okay I'm going to call the meeting to order thanks for everybody being here tonight traffic was pretty heavy that was why I just barely slipped in um okay so uh we'll we'll stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance okay krzy will have the roll a call of course chair Olive horning I'm present Vice chair Bobby Bryan here member Patrice Campbell here I have member Elizabeth lug as an excused absence along with member Trevor is still member Russell Alexander present member Carolina roie present and then I also have alternate Jalisa Collins as an excused absence I'm not sure that we have a quorum yes we have a quorum we do have a okay yes we do all right three is a quum stab myself in the eye all right okay so so we're on to um um opening business approval of the minutes so I hope you all have had a chance to look over the minutes from um from October October 10th are there any additions or corrections to the minutes all right well I'll just say that the minutes stand approved as printed then and they'll be filed do we have a motion to approve we don't really need a motion to approve okay if there are no additions or corrections to the minutes then they just stand approved as as read or as printed and we all got a copy of them so we don't really need a motion to to approve the minutes understood thank you so moving to Old business um I'm not sure I had both both sets of there should be stickies blue sticky tabs for both the work session and the meeting minutes maybe it's under oh it's on the back okay all right so that was okay so what we just did was um the work session okay so um look over look over the um actual board um minutes and see see what you think about the board minutes hey are there any additions or corrections to these minutes M session can no not for October 10 November was cancelled and then we didn't have a meeting in December to October this is October I'm looking October that's right that's right for November yes all right then the the the um board minutes for October 10th and um stand approved as printed to keep these for crazy all right let's go ahead and and look at the um 2022 2023 annual report you know I'm I'm just kind of wondering why we're looking at this again because we did this at the last time when we met we you know you you went over it with us and then you were going to take it to the city council yes so that was the annual report Christine wanted to actually go over everything that was in the CLG report that she she wrote and that she submit well we submitted on her behalf but she wanted to go over the report unfortunately Christine did get sick so she just asked that we just go over the contents and if there was any questions because the annual report I did pull the information from the some of the CLG report and then other things like that so she just wanted to go over exactly what was in the CLG report okay um so to introduce it's Stephanie streer associate planner of Community Development good evening board um I'm just going to go over the brief highlight because as Miss horning stated we did go over this back in November I believe um so just the report contents this was submitted in November of 2023 we are required as a CLG so the first contents of it is the local legislation if there were any amendments to our ordinance any tax exemption ordinance which there were none at this time it gives the list of the board members how long they've served on the board any experience um another part of it is the Pres a board activities so that would be any trainings that you received how many work sessions we have including the work session minutes and the meeting minutes then of course it's the designations which we received the local designation back in 2016 and that was updated in 2020 and we did receive our national uh historic district the national designation in 2023 if there were any Grant projects that we worked on it also talked about if there were any training to topics which I believe she did talk about how we went over our design guidelines what the goals of the historic preservation board were um she talked about any significant problems that I countered in the past year which was the St Cloud Rehabilitation she mentioned how that kind of slowed down just a little bit so it was just an overview of our year that Christine um wrote down into the report and we submitted it on for her unfortunately I don't have all of the she was meant to present it tonight so I did kind of do a quick overview but if you have any questions about what was submitted I will be happy to answer or follow up with Christine if you have any the only question I have is um because I I uh looked over it and in um number 13 where it says National Registry nominations reviewed by commission during reporting period it says one and then there was another part where it mentioned that there were um on number seven for individually listed is there any way to put the addresses on that or the location or is that I don't believe that in this report that's where the addresses would go the addresses are on the actual National register okay I'm assuming that based on this information here that they don't ask for it and Christine's very thorough with filling out our reports um but I can confirm that information and follow up with Christine okay perfect thank you the one other question just one um is uh because of the list of the board members and stuff like that um I thought because Richard Estelle is an Al he's also a a downtown business owner I thought maybe that would be something that should be listed because he does have a a a vested interest we can notate that for the next uh report again this was already submitted back in November so when it becomes before the board again we can definitely include him okay on that list perfect when you're doing that can you also list next to mine as well I'm a business owner in the City St CL thank you