[Music] uh if you'd bow your head in prayer dear God As We Gather here today we seek your guidance and wisdom grant us the clarity of mind to make decisions that will positively impact our College Community May our discussions be fruitful our actions be just and our intentions be pure bless each person here today with the insight and compassion as we work together for the betterment of our institution in your name amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all like to start off we have truste cole who is um who is dialed in and trustey Gibbons will be joining momentarily um but thank you all again for uh for joining us this morning beautiful day um like to start with uh SPC spot perfect thank you so much while we you know technology is good when it's working so we're going to move forward with what I have we have two new members in our um human resources department that I would like to welcome um one is is Miss Fawn she has over 15 years of Human Services leadership um and experience primarily in local government and nonprofit profit settings um and she's skilled at modernizing HR functions and enhancing their effectiveness through project management so I would like um Miss Fawn to come up and welcome say a few words sure didn't tell me there' be Applause that's nice thank you Dr Williams and it's wonderful to meet you all um I am thrilled beyond belief to be here um as my um bio says I started my academic career here back when it was called St Petersburg junior college so that gives away my age but that's okay um and I actually ran into Dr demur this morning who was instrumental in getting me here getting me into the right program um and so in many ways this feels like coming home um I am just so impressed with everything I've seen so far um Daryl and the team have made me feel very welcome here I'm excited to bring my experience but also my enthusiasm for HR and for helping to uplift our employees I believe that Employee Engagement is so crucial to Mission delivery and so being a at this juncture of my career to bring my skills but also my desire my energy and my enthusiasm to help uplift all of the employees here at SPC is just an honor so again I'm so grateful for the opportunity it's wonderful to meet everyone still learning names so please be patient with me while I do that um but again thank you so much it's great to meet you [Applause] all our other new colleague is Mr Valente um he has over 20 years of leadership experience in human and civil rights and public administration Mr Valente welcome welcome Madame President Mr chair honorable members uh it's you know Leslie stole a lot of the Thunder that I could add here so set the bar impossibly High I need a pole vault to get over it um it's I too share the same enthusiasm that my colleague uh expressed I'm very pleased to be here you see on my bio I had the privilege of serving pelis County for some time as its Director of Human Rights so I know how special a place penis county is and I know the impact and role that St Pete college has had and continues to have in penis County so it's just a tremendous honor and privilege to be here um I'll Echo what my colleague said about Daryl being welcoming the team it's just been second day my learning curves a little steeper so please indulge me as I learn people and but I'm really looking forward to this and making um a positive impact to the college so thank you you welcome so other spotlights I definitely want to give a shout out to Dean Rivero and Professor Lightfoot and the the SPC model un team Victorious once again um and um being acknowledged for Cuba they did a very good job and yes and the students um just really outshined um it was like aund and some odd schools and um we were in the top 25 and so SP SPC continues to thrive there I also listed several other faculty members who helped um the team and provided tutoring and um so I want to make sure that they too give them a round of applause um for the work that they have done as well thank you one of our faculty members Dr Christine Welly published a theological book let's give her a round of applause very good Dean Emmanuel Hernandez with his leadership [Music] all right thank you um Pro brought tedex here and all of you know about tedex um we had nine speakers um it was well attended and SPC was able to shine and and give a shout out I noticed that um one of our vice presidents uh is always in all the pictures I missed you on this one um I I apologize Jesse you didn't make the cut but there's like 157 you know pictures for me to choose from but I want to give a shout out to the uh Dean of Business Administration and those who were presenters we had children presenters we had Community we had music it it was just a lot of fun and so I just want to thank him for his leadership on that I also want to recognize Dr Craig Joseph for his work in leadership of spc's planetarium um we had hundreds of people on campus um to see the um solar eclipse um and there were a lot of pictures Jesse was in a lot of those as well um but he did not make the cut um for that um I'm wondering when he works cuz he's in all these pictures all right but I do want to give a shout out to um Dr Joseph and team for that thank you so much I want to also give um a shout out to um Jeff Crunch knobble and team um for the 