e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e March 18th 2:30 in the afternoon planning board meeting meting of the city of St Pete Beach um please uh everybody first uh raise for rise for the pledge of allegiance toag of the United States of America and to the stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all roll call please member sea here Vice chair deert here member hubard here member consol here chair primer here we have a quorum okay uh for the regular meeting uh do we have a motion for the approval of the agenda I move to approve the agenda as is second we have a second second Vice chair deert yes member hubard yes member consol yes member yes CH prer yes motion carries very good um at this time we will accept audience comments for anything not related to what's on the agenda for today I do have a card from John kman I think he's upstairs so it might take him a minute to come down oh come on he's right here okay I would start the clock I would start the clock now zoom in for please then you zoom in can you start the clock no the clock started uh John kurman um these are General comments the comprehensive plan is not easily changed uh the map is set in the comprehensive plan it defines what a large district is and it has preset uh lots and these and it's based on the larger size and depth of those lots I'm hope you can remember that in all the things that you do in the future Mr chair Mr CH I believe that Mr kurman can you stop the clock is getting too close to talking about the items that are on the agenda he's clearly focusing in on things that are going to be talked about in a large resort District he knows this uh I'd prefer that you not do this I'm re claiming my time I'll I'll skip ahead but this is in general that there's many things in the comprehensive plan that I think it's important to remind the planning board in general about the comprehensive plan because these are things that the public does not have time to discuss in general when they get into meetings on particular matters because the public has only 3 minutes to discuss specifics of a matter unique uh so in general uh it's important to refresh in general this I'm only citing the actual statutes and you've taken away my time to do so and I I really object to that uh but you know metrics such as mixed use are very important to consider because those are per lot discussions of how much residential how much um you know temporary use is ever in use in a mixed lot uh the comprehensive plan has things about beach access per lot um that any that construction must start on a lot within a year for that lot when they get a building Mission could start once again Mr kurman this is in general this is not in general i' I'd ask that the board members disregard everything he's saying it's not part of the record that you're going to be considering absolutely not it's not part of the record I'm talking in general and you're interrupting me on General comments of course I'm interrupt you I'm the attorney I'm supposed to you're you're getting very close to talking about exactly what's on that's horrible that you think so because I'm talking in general about laws and if you think that you have applicants that are getting close to these laws that would be a horrible thing for you to blame them for this is why I have advised you since you are a public official on a committee of the city to not be a community advocate I'm not Community advocating here I'm telling you about concerns I have in general law and I'm trying to State some general laws and you're ear Op with me and I'm reclaiming my time to Simply say that there's some general laws in our in our books and I'm trying to talk about these general laws and and and and and these are just general laws that we have is not an attorney he doesn't need to give you advice on the general law I'm not I'm not giving any advice I'm simply reminding them of some general laws and calling out some general laws and purely the general laws these are just general laws 4.11 and when do we get to to give our public input of 411 and 4.1 okay I mean this is just very simple stuff and statistics and and Common Sense should be allowed and and I I'm very upset that I'm not allowed to even give public input as a as a general citizen the reason why I've I've interrupted you is because the subject matter don't don't try to have a dialogue with me but I'm putting this on the record the subject matter that you're discussing has is very gerine to the items that this board is going to be hearing on the agenda you know that and just by saying in general in general I'm just showing you this you're not getting around you're you're playing games with the agenda stop do it's very disappointing then you think that they that they that those are very Germaine to this because why would according the law be a problem okay sure he was just speaking of it to me that's thought thank you thank you very much thank you thank you any other comments not relating to the what's on the agenda today I don't have any very good thank you um that brings us to action items yes um if I could Mr chair just to start this off please approval of minutes oh I'm sorry approval of minutes oh sorry is that where we are approval of minutes oh yeah you sure my B that's okay uh do I have a motion for the approval of minutes from the I moved to approve the minutes from the uh December 18th meeting second okay roll call please member hubard yes member conso yes member sea yes Vice chair damper yes chair primer yes motion cares very good great thank you so just just to tee it up for you a little bit here um today your um part of your powers and duties is to act as the local planning agency so you're being acting in the capacity as the local planning agency under Florida statute 163 3174 every local government has to appoint uh some as being the local planning agency and the planning board is it for the city of St Pete Beach you have two items that are on the agenda um they are going to be voted on separately but they're considered companion items because one relates to the other therefore there's going to be one presentation for both um you don't have to hear duplicates of everything um so it is a quasi judicial hearing um which means that the folks that are going to be testifying here today we'll do so under oath and in a second I'll ask the clerk to uh swear in anyone who's going to testify in front of you um also you're going to we're going to have to go down the line here and everyone's going to have to do what's called a ex party disclosure any any conversations you may have had any independent research you may have done any meetings you may have had uh regarding this item outside of this forum the law says that if you disclose it uh it essentially cures any potential Prejudice it might have against one of the parties so we'll be doing that so the process however is is very simple staff is going to go first they're going to give you their uh their staff report any recommendations uh conditions things like that answer any questions you might have then the applicant is here and they have several experts um they'll put on their case in Chief and then after that it would be you would open open it up for the public hearing for the public comment part then when that's finished you close that and typically you want to allow the applicant a little time to address things that may have come up uh during that process you can also by the way ask questions of them if you like during what during their presentation um but give them some time uh you know after the public comment to be able to have time for rebuttal uh of that and then after that you would go into board deliberations okay all right very good we need to I would do the I would do the EXP party disclosure adjourn and and yeah you probably should do that we need uh I hereby uh adjourn the planning board and we will reconvene as the local planning agency great thank you there we go and then I think right now if everyone could just go along and disclose any exp party Communications or research that you may have done on this item I'll start um I I did drive by the um the property this weekend I didn't spend time on it but just drove by it and was kind of looking at some overall General Aesthetics um and have obviously gotten letters that we got through the city and that from uh Community people in the community uh I have well aware of the property um I've been here for since 85 um I have received letters I've not been on the property since uh I received letters through the through the city and reviewed those letters um um there was a um uh lobbyist uh Robin Miller who I have after been here on the beach for many many years and done other things I know of her and uh but I've never discussed any anything with her on this okay okay um I too have been the property uh walking by it almost a daily basis to get a streets View and also the sand view of the property I also did some cursory research on 1754 properties uh just to know who were we're going to be partnering with possibly on this project other than that I have no other disclosures we had very general conversations with a few residents about the property I've observed the property I also went through the trade ones with website to learn more about the property from a guest perspective that should be all all of it thank you um I've read all the public emails that were sent to me from the city I've uh I've not received any emails text messages from anyone any residents or anyone else um I've had two conversations with neighbors and I'm in the last week I've extensively walked through the tra winds both from the sidewalk throughout all the buildings uh looking at you know potential be Beach accesses all along the back of the property and that's that's been it okay very good thank you Mr Sher okay very good so at this point uh I guess we would have uh Brandon Barry uh to talk about the staff report S I can swear in who's ever going to speak okay please would anybody who's going to be speaking to the board or presenting please stand and raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that the information or factual representation that you are about to give is truthful thank you very good thank you Mr Barry good afternoon Brandon Barry city planner this is conditional use case number 23033 associated with resolution 2023 27 it's for the tradewins resort the applicant is requesting a new large-scale lodging development with rooftop dining drinking and music areas the properties are 5600 5700 5750 5800 59 6,000 Gulf Boulevard the owner and applicant information's pretty extensive so let me me read that leas Batel Esquire care of Sterns Weaver for 5500 to 5600 Golf Boulevard IG LLC 5700 Golf Boulevard BR LLC 5750 GF Boulevard CR LLC Reef Resort Condominium Association Incorporated and 6000 Gulf Boulevard SP LLC this is the two-part request is amended this is addressed more extensively in the request that's in your staff report but the summary is that the applicant is seeking to permit Construction ction of a four-phase temporary lodging Redevelopment that will increase site unit count to 1596 units and include development of new meeting retail restaurant and office space along with outdoor accessory spaces and amenities that will exceed 30 units per acre and 50 ft in height that request is made pursuant to Land Development code section 35.3 B1 they're also requesting to permit two rooftop dining and drinking amenities that include the playing of outdoor music that request is made pursuant to Land Development code section 35.4 B Brandon can I interrupt you for one moment um Madam Deputy clerk could you read the resolution into the record please I can thank you a resolution of the city Commission of the city of St Pete Beach Florida approving a conditional use permit pursuant to sections 35.3 B1 and 354b of the Land Development code to allow the construction of a four-phase temporary lodging Redevelopment that will include 1596 total temporary lodging units or 63.8 units per buildable acre of which 629 units are additional above existing 5,895 Square ft of meeting space of which 14,33 Square ft is additional above existing 79,2 sare ft of retail and restaurant space of which 42 2,964 ft is additional above existing 31,1 5 Square ft of office space of which 10,486 ft² is additional above existing and develop new lodging accessory and amenity structures containing the aformentioned units accessory spaces and amenities as well as outdoor amenities and parking garages that will extend up to 116 ft in height above base flood elevation BFE to the roof line and 128 ft in height above BFE when including rooftop amenities or decorative features and permit two rooftop dining and drinking amenities that includes the playing of outdoor music to Parcels number 06 3216 00230 0300 06 3216 00 00230 020 0 0 1321 15 00 1 1 0600 0 13215 000000 0 1 1 0 0610 01 32151 18142 000000 000000 0 0 1 3215 184 18142 0000 00001 01 3215 00000000 1 1 0 0500 and 01 3215 000000 1 1 0400 with addresses of 5600 5700 5750 5800 59 6,000 Gulf Boulevard incorporating the conditions outlined herein and providing for correction of scrier error and an effective date impressive thank you so just a brief overview of the timeline for this application uh the applicant held the first step of this process in July of 2022 which was a community meeting June 27th the applicant made complete the first part of this request for the lodging development August 2nd was technical Review Committee for that request that was an internal staff meeting September 22nd the applicant resubmitted um application forms associated with the technical Review Committee which included the addition of the request number two for the rooftop dining drinking and music that item went to the technical Review Committee on December 8th um there was noticing conducted throughout the month of February that included notices to Property Owners within 500 ft the legal ad posting for both the conditional use permit and the development agreement and assigned posting on the site um of course the case was continued at the March 4th meeting and tonight is the hearing for the the first hearing for these two requests here's a listing of exhibits I just briefly wanted to cover what a conditional use permit um is what it entails based on the definition in Land Development code division 2 conditional use permit is any use that has operational physical or other characteristics that may be different from those of the predominant permitted uses in a zoning District but which is a use that complements or may otherwise be compatible with the intended overall development within a district provided that specified standards are met in division four which is the conditional use permit division the purpose and intent C certain uses are conditional rather than uses by right they are subject to the conditional use regulations because they may but do not necessarily have significant adverse effects on the environment Public Services the desired character of an area or they may create nuisances a review of these uses is necessary due to the impact they may have on the surrounding area or neighborhood the conditional use review provides an opportunity to allow the use when there are minimal impacts to allow the use but impose mitigation measures to address identified concerns or to deny the use if the concerns cannot be resolved here's an aerial map of the property it comprises all the property on the west side of Gulf Boulevard North of the C Mark condominium and south of the Hilton Garden Inn uh that's 5396 and 6100 GF Boulevard the property and between those two comprises the subject property so the first part of the request is I mentioned is to develop a large scale Resort development the applicants proposing for this development to proceed through four phases I I'm sure they have a more extensive um overview than what I'm going to provide but I just wanted to give you a basic very highle overview of what this request would entail if it were to be improved in Phase One this is the southern side of the site where the existing tradewins Island Grand is currently located they are proposing a new 12-story guest Tower this would out 154 lodging units to the site this would also include a new six-story parking garage a new twostory beach for restaurant at the southwest side of the site and new outdoor pool and guest amenities phase two would include a new 11 story guest Tower this would increase site density by 240 lodging units there are I believe 261 units within the hotel itself they would be demolishing 21 units that are currently on the site it includes new uh five and seven story parking garages new meeting retail restaurant office and bar space new Frontage retail and new outdoor pool and guest amenities phase three would be a new 12-story guest Tower this would add 235 lodging units to the site a new four-story parking garage new Frontage retail new outdoor pool and guest amenities and finally phase four um is much less significant a new office and Lobby building uh this would be between the Alden and the Rumfish development and new outdoor guest amenities they would not be developing any new lodging units or parking garages through this phase looking at request number two again this is for the rooftop dining drinking and music the applicant is proposing two areas to contain dining drinking and music on the rooftop the first is in Phase One the mentioned um beach bar at the southwest corner of the site they are proposing it on the second level I have a rendering in a second that I can I can show you show where exactly this is is and then in phase two on the rooftop of the phase 2 Hotel they are proposing um space for rooftop dining and drinking and music as well and you can see this is a view from the back of the site taken um taken from the beach um where these locations would be in the bottom right hand corner of the slide you can see the rooftop um restaurant where they would be offering rooftop dining drinking and music and then on the top left of the slide is the rooftop um they would they were proposing that there as well so staff is responded extensively to the criteria in your staff report we find that generally the applicant has supplied adequate support for 17 out of the 20 conditional use permit criteria and partial support for the remaining three staff finds the request to be otherwise consistent with the comprehensive plan and the conditional use permit criteria staff requests applicant testimony addressing the partially support reported three criteria if the applicant provides adequate testimony to the finding of the planning board staff recommends approval with conditions I just want to briefly go through those three criteria that we're seeking additional support for the first is Land Development code section 4.4 A3 this is abbreviated truncated uh to the portion that we wanted additional testimony for whether the transportation system is capable of adequately supporting the proposed use in addition to the existing uses in the area as it relates to the conditional use permit uh the city's Transportation consultant who is present they are available to speak to this as well has provided two general and two corrective comments to the applicant's transportation engineer pertaining to project traffic assignment volumes and intersection geometry the applicant should address whether these comments will be addressed in a future study revision 4.4 A6 whether the applicant has demonstrated the technical capacity to complete any improvements in ation necessitated by the development as proposed staff had originally provided a much more extensive write up for this than what was published with this packet the applicant has recently provided information on their project management firm and their management firm's experience in projects of this General size quality level and complexity I did find that what they provided for this group uh to be sufficient to show that they have had experience with developments of the complexity that they are proposing under this scope however I would like the applicant to address the involvement of the management firm in carrying out the project given that it is going to be an extensive long-term project if it's approved and finally Land Development code section 4.12 A4 any aesthetic or architectural features of the development including specifically the provision and maintenance of gulf and Bay views and Vistas the applicant is proposing to assemble five developments under the scope of this request um a portion of this subject site had previously been approved to be consolidated was only up to the just south of the uh Alden back in 2017 when that was approved this does include both the Alden and the Rumfish developments St P beach has no explicit internal viewshed requirements for property consolidation and the applicant is compliant with the side setbacks for new development they're not asking for any variances under this scope however practically the site is significantly reducing pedestrian scale views of the beach the Southern and Center areas and I did want to show where those locations are there are current ly two large open areas on the site just south of the coral reef toward the middle of the site and on the very southern end south of the Trade Winds Island Grand I did want to mention that the coral reef area that is currently open up until the mid-2010s did contain a building in it it's only that southern side that's been open there has historically been other development on the southern side of the site as well but the coral reef area specifically was open and or sorry was um blocked by buildings until the mid-2010s and this just shows the location of new development Hotel one would be on the very southern end of the site there is a TW sorry a 30-foot area at the southern property line that does remain open that is a required minimum standard for setback and also for buffer the applicant is is meeting that standard and then Hotel 3 would be in that Center coral reef area I did want to speak about some of the benefits that the applicant is providing that would increase public beach access um they are proposing three beach access points across the light of the development two of them will be provided in phase one uh they are have agreed to um provide a beach walk at the rear of the site just past the Coastal Construction Control line landward of the dunes should the fdp and the city approve such a development and they're also providing a 15ft mean high water line easen down along the wet sand line on on the dry land side of the wet sand line uh you've seen this before in other development proposals as well they're also proposing a public rooftop view deck on the roof of uh the hotel 2 um the applicant has supplied some information pertaining to that we have it requested additional information I believe they have some drone shots and other information they can share on this during their presentation as I mentioned uh they are proposing multiple um facilities and easements that would increase public beach access through their the site um the deck will be open to the public and staff has recommended a condition to ensure that it will be preserved reserved as non-commercial space the applicant should address the deck proposal including any other examples where such a concept has been implemented I did want to briefly go through the recommended conditions I'm going to briefly skip the first condition because it relates to the development agreement I'll pick that back up but starting with the rooftop dining and drinking and music uh conditions staff is recommending that um they only be permitted on the phase 1 beachfront restaurant and the phase 2 Hotel rooftop except for amend Amendment of the condition use permit if any other rooftop area were to be used for dining drinking or music it would need to return for for further approval all rooftop equipment shall be permanent there shall not be any visiting musician equipment permitted applicant must allow noise tests before operating limit decible levels of the property line to be equivalent with the ambient readings and provide a sound governor with lock box accessible only by management the applicant shall install a treated glass barrier along the southern side of the phase 1 beachfront restaurant second floor that's to block any kind of sound spill over to the C mark from from any kind of guest um noise moving on to administrative project review requirements the applicant shall prepare a covenant to ensure that the entire subject property is Unified under one zoning lot all required features for this development shall be maintained for all buildings and spaces within the development there are several features that the applicant needs to based on code requirements or based on other conditional use permit requirements that would need to be maintained for the whole development we would just like to ensure that that's insured through the future the financial capacity findings pertain only to the subject applicant and Affiliates the applicant shall perform a preconstruction assessment of C Mark and provide scent scrubbers at The Phase One Restaurant this have been committed to in the past by the applicant all construction staging shall be on the subject property no staging from the uh the RightWay or from other subject properties off site the applicant shall be responsible for modifying their hurricane evacuation plan to require evacuation after a hurricane watch currently it's required at the warning stage for the development operational and design requirements the rooftop view of terrorist again that's in phase two shall be open sunrise to sunset available free of charge to the public and prominently located for visitors all new hotels and restaurants under this approval shall be developed to maintain as four Diamond quality or higher I didn't want to mention that the applicant does have requested modifications to some of these conditions number 12 is one of the ones that they're requesting a modification to specifically for the rating of the restaurants uh condition 13 the applicant shall comply with relevant design site layout and operational requirements of the community redevelopment District at an appropriate stage site and building plan shall be substantially similar to the plans approved by the city commission except for any explicit conditions to the contrary that require modifications of the plans rendering shall be prepared and submitted with a site plan that are substantially similar to the ones with the city commission with any deviations noted so this is more instead of the plans themselves looking at the renderings resident discount program shall be offered all unloading to the island gr and Breen Ridge Development shall take place on site by completion of the phase one parking garage I understand the applicant is proposing to construct the parking garage for phase one prior to the actual Hotel so we're asking for the unloading to be moved on site for those developments at that time propertywide we would like all un loading to uh be on site by completion of phase two there will be quite a few additional um truck uh unloading spaces provided on site at the end of phase two all delivery shall be between 12 uh 7:30 a.m. and 10 p.m. no new Beach recreational amenities shall be introduced sew to the Coastal Construction Control Line This is specifically permanent amenities things like slid stages other large elements um this would not include any kind of temporary um special event offerings phase one pool and deck area shall close to guest at Sun said this is another item that I understand the applicant is requesting a a longer length of time for that and we have spoken with and agreed with them on their uh recommended amendments condition 21 referring to Landscaping the landscape plan shall be submitted during phase one site plan permitting and demonstrate full compliance with the city Min City's minimum Green Space standards at least 50% of the trees and Palms by count and ground covers by square footage per phase shall be Florida friendly required buffer Landscaping shall be at least 50% Florida native or recommended species the applicant shall maintain connection to the public reclaim water system for irrigation and such usage shall be metered pressure regulation and leak detection shall be utilized this had been recommended by the board for a previous conditional use permit so we did carry it forward to this one looking at side improvements all pedestrian frontage road crossing shall be raised to promote pedestrian priority pedestrian access across the Dune shall be by walkover only if the phase one walkover that functions as a tri fir truck turnaround is not permitted by the FTE the applicant shall accommodate a turnaround landward the Coastal Construction Control line that would be on the site it may require the relocation of some amenities the applicant shall make all non-conforming signage that has not received a variance complying with their code requirement by phase the applicant shall stall maintain trash cans along the beach access walkways all pedestrian Pathways surface parking spaces and paved non-structural surfaces shall be permitted or semi shall be permeable or semi-permeable and maintained as such and a dedicated path shall be installed from hotel one to the Gulf Boulevard sidewalk that is specifically for pedestrians all garages shall be adequately screen with landscaping or architectural elements to make their purpose not barely apparent that is a code requirement I understand the applicant has additional renderings or elevations to share pertaining to that condition 32 the applicant shall provide at least one dedicated ride chair and circulator parking spot for hotel one and three and two for hotel two they will need to be in a certain distance of the front of the hotel the applicant shall install a canopy tree for each 200 squ ft of separately landscaped area of surface parking lot remaining on the site by phase in phase four the applicant is proposing to retain some surface parking for the Alden for the rum fish we would like to ensure that the remaining Landscaping areas are well vegetated they provide shade for the for the surface parking almost at the end the Green Building requirements the applicant shall aeve Florida green lodging program Three Palms and Lead silver for each new hotel building Florida green lodging program certification shall be maintained as a precondition for any subsequent phase of the Project Lead is a development standard it is one that once it's obtained for the development it's retained throughout the life of the building Florida green lodging program is required to be recertified every 3 years staff wants to ensure that that that standard is maintained throughout the life of the development the applicant shall achieve a 40% water reduction below Federal Baseline for plumbing fixtures in each new building I understand from the applicant they are requesting 35% that is the minimum to meet the lead silver certification so they would be able to maintain lead silver um with with a 35% reduction there shall be no net cubic surface area increase of outdoor accessory or ornamental water features sitewide uh the applicant is significantly redeveloping some of their existing outdoor water features we just want to ensure that there's no outdoor increase of features that aren't essential to the development itself and the applicant shall install grein roofs or utilize another rooftop technique like cool roofs shown to reduce the heat island effect on any new building roof area not maintained as customer or maintenance space and finally uh General conditions these are assigned to any conditional use permit any violation of any condition will allow the city commission to resend or modify the conditional use permit and the city commission may review the conditional use permit periodically to ensure the order is compliance with terms of the approval I wanted to go back to the very first condition I hadn't covered yet um that approval of this conditional use permit is contingent on the passage of the companion development agreement that's agenda item 4B on your agenda violation of any term of the development agreement is considered a violation of this conditional use permit I wanted to talk just briefly I do have a separate presentation for the development agreement um we do have experts with the city or Transportation fire and Public Works experts who I would like to speak if the if the board would like any comments on the conditional use permit itself but I just I did just want to give a a basic intro to the development agreement these are authorized by both Florida Statutes and the land develop velopment code uh we have a whole division that deals with development agreements and in most cases not always but but typically development Agreements are utilized for very large complex Andor long-term projects that require significant investment in Capital Improvements significant decisions about land planning or financing and where long-term commitment to comprehensive planning principles can be or is desired to be maintained development agreements with specified um exceptions to this they will be covered in the development agreement when we get to that stage they effectively freeze in place a lot of the standards that are in place at the time that they're approved so despite the fact that this would be a 20 year development um or at least the applicant is is seeking approval to have this available for up to 20 years a lot of the standards the level of service standards and other things that are crucial to evaluation for the development would be the ones that are in place under the current Land Development code or comprehensive plan and I'll talk about that a little a little bit more in a bit um an example of this is that under a condition conditional use permit typically construction must start and be continuously maintained within 12 months um so once it begins within 12 months of the development order being approved it needs to be maintained throughout the the uh the process that follows the applicant is requesting this Project's development to span up to 20 years so obviously if if approved it would not occur within that time frame um the conditions in the de development agreement are different from the conditional use permit there is an overlap I did want to just give a little bit of a background on how staff split up the conditions based on which document they're in like the City attorney mentioned at the beginning of this hearing they are essential to one another there are conditions that are in the development agreement that staff fins are essential to the approval of the conditional use permit should it be approved or should there be a recommendation for approval within the conditional use permit were conditions related to administrative Document Preparation again talking about the Covenant any updates to the hurricane evacuation plan conditions like that were included in the conditional use permit resolution anything related to site planning items that the applicant needs to show on the site plan demonstration through renderings through building plans those were all included in the conditional use permit any kind of operational commitments related to um going onto the quality standards any quality standards for the development anything for the Landscaping those were all covered through conditional or conditions in the conditional use permit in the development agreement there were items related to Performance standards items related to concurrency portable water um