##VIDEO ID:CN7oWOP4T8M## e e e e e I I have a teacher e good evening welcome welcome back to the new school year and to the August 14 2024 regular business meeting um the time is 6:31 and we are calling this meeting to order um first uh I'm will'll read the land acknowledgment we are gathered on the land of Dakota ojibway peoples I ask you to me ask you to join me in acknowledging the Dakota and ojibway Community their Elders both past and present as well as future Generations St Louis Park public schools also acknowledges that it was founded upon exclusions and erasers of many indigenous peoples including those on Whose land the school district is located this acknowledgement demonstrates commitment to dismantling the ongoing legacies of colonial power and a District's desire to support the ongoing work of local indigenous communities to thrive in our schools okay with that read um we'll talk about the uh work on the approval of of the agenda um on the agenda tonight we have open Forum we have superintendent report we have discussion item 6A pre-sale report um for certification of certificates of participation for the Aquilla project we have 6B policy development first readings of policies 203.27 five open and close meetings we have 6C construction update we have seven the consent agenda which includes um a number of things business uh payroll recap of expenditures electronic fund transfers accounts payable dispersements investment Holdings donations Personnel minutes and uh that's it for the um consent agenda at 7D we have second reading of policy 613 graduation requirements and then eight for our action agenda we only have one item which is 8 truth and Taxation date approval and then we have communications and transmitt and then adjournments so with that agenda it is recommended that the school board approve the agenda for the August 14 2024 meeting as presented do I have a motion to approve that move by second second second by Taylor all those in favor say I any opposed pass say 4 Z all right open Forum um do we have anybody signed up for open forum or anybody here for open form okay um uh we have information about open form on our website um starting I'm kind of getting ahead of myself but we will be calling it public comment moving forward here too um but so look for that information on our website if people wish to sign up and there's some information about how to do that okay with that I'm proud to um announce that we have our new superintendent for superintendent report so superintendent Dr Hines I turn it over to you well thank you chair Collins um Colin Cox and welcome back to the school year 25 um I hope you all had a good summer break and I just want to kick off my superintendent Report with just a statement that I like to read um I was drawn to St Louis Park schools because of its mission to see Inspire and Empower each learning to live their Brilliance in an environment in an environment that centers student voice experience as your new superintendent I want to share a personal commitment with you I will listen deeply learn continually and ask thoughtful questions about what's working and what isn't so we can further our mission together I am committed to ensure that our mission isn't just words on paper but a bright Guiding Light for our actions and commitments for our students this year you will hear me talk about be to the third power been being and becoming this concept encapsulates our journey together where we have been how we are being and what we are becoming honoring where we have been means reflecting on our history our shared experiences and the lessons that have shaped us we recognize both the triumphs and the challenges of our past this acknowledgement pays tribute to the hard work and dedication of everyone who has contributed to our school community over the years when we focus on our being we immerse ourselves in active listening genuine engagement and continuous learning this year I am dedicated to deeply embedding myself into our school Community listening to your stories understanding who you are and learning about your needs and hopes I believe that by truly understanding your experiences we can Foster environment where every voice is heard and valuable as we envision what we are becoming we aim to empower each student to live their Brilliance and drive necessary changes with unra unwavering determination the insights We Gather from listening and learning will fuel our actions we will Implement meaningful changes that align with our mission creating learning environments that are not only Equitable and inclusive but also transformative and inspiring I want to assure you that this journey is is is is about more than just planning it is taking bold and courageous actions I am committed to building practices that reflect our dedication to racial equity and building a community where everyone feels energized and supported this year we are restructuring our board meetings we will continue to have two meetings each month the first meeting are study sessions on the second Tuesday of each month will be an informal meeting geared to inform and share information between school board members and cabinet members no action or votes will be taken during these study sessions the meetings are to prepare school board members to take action on items brought forward at our regular business meetings these meetings will be live stream the second meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month except for July August and December we will be will be the regular board meetings where final reports will be shared action items will be acted upon and I will share my report these meetings will be live streamed recorded and posted on the district's website final reports will include information shared during our study sessions this summer I have have I have really enjoyed building relationships with community members last week I had an opportunity to attend National Night Out a National Night Out event with Community Education where I learned from some of our Somali families I also wanted to share a bit about our books and fun for the for the young which was part of our summer summer reading Festival many families turned out for this event and I want to highlight the work of Dr Howard and her team I'm also sharing a few photos from the summer Learning Academy celebration and an educational opportunity where some of our youngest Learners engaged in construction with construction workers these Partnerships are incredibly valuable for our community and lastly today we wrapped our leadership our day two of our Leadership Academy where I ground my expectations for our leaders for the school year and how we will work collaborative collaboratively to achieve High outcomes with our focus on our two strategic priorities I am really excited for the year and how we will work intentionally to actualize our mission thank you thank you Dr Hines to be clear both of those meetings that you talked about are open to the public yes they are open so thank you very much welcome thank you if I haven't said it officially welcome right this is your first meeting