17th public policy leadership speaker series luncheon our two speakers was former um board trustee Mr Ken Burke Clerk of Circuit Court um and com controller for pelis County as well as Miss Ashley Lowry president and CEO of the homeless empowerment program the room was packed um the students enjoyed it I did have a lot of pictures in in in that as well but I just chose a couple um but good job um Mr crunch novel and team we've been working on a partnership with um the mfet center and um we actually at the Clearwater campus that's your only shout out Dr Griffith I'm just saying um no pictures for you no pictures but we we held a career fair for for those who are interested in working at mfet and um the weather couldn't have been worse but we had 156 people come to meet with mfet to find out what kind of jobs are available at M and um it was well attended and mafit was very pleased I'm very proud of the team um Jackie I believe that was your team and others who made that happen and this is a picture of um the visit with me and the mfet CEO um and Jackie and and a few of her teams um Dean stord and others we have started a partnership um with mfet on programming and we learned so much from them on what's coming down the pike with cancer treatment and what kind of training can we offer at St Petersburg College that is going to help them with their research and the work that they do so I'm very proud of that and and the team um for putting that together thank you so much well Jessie this one is yours um and somehow you did not make the cut top right hand corner where oh I see you okay shoot that bald guy Oh I thought that the bald head was was mine not yours so I I am just so proud of Jesse and his team on the 24th annual donors um appreciation lunch and it was well attended um and I know we had what 300 donors there or something like that it was quite a large number of people who are standing in the gap for St Petersburg College and for our students the purpose of the lunching is to thank them um and even though we thank them some of them still gave um even without us um seriously asking for it and so I want to thank the staff who were there and the faculty who were there and our students who really sat there and thanked the donors at their table the speakers were just amazing I I don't know how you're going to top it uh next year but very very good job there um also the foundation held its seventh alumni mixer um and it was also well attended with 130 alumni and we're really trying to do a better job of reaching out to our alumni making sure that they um know what we're working on but also what they're doing so that we can brag on the product that SPC um produces and so I definitely want to recognize Jesse and his team Thea and others um for their work there now I really need a drum [Music] roll for dental hygiene 100% board pass rate [Applause] are the dental hygiene staff faculty here anybody here we could say thank you toer Dean stener thank you so I want to thank the faculty um for their hard work and making sure that our students continue to shine and be the number one students that they are drum roll one more time our physical therapy assistant seeing students 100% pass rate so very proud and thankful to the faculty and the support staff that helped with tutoring and all of that to make sure that our students succeed and I know that we have hundreds of stories like this so just make sure that we know what they are and we'll continue to recognize the hard work that we have done Mr chair those are the spotlights that's great I think I'm going to have you go at the end so we can actually talk about something cuz you stole them all but um I love absolutely love seeing all the photos um every day that are posted on social media and all the good work that um this college does it I was going to say it surprises me sometimes but it doesn't anymore and um it's a testament to all of the hard work for all of you out there um was able to join the luncheon a week or two ago phenomenal event so Jesse and team and everybody there that made that happen um thank you I know that the time and the energy it takes to um to put those on and um it's just cool to see so many different people um from all walks of life you know there that support this college so um thank you very much uh with that any other comments go ahead CH yeah I I uh I have more than usual today which is uh not it won't be too long but uh I'm telling on myself a little bit in that I will uh be missing the foundation board meeting on Thursday so I just wanted to reiterate some of the uh highlights there uh the donors and Scholars luncheon you covered very well it was an amazing day everybody that was there knows that um the foundation uh final year numbers uh in support of the college about 5,400,000 uh with 12,1 100,000 in fundraising so uh it was a banner [Applause] year banner year for the uh for the foundation um we do have a social event tomorrow tonight um that I will be attending and I think several people here will be uh for the foundation um and then on Thursday uh which is the board meeting I will be missing we will be doing a uh or having a gallery naming reception uh for James Mitchell Jr celebrating his million-dollar gift to leapa Ratner so uh just wanted to reiterate that um and then uh there's