##VIDEO ID:f4TMm7ZLIKc## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e if I could please have your attention please apologize I had to get some readers for this uh Welcome to our November 14th city council meeting in the interest of time efficiency and ensuring that everyone who wishes to address the council is given the opportunity to do so the following will apply to all comments made by the public if you desire to be recognized by the chair please fill out a request form and present it to the city clerk present in the council chambers each speaker shall be allowed three allotted three minutes to address the council unless each unless such time is extended by the mayor or by questions from councel group shall designate a spokesperson to avoid repetition of comments every effort will be made to avoid interrupting speakers thank you for your participating in your local government or your city government please silence all electronic devices and we call this meeting to order and I'd like to introduce uh uh if everybody uh for the invocation we have Pastor Leonard Thompson from har cry Chapel mayor and council members thank you for this privilege to pray for you in the city tonight please join me in prayer Lord God thank you for this time and this place you have provided for this city thank you for this Council the staff the police the Fire and Fire personnel and especially for all city employees who work in so many areas of the city I pray for their protection I pray for their provision and for their families Lord I pray that this Council will conduct its business in an upright manner with total Integrity with wisdom and understanding I pray that they govern with respect for and in the interest of all citizens of this community and that they will see and know your hand in the matters that come before them Father God thank you for the many blessings you pour out in this city and in the lives of its citizens and I pray that we never take them for granted but that we acknowledge you as our Supreme protector and provider and I pray all this in Jesus name amen amen please remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America to the stands na indivisible Justice for All and please be seated Madame clerk can will you please call the role mayor Robertson here council member Paul here council member Urban here council member Gilbert here council member Fletcher here city manager Miller would do you have any agenda updates yes thank you I would like to pull item a on the consent agenda resolution 2024 d97 R off of the agenda that is all [Music] all right and sorry folks this my first time doing this run through the uh and now I'd like to uh we have presentations here we have a presentation of the employee of the month by Chief giry uh good evening ladies and gentlemen and esteemed council members uh it's an honor to stand before you this evening to recognize one of our exceptional law enforcement officers who have gone above and beyond in their duties at the St Cloud Police Department at this time I would like to call up officer Milton Bronson not going to let you stand in the back of the room there you got to stand next to me here officer Bronson whose dedication and initiative have not only set a high standard for others to follow but have made a significant impact on the safety and the well-being of our community due to his outstanding work he was selected to serve in a rotational capacity with our street crimes unit that oversees our narcotics activity and our burglary and our property investigations during that time and in the months thereafter officer Bronson initiated several narcotics investigations with remarkable results through his tireless work nine search warrants were executed throughout the city seizing various quantities of fentanyl heroin cocaine methamphetamine with 21 suspects being charged these actions have undoubtedly reduced the presence of illegal narcotics in our community and have made our streets safer for everyone additionally officer Bronson has taken a leadership role in conducting routine sex offender checks throughout the city a task that is vital to maintaining Public Safety by taking on this responsibility officer Bronson effectively freed detectives to focus on other pressing investigations thus allowing our department to operate more efficiently this level of commitment to his duties combined with his willingness to go above and beyond exemplifies the very best of what it means to be a law enforcement officer serving his community officer Bronson's initiative work and dedication not only contribute to the success of our department but also made a real difference in the lives of those in our community on behalf of the city of St Cloud the St Cloud Police Department and everyone here I want to thank you for your outstanding service and congratulate you on being named Employee of the Month your actions are an inspiration to us all and we are grateful to have you as part of our team thank you again and congratulations yeah we got oh we got to get the mayor in here with us to is this good here congratulations [Applause] [Music] all right and next we have a presentation of the new organizational values by Justin clner did I get it right good evening Justin clner Human Resources Director it's right everyone gets it wrong so I'm used to it um again my name is Justin I'm the Director of Human Resources as part of our recent fiveyear strategic planning effort uh the kind of the final step of that planning process was creating our organization values and this time a group of our employees from across the organization got together worked with our consultant to identify and Define those and members of those uh that employee group is here with us today to tell you all about it so I'll turn it over to them good evening council members thank you for our opportunity to speak tonight I'm Kelly Brant senior Executive Administrative Assistant to the city manager's office and we're here on behalf of our teammates to present the new organizational values created by employees from across the city these values reflect what we believe is an organization and we help guide and will help guide how we work and serve our community organizational values are the core principle principles that tell the story of who we are they guide our actions and decisions at the city of St Cloud shaping of how we work interact and serve they are like they are like a moral compass defining behaviors to create a positive environment where everyone knows what is expected and feels connected to a shared purpose these values apply to all employees including leadership and help ensure we operate with integrity and consistency by embracing our core values we can build a stronger more cohesive workplace aligned with our mission good evening I'm sharica Robinson business Navigator and City manager's office our new values were developed through a series of workshops over the summer as part of a process facilitated by the strategic planning consultant a team of 30 employees from every city Department worked together to craft four core values each value comes with a definition and specific behaviors that we aim to demonstrate daily and we are excited to share them with you today the first value is accountability this means means we hold ourselves responsible for our actions and their outcomes we commit to being transparent in our communication and motivated to improve the behaviors that support accountability include taking responsibility for our actions setting clear expectations and meeting deadlines we also take ownership of our work and offer Solutions when challenges arise our second value is empowerment we value sorry we believe in recognizing encouraging and supporting each other to make decisions this value is about trusting that everyone is doing their best and working hard to get the job done we share decision making trust each other and value constructive feedback we also invest in professional and personal development helping each other grow and succeed hello hello I'm Stephanie streer I'm an associate planner with Community Development our next value is innovation we strive to learn both from our successes and our mistakes we are open to change and new ideas and we adapt to new information and Technology Innovation means being open-minded curious and continuously improving we collaborate with others reward creative ideas and understand that taking risks and learning from mistakes are important parts of being Innovative the final value is ownership this means we do what is right communicate with honesty and empathy and live by strong principles we aim to build trust by aligning our words with our actions the behavior supporting ownership includes setting high standards being fair keeping our agreements and holding ourselves and each other accountable by doing so we build a strong trustful workplace in conclusion remember our values as AE I O and U signifying the role that's my favorite part signifying the role each of us play in making the city a great place to work our values represent who we are and what we strive to be as we move forward these values will shape our workplace culture and guide how we interact with each other and the community as we begin to roll this out to our employees we will start to see our new values integrated into how we are recognized and rewarded a part of our training programs and how we are evaluated values will also be part of our recruitment processes to attract candidates who share in our values by doing this we ensure that our values aren't just words on a page we are truly lived out in our day-to-day activities we look forward to your support in embedding these values everything we do thank you and Welcome to our new and returning council members thank you all right thank you Justin thank you staff um that's very important for for the citizens to hear this um that everybody in this building works for you and and our job up here is to make sure that happens and we want you to hold all of us accountable so thank you very much all right next we have a presentation by the UCF business incubator showcasing the St Cloud elevator pitch particip good evening Council anet Forbes economic development