##VIDEO ID:s9DiUWyyifU## all right first order of business is the Pledge of Allegiance i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right thank you um Madame secretary would you like to do roll call sure chair Carmelo Endo absent Vice chair member Philip lantry present Russell Alexander absent Nanette Douglas here Don grisbee present Daisy Snider here Mr chairman we have a quorum and Miss Snider will be a voting member this evening and uh well all right thank you all right so first order is the approval of the minutes from the Planning Commission meeting on December 17th has everyone reviewed the minutes and does anyone have any questions or comments all right would like somebody like to make a motion I move to approve the minutes of the last meeting I second all right everybody in favor I I pass motion passes 4 Z passes all right first action item is resolution number 2025 d013 R cloud storage CNU 24- 00005 good evening um commission Tisha Manning zoning manager for the city of St Cloud Community Development the project before you is for conditional use for cloud storage um that will be located at um approximately north of Niti Road East of pine Chas Circle and west of Progress Lane it is a conditional use and staff is recommending approval with conditions it's approximately uh 2.2 Acres so right now um it is located within Stevens Plantation which is a PUD um the future land uses low density residential um the proposed conditional use again is going to be a storage facility um it's going to be three story climate control storage facility exterior Source units as well as a per Perimeter Drive aisle Fen in with security gates this is just a graphical um depiction of where the storage facility would be located within pu and within the Stevens Plantation you can see here it is at the end of a culde saac um and does back up to some residential um this is the concept plan of the storage unit and kind of how it will be set up as long as well as the fencing and the interior this is just another view again of the storage facility um it shows you here there's no um rollup doors that will be visible from the outside along any um rideways they do have some visible here but that is going to be behind their um other facility that again you won't see any of those rollup doors this is the South elevation of the facility which would point out to the RightWay the proposed East Elevation again these doors will be behind another building in which you won't see these facing out to the right away okay again staff does recommend approval of this resolution 202 5-13 r with the following conditions the approval of the requested conditional use does not constitute the approval of the provided concept plan as a site plan changes to the site will require approval of a site development plan and any additional approvals required by the Land Development code vehicles for hire such as um RI UAW Etc are not permitted at this location staff um request that the Planning Commission um recommend approval of ordinance I'm sorry resolution 2025 13r with the conditions as stated by staff staff is available for questions as well as the applicant is available thank you is anybody have any questions for the I have a question staff has submitted um in this area with the building um there are there any codes that dictate the height of the building because this one is predicted to be a three story correct correct it is a stre three story so um within that PUD they do have some height requirements in their commercial area um as well as our Land Development code will um determine the height of the building this building does not exceed the height that is um stated in their PUD okay thank you thank you any other questions can you go back to the site map uh uh uh showing that area where it is and did you see there was already a facility there no there's no facility there I believe it's a vacant lock correct yes this is where the facility is proposed um and I was just showing that it's going to be kind of at the end of a cue saac and it's going to back up to residential so traffic won't be one of the major concerns um because that area how you come in is going to dedicate okay thanks I think I misund I thought it backs up to residential not another building correct okay and when you say back up to residential then they don't it's not where their front is viewing the storage facility is that correct or no so the residential is here so this is their [Music] backyards and what's next to the to the right of the um yeah um I believe that's vacant as well I'm not exactly sure because this is the corporate campus in Stevens Plantation so all of this is designed to be some type of commercial there thank you that's what I was looking for clearly with the size of the Lots I guess thank you is the applicant here and would you like to speak good evening Don Huey with asky Huey 25 East 13th Street St Cloud Florida um yes I am here to answer any questions or concerns I might add that even though some of those uh facades that you saw elevations that you saw show windows on the south side and the east side there are no windows on the west side which face the residential units so that's going to be like a just a wall over there essentially so there won't be any units looking down into those rear yards and there's a a very good stand of existing trees along that property line that Archer remain between the residences and the beginning of Ro bu yes ma'am it's in it's in an existing undisturbed uh landscape easement that that is along the whole eastern or western side of this property that that butts up to the uh single family residential there and is is it a single In-N-Out proposed for the yes single in- andout off the CAC yes it's a single in and out in a one way so it's not like there's going to be two TR two-way traffic in that it's going to be one-way traffic except for the few uh few parking stalls that are in front right in the south side of it there'll be a little bit of two-way access but it's only going to be so if you come in the culdesac and turn right along the property line you're going to follow that all the way around going north and then go to the West come South and then go back to the east out the Colac so it'll be kind of going around that building that you saw will there be business hours won't be manned for