##VIDEO ID:ZEvfU14MPlg## all right Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all [Music] all right thank you Madam Secretary would microphone on test test test there you go all right there we go thank you yes sir Carmelo Endo excused absence Phil lantry present Russell Alexander present Nanette Douglas present Don grisbee present Daisy Snider present Mr chairman we have a quorum and Miss Snider is a voting my member this evening all right thank you uh next order business is approval of the minutes uh from the Planning Commission meeting held on September 17th did everybody get a chance to review the minutes any questions comments everything good could I get a motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve the minutes of September 17th now second all right I got a motion on second all in favor I I any opposed all right thank you uh next order of business is ordinance number 2024-25 evening good evening uh Commissioners the cases before you tonight are for the annexation comprehensive plan Amendment and Sony map Amendment Mr chairman if I could not to interrupt my apologize if if uh if all three cases are going to be presented I know the board will take or the commission will take each of these separately at the time of deliberation and recommendation but if the all cases are being presented simultaneously then they should be all uh read into the record is called at this time agreed all right so we are going to be discussing ordinance number 202462 for the long residents which for the annexation ISX 23- 00006 ordinance number 224-7727 D13 and ordinance number 202 24- 63 for the zoning map Amendment zma 23-12 thank you so the cases before you are for the annexation comprehensive plan Amendment and zoning map Amendment for the project uh called long residence this request meets both the statutory requirements and is consistent with our joint planning agreement with Oola County it is a contiguous and reasonably compact property the existing County future land use is low density residential and it has an AC and r1m County zoning designation the requested City L use it's low density residential and the requesting zoning designation is for agriculture this request is compatible with the surrounding area and will have no adverse impact on City facilities the subject parcel is generally located north of Nova Road here are graphic representations of the future land use and Zoning Maps depicting the current counties and cities future land use and Zoning districts for context on or before August 14 2024 staff recommended approval of this request likewise at this time the request from the Planning Commission is for the approval of ordinance number 20 24- 62 for the annexation of long residence ordinance 2024 63 for the zoning map Amendment for long residence and ordinance 202 2477 for the future land use comprehensive plan Amendment for long residents at this time SAA and the applicant are available for any questions thank you does anybody have any questions for the city staff the property owner here hello sir would you like to come up and explain your case sure oh excuse me my name is James long I live at 5645 Nova Road um we are a Enclave of three properties there since the property behind us was developed which was previously an Orange Grove um I'm not sure why we didn't get annexed at the time that property but we decided my wife and I to volunteer Annex hoping that we could kind of uh have a little say of what future zonings and things happen there um so um it's a straightforward where we own 17 Acres there we are agriculture we're trying to stay agriculture in that area trying to keep a little section of Nova Road not overdeveloped I don't know how long that'll last but that is kind of our our thought process for that property okay that sounds pretty straightforward um anybody have any questions just checking understanding it's currently zoned as uh low density residential no it's currently zoned agriculture future zoning is low low density um housing I a lot of that has changed not to convolute it we just said we will do like for like I don't know if in future years down the road if that's going to be appropriate because across the street has now become i1 when it was annexed into the city so but but for current use our intent is to keep it agriculture so that's the zoning change right so if I'm think it's the zoning map that it would go from single family residential to agriculture no it is way no it's currently agriculture reting owning map agriculture a agriculture City agriculture from County Agriculture to City ag that's I'm sorry okay yeah in the future land use would be residential got it yeah okay well thank you for explaining that all right thank you appreciate it all right at this time um we'll open up public comment do we have anybody here that would like to speak on any of these three ordinances no one okay at this time we will close public comment uh any other questions or comments among amongst uh commission members just admirable all right keeping agriculture uh so to have a motion for ordinance number 202 24- 62 I'd like to make a motion to recommend approval of ordinance number 202462 based on the 16 findings within the Land Development code do I have a second I'll second that motion all right I have a first and a second all in favor I I I all right anyone oppose all right motion passes 5 to zero uh ordinance number 2024 d77 I'd like to make a motion to recommend approval of ordinance number 202 24- 77 based on the 16 findings within the Land Development code do I have a second I'll second all right got a first and a second all in favor I I uh motion passes five to one five to zero uh and then ordinance number 202 24- 63 I'd like to make a motion to recommend approval of ordinance number 22463 based on the 16 findings within the Land Development code do I have a second I'll second all right got a first and second all in favor I I all