director uh I wanted to take a very quick moment moment to introduce the UCF business incubator they're one of our partners and resource providers in the city that provide little to no cost assistance to our local businesses and so part of economic development in order to create or retain jobs is entrepreneurship which is the Cornerstone of capitalism and so part of our goal in economic development is how to do we engage how do we en recruit how do we bring up our next level generation of entrepreneurs so we partnered with the UCF business incubator who created an elevator pitch Workshop um in conjunction with our new staff person Raquel who was able to bring this thing to fruition I now have the site manager um here EST Vargas who's going to tell you a little bit about the program thank you interet good evening mayor City Council Members all guests my name is Esther Vargas I am the site manager of the UCF business incubation program here in aola county and tonight I am here to express our gratitude for the recent opportunity that we had to collaborate with the city of St Cloud on this unique elevator pitch series program that was held last month so this elevator pitch series was designed to empower local entrepreneurs by helping them to craft and deliver a compelling pitch for their business we kicked off the program with a Hands-On Workshop held at Canary Park where the participants Dove deep into refining their pitches and they gained a deeper understanding of the value that their business provides not only to their customers but to the economic vitality and growth of their local community here in stcloud they also participated in one-on-one coaching sessions where they received personal ized guidance to further develop their messaging and connect more deeply with their mission the series culminated with a pitch day showcase also hosted at kry Park where participants delivered their elevator pitches with confidence and Clarity to an Engaged audience of peers community members and supporters the event highlighted not only their business Visions but also the dedication they bring to strengthening our local economy in support of their efforts 12 participants received a $1,000 Grant towards their operational costs to which is a meaningful step in helping them grow further and develop their businesses and it was really inspiring to see that the participants in this series are more than just business owners they're passionate Community Builders contributing to the economic and social fabric of St Cloud we're confident that the skills they learned at this elevator pitch series will continue to benefit these business owners well beyond this program equipping them to clearly communicate their value attract new customers and grow their businesses sustainably I would love to extend our heartfelt thanks to antronette Forbes Raquel landero coach Amy Busby and to each of you our city leaders for your unwavering support in making this series a success it is really through collaborative efforts such as these that we lay a strong foundation for continued economic growth and Community Vitality in St Cloud now I would like to name each participating business individually as they do represent the drive dedication and entrepreneurial Spirit of St Cloud's small business Community they are air and Refrigeration technology Services all accounting services and taxes Brown Joy LLC crust and crumb Social House home rentals Depot Honey's body butter Josie Bath and Body pool care 365 precious nails and Beauty Provident House Assisted Living facility the spice and tea Trading Post tii Enterprise LLC and vnm inspection services I'd love to invite our participants staff and uh City Council Members to join us here at the front of of the room here to gather for a group photo please present and you're actually kind of tall so you go a wa I'm shirt thank you I like that whis our next section next section of the meeting is the citizens Forum any person who desires a comment on any item not on this agenda has provide this opportunity to address the city council each person is requested to complete a signin form to be provided to the presiding officers prior to or as soon as practical thereafter the person addresses the council when you come forward we ask that you please state your name and address for the record and we ask that you please limit your comments to three minutes would anybody in the audience like to address the council all right nobody everybody's happy so far all right uh next section of the meeting is the consent agenda this next this next portion of tonight's meeting is the consent agenda which contains items that have been determined to be routine and non-controversial if anyone in the audience wishes to address a particular item on the consent agenda now is the opportunity for you to do so additionally if staff or members of the city council wish to speak on the consent item they have the same opportunity I would now like to ask Council if there are any items on the consent agenda that they would like to pull for discussion uh mayor I'd like to pull item I just to uh point something out real quick I anybody else you guys all right council member um sorry um council member Urban so um we've uh had this discussion before but since we have um a couple of new council members here I um wanted to point out that this is a um this final plat process kind of adds an extra um administrative barrier to getting the approvals through this is a commercial um U property that's very much needed in our city and I was going to see if maybe we can look in again uh to maybe um making these final plats administrative approvals so that that it wouldn't hold up a project like this and the business is getting started maybe we can direct staff into looking at a way that we can make that a possibility city manager thank you um we have a draft ordinance that we had previously looked at I'd be happy to bring it back through the process if the council would like to look at it again okay we we can go ahead and start processing that if if I have three nods I have three nods thank you yes that's all I have so thank you sir mayor I had a comment um can we include the uh easement vacations in that as well I'll bring the whole the whole ordinance that we originally brought through and Council can give us direction if you what you like or don't like it's all in the same section which is why brought back ordinance council member gilber same thing I agree with Council Urban that we need to streamline this to help Commercial Business as as we all know here in the City St Cloud we need more of so I I agree with you c yeah 100% I agree um we do need commercial development here in the city so let's uh do it whatever we can to streamline that all right so there's nothing else to talk about uh let's see see all right uh Madame clerk will you please make a roll call call the roll is that we need a motion in a second a motion oh can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda I'll make a motion to approve the consent agenda we'll help you motion by council member Urban second by council member Fletcher all those in favor oh I'm sorry we gotta call indiv roll call Madam clerk roll call please council member Paul I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi mayor Robertson I motion carries 5 Z all right next up uh the resolution that you party final public hearing for ordinance number 2024-25 as Lake Lizzy residential development located east erlo Bronson Memorial Highway and East of Pine Grove Road in accordance with the voluntary annexation provisions of chapter 17144 Florida Statutes the department will present this item uh is the applicant present would like to and would the applicant wish to speak on this item yes uh but she speak first yeah speak first yes sir good evening Melissa dunan director of Community Development this case before you tonight is for a voluntary annexation for the project known as Lake Lizzy property the request for annexation is com is in compliance with State statutes and is contiguous to city limits on the Northwestern boundary of the property the existing County future land use is low density residential and the existing County zoning is rs1 C both staff and Planning Commission recommends approval likewise it is requested that city council approve ordinance number 2024-the to speak on that uh yes uh for the record my name is Patrick Murray with rvi planning and Landscape architecture uh 111 North Magnolia Orlando Florida uh just want to introduce myself again my name is Patrick Murray this is uh a voluntary annexation but I do want to emphasize that we are contiguous to the city boundary and that the property is located in the joint planning area in addition um any rezoning application is still under review and that uh any development that is proposed will be brought in forth in front of you and require additional approval happy to answer any questions thank you okay thank you uh anybody else wish to speak on this item uh council member Urban so uh this is a um indexation which um I would agree with I think that the city should be in the driver's seat for these type of things but one um thing that concerns me is um um I think the county little while back did an alligator Lake plan where they sort of put together a plan for natural buffers and everything to protect our natural resources and lakes and um I would just like to see if um we could the council could set up a future Workshop to work on protecting the natural resources within our city as we grow out that way and and lakefront property to make sure we're we're protecting properties like this U from our lakes and natural resources if we can have a workshop to kind of do the same thing that the county did in the alligator Lake plan there city manager yes we we we can do that and I believe I saw I believe I saw three nods y let's go and schedule that please all right and uh do I have a motion to approve this item motion to approve motion by council member Fletcher second second by council member Urban Madam pleas Madam clerk please call the RO council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I council member Paul I mayor Robertson I motion carries 5 Z final