property is contigous and reasonably compact the uh annexation of this property was approved by City Council on July 18 I was the city limits and it is um and it's already within the city limits this is a location a depiction of the location of the property depicting that it is Con to the city limits which now is incorporate uh in um incorporated into the city um the Fisher line use designation for this property is a combination of low density residential and medium density residential for the county it is proposed to have a future L uh of medium density residential City and the proposed zoning is PD a PL U plan de unit development for the city it's compatible with the surroundings and there's no adverse impact this property it is um fully developed and um and we are currently are in construction of phases four and five that are also within the city limits this is a depiction of the future luse map and the zoning map the the total uh acre of this subdivision is 178 acres and has 329 dwelling units and the existing density is 3.83 dwelling units per acre like I mentioned previously like Oak Lakes is already an existing and buildout Community known new development is proposed in connection with this application this application is in front of you at the at the um uh as a combination with the um encumbrance annexations this is a depiction of the master development that was approved by the count by the county that we are adopting with the Pud and it is Staff recommendation of approval the planning also the Planning Commission also recommended approval of this request the transmitt of this um item was done in June of this year we received no comments from the states and they gave us a favorable uh to move forward for adoption it is requested for this Council also to approve uh the comprehensive plan 202 2445 and the Pud uh ordinance 202 24- 46 I'll be uh the city is the applicant and I'll be be happy to answer any questions you may have thank you would the applicant like to speak to this item items did you say they were here the city is the applicant okay I'm sorry not paying attention would anyone in the audience like to speak to these two items we'll have discussion and motion by Council it's the pleasure the regarding the first uh item number 202 24- 45 motion to approve we have motion from Council memberi do I have a second second second council member Fletcher Madam clerk Deputy Mayor marthi hi council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z got have motion or discussion regarding item number 20 24- 46 motion to approve I have a motion from council member m do I have second second second council member Urban Madam clerk council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 z uh the next item on the agenda number seven has been read into the record will be continued into October 10 could you please read items 8 nine and 10 into the record final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24- 52 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida to Annex into the city of St Cloud approximately plusus 0.88 Acres identified as Lal property located at 3150 lawel Avenue in accordance with the voluntary annexation provisions of chapter 17144 Florida Statutes final public hearing for ordinance number 20 24- 53 in ordinance of the city council the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation Park and open space to approximately plusus 0 88 acres identified as laal Avenue property located at 3150 laal Avenue providing for amending the official future land use map of the comprehensive plan filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effect subur abilities copies on files and effective date final public hearing for ordinance number 202454 in ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida providing for the soning amendment of the soning map of the land of velopment code of the city of St Cloud Florida specifically changing the zoning designation of approximately plusus 0.88 Acres identified as laal Avenue property from in institutional County zoning designation to O open space and Recreation City Zoning designation with a park and open space futur land use designation located at 3150 LEL Avenue providing for entering the designation on the official zoning map filing of the Planning Commission recommendation proof of publication subil and effective date thank you m thank you Melissa dunan community development director these cases before you tonight are for the annexation comprehensive plan Amendment and zoning map Amendment for the project known as LEL Avenue the request meets both statutory requirements and is consistent with our joint planning agreement with Oola County as it is contiguous and reasonably compact the existing County future land use is low density residential with an Institutional County zoning designation what they are proposing is to um change their land use to um ldr and I'm sorry not ldr that's on the next slide sorry I'm getting ahead of myself here's a location map that depicts the location of the subject parcel which is north of Cypress Avenue and west of Lal Avenue the proposed future land use is Park and open space and the proposed zoning is O open space and Recreation the um request is compatible with the surrounding area and will have no adverse impacts on City facilities here are graphic representations of the future land use and Zoning Maps depicting the County's low low density residential land use and institutional zoning district for context honor before July 25th staff recommended approval Planning Commission also recommended approval likewise it is requested that city council approve ordinance numbers 20 24- 52 202 24- 53 and 2024-the to this good evening Mary solic 121 South Orange Avenue Suite 1500 Orlando Florida I'm coun for the applicant um the staff has done a nice job of reviewing these three applications uh we didn't have any opposition at the Planning Commission do you have any questions that I can answer for you tonight if you'll stand ready okay if any questions come up would anyone in the audience like to speak to uh any of these three items if not we'll have discussion and or motion by councel what is your pleasure regarding the first item number 20 24- 52 motion to approve we have a motion from council member maeni have a second from the mayor M clerk please call the rooll council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor mthi I council member Urban I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 could I have a motion for the adoption of the next item number 202 24- 53 motion motion council member Gilbert second second council member Urban Madam clerk council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor Mai I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5- Z and then the final item number ordinance number 20 24-54 do I have a motion motion to approve have a motion council member Urban do I have a second second second council member Fletcher Madam clerk Deputy mayori hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z thank you madam clerk it brings us to item number 11 public hearing for resolution number 2024-the the mayor to enter into agree into annexation of small enclaves interlocal agreement between Oola County Florida a political subdivision of the State of Florida and the City of St Cloud Florida a Florida Municipal Corporation for annexation of small enclaves of 110 acres or less known as 2017 exceptions Enclave annexation in accordance with The Enclave annexation provision of section 171.5 Florida Statutes and providing an effective date hi good evening Council this is dag Mar Sagara deputy director um this item in front of you is a Contin ation from a project that was started back in 2014 between a seola county and the city it addressed um sorry 2017 it is in compliance with the joint planning agreement that was executed between the city and the county in 2014 and IT addresses the planning Basics and that this also include annexations um an En cliffes of 110 acres or less in Incorporated