a Titans baseball game on uh this coming Saturday uh where uh board member Steve Shepard will be throwing out the first pitch so those are my board highlights uh now on to uh Washington DC highlights so I will need uh my cohorts Dr Williams and uh Melissa Gonzales and devron if you're there out in cyberspace uh to maybe help me through this because it was a whirlwind of um meetings and truly product productive times um that's the way I'll say it um following trusty given Melissa and Dr Williams around DC it felt like I was with celebrities so they between the three of them there was nobody they didn't know and um we got every single meeting on Wednesday I mean it was it was about nine straight hours back to back to back to back and um the the talks and the meetings and the people that we met with I think there's going to be a lot of um things to come out of it one of the highlights is uh we may have a chance to send a bunch of our students to DC uh next year um and it's through a group that that hosts students from across country but that uh generally speaking a lot of these students haven't been out of their own County or definitely State um so so uh we met with all the the representatives um very very receptive to these three people that I was with so I I was received well as well um and I I what am I missing from the trip um we went we we had the opportunity of going into the West Wing um which is very difficult to get into and um uh Joe Biden walked right right first lady was yeah right out yeah iow you guys she um she was so I got she was um she shook my hand she was lovely yeah she was very courteous shaking hands and and things of that nature um but one of the things on the Washington trip and I wrote it down we met the assistant secretary for the office of legislation and Congressional Affairs we met um the assistant secretary for economic development at Economic Development Administration in the Department of Commerce we met the um president and Senior advisor and director of The Office of Public engagement um and it's the Executive Office of the President we also met with Kathy casor um representative Bill aracas representative Bobby Scott and Senator Marco Rubio um and a lot of the meetings we were able to find out information on how to better braid funding um new initiatives that are coming down the pike that we did not know of that we can now take advantage of building relationships and Partnerships for our students to spend weeks in DC during the summer um and things of that nature and so the relationships that started there um we've already received follow-up emails have already been going back and forth but it is an area that we've not really stepped deeply into um is on the federal level in that way and so the meeting was grueling it was I think I got like 20,000 steps in um those two days but the folks that we met the opportunities that were opened up to us the strategy sessions we actually talked strategy on how to get access to some of these funds from earmark dollars to Grant dollars and it was things that that we were not aware of and so it was a very educational um experience trusty Gibbons I don't know if you're on the line but he was extremely instrumental um and was able to help carry the water in many of those um meetings and conversations and so I definitely want to um thank him as as well as the um lobbying firm that were working with with Kendrick Meeks that worked out very well so I'm looking forward to us having more resources from um the federal level um going forward so that was a good trip truste G if you're listening he's speaking oh sorry I they're talking about I wasn't in Washington [Laughter] DC trusty Gibbons you are not getting out of future trips so uh it was a very um a very good trip I would say one of the best we've ever had in terms of um making sure that we uh stay on our agenda and move the college agenda forward um every meeting was very uh informative as well as resourceful for us in terms of getting uh Roi back for the college um we did go into the West Wing did get to talk to Biden um but um more importantly we met with Steve Benjamin who is the advisor to the president and working on some programming related to St peock when they have uh these pilot programs and and so on um will be first on the pipeline as well as uh the Department of Commerce and um and of course all of our our legislative folks our representatives in the house and the Senate we had a great meeting with Senator Rubio um we talk through um again making surely we get a return on our investment um from from Congress and from uh the federal level and so there's a myriad of things that are going on Dr Williams should be commended on picking a very good firm King and Fa who um did an excellent job along with Melissa in terms of coordinating everything and really honestly and truly I mean uh Tommy and myself um uh we we were just kind of being guided along and and fit in you know jump when we need we needed so um I think we'll see a lot of production as as trusty K will already said out of that particular trip thank you thank you trusty given any other comments just you both mentioned it but the the Allison and um and Kendrick deserve yes extra recognition um and I got to say trusty Gibbons your car was never more than one minute behind us