##VIDEO ID:e4justPj96E## good evening and welcome to the regular city council meeting for Monday December 9th 2024 being called to order at this time first thing is rise for the Pledge of Allegiance IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all our first item of business this evening is to approve the agenda uh administrator pry I believe there's some changes to the agenda we um Mr Mayor Pro we don't really have any changes to the agenda but I do have a a couple of consent items that we need to fix that I can cover when we get to that point and um I think that should do it for this part of it anyway thank you hearing that um can I have a motion to approve the agenda Mo motion there's a second second motion is second all in favor signify by saying I I post same sign motion carries next item on the agenda is the approval of the minutes uh they are attached in the packet and we're posted online um are there any additions or corrections to the minutes at this time hearing no additions or Corrections is there a motion to approve the minutes some is there and there is a second that's not a real call is it all in FA all in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign motion carries next item on the agenda is a public hearing for the partial vacation of an easement at 1503 wiona Street Ben Baker will present thank you welcome Ben thank you mayor proam Pettis um so tonight we will um be going through a public hearing and then just a little bit later on in the agenda will be um considering approval of uh what we're going to be talking about here so there was notice that was posted um it was published twice on the newspaper and put on the city's website um the last couple weeks um and that was for the public hearing for tonight um it was sent out to the Jason Property Owners as well um on page 37 um I'll just briefly go kind of through the memo um the a couple years ago um the owners of 1125 Lloyd Lane um actually asked for approval of RLS number 79 and that was to create a s or 67t wide residential lot and a 25t wide buffer strip that was approved um however because of the typical lot sizes along Winona Street which is 90 to 110 ft wide um there wasn't too much interest in that narrow lot um so recently back in August um the owners actually petitioned the city again for um another RLS number 82 that was approved and that established a 92t lot which was the original size of that lot which we call 1503 Winona Street um so that did allow for a 78 foot wide house to be put on that you have a s foot setback on one side and have a s foot setback on another side um but what was recently found was that there was actually a 12T easement established with the standard lumber number five Edition um so that 12T easement runs along the southern property line as shown on the map so um that 78t wide house was no longer able to be put on that lot it would have to be 6 ft shorter um so it still meets setbacks but it would be encroaching into the easement so with that find um it was uh the applicant's request or petition to um vacate the northern part the northern six feet of the stly uh 12T easement there and so essentially what's happening is we're just going to shift that whole 12T easement to be centered on the Southern Property Line the applicants or the petitioners have already signed uh giving the city over six feet um on the north side of 1125 Lloyd Lane so then that'll give the full 12T easement half on 1125 half on 1503 um so with that staff has reviewed this and is uh has actually called in a ticket for uh locates and we had our Public Public Utilities look at that as well there are no public or private utilities running in through there so um I guess with that we'll review it later on on the agenda at this time as part of the public hearing process the applicants are in the audience if they would like to make a presentation they are more than welcome to but they do not need to if they choose not to up to them you do not want to okay moving on uh next is public comment um this is a time for the public to make public comment um to discuss this proposal um do I need to call to open the public hearing uh at this time I would open the public hearing for public comment is there anyone in the audience who would like to come forth and speak on the proposal before us anyone anyone hearing none um I would move to or I would close the public hearing at 7:06 p.m. that's it right that's it okay thank you and that will be taken up on new business on the first item under new business yes this proposal thank you Ben next item on the agenda is the approval of the consent agenda items uh Pages 14 through 36 Mr pfy May P members this is where I have just a a couple of modifications that I'd like to provide Clarity to first of all under item number one the appointments for recreation leader the correct wage in 2024 for these positions is 1350 not 1250s is listed for each of those three on item number one on page 34 in addition to that I'd like to bring attention to and um get approval from the council to include in the minutes that um I had made an error in that the first purchase under item number three a 3o PTO stump grinder was originally planned to be part of an equipment certificate originally you may recall that we budgeted approximately $20,000 for that as a part of an equipment certificate therefore under your internal rules not a state audit or state rule but your internal rules that should have a separate agenda item um I'd appreciate your difference to allow it to be approved as a part of the consent agenda so we don't have to put together a lot of additional paperwork but would like to call that out as a part of the um minutes for the meeting if that's okay again this came in approximately $8,400 less than we had originally budgeted for this item everything else on pages 34 and 35 is correct and um we'd hope that you would take action to approve the resolution any discussion or any council members seeking additional information consent agenda yes um quick question so in relation to the email that Ed sent earlier today about not appointing anyone new to the tourism board did we want to go through with appointing some new to the tourism board still yeah if I could I think the most appropriate action is for you continue to work towards the plan that would require an ordinance change to reduce the number and then I think we work through how that all fits or is there attrition or how we make that work um but yeah I did get the chance to read that email um but I think that's best done as a part of further deliberation and then action on the part of the council to modify the ordinance okay any additional questions or comments on the items on the consent agenda hearing none is there a motion to approve the consent agenda as um presented with the additions and Corrections that were proposed by administrator P so move second Motion in a second council member Johnson I council member Ram I council member weisenfeld I council member shrom I council member Pettis I I do I say that or do do do I motion carries is that me that's thank you yep next item uh is visitors at this time are there any visitors uh within the audience who would like to comment on any items that are included on the agenda anyone seeing no one uh next item is General visitor comments any visitor within the audience who' like to comment on any item that is not on the agenda seeing none we will move on to unfinished business which we have none and we will then move into new business uh first item on new business is the partial easement vacation at 153 Winona Street Ben Baker thank you mayor proam Pettis um on page 42 is the resolution that is uh uh complements the memo that was um in public hearing that we had just a little bit ago uh there were no public comments um so on the bottom of page 42 the benefit of this uh particular particular uh partial easement vacation would be um it's not necessary for Public Utilities not for private utilities there's no future need for the easement um a six- foot easement or or a 12T easement will still slide towards the South the easement vacation will allow a new home or garage to be constructed along the 1503 78 ft wide it will fill in a vacant lot which will utilize public utilities and contribute to property taxes and the uh the document will be recorded at nicket County and helped with future title searches so with that it would be staff's recommendation to approve the proposed easement vacation there is a resolution on page 42 and 43 that has been prepared for us are there any questions from the council hearing no questions is there a motion to approve approve the resolution so moved and a second please call the RO council member ramp I council member wield I council member shrom I council member Pettis I council member Johnson I motion carries thank you thank you next item for new business is River Edge hospital and Clinic sea arm purchase uh PA meican CEO of rivet see you thought you could get me to St coming but they just keep finding things so as noted in the memo um that was sent um the hospital is recommending a purchase of a new SE arm and to to simplify this down a little bit it's an x-ray machine that's portable it goes into the operating