alela County but is Sur it with uh with city property that is the definition of an enclave for the uh uh benefit of the public on June 14 of 2018 this Council approve resolution 201823 which you make reference to the parcels as the as the parcels that are in in front of you tonight they were referenced at that time as future phase to be determined so we are now at this um future phase those Parcels have been incorporated into the current 2017 exception and clear anation list and they are to be annexed through this resolution of 2024 d71 R this is the depiction of the location of the areas that we are proposing to Annex um the uh yellow uh or green as should say the green area is our group a which was part of the to be uh determined or or to be brought up at the future and also the orange Group C was also part of that group from 2018 that was to be determined in the um a future Group B group you said orange is B orange is B you said c oh sorry B sorry B um we are also including on this um and in this um annexation two portions south of bellat Tera uh to correct a uh an escribers error or not escribers erors I should say it was a legal description error um so this will um will include those little portions of at the bottom of Bellar next to the lake um it is Staff um recommending um approval of this resolution one one point to mention is that this agreement is to be heard by the C by the county in December so at this point all we are asking for this council is to accept the agreement once the city accepts the agreement it will go in front of the board of County Commissioners in December once the the county of commissioner approves it or accepts it then the properties will be annexed but today is only we're just asking the council to accept the agreement on this resolution do Annex these properties it's not anex there's not going to be a subsequent annexation exactly there's not going to be a thank you for the clarification um um city manager um yes this Ila this agreement will Annex the properties but it will get it w't take effect until the board of County Commission by the county thank you um this the the city is the applicant I'll be happy to answer any questions this time we'll take public comment Ron ler please state your name and address please my name is Ron ler 290 Orange Avenue St Cloud Florida I'm not quite sure maybe this young lady here can identify whether my property is one of the annex properties um 290 Orange Avenue you guys did the prayer you guys did the Pledge of Allegiance the proc pration of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the proclamation of the con Constitution okay very good we've had a good we've had a good life here in St Cloud I've been here for 40 years and uh I haven't been in counil Chambers here like this in a long time since I was the business owner and uh I moved here I'm in the county and I imagine there's a lot of people that might want to be annexed in okay if I'm on that property I'm requesting you honor my constitutional rights and keep me off of that list I do not want to be in the city limits I want to remain in the county where I've been for the last 40 years I don't need any extra Services I never have never will so I'm asking you guys to stand up for what you guys approved tonight which is the Constitution we are I'm a small person anymore I'm not a big business owner I don't have a lot of lot of pull I used to know everybody I don't know nobody no more hardly so I'm asking you if you're going to do this if I'm on that list I would like to be removed from that list uh and that's you know you guys are the ones that are in control you come a long way you got more things and better things to do than deal with an annexation of a little half acre 62 acres of my property and there's other people here tonight that are going to request the same thing they don't want to be annexed in so we're we're requesting that you honor our wishes under our constitutional laws that you recognize tonight so thank you very much am I on there what was your address again sir 290 Orange Avenue 290 Orange Avenue yep I'm between Fifth Street and between Fifth Street and Romel Road okay we'll let her she'll Oran can we move on to the next item thing yep thank you appreciate it guys rafhael Dort ex Dort is that correct you'll excuse me this is the first time I've been to one of these things just St your name and address please Rafael dorta Figaroa 275 grape Avenue St Cloud Florida I've been in that house now for I think about 15 years I don't really want to be part of the city I don't ask for anything from the city except for the water and it was there before I got there um I believe in the Constitution I was a soldier also okay and I don't see how I can be forced to be just overtaken sounds more communism I would like to be taken off this list if I'm even on it because I'm not sure I'm on it am I 275 grape Avenue do you have anything else to add that's all all right thank you will I find out today if I'm on it or not I don't think I remember reading about a grape Avenue I hope not thank you William Edson is that correct Bome I'm sorry I know who you are yeah you do good evening ladies read my name is William L folsome uh 705 South Cano Creek Road keenansville Florida I lived in uh narzi and been in business in St Cloud for 44 years now we've prospered we've been blessed we've grown we've raised children now we're raising grandchildren Through the Grapevine the week before last I learned that uh I may be on a possible list of yall want to Annex my property my commercial property at 25 27 and 29 East 13th Street the fulam services building I can't see any advantage to me being annexed I've got along fine in the county I do have your water I pay 125% of the value for that water I have a drain fill and a septic system in and it was necessary to do that when I developed that property because the people that were in St Cloud at that time were less than kind to me I had to have civil engineers help me and I had to have attorneys help me to get through this very difficult process I'm an electrical mechanical contractor so I don't know quite how to fight those kind of battles but we got through it and we did fine I get along fine with you folks I help the community when I can I'm always involved in helping children I help 4AGE kids I help the Anglers uh I serve on the as a vice president on the board at otek and have for many many years and I'll continue to serve as long as the Lord keeps me here so what I would like to know is if you did Annex me and am I on that list how would it improve my world do you have any other questions well those were the the biggies am I on the list and how would it improve my world all right anything else I believe I believe Mr fulam is is on the list he's the prop commercial property on 192 you're on Industrial I'm an industrial Enclave how is it going to improve me if you Annex me all right do you have any other question no I think that's a pretty good one your time's up okay you said we'll talk about okay we're going to talk about that right now wow thank you thank you okay does anyone else uh there's a Philip oransky you're on Grape Avenue also yeah my name you state your name and address please my name is Philip oransky I live at 238 grape Avenue thank you now I don't know for sure I never got a letter I'm not don't know for sure if my property is involved in this but I really would like to prefer to stay in the county I've been there for 42 years I built the house myself I don't really want Annex my kids have grown up there uh everything's been just fine the way it is we haven't asked the city for any services and I would really prefer to stay just the way we are thank you thanks sir is there anyone else in the audience that would like to speak to this item please step forward state your name and address for a record and make sure and fill out a form please uh Charlene beam 103 Lake View Drive here in St Cloud I think it would be beneficial because I keep hearing it and the