##VIDEO ID:https://stpaul.granicus.com/player/clip/5124?view_id=37&redirect=true## Here locally here. Johnson gear toast here. Cam maker Yang here. 7 present 9 absent. Item. Number one minute. 24 dash. 49 approving the DECEMBER 2024 meeting minutes before we take this very exciting. I just want to welcome everyone. Back to our 2025 series of a two-day meetings. It's great to see everyone for our second official meeting of the year. One had a great break and he's ready for a lot of good work this year. With that, I'll take a motion from the vice chair to approve the minutes. Any discussion. Seeing none all in favor say Aye. Aye opposed motion carries. 7 in favor. None opposed. The minutes are adopted item. Number 2 resolution, 25 dash. 24 authorizing alone up to $100,000 from the h or a business assistance fund to Lenoir Bidal llc, 5, 7, Street East District, 17 or direction in. Thank you. Chair maker commissioners. This is an item you received a presentation on at a previous meeting expected a fear action and staff recommends approval. Thanks so much. And we did talk last time, I think in some detail about the fact that this contingent on additional funding being secured. And I hope to be able to find that additional funding just as soon as we all find out. What happened to their sales tax revenue last year, which we hope to find out there at so I move approval. Any discussion. Seeing none all in favor say Aye. All opposed motion carries. 7 in favor. None opposed. The resolution is adopted item. Number 3 resolution, 25 dash 25 Hamm's resolution of surplus property District for Ward, 7 Director Noonan. Thank you, Chair Nick. You're commissioners. This is really a housekeeping matter. So we didn't bring a presentation at a previous presentation and then come back. It's just here for your action today. But it is in 2012 deed awarded the city of $403,000 Redevelopment Agreement. Redevelopment Grant funded with state general obligation. Bond proceeds for improvements at the campsite in order to release a land from those job on grant obligations and sell it at some point to to jb thing. We have to take a resolution to the board to say that we don't need the land. You would think that having put out an rfp, what if indicated adequately that we don't need the land, but we actually have to pass a resolution that says its surplus land. So that's all we're doing today. And staff recommends approval of Vietnam. Thanks, director. Any discussion and that motion but strict just wanted to ask question mostly for folks that are potentially looking at this process. I understand the technicality in like the overall procedural point. So just what are folks that are, you thousands of years at home understand that and the technical change. So can you just for that? I know you mentioned interest in Europe Day, but specifically like explaining the action today. And then for folks that are wondering if this is going to somehow. Negatively impact the Stuart. Development site for western of how there they're not necessarily recommend it. But just to get that clarification apiece people who are wanting to know one just at the Vatican today clarity and then also like how that if at all, what impact that started, supposing or anything like got it. Thank you. Chair Commissioner Johnson. It is it again just for Mullah Station of the fact that we need a resolution that says we don't need this property surplus property. We can get help. We can sell it. The can. We can move forward with it, too. We have to do that, too, thank wish the job requirements that we do that so doing that. It won't impact anything else. It doesn't impact anything else that we're doing, frankly him. And just said this takes a long time and you should start now so that you can get it dne. Sometimes it takes a long time. So we're going to head in starting it now. But it's just a step in the process of getting the site redeveloped. I appreciate that clarification, director noon and I just think it's helpful for colleagues. You know, when when you're people have any questions or we hear from community, any clarifying questions about this item. I'll be voting in favor today and in part because of serese up, I think to just continue to try free up, understate see applications. So thanks for asking that Vice chair. I do it's probably a good idea for us in the early part of this year to get an update All of our major development projects that are underway and just kind of refresh memory and where we're at and this is certainly one of them. So I I appreciate the grounding and what actually Any other questions or seing none. Take a motion from the vice chair to support all in favor. Say Aye. A post motion carries. 7 in favor. None oppose. The resolution is adopted. Item. Number 4 staff report. 