##VIDEO ID:-CpVQjq1tec## let's call a meeting to order please please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Madam clerk could you please call roll chair Carmelo aindo present Vice chair member Philip lantry has an excused absence Russell Alexander present member Nanette Douglas Don griggsby present Daisy Snyder present Mr chairman we have a quorum Miss Snider is a voting member this evening okay uh the next order business if everybody's uh seeing the minutes from the last week's last month's meeting can I get a motion from an approval of last month's meetings move to approve the minutes I have a first we have a second I'll second have a first and second all in favor I I all opposed passes 4 Z now we'll go to first order of business which is ordinance number 20 24-19 an anx 23- 00007 good evening for the record Bernice Gonzalez principal planner with the Community Development Department the case before you tonight is the voluntary annexation of the property located at 1795 p Grove Road also known as the lake lazy property this request meets both the statutory requirements for annexation and is consistent with our joint planning agreement with Oola County it is a contiguous and reasonably compact property the existing County future land use is low density residential and it has an rs-1 C which is a residential County zoning designation that's the location of the property U graphic representation of its proximity to the city boundary honor before August 27 2024 staff recommended approval likewise it is requested from the Planning Commission that also recommends approval of ordinance number 2024-the of the property known as Lake Lizzy and this time staff and the applicant are available for questions any questions for staff does the applicant like to come up and say anything are they here uh Patrick Murray with rvi planning landscape architecture for the record 11 North Magnolia we have a few slides very brief I don't want to be too uh repetitive of Bernice's um presentational not there we go uh our project team uh consists of the property owner uh Paul feder Rico with Lake Lizzy Ventures LLC myself and creso and Jim Pratt has been our attorney throughout this project again uh this is an annexation request from Oola County into the city of St Cloud uh the property is approximately a half mile north of 192 and located on the eastern boundary of Pine Grove Road uh on the left there there's a uh existing City boundary uh which extends up for um Pine grve Road and we're seeking to Annex into the City and continue the uh Eastward growth uh and across the street from Pine grve Road um that's relatively all we have to say again I don't want to be too repetitive of Bernice but if you have any questions certainly have any answer anything I have a question sure um just clar verification um part of the documents that we saw said 61 dwellings and then now and then the second part said 97 so is it 61 single home families or 97 dwellings so right now we also have a uh PUD application uh in review we initially submitted back in August of 2023 under 97 dwelling units uh and that also included a comp plan Amendment uh we had a community meeting in February of 2024 before uh we had discussions with uh surrounding property owners and members of the community we withdrew our comp plan application uh with the hopes of maintaining the low density residential future land use and then reduced our density to 64 dwelling units and that's what's currently being reviewed by staff Mr chairman if I could just briefly this is simply an annexation case this evening I can understand there are some ancillary or anticipated issues and what have you but tonight this before us is the voluntary annexation request any other questions what's the property to just to the north of that between so the property to the north of us is is about a I believe it's about a 10 acre property and it is a single family detached uh home that's directly on Lake Lizzy and then just north of that is the lake Lizzy Reserve community at one and just a little bit further detailed at one point the uh property to the north was uh part of the 16 Acres that we are seeking so it was a uh so an assemblage of of two properties that was split know by the Same by the same developer uh no no not currently no okay thank you sir thank you thank you okay we're going to be uh opening public comments I have uh Jerry lockart good evening good evening uh please understand that this is going to be a little bit of a work in progress because in speaking with developer I've realized there's been some changes to some of the plans from the original one second state your name and your D please Jerry lockheart 6027 Lake Lizzy Drive St Cloud go ahead okay thank you for allowing me time to speak um I realize this is only a property annexation at this time but I wanted to be sure that I did speak a little bit about the nature of the community and what's out there now um I live on the Southwest shore of Lake Lizzy so probably right before below where the L is in Lake Lizzy right there and I have a a lot that's designated E1 estate lot by the county as several of my adjacent neighbors homes that are adjacent to the property being presented are on Lots ranging from about a half acre to an acre or more being that it was essentially rural um my home's approximately a quarter of a mile away um on my own one acre I have two acres of property one acre is designated wetlands and for protection of the lakes and with this property that was a key concern of ours uh was that it was maintained in accordance with d and all of that um and that the Lakes were were protected um my property my actual buildable property lines about 200 feet from the lake so it just definitely set back um it's also Lake Lizzie is also home to the lake Lizzy preserve and Conservation Area on the east side uh the and as and the lakes in the surrounding area are very rural at this point yes the city is to the west and on the other side of Hine grve Road but I believe this would almost be the first city property that