##VIDEO ID:qX4srqAc_Dg## good evening I'd like to welcome you to our August 8th city council meeting in the interest of time efficiency in ensuring that everyone who wishes to address the council is given the opportunity to do so the following will apply to all comments made by the public if you desire to be recognized by the chair please fill out a request form and present it to the city clerk present here in council chambers each speaker shall be allowed three minutes to address the council unless such time is extended by the mayor for or by questions from Council groups shall designate a spokesperson to avoid repetition of comments every effort will be made to avoid interrupting speakers thank you for participating in your city government we ask that you please silence all electronic devices at this time could we all please stand together for our invocation remain standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and we'd like to welcome Pastor David NY here once again from Christ Our Savior Fellowship to lead us in our invocation let us pray our most gracious Heavenly Father we approach you this evening with a grateful heart thanking you for another day of life and thanking you for all the wonderful gifts you you shower upon us daily I ask your blessing upon these council members as they discuss and debate issues concerning our city give them wisdom and discernment regarding any decisions that will be voted upon during this meeting we also ask your blessing upon all the citizens of our city our state and our Nation I ask this in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen thank you Pastor n please join me in the pledge I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you may be seated Madam cler you please call the RO May black here Deputy Mayor here council member Urban here council member Gilbert here council member Fletcher here like to ask our city manager do you have any agenda updates for no changes this evening thank you thank you very much uh before we begin with our presentations I'd like to recognize a very special person who's here tonight her name is Emma Sanderson the distinguished niece of our council member M Miss uh Sanderson would you please [Music] stand we are Delight to have you here tonight thank you for coming you can help us keep an eye on miss mathi that would help at this time we will have a presentation for employee of the month by Tai Tumi good evening um Jason Miller fire chief I'm proud this evening to be here before you to present the employee of the month to Tai Tumi Tai Tumi was selected as the August Employee of the Month Ty has been working at the fire department since January of 2021 um prior to that he worked for parks and wreck we were fortunate enough to steal him away from Stephie and their crew always over there and we're very thankful for that Tai is very customer service focused and always takes the lead when it comes to taking on projects or when it comes to care for patients earlier this year he was dispatched to a call which I can't really give you the details about but needless to say it was one of the worst nightmares that either a parent or professional firefighter paramedic could ever face during that call Ty performed amazing work he demonstrated outstanding performance leadership raising the standards of care for that patient through his actions we are happy to report that the Pediatric child made a full recovery and is now at home with his family for that taumi was picked as Employee of the Month congratulations sir [Applause] sure sir all right we'd like to thank you and congratulate you for for your service and I think we have a photographer that would like to take a picture turn thank you and congratulations thank you at this time if you'll turn the podium around our next uh item will be an award presentation by Miss Russell with the farida league of cities for our St Cloud economic gardening program we welcome you if you'll come forward they're going to turn the podium around for you thank you good evening mayor council members staff and citizens as stated my name is Aaron Russell I am the member services administrator from the Florida League of cities which is located in Tallahassee Florida and just for the benefit of the audience members who may have never heard of the Florida League of cities we have served as the United voice for Florida's 411 cities towns and Villages for more than a 100 years and during that time our mission has remained the same which is to protect local decision-making which allows local voices to make local choices and so I do want to take a moment to say thank you to the city for being an active and dedicated member of the Florida League of cities and a special thank you to Mayor Blackwell for serving on the League's board of directors the reason I'm here tonight the Florida League of cities has been awarding and recognizing outstanding cities towns and Villages since 2009 through our Florida Municipal Achievement award program this program has four prestigious Awards environmental stewardship local action public engagement and the award I'm here to present you with this evening the economic advancement award the economic advancement award focuses on a city program that supports highlights or partners with the city's local business Community to improve the economic well-being of a city and the City of St Cloud did just that with your downtown economic gardening program so this program was an approach to promote companies from growing within their own structure the program was multiple layers of Financial and technical assistance programs for business es that have been affected by the pandemic or the prolonged construction of the city's streetscape project so this program offered $190,000 in Grants technical support fee waivers and Marketplace information for small and midsize businesses and I think one of the best things about this program is that the city was able to recognize a need of the business local community and then successfully address it through your gardening program so this program is a testament to City leadership for your guidance and a testament to your city staff who executed a very successful campaign as I understand this was a collaboration between many departments here at the city the Florida Municipal Achievement Award is the highest award that we present to Florida cities and this was our most competitive year yet your nomination was excellent and your efforts in supporting your local business business Community is the reason why you're being awarded this Pro this award tonight so beyond the trophy that I'm here to present you with today you will be recognized in our Statewide quality cities magazine you'll be on the League's website and social media and you've also been featured in our monthly webinar series uh thanks to your economic development director antonet Forbes she really sold this program on our webinar Series so if you haven't seen it I would definitely encourage you to do so so without further Ado on behalf of the Florida League of cities I'm here to award you the Florida Municipal Achievement Award and the economic advancement category congratulations [Applause] and and it would not be complete without inviting anet Forbes up our economic development director and I'd like to invite all of our city council down to have a photo op with her and with you and thank you so much uh for the recognition and all of our staff has just done an amazing job in making this possible all right I'm going to hand this to you different closes yeah the next item on our agenda is our citizens Forum any person who desires to comment on any item not on this agenda is providing this opportunity to address the city council each person is request a completely signing form to be provided to the presiding officer prior to or as as soon as this practical after the person addresses the council if you come forward please state your name and address for the record and we'll ask that you please limit your your comments to 3 minutes would anyone like to address the council during the citizens Forum if not we will move on to our next item which is the consent agenda the next portion of tonight's meeting is consent agenda which contains items that have been determined to be routine and non-controversial if anyone in the audience wishes to address particular item on the consent agenda now is the opportunity for you to do so additionally staff for members of the city council wish to speak on a consent item they have the same opportunity so the first thing is anyone on the council have any of the items on the consent agenda that you're wanting to address if not is anyone in the audience like to address any of the items on the consent agenda if not I'll entertain a motion motion to approve we have a motion from Council mayor MTH do I have a second second I second council member Fletcher Madam clerk please call the RO council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor maeni I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5- Z wow the next item on our agenda are public hearings uh we'll begin with items one and two Madam clerk fin public for ordinance number 2024 two an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation HDR high density residential to approximately plusus 76 Acres identified as 17th Street located at the corner of Michigan Avenue between 17th Street and Russell Street providing for amending the official future land use map of the comprehensive plan following of the Planning Commission recommendation and proove of publication applicability and effects sub abilities copies on files an effective date final public hearing for ordinance number 2024-25 and ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida providing for the soning amendment of the soning map of the Land Development code of the city of St Cloud Florida specifically changing the zoning designation of approximately plus minus 76 Acres identified as 17th Street from r-2 single and two family dwelling zoning designation to r-4 multifam dwelling zoning designation with a high density residential future land use designation adopted by ordinance number good evening Melissa dunan community development director the cases before you tonight are for the comprehensive plan Amendment and zoning map Amendment for the property known as 17th Street CPA zma the property is generally located at the corner of Michigan Avenue and 17th Street the existing future land use is medium density residential which allows 4 to 10 dwelling units per acre the requested future land use is high density residential which allows more than 10 greater than 10 up to 18 dwelling units per acre the existing zoning is R2 and that allows for single family and two family dwellings the proposed zoning is for R4 multif family dwelling the request is compatible with the surrounding area and will have no adverse impacts on City facilities here are graphic representations of the future land use and Zoning Maps depicting the medium medium density land use and the R2 single family zoning single family and two family zoning rather honor before June 24th 2024 staff recommended approval Planning Commission also recommended approval likewise it is requested that this Council approve ordinance number 202442 and ordinance number 20 24- 43 at this time staff and the applicant are available for questions with the applicant like to speak to this item yes sir you state your name and address please John dulo 1017 Lakes Shore Boulevard are you the applicant I am yes do you have something you'd like to say yes I am just here to uh trying to get the uh comp plan Amendment chains and the zoning chains to do uh what I showed before to do some triplexes in that area okay if you'll stand stand by here yep in case there's any questions sure would anyone well I do have several people here in the audience first of all we'll take public comment jamaa Petty congratulations on my name right um Okay so we've lived on Russell Street for I don't know 13 years traffic's just gotten worse and worse and worse could you state your address for 761 Russell Street thank you um traffic's just gotten worse and worse and worse um the uh where he wants to build that stuff was a field where a lot of the neighborhood kids would play and we just don't have the room for more that much more people I mean as it is our street you can't even go two cars at a time it's and we've complained to the schools about the parking we've complained to the police and you just you know there's just not enough room for that much more more there it's and you know no impact fees that's kind of crazy too all right thank you very much MH Taylor Keegan please state your name and address uh my name is Taylor and I live at 7207 Street um so last summer my husband and I bought the house across the street from the plot of land in question um we bought the house based on its location and we quickly grew to love the area um and we wanted to call this house our home for several years um however the proposed resoning of the land across from us has us questioning whether we want to stay there or not the notice about the rezoning we originally received stated that 14 units with accommodated parking would be built there rather than duplexes which is what it's currently zoned for um during the planning meeting it was proposed that four triplexes would be built with accommodating parking with a new Street dividing the land um connecting 17th and Russell there were also several questions during the planning meeting that the property owner was unable to answer such as whether he would rent or sell the units and if he was renting how much would the rent go for I believe that the property owner knows that he's going to rent these units otherwise he would not be pushing to add more um it's no secret that more units means more rental income um he also claimed that he would not be able to create the same design with duplexes but that's simply not true I'm not trying to prevent him from building uh it's currently zoned for two plexus and I just want to keep it that way um of course I would love the plot of land to stay empty but again I can't prevent him from building on his own property however putting additional homes that than what it's currently zoned for is a bad idea it's not consistent with the surrounding area um during the Planning Commission meeting he was quick to focus on the fact that there are d lexes in the area but ignored the fact that there are also several single family homes which mine is one of them um two-story triplexes don't belong in that area the additional building will compromise the existing infrastructure like the roads and the public utilities for example Russell Street is basically a on Lane Road um and it doesn't have adequate draining and does not get properly cared for um it's also in a school zone which is already bad enough um in the morning morning and afternoons during during the school season uh there's no parking sign there's already no parking signs on 17th Street and I already know that the parents are going to use that additional road to bypass um the intersection which will um cause additional blockages and halt the additional traffic Studies have also shown that an increase in housing density will decrease nearby property values as a new homeowner that's devastating to hear um I see I'm about to run out of time I'm sorry uh so I just want to jump ahead I made a petition it's already reached 330 um signatures to oppose the rezoning so thank you thank you Miss Keegan Mark Pro you pronounced that last name for me before I