25 Dash 3, 2025 Hre sretch and comes to the front. I want to thank you, director and your team, vice chair and I had to separate as you know, the tree. We can never discipline meeting on the topic. We always have to meeting and sometimes the 3rd spillover meeting. So we have to link the robust meetings to talk about what is in store for us a train staff this year and vice chair. Really wanted to have direction bring that back to our full board to hear what staff or planning so that we can give. Our thoughts are asking questions just get a sense of what's on tap for the year. So with that character. Thank you. Good afternoon. Tourniquet commissioners before the holiday break, I gave a presentation highlighting many and power accomplishments over 2024, which was fantastic. And Chris Long, 19 put together a little post about that that you might have seen that you can share as well. So today I'm excited to share with you. Just a preview of some of the things we're working on 2025. Organized a little bit differently from chair vice chair the way we talked about in departments because I wanted to kind of categorize things little bit differently. But it's essentially the same information we've been talking about for this presentation will be focusing largely on work and initiatives sort outside of our day-to-day work that all goes on. But these are things that passed in the budget last year that we have. There are new or other things that working on. And so I will just go ahead and get started. We have several new programs and initiatives based on the budget that you will adopted. And so want to talk about a few of the season. The first thing we need to do with all of now that the budget a nice and they all passed is finalized program design and get you know, get get guidelines finalized, bring an application. So there's a few of those. The commercial corridors program to kind of tracking about the same the same time commercial corridors program. The West Side front to Dish and the inheritance fund and the emergency rental assistance and eviction prevention program. We've been working with various of you on different on the different programs. Since we started talking about them. So we've already made a ton of hadway. We didn't we didn't wait to start working on them. In each case where finalizing things with the city attorney's office on eligible expenses, for example, in commercial corridors with for sure the eligible expenses, what are the mechanisms we have to go through? Sunset Star and we'll have some things we have to do each one of these. We've gotten really very far down the line on the emergency rent assistance for and working with Vice chair. So I think all of those and I'm going to give you General general dates to say that I think FEBRUARY will be able to bring and guidelines and applications and hopefully launch in MARCH but will be working with you in the interim to finalize those things. So so that's one of her big effort right now is just settling in with things that are new and that we're excited about finalizing sort of the guidelines and the rules in the application process some of them. We want to keep it super simple. So we've you've tried to try to do all of those things get a lot of input from you all another. So that that's I just want you to know that we're focusing very much on trying to get those out. We know that you will want to get those launched as quickly as possible. So we're prioritizing getting those final ice and getting So those are all very similar. Healthy homes and power of him he's not playing. Is not quite our long developed, but we're working on that with 2 star can others just to kind of figure out where that landed exactly with budget. I think kind of combining those a little bit. But that one is not quite as fully baked. That will bring back information for you on that one as well. And we're excited about all of them. And the next talk about implementing our downtown investment srategy. Some of that is around legislative support. So we we really need to support we as a as a collective we support the legislation around office hasn't conversions that kind tax credit. There vital to getting that done. So that's a piece of legislation. And then I will tell you that the arena renovation is critical to our downtown. When I when I arrived Saint Paul before it ever saw the arena up so much over the arena. I think it's about 25 years old and they need renovations after that time. That arena ad the games in the concert springs 500 million dollars a year in economic impact. W cannot lose the team. We cannot have an empty arena. That's not active. So you all know that I'm not telling you anything. You don't know. But we really need to work together with all those involved ticket to get some state funding for the arena renovation. And it's time sensitive. And then working with downtown alliance and developers on projects and the steeple downtown. Lance has has hired someone as a consultant who started this week is actually fantastic. Used to work from a caution well. Experience and other development companies as well. Who will be working with developers, prospective developers. He has experience working with lenders. He's an attorney. He will be able to look at the situation on each of these buildings, especially the crop portfolio and figure out. The ways to best deal with the situation and put together simple po formas and funding mechanisms and what are the best kind of possible uses for some of these buildings? So and so that work is being done at the same pull down 10 lanes. But in close partnership with us and the Port Authority I've gotten calls from 2 different developers. This peak your interest in some of these buildings and but they need some guidance in sme support in that that individual, his work. And Dave Higgins with the Saint Paul Downton Alliance is going to be very helpful. We've met with him earlier today. So I'm excited about that. You'll be meeting him soon. Just started on Monday and you'll be able to asking lots of questions. But I think that's a good move. Also stopped me anytime. Well, I'm gonna go through. This is casual that I'll try to stop hitting the microphone. Well in talking with my hands, something I don't think we've talked about much, but I want to tell you that it is working with the Federal