so in official in this official capacity so all right let's move on then to discussion items and we have 6A pre-sale report for certificate of participation for the Aquilla project and we have um director Magnus here welcome back I know you didn't really get a summer break would say but for us it was a break and we're glad to see you here again and you look like you have brought somebody else with you too yeah Dr Magnus yes good evening I'm superintendent Dr Hines and members of the board um this is um Jody Desa from ERS and Associates um who you have seen at other times when we've um done Financial transactions and she'll walk you through the document for the certificates of participation just wanted to remind the board that these certificates of participation represent the least Levy portion of the funding so we have about a $21 million project that we will be undertaking for Aquilla Elementary $3,725 th000 of that comes from the Deferred maintenance portion of the last Bond issued just as it was planned to $10.4 million comes from um unused interest earnings from the bond issue and then finally um this $6 million comes from these certificates of participation so these are just funding the addition of classrooms so we just has got our approval from mde last week we've got it into the lease Levy and this um tax impact will show up in September so we'll walk through it again with the board at the preliminary Levy it will show up on truth and Taxation notices in November um we'll be here in September with our construction team with that we suspect we are planning for the first set of bids on the project and just remember that it's a $21 million project this is just one of the funding sources the other funding sources are already in place so I'm going to turn it over to jod to walk you through um what we will be there's no action tonight so we're just preparing ourselves to sell our certificates great thank you Patricia so I will just highlight some of the information included in the pre-sale report starting with the issue itself so uh similar to issuance of bonds but when we've issued your bonds we've issued those as general obligation debt uh lease purchase financing generally is accomplished through this financing tool call certificates of participation but it is annual appropriation debt it's not eligible to be General obligation debt for you so a couple little clarifications right off the bat we are currently estimating the issue at 5,935 th000 back in April you were approved an amount not to exceed 6.2 million we think we're going to get a premium bid which can be used then toward the project cost so we would downsize the bond issued to the 5,935 on the day of sale we will absolutely um set that amount to achieve the amount that you need for your project cost so it'll be around that dollar amount somewhere depending upon how the bids come in so again financing the building addition to the elementary school and Debt Service will be paid then from that annual lease Levy and as Patricia mentioned um that you are required to go through approval process with mde and just reive that approval last week so uh again I mentioned they're not General obligation bonds but annual appropriation the term is 15 years we will have a call date on these certificates similar do we have a call on your bonds and that will be April 1st of 2032 for your 33 maturities and later these will qualify these will be Bank qualified obligations because you're not expecting to issue more than 10 million in tax exempt debt um in a in this calendar year so that generally gets us more bids and a little bit lower interest rate we will go through the rating process with Moody and we've been through that recently but um we'll be talking to them again and going through some updates your current underlying rating on General obligation debt is a A3 um the certificates of participation because they're annual appropriation debt and a little bit more risky generally have one notch lower so we would expect that to be an A1 likely for the rating and we'll know that uh early in September uh like we do with your general obligation bonds that we issue we will solicit competitive bids for this transaction we generally don't get as many bids so last couple times we've come back to you with a nice long list of biders um hopefully we'll get three that would be great to see um but we will um solicit competitive bids there's information related to the premium at the bottom of page two and then just to remind you that on April 30th you approved a parameters resolution again allowing us to issue up to 6.2 million um and to move forward assuming the true interest cost rate is less than or equal to 5% uh we have a uh disclosure there related to the review of your existing debt we're all always looking at your existing debt to see if there's opportunities for refunding there are none at this time but just know that we're always watching that on your behalf and then we have a couple of regulatory requirements continuing disclosure Arbitrage monitoring and finally uh at the bottom of page four you'll see the other service providers that we're working with so dorsy and Whitney as Bond Council they drafted that resolution that you approved in April they'll be drafting all the legal documents on your behalf and uh we'll be providing you a final resolution for your approval at your business meeting at the end of September uh let's see the escrow agent paying agent trustee is scheduled to be Zion's Bank Corp so technically they will hold ownership and you'll have a ground lease for this transaction and then ownership of the property will transfer to the district at the end of the lease term the uh information related to the timing and schedule is included at the top of page five so again the board authorized the res authorized the sale of the certificate at that April 30th meeting set parameters for the sale so that we could get going on the approval process with mde um tonight we're talking about the pre-sale report uh we will have a call to go through the official statement that's like the perspectus that goes out to the uh potential investors and that will happen the week of September 9th along with a conference call with Moody's rating agency we'll be Distributing the official statement and then receiving the bids on the day of your September business meeting presenting the results to you that evening and scheduled to close then on um October 24th so a couple of schedules that are attached Financial schedules these are the same schedules that we included with the submission to Minnesota Department of Education to get their approval of the project and the lease Levy financing um on an annual basis so a sources and uses schedule that shows that we'll be providing a deposit to the construction fund of $6 million and then the payment schedule with 15 payments over time and that those would be the amounts of your lease Levy so when we finalize those payment amounts that will be the schedule that will be used um the tax impact is estimated to be about $2 a month on your average value home the data that's that we have from