Solid Waste sewer and so on any kind of private improvements that were being made specifically anything that was phased or that was required to be provided in Phase One or an earlier phase uh these are things like the dunes any kind anything related to the internal roadway any kind of public improvements walks to or along the beach any things dealing with the sidewalk safety improvements those are all contained within the development agreement impact fees and multimodal commitments are also included in the development agreement specifically for impact fees the city only has a decade to spend impact fees this is potentially a 20-year project if it is approved so we would want the impact fees to be phased in by phase of the development I'll talk a little bit more about that in a moment and then anything dealing with marine turtle compliance for the development is also found in the development agreement men like I mentioned before uh the conditional use permanent development agreement under review are considered companion items approval of one was drafted by staff to be approved contingent on the approval of the other they do need to go together the scope of requirements covered under the development agreement should be addressed under that item for 4B on your agenda so upon successful resolution of the three conditional use permit criteria for which staff found partial support staff recommends a motion to approve resolution 2023 to the city commission with staff conditions contingent upon recommendation of approval for the companion development agreement like I mentioned I have a separate presentation for the development agreement we do have other staff experts present if you have any immediate questions for me about the presentation I'd be happy to answer them if you'd rather hear from the other staff experts and then the applicant prior to asking questions I'd be happy to do so um I did have a second presentation I'd like to move on to for the development agreement if there's nothing that you have specifically on what we just covered or from any of our experts anyone okay proceed please okay so moving on to the development agreement this would be a development agreement between the city and tradewins SPV developer LLC it's an agreement to implement the development activities and Associated public and private improvements concept pled in the development of conditional use permit 23033 if approved this project is proposed to proceed across four distinct phases with the increased density occurring across the first three phases each phase is expected to be developed over approximately 5 years due to existing conditions some improvements and benefits will occur sitewide in the first phase and others will be introduced by phase due to project complexity and time to complete staff and the applicant have negotiated a potential development agreement for consideration so I wanted to cover these are different sections within the development agreement but I wanted to partition out this is specifically commitments from the developer this is section three of the development agreement the first item is the beach accesses um phase one will introduce two beach access points through private property the first will be a permanent 20 foot wide access on the southern side of the site this abuts the cart condominium the second will be a temporary access it's not laid out the applicant may have more information on where they expect it to be but this would be more toward the the middle of the site it would be temporary but it would be provided in Phase One in phase three that beach access would be made permanent it ranges between 10 and 20 feet wide and finally in phase four the beach access on the very Northern side this is on the Northern side of the Rumfish development would be 10 ft wide the requirement in the development agreement is that all Beach accesses with Eastman must be provided within 30 days of certificate of occupancy for the corresponding phase the one exception to that would be the temporary easement through the center of the site that would be permanently recorded in phase three uh section three items B through 3E um starting with the mean high water line eement This is the landward side of the mean high water line anything of course seaword is is uh public already the applicant has agreed to provide a 15ot mean High waterline easen in Phase One This would run the entire length of the development in Phase One 3C uh pertains to the sidewalk the applicant is proposing to provide a 10-ft sidewalk by phase there are triggers in the development agreement that should the applicant for example complete phase one and choose to not move forward with later phases of the development they would eventually need to provide the entire sidewalk despite the fact that later phases are not complete if they are completed within a certain time frame it would proceed by phase 3D um would be for the beachwalk this would be provided entirely in the phase at which the city received approval to proceed on that development they have agreed to fund the Beach Walk for their portion minus any grants that the city may receive they would be eligible for a proportion of those grants otherwise it would be funded by the applicant it would be provided entirely in the phase at which it's approved if it is approved to move forward and finally the internal roadway this is a private Improvement that runs along the front of the site it connects all of the developments within the site by phase this would be constructed by phase as as drafted moving on to some of the other items storm water storm water improvements would be considered and installed by phase again just like with the sidewalk there are triggers that if later phases of the site do not develop the entire site would need to be made compliant with the city's current storm water ordinance related to Mobility improvements 3G the developer will contribute $125,000 per year for 10 years so one one and a qu million dollar over over the 10-year period above impact fees towards City Mobility Services or programs the applicant is still required to provide and pay for impact fees U minus any deductions that they're eligible for under the County's code but that one point uh one and a quar million would be separate from the impact fees and that would be used toward Mobility Services or programs the Gulf Boulevard safety study the city is currently in the process of um and we actually have a meeting uh coming up in in a week or two for the Gulf Boulevard safety study anything that's recommended in that study that's in front of the Developers front uh applicants Frontage would need to be provided um if it's a short or midterm solution for Dune restoration uh it would be required behind the Breen Ridge coral reef and Alden and any other altered property and that would be in Phase One and marine turtle compliance the entire property new and existing must be made compliant with new development standards for beach front lighting standard by completion of phase one that would be the the more involved standard of the city state and penelo's County codes the entire development whether it's new or existing we need to be made compliant looking at the proposed commitments by the city this is section four of the development agreement uh the site plan shall be submitted within one year of conditional use permit approval that would be for the first phase specifically they would need to submit that site plan uh continual construction would not be required again this would be developed over a 20-year period there would be breaks between each phase of construction so continual construction would not apply like it would with a typical conditional use permit uh the request would be to keep the conditional use permit valid for the duration of the development agreement phases three and four beach access are recognized as additional to the minimum requirement this is one this is considered one Consolidated zoning lot the development is considered one development if the Covenant is approved the applicant is just looking for recognition that the phase three and four beach access are additional to the minimum requirement they would still be providing them they're not asking for any kind of a waiver it's just a recognition uh the 4E relates to the text on the front of the meeting space in phase two if you looked at the renderings that's the St Pete Beach text it is recognized based on the city's current artwork definition as artwork the art may be changed to other artwork if approved by the city and not be considered signage the applicant would not have the option to change that to a commercial message but it could specifically be changed to a mural something that is not commercial in scope that is what that that item is addressing and finally the city will use goodfaith efforts to apply for grants for the beachwalk the developer would be eligible for a proportion of those grants should we receive any any grants for the for the entire large resort District addressing items related to concurrency this is Section Five the applicant would need to obtain a CER certificate of concurrency for each phase the level of service standards in the comprehensive plan will govern for the life of the project however individual components will be updated that would be the traffic study and the sewer connection fees should upgrades be required in the first or any later phase the developer is responsible so looking at uh portable water PS county is the provider of portable water they would the upgrades that are required of the developer to accommodate this development would be the developer's responsibility reclaimed water needs to be used for irrigation the usage will need to be metered sanitary sewer upgrades of course that's usually the province of the city um any kind of upgrade or relocation would be the developer's responsibility Wastewater connection fees shall be provided by phase subject to the adopted rates at time of the building permit issuance every few years um our consultant recommends updating our fees should it get to a later phase in the applicant apply under a heightened Wastewater connection fee requirement they would be subject to that for any later phases of the of the project it would not apply retroactively currently they would be responsible for what's adopted but moving forward later phases would need to comply with the Wastewater connection fee in place all storm waterers required to be accommodated on site um the city will provide fire and EMS developer will provide a proportional cost not to exceed $50,000 for emergency management level of service study the developer is completely responsible for solid waste connect uh collection and the city does not require that Resort lodging developments be responsible for recreational level of service but it is recognized to meet the adopted level of service under the project implementation that's part of our evaluation and appraisal report process that came to this board a few months ago moving on to Transportation um this this item was a little bit more extensive in the development agreement um the applicant will provide a transportation study after Corrections which the study after Corrections that has already been submitted is deemed sufficient to demonstrate concurrency for phase one however following each phase the applicant is required to update um multiple items related to any related to the study prior to any later phase permit issuance is included its estimate to estimated trip gen generation existing volumes background growth rate we have committed to a minimum of 2% or the actual growth rate that's observed removal of completed and no longer approved projects and hor their Horizon date shall be the estimated completion date of the subject phase impact fees are doe with the time of permit issuance for the corresponding phase my initial concern I'm I'm going to cover it but I have spoken with the applicant and I understand that they have a solution to this um related to it was is related to how the development agreement handled existing volumes uh just to give some background the traffic study updates for existing volumes in the development agreement um were're proposed to use the Ford pelis level of service report this study is updated annually using data from the prior year for example we're currently under the fall 2023 study but it uses data from 2022 the the initial concern was that projects completed and now considered part of existing traffic which would have been excluded from committed counts completed within this range would not reflect the true traffic impact to give an example looking forward 5 years the study will be updated in May 2029 if the use is approved it would use the forward panel as 2028 level of service report using data collected in 2027 that would mean that projects completed in late 2027 anytime in 2028 and early in 2029 would have been removed from the committed counts but not truly reflected in the existing counts because the data was collected pror to those projects actually existing in the network um the applicant again as I mentioned has um address possibly collecting counts actual uh ground counts per phase that appears that it would address this concern from staff but that was the one remaining item from the conditional use permit criteria that we moved forward to the development agreement um and it appears the applicant has a solution of that which they can speak to in more depth Under Our Land Development code there is a requirement that the next hearing of this request be announced at this hearing I did just want to mention that the next hearing will be on April 15th at 4M that'll be in this Chambers it'll be before the city commission that'll be for both the development agreement and the conditional use permit but we are required to announce the date for the development agreement specifically so again a recommended motion after you've contemplated um would be to recommend approval of the subject development agreement to the city commission I know that was a lot um if you have any questions for me right now I'd be happy to answer them I'll I'll be here all evening um we do have our experts our transportation um Public Works and fire experts available as well if you have questions for them anything at this time well done brand okay well done thank you I would like to call up our transportation expert who has um reviewed the both the methodology and the study good evening my name is Dave montine that's muu n t an I work for half h l FF as an extension uh retained by this by the city of St Pete Beach okay so um Mr Barry pretty much covered everything but I'm going to tell you the key points from our standpoint he did mention the traffic study is not fully approved yet there are a couple minor things that have to be cleared up and the report submitted resubmitted and then reviewed one last time but it does appear that um things are on track to be approved with that study um I will mention that reducing the number of driveways from 10 to 4 is a really good thing in terms of pedestrian conflicts and things on the road sidewalks um having interconnectivity within the site is well encouraged when it comes to brand new developments of this size um for the most part the traffic analysis was done pretty well um subject to the final approval um we've had communication uh back and forth with the applicant throughout the process of the methodology that was approved prior to doing the traffic impact study and that went well as as that went fine as well um anybody have any questions because it's pretty simple from this standpoint the traffic counts were conducted in August correct um let's just take a look here they weren't on the streets last week right uh no noing they weren't no typically you adjust these to an average peak season anyways when whenever you count them the Florida Department of Transportation has factors for each week of the year so whatever part of the year you measure the counts they're adjusted to average peak season anyways okay yeah so you're covered either way are your comments based just offsite on not onsite oh no we're we're looking at everything the the access driveways and the the uh impacts the surrounding roadway network but as of right now um all of the roadway segments in the study area have enough capacity to accommodate the additional trips from this development as it stands today and we may get into this later but you mentioned that the 10 cutouts going to be cut down to four yes what is the time frame for that um you'll have to ask the applicant that question okay very good yes okay thank you very much thank you Dave so who do we have next the board had any questions specifically pertaining to storm water or sewer um we do have our public Work Director present we also have our Fire Marshall present um if you have any questions about the any fire concerns they're available I had a question on the the applicant is uh pledging $50,000 maximum for police fire and EMS a study if necessary is that correct stud for study study that's I'm sorry for a study stud for the study okay never mind no that's that's not specific to any kind of impact fees or other taxes that would specifically be for the level of service study good thank you Brandon is there any uh demographics that the either the applicant or fire safety or police can give us B Bas on on the the impact per hotel room uh I saw the numbers in here on the traffic analysis on calls and all that stuff but it doesn't say I mean an EMS vehicle could pull up in front of the hotel but it's because somebody on the beach has a problem not necessarily do we have any impact numbers based on on what that what that does what the hotels generate 911 calls that kind of thing um the only number that we have which we shared in the report was I believe it was approximately 5% um trade WIS accounts for based on our call volume in 2023 I'm getting to that but in terms of the the significance of that of the call volume I I provided General comments on it um there were a l large number of hang up and open Line comments which are not you know not significant resp responds but we don't we don't have a number per room or anything like that as far as I'm aware no we did not the reason why I asked that is we've had several citizens comments that that building these hotels generates a tremendous amount of more services generated from EMS and sheriff and all that stuff but we have nothing to document either it does or it doesn't correct um and we haven't we haven't predicted the number of calls that this would produce now so very good thank you so at this phase do we introduce the applicant this will be if the St if the staff is done with their presentation go next okay uh for the record Elise Batel Stern Weaver Miller before we start the presentation um Mr chair we have six experts and what's interesting about this site is a lot of testimony about certain criteria is going to overlap with a couple of or three experts so it might make sense to hold your questions until the very end because our civil engineer might talk about access in a certain way and then our architect is going to explain from a design perspective you know the the same issues and so it's obviously up to you um as the chair but but we are trying to be cognizant of everybody's time this evening I think that's a great I think that's a great idea as are we so yes so with that I'm actually going to introduce Joe Smith with 1754 to kick us off on behalf of the applicant very good thank you for the record Joe Smith 1754 properties uh Weston Florida thank you very much uh planting board members I know this is a lot to go through and I know it takes a lot of effort and so I really want to thank thank you for the effort that you've clearly done on behalf of 1754 on behalf of the Thousand employees and stakeholders of the property really appreciate it um 1754 properties is essentially a hotel investment ownership development renovation management Asset Management lender company we're you need overhead overhead please thank you I wouldn't want you to miss the pretty pictures there you go actually now that the pretty pictures are up this these are all projects that we've done uh the pictures are up there to give you convey a sense of quality everything we do is high quality we really don't own or involved with roadside motels uh really uh I would say that you can tell from the picture is everything we do is a forar type of asset which is one of the requirements of the development agreement as well um 1754 is owned by Alex gallwitz and and me um you know Alex couldn't be here tonight but he sends his regards uh you know today I'm really to tell you a little about who we are and what we do um one of the things that came up in the questions from the city is financial capability we're really privileged and pleased that we were able to provide supports from our Auditors that we have enough cash to build the entire expansion without debt now whether we do or not is really our option but we're well capitalized we're very blessed to have that much Capital to be able to do that without any debt at all um you know where do our financial resources come over time we've been very fortunate to be back by the largest financial institution of Kuwait pension plans from Fortune 500 companies endowments from large universities private Equity Funds some of the largest family offices in the world so we're truly fortunate that we've been well capitalized throughout our career and and there should be no doubt about our financial capability at all um our technical capability beyond our own expertise developing what we want to do with this is hire the best experts we can find and the best team we can find part of that includes a group like C which works for us right now is a international Global uh company with 2,000 employees that's done over $300 billion of project management development renovation Redevelopment work uh they've done everything and that may sound Global what have they've done here in Florida they've been active in Florida as well so some things you might know Margaritaville down to Hollywood Beach they built uh the second phase of the Four Seasons in Surf Side they built they've also built things much bigger they built the Steinway to Tower in Manhattan which is the largest residential Tower in Manhattan at 1,600 ft tall so very very qualified group um really important to us I know Brandon wanted to make sure we commented on on their involvement they're already involved they're actually working on requests for proposals from Architects engineers and everything so they actually have already started to prepare so that if we're approved we can move forward they'll be involved all the way through the process and that will be include construction oversight and management selection of Trades even all the way down to what we call punch out which is you missed painting that corner right there so really involved all the way through um so we're really fortunate to have them or again we'll do a process where it'll be either a similar group or or them uh who are we really um we're trade wins I think everyone knows trade wins but who is trade wins what do we do we're over a thousand employees um some of which are here tonight we uh you know we're the same folks that actually live in this community some of these employees people don't realize live right down the block across the street um you know we're the same folks that when there's a pandemic we started a line out in Gul Boulevard to give away free groceries to the entire Community anyone who wanted to come I don't know if you realize that but we teamed up with Tamp feeding Tampa Bay to actually feed people during the pandemic when they lost their job so we're very proud to have been involved with things like that we have Beach cleanups for the same folks that you've probably read about recently that partnered with sea turtle trackers to make sure that we're going Way Beyond just doing things like making sure it's a friendly environment but we're educating our customers we'll get into that later um you know we really uh we've always been a partner of the city whenever there's a hurricane it's us who's coming with our equipment lending it out so we're just really happy to be here thank you very much for your time I won't keep more because we have a lot to uh talk about but just really appreciate your time and effort thank you thank you Joe thank you again Elise Batel for the record um Joe Smith and his Partners have made my job really easy on this particular application it's not always always that way um but we have been working with them for over a year I was actually brought in in the middle of the project and surprised to see how open they were in accommodating staff accommodating Community requests and incorporating those things into their site and into their design um I have seen them go above and beyond not only to provide significant Community benefits to but specifically to address community and neighbor concerns and so we be talking about all of those in detail so as you listen to our development team provide expert testimony tonight I want you to pay particular attention to something that we don't usually focus on but it's really important for this particular application and that is how this project exceeds your code requirements goes beyond what the code would require or the cup criteria and adds those additional not just benefits to the area but to the entire Community um you have a packed house tonight and unlike some of the prior applications you're going to see a lot of people in support of this application as well as potentially uh folks in opposition so I'll move on to the project I'm going to do it again I always go too quick too quickly uh you know where this project is located but but I think the size and the scope is important because this is the largest project the largest development in the large resort District it is 25.26042 Redevelopment district and that's the area that you see the blue and yellow dotted line little smaller subset of the community redevelopment district and within that Gulf Boulevard Redevelopment district is the large resort character district and that's the area that you see shaded in green and of course right in the middle is the trade ons property hatched in in Red so before we go into project details too much I want to read you one quote from the introduction of the community redevelopment District actually Ken meaf who's our planning expert read it out and I said wow that's pretty impactful and I'd like if you don't mind to steal that from you um and start our project off in most revitalization efforts one or more catalytic projects must be Pioneers in the market to lead the way to overall reinvestment in a community that raises the standard of quality for the entire community and we do believe that what trade ons is putting before you tonight is that catalytic project so it's part of the large resort District we we all know a lot about the large resort District at this point but the purpose of the large resort District the character district is to provide an economically feasible choice to purs to pursue Resort reinvestment and Redevelopment as an alternative to high-rising Development I've said it before but I'm I'm going to say it again to you tonight when developers come into a community to invest and reinvest in a community to buy new property or develop property they look at the comprehensive plan and they say where is it that the city wants to see this reinvestment where does the city want us to develop where do they want us to invest in their Community your comprehensive plan says this is exactly the area where these larger scale developments should occur so the request tonight is three-fold Brandon went over them so I'll go over there them quickly but our request is to develop at 63.1 18 transient lodging units per acre across the site to build to 116 ft in height for the three guest towers that we're proposing and to include two rooftop amenities that's the entire scope of the conditional use permit the net increase of you new units is 629 units and if you think about that that's over four phases of development over 20 years so what we're putting into the system at any particular time any particular phase is far less than that 629 units the total F of the site so f is floor area ratio it's how much square footage you permit versus how much we're proposing the F maximum under the comp plan and the code is 2.6 we are only asking for 1.47 that's 56.5% of what the maximums are that could be requested so I really liked this rendering because you think of of trade WIS and you think oh my gosh it goes on for a couple of blocks right it's really massive and it's really hard to picture how this new development is going to Nestle into the existing development but I think that this is a very great rendering by our Architects to show exactly where those new buildings are going to be located amongst the existing buildings so as we mentioned this will be a phased development um phase one as you can see is 154 new temporary lodging units it actually if you look at the South West corner of the development you'll see that there is a 5,946 square foot beachfront restaurants that that's proposed as well as a new pool amenity and the six-story parking garage I'm going to address your question uh Mr chair on the curb Cuts as I go along okay phase two includes 261 new transient lodging units that's actually only 240 net we haven't focused on that a lot but we are taking down some units and replacing those with new units so that it's really only 240 net new units in Phase 2 there is 14,300 square ft of new meeting space again there's a total of 25,000 Square ft but we're taking some down and replacing it with new there's a 27,2 120t retail and restaurant areas within Phase 2 and over 9,000 ft of office we'll also be building that first portion of the second parking garage there'll be new loading areas there'll be a really nice new entry and Lobby you're going to see some great renderings of this but really centralizing sort of the the comings and goings of the site this is the first time that we'll close the two driveways so during phase two two of the 10 curb Cuts will be eliminated completely and we'll be limiting a third driveway phase three will have 235 new temporary lodging units 8,158 Square ft of retail and restaurant um the second parking garage will have will be completed it's going to be complete during phase two but then it there's going to be an add-on to make that garage bigger during phase three um this is where we will also have the phase three new beach access in and I just want to stop for a moment because one of the things that we heard from the community is how important public beach access is so we're building Phase 1 beach access immediately during phase one we will go ahead during phase one and have a temporary beach access in this General location but obviously it can't be permanent because we're going to go and do construction during phase three so once phase three is all the way developed that will be then converted into a permanent beach access at that point um and at this point in time we will eliminate one of the other curb Cuts as well phase four is not as much construction um there will be a new Lobby and an office we will be able to complete the entire frontage road with the last phase that will be being built all the way along and again this is when we have this third public beach access will be built and three of the driveways that currently exist will be eliminated in that Final Phase One thing that that has come up over and over and we wanted to be sure that we addressed was the integration of the site I mean today trade wins is a large development uh you go in and you book together and we will continue to be integrated and and let me just go over the ways the site is integrated by one management team for the entire Resort there is a single Administration for the entire Resort you go through Central Booking when you want to stay at the resort regardless of which building you're in functionally there's a lot of site integration there's a complete shared back of house there's there will be pedestrian connectivity through the entire site we're going to talk a lot more about that and all of these amenities for the entire Resort are shared among anyone staying at any of the different buildings and finally there's a number of Developmental site integration which is really I think going to can provide a lot of community benefit so there's going to be a comp comprehensive storm water Redevelopment on the site regardless of whether the phases go forward and let me explain that a little bit our our engineer will talk about the technical aspects but during phase one we will do phase one storm water but if more than a certain number of years I think it's six years go by and phase two is not already in construction and being completed we have to bring storm water across the entire site up to code whether we build those other phases or not that's a real Community benefit because even if something happens in the market those later phases don't get developed you get your storm water improvements the frontage road providing vehicular connectivity all the way through the site that's going to take a lot of that traffic off of Gulf Boulevard anybody that's coming out now going from the Rumfish over to Island Grand or vice versa all of those trips are eliminated because you have your own internal circulation Road the Landscaping is Unified David Perry is going to talk to you uh it's going to be absolutely beautiful the entire site will be Rel landscaped and it will have a unified feel from an aesthetic and a a landscaping perspective and finally The Branding and the theme you've already seen perhaps how the Alden and the Rumfish used to look like completely separate Resorts and now if you look at the buildings you can't tell which is which the idea is that the entire site will be integrated from a branding and and a theme perspective and and most importantly I think From staff's perspective and from a legal perspective is this is going to be one zoning lot for development purposes in perpetuity it will be recorded in the public records and it will be one zoning lot can I ask you a question before you move on sure um I'm not in Hospitality can you just go through what backup house is is that housekeeping restaurants housekeeping restaurants deliveries Administration all the stuff you don't see um and I don't want to steal the Architects Thunder but it's all going to be kind of hidden underground like Disney so you can't see it from above so more more to come on that but yes that's back of house I know there's going to be a lot of questions on when this is happening so I just want to spend a couple of minutes talking about the timeline and let me explain what you're looking at so each phase is three little green bubbles above the line that's sort of we we figure one year for engineering development and permitting two years for construction and then three years to actually allow all of those units to absorb into the market and then the next phase starts so that's sort of the cycle that we contemplate obviously this is conceptual in nature but that's generally how it's going to go I do want to point out if you look at the blue underneath those are all of the community benefits and I want to note that in phase one you have significant Community benefits coming right away during phase one all of those public beach accesses the temporary beach access the full Dune restoration all along the back we we'll talk