##VIDEO ID:irpaw_roka4## evening everyone please stand of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right everyone coming in tonight all order we have that to the agenda is there a motion thank you second thank you any discussion on the agenda if not all yes now I would like to pull 4.5 and 4.6 agenda that be coming up next oh sorry okay all right any questions on the adoption of the agenda that all in favor the I motion passes thank you under consent agenda you just want to discuss had a question about something yeah I want to discuss okay you have a question on something or what no I want to discuss have discussion which ones again 4 and 4.6 consideration thank you you messed me up already I to do that thank you rob all right consideration visitors tonight we have four people speaking tonight for consideration visitors please understand what the rules are for tonight uh you'll see a two minute presentation per person at the 302 Mark you'll see a marker look you have 30 seconds at the two minute Mark he a little ding ding at that point you be done sing again if your first time speaker for consideration visitors we do not have discussion with you at the podium if you wish to have somebody from the board to get a hold of you let us no to call you back otherwise it will not be discussion so after you give your presentation we a chair all right we start off tonight first going to be Richard the salvation of the state is the watchfulness of its citizens the salvation of the schools is also watchfulness of its citizens including the parents and grandparents and also the community in General only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it only when they can no longer operate in the shadows can people see the truth for themselves only when people see the truth for themselves will people understand the true nature of the deception seeing is believing sometimes you cannot tell the public the truth you must show them only then will people find the courage to change the fact that we have parents and community members complaining about books shows that there is some validity to the argument that there are pornographic books in the schools perhaps the school administration and the school board should take notice and change the policy to eliminate these pornographic materials it is not Banning books is only limiting the access to those who are most vulnerable if you have to hide the curriculum and library books from the parents of your students you don't belong in a classroom or in close proximity to anyone's children thank you thank you Richard next up will be Russell Russ L good evening I hate to just read this but I prepare to statement to be read considering my time limit I care about protecting the kids of this community and I'm here to speak on their behalf I've been disappointed with some of the board who seem not to be looking for solutions to the book issue but keep coming up with arguments excuses and roadblocks I've heard constitutional arguments artistic arguments and arguments about community members opinions but I've seen little working towards a solution I think that these books are a problem and we need a solution many Studies have been conducted concluding that introducing people to negative behaviors leads to an increase in these behaviors even if content is presented as a warning this seems to be especially true among miners as an example I reference a study conducted by the NIH in 2019 titled association between release of Netflix's 13 Reasons Why and suicide rates in the United States the study used Advanced statistical analysis and forecasting models to determine that and I quote the release of the 13 Reasons Why was associated with a significant increase in monthly suicide rates Among Us Youth and aged 10 to 17 years the NIH scientifically concluded that introducing kids to Suicide statistically and significantly led to more suicide so going back to the books as we introduced our kids to sexual content rape suicide Etc we're actively promoting an increase in these behaviors if we use the mpwa movie rating system in classrooms I think that we should absolutely be able to use that rating system to monitor the kids have access to please vote on the book looks and stop tabling the issue so we can investigate additional options in the future if necessary but I we need to get something mov in the right direction thank you can I ask a question did you want that in the record because we can put that in the record of the board meeting since you got printed out oh if you want it doesn't have to be but I'm just saying if it's printed out no to the record thank you thank you and next up is Renee I'm Rene dff and we are here yet again about library book policy we are just pointed how many meetings was taking to get this policy in thinking back to last winter when this was first brought to the school board I remember sitting at the dinner table with my husband thinking there's no way parents parents would want their kids reading these books I was in shock and I'm still in shock how this policy or lack thereof has been handled there are restrictions to miners for a reason their brains specifically the frontal prefontal cortex responsible for planning decision- making impulse control and considering consequences are not yet fully developed for this reason miners cannot do any of the following smoke cigarettes drink alcohol get a tattoo vote and see rated our movies just to name a few you have an internet policy in place to protect the children from inappropriate content online how is this any different we want to see books containing sexually explicit content and violent content removed from the school libraries I can't day I have kiddos I need to get home and get to bed but uh I will be watching online and I'll be hoping and praying that there's a resolution tonight think about the kids be bold in tonight's decision and do what's right for the children in this District thank you last person tonight is Jake good evening School Board here I am again uh cabinet customers uh superintendent board chair I'm here to speak about uh how impressed I am with APAC and it's that's the American Indian education par action committee or whatever other letters iot forgot um and in particular Haley dagle is the our lead at the high school Lisa CA does uh more of the younger kids she's also great but the trajectory is just amazing uh we were just at a meeting and that night uh last and Rob last week and the superintendent last week and uh notice that last year's college fair for the native students was attended by one person and this year it was attended by 13 kids so they're definitely making some Headway there uh I'd also like to mention that anyone is welcome to the meetings how they like also to input whether you're native or just an ally uh and then also in February of 15th of 2025 Our Own St Francis is hosting a multis school power and it's going to be huge there's going to be tons of people there it's going to be in the gymnasium on a Saturday and it's going to be absolutely amazing uh display of culture and a good way to learn about people that may or may not be different than you so just like to say to Haley one more time good job keep up for great work and uh hope to see you all the follow coming up in February I'll remind you as well all right uh next up consent agenda Pam you see you want to pull two items which one again um 4 five and 4.66 would be pull discuss discuss okay so then for 4.1 2 three and four they multi St thank you second second thank you 4 1 2 3 4 all in favor say I All Passes thank you discussion 4.5 for high school F go ahead okay so this is just going to apply to both of them I the reason why I was running to the last minute tonight was I had a parent reach out to me and let me just go to my notes um and she made me aware that there is a biological boy who is spending time in the locker rooms because he is part of a girl's team um the girls on the team are afraid to say anything for the fear of repercussions and they don't feel that it's fair and it's not safe there's a safety concern of the parents um so those are her words not mine um so there is a concern and I know we talked about this I was it two meetings ago maybe it was three meetings ago about transparency and I do believe and this parent was one of those parents who did not know of the law which is the um Human Rights Act which is in place so we have to again I want to publicize this so everybody knows that we have to give access to all it has to be equal access so the recommendation for these situations and the reason why I pulled the these two is because one of them is an extended trip for the choir and one is an extended trip for wrestling and and like I discussed in the last time we discussed this was this means biological males can be rooming with biological females without the knowledge of anybody in the room these are overnights and my request back then was we need to at least make parents aware that this is a potential this could happen so I would like something to be written on the permission slips that the parents have to sign in bold letters stating this so they can make a decision as to whether or not they want to be a chaperon in their child's room or even allow their child to go on these trips I know that the law says we can't talk about who and where and all those things so I understand all that but I wanted to again um bring this to Carson to your attention because it is now a real thing that has been identified and now we are all aware of it as a board that there is this going on and there is a biological male sharing a locker room with biological girls and there's no adult present so the other solution that the parent was agreeing upon would be when we had this situation because I know in our last discussion Carson you said that our staff is is handles these things things very well and takes care of these situations however there is no adult in that locker room with those Mi that mixed audience or children so my request is that anytime this is a case that there be an adult in the locker room at the same time that these individuals are sharing that space so two requests adult in the locker room room when there's biological males and biological females together and that we make aware to the to the parents on the permission slips for these overnights that their son or daughter could be Ming with the opposite s can I ask has the parent expressed their concern to the principle I do not believe so because it's such a sensitive thing so here's the thing like I said the girls on their team are afraid so they don't even want their parents to address it because they are afraid of repercussions so there's this underlying fear and I don't know where that comes from but they don't want to say anything because they're afraid that there might be repercussions because they see the news they see women's sports I mean we've got women's is that a volleyball team now who's refusing to play against another team I mean there's things going on right so they're afraid and so this parent did not want me to bring up their name their child's name I said I won't even bring up the sport because I don't want it to point to but there is a fear and then she used the word fear of repercussions by these girls and the there is a safety fear of the parents for their children's safety because there has been some behavioral issues that have gone on in the locker room yeah I will say that if there were ever repercussions um against someone who complains you we take that very seriously and we would follow up to make sure that would not impact any decisions would not impact those kids will not happen again so I've been in education for 30 years every year I've heard the same complaint about people not wanting to share concerns with s Trad District administrators because they're afraid of repercussions I've never experienced that as a school administrator it just doesn't happen and I think it's an easy way for people to just complain to a friend or a neighbor or a trusted you know person but really it's better if someone talks directly to the site administrator in this case it could be the Principal or the activities director you know depending on you know what we're talking about I'm not aware of that happening um and so I would encourage that individual to talk directly with the with the site administrator okay so here's my question what does repercussions mean to you because repercussions are more than just telling Administration about it there could be repercussions on a on toone peer-to-peer basis and the other thing is is to say that it's easy to complain or talk to a trusted individual um this is not an easy discussion that this individual had with me so to say that just for somebody to come out I mean you're used to conflict I don't have a problem with conflict that's rare so you know um I think we need to be careful how we how we it feels a little scapegoating when we say well it's easy to complain to somebody else not go to Administration it's a real concern the girls are confirmed they like no no no Mom don't say anything because I might get in trouble so I don't know where that comes from but the kids are afraid to say anything so well I still encourage yes you know someone with firsthand knowledge to talk to the site administrator um you know and then we can take it from there that that's what I can say okay you know as far as following up on his concerns because right now I don't know if it's a gym class if it's a sport if it's even true I just don't know running after all sorts of rumors that may not be true this individual said that there can be a side communication so I can talk to you afterwards okay yeah or I will talk to the individual and say please reach out yeah either way would be I I will do that communication to that individual um but again in the meantime transparency I think is very very very important and if we don't make it transparent these parents don't know this law and they don't all watch this meeting because this meeting is not on their radar they're they're busy doing know thing so I would like for us to take some action come forward with a proposal at the next meeting maybe of what you think you can do to better communicate and better make sure that that these these people people that these kids that are going on these extended trips that the parents are well aware of that they will not know for sure if there is because the law states cannot be talked about but they need to be aware that it's a potential yeah I think what you're talking about is making some sort of general statement that could be shared with with every overnight trip particip or potential participants that's what correct so you're not saying just send it to a certain overnight trip because some no yeah yes correct correct make it make it well known that when your students are going on an overnight trip this potentially could be the case that they are roing with some these that they're not where they're roing with yeah I can try to work on something like that and then the adult in the locker room we can address that as as you have the facts yeah that one will be tougher why because of Staffing um issues and then also um you know if it's coaches after hours if it's a gym teacher during the school day uh and then if we did have um special Arrangements have somebody in the locker room um for that particular period Then we're announcing to the world that there's somebody um you know not following their their gender not necessarily that's I'm speaking to be proactive and not reactive to something that might happen yeah I'm not saying no but that's tougher he'll define you're okay with request right now yes I am I just wanted to have the discussion because it was just freshly brought to me tonight and I wanted to make sure that those that that was talked about and everybody was aware and it is we follow up with the reality of the locker room situation yeah in general um you know kids uh who might want you know additional privacy because their gender identity will work with Administration on finding a solution that's best for everyone I think we've had really you know we've been fortunate with being able to work with people because I think there is that trust and um and so we we made some things work so so one last comment because now that I'm aware of this that has gone on because before it was always well we don't know and you can't tell us but now I'm aware um bathroom usage is also a concern then too and so I know you and I talked when you first came on about the potential of creating building individual bathrooms so I would like for the board that for that to get on the agenda and let's talk about that let's talk about what the cost would be to start going down that road because I mean grocery stores are doing it they've got single bathrooms now instead of the large bathrooms I mean we may as well start yeah I'm not sure if that's in the scope of this particular item it's not but I thought I would bring that up and I would like it put on the agenda yeah just so you can see these two right now move forward we hear what you're saying okay so on 4.5 4.6 M it first second it any discussion further if not all favor say I I we pass thank you very much thank you uh St Francis High School stud report Mr Jack you're up next good evening to you all I would like to thank you all for having us here both the entire School Board the superintendent the district cabinet and chair Santa Claus yes for those of you who don't know me or who have forgotten me possibly because it's been an entire year since I've been at a Schoolboard meeting my name is Jack Humphrey I'm one of the now four St Francis High School student council School Board Representatives along with Grace sunr Emma soron and Julian kelcher we will all be transitioning through these meetings and shifting so then everyone is able to come to these meetings and represent our entire student council so today I hope to talk about the things that we have currently already done within student council some of the upcoming events that we have and then also a trimester one recap for the entirety of St Francis as a whole so on November 3rd and 4th our 18 person we brought up team members and our two advisers Miss Abraham and Miss Norton to Gul Lake where we went to the cig resort to to be invited to and to participate in the Minnesota Association of student councils and Minnesota Association of Honor societies student leader Summit conference in order to develop our student council leadership resine leadership skills and to learn how to fund raise more efficiently with other areas within our school district through this conference we learned many valuable skills that we will translate both into our school district our high school and heal bring up to you guys at later meetings once we describe them and discuss them within our own student council on what we can take for their actions to further enhance our community and our community climate after that we have also had a food drive going on for the past month which ends tomorrow that is shared by senior El donor and we will have more information on how much food we have grabbed and how much food we have gotten to donate to organizations uh at the next meeting as it resolves also we have our upcoming Community night on December 13th at the high school there will be a basketball game going on during this night and there will be many games for children it is completely free of charge however the basketball game does have a fee and otherwise there are many events for kids to enjoy there will be a choir concert going on as well and many activities to bring the entire family down and come to St Francis High School other than that we have more communities that are being built together currently and that are being grown from the ground up right now that we will have more information for you at further school meetings now I'd like to move on to the current recap of trimester one of St Francis High school and other schools within our districts we saw this year that our girls soccer team made it to the state tournament where they lost the second seed mamai who ended up winning the overall state championship so a win in our own books I'd say and then we also had two cross country Runners Annie wolf and Ryder mold qualified as the state cross country meet and you don't have to pull my leg on this one but I will talk about the St Francis High School debate team our small and mighty eight person team has had an impactful school year in two new brand new events after the loss of our coach this past year here and we have had many firsts and many great feats and we still have two tournaments that are guaranteed left and as we approach these tournaments we hope for a great results hoping to qualify for both the state tournaments on the sixth and seventh for Congressional debates and on the 13th and 14th of January for Le and Douglas debate and then we also hope to qualify a senior Rowan Anderson in Lincoln Douglas to the National Tournament on the 10th and 11th as she competes in the nor lights District tournaments and we hope to qualify some of our other Congressional Debaters at their tournament on the 13th and 14th of DEC de as they compete at Pat Lakes otherwise we also see that the winter sports and activities season are starting up boys and girls basketball wrestling and of course speech and otherwise I believe that it will be a otherwise it has been a great trimester one and I've seen prosperous things within St Francis that will continue to grow as the school year evolves you have any questions for me questions thank you for your th my goodness fast I love it um is there um Can public go to the debates of course so it's it's open is all of it open and maybe I'm thinking back during Co time maybe there were some restrictions but it's all open they are open the Lincoln Douglas National qualifier will be held online at St Francis High School so I'm assuming Rowan won't particularly want a bunch of people in her classroom as she debates via computer and then I'm not sure if anyone wants to make the trip up to peat laks but I can get you more information on that if you'd like but other wise the section tournament and the JV novice tournament JV novice state tournament will be on the 6th and 7th of December uh where we will see our students hope to both qualify for the state tournament in Varsity myself and Skyler aler and then the rest of our novices close their regular season and then otherwise the state tournament will be the 17th and 18th of January and that is open to the public at the University of Minnesota