hennipen County right now shows that the recent round of Assessments and the values that will be used for this upcoming ta tax year your estimated market value the average in the district is about $400,000 so we're expecting the tax impact for this um annually 7 be about $2 a month I just wanted to clarify again there's going to be a bidding process for this funding for the $6 million and then there's the construction bidding process so we'll also be back in September for the construction bid to build the whole $21 million project but we're walking alongside to get this part of the funding it's two separate actions So to that point and I want to hear from other people but I did see in the paper that there was a advertisement for bids was that for the construction or was that for this it is probably for the con that is for the construction okay J is not in his yeah so it's in the it's in a sense say that people are interested and I saw that it's posted there and it's also information is being shared like in Rochester and other places so it's not just exclusive to this area so the construction stuff so that's excited to see okay back to the financing though um any other questions or comments from board members I think we're just excited that this is moving forward and also s of ways construction Finance all sorts of ways and and we know that the people at aquill are excited and too so really appreciate going that you going through the detail I appreciate the support that we get here and um to do this kind of stuff and that you're looking at things like how like how's our financing going overall too and continuing to look at that things that you know we all should do as people but um as a business and as a school it's important that we do that too and realize if there's other ways to do do that too so especially in a in a world where we know that education funding is challenged sometimes so every every sent count so great thank you very much appreciate yes thank you we see you at the end of September yeah looking forward to it all right item 6B is policy development first reading of policies 203.27 did some of this work here Dr Hines maybe you want to speak to this a little bit if that's okay and I can and then I can jump in a little bit too so absolutely so um based on conversations there was a need to update our um order of meeting policy so I'm looking at 203.27 to change some language I don't think it changes the the format or the information that is shared it's just some language as to how how do we identify um uh opportunities for the public to come and share share share their comments so instead of having an open Forum we ATT um switching that language to public comment and that is item number four and there has been some ruming with the land acknowledgement being added and then um the new number nine is instead of communications it is board member updates and if you're look and if you're looking this and says Communications and transmittal which the transmittal part as we know always made me giggle a little bit because I wasn't sure what we were transmitting and I think it was an okay term for like we're getting a report from the city um so um I appreciate that we've made that a little clear that this is an opportunity at that point for board members to communicate public comment like you said it's sort of terminology that I think it's more consistent with where other people are going open form sort of implies it's it's like a freefor all or something in public comment is this opportunity where we get to hear from the from people as well in a in a formal meeting process so anything else you want to say about that um no it's just a um ensure that our the language is consistent yeah and appreciate this with all input given by board members to yes and so our next um policy as I was was looking to update um language as far as the agenda noticed that we needed to um update our open meeting and open and Clos meeting policy so 2.5 in order to one reflect that um it looks like the it hasn't been updated since 14 and it add 10 years from now right 10 years ago but it had indicated that it was on Monday but we meet on Tuesday Tuesday so that is reflected in um 4A under regular meetings and indicated the start time along with the address for the district office so that was the language change that happened in um 2.5 so just wanted to ensure that our policies really reflected our practices really appreciate this um I'd say the other thing about the agenda is that we can always change the agenda app fly that's that's you know we approve an agenda we can always change it but this is meant to sort of give us a guiding document for what what's Our intention of meetings and um as well so really appreciate other comments from board members questions but anything here thanks for making it more clear yeah it's good that we're we know that we had we're out overdue with updating policies and uh glad that we're catching up on even some of these kinds of updates so thank you so much for your work on this Dr hind for the appreciate all right let um bring um Patricia back up here I think if she wants to and then Jen langin here to talk about uh construction update is it JY just on its own I guess I could be okay you're BR all right that seems fair so get Patricia Patricia will have plenty of times to talk to this year we know that we're expecting it we will get an update we have a hit the arrow button here all right so instruction update uh good evening uh superintendent hind chair coox members of the board thank you for this time uh we are going to do the best we can for a construction update uh it has been an exciting time it has been a nerve-wracking time and we're coming to the end or close to the end of about a 15mon long project at the high school uh and this is really a kind of a crown jewel for us and what we've been able to achieve and what we're being able to provide not only the students the staff but the Community as a whole so without that we'll be going right into this so you know what we've done at the high school at the senior high additions and Renovations um we've gone through about two-thirds of the classrooms renovating them updating them bringing them into the 21st century new technology with the help of Tom Tom back there um and really bringing out Vibrance in there creating an atmosphere for students to better learn for teachers to better teach and for the community to really respect what we're trying to achieve here so you know this this summer we is level two and three classrooms uh over in b-wing and awing um the storm shelter is nearing completion right now um you know we are under a timetable crunch right now that the anticipated substantial completion is the 26th of uh this month so like I said I'm doing daily walkthroughs with Canon and everybody else to make sure we're there um the field and the track have been completed for quite some time we actually used it this last spring for track um it's beautiful out there I've had to try to keep kids off of there because they want to use it so much the community as a whole is sneaking around the fence and