more about that and you'll see pictures but the entire back portion of the 1,700 square fet or more will be fully uh restored the customary use easement that's the mean high water line easement that you're using to hearing about along the water and all marine turtle compliance that all comes in the initial phase so just something to point out now that I've sort of painted a little bit of the picture of what's to come I want to introduce Steve Henry who's our transportation engineer with links and Associates thank you good evening Steve Henry links and Associates uh 5023 West flal Tampa 336 607 um I am a professional engineer registered in the State of Florida with about 40 years of experience in doing traffic studies uh this is kind of unique in that from this standpoint really I know this site fairly well in fact I owned a unit at tradewin for over 20 years I don't currently own it but did own it so very familiar with the area and and with the trade winds itself um what one of the things that uh did come up was talking about the comments and in fact we have updated the analysis based on those and we will be submitting that to the city and to their consultant addressing those but they were relatively minor comments and we will go ahead and address those um to go through as indicated uh the first step we had in this process was a methodology so we met with uh both the city and their consultant to to to devise up what the methodology is for the analysis and in this case we use the Institute of Transportation Engineers trip generation rates for both the existing and proposed um units that are there uh to come up with what the net increase in traffic would be for the project in addition to that we added in both the sarata Cory landing and Maramar into the analysis as background traffic uh we also what we did is used a two as indicated we used a 2% growth rate we used on this particular to use a combination of both existing counts and the pelis county counts that were done for that but in the future as indicated we have agreed that the updated analysis that we will do in the future will be counts and we'll do those throughout the the study Network for the project um one of the other things that we did with this study that was unique in that as indicated this is a phase project four phases what we did as a worst case analysis is we actually looked at full buildout of the project so we looked at all 629 rooms as opposed to looking at just the 154 in Phase One although this is only for phase one but we wanted to do a worst case analysis so we looked at the full buildout traffic as far as that analysis um and and this graphic is from the report and what this shows and what I've highlighted in green this is the link analysis so these are all the roadway segments within the analysis that we had to look at and all of those operate at an acceptable level of service actually below a .9 VC ratio which is the volume to capacity ratio for that Network and in addition to that we looked at a number of intersections within the within the project uh one of are the two access points that currently serve the project that are signalized and those operate at level service B uh with full buildout and then we also looked at the unsignalized intersections and those all operate at acceptable level of service then this is a graphic that kind of gives you an idea of the volumes so what this shows is each of the roadway segments and then what we've done is in blue that shows the 2029 background traffic which includes existing traffic the growth rate and the other projects on top of that that's the Blue Line the red line represents the additional traffic that we will be adding again that is the worst case because that's full buildout of the project although we're only asking for phase one at this point in time and then the green illustrates the existing capacity that is still left after we build the project so you can see on on every roadway segment there is available capacity for additional projects as they come in and again as we indicated we will up be updating the analysis every time another phase comes in we'll do new counts and update the analysis uh so from that standpoint as indicated uh the roadway network will operate acceptable level of service and that it is our opinion that the project does comply with the Land Development codes the project unless you've got any questions for me I I have one is is there a standard that that you use for development and I've asked this question before is obviously every one of those rooms don't have a car associated with it and and at any one time the the owners would would I guess their analysis would say the hotel normally operates at a at at a 80% or 85 or I don't whatever their capacity is so when you talk about your road capacity is that assuming every room has a car and all those cars are on the road at one particular moment in time or does it factor in those things of of mass transportation the shuttle service um and and obviously everybody's not on the road at the exact same moment at the exact same time so uh what we use is is indicated The Institute of Transportation Engineers trip generation manual and that's is actually now it's four volumes of of data and what they've done is they've gone out and counted various land juices in this case a resort hotel and so what they do is they actually you know other consultants and provide information to it but they put hoses across the driveways of resort hotels and you have to be you know classified as a resort hotel and then they take all that data and compile it and so what we end up with using is the trip rates that were developed specifically for resort hotels and that's based on the trips per room so they'll take actual counts and this may be 20 30 40 100 different studies that are done throughout the country and then use that data to come up with what the average trip rate is per room for a resort hotel good so I I think that help hopes a lot of our citizens understand that we're not like in your first phase you said it was 154 rooms 154 rooms there's not 154 cars that are dumping on the street at any One Moment In Time correct because correct so it it's a it's a factored thing it's it's not a our traffic congestion it's not at 2:00 on on spring break Tuesday 152 more cars pull out of the driveway that doesn't no and a resort hotel is much different than a a standard hotel where people are business people are coming in the morning or Le you know leaving in the morning to go to jobs or whatever and then coming back in the afternoon this is this is a resort hotel and I can again can tell you I've been there there 20 years and so from that standpoint many times we' parked and not get in the car again until we left three four five a week later so it is a much different type of use than a typical Hotel would be thank you thank you I I have a question sure um so from what I read we're using the land use 330 Resort Hotel designation from the it manual correct yes so that that page suggests the data was collected in the 80s and 90s and that was the last time it was updated and it was also specific to weekdays and it also mentions the sites in question do not have convention facilities so I don't I don't understand how that data is very accurate given this was before Uber even existed so you know at that point in time taxis were suppressed by Medallion and Licensing so people might be more inclined to walk uh to leave a resort but now they have the option to write share so I'm just trying to figure out how these numbers from it are applied well that one and this this wouldn't necessarily be a convention you know Hotel so this this would be a resort hotel and in fact when you look at the the volumes that are out there to and we did counts at the driveways today and they actually are lower than what you would have estimated using it using the r and it so the reality is what's in here is probably somewhat of an overestimation of what we would project to actually be on the road uh based on the numbers that we're seeing from the actual use itself versus it so yes and and the reality is transportation's continually changing uh and it tried to tries to keep up in fact they just came out with 11th Edition last year and they'll be new and 12th edition you know doing more studies and getting more data but it's the best data that we've got the most comprehensive data that we've got but from this standpoint looking at it you know the what what we would expect the traffic to be is probably at or less than what it is showing based on the data that we're seeing from the existing Hotel itself okay that answer your question David it answers it yeah okay thanks thank you Steve before you go uh could you clarify for the record that under the approved methodology you use the more conservative measure of the trip generation as opposed to the actual counts that we took so we took our own counts can you explain that well we well we we added the the traffic that we added to the road was based on the it rates not on the actual rates that we counted so the additional traffic for those 629 rooms are based on the it rates not on the count not on the trip rate of the counts that we did okay thank you next can we put the overhead up please thank you good afternoon for the record my name is nunzio DeSantis I'm here representing our architectural firm nunzio bar Dan santis Architects out of Dallas Texas also for the record um I'm a registered licensed architect in 12 States in including Florida and have done quite a bit of work here so it's a very exciting project I wanted to uh just give you a brief understanding of maybe why we're here why we were selected our firm is a firm that specializes and focuses in one building type we don't do hospitals or Office Buildings or sports or schools we do Leisure Hospital ality that means that we focus on hotels and resorts we do entertainment hotels family based hotels businessman hotels Convention Center hotels gaming hotels and a lot of renovation of repurposing projects that have been hotels or are projects that are Second Use type projects turning into hotels so we live in the world that we're talking about today and it is a different world from architecture that uh these other building types to really understand that particular use um I wanted to give you a little background on us on our firm because I think it's uh maybe why we're here and why Joe called us with 1754 so you're you're our team um if you think of the building type that we have done in the hospitality we've done the very smallest High luxury projects all the way to the massive projects small luxury such as Los Ventana and Cabo or one and only's 154 Seasons five Ritz Carlton just a plethora of high luxury from the small side super high touch to the extraordinary big projects the MGM ARA in Las Vegas 4,000 rooms that project's 13 million square ft to the pazo 3200 rooms MGM M Mohan Sun up in Connecticut to Atlantis and Bahamas they're different but they have you really have to understand how these projects work the part that David had mentioned what is back a house how it's threaded get together so that multiple structures work efficiently smart brilliantly out of sight less conflict more cohesive integrated that is that's not by accident it's wellth thought well planned and organized um our projects in Florida we've done Florida's just been an amazing state for us of course you know there's just such incredible Waterfront possibilities in our work for years and years I've been doing this for 41 years and um when I think of starting up in Northern Florida from the Omni Amilia Island working our way down Central Flor has been incredible 15 projects for Disney Universal Studio the grand Cyprus the Hilton Convention Center in Tampa numerous Hotel worked on the great old Dam vanoi on the renovation of that project doing a new little project in St Petersburg fantastic projects out on the keys ecologic understanding the storm aspects of this state are quintessential to understand how they operate the water flood The Surge uh and then of course you know we get calls and we do projects and for brow County they're doing a 800 room 1.3 I mean uh 1.3 million foot Convention Center Hotel there so our firm and it's under construction it's an extraordinary project we we have the opportunity to work on many projects and we choose to select those that are game changers for community that have a chance to do something that creates unbelievable destinations extraordinary experiences for the guest helps the community and does things that betters everything for all so we're really happy to be here and I than Joe for giving us a call this is a complex project it's not one to lose sight of that and today I'm going to I want to hand it over to my partner incredible young man uh he's been working on this project for three years I can't take the credit and he's going to get up and tell you all about it and uh thank you for your time and this young man's name is Scott eisenhart he's also a licensed architect Scott wanted to come up here thank you Mr disantis hello for the record my name is Scott eisenhart I am a partner with nunzio Marcus sis Architects I've been with them for about six years but I've been practicing architecture for about 20 um I've been as n said on this project for going on three years now so I know I could speak for myself and the design team that we're super excited to be here today to finally be in front of you guys um so uh you've seen a lot of upfront information and programming already provided to you by Elise in the front of this document what we're going to do here is kind of concentrate on comments and concerns that we've heard from staff and from the community and how we are going to be addressing those uh in the cup architecturally the first diagram you have here is the uh beach access diagram you've seen a a picture of this already in the presentation but you can start on the left side that is the phase one beach access that would be provided uh during phase one one thing to note is there's also an existing bus uh stop there's a tiny three in the bottom corner of the picture if you squint uh you can see it but that it's important to have that connection um to give people the opportunity to access that Beach access um from that Municipal stop the second beach access point is in the middle of the project this is another one that we've located uh there's an existing crosswalk in this location uh near where that arrow is and we felt it was important to kind of maintain that connection as well so while we are providing this uh internal beach access pathway uh we wanted to connect to that existing uh crosswalk to make access uh more easier for the for the community and then on the far right side of the page is the third beach access that would be provided uh during phase four that runs along the uh Rome fish building all these Beach accesses uh will get the public through the property and out to the U Mean high water line which is the top red line that you see on this diagram and then the last line is the orange arrow which shows you the north south connection of the proposed beachwalk area that's kind of a main thoroughfare connecting the properties on the uh beach side of of the development the next diagram is circulation uh diagram for vehicular access uh we felt it was important to kind of show how vehicles are going to be accessing this property uh as Elise has already pointed out one of the big features and selling items that we uh like about this development is creating this fronted Road this internal Road uh that really gets circulation off of golf bll B and into the property that is the long green arrow uh lying along the bottom of the screen uh you can see that starts at one signalized intersection uh on the North side at GF Winds Drive and goes all the way down to the 55th uh Street intersection both signal line stops uh Mr eer U question on that one the uh the access road is that all the way to phase four so we're not going to see that for 20 years or when do you expect to have that access road completed yeah the the phasing of the access road uh as Brandon kind of alluded to is done in phases so you would see pieces of it come along uh as the project develops again though as uh Brandon also leaded to in the in the development agreement the Golf Boulevard uh Frontage development as well uh would all be faced but if for some reason it stopped ownership would be continuing that uh prior to the obviously not doing the the phase four so we don't have a timeline on that Frontage Road or do we uh the it would be all the way yeah to full completion would be in phase four so that would be with the timeline that Elise showed you earlier that's probably 15 years or so can I ask a question here yes sure uh is it appropriate time for us to question or would you rather wait till you get to the end of your presentation or well I I have a question on that particular item I so we keep going I know you're trying to hold to the end but the the question is right now the the the backup on Gul Boulevard is generated off of that um uh the southern access into the property and and if we add in addition to the jackar Randa building and these other ones and we don't have another flow through and we have more rooms coming in what's that going to do to the Gulf Boulevard are are you con contemplating that are are civils going to test file about queuing on site and we've got queuing numbers for you and so okay all right fine thank you no problem good no thanks Elise um just continuing down to the diagram on the left side you have the arrows showing the in and egress into the phase one parking garage uh moving towards the right in the middle you have the main new arrival entry um so that is the main drop off uh and queuing area for the property uh once the phases are all completed uh to the right of that you will have an an Ingress there uh for accessing the parking garages uh for phase two and phase three and then next to that is the uh In-N-Out for the coral reef which we uh wanted to was important to maintain obviously for Coral re uh coral reef residents uh and then next to that is the existing Alden uh entry that would remain as it is today and then next to that is the new proposed uh entry for the new Lobby that would be for the Rumfish Alden uh property in phase four and then the last uh line is for the existing circulation to get to the Rumfish as it exists today okay the next diagram here shows loading uh so this is how trucks uh and service would be brought into the site to the property you would see it's similar to the vehicular uh diagram where we're bringing everything in mainly off of the uh intersection the signalized intersection accesses the key thing to note is in the middle of the diagram is where the main Central load would be directly this is a superimposed image where we took the first level and put it on top of kind of the overall site plan but what you don't see in that diagram is directly behind what is shown as the truck loading base would be that back of house area that was asked about earlier that it would all be Consolidated in that general area and then received uh broken down distributed categorized and distributed out to the different properties as needed uh from a central hub the uh far left shows a secondary uh new loading access area that would be in the phase one garage that one would be more uh for like smaller trucks vans you know 12 16 feet nothing too big um but we felt it was necessary to get something on that side of the site as well to kind of help distribute uh loading as needed and then the one on the uh right side of the main loading dock is the existing coral reef area so again maintaining that connection to Coral Reef and then the existing uh loading area at Rumfish is being maintained as well this next diagram is it's pretty busy um but bear with me I'll walk you through this uh this is The Pedestrian circulation so if we start on the bottom of the page that is the new Golf Boulevard pedestrian experience as you've heard about uh earlier from Elise uh we're proposing to develop a new uh interior Frontage Road that will be buffered between the Golf Boulevard with a side a new 10-ft sidewalk and 10- foot landscape buffer um so this will be a new kind of experience with amenities along the sidewalks such as you know you're going to have benches trash cans New Street lighting so this will all be a brand new experience that kind of what we think will help kind of set the standard for uh the Golf Boulevard pedestrian experience experience from Golf Boulevard uh from the sidewalk along Golf Boulevard you'll see there's a series of small uh kind of two directional arrows with the number one on them those are crosswalks that would be provided that get you from the Golf Boulevard sidewalk onto the property uh across the frontage each one of these locations would be an elevated sidewalk uh that would have different material change and be signalized so that uh it's alerting people people uh that there is a crosswalk there because again that is a frontage road that is intended to be a main circulator uh in within the site ask a question yes um particularly on the beach access to and I know that's only temporary but you have a garage there it's garage three and on some of the the conceptual map also the one that you had shown up earlier it doesn't appear that if I'm a pedestrian and I'm walking along Golf Boulevard I see that I can walk over the you know you know the access in order for me to get into the trade wind's property and it I don't understand how they're going to get through garage three and how that's that pedestrian walkway because it shows garage and yet somehow a pedestrian's going to get through there to catch up on the pathway to get to that beach access and specifically beach access 2 because beach access one's going to be very easy because right now there's a I mean that's pretty well it's going to be a straight shot on the south side correct but that second beach access you've got to get off Golf Boulevard and the circulation plan shows there's an entrance there for a driveway but I don't see where the pedestrian entrance is onto the the actual property for beach access 2 yeah so beach access 2 is a little secutus but it is uh being provided along you unfortunately I don't have a zoomed in slide of this but you would uh Traverse up alongside the residential along the side there's a sidewalk that continues and then again there is demarcated striping uh where it's paved to get you a cross over and then underneath uh Tower three that there is an opening in the building so you can walk directly through that into a a a more decorative uh path that gets you along the coral reef property and up to the so it's going to be marked for public beach access so that you because you've got to get somebody a resident May learn but if a tourist is just walking along and wants to go into the property they need to be able to safely navigate from the Gulf Boulevard 10t sidewalk into the property and then through the property to get Beach through for beach access to Sure perspective so one of the things that we talked a lot with staff about and talked with some Commissioners about was um very significant wayfinding signs because obviously anywhere on the property that isn't a straight path you're going to have to have a lot of wayfinding and so Scott used various techniques but we'll also add a lot of signage that says public beach access and it directs you so that you're following a path um and that it's very clearly marked throughout the property and they can safely get from the 10ft sidewalk across the interior roadway to the beach ja and Scott specifically placed it where he did because it would line up with the crosswalk that was really important for pedestrian safety but but yes ma'am is very clearly marked is it in roughly the same place that the fire access is cuz I notice that passes through about the same yeah the so the fire access pathway uh uses several uh pedestrian access ways they're kind of dual nature especially the beach access on the the phase one that is going to be a 30ft wide landscape buffer uh with a 20 foot wide fire truck uh accessible means to get through so that is a dual purpose and this one would also be no different okay all right I'll hold my other question um back going back to the diagram uh once we cross over the front edge road you can see there's another kind of small blue dash line around the perimeter uh that's mainly uh at the main arrival area so you're able to walk across and up to the main uh arrival area if you want or you can come around and continue across the front of the retail for phase two and phase three and that would connect you all the way over to run fish as well once you get to the main arrival building uh there is kind of a strong red line that's just to emphasize uh we're this arrival is elevated so that when you get to the arrival and you walk in the lobby you can see all the way through to the ocean uh that is kind of an important uh design aspect of the design but that also allows you to clearly see out uh into the imunity spaces and to the other uh connecting elements you'll see off of that kind of central where the main lobby would be there are some green arrows that is a pathway that is completely internal to the property so if you were in phase one you could get all the way over to the main lobby to the specialty restaurant you could uh Traverse over to Breaking Ridge all internally uh and and then lastly you have the uh orange Dash lines that show the circulation through the amenity areas themselves so again you can get from the far south uh all the way the way up to the coil Reef property uh and then you have to jump onto the beachwalk access uh and then you can get back into a pathway that gets you over to Rumfish and then lastly uh is the beach uh walkway and the beach access the beach walk the proposed Beach Walk would be that Central north south connector from for all properties there was some comments about how people from The Phase One Tower would get to the frontage road and what we are showing or suggesting is that they would exit the building onto the beach access there would be key access at that location you can get in and out they could take the beach access safely to the frontage road and then go wherever they want uh in the community or they could uh Traverse through the island Grand colonade U meeting space and come down and cross over the sidewalk uh that is there provided there to get to the frontage drill this next slide just shows uh General Building Heights um we've talked about it in to it as well but this just illustrates the height of the towers uh we are going to the max 116 ft uh for both Tower one Tower two Tower three is slightly smaller uh but right at that and then the garage is range from 46 feet to 65 ft in height depending on where they're located this uh diagram also helps illustrate uh what we'll talk about later uh in compatibility but you can see on the south side of the site which is is the far right side of the page that our Tower one building is comparable uh and to our neighbor to the South um and but it's actually less volume than their building so even though it may be one level higher it's not as much volume as as their existing building so the next side uh talks about kind of building compatible uh compatibility uh the existing building and parking lot lighting uh have already been converted to Turtle friendly lighting and all future lighting would be equivalent uh lighting to be conscious of the turtle migration garages are designed to provide solid walls or screening at height necessary to block vehicle headlights shining out onto neighboring properties uh as you can see on the diagram to the right the phase one garage is actually situated East uh of the cart building to the South so to really uh limit any kind of concerns of of car lights really shining onto their building in addition to the facade screening elements that I I mentioned there the third uh bullet point here the proposal is a comparable in height to the adjacent 11 story cart Condo building which uh I talked about in the previous Slide the there was concerns uh raised from the community uh from The Neighbors in regards to this beachfront restaurant and we just want to show that we are addressing those uh there was concerns about smells coming from the restaurant we just wanted to assure them that there will be a PCU or pollution control unit commonly called scrubber installed in the kitchen to mitigate any kind of exhaust fumes coming from from the kitchen area uh the other issue they brought up was noise uh which uh is a concern from the upper level roof deck um so we are uh proposing to install a tall glass provided on the second level you can see by the arrow there that would help screen noise coming in and off of the upper uh roof Terrace and then the last one there is for the amenity deck on the top of tower two we also have some high parit walls that would also screen uh noise off of that elevated rooftop te is on that last slide is what we're seeing as uh what looked like ceiling is that glass so so not where the arrows pointed but to the left of it yeah so in this diagram uh it's not shown as a hard glass ceiling but we have actually uh addressed that and talked internally and we do have slides later that we could show where we uh considering doing more of a a hard lit uh kind of staggered ceiling system to help uh concerns of noise flowing vertically as well as horizontally out of that space space yeah that's where I was going noise going outbound to the C Mark yeah that glass yeah some solid surface possibly not glass but we have the overhead please here so here is a conceptual design to uh directly to what you're talking about so you can see that this would be a series of overlapping planes um that help trap any kind of sound in the idea was would that it would still kind of be open because we like the idea of air flow throwing here but it could have also some kind of retractable element uh to allow it to close down in case of evening or loud noises or something like that okay so thanks Kevin oh can I go back to the presentation please thank you um Fire and Security all existing buildings on the trade winds are equipped with sprinkler system uh any new proposed buildings would OB uh obvious would also be equipped with sprinkler systems throughout the building uh for facility security uh parking garages are tended to have parking access control gate system uh reception desks are located near the main entry so they can monitor incoming and outcoming uh the new hotel buildings will have key card access from the garages so that there's Security in place access if you're parking in the garages and and going to a tower and then the uh all pool areas will have code required fencing and and key are access as well the next slide talks about uh view corridors and separation uh I'll actually start on the right side of the page as the only development is really the twostory lobby for the Alden and rum fishing phase 4 uh there's no real concerns of impeding any kind of views uh in that area from neighboring communities because the Rumfish is an existing building and in the Hilton G then already has that condition in place on the south side of the property and you can see that the shape of the building the buildings in purple uh are new buildings and the buildings in red are existing buildings the new Phase One Tower is specifically positioned to allow C Mark uh owners to maintain their View Corridor and Vistas out across the property so the building is purposely shaped like that uh so that they it does not impede their their views out to the beach and to the ocean beyond the other item of concern is was about balconies on the tower Phase One Tower uh the actual balconies are positioned along the ark so that they do not have any direct sight line into any of the cart condo buildings so that building has been specifically designed uh with the cart condo residences uh in mind the item in the middle is a proposed rooftop Terrace that would be on the top of the phase two Tower this would provide uh amazing panoramic views and we have additional information that Joe will talk about regarding this uh later in the presentation here's a shadow study we did a shadow study we're showing uh a slide here and you can see that uh because again on the north side of the property we have no real new buildings that would impact any uh ex any other adjacent properties and on the south uh we actually the C Mark is to the south of us so naturally its shadows will impact our phase one development um but our phase one development will not impact them at any time of the year the next next slide uh involves the garage facades uh there were some concerns about the amount of openings or screenings we have updated the elevations the idea behind the garage is that we're using similar frames and planes horizontals that we're using actually on the other side of the the guest room towers as well just at a smaller scale so we're using same elements uh on the garage that we are using on the front side of the the ocean the Gulf side of the buildings uh the intention here is to use kind of pre-cast elements that can be uh fabricated off site brought to the site and installed quickly to help alleviate uh construction uh waste and debris on site and make it installation quicker the also you'll see uh the use of greenery it's important for us to kind of green up these facad since they will be golf Bowl V facing and then you'll see also a layer of synthetic wood screening that we also intend to use uh all of the elements whether it's the horizontal planning uh or the pre-cast panels uh have been elevated at an elevation of about 48 in to block any kind of car headlights uh in the garage on the next side is a enlarged view of one of the renderings that you've probably already se but this uh shows the items that we just talked about in the last side you have the the vertical green the horizont onal green uh the wood slats and then the concrete panels uh as well and then this next slide is just to show kind of an illustrative reference images of what we're thinking about the one on the right is actually a parking garage at at Disney World uh and that is actually artificial Greenery it's not real we intend to use the same uh strategy here so that we're also being conscious of of water conservation uh to reduce that uh as well since these are parking gar es the middle slide is an idea of what the wood slats would look like to help screen elements behind and then of course on the left is that that horizontal nature and this just kind of give a reference images of what we we envisioned this facade to kind of look like there was a a comment about energy saving techniques so while we have not uh gotten to that extreme level uh of design yet we have committed to lead silver and as an inherent nature of lead silver there's going to be uh a variable amount of things that we're going to consider for the building that will be energy efficient both in lighting uh HVAC uh just in and waste uh materials themselves but we highlighted a few things that we thought were important that we'll be targeting as we pursue that that lead silver um the first one is cooling tower water use monitoring uh just just helps to monitor the cycles that that the cooling tower is going to use whether or not you can uh factor in any kind of non-potable water uh into the use of your uh cooling tower so that's that's one of the key factors we like that's really kind of HVAC driven and really helps with