##VIDEO ID:https://stpaul.granicus.com/player/clip/5166?view_id=37&redirect=true## It's a presidential rally here. Councilmember Johnson here. Councilmember Kym comes. Vice PRESIDENT Can. Councilmember maker. Sharon Jones here. Present to absent to be excuse council, vice PRESIDENT Kim and Councilmember Nick. The first item the agenda is the approval of minutes minutes. 25 Dash 5 approving JANUARY 8th. 2025 Library board Minutes. Certainly the minutes from Austin. We'll take a motion from Councilmember Yang to prove all in favor say want to pose. But in favors are opposed. The minutes have been approved. The next item on the agenda is resolution. 25 dash, 2, 1, 4, appointing the officers of the library board of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Great. With with the appointments for this year, the updates for the library were will be. I will be staying on this. The chair and I'm really excited to announce that Councilmember Billy will be our vice chair. really looking forward to Appreciate. Council member boys, dedication to our libraries, excited to work with you. Is there any other discussion? And just briefly, thank you so much. Chair Gilles. I so honored to step into this role and support you and your leadership and also continue work with director. Marie Hartman and we love the libraries. And now we know. I can sit just love the libraries as well. So I'm excited about this new and better. Some great. Thank you. He that they also take a motion from Councilmember Johnson to approve all in favor, say Aye. Aye. post. Favors to approve resolution has been adopted. The next item on the agenda is the staff report. Staff report. 25 Dash 13 by Barry Communications. Great. And we have state opened. Sinclair Heuer hear from the library too. To give us this presentation about library communications. some ivory barred members. Thank you for having us today to talk with you about our work. It's a mrketing communications team and more specifically our new brand identity and campaign that we launched last Thursday. It's an exciting moment for the library ad 4, the city of Saint out. The marketing and communications team at the library or Markham for short. It's a department within the administration function. And the team consists of 3 members myself clear. Huber was a marketing and communication specialist will also present to today in a minute here and okay, let's I recently joined our team just about 2 weeks ago and is also marketing communication specialists and the 3 of us are responsible for a specific communication function or set of functions within our department. And we were Kylie collaboratively on a daily basis. We consider ourselves to be general us. We were many marketing and communication happed in our role at the library. Ad because communications and storytelling is a team sport and we could not be successful in our work without collaboration of our colleagues. We work closely with colleagues from across the system and to name a few. John Larson who manages the website and then we formed teams of staff members from across the organization, different departments and library branches to take on specific are also we have a team that works on social media to help us come up with ideas and content for Social. We have a group of camper creators who create communications using templates. We create for them at the very local level in our branches. And then newly we have brand ambassadors were helping to rollout and champion of the new brand that we have created. At the highest level. I think of our work in marketing communications as being story tellers for the library through sharing information. We contribute to connections, understanding and relevancy among residents. The storytelling work happens in many different ways through information presented in our spaces, content shared through social media are, you know, newsletters our Web site, our efforts to secure media coverage and much more. We deliver messages that help people understand why libraries are vital to our communities and what is available to residents at their local library. You'll hear in a few minutes about our brand. So we Stewart has brand identity. And by Brandon, the presentation of who we are as a library system in the values that drive our work. The goal of having and maintaining a brand is to create intentional communication and values that we are communicating out into the community. You'll see on the next slide. Takes multiple approaches to the communication that we do as a team here. This includes us creating and implementing an annual communication strategy. And it looks like us responding responding to the request of our colleagues like designing a bookmark for the mobile library. Markham is a small but mighty team. We do our work in partnership, like I said, with others, including staff at the local level. So we empower them to do hyper-local communications, providing tools and templates for them to communicate in their spaces and through events in the community, empowering them to do the work in the communities. They do best. Every through every word on the slide. But this gives you a sense of the expansiveness of the work that marketing communications does at the library. From branding to public are too graphic design. We collaborate and partner with a lot of folks around the system to many different types of work. This slide here shows you a few examples of our recent work. With