messed it up give it give it a shot it's prun proon I like that yes 1800 Michigan Avenue my address is Michigan Avenue but I live in the corner of Russell in Michigan directly across from the property in question I don't have a PowerPoint presentation but I have some photographs can I oh uh I'm going to hit on some of the similar things they were talking about I've lived in my house 34 years uh the Planning Commission or yeah the Planning Commission has a 16o criteria uh 16 required findings of section 3.4.3 c2a of the Land Development code and of those 16 things one of them is about the drainage and they they your staff or that staff uh said that there is no drainage issues and the pictures I presented you will see that was a recent thunderstorm where that whole area is flooded and now you're going to he wants to add buildings and asphalt on porest ground which again there is a a drainage issue so I don't know why they would say that they haven't been out there uh the traffic as they have said is terrible there's also a couple pictures there uh Russell becomes a on lane road because all the parents pick up their kids and as they said this new development or the triplex complex will have a cut through there is going to be an issue yeah right there that's outside of my house I cannot get out of my driveway sometimes early release days which is Wednesday I cannot come home from work I have to go to wind Dixie for about 30 minutes so I can get in my driveway a lot of times 17th Street is backed up nothing's moving either direction Russell is backed up people come down Russell and want to turn right Michigan Avenue's backed up so therefore I cannot get to my house again he's able to build things on that lot I don't have a problem with that what I'm saying is more people in that area is not a good idea um that's outside my front door you can see I can't I can't leave that traffic goes all the way down Russell and that's every day usually the middle school is the worst I don't know why you would think you know Elementary parents would want to pick up their kids but it's Middle School maybe because they fight so much I don't know I have people parked there and they stand in front of my house waiting for their kids to walk down the sidewalk get in the car and leave that was a recent thunderstorm that's where they say there's no drainage issue that's Illinois and Russell and those are all duplexes if I also included a picture of a aerial photograph of all the duplexes in the area they're all one story and as they stated he's wanting to go twostory triplexes again high density is not good for that area I believe it'd be better somewhere else thank you thank you very much would anyone else in the audience like to speak to these two items would the applicant like to address any of the concerns that have been shared if not we'll have discussion and or motion by councel mayor yes sir I just want to make sure to clarify one thing and maybe Melissa can help out with regard to the drainage the staff recommendation wasn't that the drainage is is acceptable the staff recommendation is as in a lot of these project is the project when developed will have to meet required storm water drainage basically will have to take care of its own its own uh the Water runner from the property so I don't think staff has said the drainage there is can that is correct so what we do in our staff report isn't the first response under the 16 findings will state what the applicant said so what what the um citizen I'm so sorry I forgot the gentleman's name um was referring to was applicants response and then directly below that staff's response is in the uh italicized text and we just basically put pursuant to article six of the Land Development code storm water management system shall be provide provided for all areas of the development and accommodate the runoff that flows into or across the Development Area without additional flooding of any other lands any proposed storm water system will be reviewed during the site development plan process process so at this point it's a little too early in the process for us to review for those items once they submit for the site development plan that's when we'll review for that thank you in regard to ordinance number 20 24-42 our first item do we have a motion for adoption I just had a couple of questions um so uh do we know how many houses are permitted to be built on this property already is it um Melissa can you answer that sure so this case is is a little unique in that they have um several uh lots that they eventually want to propose to do lot combinations so right now they can build duplexes however it would be minimal I think it would be up to eight would fit on site because of the way the lots are laid out um with what they're proposing even if the land use and Zoning allow for that many units they have less than an acre and they still have to accommodate for open space and drainage and parking so most likely they're going to get nowhere near that number okay thank you and um I I definitely understand first of all I want to thank the residents for for speaking tonight um I do understand I drive down Michigan Avenue every day especially during school time it's an absolute mess there I would love to to work with the school district to help uh manage that flow better because it just gets really backed up and it's it's a mess um but with that said this um I believe that this would potentially improve uh what could go there over over duplexes personally because they could put seven or eight houses there maybe less with some of the open space requirements but um I think this is um this is a little bit of of uh at least what he proposed was was a nice concept so just my thoughts do we have any other comment comment uh council member Fletcher um yes I uh actually you know it seems like I start this off every time grew up in that neighborhood played with the old owners of the property um over there there used to be a little dollhouse and all kinds of different stuff out there when we were kids and um uh I think with what he's proposing it actually um would improve it um cuz he could go in and build now and then you'd have all the driveways would then theoretically back out onto Michigan Avenue 17th Street um with this if you're going to go with the the internal roadway with rear loaded product I think it would end up um being better um and then I don't know if I can get the drainage question answered is if if he builds what what improvements would have to be made to Russell are there any improvements that would have to be made to Russell or would it depend on what's built because Russell is very tight so it doesn't appear that this property is sorry let me zoom in a bit yeah it would not they would not have to improve all of Russell they if they have to make any improvements they would only have to improve the portions that are directly adjacent to their development and that depends on how they do it if they come in and do it as a site development plan or subdivision construction plan then yes what the applicant has proposed is to do lot combinations so that they can build on an individual lot so they would be treated more like a single family development even though it's not so little loophole in our code there okay do we have any other discussion I certain I certainly agree with in my discussion with staff that what has been proposed would actually be an improvement over what could actually be done there now and so uh you know they certainly would have to maintain the the drainage on their own site which uh that would be an engineering issue that you're going to have to address do I have uh any other comment could I entertain motion one way or the other I'll make a motion to approve we have a motion for the approval of item number 20 24-42 do I have a second second have a second from a motion from council member Urban a second from council member Fletcher Madame clerk you please call the rooll council member Gilbert nay council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor maeni no council member Urban I mayor Blackwell I motion carries three Z I mean 3-2 sorry could I entertain a motion for the adoption of item number two motion to approve we have a motion from council member Urban do I have a second second second council member Fletcher M follow the rule council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor maeni no council member Urban I council member Gilbert nay mayor Blackwell I motion carries 32 thank you items car Madam clerk that brings us to items three four could you please read those two items in the record final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24-39 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation MDR medium density residential to approximately plus minus 2328 Acres identified as Eden living PUD located south of of Haywood Ruffin Road East of South nusi Road West of puffen Road north of Lilian Lee Road providing for amending the official future land use map of the comprehensive plan following of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effect cability copies on files and effective date final public hearing for ordinance number 202 24-40 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a soning district of PUD plan unit development compatible with a medium density residential future land use designation change adopted by Ordnance number 2024 39 for approximately plusus 2328 Acres identified as Eden living PUD located south of Haywood ruffen Road East of South nusi Road West of puffin Road north of Lilian Lee Road providing for the entering the designation on the official Sony map providing for approval of the preliminary master plan following of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication subil and effective date thank you good evening again it's Melissa dunan community development director uh the request before you tonight is for a comprehensive plan Amendment and a PUD planned unit development that includes their preliminary master plan known as Eden living PUD the existing future land use is low density residential which allows up to four dwelling units per acre the applicant is requesting to uh change their land use to medium density residential which allows up to 10 dwelling units per acre the existing zoning is Agricultural and they are requesting apud the uh proposed development is compatible with the surrounding area and will have no adverse impacts on City facilities here are graphic representations of the future land use and zoning map depicting the low density residential land use and the agricultural Zoning for context the proposed PUD is approximately 23 acres and will uh build um 216 buil to rent dwelling units this averages to approximately 9.27 dwelling units per acre the proposed development will provide a unique housing choice for St Cloud it's growing population and will include a mix of one two and three bedroom units in um both detached and attached multif family units um the development will be a professionally managed Community which includes maintenance of all the Open Spaces concierge trash service AC filter maintenance yard maintenance for for their fenced in yards and their amities will include a pole fitness center Tot Lot and Community Clubhouse including benches and wayfinding nature signs throughout the community let's talk a little bit about uh their development standards that will go above and beyond the minimum requirements of the Land Development code they are proposing to provide increased tree requirements up to 90 in per acre of trees instead of the currently required 60 in in Our Land Development code they are also proposing both active and passive Recreation along with their Community amenities they're providing a resort style pool outdoor kitchen Tot Lot dog park with dog wash outdoor yoga space a high-end fitness center with commercial grade fitness equipment and small private workspaces they are also offering enhanced landscape buffers with an increased number of plants and they're increasing their size of their trees to 16 to 18 ft at planting and this features educational and wayf finding signage and foundation planting so they'll have plantings at the perimeter of the actual units they are also proposing to have electric electric vehicle parking and they're offering public art which will include uniquely designed bicycle racks and um a pink flamingo they are also going to meet our residential architectural standards that are currently in our LDC for um single family residential developments here's an illustration of the proposed layout of the Pud all the roadways will be privately maintained and have um an access easement over all of the roadways and drive aisles for the use of the public to offer connectivity to the adjacent developments they'll have Stouts to the north and to the east honor before May 23rd 2024 staff recommended approval Planning Commission also recommended approval with conditions however since the Planning Commission meeting the applicant has has resubmitted their uh package and they've addressed all of planning commission's um recommendations for conditions so that um there are no conditions of approval to go over at this time oops it is requested that city council approve ordinance number 2024 39 and ordinance 20244 at this time staff and the applicant are available for questions would the applicant like to speak to this item or these two items good evening mayor Steve notto rvi planning and Landscape architecture 111 North Magnolia Avenue site 1350 Orlando Florida 32803 uh representing the developer and the applicant uh this evening thank you all for uh having us um I do have a quick uh presentation that I'll go through um as well uh this evening I do want to take a moment to introduce the project team that is here this evening they're all behind me we have Rob Bas who's our landscape director at the Orlando office of RBI we also have Patrick Murray uh project planning manager from Atwell engineering kwin Lou from TMC Transportation Engineers I'm in I City and from Nelson Mullins Joe ther who is the project attorney um very many thanks to staff for getting us here this evening it is a unique project uh as they have mentioned and as I'll get into um throughout the presentation it's taken a lot of collaboration because of the uniqueness so we're very excited to be here this evening to talk about the project as mentioned it's just over 23 Acres on nor crusi Road current zoning is a agricultureal future land uses low density residential and we're requesting to go to PUD with a Lous me of ldr to MDR the build to rent is a rather unique housing type um I have many talking points that I'll go through this evening to kind of emphasize the uniqueness why it's needed generally in the market the benefits that'll bring to St Cloud and some of the benefits that'll be brought to the specific project here in stcloud we are proposing 212 uh build to rent units there'll be a mixture of one two and three bedroom the BTR is essentially a new form of housing that has the Comforts of single family DET chats living with all the headaches with no headaches at all really I would say of all the that comes along with owning a single family detached home you can have your own fenced in backyard have outdoor entertainment space and enjoy Resort like amenities such as the pool and some of the other features that I'll go through this evening the build to rent is a new type of form being constructed all over the nation it's a form of missing middle housing uh as we all know the cost of housing to own is getting