the energy production for the Building Systems as a whole the next is Advanced uh energy metering these are really just uh meters for the entire Energy System of the building that are relaying information constantly so that you can see uh where maybe something's not uh working as well as it should be and it could be assessed quickly uh the is something that has to be monitored to a central base that's also shared uh with the uh kind of the lead program so that there's a constant data source streaming uh negative pressure HVAC that's just a way to do the mechanical system in a way that that uh keeps air from being pushed out of the building and tries to keep uh the building kind of contained in itself um so that's another item we'll be targeting uh energy efficient windows I think we're all fairly familiar uh with you know insulated Windows making sure they got to be blast rated so we're naturally going to have some efficiency there uh in the project thermostat Comfort uh that's really just providing things uh which can also be paired with the next one of occupant sensors but you're really monitoring different spaces so it's not just a universal uh set temperature for the whole place your pre function space and your meeting is going to be require different loading than uh your public space or your restaurant space so it's just making sure that all these different elements are isolated on on a thermostatic level so that they can be monitored and and adjusted as needed and then the last one is is cool roofs uh this was also something that Brandon mentioned as an idea we uh really like this idea uh using uh High uh highly reflective materials on the roofs and additional kind of uh insulation value so that you're reflecting the majority of sun not absorbing it uh which is where a lot of load for the building comes into play uh so that that is one thing that that we also will be pursuing for this project uh in conclusion as a professional uh and expert opinion uh as condition the cup is consistent with the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan and Land Development code I believe the CP is compatible with the surrounding area and I believe the proposal satisfies the sections uh mentioned in the previous slides sure so what we're now going to be showing you is uh in response to some comments that staff had go the slide show yes yes he is hold on we're going to go through uh We've updated the uh renderings to reflect some comments that staff has already had don't look just sorry they're all the way at the end because we just got them there we go um here uh updated rendering uh this shows the rooftop Terrace that again uh Joe Smith will be speaking on a little later it also shows the kind of Lookout component I know it's hard to see on the screen but if you're able to zoom in you can see it uh and then on the right we've updated the landscape along the beach access to be more representational of what the landscape will be using Florida friendly vegetation uh and again Perry back will'll speak about that here in a second here is an updated view uh looking down Gulf Boulevard side you can see that the garages we've added elements to the garages to help screen them additionally from what we initially submitted uh you also see that the landscape as well was updated to represent uh more accurately what the landscape plans have on them and then you can also notice that if you look at at the building with the St PE Beach there was concerns about the the uh three-dimensional concrete relief panels that we were proposing uh in discussions with staff we have inserted and added this kind of synthetic wood element to break up that facade uh even though we really like the idea of this threedimensional panel we understand there concerns about the uniformity of it and and we think this was a nice uh add to the to the project and then of course the garage on the far left also has the updated uh elements added could you address could you go back to that slide please I don't see the third beach access the north beach access on that slide I don't see it drawn I see the hedge of trees and then I see what you know the neighboring hotel but not the hilt that would be the h Garden in but I don't see that beach access there and the reason that I asked that is because when when I I've was been out there specifically this morning and that's a very narrow Corridor now particularly when you get back to the end where the Rumfish hotel is you have a 3-foot sidewalk um along the Rumfish hotel and it's very narrow and then you've got so you know your line of Hedges and then of course there's 35 parts parking spaces you know from the street down to the Rumfish Hotel so I'm just questioning how is there going to be a 10 foot beach access there and I'll leave that up to the experts yeah no that's a that's a great question to answer your first question uh you're right it absolutely is not on this rendering that is a Miss uh by our side uh to answer the second part of that question ownership right now it's parallel or uh9 parking or angled parking and but they intend to Red too that and just do parallel parking to get the 10-ft sidewalk needed so it does reduce uh their parking count slightly um but it will allow us to achieve the 10-ft wide s like that the beach access yeah for the beach access correct yes and this is the phase 2 amenity area again updated uh purely to show the kind of the roof Terrace and the little Lookout um with the glass floor that Joe will talk about here in a second and then the updated main entry arrival view that uh the main idea here is that we updated for the Florida uh friendly vegetation uh to more accurately depict what's in the landscape plans also you'll see the wood paneling on on this rendering as well and then here the final updated render uh which shows the beach the first beach access uh the vegetative updates as well as the glass wall and the glass ceiling and then we've already talked about uh the concept that we have to help mitigate the the ceiling issue all right for that I'll turn over to David Perry with Perry Becker good afternoon thank you very much for allowing me to speak in front of you today uh my name is David Perry and I'm a managing principal with Perry Becker design um our firm specializes in hospitality and Resort design as well as themed entertainment design uh we have accomplished the projects all over the United States internationally and uh with a large amount of our work also being in the Caribbean uh we've worked on everything from five star resorts to boutique hotels uh we just recently completed uh a sizable project in charler County called Sunseeker Resort uh which uh just opened in uh in December uh want to go over a little bit of what what the requirements are for the Landscaping on the project uh we obviously are as we enter into the design process of of the project uh we will be complying with all of the required um um landscape um design um vegetation percentages as required by the the city um we will comply with or exceed 50% native uh vegetation and drought tolerant materials throughout the site um and with the with the balance of of meeting the minimum 50% Florida friendly vegetation throughout the property as well um irrigation obviously will be using reclaimed water throughout the entire site um and with uh all irrigation systems that we design today we use Smart controllers and sensors on all of our irrigation systems want to go a little bit about the Golf Boulevard buffer um as we have stated uh we will be providing a 10-ft pedestrian uh walkway along the entire prom along the entire Frontage of Golf Boulevard uh and with the with the balance of the the buffer we will actually be installing a series of of palms and canopy trees to actually get create shade along the go Boulevard Frontage to make it more comfortable for for pedestrians to be able to walk along that Frontage obviously what you're seeing is also the internal drive um that then is separated from the frontage buffer and then on the back side of that driveway there will also be landscape vegetation and buffers up against the facades of the the buildings themselves as you've seen in numerous slides uh we will be providing a 30 foot wide uh beach access easement on the southern side uh 20 20 ft of that will actually be accommodating um fire access along the um along that length uh we will be providing a a uh sidewalk stabilized uh with a compacted shell subbase material throughout the entire length of the walk along the walkway we will be installing pond BS and canopy trees to actually provide shade along that walkway one thing that we've done intentionally is is we've broken the stands of trees up uh to create uh visibility and uh visibility quarters from the adjacent residences back to the back to the beach side we're selecting plant materials that uh have open canopies to them uh with with respect to the palm trees of and and trees canop trees of the lake but we're also selecting trees that are going to be smaller and stature so that they will not be blocking the height of the height of the residences view to the ocean one uh really incredible thing that's uh we're doing as part of the project is is obviously we've got 54,000 square feet of existing Dune that's out there today um but as part of this project we actually be installing uh in and implementing 42,000 square feet of additional Dune material um so we'll actually be in improving and increasing the the the need of vegetation on the Dune along the entire length of the project we've currently just finished a dune restoration project on on the back side of of uh the hotel project uh it's a a small section that's uh that's out behind immediately behind the blue green Resort portion that's been planted out we will continue to use fully native uh um Beachside Dune native Dune vegetation on the entire length of the the project very similar to what we've already installed and has already been permitted as part of this project in my professional expert opinion uh the Landscaping as we go forward into the design will meet and exceed all design requirements for the project um we're very excited to uh be able to work on the project and and for what it's what the the beauty that we'll be able to actually bring to uh St P Beach so thank you very good thank you Mr Perry I tell you what it's uh it's we're about 2 hours and or two hours and some I didn't to it uh may I suggest a quick 10-minute break with everybody's uh time in mind let's get back here in 10 minutes thank you very much e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e planning board I'm sorry planning agency uh and we're going to let the applicant continue their presentation so welcome back everybody thank you good afternoon uh for the record my name is Abdul Al Kadri I'm uh president of heris civil engineers uh we are the civil engineer on the project I am a registered professional engineer in state of Florida and several other states I've been in Florida for 17 years with the same company uh my our company specializes in Resort theme entertainment you've heard this from other Consultants we have been privileged to work on large siiz Resorts like this one uh in the State of Florida uh other states in the country and all all around the world um I have with me today Mike kaminska uh he's uh one of our project managers working on this project as well and he's a registered professional engineer um I am here to talk to you today about site utilities site store motor and some other site items uh so I'm just going to Dive Right In okay um so here's a is a section of the site that shows how the site currently drains these basins are are labeled and it's uh the blue one for instance drains to to the onsite Lagoon the yellow one drains to the beach and the green one drains to Gulf Boulevard um we are our Our intention here is of course to improve the situation and consolidate this drainage into the on site uh on the inside system and not not only in improve the pattern of drainage but also improve attenuation and treatment as well attenuation attenuation and treatment thank you uh these are some pictures of the existing uh onsite uh collection uh is there's some pipes and flumes and there's the picture of the Lagoon and on the next slide here you'll see there's there's some examples of the onsite inlets um smaller older you know so again the intention is to improve the situation uh all through the the the the different phases of the project uh for the sore design we we will comply with all local that City District Southwest Florida Management District uh State and and federal regulations when it comes to storm attenuation and treatment um we are uh going to improve the collection system we are going to improve the the uh treatment system for the site and our ultimate design will include uh erosion control for both construction phases and post construction basically reducing the erosion uh post construction as well and that that's by by uh using best management practices um as set forth by the state so our our stor More Design is is this is like an Innovative type of design we are using a two-step uh system the first system is a pre treatment system using a a device like the one shown on the screen here this is called the upflow uh filter this what what this does is the water goes in the bottom of the filter goes through a screen uh quarter inch screen holds all the debris below the the uh the filter and the bottom of the tank water will flow through the uh media and the clean water will come out to the center and out the outlet pipe uh from this from this stage the water will deposit into a exfiltration system uh and I will show you there's an exhibit here on the on the right side you can see like an example of that that exfiltration system it's it's a large system the clean water from the step one will go into the system where the water will be encouraged to infiltrate into the ground the next slide here shows the different phases again like Lee said we we each phase will set on its own we will have a pre-treatment and post- treatment and an exfiltration for each phase so each phase will stand on its own if if the project goes beyond and the whole system would be constructed um this is a section of the exfiltration system just showing this is very prelim so the depth of the exfiltration system has not been determined yet but this is just to give you an idea of what this looks like under the surface so these are large Chambers with open bottom moving on to utilities this this shows the layout for the sanitary system and the water collection we have shared our information with the city staff and in your report you'll see that they've analyzed the data that we've given them and they've generated reports that show that the capacity is there each again each phase will stand on its own this is designed to uh you know to be completed in phases phase one will have its complete system two and three and four um sorry let me back up a little bit I don't want to miss anything here U yes and we will have all will serve letters uh from all utilities this is not just water and sewer we have will serve letters from you should have that in your package uh side design and layout um the added Frontage Road uh unloading spaces will take cars and deliveries off of golf uh Boulevard uh proposed parking loading spaces will meet or exceed the minimum requirements and the site uh will meet the open space requirement and will be a below the allowable 85% impervious service I believe we're about 80% now so we're at 5% lower the exhibit that we show here shows going back to the question that was asked earlier shows one of the queuing into arrivals and this green line that you see here uh will allow the the green line will allow for about 45 cars 40 cars to 45 cars of queuing before the cars get to to uh Golf Boulevard and around that drop off area at the arrival uh it's a double lane so cars can park around that allowing for maybe up to 65 cars which is amazing for a site like this I don't think they'll ever need 65 car queuing but was just just to show you an example of the the thought that was put into the side development um so the circulation this is the the um uh the the fire truck does go over the crosswalks they elevated crosswalks which was I I think it was mentioned earlier but all the crosswalks from Gulf Boulevard will be elevated crosswalks for s for pedestrian safety just to address your concerns um but this is just an example showing you how the uh fire truck in your in your uh uh information you'll find the full site fire access uh plan we've done also um the delivery truck access uh routes that's also in your in your information so the this I mean we've all talked about this this is this is a great deal uh we are reducing the uh number of access points in phases obviously from 10 down to four this is a great um safety Improvement for both pedestrians and vehicle access for both Gul Boulevard and our visitors um so I mean we can elaborate on this later if you guys have any questions but this is definitely a great Improvement for the site um it is uh as condition the C is consistent with applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan and Land Development code cup is compatible with surrounding area and the proposal satisfies all these sections uh indicated here very good thank you thank you Abdul good afternoon everyone and for the record I'm Greg pepone I'm an associate director at tourism economics and tourism economics is a subsidiary of Oxford economics which is a global economic consultancy firm just to provide a brief background on tourism economics we really focus on the intersection of Tourism and the economy and so each year we work with over 300 destinations and their Affiliates worldwide to assess impacts related to the visitation and the visit visitor economy locally we work with uh visit uh St P Clearwater we also work with visit Tampa Bay I'm specifically part of our economic development team within tourism economics and so I focus on impact studies for various developments that are tourism related this includes um hotels and Resort developments it also includes cultural institutions like museums zoos aquariums as well as event space uh for conventions entertainment um sports facilities as well locally I've helped the mafa cancer center as they did a market analysis an impact study for a proposed hotel in their mixed use development as well as as um a little further south teranova is developing an estate and Equestrian Center down in Manatee County some other projects um outside of Florida that I've I've worked on well within Florida as well is an impact study for Disney World as well as related to the Tennessee Titans and their new stadium development and another NFL Club um with their substantial renovation to their development and their mixed use surrounding development today I'm here to talk to about an impact study that we conducted for the expansion of the trade winds and so this focuses strictly on the the expansion portion of the resort and it we looked over a 20-year period so this was 2027 through 2046 and over that 20-year period we expect that there'll be $3.5 billion in total business sales that will be generated for local businesses and this spending is expected to support an average an annual average of 8 jobs each year um across that 20-year period it's also expected to generate uh $49 million in state and local taxes so how did we get to these figures and so we start our economic impact analyses with what's called calculating the direct spending and so this direct spending is generated in two different ways the first way are those visitors that are coming to St Pete Beach and staying at the expansion or the proposed expansion at trade winds are going to be spending money on site and we anticipate that that that these visitors will spend $1.8 billion across those 20 years on site in addition to this on-site spending they're also going to be spending offsite in the local community and we anticipate that those visitors will be spending approximately a little bit less than $400 million again over that 20e period so in aggregate in total we anticipate there will be $2.2 billion in Direct business sales and so where was that where is that money being spent in the local community and so as I mentioned before $1.8 billion of that will be spent on site so that includes lodging that includes restaurants as well as meeting related expenditure in addition to that when we do tourism studies for destinations we look at lodging which will be taking place at the expansion but we also look at four other tourism related entities so we look at FMB retail Recreation entertainment as well as Local transportation and so here you could see how that nearly $400 million in off-site spending is spent throughout the economy once we have this direct spending we then create what's called an input output model and this helps us to determine what the total economic impact is or those total business sales this includes that 2.2 billion in direct spending that we just talked about but it also includes the indirect and induced impacts so indirect impacts are supply chain impacts and then the induced impacts are employment related impacts so when you include the direct the indirect and the induced impacts it is uh we calculated that the total business sales over the 20-year period is expected to amount to that $3.5 billion doar and again this is expected to support an average of 508 jobs each year and these don't just include the jobs on site at the expansion that's the component of it but it also includes jobs in the local community that are tourism related so people working at uh restaurants or retail establishments but it also includes other jobs that support those Industries so this could be fire police education medical people working in education or the finance industry so it's a whole economy that are supporting these other related businesses in addition to that um as I as I referenced earlier we expect there to be nearly 400 or just over $49 million in state and local taxes if we wanted to zoom in and look more specifically at the city of St Pete Beach uh we expect there to be 15.9 million in adval Orum taxes that are generated specifically from this expansion that would go into um the city scoffers in addition to that there's $3.9 million in Impact fees that are related to the construction and the development of the property so that's nearly $20 million in um in fiscal impacts right tax implications that will go directly to the city of St Pete Beach in addition to this nearly $20 million the city of St Pete Beach will ALS Al receive other support so for example there's a lodging tax that's going to be assessed at for the visitors that are staying at the trade WS Island Resort although that this um although the lodging tax is collected by the county a portion of that is specifically um allocated towards Beach improvements and uh nourishment and so we anticipate there would be in excess of $7 million that would go towards um Beach renourishment over that 20-year period in addition to focusing on the economic impact we also worked with a local real estate consultant to assess how the ADV valorum of the property taxes would shift from the residential base to the commercial base and so as part of this analysis we focused uh we started with data that was uh Prov to us for uh 2007 and so at that time approximately 12% of the property taxes collected were generated by commercial entities today that is closer to 20% if we assumed that the residential and the commercial both grew at the same rate through the end of this analysis in 2046 and that that $15.9 million in property tax from the trade WIS expansion was added to it so really the only thing changing is this expansion then the the uh property tax would shift from 20% paid by commercial entities up to 26% um contributed by these commercial entities just from the expansion and so this would bring um this should bring you within the range of that long long-term comprehensive plan so I thank you for your time today thank you good afternoon for the record my name is Ken metf I'm the director of planning uh and development services with Sterns Weaver Miller glad to be here today um just a little bit of about background on my professional experience I've worked as a planner uh in Florida for 38 years about half of that experience is in the public sector um previously worked for uh the city of Okala also worked uh for 16 years as the regional administrator for Department of Community Affairs that agency as you may know is also known as the state land planning agency it's kind of evolved over time to Department of Economic Opportunity and now the Florida commerce Department um in my role at DCA I was a regional administrator for Southeast Florida from Indian River to the Keys did a lot of work on tourism kind of projects as you might expect down in that region um I also uh in my private uh sector uh experience have worked on a number of different tourist projects and uh Hotel developments Resort projects around the state sandest uh as you may know up in the uh in the Panhandle Seascape Resort in the Panhandle Emerald Bay many projects in the Florida Keys couple of projects on Longboat Key the reunion drri so I've I've worked on a lot of different Hotel projects like all of our team members um in my role with DCA uh one of the uh areas that I implemented was the uh what's known as the area of critical State concern I mention that just because that program was focused on as you may know um down in the keys it's quite uh environmentally sensitive uh and and there's a lot of growth pressure so they're trying to balance those issues uh so we would review development orders and uh and and my main uh my my main task I I implemented the whole program but uh my focus was uh very much on after working on Ru making that modified the comprehensive plans and the regulations to comply with stat statutes we would also then take enforcement action to make sure uh that the local governments were actually following the comprehens of plan and code and so I've had a lot of cases that went to court on development order compliance uh where we looked at the issue of consistency with the comprehensive plan uh and the code so just what I'm going to cover this this afternoon is first we'll uh we'll go just briefly recap uh the uh the consumptive use or excuse me the conditional use permit uh I also want to cover statutory consistency how the statute reads in terms of development order requirements also consistency with uh the St Beach Comprehensive plan including your compatibility requirements and then consistency with the code one thing I'll mention um in that regard is is um now I've looked at a lot of comprehensive plans in my role with the Department in the past and and in my private sector practice so probably two or 200 250 comprehensive plans around the state I will say that you know the city has probably one of the more uh clearly stated vision statements and direction of any comprehensive plan I've seen uh I mean it your comprehensive plan sets out the expectations and the way that the city wants to evolve to be able to do uh a large scale Resort development and to be able to grow your tax base take the pressure off of the residences in terms of the tax base uh to uh avoid having high-rise residential development take over the beach side uh so I've been very impressed by by the vision but you know a lot of plans will set out Visions where they fall short sometimes as following through on standards uh and you've done a great job and really essentially matching the development standards that you're uh that you approved in your plan and your code um to that Vision so that a project a catalytic project like this can come along and develop uh based on those standards and achieve the outcome that the city has been looking for uh and that's uh you know the city is commended for doing that because a lot of local governments sort of fail to to bridge the gap between their vision and what the numbers actually say in the comprehensive plan and code you guys did a great job on that um just to to recap the cup 629 new units three towers um those that's where the the units are located 170,000 square feet of accessory uses that includes uh the restaurant the Beachside restaurant office space um uh conference meeting type space as well as retail uses all of measurements that uh are required by your comprehensive plan for density fla ratio impervious surface that's all based on the area of the project or the area of the property that's landward of the Coastal Construction control control line so that's the 25 acres and that's the that's the calculation uh that's used the statute Section 163 3194 parentheses 38 a requires that a development order must be consistent with the comprehensive plan and it further states that it will be consistent if the land uses densities or intensities and other aspects of development permitted by the by the development order are compatible with and further the objectives of the plan the land uses the densities and intensities and other criteria um in looking at your comprehensive plan I went through and carefully identified a objectives and policies that are mandatory and those that are uh what we would call non-mandatory obviously the mandatory or the the shs uh when policies say you shall the developer shall do this or uh uh the property owner must do this those are mandatory uh non-mandatory are your shoulds uh policies that say that the city is encouraging a certain activity or promoting a certain activity um what's great I think about this project is is it really has uh implemented as both the mandatory and non-mandatory Provisions of your plan for the purpose of consistency I'll focus on the on the mandatory provisions and in the interest of time um also I should mention that paragraph 3B this is 3A but paragraph 3B also adds capacity and timing and what that gets into uh is simply looking at uh when infrastructure will come online and that there's enough Capac capacity uh you've heard from all of our different uh experts on on uh the timing Provisions as you've already heard and I'll just skip through this quickly the the Project's located within the community redevelopment District that's implemented uh by the Gulf Boulevard Redevelopment subdistrict that that subdistrict is also implemented by 11 character districts including the large resort character District district for the Project's located the Activity Center District is across the street across G Boulevard here are some of the numerical thresholds these are obviously the the most important in in one sense that they're they're uh they don't require interpretation generally You' you have numeric standards so uh for projects uh building on over three acres uh your your code refers that uh I think it's actually in your comp comprehensive plan as well that's your scenario B uh development um where uh a a resort a large scale Resort can go above 30 units per acre up to 75 units per acre uh we're proposing 63 units per acre that's 16% below the maximum uh as you've heard 80% impervious surface ratio 177% Green Space 1.47 floor area ratio compared to 2. 