reason I'm here I don't know if I'm included in the annexation either so either it needs to be clarified for a large group of people or you know I because there's many of us that don't know am I there or am I not and it's unfair for her to sit here and you know try to bang through it and many people aren't here that don't even know uh this is Word of Mouth for me that's it thank you Henrietta can you go back slides to the map please I think that would help everybody um I think she just answered my question Mr Davis are you yes I'd like to know where person can get a list of everybody that's getting annexed or which properties they're looking at where does the person find that it was part of tonight's agenda agenda well if it's on the full agendas it's on the full agenda okay all right thank you thank you Mr maner do you have anything oh no s okay are there any other comments from the audience from anyone that hadn't spoken if not this time we'll have discussion and our motions from councel you want to talk to this sure did we send out notices I mean it seems like there's a lot of confusion um D Mar Sagara yes we did send out notices but no we did not send the buffer we only send notices to the people that were affected for the annexation so if they did indeed receive a notice is because they are in the list all right so I have I just have a thought while I hear a lot of people so the mayor and I lived through this back in 2018 um actually there was way more people than there is here tonight um I'm just wondering I know at the time we had a lot of people when they developed their property they signed paperwork that said you know they would Annex in the future um and maybe the property sold and maybe the new people don't know or whatever but I was just thinking while I'm sitting here you know we've got people who've lived here 40 years or however long and and they want to stay in the county is it possible and this question is maybe for Mr manzer is it possible to bring them into the city at the time their property sells you know so it's not the people that live there are not coming you know but but when the property sells then they would come into the city I don't know I'm just asking the question because then it's like the new it's not affecting the people that have been there and live there you could do that I think we'd want to enter into um back up a little bit so the of course what what you're referring to with regard to people that sign a document in the past those are the encumbrance ones that are required by code so typically individuals that receive water or Sewer Service Andor sewer service from the city they have signed an encumbrance at some point so I'm not sure if any of the properties that are on the on tonight's part of this agreement have incumbrance of some may some may not I think a lot of the ones just from looking at the map um that were in the green batch those folks that are all along the road there the had all signed incumbrances I remember from the 2018 exactly so to get to your question I'm sorry but you could if the council wants it we could work on a specific encumbrance agreement that was that for those folks who haven't signed one already that basically says you agree to Annex but the annexation won't happen until your property changes hands well they won't sign that I don't think right because they don't want to Annex I well no but the option is like this you know this annexation that's before you is completely permitted by Florida Statutes it's to address enclaves and address service errors it is a planning tool that the county and the city have been working on for 10 years now right to basically deal with it it's it is something that has happened in a lot of communities as the communities have developed over decades to address it so the city had Council and this city council if it if it decides not to do this now but any future city council has the absolute legal right to adopt to Annex these enclaved pieces with a by agreement with the county regardless of whether these individuals have signed out incumbrances or not so I thought what you were suggesting was as an option you know we we we can delay it until some point in the future well I guess I was just thinking if we have the power to say yes they're annexed why couldn't we say yes they're Annex when the property sells we for every one of them yeah if we were going to move forward with it but I also am of the opinion I know be nice to clean the maps up and whatever but it hasn't really to my opinion I'm sure police and fire all have a different feeling but I think we provide the services we handle it the the frustrating thing has been for me is like we'll go through this process but then the city wanted to go and cherry-pick annexations creating enclaves to me we never moved forward with it but the city has wanted to do that where I was like well then why did we spend all this time trying to clean up these but then we're willing to go like up in an nusi area or whatever in like cherry pick development that we want to bring into the to the city so I mean I know back in 2018 that was a pretty gloom and doom scenarios represented that you know fire wouldn't get to the the folks and police couldn't get to them but I mean I I it seems like that we we're able to manage it well I was here in 2018 MH and we gave a 4year extension to those names that I think are on that list there and the and the decision that we made is at the end of four years it would be brought back for annexation uh I understand people not want to have to pay any more money on taxes and uh being annexed U may result in that um but the problem is all of you are riding on City Road roads that are maintained by the city you get on a Turnpike exit I'm sure most of you do from time to time that the city taxpayers have invested several million dollars in um you call EMS or if you do have to call EMS or fire or police our city will be the one who will respond first almost always because we're closest to you uh and the City taxpayers pay their salaries and maintain uh the fact that we can provide those kind of services and maintain your safety and your security and hopefully your health uh we offer parks that are used by many of these people I know for sure they've told me they have um and our Parks uh are maintained paid for upgraded made available to families and children and grandchildren uh by the residents of our city who pay those taxes um the when there's a storm our whole city is mobilized and U you you have no idea how much work is done behind the scenes as the as the city staff sometimes the entire city staff deals with flooding issues uh storm issues and our city residents pay for those people to serve all that impact all of you too and so if you're going to drive on our roads use our EMS our fire our police and benefit from those Services go to our Parks get on the turnpike then you should have an investment uh in having to help pay for that as well as to maintain that and so that's my my frustration with this uh you know I don't want to pay any more taxes either uh but then if I'm going to benefit from from those services that I should have to have an investment in that and I've had many residents who have certainly heard about NX and the past he said well you know they ought to have to to pay just like everybody else CU you were technically in the city uh Mr Fletcher cman Fletcher um this is a this is a tough one my my family went through the same thing um when we were growing up we you know had track of land that we grew up on and then you know we ended up having to go through the annexation process um and you know it wasn't a good time um and you know my my folks are pretty vocal about it as well um it's tough sitting up here um because not only do you make a decision you know for your folks and or for you guys and in your land but I do have to Echo the same comments as as the the mayor and in this particular um instance because the adjoining properties are paying for the service to to