##VIDEO ID:zi0A93u-YpM## good evening and welcome to the regular city council meeting for the city of St Peter Minnesota it is Monday October 14th 2024 at 7:02 p.m. we are called to order would all please rise for the pledge I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all first up tonight is the approval of the agenda we have one addition to the agenda that was distributed everybody should have received a copy of the memo and the resolution uh approving purchase of 53 IV pumps for Rivers Edge Hospital in Clinic Madame mayor if you wouldn't mind we'd like that if that could come after item I all right after item I uh are there any other revisions Corrections questions hearing none is there a motion to approve the agenda as revised all those in favor of approval say I I any opposed the agenda is approved approved uh next up approval of the minutes the minutes appear on pages 7 through 10 of the packet are there any revisions or corrections to the minutes hearing nothing is there a motion to approve the minutes as distributed all those in favor of approval say I I any opposed the minutes are approved we as usual have time on our agenda for visitor comments is there any visitor who'd like to address the Council on any agenda item hearing none we also have time for General V visitor comments is there any visitor who'd like to address the Council on any matter whatsoever hearing none we will move on to the approval of the consent agenda oh we have a public hearing y we are going to um move on to the public hearing let's see can you help me find the page on that that is Page through 88 40 through 88 and Madame mayor um Shannon sweee from David drown Associates is here to help us along with this one thanks for coming tonight Shannon thanks for having me uh good evening Shannon Sweeny with David drown Associates here for the public hearing on the creation of tax increment financing District number 1-27 uh start with a brief overiew tax increment financing is an economic development tool that allows us to capture new property tax taxes associated with new development for a period of time uh State Statute has been modified over the years to include a whole bunch of restrictions on what we can and can't do with those funds but at the end of the day this is a proposed housing Tiff district and we can spend 95% of those revenues in support of housing projects which we're intending to do within those housing projects up to 20% of the square foot square footage of the project can be dedicated for commercial use which in this instance we do have a component of commercial use proposed on the main level of the structure but it is well within that 20% requirement uh ultimately the developer BMR brm Holdings LLC has requested assistance in the form of reimbursement of that property tax for a period of up to 14 years or an amount not to exceed 3 84,600 uh that number is based on a projection of the market value which the assessor provided to us the county assessor evaluated the preliminary plans for the project we apply the current tax rate in order to establish both a cap on the amount and the duration or the term of reimbursement that's being proposed under State Statute the developers required to meet specific income requirements uh all but one project we've worked on has been uh the Developers selected the requirement of having 20% of the units available for folks at 50% of area median income by family size and so ultimately we expect that's and the agreement was drafted such with such a restriction provided uh if you choose to proceed there'll be two actions that are well one action I'm sorry before you but it has two Provisions within it one is to adopt the tax increment plan which creates this mechanism at 107 West Nassau Street or the former Library lot and that same resolution that you'll be asked to consider also authorizes execution of the tax increment financing agreement that provides the amount of assistance that I just referenced uh ultimately the developers required to certify to the city on at least an annual basis that they are meeting the income restrictions that are imposed by State Statute and if they do not we're not able to provide them with tax increment financing assistance the developer must pay the property tax before anything is reimbursed so we're not coming out of pocket with anything we don't actually receive that's captured as tax increment ultimately what we're doing is forgoing the benefit of this new tax base for a period of time in order to get a project constructed on the old library lot and so with that uh we have a tax increment plan which references a lot of the stuff I just talked about it establishes a budget the boundaries for the Tiff District which are just the property at 107 West Nassau Street so that's the only location where we're going to be capturing tax increment within the Tiff district and we also had a draft of a development agreement in your packet for which as I mentioned earlier we're going to authorize execution if you choose to proceed and adopt the resolution that's been provided following the public hearing so happy to answer your questions anything to add or any questions no ma'am so as you mentioned we will take action on this l later in the meeting unless there are any questions right now we will close the public hearing at 7:09 thank you thank you all right moving on to approval of the consent agenda the consent agenda begins with a memo on page 11 of the packet and includes with a resolution that appears on pages uh 40 and 41 of the packet the consent agenda includes the following employee appointment Mariah as a lab technician at a wage of $32.89 an hour the following individuals appointed as election judges for the city of St Peter for August and November 2024 elections the following individuals are hereby appointed um to the following boards and commissions Connie Bal Gartner to the Parks and Recreation board for a term ending December 31st 2024 we have three temporary licenses to approve a temporary uh Gambling License to nicholet County fants forever uh for 10242 24 show licenses to the flame bar uh 101 2024 through 1231 2024 and tremendous Brewery for the same term a radiator flushing at the Broadway generation facility to be approved and the schedule of dispersements for September 19th 2024 through October 9th 2024 is there any discussion or questions regarding any agenda or any item on the consent agenda Brad um so and I see Pete's not here so I don't know if Curtis or someone else can answer this one uh just on the radiator flushing I see later in the agenda we're actually replacing a radiator on one of the generators is this radiator flushing um supposed to essenti to be preventive main maintenance to help avoid a similar situation in the future um yes but I can't speak to whether that was done in advance on the unit that is asked for repairs later in the meeting yeah I I yeah I was just curious if this something that we're looking at maybe this is an investment now to avoid a similar situation in the future yep okay any other questions or discussion regarding the consent agenda hearing none is there a motion to approve the resolution approving the consent agenda move second we have a motion and a second call the rooll please council member weisenfeld hi council member shrom hi council member DeVos hi mayor Noel I council member Johnson I council member Pettis I the resolution is approved and although I did not read the names of all of the election judges I think we should all give them our thanks it's a um a wonderful job that they do for us uh we will move on to our we have no items of Unfinished Business tonight we our first item of new business is the adoption of a resolution approving the establishment of tax increment financing District number 1-27 and authorizing execution of a development agreement with brm Holdings Inc and Shannon's here again yes do you have a question yes we spare Shannon having to explain it one more time uh just the question I have you know for clarification for people who will say well this looks like we're giving a tax break and the city is losing out on tax resources um for tax increment financing anything that's currently being collected on the property stays as is in this property we're probably not collecting anything anyways correct correct but um but actually just State Statute requires the county to carry an underlying value on that property and when this district is created that underlying value will now create a tax because it'll be considered residential property at this point and that tax won't be captured so they'll will actually receive a little bit of benefit at tax base as a result of this falling under private development so but otherwise in this situation the city isn't losing out on anything because um in situations such as as the developer often won't actually do the building without the tax increment financing that's part of the findings that have to be made and ultimately you know it's uh that's correct yes so yeah so just so people understand this is a tax neutral thing the city isn't losing out on any tax revenue not that we wouldn't otherwise you know without Tiff assistance the project wouldn't proceed the city's owned that vacant lot for a number of years long long time uh since I used to be an employee which was a long time ago years my gosh and so ultimately you know much like Municipal parking lot number five you know we've waited a long time and it's taken some assistance in order to promote development on those properties thank you thank you do you have other well do you have a presentation or