getting in there and using the track and just letting us know that what a great asset this is to our community um you know part of the bigger challenges we had was implementing a lot of the storm retention systems some of the unforeseen when we first bid this project out was working with the Rice Creek Watershed district and the amount of oh sorry yes Rice Creek just one one County correct um just as an example in the where we are putting the new parking lot for the bus Corral we have a mile and a half of 20in piping buried 7 to 10 ft below that surface that was an enormity to try to make sure that we could get that in there we all know how rainy this summer in the spring was so that was a challenge but it's in we're getting ready to pave I believe this week or early next week next week and the following for striping so it'll be all all ready for time school starts for sure and you know and I got to say working with lenisha has been a real privilege and pleasure she had some great ideas and one of the ideas we came up with was is we are going to actually do different colored striping for staff and different colored striping for students so and as well as numbering student parking spaces so they'll coincide with the new permit they get so there will be no well we just it's a big mish mash coming in they're going to get a parking number now and it'll be painted on the space in the lot um one of the challenges and one of the areas that in the initial design the lot closest to the tennis court was not being touched we were able to with some help of cansen um find the funding to do a Mill and overlay so the entire surface of all the Lots except for I will say minus the athletic lot which we're looking at for next summer will be completely brand new um and completely painted um so they'll be very well delineated as what to is expect for both staff and student students as well as visitors you're going to notice when you go to pull in that you no longer can get to the staff or the student parking you can only go through the front by door one um so we've made a lot of safety commitments for our students and for our staff by there's only one way in and one way out of the parking lot now as well as there's only one way in and one way out for the buses so it's going to be it'll be a unique challenge when you go to look at it and I can see like it works it works I know I trust you it works it's a mess right it is a mess it is a mess and we're getting there like I said on a daily basis just walking through it I could see that one of the other things we've done is uh is with the new wall tile so the old 1950s wall tile has been completely removed and we are updated to new nice looking even in the stairwells except for two which we couldn't get done so we pushed them off to when we go come back to do the restrooms next summer did you leave like one little patch oh just as a little The Sewing Center stairwell is still the well that has the green so you can reminisce if you like I will save some of that for you if you'd like so so just to give you a couple look look at what it looks like so on the left was the old entrance into the media center um obviously we're still working on it and still making sure that but on the right is the new entrance so we took out all the jogs in that Corridor and made it look symmetric ELC um the glass wall you see on the right is what are the name of that Nano walls are a sliding glazing wall system able to yeah that whole wall will be able to be either open or closed at one time so and even actually sections of it can be opened if we want to try to you know minimize in certain areas and then open it up if we're having an event um that will that this actually leads now into the new link that we have going and working on progressively as well um and then here's the New Media Center before you can like I said and obviously the pictures aren't doing it as good of justice but just the lighting the feel and then the new furniture in there as well as the new carpeting it just it it brings out it's very nice and you know we're very lucky to be able to have this and then probably one of the crown jewels which is you can see is going to be the new cafeteria um we were fortunate with our bidding process and that that instead of having the wonderful looking checkered pattered tile we now have terazo throughout uh our whole cafeteria which is in this day and age is pretty hard and pretty expensive but we were able to uh reduce in some areas and add in some other areas and this will Outlast that tile by about 20 years probably probably longer than that yeah there's about 14,000 ft added Razzle and then the uh seating space we about doubled it from the previous existing and then the kitchen and cooking area about tripled the space as well so it's really a nice addition and remodel for the the staff and students to enjoy it so with the new furniture we're modeling it very similar to what we have over at the middle school so we're anticipating uh final count I think is about 472 seats in that that new cafeteria which will help uh especially if we're going to the closed uh campus right now as well and and then we will also have kind of a you before out in this area it was more of a courtyard as well as a sidewalk but we're actually going to have this is going to be all concrete and seating outside seating if um staff and students want to eat outside as well so and this is another exact this is actually the kitchen so this is uh like I said this will be a state-of-the-art kitchen once it's completed and I believe Tammy is going to be doing some uh I know at one point in time was cooking from scratch was one of the ones Big Ideas and now she's going to have that opportunity to do that as well and it is a little more finished right now we're actually doing a heal we have a health inspection next week so we very good we had our preliminary health inspection yesterday which went very well um we don't see any challenges or any delays in that and our final inspection will be next week with that do we get a tour can we have a I can give you a tour anytime you would like should we do you want to should we have it more organized than that yeah we'll set we'll set something sweet and this is our storm shelter um it is further along than this looks right now um what you're actually looking at is the storm shelter is required to be mechanically separate from the rest of the building so the view you're looking into is going to be a new mechanical air HVAC unit as well as a generator we are required to be able to supply gener uh its own power source if the if we were to go into uh storm mode um this would be self-sufficient on its own so cu the HVAC is on the roof no it's actually in this room no but otherwise otherwise yes it's on the roof which means like if you're having a storm or correct if the building were to come down it could land on top of this and we would be fine in there so that is that is essentially is a building within a building right there and then uh what is this a music room Renovations so we did a lot of acoustics with the music rooms uh lightened them up