##VIDEO ID:ZhyYf9DB0dA## ready of the United States of America for it stands one nation God indivisible andice for all Co thank for coming in tonight we started here with the uh adoption the agenda is there motion to adop the agenda so thank you Jil there a second thank you rob discussion if not all the I hand up Amy y I would like to remove I know 63 as it is not in standing um to for a board share to place something down the agenda that was failed at the meeting previous wait till we get down there on that subject item I'm asking that be removed out the agenda if I might finish go ahead this has never been precedented before where the board has voted something down and at the next meeting the board chair places it back on the agenda it's also in our policy that you um that the board respect the will of the board board when there is a vote and in order for something to get placed back on the agenda it needs to come from the prevailing side I understand that there's nothing in Robert's rules that talks about the next meeting but that's because board chairs don't put something on at the next meeting that has that has failed at the previous meeting so either myself Rob or who else was it um and that would have to this ask to have it placed on the agenda again if not what's to stop a board chair in the future from again placing something at the next meeting this is setting precedent and a very scary precedent for a district 15 that a board chair would then go ahead and think that they have the right to do this I did try and call you Mr star on Monday September 9th at 911 on Tuesday September 10th at 9:02 in the morning on September 18th at 11: 55 a.m. I then tried to call Carston on September 18th at 11:56 to talk about this not being on the agenda that it wasn't proper protocol and then I did call Brandon and speak with him last Friday so I'm making a motion that it been moved off the agenda prior for this to be on the agenda we contacted the uh District's attorney and contact msba and the both for agreement that yes we put it back on the agenda because the 33 TI the 3 three tie who prevailing it's a 33 high so they both said yes you can put it back on the agenda so we call our attorney advice and that wife back on the agenda Rob got a question Rob yeah well being that I was on three that or whatever I can bring it back up make a motion to bring it back has to come off do have to I need a second okay with the a movement to take uh 6.3 off the agenda we got P the set cor forther discussion if not all in favor of oh to my right um I think we're setting dangerous precedence by not following Robert S of order and msba and our legal guidance they've already provided that guidance at a TI vote could be brought back and we're setting dangerous precedents By ignoring our legal guidance all right so discussion yet on the first on the first motion right the first motion I SP stand by hand first yeah I did contact K Mar from msba so it's just interesting there's two different things because he said a 33 tie is technically fail so I I don't know which way to go okay uh Amy well in my conversation with Brandon last Friday it wasn't that the reason given was that there's nothing in Robert's rules about the next meeting that you couldn't bring it back but I've been board sh I've sat on this board for 20 years the dangerous precedent isn't for it to be brought back in the proper protocol it is that a board chair thinks that he can put it back on after it's failed it failed it failed no it was a 33 it failed that's that's failing all right so let's move on with the gold okay just to clarify is there anything in Robert's Rules of Order that would for us from bringing back an item on 33 goad what the research I did was that it was a vote it failed on a 33 tie is there anything in and so the prevailing the prevailing side says that word to bring it back there's nothing in there that talks about the next meeting but this is I've sat here words years the answer is no there's nothing in writing Robert order other question is there's something in policy or procedure that would um not enable us to bring it back the answer is [Music] noad is there not Brandon in our policy the that you respect the will of the board isn't there in our policy I have to look I did not look to yeah I think it's in our underneath our oath but the attorney and the msba both brought up um really at any time including the next meeting it's Crystal Clear guidance from those two entities Well's go for the question okay Amy has a motion the floor to pull 6.3 from the agenda all right all right so who's in favor of pulling uh superintendent negotiation 6.3 for agenda raise a hand if you wish to have a pull please raise a hand we have Anette Pam Rob and Amy wish is the pull 6.3 who's in favor of keeping 6.3 raise a hand and that's Nate Jill and myself okay discussion so motion passes foring I think that's an amend to the to the agenda so the pass so there still to be a v on actual motion to approve the agenda without can make motion bring 6.3 back on okay has a motion to bring it back on a second I'll okay know the vote from the prevailing side who's in favor of bring it back on 6.3 uh please raise the hand have oh go ahead sorry yeah discussion this is the way it should be I hope in future that if something fails that the preside that the prevailing side someone on that side brings it back a part of me wasn't going to Second and wasn't going to vote to put this back on but you know what even though you never called me back and you never called me back you ignored my phone calls had you spoke with me I would have said I want to back on but I want to go on first of all the right way okay I've sat for 20 years never has something been placed on by a board chair at the next meeting that failed at the previous meeting and second of all I want to be fair to Carson because when he when Rob voted I know that Pam wasn't here that was your vote if I'm correct so we need to be fair to everybody here and start being fair not to have a ro boy ch so I will second the motion and we'll move forward from there okay ma'am I've got another comment um so I just um to the some of the conversation that went on and the other thing that I wanted to speak against was the discussion around pulling me off of the negotiating committee I am on the negotiating committee for for the superintendent and there was a quite the discussion around pulling me off of that negotiating committee when here the vot wasn't [Music] even wasn't even done yet and then the vote ended up being a tie I'm not here nobody contacted me and yet you want to pull me from the negotiating committee I think that that is out of order I don't know where that came from why that would have been a discussion because it was not on the agenda to pull Pam or change the negotiating Committee in any means because I was on a vacation so I want to call that out and put that on the record because I don't know where that come from and why that was allowed to even be discussed so where did that come from it wasn't on the agenda okay you ready to move on if I could just add one more thing and I know we we have a vot you know coming up which is really why we're here but did you leave a voem mail me no I I haven't done all the and I don't think I've ever left your voicemail but you have usually yeah so I I remember seeing that you called but because there was no voicemail I didn't call back so just never voice I just want to explain why so my my comment again was to Amy's comment of the behavior of Who as a chair and why things are being brought up and things are happening the way they're happening I want him to get that on the record saying look that should not have been happening at the board meeting without here without me being notified so I've said that now I don't appreciate it I don't know why it happened hopefully it doesn't happen again okay okay so Rob has a motion the floor to put 6.3 back on Amy secretary all in favor 6.3 stay on the agenda say I I oppos Mo oppos okay we're going to take a hand B on Nate Nate no no p no no yes Amy yes Jill yes Mike yes all right so we got a five two vote there it stays on the agenda let's move on to consideration visitors we have two tonight we have Jean hold up next by way can we just I think we might need a motion to officially approve the agenda because we had taken it off and we added it back so if there could be a motion to approve the agenda okay thank you am second second discussion all in favor say I I oppos no eight Nate approv the agenda overall yes or no yes and no Pam yes yes or no yes yes Rob yes Amy yes J yes M yes 61 vote all right move on with the agenda agenda we have up first is Jean H Jean two minute time frame for discussion tonight 30 seconds you see the card pop up good evening school board and staff I'm here to talk just a little bit about policy 60 6.5 Library materials I realized that it's been having a first reading tonight but this is kind of a little fine-tuning I took the latest policy not the official policy what the one you're looking at and edit it again I think some of you have seen this before because I sent it to you so I'll give a copies here there's eight from here the whole policy and my edit edits on it um the one revision I'm most concerned about is on page five section 7 B-2 I guess you read you need to review the committee uh the you need to add to the Review Committee one resident with or without children in the school district this is recommendation is in the Minnesota school boards Association Department modeling which you all had and whoever headed it the first time or put it in took that particular statement out uh it was removed from the policy I'd like to see that put back in um I don't know why the school would want to resist having a parent on on that committee it's a it's a bonus it looks like you're being transparent which is a problem here in this uh School District on some items um the school wants residents in a district to volunteer for other tasks in the school so why not this one also the rating criteria which is got to come into play here somewhere uh you currently have uh policy 524 which addresses addresses internet acceptable use and safety factors so that language um in the future in the future is got to have some rating to it got to follow some kind of guidelines the school uh book committee can't really do their job without that and I would would strongly suggest to use the verbage that's already in your policies and uh that's your time thank you Jean stand up to speak warse next up is Richard Richard good evening my name is Richard kavich I live in Oak Grove here's an example what I find objectional about seal first I would like that ask that anybody using my name to remote their end agenda ask me first please I do not support or promote seal and what was taught over a hundred years ago is not what is being proposed by Seal today anybody who invokes my name without my permission lacks honesty integrity and also lacks soundness of moral character that's a criticism of a staff member it is hypocritical of the school board to restrict me from naming names but you can use my name freely and without repercussions another thing I find objectionable is a review of pornograph material in the schools it is a cumbersome process that a school board slow walks which is ridiculous considering what we talking about thank you thank you Richard thank the information you gave us last time a big help all right next up on the agenda is consent agenda is your motion to accept the consent agenda thank you de is there a second Thank you Pam in discussion on consent agenda any discussion if not all in favor say I I oppos motion passes thank you very much uh next up assment 51 [Music] discussion good evening G I'm here to uh go over MCA results hopefully you had a chance to preview it because I've been told I four minutes so I'm going to condense um so starting with overall proficiency we know there's some growth we can still have but let's take a look at how we're doing comparative State um we are below in math we are slightly above in reading and science we are below but if you start to break down by grade level you're going to start to see where habits beginning to get growth especially in the elementary and at the middle school um in fact in some cases it's 15% growth in math in several grades um and so I I want us to acknowledge there is growth starting to occur um so hopefully had a chance to look through these slides ahead of time at the bottom um I had a p meaning proficiency adding up the exceeds and meets columns gives you that percentage and so this is over four years is what is showing in each graph uh so the strength in this data is that we are