room it's shaped like a c um so that it can go over the top of the patient and also underneath the patient um we use this in our hip uh procedures we use this in our spine procedures and we're getting to the point where we've gotten busy enough that uh we are having trouble scheduling patients um to be able to manage the two CR arms that we already have without delays in cases so um we have looked at several options and this is a GE GE Health Care uh SE arm with a small flat panel um will be able to be used for the cases that we need it for we would be using Hospital cash at the price of 1723 $50 members because this Falls within your ordinance and your rules of over $100,000 the hospital has to solicit your approval prior to purchase as Paula mentioned this was approved by the hospital commission and was recommended to move forward for your approval and is hospitals paying for it any additional questions or comments hearing none there is a resolution on uh page 47 47 authorizing the purchase of this CR in the amount of 172 350 so move I have a motion in a second please call the r council member wield hi council member shrom hi council member Pettis hi council member Johnson I council member Ram I motion carries thank you very much thank you Paul next item uh under new business is the 20124 final Levy and 2025 general fund budget uh Sally vogle welcome s mayor proam Pettis and city council we're here tonight to ask approval for two resolutions uh one for the 2024 final Levy payable in 2025 and the resolution approving the 2025 budgets for the general fund uh Spa which is Public Access library and Community Center the membo begins on page 48 through 55 of the packet and then on pages 55 through 66 there's tables graphs and um charts and then detailed memo is on page 67 to 150 to summarize what's in all that fun reading I'm here to summarize that um the final Levy for 2024 needs to be certified honored before December 31st 2024 if we don't approve it tonight then we will have to call a special uh meeting to get the approval so we approve it before the 31st of December um the levy amount we are asking for approval is 4,317 473 which is the same amount we approved for the preliminary Levy back on September 23rd the projected tax increase for 2024 uh tax capacity increase excuse me is 8,644 407 an increase of 29,5 12 or 3% over 2023 this didc did decrease from the preliminary Levy at that point we were calculating a 3% increase but now the county has finalized tax capacity calculation the total tax levy increase is 269,000 15 or 6.5 6.65% over 2023 the main driver Behind these were wage increases and benefits um the city tax levy rate is increasing to point uh to 49.95 versus 46.9 um part of that again is due to the net tax capacity becoming lower so the rate is higher for 2024 uh general fund budget is found on page 50 of the packet 2025 budget is not balanced there's a net operating loss of 6,43 Reserve balances are projected to end 2025 at 47.4% or 4,623 188 a decrease from the projected year end balance of $ 28,5 43 we do have an equipment certificate which has two parts there's a 310,000 over 10 years for the community center and that is for the transfer switch upgrade and building Control software upgrade and then there there's 372,000 over 5 years for public works for Street and Parks equipment as always any budgeted purchases above 25,000 will come back to council for approval before purchases are made and all unbudgeted items will come to city council for purchasing um approval the Enterprise fund gets 6.5% transferred from Enterprise funds and that will continue in 2025 there are Rec uh wreck fee increases planned to offset some part-time services at Guest Services and coverage at the community center we are adding a full-time addition to staff for sustainability and Communications person in 2025 and there will be the full year impact of the human resources person added in 2024 other special Revenue funds Library the levy is 437,000 208 up 20 5,000 from the 2024 um budget program and services remain the same for the Library operating expenses will be 51,5 180 higher than revenues again the main driver here is employee costs and we will continue to um watch this in future years the community center retired its dead in 2021 and same as in 2023 and 2024 170,000 of the levy is going to go to the community center and um expenses for the community center will be 113,114 higher than Revenue in 2025 this includes 999,000 for Capital expenditures for bathroom Renovations and roof repairs again this building is 20 years old so we do have to put some maintenance into the building each year uh general fund summary shows a the 2025 budget again Reserve balance will be4 million6 23 188 or 47.4% which is well within our Target reserves of 35 to 50% we are asking you to approve the resolution on page 151 and 152 for the final Levy for 2024 collectible and 2025 taxes in the amount of 4,317 4 $73 what this means is if uh property owner's property value hasn't changed from 2023 the city share of a tax bill on a $250,000 home will increase $23.3 for tax year 2025 questions any additional questions or comments can can you just I know you outlined this for us last week but can you just talk a little bit about why the net tax capacity went down this year in comparison to last year and in comparison to our projections the largest contributing factor to that as we talked with the county was due to the homestead credit that um was passed by the legislature so $18 million worth of our property got is helping the homeowners by reducing what they're paying tax on the property value so that's the largest contributing factor there thank you there additional questions on the presentation appr members if I could I know all of you have seen this material um at least a half a dozen times I believe and so there's been a substantial amount of information that's available I do want to mention to the public um that even though you might not talk about it for hours and hours tonight you have prior to this I think it's also important to note that everything that you see as a part of the council is available online within this packet or the previous Workshop packet or the cycle before that or the cycle before that and so people can certainly follow along there's both um just a ton of numbers that s puts together in some tables and graphs um but there's also a narrative that provides really what I would consider the work plan for the general fund budget and these special fund budgets and so um I know it's really important to you um to be good stewards of these resources and the information that's contained in here provides information to the public that is readily available we hope for everyone to be able to see um what you're going to do what the work plan is and what does it take financially to make that happen thank you s for your miss work with the council to make sure that we minimize the increase as much as much as possible nobody want wants to see their taxes go up and they want to make sure that we're doing the best job we can to decrease that amount as much as possible with that being said is there a motion to approve the resolution adopting final 2024 tax levy collectible in 2025 as found on page 151 so moved Motion in a second with that please call the rooll council member shrom I council member Pettis hi council member Johnson I council member ramp hi council member Feld I motion carries and then Mr may we have a second resolution related to this one on page 153 and so the first resolution related to the levy the second resolution is approving the budgets for these and so again that's found on page 153 with that is there any additional questions or comments from the Council on the budget for next year hearing none uh is there a motion to approve the resolution approving the general fund special Revenue funds debts service funds Capital funds and agency funds for the 2025 fiscal year as found on page 153 so moved there's a motion is there a second to that motion second and a second please call the RO council member Pettis I council member Johnson I council member Ram I council member weisenfeld hi council member charom I motion carries thank you Sally uh next item on the agenda we stick with Sally for the storm water budget and rate changes for 25 and 26 mayor proem and city council we are asking you to approve the 2025 2026 storm water budget and Associated rate increases effective January 1st 2025 and January 1st 2026 the memo begins on page 154 of the packet um State Statute does not require adoption of approval of budgets for Enterprise funds however we believe that having approved budgets provide city council and staff with transparency and work Direction um attached our documents providing background and recommendations for the years 2025 and 2026 storm water um budget includes storm water management planning reviewing inspection construction of city rways and public improvements um inspection constru of construction activities within the city locating owned Utilities in the RightWay repair and maintenance of storm water treatment and piping infrastructure within our community the fund is supported by utility charge first implemented in 2007 and that is buil to all properties within the city based on the acreage and the type of property rates were increased in 2023 and 2024 and for those years there was also $100,000 each year transferred from Wastewater fund to the storm water fund this transfer will not take place in the 2025 2026 budgets the budget changes for 2025 and 2026 um is based on the residential equivalency factor of one acre currently is being charged at $302 per acre um the rate for January 1st 2025 will increase to $332 in 2025 and to $36. 