um brought a new ceiling tile new Acoustics we redid their sound booths two of their sound booths um so this is actually and I was surprised at how clean crisp it looks right now and brought up some of the lobby space as well so you enter the building on that side to it looks like a newer school not back to the the older style so yeah the the the Dakota entrance the Dakota entrance is all new tile all new doors interior doors so they match the existing doors we don't have one of the other challenges we had is going through the construction for some reason some doors were not brought up to the new standarded doors so with this project we've tried to match all doors within the building right now we're having a couple couple that are are late and being shipped so they'll have the old doors but we have new doors being ordered and or have been ordered and they're just being delayed in shipping so Orchestra we have a new um what is that down there the new humidifier for for the bigger instruments so some of the instruments require that the humidity level stay optimal we created another a whole room for that for the larger instruments down there um like I said when when we redid this it actually is uh very nice I think they're going to be pleasantly surprised when they walk in these rooms for the first time and there's actually with the on on the right is the new the new look so we redid the flooring uh the sound panels are all brand new um the ceiling is all brand new and the lighting is all brand new within that as well as mechanically speaking we upgraded all their air handler in there because music is requires with the amount of people in the room we require a little bit more and quicker air changes with that so and then the phase 2 renovation is very similar identical to what we did last summer with the phase one up on 3B we went down to uh 2B 2 a and 3A so um there some of the chemistry rooms we got redone as well as Mark Miller and his um a lot of of his laser cutting machines in that uh have he's got a brand new space which is gorgeous it's going to be beautiful for these kids these days did anybody see this space before it was a mess like did you see it they like shoved into he was crammed in that room down there by the pool yes 134 135 down there yeah so and the Blue Area the green areas are all the corridors as well as the rooms we did this summer so and here's what it looks like like I said this is a pretty recent photo so all the lockers got repainted electrically rest painted to match our colors corridors all got repainted like I said the lighting in there now I think makes a world of difference it doesn't feel like you're walking through a tunnel now it's lit properly and it looks like I said just the the clean fresh uh that we brought into the space green t yeah and then one of the things that like I said we've done in in since phase one is provide as much marker whiteboard space for people to work on not only not only teachers but students to get them involved to bring I know that's always one of the challenging things is bringing a student up to the Whiteboard well now you could have more than one person up there at a time so they don't feel like they're they're being isolated with an individual now we could have you know a dozen or two people up it doesn't up there at a time and they can work off each other on this and Central so we are have broken ground on Central as if you have the front parking lot is uh no longer there it's coming back um right now we are doing that uh so we anticipate that won't be ready quite before school is um we're hoping that the drive line going through Walkers we're running through a couple of challenges with the city they won't let us close two streets at one time because we're making final connections for the data center the underground water over there so they won't let us closed on Walker until library is open so we're are uh pushing as hard as we can on contractors and working with the city to try to get that done before school starts uh so because this is a bus lane out here for the little kids uh we want to make sure we have that available for them and there is our new and I would um there it is Central Park operations cent center excuse me and this is actually once this is going to compl is going to be a gorgeous building as well um like I said we have all of Technology moving over there um we have a actual loading dock area for technology to be delivered in a secure area for storage um this building will also be the only other building that will have a generator for backup so we don't lose when power power goes down we don't have to rely on battery backup we will have a generator that will maintain all our uh operations as well as all our data and our new playground for Central this has been a couple years in the making um this is uh moving right along if I'm not mistaken I think I saw it today end of next week I believe they were starting to pour the rubber surface out there um so this is actually just I know Central and the little ones have been in at the bit uh to get out there and they're seeing the progress on a daily basis um so we're really excited about getting this one completed and this will be completed and ready for start school and here's the inside like I said we're just getting some of the framing um our substantial completion date on this is I believe it's right around yeah it's supposed to be December first week at De December um we're looking at actual move in time probably right around with winter and the holidays theid winter break probably right around the first of the year we'll be moving into this and then Central Community Center we have started so the pool here has been shut down currently um we are in major demolition mode if you parked out back you saw all the dumpsters full of all the the you wouldn't recognize it right down now because there's no Locker room available it's just wide open space so we are hitting it fast and hard over here so we're upgrading some of the pool the whole pool um filter system is going to be replaced we're adding a new boiler specifically for the pool so we can maintain temperature evenly and not have to rely on our our other three boilers um we're also going to be refurbishing the gutters as well as uh the new drain TI the new drain we have to upgrade the drain every 5 years I believe it is with the new law in place um and then we're going to be moving up to the gym the new uh training SL boardroom and then the new uh uh gymnastic as well along with this we are uh this is the one first building that is going to be going to uh a new boiler system so the old original boilers are finally going bye-bye and we are coming in with modern efficient uh and effective boilers they're in the container we already have them on site they're ready to go but we aren't quite ready for them to be installed yet were only 100 years old original to the building yes original to the building so will we have like a memorial for the actually thinking I don't need to keep those I'll keep I'll keep the front door that says and here's like I said the old boy the old this is the