crossed Pine Grove Road and definitely I believe one of the first ones on this Chain of Lakes um the alligator Chain of Lakes Alliance consists of many homeowners on the Six Lakes comprising the alligator chain and we have been in contact with the uh Builders you know trying to voice our concerns and they have been receptive to that um I do understand change and growth are inevitable I am only requesting responsible growth appropriate to the area and in line with Pro projected uh future growth plans I also understand the developer purchases property knowing the zoning and asking for um compromises and has the right to develop and in line with local government DP and South Florida Water Management guidelines your commission is tasked to recommend if this requested property is annexed as part of the city or remains in the county both I and my fellow homeowners in this area on this Chain of Lakes are concerned that whatever is recommended or approved here sets the stage for growth along these lakes and which will impact the F future environmental health of the lakes and the rural beauty of this area I would ask that everything be considered when making any final recommendations ESP especially the density of the property that will be on the lake and thank you very much for your time thank you ma'am if there's anybody else that like to speak we we'll be closing public comments any comments amongst yourselves have a question for the city Mr Alexander make sure your mic is Clos so we can I'm sorry so would this property be required to be annexed for the uh yes this property fulfills the requirements for annexation according to Florida Statutes and the inter local agreement with oila County for the JP maybe I just that's really more of a question for me it's it's a voluntary annexation voluntary annexation this is a voluntary annexation okay thank you any other questions if nobody has any further questions may I have a motion please make sure your mics are down so we can get everybody audibly on the mics I'd like to make a motion to recommend approval of ordinance number 20 24-19 based on the 16 findings within the Land Development code I have a first I have a second I'll second I have a first and second all in favor I I all opposed no Snider your V was I passes 31 Mr Alexander voting nay motion carries recommendation for approval 3 to one next order of business would be ordinance number 20 24-50 future land use CPA 24- z007 good evening D Mar Sagara deputy director this item is being requested by staff to be pulled out of the agenda to a um date certain of October 8th thank you very much be discussing at the end of the meeting which will yeah we'll be discussing that at the end of the meeting okay so since that one's going to be moved to October 8th next order of business will be ordinance number 20 24- 66 mural ordinance cda2 24- 00009 good evening Council this is Tisha Manning zoning manager for the city of St Cloud the project before you is um for the mural art program um for mural art um an amendment to the Land Development code um and this is for ordinance 20246 um the purpose of the mural art um is to enhance the quality of life for the city residents um and businesses by allowing them to apply um for murals um in semi-public and public spaces um in this article this amendment to the Land Development code um is being established for strictly for nonresidential development um that are going to be in the following zoning districts which is cbd1 cbd2 um the community redevelopment area and along any arterial roadways so arterial roadways are 13th Street nusi um I believe Noti I'm not exactly sure but um major roadways is what we're looking at for the mural art program so you wouldn't see anything on you know the side streets or um those areas unless it falls within the community rede development um area or cbd1 and cbd2 Zoning um we of course are going to um give a definition of what the Mur R is and what it does and it's allowing for paintings um images Graphics mosaics frescos um and it has to be directly applied to the exterior walls that are visible to stand passor buyers um so nothing on the interior nothing in breezeways and corridors it has to be visibly public to the public um and any color scheme that they use um will need to be comp complimentary to the surrounding area as well as to the building itself and it cannot take away from any of the architectural features um it shall not cover doors and windows so it shall not make any doors and windows become opaque um and again it's designed to enhance the character of the buildings and it does not damage the building so a lot of times when they um apply mural Arts sometimes they bring in you know concrete and other type of um materials for murals and they're allowed to do that as long as it's not causing any damage to the building itself so the way that it's a fixed we'll have to make sure the building remains its Integrity um so permitted materials is going to be paint tile mosaic um digital images and low relief sculpture so um low relief sculpture think about um it as whenever you do um kind of like a carving that does not go into the actual building itself so it's just going to be a slightly raised so if you run your hand across it it has a little bit of you know texture or you know definition to it but it's nothing that's damaged in the building um size limit so twostory buildings they're able to cover 100% of the wall any buildings above twostory we're looking that it's about 50% wall coverage and that's because we're wanting them to leave some type of blank space so that the mule is just not you know so bold and big in your face that it looks like it's towering over everything else so to make some type of design where there has some blank space available um and we are allowing a smaller amount of taxt or requesting um 10% in any type of mural art and inside the ordinance itself um it does speak about what that text cannot include and one of the things is going to be um any type of you know um um profanity um political propaganda um uh slang