to to your property as well you know if you know we if you do call 911 you know we are going to respond like you don't want Deer Run or hickory tree or or wherever to respond you know takes time um and we don't we don't want that um so th those are my comments um so I I I would Echo the same comments as the mayor at this point Council Irv um yeah I I certainly understand where the the residents are coming from uh this is never an easy process um it was always kind of weird to me coming into here that we have little pockets with our city that are in the city and so I I have always wanted to clean this up so we have a defined uh City and a defined boundary and I I think that I would just uh reiterate what mayor and council member Fletcher said that that all um all these city services are already servicing these these properties so I do understand the um U I do understand the feelings but I I I think that this is it would be irresponsible for us us not to bring these into the city do we have any other discussion could I entertain a motion that we approve this annexation here do I have a motion I'll make a motion to approve do I have a second second we have a motion from councilman Urban a second council member Fletcher Madam clerk please call the role council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor maeni no mayor Blackwell I motion carries 41 and it passive brings us item number 12 mam clerk please read that in the rec please public hearing for resolution number 2024-25 r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida granting a conditional use for a place of worship in the residential-2 r-2 soning district on the 1.69 Acres known as jjcc Assembly of God church located at 1406 Eastern Avenue as described in the body of this resolution good evening Melissa dunan sorry I'm helping uh residents okay the case before you tonight is for a conditional use request for a place of worship for the project known as jjcc Assembly of God the existing zoning is residential R2 and the future land use is medium density residential the proposed use of a place of worship is permitted as a conditional use in the R2 zoning District the applicant is proposing a 5,395 ft building to hold Sunday morning services and evening services on Tuesday and Wednesdays the site has an existing approved conditional use permit for a place of worship and School what applicant is proposing is to construct a new building that will be used solely as the place of worship worship and the existing structure will be used solely for the school and they will continue to hold classes on Monday through Friday for the school the applicant is requesting to reduce the number of seats from 324 to 284 in the newly constructed building here are graphic representations of the future land use and Zoning Maps depicting the medium density residential land use and the R2 zoning district for context here is a concept plan submitted by the applicant um I would just like to point out that this conditional use does not approve this site plan they still would have to go through the site development process this is just only um for um contact in a conceptual nature staff recommends approval of resolution 224-1 124r with the following conditions and I'd like to um correct for the record that um we we would um like to amend condition number one to State the main Auditorium of the newly constructed place of worship shall not have more than 284 seats because um we thought the word expanded was a little misleading and um condition number two is the existing School shall not have more than 120 students which was approved as part of the original conditional use and the third condition is the approval of the requested conditional use does not constitute approval of the provided concept plan changes to the site will require approval of a site development plan and any additional approvals required by the LDC and finally the last condition of approval that staff is recommending is for as long as the use permitted hereunder continues in the event that stacking or standing of vehicles encroach into the public right of way or otherwise interferes with the flow of vehicular traffic as determined by the city this resolution may be brought back before the city council for review and consideration of additional conditions to to address traffic issues or possible revocation of the rights granted hereunder in perpetuity on August 20th 2024 Planning Commission recommended approval with conditions um likewise it is requested that city council approve resolution 2024-25 r with the conditions as I stated earlier for a conditional use permit for the project known as jjcc Assembly of God and at this time time staff and the applicant are available for questions would the applicant like to speak good evening Bruce Taylor B Taylor and Associates of 131 East 13th Street we agree with with all the conditions and staff recommendations and also the planning council's conditions here to answer any questions if you have any if you'll step to the side we'll uh have some some public comment first and then there may be some questions okay thank you than at this time would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not are we speaking to this item can I yes you may I haven't filled out a form my name is Patricia fulam and I live at 705 South can Creek Road Kenville Florida but our property which y'all are trying to anex um is right next door to this um there is a traffic problem a severe traffic problem with the school that's there now and um are I mean they're parked on three sides of the building so as I understand it there this new building is going to be is going to be south of the existing building only yes okay South okay where they going to park all their cars for these meetings CU they only own land like one block back and the existing building their their people park in the parking lot and if this building goes where their parking lot is where are the people going to park is there any any plan for where they're going to park yep do they have more land than what I question for the ma'am could you I'm sorry do they have more land than what I can see existing on their property right now okay do you have any other questions that was it want to know thank you very much applicant's on his way again Bruce Taylor B tailor Associates that's how we came up with the size of the existing build or sorry the new building is there's 71 parking spaces that are on the south property and also surrounding the other building which is on site street parking so we have 71 spaces or 71 parking spaces multiply by four is how we come up with the 284 spaces for the new building which is actually a reduction of about 40 or 50 um people that require so we're actually reducing the amount of traffic in that area it's just going to be it's going to be space Parts you're going to have the traffic for the school will be at one time and the new traffic which should be for the for the church which will be less Park less traffic than is currently occurring so overall we're going to be reducing the the traffic so hope that answers the question thank you would anyone else like to speak to this item Mr fulam yes thank you state your name and address please William L fome 705 South can Creek Road keenansville Florida thank you Mr F own the property adjacent to it 25 27 and 29 uh East East 13th Street uh we've had considerable amount of confusion with parents dropping off and picking up kids when I'm trying to pull Industrial Vehicles uh semis uh big trucks small trucks vans pickups what have you this is this is where we do business is on Eastern Avenue and we've asked them to work with us and they tell me they have rights and I'm like you know if you pull a 40ft trailer out there you got to swing pretty good I don't want to hit your car and this has been of considerable confusion in the past if they're going to have another area are they going to continue to plug up Eastern Avenue and that's a genuine concern of mine and I think you guys if