old shower area which pretty Antiquated pretty it doesn't show how bad the locker let's see right there you can see y all so all new tile one of the one of the exciting things with this is being that it's more of a community pool we are making a family locker room you'll have a male and a female locker room and then a family locker room as well um one of the other challenges we had here is it's not Ada accessible it will be after we're all done here so you will have lift going from the the between the locker rooms up to the pool deck and able to go right onto the pool deck and Ada lockers as well within the within the locker room and this is a look at the central this is the parking lot right there so you can see how much we've had to do just by adding with uh the impervious material that we've added this is a requirement of the The Watershed district and uh it can be very expensive and very tiny consuming we've been fortunate uh with our bidding processes that we've been able to maintain and and keep this moving forward so questions can you remind me on the timeline for the pool and the locker room uh the pool and the locker room is looking I think it's the first of the year I was going to say January or February I it's I think it's mid to late January on that um you know barring any that we see but we I don't see that being a challenge because we've been able to get in there um you know the the good and bad this site is not held to schools you know so it's not a school technically a school we can work a little bit uh more and don't have the interruptions the nice thing is it's separate from the district office it's separate from the community uh Center and the little ones so we can make that really work and we can get after that right now so can I just ask a question how old was that pool um I believe that was added in about 1965 and just I mean like it's an old pool and my child learned how to swim there and like the ad the Ada access was always a little bit wony because it's so old but now our new and like the new and improved it will be great and we will have we are in compliance with all of our laws and things like that so it will be yes just assuring the public um and then I should have emailed this but I just hit last time can I ask a question about the link space is that different than the cafeteria or are they do they butress each other they are joined together by a stairwell going up into the what was the old courn yard so yeah so then are we still okay to open the cafeteria on the firsts day of schools yes okay so here was and I will let you know that the link is the one area that is actually not going to be completed in time uh my main focus has always been to make sure that the educational areas are open and ready for school the link is not technically a educational space it's an open area between c b and the cafeteria a wings so you'll be able to access all three of those wings going through the link and using it as a common link like it's a path it's a path correct it also has an area a riser set of steps are going to be for if you want to you know for instance teacher wants to get the kids out of the classroom take them down to a space where they can sit on a set of steps and then do maybe some instruction or having some time to just be the the children and having conversations so it's going to be designed as more of a um I don't want to say a lounge area but you know an area where kids can Flex space exact thank you um so the cafeteria we're good to go yep and so we have lunches we got all the nine yards going on and then um we're just using the we're just using like a roight we will actually have walls put up so the kids can't get in there yes so we we will still be working in there finishing off um but we don't you know obviously want kids cutting through there for safety and for that reason so we will actually build and sheetrock uh and mud and tape walls and actually paint them so it looks like you know it's not it's not ready to go so perfect okay thank you that was my those are my questions I I more not that I don't love this room but do you do you have the uh I think that's pH it's phase it's phase two of the central yes so we anticipate using this room probably for the school year and then um by the time best yeah best case scenario you might able to have the May meeting in there but I don't want to make that promise right now so so one of so one of the things that I appreciate is that like you said this is Central which is more of a community building and has more things in the pool like that so a lot of our improvements like the high school people won will see if they come in to attend our plays or you know come here our fans come watch our Sports they may see some of the spaces and they but they don't always see that here I think we have another opportunity once again we have Early Childhood we have Community coming in to use pool to use a gymnastic it's just really great to to make these improvements and we have that supports the community as well so we're a school we're primarily focused on providing education but to have these faes updated too it's great um so I really appreciate that and my only my only you said that um Paving that athletic lot is like the is low on the list at the high school and or lower on the this my only request is just some signage or striping there because it really it will be restriped as long with with everything else we're restriping this I think people are parking in spaces that are really questionable oh yes and there's just there's Behavior there that sometimes as a parent who's picking up kids there um that I just wish I wouldn't see in terms of driver behavior and stuff too so so I just I I mentioned that to the principle too but I think some of it is some sign and I know I work in transportation Communications and I know that people ignore signs P markings and all sorts of things so it's not a Panacea I do just encourage us to upgrade that too so couldn't let that go sorry all right well we really appreciate this this is great information we're excited to see all this it sounds like we'll get maybe a in person tour to check it out it's nice to see a culmination of so many years of work here to really upgrade our buildings um we have the fortune to have some solid buildings um but we have the challenges of having some older buildings and have been working really hard to really make it all work and get us to this place so really appr we and like I said as well the foundation of these buildings is rockol and that goes not only along with the building but as Dr Hines had used it the other day it's the people it's the community so we have a great foundation and then the foundation goes along hand in hand the structure that goes with it appreciative about the community and supporting this group too so huge thing so great thank you very much thank you all right take than nice to see you again all right consent agenda um does anybody want to call anything from the consent agenda as I mentioned before this is payroll fund transfers uh payable dispersements investment Holdings donations um there's some