public hearing for ordinance number 2024 d51 and ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida amending chapter 3 perform and citing standards by amending article 14 titled use regulations sections 314.23 of the Land Development code to update sighting standards for many warehouses and storage facilities providing for cability scrib nurse error conflict codification and an effective date right would uh staff would like to speak on this item yes sir good evening Melissa dunin again community development director at a city council Workshop held in March of 2021 staff was directed to create specific architectural standards for many warehouses and storage facilities um this proposed Land Development code Amendment proposes to add design standards update the primary and prohibited uses add secondary allowable uses and reorganize the ordinance to consolidate and make it um more comprehensive this slide ref references the sections of the Land Development code that are being amended in addition to the primary use of storage we are adding Provisions to allow for secondary uses on the ground floor ground floor level of the storage facilities um if drive-thru lanes are proposed they must be located in the side or rear of the building and for the secondary uses such as truck rentals a maximum of two trucks may be parked for display facilities um may not be used for residential purposes storage of any weapons Firearms or ammo storage of any illegal substances or storage of animals in order to preserve our valuable commercial Frontage along our major roadways in the city the minimum height of the many warehouses must be two stores and the maximum height shall be three stories if it's adjacent to single family residential zoned areas um we are proposing to limit the curb cuts to two on any block face with no more than three total for any parcel we are proposing to require interior access to the unit so that warehouse doors are not the predominant feature of the building facade and we are restricting the visibility of the warehouse doors from the street the required number of Design Elements oh sorry I don't think it flipped there we go the required number of Design Elements will be based um upon the square footage of the building some of the design elements will include the base of the building shall be differentiated from the rest of the facade All facad Shall incorporate no more I'm sorry no less than two building materials building monotony shall be prevented the color pallet shall complement adjacent buildings the dominant entryway shall reinforce character of the building and building facades visible from the right of way shall have an appearance of an office or retail building the lighting provided um shall accentuate features and provides a safe environment allowable materials uh are defined in the ordinance and any solid blank walls shall be avoided and the minimum transparent material usage is established outdoor storage will be permitted only in the side and rear yards and shall be entirely screened from view from adjacent non-industrial property and public right of way the screening shall be a 6- foot masonry wall at a minimum both staff and Planning Commission recommend approval likewise it is requested that city council approve approve ordinance number 2024 51 at this time staff is available for questions all right thank you would anybody like to speak on this item all right uh any comments from Council uh council member Gilbert well thank you mayor um I've I've read of this and we do have storage units here in St Cloud and and they're necessary for for for folks to store things it it it's crazy that we in America we have a house and then we have to store stuff and somewhere else but but with this ordinance I I also say I have not uh fully understood everything that's in this ordinance and I would like to continue this to another time just because I don't quite understand all all the regulations that we need to do we're always going to need storage units in any City County or state that we have that's just part of who we are as Americans so I'd like to continue this to a further date for uh further investigation that's what I have say I can't say yes or no but I'd like to push it to another agenda if I may that's my comments and I'd pass it back to you mayor thank you council member uh any other comments from other any other Council member uh I agree with council member Gilbert I'd like to uh ask for a continuance on this um would you like to make a motion on that councilman motion to continue h can I get a second second so if I may moot I need to read the motion no no you're fine they're fine I just uh you want an indefinite continu you want continu to a specific date how would you like dire and I don't mean you particularly Direction I appreciate that now that I'm the oldest dude and and the D is here I might need a little more than three weeks so I know it's different things aren't as fast they used to be but if we we can continue it to a further date not stated until we do our our uh due diligence on this if we could okay just for and if I may for explanation mostly for the new council members these are advertised ordinances if you continued it to a set date then you do not have to read advertise it if you don't know the date that's fine that's not an issue we just would we just have to we'll have to read vertise the ordinance for final adoption at that time so if you don't have a DAT just give us a time period City attorney thank you for your advice I I don't mind us continuing it to the first or second month of of of 2025 therefore we don't have to read advertise and cost the taxpayers more money this will just give me more time to study and study the or and the change of it so you want the first meeting in February if that would be okay with the council that's that's fine with me I'd like to investigate a little more as well yeah thank you I couldn't see your other thumb it's the 9th sorry January 9th February we're talking about February oh February would be the 13th February 13th so if your motion would be to continue until February 13th if we may please and councilwoman Paul you're okay with that since you seconded it yes I am thank you all right Madame clerk please call the role council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi council member Paul I council member Urban hi mayor Robertson I motion carries Z Madam clerk please read item number three into the record final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24- 56 in ordinance of the city council the city of St Cloud Florida providing for the Sony Amendment of the Sony map of the Land Development code of the city of St Cloud Florida specifically changing the soning designation of approximately 3038 Acres identified as Nova Road subdivis from R-1 single family dwelling zoning designation to r-1b single family dwelling design zoning designation with a low density residential future land use designation generally located east of Shaker Palm Place West of Nova Road providing for entering the designation on the official soning map following of the Planning Commission recommendation impr proove of publication subil and effective date thank you Melissa dun director of Community Development this case before you tonight is for the zoning map Amendment for the project known as Nova Road subdivision the existing zoning designation is R1 single family the requested zoning designation is r1b single family which is consistent with the existing land use designation of low density residential this request is compatible with the surrounding area and will will have no adverse impacts on City facilities here are graphic representations of the future land use and Zoning Maps depicting the low density residential land use and the existing R1 zoning district for context honor before July 25th 2024 staff recommended approval Planning Commission also recommended approval likewise it is requested that city council approve ordinance number 6 for the zoning map Amendment known as Nova Road subdivision at this time staff and the applicant are available for questions hi good evening John Adams RJ Wen Associates 8 Broadway CMI Florida 34741 uh we're in agreeance with staff and uh Planning Commission for recommendation for approval of this I'd be happy to answer any of you guys' questions thank you John we have a a request to address the city council uh John Melvin said my name is John Melvin I'm a resident of the uh westle Estates which is right behind the uh what they want to start building in so my uh residents people there they the only problem that we're saying is there's going to be just too much going on too much traffic right now you have a high school being built you have a bus depot being built you have soon as you turn into Nova Road you have a a big old apartment complex being built and we just think that you need to work on the roads get some RADS in there at least put in another Lane so we won't be stuck trying to get out to go do what we have to do as residents of wesle Estates we understand that you know St Cloud is growing and we have no problem with that we just want you to you know don't put the cart before the horse all right thank you yes sir thank you and can we bring the subdivision back up on the screen please Melissa um what is that is that Bluebird Groves at the the northern boundary is that going to be a road does that connect across Nova we're working on an interlocal with the with the school district and Oola County and also with um py I think py through Center Lake property through Center Lake Properties to to work on um Paving blue bird Groves Parkway okay so it'll it'll hopefully come before you soon and as I understand it Center Lake that road through Center Lake Ranch will come about in that area is that correct is it going to be near there um North it appears that it'll be north of there just north of it okay so the bulk of that traffic will go north through Center Lake that's well whenever this property comes into develop it'll have to um come to city council because they'll have to do a preliminary subdivision plan at the subdivision construction plan stage they have to do a traffic impact analysis and that will