a certain period of time no there'll be a privacy gate with a with a code on it uh and then there'll also be some fire concerns that we've met with fire on that have to we have to comply to within the building so if there are any other questions I'm here to try to assist thank you very much yes sir we appreciate it all right uh at this time we will open public comment is anyone here in the public would like to speak have you filled out a form sir okay you can go ahead and speak but you'll just have to fill out a form uh when you're done uh so please state your name and address my name is Joey Rodriguez Senor uh my address is 2452 Pine Chas Circle in the adjacent development I am the um president of the homeowners association so I was here just to when the city allowed the development of the office building right across from this my concern was that well we had a concern at the time that I dealt with um I went to Mayor Hart at the time because there was Windows that were facing the back of our residents which they've since blacked out but the other issue we've had is drainage um because that property is a bit higher than our our development and even though the city Engineers did require a Swale the outfall from that property does um allow for a lot more drainage into the back of the yard so their yards are all always wet during the rainy season I mean a lot more than the rest of our neighborhood so my only other I had two concerns one was answered by the developer was that there's no windows facing there two I'm just concerned to make sure that there's proper drainage that doesn't negatively affect our H residential community and then um I was concerned about uh the drive AIS along the outside just to make sure like if there's a trash can in there because we do have other issues with another recent development where people throw trash on our side of the fence so I just wanted to make sure that that is and then if we um in if they install security cameras that the security cameras are not pointed a method where to um look into the back of the houses in our neighborhood that was are my concerns thank you all right thank you uh does we have anybody else from the public that would like to speak on this all right at this time we will be closing public comment uh would the applicant like to come up and address some of the concerns that were voiced certainly thank you so yes uh there will not be windows on the West Side um all impervious or paved areas will be what we call inverted crowns so typically a road is crowned like this this is going to be an inverted Crown so the the drainage is going to come to the middle of the road and collect it in drainage inlets and north of this property is the master Pond for the corporate campus area which we will be outf falling into uh the grass area along the east side I know you can't see it on here very well but it's a wide swath of clear land where we're not showing anything that's the existing landscape easement we do plan to put a small swell in there but that swell is only going to collect the yard area C collecting that swell it's not going to be any impervious because it's all going to come to the center and be collected in a pipe conveyance system and an outfall into that existing pond so hopefully that helps the concern of the dream what about the Swale on the west side of the property would that pretty much be existing and and stay that I was talking about the West Side yes sir there will be a small swell on the east side but the west side is what I was okay sorry I thought you were talking about the east side no there will be a small swell on the east side as well but the I was trying to address the concerns of the West side and and the backyards and then what type of fence is between the drive aisle and the edge of the property is there a fence of any there's not a fence um right now we've like I say we've got that existing good stand of trees that's that's pretty much an opaque fence so to speak it's just a lot taller um and we would like to not disturb those root that root system or anything by putting anything in front of that and a wall a wall could also not cause additional drainage but it could cause the effects of trying to create a way to get the drainage out because now that wall is going to act as somewhat of a buffer if you will um so we're hoping to not have a wall and just use that 30 foot existing easement as an easement we're also planning on throwing some L additional landscape in there as well per the city coat and then uh the other question that I don't think was addressed yet was about a dumpster is there a proposed there is a dumpster if you're looking at this plan the dumpster is on the upper left hand corner you can see where the truck kind of looks like it pulls in and comes back out the blue line kind of goes in and comes out that's the dumpster okay yeah I mean I could definitely see the concerns of the residents there um you know if things don't make it into the dumpster and there's no buffer you know as far as like a physical man-made buffer you know how does it keep you know any kind of garbage or cardboard or anything like that well there will be there will be a wall around the dumpster itself oh okay right right a dumpster enclosure okay and then the um because of that 30 foot buffer there's no concern about the cameras as he had mentioned if and I'm I'm not going to be the guy if they're putting the cameras on for sure we're we're just the engineering firm but I assume that the cameras are going to be facing down the building and in the drive a areas and not out toward the landscape buffer they're they're more concerned about the building itself and the and the conveyances within and not anything out in the landscape buffer so yeah they would be adjusted so that we're not for lack of a better term spying on our neighbors well that makes sense we just wanted to make sure we set it out loud for them is there any storage unit doors on the west side of the building I know you'd said there was no windows but no I don't think there is and I'm not sure how to back up uh give me a second here to look at the West Side did we have that in the our slides did it have a West I'm not sure I saw West side in there I know I have so as the engineer just verifies I want to um state that there are no um on that west