32 in 2026 page 158 of the packet shows current rates and proposed rates um most residential or all residential lots are based on a 333 um residential equivalency Factor so what that means of the 3302 the rate will go from $101 to $111 in 2025 and then increase to um $121 on January 1st of 2026 um this increase will generate an additional revenue of approximately 77,4 23 in 2024 over the projected 2024 projected year end and 69,6 165 for 2026 wages for this um Department increased by 3% for 2025 and 3% for 2026 health insurance increased 6% for 2025 and 10% is projected for 2026 other operations are also seeing a higher costs due to some inflation factors this storm water includes a foreman and two infrastructure technicians and then seasonal workers in the summer um storm water also contributes 6.5% of their grow sales to the general fund for 2025 and 2026 again because we live on a river storm water and Emissions into the river are very are regulated by um the state and National pollution control so we're staying within the guidelines of what's in there the 10-year Capital plan is found on page 165 of the packet 165 and 166 shows the breakout of projects of these details the capital plan for 2025 is 131,00 for 2025 and 270,000 for 2026 um goals we strive to have operating income which means it's positive before Capital expenditures and since 2016 we have had operating income and this continues to range between 586 in 2017 to a low of 58,4 A1 for 2025 budget 2026 operating income is projected to be at 94356 the Reserve balance we're striving to attain is 4 months of expenses which at the end of 2026 will be 359,000 73 the actual Reserve at the end of 2024 is um projected to be 310,000 524 um we're asking you to approve the resolution for storm water rate increases on pages 167 and 168 at a um residential equivalency factor of 3302 per acre for January 1st and $36.39 per acre as of January 1st 2026 again we've gone through this multiple times at workshops and discussed it so with that are there any questions from the Council on Sally's presentation council member uh maybe I misheard you but for the 2026 ending in the packet it says The Reserve balance would be 210,211 we discussed um different options for rate increases and um you know we're here today with what's being recommended um uh based on that discussion um even though that's not really hitting our Reserve Target um we're working in the right direction we're working in the right direction and so you would say that's still a healthy Reserve balance yes it is yep thank you are there any additional questions from the Council on for Sally hearing none um is there a motion to approve the resolution adopting 2025 and 2026 storm water rate schedule as found on page 167 so moved second there's a motion and second please call the RO council member johnon I council member ramp I council member weisenfeld I council member shrom I council member Pettis I motion carries and then we have a resolution on page 169 approving the budgets for TW 2025 of 1,115 634 and 1,862 440 for 2026 again any expenditure over 25,000 will come back to council for approval you are there any additional questions for Sally hearing none is there a motion to approve the resolution adopting the 2025 2026 storm water fund budget as found on page 169 so moved is there a second is there a second you did a second second oh yeah got you got it okay thank you yep council member ramp I council member weisenfeld I council member shrom I council member Pettis I council member Johnson I resolution is approved thank you thank you Sally thank you Sally next item is the Gorman Park Improvement phase one solicitation of hits Public Works director uh Molton and John from Recreation Department John stman welcome mayor proam and city council uh thank you for approving the general fund budget so we're here to spend some of that down a little bit for you a minute as you're aware for the last 11 months we've been working with Gorman Park Improvement uh this is a plan that we uh engaged with Damon Farber to do a lot of the work um we have gone through open houses and community events trying to get a grasp on what the council and the community would like to have built there um we've got a lot of great feedback and we think we've got an outstanding project uh Damon fber has done an outstanding job of working with John and myself uh getting things organized on this um The Parks Board has looked at this and multiple occasions and mostly through the fall it's been our topic of discussion going forward uh we worked out a lot of the details both on phases one and two um as you're aware we have funding for phase one uh we are still looking for funding for phase two so at this time what our recommendation is is that we are allowed to receive bids for phase one uh we'll bring that information back to you roughly 60 to 75 days from now somewhere in that neighborhood uh hopefully we'll have some bids that are comparable to the funding that we have available um and then what we'll do is work to um purchase the equipment off of the state bid so this phase one is a little bit unique in the manner that we are looking to hire a contractor to come in and do the work of installation of the Park equipment the playground surface um and other amenities along there uh the city of St Peter will also then purchase off the state bed the equipment and playground um accessories that will go into this park that saves us about 5% on a half a million dollars so uh we're comfortable doing that and working through that process uh that is something that will also come back to you at that time um and then uh the goal here would be to get the work completed on phase one in 2025 and uh we have a resolution that would uh allow us to go out and receive bids with that are there any questions or comments from the council members uh Pete in Pete in case um we do have someone was paying attention going back a couple years ago why did we start this process of replacing tremendous um mostly because the playground was pretty uh beat up had lived its useful life and the community was pretty demanding on what they needed down there to um keep the community as a central focus in this area um we have a very busy Community Center as John can attest to and uh we needed something that would be a community attraction and we also wanted to upgrade some of the play areas um that would meet more of the ADA requirements of our community so even if we were to rebuild tremendous today as it was it would not be in compliance that's correct okay and You' indicated also that um phase one um is fully funded at this point in time can you elaborate on how it is fully funded um Todd go ahead so M we do have ARP funding so this is funding that came to us through covid and the coun talked long and hard about ensuring that those funds were set aside it's onetime money for onetime use and so we have a little bit over $1.2 million that you have set aside and you earmarked for this project the hope is is that the bids will come in with the equipment purchase and the labor and work that needs to occur that we'll be contracting for under that amount phase two is yet to be funded we've tried to solicit funds in a number of different areas and we'll continue to work on that but certainly from a staff perspective we believe that there is a more um dramatic and shorter time frame needed to replace tremendous I I also want to mention one another thing in relation to that if I may mayor proam the other thing that I'll mention is that um tremendous will remain available as the other the new playground is built so it's not that this area will be without playground um to be clear though what we often call the orange and tan playground will be out of commission because that's the area where the new playground will be built and then one other item if people are wondering that I think has been core not only to what the council's talked about what the Parks Board has talked about but what you've heard from the community is it's important to recognize the history and the emotional significance that tremendous had at the time and so there are plans to continue that through in the new playground and so we're excited about that and and I think again from from a staff perspective we understand how that important is how important that is and the council has emphasized that on numerous occasions I also have a question or comment uh for Pete and John um Dustin and I both serve on the Parks Board and at our last Parks board meeting um this plan was reviewed by the parks board members present and it was supported by um the the members present and they're in support of doing this project they're in support of the design as proposed and had some really good