every time we stepped out on the curb so that driver was amazing as well trusty Cole any comments hi thank you I apologize that I couldn't be there this morning and appreciate the opportunity join online I just wanted to um again recognize the foundation for all the work on the scholarship luncheon and also tomorrow at the Clearwater campus um the campus is hosting an ambassador luncheon for Business Leaders and Community leaders around the city and so it should be a wonderful launch to a good uh relationship uh continued relationship with those folks so I'm excited to attend that tomorrow at lunchtime as well so a busy safety College day tomorrow between that and our foundation social so thank you all see Cole so unfortunately I was not able to attend the DC trip um certainly something I look forward to doing in the future um thank you to trusty Gibbons he's so natural in that environment um so he's so he's he's great at it um to be able to walk into a room it's definitely one of his strength so thank you trusty Gibbons and um trusty Kidwell for uh for joining our team going up there um and I think it's extremely important we continue to um to make those trips because we see the impact and the importance of meeting with government leaders and what that impact has made in the college the last couple of years by really making a genuine effort to um to form relationships so great job Dr Williams um and Melissa and everyone else for uh for going up there uh with that I think we'll turn over to our general counsil Mia kza good morning chair uh Dr Williams trustees um the college continues to bargain with a full-time faculty we have 11 articles that are agreed to um there are seven that are still pending including compensation and faculty duties and responsibilities we meet again on this Thursday afternoon to bargain and we have bargaining sessions through the end of May thank you yep uh with that we will uh everybody was provided a copy of the minutes from the last meeting and would entertain a motion to accept the minutes so move there a second second all in favor I I Jesse Gibbons or Cole thank you uh show the meeting minutes as approved and with that we will go into the public comment um section uh we do have a few public comment cards so would like to call up uh Sonia King to start [Music] can you indicate what agenda items they'll be speaking about um 1 a so 1 a is the invocation so are you here to talk about the invocation is the best I could do this morning oh hey that works for human resources or okay um well and I it's just it's a general welcome so welcome trustees APS um Deans provosts uh any anybody in the audience um welcome to the Clear Water campus we love the Clear Water campus so we're glad you're here um I just wanted to open with the spirit of respect and gratitude Dr Williams had mentioned right um you know relationships and building relationships so we just wanted to focus on the positive work that SPC has been doing and the theme of relationships that's basically what I wanted to talk about speaker um which agenda item are you talking about you're not going to do this sorry um on my comment card yes yeah human resources which agend human resources not on the agenda okay I'm sorry so I think she's going speaking to the administrative that she my understanding the law is [Music] [Music] 2 minutes and 40 seconds back up Rebecca please thank you very much may I proceed yes okay um like I said I wanted to focus on the theme of relationships um and I was starting with a compliment um I wanted to thank you all the board and the president um for fighting for negotiating on our budget um and our insurance in recent legislative sessions and you have mentioned the work that you've done and we honor that and we recognize that um working at SPC is a choice that I make and a lot of my colleagues make every day we're proud to be at SPC and we wouldn't be here if we didn't believe in the mission of the Community College um which is community and relationships um I chose to work here because of the relationship that I do share with my talented dedicated and spirited colleagues across the college not just faculty the staff that support us the administrators that support us um we believe in the spirit of the community to college as we create those communities in our classrooms as faculty and we build those meaningful relationships with our students as faculty staff and administrators we do all share the same objective which is Student Success we as faculty as you all know are pivotal connection with the students and we do constantly think outside of the box um when we do want to build those Better Lives better jobs and better communities for all of us including our students um we as faculty as you all know you know we work beyond that 5-day Work Week um many of us with six or seven courses in our um you know budgeted EC um teaching sometimes 40 or more per course um and we teach our subject matter but we we also are remediating many of our students right with skills life skills study skills um prepping course content doing our best practices grading on evenings and weekends um but that's all in the name of Student Success you know we do it because we want to it's not because we feel compelled to um but for Student Success to be a standard practice um and to