performing better than the state and reading our math proficiency increased in third fourth fifth in fact fifth incre the exceeds area increased and in six and seventh since the year before that uh reading proficiency increased in third fourth six 7th and eth since the year before science increased in eth grade and over four years the highest Proficiency in third and sixth grade they had in both math and reading and seventh in reading so we still have plans lots of plans that we're doing and we've expanded it's beyond my team we've got administrators putting together School Improvement plans and they've got goals that their staff know are the goals and we're talking about those goals in leadership meetings and we are all moving the ship forward together making those goals um well known um we're doing the data mining uh in grade level teams plc's leadership teams my coaches go in they do more data mining with teachers um we're updating curriculum in reading and math uh we're uh secondar starting interventions at both the middle school and high school during Saints time that's the first time that will be occurring so we're hoping kids that are showing need Based on data will get a second dip of instruction uh Elementary will continue math talks we believe that's having a great impact K4 and five are going to be begin working with the math coach in PLC she did the other grades last year um Elementary is working on Phonics this year that's part of our letters training both basic and advanced phonics and so there will be implementation behind those that learning uh and then we also have 35 getting some focus on comprehension and fluency work because looking at data we've decided there is a need there how do we improve that comprehension uh science will be in full implementation this year K12 so this summer 912 had a summer training with Craig con and they have a new curriculum they are just starting there will be a new MCA test for science this year so um there'll be kind of a new Baseline once we have that new test um we've added a districtwide literacy specialist per legislation and she's already and that's Katherine Phelps um she's already beginning a little bit of that work helping me at the high school um to work with the reading interventionists there to meet some needs of some students and we're going to do a little bit of training um I've also been sending our Specialists through teacher Academy to trainings at that the state is offering so this past summer uh four or five math head kind of people went to some training and we're going to start meeting as a team now uh to talk about what what's that going to look like across all the levels all the way from kindergarten to 12th grade um so I'm excited about being able to get my Specialists some training so that we can keep developing our teacher academy uh head or our people who are Specialists all right and then do you have the other doc po you have questions about this part before I go through the goals because I think there were increas is that following the same grade or is that sixth grade this year sixth grade last year what are you talk I'm sorry for the grades that increased or decreased or stay the same are we allowing the same classes it would have been that class from last year gr last year the sixth graders this year if it said sixth grade it would have been last year's sixth graders were this year's seventh graders yeah you go question so for mca's next year um following on the science we may see changes based on a whole new testing so maybe expect either a drop or an increase because we're not testing on the same yes and science is structured slightly different now in the way we teach it and so it the MCAS will be kind of crafted around that so it will be a different Baseline okay not apples to applesc kids don't take the test there for um in the one that's published it's not as zero that is only with Northstar and that is not the one that goes up on the Minnesota report card yeah it's confusing because there two different ways things are shared and in some cases it counts as a negative and in other cases it doesn't I will say uh the high school did a and the middle school did a great job of having more people test and L off outs and I think that um is going to make a difference in the end too that we are have getting a better picture of our entire population of students okay so we are encouraging our students to take the MCA test because in the past we weren't we are okay yeah so I know last year my my son did PSO so he wasn't in school all the time getting some of those kids that yes score high and we did get a lot of them to come back which is good yeah take the test so yeah although that doesn't necessarily mean that you know they took each one took it seriously so that's going to be the next [Music] stage [Music] do that's that's one one thing is having goal setting conferences with students and saying when your data shows X we're going to be giving you that instruction that your data is showing so you really need to show us what you know know so you get the correct instruction we don't want to put you in intervention if you don't need to be an intervention so we're really looking at data to drive where kids go for instruction individual okay can I add one clarifying Point um earlier U Stacy shared the slide of the grades that have increased in MCA scores which is really helpful by the way uh just a reminder though that not all grades take uh the test so for example grades K through two do not take MCAS so obviously they're not going to be on that list same with the high school Sometimes some grades will take math sometimes it's reading and so it'd be impossible for them to increase the the scores of those areas because they don't take it 10th grade takes reading 11th takes math okay the other uh document that was attached was our district goals and they're kind of organized as far as the results go by um Meeting those breakout goals the dark blue all the way down to negative growth basically no growth Decon um none were in the red we're GL we're happy to say there was two in the orange and one of those have already been corrected the EAS that were not highly qualified went from I think it was like 26% it's now at 96% highly qualified because Deb had a three-day training that they were able to go through and take the test state test test um and so that is already corrected um the rest of our goals are anywhere between the light gray to the dark blue all the way up through the Breakthrough goals and I am really happy to say those breakthrough goals happened in the behavior category the less behaviors we start to see as being an issue the better our academic scores are going to continue to increase so that is a great place to be um as far as Behavior any other questions hopefully you had a chance to get it so are we in a position then to begin tracking on a more regular basis and reporting to the board on a regular basis instead of you know so much time the goals I mean we don't see the goals very often sure so can we see them monthly or maybe every two months instead of waiting for so long because again if we're not watching I know you're watching them but if the board doesn't hear about it and and there's that that accountability to the community and everything what we're doing the agility of making sure that for one thing the transparency the community understanding what we're doing how we're doing um it just the communication is huge I'd say probably you know the most might be three times a year because fast fridge screeners happen in the fall winter spring so there wouldn't really be a lot of between data on that until we hit those screeners um but why is that why is fast Bridge only three times a year help me understand well there's progress monitoring happening between there that teachers do with their interventions that we're getting data into educ climber with I would say that's fully implemented at elementary and we're just getting started with that in secondary so I could share Elementary data of that kind earlier than I could secondary so we give time for kids to get their interventions and that takes more than you know monthly sometimes we say six weeks every six weeks is an intervention so six to 12 weeks um and so that three months is 12 weeks basically and then we do a screener okay who's had growth what's that showing how are we doing what do we need to change and tweak okay so maybe Edge Climer could be in something we can make more visible yes we are starting to train all the teachers on it now so it's at least four times every year we can share academic achievement so the three for f Bridge plus the MCA results that come out in August for right at the State Fair time so at least four times if there was something like progress monitoring that can be reported that would be fantastic I just don't know I know we had a we had a presentation by think all the elementary schools it was great to hear that and see and hear the excitement and I just I think our community and our parents need to hear that and know that um and then if their child if they're not seeing a change in their child they they got something to bounce it against right now they're like well nobody's reading very well so my child is doing like everybody else that may be the case may not be the case I just think that more communication would be yeah I think Sam Sam and I can start looking at how could we communicate progress monitoring kind of data so especially at the elementary that's happening same place yeah right so we can start there okay how about that behavior data we can share more regularly well that too is a all that's good because whatever we have our goals against if we can show progress or show okay this is we're stagnating we're not doing anything we're not changing anything so now we are going to you know change what we're doing we're going to try this we're going to try that it's just really important because there's just too many people are saying what are we doing we're we're just not hearing you know the communication I know we got Communications um person in place so that that's you know a good place to start yeah ideally and we're not there yet at some point it' be nice to have a district dashboard on our website where this information and then anyone can look at any time without through materials so that's kind of the the next phase we're not ready to implement it yet but you know Ed of climber has that capability we just have to figure out how we get it how to get it on there so if we could get going at that before the before the new year that would be a good step so these are those these are those um you know when we when we talk goals we worked on goals person you and mikee and I these are these are those steps right these are those get this done by here this done by here you know those are those individual steps into reaching that veryu goal or wherever you land for me the big difference or you know because administrators use you know goal setting smart goal setting you know quite a bit but the one difference that really set this apart I got to thank you for this Pand is the the concept of breakthrough toal right you dream big but the resources behind it the emphasis on it and I think that's that's a really good message yeah all right thank you much uh next up information report will be the first reading of policy 504 522 and 60615 and this is the first reading at our next board meeting will make approval or non approval for the first Poli policy tonight we're going to do something a little bit out of it ordinary and we talked about this ahead of time with Brandon and so forth 6065 about the books Amy is on the committee comments about it help educate everybody and brand has information to there so Amy go ahead well it's just a quick so board members are aware that this is just the first reading we will not be voting on it tonight but 6065 is the library policy so just to just asking you to go through and look at the different possibilities because during the policy committee it was basically I wanted something and Joe wanted something and so where does it go it needs to come back here to the board so please find out what you're comfortable with so that everybody's aware you've looked it over and we can come back and have a nice conversation but there will be decisions at this board on policy 66.5 and you have two options on there one and two you take a look at option one and two and understand what we're talking not we I'm not on the policy committee but they came up with information between now and the next two weeks questions concerns these two on policy committee along with Brandon give a phone call clarify any information you m may need