the laser loon card. We tapped into a cultural moment to remind people that libraries exist where relevant. We're and you should get a card if you don't have one already. But 3 brave, which will be hearing about soon. Markham runs that program. And it's an opportunity for us to really create a values based intergenerational program that invites residents, indoor spaces. And in a conversation with each other. Some of our more complex communication work is demonstrated through the transforming Libraries project. And lastly, the story in the middle here. Still that small, you MAY not be able to see it. A story by racket that exemplifies the opportunity and the challenge that we have as communicators for the library. Its title is libraries, 3 exclamation points. What can they do? And it's a guide about the many, many things that you can find it, a library that you might not know about. For far too many people, libraries and the plethora of things that we not widely understood. Here. You can see community feedback that we have collected through different community engagement events over the past few years that exemplifies some of what people are telling us about our communications. You will see that folks are challenge to understand the modern library. So we have an opportunity to help people re 3 rethink the library. We have an opportunity to generate more awareness of our offerings. And we're also hearing people tell us that they want library spaces to reflect the cultures in our city. So this guy back along with other information and formed the rebound effort that you're here about we're in a minute. In late 2023. We begin the process of updating our brand identity. You've heard me mention producing this presentation that are Brandon are cmmunications impact the perceptions that residents have of the library and also experiences they have. We saw an opportunity to update the Brandon, create more consistency to support the customer experience that is welcoming and accessible. The moment was ideal for this change because of the been more than 2 decades since we had last updated our brand identity. The world around us has changed a lot in the library has evolved into an updated brand. Is giving us an opportunity to better reflect who we are and the values that drive our work. And additionally, we needed a more robust toolkit for ourselves as the Markham team and staff and creating effective communications that represent a wide array of services. We offer at the library and that will resonate with many identities in Saint Paul. Before hand it over to Claire. Just want to show you the evolution of library images and logos. So staff members of the library were kind enough to dig through archives and find these images for us. The one on the bottom in the middle is officially the first brand identity of the library. The one that was created more than 2 decades ago. You can see it's of allusion to the right in about 2014. But otherwise these images are ones that have been used throughout the decades to represent the library. And so this new brand tat clear the walk you through it, just another evolution of overlook. Thank you, Stacey IReport, share Joe's and library board members. I'm very excited to walk you through our brand new brand. We work with no branding to create this new brand package for us. They are a strategic multicultural brand and took us through a really thoughtful process to create what about to show you today. It started with a creative brief where we as a team outlined our priorities for this project and all dive into those and a little And that was our guiding document for this entire project from there. We went into discovery. So, you know, took some time to look through our community feedback. Do listening as well as reading through some of our look to what reviews just to see where we're at as a library, identify some opportunities and challenges that we could potentially solve with this new brand. From there. They took us through a number of different concepts. Fact, they showed U.S. 8 concepts at the beginning and we worked with team of library staff, too. Talk about these ideas, identify what we liked about them. What was resonating, what and we were able to whittle it down to 2 concepts which we took to the community. And feedback as well staff. And, you know, to to really wonderful job summarizing information into a document that really kind of shepherded us to this final concept that you're going to see next. Couple stats. Before I get out. I just want talk a little bit about the creative direction. So like I said, this was that guiding document that we were using to rally inform all of our decision-making. And it was really important for us that. Our new brand incorporated the following we really wanted to be accessible. We wanted to be easy to use as well as not overly conceptual. We wanted people to see our band and immediately know what it is. We wanted to be We want to brand to be able to reflect all of Saint and reflect audiences in the services that we can today ultimately leading into our value of belonging. We also really wanted to be flexible I think Stacy mentioned this a little bit earlier, but we are working very decentralized system in a lot of ways where staff are tasked with working with the brand themselves without a lot of guidance sometimes. And so we them to be able to have a flexible tool kit, but also for to be flexible to speak