##VIDEO ID:8EoCcgpXbwA## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e no we don't have a chair right now yeah I was like why did I get positioned here the new chair we'll get to that point in a second no way foredge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Christine lce Drake will be a few minutes late Patrice Campbell here Bobby lantry as an excused absence Elizabeth lug here John dulu here jelisa Collins is excused absence today Caroline Rody present James axelon here here and Don Snell here perfect so we are going to take nominations for our chair and to vote on our chair tonight would anybody like to nominate make a nomination I nominate Elizabeth no I [Laughter] nominate I think you've been on the board longer than I have yeah been on the board longer two to one Elizabeth so we're gonna have a nomination for Elizabeth are you making that nomination what's that are you for nomination yes are you nominating yeah I nominated Elizabeth okay I'm sorry I I pled on your name I feel terrible um Patrice Patrice Patrice okay I nominate Patrice so we need a second so who's going to break it you have two nominations you to Second the one of them um you can't second your own nomination I know well I believe she already seconded hers so I can't second mine no oh yeah did you second her Nom no you she seconded one for you both of us are nominating her okay you exactly yeah all right that makes uh we got a motion in a second any other nominations I can to get it right to get it all in favor say I I I perfect I all right meeting so okay then you guys are gonna have to help me with this because perfect yeah now we're just going to go into the approval of minutes and the rest of the meeting on the agenda okay we didn't get any other printouts for anything screen okay so if I may you're you're looking at approval of the minutes from the May June and September meetings okay so do we have um uh any approval of the May 14 2024 work session and minutes just need a motion in a second you want to make a motion a motion to Second motion to m motion to approve and a second second okay all those in favor signify by saying I I I I all right and I need someone to motion if there is approval of the June 11 2024 work session and [Music] minutes I approve the um I make a motion to approve the June 11th 2024 work session and minutes is there a second second okay all those in favor say I I right and lastly an approval for September 10th 2024 work session and minutes me uh I recommend approval okay all right and we have second second all right all those in favor say I I I all right and then I guess we will move on to the new business which is going to be coa2 24-17 at 118 Massachusetts Avenue actually before that we are voting on our 2025 meeting dates okay um good evening members of the board my name is Stephanie streer I'm the associate planner for Community Development some familiar faces here some new welcome uh every year we have to vote on our meeting dates it is generally the second Tuesday of every month um but we just confirm those because we also take off at least two months out of the year and sometimes because of certain events we have to move them up so the first section we talk about the 2025 meeting dates we have today January 14th our next meeting will be February 11th then March 11th April 8th May 13th and following May 13th we do have our historic preservation plaque and awards reception on May 17th um we are working with Main Street at this time we'll have more information about the full event um but that is the date that was picked and we have June 10th as well so last year I made a recommendation we generally take July off but I made the recommendation to take August off and we voted on it so I kept that same schedule I've generally found that August is a bit harder for people to meet because school is starting there's a lot of new work things that are happening in August um so I kept that recommendation but again if there's any changes you'd like to make we can discuss uh September 9th October 14th I changed November to November 4th because of the Veterans Day holiday falls on our meeting date and December we have no meeting scheduled so you have off for the holidays um of course we will have work sessions we are working with Christine to determine which months we'll have work sessions and when we have actual meeting meetings is pending if we have major cases so they may be canceled but we may still have a work session of course you'll always be notified and then our regular meetings at six o'clock are there any changes the board would like to make okay okay yeah we're good so you looking for a motion to approve the you have to vote on them okay um can I make a motion as a chair you can if you like for this okay um I'd like to make a motion to approve the uh 2025 meeting dates second that motion all those in favor say I I any all those opposed anyone to post we're good good all right so then we can move on to the Massachusetts Avenue good evening again Stephanie Streeter planner tonight I'm presenting COA 24-17 at 1118 Massachusetts Avenue certificate of appropriateness major so just a little bit of background on the property it is located within our Central Business 2 District it was built in 1915 however it was modified in 1925 the proposed scope of work is replacement of existing windows on all elevations with with new vinyl one over one that's that light style of the window where it's the glasses one paint of glass over one paint of glass or four over one like grid Windows the window survey that is in your staff report does show damage to the existing Windows uh some damage to the trim the metal some Hardware is missing that is detailed in that window survey there are no proposed changes to the dimensions or historic openings so this is just some of the west elevation and the East Elevation showing some of the windows that are going to be replaced and same here the north elevation and the South elevation these pictures are a little bit better in your staff report if you want to reference those as well just some more bit background we did forward this information to our consultant she found that there is an original 1925 wood window with three over one Light Grid style existing on the building at this time she has confirmed that 3 over one style is in keeping with the time period and style of the structure the proposed scope of work of the one over one and four over one would not be appropriate for the structure because it is not in keeping of the time period so this is that three over one that currently exists now this is the 3 over one we have worked closely with the applicant uh to come up with Solutions we didn't want to recommend denial simply for their proposal so we recommended doing that three over one they've come up with uh some things that they're going to put on the windows to do the three over one Light Grid style there are so tonight we are recommending approval with the conditions that the replacement windows may be vinyl material but shall match match the existing 3 over one design on all elevations and historic preservation board requested action is approval of COA 24-17 with the conditions stated by staff and staff is available not sure if the applicant was available as well but uh Mr dulo is representing the applicant he was one someone we worked with closely yeah he's on his way that's any questions um I have I have one question I'm a little bit confused on what you said so are they going to do a three over one or are they going to do a one over one and then make it look like a three over one it will be the three over one so they put that over the that's going to be in the window okay yeah so it's 3 over one it was determined the over one wouldn't be appropriate so they've worked to find that frame because it's a bit special and that's for they're going to do all the windows correct okay okay and none of the dimensions are changing it's just the actual window replacements now I noticed uh some of the windows were like kind of all kinds of different sizes they were able to get these in all the different sizes they need or I believe so in their application they said none of the dimensions were changing so okay that is what was presented to staff okay any other questions okay good would anyone like to make a motion to approve a motion to approve um so you want to actually say the whole thing so a motion to approve COA 24-17 with the stated conditions with the stated conditions by staff and go ahead and State conditions being the replacement windows have to match the 3 over one design they may be of the vinyl material though and do we have a second I'll second the motion all those in favor all right anybody opposed any anybody opposed no thank you so that looks like it that is all the new business okay so um like to open it up for any public comment at this time no public comment all right and any questions or comments from the individual board members they can be unrelated to this what's that unrelated to the case yeah yes that's that's so how is the step down process because I have to step down at the end of June no I know I'm moving to Ohio ter oh you're leaving you know it's cold there I know it's not by choice I'm from Ohio where are you moving to uh Cleveland that's where I'm from yeah nice yeah it's it's cold it's fun though really I think that's why she's here it's not that's not what brought me but yeah we're moving to Cleveland he just south of Cleveland Heights okay yeah so so what you need to do is just submit a letter to to the clerk saying you don't you're leaving unfortunately then we'll fill your seat okay and on the specific date that the last yeah whenever your last whenever the you saw the meeting schedule so by whatever the last meeting schedule date is before you move would this be your last meeting or June June okay I'll miss it all right any other comments questions um I have a comment on my name for the role call it's a PB l l like the soup got perfect thank you any other questions comments from the board members okay well seems like this is gonna be a nice quick meeting um just anyone like to make a motion to adjourn thank you make a motion to adjourn to adjourn take second second oh you don't need a second you need a both you actually you don't even need a second oh great okay then that is it for the day I'll see you guys next month thank you sweet get with you to figure nice to meet everybody e