for warning I went last year really enjoyed it actually yeah you did a fantastic job your team teammates in debate there were some of the debates I did not understand a single not even the word the because they are talking super fast and of course the judge and both teams have written documentation so they can follow the arguments and determine who wins or loses but as a somebody sitting there please go just I want to let you go I would like to make a clarification point to the superintendent's argument while that may be true for policy debate which is what we have been participating in for the past three years our former coach Mr Sherer has retired from coaching after 40 years and so now we are in both Lincoln Douglas and Congressional debate which are speaking at about the same tempo that I am right now Lincoln Douglas is a one-on-one format versus policy which is Two on Two And Congressional debate has chambers of 12 to 16 people who debate bills and legislation that will enhance the world and that actually impact constituents rather than trying to outspread their opponents and make them not be able to hear their mumble jumble of drug prescription ads I know I just feel I I just feel like there's a politician in the future here as you see it's helping me with my speaking skills great activity that can help question yeah just one comment in the recent meet you finished second out of 44 years second out of 48 entries of the Farmington Invitational and then this past weend as well I play second at Robinsville Birds of Prey we've also had senior Rowan Anderson Place fourth at Champlin Park and third at the St Francis debate tournament Invitational we've also had freshman AA wrestling play seventh and eighth at both the St Francis tournament and the champ Park tournament and then also I placed fourth as well at the Champlin Park tournament very nice a small But Mighty a person [Applause] te I just want your dad your dad is beaming as he should be L right he always says I have the brains of my mom and the beauty of him there you go the best of both world I'm impressed you're just so Artic and I'm just wondering how no notes in front of you I know and you just spied off everything dates and people and times and I'm like I'm you yeah I'm just wow you you impressed me and your dad has every right to be smiling and and proud of you and you not only make your dad proud you make this District proud so thank you thank you I've learned these skills through Deca with Miss shog through speech with Miss Arnold where I participated in an event called extemporaneous speaking where you give a memorized speech and then also Congressional debate through Mr tul who picked up and saved our team and so I'm very thankful to all those advisers and these teams for providing me and many other students with skills necessary I'm to say teachers bring out the gifts that we naturally have so you have a gift whatever you do continue down that path because your gift is very apparent to me in this room as it is with a lot of ones so than I would encourage any and all of you to come and see these students competition any remind Jack you spend all night with us or you take off for your homework and practice your I believe my I believe my dad would like to stay for the night however I do have my computer which has my homework and study materials that I need and since he's my ride I'll do whatever he says thank you very much okay next up school start presentation we have andreana and Katie now unfortunately school kids you just had a follow a high school kid hopefully you picked up a couple of here give your presentation tonight how that so I would like to say that when I started at St Francis um Jack was probably one of my first probably the first student I met and I'm a little hurt because I would like to say that I was part of his develop speaker because he um did our announcements every single day for the whole year and he was like that in eth grade I'd like to thank both you and miss bazelle those announcements throughout theti past four years as well okay chocolate so good evening everyone we are here to have our amazing students share a uh presentation that they did with a project that Mr come up here um has really developed that is in my humble opinion amazing he's going to tell you a little bit about the directions that he gives students the guidelines and then they are going to present they're a little nervous but I told them you're all really nice and if you're really nice they might do a little jingle for you right are you going do it yes okay right so just a little introduction I invited you guys to come to the Shark Tank beat sharks some of you were able to come thank you for opening up your schedules to be able to do that ideally what our students are doing is 3D modeling something they have to create something to solve a problem through 3D design and 3D production um the downtime of 3D printing takes some time and it really stifles the amount of work that you can get done when you're trying to see if something fits so we developed design teams um really I should think the teacher Academy before I go on to this because they gave us the time Meet myself the time to help develop this and work with other peers to create this awesome project and anyway students take the uh the idea of coming up with five things they can fix or repair or make better or or build something from and then take and create a to market sell just like the Shark Tank television show so then they have to learn a little bit more about packaging and advertising and um different ways to present their product they have to uh divide their team of three or two up and divy up their workload and share ideas and develop what is the best direction to move and then really build up the profile of what the product will be they're going to have to have somebody turn into the uh the designer on this 3D software for the team you're G have someone that's going to create the packaging and then somebody's going to do advertising and marketing they're GNA actually print things out from canva and you know create the actual package and discuss how it could be presented and shared into uh a market and we have a little bit of a build out still on what shark tank element it actually is but ideally they're trying to seek funding for their product and they learn a little bit about financing and what the margin is just little bit introduction to the whole business so it brings a real world element to their project and they present that to somebody a real audience so I'm going to be looking forward to hopefully getting more business members in our community to come in and sit and take a day out of their their schedule and watch some of these sharks in eth grade or Shark Tank presentations in eth grade so without further Ado hello we are going to introduce our the [Music] the next one oh I think I have to do it so just tell me when you want to slide I'm I'm PPP and I'm oh we use CA to make our logo CA is an app where you can create anything and make your creativity come to life do your arms have marks from carrying off shopping bags do you want to get all your groceries into the house in one trip if so this is the tool for you because I have to that this is our history sketch and we've been deting on which one to choose and weci our peppers with this program on shap we were able to design our product on sh helps with measurements and displays our product in cost the part costs about $4.79 to print we are selling it for $6 our profit will be121 and our margin is 25% and that's like the math margin and inv missing where for $100,000 for 10% of our company money will go down towards filament packaging and delivery we made more than 1,000 sales in the past five months consumers will purchase the simple beachy themed packaging and it definitely makes an amazing GI for family who wants to you guys pass your G all around yeah so just to summarize you came up with the idea you came up with design options you chose one you put it into on shape and then you printed it on a school 3D print and of course you did the packaging and you're getting a great presentation now the team that's here tonight is overall number one team that was selected correct oh yeah yeah a lot of teams come before the judges and I know that you all were the top I have a question for you what would you do differently if you were going to make a similar product in the future is there anything you would change maybe like the handle will make it bigger since like we all have different hand sizes too so you want to be able to have anyone just so were you given ideas to choose from or did you come up with this idea on your own we originally came up with five ideas and then we just like chose from of those that we made ourselves and then we just yeah like so the three of you sat down and you came up with five ideas really and this is what you came up with Wow awesome it's a prototype it's not inje was a prototype it would go off into the finishing elements and you would actually get an injection molding di for that oh okay and how long did it take to print that about a day it took seven hours 7 hours for the for the 3D printing to actually [Music] okay so one of you had to go in and program this to print or was there already something online that you use uh we created it in on shape and then we took it into a program to students aren't allowed to download anything they have to create everything in the 3D modeling program themselves okay so they designed that particular product and designed did the revolve on the feature and then added all the different 3D elements of it and then came up with their prototype did you have a initial prototype before that one uh no because so they have learn about size and failure how you're going to build everything so I had to keep wrangling people back to make sure that they didn't have something that would take longer than a day they have to have them done in a 24hour period to be able to get the next group to be able to print the next day continuous so and um just so you know when they present they come into a room and there we are we have official um forms that we use there's three of us and then they have to set up the technology they have to get everything going and it's very formal and so for middle schoolers to be able to do that is very impressive and they I judges really grilled you hard during session that's I was on the other side so what that happened was these guys help me but they they answered questions really well and you know we asked questions about the margin and you know those kinds of things and they this group as well as a lot of most almost every other group did really well they their St that's for sure I'd like to highlight to the other skills that they're getting U collaboration critical thinking communication meeting deadlines I mean there's so much they get from this project and it's only in the second year so we really hope that we can connect it with math and science and language arts even more and and pull it all together Mr bre up can I ask you a question yeah what uh if you could do something to further enhance the pr what would it be um new 3D printers I know sh but literally we have four we have four printers and they run 24 hours a day for 10 days and we went through more filament than we have ever this time we went through 10 Kil 10 1 kilogram schools so me technically that's $350 of material but we also did 150 student projects so when you think about it that way the cost is really effective but with the proprietary units that we have we had to buy specific filament the newer ones will print twice as fast and at a higher resolution so I'm always trying to you know better the system for the students to get feedback on their product faster if we could get a product printed more quickly to resemble what they design and they start to see that spatial relationship into what they created wait that doesn't fit my hand or how's that going to fit somebody with a different size ergonomics and Aesthetics come into it so yeah thank you well thank you very much again you stay here all night with us or you can go home I a question so how many teams did you have doing this this this year this timeing there's five classes with 13 and them 14 potentially so they kind of vary in in that amount okay and then um my other question is is can you bring this to Market can you help can you I mean literally do you think there's a possibility to bring this to the St Francis Market or somewhere to help pay for this supplies that you need to up the program like Junior Saints manufacturing yeah something that I mean I've heard we've done that before so just my question you know I mean it's a pretty cool it's a great idea you guys how many times are we you know carrying multiple bags in each hand versus anyway just a question uh so I'd like to first thank Mr Belle I remember I don't know if you remember but three years ago I was in the same program and made a little thing that kept CDs together that you didn't have cases for so I know that there's a bunch of great innovations that are made through that class but otherwise these are great lifelong skills that are being learned within this class and this program and I think that you all would both enjoy Deca and enjoy future areas within our school district that go around the same areas there's lots of sales marketing promotion areas and lots of different ways that's a product demonstration that you did to a judge that's one of our events my only question is do we need a motion for the check nice work our 3D printers serve 600 students a year put great project great thank [Applause] you okay so and after thanks okay well before we get going I we have one of our assistant principles Todd Bon here some of you maybe hav't met him because I'm usually one com but he's one of our assistant principles so maybe all right well I have the honor tonight to talk about um something about the middle school and I show us to visit about our priority Intervention Program that is new to us this year we started it um the second week after MAA so um was on a Tuesday and really um our our intent was to provide targeted support to improve AC academic achievement and math and Lage JS now we did see growth in our MCA and our fast bridge data last year we were pretty proud of it we had a 10% growth in um MCA reading and I believe like a four to 5% in math um and then we also met our qom cite B last year for the first time in many years so we're going in the right direction but we really wanted to drill down and see what else we can do to improve um our we call it Priority intervention because it is just that um it is focused in math and language arts uh we run the intervention between six and eight weeks and I say six to eight weeks because you know there's some holidays in there on a Thursday or um you know um different times when we miss a week a day or two so it's approximately six to eight weeks it happens twice per week for 30 minutes and it happens during our Saints time our Saints time is kind of like an end advisory period um that happens every day for our students and two times per week we have the priority invention we selected students that um this is our first time running uh running it so we are learning a lot but we looked at students that really needed additional support to meet grade level benchmarks so we used mostly fast fridge but we also looked at MCA and then there always that factor about teacher recommendation that you look at that too so those are how we developed our groups um I'm going to give you some examples of that so for sixth grade we U one of our teams sixth grade um yellow we have one of our math interventionists took the um most at risk kids in her area and the other teacher took the some risk kids in for her for her intervention and they both have things that they're working on that is that that is data driven um the program structure so because it's during Saints time we are able to have some smaller intervention groups who try to keep those around about 15 students I have to give a shout out to those teachers that are not language arts and Math teachers because they then are taking some larger groups during that time uh but it is with uh the intent that the smaller interen groups allows us to really tailor to meet the student needs the other students are in work rooms during that time or we really are excited because we're looking at enrichment activities and so uh we do have a couple different enrichment uh programs happening we just want to grow those and so um you you know if you want to do something well you become very focused on on details of it and keep spreading out as you go and so first we're working on using the data developing inter interventions identifying the appropriate students and then we are going to work it out to also enrichment what we're focusing on is data driven you can see what the different grade levels are working on implementation so we really started the discussions about this last school year um it is part of the Middle School philosophy so there's different aspects of a middle school that is designed to meet the needs of students at age 10 to 14 grade level 6 to8 58 um usually is what they are um and in intervention and enrichment is one step in that process and it's a very important step the other part some of the things like teaming um uh Saints time advisory time we have those in place uh but this was the next step for us it is very data driven I have to give a big shout out to Stacy and Sam um they have really helped us with that Sam has come in and done work with both my math and language arts group and it's really a team effort um this the language arts and Math teachers are doing the interventions and really spending the time but it would not work at U be as successful as it is as it is right now without the grade level team supporting each other taking additional kids doing academic support our plc's the content um language arts and Math teachers have spent a lot of time together talking about the data but then also using a amazing experience and education amongst themselves to look at things that they need and then really entire School community support because they I'm very um adamant that we protect that time and so there's been some rearranging of schedules and other things and um there people have been absolutely supportive of that so I want to give a shout out because it really is the whole Middle School working together for this the intervention strategies are evidenced and research based um they differentiate instruction to meet the needs of our Learners talked a little bit about how we could have taken those 30 some students in sixth grade on that one team and mixed them all up but we very specifically looked at what they needed and put them in groups they're assessed frequency frequently an example I can give view of that is in um one of my sixth grade math teams they looked at what the students um interventions that the students needed and then they pulled um questions offl and made it pre and post um test so they're both to see how effective they are um we have interventions from fastbridge and then pre post for reading also examples of interventions are guided partner reading and math and skill-based game practices that's the other things is really reaching kids in different ways than they're maybe being taught in the classroom maybe there's another way to reach them in um these small groups and the time has really helped in that I talked a little bit about the frequent assessments um so the teachers observations I can't speak enough for that you can have all the formal Assessments in the world and we do they do a great job but there is that expertise and that education in the room that you just can't match and it's really they know the other things that are going on with the kids and they check things and so there's a lot of that and then the data reviews so this is our first run of it I'm really excited the other thing I would say with this is we have a lot of our teachers that are doing their um individual goals and plans their bips um off of this piece I don't know if I've attended a language art or reading or math one that hasn't been focused on this intervention time what we're really hoping is we're hoping that our students are going to have increased confidence and you feel better about yourself about how you're doing things you tend to get better at it the more free fills you show shoot and make the more confident you get so when I look at um one of the things I you know all these sidebar conversations and check-ins we've done with teachers um Todd Nick and I and others is they they will tell you that in these small groups the students that have similar needs these students are talking more they're asking more questions they're participating um they're articulating their needs a lot more than they are because they they feel like this is a pace of sim people with similar similar needs as themselves of course we want to see academic growth we want them to feel more um that they are able to perform better in the classroom better prepared for next steps in education math builds reading builds reading math are used in everything um the presentation that the girls has did There's also of reading and math that were in that was in that presentation um and so for example in science a lot of the Sciences literacy based and so they have leveled their reading a lot for their students in their classes so we know that it's going to impact their science too um more engaged Learners more more more engaged our Learners are the better they perform and then of course increase test performance and I want to say that that is important but all this other stuff is more important to me um you know test performance often can be a on shot thing one day somebody could be having a stomach ache and they did really great the day before and they do it but really all these other things in my opinion especially the confidence is important and I was told I had a book out long today so there I I I forgot the the ti you it was good oh I should have kept going so questions of the Middle School principal M thank you for what you're doing I I I would love to see some of the data maybe I can get to with Stacy or Sam to see some of that but um a couple questions so you saying you're grouping with the similar means right so I mean that makes sense because they feel safer and they feel okay because they're all kind of the same thing compare that versus maybe somewhat of a mixed group what I'm thinking of course is is if you see somebody performing higher