before you vote next time GR want add no I just wanted to highlight it because it's a little bit different than our normal process first reading so thank you P question not question but discussion right we're in the discussion portion of the policies right so I have provided because this was not you know I went to the policy meeting it was not discussed um the inputs that I have put in I put these in January and I put them in again before the policy meeting again so I put them in twice but um I wanted to make sure that everybody sees this because these again are what the what I would like to see in our library policy so I wrote them out so that um everybody could look at them if you don't agree with all of them or you or you agree with some of them and not all of them but but this is what I had proposed as recommendations going into and I understand that we want to stay with mspa msba policies but I do not think that they're defined well enough and I think there's just too much room for and that's why I believe that we have some of the books in that we have and I believe that we will not keep it where this board maybe or the community maybe wants that so I provided this um is this going to go in the record to vessa since I asked for that to go into it's like a visitor it'll be as an extra yeah okay okay okay so I wanted to you know this goes into the pornographic obscene and sexual explicit obscene abusive or profane lwd vulgar rude materials that use language or images that are inappropriate in the education setting um information or materials that could cause damage or danger disruption of the education process materials that use language or images that Advocate violence there's a lot of this in the books that we did um that that were brought before you I know one of our also put an email out so I know you guys if you read his email and read his attachments he cited three different books that were full of you know nasty um I call it SMUD um and I I so I want you to look at this please and I want to have that kind of discussion before we vote on policy and add what the boort feels should be added to keep our literature academically based and reasonable not way out there okay any other questions on the uh first reading those three apies that will come up next week or two weeks from now if not move on to admin report Mr superintendent uh just four items to bring up first the library materials Review Committee will be meeting on Wednesday to discuss well kind of the process of the first meeting of this group but then also hopefully Tal to three of the books that have formally been challenged so we're finally getting it started and uh I want to thank Claudia burville for her work and organizing this first session is that going to be an open meeting that other others can attend no it's just the people who are on the committee but we'll have a a summary of what's discussed and in reasons that are given for either keeping the book in The Collection or removing the B from The Collection so we'll be hopefully that's very clear then the academic value and language arts or whatever we think we're getting out of those yeah yeah we um you I'm not exactly sure what the format will look like I know Claudia has been working on like form to use that would include the um you know some of the criteria and policy and procedure so it might be one of those things where we learn as we go but yeah we wanted to make it as clear as possible um even though we were not invited to attend the meeting are we can be able to see the documentation that you use to go through and and look over the the process yeah yeah uh certainly we talking about the process and then you know the one thing we have to remember is that if let's say the committee denies the request to remove the materials then it can be uh the next stage would be to have me review it uh and I will typically look at the grade range of the book and just make sure the process was followed that's kind of my main criteria um and then issue a decision to the the person who submitted the request but then after that it can still be appealed to the full school board so certainly um you know at the level of the school board you you get that information um but most of the documentation you know is public information so anyone could put in a request they to see it what what is the grade what are you using on a tool what's the grade um what's the tool that you're using just figure out if it's grade appropriate what's the objective tool yeah so Claudia is going to be reviewing that she may have yet uh I know that she you know indicated did something that she likes to use and so the you know I just want to see how that Jes with what is in our current procedure what's in our what's in our current procedure yeah what you could do anyone can look at it because it's website but if you go under the policy section of the school board area uh go to policy 66.5 and then look at procedures related to it okay so it's got the that's got that in there yeah yeah and it lists multiple ones uh but really I want to rely on you know what Claudia uses I think she'll be you know really solid in terms of you know what's used in that process so what do I'm going to ask the question again what does how use and why can't that information be shared just being Well it can't me but um you know I have the procedure that's on the website that lists like four or five different uh organizations and then she brought up another one as well and so you you just don't know the name on hand yeah but yeah clearly I mean I can easily U you know change the procedure to include that so that we're all the same page can you get that to us before our next meeting so that we can at least take a look at that sure and question let's say someone wanted to watch is this a closed meeting or is it just for some reason nobody can yeah it's just part of it because that to me doesn't seem well transparent yeah I mean we'll be transparent with the results of the meeting uh but you know we don't open up all of our internal meetings to the public it just is so that's one of the reasons in my proposal is I proposed it to be a school board board meeting school board members attend it because then it has to be an open meeting and it cannot be closed so that was one of my proposals just so you guys all know that if it if a school board member is on it or two then it would have to follow open meeting law and then it would be open to the public so they could at least observe and understand what's going on just like our other important committees that we have so that was one of my recommendations any question 66.5 please look at all the information that's out there I know if I go back to my file on the uh information I think there's six or seven different websites that could be used to identify books it all comes down to which one is going to be used I sat with the middle school and I watch Margaret used the machine over there book after book after book one person all by herself EA part-time worker and she does a great job trying to figure out what books should be at the middle school and which on you pass on over to the high school yet there's a lot of different websites out there one works for me one doesn't work for me so again a lot of information here and it's a very complicated it's not an easy process here figure out what's longer to one person may not be V to somebody else determining what is what out there and all these folks we work with and I'll add that um some of the rating agencies use grade level others use age so you know sometimes these raing agencies will conflict and so it's going to have to be a review as you know as many as we review so uh three more items uh the school board candidate forum is tomorrow night at 7 o'clock in the high scho Center uh it will not be uh live live streamed but it is going to be videotape so that people can see it after and uh the reason it's not live stream I think is because it's not here it's in a different setting so it was a lot easier to Simply record it Constitution Day learned something new uh recently uh the um there's a federal law that is explained by the US Department of Education indicating that districts must hold educational program about the US Constitution on Constitution Day which is September 17th and um you know so you we were not aware of that Federal requirement uh and so that had not been done on September 17th but I know Stacy has reached out to principles to make sure that that happens I think this week is sort of the expectation so we'll catch up he won't be on that day and um you know one thing finally I gave a good suggestion to the msba because we asked that question and they shared what state law is and state law says we may provide that information about Constitution Day it doesn't say will so federal law of course you know override state law and so I know that MSP will be changing their guidance to schools based on the federal law so you know one of those things where we wouldn't learn a little bit and then finally attendance on the plan late start uh board member did ask for information about attendance on last Wednesday which is our first late start and then I shared that information as long asend along with attendance on previous day and next day they're roughly the same on all three days U but of course there are some caveats to it um first of all at least with the first report I looked at year Wednesdays usually had the highest attendance but that's been fluctuating so um there could be an impact of the late starts on attendance I don't want to say there isn't based on this data but then on the flip side I think there was maybe a field trip on that Wednesday and you know when we Mark attendance you know they're they have excused absence from those classes so I I think it's one of those things where we can continue to monitor during the year to see how attendance is impacted by online schools isn't isn't enough to really come to a judgment of course the the biggest impact on late starts is on parents you know because you know the younger kids of course they um often need to make arrangements you know to get this kids to school a couple a couple hours later so any I just wanted to share that information with everyone okay any questions to superintendent if not move on to action item first one approval of the preliminary Levy certification Miss D caring by the way uh works for the center for sufficient School operations or ceso and she is now our business manager representing while representing us through ciso so she has a great experience in multiple school districts of business manager and so we're glad that she's here think is Ron still here he uh he does not come usually in person but he's still part of the ceso team okay so things will change depending on the topic or the project so he's involved in some ways but Dei is sort of the the face of business management here now saying that he's going to be gone for a couple of weeks and so Ron will be coming in here the next couple weeks well thank you good evening uh Mr chair members of the school board superintendent Anderson um before you this evening we have the 24 payable 25 preliminary tax levy um so this evening I'll give you a quick little background about some information on the tax levy process I'll summarize some major changes from last year uh in your packet you received the document that shows three years I'll just be going over the two years um and then at the end of all of this we'll be asking you to uh approve the maximum and I want to make sure and you'll hear me say this several times throughout the maximum doesn't mean the sky the limit it means that it gives us the finance team to work with the Department of Education on making sure that all of the aspects of the tax levy system is in place um the Department of Education changes the levy it's been um started on the 6th and I think we've had six different versions of it so things are still being worked out by the department of Ed and it could be changes in such things as enrollment and we want to make sure that um St Francis school district is not missing out on anything so all the changes that will occur between now and September 30th is the purpose of having it at the maximum here we go so State statue requires that that the School Board address and fi um authorizes a initial or pre preliminary Levy certification by September 30th uh the purpose of the the approval is to provide information to the county auditor so that the Auditors can get the tax statements out to the taxpayers by the end of November and then those of you who have been on the school board for a while you know that the final Levy certification will take place in December there is what's called