to a wide variety of different audience as so getting ourselves to be specific where necessary targeted were necessary or abroad the situation was for it. We also wanted to be inviting bold and bright as well as non traditional I think those are things that you'll see reflected here. It felt aligned with where we're at as a system, especially amongst our peers. We are proud to be kind of a leader in trying new things in experimenting. So this feels that and then we also wanted to branch system that supports consistency and also the space for the creativity that happens at the branch level. So if you walk into any number of our branches, they all have a unique and a unique feel and that's something want to celebrate, but also something that we want to make sure that there is some consistency, some of people walking tour spaces, whether it's Rondo or Anthony, they know that they're in a Saint Paul Public library and that it's easy to find what they're looking for. So that was our creative direction that really drove all of the stuff that you're about to see. As you can see, this is our new a logo is just one piece of our brand, but it is probably the most visible. We are very excited about it for a number of reasons. It's simple. It's bold. It's easy to see on flyer bt it also had kind unexpected aspect to it, which is the 3 d nature of the shape has resulted in people seeing all sorts of different things in the design itself. Some of those things which we lean into here. An open book, a laptop, a doorway and even a meeting room and most recently from from a patron who was just dropping in. She but and this just felt like a really exciting alignment with what we're trying to do with the brand we're trying to showcase to people that the libraries for everybody, they can find what they need. And we offer a breath of services. And so while our simple logo is, it also these opportunity for imagination and for open for interpretation. We also developed a pretty expansive, color palette, as well as a new kind of pattern to use. Again, this goes back to providing tools for a stash. But it also allows for that flexibility abroad. Color palette allows us to speak t different audiences strike specific tones and also going into multicultural messaging. He one of the key takeaways we took from working with which is using a broad carpello allows you to be to have that flexibility. And then this pattern is meant to signify a community. Really excited with that. The asked the idea of being able to play with this pattern develop expand upon it in future work. We aso took that opportunity to create hyper-local logos for each are alive. Relocations going back to what we were talking about with. Are you think aspect of all of our libraries, there's a lot of library pride amongst our staff and they feel a lot of sense ownership over their locations. And we want to honor that Angelina and to celebrate that at the same time, we also wanted to make sure tat people are coming into our spaces. Know that Rondo, for example, is part of the Saint Paul Public Library system. They want to know that the mobile library as part of the same public library system rather than maybe a separate library were part of a different system. One thing that we heard a lot was a I love the Roseville Library, but we all of the local pros, the library they're great, their health system. And so we just wanted to make that clear connection. And this is already Celebrated by staff in the early running with it, which is really awesome. And finally, this is just an example of some of materials that we put together for staff to use. This is what our brand is going to start showing up as in our space is already has started showing up as in our spaces. And you can see it's cohesive. It's bold. It's bright. It's inviting It catches your eye and everything was designed with the specific purpose in mind. Whether wayfinding sign or a specific flyer handout that speaks to a specific audience. For example, the fun lap flyer speaks to kids. If there's there's a lot of thought strategy that went into creating these tools for staff to make a consistent message across our system. Well, also leaving, ready to play. Yeah, we're really excited for this change across our spaces we're excited to use opportunity to share our library story as well. So I'm gonna pass it back to Stacey to talk a little bit about our campaign. That's going to be going along with this Thank you, Claire. At the time of launching this brand last Thursday. We also launched a campaign to maximize this moment of telling the library story to build awareness and understanding among Saint Paul residents. The goal of the campaign is to fall help people think differently about the modern library and also increase the number of people using simple public libraries. We hired creative and be a branding and slowdown create of to help us build this campaign and similar with the discovery that Claire outlined with branding. They want us to conversations about the different ways that we can think about libraries and help our community. Think about libraries, a modern library as well. For example, we explored ideas of libraries as a 3rd space build upon that or libraries as a place to connect to something greater than yourself. After conversations with a group of stakeholders, including staff live or users council presidential ally. We chose to focus on this idea of library as a place