okay any other questions right I guess not all right very good okay moving on then to uh new business the uh meeting dates for 2024 I see a sheet in here under the report um with prospective dates so uh we are sticking to the usual we have two months off we try to meet every month even if it's for a work session um I made some recommended changes of course the board can go back to how we've previously had July off uh my recommended recommendation was to have August off because I've noticed many members are often traveling because families are going back to school they're coming back from the summer some people have children who are going to schools so I thought maybe August would be a little bit more appropriate of course this is just a recommendation if the board does decide and uh make a motion on different dates that's completely fine this is just what staff is recommending based on previous experiences of members being out okay looks good to me can I make a motion to approve the schedule as is what did what did she say can I make a motion to approve the schedule as presented yes yes I'll entertain that motion I second that motion I second that motion all right the motion has been made and seconded that we accept the the dates for the future um meetings for 2024 okay all those in favor Chrissy we're gonna start doing that um vote you know uh individual votes very good so um all those in favor I will start with roll call um car member Carolina roie I member Russell Alexander I member Patrice Campbell I Vice chair Bobby Bryan I and chair Olive hor I motion passes carries five very good they've been approved that's good those dates are good too I'm always gone in the summer so um I'm hoping that I'll still be here for the for the June meeting I usually am for the June meeting meeting but then I have to take right off for my other commitments all right okay so what what's uh what's next that you have for us the meeting times and so forth uh the next side would be the new business the cases I'm sorry I didn't I I didn't hear you I'm I'm I'm getting Hearing Aids on Thursday and I think it's about time that's okay we're starting with the cases the new business the oh all right but the other I thought that was still um okay I'm sorry all right the meeting dates okay the times are still the same that's not going to change and uh um and we we intend to have a work session before every meeting is that right okay okay all right just so we know yes and and and we can meet here no problem with that all right okay very good all right then we come to the certificate of appropriateness good evening we're presenting COA 23-26 15251 Street certificate of appropriateness the request is for reconstruction of the south east and west elevations um and I would like to correct that recommendation it is actually a recommendation for Denial on the slide so the applicant is requesting approval from the historic preservation board to reconstruct and repair the southeast and West elevations of the property located at 15 2510 Street due to siding by Community compliance for code violations the property was built in 1920 according to the property appraiser and our 2020 survey on August 1st 2023 the structure was investigated by Community compliance for unsafe conditions which have been outlined in your staff report these unsafe conditions uh occurred due to neglect of the building it had deteriorated over time since nothing had been um done to assist the building so their scope of work they are requesting to remove the stucco on the west elevation and replacement of the t111 siding or replacement with the t111 sighing they're removing the plywood and window openings and filling them with concrete block they plan on installing an exterior door in the existing door openings and they do plan on removing a garage door and filling it in with concrete block and then they do plan to paint it with the existing paint color so this is the west elevation as it exists now as you can see the rotting stucco has exposed some of that hor horizontal um previous wood sighting this is what they show before and that is what they are requesting to do after with the t111 sighting this is the east and south elevations um from our code enforcement view that we have they do plan on cutting back that rotting wood overhang and filling in those windows which he shows in his renderings here on the South Side he's removing that garage door cutting back that rotting wood overhang and filling it all in with concrete block on the east side of the building they do just plan on filling in they're going to cut more of that rotting overhang in and filling in one window with concrete block and replacing the exterior door staff is recommending denial of COA 23-26 for the proposed scope of work outlined in the staff report due to significant changes that will be made to the historic Fe building we did consult with our consultant Christine Dalton who said that the t111 sighting is not appropriate the filling in of the doors and windows significantly changes the features of the historic building so we are requesting denial of COA 23-26 uh the applicant is not present tonight he was informed of the meeting um so if you have any questions staff is available with the denial has he come back with any um counter plans on what he wants to do because you know he can't have that right no I don't think it's been denied yet that it would be up to oh us to deny and then for him to move from there I mean okay versus denying it would would want to can we continue it to the next meeting for the applicant to come here it's up to your discretion if you would like to continue it um be advised he does have an active code enforcement case we would have to pass this information on to the magistrate to let them know that you continued it and request that the applicant be here to defend his case did did the applicant talk with the city about