##VIDEO ID:8R2z04ytnmA## e e e e e e e e e e all right we're going to open the council meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance please stand I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right good evening everybody Welcome to the regular council meeting for the city of St Paul Park September 16th 2024 first item on the agenda is approval of the minutes of the September 3rd 2024 postpone council meeting and wave the reading of the same so moved second I have a motion and a second any further discussion all in favor say I I I Bruce are you on yep all right motion carries 5 Z next item is approval of the council Workshop summary for September 3rd 2024 and wave the reading of the same also moved second I have a motion and second any further discussion all in favor say I I motion carries 5 Z all right this evening item number two is items from the public I do know that we have a special guest this evening to give us a few words of wisdom give us a little bit of an update thank you for coming yes thank you mayor and thank you Council I'll be brief um I understand uh that uh there's a lot of concern about some of the cars out on County the record would you please state your name address Carla bam Washington County Commissioner uh and I live in cottage growth um proudly represent South Washington County um and I just wanted to give an update on some uh valid concerns about parking on County Road 39 front of Duffy um and I really appreciate the communication and feedback from you mayor from council members uh the collaboration with our staff with your city staff with the business um there's been a lot of discussion and I think um really maybe giving it a a few more weeks here we believe that a lot of the con the vehicles are construction vehicles and there is still ongoing construction at the site and so um I I think allowing um the finishing touches of the project to finish uh and allow the business to kind of have a little bit of of Grace here to to finish up their construction if not the other option is uh some restrictive parking and um you know that would that would require a a a resolution from the city and and also I think we have to be mindful mayor and counil that that that would impact all residents not just those um you know at at Duffy or or the workers at Duffy uh and so um I think that would require a little bit more of a discussion uh I think I would appreciate that I think the residents would and I know you would so um I just want to give an update that the discussions are ongoing with the business with the city with the county but I wanted to respond because I know that you had uh residents here and I didn't want that to go uh not responded to so I could stand for any questions no thank you commissioner B thank you for your ongoing work on this with us and the County's work and I have stopped by and spoken with the residents and the business owner and I think we're pretty close to a solution um so hopefully by the next meeting or two we should be able to have a resolution and move forward on this and then we'll see where we go from there so sounds good thank you thank you for all your help we appreciate it all right on to item number three the consent agenda this evening on the consent agenda we will be approving some the receipt of commission minutes from Parks and wreck and Public Safety a resolution appointing election judges we will be paying some bills authorizing an application for Grant navigation support um in agreement with the Washington County Conservation District uh resolution setting a public hearing for potential establishment of a tiff district and paying some more bills and that's the consent agenda this evening Mr Mayor yes council member son I move that we approve tonight's consent agenda as you just listed I second all right I have a motion in a second to approve the consent agenda any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I motion carries 5 all right on to new business item number four adopt resolution 172020 1722 um adopting the preliminary 25 tax levy and preliminary 2025 budget and set the date and time for the final Levy adoption as December 2nd 2024 at 6:30 p.m. Mr Mayor yes council member sson uh I move that we adopt resolution number 1722 which is adopting the preliminary 2025 tax levy and preliminary 2025 budget this would be at its highest point we can go down but we can't go up from this point correct I second that all right I have a motion in a second and also set the date and time for the final Levy adoption as once again December 2nd 2024 at 6:30 p.m. here at City Hall any further discussion Mr Mayor yes council member I would just like to thank thank City staff uh for putting together this budget under these difficult C circumstances and uh we appreciate their hard work thank you council member all right all those in favor say I I I opposed motion carries 5 Z all right reports from the council item number five council member swon public works thank you Mr Mayor Public Works commission did not meet this month uh for lack of agenda I do believe we'll probably get together sometime in December the date escapes me at this point uh but nothing new to report thank you council member sson Council memb zener Public Safety we met last Thursday went over Poli reports uh discussed about um some signage uh to be placed around town and uh the police I believe have some uh have a bowling and a uh awareness patch they're going to be selling our next meeting is I believe in December thank you council members Senor council member Conrad planning there was no Planning Commission this last period and the next one will be on the 14th of October at 7 p.m at City Hall thank you council member Conrad council member Whit BR hemingson Parks and Rec um our next meeting is uh this Thursday at 5:30 um this Friday we have Bunko at The Boondocks at 7 o' we roll the dice um the store will be open to buy to purchase things um Friday October 25th uh 5 to 7 is our trunk Retreat we are still looking for trunks if you want to pass out some candy it's a very fun event and um I just got word that our Fire Fire Department open house is October 8th at 6 pm. and um I believe there will be food trucks there this year and a knife sharpening gentleman so we hope to see you there October 8th at 6 pm at the fire department and that's it Mr Mayor thank you council member uh council member Conrad Heritage days um as everybody knows we've uh moved past uh the date of that and it went very well we had a our first wrap-up meeting and um started looking at things and reorganizing um further structuring of our commissions and uh for the rest of the year we'll have one meeting a month so our one in October will be October 14th at Heritage Park in the building there at 5:30 if anybody would like to come and be a part of uh helping us make a better uh Heritage days uh up at the park um all are welcome thank you thank you council member Conrad um as for myself and administration once again this week I met with our Congress person Angie Craig about some of the issues we Face here in our small town of St Paul Park and one of the things that we discussed and I've discussed with some of our neighbors that I'm going to be pushing for over the next several years is a redesign of our 70th Street overpass um so hoping to work together with whoever will listen um you know between the growth in Cottage Grove and Newport and other areas and the refinery um that over time that I feel that that overpass is going to become s severely undersized we already see it um traffic backing up at certain times a day so that's one thing that we're working towards and working with our local state and federal Partners on that I'm starting to push for so that was a nice discussion um and that's about all I have as far as uh major things that happened so anything else Council comments items number six no nothing further before this Council this meeting is adjourned e