demonstrate where the traffic is going to go um it's kind of early in the stage right now to determine the direction that traffic will flow and if I may Oola county is also having a transportation impact analysis with the school district for the high school entrance and um for the bus depot so there's there there is the potential that there's going to be additional improvements over there also okay thank you yes sir just a few things real quick uh one this is again as Melissa stated this is a zoning application uh there'll be a later next stage a preliminary subdivision application they actually show lots and different things of that nature you guys will get that opportunity to review that at that time when that application comes in uh one thing I want to point out uh mentioned traffic with Nova Road Nova Road is currently a framework Road in Oola County it's currently under a PDN study so the County's already studying widening the road that study is supposed to wrap up uh early next year and then go into a design phase the design for it's a four-lane divided highway with pedestrian and bike lanane access along it it's a five or Five Mile Stretch from US 192 to the Future uh sunbridge connector just on the east side of C32 Canal further Northeast of here so that Nova Road's already being looked at for improvements it's already on the County's radar it hasn't been funded yet but it's going through that process uh to be widened and that likely would start before any development on this property happens what's the timeline on development just curious when you said that you think that road work is going to be at least timeline on development uh right now it's we're here for the zoning we haven't even submitted a preliminary subdivision application that typically takes three to four months to go through a staff review then it goes to your DRC Planning Commission and then two readings here so before at the earliest I think a preliminary subdivision you would look at six months and then it would go two engineering plans after that that again come to the board for review and city manager are you familiar with that road I guess the county widen in Nova personally no but we have uh we have our transportation staff and both the planning and the public works department that work with with the county and are attending any type of meetings of Roads within St Cloud whenever they have public meetings or individually as staff has the opportunity to talk with the county staff okay thank you council member Gilbert yeah Mr Mayor U Nova Road is definitely expanding um buildings going out there high schools going out there uh I I don't have a crystal ball but I know that road has to be widened and has to be accessible and Center Lake is going to connect to it I know 4177 I think is going to come somewhere down the line there uh it'd be great if I had a crystal ball and say what's going to happen in how many years but being on the metr plan board this isn't our purview View and this is in our eyes sites and we know it needs to be expanded so I I just know that area and I know with the high school in the bus depot that that road has to at one point where we can't control it but it will have to be expanded and that's all I have to say with that and I I yield back to you Mr Mayor would anybody else like to speak on this item I get a motion on this um motion to approve second I'll second but I had a quick comment as well um I just wanted to to say kind of second what council member Gilbert was saying and if he does have that crystal ball I'd like to know the lottery numbers too one two three four five but uh yeah um I I grew up off of NOA Road uh it's changed drastically since then and there definitely are a lot of of of plans out there uh as far as the connector and everything so um as you know as we we grow I think we we just need to be on the lookout for all the Transportation uh improvements coming here but I would second that motion all right so we have a motion from council member Gilbert second from council member Urban um Madam SEC Madam clerk please call the role council member Fletcher hi council member Paul hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi mayor Robertson hi motion carries 5 Z Madame clerk please read item number four under the record public hearing for resolution number 224-1 145r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud of Oola County Florida pursuant to section 196 1978 Section 3 sub section o Florida Statutes electing to not exemp property under Section 196 1978 Section 3 subsection d 1 a Florida Statutes commonly known as the live local act property tax exemption providing for subab ility and providing for an effective date good evening Melissa dunin community development director um this item was heard previously um at a council meeting on September 12th due to an advertisement error by the newspaper and to comply with Florida State statutes this item was read vertis actually advertised for the first time and um must be heard Again by city counil for approval um State statutes requires that um Oola County property appraiser exempt certain rental properties from ad Forum taxes if such properties meet the criteria of the live local act property tax exemption um beginning with the 2025 tax roll um Florida Statutes allows taxing authorities to opt out um of providing this live local act property tax exemption to units in multif family projects that are used to house natural persons or families whose annual income is between 80 and 120% of the medium annual adjusted gross income for households within the Metropolitan stat statistical area the live local property tax exemption would Grant a 75% exemption to qualifying multif family projects um the city May opt out of the exemption um if the shimberg housing study identifies an excess of affordable rental households in our Metropolitan statistical area uh the city of St Cloud is in the Orlando CMI Florida MSA which the schimberg housing study identified having an excess of 799 units if the city council approves the opt out it will become effective for the 2025 tax year and must be renewed annually if it is to remain in place based on the latest shimberg annual report staff recommends approval and we are requesting that city council approve resolution number 2024 D1 145r at this time staff is available for questions is there anyone in the audience like to speak on this item all right anybody in councel would like to speak on this all right can I entertain a motion please motion to approve second a motion to approve from council member Fletcher second from council member Urban Madame uh clerk please call the RO council member Paul hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I mayor Robertson I motion carries 5- Z Madame clerk please read item number five into the record public hearing for resolution number 224-1 75r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida amend resolution number 2024-the 2024 2025 budget for the city of St Cloud finding the city manager has certified there are prior year fund balances and or current revenues available in the budget for additional projects and programs and various funds not included in the original budget requiring the budget to be increased to include set additional funding in various funds and making supplemental Appropriations within the funds Jeff Cooper Finance director um this is budget amendment number one to our current fiscal year 2024 2025 uh as mentioned the city manager has certified funds are available to appropriate for these projects and a summary of them is as follows uh we're recognizing uh Grant revenues and the associated expenditures for 117,000 for drone replacement and 200 or for motorcycle Grant and 250,000 for drone replacement Grant uh police department pay has been increased to uh match what the county and other local municipalities have done that was no additional funds we're just making some funding realignment within funds that were already budgeted uh project PR 2503 dock repairs for 500,000 we have a I believe it's the north uh end docks that are needed in need of repair for $500,000 replace transfer station floor of 310,000 funded by the sanitation fund uh prior year fund balance um that was part of the damage of the fire from a couple years ago uh replacement trailer for solid waste Fleet of $142,200 uh complete project sw22 which is to complete clay Drive piping for $150,000 apparently uh one side of the road has been completed so this will complete the other side of the road and staff recommendation is approval of resolution 2024-25 R and we're asking city council to also approve this resolution and if you have any questions let me know all right thank you anyone in the audience like to speak on this item all right uh any council members council member Gilbert well we talked about clay drive and and I think uh previous council members knew that when the building went up there was one side of the road that had been piped and then we decided to do the other which was definitely necessary so uh that to myself and other council members I'd like to suggest that be approved because if you look at it one side of the road was approved that other side wasn't and it was because the buildings that came up uh in in the in the present affected the past residence there so that I think that's a great great dollar spent and it needed to be done and I yield back to you mayor thank you any other discussion and can I entertain a motion motion to approve motion to approve from council member Fletcher can I get a second second second from council member Gilbert Madame clerk please call the role council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I council member Paul I mayor Robertson I motion carries 5- Z Madam clerk uh can you please read item number six into the record public hearing for resolution number 20241 186r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida amending resolution number 2023-the 2023 2024 budget for the city of St Cloud finding the city manager has certified their a prior year fund balances and and or current revenues available in the budget for additional projects and programs and various funds not included in the original budget requiring