##VIDEO ID:https://stpaul.granicus.com/player/clip/5125?view_id=37&redirect=true## Good afternoon. I call this meeting of the City council's order will call. Johnson here, toast Kim, maker here being here, council PRESIDENT Rally here, 7 present no in apps. Welcome back. Im. Please stand if you would like and are able and join us for the pledge of Allegiance. the mayor? And to one nation under indivisible, with liberty and justice for Consent agenda items. 3.31, or before you for your consideration. All right. It's my understanding that we're taking number 9 separately to move aversion to other any other items that we need to take separately on the consent agenda today. Okay. Seeing none motion from a sneaker to approve the rest of the consent agenda. All in favor say Aye. Any opposed 7, a favorite. No one opposed. The consent agenda is adopted as amended. Item 9 is resolution. 25 dash 40 for approving the city's cost of providing collection of fire certificate of occupancy. Fees. Phil, during SEPTEMBER 7 OCTOBER 23rd 2024. And setting date of legislative hearing for FEBRUARY 4th, 2025 and City Council public hearing for 3/19/2025 to consider a levee. The assessments against individual properties. All right. And staff of asked for the opportunity create technical correction for this one to ensure that the appropriate record documented. So as Kim would move a version to on favor, say Aye, any opposed. 7, a favorite. No one opposed. Resolution is adopted as amended. I-30 to his final adoption of ordinance. 20. Yesterday to go ahead, sites final adoption of ordinance. 24 Dash 40 amending Section 2.20, point 0, 5, of the legislative code to set rates for a base level garbage service to be effective. APRIL first 2025. All So we are for final adoption considering our rates for Governor Little Service for APRIL. Welcome and thank you to our staff and leadership from the Department of Public Works. Are there any questions for our staff or other Common Council members before we vote? Okay. Seeing none motion for Mis Johnson to approve on favor say Aye. Any opposed. 7 favorite. No one opposed. Ordinance is adopted. Item. 33 is first reading of odinance 25 dash 2 amending chapter 6 point. 0, 3 of the state charter pertaining to the application of aministrative citations. violations of city ordinances based on the recommendation of the city charter pursuant to Minnesota Statute for 10 Point, Well, Subdivision 7. All right. So as our first major order of bsiness and 2025, I am really excited that before us is ordinance to finally complete a charter change being recommended by our charter Commission lte last year at our request. So I'm going to actually just ground us in the process to date. And then if there are questions for our staff to do have staff here say if members want to ask any questions about this, but this ordinance represents the first reading of the long-awaited Charter Commission approved ability to create administrative citations as a tool for upholding equity in our city. This is actually years in the making. It is involved numerous steps long pre-dating this council. There's been multiple attempts to have this basic mechanism to respond more effectively in a way that other cities our size, frankly already have. And we don't because of a quirk of our charter that is now going to be corrected. We don't tke lightly as a council that the charter commission has voted to approve an advance. This language to and what it fundamentally will do is unlock this basic tool to respond more effectively to violations of city ordinances. This is about better protecting workers from wage theft. This is about better protect, protecting renters against displacement because of unsafe conditions in their home because of a predatory rent hike being able to enforce our rent stabilization policy. This is about supporting our neighborhoods who often are stuck with chronically problematic properties from a knuckle on accountable out of state or out of community. Landlords and from midway to downtown, there's application for this tool. But this is the first step in that multi peace process when taking office a year ago. Now, so wild t think that was a year ago. But new and returning counselors alike identified this as a really urgent priority for residents. We see the need every day for work or and labor protections for renters protections for improving commercial and residential properties in our neighborhoods. And so on. So we put people to work really closely with the administration for months now a year later, bring this to the table. So in JUNE we held a public briefing on this topic at the organizational committee overview this important tool and the benefits for renters workers in neighborhoods in our city. OCTOBER, we sent a unanimous resolution requesting recommendation from the charter Commission to allow us to amend the charter and accomplish this change along with strong support Mayor Melvin Carter. Our newly seeded charter Commission Dove right in and in NOVEMBER, just around Thanksgiving, they made the time to discuss and hear from our hard working partners and allies in the city departments about how they need this tool to better uphold equity in our community. There's a public hearing at the charter commission so that members of the community could weigh in. There was a second charter commission meeting in the middle of DECEMBER with a debt. Again, addition, additional opportunity for input for comments or questions. And after a thoughtful and lengthy debate, the charter commission voted 12 to 3 to recommend this charter change. So will now consider this today on first reading and it will go through a regular ordinance. Adoption today. We'll hear this first reading of it next week. There will be a public hearing and