Prevail as a standard at SPC we do need the support to support our students and we need the support you know in the form of salaries working conditions and benefits so that we can better focus on our students and not worry so much about quality of life in closing with respect and um gratitude for the board and the administrators we do deeply appreciate your continued support and your unconditional commitment to our students and those relationships and to the SBC Community thank you thank you very much for your [Music] comments Robin bow Miller [Music] Mr chair yes trusty Gibbons I I just want to be sure that the folks that are speaking are talking about something that's on the agenda yes sir I'm talking about mental health go ahead continue with your comments on Mental Health in 1987 when I began teaching full-time at SPC we were the number two excuse me I'm sorry Nation I think you're talking about the mental health Grant so if you could speak specifically about I certainly will I'm getting to that thank you just clarifying thank you I'll get there thank you uh we were the number two country in the nation and Dr Vil meski put together a booklet why we do what we do and in this booklet why we do what we do I wrote back in 1992 I'll tell you why I do what I do Mr chair yes trusty this is not on the agenda either talk about what's on the agenda or we have to shut that down because list sir I am part of the public and as such I'm allowed to speak excuse me you have to be orderly and we can ask you to stop talking it has to be on the agenda how does this directly Mr chair how what talking about okay mind never mind we'll get right to it okay here at St Petersburg College there's a parallel University some that feel like there's a family and we belong and others that feel siloed okay and dis connected which affects the mental health of every employee I know this because I'm on the front line excuse me we're going to have to ask you to stop please keep it to the agenda item which is the grant mental health excuse me you are being disrespectful and disorderly please stop this has to with the Florida Blue Foundation mental wellbeing Grant if you need more information we can give it to you but that has to do with tit the college would approve the Grant and continue to support the mental health of the students because we have been advocating for this since at least 1990 that I know of with the help of Dr Greg bird who's in the room right now I think we can continue to help the mental health of all beings at the college if we improve communication we listen to one another not just to respond but to understand that we build trust because without trust we can't have dialogue and collaboration we need to work together to put SPC back on top again we can do it together I'm The Optimist everything I said on this thing is true I love what I do I love to help others I want people to overcome their fear of public speaking I do it because I admire respect and adore my colleagues and my co-workers that's why I do what I do today 37 years later thank you thank you Robin Mr chair I have a question oh here yes trusty given I'd like to submit this uh Madam president are we not supporting a mental health Grant or something d we are supporting the mental health Grant yes sir okay thank you I believe that um Miss Bower was saying she's in support of the grant as [Music] well great thank you trusty GI uh Christian curer James Christina sorry Christina chair can you indicate the agenda item and if uh mental health she wants to speak on the grant as well good morning good morning my name is Christina courner James and I am a student here at SPC and I've lived in Clear Water my whole life my father is an educator my sister my sister-in-law and educator and I know what they go through what they've gone through and the struggles the little money they make and unfortunately I lost my sister-in-law suicide due to the struggles my mom was a student here both my boys and I've enjoyed my classes very much and I find my professors to be engaging knowledgeable and some I would even call friends I'm however disheartened with SPC because I have learned that most the professors here have to work other jobs I'm sorry to interrupt but this doesn't pertain to the grant which has to do with the Florida Blue Foundation having to do with the Titan Care Mental Health support she's a student I students Christina we we would love to hear your comments on anything as long as it's related to the board agenda we would we welcome you to talk at any meeting um so if it's related to the Florida Blue Grant that we're accepting we'd love to hear it if not then there's other channels to um to take the comments to and Christina I'm more than happy to meet with you about any other concern that you're having at the college my the grant 100% oh perfect perfect she say she supports the appreciate it thank you look I mean just comments for me and and off the cuff um I'm always open to listen um I don't have a problem with that I think this Administration this faculty the leaders of the organization all are willing to listen to anything um but I also believe that there's a certain place and a time to have conversations and I think part of the respect factor is making sure that the channel that's been chosen by certain folks to