6 that's a difference that calculates out to a difference of 1.2 million square feet so in other words we could have built potentially 1.2 million square feet of additional Resort development um and I want to talk about in a in a moment about um why that hasn't occurred and and uh sort of the the The Sweet Spot this development has tried to achieve and balancing different issues um just to put it in perspective 1.2 million square feet is is roughly equivalent to a couple of average siiz malls or a very large Mall um parking or in compliance and as well unloading this just gives you a summary of the setbacks um just call your attention to um those that where it's on the uh on the middle column shows 25 ft so that's those all of those that show 25 ft apply to buildings that are less than 50 ft or actually 50 ft or or less in height um in all cases we're more than doubling those setbacks uh for buildings that are greater than 50 fet in height the setback has to be equivalent uh at least at a minimum equivalent to the height of the of the building so the minimum requirement for example for phase one uh The Phase One Tower at 116 ft is is 116 foot front yard setback uh we're more than doubling that at 245 ft uh all of the towers are substantially set back um so to go back uh to to the earlier comment I made one of the I thought very nice uh sort of design approaches planning approaches that this multidisciplinary team has taken uh is to is to set set back the development especially those initially those those lower story bu buildings to set those back to keep a very open feel right along Gulf Boulevard to not as in the in the the towers are important too so we're avoiding that Canyon sort of feel that you get when you uh when you drive down some of the more urban areas of the state's Coastline uh this is very different because uh uh the team has really strived to uh to maintain that open feel and and that also really helps to achieve compatibility with the activity center across the street your comprehensive plan has been designed to encourage the very development we're doing here but at the same time your comprehensive plan and your code requires compatibility and that's achieved by by maintaining that lower story uh uh Frontage uh in the beautiful uh uh you know pedestrian walkway and the the way that the Landscaping uh interacts with with those with those elements of the project uh so they did a really nice job that way and at the same time they've been very sensitive uh I think to the C marks project uh to the seark project um you heard from our architect that went through those uh design strategies there's no uh no blocking of the views from with the tower one it's been oriented and and set back so the tower one doesn't block the C Mark at all there's doesn't block any views the restaurant uh keep in mind if if um if the restaurant were enclosed under your code it could be built to 50 fet so this this uh o sort of open air type restaurant is about half that height so they've they've kept it down low at the same time you know tourists come to Florida and come from other parts of Florida to enjoy the beach and these beach side restaurants are a really important part of of a resort so our team did a great job on that um these are those mandatory objectives and policies that I I alluded to earlier I'm not going to go through all those in detail um I've list I've analyzed each one compared it to the plans carefully analyze the plans you've heard from our uh each of our disciplines on our team uh we're consistent with all of the uh Gulf Boulevard Redevelopment District policies and the objectives and the same for the uh large resort District policies uh these touch on all the issues you've already heard about so I'm not going to bore you by going back through those I think you understand the points that were made from our from our team on those same with the future land use policies those uh these are focused on storm water and uh protection of Natural Resources you've heard about the the beach restoration the Dune restoration work compatibility is an important consideration I already touched on it uh this project is compatible it's important to understand that compatibility doesn't mean it has to be exactly the same size and compati and it's it's really relative to how to the to the distance between uses uh and and how much of a difference there is between uses obviously development in the large resort uh is allowed to be over twice the size of what's in the activity center that's why it was important that they set those back so far like they've done that helps to enhance that compatibility um same for the cmar situation I mean roughly the same size buildings uh 12 Stories versus 11 stories that kind of difference doesn't create an incompatibility especially when you design it the way they have and really try to uh Orient the building in such a way that the views uh are are are not obstructed and that our buildings not looking down into their building uh it was really well done uh in my opinion there are no nuisance impacts uh the noise issues uh that uh were discussed and the the the glass wall to to U deflect any noise uh is is uh is consistent with the intent of compatibility um the uh scrubbers I mean all of those sort of design treatments and uh and and the way it's being uh permitted the way it will eventually be permitted uh uh ensure compatibility now that your your comprehensive plan and your code don't include a definition of compatibility the state's definition and the statute basically just says two uses that are in relative proximity to one another uh should be able to exist in a stable manner over time that's about how it reads uh and and I don't think there's any question that that will that will be accomplished here um so I'm I'm not concerned at all from a compatibility perspective uh this SE and by the way I should have mentioned that you know we're working through Section 4.4 parent a these are considerations that ultimately the city council uh will will uh will look at as well uh you've heard from from our experts on each of these items the final section is uh 4.12a the standard for review there is that uh the project wouldn't unreasonably or disproportionately negatively impact uh the the neighbors and uh adjacent uses uh for all the reasons I've said I'm comfortable that uh we're consistent with all of these requirements you see some of the operational requirements those are important as well that's specifically mentioned in your uh comprehensive plan and your code um we also have as you as you uh as your planner mentioned earlier some 40 plus uh different conditions uh all of those designed to ensure compatibility and ensure compliance with your code requirements 30 foot setback to to the C mark that's also where the 30-foot buffer is placed so to conclude my professional opinion the cup as it's been conditioned consistent with your code and your comprehensive plan it's compatible with surrounding uses and it satisfies the code sections that are there thank you thank you uh Joe Smith 1754 properties again for the record so we've just talked a lot about how our plan and our expansion plan comply with the Land Development code and the comprehensive plan to a t without any shortcomings without any need for any variances but I'd like to talk to you about something a little bit different now I'd like to talk to you about the the benefits for the community and while we can all talk about the comprehensive plan and how we just fit perfectly but we have a lot of benefits and those benefits are really something that we worked really hard on in fact actually if you add up all these benefits for the community and the city it's well over $20 million that's really important uh to note because that's a big benefit that I think goes beyond Land Development code Beyond comprehensive plan and we're really excited to present that today we know that everything that would be approved has to be a win-win right so we're here to deliver that win-win for the community for the city for our employees and for us some of those Community benefits include the beach youve heard a lot about this I'll go through quickly and there's some new things here as well note that on the beach access on phase one we have a 30- foot wide we've talked about that a lot the other two were in response to comments from the community they're not required by code so what's really interesting is that what we're doing here is building this beautiful access point but we're actually adding two more just because we heard the community and what you're going to hear time and time from me again is we listen we solicited input from the community over dozens of meetings and we really have focused on delivering what the community has asked extent is possible we talked about the temporary beach access is going to be there we have a customer ement use easement that's a 15 wide strip that's actually about 25,000 Square F feet on the beach that's open to the public it's an easement it gets put in place that's where you can go and lay down you can walk across it and it's all for the public this is a big step in the right direction for something that is for the a community that has not historically been part of St Pete Beach we're paying for the beachwalk that's going to be expensive that's probably millions of dollars to build that beach Ro up and down our 700 linear feet that's something for everyone to enjoy rollerblade on bring your dog walk you know this is something for everyone the full Dune restoration is going to make our community a great place and that's really something that is required by the development agreement and we're happy to do it that's something that's really great but that's several hundred, as well Turtle protect ction maybe some of you hav seen in recent press where we actually have created educational displays in two places across the property but the displays are only the tip of the iceberg right we're doing the what I call Turtle tint on the Windows which is the tint on the windows to reduce glare so that c Turtles migrating won't get lost that's a multi-million dollar investment across our existing property not not to even mention the new units um those we we are lighting compliant right now we always have been this is really nothing new new for us we've worked with ctle uh sea turtle trackers for years and years and we're always meeting with them as we should be as well as the city to figure out where we're not compliant what we have to adjust it's just part of an ongoing process for us so this is really nothing new we're happy to do this all these things you can see we do I I won't spend too much time on this can I ask you a question about that last slide um absolutely so you're are you saying that the beach facing Windows of the existing buildings will be yes tinted okay yes and that includes all of the windows so I mean as you're aware the cup is actually a submission from us and other groups we have condo unit owners there we have and it'll all be done okay the uh environmental bense you heard about how we're going to uh clean the storm water so you don't have any un environmentally treated storm water distributed that won't happen with us it's all environmentally treated lead silver certification right there is probably 20 to $25 million above the required Environmental standards that we'd have to hear to so we are going way above and beyond of what's required the 50% for Native vegetation is something that's important to the commission and I imagine important to you as well that we're GL to do the 35% water use reduction as Brandon mentioned his intro reclaim water for irrigation as he mentioned we're really proud of the fact that we received the environmentally friendly business uh of the Year award um this is something that we always work on again it's nothing new we're constantly cleaning beaches we're constantly doing things and we're really happy that we're recognized to do that um transportation was something we spent a lot of time on the uh internal Frontage Road the whole location of the lobby was intentionally chosen at the middle of the property so that it would give ample queuing room we're getting rid of that guard shack so that no one gets caught getting into the property and it backs up in a Gulf Boulevard so people can pull in the Cur the 60% reduction curb cut we've already talked about um we're spending ,250 th000 over 10 years for mobile services including freebie a lot of people think that actually this is a city concession that's something they asked it's actually something we volunteered at a different dollar amount and and and city manager Wayne Sanders did a great job of getting us up about fivefold but um you know this is actually a concept that actually we introduced and we said look again I want the community to win when we win I don't want this to be a hollow Victory where it's just good for us I want something that's actually really going to help people traffic is something that was brought up time and time again and we said how do we do that let's make sure all the traffic is on our internal Ring Road let's make sure that we promote uh not only our guests but the local residents using the freebie shuttle so they're not taking their own cars let's make sure we have walkable sidewalks let's make sure we have the boardwalk that people can walk let's make sure we have extended carts on our property so we can move people around internally in our property instead of them getting in the car we've gone we've really thought hard about the traffic and we've spent a lot of money towards this there's also Al the um Gulf Boulevard safety study that will be done by fdot and that will be uh mandated and we'll fund that and fund whatever safety improvements they have on golf bouvard that are required of us this I get really excited about so you have to Cal me down but this is something I believe has not been done outside of San Francisco New York City or Chicago really excited that we can deliver this so before I get there we sat down with Brandon and um city manager Sanders we went through the view corridors and I think Brandon correctly identified in the beginning of this where those existing view corridors are what we discussed with them is hey look we're preserving those corridors right the 30 foot wide Southern Beach Access preserves that view corridor at the southern side of the of the property the middle beach access that goes right through our garage out is unimpeded all the way out to the beach that actually preserves that view corridor but we saw the city hesitating L said you know what we're going to make this super easy we're going to do something that's not done before in the State of Florida to our knowledge we're going to create a public access View Terrace on the 12th story above our building this is going to as you can see from that view that's an actual drone shot where we flew it and the actual position that this this roof deck would be and that's literally what the Public's going to see when they stand up there so you want to come up for the sunset and watch the sunset fantastic you want to bring a bottle water and your sandwich fantastic you don't have have to buy things from us you don't have to pay you don't have to show an ID there's no inhibit whatsoever in fact we're building an elevator that's one stop directly to the roof so you go right to the elevator you don't have to stop at Guest floors you don't have to get mixed up with any of the the the hotel traffic you just go right up unimed and what's really fantastic about this is you have ample seating space all the way around with this elevated curb which is basically uh serves as seating space and what's really cool on that lower photo if you see towards the left and there's like a little bump out that and you won't find me on it but maybe someone else is brave enough there's actually that's glass floor so you'll walk over it and you'll feel like you're floating right over and you can take your Instagram shots and can bring the grandkids and dare them to go on it or whatever you want to do but I think that is really something that I don't know that exists anywhere close to here I think this whole amenity is something that really we're super proud of because I really think it's going to receive National recognition I really do this is just a a much more boring vertical view but um it it uh it does show number nine where that little bump out is where it's glass and it'll go down below and then you'll see It'll be nicely landscaped by Perry Becker and they'll do a great job with that and that just that's just more oh okay I'd love to show you a video because I get really excited about it so this is the view that you'll see the Drone again was given coordinates it's the exact position of what it's going to look like from that view deck and so you can imagine the sunset you can imagine the scene where you can see all the way down to the Don CeSar you can see all the way up and down the beach and again this is available to everyone you don't need to show ID you don't need to show anything uh you just go up and it's you know have normal rules and regulations uh around it um to make sure it's safe but beyond that it's free to use so um with that I believe I will turn it back over to Elise and she will wrap this up I don't need to go back over the standards we've talked about those enough um we just want to point out that we believe that we have met all of the criteria in the cup um I know we're going to have a very short presentation from Brandon on the development agreement anything more Brandon or you're done um you know the development agreement just very quickly to touch on that for two minutes sure when we go in for something like a development agreement and we ask the city for something Beyond what's typical in your code a lot of times we want to enter into that development agreement for the assurance that we we can build over that period of time and so what that does is it's basically just a contract between the city and and the developer that says here's what we promise to do in return for you allowing us to take pauses between the phases for time for those units to absorb into the market um and then that's really the the entire point of the development agreement as far as we're concerned is not having that cup expire but knowing that we have 20 years to appropriately allow construction and then absorption construction and then absorption I know at one point in time we were talking with the city manager manager and there was a big concern about oh my gosh you're going to build all of these units all at once um and that isn't going to happen you've already heard what A development agreement is I don't think I need to go through that um but really it addresses our longer term and performant based commitments what do we have to do and when do we have to do it in addition to the things that are typically in the cup so it gives you that assurance again Brandon covered all of these developers agreements and also the city's agreements um if you I'm not going to go over them again um we're going to stop presenting because we know you have probably lots of questions even though you asked some allow you time and then we know there's a lot of people here that want to speak um and we would ask for just a short time for rebuttal thank you thank you did uh anybody have any specific questions for the applicant at this point yeah go go ahead you start and no you start off while you all right um yeah i' I've got a few who do I need to get up here with me um uh the rooftop amenity Joe and I might be able to answer your questions and maybe it's the architect and him I I I don't know uh in in looking at at the the site plan and the the drawings and if you can bring back up the uh the the picture of the rooftop this one yeah that's that that's good enough and you're drawing [Music] a221 um that that shows that on on the U it it shows the the Terrace and and the bump out and all that but it also shows in that same location where you just have this this lattice work it shows a restaurant unless I'm reading this incorrectly there's a team club a restaurant and then um and then a Lobby am I that sounds like the first floor or first main floor of the hotel that's what you're looking at I'm sorry you're looking at the first floor of the I the hotel I came over with the same question because there was at one point there was a description of a private space but when not in use for a private event it would be open to the public but now I've also heard there's a restaurant up there so I'm it's different um sorry uh if you would you like to take this for a reference so you see what I'm talking about or I'll answer the private versus public space question so if you look on this graphic um and you look at the legend on the side 48 well over 4,800 square feet here is public space and what we described in our narrative is number five is a little covered area that can be rented out and while that's not part of that 4800 Square ft if it's not in use at for a private event it's open to public so we didn't designate it at public space it's not counted in our calculation but it's going to be bonus space if there's not some private event in that area okay and so the same thing goes for your number two that that talks about event Lawns no that is all open public space the only area that is designated for private is number five everything else here that lawn the number one viewing tears everything else here um other than like the elevator obviously that that's just showing where those things are uh that's all open to the public so that event lawn wouldn't be used for such things as weddings and that kind of stuff no uh the only private space is number five here but on this drawing it calls for a restaurant there if you if you're un you're looking at a 2.21 uh a221 yeah so that is level two of the Tower so that is 10 stories below where this uh rooftop would be it's in the that's the same leg as this but it's below it's okay so so just a portion that that shows the Terrace and down and all the way through where it shows a Terrace is this is not the roof oh sorry no that's the out that's an outdoor Terrace on level two the description right here and what he's trying to say is it's Tower two but level two okay so that's where I think that's where the confusion is coming from on the very Swit yeah I saw that on the front okay all right so then then I'm I'm reading it incorrectly all right thank you no problem um so so are there no other rooftop amenities on Tower two just this Scott no there is the uh lounge space that's also uh in the corner of this floor plate so extreme right yeah extreme right yes okay so uh will will our citizens be able to park and and come up to this or will they will there be parking that that they can access this with or do they access it by walking off a g Boulevard uh we there are both options there's a way to get to the Express Elevator from the parking garage uh or from one of the sidewalks that come up to the main arrival and around the side of the building you can also access this if you happen to be if you happen to uh go to one of the restaurants you had a reservation and you want to go up to the rooftop deck there you can access it from the the specialty restaurant as well how do they access the parking there is a connection that is uh directly north of the elevator that links right into a parking garage so there'll be paid parking for non Hotel residents is that what you're saying for a second um Jo Smith again so actually the intent of this is for residents it's for locals so we're donating a, $250,000 the freebie so that people come in the freebie what we've heard loud and clear from local residents is please don't build excessive parking please don't advertise and bring in Beach parking or people even to this amenity so we're not really pushing the parking as something that goes with the the Terrace deck based upon the feedback from the public all right I was and I appreciate that I was questioning the access to it and you've answered that I had uh not looked I I forgot about the freebie and their ability so the freebie will be able to access your site because I know some sites they don't allow it to to access so it can access your site freebie can access your site absolutely there's a requirement evidently okay the the other one of my bigger questions was during the the development of this and access in the the queuing lanes um until such time well first off during phase one how far down will access come for people to queue to get because there'll still be access and I'm going to ask a question they're going to be accessing the hotel initially during phase one at the same location they do it right now and that's the ptoo at the at the jackar is that correct correct and the only difference is we're removing the guard cheack and that allows we did a quick calculation about 35 cars right 30 yeah so we have about 30 to 35 cars of stacking which is Jo will tell you that that's way more than they need in there that's during phase one then it must go does your if you've got a drawing maybe you can show us how far down because I know you can put a currently you can put about five cars between the road and the guard shack and then you put about another five cards down between there and where they turn to go back underneath the the uh Portico turn on on the P you can actually park there as well so that we're counting those cars as part of it because you can park cars there as well cuz the poret is actually wide enough I've done it I parked there too so you park there as cars can turn and and queue as well so there's there's double stack around the for so how how is that going to be different than what we have right now except for the guard gate being gone well the guard gate is is a bottleneck right now so the guard gate gone that removes the bottleneck and and makes that a much smoother uh you know arrival experience for the guests so you you so you're your your philosophy on this is that there's no backup between the guard gate correct and pter CET well between the the the guard gate and the road I'm talking about step in just for a second so right now the problem is you're right there's about five cars queuing so you pull in and you get stopped right and they check in that's obviously a problem for a larger scale Resort I totally agree with you it's always so the way you actually access that phase one building is you pull in you go there's no guard gate there anymore you pull all the way in you go around the Portico share you wind back and into that parking garage so really what you have is you have free flow access of queueing to about 35 cars just to get into that phase one so it's a huge improvement from five to 35 cars queing yeah yeah that that would be Dave you had some question yeah it was on that same garage I was so there will be access controls on that phase one parking garage where will those reside are they going to be visible to discourage people from coming in and turning left thinking they can get in there because with with other hotels selling Beach parking I can picture people just pulling in there thinking they're going to sneak into that garage and then they're stuck at a gate they can't get through and everyone stuck yeah the the gate is intended to be uh at the uh entrance to the garage but there would be signage that says you know uh access uh gated yeah right there at that intersection the parking lot in front of the Rumfish remains all the way through phase one and two there's a big parking lot right out in front of the rum fish of Rumfish that will remain all the way through to phase four when we need to modify it to fit the new Frontage Road I thought sure go ahead Dave I'm sure you got more um I'll just throw an easy one out there for you uh so the development agreement uh section 3j marine turtle compliance this one is specific to lighting but hearing from Joe Smith it should also include window treatments on existing structures 3j is that what you said correct yeah one second let me just get uh page 895 I'm sorry I've got different pages oh you the turtle lighting is a condition of the cup it's not in the development agreement um a lot of the development agreement conditions are things over and above what is required in this conditional use permit so this was one of those requirements to the the turtle compliance okay along that line though I did not see anything that mentioned improving the existing building windows that are Beach facing for turtle compliance so what condition is it sorry some stuff's in the conditional use and some stuff is in the development agreement can you answer that that actually is out of the development agreement it's it's item J um these standards of both the Land Development code and FTE require the tinting so that would be the standard for new B front lighting but it would apply to the whole property in Phase One okay and that so that would be one of the 30 or so conditions uh no it's specifically in the development agreement the intent was that to be under 3j um the in meeting the new lighting standards sitewide by the end of phase one they would need to tint all the windows because that's part of the lighting standards for new development okay that was my confusion and so so window tenting on existing buildings is considered part of lighting not typically under the existing standards but the entire development the existing development through that item in the in the development agreement would need to be made compliant with the new standards and any new development does need thatting so it's just applying the new standards to exist okay okay do we have any numbers on the on the number of units that were demolished uh at the um Coral Reef in the the building that that they tore down do you know that Joe or Scott do you have any documentation no we tried to find that out um we don't have the exact number but we'll find out does someone have it Brandon does um I believe it was 50 units that were torn down they used to have 114 it was 64 in the mid 20 tons so that makes sense because it it I'm trying to keep that net number down that our citizens are looking at and and good good point although that's not reflected in our application because it doesn't exist today those are units were torn down in contemplation of Redevelopment when the predecessor and interest entered into some agreements with coral reef uh two things and and then I'll pause again um uh Dune management after you after you um uh do the renourishment who who's going to be responsible for the the management and continuation of those is that going to be a pelis county thing when we have uh Storms Come in who's responsible for the management of those Dunes David or Abdul do you know it would be dictated by the permit um but I don't know the specifics of that that would be a either an engineering or a landscape architect because right now the cup says that they'll build them right but it doesn't say build and maintain right we have one of the permits that we for the new let let me take a few moments and we answer other questions and let me look at the requirements under that permit I would assume they would be the the same while you're looking at that perhaps one of the things that was in your write up was shuttle service and you haven't addressed that I thought maybe that'd be something that needs to be brought out so the citizens can sure there's uh on demand shuttle service it used to be that you know you had a shuttle that would go every so often now we would have a shuttle service on demand so whether you're going to Tampa or Clearwater or Sarasota um you would be able to get a shuttle service to and from the hotel as you needed it so many people now um use car riding services that on demand Services seems to be the most effective to make sure that you're getting shuttle service to everyone who needs it and you're talking about to the airport correct oh yes I'm sorry to the airport uh we also have bus passes for employees there's a lot of them here I know they'll speak about that um but that's also it exists today and it will continue my question is I believe would be from Mr pipitone your Economist Greg J um I'm not wanting to put you on the spot but I'm going you on page um I believe it's page 514 when you were talking about the property taxes yes you were talking about the property taxes can you ex you want to pull that slide up it was the 15 million in direct property taxes yes now can can you explain how that that shift is going to occur because right now the property taxes the base property taxes they only increase at 10% I'm not a tax accountant but I understand from the Florida statute that the property tax now will only increases at a a 10% rate but when you build the new buildings will this reset the base value of the prop of that existing property so that it then gets re-evaluated at a higher rate similar to if somebody a resident sold their home and it's sold at a higher market rate so this analysis looks specifically at the expansion so these are just looking at the new buildings and the property taxes that are going to be assessed at those pro at those um renovated facilities so that if take Tower one it's being built on property 5500 5600 so would that would not that property would the value of that property 5500 5600 that partial then be come January of the next year be reassessed at a higher rate and that is that why that money that extra monies are going to the city in property tax I can probably answer both of those and then just from a general perspective and then Greg can let you know how that was used in his analysis um but typically the property appraiser goes in each year and will reassess properties based on nine criteria that are set forth in the Florida Statutes um a sale of the property or new construction is typically one of the things that trigger a reassessment of your taxes um and they can look at all of those factors so likely yes it's a little bit different than your proper when it's homesteaded um if if a deed is recorded the property appraiser doesn't have to wait until the next year but the trim notice wouldn't come out until the following year when you get your taxes um showing that increase um so there's a multitude of things that can trigger a reassessment but new construction and construction permits are typically those things that the property appraisers look at when they're looking to determine whether a reassessment is necessary so the property apprais is going to be very happy because you're building all the new expensive buildings and therefore this is going to be more money than if the property did not get right and Greg is not looking at anything that's existing again when the property goes up right Joe Clos your ears Peter please close your ears but when property values go up for because of the new buildings property values go up so it's it's good for the the property appraiser because taxes typically follow and that was the 15 million that's just a that's that's a completely different right so Greg is looking at when these projects are built and they come online to be assessed and then as far as the methodology over the 20 years I'm sure there's some assumptions in the study I don't know what those are I'll I'll step away and let Greg uh address those yeah so so we actually work with a local real estate consultant who calculated that $15.9 million and within his analysis they had a an increase each year in the millage rate a conservative one of 0.005% increase each year over that 20-year period um to to account for for some of that growth can I so considerably the city could actually be getting more or the county would get more money in property taxes right you'd be paying more sorry to do that know I I was I was just going to say like really basic math we provided information that it's probably going to cost $500 million to build this if you take a millage rate of 2% that's actually $30 million a year a year right so this portion that's been outlined by Bill Schultz who was a former assessor for pelis County who's our consultant now uh is actually the direct benefit to St Pete Beach of the property taxes so you're right it's even more when considering County benefits and other things and can I clarify just on top of what we're talking about on this so that additional this is just additional like when you were saying seeing 508 new jobs that's over and above so like all of these numbers I think that that might be getting lost a little bit that that all of the numbers that you're putting out in this are over and above what you're already paying and what you already employ and all that you're absolutely right this doesn't include the real estate taxes we pay right now the sales tax we pay right now etc etc thank you I I had a question about this part as well um these numbers seem to disagree with staff uh staff report in the comprehensive plan on tax revenue section where even that section even States the trade WIS estimated a 3 and a half% shift uh where staff predicted to be lower and on here we're seeing 6% so that that analysis that's in the report is an average over that 20 years whereas this looks specifically at 2046 the last year and so the it's it's lower in the earlier years than the last year would would okay would be higher any other questions for the applicant okay please um you haven't spoken about the residential discount or benefit program if you could elaborate on what the thinking is sure I actually let ownership speak to that Joe Smith so um yeah the discount was something that was raised in the community comments I'm actually very and I'm glad you raise this because I'm actually very police announced we we've already implemented it so we actually gave ID cards to all of our surrounding neighbors and they get a dis they've gotten discounts for months and months maybe a year at this point so it's already done in terms of our surrounding neighbors the code and what's being asked as a city is that it's a Citywide discount which will Implement in the future but right now the surrounding neighbors get it right now what do you consider a surrounding neighbor well it's going to be everyone in the St Pete Beach you show your driver's license but for now it's only for the yeah because we we haven't been approved and God willing we are the actual development agreement requires that it's people in St Pete Beach so it'll be expanded from what we have right now and what do you have right now surrounding building so no no what is the benefit for oh I'm I'm sorry I'm sorry I mean I read in the technical review it's a 20% it's a 20% discount um and it's on a variety of things and I'll probably get myself in a little bit of trouble but I believe it's on food and beverage chair rentals on the beach and a few other things around okay so one if if and when it's approved then it is implemented Citywide yeah we have to come up with a detailed program of how it all works but yes it'll be implemented Citywide but not with I'm sorry I was just going to say but not necessarily with those exact parameters so you may have difference in the parameters for yeah I mean we'll have to make sure that we do something that's responsible um you know for example we have to take in consideration traffic you know do we want discounts on Fourth of July weekend and then everyone gets it gets even worse in comp so we just have to be thoughtful about it plan it out but yes there will absolutely be a discount program are the bicycle racks that that you're showing and that you're going to have are they going to be Community can can the community use those so we our plan was to have bicycles uh for our guests what we've heard and we brainstormed the city on this hey do we want like City bikes in Manhattan or something that I want use and people cringed a little bit and said I don't want bikes left like on the corner you know stranded or Scooters or whatever so the idea is that it would be for our guest again to promote you know