you you're just here for questions here for questions we same information that presented in the in the public hearing ultimately the action item before you is the resolution that adopts the Tiff plan and authorizes execution of the development agreement which provides assistance to brm Holdings uh based on them constructing a new housing facility that has less than 20% commercial space pays their property taxes on time and in full meets the income requirements that are imposed by Statute and if they do those things will reimburse their property tax for a term of up to 14 years or an amount not to exceed $384,000 anything to add Todd no mad all right any questions or comments hearing nothing further the resolution approving the establishment of a tax increment financing District number 1-27 within Municipal development District number one and the adoption of the tax increment financing plan relating there to and authorizing execution of a development agreement with brm Holdings Inc appears on pages 87 through 90 of the packet is there a motion to approve so moved second we have a motion and a second call the role please council member shrom hi council member dasos I mayor Noel I council member Johnson I council member Pettis I council member weisenfeld I the resolution is approved thank you very much thanks thank you all right our next item of new business is the adoption of a resolution authorizing Bolton and M Inc to assist in the selection of a construction manager at risk CMR CM metam may members the information is included in your packet starting on page um 89 or 91 depending on what version you have and we're working through this is really to provide assistance to City staff and selection of construction manager at risk you've used this type of construction process on numerous projects in the past including some of the biggest projects that you have we found it to be very beneficial and cost effective this would help establish that process for selection of that seire or construction manager at risk um the resolutions include in your packet to engage Bolton and mink to provide assistance in this area and again I'm happy to answer any questions that you might have more specifically about the semar process or engaging Bolton mink you'll also see as a part of the memo and the resolution that there's a time frame to move this forward and as you may recall this is not for the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant this is really for change out of the equipment that's now 20 plus years old and um as you have heard on numerous occasions and seen report previously about upgrades that will be needed and equipment that needs to be changed out due to the age and the really harsh conditions that they live and work under um this is part of that process and moving forward meta Mary I'd be happy to answer any questions that folks might have about this one questions for Todd Brad I just want to say thank you for explaining that this is just for basically the updates and upgrades versus the actual replacement of the facility yeah and and I'm even hesitant to say updates or upgrades although I think I said upgrades once um this really has to do with replacing equipment that now is 20 plus years old and again it it works in a very harsh harsh harsh conditions and um without the ability to see that equipment move work treat waste for you um you can't meet the compliance rules and certainly that isn't within um the goals that are set to ensure that we are taking care of um sustainability efforts in the Minnesota River which is part of the reason you have this wastewater treatment plant to begin with well and we as a council we all did a tour of the wastewater treatment uh when did we do that last winter yeah it still sticks with me the smell sticks with me Curtis but um our staff do a wonderful job um maintaining getting the best life out of equipment and Facilities but it is it is time it's time it is time darl a couple questions Bolton and M won't be the construction manager correct that is correct so this is a an amount to help them help the city select a construction manager firm or construction management firm correct that's correct and and a couple of things if I could add on to that I think this is a really important process and we like the balance that this type of process provides as a part of the construction and it's not just the construction it really is operational efficiency and ability to operate appropriately in that um I'll pick on Engineers just a smidge especially with water and wastewater facilities they have an idea about how this is supposed to work and what equipment is supposed to be in place but having someone who has some experience and how this operationally works can find efficiencies for your staff and team as a part of this too and selecting appropriate equipment that works together um because you're going to be running this equipment again for another 20 years or so and so we think this has great value overall um in the process will they be coming back with like a name or a firm for us at sometime in the yes so this would be a firm that you would ultimately select and we'd bring back to you thank you appreciate it additional questions hearing nothing further the resolution authorizing Bolton a mink to provide services for the selection of a construction manager at risk for biosolids improvements appears on page Pages uh 93 and 94 of the packet is there a motion to approve so moved second we have a motion and a second to call the rooll please council member DeVos I mayor Noel I council member Johnson I council member Pettis I council member weisenfeld I council member shrom I the resolution is approved next up adoption of a resolution awarding the bid for safe routes to school School improvements Madame mayor this is in your packet starting on page 95 I believe it is 93 or 95 Jeff are you going to help me out with this one yeah I'd appreciate that let me get started while you're walking up as you know Madame mayor and members um we've been talking about moving this project forward for quite some time as you also know due to Historic and archaeological review um we had a couple of month hold on the activities in addition to that because of the timeline that we've seen related to when you were awarded funding and as we've moved forward with the bids there's been quite a little bit of inflation within that time frame and so we took a little bit of time and Jeff Jeff and his team did some great work related to finding some additional resources for this so I want to really thank Jeff and his team in looking for that but Jeff if you would explain a little bit about what this is how much money we're looking to spend and um the other thing that I'd mentioned before I kind of cut Jeff loose on this is that this planning occurred almost 6 years ago now and so the planning for this was done in cooperation with the school district so as these areas were selected it wasn't done in a vacuum it was really done in cooperation with a number of Partners including the school district so with that I'd let Jeff talk about where and how and the money and all that kind of stuff Jeff okay thank you Todd um yeah City Council Members mayor um the the funding for this project um came from a Grant application that the city um put together and submitted uh to through the ATP back back in 2020 or so but as Todd mentioned it comes the sidewalk improvements that of propos to come from a um a combination of things comes from the city's sidewalk master plan that did that had been prepared back in the 2016 era somewhere in there and um some coordination with the school district um the project includes uh the safe rout of school project includes um construction of about a mile and a half of sidewalk throughout the city if you believe it or not there is that much um room out there yet for sidewalk um big part of it it's on east side of Washington Avenue between uh Chestnut and suar streets so that'll tie the southerly part of town Broadway Avenue um everything north of there Washington Avenue to uh the middle school or not the middle school but North Elementary School and then also the Middle School um we also have it proposed on the east side of Church Street between Travis W and Woodland Woodland Street um that's along uh McGill Park along the trail there um north side of Travers Road between Church Street and McGill place that that'll bring students down from um the mckel Park area down to North Elementary School and then we've got a piece going down to um McGill place there to tie into that sidewalk that's in the um in the gourman or the governor's height subdivision um lower Johnson upper Johnson and there moving to the south end of town some sidewalk improvements are proposed um on Jefferson Avenue between Valley View Road and South um Washington Avenue that'll tie the sidewalk that's currently there by citizen Scholarship Foundation of America um to the West there down to South Elementary School on the south side of Jefferson Avenue um and then also um that'll go all the way down to Washington Avenue there's a block of sidewalk there that'll also take uh construction or take place and then last location is South 7th Street between Jefferson Avenue and South Elementary School so that'll take sidewalk from the Jefferson Avenue intersection uh to South Elementary on the Westerly side of the roadway currently there's walk on the easterly side of the roadway um by putting it on the west side of the roadway um provides walk on both sides of 7eventh Street as part of the project we also included a raised median at Broadway Avenue