go down is the proper Channel where that stuff is communicated so um with that today we will close our public comments and look forward to additional comments moving forward as it relates to our agenda items uh with that we'll move on to president's report Dr Williams all right thank you so much Mr chair um as you can see we are still strengthening our board um um agenda and doing things a little bit differently more aligned um with some of the other high functioning um colleges so I'm very proud of what we're doing with the president's report so we can um go to the next slide in my report today we're going to talk about um the proposed strategic plan pillars um Information Technology update we already talked about Federal advocacy so I'm going to skip those two slides we're going to go to state advocacy and and then the May initiatives next slide please so we've been working um for the last 6 months on our new strategic plan for 2024 27 and um we we had a retreat with the board on the first you know round of conversation on the plan and we took back what the board um brought forward and we strengthened our pillars um that we had and so today we wanted to present the pillars um and get board feedback on on what the pillars are proposed to be for the next um 3 years for our strategic plan starting in 20 um in uh July so Melissa take it away thank you so much good morning Board of Trustees chairman bus president Williams so today we will talk about those pillars um and we're also going to talk about St Petersburg College and the fact that we will hit 100 years in 2027 St Petersburg College stands as a beacon of Education Innovation and community service poised to celebrate A Century of transformative impact in 2027 established in 1927 this venerable institution has continually evolved to meet the everchanging needs of its students and broader community over the past Century SPC has been instrumental in shaping the educational landscape of Florida's Gulf Coast region from its humble beginning in that top right photo as a junior college it has grown into a comprehensive institution offering a wide array of academic programs Workforce training and community outreach initiatives throughout its history the college has welcom students from all walks of life providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed academically and professionally whether through traditional classroom instruction online uh learning learning platforms or Partnerships with local businesses and organizations the college has remained dedicated to ensuring that education is within reach for all who seek it our pillars of success are creating economic Mobility with meaningful Partnerships expanding transitions through college with a career focus and filling our industry and Workforce Talent pipeline delivering excellence in Lear learning embedding high impact teaching and learning practices that Foster student completion and transition by building clear educational and career Pathways and mobilizing Community advancement strengthening spc's involvement for Community impact by leveraging community and corporate Partnerships and branding SPC as a catalyst for Community Innovation you'll notice that this time around we we added action words to those pillars words like create deliver mobilize all very intentional and part of our strategic approach the way that we will execute against our strategic plan is within this roadmap we start with targeted tactics we talk through timelines and our key stakeholders we will review assumptions and research and talk through things like our SWAT analysis what are the risk what is the risk of action and in action competitive Advantage we will focus on critical success factors things like our uh key performance indicators and finally get us to a place of implementation and execution as St Petersburg College looks ahead to its centennial celebration in 2027 it does so with a sense of pride in its past achievements and a commitment to building an even brighter future with a steadfast dedication to Excellence Innovation and service the college remains poised to continue making a positive impact on the lives of students families and communities for generations to come cheers to the next 100 Years of learning growth and success at St Petersburg College and we would like your thoughts and feedback that's it any questions that you have for us and are you good with the pillars I personally love the pillars I know we we had a conversation that we discussed this um I really like how you broke it down um you know goals without that uh right implementation obviously create issues so um I I'm proud of the work that you know the team has done uh to to lay forward the exact plan as to how to make it happen so um you know thank you all of this leading into the 100th year we we're we're coming upon it so there's a lot of initiatives and should be fun perfect thank you madam president thank you and and we still have a ways to go to actually build those goals and plans by pulling the college family and community in to to make that happen we just didn't want to go too far down the line with those pillars and find out that that's not acceptable um chair Cole um I don't know if you had any comments or I mean chair c my goodness get she was my first chair I do that I called her