a truth and Taxation hearing that will be provided there'll be opportunity for members of the community to speak at that or ask question before the board then takes action on the final certification of the levy and we'll talk a little bit more about that in just a minute so in September the school board must approve the levy as I had stated um for their proposals for the 25 colle the collected taxes in 2025 while the school board could approve a proposed Levy of a specific um dollar amount msba has also come out in recommending School District to approve the Le proposed Levy at the maximum the data D drive driving the levy calculation can be updated as needing needed between September and December when the final Levy is approved approving the maximum Levy reserves the school board's ability to Levy the maximum amount Allowed by State Statute based on information that is available so again everything driven by State Statute so what might cause increase or decrease in ta tax levies the local tax property um used by School District to secure funding for those programs which program property taxes are mechanisms made available through the state of Minnesota and through state law the majority of the school district funding comes through state or federal aid other than through specific voter approval there are four major categories as you see on the screen here the first is through changes in state law it's important to note that the state the school district's ability to Levy for local Finance resources is highly regulated by State Statute the local school district cannot increase a tax levy without being specific statutory authorization to do so this will be important to remember as we discussed the preliminary Levy at the max at the end of the presentation the second way that the levy may change would be on pupil units number of students that we have and any population changes that may occur um some Levy formulas are are linked directly to pupil units and some are linked um to population Community Education is a prime example where the population is is important um as those numbers change change then the tax levy for the school district may change as well the next category is the market value um and the tax capacity of the school district property so the property that's within our boundaries um and it's an important factor um for our levies um some some levies are equalized which means that the portion of the funding formula is paid through state aid and the remainder is paid through a local Levy so as the market grows these types of levies are designated to decrease the proportion of state aid and increase the proportion picked up by the local um Levy uh specific to uh the St Francis School District the net tax capacity increased by 3.9% and the referenda market value increased about 3.6% um so with that it's important to remember though the tax levy might increase the tax base as that de increases as well that Levy is spread across the broader base and at times can actually cause um taxpayers levies to go down um finally the last way to look at at um how levies increases is based on changes and expenditures certain levies are um based on the expenditures that the school district has some of that is in um school age uh care which we'll talk about in a little bit but also long-term facility maintenance where it's based on the actual expenditures that are made whoops we don't need volume right how do we get out of that sorry Vana thanks there we go okay so this is the total Levy for the school district um there's categories that the school district can Levy for and it's only these three categories or these funds it's the general fund community service and then Debt Service and I'll talk about all three of those in in a in the upcoming slides I have a slide for each of those so you note that the general fund is decreasing by about $395,000 I'll talk about that in a little bit or 5.26 62% community service is decreasing about 50 $6,000 or just under 15% and then Debt Service um um one of the other larger portions of our Levy is decreasing by about $557,000 for a total of just over a million dollar or 7.21% and I will go into detail about all of those um on the upcoming slides so first I'm going to talk about the um RMV or reference a market value uh portion of tax base and you'll see there's categories called voter approved and referendum voter uh referendum market value other and then same net tax capacity voter approved and net tax capacity other the referenda voter approved levies if the school district had had an operating referenda which gets voted on by the public that would be included here uh St Francis does not have any the referendum other on the next slide will have that and then the net tax capacity voter approved that would be if the district had a capital project referenda or a tech Levy as most school districts call them and then the net tax capacity other we'll talk about those categories as well overall general fund going down about 5.62% so spent a little time talking about these so um the local optional Revenue categories are increasing by just over one $126,000 and that's mostly due to that increase in the referendum market value that I talked about again referendum market value is all properties excluding seasonal or parts of agricultural so for instance an agricultural property the house garage in one acre is all that is txed tax in these particular categories for referendum market value so if a property farmer or had a large property with hundreds of acres of land the land would not be um imposed by us for this particular category so in that the local observational Levy um are based on changes in state aid and the increase in the tax um capacity as I mentioned then when we look at the next category Equity Aid I want to make sure that you understand that this is not PR programmatic aid for an equity program it is an equity as it relates to Equalization so which is essentially a vehicle that the legislature uses for school districts that do not have an operating referenda or a lower amount compared to other school districts so for St Francis School District about $766,000 comes in this form of a levy to provide some funding for the school district um the other category that is the main driver of changes here is the adjustment category and the adjustment category as you can see in 2025 in the certified Levy had a had an adjustment of about $828,000 and I know that uh Ron Meyer talked about this last year we had some um lower projections of enrollment over time in the levy certifications and when you do um a lower adjust adjustment and the enrollment actually comes in a little higher the state will then adjust the levy to make sure the school district is not losing out on any money so we had some of that occurring in the past and so in 2024 it picked up and captured that but in 2425 or 25 excuse me proposed Levy we have uh kind of leveled off that enrollment projection to be a little more on what we think it is going to be and to be honest when I looked at the one for 24 and 25 we're not we're projections are very close to where we actually ended up in 24 and the beginning of the school year so having that on track is important um and fluctuations in enrollment can happen at any time and being able to predict that can be challenging such as during covid that's a challenging time to do it so I just wanted to say that when you have a large adjustment as we're seeing here in one year and in the subsequent year it's not there that's what causes the change it's not that we're losing out of money it's just the difference between those two categories so overall the uh referendum uh market value um levies do decrease by 13.33% then if we look at those net tax capacity and net tax capacity is all the properties in the district that is their Market value of their homes by their classifications and those figures are are made and assessed by the county auditor not by the school district all of this is coming from information from the state and County to develop what our net tax capacity and capabilities um on this Slide the bulk of the change is in uh total ltfm or long-term facility maintenance and I want to describe a little bit of why that is occurring it isn't that we're getting extraordinary dollars in long-term facility maintenance there's a certain amount that you get and it's based on pup units age and square footage of your building um and whether you have a new so as your um age increases the more money that is available if you had more students that would be the case the other Factor has to do with whether or not you have a facility Bond and we had a we have had we have had two one is expiring where being in other words it's being paid off by 2026 so that principle and interest and I'm going to show you that in the debt slide then is eligible to be used in the general fund um for this particular category so a similar amount about $233,000 in The Debt Service you'll see that as a change in our facilities bonds um because that that one particular bond has been paid off overall in this category this is down 5.62% yes how is it down 5.62% oh my bad sorry it should be a positive thank you y I will get that changed and sent out to to the notes so thank you for pointing that out okay on to the next one community service fund um the Community Education Levy is the smallest of all of our levies and so little swings in this such as the $56,000 difference does make a an impact on this um the Community Education um there's two main factors that we see going on here the the increase in the state aid does cause a a change in this particular fund and so there's more state aid being paid here that is providing um the District did not have to pay as much uh or taxpayers not pay as much in um Levy so that's decreasing about $177,000 and then when we look at the school age care that's the one I wanted to spend the most time on um because that one as you can see in 24 was being levied at $54,000 and it had been for a while and The major portion of the adjustments that you see in that category are due to previous over um estimating what we thought we needed in school age care and so this year you can see we've got it to a level at 30,000 that's about where we believe those expenses will be and so a decrease there in getting that estimated and then a change because the overestimate in the prior year comes into that adjustment so those two make up that the major portion of the decrease that you see in the community service fund and and in case you're wondering School Age Care um those tax Lees are related to students that might have disability needs um or children of of a family experiencing some problems of a temporary nature and the child must be participating in school age so it's not just to fund school age child care it is for a specific purpose for a specific group of children yeah what is the home visits home visits is where Community um educations we have staff where they might go out and home visit with a a parent that might be have a child or where they needing some additional care that the child can't get out of the home and then the final category is The Debt Service fund and I'm going to kind of draw your attention the first three that are there are regular are related to the voter approved debt so when bonds are issued those first three categories ories are related to that the next three long-term facility Debt Service and the following two categories are related to those facility bonds that I mentioned to you earlier so in the initial Debt Service those are voer approved bonds and this is the levy that we um propose here that is calculated is based on the actual principal and interest payments that we make on those Bonds on a yearly basis you'll see that that amount has going down by 64,000 in the initial Debt Service um and that's partially due to the fact that the the school district has refunded or refinanced most people are familiar with some of the bonds and getting a lower principal and interest payments that we're having to make second the reduction for debt excess that has to do with the calculation so when we we Levy for the principal and interest payments that we make there's a statutory requirement that we leev Levy 105% of what is needed and that's to make assurances that the bond holders are paid once the calculation every year the state of Minnesota looks at what the fund balance is for Debt Service and sees how much is in excess of that 105% and then makes the calculation to take back those funds which then goes back to T taxpayers okay so it's kind of an exercise of making sure we have enough and then rightsizing that amount to a lower amount and so then there's also sometimes there's some