comments on it so I believe we went out and we tried to get as much public information as we could and uh much public comment as we could and we took those ideas and develop this plan and I'm really looking forward to getting this project moving forward it's going to be two years of having our playground kind of messed up down there we do have lots of daycares and schools in this area but when it's done I think we'll be very pleased with the with the project that is put forward are there any additional comments or questions from the council if there are none I would ask for a motion to approve the resolution authorizing receipt of bids for Borman Park improvements as found on page 172 so moved so any motion is there a second second and a second uh please call the RO council member Wiis I council member shrom I council member Pettis I council member counc I council member rant I motion carries motions approved thank you thank you gentlemen next item is the carbon Reduction Program bid reduction uh Public Works director Molton please mayor Pro and city council as you're aware we solicited Grant funds to uh work on a carbon Reduction Program uh really what we were looking for was uh trying to assist our community with in installation of electric vehicle charging stations in a couple of different locations um we did have wolton and mink prepare plan in specification for that uh where we invested about $222,000 to make that happen uh when the bids came in uh we did have a few bids that did come in but they came in uh either incomplete or very high in overall cost uh our Engineers estimate was about $108,000 in our uh um one bidder that met all the requirements was about staff would then try to look at dividing this project into maybe a smaller project since we've already got the engineering done we can look at something that might be able to fit our budget in a different area or a different way um and we would try to move forward from that point of view and are there any questions from the Council of the Public Works director hearing none there is a resolution rejecting the bids for the 2024 carbon Reduction Program electric vehicles charging station found on page 175 is there a motion to approve that resolution a motion is there a second second motion is second please call the role council member shrom I council member Pettis I council member Johnson I council member Ram I council member weisenfeld I thank you motion carries next item is the 2025 equipment certificate for a tractor mayor protim and city council this is an equipment certificate purchase uh as you're aware we have been looking at a variety of ways to improve our service to the community uh in the past what we have done is we have um rented a tractor from a neighboring um implement dealer and we've been spending about $122,000 a year on leaf collection with renting of the uh the tractor here um we found multiple uses for this and as you guys have uh noticed in the budget we also have a uh PTO driven stump ER that we're looking at this unit uh driving and our Parks Foreman um has gone out and looked for a variety of tractors in this size that would meet our um overall goal of spending less than 115,000 uh we did find three tractors that that met that criteria um we did find one that was just a little cheaper however it's out in Utah and so uh in order to get it here it probably wouldn't be much cheaper than buying one from uh the local John Deere dealers I think the Midwest Machinery is out of Northfield Minnesota uh which has a 5125 M John Deer with about 13 hours on it that meets our criteria and will serve us for a long time uh as I mentioned this is equipment certificate purchase between the parks and the environmental services and so they'll be splitting the overall um payback of that uh tractor I'm asking that you approve the resolution on page 177 that there any questions comments from the council hearing none is there a motion to approve the resolution authorizing purchase of a 2022 John Deere 512m tractor on on the equipment certificate as found on page 177 so moved motion is your second and a second with that please call the rooll council member Pettis I council member Johnson I council member Ram I council member weisenfeld I council member shr I motion carries thank thank you thank you thanks next item is the 2025 fee schedule modifications uh Todd it's yours may members the information starts on page 178 and we really have two fee schedules in your packet you may have noticed one is a redlined version and then one would be the new version um so you'll see that included the new version is in the form of a resolution for you to approve these fees would be effective for the 2025 year the council talked about this on a couple of separate occasions at workshops this is something that we do really on an annual basis and not all fees change we have some cycles for some of the things as we move forward um but really this is intended to make sure that for the most part on an every year basis we're keeping up with costs related to providing the services or um the equipment or the materials or the man hours that are provided as a part of this process again the resolution um is included in your packet I do have one change for you in the redline version it's on page 188 and in what I would call the clean version it's on page 206 under utilities you'll see there under item number 102 we have that listed at $8 um it's been brought to my attention that that should actually be $650 $6.50 on page 206 on the final resolution um some of the most notable things that are relatively new to you and to this uh resolution and to the fee schedule is um licensing related to breweries and their operations at the retail level beekeeping which is an ordinance that you pass a modification to your ordinance that you passed which will come into effect on um January 1st I will mention that although I'm not sure it's on your website yet um the application documentation is completed and if it's not on your website today it will be in the very near future so people can apply and then cannabis local registration fees now this is one that you've talked about in a number of different occasions and this State Statute set some limits both lower limits and upper limits related to this um there's a question at your Workshop related to well how does this work if as an example someone has a company or someone has uh a registration what we used to call licensing but now under the state statute is being called registration if they have a registration to grow but then also a registration to sell at retail those things would occur at potentially two separate locations under the rules but those are two separate res registrations through the state of Minnesota and so this supposes um I I I believe that I'm right um if I'm wrong we can come back to this but I believe that um in that instance the state would review that differently and would provide us with two separate registrations and so this would suppose that as two separate registrations each registration would have to pay the fee and receive the approval of the city council through your regular process um so that's what's contemplated as a part of that and that I hope is worded well within the body of the fee schedule and that's the direction that we took through the legislation that was provided in the process through um ocm office of cannabis management um with that we have a couple of items that have been removed due to ordinance changes like dog and cat licensing which is no longer have in place um and then we have some um other things that are just changed as a matter of course on a regular basis so again I'm happy to answer any questions that you might have um at least to the best of my ability if you don't pass this tonight it's not the end of the world but it is kind of nice to have it in place for January 1st and so again the information is included within your packet the end of the resolution for your fees um is on page 215 so that would be the clean version and uh Mr Mayor protm my hope would be is that if a a motion is um put forward to approve this that it would be with that change on item number 102 from $8 to $6.50 during that are there any questions or comments from the Council on Todd's presentation hearing none is there a motion to approve the resolution adopting updated Municipal fee schedules as found on page 198 through 2115 uh noting the change um of the $66.50 so move so Mo and a second please call the rule council member Johnson I council member ramp I council member weisenfeld I council member shrom I council member p i motion carries thank you next item is the 2025 non-union non-contract employee wages mayor members this is something that you review on a regular basis on multiple occasions and is part of your budget planning process the recommendation from my office is to approve the attached resolution generally providing for 3% pay modification for all non-union non-contract full-time employees and part-time employees which are generally listed on the resolution as a scale so to be clear the number that's listed in the resolution for those part-time employees is the number that they would be paid in the 2025 year the 3% does not apply to