Reserve Bank Minneapolis o it. For that's kind of the state of Saint Paul housing. And thing that I'll give you an example, if we cannot have done lot of data all the tme and the numbers are often taken sort of out o context. For example, I think I saw number that said Saint Paul needs 18,000 units of housing at 30% of a life. That's not actually the statistic. What saying is that we have, you know, 18,000 hassle to 30% of a Miami or we would need like that many units of housing so that everyone a set income level could afford it with 30% of their income. Right? So they're not. That's not that there's no homes that cost too much right. But that the numbers are sometimes - misleading. So w want to be able to give you a dashboard that's more clear about what is or what is our income levels overpopulation? One of wonders of what is the housing inventory that's available at what income levels not to say that there isn't housing, but how how unaffordable is it and where do we need to focus? And that is a moving target to some degree. And so if we we work with the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. They have a housing policy division of sleet set. We've been working with them to pull lots of data together and then we'll have something that will be like living document and living dashboard that you can look at any time you'll be able to point your constituents to it and give like a better feel of this is where we are with housing in Saint Paul any given time. It's not something we have to pay for. We work with in part of their work. And so I just wanted to let you know about that. I'm excited about it we'll keep you posted on how that's going. Idaho page here in the city wide economic development strategy, which I don't think is ever really been done here. We had an economic development strategy that was done in 2016 or 17. But not the kind of economic development strategy that most major cities do. And so I listed some of this sort of typical and atypical things. And we've talked about this before. Here's a comprehensive analysis of local economy looking at our strengths and weaknesses, setting goals for economic growth, looking at strategies and policies to check businesses retain existing ones, improve our infrastructure catalyst development, phillup workforce skills in from an initiative to enhance serve our overall economic opportunity. We'll give you an example in our case we would look at it. Retail and sales tax leakage and strategies and opportunities for that. We're paying for road with sales tax. Now we should be trying to attack racked retailer other things that generate sales tax. And we don't do here. I appreciate that. That it it wasn't like an Oklahoma. The city's have to operate on sales tax. So they're used working like focusing on attracting retail. We haven't before here. But nw we are kind of moving into that space. So I think it's important for us to. Certainly think like we need to talk about how do we make sure that the sales tax isn't going to to put Perry or 2 rows still and and instead that it's coming here to Saint Paul. So those are the kinds of things. And I want to just point out, too, that that will be managing this contract will hire their their consultants, who many who I've worked with in the past to create these types studies. But we'll also be working with r departments. And I gave 2 examples here, for example, Dsi and it's a permitting process is slower and clear. It can be a deterrent to economic development. But if it's streamlined and efficient, can really bring significant return on investment and size implementing a new process and a new software sstem. So I think that it is going to become much more streamlined and efficient that something that we would look at. And then if that's it for another example, public works. If our physical infrastructure is is it's not up to speed. It can it can really cause economic problems. When I was working listen, potential tenants on Grand Avenue, tey were like stand here and look around that. There's a graffiti on the lake on the street lights and there's scene of this. And that and in director Kershaw and I talked about it. And that particular example, like within the week, someone had some time and they went and painted those those light poles at the intersection and it made a huge difference. And it was not a lot of work, but it was something that everyone kind of get used to it being there need. You don't notice it. That's the kind of thing that we would look at. Small things can make a big return on investment if we pay attention to them. And big thanks to obviously as well that so that's the kind o thing that leaves some of the things look at with that strategy. We will be trying to finalize rfp very soon. We've been working on it and we hope to have someone under contract and again by by MARCH by the end of the quarter to start that work and that'll be a yearlong pocess that will be out this year. But it's going you'll be very involved to get. Let's update and I'm excited about this work. We haven't we haven't had this kind of study here before director just a pause there. And I know this is extremely important. It's something I'm very excited about. I think of strategic focus on growth across te city is incredibly important. You're right that I don't think we've had this level of strategy before. I'm just curious. I know. We'll see the rfp before it But the point you just made about Dsi and public works, I a of course, agree that when size cumbersome public works, infrastructure isn't up to