then will vote on the 22nd. I also want to just lay out what this ordinance does do and what it doesn't do. This ordinance is really completing the charter change aspect. So it basically turns the switch on to be able to use administrative citations. Any other ordinance that would use this tool needs to actually come back before this body with careful consideration for how we get applied, how to make sure that there's fair enforcement detail around how it will be implemented. So by advancing this and completing this process this month that in no way means that all of the sudden we can then begin to use that tool. It actually unlocks the ability gives us permission to begin that work with our community. I think that's important to note. And the guardrails in place are that every single one of those policies from which to have to rent protections to our building code, any usage of this tool? Would need to come back to this council and it would fundamentally require public hearing and input before any adoption. So as someone who's worked on this issue with multiple councils and hope for 6 years now, I'm really happy to start 2025. Doing this really important thing for our community. I would like to nw turn it over to a councilmember's either. Our lead sponsors. If they want to say anything or anything else before we conclude the first reading today, any other comments from my colleagues. Go ahead, MISS Toast. Thank you. Thank you. Council PRESIDENT For that. That summer is a shun of what the work that we've been doing and what's been happening over the last several months. I just want to emphasize a few things that that you mentioned. This is a process that's been years in the making that all of us have been involved as a council PRESIDENT Mention all of us highlighted this is something that was very important to us. And again, I see this administrative citations is giving. Us the power to be able to find the appropriate or even have the appropriate enforcement tool to uphold our ordinances, which uphold in my mind, the standard of care and our values and our city. And this is a tool that many other major cities have. And we don't. And we're really just trying to honestly catch-up in many ways to be able to have those same opportunities. And I'm just really grateful for everyone's everyone's work on this. And look forward to supporting it this month. Thank you. Thank you for just thanks for your leadership as well. Being one of the lead sponsors of this unanimous ordinance. Any other discussion for members before we Really grateful also became for your leadership and all 7 of us who sent this resolution. We really look forward to the public hearing next week. We'll hear from our community and then deliberate and make a decision for the month. Thank you. ordinance is laid over to JANUARY 15 for second reading public hearing item. 34 as first reading of ordinance 25 dash 3 granting the application McAllister College to rezone property at 16. 55 in 16. 61 Grand Avenue and 37 Kelly Street from t 2 traditional neighborhood to won multiple family in to rezone property at 53. 57 am 63 McAllister Street from t to traditional neighborhood to bp vehicle parking and amending chapter 60 of legislative code pertaining to the zoning map. All right. And we are excited to welcome MS. Katie Deadlist, you give us a staff report inside and welcome. Thank you for being here. I think the council, PRESIDENT Council members. What's before you today is a rezoning of some property in order to facilitate redevelopment on House. A college campus. And before I get to the details of the rezoning, I just want to Orient Council members to the McAllister College campus. You can see on the slide here that it's located along the west side of Snowing Avenue. From somebody Avenue on the north, about a half mile south do to save their avenue and it goes to the West a block or 2. In question I'll be talking about this afternoon is up in this northwest portion of the campus here. And I said no know McAllister expanded its campus boundary just last month to include pinkish area here. So the areas to be rezoned, there's the blue try are on that map here. This is the north side of Grand Avenue. This is a site that's a proposal for a new welcome center residence hall and are relocated parking lot. And the proposal is to rezone the property from t 2, which is traditional neighborhood, mixed use zoning district who are in one, which is a residential multi-family zoning district. You can see on the map that there's r one zoning immediately to the north. And excuse me, age 2 to the east. That's primarily the zoning on the campus. H 2. In addition to the property on the north, there's a property on the South corner as well. That's proposed rezone from t to to the Pbp is a particular parking district and the intent would be to relocate a parking tat's in the darker to the later. This is an aerial just to give you a sense of kind of what's on the site right now. This site for the welcome Center in residents. Hall is occupied by a surface parking lot. And a vacant lot to the West. And there's also a small caps building on that property as well. And then to the West is a 3 story mixed use building that has a restaurant at street level and a couple of residential above that the Bucs on the South Side again, is that property that's proposed to be relocating the parking lot of the north here and to the south here. And then there are a variety of restaurants and retail uses to the West along the South side of Grand Avenue. Is it just a picture showing the North side where the welcome center would go and the South side where the relocated parking lot would go from the bottom. This slide shows the development plans for McCallister. So again, this is the north side of Grand Avenue where welcome center residents Hall would be located along with the Small Cove Cafe. On the North side. And then this relocated parking lot on the South space for about. 