very high and so there are different forms of product entering the market and buil to rent is one of those to help solve that challenge it helps to increase the amount of diverse housing stock within a community and will provide the city unique rental product that is similar in nature to a traditional single family community the individual units and this is a unique item here for rental for detached structures the units will be owned by the master developer Eden living the community will not be platted the buildings will not be sold off they will not be condos they will continue to be owned by the master developer and so you will always be a renter in need to living you will not have the option to own in addition to that you do not Sherry walls aside from some duplex duplex buildings your walls are your walls you have no wall neighbors above below next to you uh which if you've rented before can be a nice positive I've had renters above me before and they set off the fire sprinklers and ruined my walls so that's a nice positive in this community Eden living has a positive track record they have multiple projects currently under construction in Florida Eden Heritage lakes in West Melbourne which is 30 minutes to the east of here Eden at Kendall lakes in Jacksonville Eden Magnolia Village in Wildwood and Eden tradition in Port St Lucy the image that you see on the overhead and I'll have a number of images to share with you this evening is from their project in West Melbourne the amenity building as mentioned by staff we are requesting uh two parts to this project first is a small scale future land use map amendment to allow up to 10 units per acre 10 dwelling units per acre rather which could get us up to 232 units but we're staying at 22 it is a type of residential INF infill project that is consistent with policies that are outlined in the MDR residential future land use station City's comp plan uh we do concur with the city's City staff's findings on the request as I mentioned will increase the unique uh housing types and increase the housing variety within the city and it encourages mixed uh medium density residential disperse throughout the city I'll mention a comment on as I get into the project itself um one of the items that we're doing to go above and beyond I'll clarify one of the staff findings we also requesting a reone from agricultural to PUD plan unit development as I mentioned requesting a maximum of 212 dwelling units with a mixture of one two and three bedrooms and we are also concurring with staff's findings in the staff report the recommendation and again uh increase in housing variety and type and it supports the Envision St Cloud Citywide master plan so I'd like to walk you through the project uh the preliminary master plan as is shown on the overhead you have this in your packet as well we have two points of access off of South nusi both are across the street from Turtle Creek and the preserved Turtle Creek you can see those access points shown on the overhead all of the infrastructure I'd like to emphasize is going to be built at one time so you'll notice that the southern access point is in this hatched area that is a separate parcel that is not part of our project that'll be developed separately so we have a significant setback of the structures that will be constructed from South nusi so that kind of increases the buffer invisibility from South nusi and it's a good time to mention as well these are all one and twostory units so unlike Garden apartments that are typically built between three and five stories tall these are only going to be one and TW story buildings as you come in off the north access point which is the main access point you kind of snake through the storm water ponds the pond on the South will be amenitized with a fountain the pond in on the interior of the project will also be amenitized with the fountain there'll also be benches um and and walking paths adjacent to both of those ponds in working with staff we put in Cross access areas vehicular and pedestrian to the neighboring Lakeside at Satia subdivision that is going to be under construction so that allows for all traffic from within our community and if the neighboring community so wishes they can Traverse through using the public access easements to get to nusi and avoid other side roads I'll provide more detail about the preliminary master plan as we go through and show you some of the amenities that we are offering on the project the unit sizes of the 1 two and 3 bedroom range from just under 800 square ft to roughly 1,600 ft 456 parking spaces are being provided throughout the community that includes parking garage structures and as staff mentioned EV electric vehicle parking spaces this is an aerial view of the proposed project this is looking West the main road there of course is nusi you can get an idea of the visibility and the view of the main access road as you're looking West and then this is a supplemental image similar looking I'm sorry that was looking East this is looking West um to nusi and you can see the amenity Center and the buildings throughout the community and the parking lot what is hard to see on this aerial though is the backyards as I mentioned each individual structure will have its own fenced in backyard which when it comes to rental product unless you're renting from a personal landlord or a corporate landlord that happens to own multiple single family structures you are not going to have a fenced in backyard you may just have General open space throughout your community so I want to take a few moments to talk about how the project does go above and beyond and we uh put together these slides in coordination with staff and wanting to tell a unique story that comes along with this project and these are all images from the West Melbourne project and something I'll I'll want to point out is the architecture The Building architecture of the St Cloud project far exceeds the Building architecture that is was done in the Melbourne project and so the images you'll see please keep that in mind that what will be built here in St Cloud will be uh quite impressive and the renderings of those buildings are in your staff report and in this presentation as well so what you're looking at here is the amenity building and upon entering you'll notice and it's a little hard to see in this in these pictures very large ceiling Heights within the amenity building roughly 20 if not more feet in ceiling height all high-end amenities all high-end finishes throughout not only the entryway but also the communal spaces as you enter through the amenity Center so this is open to all residents of the community there's a common living space and a common coffee bar area which is well stocked and it has a communal kitchen as well and as you can see the finishes that are throughout that amenity Center all modern touches uh that of course change very quickly over time uh so they are a able to adapt well as you go through the amenity Center you have um pool tables botch tables you also have private Zoom rooms so in the event uh you need to get out of your home and take a call and you need to stretch a little bit the spaces that have the doors you can close those for some private time and have your Zoom meeting your teams meeting or whatever may be and then you also have a little reading no just to the side now this when I took the tour of the site this is where I stopped and I I kind of wanted to stop taking the tour because I thought I had just found what I was looking for this is the fitness center within the facility these are all very high-end equipment that you would see at a very expensive monthly membership commercial gym all Nautilus equipment ranging from Crossfit equipment cardio equipment you have a Smith machine dumbbells free weights anything you could uh want out of a personal fitness equipment area you have here at the Eden Li prod uh project on the outside you have the resort level pool area which includes an outdoor lawn for yoga space cornhole as you see there a little tough to see in the picture and the bottom left is also an outdoor kitchen when talking about the building renderings as I mentioned the Eden St Cloud project will far exceed the architecture that is in in the West Melbourne project and we work closely with staff and the developers architect to come up with these renderings these run with the PD so this is what you can expect to see on the ground if you will there are two different elevation types for each type of structure so as I mentioned you have one bed two bed and three bed so the one bed has multiple color finishes and each structure will of course have its own Foundation Landscaping plan as seen in the landscape code this is the duplex structure with two different elevation types as you can see and this is the three bedroom which is a two-story unit and I'll mention that the three-bedroom unit also has three bathrooms I want to talk about the enhanced Community Landscaping um the code minimum for a medium buffer type and we're so we're doing a hybrid of the medium buffer is it requires uh three large trees for every 100 linear feet one medium or small tree for every 100 linear feet and then 15 shrubs for every 100 linear we're just about doubling that we're providing five large trees for every 100 three medium or small for every hundred and then 34 shrubs for every 100 linear feet so this is the uh crosssection of what is known as buffer CD andf this is essentially the north east and south and kind of around closer to the entrance of the community um this was something that was was put together in collaboration with staff uh as we work through the type of buffering that would be appropriate to provide in this community and as previously mentioned as well there' be wayfinding signage environmental signage plac within the landscape buffers to add a little more than just having trees in your backyard one thing I'll point out um one of the first things that was mentioned as far as enhancements that we're providing is the number of trees throughout the community it was at 90 in per acre it's actually closer to 62 Ines per acre we're over over 1,400 in uh total of trees within the community if we were to do the 90 that would be another 200 trees we have our land there's a reason why Rob is here this evening event in the event we need to kind of get into the Weeds about the differences between providing 1400 um inches throughout the entire project as opposed to say 2,000 which would be required in this case um it just becomes a spacing issue for all those types of trees now having said that the landscape plan that is part of the pl is designed at the 62 so it is the one that that staff reviewed as part of the project so we would ask is if if uh recommended for approval which we help you do that you take that portion into account please this is the um landscape buffer section when you're looking at the project from South nusi it does include a wall in this section separating it between the future project that'll be built that'll front South nusi and then this is a crosssection as you're coming in off of the northern entrance from nusi so you can see It'll be well landscaped with large trees there will be benches along that area as well and then you can get a view of the fountain in the southern Pond all of the buildings within the community will also have their own Foundation Landscaping each floor plan has its own landscape plan and so that ensures that along the sidewalks and in the interior Courtyards they have Foundation landscaping and different landscape treatments directly adjacent to all the buildings here are some images of the insides of the units and so this is where things continue the uniqueness uh continues for the project all high-end finishes as it relates to the floor you have granite counter TOS tops energy efficient stainless steel appliances you have power outlets built into the walls which sounds normal but they're raised up so in the you want to hang your television and you're not great at wiring or if you don't want to have to call the uh 24/7 Property Maintenance folks to come out and do it for you it is all pre-wired for that so that is a nice amenity touch that is provided in each unit and that actually exists in the bedrooms as well this is an image of the uh living room you can see and off to the left you can see the bathroom there's also each unit has its own inome laundry as well and some of the units have side by side some have stackable and then here you can get an idea of the backyard area and one thing that we're also going to be working on is to work on the viewshed so there's certain areas within the community where as you're coming in off the street you're going to be looking at a different fence finishes and so we didn't want to in talking with staff we didn't want to create a situation where we have say a 6ot PVC fence blocking what could be an open view shed so in those certain areas we'll have the split rail type of fencing I'll walk you through some of the uh Interior Community features and as you can see on the map so it starts with on the South Side the dog wash and dog park we have the amenitized ponds both internal and external adjacent to South nusi Community connections to Lakeside at CA both vehicular and pedestrian you have electric vehicle parking spaces and then there is also Tot Lot and yoga space directly adjacent to the amenity building now all prospective tenants are required to have background checks and income checks for qualif and qualifications there are no short-term leases allowed only longterm it is not affordable housing it is market rate individual units will not be sold as I mentioned and the property will continue to be owned by Eden living the property will be professionally managed by a third party with daily on-site management and maintenance team and common everyday items such as valet trash an AC filter replacement fire alarm battery Replacements Etc are handled by the on-site management team and the one other community manity is the pink flamingo this is something that is provided in every Eden living project and it will be provided here at the project in St Cloud earlier this year in March we did hold a neighborhood information meeting 700 2 notices were sent out to the public we held the meeting at Grace Community Church four people attended in person and there were six Zoom attendees we had no major comments or objections provided to us about the project so to summarize briefly even living St Cloud provide a unique and context sensitive housing solution in the city of St Cloud meets and exceeds the requirements of the Land Development code in the comp plan the project will provide for connections to neighboring communities there will be high quality architecture Provisions to ensure the most unique e architecture product to date and Eden living St Cloud will offer residents the comfort of traditional single family homes without all of the hassles of home ownership uh we have other members of our team happy to take any questions you may have and I of course am available for any questions you have as well thank you sure will remain available yes sir at this time we'll receive public comment Betty Dy you're done I'm sorry you're here [Laughter] through well Stephen just covered everything I was going to say so I'm not going to be redundant I had my speech prepared if you your address please Betty damy 4776 hidden Heights Trail St Cloud thank you I strongly urge you to approve this community I know you've heard me in the past yelling for you large