staff and those affect economic development. But when you say the study will the strategy will look at those things also wary of study create? I mean, want to make sure that we get really specific recommendations on a narrower band of things rather than a lot of generalities about a lot of different things. So and what do you mean when you say that will look at the inside public works in the context of the study. Chipmaker commissioners we just we can't look only the work that we do in a vacuum, right? The again, the things and a lot of the other departments do impact for our partners, even but typically you know, specifically within our within our organization in our city, we have to at least be able to have our consultant being knowledgeable about any challenges that we have are that we're facing coming your own investments in infrastructure or lack there of her own investments and many processes we lose development projects because it's hard to get tour. Development process system here. I know this and we have other things that are, you know, that impacting our ability to 2. Thrive in our economic development world. It would not be useful for us to go through this whole process and have them look at some of the other things. The impact our economic development work. And so just to be clear about that, would that mean that the study would? Would look at the process of dsi permitting and make recommendations for how that department would improve its operations. These of yours or what? Publicly, that it would be pointing out where there might be deficiencies and then the and the you you're right, a study that tried to fix all things for all people wuldn't work. But we we would make know what they would make note anything that was happening in other departments or other work that was impacting our ability to succeed. Thank Ice and Like connecting this to a couple But, you know, we'll do our first reading of the administrative citations ordinance in our next meeting. And I just really had downtown on the brain hearing examples from chair maker about the problem properties in the Skyway lockouts and the habitability issues and just everything. So I just think there's a real nice connection happening between our work with your whole administration around policy change actually go after those things. While we also look at more holistically work of And so I just want to lift up that partnership and all those connections. And then with respect to the economic development study thing that's really looming. Heavily for me is I well, you know, it's the federal outlook and how we're all trying to orient to it. But article that I read this past weekend was about the latest Trump administration's pared down universal tariffs plan and they basically narrowed it to. Well, we'll just focus on tariffs universally in a few key industries. And it's just, you know, minor things like steel, like things that don't really have anything to do with construction or just basically they're trying to say, like will only focus like defense and medical. Supply chains, but fundamentally just core materials that we take for granted because we don't think about it. And then government is going to create cost pilots on those things. And so I don't say that to doom and gloom, but I just I really even last few days have felt like there is a intense urgency, renewed for us to just stay really focused on what's within our control. And I see this very much within that as we go into everything the later this month is going to bring. And I appreciate the thoughtfulness in Co developing it with us to date because I think that regardless of those economic factors that are outside of our control, we can still say everything within the city's power to be we're going to do. We're going to a charter change. We're going to, you know, step up and make sure downtown projects happened. We're going to look at our processes like all of that is important. So Im sharing some thoughts of what's been in my head this first week. Back in JANUARY and eager to keep continuing in that work with you. So thanks for helping see it all in this form. It's very, quickly. That's a great segue, actually into the next man to the next topic, which is working on some major development sites and master plans. I and listed to we have many I listed these 2. As far milestones. I I did want to point out that United Village she's been around there lately. I know you have council member Jalal extensive live right there. But the McDonald's is coming down very soon. Whole area look so much better. Vertical development will begin in the spring. What I want to say that these 2 development projects specifically, but in general. Both of these master plans fr done before covid before civil unrest before interest rates for before. Stabilization before Kuss construction cost increases many things. National plans, in my opinion, if we're going to have master plans, they need to be updated. Probably every 5 years. We need to take a hard look at what we thought could do in a given site and or what thought it would go and make adjustments. So sort of just putting that out there to socialize affect that these and maybe other plants or other other things that we've worked on. The move that have many years old that we need to be willing and understand that we've got to step back every few years and look at the reality of things. And and that's the only way we keep things moving. So nothing really specific to say there. There's and just to put that thought in your head as we move