##VIDEO ID:i2phViOsw6M## Liv somewhere over there so that's what we want to do really is protect the place for the Next Generation hopefully they won't think y all boring so I think they will do something scandalous and then write a book about it right yeah thank you all right thank you sir anyone else have anything to say okay um anyone have a motion I'd make a motion to approve case number 24073 for local historic designation of the two unit residents at 102 20th Avenue I'll second roll call please member Hurley yes member dashel yes Vice chair Hawkin Smith yes chair Larry yes motion carries okay thank you all okay now we're moving on to 3G which is the local historic designation case number 24074 for the residents at 36 06 Casablanca Avenue we get the PowerPoint please okay this is moving North up to the Don cazar neighborhood this is the one of the two neighborhoods that we had surveyed during our most recent um historic resources survey that was earlier this year the applicant owner for this case is Daniel Elliot Nixon property address is 3606 cablanca Avenue and they requesting local historic designation of their single family residents so we just have the one photo of the structure from the 2004 uh sorry 2024 um historic resources survey his structure was determined to be a contributing resource to a as of now not um submitted National register historic district this was just a survey but we did prepare a Florida Master site file that is one of the minimum criteria for designation as a local resource and reaping some of the uh benefits that come with local designation so staff recommends approval of the local historic designation of this residential property it reflects the broad cultural economic and social history of the Don CeSar neighborhood and that of St Pete Beach and it has been designated as a contributing property in the Don cazar historic neighborhood and we recommend a motion to approve the caves okay anyone here to speak on this yes please come forward yeah David Nixon that picture Brandon the bugs really look bad in the grass it's historic your grass okay right just a cool house old house okay do there any any questions for Mr Nixon no that at all okay all right thank you sir all right so I noticed you added some verbiage Brandon because this one we had to do a little extra work on right but we've accomplished all those things by what you said correct so the city requires both local historic designation and either the structure being a contributing resource or Florida Master site file the city's already performed Florida Master side files for all of our contributing resources so this needed that additional step but it was completed excellent okay all right anyone have a motion on this I I'll make a motion move to approve local historic designation case number 24074 for designation of the single family residents at 3606 Casablanca Avenue I'll second that Madam clerk member Hurley yes member dashel yes Vice chair Hawkin Smith yes chair lari yes motion carries okay uh now we have 3H local historic designation case number 2475 for 3514 cablanca Avenue pull the PowerPoint this is case number 24075 3514 Casablanca Avenue applicant owners are Vincent and Rosaria tmania they're requesting local historic designation of a single family uh on level residence so just like the prior case uh this was included and picked up in our most recent historic rour survey of the Don CeSar and V Vista neighborhood it was noted as a contributing resource uh this is a photo from pre-storm but we did assess it after the storm and um there's there's no exterior elements that we feel are necessary to restore we do recommend approval of the designation of the residential property because it reflects the broad cultural economic and social history of the Donar neighborhood and that of St Pete Beach we're asking for the board's recommendation for local historic designation of this residence okay thank you anyone uh in the audience want to comment on this sir please state your name for the record um Vincent tmania I own the home with my wife there um when we bought this home I've been coming here since I've been a child and my cousins lived in 400 Pastor Grill I knew basically everybody in P girl you know from Orie Bush the Hurley I could tell you stories from years and years what went on and pit and it was just absolutely it was wonderful okay I remember Golf Boulevard being in one lane one way one lane the other way each like when you came to the Don CeSar area there was arches coming over that said Don CeSar Leo actually in in the streets I had pictures of all this stuff but in the inter term of the flood everything got destroyed so and it's really a shame you know because even the areas how they were named from Thomas Row in the Donar area those were all named after his favorite operas you know maritana Kaza Blanca all of them what you know it's there's a lot of history and I want to try and Preserve it the way it was and we have to try and stop these people that are trying to come in and take over and these corporations coming in and destroying our neighborhoods and this is the only way to keep it my next thing was to do is which we are considering it anyway is to have a bloodline trust where the house will never be sold and it will go down from generation to generation to generation I did have something like that in my will but it went out the window so I have to have that redone again but my house was one of the houses when I when in that area from that I know I even my cousin even went to school with the people who own my house I'm the second owner of that house and it would be a shame for that area to be D short at all I want to try and preserve it the best way possible thank you I think Casablanca is on a roll we might have a historic Street before this is all over so yes because actually if the people it's only me and one other person that's still the original people on that on my block but if the other ones were still alive oh my God you know my next door neighbor Catherine W you know who had her house built in 1950 you know and that house was you know 3512 and that house was built by her and she's the one who gave me all the pictures and it's just a shame that they're gone you know I had no think inkling that this was going to happen along with everything else you know and after being here 35 years I never believed that this was going to ever happen oh yeah the water used to come up a little bit and then go down again and stuff like that but never like this you know so but I want to try and work with to keep our area the way it was I remember there wasn't even a Bayway you know you have used to have to go all the way around to get to 34th Street you know it was really it was really nice that was a c sack you know before it was a Bayway thank you thank you informative anyone have any questions anyone have a motion um motion to approve local historic designation case 2475 for the single family