##VIDEO ID:8eWqyHwc0Xo## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 5 Z Item number two items from the public anybody have anything this evening not on the agenda that they wish to come forward and speak on all right seeing no one we'll move on to item number three the consent agenda this evening on the consent agenda we will be adopting resolution 1725 assessing for some unpaid Water and Sewer bills um approving payments for a generator approving some tobacco license and skills license off sale license for Northern Tier joint Powers agreement with the Washington County Sheriff's Office for the code red system and adopting ordinance 772 regarding storm water management that's consent agenda this evening Mr Mayor yes council member Swanson I think we almost got the gist of it so I move that we Pro uh approve tonight's consent agenda a second I have a motion a second to approve the gist of it any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I motion carries 5 Z Item number four new business 2025 Street and utility Rec construction project and that's what we are all here and excited about this evening to once again see Morgan so we'll just let you have the floor Morgan thank you very much thank you Mr Mayor members of the council uh so this item before you tonight is actually in two parts there's two action items for the council so just in kind of preview I guess uh there is a a rece a receiving receipt of the feasibility study so that is complete for the Third Street reconstruction project uh and then there is uh and a funding agreement in the packet as well as the next item after that which solidifies part one of a two-part Grant agreement with the state of Minnesota to pay for uh a large component of the project that we're about to talk about so there's two action items as I mentioned um and before I get into the slides uh describing kind of in Broad overview the feasibility report itself and and and the findings and recommendations to council um all of this work was done using the past uh Workshop that uh was had between city council and City staff regarding this project a lot of different uh scope components and options were evaluated for cost and really the end result here is a recommendation to council for uh a public Improvement project that is feasible that has some necessity attached to it because of failing streets and Fa failing utilities but that is also affordable and can be funded by a combination of state aid funds and then the grant agreement which was authorized uh by the state last year and as I mentioned there is a component of that Grant agreement as an action item following presentation of the feasibility report so that's at a high level while why we're here right so the engineering team has come together and looked at all the different uh options available and we're presenting basically the proposed improvements and the costs here in uh for the Council to weigh in on before um making a decision to receive and then next steps obviously would be to take this point to begin kind of the the detail design the preparation of the plans the construction documents all intended to be completed probably in the very first part of 2025 with the anticipation of bidding this project for construction in 2025 so with that uh I'll go into just again high points just summarizing uh some of the contents of the feasibility study so to remind the public and the Council of of the project area that we're talking about this is Third Street uh from Broadway Avenue at the very North End of the project down to 14th Avenue at the South End okay and so I think we're all familiar with the existing pavement conditions being very poor requiring a high level of Maintenance by Public Works to keep up on things with like pothole patching for example um and and the need I guess is accentuated by the fact that this is a main north south collector roadway so it's not just a residential street with a few cars per day this is a main north south uh route within the city um and so at really kind of again speaks to the need from a pavement standpoint to be able to reset that infrastructure clock with a reconstructed roadway uh it's not just the road though so generally the utilities and when I say utilities I'm mostly talking about sanitary sewer and water M but it also includes storm sewer but they're generally in poor condition we've identified uh multiple locations throughout uh the project Corridor where actually some of the utilities are undersized by today's standards uh and so reconstructing these utilities at the same time before the roadway is reconstructed provides again an opportunity for the city um to start that infrastructure clock over not just the things that are above ground and what are easy to see but also the things that are underground um and probably more important because you know as those things fail then you have to dig through a new road to be able to get to them right so there's some advantages to doing everything at the same time uh the recommended actions again coming out of what we're seeing in terms of just uh General condition of the project Corridor is full Street reconstruction full utility reconstruction and I'll have provide some more detail on that as well too uh upsizing uh some of the size deficiencies capacity deficiencies that we're seeing on storm sewer and water uh and doing an extension of sanitary sewer and water mean uh with service services from that portion of the project which is basically just the last block so between 13th and 14th Avenue on Third Street uh there's a couple houses that are served kind of right out the edge there but again this is an opportunity to bring that down um provide an opportunity for residents to connect uh at the appropriate time also provide some opportunity for some connections possibly at the south end in the future if there's future development in this area there may be an opportunity uh depending on that development's proposal and um their elevations for example but to be able to tie in whether by force man or regular gravity sewer uh and to the water man this may Point uh this will provide kind of a further self connection point for future benefactors of that system right so rather than again digging up