22 stalls and also small pocket park that the north part of that parking along Avenue. And I forgot to mention at the residence hall will have space for 224, that's this is just a rendering of the proposed building on the North side. Grand Avenue. And so in terms of the rezoning in the finds itself, staff finds the rezoning to be consistent with the way the area's developed McAllister's been incurred sitution in that neighborhood for nearly 150 years. As I noted on the slide earlier was that campus is already zoned for residential use. The one zoning that's proposed is consistent with that zoning that's there and also would serve as a transition between the tea to zoning along Grand Avenue and the h 2 zoning. Makes up lion's share of the rest of the campus to the East. And then finally, the commercial district along Grand avenues develop without adequate off-street parking. And so that's rezoning is consistent with that intent of the bp parking district. The sell side. Stephen also finds it need to be consistent with the Conference of plan. The latest plan calls for mixed use on Grand Avenue. What's being proposed? This mixed use in nature to prepare for the campus is also looking at for uses on Grand Avenue. Please support greater density and your transit uses at street level. And then finally that we located parking lot on the South side is not in a parking lot or an expanded stand-alone facility. So based on the findings that are in the staff report, staff recommends approval of the pact rezoning on North side that one and on the south side to bp. The cost to govern Council community Council voted to support the rezoning. 5 letters were received in support of the rezoning. And think that's it unless have any questions. Public hearing is scheduled for next week. All right. Thank you so much. Was dead lives? Are there any questions for staff at this time? All right, seeing none. We really appreciate you being here. And we know what a fine if we need to know more. Thank you. Thank you. Brennan says laid over to JANUARY 15th for second reading public hearing item. 35 is resolution public hearing. 25 Dash 4 operates in the disposition of city-owned property to McAllister College. All right. So this is a public hearing on item number. 35, is there anyone here to speak to this item? Seeing none is just too close. Public hearing and approved on favor say Aye, any opposed 7 favorite know in a post public hearing is closed and the resolution is adopted. Legislative hearing consent agenda items. 36 to 63 year before you for your consideration. All right. So we are looking at items. 36 63 and I'm looking to see if MISS Mormont is here and whether she has any additional items that she would like us to take separately. Just get a second for. Yeah. That's okay. We'll give her second. She's out Just wanna make sure that we're Closer anyone Chance to talk. I think went up there. Okay. Well, we'll just move ahead. So this is a combined public hearing on items number 36 to 63. So here to speak to any of these items and 36. 63. start If you'd like to speak to any one of these items. Number, 36, to 63 when coming up. And then could you just tell us before we get started, sir, what number are you here for? Number? 38. 14. 49 Breda. Tend 5 at 6 per jus. Okay. So typically if don't mind, just give me one minute, sir. We have a legislative hearing. Officer will kind of give us a rundown of the situation and then we'll go to the public hearing and we're just trying to locate where a legislative hearing officer went. Just give me one second because I'm not sure she is. With says she is okay. So what did you just pull right there for second? Appreciate your patience and then hide his Mormon. Good to see you. And thanks being here. We are Why working on getting staff report for? I believe it. I am. 39. Item 39, an item. 55. We have people here to speak mean, I do. Yeah. The 90's are Leach 24 dash 3.35. Ratifying the Peeled Special Tax Assessment for property at 5.86. Burgess Street. All Thank you. As more Monday, look to you for more information on the side. Council PRESIDENT Council members, this is a fee for the registration of this vacant building. It has been in the big building program DECEMBER or since 2020 following a fire. So we are up to the higher level category they could building. This is a $5,077 assessment front of you. The owner has obviously had several annual bacon building fee assessments coming into this. The situation is complicated by the fact he was we'll assess to say under-insured for the event that happened, which was super comment at the beginning of the pandemic when there was rising labor costs and supply costs to be able to do these repairs. And so he finds himself with a lot of fees. A lot of costs. Insurance, money And where did you go from here? So this makes it more difficult. Obviously, the vacant building fee is intended to cover the costs that they can building program. It does that partially. I he he had a number of comments, MR. Nowak had a number of comments to share in hearing. We can say Also the permit situation is a little messy. We do have a final on the electrical permit. Another one open and the other permits are. Open or expired. So things a little rough right now in this situation. We've made a referral both. Planning and economic development for assistance and also neighborworks and the District 6 council to see if they could be of assistance in the circumstance, which is very, very trying and death. Thanks. I'm still getting back in the swing of things in the new year so that had missed this. Can you just