for great ideas collide. So why breeze a place for everyone? And with that, that's a space for differences in similarity, ppl is a shared community space that holds joy, strong values. As I've talked about community challenges, new ideas and oftentimes tension. So more than anything, libraries are place to be introduced to new ideas and new people. And it's a place to foster community and Vance is a community. So we wanted that sort of tension and that Coexist Inc to show up in the story that we're telling through this campaign. So the name of the campaign as the hours campaigning, like I said, we launched it last Thursday, along with the brand. I's built around this idea that we compass with our identity, our logo that the weather is many things to many people and what it means to you might different than what it means to somebody else. And that's the beauty of it. So the phrase of the campaign is it's yours to explore its mind to discover it's theirs to check out its hours. The Senate is an example of the ad that will be running with this campaign. Campaign features actual library users staff. These idividuals here are folks that use the library regularly. We did a photo shoot on a recent Sunday at Library. And the photos and quotes that you see here are from that experience. The goal is to run this campaign throughout 2025. So we'll start with digital ads. And then when the weather gets warmer will move to physical as around the community. We want to reach all Saint Paul residents. But specifically we're looking to connect with newcomers and Gen x and Gen y in conversations with our staff. We heard from them that those audiences are ones we are seeing less in our library spaces at this time. So there's an opportunity to better connect. But those audiences in Saint Paul. We'll be able to use formula to create new ads throughout the year. As you see here in previous slides. As an opportunity to change language, to change imagery. Change message message that is conveyed through this at approach and this campaign. We're extremely grateful to the friends of the same public library for funding for this project, the rebrand and for the campaign as well. This is an example here of the use cases are the ways that people use their library that we will strive to cover and in body in this campaign to the many different ways that many people ivory's. We've summarized into this for me, I'm again will be looking to connect with younger audiences and newcomers to Saint Paul. And through this campaign throughout the year. Thank you again for your time today. We really appreciate you as library board members. Appreciate the ways that you Apple firework. Ensure the information that we pass on to you to pass on to your constituents. We'll send information about this new brand for your consideration and putting in newsletters or whatever communication vehicle. It makes sense for your sharing with the community. And with that, I'd be happy to take any questions that you might have. Thank you, Stacey anyone have any questions? Its chair chills that will have any questions they wanted to say. Thank you for the presentation. love the re-branding and like feeling words that popped out to as I was. I'm listening to evolve. Was you know, it was the It's like very uplifting. Very empowering. And so when I saw Commissioner Johnson holed up her sticker look different from my say, hey, I wonder what's the story behind it? And I just love how creative. You all. We're with the logo here and I feel the re banning it really reflects the goals and the missions that you set out to accomplish the great job and really looking forward t promoting in our newsletter and also on our social media, too. It's a great job. part are Jealous Council member saying customers. Thank you. Are very excited about that element. That clear highlighted in that people can see what they want to see in this new identity. And we all that to the different types of services that we have and the audiences and stations were done by local artist named Hulu that we have worked with before. So those are custom illustrations from per PRESIDENT. And notes. Consultants. Can My question can we just like have that color pallet implemented at the appreciate Brenda color us. It's really see Of all the different color options that you have and just. You know, this is very effective. Whoever ever serious out to them to come by. I've been trying hesitate use here, but I just overall think it's really cool to kind of see that we're and even even the evolution of the different levels to that was used to being that like some of them looking back into how they have evolved over time like we've come a long way and the the world graphics come the branding. But it's really cool just to see the different things that people do. Use library's for and I look forward to just seeing that a more opportunities for people to engage with it find things to connect, too. So it's really awesome. Thank you. Thank you. And Wisconsin Ripley, thank you. Just want to echo that. As well. I really love the messaging of finding your place. And, you know, I know as we're looking at changes and things like that are always thinking about like people first, right? And I whatever we do being people centered. So I really like how it's personable to that person. And I really like on there, it said, like date night, a place for date night. So maybe that could be some rebranding for