which is um as you go up the hill from um Washington as you're going up the hill um you get to not to the old um the first entrance where the uh beacons are Lincoln Drive there but the second entrance um to the to the South it would be it's the middle school parking lot um so we're proposing to construct a um a median in there just a small median that would provide a refuge for um students that are walking from the north to the South and to school to the middle school and then back so um that's proposed as part of the improvements and then also replacing those orange um flashing circles or beacons um as you're going up uh Broadway Avenue um those are solar powered beacons um and they've kind of lost their effectiveness and they're not real noticeable so um as part of this project we are will be constructing um some rapid uh flashing rectangular beacons um and they they're similar to the ones that you see at Jefferson Avenue uh by Gus theis by the apartment or the buildings right across the street there again near citizen Scholarship Foundation on Jefferson Avenue um four bids were or yeah five bids were received it looks like um neon B neelon Concrete was our low better at 9 149,000 uh we had estimated about 780,000 as Todd mentioned um since 2019 when we prepared the application um things construction costs have gone up most notably um concrete and then uh common excavation I think were the biggest differences we saw in our bid numbers versus what we were estimating um overall um in the in the memo there there's um a breakdown of funding that is um available to the city this is a federal aid project so the city's responsible for 80% of that funding or excuse me Federal A8 is responsible for 80% of the funding and then the city is responsible for the match minimum match at 20% um so our grant dollars that we had available we initially had about 450 5,584 um that's not quite 80% of the um the low bid amount and so we were able to um gain another or acquire another $33,000 of Federal Aid um from some extra money that we had over left over on our um old Minnesota Avenue St Julian roundabout project so working with mindat we were able to to trans or utilize that extra Federal funding that we had on that project on this project so overall the federal portion of the project is $754,900 $6,400 so um I guess with that be happy to answer any questions um if you do award the project they would um likely begin just a portion of the construction this year in order to maintain our funding um we require the contractor to get a small portion of the project done this December you know by the end of the year um but it sounds according to what the contractors um saying depending on whether of course um they're majority of this work will take place next year only a small amount like maybe a fence removal that sort of thing just some minor things should impact the public thank you uh questions Dustin I was just going to point out um for the people who may be paying attention for this project so if I'm understanding it correctly we're looking at a total project that's essentially 950,000 and the local taxpayers are being asked to pay $6,400 out of local dollars correct correct yep out of local city Enterprise fund y because that's a that's a question that we get is when we do these projects how much of it are we paying with our property taxes yep that comes from um local share all come from um not only well not not necessarily property taxes but like the city's uh Water Utility Fund I believe it is or so but part of utility rates um question on the beacon going up by the so is that going to be hardwired versus solar power good question um there isn't uh electricity right there and we we did investigate solar powered versus hardwired and um was determined that so solar powered would be the best option for that location so it would be solar powered yes I guess I guess my question is uh how how how long of a battery that has on it just uh for the I'm assuming it only flashes when activated so that if it goes a few days without uh the sun shining that there'll still be enough battery power for usage exactly um the batteries on those um generally I have in the back of my mind they're about five years um and know City staff routinely changes them out just as a normal budgetary item just to be safe you know I don't know if it's every four years or what but um we expect to at least what I'm expecting is to get at least five years out of them this is not an unusual appliation of that type of equipment used regularly in lots of places is there consideration of making the flashing lights on grce Street the same because we have a very similar light now over by Gus Davis Crossing we'll have a very similar light on Broadway but the light on Grace is a different Amber in setup another good question and I know we talked about that as part of this project I just can't recall what the rationale was why we didn't choose to do it as part of this um I you catch me off guard there I'm not 100% sure on that one we did talk about it though okay if you don't mind may members we can look that up and get you an email in the next week has Absolut and it may do be due to is um I know we looked at constructing sidewalk along the souths side of Grey Street and after we um performed the to topographical survey through there it was almost I shouldn't say nothing's impossible but it was very very challenging to get sidewalk in there just because the hill so Steep and the driveways are somewhat cut into the um into the bank so we we originally were going to include that portion in the project but um we didn't in the end simply because it wasn't I mean you really couldn't do it without a lot of retaining wall um and then that could have been being we were taking the sidewalk portion that block of sidewalk out we ended up U maybe removing that crosswalk uh signal there too so M May if I may the resolutions included in your packet and apparent L bidder and the recommended bidder is Nelson concrete LLC any additional questions hearing none the resolution is there a motion to approve the resolution that appears on pages 97 through 98 of the package so moved second we have a motion and a second call the RO please mayor Noel I council member Johnson I council member Pettis R council member weisenfeld hi council member shrom hi council member DeVos hi resolution is approved thank you very much thank you uh moving on adoption of a resolution authorizing the purchase of a 2020 wood chipper and Declaration of the 1988 wood chipper as Surplus mayor members um courtesy is here if you have any very specific questions as you'll see Pete is not able to be here this evening but this is the replacement of a um wood chipper this is used extensively and gets lots of hours during the Spring and during the fall you'll see this out um taking materials U from construction sites we've had a lot of work that it's been used on related to Emerald ashore um and so the funding would come from the 2024 equipment certificate for about $42,500 um the current wood chipper um has it's just at the end of life it gets used hard it's at the end of life and so we need a replacement if we're going to continue to provide these types of services information's included in your packet with the resolution on page 100 Madam May any questions or discussion do we have expected time of use for these the 2020 wood shipper I mean how far into the life is 2,800 hours Curtis if you wouldn't mind so I have talked to the Forester a little bit about that and he's very confident that I mean he's thinking maybe half maybe so if you look at the hours on our current one the thing different is our current Forester is a big proponent of wood chipping where in the past he has not there there hasn't been that as much his uh his goal with it is he can do a lot more with a smaller crew so this wood chipper essentially has a winch attached to it so instead of you know big log where you need a piece of Machinery essentially you can winch it it'll drag it up to the machine and it's got an arm that'll lift it up on the trade to chip it so that's kind of his biggest goal for this one in the past be able to use the chipper efficiently you're talking two to three people kind of just to manhandle the stuff to get it to there I mean I guess I just ask cuz I mean it it seems like if we had the other one for almost 40 years and only put $2,200 hours on it I mean are we expecting I figur we're not expecting this one to last 40 years but I know the other one was not bought new either I would I think the other one I think we've only had roughly 12ish if I'm remembering correctly okay so yeah and I do not know how many hours were on that one when we got that one and if I could I'd remind the council that your utilization is higher than it's been in previous years and is likely to continue in that mode for a few years yet related to Emerald ashbo I do know when I was looking at a couple of them with Jake the new machines the same machine brand new was like 112 to 113,000 m okay thanks Curtis additional questions thanks Curtis uh the resolution authorizing the purchase of a 2020 verier wood chipper appears on page 100 of the packet is there a motion to approve so moved second we have a motion and a second call to vot please council member Johnson hi council member Pettis hi council member weisenfeld hi council member shrom I council member dasos hi mayor Noel I the resolution is approved uh next up adoption of a resolution approving the completion of repairs on generator number two at the Broadway facility mayor members the information is included in your