not getting in cars and bicycles um again if there's a local discount for residents and we have bikes for wrench could they get on the bike I'm sure that they'll be part of the program too for local residents but not not for the public in general and so I the other question that kind of goes along with that is maybe not necessarily that the residents would would be looking to uh rent the bikes but it will there be bike racks that if we were to ride our bikes there sorry public space yeah yeah the you know our intention is there will be bike racks around the property in public I do remember seeing them on there I just didn't know a code requirements also part of lead uh lead certification as well so there there is numerous bike racks located throughout the property they're the yellow circles one other question for ownership I think well are you I know you addressed during emergency events that that there's going to be parking for City vehicles and that kind of are you anticipating because you've got to obviously Evacuate the hotel by mandate and is there going to be a a u availability for residents during some period of time to put their cars into elevated areas of your garage and leave them do you remember where we settled them yeah I we we spoke about this and Joe will have to confirm but the idea is that after a certain period of time the city has the ability like first come first serve for emergency vehicles similar to what we did with sarata and that the a the rest of the availability would be for local residents to elevate their cars great that's wonderful good that is great this might be a question for Brandon um on the agenda report just after the four phases summary part it mentions at the completion of buildout there will be a transient population increase of 974 guests but knowing that we're talking about 625 629 rooms that seemed very low because that would suggest 65% of the trade wom's rooms are used by one person we actually we got that from the applicant that's a requirement of advertising for the development agreement we have to State what the population's going to be um that might be a better question for the applicant if you have that information so member hover I just want to make sure so on this the 650 Keys the number was what again 974 guests right so that's on the 650 Keys correct so um what's notable I'm glad you actually raised this is trade wins right now um is a property with a lot of sweet product all the new rooms are you know I'd say the vast majority are just single rooms so it's a shift in the way we've done business in the past so actually you know one will be C to groups which do have single occupancy one people and then sometimes you have two people in a king bed or you'll have two beds but to have a 1.5 or 1.3 Ratio or whatever on average per room for these rooms the way they're designed would not be unusual okay you can't use time share in in the large resort District I have that marked out [Applause] this might be a question for City attorney um one of the conditions was having an updated hurricane evacuation plan that would shift from what is currently warning to watch as forward panales requires and but it mentions legally enforceable mandatory evacuation and and the only reason I have a question about that is because I know there are resorts on Clear Water Beach that are subject to the same requirements and they are known to ignore those requirements so I'm just wanting to find out what legally enforceable means if there's actual penalty that we can ensure the applicant is evacuating when they're supposed to it's not in their interest to ignore those requirements it's definitely not in their interest I don't maybe we've got the fire chief or somebody here that can speak to how the um the evacuation orders are rolled out but um yeah's hear from that I know they are required who it probably would be can you answer that yes Kelly says Fire Marshall from past experience here on the island um the hotel guest leave first um we personally come in contact with management to make sure the guests have evacuated they might keep staff back security reasons but most of the guests the guests are evacuated off the island what happens if they don't we haven't had that happen but I mean if it is a mandatory they do have to evacuate there's no other option that they have to remain back it's a safety issue okay well the reason I'm asking is uh there are several properties on Clearwater Beach that knowingly ignored these requirements and and even delivered letters to their guests saying you're not required to evacuate after pelis issued an evacuation order so I'm just and their their rules have no real there so I'm just wondering if we can incorporate something to solve that problem yeah so I can address part of that just based on the procedure and the fact that we're getting a cup for a lot of hotels that haven't gone through a cup and don't have this list of enforcable conditions it would just be you know however everybody else evacuates there's a provision if you look at condition number 38 um there's a condition that specifically says that you know um the city commission can actually revoke or amend your conditional use permit so there's a lot more teeth on us than really any other Hotel anywhere just based on this document okay yep that's what I was thinking to so it would be a violation of the cup and that would be basically a trigger that would could bring it back to the city commission for modification and when when reviewing the hurricane evacuation plan which does need to be updated I know I know the trade wins has an app for their guest and I guess my question is is there a way to push does the trade WIS has capability to push notifications to the guest uh regarding emergencies evacu lost children whatever does the trade ones have that capability to push those notifications as well as encourage them to get ready penel apps and whatever else so I love technology everyone I'm constantly talking about updating our systems but actually we are working on Geo fencing which allows us to text guests even sometimes without even opting in so that we could have emergency services but it also allows us to do half off and margaritas at 5 o' so dual purpose but yes that's in our app we have that um so we're going every day more and more to Technology Solutions to Greater connected we also have an app for our employees we able to send out messages to our employee team which is when you think about a thousand people working it's important to communicate these emergency messages right away we can do that from our app and they can also spread the word to customers and guests and things like that the more you can reach Somebody by their phone where they informed they are because it's the one thing we all do right if you don't have your phone in your hand you get panicked right so you're absolutely right getting someone contacted by the phone is the best way is there a completed transportation management plan in here this in pack there is it's in on in the back of the transportation study it's the last few pages as an exhibit okay is there a diagram to show by phases the in the frontage road on the property when it will be built in because you know phase one this much of the road's going to be built phase two because you know when you're in phase two and you've got all this construction workers and trucks coming in every day if you know how so it's interesting you bring that up because Joe and I were just talking about this when someone was talking about the frontage road and he said you know really for the most part there is a informal frontage road now there's golf carts that go back and forth that's how people go particularly in-house right they use those for moving things and and golf carts so Kevin's going to pull this up I mean if there was a way that that could be completed in Phase One or even phase two because then it would make it easier for your your contractors to move through as well so it you bring up an interesting point and we started talking with the city manager about completing the gulf the the sidewalk first and wanting that all up at the beginning and so it's it's a very when you move one thing you have to move the utilities and then when you move the utilities you have to move the infrastructure and if you're moving the infrastructure you have to build the storm water and when you do that you have to build the buildings and what we know the community doesn't want is to build all of this at once so there were certain things that made sense like we can make it work but this area along the front the the sidewalk because of all the infrastructure and the utilities that are under there and the light poles and the I mean there's so much there um all of that is affected with the frontage road and the sidewalk but despite all of that there is that requirement for the sidewalk because we we heard from the city and from staff that that is the most important thing um to to get that built so if we do not move forward with Phase 2 within that time period we've got to figure all that out and build it anyway um the frontage road is a lot more difficult because there's no way to do that and not build the whole project um it's just it changes everything it changes the site plan and it it makes it difficult to move everything around and the engineers can explain that a lot better than I can but that was sort of the general overview of that discussion but if you look at the raing plan can you zoom in please can you zoom into the overhead thank you a little bit more great as you can see each phase sort of independently integrates with the next phase so it works by phase even if we're not constructing the whole thing so we've designed it so that phase one will integrate into what happens at phase two already and then they sort of connect each phase it doesn't seem like it would work that way but it's specifically designed in order to integrate on a phase by phase basis yes please so for the record Kevin R with st Miller also um just to point out a couple things in the phasing so remember we're removing curb Cuts as we go but those curb there's curb Cuts in each phase so uh construction vehicles can still access during the construction phase that curb cut and then it gets closed at the end uh Additionally the um the the two remaining access points in between the two signals the right in and right out when you get to that phase that right in and right out will access that portion of the road so the the road will grow uh as the phases continue you'll be able to you it won't just be accessed from one end you'll be able to right into it and join the access road um so uh it doesn't show it on so right here so for example this phase here you see where my finger is that doesn't go all the way to the signal but you'll be able to access the frontage road so there'll be a frontage road for those phases essentially and then it grows as we go and you know just reiterate briefly what Elis is saying it becomes a a a utility impossibility to to do that on the front end and then try and build the buildings after the fact it so that but traffic won't be for the residents traffic won't be on Golf Boulevard they'll still the trucks and the workers will won't be able to get in so that residents aren't going to be faced with additional traffic from construction correct so the the road grows with the development it's not it's not like it snaps into existence at the end of phase four there are access points in the various phases so you can still get to that Frontage Road you actually see the this is phase two this is the biggest jump because you get all this access road and uh Frontage Road and then you get the access there you you won't be able to left out there they'll have to go to uh the South to take the arrow to left out but you can write in and use the access road within the property um and and so that's sort of the biggest the biggest jump is at phase two and then of course you get the full benefit of phase four and they have to put in those containment things before they build a road I found what I was looking for just just to confirm it will include Tampa in St Pete airports is Sarasota or no say Tampa St Pete Sarasota Joe is nodding okay and then um David Perry has an answer I don't remember who asked the question about the maintenance of the D okay thank you very much um when the FDT FTP permit is complete and the project is signed off uh all of the land that is uh of um seword of the cccl line actually tear insures back to the state for Perpetual maintenance by fdp fdp in the future so any Beach Tre nourishment or any of the like or anything that that would happen that would happen to impact that Dune system would then be under a under fdp um criteria and maintenance do you mean raises go ahead wait I I just want to be clear about this so you're saying the state is going to replace that you're just saying it's under their criteria it's under their criteria your proper it's still private property that you'll be responsible for the the d The Dun line uh uh seword of the cccl line is actually governed by D at that point once once the once the work is complete and transferred to DP the the D is then responsible for Perpetual maintenance of the Dune system uh if re nourishment has to occur or or reconstruction of the Dune has to occur okay so does just so I understand does that does the trade winds right now own any of that underlying land underneath where the dunes are going to be and if so does that mean they're going to deed that to the state so there is is they cannot develop any there there's areas uh that the cccl actually yeah goes in and out of the in and out of that line so anything that anything that they make improvements to that's outside of the CC cccl line then gets uh it does not get deeded to the state it's actually it's actually part of the fdp permit that the state then has regulatory control over so the trade WS right now doesn't own as some of the other Resorts do they have ownership of go ahead yeah there's close to 40 acres that are owned all the way out to the mean high water line okay so they're going to provide easements and and that kind reason why I'm asking is this past year with with the trouble that we've had um the renourishment of our beaches down here had to be privately funded through uh privately funded funded through um uh through the penny for pelis I believe that's the fun source that it came from ra rather than through the core because there there's this big thing about we're not going to do an inch if it can't do it all so and one of part of Greg's study there's a big portion of that bed tax that goes to beach Tre nourishment right um Matt McConnell at a past hearing was like you know that's exactly what that County portion things like that how it comes back to the city is through those Beach things like beach re nourishment out of those County dollars I mean trade WIS would be paying into that pot of course just like all other businesses but that's a wait that some of that tax money comes back into the community right yeah the one we just did came directly from bed tax through pelis County right close to about $10 million of that yeah and it went all the way down to passag grill and yeah so so you're long and the short of it is you're going to do the renourishment when the renourishment so so we're at not actually Dune restoration yeah Dune restoration when you do the Dune restoration then you at that point forward it becomes the responsibility of whatever agency would be pelis County the federal government through the core whoever but it's somebody else's responsibility uh on the maintenance of those Dunes uh yes and I actually seen it both ways where DP can condition it on the property owner uh to actually um have a integral role In Perpetual maintenance of it uh the the current permit that's in place right now for the restoration of the dunes does not have that in place so I would assume that that would that it would fall back into dp's criteria I I just want to be clear I mean that I'm sure that's where this is going in the federal government but I just wanted to be plation I had a question for Mr alkadry regarding the uh the storm water vaults how is that designed for what kind of rainfall total or what was how was it designed so we are following the southwest Florida waren Management District criteria here because we don't drain into ftot okay so their their regulations govern attenuation which is detention and treatment will follow both and we will we will of course strive to exceed this required ments so we have not designed it yet this is just we haven't prelim yeah this is just very prelim okay we have the concept we have the method but we have not done the design yet okay very good thank you question on that as well um did I understand correctly that conceptually the thought is to um even though initially part of them are going to be done with each phase they're also going to have some type of connection so that the Overflow or whatever they could they could be connected we haven't gotten there but we know at this point we're going to have a pre-treatment SE where we size a pre-treatment chamber that cleans the water before it goes into the exfiltration system okay and then eventually we can connect him we'll figure that out good thank you any other comments before we open it up to the public comment um Brandon could you so during Brandon's presentation he me mentioned the applicant had a concern about the AAA travel guide rating condition have we got to the point where you're going to no I'm happy to present those modified conditions now and kind of go over them or we can wait till after public comment we were Brandon and I talked and he said do it at the very end but we can do it now if you prefer fine with us yeah either way I I don't mind if it might benefit the before the public comments go ahead and then also a Redline thank you so we did have some concerns with just a few conditions that staff had proposed and we did sit down with a meeting with staff the city manager and go through these and staff is um has accepted the our modifications but obviously the conditions are are finally up to this board I'll wait till you get the red line because I think it would be helpful if you could see the red line okay most of these just to be honest are sort of clarifications um so that there's no question about what the condition says but a couple of them are substantive Su did you oh I'm sorry no the red line everybody needs a red line thank you thank you do we have enough thank you thank you so the first condition was really just a clarification um there was concern by the ownership that it says sell the property and sell can mean various things in a corporate structure um you know transfers 11 layers up or whatever we just wanted to make sure that what staff intended was that they meant the fee simple title to the property you know if the property sells like you and I think of in a normal amman's terms so that was just a clarification and then we did want to make sure that we carved out the coral reef condominium property not the fee title underneath for the actual condominium because obviously that's those units are not owned by the developer the second was number 12 that's where there was two real substantive requirements there the first was that all that the hotel buildings were AAA rated um that's no problem at all but AAA rated restaurants if you look at what the definition it's all fine dining so white tablecloths nice silverware and of course this is a beach resort and and we we'd all we are perfect we want fine dining but we also want to be able to have a more casual thing on the beach we want to have grab and go so we want all levels of restaurant it doesn't mean it's not quality it just describes the level of casual versus fine dining and and staff was fine with that I don't think that was the intent um with respect to 25 this is just talking about all Dune crossovers all all Dune Crossings would not be at grade they would be crossed over the one Dune restoration that just got completed has an atg grade crossing so this number 25 is just a clarification because fdp has already permitted that particular atg grade crossing and it just got installed you skipped 20 pardon you ski number 20 oh I'm sorry um yes staff had asked that the pool be closed at Sunset um Sunset could be 5:30 at night it could be 8:00 at night it could so we were comfortable setting a time we talked to the staff we felt that 9:00 was prior to most people going to bed you know the real issue is noise and and folks being disturbed when they're trying to sleep um so we did offer 9:00 uh we think that's reasonable it's consistent with earlier times along the beach um and we wanted to offer that as a solution to that issue number 26 oh I'm sorry I just dealt with that was with respect to the beach walk over hold on one second oh yes so on the plan on phase one you see that there's a truck turnaround that goes just a little bit into the on the seaward side of the Coastal Construction Control line there's pavement there now um if we cannot get that appropriately permitted uh by FD the idea is we'd come back and provide something modified for staff that and it might may require a little tweaking of the site plan we just wanted to be clear that that would be done during the site plan approval process um number 29 deals with pervious surfaces uh we we didn't talk about that probably as much as we should have during the hearing but in addition to exceeding the impervious surface standards staff has asked for a condition that b basically all non- major transportation areas like your parking spaces and and other hardscapes would be made of perious materials we were fine with that this was the language we just made the modifications to match what was approved in serata because we assumed that would be an acceptable condition so this is just cleanup language number 35 is completely our fault it it was a mistake um we saw in two different places that lead Silver And when I say us I mean the lawyers we we messed up this condition when we offered it um we saw that lead silver in one spot said 40% and another said 35 we asked the question and we submitted 40 and then got a verification back after we' already submitted that condition that lead silver um requires a 35% our Architects said yes that's what we can do and that's already really restrictive so we I apologize for putting that out there that was completely our fault um on 29 yes this is probably more of interest to you but um are any of these impermeable surfaces incompatible or I'm sorry permeable surface is incompatible with the weight of the firetruck and because I know they share some of the access and this mandates permeable right that's why I changed the language to say non-structural or non-traffic rated specifically to address that concern because it wasn't in here and we had to deal with that uh during the serat hearing and I just wanted the language to match so that the did not include the fir truck that's that's a good point number 37 talks about green roofs or other types of roofs we just wanted to make sure and and we have confirmed with staff that the intent is that this is on newly constructed buildings that there wasn't an expectation that we were going to go back and retrofi all the roofs of the existing buildings and then finally we uh this one was very interesting you have a standard condition that basically says any violation can send you back to City commission um but normally in a cup situation we don't have 50 or 40 or 50 conditions and my concern as a lawyer from condition number 38 is we we have conditions for example that say deliveries will be between 7:30 in the morning and 10:00 at night and we will absolutely tell all of our delivery drivers you must be here between 7:30 and 10:00 at night but if somebody show show up at 7:15 technically City commission could come in resend the cup so we just wanted the opportunity because of those third party requirements for us to be able to fix it before it it came back to City commission for a recision and that was the concern there very good um so I'm going to answer any questions that you have I'm sorry that's a lot of information um but we just wanted to make sure that we we did that's a good time to put these out there we may have some more questions after the uh public comment yes sir but uh Public's been waiting for quite some time so if it's okay with you guys do we need to I'm sorry I forgot to ask to submit those to the record may I I forgot to ask for permission to submit those for to the record may I submit those to the record please the modified condition thank you I think we kind of already did it but um all I was going to say is yeah if we need if there's anybody that's com in since doing since we did this s in at the beginning yeah if there's anybody new that came in uh in the last two hours or so uh if you submitted your name to speak you need to be sworn in so if so please stand up if you've been in here last couple last two hours uh Madam clerk do you swear or affirm that the testimony or information that you will give is truthful thank you thank you so we have about 20 cards that'll be about an hour okay we okay for we don't need a break again do we okay whenever you guys if somebody needs a break think we're okay let's I think you talk among yourselves no I'm good so yeah let's let's go a and start with a public comment okay thank thank you applicants for your time are we consolidating any of this like they did if they are they consolidating any of the comments Robert Fisher good evening good Bob fiser and I live at 4780 Britney Drive South first thing I'd like to do is thank you for your service to St Pete Beach thank you so the jackar building is one of the existing buildings at the trade winds and my family actually owns several units within the jackar Randa building and I'm a member of the board on the uh Association for the condo association jackar Randa consists of 288 Hotel condo units in the Trade Winds Resort they're owned by individuals and families who like myself utilize the units for family vacation uh we donate time to charitable organizations for their fundraising um pardon me SAR are you speaking for the entire Association or just no just for myself but I thought in you know to give you a background I am a board member I'm one of three board members for the association thank you they also use that income to supplement their retirement um and that's been a major source of my personal retirement um income over the past more than 10 years and their livelihoods the trade winds does manage these units uh on behalf of all the owners so that we create a uniform integrated Resort they're willing to invest hundreds of millions of dollars and no expense to us to create a worldwide worldclass Resort that would be a huge long-term positive impact on this on St Pete Beach's image its reputation its residence and its business Community I think presentations that were made before indicate both the financial uh impact employment impact and other impact I believe that to be prosperous a city needs Redevelopment to encourage that Redevelopment owners must be allowed to proceed with economically feasible plans and if the city rejected a proposal for a worldclass resort despite it requiring no variances it being consistent with a long-term plan and getting a green light from City staff um I wonder whether developers would would think that any kind of development in St Pete Beach was feasible in the future so I think it's real real important that we consider that because I believe having a modern world-class Resort limited to a very small portion of Golf Boulevard will complement and balance the charm of our older neighborhoods and bring new life to our community in life change is inevitable the trade wins proposal is POS positive change and for that reason I urge you to support their proposal thank you thank you thank you Dale Shaman good afternoon everyone I'm Dale shman I'm the general manager at the coal Reef Beach Resort I'm here to speak on behalf of our owners and board uh we've worked together with trade wins for many years and we'd like to urge the commission to grant their conditional use permit we believe that the project not only appeals to the value of our neighborhoods but also to the benefit of our property owners we worked together with trade wins for years on putting together agreements that would benefit both us and the trade wins um and that continued on to to today uh the possibility of a boardwalk with guests to use that's going to be great more more Beach rights more access a more attractive modern Trade Winds better dining entertainment options these are all things that benefit us less flooding on Gulf Boulevard for a smoother arrival and departure for our guests again these are things that are great for everyone access to the viewing platforms and offer of Scenic views of the beach and the bay nice things you may not be aware but trade WIS has been partner with us in many aspects such as parking Beach equipment security and more they've always been there for us in times of needs whether it was a hurricane or a pandemic we value our relationship with trade ones and we want you to know that it would be a huge loss for us if the conditional use permit is denied as we represent over 2,000 taxpayers in this community we hope that you would take our interest into serious consideration and that commission will approve the conditional use permit and I thank you very much thank you Emily [Music] SCH good evening everyone uh thank you for allowing me to be here and join you today on the planning meeting to discuss the tradewins Island resorts my name is Emily SCH I'm the director of marketing at Blu green vacations I have been here in St P Beach for over 13 years working with the St Pete Beach Community and I'm also been a resident for the last 6 years we have 16 62 units that are located within the Breen Ridge building at tradewin the units are owned by thousands of our Blu green vacation owners and also accessible to the vast blue green vacation club membership base due to the Sandy white beaches and tourist destination that St Peach St P Beach provides Breen Rish Club at tradewins is one of the most popular and most requested Resorts Nationwide I'm here today speaking on behalf of Blu green vacations requesting the approval of trade win's conditional use permit as so many of our owners and members who come to St P Beach expect to see the quality that the expansion represents with roots dating back to the 1960s trade ons began as a small collection of Bungalows and small buildings and grew over the decades to improve the experience it has always been and always will be a family resort that many have come to grown to love over the years with that in mind it's now time to breathe life into trade wins for the next 60 years provide to provide that Unforgettable experience for our owners members and guests this depends on an updated modern and Quality Property in addition to a well-maintained city and infrastructure approval of the conditional use permit is needed to for the trade wind's Resort can fully be maintained and modernized apart from modernizing the trade WIS Resort and improving the beach infrastructure the expansion will be a catalyst for the St P Beach economy if EST um if approved our understanding from the trade ones is that the expansion will generate an estimated 199 million additional to annual tax revenue for the city of St P Beach and other government agencies it will also create as we spoke about earlier 3 to 500 permanent jobs and over 500 construction jobs um related now in closing it's important to note that the decision regarding the conditional use permit affects others beyond the resort itself St P beach has become a great city today due to T tourism and we owe it to it to continue to modernize and do what's best for not only our visitors but also for our St Pete Beach residents Blu green vacation supports the approval of the conditional use permit and it's very important to our owners members guests and approximately 150 of our team members who work on site and are also some of those are St p PE reg St Pete beat residents I greatly appreciate your time and consideration thank you thank you Tim boget L season whale is there still an overflow room no I don't think anybody's shner good evening Deborah shner Bo Sega Isle Drive in St Pete Beach I've been a resident for several decades regarding the bed tax Pen's County collected $98 million in beted tax so 10 million is not that much and in general the state also chips in I just wanted to make that clear with this and the sarata and the others to come we will now be a tourist Community with residents right now residents with tourists which we like and why we moved here there will be 3,000 more cars on the road and the reason I say that is that tradewin stated that at their meeting we should not allow two decades because for construction who knows what's going to happen in the next 10 years there may be amazing Innovations amazing ways to create energy store water so why are we allowing them to have two decades you don't allow a house to have two decades to build in our community they indicated um Mr DeSantis stated that they have many types of hotels so my question is is this a familyfriendly hotel an entertainment hotel and resort I'm a little familiar with underground only because I studied this when I lived in New York when a house in Southampton was putting a pool underneath their home I will tell you it's very complicated to build the tunnels and to make sure that the employees are safe even to put a pool in here you have to constantly pump out water or the pool will pop out so I would really like to know the engineering on that only because I know a little bit about it and you need pumps and all kinds of things um we don't have basements here that's a good reason elevated crosswalks I assume then that will only leave one crosswalk um available for people in wheelchairs or anybody who's disabled or those kind of issues the economic impact to our residents and businesses is not as much as they're talking about because a resort keeps the people on property they have everything you could possibly need maybe they'll go out once in a while um as tourists to visit Corey or go to PESA grill or maybe downtown St Pete but in general a resort is constructed to keep people there I think it's very important if this was the only project gee it looks great but it's not the only project and that's where in the issue is we cannot have blocks and blocks and blocks of walls thank you thank you Victor Ortiz good evening uh my name is Victor Ortiz I am a resident of sanip beach for 10 years and a proud member of trade wom family this development is going to bring a whole new world of opportunity and growth for this community please approve this cup I feel to depend on this as those are livelihood thank you [Applause] please keep the uh Applause down thank you Joseph jeno good evening appreciate the opportunity to speak tonight my name is Joe Jano 5445 Gulf Boulevard Sunrise Resort I'm the board president there for the third time I don't know whether that's something I should be proud of or uh or really wish I shouldn't should have not taken the position uh I've been a owner there for 24 years uh also have a second unit in the location my first time down to St Pete Beach was 45 years ago when a dear friend had just started a job with a new Airline called Eastern Airline and they had a family and friends that could fly down to St Pete Beach