forward with some of these big projects. Also there will few things out of what the planning team will be working on downtown thing. We need to update our downtown planted by downtown plan. It's turn neighborhood plan essentially for downtown looking at owning and transportation circulation. All of that is sort of out of date and doesn't reflect or post-covid evironment. So but but and her team would like to do is integrate downtown vestments strategy work into that plan. Really make sure that we're making it easy to develop downtown start. Businesses Co locate uses. Look events and entertainment is economic drivers example is the sign ordinance. I so many questions and thoughts and about like Mike Pence signs here. If you look back historically in our downtown, there are signs everywhere. And that was ok, you know, that's that that brings sort vitality. So something to consider. That's one thing. It's just an example. But so I'm just previewing that and letting you know that the Fitzgerald Parkland will be updated as part of that downtown district. So if you're curious about that, that will be part of that downtown plan effort. I just want to say out loud for the record that I want the downtown signage plan, not just to be consideration, but definitely part of the downtown plan. And, yes, glad that you or your team is taking that it needs it needs to be changed. It does as as well as the sign ordinances and some of the other parts of the city to I hear the same thing in trying to attract tenants on Grand Avenue that say we can't we can't checked and it's a assign, you know. So it's so we need to talk about those things releasing the atu to and frost possibly preapproved atu plans. So please, we have Sony now the last accessory dwelling units or additional dwelling units the team has been you've seen a preview of sort of a tool kit to kind of help guide people through that. It's expensive, nonetheless. And so having any kind of aything that's preapproved or pre pre created, I know the Family Housing Fund and others have been looking at preapproved plan. So if we had that off the shelf, you can if you build this here, it's you know, it's allowed and we've already got plans to you and you can choose from 6. And if you're let's this baby could put it here. That would save time and money and it might be able to continue to encourage that work. So that's something that we're working on possibly I just we don't have those yet. But we're exploring where they're available. So we wouldn't create those on our own. And it would be unlikely that they're available for a look through and decide what we think we can work with. And then the teacher strict said it's that's our traditional neighborhood zoning, which is is our most flexible zoning. There's there's 2, 1, 3, to 4. I know you all new year with that. I'll tell you that we're going to bring a presentation early in the year for all of you to kind of do 101 on zoning. And as relates to plans and and just all the types of zoning. So that as we're going to build this unit, good, solid understanding. And we'll we'll do that as often as you like and go as deep as you'd like. But also says very technical, but it it's helpful to as you're as you're hearing cases in appeals. And so we're going to continue to try to provide as much information uk shun on that can. But this is just the district actually been going on for a little while, but they're really going to dig into it this year. So the goal is to sort of better align 4 types of tea districts win 3 to 4 with are cops in goals and policies related to trance. It's put density flexible building design, high quality urban design. Pedestrian friendly, streetscapes affordable housing. So the goal is just to modernize and sreamline the Tea District regulations. So I think that will be important work that you'll see and be involved with DR. Just because we've talked about this before as a body. And as the city Council, I'm can you clarify the difference between? The talked about a commercial corridor study showing steady and this t district zoning study did not quite the same, but one is related to the others to catch a clarify that absolutely chair. Nick, you're commissioners. Commercial corridor study is what we're working on to to kind of implement the commercial corridors and that you put together, so we're determining and I know we had a call with you, commissioner yesterday about. This is a commercial corps. We think you're near or in your board. This is what we've identified or is that right? Who are who are the business up or organizations who support those corridors because your program is really intended to support those organizations who for businesses looking at all of that using say Grand Avenue is an example. There are some some zoning changes that we didn't Grant Avenue that support businesses and developments a little. The teacher, strict city as part of that. He just just district study the work together in that there my be recommendations around zoning that impacts some of the commercial corridors MAY be recommendations about changing zoning. They're 2 different, but the support that they definitely will inform each other. Thank you, Grab a quick question. Is the lst slide about the United there where the vertical development taken place with the hotel and the restaurant. Can you speak to just a horizontal development? Because I know if I can refresh my memory, we voted on, you know that the piping like just all of the infrastructure that those under the ground is that also imam and Maginnis in