lots and all of this but there's a time and a place for everything and there's this is a perfect place for this type of community I have been to their with other residents we were given a tour of their Melbourne facility and believe me seeing it in person is a lot different than looking at lines on a piece of paper Veronica will attest to that so often the word rental reflects a negative concept and we need to rethink that there are many professional people in our community who prefer not to own my grandson being one of them he could go buy a new home right now he says I don't want the upkeep I want to spend my money in other ways there are others that are saving to buy a home and then would get down to the people like myself I have a 2500 square foot on an acre of land Sean you've been in there I'm having to look and consider downsizing I can no longer maintain it by myself uh this is the perfect Community for me to go to where I can have my own individual home I will not go into an apartment complex I can have my privacy my own home and my own yard but not the problems that I have now where I am it's a high skll community and the important thing to me is it is managed by the development company they take of course they're going to take pride in their ownership and they're going to control what goes on there you can have the most Exquisite neighborhood with beautiful homes and then be rented out and there's no oversight of who or how many are in that home or what goes on in that home this you do as he said they even come in and change the air filters so they can sort of observe if there more than should be again I've been to the one in Melbourne and from what I've heard from all the representatives this one is even going to be greater than that and one thing I learned today is the faades will have although they have models the facades on the front are different almost for each individual cottage from the wood to the stone to things like that so we're not getting another cookie cutter where every fourth house looks the same I again please recommend that you approve this it will be a welcome partner to the city of St Cloud thank you Mr D Chrissy I do it every time you uh help me again on that last name I sure can um Christy malwitz 1820 Puffin Road St Cloud Florida maluca witz right you got it did I get it you got it extra 10 seconds we only have two we only have two more meetings if you could come back the Eden Living Community will be located directly across the street from my home on 5 Acres the representative from Eden took the time to meet with me and Betty for a tour of their Melbourne Community not only do their communities provide upscale cottages and amenities but they also explain their management criteria which ensures quality residents Eden living is a very wellth thought out concept that will attract renters who are looking for a freestanding residence as an owner managed Community the property will be wellmaintained which will in turn positively complement the surrounding Community I am in agreement with Betty Dam damy's assessment and recommendation to move forward with the development of Eden living I would like to end with complimenting Eden development on how they work with the community to resolve any issues or concerns if more developers worked with existing residents as Eden has we would not have some of the problems that now exist throughout Oola County thank you thank you Miss MTZ I think that's right I think I think I got it right years later practice makes perfect would anyone else in the audience like to speak to these items I believe staff I believe had staff one had one um Point she wanted to make go right ah hi Melissa dunan community development director um I just wanted to um point out that the Pud ordinance right now says 90 Ines of trees per acre so if council is um okay with the 62 in per acre then uh we just need to clarify that for the record so we can uh make that Amendment to the ordinance all right cust MTI thanks I have scribbled some notes here first I want to um probably like most of us I met with the development team um to discuss this project um I had a couple questions but I mean it all looks great on paper and we've had a lot of really good adjectives like you know highend and let me see exceeds architectural standards expansive you know so so not saying I have been burned before but I've been burned before up here you know we're where we'll get shown certain things in the presentation and then at the very end of this presentation he said this is market rate and so we've had that happen to us before where people come and show us beautiful I was like wow that's amazing I want to live there that apartment is wonderful and then they'll say well let's market rate which is meaning they could change it depending on the market so I guess to help aay my fears I don't know if we can like make their presentation part of our approval so that it's in general conformance with that um I don't know if you have a problem with that but that's just happened to us before where they come I'm sure the city manager remembers the specific incident but once he said Market raid I was like eek so that that has me a little concern um I want to compliment you know that the interconnectivity to the other areas and definitely the mayor and I will remember previous applications on this property and this is a huge Improvement definitely um so you know those are all positives but yeah I just wanted to I I have that worry when you say market rate um also and I don't think it was covered in that presentation was the number of parking spaces because I don't believe they're doing the 4.5 parking spaces that we want when I had my conversation um and so one of the things I was using to help myself be more comfortable with that was if the fact that they own the roads because our problem that we have in the city is you know we can't really seem to enforce it we can't really seem to enforc parking it's like a whole thing but I was like well if they own the roads they own the community they own the rental agreements then they have more ability to enforce parking I mean maybe they can tell us what the parking that they have on that is and then I wanted to just belt and suspenders a question um it came up where they were going to maintain the roads but they're maintaining every single thing inside of this property correct every single thing the ponds the Landscaping the roads the sidewalks everything you know so you're confirming that okay so that's that's what I just wanted to to just double check so um I guess my pending question for someone to answer or hear how the other Council feels is just about how to you know we've had a lot of promises in this this presentation I just want to make sure that you know I don't go in there after it's built and I'm like w w not what they promised I'd like to ask Dan is there any any way that you can address the concerns that she has said in as far as our so are you looking for their actual presentation to be incorporated well I know that they well when I had my call with them they said they were going to put into the approval the renderings right so that's like kind of part of it but then it's just like oh here's this amazing Clubhouse and it's high ceilings and I just I just want to make sure you know that when we at the end of the day when we go back there we're all like pleasantly surprised and not sad the word is not pleasant sadly Joe ther um 17 South Orlando Avenue cumi um we are happy to make the presentation part of the record and their the renderings are actually part of the PD approval so all of that is included and happy to have that be on the record and and I'm totally fine with saying it's like insubstantial conformance like it doesn't have to be you know but just so like the the context of it is is in the approval um can you tell me how many parking spaces you have 452 42 456 and how many is four and a half two um well this goes by the multif family um code and it um exceeds or meets The multif Family Code of 2.25 right so it's low parking that was a comment I had when I had my my meeting with them I don't know why our multif family parking is so low cuz that makes no sense to me but since they control the entire property I'm like it's their problem they can deal with it and they haven't had any other problems with parking at other facilities that they own and manage um so they feel confident you know if parking doesn't work for them from a marketing standpoint nobody's going to live there so they um absolutely feel like that should be adequate and they will control um if it gets out of hand they will handle it yeah okay thank you Council Gilbert well wait a second Mr benzer I was just going to point out if it does if you do get to the point and you want to make a motion to incorporate we it would be included in the in the second item with regard to the Pud and the SE I'm sorry section two of that item all right I've written all over myself like a crazy person here see thank you number four yes okay Mr G thank you deputy mayor uh some of your comments that you made covered some of my questions but I would really like to uh thank you all for being well prepared and well representative I hope some other developers that come here would would do their due diligence and their hard working upfront so these things are taken care of but uh you would ask the questions that I did but I we certainly appreciate your preparedness and your representation and I hope other Developers would go that way so it it's clearer message to US versus the questions so thank you that's it I you back thank you Mr Fletcher I mean Council Fletcher next um I have two uh comments to make um one to to the development team obviously thank you for working with the community um I've been listening to Miss Betty Dy speak since I was 18 years old and I have no idea how you got her blessing I was thinking the same thing um but the reason why you got the blessing is cuz it's it it is a good project you've worked with with with our staff and you work with the community um I did want to um point out um to Deputy Mayor methi I was concerned about the parking as well um one of the items I'll just read it um um I saved here it says all parking shall be accommodated on the development site in approved parking areas at no time shall parking be allowed in prohibited areas including but not limited to parking on roadways or drive aisles blocking roadways driveways and other accessways acceptance spk parking spaces approved um as part of the final master plan construction plan or site development plan at no time parking shall restrict emergency vehicles from circulating um so when I read that I was kind of like all right that kind of every car has to be in a parking spot so they just can't park anywhere um I was actually going to bring it up in my time later on this evening to see if we could add that to like all of our PDS um because I think that that that would help uh with some of our other developments going forward but uh good job coun thank you the difference we have Sean is enforcement is the problem right and so even if we put it in the Pud it's like the enforce but because they own everything they can control their own destiny right but when it's in our rideway we never can get the enforcement they couldn't be cited for that actual PD ordinance yes they could they could they could but and the reality is because it's doesn't happen but the reality is from a code enforcement perspective because it's a unified ownership it be it's a we we would likely get a lot more compliance because we'd have one owner to go to and say hey you got a p PD violation out here you got to fix it right Melissa would you clarify again what they're saying about the tree situation and what is your what is staff's recommendation sure so in the current draft of the ordinance it it says that there will be 90 inches of trees per acre what they demonstrated on their plan is 62 so there was a little bit of an inconsistency but we were satisfied with what they demonstrated on their plan okay do we have any other discussion could I entertain a motion for the first item 202 24-39 motion to approve with the differing um with the 60 was it 62 and a half for the next it oh hurt the trees too yeah that'll be okay motion to approve okay second we have a motion from council member second from council member Urban is that correct I did hear you yes sir Madam cler please call the RO Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z could I have a motion in regard to item number 202 24-40 okay motion to approve motion counc but include the PowerPoint presentation for reference in substantial conformance with what they've presented here and then also with the differing trees that is in the subid 62 we have a motion from council member ath with the conditions as she has stated do I have a second second you have a second council member Fletcher Madam clerk please call the rooll council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi mayor Blackwell hi motion carries 5 Z God bless am mayor all thank you very much Madam clerk could you please read item number five into our record today final public hearing for ordinance number 2024 48 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud aola County Florida creating and enacting chapter 42 traffic and vehicles article 6 school zone speed enforcement section 42-1 12 through 42- 135 providing for finding purpose intent and definition establishing a school zone speed enforcement program and authorizing the use of speed detection system within the city providing for program implementation requirements and designation and administrative procedures providing for Co conflict codification publication and an effective date thank you Chief good evening mayor uh distinguished council members Doug gery chief of police uh the matter before you this evening is ordinance 2024488915 of the laws of Florida uh making it effective uh what it does is it authorizes municipalities to implement speed detection systems uh for the enforcement of speed limits in school zones door dur designated periods the introduction of these speed detection systems um has is multifaceted it's intended to heighten public awareness of school's own safety regulations mitigate speeding and ultimately enhance safety uh the ordinance calls for a speed study in designated school zones to determine if a heightened safety risk exists which is what I'm going to present to you today so the speed measure measurement dates uh were taken over 3 days it was during the midweek in January it was Tuesday January 30th 2024 Wednesday January 31st 2024 and Thursday February 1st 2024 the school speed zone samples were all seven of our schools which is St Cloud High School St Cloud Middle School Michigan Avenue Elementary Canoe Creek K through 8 St Cloud Elementary Lake View Elementary and Neptune Elementary Schools to give you just some more background on this uh the ordinance and once it goes into effect if you so choose to uh it does require signage to warn motorists that speed detection systems are in use so you will be seeing signage uh in the school zones with flashing lights um we also require a 30-day public awareness campaign prior to any enforcement action taking place um the breakdown is uh is here for your for your knowledge your $100 penalty for each violation $60 from each citation will go to local governments $12 from each Citation for County school districts $5 from each citation funds a school crossing guard program it's a recruitment and retention program um