packet along with the resolution I think the U memo itself provides a very good explanation of what um staff and what zagler tried to do to facilitate a repair which was more cost effective than this um but as it turns out this is where we're at and as you know we're required under contract to be able to provide this all the generators up there are important to your system and each provides approximately 2 megaw of additional backup power for you and um so the recommendation is um to engage zegler at approximately $111,000 to facilitate the repair on generator 2 happy to answer any additional questions that you might have um these are important units and again we're contractually obligated the revenue stream that we have related to this entire generation facility is approximately $350,000 a year um so we not only have a contractual obligation it is a money maker for you at this point and so it continues to be important that we keep this operational not just for backup reasons not just for financial reasons uh but because it works within your system and in the larger myo system as a part of the generation capacity that simpa relies on any questions I mean for folks at home they might want to know a little bit more about that contract that we have yeah so um the contract that we have currently and it was entered into if my recollection serves me well approximately 2004 2005 um essentially what happens is that simpa pays you um what's called a capacity charge or capacity fee for the ability to generate 12 megawatts of power on an as requested basis so that could happen um when there's low voltage on the system someplace in the eastern part of Minnesota um it could happen based on a request through myo which myo um I could talk for hours on this but generally provides for the generation needs and regulation all the way from Minnesota down to Oklahoma and through the Upper Midwest as well Wisconsin the dtas and other areas um and so um the contract states that we have to provide 12 megawatts and if we don't they don't have to pay us um though has to be on Demand with short notice and um that contract has essentially paid for the Capital Improvements in the capital building of the project in addition they provide all the fuel but we're required to provide the maintenance on the project and this is part of that maintenance thanks uh any questions hearing nothing the resolution authorizing repairs to unit number two at the Broadway Generation Plant is on page 103 of the packet is there a motion to approve I'll move second we have a motion and a second call the rooll please council member rtis I council member wiesenfeld hi council member shrom hi council member DeVos hi mayor Noel I member Johnson I the resolution is approved next up a resolution allowing leash dogs and cats on certain city-owned property is authorized by city code section 8- 83 mayor members information is included in your packet and I would also mention that you've talked about this a number of times as as the Park and Recreation board you originally sent it to them for a recommendation back to you and that's included in the first page of the memo what the recommendation back was has has you had some additional discussion with in your workshop and his staff reviewed the process to move this forward we really believe that it's most appropriate that you continue with the process that's articulated as a part of your ordinance which is well you don't have to change the entire ordinance but by resolution the city council can set parks where dogs and cats are allowed and so that's really what's before you tonight based on your commentary and discussion and direction to City staff probably the easiest way to go about this is to go to the resolution um the first resolution that you see in your packet is the previous resolution that was done in 201 17 that expanded this from just dog parks to other locations and so you'll see six potential locations there that were approved by the city council in May of 2017 the current resolution that's in front of you tonight for your potential action expands that to expands that even further I would mention that specifically in item number one before you see the bullet points that lists off really all of your Park facilities tried very diligently to make sure um that people understand the rules still need to be followed and that animals need to be under control um that they still are required to have rabies vaccination and that waste cleanup um is required this would exclude animals from hard surface play areas think a basketball court or a tennis court as an example it would exclude animals from areas underneath um jungle gyms and playgrounds wood chipped areas fiber areas areas that have pck um those would be excluded as well around those play structures and it would exclude them from fields that are used for organized play an example of that might be a softball field or a soccer field so this although it provides opportunity for these animals to be in the Parks they are not to be on the field of play they're really allowed if I can use this terminology in green spaces um not play spaces as a part of this resolution um happy to provide um answers as best I can to any questions that you might have forward the last thing that I'd mention is item number number two is a part of the resolution which indicates that this would become effective on January 1st 2025 so it's not effective tomorrow it wouldn't be through this fall it would be effective in January of 2025 part of that allows us a little bit of time to do some of the things that you've talked about which are potential locations for additional waste receptacles and bagging facilities those types of things and some additional signage that might come along with this um this doesn't specifically State the rules related to signage um a little bit of that is included in your ordinance but frankly how we generally operate these is that we try and look logically at where we see we've seen utilization in the past where we're going to see utilization and try and provide signages as appropriate so not there won't be 100 signs that show up every place this will probably roll out slowly as we bump into challenges questions about signage or where we see additional utilization of um pets by by pet owners mam again happy to answer any questions that folks might have as best as I can questions for Todd uh kri from the list that's in the packet are there any um parks that are excluded or does this Encompass all I believe this encompasses all of the parks that you have in place that's been your discussion um you've had a couple of changes over the past few years that I think have been included in there including howlet Park and um trying to think of the other one that's relatively new out in Traverse green Prairie Ridge thank you Prairie Ridge Park um so yeah it even includes Jefferson Conservancy which has been allowed in the past and so hopefully I've hit the list well okay um I just wanted to share just a little bit because my perspective has shifted from when we originally discussed this as a council um and I just wanted to explain why um it's evolved for me so it's based primarily on two factors um allowing leash dogs in all parks won't necessarily impact the behavior of pet owners I believe that there will still be the same number of irresponsible pet owners so not necessarily an increase but I have faith in our community that their responsible and considerate pet owners are in the majority they should be given the opportunity to enjoy the parks with their leashed dogs and I'm sorry I'm not refer I'm not addressing cats I I've never met a cat that enjoyed um being walked on a leash but maybe they're out there um uh opening all parks in with clearly designated no dog zones such as playgrounds and sports Fields can reduce confusion about where leash dogs are permitted for example we had previously discussed restricting access to gorbin park vets park I think that creates more confusion about which parks are allowed so I'm glad that um in our discussion involved to include all parks I want to express my gratitude to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts with me like many of you I remain concerned about pet waste in our city parks with the ordinance change I would support an investment in additional trash bins and pet waste bag stations to make it easier for owners to clean up after their pets and dispose of waste properly um I'd also like to ask if the ordinance modification passes um that we just get an update within approximately a year just to see how things are going um positive or negative um that I think that would be helpful for us as a council to evaluate um how the change is working and then I just wanted to do a shout out to the the two dog parks that we do have um I am a a dog auntie and I take my friends dogs to the dog park uh the river valley dog park Association dog park there to Thompson Park um and it's a a community there and that's where dogs just love to be um running around Unleashed um the dog owners um chat and they it's just this little Community there and I just really appreciate um the river valley dog park Association and the public works for making that space so nice um for our community to use so if anyone's wondering where can I have my Unleashed dogs um we've got two great spaces for that in our community so thank you thank you um well I as is my usual uh practice I do plan on voting no on this and so I'd like people to know why I'm voting against the resolution to allow dogs in Parks because despite being a dog lover prioritizing the comfort and