does that Aspire them the higher or you know or is it so I'd say Middle School is very much about peer interactions and so if you um they are very impacted by that they get very sometimes can get very embarrassed by um giving the wrong answer or may not speak because they they don't want to struggle through a question and so that is one of the reasons I think is because of that peer impact So you you're finding that it it's it's much more effective than to stay kind of within that group so they grow together sometimes I think I think for the small group interventions but I think in in larger class size there's a lot of like you put a group of students together and you might have one student who's really good in Reading another one who's good in math but maybe another one is good at the graphic art so I think you know it's not all or nothing I think it's a little bit in the middle okay and then what what's kind of an average time where you'll see the improvement with all this interaction that you're doing so is there such a thing as an average time or is there I mean what are your expectations of see I would we would hope to see grow within that 68 weeks 68 weeks okay thank you and they they are seeing some growth um already we've been doing it four weeks probably four weeks and they're seen some growth in the students so questions Nate what role do the parents have in this program and what and when do you provide updates to the parent yeah so the the parent updates will come when we do our we'll do January Pass Bridge again and so that will be when we'll be able to do some updates at that time and the roles of parents I think is anytime that we can support our students that it's okay to struggle and not get something and keep pushing and trying to learn that that's really helpful because it some people have um won't put themselves out there they think they have to do everything right the first time and that's not really the way life works right we fa all the time and we have to keep going and trying better so I think just kind of having that mon mindset and pushing um and supporting the students there are things that parents can do at home but you know they're tired the kids are tired when get home to especially for if they're engaged all day long so but but you you give them those tools and kind of let them know this is what we're doing so if they can do more of that we they do they do have access tol and some other things that they can do with students yeah I I would say how they're informed is a variety of different ways and I think that would be one way that we could probably yeah yeah that would be good I could I can see that yeah Amy I think one thing I'd like to see across the across all of education is getting back to students and finding out what their gifts are we don't do that when I was in school it was you I was used to tell my kids who went through St Francis High School I'd get a note from the teacher phone call there kids talking all the time yeah and I'd look at my kid and I'd say you have a gift you know how to talk but now you need to learn when to use it yeah and it's not when the teacher's talking and so there's a way we can encourage students and their gifts and I and I'm not pointing the finger at you I'm saying it's us as a society we're all we're so busy looking at those test scores and I do I'm with you it depends on the day but I'm also going to say there's kids that just aren't good with tests doesn't matter yeah they they Mind Block they don't and when are we as a society going to get back to looking at kids individually find out what their gift is it's Pro for a lot of them it's not going to be a four-year college and getting them excited about what their gift is and what they're going to do in this life I think that's where we're failing kids and I don't believe it's you personally because I don't want to put you on the spot but I believe it as a whole that's where we're failing and until we can get back to that you know you have kids they're afraid to fail well first of all kids shouldn't be afraid to fail they should be afraid to say you know what I'm I'm not very good at that that's okay y because you know what what are you really good at they all have a gift y but we're not doing a good enough job to point out what it is with each of those students so they're they're not afraid to fail it's that I'm maybe not as good at this but better to try too sometimes so yeah I would like to just a couple things I can think about that as programs that they take like what Joel just talked about is a great example we have students that are phenomenal in that area and maybe struggle that so the the exploratory programs at a middle school level are super important and there is a reason that kids go through all the areas because they don't know what they don't know they may have not have discovered their gift the other thing is that we started our mcis career exploration program um a plan this year at the middle school where kids are learning more about their interest and their abilities and they and what their what might be an area that they should explore because you're right there there should be things another thing is Project based learning which is a lot um you know is projects like like they did um if you were um a judge you would had some of the kids would say I was the graphic designer because they were super proud of it um there might be another student that was all about the technology and basically get out of the way I got this you know so they do discover their skills it's just getting them to articulate it and then and then explore and then I think with the high schools do with your career Pathways is really going to help I'm 100% on board with you that for your apologizing for everybody should find something that interests them and something that they love what I would love to see flip-flopped is you have the students go to NOA Tech after they've started their plan at the high school if that can be flip-flopped because a lot of these kids go there in eighth grade and they're like oh my God I can't believe all the different choices I have to do after after high school I had no idea I everybody I've always just heard foury year college and it's not only from Educators there's parents there's grandmas there's you know it's us as a society it's always for year for year for year for you yeah until we get away from that and we start again finding out what a kid's gifts are I mean we've seen today perfectly we have a student and he he exell at his um at his gift and yet he made not be as great a football player but we have a football player and I don't know maybe he is I'm just making the point that all these kids have these beautiful gifts and until we bring them out you know we try and do that that's when we were successful as a school district Andes society and I think again we place too much emphasis on test scores although I do not believe they should be in the 20% we're all in agreement where at but I think you're doing a good job of moving it in the right direction and finding all where these kids Excel and how they're going to be successful when they graduate from high school no matter what that Journey looks like I think basic foundational bth and reading skills you needed anything so I think that's why it's just so important that we really did that far they say anybody by the age of third grade if they're not reading their um probability of being successful drops tremendously so I mean yeah so thank you for all you do okay other questions well thank you m CHR for coming in appreciate it thank you all right next up will be de Parson for student service report [Music] de good evening I've got four minutes and gr so the uh presentation that has been provided to has two slides for each of the programs um under me one is uh the highlights in the next steps and the next one is just the gritty of all the assignments that that department has um thought proc process was for the past three years we have been just reactive reactive reactive and I said we need to take a break and review some of the stuff we're doing what is working what isn't and really become more streamlined effective so um when I worked with the teams um I thought I'd start with youngest kids first so we've got candy Danielson who's a program supervisor under me and she is Early Childhood she does everything from birth to age five or they start kindergarten and then she also runs the transition from preschool into kindergarten so the first week and a half of kindergarten the preschool special staff is actually on at the elementaries to help with that transition so I said what are some things you want to highlight in your program so um it's bigger than most people think it has 44 staff but keep in mind that's gened and special but that's 44 staff that invite families into our district for the very first time one thing that we've noticed is the initial referrals and um everything screening fa screenings has skyrocketed since Co um already we've had 90 initial referrals from birth to three and then it divides and then you get three to five that's huge the staff is constantly doing assessments and going into the homes um so we have uh the initial referrals then we have the screenings that are constant I don't know if people realize but the screenings go all year round so they're constantly staying after and getting kids through the goal is to do early intervention catch them early get the interventions in place so the preschool and the whole Early Childhood that'ss are welcome to families to our community it's the face of the the district right out of the gates so um to me it's one of the most important things that we can do is make a welcoming atmosphere for these families I'm not sure if you guys realize but we also have a satellite sites at the tri valley which is the old sanfield we have PE people out there as well as a site that's um St Francis Elementary so it's spread across the entire District can I ask a question no thank you where is the special ed room over at Tri Valley or I'm sorry the preschool room you said we have room there over there I have not been out there to see physically where it's at and we are in inclusion so I don't know if it's a separate room or we we go push in to the I was just wondering is it's a I see that it's like a l shaped building and I we have two n's I didn't know if they didn't want parents walking through there or it wouldn't matter um for preschool that's a great question I don't know if parents can want through or not but but I know that we do a lot of inclusions so we appr into the classrooms way more than we pull out awes yeah so then the second slide of each group candy does a great job at early childhood but she also has all of these other areas that she overseas above and beyond just taking care of our birth to five um again this is just more of the nting gritty uh just to show how how wide her work base is um Adrien Lewis is our elementary so she covers all three of our elementaries and excuse me we have had again a significant increase in the mental health needs and the behavioral needs so I am so excited to share that we got our ASD Center base at the elementary level up and running again this year and it has um expanded as of to no Monday Wednesday there moving into a bigger space we were able to finally hire the second teacher so that program we're able to pull some kids back from R River a little bit or keep from ascending to R River we get to keep them with us which is our ultimate goal um and the nature of collaboration between special ed and J Ed is on always something we're working on and um I would Echo her words we have great people working with some great kids out there so she too has a a laundry list of other things she does for instance she works with our team on third party billing and she is also our Point person for CPI she does she does some of the CPI training along with Katie and Steve and because of that we have a quarterly restructure procedures anytime a student is you know disregulated to disregulated to the extent that they're in fear of harm sell to others they are restricted CPI stands for crisis Crisis Prevention interventions it's y it's um it's physical hes yes um always the last resort this is not something we enjoy doing it's not something um that's good for anybody other than Safety and Security and for every single time one of those procedures is done parents are contacted the team meets and reviews what what happened before during and after what could have we done different what um we call the debrief what could we have done different and then all the debriefs once a quarter we meet and review them again we make sure multiple eyes get on there and there's a lot of discussion on what can we do because it's just not pleasant for anybody involved but again Safety and Security of students okay Katie is our program supervisor for the secondary level so she covers all of the middle school and high school and works with Steve um Brown who does he's our next program supervisor of students moving back and forth one thing we kicked off this year that I have this is a project I've been working on for almost 20 years is to get unified PE at the high school and um I just put a quick definition up there unified p provides a unique opportunity for students with and without disabilities to come together in one setting we have I mean it's the Rave of the high school right now kids are clamoring to get into it um on both sides we have uh so Katie was talking to me today and she got tears in her eyes she said we have this one student who they really struggle just making it connection with she never Smiles she's just very Ellie's werey you know you get her in this setting and she's smiling and she's walking and she's high fiving and she's just having the time of her life this is one of the best things we put out there um so that I just I just I'm so excited for the next steps that Katie and I are working on is to review for to ensure effect Effectiveness and efficiency of programs and Staffing as you know Staffing is very very hard to get so we want want to make sure that the ones we have are used effectively and efficiently um are we doing the best programming are are schedules the best they can be so she and I are embarking in a yearlong review of all secondary Staffing so it's going to take a while to get there but I want to just make sure that we're using our funds and our people the best we can she too has a laundry list of other things um other duties as assign so she for instance she again is a CPI trainer and on the quarterly committee she also works with our work experience coordinators to get our students out into the communities experiencing jobs she oversees the school psychologist which are part of the assessment team so she and Adrian tag team and work together um and one uh other item that I didn't point out on the other ones but they are also on pi of peer review teams as the admin so they sit in all of those meetings as well a lot of time spent in meetings unfortunately but hopefully in the end of the day they pan out for growth in teachers um Steve Brown is new to us question y Zen coordinator Zen coordinator so [Music] back then coordinator so we could not get enough educational assistance to get our kids into the buildings that was problematic so we went through a contracted Services their name is in to get more people in so the kids could come to school so she is the contact person um to get that contracted service employees into our building positions are still pulsive because our desire is to have our own staff um so we can get there we are using outside people right now yeah so is that and those positions are that you're using with Zen educational assistance okay so is it similar to what we're doing with the custodians I would say similar y we have the option to um I can't think of the word but buy them out you know so they like what they see it's almost like a temp agency they in they Tred we've got some fantastic people that way yep so it was an opportunity for us to get them their foot in the door and for us to sell ourselves so that is an option that we've been using as well so with the pay Zen how do you pay figure out their pay structure because we have a contract yeah it's not through the contract at all we contract through Zen and they have their own pay structure they do everything so my question is is is are is there paying more than ours less the same it's almost the same so we did a c cost analysis between if we because we don't pay benefits or anything like that we just pay for it's um it's very similar it's a dollar something different so we were thinking it was way different in so would it be about the same with the benefits yeah with when you figure that it's only a dollar something different okay and FYI we are not doing that any longer with custodians we stepped away from that contract services but that's what it was similar to and we did step away from Zen as well and made a huge push to try to get our own it was only Last Resort when we had too many kids that we said we have to do homebased education and I just I I hate that can I ask how many Zen EAS there are it's go go up and down depending if we can hire we release we hire we release so it goes up and down um gron You probably have better numbers than I do most recently but we had six at one point so it's not like we've got 20 30 it's single digits typically so excuse me individuals do they go through the same type of training and background we set our criteria yep and we say before they can come to us they have to have ABC they have to be highly qualified they have to be PCA they have to they have to all those things the backround y that y they take care of that so we don't have to all right so Steve is our newest program supervisor he came um mid year last year uh he is the one who really took over again this was a reactive okay you can't suspend kids so get a program raise that go he was um he is now overseeing that in call it Genesis and the feedback he's been getting from parents he wanted to highlight that he's got it's positive it's productive they've got so much homework done while they were there it seems to be a nice educational setting is shortterm it's get them in do what they need and get out but it has had a positive impact yet so when you say positive impact recurrence rate uh we so we track that and I'll we will have a Genesis update specifically because it has so much data to it there there are we call them our frequent flyers our reur customers um it's very few and if we're really stick right to stick in the class if they um we're implementing if they've returned three times and it's the same or similar this isn't working so what are we going to do different so we thought we were going to have a few of those and it's less than we thought last year there was three to five depending on how we considered it the same or similar and so then it's we're getting families in earlier we're having conversations earlier we're like this didn't work Why didn't it work what are our next steps so that's our our next step to this whole journey is to be proactive at the sites get Steve and our Behavior intervenes out at the sites to be more Co it would be nice to see D on oh I've got a ton yeah in fact we're planning and coming back here to do just a Genesis upate Y and again so the next steps to that are to be more proactive and to build that presence within the building um we're meeting Steve and I meet frequently to uh get a vision out there and then start working with building ad on what that might look like he too has a a list of other things he does one um I'd like to point out is he is the program supervisor for anything special in the building next door so he uh Genesis is only part of it and that's half specialed half Jed he also is restore which is our setting three for Behavior program um sa Academy and Saints online he oversees anything special at there he also Al does our Shar time part-time he's a CPI instructor as well secondary specialed expulsion or inl of um coordinator and he's we're working on getting a website up and running and he also manages our entire special education how our owner's manual or how to so he's does a lot of lot of everything there now El and I have been in the district for so many years and known each other for over 25 years so um he is our only gen Ed component to our team he he's .5 program supervisor of Crossroads Baron so the one off of 47 the rest of his day is spent doing anything that's on the student services plate that's not special ed related so it could be anything from mckin vento to nursing to basic needs anything like that at all so he's constantly going around doing things things he'd like to highlight is um students have had a successful transition to their new educational platform which isgenuity we were using mentum we switched over to Ingenuity to try to get more of a um interactive component to it this inity has more videos they can watch tutorial that way it has more um activities they can do it does have an increase in rigor we felt to for students um because online you can click click click and get your way through this forces them to slow down a little bit and to really engage in the curriculum um he would like to show that our basic needs are the highest they've ever been which um we've already got over 50% of our a lotted budget for this year loan in the first three months so the needs are very very high this year um which is very unfortunate our next steps for that program supervisor uh to continue to evaluate the uity platform and to increase students earning course credits um they come to Baron and they stay for anywhere they may be in the crisis unit so they may be there 24 hours they may be their um the chemical health component is uh 60 to 90day program so they may be there for that they may be in what they call the um Haven unit they may be there for a year so we don't know if we're going to get to reach out and try to make a connection for a day or for a year so it's really to get in and get to know the kids and give them the best opportunity to get credit some of these kids this is the only time they've been in school in two or three years so we take that very seriously that we are their gateway to an education al2 has a list of things he one of the things that takes up a lot of his time is working with our health um Health Services Department we've had such a turnover there and he I said he's got a horseshoe in his back pocket because every time we get a resonation he gets a fantastic LSN or LPN or RN to apply so he's