the budget to be increased to include set additional F funding in the various funds and making supplemental Appropriations within the funds Jeff Cooper Finance director this is uh budget amendment number six or our final budget amendment from our fiscal year 2324 which ended September 30th uh 2024 um all this is is a realignment of salary and benefit funding and some operational funding within the general fund it's zero net change no added budget and we do this every year and the month of November staff are recommending approval of resolution May Madame clerk please call the role council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I council member Paul I council member Urban I mayor Robertson I motion carries 5 Zer thank you very much thank you CP all right this brings us to council action section uh Madam clerk please read Council action number one discussion and possible action regarding the selection of deputy mayor council member Urban I would nominate uh council member Fletcher for that position I would second it all right so we have a motion from council member Urban and a second from council member uh Gilbert to um appoint is that appoint council member Fletcher is Deputy Mayor Madam clerk please call the role council member Fletcher I council member Paul I council member Urban I council member Gilbert hi mayor Robertson hi motion carries 5- Zer thank you guys here's all right Madame clerk please read Council action number two discussion and possible action regarding Council serving on committee boards and other en all right Council any may I make a motion that we uh go down each the uh uh membership applications and and appoint uh the appropriate council members or either renew their their appointment or assign uh new appointees to that uh those memberships if possible mayor yes sir um you so you're saying if you currently sit on that board you like the first uh like to to sit on it again or decline well some things do well over education and some of us been on boards for one or two or three years that we're are now being a better impact in those boards uh to further B benefit the city of St Cloud there are other boards that have come uh available that uh new council members where board members would uh would do really well Ono on some boards because their new uh new board members such as the chamber and things like that that maybe new uh council members including yourself Mr Mayor and and and councilwoman Miss Paul that would go on to boards that would help them in their first few years on those boards so some of the boards I believe that you need to have the educational value over a certain Peri of time and then some boards that when you first come into this Das and into this position that's best suited for you to go on those boards to those people in those local communities so I'm just hoping it up that we can discuss all the boards Mr Mayor and see who's best on this Council there's five great council members here and they'll represent us well but I think some are suited better for others some are more educational that some of the council members have put to to four years in that are making headways to bring additional dollars and things into the city of St Cloud Mr Mayor that's the only thing I would like to do is discuss each one of them which is best suited for the citizens St Cloud of who represents Us in those boards yes sir I yield back yes sir I will go ahead and start reading off so we have the Education Foundation of Oola County uh council member Fletcher Deputy Mayor Fletcher currently sits on that look at you man uh is that something you have interest in continuing yes thank you okay uh help now of Oola County we have Sean count Deputy Mayor Fletcher on that so there is a so the the chief of police um is is on this um and I would like uh for him to continue serving um he does a lot of work with with help now um with domestic violence prevention and I think it's an asset um for our city to have the chief of police uh sit on help down so I'd like to to continue that for so you don't sit on that no the chief of police is on that one okay we did speak with Miss Douglas and she did state that um if the board wanted to have um an another council member that that they would um I think be willing to do that they they bring it to their board for adoption I definitely agree with deputy mayor fler did it right so Chief giry sits on that board for us correct okay metro plan council member Gilbert uh this has been U one of the two years of experience uh going to classes going to weekend classes and and and what this board does is brings dollars to the East part of of oo County through the $2.3 billion dollars that's allotted through the metrop plan board uh I've been working diligently for the last two years and going to school and studying and getting certificates and I think we're making Headway and uh uh Deputy Mayor Fletcher is the alternate if we could keep it this way great if everybody else thinks they could do a better job of getting monies brought to East uh uh oo County in the city of St Cloud I'd be open for discussion I'd like to speak on that I know council member Gilbert has always um bragged about his efforts on the metr plan board he's very proud of that and and tonight of course he was able to speak about that tonight so yes I'd support that for on that so mayor Fletcher I'm good with that Ula chamber board of directors now there there's three boards uh that I guess as you said that are more for more the the beginners I guess it be good so like the Ula chamber the St Cloud chamber the St Cloud Main Street so uh let's talk about Aila chamber board of directors anybody have an interest in that I would have an interest in that if nobody else okay good I I would think that'd be great for for the asso chamber I don't want to jump forward but the St Cloud chamber uh uh council member uh uh Paul would probably be good for that that that it it really entwines you in the uh the the folks in both the county and the city for those chambers which uh the business people that do business in ASO County in city of St Cloud are great Chambers to be about a bar and you get to meet a lot of the business Commercial Business people that go so uh I would I would recommend you mayor for for the also a chamber of board of directors if I may absolutely thank you uh and Council uh council member Paul St Cloud Chamber of Commerce would you be interested in that yes I'll step up to that thank you all right let's go back to the osul Council on Aging we had council member Urban on that do you have interest in continuing that I'm happy to continue but also I'm happy to delegate that to somebody else if you'd like up to you guys I'm does anyone else have an interest in the Council on Aging I'm familiar with them I sat on their board for about four years or housing board and never was on their their big board so yes I would happily accept that okay the OU joint contract administrative committee do we have two seats a citizen and the the city council can appoint a a citizen and a council member I I did ask recently have a recommendation um that I received from OU that the whoever sits on the fmpa the Florida Municipal Power agency may also want to be the same person because quarterly meeting we're going over um discussions about um minutes of interruption and looking at charts and um it seems like there there may be somap some overlap yes who currently sits on that I sit on the fmpa board I I do enjoy that have learned quite a lot it's been a a huge learning curve to learn about the Municipal Power industry and I'd be happy to uh to to do that as well in the UC board if if the council would allow that so mayor I I believe that's uh one council member and one uh uh citizen is that correct uh man and yes and one there's three City Representatives on the committee one appointed by the city man two appointed by the city council I appoint myself she looks in them mirror and says you're appointed and and who SEC and who second that Veronica no so yeah so you'll have to do the the citizen if you want to call citizen position is currently open on that do we appoint that one not at this well not you're going to do that when you do your well I don't know when we're gonna do that we typically do that in January um can we do that in January February I'm looking at the clerk because she this one's a little bit different this one's individual so you can appoint it now okay we haven't typically advertised for it um I I would also offer that um the previous mayor did state that that if the council um was interested he'd be happy to serve as the resident since he's been on it for eight years um but at your pleasure unless you want to let's talk to council about that because if you look at somebody that's been on the board for eight years and it's going to be a citizen that could contribute to the city of St Cloud as a citizen that has eight years of experience and uh being a business owner knowing that if you have somebody eight years in your company they could probably help you out more than somebody that has never been experienced with that company um so as a citizen uh Mr blackbow could probably benefit the citizens of St Cloud just my opinion because of eight years experience but I'm certainly open concept of anybody that would like to have that position as a citizen because again it's a non-paid board it's somebody that's doing it out of their heart for the help not for the pocket in the pocketbook so eight years of experience maybe that's a good thing that this Council should think of but open to anybody that can contribute as a citizen because again as as the mayor said uh uh mayor Robinson we work for the citizens so I open it up to the uh board for for the council for discussion if I may mayor yeah council member Gilbert I I agree with you 100% I spoke with uh former mayor Blackwell and he expressed interest in this and I guess the one of their main focus is the um the final solution of the the power plant building and he would like to see that through so I definitely um I agree with that with his nomination for that yeah everybody okay so what we're what you're doing and I was going to get this you're basically creating a