adjustments most of the times is it's going to be for past refunding of bonds then that next category the facility Debt Service similar situation where um in that as I told you earlier where the long-term facility maintenance in the general fund was up and this one is down because we had those bonds falling off so that about 288 I think I said 233 but 288 compared I think it was around 290,000 it's just moving it out of The Debt Service Levy and now we can increase the general fund Levy and likewise 105% must be um uh you must Levy for that amount and then it's the debt excess calculation comes in as well so therefore overall Debt Service which is great is going down about 57,000 so finally slide here on the actual numbers and I apologize there are a lot of numbers but we want to make sure that you understand what what is happening here so the general fund uh just over 6.6 million uh Community Education about $325,000 Debt Service just over6 million for a total of uh 12.98 um we will say that the levy runs for the last couple of days have held to that um but again we want to remind you that we're going to want you to approve the levy at the max which provides a maximum flexibility for the district to work with the dep Department of Education um on any propos changes that might happen whether it's an error on their part regarding say enrollment that's usually the one that is the biggest PE so State Statute determines what we can Levy as a school district um and um if by providing this at the max it doesn't mean we do any amount we want or required in our state statute it just uh then uh helps with that EB and flow of little tweaks that have happened over um the next couple of months um so while you can decide in December or you could decide to do this exact amount but if there were changes made in the levy due to an error that is the only amount that you can bring forward then in the future at the December board meeting when we do the truth and taxation hearing and you certify the levy you can make a change to lower the amount if you chose to it can't go higher than what would be at that particular time okay so again providing it um approving the me Levy at the max provides the maximum flexibility for the board and for the district but does not allow for leving at higher amount than State Statute house all right next steps um tonight asking you to approve the levy at the max as I mentioned in December uh we'll first we'll have a truth and Taxation hearing which will there's requirements on what is proposed and what is brought forward for the board to review and for the community to see there'll be an opportunity for the community members to ask questions about that or have comments um and then at that same meeting then the board is will be asked to certify the levy and by the end of December we have requirements to submit that both to the state and to the county so uh with that um Mr chair I turn it over to questions on all these big numbers lot of numbers any questions yeah so um you know the public out here is yeah you know we want to prove it to the to the math doesn't sound very good right if you're a taxpayer especially if you don't have any kids in Theo school um my question I guess is to ksten um what do you guys do between now and December 9th so if the board said yeah we're going to approve it to the max because then that gives us some some some opportunity to at least work on some things what does your group do then what does it your team work at for that December n truth truth and Taxation and the vat yeah really it's a business office function and so we'll rely on D and her team to review the levy information make sure it's accurate monitor if it's going up or down uh and so we follow you know that lead uh the 24 PID 25 Levy is related to taxes for the 2025 calendar year and that impacts the revenue for next school year not this school year and so the primary role for the admin team is to better understand what our revenue is going to look like for that year uh and we estimate expenditures and then if we have to make adjustments like budget reductions then we'll do that starting in January after we have this information and the audit approved by the board so really that's where we really jump so the so the the bo if the board were say no we don't want to go Max let's say we go whatever some some lower number then what happens well uh if that happened and I've done that before uh in a different district and uh because we looked at the increase in the levy and we thought we could make an adjustment that would not hurt our kids and so we made that adjustment um you know it doesn't happen often but we do look at those numbers very carefully we're lucky here because the actual Lev is going down at least with the preliminary I mean you know adjustments are going to be made by the state but that's a good sign um if the if there was an under Levy then that's factored in to the revenue budget for next school year and so that we make decisions based on that and if I can just comment on what you said I agree the word maximum it's been used for 25 plus years every school district I've worked in we've used that term because it's the state's term but it's really the opportunity to correct any errors that come forward that might have happened at the state of Minnesota I personally had it happen at a previous School District the state had an erroneous number in there and it would have cost the district like $325,000 of lost Revenue had we not done the maximum so it's it's not to say this guy's the limit it's the let's make sure we get it in there at the amount that's appropriate based on our students based on the information and for what is in State Statute and I think it's key that when people show up for the truth of Taxation you know we don't always have a lot of people here we only have just a very very small handful of people that actually come and and and for that presentation so I think it's really important that our community shows up and asks those questions and make sure that they they feel that there's things that can be done or shouldn't be done or whatever that we they get that on the table the time so I just wanted to have that a little bit of discussion so that our community can understand this is really an important piece yeah and when we get to December it will be a hard number yeah it's a hard number it's done my guess it's not going to change much at all since we started it in beginning of September it's maybe changed $50,000 well that's how we did the bonds we took those Bond actions that we did the previous year to it yeah yeah by the way I agree the the questions help us provide responses the more communication the better so it's a good thing for everyone well I would just like to add that school boards don't have the the um their Levy authority to Levy what we want we do have someone from the city of O here sitting with us and they do they they can increase their levies and they can decrease their levies and decide they're going to hire police or they're going to do roads or Bridges or whatever school districts if you don't approve the maximum Levy with our district not having an operating Levy this is our set in statute this is how we receive the funds from the state which is St State Statute if you weren't to go the maximum Levy you're then denying that the revenue that the state has approved for our children so it would be very detrimental the district 15 do not approve the max I don't like the word maximum but okay it's the maximum but it's the maximum that is allowed by the state set and statute we don't get to the side here like cities and counties we approve what the state approved and this is the Avenue that needs to be done so I just wanted to clarify that yep good information all right any questions comments good information given out now we allow all to happen here we need a motion to move second second second Amy in further discussion on uh approval of the preliminary Levy certification any questions if not all in favor say I I oppose motion pass to 70 thank you very much thank you information we'll see you back in December more numbers for approval employment agreement for office professionals and motion to accept thank you Jill second Nate thank you second discussion on op for their contract no discussion all favor say I I oppos motion passes thank than you very much next up is approval of superintendent negotiations uh prior to to it here uh first of all we just get a motion to accept motion to accept thank you second May second all right discussion first of all the items on the agenda tonight that item place on the agenda after there are many many discussions and meetings of how this can be back on the agenda there's no grown person running this agenda it's all based on what's legal what we can and cannot do on the school board that's why Leal was contacted MSA was contacted other people were contacted what do you do with the 33 vote and discussion was yes you can bring it back up for discussion because it's a 3 three vote a TI and that's why it was put back on the agenda not because the chairs are Ro chairs want to do out here after meeting meetings were held after discussion was held legal and msba put back on the agenda that's why it's here tonight so for we on right now just so you know why it's put back on the agenda discussion on approval of the superintendent negotiation to move into negotiation we're not approving the contract we just saying let's have discussion like we just did for the old all right discussion questions discussion questions m is is it a three-year contract is it a one-year contract what are we T most time we doing threeyear contracts correct is really um yeah it could be up to three years but really it's at the will of the the well have to be agreement between the school board and the superintendent you know what that would look like so it can be up to three years but you know it's really I don't know if that would be decided here or perhaps in the negotiations committee if this passes I was just going to say I think those details would be left up to the negotiation negotiating committee to meet with the superintendent to see what he was looking for and then bring it back to this committee or bring back to this Amy so I have a question who's on the negotiating committee go go ahead because I know you had you said you would step back cuz you weren't W again and then you according to last meeting you removed P talked about removing there and then keeping Rob on I strongly feel that's not there because there's no guarantee that Rob's going to get reelected so why would you remove one person because they're not running and it really doesn't matter because there's plenty of time to negotiate a contract between now in January you think you'd want some board members that have experience in in this area than just removing especially ones that were talked about and agreed upon um because we everybody knows what negotiation committees they set up so again M um I think we should hold up on this discussion until this item is decided and there the motion is um Complete because as Miss um Johnson said um having that discussion during a motion when it didn't talk when the discussion was n that topic we shouldn't have been discussing it so I think we should stand by what one of our board members has already stated she was opposed to from our previous discussions so let's I call a question on the current topic clarification am I still on the negotiating committee or am I not is there some decisions that's been been made outside of this meeting or not okay I just want clarification okay has the negotiating team been changed without my knowledge okay this what we're at right now our negotiations committee Rob has got a hold of me last go around it was discussed about we should have people on the committee who's going to be here for the next two years because in the beginning it was Pam and I and Rob the three of us may be gone in January if we not running and Rob be elected maybe not elected we didn't know Rob got a hold of me Rob says take me off the committee I'm busy I got things going on please take me off the committee no problem we can do that so there was discussion who will be on the committee and what I'm looking at is Nate to be on the committee Jill on the committee and myself on the committee and B was taken off the committee because she was here she was gone and some of the comments made so it was decided tonight I was going to ask the question for Nathan Jill and myself as chair to put people on committees and take off committees and so I took Pam off tonight in public I want talk about that anyways and asked Nate and Jill to be on the committee because they're