what he wants to do he was informed that the sighting would be inappropriate that the changes would signic alter um he's just trying to do what he can to come up to code enforcement to become with code compliance um and then he says that he plans on coming back before the board again to bring the entire changes to the building so he's only doing this to get code enforcement his case satisfied and was this a recent case uh in code of for enforcement he was notified August 1st um he submitted he was told to submit for historic preservation back in November he submitted his application I believe it was December 19th um but he was he had not paid we had let him know if his application was not sufficient he did not um complete that sufficiency until January so he has he was notified August 1st of his code enforcement violations is that the the two checks there's copies of two checks in here that was that was for him to pay for the case those were entered in error okay okay and so is it is it my understanding then that the propos the changes that he's proposing now would be temporary changes no those are permanent changes that he wants to incorporate into the new work that he will be presenting but it's basically to dry it in is that what he's doing and then then go to like phase two or whatever he wants to bring up everything that was brought up for his Code Compliance which was unsafe conditions um I believe there were other the rotting roof there was just certain things that he did not meet with code enforcement so this is his solution and then he plans on coming before the board he did not say when he planned to come before the board but he said he would be coming before the board with overall changes for the building afterward well we could continue it well um are we at the point with code enforcement that if there was a denial today that we would be looking at demolition of a building that is substantial there has been no talk of demolition okay then I I would like to make a motion to continue it and allow that person to come in front of the board and hopefully work was have we made other options or have we given him some ideas or options of things that he could do to stay within the historic preservation we have offered uh different sighting but we can try to work with the applicant again to see you know know hey your case was continued would you like to talk about these Alternatives otherwise it will be presented again as a denial we can absolutely work with the applicant again and I would like to make a motion to continue to allow the applicant time to one more time to come out in front of our board so that's I'd make i' make a first motion okay is there a second to that motion you okay all right it's been moved and seconded there was no second wasn't who who I'm sorry who seconded it we never discussion on the I thought you did no he he asked a question oh I'm oh okay go ahead with your question then so I I just well there's already been a motion made so that's I'm just not well let's have a second and then we can discuss it okay if we if there's no second then the motion dies yeah okay all right so um so I guess we aren't going to we aren't going to suggest that it be continued but if he wants to come back in the future that's up to you can discuss it further and make another motion after the discussion it can still be to continue deny or approve it's up to the board but you could have further discussion okay what uh what did you want to bring up the so it seems like the applicant went to the city and worked with the city to try and get an application together that would not be denied failed to listen to the city and then failed to show up to uh State his case the changes that he is the changes that are proposed while they may to someone be considered temporary they're not their insulation of CMU block which by definition is not temporary and and it's uh previously had the metal sighting on it La siding there's not a large difference between that and t11 as far as cost wise as far as I know and he couldn't put that up temporarily and then go back to the metal sighting it would make more sense to go ahead and do what's right to begin with so that's what I'm considering you know city city is uh City staff is very good about working with folks and and they want to come in front of us with things that'll be approved not denied so that just leads me to without him being here to defend itself you know I completely understand where just question his mindset yeah I I definitely completely understand where you're coming from like he's had ample time I'm looking at it from the the situation that we haven't had a meeting since October so this is the first time we've seen it in front of our board so I would be willing to give the applicant one one more chance to kind of work with the city and then come back if it still comes up back to us as is then you know I it's just we haven't even had the opportunity for it to come up in a timely manner since we did cancel the last couple of meetings and we don't meet in December that was where I was going with let's let's give the applicant so is anything known about why he's not here uh he was informed he didn't give me a reason as to why all right so who um who recommended that it come before this board at this time the changes that were made is a major review uh he requested that it be pushed because of the Code Enforcement cases he was informed uh back in December that I needed it by a certain date in order for it to go to February and even then I still pushed the deadline a little bit to make it work for it to go to February for his schedule for code enforcement and if it's denied now then changes will be made or will it be brought back once again if so chosen by the applicant in its same form it would go before uh magistrate again so he would they would be informed that he received a denial um he would have to