slate so if you can keep track and I think you are saw you quickly jotting down so at the end of this we we would just take one motion to approve the whole slate of the appointments if that makes sense including the appointment of of former mayor Blackwell to this committee all right next the policy makers leaon committee oh that's Kobe you're on this one yeah guess would go hand in hand I would like to continue serving on that if I could absolutely all right and J Paul St Cloud Main Street so this one I um I I love serving on Main Street but since I've uh just picked up another board I would be happy to delegate that if anybody else would be interested in uh in serving there it's a great organization they they meet at night correct yeah usually Monday nights Monday nights Monday nights do you have any interest in that if not I'll I me you guys Absolutely I'll take it awesome all right council member Paul it's a great board uh Council you had me at at meets at night if it met in the morning M or Deputy Mayor mayor not going and I would uh the last is tourist Development Council council member Gilbert has been tremendous on that Council I've seen him from afar but anybody I I recommend council member Gilbert if he still wants to sit on I I I do and I think with my my background in the Private Industry and functions with trade CH convention Corp meetings corporate events we've helped we have bring brought hundreds of thousands of dollars to the city of St Cloud through the TDC uh grants and and things such as that uh I would like to get more involved with that and I I would bring it to council at one point where we have tourist destinations now along with the Riverboat and different things like that that we approach the TDC of grant money for future things to bring tourism back to the city of St Cloud because it's definitely an economical impact and I think we can continue to do so in the TDC board experience cimi does a great job of that and they do have grant money and please don't quote me on this but we brought in probably over $200,000 to St Cloud entities with the TDC and Grant monies uh for that also oo County and also the the city of CMI great board a lot of money I don't know if you all know this but the rental houses actually make more money now than the hotels do in tourism development in taxes it used to be where the hotels with the TDC now it's actually the rental property so as we grow as a city of St Cloud I do believe we'll see some of those U houses come in here uh to do that and bring additional dollars to the city of St Cloud so I'd be honored to continue on this and bring more money to the city of St Cloud if the council will allow me to do that yes sir uh you've been amazing on that and I encourage any uh nonprofits every year that tourist Development Council they actually give out marketing grants to nonprofits but you got to get in it's a one time and it's good for the whole year um so they do it once a year so we need to we need St Cloud nonprofits to really apply we do have a few but all right next up the Tri County League of cities currently mayor Blackwell was on that council member Fletcher do you have an interest in that uh yes maam I would actually really enjoy to uh to take that seat all right next up the water Cooperative of Central Florida um if if I may um that board also um has has a lot of information that carries over from the Toho Water Authority um I think we have a one of the council members is a which it's not on here um is is a non- voting member on the too water board and a lot of the same projects are discussed so it may be beneficial to have um same person on both and whoever you select for the water Co-op you're on a roll Toho Water has requested um that we uh have a resolution approved this evening which I think is at all of your tables um they need a formal yeah the agreement the water Cooperative interlocal agreement among the entities requires a resolution for this one appointment so when you when that Slate's adopted you're would be approving that resolution so we Who currently sits on that Mr Urban the too board I'd be happy to serve on the water Cooperative as well to keep it consistent if the council would allow that I see Coe over the point okay all right I believe that's all and so can we get a entertain a motion for approving all of these nominations or selections as well as the resolution does that go all in together that's fine that's great can we read the resolution into the record you can if you if you feel like yes why don't you read it thank you resolution number 202 24-20 r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida appointing a council representative representative to serve on the the board of the water Cooperative of Central Florida and providing an effective date uh do we do I ENT ask for comment on that first get a motion first uh yes can I get a motion uh on that motion to approve Mo from council member Fletcher second from council member Urban uh do we have any comments from Council or the public or from the public Mr Norman nothing to say all right I'll take it all right so we have a motion Madam clerk please call the RO council member Paul I council member Urban I council member Gilbert hi Deputy Mayor Fletcher hi mayor Robertson hi motion carries 5 zero all right this next section is the first reading and introduction section the next items on the agenda or ordinances is that number three oh number three oh I see it way up here sorry uh so this is still under Council action yes uh discussion and possible action regarding the appointments of seat number one seat number five alternate one and Alternate two on the historic preservation board and Mr Mayor if I just make comment we are doing these citizen appointments out of order typically as the city manager poined out you do them early in the year in either January or February this board though has had a several vacancies recently and so they do not have a sufficient number of individuals to have a quorum so we pushed it up so that we could get some individual appointed so the board can meet and do the business of the board that's why it's on your agenda tonight thank you uh Deputy city clerk sorry one I guess wrong box I just want to let you know you have two applications in front of you that were not included in the package it is Christine ltis Drake and Don Snell they are additional and you have them in front of you if you could please uh make your recommendations and then we can make one motion at the end and all of these appointments are at large meaning they're not cterminus with any seats so you can make an appointment for any of the seats I I would like to appoint uh Christine to the seat one if if if I may I'll second that City attorney do we we vote on that each individually or all together did you you just said you want to do it as a slate right just so similarly to what you just did if you get but I need a second motion then I just we ask for a motion second and then just vote on the whole thing at the end I think how does that work well I think right now you've had one appointment to seat one right so if you can go through we don't need a we don't need a second would take one motion at the end saying a motion to appoint as just indicator or something all right so we have a a motion to appoint Christine ltis Drake to seat one uh do we have a nomination for seat two or seat five mayor if I could if I could interrupt um this board has requirements on the on the positions um so there has to be um two members MERS of specific professions or citizen member um it's minimum of three members shall be chosen from among the disciplines of architecture history architectural history archaeology landscape architecture Construction Construction management engineering planning or person who is a general contractor so um on your pieces of paper you can see um the board already has an engineer and a historian um but if I'm interpreting this correctly then you need to have least one more who is um of those fields did I did I say that did I say that well okay so so you're saying we need a building contractor or an engineer so there's um we we've already filled the citizen member is that correct so well so you can have several citizen members so uh Miss Bobby Bryant lantry it says she has multiple qualifications I I I don't know which on she has um you have an engineer you have a historian if I don't know if Miss lantry has one of the three Excuse Me Miss Bobby um Bobby Bryant lantry will be terming out in February so she cannot be reappointed to this board well I'm just I'm not asking about reappointment I'm trying to make sure that we're meeting the requirements of the board so you have right CL you have three remaining positions based on the one nomination you have right now you have one regular position and you have two alternates I think you can appoint to meet the qualifications I think you can appoint a contractor or an engineer to seat five which is vacant and as I recall there were there's an applicant that there's a contractor and an engineer that have submitted an application so you could appoint one of those to seat five and we would need another one and you can appoint the other one to one of the alternate positions like no that that'll be the third it's a be okay oh the historian I'm sorry it would just be though that in in January or February we'd have to go through the process again we'd have to get one of those qualifications to replace Miss lantry so if you appointed and then one of the other rules and I apologize I know this is some this can be somewhat unyielding because of all the things right so one of the other sort of Unwritten rules that the city council has is that an alternate a person who serves as an alternate gets to kind of Step Up into an open position that's kind of one of the things that the council has has sort of followed you know Loosely well they directed staff direct so you could you could appoint one of the other individuals that meets the contractor or Engineers to one of the alternate positions and then in February they can move up into the regular seat if that makes sense sure council member Fletcher do you have anybody in mind um I'd like to uh nominate