pretty gifted he does he is our 504 coordinator which is a brand new world for him so that was a learning curve um mckin vento which is our homeless uh population he works so hard on that I mean it's a 247 job he gets a call and he he starts the process immediately he works our care and treatment so if we have students we have a 25 mile perimeter in which we transport our students to care and treatment and he coordinates all of that along with the foster care we have uh group homes within our district that have popped up in the past couple years that are just crazy I mean all a su we get a call and there's a new kid and we have to get them into a school so he coordinates all of that kind of stuff as well you overseas 550 fors in the whole District he's the coordinator for overseeing so he has we have a team under us we have our guance counselors or whomever than building determines is are 504 which is typically the G counselors or School social worker yep but he's the he oversees it and he organizes the trainings we meet with rat once a year to do a full training so quick question how many are under you how many how many you have total and I would like I want to understand what what is that percentage of the whole District lot so it is a lot it is a lot I have under me currently six program supervisors and under them we have last I want to say 86 teachers 125 EAS again the it fluctuates um depending but that's what and what's that as the to the whole District a percent you have our math our math person car how many [Music] employes 25% we're busy stay busy stay out trouble right yeah and our last program supervisor and this was another one hey we got a facility moving in get it ready I go and it took off uh December 4th will be the oneye anniversary from our first student arriving and I only no this because that was my birthday and what a gift so we have a Nexus East betho and it's a beautiful campus beautiful facility um and it houses uh it's a whole full female unit at this time they're looking at expanding but they want to lock down things and make sure they get the programming in place first um one thing we really focus on again some of these students have not been in school in a very very long time to get them to even cross into what is the school is difficult to get them to participate is difficult and we had 100% completion rate for the M's and Fs testing this fall that's is not in a setting like this and I attribute 99% of that to Bridget real she makes a connection with each and every one of these students um and I just touch B with Mike at the start of the meeting uh the students wrote letters to the best just like we had that going out around the restes we try to have them participate in things and some of those letters are just just heartwarming coming from students who live in utter chaos and they can take a moment and show gratitude is is pretty huming um and her words were they show the empathy and appreciation unlike a lot of a lot of students that we work with so it's pretty amazing what we are our Dream would be to put a garden a student Garden just out in the courtyard so keep in mind this is a it's a lock down facility so when we say Courtyard it is a fenced in area that they can go out into so if we can Beau by that and give them some ownership in the Landscaping is our goal um and the next one we have five contracted virtual speech clinicians in our district we'd like to get that down to zero and get to all in person um we just feel that's the most effective way to provide speech we are having success with the virtual don't get me wrong but there's something to be said that when you go into your room and there's a another live Human there waiting to welcome you it just is different um so that is our goal is to keep plugging weight and getting in person speech and again uh she has some things going on behind the scenes one thing I'd like to highlight is a BL are blind visually impaired our BBI so in the past we've always contracted this out our numbers we're getting to that point where it was almost this break even like we you know we're Contracting out at this level of cost could we hire our own couple that with to get a consultant out here or provider out here was almost impossible some of our students were going in you know a year with minimal contact just barely meeting the I AP unes and we were able one of our internals went back to school and she's finishing up right now to become BBI to support our district so it's amazing that person also so she's five BBI the other five is she is our homebound um leison so she is the person that covers our spent minutes homebound um that number has doubled in the past year so we're looking at needing to uh figure out some more services there but this this prison and I'll give a shout out to Angie white she does phenomenal being our BBI and she's dove in and really embraced the position and made it quite spectacular you may have heard a little bit about our EA welcome back we had a three-day training and we started with uh early double digit highly qualified and by the end of it we were mid90s that were highly qualified after 3 days training and providing ing some assessments so by the time we handed it over uh this was this was a huge project um that Bridget and I worked on all summer to kick it off and by the time we handed it over to HR we were 95 to 96% were highly qualified so um that's I'm very proud of being able to get that far that fast so I think we started at 12% all right any questions no questions uh just a comment um I've seen a lot of people in your position and I want to say you're doing a really um spectacular job I also like seeing your passion for these I worked with you back at the middle school I was one of your EA I remember very well and before I got on the board and um so I saw your yeah I know but I will say um for people who don't realize that new building over there in East bethl and the students that um are placed in that facility because I think am I correct in saying that a lot of them are placed their state Wards of the state some of them or portion of them it is the it was okay and now the pulum seems to be swinging and we got a pretty good mix however it is these are children that you um have had a difficult upbringing and so when she talks about how they wrote thanks to someone else when sometimes it's hard to be thankful for because it's difficult because for them they've had really tough lives I can see you just really um I see you pick up the little things that other people may bypass to think well it should be that way this is the our kids should take the our kids should take the test right but to have some of these that took it with these students that they're dealing with so uh you're doing a great job keep it up and it's a difficult job it continues to grow as we're aware of and so keep up the good work and be involved it's great to thank you thank you for your leadership and for your passion it really shows um how many um visually andair we have that we're service that we I mean it's great that we've got somebody stepped up so I remember you talking this before that y um so we've had a big influx in the birth to three age because the survival has increased and um typically if they're born premature there's a lot of vision things that could could happen so we went from you know High single digits low teams to we're pushing mid 20s right okay it's a lot a lot so we have one individual it's a five wow okay and so that's integrating with the parents and teaching them so birth 2 three is in the home with the parents three once they start coming in and some don't come in they're too fragile that don't come in um but at 3 they can come in and then she works with them at the school it's a lot of what we call indirect so she works with teachers on how to work with the student when she goes somebody still got to work with the student so there's a lot of the indirect I got three questions for you I'll start at the early Learners and workout okay perfect ECF we talked about the screening and that we are you know we're doing record numbers of that are we missing any opportunities with the screening and can we do anything more you need anything more so we can get after more screening like are we do we have to take our schedule as full go to this organization for strand are we missing anything that we think um so far we have not needed to send we've been able to again and one of the things they're doing is going out into looking at like okay there's a daycare right over there instead trying to get the kids in we can go out and get them done like that so that's been more efficient so it's looking at outside the box ideas on how to do it um again it's the extra hours people are putting in during the summer and after school it's like conference nights but full of screenings um yeah uh Elementary you talked about uh we need more sat based programming so this is I think the third time that I've heard that from you because our historical numbers are going up uh do you have options or a plan and we don't have to answer that tonight that the board might be presented with at some point how we can get after I we're very limited with space Staffing for the center base so are we working on a plan to I sure am see it Y and then the last one is the Middle School you talked about uh unified PE at the high school I know we have it at at least one of the elementaries I know if it's at all three do we have it at the middle school not yet okay and is there a plan to work that in so we continue that that process throughout because I know some students that um participate in unified in elementary school and that is the highlight of their day it brings so much joy to the not not only the student that's in need but also the student that's providing the help uh it's just such a great program would be awesome to see it across the whole District it would be it's my desire um we're wanting to see how the high school goes and learn from that what well we do different and then see where else we can implement it yeah do you know do all three elementary schools do it or is it it's just the one because located at that school oh yeah makes sense okay T15 has there BR progress on looking for alternate sight or is there still a need for so zero progress a lot of effort being put into it and I feel like we're just spitting our Wheels this year we um borrowed another room Academy to spread out um that's working for now uh we are relooking at our numbers we had four super high KN students that ended up at from river that really took us on the left turn so um we want to analyze that and we want to look at how how well that extra space at Academy is working but I also know his numbers are now on the increase to when he's going to need that space back so we're right back I want to thank you presentation you show a lot of people one part of the complexity to run a school district that people really don't understand see board well I really want to accentuate on the um line visually and impaired wow that's a um thank you to what's Bridget that was one of the reasons that n that we chose to use 916 were because of these high cost students and not being able to provide the services here for them and um so I think it's great that she's we're just not supposed to tell anybody other people that's GNA want so that would be my but I think it's great thank you very much that's a it's a huge deal for this than our little secret last com make that short five speech not just St Fran State it's across the nation they are all short they're short and speech services is the only service that mde has given their stamp on it can be virtual everything else it's like no it has to be in person and for whatever reason they said speech could be virtual so a lot of the speech clinicians and Pathologists are like work from home so it's it didn't help us at all not only are we short but now we can't even get them in person all right well thank you much for coming in thank you uh next up here is 5.5 as you see there's a lot of revisions there on the policies all the way through uh just take a look at our first reading next meeting you'll see the approval policies come before you when you do go through the policies you do have questions issues of concern concerned if you would please call in to uh Brandon or superintendent and try and get a clarification on your questions on one of those policies to help save time in our next meeting all right moving on uh admin report superintendent uh first the unwritten part that I want to share uh next at the next meeting at 5:30 uh we'd like to recognize Amy Pam and Mike for their service on the school board so please if you can be here at 5:30 that's not true just with school board members but community members you know staff members it's really important to recognize great work and so we're hoping be 5:30 we will have Refreshments uh so um hopefully you're you're be able to join us uh getting back in my report Dax Larson our Communications person has started a digital newsletter that is sent out monthly again for community members uh and staff members and students please consider signing up for that by going to the website look for Saints news and then there's a place to sign up for that digital newsletter uh we want people to be informed of what's happening in the schools the good the bad we want to be transparent uh so please sign up for that including our board members who are leaving us would' love to have all of us uh be part of it and then if you can encourage your friends and neighbors to to sign up as well appreciate uh technology department restructuring uh is making progress uh we are restructuring a couple of positions and we'll be making reductions elsewhere in the technology department to pay for those changes uh we think the changes are are really smart because it's going to uh enable us to specialize in a couple of areas change who supervises who uh and so we're we're excited about that change some of the reductions will be in Consulting work uh and I know ciso has come up with several other project changes that will save us money as well so I'm very confident that we'll be able to save 40,000 per year but I think it's going to be higher than that can we get a little more detail on that because I had a concern with spending 40,000 more and put in management manager positions I know we're going to vote later on that being them being within the contract so C can you give us more detail on that to to better understand what what are we going to gain from it and what are these changes and this is sort of brief uh it is brief um and um you know 40,000 is a little high because we are actually taking two positions and combining into one the safy one well there'll be two positions but one of those positions is actually taking two positions and putting into one person okay it'd be the Safety and Security person uh would be doing a lot of the database work as well and so there's some automatic savings just based on that one change because we have a consultant doing a lot of the database work uh so his services will come down uh we also won't be spending as much from the Safety and Security Budget to do that as well so you know I put down $40,000 you know just sort of as kind of the higher estimate but we have some automatic savings as we adjust those uh we also have um technology director uh hired through ciso and so we can make changes as far as um how much time that person would spend in the district so we'll be able to save money from that uh and uh that'll be U you know depending on how many days we land on you know we could save 20 $225,000 for each you know one day a week you know for the whole year so is that position a ceso position that was in place of Andy right Andy CH correct okay and then we also are Contracting out for a lead technician through ceso uh and if we can hire a replacement then that would enable us to cut back on that as well so you know those are some some of the things uh but then Cil is also looking at uh savings as far as how we provide internet service uh to the district uh instead of providing an internet access point for each building you we're looking at a different setup uh and so that could be you know some significant savings uh and the list goes on and on from there but you know that's that's more than 40,000 right there so so we're replacing two individual so are we doing is it attrition based then are we letting anybody go uh we're going to pulse things internally first and so if there are two internal people who are qualify interest have the chance we confident we'll be able to find two people [Music] okay uh further though we are anticipating retirement in that department but that's that's not factored into the at all [Music] okay uh the next part is towing cars student cars at the high school hopefully we don't have to do this um almost every student at high school bought their partment P it's been a really good year for that we have a small handful of kids who have not and uh the parents have been good to work with that for some reason the money doesn't go from the parents to the school so you know we like and again we don't want to do this you know but at the same time it's a rule it's an expectation everybody else is doing it and so if there's a written notice sent to parents um you know saying that that the car could be told uh you know if we do that first if we want a fair warning then uh we will consider to in high school just want to let you know and we know you be supportive of it it's in the student handbook we want to get R notice of people are paying it's the fair thing to do um certainly if there was some sort of financial struggle um you know we would consider that you know maybe you know there could be some donations someplace uh but I I think we we need to follow through this so just thought i' let you know uh curriculum op out procedures I was hoping to have a little more time maybe to spend on this uh tonight uh but I did include the first draft of curriculum opt out procedures and uh just so I attached that if you could take time you know maybe over the next couple weeks to review it ask me questions make suggestions challenge me you know whatever it takes you know I want a good robots process uh it's really an interpretation of state law you know because parents can off their kids out of curriculum and U the the only catch is that that it depends there's some different procedures depending on what standards we're talking about so um for example opting out of instruction materials related to state required standards um for example for some reason if somebody doesn't like teaching fractions to their kids obious like may do this up um you know they don't like the the math book that's being used they could off their children out of that particular math book but then we would still need to provide a different math book in order to teach those standards because they state required we have to do it um and I give some examples there most of the concerns will likely come from the state required social study standards that are being Incorporated in the future um you know and so those are required standards but we can um you know provide Alternative Learning opportunities provided either by the teacher or by parents depending on the circumstances by way I've thrown lot over my gold so I apologize for this Str um uh there's also opting out of instruction materials not related to the required um standards and uh that there's more flexibility I give two examples uh one would be well first of all there is no requirement that lgbtq plus issues are included in the district's culum state do not required according to our attorney I look through the standards myself but that in a general way that's uh there is no requirement so if there's some instruction materials uh that parents find objectionable they can opt out with alternative instruction by the district you know that that can happen so if there's a language arts class with a book on lgbtq plus content that parent can opt out we would come up with an alternative book assignment you know the logical thing would be to find a different book that doesn't have that content um and then go from there another example would be a health class including information on sexual orientation sexual identity parent can also opt out uh one possible alternative would be to excuse a student from being in class uh in providing a lesson without that content so those are two examples sir has there ever been ever been any discussion as to opting in uh no there hasn't um the law talks about opting kids out I understand that but I'm curious as to parents at Alon afterwards say well I had no idea where if they were sent something where if we're more transparent and saying this is what we're going to be talking about this day I would like to see parents opt in rather than opt out yeah the the only thing is that this those aren't the only examples there could be uh there might be parents who um object to other curriculum topics and so there's no way we can anticipate every possible objectionable thing that parents would have you know we can't have we we can't set system where people have to opt into every piece of learning by fractions or LGBT lgbtq plus issues those of and I agree with you with the fractions but but I think that's um not comparing Apples to Apples with regards to curriculum that parents can and are concerned about being spoken with their children and I think we all in this room know what I'm talking about I'm not talking about fractions or gtic or it's um sensitive topics that are being pushed more and more into classrooms that weren't pushed when I was in school that are being pushed now so that's your point though um because I anticipate those kinds of questions for example how can a parent um opt out of something if they don't know what's being taught correct you know essentially and so there are lots of layers to this that we have to do further investigation um so and I would appre and I'm not saying what can be done I'm saying we need to be thoughtful and mindful of of our parents and not say oops afterwards that's not that's not fair to parents oh yet yet I understand that we don't want parents to be having to opt into every single thing that's not what I'm asking for and I think we can all understand the difference of what I'm asking for the videos would be an example one example would be uh sex education for example you know and so if the school or teacher anticipates a potential topic you know to at least let people know that that's that's coming up um there's also um the um uh you know the