Valentine's Day that starting, you know, the men around corner. But I'm just really thankful that we jst have leadership as thoughtful and mindful and people centered and now looking at ways that we tell story. Bo Levi Ridley unapologetically around just, you know, how are you fighting place? How are keeping place in preserving a space, particularly in our libraries? So thank you for that. Preview results. I have couple questions. I just wanted to confirm I can still use my or loan set, right? And you can get a new one with a new logo. But that just want to make sure that still works. Chair just yes. You can still huge, great. And I also just wanted to echo everyone else's comments. I'm really, really excited about this new logo. I think it's really bold. And I appreciate the artistic creativity. That's not one of my personal strengths. I do love the purple. Had nothing to do with and I even just looking at the logo. I think every time I look at it, I see something something different. I think that that's that's just that's really great. Really exciting. So thank you so much to both of you. And thank you for Frawley I'm just really excited about going to pull. Haven't been to the library yet, but I know it's all there. And so I'm looking forward to going and seeing it. So great. I guess if there's no other month and next Thank Thank you. A final item on the agenda is staff report 5 Dash 15. Upcoming weather events. Create and think we have. Thank We're here just library board members. Just something a little different this year with library events. I wanted to provide rather than a broad overview, a little bit more in depth from the staff that are leading some of our critical programs and services. So really pleased to introduce to a guy who is our community specialist in particular specialists are working with smiling community in same pollen. So she's going to to a little bit about Somali bilingual family straight time. Great. Thank you so much. My name's rookie of ad, as we say the so many community, especially And thank you so much. It's an to be here and in front of you council members. So glad to share. With you about the program that I do. do love of staff. And sometimes people confuse and what I I have in my community because I'm active member in the community. But I want to share with you today. My baby program. And I'm calling inflation. Ali, money and bilingual story time. And I will also share with you my side of the story time, which is going to be as Tony time. But it's a story time whether really the story that's embedded of why the public liability is very it's a show for the immigrant families. Sometimes you hear a few we lend more theories. But at the same time. Unless you see it's going to be hard to understand. In my family and when I arrived at the Lee here, the U.S. Led to any and house and on we and a bus going to just a face and that the sponsors as still get whatever we needed to. And that. Get. And then I spotted and space part public levity. And lady had I can from Pikes Time I used to Could they make? And I want that into motion. Let us let me university where you have to, you know, like a kid they make only, you know, you just get the books and then you go. Knew there is and I But when I so because I was already and kind of shock. Then I used to cover my face and I a lot of comments of why am I doing that? And that was freaking me out because of that new and space. But when I saw that, I said, you know what? I am so boring. I want to check it out. Can benefit a few days with my they be one old and now she's graduate of the and the u of m. And I'm so grateful and about that we went there and then I went and then the thing that I want to share here is some time this we assume a language. It's a for people to navigate in the new society. But that is not the case with me. I was speaking good English. I came here. And then when I went I want to something for myself because back home. I used to hear. You're going to be an up that's another story. But I didn't want to be any ice a term that. I want this to navigate the books, those boroughs in the books, health and medicine, right? And then I I so I love books. I didn't know I could take it home. And then I started piling table and then they disappear some calling the system. Is Muslim liability and and as it moved, I'm not sure about the hi. How are you? Good what I've said. Like, what do you want from me would because I'm freaking out like I don't want anybody to talk to me. And we have a story we might lead leave my baby. I don't want you to close to me so excited at the same time seeking out of of these people coming to me. But at the same time. On te missing they didn't hold me. Please stop by to still looks like you're new to the area and that's a good thing that she they I ok, I went to front desk and then for some reason I had my and it. And then she said, and I can how long can they beat book's easily? You can take it out. So she made a lot your car for me. And then I how many books? Because I know all of these books like. So I just you can really, ok? That's cool. But still, it's not going my brain. And then I will have the chick go children's area. Take my baby. I thank you for telling me, but I need to get back and then trying to go, you know children do that. But because I never knew what Ely childhood and how important it is for 8. And ending right now, I'm the most and so tough to elite