an entire block to extend that pipe in the future uh that's proposed included here in uh all of this would be done without any special assessments as proposed right so we're proposing to have the grant funds and then state aid funds for the street portion cover the entirety of the project including the engineers cost so a little more detail here on the the street improvements uh there's a couple different segments and if you're familiar with driving the road I think you agree with me that the character of the road is a little more urban uh north of Pullman and a little more rural south of Pullman um we did look and as we talked about in workshop with the council previously we did look at several options uh with respect to where do we add curb and gutter or where can we keep things uh of a similar character from a rural standpoint matching in with the county road 75 to the South and again knowing that there's some funding and budget constraints here with with uh respect to the uh grant funding state aid funding and trying to make sure that this project could be delivered without any special assessments um the area south of Pullman is a slightly narrower roadway than what's provided to the north so uh it's uh uh oh I'm sorry I I missp speaking it's 34 feet which actually matches County Road 75 to the South it actually currently is a little bit narrower there but we're proposing to match that section to the South so it'll be consistent from where the county left off previously with their overlay project and then moving North we did go back and forth and had some discussion about whether uh parking Lanes on both sides would be something that would be affordable what we landed on is that parking on one side uh actually kept the project within budget and so the proposed width is uh 31 1/2 ft from edge of curb to edge of curb or face of curb to face of curb and that's a reduced down from an existing road with now today at 44 ft so we're taking advantage of current um uh State allowances with respect respect to Lane widths we're limiting parking on one side and I'll go into more detail but it's not just one side so we're providing different parking on different sides depending on what block you're on as we as you move through the project so there will be parking on both sides but not both sides all the way from north to south or from south to North sorry um some of the non-vehicular improvements along the roadway uh and this was talked about as well too uh sidewalk on the west side so between that first block um of Broadway uh that is uh proposed to be um replaced uh in kind I believe is concrete correct or is that yes on the west side no it's oh the concrete side yes on the west side correct yeah so that's just one block and that's replacing what's out there today and correcting things for crack panels drainage issues that we might be able to fix with the project uh on the east side um we looked at different types of trails but we're uh recommending a 10-ft wide Trail and that's an asphalt surface um and at driveway crossings that may kind of go through like a driveway apron but for the most part we're landing on an asphalt Trail 10 ft wide that should be wide enough for Public Works to you know do m maintenance on if there is a need for City snow removal or maintenance they'd be able to get a pickup truck uh up and down that trail as well too so um that's with respect to non-motorized or pedestrian improvements uh and then uh the last bullet point is just full uh curb and gutter replacement from Broadway to pulman so all of that edge would be reconstructed um and uh you'd have consistent edges so the curb line is not going to be wavering that would all be handled with stripes to be able to transition from parking on either side the other thing that that accomplishes and we'll talk more about that or there's more in the report as well too regarding traffic calming so we heard a lot from the community that some of the speeds on Third Street were excessive uh and so providing those Lan shifts is kind of one of several tools in the bucket that we have for traffic calming up and down the roadway and so just having people needing to kind of taper and uh from one side to the other to shift on a on a center line transition that psychologically slows you down because you got to be paying closer attention just than driving down a a really wide Street that's like straight as an arrow correct so um that's uh part of the the uh approach with respect to traffic uh caling um as far as storm sewer again we do have some pipes that are deficient in design so most of those are are Trunk pipes uh that might be East West Crossing pipes between areas east of uh Third Street and then eventually finding a way to discharge into the Mississippi River so where we can upgrade the size of those at this time we would be doing that as well as replacing all of the existing storm sewer structures catch basins and making minor drainage improvements throughout the area as best we can for sanitary sewer Again full replacement and reconstruction which means new manholes and new pipe and new services to all the homes um and then as I mentioned before a that short one block area from 13th to 14th would include sewer and water extension uh to the South so that's sewer and water for the extension um we're replacing existing 6-in water pipe with our current minimum size standard uh which will help with fir flow um not so much with pressures but it it just provides a more modernized water system to have 8 in pipes is your kind of standard and so that is something that we've been doing on different projects as we've come across water replacement so there was some upsizing on the water replacement of valves and hydrants and obviously the services and the curb stop shut off for each individual home that controls the water to the home those would all be replaced as well um as I mentioned we'd extend uh to the end of the project on 14th for future connection uh and we do have some looping connections I call them looping but they're not actually doing Curly cues but they are short connections uh at the end of 14th and along 14th Avenue to 4th Street that will basically uh provide a a short stretch of side off of Third Street work uh