safety of the significant number of humans who use these public spaces I believe should take precedence over granting open access to dogs I am especially concerned about the impact on children's ability to play freely in our Parks I will ALS o note we have two dog parks and several other parks that currently allow dogs and so I feel like we already have a good mix of pet accessible options in this city without making this change I believe I'm in the minority uh on this vote and so I'll close with a challenge to dog owners who bring their dogs to our Parks please prove me wrong keep your dogs on leash under control clean up after them and make sure your dogs present pres doesn't make other people uncomfortable I love dogs not everybody loves dogs your dog is not everybody's friend and so while I may not agree with this resolution I truly hope that responsible dog ownership will ensure a positive experience for everyone in our Parks so that both dogs and people can continue to enjoy these shared spaces safely and respectfully Brad um so I'm really agnostic on this I could go either way I I'm I'm I'm going to vote in favor of it that's way the public wants it uh I want to noted though that the change there is no change to requirements for dogs being unleashes and I do think that is a problem in this community quite honestly I regularly when I go out for walks I see people who don't have their dog and yes your dog may be well behaved but all it takes is one squirrel to have that dog take off and I'm a dog lover too I mean I love dogs but I would never have let my dog go without a leash in a place like this when you own nine acres outside of Montgomery then you can let your dog run um but that's what we that is what we have the that's what we have the dog parks for exactly that the Unleashed playground we have both by the Water Treatment Plant and across the river when it's not flooded um so I just encourage dog owners remember that leash law the leashes are required no matter what even even outside of the parks yep Dustin um being on the park and recre Advisory Board I've I've kind of been seeing this through since the beginning and we got the survey feedback and the community overwhelmingly wanted us to allow dogs on leashes I will say Brad is 100% correct and the concerns that have been echoed virtually every person who had any opposition to dogs being in the park it wasn't dogs unleashes the concern was people letting their dogs roam around the park and you don't know if that dog running around on the field next to you is friendly or if they have a restraint or or a means of that owner to restrict them so I would like to point out that changing our rules on leash on leash pets is one thing and I would like all of the dog owners to know that we still do not allow dogs to be free rain in the Parks may ask for clarification on the survey that council member shtorm is referring to can you remind the public what are we going back two years now I think it has been that long so when you went around to the parks and you saw the QR codes that were at all the parks um the people were asked to provide feedback as part of our Parks master plan that we've been putting through and with the parks with the surveys that came back there was an open-ended portion of the survey where people could provide feedback of changes they want and allowing dogs on leashes was the number one item that was written in by people unprompted by the survey itself well there is one area that we all agree on if dogs are going to be out in public they need to be on a leash so that's true now it will be true January 1st when this or when this uh change goes into effect so keep your dogs on leashes I love dogs I want to see them safe and they are safe on leashes any other questions or comments hearing nothing further the resolution allowing leashed dog and cats on certain city-owned property as authorized by city code section 88-83 appears on pages 107 through 108 of the packet is there a motion to approve so moved second we have a motion and a second call the rooll please council member weisenfeld hi council member shrom I council member DeVos I mayor Noel no council member Johnson I council member Pettis I the resolution is approved uh moving on to adoption of a resolution approving a cannaboid products ordinance mayor and members um the assistant City attorney Steve Winkler has been assigned and has worked on this and met with you on a number of occasions related to these changes that are driven by State Legislative action a session or so ago we want to make sure that you understand that this the basis for this is that state statute has its moved forward um I think it's also important to note um that as this ordinance comes into effect we will still be waiting for the state to finalize some of their rules and some of the processes related to the application process to have a license there are four or five primary areas where cities have the ability to regulate the rest of it is regulated by the state of Minnesota this is not related to law enforcement but again the ordinance here is primarily related to the ability to sell at the retail level within the city of St Peter so with that I'll hand the mic over to Steve um the other thing that I'd mentioned is that this was published according to the rules and state statute and so this hasn't been available for the public more than the time required as a minimum under the state law so Steve thank you Todd you stole most of my Preamble there but um I would just uh just to sort of flesh out the issue a little bit further it was in 2023 that the state of Minnesota passed uh chapter 34 two of the Minnesota statute which um regulates cannabis um and as Todd had indicated this is largely a product of the now formed office of cannabis management that um is the big player in making rules establishing policy um and exercising regulatory authority over um the Cannabis uh industry um local government um has some ability to regulate but not prohibit the um the industry that's burgeoning and going forward um in July of 24 uh the state um began a pre-approval process for uh lure of cannabis businesses and then licensing is supposed to officially start um at the beginning of 2025 um so this ordinance um that's proposed tonight um would create Article Five of chapter 12 of the city ordinance um an additional article under the business Regulation and Licensing uh section of the of the ordinance along with other issues like tobacco and the use of non-alcoholic beverages um it creates um the ability for the city to uh create a local registration of cannabis businesses um cannabis businesses would um register through a similar process um through the city clerk's office um as obtaining other licenses here in the city um it creates reasonable restrictions to time place and manner in this case um per your instruction uh cannabis businesses would uh be able to be open from 10:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday through Saturday um places of business would be required to follow local zoning rules um the council um as indicated has reviewed uh this um proposed ordinance um previously the one addition that I uh added in the memo if you've read it and then also in the ordinance itself regards temporary cannabis events um previous versions did not contain uh any language on temporary cannabis events simply because there's been little to no guidance uh from the office of cannabis Management on the state as to really how that should be regulated um after the um Council last reviewed the ordinance I believe on August 5th uh the office of cannabis management disseminated a a sort of model ordinance um that uh my office reviewed um having reviewed that model ordinance it it wasn't deemed that any um any other changes to uh the proposed ordinance were necessary other than adding um what I thought was some semi- helpful information on temporary cannabis events um and in particular um standards that the city can incorporate um in regulating temporary cannabis events and those are on page 117 of the packet it's um 12-1 186 and you can take a look at those but other than those changes um the ordinance is consistent with what what the panel has already reviewed and I should say that those um sort of standards for a temporary cannabis event are largely um co-opted and sort of repurposed from other types of of public events for instance um rules that um regarding the sale of alcohol and public events they're they're um taken almost exclusively from those types of sections of the city code as well so that's really the only addition and if there are any additional questions I'm happy to try to answer them can you give us an idea of what a temporary cannabis event might be in the city of St Peter that is a good question and I don't know if I have a a very a very good answer there's been a lot of conversations amongst City attorneys as to what exactly this could look like like um but again even through the the model language that was provided by the office of Canabis management um here recently um it didn't really provide any indication of what appropriate standards for such an event would be and I think that's largely because um there hasn't been public cannabis events in the state at least not legally up until the drafting of this of this ordinance so um I think what is envisioned is say um like one of the mus let's say one of the music events that we have in town we have the three says Okay so we've got our liquor license we are also going to theoretically yeah so yeah so theoretically um you know the say the Lions and rotarians are selling