share with the council? What your ultimate recommendation is on recommendation is approval of the assessment and spreading payments over 5 years. But Okay. Thank you as women. Are there any questions for staff right now? All right. So let's go starting as we go ahead. Thank you. And also, you know, just gave briefing I appreciate you know, he's given us information all the contacts just for context. Wise. Is there eer like a expiration? Our timeline of like how long property could be in the vacant building program? Buildings that have been in the vacant building program for 20 years sometimes. And they do come forward for you guys to cnsider. But it is treacherous and the registration contacts or intended. To help to problem solve things before they get to deep And unfortunately, this is one of the circumstances out of the many buildings we look at where it's not it's have these complicating things. There's money. It's it's it's it's hard, but all the same. The city did perform the service. And I think at this point probably I real estate and financial advice is do by a 3rd party that can be at work, you know, talking exclusively in the interests of the owner. In last question around the vacant building programs or so, we're like within scope of the policy. So the vacant building fee is not paid, from my understanding is going to be assessed on the taxes on the property taxes. Is there do you have to total of how much is remaining from the previous 2 years? The previous 2 years vacant building fees are on the property tax statement for 2025. So there's a lot on there and this would be one that would show up my 5th. But that excuse me would show up on the 2026 property tax statement. This MAY be a circumstance where the county ends up working And agreement confession of judgment as it were a payment plan. That's what it really would to manage the situation. And it is something that we can deal with outside, but not in this process thank you. All right. Thank you as we'll that in a Let's go to the public hearing. So this public hearing on item number. 39, and thank you for waiting. You're welcome now to come and speak to item. If you could, just let us know your name and then where you live and then you have 2 minutes go at time. Novak and I reside at well. My property addresses 5.86 purchase. I no longer allowed to reside there because it is under construction and has been since the start of the pandemic. When the pandemic started, there was you can tell from everybody that there was issues of trying to get contractors, get the city get permits. I came permits right away. Which was a mistake on my part because I didn't expire within a certain amount of time and trying to get people want and up. Contractors at contractor steal money, work back and done shoddy work and stuff and then got to the point where it's enclosed. Lot of it is done and still needs interior work. But there is no money because the insurance company offered 139,000. Rest pro gave me a bill of 380,000 put the House back together. And i said, I can't afford that. Well, I tried to do it kind tricking myself and it got to the point where the money from insurance company was spent still got a long ways t go with the fees going o. It's cost prohibitive my monthly house payments almost $3,000 a month. Fees are going on. And I I can see where the city is justified in charging the same amount that they were charged for. Sears or cvs or any other commercial building in a Larry probably cross the street right now, there should be a distinction between price for commercial buildings and homeowners being cost-prohibitive. I can't you know, there's no way I take it. Still working at 68. I'm taking money out of my retirement account just to try to make the average monthly payments and stuff. No money and I make too much money physically to get grants and stuff like this from public assistance and stuff. So. I would like to the five-year plan really helps. But I'm thinking you already got like 10, $15,000 out of me. And I'm not really seeing anything. My part of what the city is doing for me for that money. Understood. Thank you. Appreciate you being here and thank you for your wole comment. And within a second. All right. Is there anyone else here to testify to this item? To close public hearing centers for just for the cause, you to have a So it sounds like MR. Novak, if I understand your ask, is that you appreciate the 5 years. But ultimately you're still concerned about the cost of the assessment. Have any other request of the council right now. Car I understand okay, we just want to make sure, especially because council and believe it is your counter. So we just want to make sure we cn understand your council PRESIDENT, if you can indulge me because MR. Nowak was not not on the microphone. If I could summarize and he could not has had about whether or not I get it correct what we're looking at his past assessments already being significant showing up on the property tax statement he's facing nw as well as moving forward. There continued to be assessments. I don't have reports for you. One other assessments today. Iheard he wants to keep going into the future with this property. He hasn't had any help in moving through the process and also noted that the ccs come through He and he's working a second job to be able to help pay for all of this, which so it's very difficult. All right. Thanks for making sure that properly gets on the record. All right. Let's take a motion from MISS Billy to close the public hearing on favor say aye, any oppose. All right. I looked he was buoyed for for the direction. Your yet. We're still in 39. No, no worries. We'll get. We'll get to the next one. So I guess Ms Pilley wondering if you have a recommendation or motion you'd like