goingon to be here for the next two years I'm gone Pam's gone Rob may be here but he asked off the committee I do not want to be removed from a committee that I was put on placed on without my knowledge I don't think that that is right that you pull me off of that committee you will pull off the committee because you be gone in December coment to me I have the floor and the comment you sent to me about negotiations committee I feel you wouldn't be fair on it so I as as well just pull your opport committee and that's why chair I remove you from the chair from the committee I think that's out of order no it's not out of order chair and set committees in your comment that you sent to me about the negotiation committee a negativity I'm not going to have any issues dur in the committee so ask and jail name was Anette also volunteer pardon me why Anette volunteered she's going to be here I pick why you're not going to be here I said the agenda I set the uh the Committees I pulled you off I'm taking Rob's discussion take him off the committee I'm putting n and Jill myself on the committee that's been said but you're not going to be on the board either next year that's right I'll be going so why would you stay on the committee and why would an N not be on the committee and why why has this all been done behind the scenes it was not done behind the scenes it was it not first time hear the first you're hearing it so it was done behind the scenes there's discussion behind the scenes not at the school board meeting by you as chair you can set the Committees you know how that works I've set the committee I remove the committee we're moving forward at this point okay I have question Department yes ma'am that's done in December and into January I've never seen it done this time a year ever so again we sting some and I've never seen that the negativity comments sent to me about the committee either from miss cam Johnson very negative that's why I don't want on committee it won't be fair go ahead the negative comment is is that is that when I asked you last board meeting if Pam sent you anything about whether or not she wanted the superintendent to continue to be superintendent and you said you would get to that and if my recollection is correct you never did mention how because she wasn't here and asked that you tell the board I don't believe you ever did at the last board is that what you're talking about the voice of bam at the meeting about her being present now if you want to hear that what she wrote to me I can give it to you well if you want it I'll give it to you go ahead you can ask P did she not ask that you share it with the board since she wasn't going to be here not going to be her voice negativity that she wrote to me yeah this is that this is we don't we all decided which and it was all defin in January for you to all of a sudden behind the scenes without nam's knowledge I evidently you and J talked about it change the whole committee up and and choosing the three individuals by the way that you have and the way the voting has been going and leaving a net off I think it's just totally uncalled for I think it's totally out of order I don't think that that should be done I think it should be have remain it's not been done in the past for Amy so you want me to publicly I am talking about why the committee was changed and you can't go by somebody's view at that point in time the board has now made a decision okay the board has now made a decision so that isn't even valid anymore this is not valid it's not well sound pretty negative to me when you it's not valid so now you're backing out what you said about it is not valid because we have to go with voice of the board so this whole board We Are One voice when the board voices One Voice we all have to go in that direction for you to change everything up in between meetings without having a discussion at the board table our community does not know what's happening because you're behind the scenes deciding what's going to happen as the board chair that is not how this has ever been done in this chair this board asking me placing committee I've never had this trouble in 12 years either until the last couple of months know what that means fact of the matter is the chair set the agenda of the the Committees chair always can move people in and out committees is this part the job of the chair unfortunately for reasons made a decision for the two people here who's going to be here for the next two years but you're not that's correct so why is a nette not on it she's going to be here she's here all three of these individuals are here for for the LA Miss Amy so I just um what is what you do R where you disagree with the rule of the sherff and I would make a motion that that that a n would be added on to the committee and that Mr SAR would be taken off for the reason that you said at the last board meeting that you were going to remove Rob or that you were GNA remove him but you were GNA keep Rob on because he might get back out I think he's so if you're going to do this then everyone who's not going to be here next year including yourself needs to not be on the negotiating team and it would then be Jill and Ne and [Music] yes that's fair I'm going to make a motion for that I question okay or I think what you're um asking for is to amend the amend the motion um to identify the committee members yes that I disagree with the rule of the chair which can be done you can disagree with the Lo yeah sorry for jumping in there especially since I person and I would change the committ to reflect to would either back to where it was or that it would be jailmate and that I make a motion that the committee remains as it established we have to we get too many motions here all missed out all right we have a motion on the floor to accept the uh superintendent negotiations now we have an amendment who that someone making we make an amendment to what I think well people are deciding whether or not they're going to vote for this based on the committee and who's on the committee so I think we need to decide who's on the committee and I I disagreed with the rule of the chair and ask that we change it either back to the original negotiating or that you put the new committee together with Mr Star off of it and a net on it which would then be Nate Anette and jel I'm fine with either one but I'm not fair it's unfair the way you've done it right now that's why I'm disagreeing with the RO all right so your amendment is to change it with Anette Jill and N correct that's your am that what you're asking yes because yes I I'll say that yes so there a second to am is amendment there a second Jake Jake sorry Jake Rob all right okay in further discussion on what Amy's asking for if not okay the amendment is reading I get you the m is going to read that Anette Nate and Jill will be on the committee that's what we're on one that discussion go ahead the only point I want to make is at the beginning of this meeting there was a lot of discussion about how we shouldn't be discussing who's going to be on the committee before we approve if we're going to negotiate a contracts and now all of a sudden that conversation has been flipped that we should be discussing that and who's on the committee should not determine if we negotiate a contract who's on the committee we should be either deciding are we going to negotiate a contract or not then we should decide who is going to be on the committee and that's the next decision okay so I will say I will remove mine I'm fine with that that's fine we'll discuss who's going to be on the committee afterwards m p but your Amendment so you have to remove your second as well okay well my comment back Jill is I had no idea that I was not a I was changed from a committee it was not discussed at a board table does have yeah I think it does that's open meeting law well go ahead an it doesn't have to be but I would say that it should be all right so help me out we have a motion on the floor to accept an any of you're changing your Amendment you're dropping it now it's just for the to approve the uh negotiation to go into negotiations okay then we'll come back to committee members all right so all the fa to enter negotiations can I ask for roll call vote y for roll call vote Nate yes and no Pam no Rob yes Amy no Jill yes and star yes so 4 we're going to enter into negoti 4 43 we're going to enter into negotiation Now who's on the committee for right that's what you want to discuss next okay someone want to bring up a motion or say something go ahead is there an amendment or you want to bring something up M I make a motion that the um the group stays the same the negotiation team stays the same as it was said second ask who that was because I I don't remember the original Rob myself I did ask lat up for four weeks I don't know how much time I'm going to have I'm hopefully going to be able to walk Thursday I'm going be doing 60 hour days Nate are we in discussion right now in discussion okay uh so what would we typically do if someone were to ask to be removed so if Amy ask to be removed from the policy committee that is up to the board chair correct correct like that that's the the standard way that we do it um I'm going to throw a little comment in but School Board handbook would be really nice because it would explain some of this stuff to us and how we do these procedures but if someone is asking to be removed that would typically go back to the school board chair for selection or you would ask uh other members who would want to be involved correct I'm guessing that's what we have done in the past um right yes okay comment question we have a motion in a second on the floor right that the original people be back on the committee except we found out one can't make it all right so go take a vote and see what comes up on it take a roll vote all in favor of an yes yes ma'am yes sir problem I guess is the r me stay on well the amendment is that you're on that the original people stay on it the and this is my kind of problem you know all I have to do is call Mr Star Mr star being the board chair will then appoint someone to be on in your place no one's going to make you be there but I think that's fair that's all I'm looking for is as a board member is for things to be fair all the time not sometimes and this will be fair this is the way it's done good so we have a motion and second on the floor Nate yes can keep the original Three Pam robin star here yes Anette yes Pam yes BR yes Amy yes Jill no and stars no all right so the 52 vote okay we have a board now yet or a committee yet rob you said you want to come off the committee I'll call you later thank you you call me later all right and I'm going to reach out and appoint someone Miss and I just want to make a public knowledge I had reached out to Mr star at the beginning of this month asking that the composition be changed because as uh the board was changing there should be somebody who's on the committee that will be on the board next year and that's why Pi yourself to be H it being fair for the next two years all right any further discussion on where we're at right now committee right now ra get a hold of meting I'll get a hold of n in jail and we'll go forward from there so I want to again making recommendation that a net go on it's here she will be here next year now this P want to be on the committee or the committee I'm saying from a replacement standpoint that of you already choosing just making a recommendation so are you going to contact me to stay on or stay off I'm just making a recommendation Cor for robs replacement for yeah but what about you you want to be on the committee or off the committee I'm not I'm on the committee you're off the committee I'm on the committee you want to stay on it I'm on the committee okay I'm going to verify see if the chair can change that if he can he's going to make the change all right so right now moving forward with it uh Rob will be getting hold of me I reach out for another fill point for Rob okay any questions I know it's going to sound strange after this discuss and split but I appreciate the discussion and the willingness to at least consider um one to three more years for me I love living and working in St Francis and I know there are different views on all sorts of things um and so I'm going to continue to to try to find Common Ground wherever I can so again thank you for that all right well move on and take yeah Just for information nowhere in our board meeting minutes have we approved or negotiating Comm many people are I did just confirm that took me a little longer because I was moving slow tonight but nor did we ever confirm that in a board meeting that's all set by the board chair and that's