it's important to note that this also uh these fines prohibit points from being imposed on a violation uh it also prohibits such violations for being used for purposes of setting motor vehicle insurance rates so there's a lot of data here but what I do have is there's 12 cameras that were utilized in the seven school districts uh and each one of these are broken down so I'll go through each one of these cameras um to show you uh what we have here um some of them are pretty uh high you're going to see a 47% potential violation rate in some of the school districts uh but it does vary so we'll start with the first school camera uh which was at St Cloud High School St Cloud middle school and Michigan Avenue Elementary School and this was located Northbound at 2015 Michigan Avenue on the right side of the screen is what we're really looking at here on the 3 days over the 3 days of period we had 4,600 Vehicles over a 3-day period uh Beacon enforcement there was 134 violations um I want to point out what Beacon is versus non-beacon Beacon is when the lights are flashing and it actually makes the school speed zones come down lower uh non-beacon it would go back to the normal speed School uh speed zone uh and they're listed at the bottom of your page here so in the three-day total at St Cloud High School St Cloud Middle School Michigan Avenue Elementary School 4,614 Vehicles passed with 134 violations that is during the beacon enforcement when the beacons are flashing and then there was an additional 2007 Vehicles when just normal school hours are open and there was 158 violations and if you look at the bottom there is some trigger speeds there 134 violations at the 15 posted speed limit and you can see some of them are getting up there pretty high in the 36 to 40 mph range okay so moving to the next which would be St Cloud High School St Cloud Middle School Michigan Avenue Elementary School but this is at a different location now this is at 1601 Michigan Avenue facing southbound um for Beacon enforcement three 3,733 vehicles generating 255 violations non-beacon was 1871 vehicles with 36 violations during the normal time and again at the bottom you can see where the bulk of these are coming in 255 potential violations that are going over to trigger speed of 26 which is 10 m hour or over so it would generate at 11 mil an hour over the posted speed limit okay the next one is going to be 2588 Michigan Avenue St Cloud High School St Cloud Middle School Michigan Avenue Elementary School once again we're looking at during the beacon times 4,653 vehicles with a violation a rate of 424 Vehicles wow between the beacon enforcement when the lights are turned back off but the school is open we had 1,625 Vehicles pass through with 197 violations moving on to St Cloud High School St Cloud Middle School Michigan Avenue Elementary School and the location of this is southbound 1800 Michigan Avenue again 4,924 Vehicles passed through in the 3-day period during Beacon times flashing with 142 violations between the beacon enforcement 2,233 with 75 violations Canoe Creek K through 8 Northbound 3755 Canoe Creek Road at County Road 523 3555 Vehicles during the beacon times when the lights are flashing and there was 786 violations 786 violations and if you look down under there some of the speeds are in the 51 to 55 mph range uh in a posted 20 mph Zone which the trigger speed would come off at 31 between the beacon enforcement it was much lower it was 7,078 vehicles with only seven violations because of the higher speeds Cano Creek k38 this is going to be southbound 36 26 Canoe Creek Road at County Road 523 3,212 Vehicles during the beacon 98 violations between Beacon enforcement 7,345 vehicles with two violations onto St Cloud Elementary School Northbound buinger Avenue 1,616 Vehicles came through during the beacon enforcement over those 3 days with 262 violations between the beacon enforcement when the lights are not flashing 2 787 Vehicles passed with 130 violations um I want to bring to your attention on the bottom right hand side here between Beacon enforcement 61 to 65 miles hour again St Cloud Elementary School southbound buer Avenue 1,645 Vehicles 1,000 violations during the beacon times between beacons when the lights are not flashing 23 237 6 with 212 violations Lake View Elementary School 701 Columbia Avenue direction is Northbound 716 Vehicles were assessed during the 3-day period during the beacon times with 282 violations without the lights flashing it was 1,388 with 61 violations Lake View Elementry also this is in southbound 331 Columbia Avenue 525 Vehicles over the 3-day period during the beacon flashing with 172 violations without the lights flashing it was 839 during normal school hours with 41 violations Neptune Avenue uh Neptune Elementary 1200 block of Betsy Ross Lane 343 Vehicles passed through the beacon times with 141 violations during the non-beacon times and the school is open 38 84 Vehicles passed through with 204 violations again a second second camera that was set up at Neptune Elementary 1200 block of Betsy lores Lane 96 vehicles with five violations when the beacons were off and the lights were not flashing 24 with two violations in summary um three consecutive days of data from Seven school zones 12-speed camera were in use collectively uh assessing data on 59,500 violations on a flashing Beacon 1,125 violations the hours between flashing beacons um I pose to you that this relevant data shows and supports that the speeds in the school zone constitute a heightened safety threat for our students um staff recommends approval of ordinance 202 24-48 and it is requested that city council approve ordinance 202 24-48 and I'm here to answer any questions you may have thank you if you'll stand by for that would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion our motion by Council council member Gilbert well uh Chief you know since the day I sat in his seat this was my U major concern this is what I wanted this is what I thought the city needed and this is one accident one Injury One death is way too many uh price aside this will create revenue for crossing guards as will create but will do safety and incredible incredible job you Veronica thank you we pushed this we fought we did whatever we had to do and thank you very much thank you thank you Council M Fletcher um thank you Chief and to to all the officers um who work every day to make sure that our kids get to school safe um the the data that you showed is absolutely unbelievable and I think each and every one of us needs to to slow down um during school zones the data that you've presented um and then this solution is almost guaranteed to Save a Life um of of of one of our kids going to school I know the council takes school safety very important we just worked um um the city manager's office did to to to get flashing lights um out in front of Lake View um while also saving money and time um by our officers out there enforcing um something that we should already be doing collectively as a community so I just want to commend you and and your team the city manager's office um for pulling this together so thank [Music] you Mr monzer just for purposes of our record today one of the the statute requires that the city council make a specific finding as the chief put out in this presentation as to the heightened risk zones that we're talking about so when you adopt this as part of the ordinance it identifies the seeven the seven school zones that the chief mentioned in his presentation and as part of a heighten risk zones that enable you to adopt this code so I just want to put that on the record thank you sir council member Urban yeah some of those numbers were uh were staggering to see and that that study was very eye openening I think all of us up here can say that the safety of the students uh and the crossing guards here in St Cloud is is a top priority so very excited to move this forward and thank you chief for the presentation thank you sir [Laughter] ditto could you Enlighten us a little further when these violations take place during uh your school hour times how how does the fines work I mean so the what's going to happen is there will be signage uh that is flashing now what we're seeing here I'm I'm honestly hoping and praying that people will see these and it will say speed detection cameras in use and um I'd be content with not getting any money to be honest with you um because uh even one speeding vehicle is is dangerous in any school zone uh we do spend a lot of time I will tell you that mayor and I'm sure you're aware of that Council um we have our traffic units that stay in that school zone all the time to ensure that people are not speeding but I will tell you the minute we do leave unfortunately is if we were never there so this is definitely a game changer for us so what occurs is U once it recognizes 11 M hour over the speed limit um these units actually do their own um uh setup and they do their own testing to ensure the accuracy of the device it takes pictures video and then someone will actually be reviewing the video footage to ensure that the license plate is the correct license plate um it's mostly self-generated and once we say yes that is a violation it basically will send a notice to the driver or the owner registered owner of the vehicle saying that this vehicle was seen with video with photos in this school speed zone speeding at this level what are the consequences for someone who is guilty of multiple offenses they're going to continue to get these get fines yes the fines will continue I don't necessarily there's currently there's no enhanced fine from there's no enhanced fines no sir no but it stops at it's $100 per violation uh what happen when they don't pay Their fines so if I understand correctly I don't believe you can actually reregister your vehicles I think there's fines or leans on your on your registration so they'd have to settle that prior to having that occur good you know um I've heard a lot of complaints about you know Radars and cameras and usually the only people that complain are the ones who actually breaking the law and uh and getting fines you know I think one of the Great responsibil that I've certainly heard from all of our council members and that I certainly feel is that we are responsible to um do everything within our power to ensure the safety of our citizens and especially our young kids and students and U so I definitely think this something we just absolutely need to approve and hopefully it will slow people down down and I believe it will save lives eventually yes sir do we have any other discussion from Council any questions then could I entertain a motion for the adoption of ordinance number 202 24-48 motion to approve and what do we need to make anything else a part of that motion now just as I said earlier you are incorporating the finding it says one of the wees Clauses as part of the ordinance based on the data that the chief presented to you So based on all the data that the chief has presented you're making motion I'll make a second and then council member Fletcher has made a motion council member uran has made a second it was coun Gilbert Gilbert Gilbert was that Gilbert thought I heard him I'll speak louder sorry all right council member Gilbert has made a second Madam cler please call the role council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor maeni I council member Urban I mayor Blackwell I and motion carries 5 Z thank you thank you Chief Madam clerk could you please read item number six into record first reading and introduction of ordinance number 202 24-50 in ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida adopting the future land use element of the comprehensive plan providing for the filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effect cability conflict copies on files and effective date good after good evening council members Dak Mar Sagara Community Development deputy director and finally we're here this is our transmitter hearing for our future land news element uh that we are pleased to present to you this after this evening um we have our Consultants GI uh VHB this afternoon that will be doing the presentation on our behalf uh and I going to Le them to do the introductions staff will be available to answer any questions at the end of the or during the uh presentations but we are very exciting with what we're proposing for the future of the city thanks thank you D Marie um good evening Mr Mayor City Council Members my name is Neil sto I'm a certified planner and associate with VHB um we are a my my address is 501 East Kennedy Boulevard sweet 1010 Tampa Florida uh VHB is a 2,000 person privately held uh professional planning and engineering firm with 33 offices along the east coast uh over the last five months it's been our pleasure to work with staff uh your professional planning staff uh to update your future land use element and and map this evening we have a short presentation for you our agenda is in front of you um we're going to be talking a bit about the existing conditions and future needs uh the proposed future land use changes uh and then next steps leading to your uh action um we have met with you um individually uh in briefings and so this is along those same lines of the presentation that uh you have seen um as a um starting point uh in our conversation with staff uh we looked at a data analysis and inventory um that is really looking at the socioeconomic and population projections uh that um the city is experiencing and you know you're you're well aware uh that your geographic area uh continues to grow um more than 16,000 Acres since uh 2017 uh your population um has grown uh from 20 uh um from 2000 um uh and using your University of Florida our University of Florida's Bureau of Economic and uh business research uh population projections um it is anticipated to grow more um uh and the estimate is up to 100,000 nearly 100,000 by 2045 um most of your jurisdiction um is uh has an existing land use of low density residential uh and that additional population and and changes in demographic um much like uh the uh previous one of your previous uh action items tonight requires different types of housing um uh and we see in those projections uh more than 14,000 additional housing units being needed in order to meet that population demand uh by 2045 um recognizing actions that this board has taken um your strategic plan has specific goals you are emphasizing Economic Development uh you want to increase the employment opportunities and Workforce Development and destinations um we looked at your current plan your current future land use plan um and it is delivering only about 5.7 uh jobs per household which is on the low end end of what um a a balance plan would be and and there is a stated goal of reaching a one: one ratio of jobs to housing um as as a goal so the conclusion of the of this in the summary is that your F current future land use map doesn't meet your um uh projected housing and employment needs and interventions are needed as as we were going to talk about uh a bit the image and front of you is uh the proposed future land use map uh which is inclusive only of the lands within uh the city limit and not recognizing the jpa we understand that you have a a interlocal agreement and and uh certainly with the county uh and that continue annexation of lands will come in some of our strategies are detailed to specific locations um and I'm going to ask my colleague certified planner uh Jones to step you through some of those in a detailed map and and additional conversation