but that should provide some benefits in terms of um making sure that that dead end that currently exists on Fourth Street might uh have a little bit better water turnover and if there is water quality questions or concerns there in the future this sort of a loop or connection would help address that and help improve that we're right there in the area um a review of cost and funding so the left side of the table is uh how the costs split out on the project coming up to just over $8.3 million you can see that the a major component here is what says surface improvements so that's generally the street and the curb and the asphalt and the pavement so that is a big um component of it uh the second largest component is the water main itself at 1.5 $5 million but you can see amongst the different categories how that all breaks down and on the right side I mean that's the opposite end of the equation in terms of how are you going to pay for the costs the funding that's available and so uh looking at the um Geo bond funds and the lrip grant funds which are actually kind of tied together but we've got them just listed here separately uh plus an additional $1.39 million of State state aid funds um and that includes uh that is those are dollars that can be uh withdrawn as the project is going through completion but includes our 2026 City allocation and state aid funds just as a part of review those are gas tax license tabs um and Licensing fees that actually are collected by the state and then passed through to cities that have a population of greater five than 5,000 also counties and there's other benefactors from those funds uh but the city does has been collecting those funds and doesn't have a project on the foreseeable Horizon to use them for and so the ability to use them on this project provides a convenient opportunity from a funding standpoint to make sure that all of the improvements are funded and then again that special assessments don't need to be a part of the council's consideration as we talked about back in the workshop previous um overview on the schedule uh we're here in October presenting the feasibility there is some need for and this is primarily for uh uh habitat control I guess but there is a need for some tree clearing in advance of the project which uh working with public works I think I don't know if every tree is simply been has already been identified but there's been work done to get very close to that we're anticipating that work to occur this winter um that's not just uh taking care of trees that might be identified as a part of the project like they're in the way of something but we are certainly we do want to take care of those uh I think there's some disease and damage trees that also come into public works' determination and so knowing that um it may be uh most coste effective to get all of them taken care at the same time so as not to saddle uh public works with you know additional costs later on down the road that was a part of public works' evaluation and so that's why there are some tree clearing uh activities that are planned for this winter uh again following if this moves forward following completion of final construction documents we'd be back in front of the council approximately a February time frame to request authorization to go out for bids with a bid opening in March and then uh construction start of approximately May substantial completion October maybe November I'm sure we might see some carryover minor restoration cleanup punch list uh possibly some minor Paving or Landscaping that might occur early in 2026 but uh the line share of the construction would be targeted and and required of the contractor to finish prior to the fall of 2025 or the end of our construction season um and as it says final asphalt wour that's uh when we come back and do the paving usually it's in June of the following year so with that guess that slide should have said 2026 instead of 2025 yes it did say 2025 but I said 2026 you are correct I caught that out of the corner of my eye there you're right all right uh next upep uh would be again proceed with final design uh I'll stand for any questions the council might have and um if you do have questions about the grant agreement you could certainly answer those I've been working with somebody at mindat on those uh on that agreement but it is a standard mind agreement so um uh but happy to answer any questions the council might have about the scope the costs what's included in the feasibility recommendation for the project um or the grant agreement so thank you sir so I don't I've already met with Morgan and staff on this so I don't really have too many questions council member Swenson you appear to have a question I have a couple questions with Morgan if I could sure first help remind me please uh what is the weight of the road going to be uh council members Swenson mayor members of the Council so I believe it's it's either a 910 or a 10 ton that is a requirement of state aid funding to be able to provide that level of pavement structure um if I look at you are you going to believe it's 10 yeah I thought it was 10 too I they've changed their standards over the years but so uh we will Design the pavement um to meet state aid standards and so it would typically be standard as a state aid Road for like trucks for for example or as a collector roadway that's part two of my first question is then that as a city we don't have any jurisdiction over keeping certain tonnage Vehicles off of that road at that at any point because it is a state aid Road as a state aid road that is correct that's my understanding we've navigated that question a couple times here in town and so if it was a non-state Aid Road there might be a little bit more flexibility but the with any sort of uh funding component from outside sources there are strings attached that would be one of them is to have the project and the improvements conform with state aid standards which is not just how wide the lanes are as I mentioned earlier but it's also how thick the pavement is okay thank you second question I have regard is regarding between 13th and 14th when you're putting in the new lines will you be putting in uh normally distributed stumps along the way or