John um as the the the building contractor for seat five John Delo all right so we have the two alternate seats correct yes all right I'd like to nominate James axelon that would be alternate one alternate one and I would like to nominate Don snail for alternate number two perfect good all right Madame clerk can I have a roll call on the nominations well just get a motion for the Slate just motion for all the nom can I get a motion for all the nominations motion to approve the list of nominations motion from council member Fletcher second second from council member Paul uh Madam clerk please call the RO council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi Deputy Mayor Fletcher hi council member Paul I mayor Robertson I motion carries 5 Z next section of the meeting is the first reading and introduction section the next items on the agenda are ordinances before the council for first reading and introduction for the sole purpose of the council to authorize the publication of the ordinance for a final hearing Council will not take final action on the item tonight full presentations and public input on the ordinances will occur at a final hearing at which the council will consider final action Madame clerk please read Council action number one first reading and introduction for ordinance number of the city of St Cloud Florida to Annex into the city of St Cloud approximately plusus 1.64 Acres identified as palm properties located east of nusi Road north of East erlo Bronson Memorial South of Lilian Lee Road West of puffen Road in accordance with the voluntary annexation provision of chapter 171.000 44 Florida Statutes would anyone in the audience like to speak on this item well and Mr Mayor the process is that final public hearing will be at the final adoption so you don't have to ask for public hearing at this point uh can I have a motion for the approval of ordinance number 2024 d71 much to approve first from council member Fletcher second from council member Urban Madame clerk please call the RO council member Gilbert I Deputy Mayor Fletcher I council member Paul I council member Urban I mayor Robertson I motion carries 5 Z Madame clerk please read Council action number two first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-72 in ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation low density residential to approximately plus minus 1.64 Acres identified as palm properties located east of nusi Road north of East ero Bronson Memorial and south of Lilian Lee Road west of puffen Road providing for amending the official future land use map of the comprehensive plan following of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effect cability copies on files and effective date can I have a motion for approval of ordinance number 202 24-72 motion to approve motion from council member Fletcher second second from council member Urban Madame clerk please call the role deput mayor Fletcher hi council member Paul hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi mayor Robertson hi motion carries 5- Z Madam clerk please call Council action number three first reading and introduction for ordinance number 2024-25 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida providing for the soning amendment of the soning map of the Land Development code of the city of St Cloud specifically changing the soning designation of approxim plus minus 1.64 Acres identified as palm properties from AC agriculture to a agricultural Z zoning designation with a lowdensity residential futur land use designation generally located east of nusi Road north of East earo Bronson Memorial South of Lilian Lee Road and West of Po puffen Road providing for entering this designation on the official Sony map fing of the Planning Commission recommendation andove of publication cability and effective date can I have a motion for the approval of ordinance number 202 24- 73 motion to approve motion from council member Fletcher second second from council member Urban Madam clerk please call the RO council member Paul I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I Deputy Mayor Fletcher hi mayor Robertson I motion carries 5 Z Madame clerk please call Council action number four first reading an introduction for ordinance number 20247 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida to Annex into the city of St Cloud approximately plus minus 5.59 Acres identified as too Marine located north of Friar Cove Road East of Glenda Court and south of Canoe Creek Road in accordance with the voluntary annexation provisions of chapter 171.000 44 Florida Statutes and can I have a motion for the approval of ordinance number is that we're on 74 is that correct 2024 d74 motion to approve uh second motion from uh motion to approve from council member Urban second from council member Paul Madame clerk please call the role council member Urban I council member Gilbert I Deputy Mayor Fletcher council member Paul I mayor Robertson I motion carries 4 Z Madam Clerk please call Council action number five first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24- 75 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation commercial to approximately plus minus 5.59 Acres identified as too Marine north of friers Cove Road East of Glenda Court and south of Cano Creek Road providing for the amending the off the official future land use map of the comprehensive plan following the the Planning Commission recommendation approve of publication applicability and effect curability copies on files and effective date he can I have a motion for the approval of ordinance number 202 24- 75 motion to approve motion to approve council member Urban second second second from council member Gilbert Madame clerk please call the role council member Gilbert I Deputy Mayor Fletcher council member Paul I council member Urban I mayor Robert hi motion carries 40 Madame clerk please call Council action number six first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-7 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida providing for the soning amendment of the soning map of the Land Development code of the city of St Cloud Florida specifically changing the soning designation of approximately plus minus 5.59 Acres identified as too Marine from AC Agri culture to HB Highway business zoning designation with a commercial future land use designation generally located north of Friar Cove Road East of Glend court and south of Cano Creek Road providing for entering the designation on the official Sony map filing of the Planning Commission recommendation improve of publication sub ability and effective date all right can I get a motion for the approval of ordinance number 202 24- 76 Mo to approve motion approve council member Urban I I second second from council member Paul Madam clerk please call the role Deputy Mayor Fletcher council member Paul I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I mayor Robertson I motion carries 4 Z Madame clerk please call Council number action number seven first reading and introduction for ordinance number 2024-25 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation ldr low density residential to approximately plus minus 17 Acres identified as long residents providing for amending the official future land use map of the comprehensive Plan F filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effect cability copies on files and effective date all right can I get a motion for the approve appr of ordinance number 2024 77 motion to approve for a second motion from Council Deputy Mayor Fletcher uh second from council member Urban Madam clerk please call the role council member Paul I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I Deputy Mayor Fletcher hi mayor Robertson I motion carries 5 Z Madame clerk please recall Council action number six first reading and introduction for ordinance number 2024-the of ordinances chapter 24 environment article 3 noise control section 24- 81 Etc providing for cability codification and effective date and can I get a motion for the approval of ordinance 202478 motion to approve motion to approve council member Fletcher a second second from council member Paul uh Madame clerk please call the rooll council member Urban council member Gilbert hi Deputy Mayor Fletcher hi council member Paul hi mayor Robertson hi motion carries 5 Z Madam clerk please call Council action number nine first reading and introduction for ordinance number chapter 28 offenses Article 1 in general section 28-6 public camping or sleeping of the St Cloud city code providing for findings purpose intent and definitions making the act of public camp camping and offense punishable by law providing for program implementation requirements and providing for enforcement and administrative procedures providing for conflict curability administrative correction C of ation publication and effective date and can I get a motion for the approval of or motions motion to approve mayor uh motion from council member Gilbert second second from council member Fletcher Madam clerk please call the role council member Gilbert I Deputy Mayor Fletcher I council member Paul I council member uran hi mayor Robertson hi motion carries 5 Z and Madam clerk please read Council action number 10 first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-8 in ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation medium density residential to approximately plus minus 3.27 Acres identified as Tracy Manor located east of Orange Avenue North of East thir East 19th Street south of East 17th Street and West of Crawford Avenue providing for amending the official future land use map of the comprehensive plan filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effect cability copies on file and effective date and can I get a motion for the approval ordinance 20248 motion to approve motion approve council member Fletcher I second council member Paul seconds Madame clerk please call the role Deputy Mayor Fletcher I council member Paul I council member Urban I council member Gil I mayor Robertson I motion carries 5 Z and Madam clerk please call Council action number 11 first reading an introduction for ordinance number 202 24-8 