thank you thank you Jared Jones 5 tenes Kennedy Tampa Florida sweet 1010 uh so to talk about these future land use map changes in in a few broad categories uh primarily the biggest change is the uh three large employment centers that we've proposed the first being the Western uh triang triangular land uh to the west of the Florida Turnpike the nor Corridor I'm sorry the employment around the norik corridor and also a a smaller employment District to the Northeast we've also proposed a a uh commercial Corridor down Florida Avenue and the Lakeshore Boulevard to activate those streets with small boutique businesses is the envisioned outcome and then we've also proposed a uh highdensity residential along uh both sides of 13th Street on the outskirts of downtown we've also updated the future land use map to reflect existing institutional uses and also existing conservation and open space lands as I'll discuss further so this is a breakdown of the current future land use and proposed future land use map acreages as you can see we've proposed a a reduction in lowdensity residential and medium density residential a moderate increase in high density and Commercial future land uses and then the largest increase in the employment future land use we also had uh moderate increases in public institutional Park open park in open space and conservation districts as I mentioned uh so this is is uh restating a lot of that uh there's a general reduction in the residential future land uses F uh throughout the city that's offset uh with an increase in allowable densities and mixed use policies uh which I will speak to on later sites the commercial and employment districts were expanded to achieve that jobs housing balance of one: one and also to activate specific areas along um identified corridors uh as I mentioned the public and institutional and conservations reflect the housing uh reflect the existing use and the these changes along with the proposed mixed use policies uh that I will discuss uh ultimately serves to meet both the jobs and housing goals of the city while maintaining that one: one balance or exceeding that one: one balance the commercial land uses are uh the need is for an additional 508 Acres projected by 2045 uh the proposed future land use map meets 40% of that with the additional commercial future land uses the remainder of that uh the remaining 60% of that need is proposed to be met through an increased intensity allowed in commercial uses and a combination of mixed use policies the industrial land and uh professional or office land use are also in expected to increase uh by approximately 600 acres uh as mentioned earlier we're proposing an additional 1,000 acres to not only to uh ensure a on toone jobs housing balance but also to accommodate existing that to maintain that balance as uh jpa lands are annexed into the city institutional land use needs are expected to be fulfilled by the uh exis in undeveloped capacity um and of course future annexations of developed areas will be required to perform the perform the proper assessment to ensure those levels of service are met along with the other levels of service requirements adopted in the Land Development code uh additionally as we've heard uh the we've adopted we've proposed a policy to allow fire stations and similar public uses to not require a future land use map Amendment to the institutional designation uh enable to promote flexibility with providing those services so getting to the proposed densities and in densities and intensities uh we have not proposed any additional uh density increases for the low density low density residential district for the city we have proposed a 18 18 dwelling unit per acre maximum for medium Den City Residential and that's to increase the ability for that future land use District to accommodate a wider type of missing middle housing typologies we've also in uh proposed an increase uh to the high density residential district to allow for more more uh more dense apartment building and multif family uses as well as similar increases to the commercial District uh both with and both within the CBD and without uh from outside of the CBD uh the importantly the maximum uh residential density within the central business district uh would only be allowed to met when that is also providing uh sufficient commercial uses as well we have also proposed allowing for residential development up to 18 dwelling units per acre as a conditional use in the institutional future land use District and that's to promote more Workforce housing alongside Civic uses uh things like libraries and churches to allow for a more flexible uh provision of Housing and then also adopting the low density residential jpa and the medium density and intensity jpa future land uses to reflect the counties uh densities and intensities for those as I mentioned the non-residential uh flow floor area ratios or FS are proposed to increase to allow for more commercial uses with within the city and also the uh mix of uses within the highdensity residential and Commercial future land uses are to be provided when those minimum requirements of the primary uses are are met I I already mentioned the conditional residential within the institutional future land use the unified development district is a new future land use District uh meant to uh mirror the County's jpa mixed use district and it's to provide for a standard process to plan for New communities in a in a uh standard way that's adopted within the L development code that has standardized walkable block sizes uh a mix of uses so not seeing as much residential only development and then minimum densities as well so we've proposed a variety of mixed use provisions to uh achieve the goal of providing a more flexible planning framework uh so for low low and medium density residential districts allowing for accessory commercial units or acus which would be uh small up to 800t commercial uses and that's to allow for homeowners and uh small scale Property Owners to open open a small business uh to not have to pay the high rents in the limited amount of commercial land and to uh lower barriers to business entry and local entrepreneurship the commercial future land use previously uh or currently I should say uh only allows for residential development within the central business district so we're proposing to also allow that outside in all commercial flu when a minimum amount of commercial is to is provided to ensure that District maintains its primary role of uh commercial uses and similarly for highdensity residential to allow for some Comm commercial uses so apartment um complexes or uh subdivisions can apply for can include small cafes and small convenience shops and corner stores without uh a future land use Amendment and then the institutional future land use as previously mentioned enabling campus housing Workforce housing and mixed use communities based around Civic institutions we've maintained flexibility in the annexations we've adopted a matrix to guide future annexations with a a minimum future land use uh matching the jpa future land uses to land uses within the city and we've also have uh adopted or proposed policies allowing uh encouraging and uh promoting additional planning engagement and discussions with Oola County on changes to their future land use map for lens currently within the jpa and for next steps I'm going to uh pass it to dagm marray thank you thank you Jared so what now so right now uh we did uh in July we present this to the Planning Commission in a workshop they receive uh this um amendments in a very positive manner they they provided us some feedback which we uh incorporated in the plan that it is in front of you uh as you previously mentioned we did some briefings with Council we incorporated the the um changes that were um uh presented to us into this plan as well and and today we're here for the transmitter this is the hearing for the transmitter to the Deo the Department of Commerce uh on Tuesday August 13th we are going to be held our informational public meeting which we're going to be presenting to the citizens to SoundCloud of SoundCloud this plan uh information can be found in our website in social media and if if anyone has any questions in regards to the public meeting they can contact our community development office then after that we're going to be presenting this plan to the edac we incorporated a lot of their uh feedback into this plan as well so we we are expecting a very positive feedback from EAC as well and in September our Planning Commission public hearing and adoption in October with city council After we receive a feedback from the state in this transmitter um and we are recommending approval of the transmitt of this ordinance 2450 to the Deo uh we'll be happy to answer any questions I know that there's a lot of information but we are very exciting about what we're proposing thank you Mr Ben this is the first reading I assume that we get public comment on would anyone of the audience like to speak to item number six if not we'll have discussion and a motion by Council Council mthi thank you I was hoping one of y'all would hit your light so I'm not I'm not one of those people that believes we have to uh meet the population demand um in our city just because we have vacant land I don't feel like they're predicting all these people are coming I don't feel like it's the city of St Cloud's responsibility to house all these folks you know I mean to the detriment of our infrastructure utilities roadways schools etc etc etc um so I'm not a fan of the plan you know uh one of the things with planning and maybe it's just me and I'm not a planner right so it's like I feel like the terms are very misleading to me you know so if you say oh we're raising the commercial and we're raising the industri industrial I'm like heck yeah let's do it but then when you see the details there's like housing and all of it you know and so to me that's not I don't know I just feel like I don't know I don't like the plan um and then I guess I wanted a little more clarification about what employment land juice actually means because in my time up here I've found that we'll I'll ask for something and then it with planning and and it's probably a fault of mine like I don't understand the definition of it like to me I'm like commercial great you know and then I find out oh that's Apartments that's considered commercial you know or there'll be some kind of like thing with like the way that the language works with planning and and it's like things slide in that you just for me like not expecting like there's unintended consequences that always kind of happen so I don't know I don't feel like it's our responsibility to provide all the housing I think we need to do what's best for us and then if there's not enough housing well maybe they need to go to you know some other place that has housing available so that's it we have any other discussion to me I find it U this is a lot um I know this is a first reading um but I'm just wondering do we have enough time that you aot will be able to fully get our head around what's being asked of us here because I think it's certainly going to demand some more some more work that's for sure so yeah this is the transmitter to the Deo so the Deo after they received the package they have 61 days to give us comments and feedback within that time frame we have the capability of making any additional changes prior to the adoption um so with that being said is that if there's any changes that you would like to see on the plan and on the policies that we have created we have on until prior right before the meeting in October for the adoption hearing um so yeah there is some more time to keep considering what is being presented and opportunity to create additional um opportunities as the council pleases all right do we have any other discussion by council do I have a motion I'll make a motion to move this forward we have a motion from council member Urban to move it for the first reading forward do I have a second second have a second council member Gilbert M CL please call the RO council member Fletcher I'm sorry so J I'm sorry I reached out to the City attorney he went the wrong way I I I I know I I feel like we need more D Direction um there was there was conversation about more work but we weren't given any direction to to make specific changes miss miss my made comments but I didn't see any heads nodding um so if you tell us to transmit and we don't get any changes you're going to get the same thing back mhm but but it can yes no no we do have the opportunity to make changes after we transmit yes we can make changes I understand that but if the city council hasn't told us any changes that they want to make then we're not going to make any changes I I apologize I understand what you mean now correct but we still have the opportunity to make changes and we want to make them right but I think what once you transmit it to the state the next time you'll see it is after it comes back in its final format so I think that's not what she's saying though so we we have the opportunity to make minor changes you know but if you're going to make significant changes then then we may have some issues um with the at the final adoption because typically um the state's expecting minor changes if if if we make substantial changes then they they may ask us to reopt right that is correct so um and what we're proposing is to hold one-on ones with each each council member again so that you can give us your feedback individually I no we need direction in oh yes of course in addition to the to the direction well it's a Noe for me I don't want to transmit it I mean personally I think there's a lot of questions like I don't want to transmit it if if but if I'm the only one I mean I'll get out voted right but um I wouldn't want to send it without being in the final form Council Urban I think Fletcher out is light go ahead that's fine but I want you to address your concern first um I mean so I've respectfully have a a little bit different philosophy I feel like if the population is coming I want to be in the driver seat of it and I want St Cloud to be in control of that and um I the the big thing that that stood out to me in the presentation was the jobs to housing ratio housing ratio we have to get that up we need more jobs here in St Cloud and and hopefully this will will help facilitate that uh in the future as we grow so that that's uh sort of my thought on it thank you counc Fletcher um that answers my question so you can move on good never mind right but if we didn't take in so many homes doesn't our jobs ratio and we focused on creating jobs doesn't that make our ratio even better like if we're not saying we're going to build another 14,000 homes and then we got to do all these jobs to M make the ratio but if you don't build those 14,000 homes and then you focus on building the jobs then your ratio is better right or is my math wrong so just my two cents do we have any other discussion so you do have a motion second member Urban do we have a second second Madame clerk please call the role council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor Marini hi oh no sorry no council member Urban I council member Gilbert I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 41 Madam clerk please read item number 7 into the record public hearing for resolution number a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida amending resolution number 2023-the 2023 2024 budget for the city of St Cloud finding the city manager has