Residence at 3514 cassablanca Avenue I'll second that motion roll call please member dashel yes member Hurley yes Vice chair Hawkins Smith yes chair Larry yes motion carries okay thank you uh now we go to 3i which is a little bit different we're doing a certificate of appropriateness for the restoration of in case number 2489 800 pass girl way which is the Seahorse restaurant so for all those who've just had the local Des historic designations perhaps we'll be seeing you again so uh in the near future so thank you all for coming down okay Brandon you want to go to the seahorse please yes so this is certificate of appropriateness for restoration I was going to say this is one of our most recent um local designations but I think it's 10th in line now with all the ones that were approved today so uh this is the Hollenbeck property at 800 passor Grill way the Seahorse restaurant they're requesting a certificate of appropriateness to restore the structure which is locally designated historic resource to pre-damage condition case number 2489 so um you'll have to forgive me for this the staff report was put together at the time that we sent out your packet um I have since spoken with the applicant so I've received a lot of the information that I had asked for in the staff report they're simply seeking a certificate of appropriateness to restore the structure to pre-storm condition uh the request will not include any new spaces any substitution of exterior elements I did um receive an email from the applicant this past weekend I just wanted to quickly go through the different elements of the structure um they noted the kitchen walls to be undamaged kitchen doors would be replaced with galvanized steel same as the original the outside dining and waiting areas would be the TRU decking that would be the same as original as well exterior walls of the dining area would be cedar siding I did clarify that that will be the cedar plank not the shake uh so it will match the uh the original double hung windows with vinyl Again original uh the entrance doors at the patio and East wall would be wood with glass lights that would be the same as original and the exit doors the back of the dining areas would be the same as original the galvanized steel and wood as the um one and the other it would be finished with tongue groove pine um the exception of the back wall of the dining room which I I wasn't able to determine if that was interior or not um that will be half drywall on top and tongue and groove on the bottom the lattice along the roof line that would be the same as original that was part of one of the improvements that was conducted back in the 90s I believe and would be pressure treated frame with wood um which is the original or vinyl and the plant planners on the outside of the windows at the dining area would be the same as the original pressure Trad pin so a lot of the questions I had in the staff report and a lot of the information that I was hoping to get from the applicant today they've provided to me over this past weekend I had requested five bits of information they answered some of these questions um the first is whether the rooftop mechanical equipment will remain at the same elevation in the general size this is the equipment mounted on the back of the building on the alleyway um are awnings to be replaced with the same color scheme I did speak to them before the meeting they are so that question's been answered they also stated that the seedar siding is to remain the plank instead of the shake um so that answers that question uh I don't believe they are proposing any color changes at all but I just wanted them them to speak to that on the record and whether they'll be using any kind of chemical treatment to be employed on the exterior features I do believe they're going to be mostly restoring so I don't believe that to be the case but that's one of the criteria that we need to look at in these cases so we're supporting the request as proposed um we would like to ensure that when um the application is made the applicant's contractor notice notes the product specifications with the schematics noting the color and the design of the restored elements if there's any deviation from the Florida Master site file which based on the email I received this weekend there doesn't appear to be um I just want them to note that when they make application and just asking that the mechanical equipment be restored effectively in the same location that is something that if we if there's additional equipment especially if it's mounted on the front of the building we're supposed to bring that forward for historic preservation Board review so we just want that um to to be noted on the record and we do request a motion to approve the certificate of appropriateness case 24089 subject to the two recommended staff conditions okay anybody want to come forward and speak about this I want to know what kind of are you going to still do the same plants in the planter box or you going to yes add some different flowers out there okay well I guess do you need them to answer those questions perhaps if you can about the color and things of that nature you going to change the color no any changes to the mechanical equipment location no okay I just wanted to make sure because it's part of our evaluation so and then I didn't see on here but the little decking on the corner where people could sit and wait is that going to be able to go back or that's addressed in this but is it I don't know that was noted in the email I think I might have left it out of here but it it was addressed so yes well it became a raft didn't [Laughter] it okay anybody have any questions anyone all right any changes to the menu just the just the price all right no okay and we have a motion I'll motion to approve the certificate of appropriateness for case number 2489 subject to the two recommended staff conditions I'll second Adam Clark roll call please member dashel yes member lari I'm sorry member Hurley yes uh Vice chair Hawkin Smith yes chair lari yes motion carries and on another note or similar note are we tonight there's a commission meeting right is that issue going to be on there about uh yes yes the emergency ordinance that the board recommended at the last meeting will be on for you all know about that right we talked about that last time so that's for uh just just to summarize this we we actually are making very good time so yeah um this was reviewed by the historic preservation board at their last meeting and currently the city has a FEMA variance process for any of the locally designated structures as long as it's not going to alter the historic character of the structure you're eligible to make application it does go through a um hearing process so it can be a little a little um timec consuming it takes a few months to get those cases moved forward we do have to notice for them however um should the damage be only interior or should it