had expect in my community and that isis to need that started in the live I got what I needed. That made me in this state and all actually all of my family members. I'm so grateful about that. And I like to teach. I like to tell I like to This is student also the other. And could lead to members. So my view one by 5 year lease because we had to leave that state. And you, too. And not like the community went up more over that I came here and then the first place I had to go was a library because over I was in shock because of the new country of the same time, this Muslim librarian, when I still by, she say we've come on the weekend and take you to and near mosque into the issue to the the government is sticking with month to miasma you need to talk to everybody that we don't know what you're going, ok? It's ok, I just went. So it was great. I I just calm down, ok, now, I don't want to go anywhere except to the lead because I didn't know that it's a public that you can have books and then do everything right then more over here when they can. I started this covid going. But at the same time. And something myself because I want to be somebody. I want to get something then just drop my child to within 5 feet the school's going to the school. She was the lead in. I didn't know how I didn't know why because was taking have, but I wasn't doing enough they live later on. When my other children, when I said the cautious old, it was the It was bcause child development is will they live moment? The psychology? And that gave ability and the current encourage men to to do lot of from a community now coming over here, my baby. I'm seeing my baby because now we have a and showed language. Culture this story times like indication of some of bilingual from the South side. It because Stuart, that most of the children. That is what they need. And I agree with that late. But the community. Doesn't think little Kte believed the other home. It's into generation them. Going together, right. And then how are they gonna attend? My story. All the families are welcome Markets are welcome the body, so welcome the mom us welcome. So I'm having all of these people coming to this story time at the same time and what I'm Wall Street is language. I said because I said so money. Bilingual nighttime lows will teach you the basics. So Why cows I know in the community, there is a feeling on this. New life that lent key lose in the language. So the parents they want take children where they can lend them angry. So in order to attract that in and of course, I have the ability to teach you the basics of summit in England. I'm doing that for them because my focus and passion and interest those who didn't because I still eat. I took them to the library. There are a number of grounds, although that is that is timeless. But what they're doing is they're really getting all rain. Nguyen is connections that have been in its have been because of the but tenants don't know. I'm trying to be the bridge because the penance and I'm also know that if it hadn't booked English and some money. So I do patenting look show whenever they finished at the end of the story, I try also to show Paddington because so many times there is a child who gets lab confirmed that up stop. I'm the bus and then telling them, ok, you don't need to do this one because most of the time when I'm invited in the community conferences that asking me to talk about, how can we enhance the relationship between had it and the chain? And what I tell them the child doesn't. Have the basic needs. If they cannot read, tey're going at upgrade and then ups going to be translated. You speak a vision that became an American so try to teach them. Something. Also in addition to the inability see that I lead believe that they need to gain in this age because of this is gonna come up Yeah, it is. Which is that high school time with they cannot do anything. I'm also tonight to read so many books of that. So that mean they know the value that. Of the student. I'm Shannon for some. Will you share this any this story? Yes, then listen narrative. Skill, the Israelis and that skill going to be at the same time, I'm going to have my other books so that this is like, okay, introduction of other books the kids of Ghana and then listen, when they do that, what's going to happen? So it's because of I am he it at the same time I am. But then it in the community has to educate, has defended gator. Whenever I to teach them, okay, yu have to do You have to fix, you know, extended to 6 tv dot com and they bring you the full shoes that's happening from the domestic violence tool. When can I take my time? Which is school? I can take much right. So here is my approach that I share with them. Sometimes I have to stop that story because of that sensitivity and the significance of the problem that I'm hearing at the same time I have to I have to listen. If I don't do that, I'm not gonna hear those stories. And those who still does have a right? Because after I what my island more about why. So many parents of note we want to take their children out of 5 because they believe they're going lose the they kind 85% of the babies over 25 years old. He's going to this school. So in a in those tv school p I didn't sometimes as show them explicit pictures of brain and how it grows see them to none what can do right now? Because I've missed up that The thing that I've seen, but at the same time, my