certified there are prior year fund balances and or current revenues available in the budget for additional projects and programs and various funds not included in the original budget requiring the budget to be increased to include set additional funding ings in the various funds and making supplemental Appropriations within the funds Jeff Cooper Finance director um this is budget amendment number four of fiscal year 2023 2024 the city manager has certified funds are available to appropriate for these projects a summary of the budget amendment items uh shaded structures at Lakefront Park 170,000 this is funded with your city council contingency um architectural design and Engineering costs for project PS 2401 Public Safety complex phase one of an additional $3 million this is police impact fees prior your fund balance and an additional uh pumper fire engine funding 250,000 uh that does come from fire impact fees residential we've collected more than we originally estimated for this fiscal year due to the level of growth uh replace the transfer station floor 310,000 that is funded by the sanitation fund prior year fund balance an additional funding for motor pool motor pool vehicle maintenance 800,000 and this is comes from motor pool labor charges parts and outside repairs staff recommendation is approval of resolution 20124 d116 R and we're requesting your approval of the same resolution thank you if you'll stand by for any questions would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion and our motion by Council motion to approve second we have a motion from council member Fletcher second from Council for approval Madame Clark Deputy Mayor maeni I council member Urban I council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z thank you thank you co brings us the council action items the next the first six items items 1 through six on the agenda are ordinances for first reading and introduction for the sole purpose of the council to authorize the publication of the ordinance for a final hearing we will not take final action on the items tonight we will not receive full presentations and public input on the ordinances will occur at the final hearing at which the council will consider final action and this pertains only to the first six items Madam clar you please read item number one first reading and introduction for ordinance number 2024-the Land Development code of the city of St Cloud Florida specifically changing the soning designation of approximately 10.31 Acres identified as Clark property from a agricultural zoning Des designation to r- 1B single family dwelling zoning designation with a low density residential future land use designation generally south of feric Road East of Michigan Avenue providing for entering the designation on the official Sony map filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication subil and effective date could I entertain a motion for the adoption of the first reading of ordinance number 202 24- 49 motion to approve we have a motion from council member Fletcher could I have a second second second council member Urban Madam clerk please call the RO council member Urban I council member Gilbert counciler hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 4 Z Madam clerk could you please iite item number two first reading and introduction for ordinance number 2024 d51 in ordinance of the city council of the city of St CLA Florida amending chapter 3 Performance and setting standards citing standards by amending article 14 titled use regulations sections 314.23 of the Land Development code to update citing standards for many Warehouse and storage facilities providing for cability scrib nurse error conflict codification and an effective date good entertain for motion for the adoption of this ordinance motion to approve motion from council member Fletcher do I have second second a second council member irvan Madam clerk council member Gilbert I council member Fletcher I Deputy Mayor maeni I council member Urban I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z Item number three please first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24- 52 in ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida to Annex into the city of St Cloud approximately plusus 88 acres identified as L property located at 3150 Lal Avenue in accordance with the voluntary annexation provision of chapter 171.000 44 Florida Statutes could I entertain a motion for the adoption of this ordinance motion to approve I motion council member Fletcher do I have a second I'll make a second mayor made a second could you please call the RO council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor mthi hi council member Urban I council member Gilbert hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5- Z please read I number four first reading and introduction for ordinance number 202 24-5 3 an ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida assigning a future land use designation Park an open space approximately plusus 88 acres identified as Lal Avenue property located at 3150 lassal Avenue providing for amending the official future land use map of the comprehensive plan following of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication applicability and effects subab ility copies on files and effective date can I entertain a motion for the adoption of ordinance 202 24- 53 motion to approve motion from council member Fletcher do I have a second second second from council member Gilbert Madam clerk Deputy mayth hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z Item number five first reading and introduction of ordinance number 202454 in ordinance of the city council of the city of stcloud Florida providing for the soning amendment of the soning map of the Land Development code of the city of stcloud Florida specifically changing the Sony designation of approximately plusus 88 acres ident identified as Lal Avenue property from in institutional County zoning designation to O open space and Recreation City Zoning designation with a park and open space future land use designation located at 3150 laau Avenue providing for entering the designation on the official Sony map filing of the Planning Commission recommendation and proof of publication subil and effective date could I entertain a motion for the adoption of this ordinance motion to approve we have a motion from council member Fletcher do I have a second the mayor makes the second can we please have a roll council member Urban I council member Gilbert hi council member flatcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi mayor blackwall hi motion carries 5 Z and could you please read item number six first reading and introduction for ordinance number 22 24-55 and ordinance of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida amending chapter two development process procedures and permits article 8 Landscaping tree removal and irrigation plans and permits providing for landscaping permit types and procedures amending chapter 3 Performance and sighting standards and amending chapter 4 site design and development standards article 8 landscaping and tree protection and article 9 open space and amenities requirements providing for the minimum tree protection landscape and open space standards and also includes effect cyber ability scribers error conflict codification and effective date could I entertain a motion for the adoption of this ordinance wish to approve council member Fletcher has made a motion do I have a second second second council member Urban Madame clerk council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z brings us to item number seven you please read that into the record resolution number 20241 35r a resolution of the city council of the city of stcloud Florida authorizing the purchase of one pierce pu pumper truck with options available through NPP gov contract number ps224 which subject matter is fire apparatus and the award thereof of Pierce manufacturing ink and authorizing distributor 108 Fire Equipment Inc and providing an effective date Chief good evening Jason Miller fire chief this is for the purchase of one pierce enforcer firet Tru um currently budgeted at 1.25 million actual cost 1.22 028 fundings provided from Impact fees thanks for the budg budget amendment uh staff recommends approval of 2024 135 R would anyone the audience like to comment on this item if not we'll have discussion and a motion by Council council member Gilbert uh yes Chief thank you uh as we grow and we're adding stations we're adding people we where would this uh specific uh uh piece of equipment be stationed in is it for future station or for existing correct it's for future fire station 36 the exact location for 36 has not been determined it's kind of leaning towards one of two areas of town but it's going to be based upon the call volume in those areas as we get a little closer to it both areas of we have property already set aside by a developers agreement so we can pull the trigger at any time it's just a matter of seeing how the call volume in the development continues in the next year and a half or so in those areas to determine the best location and through my investigation uh these uh items and Equipment items are sometimes three or four years out so um the demand is a lot higher than Supply and and from what I understand there's not very many manufacturers of this kind of equipment am I correct correct um currently Supply for our model we're looking at about 36 months thank you sir do we have any other discussion Mr Gilbert would you like to make a motion I do motion to approve mayor do I have a second mayor makes a second too slow man Mr Gilbert made a motion the mayor made the second Madame cler please call the rooll council member Fletcher hi Deputy mthi hi council member uran hi council member Gilbert I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z thank you thank you sir m c please read item number eight resolution number 20241 37r a resolution of the city council of the city of St Cloud Florida as required by Florida statute section 316.189 6 subse section 14 subsection B and city ordinance 202 24-48 designating the city clerk's office to ser serve as the C as the clerk to local hearing officer for appeals of notices of violations issued pursuant to the school sewn speed enforcement program and providing an effective date Mr rer yes the next the last two items on your Council action agenda are related to the ordinance that you adopted earlier creating the uh uh the school zone speed detection system so the statute requires that the city council by resolution appoint a basically the clerk or support staff that would serve the local hearing officer uh as you're aware the ordinance provides that an event someone wants to challenge one of these they would go to the to a local hearing officer who would would who would actually be the special magistrate that handles code enforcement matters for the city so this uh resolution as required by the statute designates the city clerk to serve as the basically the support staff to the local hearing officer which is a special magistrate thank you would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion and or motion by Council motion to approve we have a motion from Council M Fletcher do I have a second second second from council member Urban Madam clerk Deputy Mayor maeni hi council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher I mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5 Z and I'm assume the same discussion as regard to the next any additional that you have Mr rer no I'm turned over the capable hands of Mrs Miller we were taking turns okay M Miller I I was only going to add that this is um necessary for us to implement the school zone enforcement program thank you very much would anyone in the audience like to speak to this item if not we'll have discussion and or motion by councel motion to approve motion from council member Fletcher for approval do I have a second second second from council member Madam clerk council member Urban hi council member Gilbert hi council member Fletcher hi Deputy Mayor mathen hi mayor Blackwell I motion carries 5- Z thank you Mr monzer I do not have anything Mr May thank you thank you sir our city manager yes I believe everyone had a packet um at your desk this evening it was called um cover sheet had proposed downtown Vibes project um so as you know I think next week we're going to start working on 10th Street and the the um corrections to the downtown roads and as a result of the contract changes and um the conversion to Asphalt we are having an increase in the project balance of uh total amount left over is $597,500 so we wanted to since that money was originally intended for the downtown we we Pro we as staff met and and have worked on a proposal for you on how to use that funding and I was hoping to discuss that with the city council and hopefully get direction um the first item is the parking lot behind the hotel currently a big grass lot what we would be proposing to do would be Paving the drive vs and adding as many parking spaces as we can as well as lighting for that um New York Avenue from 10th Street uh towards City Hall um ending at the alley um behind the BFW we would be proposing to put in some underground electrical which would help us with all of the special events that we're having um there's there's electrical now on everything but um south of 10th Street but not north of 10th Street so so we would would like to add that and then Street Furniture uh there was no Street Furniture included in the phase two project so we have two different options for the street street Furniture um Florida Avenue was recently completed that Street Furniture is a different color and um than what is currently on New York Avenue so what we are proposing um is the option to replace the street furniture on New York Avenue to match Florida Avenue as well as adding Street Furniture on Pennsylvania so it'll all be consistent um so if the city council does not want to replace the street furniture on on New York Avenue that's fine um we can we can just have the street furniture on Pennsylvania match and it's half the price we just thought that the uniformity would be good for the project um um we have micr Mobility uh just you know there's current options there's been a lot of talk about different options that we that that money was more reserved so that we could come up with a proposal for the micro Mobility electronic what does that even mean so that could be working on um like the trolley that could be working with someone on bicycles that could be working with someone with scooters that could be working with someone with um what was it we recently um Jay um the petty cabs thank you um that that could be a Transit company coming in and and driving people around um and and then uh electronic Message Board we would like to have a message board at New York Avenue that says when there's events um monthly market tonight you know monthly Market this Wednesday um so um an exciting council meeting Thursday night once a month there you go we can do that too we can do that too a placement of that you know we would we would hope that that um kelbach would work with us that maybe we could they like to put banners and we were hoping that maybe they would work with us to put the electronic Message Board there originally we had tried to um work with the library to use we actually had come to them with the idea say to say hey replace your signage with an electronic Message Board because we we keep putting our our message