us to consider or if you'd like to. Yeah, certainly. Well, I appreciate you coming in and playing seeking counsel support, particularly. Also want to just, you say I appreciate the participation. And, you know, it sounds like he putting good faith efforts looking for, you know, a job earning more money is a very challenging difficult situation. That circumstance. I have my own lived. Experience of seeing this wooden seeing issues like this, particularly Ward, one where there is no problem properties, whether it's fire, whether it's natural disasters that but people in this circumstance. So I do appreciate you coming here and speaking with us. It sounds like it's an issue of, you know, affordability rate and he still is locked into a mortgage. He is now. Locked into. I bake it building policy. And you know, he even said very eloquently just the comparison around just how we view this policy. But we have to work within the scope of what we have now. My suggestion, you know, are my recommendation to the council. Is we? I would like to extend from a five-year plan to a seven-year planned. Also to want to hear back from him around where Neighborworks and certain organizations have referred him if they have denied him due to he's in Com. I would like that to be provided to to a legislative hearing officer just so we can. You know, have that transparency around where our organizations I our our position to help him in a situation. Also, it sounds like. There's assessments on. Mentioned 1500 per month paying for assessments. And I'm I'm also lean on you, Marcia, to help me with this in terms of how to make this recommendation. But in the case where he is able to get his permits this year and continue construction looking a circumstance where the 5 e $5,000 assessment that we're putting on for this year is waived so that can incentivize so where the money he puts into the construction doesn't have to go towards our assessment fee for this year 2025. So if I understand this, we you would like to propose extending the amount of time to pay back to 7 years and then also just get a better sense of organizations that been reached out to for assistance and try to work on the so you want to extend in terms of time and then also try to find resources. Is that correct? Extended resources? Yeah. And lens that construction is complete. I'm putting on their contigency to have a ways 5,000 waived. All Is Mormon. I just want to try to design this and and get your input. So do you suggestions or input for us on that? Council PRESIDENT A customer believe what I would suggest in the circumstance then is to lay this matter To this one in the vacant building program, MARCH 31st of 2020 to lay it over to your 4th meeting in MARCH. And one thing that needs to be examined is whether the council for the city really can spread this particular assessment over a period of 7 years, rather than 5. I believe Chapter 4.29, and state statutes that indicates 5. That's the max. But I would like to confirm that with the real estate attorney to make sure we have that. I think the issue permits on there needs to be resources to be able to hire the contractors and get the supplies to do that. And we resource poor for dealing with this right now. So we wouldn't want to set it up that there isn't the ability to be successful. So I think at that point we'd be able to and by MARCH 31st. Get a report back to you about application. So that MAY just as indicated, councilmember the prospects of using those. And if if that isn't possible, some of the other options are with property based on its financial we could have a housing counselor work to examine the situation. The debt on the property and so on and what some of the options are. Okay, Yeah, good as share at. Appreciate that recommendation. I think in this case time is our friend. And it sounds like he needs more time need gather more resources and, you know, get more community-based resources to help them in this situation. So I want to actually add that I want to recommend against the motion adopt that recommendation. Yep. That sounds like w would. We would latest over to that MARCH date. We would use that time to explore the statutory limit around the 5 to 7 years. We would look at all the resources on the table. we would be able to come back in MARCH determine next steps. I'm inclined to support that. I think that's reasonable and appreciate its MARCH. 26 great, great. And so before move that motion, I just want to to your point, MISTER Novak, that I hear you on the broader policy issue that regular size residential home, having the same out as a much bigger commercial property is a disparity. That is something we're working to remedy. Those bigger actors need to pay a bigger fee but will work with what's before us. And appreciate just want acknowledge that point for us. Broader policy that we can address to how we handle this one off. But it is something we know that we need to to deal with. Thank you so much. And from his Bowie to latest matter, over to MARCH, 26 any discussion on that motion? All right. On their say any opposed 7 if they no one opposed. The resolution has laid over to MARCH. 26. Item. 55 is our late the vr. 25 dash 6 appeal of Temer c tm properties to vacant building registration notices to vacate at 7. 22 6 street East. All right. And so we're here for said a number. 55, go ahead. As think. Council PRESIDENT Council members what we have in front of us at this exact moment is the order to vacate. And I'll tell you why. The order to vacate is the only issue because when the pill was filed on this, the department paused opening up a vacant building files so they had opened it and then they pause that pending the outcome of your conversation today. I do have we did discuss this in the hearing. The pause wasn't made plain to me in that hearing, but we can walk through that. My apologies for the title. 