tandem. But if you can speak on that phase of it. Commissioner Billy, that is all work that's underway. So they're looking to start development as soon as construction season starts and not all the infrastructure will have to be done before that it started. Not it's not linear lke that. But infrastructure work is underway and the buildings all start at the same time either. But they were, you know, that the hotel, the office building in Western civilians, all of that vertical development is is coming very soon. So we're very ecited that that infrastructure work as has been underway site plan review on infrastructure and all that. All of the work has been underway for this whole this whole past year. So lots of work there the q. if you think some of these we've talked about, we a trance many parking ramps. They have a creator's and some of those operators have been in place for decades, frankly, it's not good practice to never never release in our fee and have any kind of competitive. Proposal for operations. So it's time to do that. So we've been working with Walker and we've got an rfp coming that. It's not to say that the operators we have wants still be some of the operators we end up with. It's just to say. Here's our ramps. This is the market today. This is what we're looking for in regard to how you operate and had sort of some competition around pricing in, you know how that how that works. So it's just good business practice. And it's time to do it. So we'll be doing that. We'll be looking at the District Council funding formulas this year. We've had a lot of requests from district councils. We've talked to a bit this is this year will. We need to start early enough that they can inform, you know, the budget process for next year. Just looking at how things have changed and the districts have changed population wise. You know what, cdbg funding is available for says other funding and some of the some of district councils have more scope for more or staff or less. Are like to have more? So where will be working with our new District Council coordinator on that? She's fantastic. And she's already done a lot of work. But we'll make sure that we are doing that early enough in the year that will inform the budget process. Every other yar. You close I'd allocation plan which kind of informs the 9% tax credit rfp that comes out that comes out every other year. Well, it comes out every year, but we do the q a p every other year. I call it okay because that's what called Oklahoma. But I'm not sure we call here. So you will get your input on what your priorities are. This is not a ton of money. It usually less than a million dollars a year, but we get input on what your priorities are. And then that's how the the rfp responses are scored. So will come to you for input on what should be in the q a p and then we'll come back with the rfp for the 9% credits and typically we award one project and typically the project needs to rounds to get to what they need. So it's not a it's not big thing that I want to just highlight for you that that's going to be happening this year. And continuing to support funding rquests for many of these projects are on Cherian land. The Heights has multiple housing developments who are looking for funding for all that affordable housing. And then we have to very project and 15, 70 why they're 11, 7 r k. So those are all projects that working to build their capital sack and and we do what we can to support those funding requests. So just knowing that that we're continuing to look to solidify the financing for all of those projects. Think at one more slide will be evaluating our role in supporting businesses, which I mean by that we have maybe starting to bottom what will continue to evaluate the neighborhood start program which we've been doing for years like it's it's a whole bunch of projects that are very labor intensive than so. We're looking at that looking developing stronger partnerships with community centers and institutions. And by that, I mean, you know, we MAY or MAY not should lenders, their lenders that we could work with it. Maybe we can credit enhancer backstop loans, but lending MAY not be our forte as evidence by the large loan portfolio that we have. That's difficult. An unwieldy to to support. And so we've been working on outsourcing that. So just knowing that now that we deputy green here and we're looking at all of these processes, what makes sense, you know what, what role does it make sense for us to play and and and adjustments that we should recommend tease. So that's something that will be working on as well. And then just developing more of Cherian Lance on the 22nd was supposed to be next week. Bt Melanie and I are both out next weekend. So on the twenty-second you'll get a presentation about our land inventory. And I really wanted to give you sort of an overview of where it all is. Some of that small, some of - its pick, some of its now community gardens and maybe should continue to be some of it is we have one piece of land that they actually partner with Ramsey County on. So our presentation on the twenty-second will be to give you a good overview of wetland. We hats and how big is it? What might it support? And, you know, as we mentioned before, and I see Joe means of here will be taking advantage of our recent zoning changes to do so or small scale development and and adding density. We can do more on our land now. More units with than we could before in most cases. So we'll be working on that as well. So that I believe it's the end