beer out of a tent at Rock Bend Festival there could be a similar setup or tent again it would have to be it would require the separate lure and approval of the council in order to have your tent or Booth that's also going to sell cannabis products at uh say rockbend or a similar type Festival but in theory it could that could be a pro you know something that's proposed someone could seek a license to do so and then they would have to go through the steps to do that and one more scenario So in theory someone could like the fireworks um in the grocery store parking lot they sell fireworks out of there how if there was some type of popup um could could those folks apply for a temporary event license again I think theoretically it's it's possible that's not a scenario that I've seen discussed or in the conferences on the issue um that specific scenario has hasn't come up um but in theory yes I I suppose that could be something that could qualify as as a cannabis event I don't know I think if I me I I think that that is likely to be substantially different than the example that you provided because in this instance um the example that you provided was fireworks sales and the parking lot at highb or wherever um in this instance they would still need a state license for fireworks they are not required to have a state license to be able to do that um so while that includes sales um I think this imagines something different than that I it's going to be the same they do with the Delta 9 events in the cities where it's like Cannabis Cup and like whatever days at breweries and things like that that's my suspicion is that it will just change from what they're already doing now with Delta 9 to recreational cannabis would these would have to be held Outdoors is that correct due to the clean air Air Act yes that's correct and we would have the ability to regulate these in our publicly owned property our Park property if the board the council so chose to regulate them correct you could regulate them out of your Parks area and they'd have to be on private type of property then for the sale issue yes but currently this or does not address message yeah but for sales you could retail sales you could yes but you could also take it out of your Parks if the council so chose to have an event like this they could be prohibited in Parks yes they could I mean I know it's just how the laws now it seems like under a lot of things are Ed edible based in in Minnesota right now so I mean these events don't necessarily have to be outside if they're like consumable non-sm smokable based smokable it's smokable it to thank you appreciate other questions or discussion car just want to say thank you to our assistant City attorney Steve Winkler for um really diving into this content and uh State rules and how it's evolved and really helping guide us to make informed decisions um so thank you for all your work on this you're quite welcome Steve if I could um just a couple points of clarification that this Council discussed previously the first of which is and so you might want to keep the microphone for this one which is how many licenses are allowed under this in some areas and the law provides for the opportunity to restrict the number of licenses how how does this restrict that right so this does not specifically restrict the number of uh canabus businesses in the city the state statute allows you to restrict the number um based based on population so while you could include language that would uh limit the number of re retailers um this language does not does not do so and that's always an issue that could be Revisited by the council at any time if an amendment in that direction seemed appropriate Madame May if I can then the next one that I have Steve is we talked about having to follow land use rules which is administered um through the Community Development Office and so as an example I live um inck rid subdivision which is a residential subdivision um if my neighbor wanted to open a cannabis sale location there would they be allowed to do that or is it restricted in some other way that you could articulate here it's restricted through the existing zoning laws that that exist so it has to be um it's limited to an area where retail sales is already um allowed so a residential at a resid address they could not open a cannabis business all right thank you bet additional discussion or further questions hearing nothing an ordinance amending St Peter city code chapter 12 business Regulation and Licensing appears on pages uh 111 through 118 of the packet is there a motion to approve so moved second we have a motion and the second call the roll please council member charr hi council member dasos I mayor Noel I council member Johnson I council member Pettis hi council member weisenfeld hi the resolution is approved Madam mayor members the other thing that I'd like to mention about this is that the way the state statute is set up is a substantial deviation from how liquor licensing works and that liquor licensing is first controlled by the local Unity government and then the state of Minnesota so if somebody applies for that liquor LIC they're applying to the city of St Peter um here in St Peter um with cannabis they first must apply through the office of canis Miss management to the state of Minnesota and then we get a notice from them saying that there's been an application and they're going to approve that application and the state is then asking us whether it meets the rules related to land use and other things Etc um so it'll look a little bit different as you see that going forward I wanted to mention that because I think that's a important change in how the process comes forward and so how we will be doing background checks will be somewhat different than you might see for the use of alcohol licensing so anyway I wanted to share that uh when does this ordinance go into effect Tod we'll let Steve answer that one I believe we decided it would go into effect on January 1st of 2025 all right I was wondering if it was the same as the do um again we are no matter what date you might set um the ability for the state of Minnesota to is issue licenses is up to them and so we don't get to control that the best estimates that we've seen at least I've seen so far has been the first quarter of 2025 so you'll have this in place in advance of when they are likely to issue licensed that may mean that people are notified that they're going to be provided a license but they might not actually have that license until the first quarter of 2025 okay thank you very much uh moving on not I was really enjoying watching [Laughter] keeps him on his toes uh next up adoption of a resolution approving the purchase of a rooftop HVAC system for River Edge hospital and Paula is here to talk to us about that mayor council members thank you for your time um tonight I have um three uh requests for your consideration and I'll start with the rooftop unit um 20 years seems to be the magic number tonight uh we have a rooftop unit that is original to the hospital which is 20 years old it has uh started leaking uh the freon which is now banned by EPA and uh we are trying to uh be as polite to the environment as we can so while we could fix it it would be difficult to find the freon to do that this rooftop unit is rooftop unit number three which covers our lab and imaging departments um you might ask why we're looking at having a cooling and a humidifier uh system in the middle of winter when we're not going to need it to cool it does require a 25 to 30 week lead time to build and so uh requesting it now will give us time hopefully to have it ready for us to install before summer hits next year we did get three different uh quotes for a 90 ton rooftop unit you can see those on the memo um after the commission met we actually received the lowest bid in from schwierz so we would would be requesting uh to replace the rooftop unit at the price of $488,851 rules and ordinance related to what level Paula has to come and the commission has to come to ask for your approval and this would be paid for out of Hospital funds thank you one thing know I'm not on the hospital commission anymore but I'd recommend the hospital commission consider the uh expected life of this when looking at the financing and not necessarily just settle for a 5-year equipment certificate based half of you know the size of this purchase and you're replacing the last one after 20 years I think uh to help the man's Hospital's finances probably at least a 10year equipment certificate would be something you'd probably want to consider at this point may members ultimately that issue would have to come back to the city council for issuance and I know Paula and her team including Jake are reviewing opportunities for that as we speak um our goal isn't to do it right now but a little bit later as we get closer to the installation and have and have that money available thanks Dustin question and maybe this might sound naive or but I don't think since I've been on the council we've actually done an equipment certificate for anything how does that differ I'm going to defer to Todd on this one because I also have not done equipment certificate so we have done this in the past when the hospital was first occupied in 2004 2005 actually the city council issued forgive my recollection it's a little while ago but approximately $390,000 for FFN on the new facility so this has been done how does it differ um it really doesn't differ um than how the city Council might issue in fact this would be an issuance through the city council and the hospital