of telling them because they bring to me a book out ncaa outside used to lead at Scooter Braun going what I Andrew different to see it and it would have been this is they want my child the You know, I'm not reading what can I do and what read in the but this is SEPTEMBER. I know this state to this before summer. I said that it will say goes to have right. And then those time the child MAY be changing. But at the same time, when I see them in order to give them a feed in a vise, a thick, the curriculum from the state of Minnesota. I tell them language has to be sections reading, writing, listening and speaking and we have struggled read in, read in, read in and I was children a rally that they don't know being. And then I tell them, do this, do that. And that's how I keep rolling. And thank you so much city. If you have a question, I'm And if you don't even have right now, you know where to find I am here and that is left the formula that I and email like named a and that that. Feel free to add them up. But and I what does show that? Because and that the penance havs need the children have in need. And but oldest thing and then has slowed. Some niche in that and all of them is like Jonathan to go that infusing them together because the needs to meet the needs of the community. I need to meet the needs of head and because that is neat and kitchen. Children need read and that's my. Main go. But I have to partner with patents. Gives them t. Give them chance to sit down. Of course, that they need to relax rate. So. This me, thank you so much. Well, thank you, Is there any questions for As for Johnson? No questions. Yeah, I love that. I was just sitting here like create a manhole cartoon inside of my head. As you're speaking about just your experience and your story because it was so vivid and like I can just tell, you one of the things that I really appreciated about a lot of te staff that have come in front of the sport has been just the passion in which they not only the journey but the job that they have, but I can tell pace to for what you're sharing that you have a lot of passion for your work, too. And so that's like you literally smiley staff there at and fire Visitation Na. Really do appreciate that. I think my thank my guests might talk much open to question of just where for families that maybe are maybe that don't know necessarily where to find you. Where can go to find you? Can we send folks to learn more about the storytelling program, too. So the good think about and me rookie is every negri that Google my custody behind the desk in a very lively right? But no, and Rice's street I was 2 and schedule that right now and rondell due to the demographics of men. I do like o the mend. I don't post but they do an interactive and because that's it would where the main thing happening. So those out of the tea and spaces. But at the same time, it looks like I candy and mobile. But a slowing of Since thank you. I just wanted to share. I really appreciate you sharing wth us and how important and that interaction with the entire family is in your word because I a as a myself, could do see that the practice of renting a home and having parent or guardian. Pay the role of being like that teacher in the home is also really important to. And so on with the added layer of the work that you do and all the other staff who are doing is telling storytelling time. And I really believe that we can accomplish the goal of having where readers and our city and who are rady for school ready for be sort of activities to I want to say thank you for your work. My question is that in our library system, can you share that about this MAY be a question for director. Can you share about languages? Other that we have available across our different libraries. Council bringing thank you for that question. We also hve so our community specialist team that Ricky, as a part of has staff that are specifically charged with working with culture, culturally specific communities inside and outside the library. So we also Meng programming that piloting and experimenting with heights. We have staff member Adrianna who works with our Spanish speaking community and there's a variety of programs being offered there. Is our black African American community specialists. And we also have a brand new career Arcadia specialist. So I'm not all of those languages are currently offering story times. And we're really trying to take the lead of our community specialist to identify like what is the right fit for your community is what I's like. The kinds of programming in the ages are relevant So, Rick, is one example of where like the story time was the thing like that's like the front. One of things that we're getting going, bt also just want to flag that we have story times happening in all of our locations multiple times weekly and really asking rtm to continue to stay in conversation with our community specialist about like what is the what is the service or the program that's relevant here? Okay. Thanks for information again. Thank you to you and all of the committee specialist for your work. I hope to see their programs continue to flourish and grow. And just wanted put out there, you know, every year the the commissioners like up as part of a council, we always have cnversations about the the city budget and I would love to see us continue funding programs like the future to again. Thank you. Thank Notes. Consequently, it