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida providing for the soning amendment of the Sony map of the Land Development code of the city of St Cloud Florida specifically changing the soning designation of approximately plus minus 3.27 Acres identified as Tracy Manor from R-1 a single family dwelling to r-4 multifamily dwelling zoning designation with a medium density residential future land use designation generally located east of Orange Avenue North of East 19th Street south of East 17th Street and West of Crawford Avenue providing for entering the designation on the official soning map following of the Planning Commission recommendation improve of publication suburb ility and effective data and can I get a motion ordinance number 2024 d81 motion to approve motion from Deputy Mayor Fletcher all second second from council member Paul Madame clerk please call the role council member Paul I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I Deputy Mayor Fletcher hi mayor Robertson I motion carries 5 zero okay we that about wraps that up um City attorney do you have anything you'd like to add uh no just to welcome the new council member and the new mayor look looking forward to working with you both app of course Mr Urban welcoming you back and our City attorney she's wanted to go to law school keeps telling me that I did I did big mistake no one path was law One path was government um I so city manager um I I just also wanted to congratulate all of you I know there's a lot of work that went into it for each of you so congratulations um I also wanted to thank staff that put on the swearing in today um they did a lot of work behind the scenes and um we've never had to plan for as many people as we had to plan for today so um they they did a great job so that that's it thank you all right and council members uh council member Paul is that how do I go online that way yeah 125 good evening to everyone wanted to say today was a beautiful day um look forward to working with everyone on the council um and that's all I have so and council member Urban uh I would second that it's a wonderful day um uh I would like to welcome the new council members are very excited about working with you uh to work for the residents of St Cloud and again I want to thank staff as well I know they worked very hard today to uh put together such a great ceremony and reception so thank you for that that's all thank you and council member gilber well politics is not pretty and um not being a career politician uh just knowing I serve the Lord and serve the people uh I admire both of you for your U your campaigns in Kobe years too is the toughest one I ever seen you didn't what happened but but but the recognition of this um Council and this Das does not go on notice that we serve the people of St Cloud uh the past two years the the folks are up here I believe we served the citizens of St Cloud we didn't always agree we didn't always had but that's that's beautiful the the freest most wonderful country in the world but together I believe the next two years of us five together will make St col a better place so I welcome you congratulations thank you Deputy Mayor Fletcher um I just had a a couple things first off um it's awesome to to have you guys sitting up here and joining um the team that that repres resents the citizens um as that's you know ultimately what we're we're here to do um it's really also nice to see a bunch of St Cloud kids getting getting back you know up here to be able to serve um our residents I know you weren't born here but you've been around long enough that you might as well Milt was here I'm 36 years here he I already know if anybody's 36 years exactly that's my point like a say Club kid um and then uh just a couple items um the Lantern Festival is on November 22nd if you haven't been to that it's at the St Cloud lakeef front um it's not something that's put on by the city it's a it's it's a group that has come here for the last couple years and it's one of the most amazing events events that I've seen in the city it's November 22nd from 4 to 8 um I did speak with the the city manager's um office and they're going to notify the residents down there I know that that staff's been working um diligently on that and then I had an utterly couple reach out to me and they had some issues with with some potholes um and sent an email to to staff and by 8:30 the next morning it was paved they were happy and already had a a thank you phone call um that afternoon from the resident so kudos to staff so that's all I have well I'd like to First say uh obviously this is a it's going to be a learning curve for me so I'm you know starting to get the hang I guess as I went through the meeting but uh I appreciate youall bearing with me uh it's an honor to serve the CI you know we all work for you we want to do the best we can uh you know I worked here briefly a number of years ago and I I like to see many changes I know uh internally city manager over the past couple years she's made many changes here that I have not seen yet but I hope to um the City attorney as well U one thing I would like uh I wasn't present when we did have a workshop for uh talking about an in-house City attorney you know we've grown uh 68,000 almost 70,000 people and I would like to schedule a workshop to discuss an in-house um whether it be a full-time in-house or a hybrid in-house with a supplement Council um if that's something y would have some interest in I would like to go ahead and schedule that U Miss city manager I'd like to go ahead and do that I'm I'm looking for consensus the mayor can I do it at yes okay yeah the or vote of three council members right can schedule me yeah can schedule any meeting yeah just a schedule meeting but we want to check and make sure everybody um is able to attend that of course what's uh everybody's schedu look at the nice thing is is that U Kelly's done a great job of getting our schedules together because we all have separate entities I know this is a very high-paying uh full-time job that we have here but some of us have other jobs uh well maybe not me but other folks do but but yeah we can schedule uh what makes sense for everybody and Kelly does a really good job at coordinating that it's it's kind of like wow who's available this day or that day uh Mr Mayor but she she'll do a great job of doing that and that in all the future workshops uh Kelly does a good job of scheduling that if if you agree with that I mean it's tough because yeah and what day or date we don't know but she does good yeah does anybody know the schedules of everybody do we have that in line in tune with what's available Fridays so when when when we try to schedule items um she's had to make some creative calendars in the past with color coding to see when when everybody's available but that's a good point because I I know I was discussing that with you earlier that I I I I believe that we had a conversation that Fridays would would be easier for meetings previously we were doing them Thursdays at 3 um I'm good with next Friday uh during the day at night whatever is good for y'all what what fits could we just have Kelly that be Mr Mayor abolutely Kelly will do that and what she does is open up the calendar what's Best Day what's the best time because I know some people work 8 to five Sean doesn't work and I don't work oh I'm sorry City attorney is that that works during the day is that that works better if it's whatever I mean I'm here four four days a week so so it's a good chance I'll be here okay I will say that next Friday I will not be here I actually have um vacation scheduled I'm gone Friday through Monday I come back Monday but we will someone else can can sit if needed um I have a new dep actually I failed there's no action it's just a workshop I failed to introduce and I am so sorry I failed to introduce our new Deputy city manager Scott davidof um and uh so he he can always fill in for me if if everybody else is available on Friday how did you get vacation time they haven't gave me any yet that's why I try to do Fridays because it seems to be nobody notices and also something that we used to have here is a second p uh citizens forum and I know obviously we didn't have many people well anybody come up tonight speaked for that um but I would like to bring that back if possible um in case you know people get off late off work late I know I've got a lot of citizens that have asked for that so I leave that up to the council can you explain that a little crits well we have the citizens Forum at the beginning we used to have a second one later on at the end where was that at Dan in the meeting it would come right after Council action after Council action before before the City attorney City management Council reports so be it's similar to the first one okay and it just happens again be a couple and there may not be anybody but if they do it gives them an opportunity to come up may if possible could you add that to the workshop discussion so we can sort of talk about that a little bit the pros and cons absolutely we can do that yeah because I there there's there's some nuances to that for like better expression that's fine and that's all I have and that brings brings us to the information report section on on Saturday November 23rd 2024 we have Community Thanksgiving drive-thru from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at the community center uh Thursday and Friday November 28th and 29th uh we have the city offices closed and observance of Thanksgiving holiday Thursday December 5th 2024 community redevelopment agency meeting 3M at the building department conference room Friday December 6th 2024 tree lighting celebration 6m at City Hall Saturday December 7th 2024 Christmas parade 10:00 a.m. at downtown St Cloud Saturday and Sunday December 7th and 8th 2024 the St Cloud holiday festival at downtown St Cloud Thursday December 12th 2024 city council meeting 6:30 pm right here in City Hall uh council chambers and Friday December 13 2024 is the employee holiday luncheon city offices will close from 12:00 noon to 2: p.m. and for your review we have warrant list number one available and if anybody nobody has anything else this meeting is adjourned e e e e for