end up coming back before HPV eventually in order to bring back all of the changes but the first step would him be going back to the magistrate the biggest observation that I have is that the changes that he's proposed closing is in direct opposition with the standards of the historic guidelines and standards that we have in place so if we allow it how are we preserving our history that to me is bigger than the amount of time he's had to respond and Christina is very knowledgeable so she's saying no it's like okay you know way more than I do all right where are we now are we going to are we going to um um I I think it sounds like we're going to deny it um with the recommendations that we just deny it um so do we need a motion to deny it like to make need a motion to deny it then all right all right would someone like to make I'll make a motion to deny the certificate of appropriateness application as presented based on the Secretary of interior standards for the treatment of historic proper please all right I second that motion there's a second all right it's been the motion has been made and seconded um so is there any further discussion well I will start with the roll call okay um so I have motion to deny um member Carolina Ro I I approve member Alexander Russell I and I have member Patrice Campbell I member Bobby Bryant I and chair Olive horning chair Olive horning oh I'm sorry no wor hi okay I must be dream world here I'm sorry about that motion Deni 5 Z all right so we're on to 1116 New York Avenue okay good evening again Stephanie ster associate planner presenting COA 24-1 116 New York Avenue for the Reconstruction of their East Elevation and staff and the applicant are recommending approval the applicant is requesting approval for the historic preservation board for a certificate of appropriateness to reconstruct the East elevation of the property located at 1116 New York Avenue as it previously was prior to the vehicle collision that occurred on November 5th 2023 the property was built in 1912 according to the property appraiser and our 2020 survey as we know on November 9th to 2023 a vehicle collision occurred at this location the exterior and a portion of the Interior East Elevation were severely damaged this is what it previously looked like as of 2018 no significant changes were made since this image was pulled so their scope of work they will be rebuilding a facade with a neutral color stone installation of white French doors installation of two windows with white trim installation of a black awning with white scallop edging addition of two concrete Planters in front of the store addition of security shutters and a sketch of proposed alterations are in your attachment a so these are the proposed penor Dimensions the proposed black awning with their their dimensions and their concrete planter and staff is recommending approval of COA 24-1 for the proposed scope of work outlined in the staff report the applicant is available for any questions regarding the case got a question for the applicant hi my name is Jerry Brown um CEO of the gun store 1116 New York Avenue I just had a question about the security security shutters yes sir what are they well we um initially when we uh came downtown um we placed uh Power white shutters that we roll down at night over the windows and doorways um they're incredibly expensive they're impenetrable what we didn't count on was somebody hitting them with a vehicle at 70 miles an hour everything around the shutters came apart the shutters were intact but so they're they're pretty they're white so they roll up behind the awning and yeah they're just like uh they just disappear okay and you know we just basically want to make the store look like it did before almost exactly we did change on in color from Blue to black cuz originally it was black and we kind of like that better um it's going to be pretty it'll be historic looking like it was um we're very attached to our look and we just want to basically put it back like it was that's the whole idea on the um concrete Planters is that the one that's going to have the security cameras in them or did I read that right well the concrete Planters were at the suggestion of the chief okay um you can there are several ways that you can prevent a vehicle from uh uh crashing into a building to gain entry a one of them are bolsters which you have in front of the city hall they're poles that come out of the ground you know they can push a button they can make them go away mere mortals can't afford that kind of Technology however we do have bolsters in the back um we have the same ones they use in Disney World to keep their bosses from crashing into their air conditioning units at their hotels the same guy put them in but they're unsightly they can't be in the front the front must look like New York Avenue is supposed to look so we we're looking at different ideas and we came up with these pretty goodlooking not gudy planters these Planters believe it or not will stop a car they're they're heavy they it's it's something they're using now to like stop terrorists you know you know from which if you get right down to it that's what this guy was you know he he it's just incredible what happened to us you know we we were built to withstand a a 35 mph Collision no Ingress no way they're getting in nobody nobody has ever even heard of someone hitting a building at 70 miles hour 70.4 and and he wasn't robbing us it that wasn't the plan you know I don't want to get into the guy's business it was a tragedy all the way around especially for us um we uh we just want to put our pretty store back to a pretty store and and continue to be a credit to our community now where will the Planters be placed um in front of the store okay um so basic you'll walk up the store like you would now you'll have double doors like we had before right and in our two big windows and then you see where the