you were sitting in my spot you'd be thinking hm how's he affecting this guy's business he's trying to make a living in a tough economy right now questions for me maybe happy to answer work with you any way I can okay thank you thank you Darren Davis Hickory Tree Road I do business in that area too with the Farm and Ranch store and stuff and uh I've went down there to go take a truck trailer in pick up hay and stuff and you can't get the people out of the middle of the road to get to the business uh we have a habit we go down one more Street and come down 14th Street so we can go straight into the approach to the store they're parked in the middle of 14th Street and you can't get around them and needless to say they ain't going to move if they're there to pick up their kid they're going to sit there in the middle of the road until they come out it's the same thing at all schools Michigan Avenue has the same problem hickory tree has got a major problem with it they Park in the middle of the road and I can't get out of my driveway cuz they're backed up all the way to NTI and that's morning and afternoon if it rains you can't go nowhere but this one here does have a problem on both streets Eastern and the next one over which is Mississippi I think and the cross streets are the same way they wanted to close the cross street in the middle at the last time they come forward and the people stood up and said no we need that street and I don't think they should close any Street one block off of 192 or any of them that people use all the time all right thank you you all have a good night thank you Mr Davis would anyone else like to speak to the it Reverend Dr Norma Barbosa 14 18 Mississippi sorry 815 Street we just moved over in St Cloud we're right across the street from the school it's a pastoral chamber um we've been there for 12 years I've been pastoring there approximately that time the school is 10 years old um at first when it first began and opened as Pastor um knows as well um mayor beckwell he has visited us we our entry to our uh small Academy at that time was in the entry across the street from falson um where they have a business across the street um and yes they were they were some issues with dropping off that was our first entrance that was one year then we proceeded to change the entrance to the academy on Mississippi Avenue so we didn't have any congestion um didn't work right now in this present time our entrance to our Academy because we're trying to expand and make the uh School bigger to 120 we're at 90 students right now um is off of 15th Street um that allows for no congestion um our entrance to the school is approximately within 15 minutes parents get there at 850 drop off their kids 910 9:15 um the only congestion that is on around that area that is due to our school our Academy Christian Academy that's serving that Community is approximately 20 30 minutes in the morning and 20 30 minutes in the afternoon between 2:5 and 3:15 um so there shouldn't be any congestion uh uh We've approached this with the police department several times um and I really do respect businesses that are around there I understand it's commercial also it's the county um and we've been very respectful what we're trying to do now is expand the school but still continue to worship on Sundays so the parking the traffic should not be an issue and if that were the case in the future we would be the first ones to come back and say that we need to do some modifications I don't know if anyone has any questions for me we've been there 10 years a school is 10 years um we've had minimal complaints um mostly because of the um the tractor trailers and all that I've had many complaints we have tractor trailers in front of our building but we've made changes modifications to our school to accommodate all these business that are are around us um we have the feeding place um with um yeah the owners and we've spoke about it our expansion we don't want to step over anybody's shoes or um you know just damage anybody's business we're here to work together especially because we're a Christian facility we want to just make sure that our community grows we are serving families that walk to our community we're bilingual we speak to languages and that is what differentiates us from different um uh private schools so I wasn't going to speak but I felt the need that I needed to come up and uh say these words but again the congestion the traffic only happens um in the morning approximately 20 30 minutes and in the afternoon 20 to 30 minutes thank you thank you did you fill out a did you fill out a a request to speak for please is there anyone else that' like to speak to this hasn't spoken if not we will have discussion and our motion by Council Council Mr menzer that's your light's been first well I just wanted to remind the council as Miss dunan pointed out in her presentation there is a specific condition in this cup that deals with the basically the obstruction of the rideway in the area the stacking issue and all that and if there is a problem with that then the applicant is agreeing that the city council could come back in and take a look at this and make any changes or even revoke the conditional use permit thank you I don't know who had the light on first but we're going to start with the ladies first oh shoot I was hoping cinii so uh a lot of thoughts on this so I was here when they came in the first time and we gave him the mayor and I were here and um you know I went to the site and visit it's a great facility and they're doing great work and and all that and at the time they had asked us to um close the cross street um and they also wanted grass parking which we allowed them to keep grass parking I remember the mayor was like well I have grass parking and we don't have any problem with it I remember that specifically but and so it's great and are you throwing off of my grass parking I'm I'm throwing off your grass parking so I look at the site plan and I think there's no way this can work I mean to me it's like the whole open area is now going to be taken up with a building the parking is stown as grass which there's no way I mean I would approve it now if we're going to do all this development but I just don't see how this would work and I know we have the language that Mr manzer talks about that they can come back the reality of it is are we ever going to take something away from a church that we they built a whole building what what can they do to change their site there's only a little scrap of like nonbuilding to me like there's really not going to be anything I mean I'll ask Miss dunan I mean are we proposing that this meets every single standard of Our Land Development code because that can't in my in my mind like it just doesn't look like there's enough space it's a lot of building it's not much Pond very few parking spaces you know how and like the stacking requirements we put on every other school I just I just can't imagine this meets it I feel like it's maybe they need to find a different site um it's kind of my thoughts on that that is correct so when they submit their site development plan they will have to meet all of our Land Development code requirements otherwise they'll have to either request variances um and either come before the board of adjustment or city council depending on what type of variant that they would be requesting so this has the the site plan that we're looking at hasn't been reviewed for any conformance with yeah no it's only conceptual in nature at this point again I'm not a fan of approving stuff with um without having it completely like vetted um I just can't imagine how this would work with most of the site being a building I just can't imagine no I not well you're an applicant come on I'll let you speak You're an applicant um I think that you're just looking at the parking lot that's inside that one um property there is parking lot all around the front of the building of the existing building that's across the street from falam