the goal is to come up with a syllabus for each class uh in the school district that would list the um you know the resources being used as well as grading expectations you know what happens if you're absent from school so the resources uh and the standards being assessed so you know a lot of schools do it you know I don't know how if other schools required of each teacher but it's very common and I would anticipate if this is going to be an emphasis that we'll need to do that as well um and so that's that will take several months you know to come up with that kind of plan that we can Implement next year so that you know parents can have access to the syllabus they see the resources they know what standards are being assessed and then they can make decisions based on that that's kind of thinking kind of to your point you know it's not an opin but at least we're giving parents opport a better notice yeah uh so you can see expectations of teachers that were hoping to implement and some other parts the stuff in red really didn't come from directly from the attorney or even indirect reference there so things that I kind of came up with and so there has to be a lot of betting as we go through this process and one step is to hear feedback from all of you community members or whoever I'm sure we'll hear from staff members as well um and uh you know hopefully we can take that and come up with a a really solid procedure and then I addition that we would include um you know a summary statement with a reference you know in the student handbook you know so that we can get the message out so uh one thing that um uh you know as far as you know we are obligated to provide an ethic studies course I think started in 2627 and uh but our understanding now is that it's an elective so kids uh do not have to take the class and so that would be essentially the opt out and so we know that they'll be some potentially um controversial topics discussed in those class because that's what the state law is requiring um but we'll make it clear that it's an elective because don't have to take it and so them they can choose something else if they want so anyway I just wanted to emphasize that as far as the out out as far as the ethnic studies I understand that there's a lot of different options there um as far as what can what that can include um how is that going to be determin is that going to be through the will lead that effort along with Mr Austin in terms of how that ethnic studies class is set up what what's being taught how it's going to be taught who's going to be teaching it so what input is it going to be from the community or from the board for that ethnic study my guess is that um you know we'll we'll do some work internally and then go through our typical curriculum review process which it include the U act committee so the ACT committee could actually propose some things yeah I mean we'll get feedback yeah provide feedback but not the initial so you present something we have to come up with the plan first so yeah we're kind of investigating what are some options other districts are doing start yeah yeah thankfully we have until 26 27 school year so we have time but it's kind of an urgent thing still because to make that timeline we need to have it in the course of studies by January of 26 so we have about a year to to make that work you know that includes coming up the plan getting feedback from multiple stakeholder groups you know working with the school board act committee so I don't want to give the impression that oh we have all the time in the world to make this happen it has to be Virg I won't be here with just the recommendation I've heard in the past when you've brought forth curriculum that it's our word the end the end stage of the game and I've heard well if we don't do this what do we do I know Rob had a concern with the curriculum last spring and wasn't thrilled about passing it but it was like whoa I guess we got to do something I would encourage you to include the board sooner than later to have to not be well this is what we're doing because I that's a train wreck waiting to happen so I would strongly encourage that um whatever is going to end end up in that classroom then it it starts here otherwise yeah it's going to be a train yeah so that's my recommendation we can certainly have multiple touch points yep or work maybe a work session or two on because I understand it's from the state but what districts are going to do is could look completely different depending on what what district you live in and what the community what the school boards look like that's the role that has placed here so at approval of curriculum so uh the next uh area is just the discipline data um and so still through October it will be updated you know once a month um but may see some repeats from time to time so this is the same data that you had at the last meeting uh status of challenge Library materials is next uh we do have um an appeal about the me Earl and the ding ding girl book that's in the media center and so that'll be coming on the school board um and so it would be helpful to know when you want that place I think that should be in 2025 um after the new board takes effect um also I want does the district have seven copies of the book for board members to read and can we get all of the documentation from the um committee members meeting any of their notes any feedback from them uh we do not currently have the the books available um I know that the U the members of the the Review Committee got their own books um you know certainly we could buy books you know for every uh board member or we can have the board members find their own copy for a library or store something that so that's my answer to that you know we don't have a plan right now Stacey Libby is the library system where you could read an ebook you're okay with ebooks might be able to check it out that way Sugg I would caution the board of buying books every time for board members and providing them because that can get costly I think board members if they're going to review a book and there are many ways to review a book in this day and age whether you know so and I would say I'm it's been a long time the I I'm not sure what the review process is going to look like in the future but it seems like it's moving really slow it's really slow for our community members they've um so I don't know why it wouldn't be as soon as the as soon as it goes to the committee and they say it's okay then it comes to the board I mean to be determined it should be as soon as possible and if it's at the next meeting then it's at the next meeting gives us two weeks review yeah gives us two this is how it's going to be in the future I mean um books are going to be denied and then it's going to be sent to the school board and are we going to push it out a month or two again I mean no if it's if the board's going to review then okay this then it's at the next school board meeting and that's again it doesn't matter me what it is that's my something parents have been waiting parents and they shouldn't have to wait months after it's been gone to the committee and now oh now we got to wait a couple months for the board to review it and and there's some board me every board member will find their way to evaluate whether or not they believe it should be in our library and that'll be up to the board to decide who's ever sitting here if I could jump in and answer Jill's second question as far as documentation the answer is yes we can provide the documentation uh some information will be redacted um you know because I I don't think it matters who is putting the request you know it's a challenger book or their address or anything like that uh but we'll certainly give the you know the letters that were you know written to and from you know so we can provide I guess for me it depends on when it comes to the board when the board finds out what the book so we don't find out about it until the board packet comes out oh it's not enough time to review yeah so the the book that's up for review first would be me Earl and the D girl so we know the book um I don't know if I can get all the documentation tomorrow before teachers leave for Thanksgiving break but certainly the book is well and I'll just I'll just put it out there that I would hope that the new board chair because you you didn't run again I'm not but the new board chair and the superintendent would look and have some common sense and say you know what there's not time to review this it's whatever Christmas vacation or whatever but to really put it on as soon as possible not just a um but there would be a reason why if it was going to be a month that the board chair and the superintendent would say well the school board W weren't going to get it until the Thursday before the board meeting and that's not enough time so this is why we're going to move it and have that be um you know standard not deviate from that I think that it's fair and it looks fair to the public and I think that works so is it um um advisable like if if a book is announced at one meeting to have is that enough time for board members to to read the book review the documentation for the very next meeting I you know depends on your resources that you use to read it I read through those nine books in like uh I think a three-day weekend of those nine books I I fast read right through them and found how bad they were didn't take very long to figure out that I didn't want so I we also like to caution the board uh down South Carolina they had 95 books that came off the shelf committee met and it was 95 books by were pulled 90 went back on the Shelf so you could imagine those 90 book they didn't talk about the review down there but what if you had 90 books that were approved that's 90 uh books coming to your board in the future think about the complexity in the time frame to do something like that we we over 14,000 books in the middle school right now so think about the number this thing to grow real ugly for you real fast feels next y so I think committing to a time frame without the board having a discussion on the book that they need to review is very dangerous president especially when you don't know what the board members lives are outside of this board meeting some of us have a full-time job some of us have children to take care of some of us have a lot of other competing priorities and can't sit down and read three books in the weekend I'm lucky if I can read a book in a month so I mean I think it has to be a discussion of the board at the table that is going to be reviewing the books to make a determination on what works for that board and if somebody's on vacation for a week you're going to say oh by the way during your vation you need to read a 300 page book 500 page book I think that's unrealistic famor I'm support said I trust the superintendent and the board chair to make sure the board has all of the documentation you know our policy says the committee will have a written report you know once the board has all of that in determine a good time frame so I don't want to set something right now either I TR just you two to or whoever's in that position to to give us a time frame that's going to work for the entire board it just needs to be timely because these books have been brought up by our community same group that you see sitting here it they've been brought up it's been over a year and we got through one book so far so it's just you know our community is telling us look it's been too long so we need to so we can just do due diligence to it and I think it'll make sense once we're heading down that road yeah I I agree with that I think we're we're getting there we have a committee just a reminder we didn't have a media specialist until right August 26th right so you know the we w have been able to implement that policy we didn't have someone unless we hired it out which didn't make sense so I mean that's a big reason for you know the delay but now I think we have things going um and you know one thing there haven't been an in Orin number of requests you know I think there's one more coming you know so at least it seems reasonable you know the people have you know also at least exp expl why they don't like the book you know so I think that's that's a positive thing and at the Review Committee uh when the one book was reviewed I thought the discussion was really good you know so most am Menders if not all of them had read the book um and you know there was a good discussion so I mean there's some positive things coming from this but we do want to get in the routine I just wish there was a second meeting in December you know and I'm not suggesting it I'm not suggesting special but you know I personally I think a month you know is a lot more reasonable than two weeks um you know but uh we're not in that situation and of course if we wait until January then all of a sudden we have a new board and then we have to figure out the policy again and then all of a sudden there's another DeLay So I get that that's it that's all I have all right thank you very much M question yes just not on that same subject it's something different so uh proposed property tax statements came out this past week yeah just wonder I mean we've discussed it but wondering if you can give a reason why we're down 7 something per and everybody else is up at least 2% in most cities and counties or the county is of double digits yeah thank you for asking um he had mentioned that he'd be asking that question earlier and and I forgot to ver say it so the D will have the full comprehensive report in two weeks because we'll be presenting the audit uh as well as the levy we truth and Taxation hearing so she'll give a lot more uh detailed information but I can tell you I think the um the refunding of the bond you know a year or two ago had an impact on the amount of debt that we hold you know so that is a good decision to board made that will save taxpayers dollars uh without taking money away from anyone so that was one really good thing and we do that all the time we're looking at possible refunding to save taxpayers dollars that's one thing uh there's also huge fluctuations and adjustments uh and you know we saw it a year ago with the levy and we saw it again this year it's like 600 $50,000 worth of adjustments or thereabouts you know went down and so that's a big contributing factor as well but again de will have the detailed information by the way the adjustments are caused by differences between actual enrollment and projected enrollment and so she can explain more of that so thanks for the question and are you having a question with regards to no County and their individual cities so I was going to say if those are going up you need to contact them right right we have no control over that no it's just the ones that can raise your taxes without going to their voters way higher than scho District we're the only entity that can okay move on then next up will be action items first one for be the policy here we're going to have our director Mr Nelson come up talk about it then after he talks about it we always said Mr Nelson take a chair afterwards here all evening with us so let's go over what you found out from the attorney and we go forward with their folks and good evening so after the last Schoolboard meeting under the direction of school board uh we made a revise to version of policy 66.5 which is version four a copy of that is in your Schoolboard packet and um have the school district attorney review that and then your board package is the question that was asked to the attorney which was to review version four and then um if the legal opinion was to admit the new Part Five Section seven of that policy which would have been highlighted in y then is there any other language that can be prepared and presented as an alternative and then um the response is in your board packet from the attorney in regards to that question and that information is all okay open up for discussion and questions here and uh I think you know as a board I think we all agree that some of the books here need to be looked at taken care of we agree I think we're coming down to how do we find out what do we use for reference for our Med Center person to use the reference right now if you look around out there there are nine different groups go through to read a book there's nine of them which one of those nine or two of those nine or three of those nine you actually use to rate our books how much power do we give to our media center person who we hire so let her P this thing together and do a good job for the district and for our parents and for you know the schools so let's go forward and see what your comments are what questions do we have who wants to thought first Rob no I'm I I'll start it off so I called msba and um asked them I said do we need language explain the situation that was going up here do we need specific language due to sexual sexuality we're having an issue with what language to put in there to ensure that um books are appropriate for our students and he said do you have it right now it's in the policy I said we do I said where what do you mean so we went through the policy and it reads school boards May decline to purchase lend or shelf or remove access to library materials legitimacy based on I'm not going to be read one because that's practical reasons included but well limited space shelf and where damage or other things but it says number two legitimate pedagogical concerns including but not limited to the appropriateness of potentially sensitive topics for library's intended audience the selection of the library materials for a cure rated collection or the likelihood of causing a material or substantial disruption of the work and discipline of the school or and then compliance with state law he said it's right in there he said you don't need to get into the nitty-gritties of adding all these languages that you as a school board can and and I'll read it again purchase lend shell or remove so any one of those is all school district and that's right here that's by msba and they took all this from state law if you look on the bottom they they talk about state law and what we can and can't do and he said this policy is going to look different compared to where you go in Minnesota what they do in Minneapolis may be different than what they do in Fridley and it may be different than what they do in St Francis it's going to look different but the policy is meant to be that why because the school board is a representation of the district in which they serve so it also says in the selection of Library materials it says under four Library materials shall be appropriate to and reflect the needs ages maturity level emotional development ability levels learning styles Social Development background diversity and needs and interest of the students for whom the materials were selected so again a school board can remove they can shelf they can deny purchasing all base we have it right here in the policy okay it's there it's Crystal Clear and so I'm not sure what the big argument is here today I said well can we add what we want to use he goes you as a school board can every area of the state is going to look different for a reason but if whatever you guys decide whatever you decide to use you can we move a book based on appropriateness age appropriateness and it doesn't that we're not going to get so anyways um I'm fine with what we have I'm not sure if we're gonna if we can keep book looks in there or if it becomes part of the procedure but either that or we just have it come right to the school board and we just bypass the committee because the committee came forth and said that this last book was okay I'm going to say that I would approve I I'm going to say sitting here as I've looked at it that I would say no it's not okay so do we want to put the librarian and this committee through the work of the committee or do we want to do what Rob said and just put it to the puty part to the school board so but that's my we have the authority to remove to shelf to do all this based on based on the maturity of the student age appropriateness and I find that some of these books aren't age appropriate that's my interpretation but if it's going to be completely different than the media specialist why are we going to send it to the media Specialists and have us contradicting the media specialist because in my opinion that book doesn't belong on the library shop so that's what I have to say Okay anybody else I think the big question is really under part seven down there 57 is booklet do you use booklet or what do you use looking at the reading system and that's where the big argument is at we have what you mentioning in the policy already what to do under 4D to direct their course so I think what come down to what resource do we allow to be used what you want to use it's going to be controversy one book said this one book say that which one we Bal that's so what do you think you want to keep so my stance this whole time has been not to add that portion of it again Amy I agree with you I think the policy is very well written and it covers all of the areas that could be concerned uh for people to bring forward and for us to look at by limiting us to using one thing and putting it in policy uh we are reacting to a single book a group of books we are not looking at every possible book that could be out there that can come forward again book looks does not have every book in the system so we are automatically telling our district if it's us if it's our committee that uh we're going to limit you because there's a book that may not be in and now we have to go through a whole new process where the procedure has a list of multiple things that we can use that committee has educated individuals that can use all of those and provide the documentation back to the school board to make an educated decision I don't think it should be part of it I like everything else that's in it the way it is I think it's very transparent it's a great policy to move forward and I like the addition of our procedures and I'm all for adjusting those procedures as we see fit Brandon is um numeral 4 d is that in our current policy or is that in provision the part that just red line and so I think that is I think it's there any red line yet so that's I would call uncontroversial Red Line yeah so it's not in our current policy but it is in the proposed policy same with same with the F might add D2 which is the the school board made a client to purchase lend or shelf or remove access to library materials legitimately based on and then it goes on as I read numeral two where it talks about um sensitive topics and you know the intended audience which again points to age appropriateness of books me in before the policy approve that section yet yeah then there Parts at the very end of the policy too Ral 8 r n that are also new and those are based on mba's model policy so everything in red that's underlined is proposed new language that we'd like to make sure is included and that was the discussion I had with msba was that was added and it is according to state law it can be done school boards can decline the purchase L shelf and they can remove books based on age appropriateness it's right there and it's all statutes and it's all it's there for us the part that's not included in the model of policy would be the the book looks reading like what Brandon was saying kind of the the I don't if I want to say controversial but the the part that would be over and above what MSB suggests and what our attorney suggest so that would be on and that would be a yeah and that's a choice that this community this board has made to use currently now that could change in the future um but and also to get more clarification um I did change the procedure to include book books is one of several rating agencies so you know one thing I noticed there's another book that um I think is being considered or is being challenged and you know some of the other rate rating agencies don't always mesh you know with their analysis and so on have a higher AG range than the other so they're not always the same they're different groups of people U making the analysis but we did add book looks um you know to that list of of entities that we'll use to read books so we're looking at p in 57 then correct that's no go I don't think anybody look like just one that nature and superintendent said could be one of several Yad until someone makes a motion to remove it there's no removal on that motion would to be what we're doing right now we just having discussion once you get together do we get a motion second we'll make it happen just make it simpler want this that this discussion so you can look at the 57 it's been red line and yellow attorney says no go in that whole paragraph I just want to throw some things out here because I don't know if anybody here has read the whole Pico analysis which was uh Pico versus I can't remember who it is to go back um in 1978 there's three judges that um that commented on this and the court has never held that the First Amendment grants junior high school and high school students a right of access to certain information in the schools it would be ludicrous of course to contend that all authors have a constitutional right to have their books placed in junior high schools and high school libraries the other the other opinions here from these judges three judges um find it give me a second here there's a lot of information here the school board can set the curriculum select teachers and determine initially what books to purchase for the school library it surely can decide which books to discontinue or remove from the school library judges basically are saying is um and there was a the Miller test also the judges were basically saying there that communities do decide what should and should not be in their school libraries and that's what US elected officials are for is to make those determinations so I just wanted to make those point is it not been talked about based on those two cases I believe we all feel the same if you say we all is coming down to what resource do we use to identify what books should go where AG approach us yes we agree has to be the right level we agree but what we use what's the final decision on what process we're going to use to determine where that book goes or complet that's where we're sitting at now I don't know if Pico's the ruling oh sorry if Pico is the ruling that that talked about taking um reviewing the whole of the book you know when making decision yeah there's a lot in there but it basically comes down to the community and it and the Miller test also talks about you know you you would not expect I think they T they mentioned rural main to to have the same standards that Community as say Las Vegas or New York City or we could say Minneapolis or wherever you want whatever so again we do not expect it to to be the same across this entire state or across this entire country it's based on what our community standards are for Morality and vulgarity and like I said in the last meeting last five meetings this is the fifth is we we expect our students to behave in a certain Manner and not to use vulgarity with each other and yet if we provide books that are full and they're not just here and there they're full these books that we've talked about are just page after page after page um we don't we don't expect them to talk that way in school yet if we provide the books in the library then we're M and it saying I guess it's okay for you to read it so currently we have a motion on the floor yes we do we have a motion from the last meeting at the last meeting motion was made by Miss West for7 A and B but add book looks to the primary source for review seconded by Miss Johnson motion table by Miss Anderson second by Mr Burr motion Carri 52 we have a motion on the table we have found from our attorney that having book looks in the policy is it could be a violation of the First Amendment they do not recommend having that in there I'm not sure why we haven't moved away from that discussion and why we aren't fing this motion and maybe nobody remembers the last meeting but I thank you for bring that correct I guess for me book BS isn't the perfect system but to review all these books is going to take a lot of time and energy from the committee and then it's going to come to us I think a place that reads books that we can look at and not let those books give to the committee and waste time I think is going to save a lot of people a lot of time and energy and we have a Community member that made a great suggestion to once you get the books identified what level they're at can we not put those in the cage per se and they stay in there kn parents can allow student opportunity to get into the cage area one of community members had a great suggestion about that there something down the road that they look at also we can't get community members information you know we're all have the right dances here everybody has an input so thank you to the Community member who G us that suggestion to cage him up we have to yeah unfortunately the attorney didn't like that idea brand and I ran that by you know we're looking for a compromise and so that again my argument is relying on book looks so to the point that Amy you just made about um school districts are going to look different across the state not everybody's going to be the same we cannot say for certainty that every Community member wants to use bookbooks we cannot say that every Community wants our district to use one thing we have community members out there we've had someone that has come up and spoke about um keeping books keeping books that have been identified so that tells me that we have more than one opinion which is what book looks gives us if I go on a book looks there's a book called night night is a book from Eli weel if you don't know who that is that is a holocaust surv that is a true story about his time um in Jewish prisoner camps it has the exact same reading as some of the books that are being reviewed currently with the same descript description of inexplicit sexual conversation not pornography we do not have pornography in our schools in our libraries pornography has a clear definition we do not have that in our schools if if we go with book looks that book is taken away it automatically is not part of it the verbage that we have is no book that has a rating of three will be in our district okay so that's telling us that history that has happened to some individual is now not allowed in our district so using book looks solely puts the district in a position that we now have to have discussions on every one of those types of books where if we have a procedure that uses multiple sources because not everybody in our community supports the use of bookbooks I'm not opposed to book looks at all I'm opposed to it being in a policy as the sole item that we use right it is not the soul so let me read it to you book looks rating system is based on MPA which is Motion Picture Association of America so it's based on whether the kids can go to certain movies before any book is purchased for the libraries including classroom libraries The book must be looked up in booklets and if listed have a rating of 0 to two only no books which are rated three Parental Guidance required four or five may be purchased by any District employee no books of these ratings even if donated may be accepted any District employees to use in the district if the book is not in book books because they're not all in bookbooks and they're not in all of theem then refer to Preferred tools to assess age appropriateness for each book before making available to students in the district so it is not the only system but it is the first system to be used and then beyond that um you because they're not all in there and I'll guarantee you that if you look at any rating system every book is not in there so that so that's what's in policy and that's where you get into trouble with some of our book here or policies here or uh reading system worklooks by the attorney our attorney book looks is managed by a group of concerned parents and the organization does not appear to have any professional Library credentials including the proposed requirement which leave the district vulnerable an argument that the policy does not align Professional Standards for Library material selection as required by section 134 51 La that's get argum with how good is book how good is r book or Destiny or Scholastic you know Common Sense either what is the best one that's what we're trying to determine tonight we go with Pam thank you you actually made my point so so the book night again Eli weissel is in bookbooks as a three so that's telling us right there it's done we don't get to look at the other readings because it's in booklets so that's telling me that we do not want to have a book in our library that is a true story of a holocaust Survivor so that means an Frank Diaries it's but ham it does it says right here it only 0 to2 only no books which are rated three so that tells me it's in book looks that book itself is now not allowed to be in our district but yet so is this board willing to go we are not going to have a book a true story about the Holocaust in our library that's all I'm saying is we are limiting ourselves yes I get that we if it's not in booklets we're going to use the other ones then why don't we list all the other ones I don't think it's smart to put one item in a policy what was the name of the book it's called night night n n GT night and again a follow up with our attorney for those reasons I just talked about it's advisable to remove the policy the language in Part 57 and any required Reliance on bookl rating system it's going to get us into some hot water potential legal vulner ability she ends up with in her paragraph We want to protect oursel we all agree certain books need to be moved or caged up if we could do that we're taken out we move yet what are you put with where do we decide what do we going to use here folks we feel have question no I don't have a question I have so I spoke with um Brandon and ask the question is specific Direction such as what tool resources General left to operating procedure yes unless specifically identified by law or regulation or recommended to be inserted as part of an msba policy such as Testing Lab policy and policy 416 nowhere in any of our policies are we directing what tools to use unless it's required by law or regulation why are we looking at something different here when we already have a committee that's using multiple tools to analyze what books I can answer that question because the book that's come forth the one book the first book The Only book so far isn't a history book it isn't anything of that it's a sexually explicit book that our community said oh it's fine it's stayed in the library so there's a number of us on here that I don't necessarily trust the committee and what they're going to say is okay that's why Rob said let's just put it to the let's just put it to the school board wow yeah wow because as as msba said nope as msba said this will look different to every part of the state we're R here just to let you know we're not going to always be on the same page but I know we're conservative they don't want this stuff in the libraries Joel and you can say wow but obviously there's a number of us that disagree with how the committee came up with they seem to think it's fine that that book is in the library okay and whatever book the committee works on today tomorrow next year ultimately agre come to the board and the board will make a decision to either accept or override so the reason why we we ask to have booklets put in is that it's probably going to align with the majority of the board if you want to do it differently I mean it's just going to have that committee get together and then they're going to say they're all going to powwow and say this isn't that bad we're going to keep it in there it's it's okay and then it's going to come to the board and then the board is going to look at it and say it's out yeah ultimately so that's so she asked the question why do you want bookbooks in there I'm answering the question that's why we put books so if we so we all have agreed to add community members to our committee so if our committee comes back and the community members have spoken that are in that committee and they say you know what after we did our review we want to keep a book again I'm talking about all books not one book we should not be writing a policy based on one book okay we should not be writing a policy based on one book we are writing a policy that can cover everything which any the the portion that you talked about was the section 4 be1 and two that covers it right that gives us the ability to look at every book you keep bringing up one book The me Earl and the dying girl in booklook summary this book contains inexplicit sexual Unity but we keep saying it says explicit in their rating it says inexplicit I am not talking about a book I might agree with you that the book needs to be appropriate to certain levels or not in our schools absolutely but when we look at a policy it should not be specific to one book we have to be able to Encompass everything having book looks in the policy doesn't allow us to do that it it ties our hands okay and again to use the book that keeps getting brought up it doesn't even say explicit right it has a rating of three which then our verbiage would go gone but we keep talking about it as an explicit but itself is contradicting right so then why would we use one item to make a decision I want us to be able to use multiple things to give our district and I trust our staff to go and do a thorough review and provide us the documentation okay I like that we have a policy that brings it back to the school board and allows us to have this discussion but you know what I want people that are educated better than I am when it comes to library materials to give me some inform information that I can use to make a decision just like we use lawyers just like we use other things so parents and people don't need to be educated to find out what they think is appropriate for their students okay I'm not going to start with this only our school staff know what's best for our children because that's not it and I'll say the second thing even our attorney says in here secondly and relatively there may be an argument that book books rating system originates from an organization with specific ideological perspectives while its website disclaims any affiliation with other organizations there has been some reporting that book looks is connected to moms for Liberty oo that scary group that cares about their kids took my breath away moms for Liberties and the organization founded by imams for Liberty member these circumstances May raise questions that Reliance on the book looks rating system systems effectively excludes materials based on Viewpoint which would violate the First Amendment as we've said before school boards as said by the state like my computer went dead but we have the authority to show to remove to buy books okay now if we want to talk about if we want to look into Whoever has made all these different uh all these different uh who started all these different books that book review was common sense one of them yes you like to use well have you looked into who started Common Sense should we discuss about that yes please shall we okay so the one who started Common Sense which apparently everybody seems to really like here came out and I get my image San Francisco May 5th 2021 James P founded and CEO of Common Sense issued the following statement of reaction to the Facebook oversight board's Direction on Donald Trump's ban Donald Trump should be permanently banned from Facebook a long time ago what people need to understand now is the oversight board which has still left the door open on this issue is not cure but for all alses is on social media misinformation disinformation still rampant should I go on so stop with the oh this we're not going to use booklets because moms for Liberty they're so scary but we're going to push someone from the left so who do we use but one thing just a reminder that the procedure includes both common sense and vs and our point is if you wanted to align with the current board and community and the community which elected the new board it would be easiest to go with a certain a certain look I mean I'll say book looks it's going to line we're not going to hit everybody but you look at the outcome of the last election it doesn't take Einstein to figure out where our community so we've talked on this board table about neutrality right yeah that we do not want political views in our schools correct we've talked about it over and over and over and moms for Liberty is a political organization right Common Sense sounds like it could be a political organization right sounds Liberty Stand By and By M for Liberty specifically says that they are a political organization it says it so now we are picking a group that is using a political organization which goes against our neutrality and what we all want on this board for our district all I'm saying is why don't we let our procedure give us multiple options so then we can have nine different reports and then as a board or as a committee we review those reports and make our own determination off of it not saying you have to use every that comes out of common sense not saying everything that comes out of book looks have it part of our procedure why would we hamstring ourselves by using just one which you just said is tied to Mom's for liberty no I said the lawyer said that I didn't say that no you not I haven't looked I but but it's a political thing so then why would we tie ourselves to a poit a potential political entity when we have multiple options in the procedure so it didn't work last time stand by stand by so I'm fine if you want to add common sense and book looks and if they fail out one of them that way we have one to fall back on if but doesn't pass book looks maybe it one if it passes common sense but doesn't pass book looks or book lips doesn't have it but my point is yeah this is about neutrality but again as msba said this is all it's going to look different no matter where you go in the state and and I can tell you the community that I live in for 35 years isn't anything like Minneapolis it isn't anything like St Paul okay it's very red very conservative I don't think we have a red representative in this or blue representative in this District I do not believe so I believe they're all red all Republican I don't want to bring it into the classroom but that is a Viewpoint and we're looking at a Viewpoint with the book not a political entity a different Viewpoint where one person says Ah that's fine for a 5-year-old to read and you have another person say oh my God I don't want my 5-year-old to read that book it's not appropriate in the classroom so this isn't a political oh my gosh vote for someone that will stay neutral I'm always for that I'm trying to figure out how do we save time so that every book that goes to the community they're going to look at Common Sense who is a Democrat left ideologist and then us come to come to the board and we're going to the board I'm not going to be here but the board's probably going to say ah no it's out so again again we have you know multiple multiple organizations we can use so come down you take two or three out of here we talk about common sense talk about book looks can be looked at you want to make it three make it four what is the board we agree but this's take a look at you want to use three or four four resources so in case one goes down one go longer around we still got two or three left out to look at and so how do you feel about that you want pick three of them and go forward with it let the committee work with it let a professional librarian work with it what do you think you so the committee used eight last time how do we know that the three that some random group that in 2024 pick are going to still be BI Solutions in 2025 um that they're not going to go off the rails first of all second of all why are we picking item or places to use when we have a committee that is using eight or nine resources we shouldn't be dictating in our policy what is being used we don't do that anywhere else in policy unless it's required by law and I'm really not sure why my partner policy would all of a sudden want to do that second of all why would they be going against our legal advice and opening our distri up the lawsuits great idea for you leaving the board leave us all screwed I mean that's really smart and by the way so I'll read it again stand by stand by hand up stand by you I just think our concern is um that this has already gone through process and now it's coming to the school board um we I'm all for keeping booklets in there I mean if we were to call a vote right now I'd be yes take it exactly the way it's written including seven and and and go with it um that's my opinion I I think that encompasses um a lot of what our community would want to encompass if I just add one thing Mike and I were having a sidebar conversation I want to be transparent it was so Mike was asking what um current rating systems are in the procedure uh currently we have Title Wave which includes multiple rating agencies um Amazon Common Sense Media and book books Amazon of course includes systems for our publishing companies so I just wanted to be forthright with our sidebar talk those are the ones that are procedures we all agree that those you got one want to go into it I guess you could say Common Sense San Francisco book look out east and South Carolina Georgia where that came from and you got two Neal books here so we got for them to work with I'm just looking at try to pull this thing together folks so we can have good policy here and move forward I want to make a comment about title W our community can't get into it because you got to subscribe to it so I don't know how the other ones are and to answer the question regarding book looks the reason why book looks is valuable is because it's it tells you by page number exactly what's written and I have not seen that else we all I'm seeing is a grading system so I want to call the vote and move on all right take a look we a motion what was the motion the second we got uh in the board packet basically what's in the board packet the pading the six including seven and all the red lines I think it would be the policy 66.5 V4 yeah I think that saying yes so yeah this that's the current motion on the table yes and so the board is saying to keep 57 book looks only please read it again so I read it out loud it's book looks and if it's not in book looks use other resources so it's not just book looks but book looks first so yes read it I call the vot but you want you have to do you want to put the other three into it no her motion would be to approve what approve what we have approve what's here can I um add just one thing I'm sorry about this um the um I've been rading that part you know number seven and it specifically talks about purchasing I don't think that's what you're looking at I don't my guess is that you don't want any of those books in the library so we can either change a policy or maybe better yet um if that's the will of the board to approve the policy and then have a separate motion uh directing uh me or District staff to remove other other books that don't change that that are that are three five on can I ReRe it for you again yeah no books of these ratings even if donated may be accepted by any District employee to be used in the district that's what I'm saying if book is not a book looks but the books already in the media center and so I think that the way that was worded is it was purchased or donated to the district but I think if I'm reading you correctly if it passes you'd like us to remove the the books and book flips with ratings of three to five so it's not just purchasing or donating I see what you're saying yeah yeah it would be to use that in the in the whole process we had in the challenge book yeah so I just want to to be clear about that and so we don't have to go again I'm a proponent of letting kids and parents choose their own book so I'm not I don't particularly I don't like version four you know personally I don't think we should have book books because we should really look at or just book books because we should look at the totality of the the worthiness of the okay so I just want to be that clear but if it's going to pass then I think we'll we'll need like a maybe a second motions you know directing me to remove other the current books in in the library if you want that are being challenged just the challenge ones oh oh yeah or you know I just like very clear Direction we'd like clear Direction so we know exactly what to do yeah so I I agree we should put it in the challenge process to use bookbs first so motion [Music] to and then we can make an amend after we take this we okay all right so let's take a motion let's let's vote on this first and then we can amend it okay so the vote's going to be what we have sent out to us Red Line yellow and read whatever's in here your V not agree okay any question what you voting on technically though before the motion is approved the the amendment should be made before that happens or if you wanted to have a separate motion but you know I hand up wa stand by stand by people stand by uh we have a motion a second amendment should be made first before make the final okay first go ahead so again we are going to remove books that are educational in nature because a book reading system R of three and we're not even going to look at what the book is about we're just going to say NOP it's R the three we're removing it like I I I just do not understand this system book looks points you at a page it doesn't even give you context of the book is that how we want our kids to learn is based on a little paragraph or a little line that says this when they go into a class they read this much and they know what it all means seriously you guys aren't even thinking about you don't even look at what the whole book is about I read all the books do we call the vote we call the vote we continue to have discussion okay this have Amendment what's your Amendment who wants to make an amendment I'm not sure what what okay so the amendment would be to take our our highlighted yellow area so this is a selection of materials so we would take book looks rating system to be used in reconsideration of specific Library material so book looks rating system to be used first first off in the reconsideration of specific Library materials in the challenge process before we you're proposing that I'm not sure I mean I guess we can add it to that the procedure that they use I'm recommending they use bookbs because otherwise L they're going to spend a lot of time saying the books are okay they're going to come to this board and this board's going to say nope they're not so I don't know if we need to add that I mean but for purchasing we have it in right yeah on your Amendment there's a motion are you making a motion for your Amendment who made a motion for the amendment nobody nobody yeah I'm making a motion to place it also in the um the challenge section so you want redo your original motion is that CLE U my my understanding is your suggestion is to include the highlighted part in number seven to say that if a book is challenged it must be removed from the library if it has a book Flip's reading of three yes exactly if it's challenge yeah and I would suggest probably the formal challenge section yes yes formal challenge so we follow that same formal challenge so just change your motion that would be the amendment that would be the amendment and again you know I don't support IE understand that but that would be the amendment just you heard what you said we're V Amendment first be a roll call vote who second second second second thank you discussion on it question um these are for challenge books that summon challenges and it's in there that if it isn't in book looks so they can use something else am I correct correct so it isn't like oh my gosh we can't correct okay okay we got the amendment vot on that you want come back to the original motion to include the whole policy we have in front of us expanding the CR Beyond what is already in policy would likely risk the First Amendment the existing language contains comprehensive criteria for assessing questionable support inappropriate content content and provides the basis under which materials inappropriate to the student may be excluded from school Li attempting include additional more specific criteria would run the risk of imposing content based or view point point based restrictions on Library materials which generally runs a the first amend I want this board to hear that they are going against the First Amendment and you are putting this District in serious Jeopardy this is all you so we get a First Amendment challenge this is all on you because I will not support it all right so if you read in that mine isn't M isn't there but it also in our policy again if I can reread it that school boards can shove they can remove this is all given based on age appropriateness and that we can do this okay and msba said the same thing to me I had a conversation with them a week ago Tuesday and it was a long conversation I said you know I'm getting what's going on here one minute we can remove books and the next minute they're saying it's unconstitutional you can't do it what is it can I or can't I he said you can and it will look differently and he stated to me where and there that we can as I've read I'm not going to read it again but this isn't a First Amendment violation School boards can decide curriculum library books we can remove them we can shell them it's it's in there so okay uh as said as I said last time in here lawsuits are out there Texas in Florida are being sued right now over the First Amendment just be aware of it it is happening it's not just false information it's in the news all the time we can remove them putting book looks in there as our criteria is the problem and that's what the attorney kept saying so we can remove them yes putting a specific criteria in there that we're using is the first amendment issue and if you don't believe that I don't know why we have a attorneys on staff I don't know why we pay for all this if we don't trust our staff freaking fire them all I mean you said you don't trust them why AR we here why are you here I don't get that because sending that message to our staff that you don't trust them is disheartened I would not work for an employer who sat at a board table and said I don't trust my staff that is awful you can keep coming at me John I'll come right back at you I I can see that but I can tell you something when it's apparent that this community doesn't want these books and we have a community saying this is fine we're going to keep it in and you and I both know how it's going to turn out when it comes to this board okay it's G to get removed we can remove them Jill we can remove books I'm not saying we can't I'm saying putting booklets in there is the problem and that's with you if I can rad that section she said she doesn't up she said she doesn't recom or what was the word it isn't that we can't put it in there do you have it in front of you it's here it says um the legal opinion and new any language in their could be there is let me find it she didn't say that it couldn't be put in there she said that she had um I'm not going State what she said I she talked about book looks being you know who it's supported by uh proposed language would mandate Reliance on a raen system book looks to be determined which books may be purchased or used in the school the requirement raises legal concerns that could expose the district to challenges I disagree with that and I'll tell you why it is stated in law that we can remove books based on age appropriateness so why how are we going to figure out age appropriateness we're going to use something to gauge what is appropriate for students quickly quickly and so this she may not like book looks I read underneath I can see she doesn't like book looks but um you know if you want to add add a different one in there Joe go ahead but again this uh board can decide what's age appropriate there's a lawsuit we've been told over and over again we can do this we don't have to say it's sexually explicit all we have to say is it's not age appropriateness and we can remove it according to state law but the the catch is that we have multiple rating agencies that would allow in high school not maybe book doesn't for some of and I agree with you but in speaking with msba they left this wide open knowing full well that this policy and how it's put forth will look different than in a no matter where where you are on the state so if you're in a more conservative District they might do things differently than a very liberal District that's just the way it is did he view this particular uh the V4 policy that was proposed he said he would he said we talked about the board's ability to remove books and how we can remove books so he did not look at this particular policy that that uses just P Works to make the decision no but it's not just book looks yeah book looks if if a book is rated at three through five we cannot purchase it and with the amendment we would not be able to or we would have to remove it so it is just using book looks if the book is in the system so what I'm saying is that by the way Terry Mar you talk to Terry right he's the most one of the most grilliant guys I've ever met and he always gives good advice always but he doesn't see the actual policy that is proposed he's not able to give a a full opinion on it and I also know Terry well enough to know that he would refer us to the attorney to review this langage he always does he's very careful so in a general sense you know clearly he pointed out you know the the new policy changes that you know I think all make sense but I don't think we can use his opinion about this policy because he hasn't even seen the policy that's we talked you're correct we talked in all fairness about the school board's ability to remove by books and we can remove them based on age appropriateness of the book we have policy hand to where are we at with voting on this because you said you had Amendment yes debatable debatable okay make a motion we approve it with the Amendment stand by okay stand by Nate our policy as written has the ability it says individual student access specific Library material a parent or Guardian May request the access to specific material in the library materials collection be restricted from their student so again we are not the argument is not on if we can remove books or not the argument is that we have one system to do it okay so if we put it in the procedure and allow the procedure to come back through and it makes it through the board and says no what we can keep it but that parent still says I don't want my kid to have access our policy allows them to restrict it we have a policy that covers all of those circumstances why again are we going to live limit ourselves to one agency to one thing we have a policy that covers everything it has nothing to do with if we can remove it or not I agree that a school board can remove books that is our role I get that but using one person or one item's opinion on it is where I struggle because our entire Community doesn't agree with one opinion so I'm fine with book looks would you like to add one so you're more comfortable add one do an amendment well you can't amend we have to well if he's not I'm just saying he's saying I'm not comfortable with just one add add one in there that so there's two of them I'm fine with that I'm fine with that just a caution because if if we did that then have different um assessments that comes to the that it comes to the board anyway but I think that might be true in a lot of these cases I would agree okay and adding another one would just compound this issue because at this point the attorney is said adding any sort of business that would be our rating system to use as the only two that we're looking at is a problem so our committee is is using eight they're using all of them um we don't let our kids only read two paragraphs or one sentence and know the entire what the entire book's about or maybe we should go to that I mean might make it easier for the teachers here's a sentence for them to read they know the entire okay discussions P has an amendment on the floor so we're going to be voting on fam you add some language into it right yeah the amendment first the amendment the amendment talk Amendment okay clarify your Amendment again vo on said it well can you it I wish I could watch the replay I for am we'll come back and this would be under the formal challenge part of it um if a book is uh no if a book is challenged then it will be removed from the media center if the book look rating is three to five I said that last that's good no that was simpler I think and then I think probably who that you know if the book is not in book books then prer prer to okay so that's the amendment the amendment for Road call we going to start no Nate no yes Pam yes yes amam yes star no on the amendment so Amendment passes okay now we're going to go back to the original motion with the amend what the amendment and what we're voted on is what's in the paper right here what's red what's yellow domination we're going to vote what's in here correct and in here it say book looks only only bookl can be used what it says in here all right and just a reminder is that we you know as we go through the challenge process we do have to report it to the state of Minnesota I don't know what they'll do uh if anything with the information but we will have to report okay we're going to go back to the motion uh discussion on the motion here way we look at way we read it they had a hand up nothing anyone anyone else question issue comments on what you see on the paper right now I do have one clarifying question maybe Brandon knows this but again the Minnesota statute talks about requires the district's library and material policy to be administered by an individual with appropriate professional qualifications as a letter so if we the amendment that just passed again is going to take away the use of the committee if a book is challenged and it is has a rating of three there is no committee there is no professional appropriate professional qualifications as a librarian uh to administer our policy correct that's what I'm reading it as if it again State Statute tells us we have to have and Brandon go to correct me if I'm wrong if I'm interpreting it wrong but pretty clear will be administered by an individual with appropriate professional qualifications so our policy if I challenge a book and it has a rating of three it automatically goes out there is no Review Committee there is no School Board review or decision we are not meeting State Statute so I I I just want us to be clear what we are voting on and what we are trying to approve we are going against legal opinion we are going against State Statute uh which which we can't right lot trumps any policy we make um all because a book that was challenged made it through a committee and so now we want to make a policy so that never happens again for one book again we're making a policy for one book right got you and statute 13451 um subdivision five states on completion of a Content challenge or reconsideration process in with the governing body's adoped policy governing body must submit a report of the challenge to Commissioner of Education that includes the title auor and other relevant information the date and time and location of any public hearing which we're now saying there willon be a public hearing held on the challenge question including minutes or transcript so we're going to violate that law um the results of the challenge well we were not we're not going to have a challenge because we're just going to use books so we're going to violate the law again and accurate and timely information on who from the goverment body of the Department of Education May contct with questions or followup who's going to answer those questions because I'm not as a board member okay uh it's still going through the committee I mean somebody complains about a has to go to the committee and they're going to say it's a three so it's made it to the committee so the language we just approved as a board just said automatically removed if it's a 3 to five that's what it just said it goes to the in the formal challenge the formal chall formal challeng that says it doesn't the committee has no say then right it automatically goes away there's no hearing we violate the law that's great all right we're going to move on I do want to say one last comment you all got that piece of paper and with your law degrees you're telling me that's right with your law degree you're arguing against our that's what you're saying V for this you're saying if you got a legal backing and legal knowledge to take on our attorney to say you're wrong attorney I'm a better attorney than you that's what you're saying you pass this thing that's how I Y so I've heard the lectures so what do we do when you feel like time and time again you place out where the gu lines are what's appropriate what is not and you're constantly go away the Dominion you we don't need to hear you but we're the experts we don't need to hear we don't need to hear from you people because that's what you do over and over again I've had it withl where I've brought up concerns and oh go away you little fly she's still buzzing around my head and yet I ask if be G to the website NOP no I haven't got I haven't looked at one thing I'm stating where we're coming so what do we do on this side you blocked me from having neutrality I did I know so now we're getting oh my gosh shame on you guys shame on you guys what are we supposed to do when we're not listened to we're told to just be quiet and go away yeah we've given you we've given you ample opportunity of how do we get there and all I hear is nope we can't do that nope we can't do that no no no no we can't do that then why do we go to our attorney to ask for her advice I don't okay well a lot of the attorne right should didn't like the book say one comment and the only reason I'm saying this is that um you know I don't vote uh but I want to make uh publicly known that I do not support in including the book books ratings uh either for purchasing or uh for removing books I do not support it I think we're opening ourselves up to uh potential issues I don't know if it'll happen you know we're a small school district without newspaper coverage so I don't know if it's going to happen uh but I stand up against uh the change we got so all right to to to payback on what what Amy is saying is there's been no negotiations here there's been no coming forward saying to resolve this there's been no you continue to talk to our community who's been here I believe four out of the five meetings to tell their story to talk about how against they are we've had community members that have brought these books to the attention of the district for over a year I think it's about a year and a half and there not let me finish please let me finish please let me I want to respond I understand that we did before this policy passed we did not have a media specialist and it was you so we should have continued on with but not lagging it so that's the response to your comment but we continue to just disregard our community our parents I have not talked to one parent and I've talked to a lot of them I wish I'd have kept track Like Mike does but I've talked to many many parents and I have not heard and community members and I've not heard one of them that said oh yeah this is fine in our libraries they all say what that's in our libraries no it shouldn't be in our libraries and it's not one statement it's profanity per ter moral it's profanity and voldness and not age appropriate and it's not one statement because if it was one statement we'd have a different conversation it's it's paragraphs it's Pages the nine books which I don't think were read I don't know that everybody really looked looked into those books but it's full of vulgarity profanity swearing vulgar terrible acts that are done against minors with minors to minors from adults from each other other it's folded it's not one square word it's not one sentence in a book taken as a whole they're horrible now if we have had a good exchange here and some compromising but we haven't it's all no we can't restrict anything because we might get sued by the author the the suit is from the author not from first event rights of students it's the authors and the authors of course are going to say these are all age appropriate for 14 and up they're young adult because they want to sell their books and you know what you know how the books got into our libraries they got dumped there because nobody did the due diligence of making sure of what in the world was in them so now they're best sellers follow the money they're now best sellers because they're in all the schools across this country I know they're in schools across Ross Minnesota and Wisconsin because I've checked the libraries and they're everywhere so yes they're bestsellers so oh these are bestsellers let's put them in our library so we as a board approved this policy a lot little so that tells me that the entire board supported a policy that had a procedure for how to remove the entire board did not but but as a board we approved a policy that has a process to remove books so to say that individuals don't want books removed right we want a process I think a policy is great it shows transparency it allows us to show the community this is how we're going to do it this is what you can expect from this school district when it comes to a book that you want challenge okay when it comes to compromise I didn't agree with community members on the committee I didn't but guess what it we had discussion and I fully support community members so you can't tell me we didn't have compromise okay again none of this on my opinion is going against removing materials the sole purpose is relying on one thing and mandating the district to do something okay so we have had conversations we have had compromis there's multiple red changes in this policy that I support there's one paragraph that I don't think should be involved so you can't say that there's not compromise that there hasn't been support from my standpoint there has been change yes was the policy perfect the first time we passed it no it wasn't and I think we all agreed on that but we knew we had to have a policy in place and we had a process to work it the only change that the top that you're talking about was in the original msba policy but it was not accepted by a policy member and not even talked about because I was in in the meeting so it was in the original msba so it's not really a compromise it's going back to what msba recommended to start with and all the rest of these red lines that our only Red Line in this is book looks all the rest of it was already there and has been revised I believe just from further discussions with whoever well because there were because it wasn't it wasn't fully fully upped I think originally when it was first passed and when it was first passed our Board member Miss Anderson flat out said it can always be revised and so the board not the entire board the board passed it as a whole and to be clear with the idea that it could be revised and to be clear I said that maybe multiple times myself Mr Anderson that this can be revised time [Music] second what you just said we are just spinning our Wheels here let's just get a okay you call the question correct yes okay okay call the question requires a second you want to second that okay call the question require second is it debatable no is it amendable no all right ready for the vote do a roll call vote okay is this a vote on the call motion we're voting on the overall no just call we're just vo call question yeah we're just going to call the question if it passes then we vote on the motion if it doesn't pass we can still have discussion okay call the question uh no uh ni yes yes yes Rob yes uh Amy I side with Chill on this one I'm G say no a surprise and I say no too motion fails okay two3 vote pass to call the question two3 vote fail all right now yes ma'am so I've always prided myself on coming to the board with open ears and I listen and I've always said there's times when I'm not going to shut down and you might talk me into something okay so I'm concerned when Jill mentioned that it require does it required when a board is challenged that we have to have a hearing yes you're saying yes so I would I would agree with Jill on this because I'm not one I want to do this right so I believe that we need to take out the book looks out of the challenge and know that you need to trust the board when it comes to the board but I want to follow state law which then reads that we have to do what Joe can you read that again upon completion of a Content challenge or reconsideration process in accordance with the governing B's adopt a policy the governing body must submit a report of the challenge to the commissioner of Education that includes the title author and other relevant identifying information about the material being challenged the date time and location of any public hearing held on the challenging question including minutes or transcripts the results of the challenge or reconsideration request and accurate and timely information on who from the governing body the Department of Education may contact with questions or follow the uh the only thing it does not say that a public hearing is required but it does say that if there one if one takes place that we have to provide that information with the Department that's how I interpret it and I checked with either Terry or the attorney they agree with that it's odd that it's written in there when it's not required but that's so they so the hearing is not required so some districts may or may not have a committee is that what we're and I'm just trying to fill this out to find out where we go I think my interpretation of a public hearing is that if there's an issue in front of the board that people that anyone can come up to speak in favor or against that particular issue so I don't think that is required at any level of the reconsideration process that's that's how I interpret and I would I would interpret it differently because statute says upon the completion of the content Challenge and it goes on to say the challenges of the commission of Education that includes one the title author and other relevant identifying information of volun material account semicolon two the date and time any public hearing held on the challenging question including minutes or transcripts three the results of the challenge or reconsideration request and accurate and timely information it's not saying that you don't have to do it it's saying one two three and four you have to include all four parts uh but it doesn't nowhere in the statute doesn't say that we have to conduct the public hearing but that part says that if there is a public hearing that we have provide that along with the other information it's it's really awkwardly worded and I think the legisl clean that up but that's that's my was it the attorney or was it yeah the attorney didn't respond to the public hearing statute 34.51 does not require public hearings regarding challeng Library materials rather it requires only that if the district chooses to a public hearing on such a challenge District must disclose to M the date time location of minutes and transcripts public hearing any public hearings held by the library materials revie committee would not necessarily be subject to policy 207 because that policy exess applies only to hearings of the school board any public hearing of the school board on such matter however would needs to all policy tools so I'm sorry it's cleared M but just wanted I didn't want to set expectations no but that does clarify that's what my question was that does clarify that there doesn't have to be public hearing so I just needed that before okay we got a motion on the floor the amendment failed they add any information but this which you V on would you have copy of includes all the red lines all the yellow all everything in here all right but the amendment pass to include that as a reconsideration fail We need two3 oh that's previous question original MO so just for clarification I think where we're at is the amendment passed to add it to so it's it's going to be in the purchasing of books book looks it will also be in the challenging of the books the one that failed was the calling of the question because I wanted clarification on or yeah clarification on what because what Jill read on was oh so I'm one that's always open and I want to hear I hear we don't need a public hearing and but I think we all thought the same thing yeah you know and then just we had some followup questions so we asked that question okay ready to vote on this policy here V right from last week two weeks any question concerns okay yeah sorry this is long um so the book that's currently possibly coming to the board thank you for asking that question um if this passes then I think we would use the new criteria and I I assume it's a books rating of a three and so then it would be removed from the library just one clar that the understanding of everyone if this passes that's so if this passes and our lawyer says that propos language would argue we violate the state law what Brandon what happens when we violate state law so if we pass this and it violates state law well do we follow the policy or do we follow the state law because again we're violating state law if this language passes can you clarify what we're violating state law violating state law by by what um supplanting the library media specialist professional judgment so again if we use bookbooks it takes away the librarian and the state law requirement of appropriate professional qualifications and the lawyer specifically says it doesn't say anything above what looks doesn't say anything it just says we will violate state law that's a good question question but if we pass it we are knowingly violating state law that's all that's not what she said it's not what you said the propos if you want to read what the lawyer said go ahead pull it up and read what the lawyer said but she nowhere in there said we were violating state law if you'd like to find it and read it I'll wait I'm reading what the what the lawyer said the proposed language would arguably violate the state law by supplanting the library media specialist professional judgment with an exter external rating system specifically says it from the fourth line down halfway through see that fourth line down halfway in'll be very argument there so my question still stands to Brandon and you might not be able to answer but what happens when the district rly don't know the answer for sure I I anticipated it could be dealt with with a lawsuit or there could be action from an agent state agency whether it's Minnesota Department of Education or whoever governs this so okay any so I'm confused again because yeah there's they brought up the the state law with library books and I think they also funded it but again it states right in right in there that we and I can read it again where we have the right to Shell to remove based on stage appropriateness of the book so can we or can't we that's why I mean we don't just because a library someone in the library says we should buy curriculum or buy a library we'll say library book does it mean that we have to school board we're all elected officials we are all elected official so if I deem it in inappropriate the state law also gives me the ability to re the book as read and it has been said many many times over many times over it has been stated when you go into state law or federal law one book says this and 100 books down the road it says something completely opposite and that's why you have the attorneys that's why you have jury to determine which way to go so yeah you're always going to be against each other as state all yes and Amy I agree that we have the right to remove things fully understand that this language goes away from what the state statute tells us we have to do in order to remove those things no I believe the state maybe the state legislature needs to go in and clean up their language but until then we have the authority to remove books as I've read in conflict under yes under conflict inct so maybe needs to be challenged all right move forward you have the policy it's all in here Red Line yellow line all n yards is in here you're approving which you have a copy of plus you're approving or disapproval all right let's move on call vote Amy I Ro yes P yes yes Nate no Z no star no we got the vote it's 43 I motion to direct the superintendent to reach out to the attorney and also the Department of Education both of them to find out how we um handle violating the law on1 stat and how Howard members [Music] will okay all right let's move on anything else if not move on thank you debate I'm going to be transparent uh I dismissed Sam She young children and this was going to be her observation so I'll do the best I can this was her thing her baby so I will do what I can minutes or so hopefully you had a chance to look through this PowerPoint from world's best Workforce which will now be called the comprehensive achievement of Civic Readiness you say ker for short just it's a lot of words um but I'm going to um just show you kind of the difference that's what the goals were for the world's best Workforce on the left and on the right you'll notice what's changed is the all third graders achieving grade level literacy is no longer in the new uh goal areas but they added prepare students to be a lifelong learner so just so you know that will be a switch going forward so these goals were already reported on earlier this year so I'm actually going to uh move forward Beyond these now while the third grade one is going away we're going to hang on to it for our threeyear goal check that we said we were doing even though we're not required to report on it any longer we thought we would keep it for the three years so that we could just see the progress whatever does that um and so I'm going to move into the new goals so we are keeping this goal that was from before because we are tracking for three years to see if we can have growth we are hoping because letters training occurred they have a new curriculum they're learning that this goal we will see some increase uh because of some of those initiatives um same with third grade teachers are all in letters training so we hope to see some Progressive growth um and this gooal of racial economic achievement gaps um and we are looking at with students with IEPs again special education teachers are also in letters training so we're hoping this letters training is going to impact a lot of learning and then our ninth and 10th graders meeting reading proficiency as uh as Heidi said Middle School is doing intervention so is high school that is a new layer of uh support for students and so during their stes time they also have some reading intervention as well as some schoolwide goals around some academic language so we're hoping to see growth um and then hopefully because we have those kinds of supports in place we're going to have continued graduation growth as well as there's a lot of tutoring and things in place to help support kids that are struggling and we are becoming a very data Rich uh group of teachers who are digging into Data to really see which kids are struggling and who do we need to focus on and what is the focus we need and that I would say new Behavior especially in the secondary uh so I really see that all of these goals have potential to have some great growth and then our newest one we're gonna um track preparing students to be lifelong Learners starting with our sixth graders um and looking at their report cards comparing their opportunities for improvement um to being proficient and uh so we will track this one now for three years uh based on reir that should be four minutes questions questions concerns new changes coming down more data being collected here looks like M Pam yes nothing all right thank you for coming up tonight approval M understanding of Technology have a no speaker on Sir go back to Sam to director is there motion to accept second second second by Amy thank you discussion all in favor to say I oppos motion pass thank you very much understanding technology is anyone speaking on that okay motion to accept Rob second is there a second s second any discussion yes P so why is this a a why is this in an mou I guess my concern is um we're making these changes but why are we put them in the contract so there there's a new position that's been created that um both parties the technology bargaining unit and the district leaves belongs in that bargaining unit but there's we're not negotiating the contract right now so the memo of understanding is to bridge us to the next negotiations because it's a management position right the so typically we wouldn't have so again and I believe we're we're dealing with so Andy charrier help me get this right Andy charrier was not in the union agreement correct and part of this is replacing him right I uh I can answer part of that a little confused why it's so Andrew Sher was a director of educational technology we replaced him with um contracted Services SE yeah ceso okay and so this is different from that change so we're keeping ceso currently yes currently yeah but I but I thought you said because ceso is contracted so we're going to keep part of ceso and then add this too yeah and that well and that's part of the decision making process over the next few months is determining you know do we want to keep that contracted service or do we want to try to find somebody in house or do we want to scale back the number of days of that you know that ciso provides to us so if we scale it back you know bu a day then will'll save so much money a day per week that will save so much money do we have anybody else of this salary level in the Union contract that's [Music] this group did uh there was Network administrators that were part of this bargaining unit and those were eliminated years back um this it's a manager position but K correct me if I'm wrong it does not supervise everybody the the database the database yeah uh that's correct the database does not supervised it is not supervisory okay so this is just to Bridge and when's the next negotiation the contract will expire June 30th this coming summer 202 so this will be part of that negotiations whether it goes in or doesn't go in um well I mean it's not in I mean it's in it's only a it's only a OU right now not precedent setting technically it needs to be negotiated as part of the the next collective bargaining agreement but most likely decision will be made with thisal understanding it it would probably be unlikely for the par not to put it in the paring agreement if it's been established and hired for and there's a person in that position but you're technically correct it does need to be negotiated again any discussion any further all right all fav say I oppose no no okay roll call uh please Amy I Rob Pam no and yet no Nate Nate jar 57 it's only don't worry about it all right move on here Minnesota State High School league you see that one right there your motion for second by Rob discussion all in favor say I I oppose motion passes thank you very much upcoming meeting topics are there for you take a look at let us know for one more month to go one more meeting School Board report and good right I attended apack already gave a Lely presentation follow coming up in February um coming up not this weekend but following I'm going to the delegate assembly anybody wants some reading material book you yes plenty in there if you want to look through let me know that's that's it thank you ma'am I didn't have any committees so I uh there was an insurance advisory committee I wasn't a attend but the update was that they did some housekeeping on some of our insurance and nothing else significant was there and then I wanted one thing to highlight um it was on our district Facebook they did a great job covering but be the change choir it is a community ed program that is run uh through Elementary Miss Nancy Porter one of our music teachers at Cedar Creek uh puts this on for third fourth and fifth graders they did it last year this year it grew almost doubled in size with the students um but their goal is to show kindness and joy to all uh that they interact with they are an amazing group Nancy Porter is an amazing instructor teacher she is infectious to our kids with spreading that joy and kindness uh those students are amazing and if you want to cry go listen to a bunch of third fourth graders sing the song a million grps uh it was amazing they are a star for our district um and I'm excited to see that group as they grow throughout our district and get older and to see where that program goes because it's it's only has potential yeah it's amazing all made on the grou there was a lot of good coverage of it I heard from a lot of parents about how great the program was that's it that's it and said stop by the next today they call me about vet letters and so I still have some left over from our program these letters go to VA next Monday when I go up there at the front door and the volunteers at the front door will pass these off next [Music] we always make sure to get you also today they told I over there today today is their first anniversary day that they actually open the doors later the students came in well today your anniversary day one year and the young lady talking to me up front there to find out she graduated my son miles and said what the heck but she works over there and she knew miles right away all right anything else to go to order here if not 10 no 1019 in two weeks Mr than you of