right motion passes 5 Z all right next order of business east side park property this is an annexation number ax24 0000001 good evening Commissioners the case before you tonight is for also the voluntary annexation for the project known as Eide Park property this request meets both the statutory requirements and is consistent with our joint planning area agreement with Oola County as it is contiguous and reasonably compact the existing County future land use is low density residential with an agricultural County zoning designation the applicant has the option to Annex into the City without assigning a zoning district and future landus designation for the period of up to a year the the subject parcel is generally located north of 10 Street and south of Lake Rony me on before August 18 2024 staff recommended approval of ordinance 20 24- 64 likewise the request to the Planning Commission is to also recommend approval of ordinance 2024-25 for the annexation of the project known as East Side AR property at this time staff and not sure if the applicant came in they said they were going to attend but we're open for questions thank you all right thank you very much does anybody have any questions for the stat yes what what's the current land use this is only an annexation case tonight this is a voluntary vation there's no land use or zoning issue at this time I think staff mentioned that the applicant has up to a year to to make a determination application for such so the county doesn't have any kind of use for it currently the owner is requesting to Annex voluntarily for Florida following Florida Statutes and meeting Florida Statutes requirement at this time our code provides up to a year for a person who decides to Annex voluntarily to take the process of requesting a zoning designation and future landage change maybe his question is if you know the land use the county designation at the County right now um the existing County future land use like mentioned is low density residential and the existing County zoning is agricultural but again members this is just an annexation request this evening and does the annexation have to happen before they can actually do any of the other work and planning Etc under the city code yes all right so they have to be annexed in before they can actually start all the rest of the other work with you if they're going to develop they can develop under the county where they are where they the jurisdiction they pertain now but if they Annex into the city then that will be part of the process spending proposals for development if they Annex into the city they could stay County and still develop it the way they want and go through the County's way but what they really want to do is come into the City and Annex the way the city wants them to corre this is a voluntary annexation application it's voluntary yes yeah I just they're not here I don't know why we should have let them Annex into the city I have a a quick question the in this Enclave here there's another piece of property that's not included I assume that's a different property owner oh that's a pond okay that makes sense yeah that's probably for that adjacent uh development there I property to the West is a wetland and property to the is is fully developed subdivision so now why wouldn't the Wetland be annexed as well is that it belongs to somebody else okay they would need to acquire it make the request themselves if they so wish Alex would they yeah okay there you go fair enough I was just wondering there was part of that Enclave there that's Cutting Edge legal analysis yeah my expertise I that one to check thank you all right good evening Council dag Mar Sagara deputy director uh just a point of clarification the property cannot be developed in the county it has to be developed in the city and that's why the annexation the uh the property right now is contigous and per the jpa agreement The Joint planning agreement they have to the county has to inform us that there's an intent for development and that's when we tell them okay you need to Annex but at this time all we're doing is the annexation the applicant has not provided any uh paperwork or intent of development with the city at this time okay and if they um Annex in voluntarily do they does that immediately begin any kind of payment to the city for anything there or if it's not developed there's really no cost correct right like right now it's like to like it go it gets the only difference is now it's going to be included in the city's jurisdiction which means that moving forward that property will pay taxes to the city will pay taxes to the city that's as it as it stands today as as soon as it's annexed in it's they start paying taxes to the city well technically in the next pay taxx season right yes yeah right yeah okay thank you for that clarification uh and you said the applicant's not here right oh you are would you like to speak no I was the applicant I don't think that's the applicant I think that's somebody who wants sorry are you public wanting to make comment or are you the applicant I'm actually the civil engineer oh okay and it and it's listed as Lux our development as the applicant but could you please state your name and your address for the record my name is Bruce Taylor B Taylor and Associates 131 East St Cloud thank you thank you so to clarify things this project is being submitted as a PUD and a land use change to medium density residential so we submitted this the beginning of the year we revised the layout the annexation has moved forward we've made some changes but we have resubmitted the Pud and the and the land use change to medium density residential however I know that the city is going through a joint planning agreement and this part this property is part of that for the medium density overlay so that process I guess is going to be heard in the beginning of the new year but we've already resubmitted our PUD