that's how we've done it the meeting that we approved committee assignments was January 22nd 2024 um if you want want to verify what I'm saying that's where we approved our committee assignments not our negotiating committee assignments but our committee assignments and it's a negotiating committee but we're all told which committees were on by the board shair and it just need there if you think it's fair Jo that's fine you can think it's fair I'm looking out and I can tell you a lot of our community members I'm getting phone calls what's going on at the board table they don't see it as being fair at all if you that's fine if you think it is I don't think it is fair it all and msba oh they say we could do this no I me it failed it failed I put it on again and I didn't have to seconded you couldn't have seconded it to put it back on the agenda just in FYI it has to come from the prevailing side which is which is on that rather myself I figured it would go through I'm not a fan right now I don't get phone calls back I've tried to get policy in this this District that keeps our schools neutral the whitewashing of recall that waited for three years I've never gotten it and it isn't about getting my way it's about having an opportunity at this table to vote that's all to vote to discuss not to have not to be ignored not to not have my phone calls answered that's all is to be heard you may think it's fair it's not fair that's all I have all right move on NE in there comments yes ma'am just one other point go ahead we've always ensured that persons that are going to be involved in the next board coming in are involved in a negotiating process we and involved in the interview process we did that with the previous superintendent we've always tried to do that and I don't think it's fair to keep it with persons that will not be on this board and be responsible for a decision our negotiation individual negotiations and understand what those negotiations were and there needs to be somebody who's going to be on the next the board come January involved in those discussions because those are not public discussions they're with those three people Brandon and the superintendent how many somebody's have to be returning to be that need to be on that board making that decision negotiating I didn't say okay so there should be by what you're saying essentially there should be nobody on the committee negotiating that's not returning is what I'm what I'm hearing yet Mike is on it he's not returning he picked himself you and Nate he's not returning why would you pick yourself to stay on the committee if you're not returning but we're concerned that people that are returning should be the ones on the committee that's where it's just looking a little off go ahead so the other comment I want to make is why don't we just hold off and let the negotiations go on with the full brand new committee because then that committee is going to vote because we still have to vote on the acceptance of whatever the negotiating team comes up with so then why don't we just wait for the whole process to start in January with the full new board so I mean that's not something else to consider if we're worried about who's going to be and who's not going to be and who's going to be you know going forward with the with the superintendent then let's move it off to January no that won't happen Nate that we already approved to enter into negotiations with the superintendent no time don't time frame you can wait till January then and wait for the full brand new board with a brand new chair to negotiate a contract with the superintendent of their wishes if you're going to make Common Sense out of it go ahead I think what's being pointed out is that it doesn't make any sense the rulings the you're on you're off it it isn't fair it hasn't F and it's just based on I don't know what it's based on I'd have to ask you what it's based on I'm not going to speculate what it's based on I can't tell you I'm getting phone calls from people at saying it doesn't look Fair what is going on at that table why and and only you can answer that Mike but again you were so rushed to that it had to be done at the meeting when Pam wasn't here which is why Rob voted against it last time it wasn't that he didn't want to offer him a contract which is why I voted to put it back on again you know what I could have done I could have said NOP I'm not going to Second and that went the second it and he wouldn't be getting a contract right now but I didn't do that had you called me you would have figured that out maybe found that out well but instead I didn't get phone calls back but that would have been fair to Rob and it wouldn't have been fair to Carson whether I want to hire him again or not one thing I am is honest and fair I do not see that happening at the full board table right now people love to make these phone calls all the time and go back up to it but I can verify to tell you what happened first time I at the funeral home my sister from my brother-in-law when the phone call came in I don't take phone calls in funeral home then met working on celebration of life with a brother-in-law the other phone call came in the other time on Korn I don't take phone call on Korn business so that's why I phone call for taking back and then I forgot to call you back after the last one so that's where the first three were at I was death and the family and I don't take phone calls in funeral so there's quite no phone calls are G back to you now beair to everybody when uh Miss Pam give a very very negative comment to me to be her voice I took it has she no longer wants to be on the committee that's why you would remov from the committee that's why I would have said but I reach up to the people who will be around for the next two years now if Anette wants to be on the committee you want be on the committee Anette so I'm not going to replace P because if you go on the committee it will be you Nate and Jill I want take Pam off no I don't want to replace P okay well I'm have to put the two of you on the committee so we're go forward from here and as a matter of fact we'll verify that's right we're going to verify through uh uh and please film that for me and you get to film over here also uh we'll verify through legal again shair responsibility and right now the chair is appointing Nate and uh Jill and myself on the committee if the that wants be on it I'll hit myself off and I'll put a net on the committee the three of you who will be for the next two years you want to do that route you can do that that that's up to you you tell me yeah I'll take your spot you want to do that okay no problem we got that Nate and Jill be on the committee the three of you workers Carson will here to get a date and time set for your first negotiation committee then we usually put a one time meeting it's quick and it's easy with superintendant it has the B that way so the three of you work it out and get a DAT set with the superintendent Pam and I and Rob is off the committee as chair you do that all right anything else Anor all right move on then upcoming meetings you see that your on your board book there what coming up in the future uh School Board member reports Mr Nate AR we going to have a discussion on the upcoming meetings if you want go ahead add yeah I do um so on Monday October 14th so that's going to be a work session and it's going to be with communication planning what I'd like to add to that is discussions around the changes in Title Nine um I forget what the policy number is guys it's the one that we're going to vote on next week but I'd like to talk about how do we communicate to our community and maybe like on field trip forums and all that the changes and how that could affect students staying overnight locker rooms restrooms the whole work so I'd like for us to have that discussion at that meeting and talk about we need to get in front of and we need to try to do something that makes sure that everybody is aware of what's going on so that parents can make choices as to how they um their kids participate or whatever or we can have a discussion if there's anything else we can do as a board to try to um get in front of or get ahead of certain things that could cause us issues in the future if um I agree with having a discussion my only question is timing and I'll need to rely on Brandon because he's the the title n person is October a good time to have that discussion or not there there's still we're still getting trained I this was in a training on Friday I'm getting up to speed on the new regulations so there's a lot of uncertainty out there right now um having more time will get me to a better point where I understand everything I thought it was pretty much nailed down because Minesota statute that we aren't gonna nothing's going to change in Minnesota because because our legislation already passed the equality correct but that's not title n that's okay great but okay I I thought there was minimal that we had do anything changing because we are already in alignment I thought with the federal correct Minnesota um human rights law the human rights law is um very similar alignment I'm sorry I misunderstood but I thought title n you were talking about no sorry title pie but yeah no I'm talking about the um the the laws of mity have in place in Minnesota for which policy is it you guys I 522 522 that's why I want to have the discussion around is 522 is the equal access ACC equal access to the locker rooms equal access to restrooms equal access to I don't know that Sports got included it is a whole part of the title n but um to me I'm hearing more of that's a discussion of Minnesota yeah and Minnesota court cases that have um put their expression on what the law is okay so so as far as kinding is it the more time would be better but if October is if it's deemed urgent well be as prepar as you can well the the reason why I say that is because we're going to be voting on the policy 522 at our next meeting so it'll already be in place and does everybody understand it and does do parents know the choices of they're going to have to make based on the knowledge that they currently have or don't have and I'm afraid that people don't have the knowledge so I think that we as a school district need to make sure that they all understand things are changing and they need to be well aware of the changes that are happening so that they can make decisions for their students for children if you're if the the group is okay with it how about if ibly put it on the agenda in October but if we could rely on Brandon to indicate if he has enough understanding to present it or not yeah CU I was just and maybe we just brainstorm some ideas at the because I just I saw that we were talking communication planning so we can probably just brainstorm some ideas if if we can't make something solid but we're not going to vote or anything anyway but at least have that strong discussion at the board table so that we can come up with some ideas and maybe our community can come up with some ideas to help us to navigate so significant issue so you okay with that we give you some flexibility but we'll shoot for meeting actually now that you brought up the first meeting in October uh just to let you know we had originally planned to have a report tonight from dou a Counseling Group about career Readiness work in the district they had another big issue and so they requested it to delay it um it's a up to a 4 minute report um if you're okay I'd like to add it to the work session on October 14th but I've learned with time that you know usually those Workshop sessions in St Francis are kind of based on big topics that we're in ready to discuss but if you're okay I'd like to add that as just a four minute report at the beginning of the meeting so as long as that doesn't viol any policy does it granted if we have a report like that so I'll I'll confirm that with Doug and so we'll have that as well and then um you know one thing we have three or four board members who won't be here next year and uh if there's some issues that we should talk about together as a group um I can certainly you know add some more Workshop topics any the neutrality goal or issue and spec so I could add that to an upcoming Workshop session um if people are open to that and as far as neutrality you mostly talk about posters and flags and those kinds of things so I don't know what people think about that discussion could be a policy issue too which should go through the committee so I've brought it up a few times that policy that does go anywhere that's why am where at we're at 2 years maybe 3 years now later because it doesn't get done because Jill and I are you know different and so usually