and stay at the trade winds for $25 a night and I'm sure those numbers are long gone the uh the trade wins has been a very special place to me and my family and I think that's important because it's really communitybased my two daughters were both married there one 15 years ago and one 10 years ago and we brought in people from all around the country in fact all around the world for that for those events and they marveled at how great it was to be married on the beach and celebrate in all the beautiful facilities throughout the uh Trade Winds by trade I'm a professional mediator and arbitrator and I've sat on your side Planning Commission in Michigan for over 15 years and I sat on the tax tribunal there for 10 years so all of your questions tonight have been very Germaine to what's going on and I think that the this team has done an incredible job of answering them and doing all the necessary homework to be able to bring this type of project to fruition um I've heard this the the discussion relative to the timeline to do this of course you know we have a relationship unique relationship in that we're directly across the street from this the sunrise will probably be more impacted than the seamark right because it the parking lot which is directly across from our building provides this View for the people that are owners and guests there um from the ownership perspective of course they would like to see the parking lot removed and and sand and palm trees put there but I don't think that would ever happen we all understand that growth is good Positive Growth is positive for the community and creates additional opportunity for us you know this isn't just about bricks and mortar even though you know that's important it's really about the community and everything that Mr Smith has brought up and in fact they've uh had an open door policy for us to come in and review this plan extensively both I have and our um our management team has also done the same thing and explored it they've answered our questions Our concern of course was that it was going to be blocking the view but we understood that there's really no no way that we could uh stop that from occurring for them to achieve what they were looking for so I've got a lot of other issues that I'd like to bring up of course my time expired so in closing I just would like to say we support this project and we'd like to see how we can utilize these new facilities moving forward and have that same kind of relationship that we have had for the last 30 years very good thank you thank you Robin Miller Eastern Airlines dated himself right I'm Robin Miller and I'm president and CEO for the Tampa Bay beaches Chamber of Commerce thank you for your patience and and all of your service all of you up there um the Tampa Bay beaches chamber has always been behind responsible and reasonable development and 16 years doing this job we've talked about this topic over and over in various Beach communities I'm here today representing the businesses of the Tampa Bay beaches chamber they're not standing here behind me today uh many of them uh have told me they are in favor uh especially because of the economic impact that it does give them because they do go and Shop on Corey or pass a grill or eat a burger at Willies but also they um are afraid to come and speak at the podium uh due to retaliation vandalism or people not frequenting their business if they know they're here or speaking and I do want to put that out there because that is a real thing that is a real divisiveness that has occurred you have my letter in your packet I spoke to you all about Reas iy environment and Community impact and it's very important to us as a chamber resiliency that that really encompasses this whole presentation by redeveloping these Parcels we are called a Barrier Island for a reason and that is the barrier to the storm that would come to Bell Vista or furthermore right and so by creating Dune restoration and new buildings that are hurricane proof and wind structures and all of those wonderful things this is a catalst project not only for St Pete Beach but for penis County in this strategic plan of pelis County resilience sea is a key component and we're not talking about just sea level rise we're talking about the structures that we are going to leave behind us as we move forward right in our communities this again is a catalyst project for that a Side Story really quick because we talk about the turtle so much chamber we we raised money for sea turtle trackers a few years ago and worked with Lisa on that and that's a great project but how can you how can you deny the fact that you have an organization the community that wants to put so much into Community impact and that's one component of it representative Cheney called me a couple days ago she saw the press release about the turtle and uh education she has a balloon Bill don't release balloons into the environment because they impact the turtles she wants to partner and get her education as a part of educating those guests when they have a wedding a celebration of life or whatever it is that something that we can't even put over about structuring a building right that's a story that goes through the community because they want to give back to the community and there's a lot more that they're giving here and conceding so we urge you in your deliberations to approve the cup for the trade wins thank you thank you Robin William Lawson I think he left nope um Terry Groot good evening Terry Groot 2841 Alton Drive uh first I'd like to thank the developer for presenting a uh design that was considered of the resident's concerns it really does look to be a beautiful Resort however I'm here to respectfully request the city commission an independent traffic study prior to rendering a decision on this cup the reason I urge the board to take this action is to ensure that City Planning includes relevant data to include a wider scope of projects we have a which have a high probability of materially impacting the traffic on St Pete Beach Community to include its residents the employees that travel here and the tourist the addition of a thousand rooms associated with the tradewin serata windward pass development projects will conservatively add 2,000 additional people traversing our roadways in some manner whether it be vehicle bicycle or pedestrians again this is a conservative estimate considering that this project alone is projected to grow 500 employees and provides over 200 Park 2,000 parking spaces additionally there are multiple development projects within 8 miles of the St PE Beach Community which account for nearly an additional 3500 new residential units this is the Skyway Marina District while there is no requirement for the developer to consider these close proximity projects in their traffic study close proximity development will certainly impact St Pete Beach traffic both in gra gaining access and exiting the Barrier Island from both the Bayway and South Pasadena corridors as well as along Golf Boulevard and the residential cut throughs this is a quality of life as well as a safety concern that merits the intervention from the city via an impartial and holistic data analysis and risk mitigation planning to ensure the sustained capacity of our transportation infrastructure prior to decision to proceed thank you thank you John kurman thank you encouragement way in I'm surprised we're even here um because I would expect there to be five different applications being done today because there's five different properties first of all I'd like to make sure my email of March 15th is in the record for today's meeting with its two attachments and if you don't have time to read everything and understand everything please don't be ashamed to ask for an adjournment and review it later um because this is an important uh hearing and hopefully you'll have time to um you know consider everybody in the Public's input um there's a a lot of information um to consider my understanding is from the city website uh you you you go for an application and uh if each applicant must apply each applicant must agree to get get a permit for the lot within one year uh and the public gets 3 minutes of input for each application and there's five properties um the maps were set in the comprehensive plan it had there's the map in the comprehensive plan um and this is the thing that we were all sent earlier on uh that shows the phases uh but this is the map that shows the actual lots and normally when you look at property and plans you you you have property lines um and then here's from their application they actually showed that they had different Property Owners um and then they provide a list of different you know Property Owners on the right here and then we just heard someone say they had 2,000 residents in the in one of these properties well if they're residents are they full year residents if they're residents uh well then if their residents are they temporary because if they're not temporary then the calculations for residence is different than temporary use so you know that would change your units per acre uh and then I saw an ad where they're advertising units of 5500 Golf and again they don't even mention that it's temporary use that would change your residence per per uh units per acre and then I looked and there's 288 units in another place are those residents that would change units per acre um and then there's this picture and it doesn't show the lot lines that would change again if there's other properties in that lot line and then they show a prop they don't show property line so when you put a big building there don't you want to recognize if there's different uh lots and your building is you know not respecting you know setbacks so and and then you know conditional use permits and and beach access um uh you need to make sure the beach access is set um it turns out Hilton Garden in has to provide one of part of the the third one we really need that north beach access it shouldn't take 20 years to get it uh and then 58th Avenue has particularly been used for years look at those plot look at the uh the ploted easement that was Perpetual um so there's a lot to consider um and please read those memos uh thank you very much we did thank you Aiden Guk James Bailey good evening thank you for your time uh my name is season Wales I work at the Tradewinds and I also am a resident of St Pete Beach on behalf of all of our employees I can tell you what this extension expansion comes with Incredible work environment upgrades for not only myself but the rest of our staff that we're all very excited about this includes a range of new employee facilities and services that we've never had in the past I also o trust trade wins to design this keeping in mind the best interest of St Pete Beach please approve the cup thank you thank you James Bailey harol H Leanne Ferris Dana Richardson Lisa Reich hello I may show photos I may not my name is Lisa Reich and I live on 78th a I'm a resident of St Pete Beach and uh I'm the founder and CEO of coastal Wildlife advocacy group that I recently formed in 2022 um I'm here on behalf of all the sea turtles especially those that have perished due to non-compliant lighting and permanent Beach Furniture on St Pete Beach for 13 years I have patrolled the beach and I have never seen the trade winds in compliance not one year on March 13th which was this p past Friday I went and I conducted a lighting survey I've been trained by Sea Turtle Conservancy and also uh completed a workshop with clear water marine aquarium and Sea Turtle Conservancy as it was a code enforcement Workshop um to learn and get trained on what to do to conduct uh a comprehensive lighting survey um unfortunately what I found was non-compliance so that was as recent as uh this past Friday and then I went back and looked at on August 2nd 2023 nothing that was discussed in the technical review meeting has been completed regarding the problematic lighting that was discussed and the permanent Beach furniture and the water slide that exists May 1st is the opening of 2024 Turtle season the marine turtle protection cord uh sorry the marine turtle protection ordinance can be found in our City's Land Development code division 44 and has been there for years it needs updating but it still exists as far as I'm concerned all I want is to see compliance of the of the marine turtle protection ordinance with all the resorts Trade Winds over the years unfortunately I've seen more disoriented mothers and hatchlings that end up in their pools in their storm drains Crossing Golf Boulevard and even getting run over or die as a result of getting disoriented I just want to know who is assuring compliance of this ordinance and when when are we going to before the cup after the cup it was the same scenario with the Sera why is there no record that I have asked for no lighting survey record with the city for 2023 how can we enforce an ordinance how can anybody comply with an ordinance when there's not even a lighting survey on record I surveyed the entire Beach my organization and my team that I trained not one property beachfront property on St Pete Beach was compliant not one we worked with tradewins I met with the engineering team and um actually they thought they were compliant and they were kind enough to do a walkthrough with me on June 1st now this was all done before the technical Review Committee so they were very much aware of non-compliance and I was able to do a walkth through and discovered that they didn't realize half of the lights or a large portion of the lights were non-compliant so it was an education process for them and for me basically I stayed in touch with him and was hopeful for change I can say that I have noticed some change but they still remain non-compliant and we are approaching another sea turtle season and I guarantee you if a nest is laid Sea Word of the property it will disorient thank you very much Dana Richardson is here now and thank you for taking care of our sea turtles you're welcome hi I'm Dana Richardson I live at 5830 Bahama Way South I'd like to First say that I am for redevelopment in St Pete Beach that aligns with our comp plan and LDC code however there is something that nobody is discussing here why would we think that individually owned properties can be grouped together to form one Resort this application clearly shows five developments five owners five signs to Simply forming one Holding Group make it one Resort this massive buildout is not what the comp plan wants as Lee said in the serata hearing just because it's not in the comp plan doesn't mean we don't pay attention to that the maximum buildout is not stated it does a lot of things it takes away our Vistas and Views by allowing this massive buildout to only allow technically one beach access I live at 59th so basically I'll be dead before I ever get the north beach access point and there is something wrong with that just because the plan doesn't cover it the comp plan doesn't mean we need to allow it multiple times throughout the application the city discusses the issues of residents losing their views so in order to mitigate this they're going to give us a rooftop viewing area what wasn't mentioned is unless it's being rented out the application repeatedly refers to walls iron Ironically in our comp plan it's mentioned nine times blank wall facade shall not shall be prohibited it seems that phase four is not being discussed there are no renderings doesn't show beach access and according to documents in the packet when the city asked about what's being done to Rum fish in Alden they only refer the ver fish and it's basically okay the way it is did not discuss the Alden it's an isore there's no more vegetation or Landscaping there's no more Fountain it looks awful do we have to wait 15 years for that they're only adding one little office building it is the least buildout of all the four phases why can't they include at least that with phase one or start with that one so we get our north beach access and last safety I have many concerns living off 59 there have been many times that I have almost had a head-on collision in the median trade WIS is going to basically take their entire traffic and divide it into two main entrances thank you thank you unless somebody didn't come up when I called them that's all cards so then you CL close the public hearing if there are no more public speakers okay so when we go back to I'll no no you just close public hearing and then uh if Council wants to rebut anything she you might want to give her that time to do that okay thank you for the comments uh in the public comment section is closed any response from the applicant just very very briefly a couple of clarifications with respect to the traffic study I just want to remind the community um that had concerns that on day one the initial traffic study contemplates every every single trip for the entire development even though we know that's never going to happen so it is so overly conservative and it still shows capacity on the roadway second we have agreed in the development agreement to do a new traffic study at the beginning of each and every phase we start from scratch we do a brand new traffic study so if everything changes we'll have to deal with that at that particular time but we are very comfortable given the numbers and the fact that we're putting the full buildout that those that capacity will be available if we wait 10 years and everything changes that could change um but that that's a risk that we are taking by entering into this development agreement in that way um I'm going to have Joe come up and talk about the sea turtles because he's very passionate about that and he's been working with the certified sea turtle trackers um with respect to miss Richardson I just want to say that the Alden and the rum fish we thought about leaving them out um we don't need them for their density in fact we cure some of you know by taking all that in together um it spreads the density out the entire site but don't need them we're not taking anything from the Alden and the Rumfish we're incorporating them into fully integrate the trade winds as it is today that entire property that means new Frontage roads that means you get that public beach access you get the upgraded Landscaping you get the Dune restoration you get all of that even though we're not doing substantial improvements over there internal to those buildings Rumfish was just actually renovated we stayed there last night very nice renovation uh in term storm water improvements none of that comes with it that was a that was a specific choice to include them to further integrate the resort um and with that I'm going to turn over to Joseph uh thank you leis appreciate it so sea turtles is important to us and I appreciate leisa's concern I I think we share concerns more than she may think that we do um but um we work with the one certified Turtle organization in St Pete Beach we've sat down with the city and the city and we have both agreed that it's it's a mess to have multiple sea turtle organizations come in and say no I have authority no I have authority and it's become a difficult process to know who to listen to and who to follow so what the city and we have both worked on is working with the sea turtle trackers organization that's really who we worked with um we have replaced lights in our parking lot because it is true we didn't realize that those lights in the parking lot could be seen from the beach after talking to Sea tural trackers we replac those lights but if you could see my email from last night asking my team why the shade of orange was different in the different white bulbs I we pay attention I literally this is no joke last night I can pull out my email asking people why the or the orange shade was different from bulb to bulb that's really we pay attention to that I mean I mean it's no joke now we're not perfect there's always Improvement we can have but we're always going up and down we're reviewing it we're talking to City we're talking to sea turtle trackers um and you know we're we're really um focus on doing the best job we can so we have made improvements uh the chairs I know the chairs are a topic the wooden chairs we will spend We Believe up to $2 million replace them so that is something we are doing uh I want to go on record for that so it's happening it's a massive massive amount of money so forgive me if we do it in phases over time but that will be done so the chairs actually will be done as as I think Lisa and others have have suggested uh we don't have a problem with that and the turtle tint is something that we're doing as well so we're we're really on the same page we're on the same team I think it's just we just need a group to work with that is a certified official group in town and have one set of orders to do and we'll follow those orders can I ask a question um I I just if Turtle trackers is providing that service I guess my question would be why did you have to reach out to them to find out you were not in compliance when they should be proactively fill oh no they have I mean they'll they'll come to us regularly meet with us and tell us where you know don't don't think that they come by and say oh everything's perfect to the contrary they'll come by and say you have a deficiency here and here and here and and know that we're always making improvements our property so some a team member will come out and say I'm going to put this light over here so that people can better see this stand where we're selling pret or whatever and then sea turtles trackers comes by and says that white is actually shining on the beach so it's a constant process this is not something like a date comes and we all check the box and go home forever I mean sea turtle migration season's coming up it's something that will be in regular contact our employees are trained to spot Nest they don't touch them they contact sea TR trackers and say you guys come you're the experts so we have a good working relationship and we will continue that working relationship ask another question sure the Alden it is an eyesore so the front where the fountain used to be so so this is actually funny because someone made a comment to me about this the other day and I said we just spent $14 million renovating the all and they said really and I realized that they were talking about the Portico share so that's one of the reasons why the CP is important because at as part of that process we will tear down the Portico share and build the frontage road so we're not toned deaf the fact that portica share is ugly I I agree with you but we're we're we don't know what to do with it right now because we don't know if we have the rights to move forward so it's if you actually get past that pora share the building is beautifully renovated and the rooms are really nice and there's all this beautiful stuff but beautiful in the back it's just the but on the Gulf Boulevard I I agree I can't wait to know when and what we can do with it great thank you does anybody have any other questions for the applicant or any comment on the public comment this is an off-the-wall question nothing to do with the cup please you have the Rumfish Grill in the in the airport at Southwest terminal and you do yes you do yes you do and because that is the trade winds when you go in and out of the Southwest terminal that's the trade WIS and people know it and you got the beautiful fish tank and it's the trade ones and you also have one in AAL the the hockey arena I believe that I'm not aware of theond Raymond James all right Raymond James is that logo because you're talking about redoing the architecture of your new property is that still going to be part of the trade wind's image because that image is very up there's the sale fish that's the trade WIS and it's known so so one of the things people don't ask us about integration um and we are we've already done it and so people ask us well how you going to integrate all these buildings and our answer is look at what we did with Alden forget about the Portico shareff for a moment but the rest of it we put a big sailfish right up on because we wanted to to be the same we have guests who check in Rumfish because we check all them in at Rumfish and then we say go over the Wahoo building which is Alden and they literally don't know that it's two different properties and so um yeah if you'd like should we put that up yeah sure can you put up the presentation please we have a visual of what he's talking about and so you rais a good point and actually we played around with some renderings even on the new construction main building where there might be a sailfish on on some of the verticals I I hate to be so boring have a s fish in everything but sea life and I think that's a good branding with the family brand that we have right we're not a party hotel I think someone asked it earlier what kind of hotel are we going to be we're absolutely a family Hotel I mean we always have been I wouldn't put a zipline in the beach unless I want to be a family hotel right I mean you know all these things are family family family the new design we have a bowling alley for kids we've got a climbing wall I mean these are this disc screams family um so yeah that that iconic bring so the the visual on the left here is Al them before we renovated it's it's obviously yellow if you zoomed in the actual um uh railing the different railing done in a vshape the windows weren't hurricane proof they weren't impact windows and so what we did and on the right it's a little confusing and that's actually the point because that's actually Rumfish in alen in the same shot and if you look at it you're like well they all have the exactly the same white railing they all have exactly the same white impact window it's the same color there's sail fishes and and different you know decorations on both of them the same seating out front of it so really and that was our intent we wanted people to walk in and not realize they were you know going from one property to another in the cup our plan is to do a similar thing where we didn't even get into some things that aren't cup related that we'd like to do eventually like build a pool in between the Alden and Rumfish place that's landscaped that will like you really walk out there and have no idea that this was was never intentionally built as one Resort so those type of things are things that we would like to do with the cup to make sure it's integrated because we we want it's to our advantage that people to think it's all cohesive and you're going to keep the sfish yeah I mean we like that I mean one of the beautiful things about us is that Dean Fortune his family originally developed some of these buildings is an artist he's still part of trade wins and a lot of the artwork you see around not the saish but a lot of the artwork you see around the property is actually drawn by him by hand it's really cool how we have this culture that goes back to families who founded this Resort decades and decades ago and they're still with us it's it's really neat really neat very good anything else for me think so I had a couple comments um just listening to the public and whatnot we all we all live here we know the traffic is terrible it's maybe fate that we're doing this right after St Patrick's Day middle of spring break Easter's still here all the snowbirds are here and the traffic in March stinks we all know it um part of that traffic that a lot of people don't realize is people looking for parking spaces literally there's no parking on St Pete Beach everybody knows it and the fact that you guys are coming in building parking structure over capacity I think oh help a lot that might reduce some of the traff on the other hand I think what you're trying to do is just a little too big for our beach we got 1654 units at the trade LS let's say for example we have three people in each room at capacity it's almost 5,000 people that's half the population of St Pete Beach I find that staggering now the idea if it if it's possible to scale this back a little bit um I think you're going to get a little bit better feedback from the from the public you're adding it's only you can say well yeah we're only adding 629 units but man that's another thousand people here on the beach every week every day every week so I'm kind of going back and forth on this but I I also am uncomfortable and if you guys are either I don't think it's been done before where we're taking five six addresses and making it one we were going to buy the lot behind us in our neighborhood and build a house in between can't do that it's not zoned that way this one I would sure like to see a a cup for phase one when phase one is completed a cup for phase too and so on to me that makes more sense um the attorney here mentioned that well we're going to we're going to build it and then take a breather and kind of I can't remember the actual phrase you used uh to assess I think it was that was a phrase well 20 years hence I mean I think there's too much time in between too much time in between the projects I can see where you it kind of makes sense that way but Brandon looking the idea of doing individual cups instead of one massive project over a 20e stretch to me that makes a lot more sense um and that's really all I had to say just to two cents worth anyone else I I still have a lot of questions on traffic but please um this might well let's just start with Frontage Road um are there aspects of this proposal that will prevent jaywalking uh I saw bushes but there's also lowerline areas where trees are planted that people could cross through I mean Scott or Abdul question about pedestrian Crossings or and design of the Gul Boulevard sidewalk and the curb cuts um it's probably a mixed question for both of you okay is there anything that prevents jwalk uh people will jaywalk that's going to happen I don't think we can do anything to stop that but what we are doing is we are providing raised crosswalks at specific locations for to direct traffic destrian traffic towards those areas yeah I'm I'm talking more about something that is on that barrier between Frontage Road and the 10-ft sidewalk to prevent guests from entering the sidewalk wherever they feel like it so if they're forced to enter the sidewalk at specific spots then we know they have a higher likelihood of Crossing Gul Boulevard where they should be whereas if they see an open space they're going to go right for it because they know the restaurants across cross the street so you're worried about people crossing Gulf Boulevard okay so yeah I mean we have two signalized intersections and we are directing people towards those safe havens for Crossings if people decide to cross Midway you know I mean there there's the I know they can decide to I'm I'm looking to find out if there's a way to prevent them from doing so um you know the where the trees are planted there's no bushes to either side but between trees you would have to plant in the parkway between the sidewalk and the Cur basically to which we do have yeah there in the the renderings you can see uh that we have there is additional planning between the sidewalk and the vegetation there are trees and but there are plantings at the base of trees at some point you'll have to trample vegetation to jwalk which I'm not saying people can't do it but it is a prohibitive measure uh to put some kind of ornamental plants and decorate and Landscaping so that it kind of help prevents your mindset from just walking across it it's there's very little areas where there's just grass and that's that's it to keep you from Crossing yeah yeah the renderings is what I was basing that question off of because I saw where there were large hedges in between trees but there was still an open space on either side of the tree that would allow someone to get through there but if you're saying there's intended to be planting that will ultimately grow up yeah definitely and per back you can speak speak to it more but that that is the intention and we actually had a more voluptuous Landscaping rendering but because of the native plants and things we had to tailor back a bit so there was that thought in the beginning and it has come back a little bit but we still plan to have some kind of visual barrier between so you know um speaking of that I I don't know how we as a city can can stop that I mean I I've seen people run run into the the palm trees trying to get across go pouard and there's nothing we can do about G Boulevard short of putting a fence in the middle of it and it's an F do Road and people are the I mean I shake my head uh they'll they'll stop 10 ft short of a sidew of a crosswalk and run across with their little kids I I I I don't you know you there's a lot of quism you can say but none of them are appropriate here but you yeah g walking is just you can't stop it that that's exactly my concern because I drive Gul Boulevard daily to the North End of the beach to drop my daughter off at school and pick her up so I'm passing the trade once twice a day and it never fails whether it's an employee or a guest someone is going to be behind a palm tree because that's where the shade is and then all of a sudden they'll feel like they can run across the street and so I'm just worried either they're going to get killed or I'm going to Swerve to miss them and kill someone else next to me it's just you know and if we add this many additional transient guests it's just I'm just worried about I look at it more as an Enforcement issue though and I think we talked about this for some reason in the back of my mind I remember us having a conversation before and you know it's like okay you know do we start um having the sheriff's department go ahead and ticket everybody that's jaywalking I mean what does that start to say about the community cuz that was part of the conversation that had actually come out before whenever cuz I was like look it's an Enforcement issue we've got to just make sure that it's being enforced um but then that was when somebody came back and was like well what do we want our community to look like point but I mean I don't I don't know that it's possible to you know because as soon as you would put um some type of barrier I can see people getting very upset that well I you know I have to get over on that side and now I got to jump over it and then I got hurt jumping over it or if it's too high for me to even jump over I just I don't I I appreciate where you're coming from and very because you know the thing that people don't understand is that the people that are walking across the street don't realize like their visibility they can see everything what they don't understand is sitting behind that wheel that visibility is not the same and you know I don't know whether it's an education thing also I mean enforcement but also an education thing maybe that you know the trade wins whenever they're giving their you know pamphlets or their information or whatever they have in their rooms hey be sure that that you're Crossing at crosswalks you know the people can't see you and I don't know if there's a way to do something where it's like this is what the visibility is from inside of a car versus when you're walking out there I don't know how you do that but I I feel like those are probably more the ways that you have to go about it because I don't I don't know that there's something that you can put in place to actually keep people from jaywalking a one a $100 ticket for jaywalking well like I said it's an Enforcement issue the thing the thing with that is that that there's um I've seen other