is it you're going to only stump for the individual properties right now so it's an excellent question so what we've done in the past in this sort of situ ation where there's some ambiguity like there are some open Lots there right and and so um we would have to do some engagement with the property owners ahead of time to let them know that this is coming to see if they have any plans for lot splitting or not I mean they may have a a preconceived notion of what they want to do they just haven't brought it forth to the city um so we'll have to extract some of that information and then if we're not able to get uh in this instance where there's no special assessin if we're not able to get uh really clear indication from the property owner one way or the other we would look at the zoning code for that area of zoning within the city and see what the minimum lot width is and we might try to make an evaluation of an appropriate spacing for sewer and water services based on that but I think the first thing that we would want to do is have some engagement with each one of those Property Owners down there uh to see if you know they can weigh in on that and then we'll make it determination on a staff level whether they get an extra one because their lot could split or because it's just a big lot and you know we use minimum lot withth uh standards to be able to install a couple different stubs in a couple different locations depending on how wide the property is thanks Morgan you're welcome yes have a couple questions one is um would they be closing broad or Third Street as a whole would be done sections so that something that would be developed in the final plans what I can tell you that we've discussed thus far is that um routing heavy traffic let's just call it trucks or other vehicles that might be normally using Third Street to get from one end to the other we want to keep those trucks on uh a state aid Road or a road that can hold up to you know that detouring of traffic we would not if we could choose we would not want to divert traffic onto a residential street if it can be helped sometimes we run into situations where we have to do that on a very short-term basis but the goal is going to be to move people to Hastings for example um using either Pullman or 9th Avenue is kind of like main East West both state a streets also as well and get them over to the county road of Hastings and once they're on the county road they can get up to Summit and then out of the city or coming in it would be the same thing in reverse um so we've we've determined that that's going to be what how we want to deal with the majority of the traffic there may be times during construction where interim pieces are unavailable and we might have minor like just for residence detours where people might need to park on side streets to be able to get to their home but to really truly truly answer your question I don't think it's best practice nor would it be my expectation that we're just going to close the road from Broadway down to 14th and people that they got to deal with it the whole summer right it makes more sense to build into the construction project and we could provide more detail to the public and Council when we get to this point on kind of a general phasing plan so that maybe they're responsible for working on one or two or two or three at the most I would say blocks at a time and then they're they they're expected to get it to a certain amount of completion before they open up the next segment right and so what that does is it protects not only the city but the contractor for some liability if uh on a portion that they're not working on or that they're not even planning on working on for weeks or months and we get a huge rainstorm and once you've pulled up the pavement there's no storm sewer you know it drainage is difficult during the summer on a construction project when you've interrupted your drainage system right so we want to keep as much of that in place for as long as we can but still give the contractor a good enough time to or a well a nice amount of time to be able to reasonably complete everything um and so it might look like uh probably more than two phases maybe three phases where again it's like two or three blocks at a time and we just kind of run from one to the next but then we have to build in the logistics of during what phase what detour you know ninth or Pullman or whatever is available and knowing that that area south of pulman is going to be tricky because there is no good way to get anywhere else you know like to Hastings for example south of there so I think part of it is going to have to be done in uh under under traffic right that area south of Pullman and we might have to reconstruct a half of the road at a time and have vehicles on one side and then work on the other half and go back and forth um but I uh but not knowing the details all I can tell you is that breaking it into pieces and having some responsibility for the contractor to not open up the entire project at the same time is what we would plan to do okay as an extension of that excuse me um I think that pman is a heavier rated Road cor is that correct Jeff similar to all the other city streps so at some of the intersections they're C sailed with cement and that cement is already starting to break up if they're putting daily use of loaded semis is there anything that can be done to try and prevent further degradation of those intersections uh all the way through Third Street for example different say they went up third I don't know if they would go north on on um Summit or if they would go out to Hastings Avenue if they went out to asting Avenue I'm just wondering how many of those coverted intersections might be further broken up apart and I don't know if ninth is as heavy of a road as Pullman maybe it is but um ninth and Pullman and this proposed Third Street would all meet the same criteria in terms of all being state aid streets so they should be similar um some of what I have seen even here in town uh has been at locations where sometimes loaded trucks come to a stop and you tend to get that uh SW ruding we call it yeah in terms of it displaces actually some of the asphalt especially when it's hot out um you