rocking chairs are pretty much where the planners will be maybe a little bit further out than the rocking chairs okay I'm not going to block the sidewalk um I feel very strongly about that you know I don't I want traffic flowing up and down the sidewalk you know lots of room for people during the markets right and uh we're like I'm the biggest fan of downtown St CLA and Retail and restaurants and you know everything we do this it's a diamond in the rough we really have something special here right and you know we like being part of it it's going to look even better good I promise thank you for explaining that yes it sounds Lord knows I need help he hit my pocket hard no that was a that was that was really a tragedy that that happened and so but we're glad you're putting the building back together again and so forth thank you m really need that yes that's for sure so um is are there any other questions you have for for the gentleman no I'd like to make a motion to approve uh based on the finding that the proposed alterations are necessary to ensure the structural Integrity of the building um for coa4 400001 I second that okay all right it's it's been moved and seconded seconded um to to approve um uh this coa2 24- z001 uh for the work that that is going to be done um is there any other discussion all right I think we're ready for a a vote then please CIA okay chair Olive horning yes Vice chair Bobby Bryan I member Patrice Campbell I member Russell Alexander hi member Carolina roie I motion to approve passes 5 Z thank you I'm grateful good thank you thank you for coming to see us well that takes care of our new business um is there any public comment Tony do you want to say anything okay all right all right we'll move on um individual board comments um member Campell um yeah I have a question um do we have a status because I noticed that there is am I allowed to bring this up right now tell me if I'm not there please tell me there's a fence around 11:35 New York where they were going to do the cigar place um it's right next to the auction do we know what the status of that is I don't know if they were working with the city or working with Christine or or what I will have to double check I don't believe that we've received any applications or anything for 11:35 New York but I will verify it's the old Allen realy that's the only that's my reference to it I believe they were supposed to come back and app reapply the last that I had updated I think that was something that Christine last worked on before we um we paused her on the consulting services are you referring to across from the chamber uh yes kind of caty corner to the old chamber the cedar room yes that's what it was I think the last update we had was they were pulling de sding off and they were going to determine what was good and what was um what was salvageable did they come they did they not come back after that I don't remember we haven't gotten an update I can follow up and see that like I said that was Christine as we sort of transitioned into that so I haven't gotten an update about that okay yeah I was just you know concern concerned confused curious whatever because there is a a fit surround it I thought you know okay member Bryant you have something you'd like to comment on the only thing that I just wanted to note um I had uh requested that my last name be updated uh to my married last name so if we could just add uh lantry it's Bobby Bryant lantry now that would be great thank you how do you how do you spell that l a n t r y oh oh oh well I'm keeping the Bryant but just add okay okay all right trying to make that official switch over everywhere that's a tough it's really tough well congratulations we got married three years ago still trying that would be great thank you appreciate it it's about um um I just have a a quick comment you all are invited to come to our Curiosities and Oddities collection show at the Women's Club on Saturday we have 23 exhibitors coming with all sorts of collections you just wouldn't believe what they're going to bring I was amazed so anyway from 10: to 3 on the 17th and we have four men coming with their Collections and some of those are odd is this a first time event is this a first time event for you guys no no we did it last year too but um I've advertised it more this year I've had a lot of comments come in on for on Facebook you know one man want one lady said she sold Oddities could I be a vendor and I said said well this really isn't a selling show you know but I if there are people who are there and want to part with one or two of their items they might be willing to do that but I didn't want it to be like a vendor show because that's not what it is so I don't know what she was what she s I guess I could follow up and find out important Wonder but anyway that's that's the 17th so yeah I always like to announce all these wonderful things that we're that we are doing so do you have some comments I do not ma'am no all right sir no comments right now no all right okay um all right well that's the end of our our um individual um board comments then our next meeting is going to be March 12th at um six o'clock well is that six yeah six o'clock for this meeting anyway March 12th um we're have um do we do we in this area do we are we able to buy pot pokis pot skis you know what pokis are I don't know what a potski is evidently not EV we don't sounds polish it's like a jelly jelly donut like thing and they're real popular up north and so you know we're we're getting into lent so this is the big blowout with something really good and gooey and sweet and so forth but I don't think um I I've never really seen it in the stores or anything down here so but up north it's uh people lying up to buy these things yes so a big deal yeah anyway all right okay well um all our business is finished so I'll adjourn the meeting thank you for coming tonight thank you thank you