cities I mean we can't even get these people to push the buttons to save their own life I I remember before we had buttons we had Flags don't remember they put the flags on I don't know if you were here then we had but there was flags on one side and the people would but then all the flags would be on the other side of the street and there wouldn't be any over here for to go you know to to try to legislate this kind of stuff or or try I mean you're trying to stick your your finger into into a dam that just has so many holes in it you can't you can't plug them up I I completely agree I shake my head you know when we cross my wife and I cross it and and the lights are going and all that stuff we don't step off the curb until every car has stopped and I see their eyes before now one thing that other cities have done but this is an F dot thing they actually illuminate the crosswalk you know and not just just with the flashing lights but they illuminate the the crosswalk which illuminates the the people crossing that would be a great thing to do yeah yeah I I get it I'll I mean I'm going to be here on the Thursday meeting with f to to complain to them too um but I was just looking for whether or not there'd be Landscaping along Frontage Road to deny access unless you're really aggressive about getting past it and board member Hubbert I just wanted to remind you there's that condition that requires us along the entire length of the property I know this is not between the road and the sidewalk but for pedestrian safety purposes if once the FD fot study is complete if there's any improvements included lighted Crossings or additional things I don't know what those might be that are recommended by fdot we've agreed to do all of those at our expense so hopefully that will help your bringing up a lot of good issues but hopefully we can at least do our part there um similarly related to pedestrians um I saw the paths uh pedestrian paths between Alden Rumfish and the rest of the resort is there something to prevent people from Crossing through the cor Leaf parking lot you mean there the open areas yeah I'm not sure what borders coral reef or what will border it um I'm just wonder you know the pathways on the diagram show people going around the back or out to the sidewalk and around I'm just wondering if I mean anyone can cut through a parking lot if if they want to we're just showing by that one of the things that we want to be sure that you understand is that we're promoting pedestrian connectivity along certain specified routes doesn't mean someone may not try to cut across but we're trying to provide other alternative pass for them so that they do have a way and also you know to promote the use of that board that Beach Walk when it when it happens that's going to be the north south way to get across I mean it's going to be beautifully landscaped by the dunes so we hope people are going to be using that rather than cutting through but there's not going to be barriers in fact we want it to be fully integrated and that's the whole point so um there would be nothing per se other than encouraging the other pedestrian areas is is the coral reef parking integrated into trade wi's garage or is it the surface level not in scope the like striped area both there's a shared parking agreement um that that we share parking so yeah along that property it would be both for trade WIS and for coral reef okay okay so the people in the coral reef buildings can make use of trade WIS garages okay uh yes for the record any other comments David um just working through my notes okay so can we can we go back to the the traffic study and what numbers are coming from collected data versus future prediction I'm going to let Steve Henry answer this question um yeah I'm just trying to figure out from the traffic study which portions utilized the actual collection of data that was done versus the it manual so any of the new traffic so the of the 629 rooms that's all it the only thing that we used existing for was the existing traffic the existing rooms that are there today those were based on actual counts that we did and and used that data but anything new was based on the it rates is there any chart in here that shows the any discrepancies between what it would have predicted for a resort of this size versus what was collected well there's I mean there's not a chart I can tell you that it you know it's a but based on the numbers and I I and I can point you to the figure let me just pull it up here so if you go to uh P I don't know if you have the report there but page 15 figure five which is the that's the the peak hour traffic at our driveways and and that's the reduced number of driveways when you add the the ins and outs for those driveways if you look at that compared to what the the same number of rooms in it for resort resort hotel we the the existing is about 42% less traffic than what it would project for that same number of rooms now what we did in our study is we used the it rates which are significantly higher so that's what we use to project the impact of the Project based on that so we were actually using again a more conservative number using the it rates than what would we would believe based on the actual accounts of the tradewin resort itself okay so if you were if this if none of these buildings existed and they were proposing a brand new 967 unit property the it numbers would would predict higher numbers than what has been collected correct okay correct so again ours ours is more conservative was the increasing convention uh or conference retail and office space included in this well the the the resort hotel trip generation right include restaurants and you know the accessory type uses and it's specific in it and in the description says it includes those types of uses and again part of that is I think is one one of the residents said is when you get there you know people stay there and you stay you know you don't want typically leave and part of it is because they do have the entertainment they do have the restaurants they do have all that so that's part of the the capture of of those trips yeah that that was I mean I mentioned it earlier but that was one of my big concerns because the it data was the 330 Resort hotel which explicitly excludes convention and meeting businesses so and it's not inclusive of weekends where our raw data collection from this shows Saturday is the busiest day so I'm just concerned that we're relying on it numbers that might have no relation to our reality well well again it it is reality I mean again we've we've looked at it and when you look at what it's generating today per room versus it per room today is actually less trips per room than what we use so it's an overestimation and then what we we did look at Saturday you're you're were correct that the resort hotel it does not have that but what we used for that purpose is what we used is a standard hotel to look at at the relationship between the daily and peak hour to see what what that would generate during on a Saturday so we did look at at both the Saturday volumes projections and also the weekday projections wouldn't a quote unquote Standard Hotel have lower trips than a resort hotel not necessarily um for for the um weekday peak hour typically they have you know and I don't have it in front of me here but typically you would think it'd be a little bit higher because again for a standard hotel typically you've got more business people type things that are you know get there and they're leaving in the morning to go to work or they're coming back after a day of work so you you have more that peak hour traffic whereas a resort hotel it's it's a little different peaky characteristics okay and so that being the case with 330 Resort Hotel not including convention and meeting space we've got uh 100 [Music] 30,000 sare ft of conference and Retail restaurant that's quite a bit to not include so I'm just curious how that's incorporated into the forecast or the well again part of it is we are only asking for phase one right now that's all 54 rooms so to give you an example if we were only going to do that analysis that would only generate 74 PMP hour trips what we studied was the the total for that the increase which is 328 so again we studied more in addition to that when we come in for phase two we're going to have to restudy it so we're not only going to look at new traffic counts we're going to look at you know if now five years from now it's it 13th edition or 14th Edition we'll be using that data we'll also have the data from this this hotel New expansion that is already opened so really you know today you're looking at phase one which is again 74 trips it's it's a minor increase in the traffic again we looked at the worst case but you're not approving a 20-year project and saying okay we know what going to happen in 20 years we're going to come back to you with the next phase and we're going to look at that impact and we're going to do new counts we're going to look at the it latest it we're going to look at what other projects have been approved in the city we're going to add that traffic to it at that point this terata may already have been opened so we'll we'll be able to do those counts so from that standpoint that's the protection that the city has is that what you're what we're asking for today is a small part of of the overall project so is serata not calculated into this no s no I'm saying serat is is we added it as project traffic again based on it based on their study what I'm saying is when we come back in phase two it may be open so instead of using it rates we're going to use the actual traffic that's on the road so that's thing so you know because we did when we looked at Maramar we looked at cor cor Lakes looked at all those or Cory Landing all those are based on it rates but when we come back in for phase two they may be built so we'll have actual numbers to look at what that is and then what other projects get built in the meantime okay there was language in here that said had not yet been approved so that's why I was asking about whether they their numbers had been incorporated into yes they they were incorp although they had not been approved when we did the study they were in the process so we went ahead and included them in the study so they are included yes what happens if Gul Boulevard is pushed below level of service D if we come in for the next phase then then we'll have to look at what mitigation may may be required whether that is you know you know whatever that might be it could be signal timings it could be improvements we don't know at this point in time we we'd have to explore that at that time if in fact there is an acceptable level of service okay but again uh can clarify something there too um and don't go away because so one of the thing Kevin R for the record one of the things that we didn't go into a lot of detail with the development agreement and what Steve is talking about is you know we're looking at Phase One the development agreement doesn't Reserve concurrency and that's that's a common thing that would happen with the development agreement so a developer would come in with a big project and they would say okay we're going to agree to do X Y and Z and City you're going to agree to let us build it um the development agreement in this case is actually working more to assure the city uh certain benefits that are coming we didn't Reserve concurrency for sewer water we didn't Reserve concurrency for transportation so the the the when the study comes back right the the parameters of that study are already set and it's it's just numeric at that point and Steve can discuss that but so that's what we're talking about with the future uh you know the future phases and what might happen and and we don't know if a roadway fails and intersection fails there'll be mitigation required and that's uh by there's a chapter in the statutes that the comp plan refers to it says in accordance with chapter uh 163 3180 that's a concurrency statute and we've Incorporated that into the development agreement so you know everything he's saying of course but but also I just wanted to point out because we didn't mention with the development agreement that those concurrency requirements are still a burden of the the developer and can I clarify something with what you just said so when you're saying you didn't receive Reserve concurrency you're talking about future phase future phase oh I'm sorry yes thank you phase phase one you know this approval would um would well real concurrency happens at site planning right but but the um traffic study here would would last for that and the will serve letter for water and for sewer that's a placeholder but we have to do the actual calculations and get concurrency for those items as well can you tell me what mitigation would typically look like if that scenario occurred again that you're speculating on what that might be again it could be signal timing it could be Lane improvements it could be any number of potential mitigation don't know it depends on what what the failure might be if mitigation cannot be achieved does that Hal the project it I mean that that that becomes a question for the attorneys but you know that that's would have to cross that bridge at that point in time observation here where David is in his discussion I don't want to break him up but oh no go ahead um I I think that you and I'm listening to all this discussion and I I completely understand and I concur totally with where David's going and and the numbers that we're talking about but at the end of the day we're we're talking about 620 rooms and the associated parking that come with those 620 rooms we live in the most densely populated county in the state of Florida and there's only about and don't quote here on this but I'm guessing 10 miles of accessible beach front between pagil and madira Beach you've got some beach accesses going up a few Beach accesses and then you got Clearwater Beach and that's the extent of our beaches Central Florida goes to the beach they're either going to go to Coco and Daytona or they're going to come to the Gulf Coast depending where they're going we live in a resort community at the end of the day this is a resort community and I've lived here since 855 I've seen this change I can remember when upam Beach you could walk down on upam Beach and you wouldn't see a person on up upam Beach I worked in downtown St Pete and I can remember when you could shoot a cannon off on in down uh Central Avenue Not only would nobody hear it nobody would care so our our our beach has changed we live on a on an island that's that's water locked that's there's no more land that's going to be developed there's nothing we've got developments that that come in here wanting to enhance our beach that that is going to do a number of different things include increased property values and everything else I I to to belabor 600 rooms and over a 20year period or even when we add in the rest of the developments that may or may not occur because quite frankly as you state if we meet that point where you can't get more people on the Gul Boulevard they're not going to be able to do their developments correct so by by by access you know just getting people on and off the beach the developments alone are going to be the ones that limit the the number of developments that are built and the number of rooms that go up and whether you guys can do as many rooms as you you say you can do uh this beach isn't changing but I can tell you what the population of pelis County and this smsa is going through the roof at over 15% a year and there's nothing that we can do to stop it until those people decide maybe they don't want to come to this area anymore so I I you know I I understand part I understand Transportation I understand Gul Boulevard Gulf Boulevard is an fot Road there's not a thing we can do we can't put a we can't put another elevated Road above it uh I I you know I've argued with def dot for 30 years about different things and all I've got is heartburn so I I um I I I guess I I I understand Transportation totally understand I've been involved with it for my whole life almost but the the numbers that we're talking about are inconsequential yes over the next 20 years based on the growth of pelis County that's the truth we can discuss that all day long maybe people hate me now for saying that but that's reality and the other th the other thing that I would just want to comment real quick kind of where where Tom is too is you know Golf Boulevard is a thorough Fair it's not just for people coming to St Pete Beach it's people going up to Treasure Island it's people going out to um uh umie thank you you know so it's so when we're talking about the traffic it's not just about the traffic that is being generated by our beach itself and and I don't know what those numbers are I don't know if that's something that you know is is easy to determine but I remember back in the early 2000s when um you know there was conversations around comprehensive plan at that point in time and I remember there being a specific number as far as what like how many of those cars are just going through through us as a thoroughfare as opposed to them even you know starting or stopping here right and and that's part of what we what we live with and I don't see that there's any way that you know we can put you know tolls or anything else at both ends in order to collect or or to do and I don't know that even collecting money would help that situation at all um but that's that is the reality of it is that we are a thoroughfare it's not just what's starting and stopping here that's that's right okay can I put this in perspective just a little bit so if you look at the traffic study and you let's look at just phase one it's 154 hotel rooms that's 74 peak hour trips that is less than two cars permanent that's what you're talking about even if you're talking about 629 that's eight cars per minute so the scope of this compared to what you're talking about because you can you talk about those peak hour trips and when you break it down to what does it mean for you like in real time what you're saying is absolutely accurate this is a drop in the bucket it sounds like oh my gosh 629 units but it's a but again one of the reasons we want to phase the development is so that you don't have this whole impact at once and we were really thoughtful about this the other thing that I think is important about the development agreement and about getting certainty for the developer is they can't afford to do these Community benefits and make those commitments if they're not sure they can build the units to pay for these $20 million is a lot of money and it's I did the calculation he's forgetting things in that calculation because we did it back at the napkin these are really great Community benefits that this project is going to bring in return for giving us the time and I think there's an advantage to that time for you it do you want me to be I just want I'm sorry I sneak up on people like that um you know you rais a good question why now why all the phases right and there's actually a very logical question or answer the code requires us to be integrated we've talked about it a lot a lot tonight right the code does not want separate hotels separate entrances to be separate that's very clear in the code the problem is is if I go get a cup for one phase how am I going to build the infrastructure to carry to the second phase if I don't know I'm going to get the second phase and that occurred to and and so like phase two for example I'm building like a laundry room the size of servicing all the units I PL but I haven't built all the units yet so for some reason I didn't get the next phase the next cup Not only would it be economically very damaging to me but now I'm in a position of making judgment calls of whether I get the next cup whether I build this size infrastructure that I don't want Pathways to Nowhere or roads to nowhere and everyone comes and says why is this Pathway to stop in the into this middle of the grass things like that would happen if we don't put a road map in place what we try to do is be very transparent we tried to come out and say I'm not going to be sneaky and apply for one cup in phase one he he he I'll come back later for more we wanted the whole Community to understand everything we want them to understand that we're building 16% less than density allows I mean this is our best foot forward of like hey relax we're we're with you we're not going to jam as much I don't think the point was made but actually if you look at the f f and you look at the the square footage that we're not building do you know how much that is 1.2 million square feet that we're not building that we have the right to that's International mall so we could have built another an international mall on that site but we're not if that's not a good faith sign to the community to the city to all of you that we're doing a quality job that's lower density by self-limiting by self-control I hope you all see that that and I also hope you see our need to plan in the future over multiple phases cuz I can't start unless I know what the whole plan is thank you very thank you and and there's one more point that I think is important too is these are long-term developers right they are strapping their property with a lot of financial obligations that require them to do frontload all of this but again it's making sure that they can economically build those units to pay for it so Joe joked the other day that he's never going to be able to sell this property because he has to build so much up front that nobody's ever going to take it with all these obligations um but but truly it it sounds like oh this is 26 Acres but if you dissect down what the community is getting so early in the process and how the impact you're getting all of these Community benefits up front but then the impact can really slowly be spread over time I I would I would leave you with this comment then we can finish with questions if it's not this project what because really I if we came in peace Mill you would not get nearly as quality a project that's as thoughtful that provides as many Community benefits and I've been doing this for a really long time and Kevin and I sat here and we go oh my gosh what does this feel like people are actually getting up saying we want this project that when you have a project of this size there are what we haven't said is there aren't people out the door there are thousands of people writing letters and and here opposing this project because people see real good in this project and I think they really recognize the effort that the developer has made to put their best foot forward and this really is um the best foot forward I've seen in a really really long time very good thank you thank you real quiet um historically this n s historically if you go all over whether it's Florida up the East Coast West Coast go to Miami look at how developments on sliver properties were developed goad they're vertical to they're perpendicular to the water they block each other's views and they live independent of each other what I've got to tell you about this developer and this owner that I really want also you all to recognize their develop it their development that they're offering brings the density to the center of the site and not by the water if you look at the towers they're in the center of the site so that along Gul Boulevard there's this CL there's this visual line to the density vertically it's it's away from from Gulf Boulevard same thing from the ocean the new towers are pulled way back to the middle of the site that is unprecedented the other thing is that they're single loaded buildings they they purposefully have brought the building parallel to the water rather than next to C Mark and do a vertical long linear building that would block the views give them double loaded and be a lot less costly there is a fundamental Beauty as it builds to the center of the site rather than just a series of towers along the water can you just clarify what you're saying with single loaded and double loaded so single loaded is where there's a corridor and as you walk down the corridor you have the benefit of serving one room to one side and one to the other and both have views out well this the buildings that we're looking at are single loaded there's only a room on one side of every Corridor that's a much more costly building it's in the center of the site and also by ridding themselves of these little slivers of land they're able to take that infrastructure and cross over all those setbacks it makes for a building a larger uh it brings the density into a way that you're not redundant and not every project is a standalone that there's this consistency to them so with that there actually is less development that way it actually means we don't have to build five laundromats or have carts running around Crossing The Pedestrian aspect so there is there is a there is a great benefit to the overall development to be able to have that those boundaries go away so you can cross those boundaries and make it far more efficient uh just something to think about just look at how developments all over the country have been where there these slivers and they live independently each one has setbacks everything gets uh very much compromised and the density tends to be right on the water that's how they always are this one pulls it back and actually brings the beach inward allows those buildings to be further back so our neighbors SE Mark that Tower is all the way back so C seark has a complete View that's incredible and typically we don't have developers that do that and I just wanted to give you that uh I hope that was a little bit clear it was a little schizophrenic but I was trying to if I may I'll give you one last tidbit because I think it's really relevant for comparison the last time a cup was approved at trade WIS by Tim bogot who unfortunately had to leave early he built or he had permitted for a cup on about an acre and a half of land 27 units with over 500 bedrooms on that acre and a half we're putting 650 units on 26 Acres so it's just it's an interesting PR in the past of what's been approved for cups this is such a small fraction in density of what was previously uh approved just a data point for you thank you you got anything else for us David any other questions for the applicant no could you opine on if GF Boulevard reaches level of service e what happens unmitigated so I believe that you have a system in Your Land Development code that has a prop share mitigation payment as a method of mitigation so if some developer comes in down the road um many years down the road because we don't think I mean we think there's still a lot of capacity left um you have a prop share mitigation payment that would go to the city and the city would have that money and Brandon can or Andrew can confirm because I'm telling you this from memory I looked at this about a year ago that money would go to the city to make improvements within the city of the transportation Network okay so yes I hope that answered your question yeah yeah I think anything else think you ready ready for somebody to make thank you so much well just want us before we make the motion to proceed I just want to thank everybody especially the staff uh for the incredible amount of work you guys put into this uh Mr Smith you and your team went backwards bend over backwards to at this uh St Pete Beach and we're going to be partners here for the next 20 years and on so uh we appreciate your work staff we appreciate your work so if we want to bring this up to a motion I'll make the motion to recommend approval of resolution 2023-24 to the city commission with staff conditions contingent upon recommendation of approval for the companion development agreement m s before you do that it's the amended conditions with the amended condition the amended conditions do I need to start from the beginning no I think it's the motion's clear so it's it's including the amended conditions including the amended conditions and I'll second it with the amended conditions roll call please member hubard yes member consel yes with conditions member sea yes Vice chair deert yes chair primer yes motion carries congratulations [Applause] the meeting's not ajour guys hold on hold on hey the meeting is not adjourned so we need to have decorum until the meeting is adjourned and even after thank you for that um get him Tiffany is there any other thing from uh our City attorney development do you have to do the development agreement M so there's two votes yep on the tra Cup and the development agreement you so yes um so there's no changes to the development agreement right okay no so I make a motion um at least there were no there were no you guys negotiated no changes to the DA right it was just to the no changes to the development agreement just the C conditions wait um I don't know if we put on the record what Brandon was talking about sorry Kevin R for the record when when Brandon was talking about um one second hold on I I can't hear using uh counts for the study Brandon is that going to require different language for the future studies oh that's a good point so that was a concession that that we discussed one of Brandon's points was um uh figuring out how to deal with the the the future study how to count and we said we would we would volunteer to do new counts but I think the the development agreement says uh use the the level of service from the M correct um the the concern was that the the use of the existing um data from the Ft sorry the Ford pelis um would result in projects that had been moved from the committed status they brought up core Cory Landings and um serata and those possibly not being calculated in existing when we spoke earlier we had discussed potentially having them just perform new traffic counts for each subsequent concurrency certificate I think that would be appropriate it's you know the city managers and presid this more his document but I I feel that that would be appropriate to resolve what I had concerns so is is that so H um item H and the da says titled Transportation mass transit would it go under that correct it would be under that um and specifically subitem two update existing volumes based on the latest level of service report prepared by forward pelis or actual counts is what we would we would recommend what page what what are we looking at I'm sorry this is on page page eight um item H2 or actual data or or actual data counts as determined by the city manager all right so it's uh existing volumes based on forward pelis or actual data counts as determined by the city manager got to breathe those counts should probably match the count that were done with the study Steve put in okay never mind our consultant saying it's fine like that okay so we're going to make a slight Amendment it looks like somewhere in the document the development agreement probably under item H you'll have to give me a little bit of um artistic license here but it's essentially going to be the updated update existing volumes based on forward pelis or data data or or data accounts as determined by the city manager do you want to say that slower so I can write it down if I have to say it dur during the motion um okay so it would be a motion to approve the development agreement with the amendment to H to item H in the agreement which will indicate that the traffic studies will you will use update updated existing volumes based on forward pelis data or data counts as determined by the city manager Jenny you got that not sure if I do existing volumes based on Ford panel's counts or actual data counts based on city manager determined by the city manager is that right Brandon okay is given this given the duration of this agreement does it need to specify then current Bo pelis counts not because it could be today's existing volumes at the yeah that's already addressed in the current language okay it's basically mean it be redone every phase uh so it'll be the current data okay that was actually the concern that that data takes it lags so to yeah okay so I'm going to call this the current data amendment I know where it goes I know what it's supposed to say so I make a motion to recommend approval of the subject development agreement to the city commission um with the amendment of item H to update the existing volumes based on forward pelis or actual date accounts determined by the city manager right with some mod City attorney modification if I need to because I wasn't aware of that so I may need to uh tweak it tweak that language a little bit with corrective language yeah to come from the city manager well essentially all of you know basically this is to um to make sure that we're using current data and that there's an agreement that it would be from either the forward pelis counts or from current data counts as determined by the city manager or actual counts comma as determined by the city manager okay does that make sense yes yeah I get what we're doing but I'm just still trying to figure out how I don't think you need to have the actual language I think you need to just understand what it is that we're going to be made make sure that we're using actual account actual counts at the time that right those are done so the motion she made is is fine or do you want me to start over please say no I just just let's get it right though so Jenny so this is what the the so sorry madam Deputy clerk um the motion will be for if you're approving approval of the da the development agreement with the amendment uh to the development agreement uh to ensure that that current data is used and current data will be from forward panelas or counts as determined by the city manager and that language will be refined by the City attorney and staff as you said right I just don't want to give you exact language right no no that's fine I'm just trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be putting in for the motion so if I just say motion to recommend approval the subject development agreement to the city commission with the amendment to item 8 for transportation um I would just say to in to to with the understanding that staff and the City attorney will amend that to ensure that current data is used from forward pelis or other current data as determined by the city manager okay and you could just say what he just said okay I'm going to say what he just said I make a motion to recommend approval of the subject development agreement to the city commission with the language um um amended language from the city attorney I'm sorry as stated by the city stated by the city Man City attorney second second roll call please member conso yes member sea yes Vice chair the EMP yes member hubard yes chair primer yes motion carries I make one statement before we close sure I would like to thank our citizens that showed up the developers that showed up this is one of the most cohesive meetings that we've had in a major decision for this city we've had people here talk in opposition people talk in support in in a very civilized Manner and that's the way city government is meant to run I would like to commend everybody that was here and thank you very much amen so we need to adjourn as the LPA and then oh yeah um procedurally uh we now adjourn as the local planning agency and for the public this will be at the city Commission on April April April 15th and April 15th will be the decision in front of the city Commission correct so for now uh meeting is adjourned thank you very much