7.22. East, 6th Street. The property was condemned in order to be vacated based on 2 primary concerns. The first has to do with the structural condition and the second has to do with the water being This is also. Building that was found to be empty. So taking empty lack of a basic utility leaving leading to condemnation the U.S. X tear your violations. They would suggest making it a category 2 register vacant building. Should you have that finding? There has been no interior inspection of the property. Owner and this photograph available for the overhead camera? This is the front of the House. There's been significant damage to the front porch, which turn and here is another view of the same. You can see how it's failed. We've got about a 10 degree angle on that supporting. Bean. You can see torn screens windows being in that conditions. Windows laying in the porch area. Construction materials just being stored on the exterior. Next year. Storage issues again. And finally, another view of the porch area. The property has not been inhabited, at least sense, FEBRUARY of this as that's when the water went out. The pipes, the copper pipes were cut and stolen so that the water obviously cannot be turned on again and tell that's taken care As I said, there's been no interior inspections. So the damage caused by the water leak has not been assessed. owner one wants to talk about and to talk about and hearing the building permit, concerned that he has that has to do wanting t come in and pull a building permit to do repairs of the front porch. And the. My understanding is there ws up. Pending approval of it and then work began and there was a stop work order. The reasoning for that would be that it is required to be a category 2 registered vacant building, a full code compliance inspection would need to be conducted before permits are issued. I think it is within the discretion of the building official to isue permits fr some exterior items, particularly those that seal the envelope of the building from further damage. That I wouldn't say it's necessarily the case with this particular care that's needed. I think the fact that it hasn't been inhabited for that period of time that it has significant violations, i would recommend denial of the appeal on it being condemned an order to vacate id. Should this come forward as a registered vacant building and the council could consider that? I will say that based on my observations and the definition of vacant building, I would be inclined to recommend a category 2 in which case that code compliance would need to be addressed. And I would also recommend a 90 day waiver in order for an inspection to be connection conducted permits polls and we could get some progress and maybe see a diminishment of tat feat. Any questions from his Mormon right now. All right. So we're gonna go to the public number. 55, this is a public hearing on item number. 55, is there anyone here speak to this item? coming up? Let us know your name where you're coming from. No, it's not your public hearing. The phone going rogue, thank you for being here. Welcome. You have 2 minutes. Go ahead. Thank you. My name is Taymor size. The and as DECEMBER 4th of last year and the owner of this property. I have a list of the of Saint Paul case it is for this year. Can go. Can go down that list. Let's start off by saying that. The pictures that were shown, I don't all the rest of the pictures that were submitted the day of Thanksgiving. That porch was intact. And we had my son actually went to the property and he said that one of the columns looked So we the day after Thanksgiving Friday propped up the porch. We put those steel beams and there to hold that level sinking. And in the process of lifting up from the main deck could just part is that we just said we're just gonna. Building that offer from the which I was planning on doing that Monday for the actual winner for surgery. So on and on Wednesday pull the permit. And that's the inspectors shoe Twitch. We've never actually met up until then said that he understands the everything should be ok, but just that because of it was unable to get a hold of anyone, even though we notified him Sunday night about the surgery within 24 hours prior to the inspection scheduled for Tuesday. He had already issued a vacant building suggestion. But he's he said that I should contact. Sorry. I don't have a list of people I've talked to. But I think there's like Matt cold they can do to try to stop the. The properties going to they could going status and I left a message is rough to expect the investigation since then rash and Nat. That torrent that day. And he said that it comes on the sound of heal, but it's for while. But to give it a day o 2. But long story short panned, pulling the permit, having work done by now, the property does have running water right We did have a soft. FEBRUARY of this year last 24th someone came in and stole copper pipes and this was itended originally to be a house for my Works weekly out of state. His love of sighting of hazard. For the 4 And at that time, he just said, you I'm not a lawyer and property. So Friday I took it over transferred into my name to file paperwork immediately. It's just this one of biggest rate of thing we were just told to stop working till this meeting, took us from impressive DECEMBER. And so right now, but we've had equipment materials on site to complete the project. Pending the completion of that housing. But and so for general permit for a complete remodel, the House. Haven't been able to do so because of the pending status of the vacant building. Understood. So. Just so I understand is your requests