and all the business you know back and forth there um that parking was made for the same reason so that parking has been added to it so uh again we've gone through the whole planning and said that's why we're here asking for it because it shouldn't shouldn't be a problem because the perish there 284 maybe less than there's less than 300 people um right now we don't have a issue right now um we parking all the way around um and again because there's no school so I think they're not looking at around the building already and around the areas that are there so if you look at the site completely there are already parking lots that have been accounted for that can be used on Sundays and on Tuesday nights okay MH what you need to understand what you got now is not the issue what you're trying to propose is going to have to go through a review process and you're going to have to meet all of the standards that you may not qualify 54 now so just keep that in mind okay okay no problem thank you thank you for your councilman Gilbert but the uh this is a t a tough one we we talk about Eastern uh being a road that we really want to expand in the future for industrial and with that with trucks and tractors pulling in and pulling out there's going to need some easement uh uh agreements and I looked at the floor plan and it just doesn't fit it it just doesn't and I love houses of worship I I do believe in a fome building they do have a house of worship that they lease out to uh to to a church and they have uh plenty of parking for that I love churches a love worshiping God I just don't know if this is going to fit with us wanting to look at Eastern being an industrial road to to to do that the corporate industrial buildings back there with our new GP uh jpa and new uh agreement of what we're going to put Industrial in that's my toughest part I'd love to see a church in every corner where I grew up there was a church on every corner everyone walked to church and it was a different time and era but I just don't know if it fits with this plat and I yield back to you mayor council M Fletcher well my comments have all changed now um it's almost kind of like the cart before the horse um cuz you're requesting the conditional use approval and then you have a concept plan that may or may not actually we could approve it but then you could potentially end up with half of what you're trying to to build um is there a way I mean I'm sure they went to a pre-development meeting is there a way for them to we couldn't review it before they submitted an application well the city council could just like you required the other project you you could have them come back with a site plan prior to approving a conditional use I'm sorry I'm not the attorney you stay that how the end once I know should I turn my light on to say what she said you have something to say yes what she said cuz I was going to make I was going to make a motion um with with conditions but the site has so many restrictions like they're so restricted now um so I would be in favor of continuing it so that it you know doesn't get denied and then you're it's over at least give you the opportunity to bring back a site plan that is to code um so that you guys can at least move through that process and hope that you can get it approved if not then it's going to be tight yeah I would certainly recommend that you continue I mean you could take a chance of us voting on if he gets voted down you can't bring it back for quite a while is that not correct that's not correct that's correct so just for clarification purposes this is a conditional use use permit application so generally speaking what a conditional use permit is that it's a use that is not otherwise permitted in the zoning category that we're talking about however with appropriate conditions it may be deemed appropriate or use or acceptable in the area so really the only way you can get to the second part of that discussion is to have a really good understanding of what the what the use is going to be and how it's going to operate what the building's going to look like what the traffic flow is going to be like what the parking all those issues that you typically come can look at so I think you're moving in the right direction on this one yeah I would certainly love to see this succeed but you're going to have to do it with the restrictions of our building code especially if you're bringing back a an expansion here any other discussion um no so would you want to ask the applicant how long they'd like to table it for how long would you like to have for us if we could for this to be continued well we could always read vertise it so that it can we don't push the time frame I don't know they may have where they okay well you have a meeting next week I think that one's a little premature for that so you're talking a month two months well we have an upcoming meeting October 10 if you think you can get it done by then can the staff handle that I don't think the staff can and that be too big of a rush for the staff it's going to really be up to the owner I mean the plan I could fix um I I would really if the plan that I submitted is an Abridged form of what was originally submitted which showed the whole parcel so that's why it looks like there's not much parking if you if you pull up the original plan that was in the original package it shows the parcel in entirety when all the part in around it so like I said we have 71 spaces that are existing and we have the exact amount per code at four space or four four um patrons per space okay but if we need to table it to work on it I'm trying to help you out here table this yeah so I would say November is that possible all right sure November's fine okay so November 14th November 14th that would be that would be good could I have a motion we I'll make a motion that we continue this item to November the 14th meeting do I have a second second second council member Fletcher Madam clerk please call the rooll council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy member theeni hi council member Urban hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z thank you could you please read item number 13 into the record public hearing for resolution number 202 24-1 145r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud of Oola County Florida pursuant to section 1961 1978 sub Section 3 subsection o Florida statute electing to not exempt property under Section 1961 1978 Section 3 subsection D 1- a Florida Statutes commonly known as the live local act property tax exemption providing for subil and providing for an effective date Mr miseris yes thank you Mr Mayor so the item before you is what's being referred to as the opt out provision uh to the live local act back in 2023 excuse me when the live local Act was adopted by the legislature the legislature created a property tax exemption for uh the two levels of affordable housing that was designed for that live local was designed for um they the one that we're talking about tonight is the property tax exemption that would grants a 75% tax exemption to to properties that meet the criteria of 80 to 120% of the medium area income in 2024 the legislature put a provision in that said that c counties and cities could opt out of that exemption if certain criteria met the criteria basically was that if there was a surplus of housing for that that category of 80 to 120% of the median area income uh based on this What's called the schimberg annual report oio County meets that criteria and therefore it's elig the city is eligible to opt out of the U out of that tax exemption um we're recommending that uh that Council approve that uh the tax exemption is a fairly large tax exemption it has a retroactive capability goes back about five years so it's uh it it has the it has the uh um the the direct effect of basically taking away property tax values for services that the city has to provide for these developments so with that staff's recommending approval and um we can answer any