those um I can go through a lot of discussion and we've talked about this in the past about various processes that the council has used previously um and and I'm happy to do that the most significant issues that I think we see from an employment standpoint is competition within the marketplace and keeping um employees not only retaining them but attracting new employees and so that drives much of my thinking here along with the concern that I have that at times it is possible um for employers including local units of government um to be stagnant in making it more viable for employees who do a great job for you to leave because they can find additional dollars someplace else so in many of these areas there's Marketplace data that I analyze and we try and stay within a standard deviation of about plus or minus 10% and make um changes going forward again generally all your non um non-contract employees would receive a 3% increase and then there's a list of anomalies that are provided again many of these are driven by Marketplace and what we see in the marketplace so as an example with police Chiefs uh the marketplace for police Chiefs is very tight in that there are lots of places looking for police Chiefs and not a lot of people applying for those jobs with the skills or the expertise available and so part of my goal here is to ensure that we are paying within the marketplace you'll see this across a number of position I that are in place an additional memo was included on your desk I had two omissions in this and they're outlined in yellow first of Was An accounts receivable clerk where I'm recommending an additional dollar per hour and then a library associate this one is a part-time position and I'm um requesting an additional dollar per hour for that one as well again um as you look throughout the document and later within the resolution you'll see part-time positions such as Recreation leaders um Public Works seasonal um seasonal laborers Park Rangers and others lifeguards you name it all of those positions are listed here and those part-time positions are paid has shown within those scales you'll notice that often times we have those scales developed based on their we say years of service but really it's seasons of service so somebody's a lifeguard in 2020 and they came back in 2021 they would receive the next step up in that in years of service and so that's been the practice that we've had for many many years as we look forward in these you do have a couple positions that are based on that are more year round part-time that we based increases on that number of hours of service as they move up an example of that can be found under circulation clerks where they get a bump after they've worked 520 hours as a circulation clerk again mayor and members I'm happy to provide additional information um I do have some great data related to where we are um there are a change or two that are included Within These anomalies that relate to pay equity we have a reporting year coming up well really the reporting year is now at the end of December here for 2025 and so there's some pay Equity issues that we're trying to address as a part of this um and again um mayor Pro and members I'd stand for any questions and do the best I could to answer them that being said are there any questions or comments for the city administrator on what is before you hearing none uh there is a resolution which was placed on our desks before the meeting establishing the 2025 wages for non-union non-contract employees is there a motion for that so is there a second second any further discort members the only other thing that I want to mention just as a point of clarification is that typically this would start on January 1st and so in this instance I'm looking to change our system just a little bit to start it coincident with a pay cycle so that's why you'll see within the resolution this would start on January 6th that helps us as we move forward with retal payments and simplifies the payroll process quite a little bit and so um I just want to make sure that you understand and that's pointed out as a part of the resolution and a part of the process it would be my goal to ensure that that happens on future Union contracts as well that being said is there any further discussion hearing none please call the rule council member r hi council member weisenfeld hi council member Char HIC CC member Pettis hi council member Johnson I motion carries next item is the law enforcement labor Services local 241 Union contract mayor members as you know you have six bargaining units within the city of M of St Peter um this is the first one that we've come to conclusion on in negotiation of the Union contract you'll note that there are three issues um that have been negotiated the mayor and members have talked about this on a previous occasion in close session which you're allowed to do Under Minnesota statute 13. D um we have a signed agreement back which is included in your packet from lels which is law enforcement labor Services um this provides for the same contract as you've had in the past with three exceptions the first of which is is that this will be a one-year contract for 2025 obviously previously was for 2024 so this is for 2025 it would provide for an increase across the board for your officers for your detectives and your sergeant of 5% this is driven by challenges within the marketplace and there are fewer and fewer licens police officers coming out of school or available or are moving around and there are lots of openings for police officers so our goal continues to be within the marketplace within our area and this I believe Keeps Us in that area and then there are technical changes whether there's a typo or wording change or names or dates those types of things happen generally throughout the contract again this as with your past item that you talked about with non-unionized folks Falls within the budget parameters that we've set and were recommended by staff I'm happy to answer any questions that you might have about this one um again the contract is in your packet and the resolution providing for approval with ls for police officers really for the 2025 year is on page 239 any questions for Todd at this time I do have a question this has been approved by the Union already this has been approved by the union they have voted this it is our practice that these do not come back for city council action until it has been signed and approved by the union you'll see on page 38 sometimes I don't have the sign copy in here but this one has the signed version in in the packet on page 238 thank you hearing that is there a motion to approve the resolution approving the collective bargaining agreement with ls 241 for the police officers for 2025 so moved second there's a motion second any further discussion hearing none please call the RO council member weisenfeld I council member charr hi council member Pettis I council member Johnson I council member r i motion carries mayor Pro members the last item that I have for you is on page 240 this is a resolution calling for a closed session um this I believe is the fifth or sixth close session you had on this um potential real estate transaction um you're allowed to have a closed session um and this would be for one scholarship way and that's authorized under Minnesota statute 13d in this distance I would expect that we uh there's the potential that we will come back into regular session to take multiple actions um so we'll see you'll have some additional discussion at your closed session if um we do not move forward in Open session with action on this item then you would come back into Open Session only to adjourn um but again I anticipate that it's likely you will come back into Open Session um what we'll do normally we go to a different room in this instance we'll stay here and discuss it um Tony will stay set up and ready to record just in case you come back in and choose to take some action um again mayor proom and members the resolution requesting a closed session is on page 240 with that being said is there a motion to approve the resolution calling for closed session oh I'm sorry K do would we do reports if we yeah did I jump ahead I did jump ahead I am so sorry you missed your opportunity for reports man we can certainly do reports then now or later let's do our reports now as the agenda says so uh first report is the mayor mayor is not here but I would like to uh since this is our last uh Council regular scheduled council meeting for the year I would like to thank all the city staff all the department heads and uh fellow council members here for a uh I feel a productive year and I look forward to uh many great things to come next year we've got a lot of things on our plate and I'd like to thank everybody for all the hard work they put in and also the residents of the city for trusting us and um giving us Direction on best way for the city to go so that's my report and then any council members you have any reports or anything you'd like to State at this time nothing mayor protest members I have a resol ution on page the last page of the packet on 240 as I explained earlier calling for a closed session with that being stated um did we do a