##VIDEO ID:Mo9Hm-aW7Oc## e e e e e e e e e e e all right we're going to open the meeting and please everybody join us and stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right welcome to the city of St Paul Park Park regular council meeting for August 19th 2024 first item on the agenda is approval of the minutes of the July 15th 2024 regular council meeting and wave the reading of the same so moved second I have a motion in a second any further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries all right at this time before we get to the items from the public we're going to switch things up a little bit and we are going to swear in some new recruits from our fire department who have worked so hard to join and get um not only our department but serve our city so I'm going to go up and swear in our our new firemen and council member whitre hemingson is going to join me oh cry all right just to make this quicker I'll say it repeat after me and then state your name at the point given and then um we'll go from there all right so we'll do this all together you just say your own individual name don't say his name please raise your right hand repeat after me I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States do Solly swear that I will support Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of Minnesota and the constitution of the state of Minnesota and Faithfully discharge the duties of volunteer firefighter and Faithfully discharge the duties of volunteer firefighter for the city of St Paul Park for the city of St Paul Park in the county of Washington in the county of Washington in the state of Minnesota in the state of Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability so help me God to the best of my judgment and ability so help me God that's all it is thank you gentlemen has something for [Music] oh my God take a wheel or something all right they're all pinned all right well that's always a good [Music] time happing all right and next uh I have a request from our chief of police Jessica danberg she would like to come forward to the Das and and say a few words to the public council members mayor City administrator I just want to say uh I've been with this city since 2016 and this year was a a change up for Heritage days and I want to extend our agency's gratitude to all of the volunteers that came together to make this event what it was um and that would include the legion had people helping with the intersections which since we do not have a reserve unit at the moment that was huge um a huge weight off of our staff and then the volunteers that were members of The Heritage days Committee in our eyes the event was a success it went very well there were big groups of family all seemed to be having a lot of fun we had not no disorderly issues it it was just a really good run family event and uh it was it was great interacting with Community for for us so just thank you to all the hard work that was was put into that we appreciate it and hopefully there will be many more thank you Chief all right on item number two items from the public anybody who has signed up that uh has anything that has nothing to do with the agenda this evening and would like to come forward and speak please go ahead is there anybody on there Jeff thank you all right Jeff saxs good evening the reason I'm here is let interrupt you for the record I know where you live I know your name Jeffrey but we need your name and your address Jeff Sachs 744 Broadway Avenue St Paul Park which is right on the corner over here so I'm here as a concerned citizen for all the traffic that we have gotten from when they changed Duffy to what it is right now there is so much traffic on our side of the road literally when you pull up to the stop sign state law behind the stop sign look you cannot see you need to pull forward and by the time you pull forward far enough to see if the intersection is clear you're out in there and there's cars coming by it's very dangerous and I just want to know have you guys had any other complaints besides me so you you're you're you're talking parking not traffic parking but the traffic that comes by you cannot see because the cars block the intersection no I've heard some talk I don't know about anything official um but that's a County Road and I know there's been some discussions with the county on on how they may want to address that um as far as parking signs or anything like that so I know those discussions are happening I'm sorry is it just construction parking right now is it du's parking yep and I've been over and I talked to Jay twice I talked to him before the beginning of July and he told me by August there would be no more cars on the street very minimal vehicles and I went back and talk him in August and then he tells me well it's a public street so we can park there basically what he told me and I tried to explain to him the same thing I told you the intersection you cannot see and not only that that new Street if you over there and look there's oil all over the road from their cars leaking and some of those cars I called last week you can check the police department there was a vehicle parked across the street from me for 5 weeks it sat in the same spot so now you have another vehicle that's parked directly across from from City Hall that black Suburban it's been there two weeks hasn't moved and that's to them I seen