that yesterday here but no I appreciate it I mean I think this process has been very well received by the trustees obviously I think these pillars reflect exactly um communicate in the next iteration something we challenged um Dr Williams and the administration to was think big that you know we are on the right path we have straightened the ship and are moving very quickly forward but um we're while there's still some things that we're quote unquote U fixing or or we need to focus on uh from a maintenance standpoint uh we are we are now in a position to think big and say where are we going next uh you know two years ago we worked uh with Dr simy erga about looking at the Aspen requirements and and would that really be the top prize and one thing we talked about was how the Aspen CR area are always in the background of what we do and if we set pillars like uh bu Aline and we move forward with these pillars that all of these other recognitions um will come because it's exactly what we need to be doing so I look forward to seeing how the strategies and goals fit into these pillars and continuing to work um and appreciate having a plan and a team that likes a plan and I would be remiss if I didn't say budget to a plan um so we can align our financial resources and our goals um annually so thank you great thanks Jer Cole [Music] um all right uh I think Dr Renard you're up absolutely we've um last year this time last year we shared with you for the first time some detail on where we are with it and um Dr Renard has definitely taken um over I think um on making sure that we have what we have that our team has what they need but also that the college has what it needs um to move forward in in such a fast way right now um working at the speed of change with it they're they're already creating something new while Pat is standing there right now and so to be able to keep moving I thought it would be good for us to bring that back and share with you what's happened in a years worth of work and um where we're going as it relates to um AI um and some other things here at the college so Dr rard thank you Dr Williams uh chair buts members of the board uh it's a privilege to be here this morning and share with you an update since the last April a lot of things have happened um and uh I think one of the things that I'm most proud of is our team um as I reflect back on the last year and some of the work that we've done with the team I can categorize it into three areas Community Development and Leadership and when I came into the role 20 months ago uh I wanted to really uh connect the IT team to the college I felt like there was a little bit of a disconnection there and um I think that's something that I could I could help with I think Dr Williams is going to share a little bit about commencement in a few minutes and I'll just as a tangible uh example give you uh let you know that uh last May uh several it members uh volunteered at commencement something that we really hadn't done in the past and I received a lot of comments from uh those it members that went to commencement about what an eye openening experience it was to see the celebration and the culmination of all the hard work of not only the students but their families and our staff and faculty so we have all hands meetings uh every month they hear from me I bring College news to them uh open dialogue they can ask me any questions and we've been spending a lot of time uh focusing on the why of our work this year we we will have an IT team building day uh in two weeks um a Collaborative lab engagement actually in terms of development we've let the team know how important it is to continue their education to seek credentials um many of them have they've they've raised hand they've said I want more responsibility and and we've seen some uh grow professionally and receive promotions in the last year ultimately I want it to be a a strategic differentiator we're always going to be a service provider but uh partnering with our stakeholders I want it to really U make a strategic difference for the institution and then in terms of leadership um you know my role as CIO I think casting a vision and making sure I've got the right people on the bus and they're and that they are in the right seats is probably the most important role I have um I'm pleased to say that I've got an excellent it leadership team many of them are right here behind me and uh uh we have what we uh need to take us where we need to go frankly so uh in terms of filling the gaps um helping some some of the it members uh and exposing them to things that they haven't been exposed to in the past like planning a budget for for it or uh participating in a disaster recovery Workshop things that um some of the junior staff members have never been uh experienced before and inviting them to participate in that and in terms of succession planning that's something we're also engaged in uh you know in terms of uh long-term continuity we're looking for the next generation of leadership in it so these are some of the Milestone things that we've accomplished in the last 12 months this is not an exhaustive list I'm going to skip the first three cuz I have a a slide on each one of those a little bit later in the deck but we did Implement a new help desk ticketing system in uh July