today, too, could you just like what would you like the council to do? A I'd like to not have it going that they can build anything just so I go. That is pulling this permit and get the general vacate. You get to remodel permit poll that will during the process of the phone call the head with a legislative that the repairs could only do that. Is in the race so far, especially not that's going to push to have been done in a week and the complete. Plumbing and everything with a little can to 3 days. ok, just want to make sure understand what we deliberate. Okay. I think going mistake thanks, council PRESIDENT, just 2 questions for MISTER Did you mention where you reside a living and for Grove Heights ok? You said that you just took ownership of the property, but in DECEMBER, NOVEMBER, DECEMBER 4. But it sounds like yur son owned it before that correct. And how long did your sentiment I think sometime in 2022. Okay. And it's just is had he started moving and has things in MAY. And then he was going Work. Following the floors and something the house was fully functional rhinos previously occupied. But while he was out of someone broke to steal the copper, which we actually just got broken into again. There in those is like. Some say and the weekend before New Year's Eve and they didn't see others do coffee left house, but they stole tools stuff that we had a just because allowed to do work through thing. Get to because of this pending status. Kind of like stuck in a construction of food stay All right. Thanks for helping us understand the situation to date. Every to be in here. W're going to I think, close public hearing so we can deliberate. So I actually have yeah. Go ahead. MISS Johnson. Notice that you So you well, many you have about. In brief because you just help me understand my question for MR. Zazi is. You mentioned that you had mentioned some of the repairs being able to be done than like 30 beeson. During your hearing, but can I ask you, what is your understanding of the steps that are needed to be taken for your property as far as like? Pulling permits as well as far as like actually getting it to a space iid. You haven't engines and living in the property or is this to react? Pfizer rental. Me so. Originally what we're gonna do is switch houses. My son is going to a house fire is I didn't Okay. And then I was going to downsize and come here. But okay. Sense because of what transpired just moved back here from Alaska with his wife. And so they decided to buy place Oakdale. Okay. So since then I have a daughter who's been looking for a She's probably idea quickly it was going to be a rental down the I mean, Had rentals in Saint Paul Okay. So potentially. said that this is probably going to be a future accidents. That is, yes, I have someone it or not. It went in my She lives half the year. And you just you know, into an issue comes here in the And so what is your what is your understanding of just like some of the permits? I hear? Right now all we need is the ports put into issued this a provision the flooding. So the footings are just to compete that as far as like the inside, it's I mean, there's nothing that structural there is just now we just need to do the plumbing works. We pay less than a week there's house was previously a fully occupy Duplex all the electricals up to code. So it's just pray. It's cosmetic. Okay. I appreciate things that because it is a historical a designated area. We actually did have to file a application with the Minnesota for Saint Paul Heritage from. Though they have searched it yesterday. So don't get that in there, too, which, some of this lake changing because we don't get. Always us its like city is waiting for another that's being is make it so that we could just be done with this team. Didn't credit DECEMBER. Just kind of snowballed, though. Yes, okay. Thank you, MISTER Zazi. I want to make sure that we have for the pope record as well. Another human that was submitted on behalf of a constituent that. So that you might possibly bounce back make sure it's on the public record and to mention it for council as there was public comment that I just want to make sure it's upheld. I appreciate that MISTER Zazi and I'm open to close the public hearing. I do have a clarifying question from this Mormon Well, to close the public hearing. So our motion to close a public hearing. All right. Thank you, MR. Zazi for being here. And it just stand motion from Ms Johnson to close the public hearing on favor say Aye, any opposed. And then we'll go is more men. Didn't MISS Johnson questions. Go ahead. Thank you so much. I appreciate your answers. Are they coming down here and sitting to the city council meetings and, you know, just being able to add some context, I did have a chance to review. Both legislative hearing meeting minutes as well. So as thank you like it's know it's can have a fee that's okay. I appreciate just like being able to get some context here. Did have a chance to review some of the public comments face as well. I just wanted to know from you missed moment, the could you clarify again the steps. So I asked MISTER Zazi as well as some of his steps for what he thinks needed and steps that are needed to be had for the property actually occurred. A couple that I just want make sure understand beyond what I want to ask the question of what is his understanding of just kind of what some of the pieces are permits to be pulled in steps to be had that response was around some of the porch renovation of porch faces and things that maybe more cosmetic. But I heard a potential coming issue of potential theft issue that has maybe cause some damage as to it as well. So some potential internal water damage. And I'm just pointing to make sure that I'm hearing quickly. Could you