them drop it off and walk back all right well I would just say um yeah some discussions are happening and I would ask that you also help us to uh um one of I guess put a little bit of pressure on the county also you know what I mean make your concerns known there um do you have any idea who I would talk to there um I don't know if you would take it up with Wayne Samberg or your county commissioner maybe um Carla okay and I know I did have a brief discussion myself with Carla about the the turn-ins and turnouts but we haven't talked since um the parking issue or you know what I mean that's just all recent to me so yeah last time I saw her I was not able to have that discussion but next time I will um okay but and then we'll go from there so yes also you know voice your concerns to the county and I'm sure the city and the county will work together to see what type of resolution we can come up with sounds good but thanks for coming forward appreciate it I may sure I'd just like to add that uh pinky Perry who lives down in the end of the call theack he voiced that his concern last week at the car show also same thing all the same things that you said so and I had suggested to him that he contact I explained it was a County Road and I you know contact the County I I figured it would come up here so um I agree with everything he said but yes it is a common the county Road Go the whole way down to like holiday and Cottage Grove or it does so St Paul Park has nothing to do with this road they don't they plow it though right no no no no we well I know that they come around I know that city of St Paul Park does plow in front of my house they plow Sometimes they come around the corner I mean just like up by Pullman where that's technically not pulling that last block I mean plows will just to make it easier you know and snow man agement you round that corner you finish up that street you know what I mean and then bring the snow around so basically I'm here because it's a dangerous now it's a dangerous intersection where before it was not right so that's why I'm here all righty all right I appreciate it thank you thank you Jeff um we're GNA stick to the people on the list here and then I can have you sign up and come up after that how's that sound he are they are signed Richard B Tony F I don't think he signed up Beth mcneel 724 hi so my name is Beth mcneel I'm at 724 Broadway I'm here with Jeff as well same concerns except for my driveway is right on Brad why I have almost been T-boned with my daughter in my car multiple times it is a hazard at this point I'm terrified to leave my driveway I cannot see any of the intersection at s uh Summit and Broadway it is completely blocked for my view I have also brought it over to Duffy as a an issue pretty much was told deal with it so um yeah I'm here for the same reason it's becoming an issue I can't park in front of my house I have a single car driveway I'm blocking the sidewalk now from people pedestrians but I have I have no choice at this matter or at this point to do anything but that I believe I actually spoke with Kevin about the issue and he told me the same thing it's a county issue or yeah it has to be brought to Washington County but I wanted to bring it to the city issue as well as it I feel like City also needs to be focused on this in our law enforcement is well aware of the issue and I did forward your email to the police chief and and they are working on it again like because we had talked about initially um you know it's something that maybe it gets posted no parking well we the city can't post a County Road Park um but there are other things that we can enforce like parking too close to the intersection and whatnot so um yeah our our police are aware of it and are working on the issue and um yeah like uh the mayor said we will be working with the county as well okay yep perfect thank you but thank you and thank you very much for coming and voicing your concern because it not only helps us to do our job right it communicates to others that there is more than a concern than just you know what I mean us all right all right Richard you're on the list five minutes Mr Bert uh I hope it's less than that my brain doesn't work that long good evening Mr Mayor and council members and even Kevin uh I'm Richard Bert 1120 Dayton Avenue and I've been in the park since um Christmas Eve 1950 so it kind of dates me but first I'd like to say thank you for standing for the flag the Marines aren't supposed to get and uh these young future firefighters my heart goes back with the fire department to the 30s or 40s but anyway what I'm going to bring up tonight is um I've been a member of the former BFW 4450 and the current Legion since August of 1966 and I was going to bring this up to the council in July and June but the council meetings were consell cancelled and tonight's meeting is the same night as our Legion meeting so I'm here but in May the legion received a $700 citation from the chief of police on providing police care for that and I wasn't there that day I don't know all the answers but the legion and me not personally wrote out a check to St Paul Park or the police department for $700 for I don't know what but I assumed that back when duke or even Mike was chief they would have sat down there and did what your job but $700 to have a polian cop or whatever sit for 2 hours is quite expensive and when we have