package with the new layout but this annexation is moving forward on its own path so that kind of clears up where we're at with the project okay so thank you yeah thank you appreciate it thank you all right any other comments before I open public comment all right at this time we will open public comment is there anybody in the public that would like to speak about this all right we will close public comment any other discussion all right pretty straightforward it's just a simple annexation do I have a motion I'd like like to make a motion to recommend approval of ordinance number 2024-the the motion the motion was for in favor of the annexation correct who who voted I in favor the motion all right so it's 41 four1 it passes this a good Segway for me if I could Mr chairman AB reminder for the commission um and for those in attend here this evening um the Planning Commission is an advisory commission and so the actions that are taking place here tonight are recommendations to the city council these matters are going to be brought to the city council I don't have the date um staff I'm sure does in in December December 12th okay and starting at 6:30 in the evening so uh the council will take action on the matters that are on tonight's agenda this is uh the recommendation stage from The Advisory commission okay thank you all thank you sir all right thank you all right so that one passed 4 one uh next is ordinance number and I'm going to read all these together because we have Palm properties um we have an annexation comprehensive planning Amendment and uh zoning map Amendment all right so Palm properties um ordinance number 204-7135 two for Palm properties uh CPA 24-10 and ordinance number 202 24- 73 CMA 24- 00009 good evening Ralph Keith associate planner with Community Development good evening the cases before you tonight are for annexation a comprehensive plan Amendment and a zoning map Amendment for a project known as PM properties this request meets both the statutory requirements and is consistent with our joint laying agreement with Oola County as it is contiguous and reasonably comp compact the existing future land use is low density residential with the agricultural zoning in in the county the requested city land use is low densely residential and they are requesting a zoning of of agricultural the request is compatible with the surrounding area and there are no adverse impacts on City facilities the the subject property is generally located east of nusi Road north of East erlo Bronson Memorial South of lilan Lee Road and West of puffin Road here are graphic representations of the futur land use map showing the low density residential as well as the zoning map showing the [Music] agriculture oh no before October 25th 2024 staff reviewed this project and recommends approval likewise is requested the planing commission Al also recommends approval of ordinance number 202 2471 202 2472 and 202 2473 for for the annexation land use in zoning map amendments for the project known as pwn properties at this time staff are available for questions I don't believe the applicate is here all right thank you very much uh any any of the commission members have any questions for the city I guess similar to the first one I just need to clarify my mind in terms of what it's uh zoned as for I know it's with the county right now to what it would be once it becomes annexed in so with the county right now is Zone as Agricultural and it will be annexed in as agricultural City so why why does this applicant want to Annex then uh this applicant in particular they did another annexation of a property they own right down the road thanam properties and they would like to bring this as as well into the city yes I recall that okay any other questions all right this time we'll open up public comment do we have anybody in the audience that would like to speak on this all right we have no public comment so we will close public comment at this time any other discussion Planning Commission all right um anyone would like to make a motion first on ordinance number 2024 d71 well I'm happy to do it uh I would like to make a motion to recommend approval of ordinance number 2020 wait let me make sure I'm 2024 d71 um or based on the 16 findings within the Land Development code sorry pleas all right thank you I have a motion do I have a second I'll second all right all in favor I I would also like to make a motion oh I'm sorry okay I only heard four no okay so we have uh 4 to one motion passes recommend approval four to one passes with Mr uh Alexander voting a name yes thank you sir all right second one is ordinance number 202 24-72 I have a motion for approval I'd like to make a motion to recommend approval of ordinance number 202 24-72 based on the 16 findings within the Land Development code do I have a second I'll second all in favor I I no all right motion passes 4 to one ordinance number 2024-25 do I have a motion I would like to make a motion to recommend approval of ordinance number 2024 73 based on the 16 findings within the Land Development code i s I have a second a second all right I have a first and a second all in favor I I all opposed all right I think that one passed five to one or five to zero right all right that one passes five to zero okay all right next is ordinance number uh looks like we also have three with this one so I'll read them all together uh this is for too Marine we have ordinance number 20247 4 the annexation is a anx 23- 000010 we also have ordinance number 202 24- 75 for the comprehensive planning Amendment CPA 23-22 and then the last one is ordinance number 202 24- 76 that is for the zoning map Amendment zma 23-18 good evening Ralph Keith associate planner with Community Development the case before you tonight is for annexation a comprehensive plan Amendment and a zoning map Amendment for a project known as too too Marine this request meets both both statutory requirements