motion second on St no with that stated um is there a motion to approve the resolution calling for closed session so moved second motion a second uh please call the role council member shrom hi council member Pettis hi council member Johnson hi council member Ram hi council member weisenfeld I we are in Clos session can we take two minutes so I can run to the bathroom take a little bit for everybody to clear out all that ccil back into regular session administrator pfy mayor members there is a recommendation U memo and information related to um a number of close sessions that you've had over the past few months at uh real estate transaction for one scholarship way in St Peter this is commonly known as the scholarship America property it's composed of a building that is approximately 40,000 square fet and sits on approximately 18 Acres um city council has talked about this property in a number of different ways one of which is the potential acquisition of this property which has been negotiated by staff based on your direction um the information is included in a packet that was laid on your table and um let me go through a couple of what I think are the most Salient points related to this first of all this is driven by work that started prior to 20202 when the city council did a space need study of City Hall then identified not only space needs related to your operations there um since you started occupying that building in the mid 1960s your community and your activity level is grown there not just for administrative space but for the police department Transit and a number of other activities finance department Community Development all kinds of things are going on in that building so space needs and failures or challenges within the current building have been identified that study first happened again in 2022 in 2012 and then the council provided opportunity for a new study that started in 2023 and completed in January of 2024 that space study was presented to the city council in January of this year um as a part of covid changes have occurred within the marketplace for commercial property within St Peter and one of those changes has been scholarship America so this building provided an opportunity for you to meet some needs that you would not have otherwise potentially met at some of the opportunities that you reviewed or options that you reviewed related to City Hall include building or expanding on the current site which had a price tag based on work that was done by isg of anywhere from 10 to13 million you looked at a new a potential new building on some site yet to be determined with an estimated cost by isg of about $13 million to meet the space needs and other needs that you have for utilization we also EX examined um upgrading your current Building without an ex uh expansion of square footage which was estimated at about $3 million again that would not provide any expansion opportunity you'd still have some of the same struggles many of the same struggles that you have currently and really um as Grandpa pry once told me it's great to have a new saddle but the horse will not run your old horse won't run any faster and so there's a need to ensure that you are looking forward and the council I think has taken great a great amount of time to not only negotiate but think about where you want to be in the future on Project such as this some of the challenges that you see within the current um Building located at um 227 South Front Street are listed within the packeted materials what we would call page one of that additional packet and you'll see a number of different things many of which relate to um Bureau of Criminal apprehension and review of needs related to security for police departments challenges related to Ada accessibility within the building lack of space lack of training space lack of appropriate Zone heating and air conditioning controls based on how many times the buildings been chopped up many different ways um there's no secure entry for the police department nor for the um rest of City Hall there aren't really any meeting rooms or conference rooms left they've all been occupied um you have limited on off street parking parking which is created some additional challenges as you've continued to grow the police department doesn't have they only have one interview room and a best practice for a community of our size would be to have three at least two but you only have one and those are all real challenges within the current facility that you have so I talked about three major options that we looked at and have evaluated I do want to mention a fourth one which is that you could go to a scattered site which might mean that the city administrator's office is in one building and finance is in one building and the police department's in another building and Community developments in another building um and while that might be sort of kind of doable um and as we see real estate U Market changes here and availability change that gets to be messy in a whole hurry and doesn't provide for convenience when we're trying to get together let alone when we're trying to have um meetings with some of your constituents and citizens that want to come in and talk about zoning rules or a water bill or wherever where do I go and how do I get all those things covered so we really have in this packet tonight is a recommendation from staff based on direction of the city council to enter into two things here with scholarship America the first of which is a purchase agreement the purchase price for this building would be $1.5 million um that would be due in payable um towards the end of the first quarter of um 2025 um there's a lot of activity that would need to take place and remodeling that would need to occur within the current scholarship America building to make it usable for all the things you have going in the city hall police department administration Finance Community Development and Transit and so those are things that would go on um second would be a lease um many people are very aware of the property that's located there and we have a lot of folks within St Peter that have worked there um one time or another and so this would be scholarship America leasing what I would call the old building what most people in town know as the old building but it's the southerly most Building located on the campus um all of this is all attached in one campus and one building through hallways um but this would be the southernly most building and they would be leasing just slightly less than 11 ,500 Square ft um for that they would pay approximately $145,000 a lease in lease funds plus an additional sum for utilities to you which goes to offset some of the cost um so the financial impact would be acquisition of about $1.5 million based on the information that you had studied and paid isg to do work on related to her model they're anticipating that a remodel or Rehabilitation of the building for your use would in would be approximately 6 3 million that includes the development of specialized spaces for the police department vaults and some of these other things but it also includes the addition of some parking um indoor parking for the police department and for Transit has it moved forward so that's included as a part of this as well so I think that's important to no one understand um should you decide to go forward there are a number of activities that you would need to take um action on within the not too distant future and so it would certainly be with scholarship America which is the first memo to enter into a purchase agreement with them and then as soon as you've entered that agreement which they've already signed enter into a lease with them so you have that secured um I would then ask you to engage isg who's done some of this work for you before to do the specifications and design work um pre-design work and design work and help get you to um bids on this project bids would likely take place sometime in February or marchish of 2025 and engage a construction manager the same construction manager that you've utilized previously um RW carlstrom they worked on your fire station they helped you build this building they've worked on a number of projects for you and so they're well versed with what you do and there's information included within the packet for that one other thing that I want to show here is some of the financial analysis that we've done and you'll find this included within the packet I believe on page 42 or page 46 so these really outline the three major opportunities or options that you have in front of you one of which relates to the purchase of scholarship America and then it talks about our rehab estimate the total acquisition and use are net utilities based on leaving the location at 227 South Front Street um while the council hasn't made a decision on this I would anticipate that you likely move forward with disposing of that building at some time in the future after you've occupied new facility um and that would be maybe an RFP process much like you used for the old old fire hall located on mury in addition to that we have debt that's estimated here at approximately $577,000 that's on about $8 million in debt we might anticipate that in