be one for one Restoration in the case of the seahorse for example um we are requesting the ability to allow for those type of not variances but wavers administratively to the substantial Improvement rule so any structure on the historic registry that was designated while the um board was a CLG would be eligible for that any structure from prior to that date 2005 I believe would need to be re-registered but that would be available to any structure designated after that so so that means at tonight's meeting if they approve this emergency hearing it'll save you time significantly if it meets the qualifications that Brandon said which can't say in advance but uh uh for a lot of you folks that are probably going to take that next step to try to get the theme of variance It Could It could wind up saving me some some time so hopefully the the commission will do that this evening and we'll have that answer tomorrow on that thank you Brandon all right now we're going to action item 3j the certificate of appropriateness for demolition uh case number 24076 for the home located 1307 passeng away can pull the PowerPoint this is our last case case number 24076 as mentioned for certificate of appropriateness for demolition of 1307 passor girl away um Ben Freeman on behalf of Judith H Preston trust is requesting a certificate of appropriateness to demolish the contributing single family residential structure so here are some photographs of the property these were taken uh recently after the storm of course and these accompanies some other photographs that were submitted by the applicant that were included in your packet these were taken by staff so staff did not find um any reason impose a stay as was mentioned by the board at the preceding meeting uh we do request that you motion to approve the certificate of appropriateness to allow for demolition in case 2476 anybody here to speak on this okay well as we all know you know we have no authority over the demolition the photographs seem to indicate and of course the application itself talks about it wasn't feasible to try to save this home which is a shame it's a beautiful house and I hate to see these i' much rather have people come in to uh you get historically designated if they can do that but uh under the circumstances um I understand the issues here I think we all do so in that regard I will make a motion for certificate of appropriate for the demolition of 1307 passing girl away which is case number 24076 and it would be noted that we are not requesting any kind of 30day delay I'll second that motion Madam uh clerk roll call please member dashel yes member Hurley yes Vice chair Hawkins Smith yes chair Larry yes motion carries I would make a comment that doesn't alter that approval at all but just so that everyone's aware that we do review any new construction that's proposed for a site within the geographic boundary of this historic district so it's going to be demoed but anything that's going to be built is going to come back here for review again correct correct okay um I think that actually wraps up our meeting if no one else has any other comments uh our next meeting is December 5th hand up pardon me there's a hand up oh yes I just wanted to ask about the doctor Hotel what do they uh ever do anything with that as far asor not that I'm aware of Brandon you anything in the hopper there or anything nothing that I'm aware of no yeah I know that St was made from Mar you know the used to stay there okay yeah and public is is where they the field you know it's a lot of history well maybe we can get Marilyn in here somehow if I run around with the rap stay that's why the room upstairs was made the small room was their playroom and the big Ballroom was when they party at night up there interesting Co but they had the staircase made now someone should write a book about that yeah and they had all the pictures going up the wall you know if you would go up those stairs to the ballroom and I you know I just was wondering if they were putting it as historical because it should be you know well I think there's still a lot of things are going to happen here I was just going to ask you Brandon you know how many cases we have for December 5th I mean we're going to have a lot or is this going to be the main or do you even know right we we have at least seven cases I it it might might be eight and then we have a few design reviews um we decided not put any other major items on the agenda I know we have the workshop coming up in January but we'll probably move those items to the January meeting very good and do we need I know that we're kind of finished we didn't really set this for discussion items but do we need to talk about getting another date two weeks after the 5ifth or what do you think about that so as of right now with the exception of one case I believe we it slowed down a little bit um we I believe we're going to be getting most of the cases on for the December 5th meeting so I don't see a need to schedule one right now okay um um so all right well in the next week or see something pops up then email us and let us know you want to add one I had a question cons uh about City owned building the the old shuffle board or Old City Hall that was on the 10th Avenue Park mhm is there any word on what may happen with it I saw somebody working on it today doing something there where they were just not I think they were trying to collect some of the shuffle board equipment okay that's what it was and they're cleaning up their cleaning up shuffleboard court so they can be used interesting in looking at it looked like initially it might have been open air because you can see like the cross beams it maybe it look like it was not walled in at first is now yeah yeah it was back to the original look yeah so I'll try to find out and get back with you on that appreciate that thank you yeah that'd be great okay anything else I would just like to thank Brandon and Kristen who have been absolutely incredible during all of this and I know you guys were really thrown into it and you do so much anyway and also Lynn and everybody for that matter everybody has just you've been wonderful and there's people in the community that have said what wonderful resources you've been and how helpful and kind and it's great that people in the community have you all to go to to ask questions and get feedback and a professional opinion and also a personal one as far as just offering your kindness and compassion and so thank you for that thank very much and yeah I'd also point out I think we did this is probably as many historic designations we do in a year isn't it or maybe a little bit more I think so I think between this meeting and next meeting we'll be at more than I had going back to 2018 when I started here so it's quite it feel okay so those people out there get yourself designated even someday you might need that okay uh all right anything else all right adjourned thank you Brandon for