and is consistent with our joint planning agreement with Oola County as is contiguous and reasonably comp compact the existing County future land use designation do low density residential and has a existing County zoning of of agricultural the requested city land use is is commercial they are requesting zoning designation of HB Highway business the development is compatible with the surrounding area and will have no adverse impacts on City facilities the property is generally located north of The frier Cove east of glender court and Southwest of Cano Creek Road here are graphic representations of the future land use and Zoning Maps depicting the County's low density residential L use and the agricultural zoning District onor before October 25th 2024 staff reviewed this project and recommends a approval likewise it's requested the Planning Commission Al also recommends approval of ordinance number 202 2474 202 2475 202 2476 for the annexation land use and zoning map Amendment of the project known as too Marine at this time the staff is available for questions I do not believe the applicant is present today thank you all right I just have a couple questions uh yeah and I I see that it the areas around it are already Highway business and commercial but that's they're both County right this or they City now that was the only thing I was a little confused on and I'm sorry can I also get clarification on what is Highway business so Highway business is our commercial zoning so for example most of 192 that stretch is a Highway business zon and then um I'm sorry Mr lry can you repeat your question so my question is the the properties uh to the West and East are those still County those I believe are ours those are City properties so by requesting the future land use of commercial and the zoning of Highway business it would be consistent with the surrounding area I see okay I just wanted to make sure that was the case that I understood it correctly so this is essentially almost an onclave right it's got some it looks like the area to the South is still County yeah is that business is it already there aren't they there in that area somewhere yeah there's already a business there it's already to Marine there right can you go back to the the satellite view so there businesses over to the to the north the North or Northeast but there's just that one Soul this is the adjacent property there the only thing there is now right now as a home I thought they had a location right there around they do it's to the left their same spot right the left top of the screen okay that's the actual too Marine building there with you can see all the boats and whatnot and lot there okay any other questions for staff all right excellent um at this time we'll open public comment is there anyone in the audience that would like to speak on this on either of these ordinances okay uh nobody in the audience so we'll close public comment at this time any other questions or discussion what what are they going to do with it I believe the plan is for is uh to provide boat storage I was hoping they do store something out there for those forks no for real I'm sorry but this time we do not have a site plan yeah I figured that I didn't see just curious all right wouldn't be much of a site plan to storm boats probably M like a waste of that nice Frontage on a road that's going to keep growing yeah I don't know have you seen how much it is to rent or to rent space for your boat it's pretty lucrative y that wish I owned it all right um no other comments or discussion okay uh so first we'll start with ordinance number 2024-25 uh do I have a motion to recommend approval or just a motion or just a motion to recommend either approval or denial I'm gonna try it go for it go for it I would like to make a motion to recommend approval of ordinance number 2024 74 based on the 16 findings within the Land Development code yay all right I have a motion do I have a second I second all right all in favor I I all right motion passes 5 Z next one is ordinance number 2024-25 do I have a motion all right I'll for it all right go for it um I I would like to make a motion to recommend the approval of ordinance number 5 based on the 16 findings within the Land Development code all right I have a motion do I have a second second all right all in favor I I motion passes 5 Z and then the last one ordinance number 202- 76 do I have a motion I'd like to make the motion to recommend approval of ordinance within the Land Development code all right I have a motion do I have a second second all in favor I I I motion passes 5- Z all right next is Tracy Manor uh so we have a comprehensive plan Amendment and a Zony map Amendment uh so I will read them together the first one is 2024 80 for Tracy Manor and the comprehensive plan amendment number is CPA 24-2 and the second one is 202 24-8 and the zoning map amendment is zma 24- z002 for Tracy Manor good evening Ral ke associate planning with Community Development the cases before you tonight is for a comprehensive plan Amendment and a only map Amendment for the project known as Tracy Manor the existing future land use is low density residential with a r1a single family dwelling zoning designation the requested city land use is medium density residential with a requested zoning designation of R4 multif family dwelling the request is compatible with the surrounding area and will have no adverse impacts on City facility the property is generally located the property is generally located east of orange a north of East 19th Street south of East 17th Street and West of C Crawford a here are graphic representations showing the future land use and zon Maps depicting the low density residential land use and the r1a zoning designation honor before October 25th 2024 staff reviewed this and recommends approval likewise is requested that Planning Commission also recommends approval of ordinance number 20248 and 202 