might remember the intersection of St Paul Park Road and Summit so that was an area that was problematic for many many many years and we reached an agreement with the county um to collaborate on an improvement there and so that asphalt pavement was replaced with concrete that as a as like kind of a stopping pad right um I guess I couldn't say that that would be absolutely needed in this situation especially where we don't necessarily have any stop signs for through traffic on Third Street might be on the cross streets which I think you're noting it on the East West streets if we do have and you can kind of see this on the layout we do have the intersection and then a little bit on either side to be able to uh build with as a part of this project to kind of tie in with the side streets and so if we're seeing some of that ruting right now at any one of these intersections I you know I don't want to guarantee for you know getting chased out of town afterwards but I'm 90% sure that that ruting would be included in the scope of this project and that was going to be the next part of my question is if there was some breakdown from heavy traffic would there be a remedy for that right and now I don't know we're not proposing at this point to do a full concrete Intersection For example and that would add some cost to the project um but I think what we can look at even you know as we work through the design this winter is which if any of these you know at least within or close to the Third Street right of way are we seeing some substantial problems and then evaluate if um maybe some modifications can be made I don't know if concrete is the right one but there's also you can kind of beef up and make your asphalt pavement a little heavier Duty in some locations rather than others so that would be an option as well too that wouldn't significantly change the project cost too much um so those are all things that we can look at again trying to address those areas where either because of soft soils underneath or maybe the pavement mix that they used on whatever project it was done in the past uh wasn't isn't quite holding up the way we wanted to we would want to beef that up at this time as a part of this project so it's certainly possible and we'll look at it in closer detail to see what we can bring to bear to try to protect that from future damage okay any more questions sure anybody all righty sounds good thank you margan thank you pretty big undertak all right on to item number four Mr Mayor yes Council M I move that we approve resolution number 1726 which is approving the local Road Improvement program Grant agreement terms and conditions second I have a motion to Second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I I'll opposed motion carries 5 Z and then we need to accept the feasibility report correct Kevin I'll make a motion to accept the feasibility report the 2025 Street and utility reconstruction project I'll second that I have a motion in a second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I all opposed motion carries 5- Z all right I think that's that's all we need on that appreciate all your hard work guys on this staff and Morgan and his crew um just look forward to getting this done and moving forward with a nice New Third Street all right Item B under new business adopt resolution 1724 expressing acceptance and appreciation for donations to the city I'll make a motion to adopt resolution 17 24 second I have a motion and a second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed motion carries 5- Z Item number five reports from the council council member Swanson Public Works nothing new mayor to report from Public Works uh the next commission meeting is held here in City Hall on Tuesday December 3rd at 5:00 thank you council member swansson Council memb zener Public Safety uh no new business uh we meet again again in December also thank you council member zener council member Conrad planning there was a a fair amount of discussion around the possibility of future marijuana sales um their biggest point of discussion was the footage from lineal footage from a park or whatnot to the business and there was a discussion whether they should half it from the alcohol limits and the decision was voted to stay with alcohol distances and not have it be different at this point all right anything else on that um no no they're meeting uh again next next month or the plan is and uh all right yeah and just so everybody out there knows with the passage of legalization of marijuana all cities are required to put into their code um certain things by the end of the year and that's what we're working towards is just coming up with solutions to this new issue that we're all faced with so that's kind of the process we're starting and and working forward on um council member wher hemingson Parks and Recreation Commission um Parks and Rec we our meeting got cancelled in October our next meeting is November 14th here at here at the council room or I'm sorry the committee room on this Friday October 25th there's our trunk Retreat we have 20 plus trunks um it's a great event from 5:00 to 7:00 I hope everybody can come um we've been starting our Bunko our next Bunko is November 18th or November 8th and then December 6th at Heritage Park we start at 7 and I think that's it thank you council member whitre hemingson council member Conrad anything new on Heritage days no at this point we just had a couple review meetings and uh looking at beginning to look at other opportunities to make it a bigger better event next year thank you council member Conrad and for administration I have nothing so item number six Council comments and requests anybody have anything else this evening they want to bring forward nothing further before go ahead I would just like to make people aware that uh the car the weekly car show finishes up October 30th and there will be a trunk or treat from 5: to 7: for parents and children alike um we welcome all vehicles on that day if you want to uh have a trunk there bring some uh items to share and um hope to have a successful event for the kids all right all kinds of opportunities to get candy next week all right well thanks everyone this meeting's adjourned e e e e e e