questions you might have thank you what anyone like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion or motion by Council council member Fletcher sorry mayor cutting your light off on you can't do that would anyone else like to speak to that item could I entertain a motion for the adoption of this uh recommendation motion to approve we have a motion from council member Urban for the uh approval of resolution number 2024 d145 R do I have a second second second council member Fletcher Madame clerk please call the role council member Fletcher I Deputy member theeni I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z brings us to council action items the next items on the agenda are ordinances before the council for first reading and introduction for the sole purpose of the council to authorize the publication of the ordinance for a final hearing the council will will not take final action on any of these items tonight full presentations and public input on the ordinances will occur at the final hearing which the council will consider final action Madam clerk could you please read item number one into the record first reading an introduction for ordinance number 202 24- 56 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida providing for the soning amendment of the soning map of the Land Development code of the city of St Cloud Florida specifically Chang ing the zoning designation of approximately plusus 3038 Acres identified as Nova Road subdivision from R-1 single family dwelling zoning designation to r-1b single family dwelling zoning designation with a low density residential future land use designation generally located east of Shaker Palm Place West of Nova Road providing for entering the designation on the official owning map following of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication subil and effective date could I have a motion for the adoption of ordinance number 202 24- 66 motion approved we have motion from council member Gilbert do I have a second second second from Council M Fletcher Madame clerk please call the role Deputy Mayor mareni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries item number two please first reading and introduction for ordinance number 2024-the amending the city of St Cloud police officers and firefighters retirement system adopted by ordinance number 2006-15 as subsequently amended amending section 28 deferred retirement option plan providing for codification providing for cability of Provisions repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with and providing an effective date can I have a Rec a motion for the adoption of ordinance 202 24- 57 the mayor makes a motion do I have a second second second council member Mai Madam clerk please call the role council member Urban I council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor Mai hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z item number three please first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-58 an ordinance of the city of St Cloud Florida future amending the city of St Cloud police fire sorry police officers and firefighters retirement system adopted by ordinance 2006-15 as subsequently amended amending section 6 benefit amounts and eligibility providing for codification providing for subil of provision i s repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with and providing an effective date good I have a motion for the adoption of ordinance number 58 motion to approve motion council member Fletcher do I have a second second have a second Council Urban mam clerk please call the role council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor mareni hi council member Urban hi mayor blackwall I motion carries 5 Z could you read item number four into the record first reading an introduction for ordinance number 202 24- 59 an ordinance of the city of St Cloud Florida future amending the city of St Cloud General employees retirement system amending section 10 optional forms and benefits amending section 28 deferred retirement option plan providing for codification providing for cability of Provisions repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with and providing an effective date I would like to make a motion for the adoption of this first reading boance number 202 24-6 or 59 is that correct yes 59 59 I'm sorry second and we have second council member Gilbert Madam Clark council member Fletcher hi Deputy member thei I council member Urban hi council member Gilbert I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z Item number five please first reading and introduction for ordinance number 2024 -60 in Ordnance of the city of St Cloud Florida future amending the city of St Cloud General employees retirement system amending section five contributions providing for codification providing for sub subrail of Provisions repealing All orces In conflict here with and providing an effective date could I entertain a motion for the adoption of 22460 motion to approve second we have a motion Council Fletcher a second from Council marthi Madam clerk Deputy Mayor marthi hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z Item number six first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202462 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida to Annex into the city of St Cloud approximately plus minus 17 Acres located at 5645 and 5655 Nova Road in accordance with the voluntary annexation provisions of chapter 171.5 44 Florida Statutes good I have a motion for the passing of ordinance 202462 motion to approve second we have a motion from council member Fletcher second council member mthi Madam clerk council member Urban I council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor mthi I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z Item number seven first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24- 63 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida providing for the soning amendment of the soning map of the Land Development code of the city of St Cloud Florida specifically changing the soning designation of approximately plus minus 17 Acres identified as long residents from AC Agriculture and R-1 M single family residential County zoning designation to a agriculture City soning designation generally located at 5645 and 5655 Nova Road providing for entering the designation on the official soning map following of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effect curability copies on files and effective date good I entertain a motion for the adoption of ordinance 2024 d63 so moved we have a motion from council member Mia second from the mayor M CL council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy mayori hi council member Urban hi mayor Blackwell all motion carries 5 Z Item number eight first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24- 64 and ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida to Annex into the city of St Cloud approximately plusus 17.13 Acres identified as East Side park PUD located at 1310 East 10th Street in accordance with the voluntary annexation provision of chapter 171.000 44 Florida Statutes good I entertain a motion for the adoption of this ordinance 2024 d64 motion to approve councilman Urban has made a motion do I have a second second second Council memberi Madam clerk Council council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor mthi I council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 z i number nine first reading and introduction for ordinance number 2024 66 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida amending chapter 3 Performance and sighting standards article 6 commercial zoning districts sections 3.6.5 k. 6. a and chapter 4 site design and development standards by adding a new article title article 10 mural art providing for mural art requirements for certain certain non-residential developments and also includes applicability cability conflict codification and effective date could I entertain a motion for the ordinance number 2024 66 motion to approve second we have a motion for council member Fletcher second council member maeni Madam clerk Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z and then finally item number 10 first reading and introduction for ordinance number 2024 67 an ordinance of the city of St Cloud Florida amending the city of St Cloud General employees retirement system amending section six benefit amounts and eligibility providing for codification providing for cability of Provisions repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith and providing an effective date could I entertain a motion for the adoption of ordinance number 20246 67 motion to approve have a motion from councilman Fletcher second from the mayor of Blackwell Madame clerk council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z Dr menerus I do not have anything Mr Mayor thank you thank you so much Miss Miller yes thank you um staff let me know that they did go outside with the residents who were confused if their addresses were were included in the enclave annexations and actually um we believe the only person who attended this evening who was included was Mr philson fulson I'm sorry um so I just wanted to clarify they actually did send notices outside of just the people that were being annexed they did include a buffer which is I think what caused some additional confusion thank you that's all I have that's it council member Fletcher um I have two things um I had spoken to um a resident um regarding a sidewalk going across um at the skate park um and I had spoken to Dave um about it and it appears that um we're going to go ahead and do that it's on the list of um crosswalks or whatnot so I just wanted to let everybody know um and then can we put up no parking signs on Russell um for the folks it at least cuz I mean it's bad right there um I'm sorry where is on Russell in Michigan um remember the development that came in on 17th Street I had the opportunity to drive over there during during school hours and I could understand if there was some right away to pull off of but there like you literally can't get through if there's cars parked there are we able to to do that it maybe it' be like five signs four signs so if there's consensus I can absolutely do it one two three you can do it on your own I thought we Chang that to the police chief oh but the police chief works for you oh okay yes we will do that awesome thank you the neighbors will be very happy about that all right and that's and it's the last I mean how many meetings do we have somebody said two two don't don't but not yet give me all water your let go I need to bring do I need to bring tissues yeah you got to bring a lot I'm I'm a water I'm a water baby mayor I'm a water baby well Mr gber before you tear up why don't you speak to us well you know um a great event's happening uh this Saturday at the Lateef front there's a 5k uh walk uh run for a a c cancer patient a young a young lady adolescent that uh had passed away and and uh the folks uh rejoice in bringing people together and recognizing that for cancer awareness and they'll be happening about 7 11:30 uh uh on Saturday I I I will be there I think uh uh uh Mr Urban will be there also we'll be cutting the ribbon and we'll be I'll be walking uh Kobe might be running but I would invite anybody in the public to do that but uh what a great cause and uh what a great thing that uh they take a tragedy and and turn it into a positive moment so that's all I have to say I think this is a great city to live in we went to two openings today I went to one with you Mr Mayor uh gymnastics opening in a building they've already got 200 people and the thing is is St Cloud has a great great Community with families and children so that was a great and then also there's a bakery that opened up in a Mira Center that does over 700 pounds of bread a day and it was so excellent to see this community is growing it's growing with families it's growing with good people and I'm just an honor to be a part of this uh community and and thank you so wake up show up Saturday wear your long socks and let's go run it can I bring oxygen for you you better bring a tank cuz uh I'm going to need something a one I do not believe that think he might win it yeah get a one will K Kel oh okay um I just have two things so on Saturday Saturday there's also so those of us that went to high school is uh Jason still here but we had to go oh there is so do you remember being in high school and you had to go like Park cars out at an airport somewhere for interact and they just dropped you off with no water or shade or anything and you just had to survive swelter sweltering and then I never really remembered where the heck that was you know you just got dropped off in like a dirt grass parking lot and told to park cars and no one listened to you and then they picked you up eight hours later anyways it's the semi airport and they have started they have started um trying to re do like so Saturday is the second year that they're going to be doing the food truck flying so apparently at 10:00 a.m. there's going to be Russian migs that fly over the airport I don't know pretty cool all kinds of stuff there and it goes on from 10:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. I'm going to go and check it out um it says it's um it's it's in association with the Latino Pilots Association and so I know last year was the first year but I heard this year is going to be even better and there's going to be food trucks and all kinds of stuff so if you got some spare time after you run your 5K like Zip over there I just heard that at metrop plan and and I think that's going to be a great event so thank you for bringing it up yeah it's going to be pretty cool um and my second thing which I'm surprised no one has said it this is Dave's last meeting oh no one more next one more week oh dang his last real council meeting all right well he's got one more we've got two more so he's going to come back for our last one yes all his project were this meeting and the next meeting so long that's what he's been wrapping up everything he's been working on all right that's it for me Council Irving uh thank you I just um one little thing I I was a little bit disappointed that we didn't have the opportunity to meet with the County Commission to discuss these Mobility fees that are coming up uh for vote I I know it wasn't lack for lack for lack of trying on our part but I I did think it was an important conversation that we needed to have together I still have some concerns over that particularly on the commercial end of things but I think that's a discussion we can probably have at our next uh meeting next week and uh just want to thank everybody for a great meeting tonight so uh I would like to Echo what council member Gilbert talked about today we went out to it's it's a world class gymnasium in m and they they've had an amazing results with their gym uh kids learning gymnastics and uh uh that qualify on some really high level stuff almost all the way to the Olympics so pretty amazing Investments they've made in that facility over there uh just encourage families to check it out great thing to do with your kids that's for sure um I don't have any other information other than I'll have something to say for Mr Tomac but uh the way my memory is going here lately so uh uh you've been an incredible asset and blessing to me and to our Council and to our city and um I'm sure you'll still be helping us with a lot of things but uh thank you for all that you've done and I'm sure we'll be saying that again brings us to our information section and Report section Thursday September the 19th 2024 there will be a city council meeting at 6:30 p.m. here in council chambers Thursday October the 10th there will be another city council meeting at 6:30 p.m. also here in council chambers aail available for your review is a report warrant list number 12 there are no other items on our agenda with that we will be adjourned thank you