2481 land use and zoning map amendments for the project known as Tracy Manor staff is available for questions do not believe the applicant is present okay uh sir would you like to speak please state your name and address for the record than meet um Dany Bumpus I'm the architect for the Council on Aging um just to give a little more background there's seven duplexes on the site right now um 14 units it's um housing for low-income seniors and the council wants to build 24 more unit units if possible for the same reason low-income housing for um U seniors um and I appreciate the staff recommendation and I can answer any other questions if you need to yes you triggered an immediate question uh I did see that there were existing structures there and they didn't seem all that old either uh so is the intent to to to add to those or to take those out and replace or or what exactly no they would remain I think they've been there a while um because it's I mean it this it's a multif family project already but I think the zoning I think they were built before the zoning was put in place those units have been there for a while they've been there for go back picture of that of do you mind the satellite view yeah please up to the so there's seven units there well I mean there's seven buildings I think there's seven duplexes two units in each yes building okay yes and they would remain we wouldn't do anything to those so I mean there's not a lot of space here it seems like because of the I mean I know you have the area to the to the West there a lot of that is Wetlands Wetlands yeah so there's not a lot of room there's a room for um a twostory building with um up to 12 units per floor is what what they're what they'd like to do with an elevator uh yes seniors we are an aging population I just put one in my house but you don't have any um preliminary master plan it or anything like that right I had [Music] um this seems a little tight to fit that in there it is can you you put that on the thing so the Council on Aging owns this property they do yes and they've got um two other properties in in St Cloud St Cloud Villas one and two and several inimi and we're we're we're almost closing on another project we for 62 units um in the BBL area great there's so you can't do anything with the sweetlands then right no no I mean you could for a lot of money but yeah mean no literally yeah so you it's a little bit so you can see the seven buildings that are existing and that's existing parking for them we would um build a two-story building to the left um facing the wetlands and you can see the wetlands delineation in the 25 foot setback so 12 per floor two floors yes I don't see any setback on the south end of the property or is that those are that's another property no that's a bad drawing oh okay I was just wonder yeah well I live right I live up orange right now I mean you know sometimes you can get a variance to get a closer the lot line but that's a little close and we may not end up with 24 but that that's okay that's the goal so we're only talking about zoning from single family to get you a multiple multi family yeah so there's are there age limits and uh and restrictions because it mentioned that most of the folks would not be driving uh most of them don't drive um I really don't know how they qualify the folks um I know there's a waiting list but it's so how do they how do they get transportation to to where they're going oh the council has um Vans and them and they'll they'll take services to this site also and could the staff confirm that the neighboring homes received notice yes okay uh thank you sir I don't know if we have any other questions any other questions the applicant all right thank thank you thank you all right uh this time I'd like to open public comment is there anyone in the public that would like to speak on this no okay we will close public comment any other discussion there's just such a great need for senior housing in St Cloud so that's my opinion I agree I don't see anything really too bad about this I mean seems pretty straightforward I don't think they'll be able to fit the building as on the property but uh keep the faith yeah there we go keep the faith um but yeah it's good good to have more housing for our seniors all right uh so then we'll start with ordinance number 2024 d80 do I have a motion I would like to make a motion to recommend approval of ordinance number 202 24-8 based on the 16 findings within the Land Development code do I have a second a second all right I have a first and a second all in favor I I motion passes 5- z uh next one is ordinance number 2024-25 d81 based on the 16 findings within the Land Development code thank you do I have a second I second all right I have a first and second all in favor I I all right motion passes 5 Z all right and then uh next order of business is our next Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for December 17th 2024 at 6:m uh any other discussion just a reminder that you can bring your Christmas presents to me on that day okay well thank you for letting us know that I appreciate that um okay well uh then would anyone like to make a motion to adjourn so moved you have a second question you about to close is that what it is yes sir yes sir okay because we got a question about my brother's house changing zoning here on Pennsylvania from siral Sir the the commission's only addressing the things that were on the agenda for this evening the commission is not here to answer questions uh you can speak with you can speak with the staff and they can direct you sir appreciate your comments I'm sorry Mr chairman go right no that's okay um so yeah the staff should be able to help you out there sir sir all right so I think I had a motion I think I had a second as well um all in favor of adjournment I I all right meeting returned Happy Thanksgiving y'all Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving