##VIDEO ID:y88ht7TktkQ## black box theater black box theater oh really my my niece's husband is doing call to order St Joseph City Council recording in progress Tuesday September 3rd please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge Al to the of the United States of America and to the repblic stands indivisible andice item two public comments anybody wishing to address Council please name and address and you get up to three minutes my name is and I live at 1408 Pond Vian in St Joseph um and thank you for um letting me have the opportunity to share for a moment I am a caregiver and a family member to somebody with a disability this is my daughter Margaret and she is here to also perhaps share um but I might be able to share for both of us so we'll see how it goes um I am here to ask you to reconsider the um access for disabled people to rocktoberfest it is the one Festival she has been able to go to and enjoy with our family um we love the festivals we go without her to most um most of them are not very accessible and um rocktoberfest has from the beginning had wide access good lighting um all of the things that make it easier to get in and out and last year we were able to pull up to the front entrance and let her out and then when she had to leave to go get some medicine it was easy for one of us to grab a car get her take her home and then bring her back so when I heard we might not be able to do that I was a little concerned and we thought we'd come in and share it from our perspective so that maybe it could be reconsidered um we realize it's Ada compl and that's not what we're here asking about it's is it easy or convenient for people to get there and enjoy and how does it feel what I don't like as a teacher is um I want her to be able to go in the front door I want her to be able to go in with everybody else I want her to be able to enter with her family and with her friends they have a totally zero you know grade access it's well lit they have tables for her to hang on to while she's getting her credit card out um and just compared to most other events in town we can't do that the crowds are too big or people are bringing their own chairs or the little booth where you get your tickets is you know no bigger than this um so rocktoberfest really made an effort to make sure that there was access not only for the disabled but for the senior citizens of town and um I I just think that taking the front entrance away is wrong they shouldn't have to come in the back back door they should be able to come in with everybody else now I realize it's a safety issue and that it might have been it sounds like from problems at the end of the event with a large crowd leaving and the roads there um but perhaps you could reconsider to allow access through most of the event um most of the seniors and the disabled go home before the ending anyway and maybe it could some kind of compromise that way could be made um I did drive over by the the alley access that was proposed um and it's dark back there and it's a skinny alley if we come with a handicap fan you can't even fit two cars either way and then the semis are back there and the dumpsters and the cables for the power for the band and it's dark and it just doesn't even seem safe to have her with her walker try to do that and I I don't know I don't know what the answer is but we wanted to come say that she'd like to enter like everybody else and participate in at least some of the events the other thing we wanted to share was we went to Joe toown blocks and it also was not very accessible and I think it was just from nobody really planning or thinking through it I have some photos we took that day um the picnic tables were no more than this far away from no parking signs or the posts and people were locking their bikes up and Meg could not get through with her walker or her wheelchair we ended up having to leave them and she took my arm and then we could try to get around to look but it didn't work well and we ended up leaving the event so we would also like to offer um Consulting helping being if when you plan events if you want somebody to look at things and um and maybe give some feedback as somebody who gets around with a walker a lot um maybe that would be helpful too to just give another point of view or thought so that's all I wanted to say would you like to say something you can say your name and your address well my name is and she's my mom and I live in 1408 P Lane the same place that she lives as well and I also live with my dad and I besides I use a walker a power chair and a wheelchair but I also have a service dog as well but he's retired now and I'm trying to get a new one and do you have any thoughts about going to events here would you like to go in the front or would you like to have to go around the back uh yes I would like to go through the uh front because it'll be much easier and quicker than the back it might be harder to go through the back the front it might be more quick quicker to get to the event than the back thank you very good thank you both Dan you want to introduce yourself we have a guest tonight yeah same thing please uh good evening uh Mr Mayor and Council I'm Dan Pollock I'm an associate uh with Locker grindle now in Minneapolis a law firm I'm in the government relations group and I'm also registered lobbyist um we are here to uh answer questions and have some discussion with the city about the possibility of a a municipal um cannabis store in St Joseph uh it's an option under the new state law that um has passed in 2023 and then was updated in 2024 uh cities are allowed to um own and operate or do do so through partnership um with an operator and basically you can't be an exclusive cannabis store like you would be with liquor but uh it is allowed to compete you know with the rest of the market it's an opportunity for the city to you know generate some non-t tax revenue from the sale of cannabis uh in the city and um you know Economic Opportunity and and uh development opportunity for for communities like St Joseph so we don't have a proposal in front of the council tonight but um happy to answer any questions or uh entertain any discussion appreciate you having me thanks Dan I had a couple questions for you so we and St Joel we're very seriously looking at doing a m Municipal dispensary are you aware of any other cities within like the Sterns County or Central Minnesota area that are approaching this seriously yet or is it just perspective um councilman not in Sterns County but definitely in the state of Minnesota I would say there are at least a dozen cities that are looking at it seriously okay I was just curious because we want to hopefully be an early adopter we would like people to come to St Joe if that's something they want to partake in and we don't want to be you know somebody jumping in on this late so I'm happy to hear that sounds good we're happy to help you work as fast as possible thank you thanks Dan item three approval of the agenda move to approve move to approve second Motion in second to approve the agenda any concerns all those in favor signify by I I opposed motion carries item for consent I move to approve the consent agenda I second motion second and sent any concerns or questions all those in favor signify by I I opposed motion carries number five Department reports anything girls boys I mean boys or's Lori sorry I just have a couple Community Development updates um so just to FYI the short-term rental ordinance and honeybee ordinance will be forthcoming to Planning Commission next Monday ordinance that's right y so those will be public hearings and then uh forwarded on to council for September 16th um we also have a conditional use permit that will um be on the Planning Commission agenda and on Council September 16th along with proof of parking plan for Premier stone and a conditional use permit extension request from Summit comments that's for the property self of the wagon trail so just a FYI more stuff com in at your next meeting very good anybody else Randy just a brief announcement now that we're pass the Labor Day holiday we're anticipating um 2024 Street improvements uh to start next week uh so the contractor schedule shows the week of September 8th so staff will be working uh to get a newsletter out to to the residents kind of a kickoff newsletter but you'll start to see some activity here in the in the coming weeks what does the contractor do with Klein felter in terms of notifying people that use the park or residents that live around it well there isn't anything directly that the contractor would do to notify the property owners since the activities are are all within the city but what we would typically do is we we' post information on the city's website all right the website all right good okay so I have one thing the uh agenda for the September 12th APO meeting came out and within it the last item is the future cost sharing for Southwest Belt Line projects and as you may recall um we voted to allow St Cloud and APO divy up the environmental um Action Report or environmental report for the bridge and then we put this on hold to figure out what's the best way to uh cost share this for the other five cities and uh this is the response back and the cost of the planning phase where any belt L project should be cost shared among all the jurisdictions regarding the APL cost distribution formula and allocate federal or state funds for environmental impact and local mat should be used tier 2 es and all other aspects of development should be the sole responsibility the implemented jurisdiction so just me personally I still have a problem with cost sharing the jurisdiction for planning phases and other things only because and I I'm pretty sure Sartell and sock rabits will say the same thing they see little benefit in this from Southwest Belt Line it's going to be at least and there's a bad guess 30 years before even weight Park gets on board and even longer before we see any benefit so I have a difficult time agreeing to a normal cost shared distribution for for planning phases of it so I I'm breeding this out out because I want to get your I want to just uh get the temperature in the room we talked about this last year and I'm still having a tough time I mean honest to goodness this is a s cloud primarily s cloud and and West W Park kind of issue I don't see it ever affecting us I don't really see how Highway 23 would you know um we would benefit from a 23 expansion I'm certain sartel or Sock Rapids wouldn't would not buy into that but I have to go back to the 12th I kind of want to know what you guys think or if you just want to churn this a little bit and get back to me before the 12th I agree that I don't believe we should be carrying the an equal burden of cost that these other cities are we're not going to see the same benefit well we would we would share an equal burden as almost as weight Park yeah it's not equal as proportionate to our population yeah but and there our population are close to weight Park but I can't I can't imagine sartel who is 14,000 or something right they have to Pony up more right um I'm with you on on this I just think it's best to propose what an alternative yeah so we're not going to do this this is how it should be done instead of just saying no come up with what you propos to be a appropriate split on a tier one deal tier two looks like it's whatever implementing jurisdiction mean item number three um but we're talking about tier one right now right yeah and so and and I thought we had talked last time that the primary cost of the planning phase would be to the direct recipient or beneficiary of it like if sartel actually had a link they would pay for the planning portion of it and we all may pay for invitation or something like that I I don't remember exactly but it was like that that you know this benefit St Cloud so they're going to pay for the Lion Share of it if as it starts to creep West we start to pay for more and more that benefits us and then St Cloud pays less and less even though you know their 80 or 990,000 would help us a lot we'd still be paying the lon share because it benefits us I thought that was one of the proposals but I didn't see that anywhere when when we were talking about now as at that meeting the APO meeting about the bridge on 3030 street that ended up being pretty much all St Cloud oh yeah oh I mean we didn't have to pay that's what we came to that conclusion because they had to move forward Eis and because of that both APO from their funds that they had available and St Cloud their fair share they're going to move it forward and then we're going to talk about this at a later date well this is the later date and I just have I'm going to go back to those meeting notes because I thought there was an alternative to as the as this mun municipality becomes a benefit we would paid more of our line share right but I'm I'm opposed to um opposed to any kind of planning cost distribution for on the regular formula yeah yeah even if it goes across you know they they establish the road on the other side of yeah the Mississippi then we'd have to pay for a line sh of that I'm going that certainly isn't going to help us I am not opposed to your opposition okay if you can think of some alternatives to it i' I'd love to hear them but I'm just going to you're more in the weeds with that organization than we are so yeah I'm going to oppose it for now and Randy if you can think of another alternative I mean I know you at the T meet I'm pretty sure but anyway I can chime in real quick because I was actually filling in at that meeting I think what the TAC had struggled with was what was that alternative formula yeah uh to use because the APO has a formula if we deviate from that what do we use and how and I think it was hard for the tack to come up with that on the spot s sartel had sartel had um suggested different three different formulas at that bridge meeting and they were like flatly rejected by St Cloud but I mean there were other formulas I'm not sure what there was what was noted or what was in the notes but I'm I'm sure sartel came with back with a 10% 20% kind of fair share when it gets us we'll pay 90% of it or whatever it is something like that so I just um so I'm going to go back with by voting this down and I don't know if you if one jurisdiction votes it down everybody else votes It Forward does that mean we still have to pay well not necessarily but I don't know how else we do it at some point we're going to have to come to an agreement at six cities to pick it up but this this to me doesn't work for me so just I just want to bring that to everybody's attention uh you guys got any reports right off no David anything item seven move to adjourn as second motion second to adjourn all those in favor signified by I I opposed we're adjourned sorry it took 18 minutes it took 12 minutes more than I wanted to