today's market to be a little bit less but we're trying to be conservative here and make sure that we're providing for all the costs that you might see and then of course you'll see in that column lease payment from scholarship America again they'll be leasing approximately 11,500 ft I think it's important to point out that this facility provides additional opportunity for you to generate revenue and Lease in two primary ways one of which is there will be about 8,000 square feet that scholarship is not going to be occupying nor will you occupy so that will be available for lease and I would anticipate a process once there's clarity about the timeline for occupancy um that the council would initiate a process to provide lease opportunities for folks the second that i' mentioned which I think is a little bit further out there that we haven't had much discussion on would be well you've got 18 Acres there what are you going to do with that it could be Parks it could be additional development it could be housing it could be all kinds of different things and I don't know that we know what that is currently and I think it's okay not to know I think as it's as you move forward if you choose to move forward lots of opportunities might present themselves and so this creates a great chance for the city council to evaluate what's best for the community not only from a Community Development standpoint but from a revenue standpoint to offset some of the costs which I know is really important as a part of this so we would anticipate our yearly cost for occupying this building which includes the utilities all that kind of stuff to be a little bit over $400,000 a year I want to be very transparent with the council and you've told me that you want to be very transparent about the data that we provide and information that's here this could mean that you could have a levy increase not a tax increase not a tax rate increase but a levy increase of approximately 10% so that would mean so as an example um earlier in your meeting t um you approved uh 6.6 Levy increase so on a $250,000 house no change in valuation that's about $23 give or take a little bit this then would be above and beyond that which would make another 30 bucks give or take a little bit maybe 32 bucks on top and so we want to be as transparent as we can there are a lot of variables within that tax information but we can tell with great certainty what it does in relation to your Levy and that's what you see articulated here as a part of this spread spreadsheet again which is included in that packet let me get out of that spreadsheet um I know mer Pro members you've talked about this many times how this works and there are still a lot of things that we don't exactly have answers for and that's okay um but this is an opportunity that presents itself due to covid and changes in scholarship America's operational model um that you wouldn't have had otherwise if we were looking to build or expand at the current location or build a new city hall at some point whether it's next year or a couple of years again from my perspective starting this Pro process in um 2012 um you'd be talking um you know anywhere from two to three to5 million more um to provide for the same opportunity for your community um mayor protim members I'm happy to answer any questions that you have there's an extensive amount of information in your packet really from page one um that includes the purchase agreement that includes a mockup that includes review of isg of the Mechanicals and the structural and the electrical of the of the building that you may or may not purchase um and so um I'll leave it with that before we move on to other opportunities as a part of this with that U being presented are there any questions or comments from the council members at this time first well worded and explained thanks I appreciate that I know you've been thinking about this for a long time we've had the opportunity to discuss it on multiple occasions I know the council's taken great pains to weigh a lot of different options in this and this is an opportunity option that provides really probably the most cost effective chance you're going to get to make an investment long into the future um for a city hall um many of the other options are so much more expensive and um so um opportunity knocks and are you ready or not ready for that additional comments Carrie the I didn't see it in here the uh remind us the current square footage of our current building the building that uh we occupied in 1965 just a little bit over 8,000 square ft and there's a portion of that that isn't handicap accessible and doesn't meet some of the standards and those yeah and the space would be occupying for City operations would be yeah for police and for City and for Transit would be approximately half of the scholarship America facilities maybe more accurately 2/3 people that are familiar with the building if you drive into the parking lot and you look at it it's it's kind of built into three modules and then the old building you would occupy essentially assuming the council continues to move forward the two nor Northerly most modules there or Bays the third Bay which is the bay between the old building and the area that we would occup occupy again is about 8,000 sare ft give or take just a little bit and then the old building again is approximately 11,500 Square ft yeah so when I look at the spreadsheet that you just put up I I see us getting a lot more bang for a square footage buck when it comes to uh purchasing scholarship America versus um renovating our current site um I I just want to comment that I believe the council's been really thoughtful about this we started this out with reviewing the space need study from 2012 decided that we wanted an update uh updated space need study weighed a lot of different options is it is it better to um completely do a new build does it make sense to renovate our current building um purchase a different property um and so to me it is not an option to stay in the current building for very much longer um primarily the listed the list in the memo is pretty all-encompassing but I just feel like for me the most pressing issues uh would be the lack of square footage of course but it's just completely inadequate not only for our police department but for everybody in that space um our finance department's in there Our Community Development departments in there City Administration it um it's not Ada accessible uh the whole building is is wonky I think they've made the best use of the spaces City staff have could for for as long as they have but it just doesn't make sense anymore it's like stepping back in in a time machine and it's not serving uh our city very well anymore um there is a major security issue in both the police department and the rest of the building um not a lot of uh opportunities to grow in that space either so when it comes to the opportunity of scholarship America again we're getting um it's a great opportunity to save the taxpayers a tremendous amount of money had we gone the route of a new build um that would have been uh it says here in the memo $2 to5 million more um than what we're estimating here so again the council's been very thoughtful about um we know that we need an we we need a new space that's a given um and then also what's the best opportunity and to do what we can to lessen the impact on the taxpayers because at the end of the day um they are contributing heavily but they're also getting the services provided by um the city staff and City Hall and I think this is a really important move it's not always popular um to build a new city hall to renovate to to make that space better um but I believe that that's why we're putting this this role to make these difficult decisions and to move the work forward and so I'm I think that this is a very good opportunity and I'm excited to support it Ben um a couple things to just Pig you back on what council member Johnson just talked about um in looking at building a new building that would be two to5 million more than this plan that would be if we built it today if we started on it today now if we wait two three four five years 10 to13 million building becomes 12 to 15 12 to 16 14 to18 million I mean things change so much we've got an opportunity to cut that savings basically in half I mean if we think about the top end of a $16 million new building today that we would build in five years we've got a huge savings here um we also do have a chance to take a look at these estimates when they come in for the remodel and to try and curb and do any savings that we can so we can continue to be good stewards of tax dollars um and for that reason I I I also think that this is a a good option and the best the best one that we have at this point in time it's not often that you can look at local local municipalities and or government and say that they're making good business decisions but when you take a step back and you look at the cost of the options you look at the potential of if we move this down the road how much more it would cost as representative Ram said but then if you just look at as representative Johnson pointed out we're in an 8,000 square foot building right now we