would be required to repay any debt and interest costs and issuance cost for this okay I think that's important to note because typically when the public heers were doing an equipment certificate we are paying that in our annual budget but this is being repaid by the hospital fund so this would show up in your financials as being a debt instrument um but then the revenue stream would be dedicated through the hospital you have authority to take dollars out of the hospital Hospital fund and so it's not just the commission's good graces to send you a check you have the ability to grab those funds I'm on the hospital commission and I think just the the vast dollar amount that had my jaw on the floor um just made it make more sense to um pursue a financing option versus a cash purchase one of the things that we haven't talked about is there are three rooftop units that are the same age so uh we have two more that we're hoping I know they're they're smaller they're smaller um would be less expensive but they're not uh at end of life they're not leaking and so we're hoping that we'll be able to keep those moving along at least for a bit are they full on to 22 large they're not as large yeah they're smaller additional questions for Paula or for Todd hearing none the resolution approving the purchase and installation of a train 90 ton rooftop HVAC unit for Rivers Edge hospital and Clinic appears on page 120 of the packet is there a motion to approve so moved second you have a motion and a second call the rooll please council member DeVos I mayor Noel I council member Johnson I council member Pettis I council member weisenfeld hi council member shrom I the resolution is approved and next up purchase of a new ambulance item number two two for consideration and I'm going to give you a little background information currently the hospital owns two trucks we have 1801 and 1802 1801 has been re chassed in the past uh we have looked at the potential of re-assing that truck again and the cost to do that would be 110,000 in addition to that remount in the new chassis there's an electrical panel in the back of the truck that is is outdated and would need to be updated to be functional and that would cost an additional $440,000 to do that 1802 is eligible for a re chassis or a remount of the box and actually that falls under the amount that needs approval that we can approve at the hospital so we actually have approved the the hospital commission has approved a remount of 1802 and so we'll be we actually have ordered that last week and that will be hopefully here before the end of the year at least to start getting the work done on that but what we're asking for is an add we'd like to add a new truck to the Fleet One 1801 is eventually going to stop working and we need to have at least two trucks um our volumes continue to increase um the other thing that is important to note is that if we order the truck today it's likely not going to be delivered until the fall of 26 so uh this is one of those decisions that isn't a speedy one we have to make some plans and get that taken care of uh we do not need to put any money down if we order that truck now we've uh reinvigorated the the hospital Foundation to help uh one of the focuses would be to raise funds we've also asked for Grant dollars uh locally um and we've applied for those already with the potential of receiving those but we can't count on that we actually have asked for the cost of both the truck that we're doing the remount on and a new truck so um but you'll see the the cost here the truck itself is $312,900 lifting them the lift does it all and then the graphics are going to come in at about $6,500 so the total amount of this truck would be $379,950 including the graphics and power load locked in now it does not lock anything in actually the cost has dropped since we initially started looking at this there was a period of time where we couldn't even order order an ambulance there was not a window open to order so that's a good question additional questions for Paula how's this being paid for this is paid for by Hospital funds again Hospital purchases this size are required to come back to the city council for approval so we'll see this again in two years you have a capital this was in their correct yes this is in their Capital Improvement plan for this year M and we don't need to see it again because it's not going on equipment certificate if we approve this tonight it won come back to us correct add the other thing that we'll do and I can just say 1801 right now will continue to use um and it will allow us to have a dedicated truck at events in town um and right now we don't have that for some of the the City events um because those are trucks that are taking the runs so if we have a third truck that would allow us to be able to leave a dedicated truck all right I'm not seeing any hands up uh the resolution the resolution approving purchase of a new ambulance for Rivers Edge hospital and Clinic appears on page 123 of the packet is there a motion to approve we have a motion in the second call the RO please mayor Noel I council member Johnson I council member Pettis I council member weisenfeld I council member shrom I council member DeVos I the resolution is approved uh last item for Paula tonight resolu but not leastly resolution approving purchase of 53 IB pumps for refer Edge hospital and clinic so thank you um as mayor has stated we are looking to replace 53 IV pumps the purchase price is $147,000 $1 14795 $147,900 14 and 2015 we've also added a couple of refurbish models so that we could keep the same pumps across the facility and not have to have different tubing or um different sets of rules to run those pumps the pumps that we are currently looking at will be the Spectrum IQ which will allow us a wireless interface to do two things one it will take information directly into the electronic patient record but number two it will allow our pharmacist to up update the drug library on those just by making a change uh in the software without having to pull 53 pumps into the pharmacy and make those manual changes which every time you do that creates an issue for safety uh we did apply for and received a grant from the Minnesota Department of Health and you'll see that in at the bottom of the page so again the total price is $147,900 1845 which will leave $31,250 for Rivers's Edge to pay questions for Paula um I'll just say this is U I think this is great it's like a hospital infomercial tonight if you buy an AC unit not only do we get an ambulance but if we commit now we also get 53 53 IV pumps the only question is can I get in three small monthly payments yes $29.95 will be pay her life right I know that the best for last this one's last all right I'm assuming no more question no questions for Paula uh the resolution approving purchase of 53 IV pumps has been distributed to all of us is there a motion to approve so move second we have a motion and a second call the rooll please council member johnsen I council member Pettis I council member weisenfeld I council member shrom I council member deos I mayor Noel I the resolution is approved thank you very much thank you PA all right next up adoption of a resolution approving the preliminary and final plats for capital l two and Ben is here to talk to us about that thank you mayor Noel and members of the council this one starts on page 124 of your packet um so this is one memo or staff report for three action items um Capital Lofts was opened in May 2024 so not too long ago it had 57 units due due to its thoughtful design amenities and current demand for housing the building filled rapidly um with the success of capital lofs and ongoing housing shortage brm is seeking to approve seeking approval to construct a new apartment building which is Capitol Lofts number two um this will be located next to phase 1 which is on the south side of halet pond or just Southwest of hi ve um this does fit one of the primary goals of the city council um which is to provide a variety of housing options um the proposed building will be a thre story tall building um it'll have a footprint of just just under 10,000 square ft and host 25 apartment units it'll also contain 10 um attached garage stalls and eight secured storage spaces the Zoning for this is C5 similar to phase 1 um and with that a conditional use permit is required um the development regulations as you as you see on the bottom of page 125 are all met um a plat so a new plat which is just called halet Pond Edition number four is required to allow the new building to meet all the development requirements without the need of a variance uh the buildings will be spaced out um accordingly according to the building code uh the new pla or lot combination will allow for both apartment buildings Phase 1 and two to be on the same parcel uh the new apartment building will essentially be an extension of the existing structure having a similar height width and exterior appearance um referencing that use permit um there were 17 standards that were met um and reviewed by both the Planning Commission and the bza that was approved on September 24th um there is um adequate access to utilities and Road um electric and storm water at this site and as far as off street parking goes uh the required is 123 stalls with this as the combined units um and then the proposed is 125 so actually two more than needed um as far as trees go they'll try to save as many trees as they can but most of them were actually um set around the site so there shouldn't be too many that need to be replaced Parkland education so this was mostly