nice donations in their personnel minutes and um that's it so anything all right it is recommended that the school board approve the consent agenda with the following business and Personnel items for August 14 2024 school board meeting has present do I have a motion so mve so move by Virginia do I have a second I'll second all those in favor say I I I any oppos passes for zero great beautiful all right I think this brings up oh no this is um this is talking about the second reading of the policy 63 graduation requirements and again I I are you prepared to talk about any of this um I know that we have director Davis on here is there anybody from the policy committee that's gone through part of these conversations um director that are you able to come up in um if there are any questions that are brought forth in regards to policy 6113 since the first reading as we approach the second reading I know that so we have had a first reading we talked about some of these edits that were made I think largely to I think as I remember some updating of uh things including prob a director of teacher and learning um updating some things to better match where we currently are um some conversations I think that have been had with the principal about some of the content in here I don't know that there were any other edits that were made since if I recall director Davis's presentation it was mostly there were some statutory requirements that were new and then there were just updates to our current practice in language I think those were like the two main areas of changes if that sound right when I'm looking through this that's all I'm seeing yeah so were there any questions or comments about anything related to this any additional questions or comments I know that we had one question that came in yeah yeah I was just going to say like um I noticed in in there I think this is per the the new leg legislation that came through uh that starting in 2026 27 school year uh the high school must offer an Ethics studies course and then elementary middle schools by the 2027 20828 school year must offer anth next studies course and I think we're we already have a head start right yeah for um for five years we've offered a race and ethnic studies class as an elective for juniors and seniors and then last year we uh started offering advanced placement African-American um history and African-American studies as well um and then at the middle school and Elementary we embed um conversations around cultural competence racial Consciousness identity development into our talent development program and into our Keystone class at the middle school as well okay so is there any more questions or comments on this then it is recommended uh that the school board approve policy 613 graduation requirements has presented do we have a motion some moved by Virginia do we have second second by Taylor any further discussion questions comments okay all those in favor say I I any oppos pass it zero great thank you all right Trisha you do get to come back right for this one are you going to assign it to somebody else I think I think we need our director of Human Resources but it's Jason tonight so I don't think you know you should meet Josiah our new Assistant Director of Business Services if you haven't met Josiah hey nice to meet you glad that you're here um so it says in here that honor before September 30 2024 the school district must certify the henip county auditor with the date has selected for its public hearing and continuation hearing for the proposed property taxes payable in 2025 the final budget and Levy determined must occur after November 2024 the public must be allowed to speak at the meetings and the meeting shall not be held before 6: p.m. right so is there anything else we need to know about this truth and Taxation day approval this is a pretty standard once approve it yep it's a part of our sum summer Levy reporting so just like we put the least purchase for the certificates of participation into the data we provide to fill the levy this is one of the things we provide um Hanan County and the Department of Education the date it's one of the summer Levy reporting requirements and we know that um it does recommend in here and I can read this that it's that it's December 10th would be the date um that gives people the time to see the mailings they get the information they get all the stuff and then they're allowed to come and speak at public meeting and share their comments about in which is what all government entities do y every school district school district the cities have something like this does as well so is there any questions about this it is recommended that the school board approve the date of December 10th 2024 at 6m as the trop in taxation 2024 as presented do I have a motion I'll move this a second second by and any further discussion all those in favor say I I any poos passes for zero okay we're up to some transmitt time for all time sake you should just do a transmitt let's send a message to the city um or if people instead have any sort of Schoolboard updates I think this would be time to share those so Schoolboard updates Schoolboard member updates yes well I have not had an opportunity to meet with Pete but there's all sorts of fun stuff going on at the high school so please check your School newsletter and there um the peak should be coming out but what I wanted to say was congratulations to chair Cox because um at the amsd meeting on the 2 Friday um August 2nd he was elected as help me I wrote it down and now I can't find it so you're doing you're legis legislative committee yes I was approached by amsd leadership to be a prod so I take a huge Conor um and part of I think our awesome tradition here St Chris park being involved with some of that um as as was on Earth I don't want to take everything here it's was on Earth I didn't know until recently that we weren't in the founding members one of the 11 one of the 11 founding 50 years ago they're celebrating their 50th anniversary and they shared that tid but all right anyways yes Virginia well I don't know how much you want to talk about amsd um so we had a presentation about um addressing the mental health um of students and staff and it was interesting my um so Dr Lucy Payne who I know very well was one of the presenters and I thought it was interesting like the conversations at least in our small group talking about how do we as board members what are what are the lovers that the board can pull as far as like making sure that we are addressing the mental um wellbeing of both our students as well as our staff um and it was just making making sure that as a as a we're good stewards of our budget making sure we have budget items um and then you know some suggestions that also came up was just having it as a part of our superintendent um review just like how are you keeping in touch with student and staff wellbe and um so it was a I thought it was a really fruitful conversation I had um in my small group I don't know about yours but I had three superintendents so I was like well I think think I had Joel got thir and one of mine