police on duty during the day but that's just my opinion other people agree with me but I'll leave it at that and um the other little thing I'm going to bring up is that for 100 years we could walk into the city council meeting and this building belongs to the taxpayers we I come down here to see Kevin the door is locked the G say what do you want I said it doesn't matter what I want I want to see Kevin you know I knock on the window and they say you got to go around everything is locked up twice I've come down in the past to see the police chief two behind two lock doors nobody answers this is a city hall for the cities of St Paul Park citizens they should be able to H and we do have access to the books that's open property for the taxpayers to come in and look at the books and the gals always ask what I want or who they want and why are the doors locked you don't have F me it's just a on my point and um one other point the street department they do a very good job so mine isn't all negative I think the street department and these people that take care of the flowers out front simplify to them thank you thank you Richard appreciate your input tonight I know we've had discussions about everything you brought up so I won't I won't repeat them now but um thank you for coming up and and we always do appreciate the input and I'm sure we'll have continue to have many more discussions down at the cafe you know I love you um all right on to sandy saxs I'm Sandy Sachs I live at 744 Broadway and I just wanted to say that all of my grandchildren and my children came and talked to me about Heritage days and how much much they enjoyed it and I just wanted to say thank you to everybody that had anything to do with it thank you Sandy that's wonderful to hear um Tony fandri hello mayor council so I'm Tony fandri live at 8264 85th Street in Cottage Grove and I'm here tonight on behalf of Heritage days Heritage days committee um just a real quick brief about 10 months ago uh we we kind of brainstormed to come up with an idea of what to do with Heritage days we knew it needed to be uh Revisited revitalized more family orientated so the last about 10 months we've been going round and round uh we got some really good people on that committee and I hope they stick around we heard a ton of positive stuff about having it at the park um we uh we got some really dedicated people and and they don't all live in St Paul Park you got some spilling in The Cottage Grove and and they continue to come down and and help and I got to tell you until you really put the hours in to do something like this I wish I would have started counting in the beginning because I'm curious how many it is for everybody that was there but you know we got about a a dozen maybe solid people that keep coming two months or I'm sorry two meetings a month and we didn't know how it was going to work out it was a huge question mark what's going to happen how's everyone going to take it and I got to be honest with you it's like the job I do when I go to work every day you know you do stuff you're not sure if people really notice and uh but you work at it you work at it and then when that day comes you kind of stand back and you watch what happens and I was kind of Blown Away by just the response from the public so number one thank you uh to the city for helping out I know we've got all Public Works pleas and fire we've had multiple meetings even with the girls at City Hall helping out multiple meetings on what are we going to do and how are we going to uh get to where we got and you know mayor councel I mean everyone really came together and right here I'm just I'm so proud of these people you know we we had discussion time and time again you know and not everyone got along with what we should do or you know we didn't all agree on everything but I will tell you when we were up there that night it was crazy to watch these goofy people run around these bright colored shirts kind of hugging each other and patting each other on the back going you know God we did it you know so we've gotten some compliments and thank you we know we need to tweak some things we need we know we need to change some things we're going to have a post meeting um just with our group we're going to have it with the public we're going to have them with the city and just kind of go what went right what went wrong and what more can we add to this so we've used half of the park for everything that we've done um I'd love to fill that park with a whole bunch of stuff and we get a lot of comments you know we want the carnival back we want fireworks we know all them things but it's it it all costs time and money and we're working at it so um just a thanks to the citizens for coming out and supporting and and seeing what happened you know like I say we know we got to work on some stuff and we're going to so but thanks to everyone in all the different departments from the city that that we all just came together and it was really great to see so check out our Facebook page check out we've got a website now that you can go to SP Heritage days we're starting to put all kinds of pictures and the award winners and like the ouse races Mr Mayor you know about that um we got all kinds of stuff out there so go check it out and all the thank yous um we're hoping we're not going to miss anyone but we're going to try to put something bigger out there later