of my presentation. But that is certainly not everything will be doing this year. But I wanted to just give you a preview of the things that we're thinking about right now will be jumping into the works that came from near budget allocations and getting those programs going. And we're just excited to be working with all of you this year. So I'm happy to take any questions. Thanks so much, director. You're not going to be a very busy at all this year. Have I thought that was really great pva direct and million. Then I have a few things I wanted to share like I really like the idea of the dashboard. I Interesting hearing more about just like the details of You all are hoping to get from the dashboard you listed a few of them. I I'm I and I often get questions about housing and just like where the state of housing is in our cities. So I I would say like some either one on one time with commissioners really interested in learning more about that so they can provide input about the dashboard. Be create sudden it just know that when I look at the dashboard, I also and getting responses too. Those questions and also those specific items that I MAY have interest Nashville. And then let's see here the year last night. There you a bullet point about outsourcing a loan portfolio. I do remember maybe like sometime earlier last year. You mentioned how it's a lot of work on our staffs and trying to just make sure people are paying back the loans that were giving out. And so can you talk a bit more about about ot? Maybe just some initial thoughts on what it will look all sources I would say that, you know, one of reasons I'm interested in this is because I I do like has to be able to have a say in who gets a loan, for example, or like having the oversight on that. And so I'm wondering if you are thinking of having give, that's sort of like role or responsibility to a different entity to do or if it be something within like neighborhood. Starboard Cherry, a commissioning has nothing to do with. Giving loans. This is around the lunch that we have. so the way it used to be somebody to get a loan neighborhood starling. We don't want any more neighborhoods should lead to grants now, but we still get a lot of neighborhoods struggles with a whole lot of lives there there. So the project manager, business will get loan and they would build their project. And then for 10 years, that's a project manager who was supposed to be or the what whatever project managers were handling that project, but also be expected to like collects loan payments called the people at that and find out if that, you know, work with him on their loan. Those different skill set and the project manager should be focusing on projects, right? They get the project and they handed off to either an in-house person or or we most places, most cities. Minneapolis include Outsourcer loan portfolio, so that servicing piece that servicing of the loans and making sure that people are paying are working out with some money into it. Either one person on staff or outsourcing. We tried to contract with the service to Minneapolis uses an hour loan records or not digitize enough. They're not in it was if they looked at it and said we're not, we're not sure we can help you so we have to decide if we want to go through the effort of of doing that getting in and that's in that order or if we want to try to handle some of it herself. 2 reexamining. Now that Director Green is Deputy green like what's the best way to do that? Some places have one person staff who does it? Some places have others. We also that we're upgrading our loan, our loan software, our system, nor change that we track our sun. And so we're just bringing it up to date. And that will give us more capability to kind of see where we are with our loan portfolio. So just know that we're trying to finalize like what's the best? What's the best way to handle it as far as making lending decisions? Nothing would change. And again, frankly, don't know that really the only lending we do now the sites are big home between the continued to do all of that. But we just use a business assistance and relief for loans now, which is very few but we're not a bank and we don't have, you know, a lot of lending or credit evaluation experience, frankly, and I think we'd be better served to partner with some lenders actually better served in that. We'd have more capacity to to provide. And we don't have that much money. But if we had some partnerships with some banks and maybe even again like if we provided some degree of guarantee for a loan, for example, if we provide a backstop, that is somebody who didn't have all the credit. Requirements in bank than normally what might be willing to loan. And if we could minimize the risk of a little bit. So those are the kinds of partnerships that we want to explore get help. That does make sense. Thank you for that clarification. I definitely really supportive of Outsourcing loan portfolio and I really appreciate you just being really open about the challenges of the and hope that we would be able to get some recommendations on how how to find a much more effective way forward. And then the last thing I wanted to share is that I am glad to see the District Council formula funding be on the list. I'm also hoping that before we get to budget season for this year, that it would get some recommendations from pd has fallen and and I'm sure the district councils would have a lot of really valuable input to share about that. Think you thanks. Other comments or questions Seeing any