or something like that one time uh so yeah it was um then just language and having and I also the research Dr pay really presented some compelling research about why social emotional learning is so super important for our students my um as a school district I'm so proud of St Louis Park that we've already been committed to that particularly in the middle school I know that some of the things that they're doing with the middle school with their um not just their Keystone project but some of the other things that they do yeah um I had a chance to check out the summer rating Festival launch over the weekend uh it was at Aquilla and it was fantastic um the kids were having a blast uh there was so so many fun things to do um and I don't know if anyone knows this but there are quite a some uh super skilled jump Rob berries Even In This Very Room who is that are looking we should get some of these mic courts who that person might be no it's not me somebody right next to me okay yeah no it was it was wonderful uh if you have a chance to check out have you not seen the video no I have not I've been out of town there is a new um Instagram account 283 superintendent right or no SLP superp yeah s TS l s TS yes yes okay that you can follow um both you and Dr Moy are on there together on Instagram Instagram was that in a email that I missed it no it was just on Instagram it was in my recommended I think Instagram finally fed me something that was useful double dut uh I just have one last thing uh I wanted to mention um for City governance uh there are 11 youth member boards and commission seats that are currently open um and the vacancies sorry the applications for those vacancies are due by August 26th um there then there's a lot of boards and commissions that are open uh and you should check them out if one of them interests you um if you're a student here or if you're a parent of students uh there's plenty of that open so please check that out and you just have to check out the uh St Louis Park boarding the commission's website thank you and any updates I have nothing to communicate nor transmit okay I thought maybe at Le the seniors would have had something for us to to transmit um let me think the seniors when's our next would we will we have our board updates at both of our meetings or just such a second meeting okay let me just check my dates here I was thinking oh this wouldn't be until September but it'll be before our our next board update so um pop your trunk plea market Saturday September 21st um at Lenox they will um you have an opportunity to sign up and have a spot kind of like a garage sale but like in a little parking stall and you can bring your you can just bring whatever you can fit in your car um or you come if you don't want to sell your stuff you can go there and get some good deals I've heard that there's really some nice stuff there this too fun yeah so Lenox on September 21st Saturday September 21st and I think the rain date is the next week so thank you I forgot one other thing I so hey everybody out there in beautiful St Louis Parklands uh the St Louis Park girls and boys swimming is having a car wash on Saturday from 10: to 4: at the Jerry's that's up here Cedar Lake in Louisiana thank you Cedar Lake in Louisiana I knew exactly where that was um so yeah check it out and then we have a fire uh one of our swimmers uh parent is a firefighter so the fire truck always comes so that's always a highlight for little kids yeah there's a number of fundraisers for the false Sports people sell cars and things like that we just ask that people try to support that as generously as they can because it does make a huge difference in some of what they what we're able to offer with our kids and and some of the things it does go right back into what the kids have and sometimes like I don't know what they do in swimming stuff I know in football it's been important to raise for buy new equipment things right so you huge it does make a really really big difference um again Rec man C both were at that amsd meeting it's a great meeting um and uh and um but then I I went to the lead conference um at the suggestion of director manini had had made a for it and really appreciated that and I sat amongst a number of our staff that were there I think we had probably 15 staff people there or something around that 10 to 15 people there that were um really really engaged with the conversations we had some great speakers some of the people that I've been hearing about for the last like four years and I'm like who are these people because I haven't been immersed in it but to hear from them directly was really powerful and to hear their stories and to hear the more more of the things that they're sharing and um was really great but then they had the breakout sessions and that was a really great opportunity including getting to see our youth um data interns and their presentation and just so impressed by the work that they do and just really great stuff there and just it never ends right you're you're proud all the time when you're um seeing them and doing all that Stu but really some great opportunities and so I do I don't know that I would go if I will go again next year I think another board member I encouraged to attend um to it's two days but even a day of it is pretty great I think so um if you plan for it it's just really a great opportunity so um great okay one more thing I in addition to Dr hindes we have a bunch of other new here tonight and I know the camera can't see them all but we see you and we welcome you and um those of you who are in new positions now congratulations um we're just really excited to work with you all so um welcome and thank you for being here and to that point there is there is a number of like there's like 15 um people that weren't on camera today that are here today as part of this board meeting too and they come and they show up and they support in many ways and they're at the they're ready so like Dr Duffy hey can you come up here if you need if we need a number of people when we need some people to just offer stuff and I think with our new study session style things that's going to be we'll see more of that more interaction and I think we're excited about that that opportunity and just some great things that we're doing I think we we are taking this chance to reset from last year which is a very busy year for us in finding a new superintendent and keeping things going in this year I think with your leadership here and what you've been doing to set things up and then us taking some of that opportunity to try some things different I think it's great and we want to hear from people so um you know let us know how it's going and comment on that so all right I was thinking we were going to be done within an hour we're just a little bit over an hour but this is so much better and I think only by my CL you're only two minutes okay our goal is though to to have shorter meetings this year too and I think that's probably doable so um I'll shut up and say um a motion by Taylor all those in favor say hi any oppos we are joined at 7:35 thank you everybody