as far as anything that may be derogatory toward any type of race um or any type of um uh person so we have some really specific guidelines of what the taex can be um staff has reviewed this um wrote this ordinance and we are recommending approval and likewise we asked that the Planning Commission also recommend approval of ordinance 20246 6 this is um a city project so I'm available if you have any questions so you're taking a page out of the cimi downtown area basically some of their murals and their statues and stuff that they have around all downtown and Main Street correct so we do have a m program right now in our downtown area which consists of cbd1 and cbd2 so this mural art program is just kind of extending it out um so that some of the businesses along 192 some of the businesses on the nusi corridor they can also um you know have these type of Arts on their buildings will will they be required to have murals or it's voluntary no it's voluntary what what do you what is a digital image so a dial a digital image um what they do is they actually cast it on the wall um and again they'll bring in like different types of materials um to attach it to the wall um or they cast it on the wall and sometimes they just sketch it out that way okay I just didn't I was thinking neon sign or something oh no believe me I did a lot of research to figure out what these things were is this going to be including like the power boxes and stuff like and stu stuff like that just laying around already that they were supposed to be wrapping like in different things is that also going to be included in this or is that totally separate so this this um this ordinance does not cover that right now we are looking into so if it is a mural well let me back up so if it is a mural that they are putting on those power boxes then yes we can be consider it but sometimes the power boxes have to be um changed out or they have to use a different type of material so we are looking into um maybe doing some type of wrapping or something on those power boxes um that does take coordin with fdot and different service providers okay any other questions can you walk me through this like the selection process if somebody wanted was interested in taking up a wall and painting it what's the process to be approved yes so right now um if a business owner comes in and they want a mural um they would have to submit of course all the applications and they actually have to provide a sketch of what the mural is going to be um and that is so that definitely if this should this ordinance get approved we can you know look at it in detail and make sure it meets the requirements of this ordinance um if something comes up that we feel may be controversial or something that you know takes um an approval above staff level that has been written into the ordinance that it would go before city council for approval so if you come in with you know a standard ordinance and again let's think about it art is subjective so if someone comes in with a mural yeah they want it to have two ducks on the side of their wall okay it's two ducks on the side of your wall um and it meets everything else of the ordinance and we'll just send them through the process they actually have to get a permit for it pay for that and then go ahead and install the m so right now in these areas if somebody wanted to put something on their wall because they own the building they could do it without approval but with this that means in those areas they can't put anything on the outside of their wall without approval currently right now they cannot oh they cannot no so on any building in any of these areas it's written that they have no permission to other than paint the color outside they can't put a mural or a picture or anything on correct because again we have architectural standards and murals is not part of the architectural features um now in cbd1 and cbd2 though we do have murals because that was a different program that was approved by an ordinance with the main street right yeah at what time at one time you said uh they were going to have to have a notorized artist to do these now it doesn't have to be that way correct so we were um you're talking about the public Arts ordinance and that one was a little bit more um detailed because we were looking at that for residential subdivisions when it came to like plac making and things like this um so yeah we were requiring more um parameters as far as who actually installed it what type of art it was um this because we wanted to make available for you know you know small business owners to you know do some type of representation on their building hopefully it'll generate people coming in they want to you know take a picture with the mural on the side of their building um it's going to bring some character to the area to the 192 area things like that so it does not have all of those um restrictions basically like the hardware store and stuff their mural like that any other questions no questions I will open it up to the public Miss Manning thank you any public comments we'll be closing public comments any other comments amongst yourselves okay may I have a motion yeah if I could figure out which one to read Land Development recommendation plan development what's recommendation the back basically it's not based it's in the back it's you're saying use land of element I can I can do that yeah they're seeking recommendation for I would like to make a motion to recommend approval of ordinance number 2024-25 opposed passes 41 4 z Oh Z Sorry 4 Z yes sir unanimous 4 Z recommend of approval okay M Clark M secret floor is yours perfect our next meeting will be October 8th at 6 PM contrary to the uh agenda agenda which says the 15th but staff is requesting we've all been notified meet for October on the 8th that's the second Tuesday of next month same bad time 6 PM I said I'd be here any other comments so I'll get a motion to close move to adjourn your journ second I have a first and second all in favor I all right thank you have a good night all right