have approximately 8,000 square fet that would be available for a second renter or partner in this building to help offset the debt service so not only are we looking at this option being cheaper we're getting a portion of the debt services covered by providing opportunities for other businesses or nonprofits to be on the site anyone else um administrator would you be willing to read in uh council member de's letter to the council yeah mayor and members um council member DeVos could not be here tonight so he asked this to be read into the record so um this is uh information that I received from him says I'm unable to attend the meeting this week so I'm writing to express my support for the purchase of the property currently owned by scholarship America this is an opportunity that the city council should not pass up the city of St Peter is facing multiple expensive challenges at its current Municipal space including State mandate updates to our police facilities aging Mechanicals requiring replacement lack of space for expanded Staffing required to serve growing Community including both police and administrative employees according to Beacon search for nicholet County the current municipal building was built in 1967 since 1970 census the population of St Peter as of 2024 has grown by approximately 4,000 residents or almost 50% and that growth has continued at a consistent Pace the need for a new facility to handle this growth is apparent after extensive review over the last year the acquisition renovation of scholarship America site will save the taxpayers of St Peter millions of dollars compared to either the expansion of the current fac facility or building new on a different site in addition to the cost Savings of the facility the site comes with 18 acres of land an amount that may not be available at an affordable rate if we PCH purchase vacant land for new construction it also provides the opportunity to redevelop the current municipal site into something that enhances our growing downtown business district the current building has served the city for almost 60 years but its usefulness as a municipal facility is at an end we have expected opportunity to acquire space to serve St Peter for another 60 years and I believe it would be financially negligent of us to pass up the purchase of this site um signed by council member Brad DeVos with that letter being read um I'll wait till the end here I also do support this um this is a gift that was dropped upon us um we were able to take a look at the building um imagine what could be done there uh we've done some leg work as far as Architects on what's possible it looks like it works they gave us some schematics that are a unique space that would work very well for I believe for our city for a long time in the future um we are getting quite a bit of space at a much reduced price um we are being sustainable we are reusing a facility that is reusable that's a well-built facility that should serve our our purpose for a long time I believe we'll be good stewards with that property and I believe this is a good move for the city and the city council and I do fully support this acquisition with that on page 43 of the packet which was handed out there is a resolution entering into a purchase agreement for property located at one scholarship way with that I would ask for a motion so moved Motion in a second at this time is there any further discussion from the council hearing none please call the role council member p yes I council member Johnson I council member ramp I council member weisenfeld I council member shrom I motion carries there are a couple of other resolutions do you want to discuss the uh resolution for on the architecture hire um mayor Pro members yeah if I could include it in your packet here I believe it starts on page 45 is information related to hiring isg of Mano as I mentioned earlier they provided much of the research information I think U I know they provided much of the research information related to the Mechanicals and the structural and all of that work in addition to that um the lead architect would be spearheading this project should you choose to engage them actually did architecture as the building was built originally in the late 1990s which can be super helpful and provide for some efficiencies moving forward um the resolution would provide for hiring isg of mano to provide the architectural related work um for Rehabilitation or remodel of the scholarship America building located at one scholarship way um if you do move forward with this tonight we'll move in a speedy fashion not um again the goal would be to get to bids hopefully sometime the end of February into early March so that you have bids in your hands before the closing on the property occurs it's important from a financial aspect to do this as efficiently as we can and this provides that opportunity for you again they this group also provided for space needs study and has a keen and really well documented understanding of what your space needs looks like for your operations not only for your police department but for your administrative offices and for Transit moving forward um again the information is included and um a scope of services is included in the packet with a resolution on page 51 to engage isg from man to do that work for you are there any further questions on the resolution uh for the architectural Services hearing none is there a motion to approve the resolution hiring architect for scholarship America building remodel project police station City Hall and Transit as found on page 51 so moved second Motion in a second please call the ru council member Johnson I council member ramp I council member weld hi council member shrom hi council member Pettis I mayor members or mayor Pro members the next item that you have starts on page 52 oh yeah I'm sorry we forgot didn't do lease agreement we should do that as well um so after the purchase of scholarship America we do have a lease that was provided and has been negotiated with scholarship America as I mentioned that information is also included in your packet that provides and directs the city administrator and the mayor to enter into a lease with scholarship America um the documentation includes a 60-month lease um with options attached to that um so this um I think outline in line with generally what we've talked about previously we've talked about four years this is 60 months and so I think there's a great opportunity um they wish to stay there and continue some of their operations in that 11,500 square foot again this would be located in that southernly most building or what at least in my world we commonly refer to as the old scholarship America building Ben just to clarify you said 60 months yeah I think I mentioned before four but it's 60 months okay 5 so we added an extra so it's it's five five guaranteed yep and then two for the renew yep okay not say they won't extend beyond the two yep that's the option they have sounds good with that clarification there is a resolution entering into a lease agreement for property located one scholarship way uh page 44 is there a motion so move second and a second uh with that is there additional discussion hearing none please call the RO counc HIC M Wiis hi council member shrom hi council member pennis I council member Johnson I motion carries T members page 52 is for construction management um the memo here outlines in the proposed resolution is to hire RW carlstrom mano to provide for construction management construction manager at risk process which we're utilizing for um any um wastewater treatment plant up upgrades which you utilize for your fire station build which you've utilized other projects moving forward RW has provided services for a couple of those projects um is located within the area as a good knowledge and understanding of local contractors and will help us move through a number of processes within this overall work to occur which includes pre-design through bidding and through construction and um General Services again the information is include in your packet along with their proposal and as I make my fingers due to talking page number 80 is the resolution thanks darl this time is your additional questions or comments for the city administrator hearing none is there a motion to approve the resolution hiring construction manager at risk for scholarship America remodel project police station City Hall and Transit so moved is there a second second any further discussion hearing none please call the role Council M weisenfeld hi council member shrom hi council member Pettis hi council member Johnson I council member Ram I at this time is there any additional business to be brought before the city council meeting mayor Pro members I don't have anything else on your agenda for this evening and as you mentioned earlier this is the last regular meeting of the year for the city council you'll meet in Workshop that first week of January and the second Monday of January come back into regular session business from the members hearing none is there a motion to adjourn so moved second there is second all in favor signify by saying I I oppose same sign motion carries see you next year nice work nice work