share from? For understanding as well for folks to uderstand like the steps. I think tis is the piece as important what steps will be needed to have to meet the conditions of the city would be looking at to not have this added into the vacant building. It's okay. I'm gonna take a small question first and I heard the same thing that plumbing work was done and that the water is running again. I'm very concerned to hear that testimony. The last plumbing permit to be pulled on this property was 2002, the nature of the work described it would most certainly require a plumbing permit. This would be something that would be investigated by the senior plumbing inspector and it could result I a possible additional fee and investigate a fee to go with the plumbing from it when it's eventually That gives me pause when it comes thinking about the understanding of what requires a permit and what the actual expectations are about coming into minimum code compliance. The what would happen if the council were to decide? Yes, this should be condemned in order vacate continue to be vacant. It would be referred to the vacant buildings program or it's on pause right now. If that was maintained to be a category 2registered vacant building, which I believe it meets the definition. But the council's the ultimate determine or a flat if its appeals. Then it would need that code. Compliance inspection and they would identify the punch list of items that need to be done to bring it up to minimum code. Those items would be addressed under permit were required. And when they're sign off, some of those property could be reoccupied. And then for by understanding, again, just a storm in your original recommendation, quest to deny the appeal of the kind that that's correct. Genuinely think that in this case there, the run of the reason I asked questions, I feel like. With MISTER Zazi here that I just want make sure that you kind of understand some of the city person. Trump points for some of it and I want to make sure understood what you kind of understands the steps. And do bit of a discrepancy on the maybe what you are currently the city is what's necessary for to meet the requirements for the city and what actually going to be some of the permitting requirements and and the ways that we things back up and running as a fully functional residents property take those things pretty seriously. On the east side. And the word and regardless of whether it's, you know, your daughter living facility or somebody else that you rent out in the future. I think the quality of your home and the policy of the property that you own is really, really substantial in very important to your neighbors, but also to whatever would be there. So I think going to the proper permitting procedures would be really important at this time. I don't think there's really never from the testimony. You're just kind of what's been given. I probably just I don't necessarily see anything that would approval of the pill for the combination. So I will move recommendation of legislative hearing officer. All right. So motion from Ms Johnson is to uphold hearing of legislative recommendation. What did I just say? Uphold recommendation of the Legislature and officer any discussion on that motion? Okay. On say Aye, Any opposed. 7 in favor nor opposed the resolution is adopted. And this Mormon other any other items that we need to take severly today on remainder of the agenda. I'm not aware of anyone else here testify. So this is a combined public hearing on the remainder of 2 day. Looks like that is. Items. 30 6 through 63. Is there anyone here to speak to any of those items? Number? 36, 63. Going once going twice. I'm sorry, sir, the public hearing is closed, But I think if you touch afterwards we any of that money. Johnson our lives up to network and happy to. All Going once twice and the rest of them seeing none motion from a scam to close the public hearings and approve all in favor say Aye, any opposed 7 favor nor opposed public hearings are closed to the consent agenda is adopted as amended. All right. Now, before we adjourn for the day, I am excited to share a secial announcement from the office of the council PRESIDENT That comes with a visual council staff. Had their first future junior member of 2025 over the weekend. And so we are officially live from City Hall World premiering baby Henry while Hernandez to the city Council family. So we want to recognize my legislative who is fully at home with her baby. She is not here. She's at work. She tried to e-mail me from maternity leave, kicked around but a Henry was born on Saturday, JANUARY 4th. He clocked in at 8 pounds 10 ounces. And 21.7, 5 inches the dogs are not sure aout him, but thank They do seem open. So I want to make sure that our entire community had this critical update and that we just send you all our love. Dua a critical part of our operation here. And she's on well-deserved maternity leave so just want to make sure that the community knows what's going on. In the meantime, any other discussion on the baby? Yes, vice PRESIDENT Kim, go ahead congratulations to in. Jake. I like to make a pretend motion to make the council 7.2 people. In honor the birthing of our newest member second, even don't some also laughing because 0.2 is a lot for a little bit. Timely. And I'm going to pretend to move that. And attendant who say Erratically over just all going through a little We're just all and then on theme of motherhood would be remiss I did not. Congratulate Councilor Yang expected future baby as well here. So we're going to have a lot of new Little Future Council members running around in 2025. And I think that's a good note to end her first-ever meeting case. If there's nothing else to come before us today, we are adjourned.