am. I also know by the way, that Deputy Director Green has a number of operational efficiencies and projects that MAY not have been enough to make this high-level list. I started kind really excited about those changes as well, just to make sure that financially operationally pd is running a seamlessly as possible. And that's that's really exciting. I think maybe 10 acres one of the things that would this body would like to hear is that we at Deputy 3 would really like to keeps like do some budget reporting with you all through the year and and and for me as well like we've we've not had enough capacity or you people in place and that rule who could just kind of constantly be tracking like this is where we are. This is, you know, we're head of budget here are behind it. We're not getting the sadder, whatever it is. So we hope to be able to maybe have some sort of quarterly update, whether it be enough actual presentation or maybe we just, you know, provide some sort of smmary report so that we're not waiting until the end of the year for you. This see kind of how things have gone. So that's that's a big one that that Deputy Green very focused I'm excited about and I know you are too. One at other point, just back to the economic development strategy and he said that would be by the end of the year. I do hope to Mustangs point. Just now about getting information in time for the budget would be really great to not have to get those recommendations after the budget is done and the have to wait another year before we can. Operational as them. So. To the extent that we can get those recommendations and and also budget for whatever they recommend it. To make it. That's a good point. Maybe what as we're scoping that work with the consultant we can talk about because, you know, but it kind of starts MAY. And then AUGUST. So we can kind of scope out the schedule to the degree that there might be some things that come earlier. That can warm from the budget and then work on maybe some policy thinks. After that, think about that as as we finalize. That's go. Thank you for And thing else. All right. Well direction and thank you so much. Really looking forward to the your head is going to be a good one. And then just 2 items of housekeeping. One is that we had one item as director new dimension for a meeting next week. Which is the presentation on our property disposition. Bt because that presentation is getting pushed off, we're going to cancel our training for next week's We don't mean to me just to so we will have a meeting next week only on the 22nd and then we're going to continue to time in these meetings for informational presentations. Last year's you remember, we did a lot of kind of one-on-one types of presentations. Obviously we don't have the same need for those introductory presentations anymore. But would really appreciate hearing from all of us to what you want to hear about, what kinds of topics you either want to do. A deeper dive on that we already covered or maybe something new that we haven't talked about yet. So please email mean, I mean, you know, that we take it that schedule. As we move into the air. Absolutely. We we have that kind of would love to start scheduling those. And so we can plan ahead for who needs to put presentations together. What we need together. So not that you can't add to the list later because you can. You're thinking of things that push ahead, more information about that in general, please let us know. And we can add that to our list of presentations for the year. And director do already have that in pencil. Presentation schedule like very, very rough. We only have a few things on it, we do have it. It's linked to our weekly check-in. So you can just go there and see what's Putin. There's placeholders for a few meeting. Central, but we really need more ideas. Out. Take a look at that. And then maybe you know that around to everybody to sort of job folks thinking about what would good to hear about. plea. Thank you, Thank you. Directed 10. I was in closing. I know finishing up. I just, you know, after looking through. Some of tings that just see on on jynneos more so around the housing policy. And mean, you have been in conversations around just. Now that evaluation and have more like a boad, holistic approach around. You as look into our housing policy, is that something that something definitely don't want to cover and this year and, you know, frankly, before we budget season. Today, thanks to acre I did not put this in his presentation, but mentioned, too many of you is I know there was a housing policy and study in that budget what we really need just like, what what is the scope of them? What are you looking forward that? Because the answers you're looking for one of the things that you're looking to study and what would be those measures. So I think we need more information and center Nick or had said put that on hold. Talk with their colleagues and and will put kind of a scope together. S we understand what what what it is that we're trying to study, but it's the fact that it's not on this list is not is not an indication that we've lost track of it. We just need to do a little more work on the set. Thank you. And my understanding is vice chair is leading a mat and so they will all be hearing more about that very soon and are sure input will be substance. As well. But thanks for bringing that up as You're absolutely right that that a number of important issues that are being worked what part of this presentation. And this was just ahead of system. Review