fulfilled with phase one um a nearly 1 acre Park was dedicated to the city on the North End just south of howlet pond that was named howlet Park um howlet Park was graded along with this project um filled with trees trails and sidewalks um in addition to the site work and land dedication brm Holdings will be provide the city with $6,499 so as part as phase two and this will help to fund the new playground equipment shelter and plantings at that Park um there is a development agreement um the third resolution here that goes along with this as well and this was recently signed by brm Holdings um it does address the tax increment financing the plat requirement roading utility access Parkland construction and erosion control design and lighting and then a completion date uh the proposed or projected timeline right now is approvals in September and October um and then final uh building official review and Public Works review um in late October or early November and then getting going on footings and Foundation here either later this month or in November or early December um I think they hope to be done sometime later next year um otherwise what's attached is kind of a a site map showing where the project is the there's again there's three things to review tonight three resolutions so the first thing would be um the preliminary plat which starts which is on 130 um that shows how the how the whole site looks with the new building Incorporated on the Southeast side of it which would be current lot three and the new lot one the cleaned up version of the final plat and that resolution is on page 133 and then the uh development agreement which is right after that on page 135 so with that I'd be happy to answer any questions again there's three action items tonight so um thanks a lot questions for Ben Brad um so Ben outside of the 10 additional uh can um ATT attach parking are we adding any other um Park any off street parking or are we just using the existing lot that's there it'll all be contained off Street on the the one new lot but but we're not adding anymore correct we're not adding any more part well just the garage stalls yeah you're right so so so people who are concerned about us Paving over to ad more parking we're not actually doing that correct yeah additional questions hearing nothing we're going to go on our first item the howlet pond Edition number four preliminary plat for Capital loss 2 project which is on pages 130 and 131 of the packet is there a motion to approve so moved second we have a motion on the second to call the rooll please council member Pettis hi council member weisenfeld hi council member shrom hi council member dasas hi mayor Noel I council member johnen I the resolution is approved do you have anything to add before we consider the final plat all right Hallet Pond Edition number four final plat Capital offs 2 project is on pages 133 through 134 of the packet is there a motion to approve so move s we have a motion and a second call to roll please council member weisenfeld I council member shrom I council member DeVos hi mayor Noel I council member Johnson I council member Pettis I resolution is approved uh moving on to the development agreement anything to add before we consider that no all right and questions for Ben the resolution adopting a development agreement between brm Holdings LLC and the City of St Peter Hallet Pond Edition number four uh 960 North thir Street Capital office 2 is on pages 142 through 143 of the packet is there a motion to approve so second we have a motion and a second to call the rooll please council member shrom hi council member DeVos hi mayor noell I council member Johnson I council member Pettis I council member weisenfeld I resolution is approved and you are not off of the hook yet Ben because we're going to talk about a loan extension request all right thank you mayor Noel and members of the council um the Tannis Brothers loan which was issued in 2014 is for 30 9 South Minnesota Avenue um and this is the the Comfort Systems building um in the downtown and uh the manager is Patrick Tannis um along with his father and brother um this particular property was hit by the tornado um the upstairs was left vacant and kind of uh messed up and unclean for quite a while they they took it over um and they um got financing from the city and from a local bank and use some of their own funds to uh renovate approximately $120,000 worth of the upstairs into two really nice uh Apartments um so with that in their 10-year revieww um that was up uh this September the Eda took a look at that um and the Tannis Brothers actually requested two things one would the Eda consider um just extending the current loan by six six months that's when their bank loan would be up um and then the other was to to um extend it 5 years and then just use updated terms um so the Eda uh and the Eda loan Review Committee both looked at this and with the capacity that we have in our revolving Loan Fund they actually thought option two was a better deal for the city and for the applicant uh so with that the Eda approved option two which would be a new 5-year loan extension this would be going from 3% to 6% approximately $40 more a month um it would be reviewed again in 5 years um so with that if it was approved um like with any loan that we issue we ask for a personal guarantee a mortgage and life insurance um so with that it would be staff's and the eda's recommendation to approve this new loan extension which is at 309 South Minnesota Avenue for Tannis brothers that resolution is on page 147 um any questions for Ben or Carrie Brad you're on the Eda anything to add the only thing I might add is uh to know with the interest this is the interest that we actually use for our accessibility Grant in in in the that we typically do early early in the year or well I guess we do it around the springtime um so in the end if we didn't extend this then that would actually decrease the amount of the amount of money available for that grant program obviously they're good tenants they've paid on good tenants that they're they're good borrowers they've paid on time and we have the ability to do it it passed the Eda easily okay um there's two resal units in this correct yes any additional questions hearing nothing further the resolution approving a revolving loan extension in the amount of $33,135 73 to Tanis bars LLC to partially Finance the 2014 renovation of improvements at 309 South Minnesota Avenue appears on pages 147 through 148 of the package is there a motion to approve so moved we have a motion and a second call the RO please council member DeVos I mayor Noel I council member Johnson I council member Pettis hi council member weisenfeld hi council member charr I the resolution is approved thank you Ben we are moving on to reports I have no report tonight are there any I know we have at least one council member who'd like to make a report Carrie yes I just uh was going to report on the Rita annual meeting um Rita stands for regional Economic Development Alliance and St Peter is a partner and so the annual meeting is an opportunity to celebrate the work of the partnership um in uh Regional Economic Development efforts we believe that um we can make a bigger impact um when we pull our resources and expertise together um and so uh it really is a celebration but we also there's an opportunity to network um to hear presentations um which are always really great um but this year we had uh plenty of council members attend so council member shrom council member dasas council member Pettis and an Eda um our newest Eda member Corey Johnson also attended so it was a great turnout there were 105 um people that attended and that's a record turnout so it's a very successful event and I don't know if others who were there want to share anything but that's my report any other reports all right uh thank you very much Carrie for attending and for um serving on Rita as well um reports from the city administrator may members I just wanted to make mention of the fire station anniversary the grand opening um will be a year a few days from now and so there's um we would hope for no utilization of the facility that there was never a fire or a need for emergency service but unfortunately there is and so we're very lucky to have that facility which I think has been well received not only by the fire department but by the community and surrounding communities as well mamir that's the only report that I have for you for this evening but I do have a request for Clos session um to discuss two potential real estate transactions technically these would be two separate close sessions first of all um would be for the North Industrial Park Subdivision 3 and then second would be discussion on um scholarship way located at one scholarship way the scholarship America building and grounds the resolution calling for a closed session does appear in the packet are there any questions questions or is there a motion to approve the resolution if I could Madame mayor before anyone makes a resolution I would expect to come back into Open Session only to adjourn I do not expect any action after those closed sessions so again only to adjourn and so we will go downstairs to the room all right is there a motion to uh approve the resolution so move second we have a motion and second call the RO please mayor Noel hi council member joh son I council member H hi council member weisenfeld I council member shrom I council member DeVos I the resolution approve is approved it is 8:31 p.m. we will uh move into finally hit the threshold where you need to dis yeah and cl two times