too so thanks to the city and there's too many to list thank you Tony thank you appreciate it just go ahead and come up then sign address okay and then you can leave it over there for me so I it [Music] oh can't get my thing to come up all right then go ahead and state your name uh address and then we give you about two minutes oh maybe three Jean matter uh 1133 Marshall I guess I was just following up on that uh or questions about the parking on Broadway there um is there any ordinances that would help keep the streets clear at present so because it's a County Road the only thing that can get enforced on the county road unless the person's operating vehicle like driving it is State statutes and unless they're violating State statutes so speeding some type of parking violation need a city ordinance we don't have an ordinance right that that applies for a county road so because it is a County Road cities cannot control anything that happens oh okay so you couldn't say one hour parking yeah we can only we can only enforce State statutes okay so and and we drive by so unless viation well okay come winter then that that would be subject to no overnight parking then wouldn't that isn't that correct construction parking the county has their own for no winter parking on that we don't we don't enforce an ordinance like no overnight parking we don't enforce that on the county road because the county that problem it we only enforce the no winter parking on City roads so the ones that the city WS so if they nobody that get citations on Hastings if they Park on Hastings for like winter quote unquote winter B yeah because it's an ordinance does not apply to a county role and I guess I would say at this point at least around this issue like um we're doing the best that we can so sitting here and asking questions back and forth all night I'm not really going to do that um okay because feel free to email the chief um but we're looking at all the options and the legal options that we have you know things kind of roll uphill and downhill and when it comes to enforcement of codes or or parking signs or allowability we can't supersede County state but they can supersede you know what I mean it's a hierarchy so we're working to come to a resolution but um all that stuff can be followed up on an email with the chief oh okay well I just just I mean I take Hastings a lot and I do see cars parked overnight during the winter yeah we can enforce that oh okay which well it just surprises me then right no it's you know what I mean just like cities can't pass ordinances that overstep state law you know we it's a it's a hierarchy of law enforcement jurisdictional thing yeah so okay thanks otherwise we would just take control all this little cities would rise up all right seeing nothing further let's move on to the consent agenda item number three you're going to approve to pay some bills acknowledge receipt of the parks and recommission meetings proposal from bkv for some uh planning for the uh public Works uh we're going to appoint Natasha vas who has so graciously decided to volunteer for the parks and recck commission um and approve reimbursement to 922 Summit for some damage that was done during some Ro construction and that's it for the consent agenda this evening oh Mr mayor council member Swenson I move that we approve tonight's consent agenda I second motion a second any further discussion all in favor say I I I all opposed motion carries item number five reports from the council council member Swanson public works thank you Mr Mayor nothing new to report from Public Works our next meeting is set for September 3rd here at uh City Hall I believe a Tuesday at 5 o' that's all I have thank you council member swensson council member zenner is absent uh with approval and council member Conrad planning the last meeting was cancelled and the next meeting will be on September 9th thank you council member conr council member whre hemingson parks and rack um we had a movie night in the park on Thursday it was a success there was about 100 people there um thank you for basic needs and Woodberry 10 for the donating the popcorn um and all my part our my new part partner Natasha she was there um our next meeting is September 12th at 5:30 and our next event is Bunko September 20th at The Boondocks Bunko at The Boondocks at 7 o' on September 20th and all the funds that we raise will go to the the mural at vets park that's it thank you council member with bre hemingson council member Conrad Heritage days Heritage days wrapped up after a successful weekend a little bit of a rain Interruption with the parade but we actually stayed pretty pretty much on time even with that Interruption and uh I think it was very well attended up at Heritage Park I think that most of the events downtown here still went on um there was tractor pulls and mud r or not mud wrestling but wrestling and the mud volleyball downtown and uh I believe that they all went off well and uh the legion had some activities on Friday night and I know that was well attended uh all indications are that it was fairly successful weekend look forward to making it bigger and better next year thank you council member Conrad and I really have nothing to add to all of that so item number six Council comments and requests anybody have anything else this evening I do not nothing further before this Council this meetings adjourned e e