board on your property it would look great if you know um and and unfortunately it just hasn't worked out um for us to be able to use it CU they have so much great stuff that they're already advertising so um and then if we go with the cheaper of the Street Furniture option um we included dumpster enclosures uh so each dumpster enclosure is approximately $20,000 so this I think that was what the number was um so this would give us about six potential dumpster enclosures we have no plan we'd have to work with the businesses right now where the dumpsters are that's just where they are we would need to work with people potentially to have um permission to do this on their property and we'd want to make sure we're citing them in in a good location but this would not be enough to replace all of the dumpster enclosure or to add dumpster enclosures throughout the downtown but it would be a good start um so the so you have two options in front of you the biggest difference is whether we match the street Furniture uh to Florida Avenue or we do dumpster enclosures um and so looking for feedback and Direction Council M kilbert uh thank you mayor uh city manager uh one of the companies I own they pay us to make things look nice and we appreciate that in the trade shows and Convention industry however um when it comes to taxpayer money I don't really want to invest in making something match on Pennsylvania versus New York if it's going to cost twice as much you're looking at two separate streets and you're looking at two separate areas where Florida Avenue is becoming a business area but now is a residential or mostly residential where New York is business so my only comment to that yeah I like things look nice but I would love to save the taxpayer money to take a functional system that's there in place and replace it with another system if it was damaged or broke or something like that certainly but I think if it's existing and and it's in good good condition and need no repair my opinion would be just saving that money for for other uh ideas and I yield back to you mayor thank you counc Marini thank you um I feel like this is too premature to have this conversation because what if something goes wrong on the project that we you know are cursed with seems like on 10th Street so I don't I mean kind of counting your chicken before they hatch kind of a thing that's my first thing second I think if we were going to move forward I would want to focus on like the parking lot and the undergone electric those would be the ones I would want to focus on but again I feel like this is too premature of a conversation um Street Furniture to me I agree with council member um Gilbert I don't know why we would want Pennsylvania to match Florida like Florida's its own thing you know it's its own thing it's got its own Vibe let's say and I'm sure the planners were involved when we picked the furniture on Florida and the planners were involved when we picked the furniture on New York and in my mind I would think New York and Penn would match not to Florida but yeah I I wouldn't do that the micr mobility the problem for me is that would be reoccurring funds so do we have a plan if we if we moved forward with something like that how to fund it um every year and then my last thing is the dumpster enclosures shouldn't that be a CRA cost not this money cost um that's it only a comment on almost everything on there I'm thoroughly confused Council M Urban I would tend to agree with Deputy Mayor bini about um let's let's finish up these repairs uh for phase two first and then maybe tackle this but yeah uh I want to prioritize the the parking lot um absolutely and then maybe everything after that um so yeah that's my comment can I add one one comment um so we have been talking with the contractor who is doing um 10th Street that the that they would come in and make those pavement improvements to that parking lot when they were completed so like like a a change order basically for the Final Phase so if you if if so it would be nice to know like yes that's what you want because we could continue moving in that direction as long as with that counc Fletcher um I had a uh question city manager um so this is for the parking lot behind the hotel um what refreshed my memory parking lot over by the by the fire station that was already in the budget amendment right so that one's getting paid too correct and that one is because for us to park the city vehicles um with the parking garage going on you know we've identified that we already had you know complaints about parking so we're we're trying to be proactive and identify where we're going to move City Vehicles we've been parking them over there right now which we have a problem with maintaining the lawn because we tell people move your cars we're going to go Mo Mo and you know someone doesn't get the message they're on vacation and so forth okay cuz I was I was going through I like oh okay let's prior prioritize the parking if there's anything else that we can pay can we like slash some of these and and pay for you know more parking spots so for me it would be parking lot underground utilities um the electronic Message Board that's that's real big um um for me um I have heard some some complaints about the dumpsters and that's been circulating around people getting in and out of the dumpsters and trying to come up with a with a solution for that um I'm not so you know it doesn't matter on on the matching if we can save money that'd be great but definitely prioritize um parking here so hopefully that helps counc um with regard to the question about the change order I have an idea I was going to talk to the city manager with offline but um you know I'm not opposed to her finding a way you know to contract it but I have a different idea I was going to talk to you about Council Fletcher sorry um in my comments when it got to me I was going to bring up and I know uh Deputy Mayor Mai has mentioned this over her tenure can we fix the lights in downtown oh my gosh please like can we come up with like maybe a whole new idea because they always go out something so we had the squirrels eat them apparently but I don't know how everyone else can have lights we had a lengthy just a little bit in here that we can so we we had a lengthy conversation about the about the squirrels um it's regular maintenance for us you know at one point we had actually um reached out to I'm going to call it a pest control company and I don't know if that's that's the right name Kevin um it was very expensive um for for us to have them come and regularly treat the lights to stop the squirrels from eating the coating um how does everyone else have lights I don't know if they have our our aggressive squirrels tell I'm see um along that same line we never got the lights up on they're supposed to be on pen too they were not in the they were not in the project but they're supposed to be on pen like so if we were going to do something but I would think we need to reach out to everyone else that has lights that don't seem to have this problem like celebration Winter Park you know cuz our lights I mean they're awesome awesome but they're never functioning so we have reached out uh several times because I know I I know I've asked um I think that's how we ended up with the pest control quote you'll figure it out okay so I want to see if I think I understand what direction was so after obviously this is going to be after the the um project is done but we want to start being prepared to to move so parking lot behind the hotel definitely underground electric for New York Avenue for events the cheap option for the street Furniture um an electronic Message Board were your pleasures and then the dumpster enclosure could we look at CRA funds for that we we could I'll be honest there's been a lot of complaints that we spend all of our CRA money in the downtown so you know um we've also been been trying to um find other ways to use the C money and um but but that's you know we can have the CRA I think that was you know eventually going to be something that we would bring to you anyway so we can do that um so that then we can when we have whatever is remaining we'll work on new ideas and we'll come back but I'd like to be able to plan on moving forward on parking lot underground electric street furniture and the electronic Message Board are we in agreement with that you have thank you so much and I look forward to your idea are you through I am thank you thank you council member my I don't have anything don't I don't there's two meetings left I'm gonna have to come up with something all right Kel irvan I don't have anything thank you C Gilbert yeah just two things I'll keep it short uh one I I got an opportunity to work with uh uh as an observation uh uh with the police force taking some Bad actors off the street and um I was amazed at the professionalism and what they did so congratulations to you and your officers and for the fire chief uh thank thank you for explaining eeo operation I I was not aware of that now I have much better tune of how the city uh acts and reacts prior to during and after any emergency so thanks to both you and both your departments Fletcher um the only thing that I had was what I brought up earlier during the Eden um project is if it was possible to give direction on the parking is that something that we can can do Dan and if I just may so as you start seeing these these plan unit developments come back as you see there's they can be pretty lengthy to include any anything include issues that are related to the development that staff things the more Direction you can give staff about what you'd like to see the better so that's a great suggestion and as you think of more that come up I think staff would would welcome that because they do spend time talking to these applicants about it and it's it helps to be able to say this is what our Council wants to see M that's what we're doing with residential architectural standards which is why you keep seeing them coming in so then now we could say this is what they want for parking and Resident it's only two things we've gotten Direction on but we can continue on that I noticed that a lot especially in the Eden um living PD that they they just presented do I need to read it into the record or or I mean I think the rest of the council kind of agrees with that maybe I I I I don't know I I I I see a smile from Mr Gilbert but I don't know if that was a nod can can I add something I like the idea of the L I do um but I also would like us to look at changing the number of parking required for multif family like I don't know why it's so low I mean there's not less people so the same amount of cars so I guess I just don't know why we have such a low parking threshold and I would not have voted for Eden if they weren't responsible for the for the roads because that this would have been a parking nightmare you know with with not that you know not enough parking spaces so I don't know if that's if other Council agree like could could we look at changing the parking standards for multif family I understand they were PUD and they got what they got where I'm not talking about Eden I'm just talking about moving forward so that so the process with the comprehensive plan changes with future land use the after after our C plan is updated we were going to move into the Land Development code updates to be consistent with the goals policies and objectives in the new comprehensive plan so yes we can um it just kind of wanted to explain the process of right but can we do it now I mean I don't know what that process is is that two years from now that'll finally come forward I mean can we change that standard without getting into a lengthy so I'm going to look at Miss dunan to find out um I'm not sure if she has anything currently planned for transportation um is it something I guess it's something do you want us to add to the work plan for next year I I wouldn't mind looking at it sooner the better parking is obvious is an issue so I I will tell you that uh Transportation Traffic Engineers are going to tell us to follow the it manual and um typic and the it man it manual has a category for multif family and it's always lower but why do we have to follow that this is parking this isn't traff trip generation this is parking and it's our city why can't we control it I I don't know if that would be something that could be challenged later on so I'm going to turn to Mr maner well there's two issues is we can look at the issue related to the standards and how we're doing it and I think there's probably some flexibility to be able to do that but miss mathena you mentioned it during the discussion on it the real issue is enforcement correct and uh we have had some preliminary discussions with police chief and others about how the city probably will need to address a more comprehensive and more effective enforcement uh process with regard to parking violations because even if you are to you were right this is that project was a private Street where they get the control of their streets and it'll be easier to to deal with but if even if you put the parking regulations in in a subdivision or something where they're public roads it's still going to come down to a an effective enforcement perspective and we don't currently the system that is currently in place is not is not efficient enough I agree with that how ever if the parking spaces don't exist the enforcement is going to be a bigger nightmare you know I get it the enforcement I mean and I watch other commission meetings and I mean parking enforcement is a angry angry subject you know I don't know that we really want to get in the business of that but um you know at least if we provide four and a half parking spaces then there's places for people to park and they're not lining the streets and um just my two cents so is Council looking for four and a half for all multif family I am I'm not sure i' like I'd like to look at it I mean four and a half seems fine I mean I'm sure that there's some type of data that would say well that's the it manual so typically what would happen because I mean it's so low now that based on the it manual so so typically what would happen is Our Land Development code has the the criteria but it also has the ability for someone to come in and do a parking determination and so they would hire a transportation engineer to follow the it who would use the it manual um as the backup for their uh documentation that but do we have to accept that is there some flid a statute that says we have to accept that I I don't know we'll have to look into that yeah if that's the case then yeah I would you got looks like three okay thank you forgot where I was I'm done mayor does anybody else here have anything else then I do not have anything that we haven't already addressed brings us to our information section report section like to add first of all that Wednesday August the 14th at 8:30 a.m. there will be a council workshop on the second floor at the second floor conference room here at City Hall Thursday August 15th there will be a community redevelopment agency meeting at 300 pm. uh in the building department conference room Monday September the 2nd city offices will be closed in observance of a Labor Day holiday Thursday September the 12th there will be a city council meeting at 6:30 p.m. here in council chambers available for your review is warrant list number 11 with that there are no other items on our agenda we will consider ourselves adjourned thank you participating in your government