side it's just a blank wall that's going to you know be architecturally compatible to for our code but there's nothing slated to beyond that wall no windows no roll out doors nothing there is one sorry there is one entry door uh toward the front or the South corner of the building but it it's a it's a walkthrough door it's a standard walkth through door yep and that's it on that side no other doors are proposed or Windows and tia this will still go in front of city council at their next meeting correct correct yes so just so you guys can see so the door that he's talking about is literally like right here it's just one little small door that's going to be right here and it's probably just for them access this interior or emergency exit or something like that yeah so yeah keeping that in mind uh for any of the pine Chase residents this will be in front of city council at their next meeting if you have any other concerns anybody else have any questions for the applicant no okay uh like to entertain a motion at this time anybody like to make one I'd like to make a motion to recommend approval of resolution number 2025-the along with the conditions uh proposed by staff I second my motion all right I have a first and a second all in favor I I is that everybody any opposed any opposed passes for Z all right thank you all right next is ordinance number 2025-the 23- 00005 good evening Ralph Keith associate planner with Community Development Department the case before you tonight is for a contraction annexation for the project known as L A under Flor State Statute the city is required to voluntary voluntarily Annex real property if it meets the criteria of being reasonably compact adjacent to City Limits and with the owner consent due to scribers error we are seeking to correct the indexation by excluding two Parcels adjacent to the parcel the sent in ordinance number 2024 52 as the owner of that those Parcels did not consent to voluntary annexation ORD number 2024 52 approve the parcel's reference the depiction on the next slide which did not meet States state requirements for voluntary annexation including criteria criteria related to the property owner's con consent here's the depiction of the two Parcels that will need to be removed from City boundaries Mr chairman if I could just and I don't mean to interrupt the staff but just to make a quick statement this is a very unusual situation that came up as as I'm sure staff will illuminate in the 27 years that that our firm has been working with St Cloud I think this has only came up one other time so this is a very unique and it's essentially uh correcting uh an error that took places I understand staff illuminate um uh when other properties were uh annexed into the city these properties were affected and included when they should not have been as was reflected by a legal description that was in air and so staff is seeking to correct on behalf of those properties uh to um contract that annexation as it affected those properties and as I think staff had mentioned the um Property Owners did not wish to be annexed in so they're in favor of this contraction is my understanding so sure difficult yeah thank you I'm sorry yes thank you for elaborating uh per Florida State Statute 171 051 or this number 20251 will amend the M municipality's boundaries to remove the annex Parcels from the city's jur jurisdiction and return to unincorporated Oola County on this side this is a depiction of the parcel in red at top was the initial parcel That was supposed to be Annex and then the two in blue below it are the two that were also included which will be re removed so the one in red will still be part of the city the one and the other two will be removed is that correct yes okay staff recommends approval of ordinance number 20251 and staff is available for any questions thank you anybody have any questions for the city staff okay we'll move on to public comment do we have anybody here that would like to comment on this ordinance okay we will close public comment at this time uh any other discussion and just check my understanding you said the people whose properties these are are are in agreement with the idea of not being part of the that is that is my understanding that's correct and uh my I was advised today in speaking with the city attorney that staff had made Direct contact with one of the property owners to affirm that again and the other property owner had been they had reached out to but had not made contact today but it was their understanding that these properties were accidentally included by way of an incorrect legal and so uh the city has affirmed that the the affected properties did not wish nor did they file for a voluntary annexation which would be required even if they uh tonight were here and said you know we we'd like to be annexed in it'd have to go through the process with a voluntary uh application for such so understood but uh but City uh believes that they do not wish to be a part of the city so this is a corrective measure that the city is recommending be taken all right and if I could Mr chairman and commission members um because it's a contraction of annexation you know the 16 factors landed up none of those things I was a de anation it's essentially a you know a deliberation and then a recommendation as to accepting the staff's proposal okay thank you for clarifying that of course would we like to make a motion I would I'm just not really sure how to say it so I was going to use the D annexation word but that didn't seem like that was the right thing to do so um I guess I would like to contraction of anation I would like to make a motion to uh recommend approval of staff's recommendation to detract contract contract the annexation of the said properties for resolution ordinance number sorry 20 25-01 all right I think that works do we have a second I second all right all in favor I I all oppose all right motion passes passes four Z yes thank you very much all right so we have our next well is that the ownerly order of business next meeting okay so we we have our next Planning Commission meeting uh February 18th at 6 pm and that is all on our agenda for this evening uh so would we like to get a motion to adjourn so moved I have a second I'll second all in favor I I meeting adjourned have a good evening everybody thank you