that's why the 6 6065 is getting brought to the board for the board full board to discuss okay Nate again just October 14th is the national holidays we meeting yeah I think for Minnesota schools it's okay um but you know sometimes people are Rob double check any other so at our next meeting is a work session so we're going to be voting on the um on the policies because the second reading would be at the October the second meeting in October oh October 28th right so unless there's a topic like that we need immediate action and I'm not familiar what that could session well that's a good point PL do we have the work session the next meeting because we are voting on a policy well if that's the case we just wait on the policies until October 28 so we have small small briefing from high school and then we'll work approve all the other stuff and then the two Workshop topics for October 14th would be uh Communications planning and then also policy 522 or Minnesota state law the title line I'll come up with a for that I mean it's Communications is what I was thinking it's still Communications right so I mean get the communication plan but communication we should be communicating these kinds of things so that should be part of the plan oh I just I don't know why it would be different I think what Pam is concerned about is that I would say the majority of our parents have no idea of the Federal Law changes right I would say some of this boort table aren't familiar with the federal changes that were made and I think this table needs to understand it and then the public needs to be aware that the the parents of my students need to be aware because it was some big changes that were made so you're suggesting Communications of those changes with the public and that's why you're thinking it' be part of communication yeah I mean I look at communications as pretty big right I mean Communications I don't know what your thoughts around communication planning was but um to me that's all part of it is legislation how it affects your school and your students along with Levy I mean everything I mean yeah and certainly we can set it up however people want um it just I just want to make sure that um we had a chance to talk about Communications planning is that includes website work uh some of our Communications with parents through building newsletters you know do we uh consider adding more mailings you know paper mailings to resident you know those kinds of things so if we just kind of focus on that at the beginning yeah and this would be a subsection of that to your point we'll make it regardless I would offer just something for the superintendent the boy chair to think about is if they feel like the next meeting is the correct spot for it what may be a better is a presentation of the federal change at a board meeting so that at that time the full public is aware of the federal changes that were made by the by the government imposed on our schools you talking T I'm talking about about the federal changes that were made to um that are in that that in that policy that I'm not even sure if you I don't think you're either the changes you go on line there so much out there it's like wow we did stop at this stuff yeah well this is a big deal I think for for parents to be aware of the changes that were Wai with regards to locker rooms and bathrooms and and so I would ask that in instead of it being in the work session I think you stick to your your deal of talking about how we're going to communicate with our parents and that this is different this is something that we need to communicate to our parents so I would say that it be placed on the agenda ask you that would be up to them I would prefer that it just be on an agenda maybe the end of October a presentation of the changes that were made because they they made big changes and what those changes are so that our parents are been aware and they'll be able to know what they are my concern is is a presentation is one thing how many people watch the school board Mees how many people all that so to me I want something that's much more yes to go out to out to parents um that's on permission sheets for overnight stays because overnight stays are affected um field trips there's there's things there's things that parents need to all know and I think as a as a board um if there's things that we need to change around policy or around practices that we can talk about that also and say you know maybe we you know do things differently going forward how do we follow federal law but also do do diligence to the students yes and parents thumbs up should it be a workshop topic so if we're talking communication the parents I think we need to let Brandon get educated first up to speed on what the implications for districts are and how we're going to move forward and we need to let our staff guide when this discussion can happen and that we're prepared for the discussion there's a lot of information you should went to training on it on Friday so that's what I'm saying a lot of information you go into it it just doesn't want to answer so many questions I but we'll bring it together doing the best we can we we know at our level all right any other discussion yes ma'am federal law when does it when did it go into effect yeah the guidelines were August 1st uh 2024 so they're in a fact right now right so my point is The Sooner our parents are aware exactly the better this isn't oh when can we P this all together this is a this is a big deal and the sooner the better ASAP that our parents are made aware of the changes we they're federal law we have to comply here in our district so let's make sure that our parents are aware of how we have to comply and what those what what it entails us to do I think we need we need to make we need to offer options we need to offer options we can't just say oh this is happening and oh well we have to we have to be get ahead of it we're already behind it we have to make a concerted effort to make sure everybody understands it and knows it so they can make some decisions I wouldn't say we're behind because it's all coming together yet I mean no because it's law right as of August to be August but shared spes yeah I agree it's parents to know all right we'll come up with something um I'm not sure if it's going to be a report updates um but we'll we'll I think I'll still shoot for October 14th with whatever Brandon can share and feel comfortable there will still be a lot of unknowns because there are thousands and thousands of questions that people are asking so but we'll at least share what we can yeah there's some real Basics that are right in front of us now we need to make sure parents are all aware okay other further about meetings workshops whatever whatever if not okay Mr we been up to attended the insurance advisory meeting on the 17th of September um just wanted to give the board a heads up on some timelines that we're looking at coming forward with the the hit of the health insurance transparency act process is in place the district has been doing this uh for a long time uh but the district will be putting out a request for proposals in January quotes usually come back the end of March and then peep which is what we are currently using gets after for that they come back in April it goes in front of the board and then in May open enrollment comes out so just want to give some expectations of our timeline as it comes to Insurance good good meeting uh and then I've been debating if I'm going to say something or not but I think I'm going to so um I just want to remind us all as a board that we are supposed to work together as a team uh for betterment of this District uh we owe it to each other we owe it to our community and to our students uh to be responsive as well as understanding uh we talk about not being fair um I think some of the discussions and the way that we are handling things as a board not as individuals but as a board uh is not fair to this district is not fair uh to what our mission is as a school board which just my two sents thank you and I just want to remind every everybody if you're not sure who the candidates are for um the upcoming School Board School Board election um there is going to be a um opportunity to sit and listen to what your candidates have to say tomorrow September 24th that's Tuesday September September 24th 7 o'clock at the high school performing arts center so you might get some clarity if you attend that I'm to vote for I haven't had any committees so I don't have attended APAC some great things over there they're trying to get kids enrolled um so if you have any know of anybody that can enroll reach out to the AP Amy I'm going to give a huge shout out to our transportation last Friday there was that um there was an accident that um it didn't involve our bus it didn't involve our students but our students some of our students saw Happ and who knows the because she called to and said you P want my grad on the bus and she said you may want to your grandchildren at the end of the driveway because they're all upset what they saw she didn't have to do that she could have just let the kids get off the bus but she wanted to make sure because some of them were very distracted but they were witnessing I also want to say they have my children my grandkids have the best bus driver about who knows to about because she had the situation like just it couldn't have gone any better at this horrible incident some of the kids were crying asally and she allowed them to call their parents being reassured and then as tears were Str streaming down their face I should be crying right now but I am I apologize as stream they were crying he asked one of my grandchildren can we please pray for the person who's in the vehicle that they were witnessing and right there she stopped and she prayed with the children to make sure that you know that was their way and you know it was horrible you know want your Grands to experience something like that but what made it better with the employees here we have topnotch employees topnotch she called not only then but afterwards to make sure that the kids were okay on Friday and then again she called my daughter today just to find out they were all sharing the great news that the person in the vehicle was going to be okay and so I just again hats off to we have so many great people that work for this district and in s when um during difficult times they pull together and we have awesome employees at this District awesome awesome awesome empy and I just want to give a Kudos out to all of them because they go above and beyond for their students in this District they they really and truly care about the kids and it shows during these two at times so hats off you can let Peggy know and Beth know and I'm sure all of our employees they just step up during these times and we don't know when these times are going to arise with our kids it just happens but yeah it was great K to Bath because they allowed her to take the the fire extinguisher out of the bus and go break the back window which allowed them to get in and then helped the man that was in the person that was in the vehicle and so it was just a horrible thing that you don't want kids to have witness but boy it's just they're fine now I mean for some reason they were supposed to go through this but again Kudos off to our transportation department because again it's over there's I could go on and on about the transportation department of how great it is about I constantly hear from my kids how great it is so who knows to this district and that's all I have thank you for comments sorry I cried but it's like oh my gosh my grand babies I just adore them so great great thing for this dist and they're in our care they're in your care and they're in great care I no question about that so right he acent he said he saw car coming cross in front of the bus get the tree head on and the kids saw all that happening they did assist with the fire the nurse right behind them the N jumped in there the CPR an individual inside the car yet she had to stay with the kids that's her responsibility which he did and then worked out from there the gentleman had a heart attack and crossed over and hit the tree but yet found today he's going to live be okay yeah it was a heck of a hit I guess I'm half three right in front of our our bus and our kids and our bus driver did an outstanding job to help out outstanding job and the first thing the grandkids said when they walked at both house was he's alive he's going to make it so they thought about him all weekend long it was a few times ask yeah okay than that we're done with the meeting at 8:40 thank you for coming in see all in two weeks again committee members