is quickly its want to echo the comments as appreciate your passion. I appreciate your love, your spirit. I appreciate you sharing your lived. Experience. Of your first time at the public library. And he's even given the breath of why Liberia's main public is so important and, you know, the resources, everything that we provide, they're alive or just so important to your journey being welcoming, to say pots where we could be extension of your journey of your leadership and how you use your lived experience to actually help a broader community, your community. And I'm just I appreciate definitely want look for it to the times that yu have that you are whole senior storytimes of particularly at the the around the library, light freeze as well because that's something I want to put on the newsletter as we forward. Thank you so much. And because members and I ad we it would like and the kind at the story time it's a I pause is very important. And I because of what the work we're doing. But the gist of mice to is t the feeling that I get when I stepped into a public library. There MAY be some difficult sometimes you see, but my love and passion in sight just get slight chi. Is time because my kids as shining because of a poppy play Brady. When I see immigrant family coming into the levity, I can feel that they're feeling white. These white ladies coming close view, same way that I great. So I really want to emphasize that my Lena helped because of that White Levy. But at the same time, people different rate. So when we're saying you are welcome. What ned welcome to set some community. How do you show them? Because if they say, oh, you you into the to you. Just to welcome to the public live in And they say by and they go, I want go back then. But they followed up. They followed up and I kept going and kept seeing a lot of things. So on. I think it's very important that we keep in mind. No matter what language someone speaks, we need to be a 2.18, a welcoming space and programs that just books then like 6 foot the door. And then after that, the review to get everything. Because if live, has something called every that every month community. Any any other questions? Yeah, I just I really want to really loved hearing your story and what it was like for you to experience a library for the first time. I think the stories are. Are we learning more about the importance of libraries and what they have to offer people for me. I'm also a mom and my son is learning to read right now. And so when you talked about story time, importance of reading to your kids are having them. Try to read to you and especially having the opportunity to do that in multiple languages and even having the books to do it in multiple languages for parents built a re to their kids at home. It's just so important. And so I really, really felt your story your passion about how important reading is for for kids and for adults to Bill to do that with them together and soul. Thank you so much for being here and for sharing your story and I think, you know, if if any council members wanted to story time, if you're lucky they might ask you to come and you can call him do storytime to is really. So much fun. The kids have such a great time. Saw. Thank you so much. I think you have any anything else, but I really appreciate you being here. Thank you so much because some cousin of the city that she'd been here how you Share this story more and we will keep should it walking. But the main point that I feel is pretty. Thank you so Thank Great. Okay. Of so that was the last item on our agenda here. Once a just a couple more things. I mentioned before are new officers and they also want to thank Councilor Yang was or vice chair and going to be transitioning. Its transition office calls. Burton is is coming on. So just wanted to thank you very much fr for your service and your commitment to the libraries as well. And I also just want to recognize council presidential Ali. This is her last meeting with us today. If a library board and I didn't prepare a like a whole lot. But I do want to just recognize. Her her work and her commitment everything that she did to see the him into a library and long before I was here. Thank you so much. It's we're going to be building that library and that's going to be there for everyone, community for years to come because of your your work. Thank you very much. Tiffany, I appreciate that. So much chair toast don't want to make it super dramatic. Just want to say that. I do feel a sense of like joy and transformation that as I'm exiting City Hall and I'm getting the chance to get well and prioritize myself. Also, we are seeing that building come down, which I know brings emotions for the community. But when I see the branding, when I see the when I hear about all the things that will be possible now in that space from accessibility to sustainability to just whole new lease on life for the next generation of Midway kids and everyone who uses that that feels great. So thank you to the library for that colleagues for supporting that feels good to have some things that last after you provide. So that will be a big Thank you. Thank you. And thank you to for for your support of me and leadership roles like Rich for humid. A very easy because you're great. Thank you, everyone. For another wonderful library board meeting are excited for this year and for the new branding and with nothing else to come