of last year that gives us greater Insight in the typ into the types of tickets that are being uh issued how long they take to be resolved it also gives us feedback from the from the faculty and staff in terms of um the service that we provided something that we did not have with our former system uh we have partnered with uh Matthew and his team and selected a new learning management system uh canvas and uh part of the IT team is working with academic Affairs on the implementation of that which I believe will be a huge win for our students um we have partnered with Dean norin Kemp in the College of computer and information technology in several ways uh John Goodfellow our executive director for infrastructure serves on her um Advisory Board we have several students in her program that are interning in our um Department right now mostly in uh the security operations area with plans to expand that in other areas um and we also want to use use the program as a pipeline for talent in the future to come into the department we converted our um Legacy bi system we've been using U business intelligence since 2012 we converted that to powerbi last year which is the industry standard uh We've also expanded our virtual desktop infrastructure footprint so more than half of the computers that are on in computer labs for students or available to the public in libraries those are vdi machines that cost less than a typical desktop machine and we can do uh the management remotely so we don't have to touch each machine lastly we have uh worked on a 5-year technology refresh plan so looking at uh all of our computers for faculty and staff looking at um conference room technology uh classroom technology our our computer labs for students our technology that's in all of our digitorium and arts auditoriums and music auditoriums all of that because we just need to keep that in front of us in terms of knowing what it's going to cost to replace that in the next 5 years keep it fresh so we have uh implemented an Advisory Group for it we call it itag um itag is made up of faculty we have two faculty seats a student uh several uh every division in in the college is represented on itag we meet monthly uh itag helps us to prioritize projects uh they help uh review policy uh they've actually we've kind of gone in the last uh eight months to a Project based um inclusion where they're assigned to project and working with our IT staff on various projects so we're very grateful uh to have that uh governance and that advice coming from the college family something we haven't had in a long long time itag helped uh our it leadership uh develop value statements and a vision statement which you see here before before you um this uh was a lot of thought went into this and this vision statement is uh not something that we're just going to let collect dust we keep it on our agendas we keep it at the Forefront as we make decisions and as we're doing our work so in July of last year we um implemented our it stakeholder survey so it was a survey that we launched to all of our faculty and staff first one in over 10 years and uh this is the kind of response rate that we had so if you look at our amp staff it was over 70% our career service staff was over 50% and full-time faculty was 47% I am thrilled with that kind of a response rate okay um we also had 750 open-ended responses so between those two things that demonstrates that the college family really cares and we took that information under the leadership of fzy uh who oversees institutional research and they analyzed all that qualitative feedback and we've got a number of U marching orders um many of those we've already we've done we have some that we still need to do but high level uh the college family rated our service much higher than the technology we recognize that we've got some older technology that needs to be replaced um people soft and I'll I'll mention that in just a minute is one of those um um more training again uh in people's off they were requesting more training and requested better coordination between the academic calendar and when we do our system maintenance so we're not stepping on our [Music] toes so this is is uh from uh cio.com the the it's an article about the top 10 priorities for cios I'll focus on that on the first five um gaining stronger control over data which kind of dovetails into number three cyber security uh something that we have to do compliance is is it's very important for you know a lot of reasons but understanding where are especially our sensitive data resides and who has access to it uh how old is it do we need to Archive it do we need to purge some of it things like that so top of my mind for sure uh striking the balance between Innovation and operational excellence I'll say operational efficiency too so an example there is we could customize some software and for the sake of innovation but then when we have to maintain it and upgrade it it comes at the expense of efficiency it's harder to do so there's a balance we have to we have to know what that balance is of course doubling down on cyber security I have a slide specific on information security but that's not going to go go away anytime soon we have to remain uh resolved to just combat the Bad actors and and their malicious intent uh building a robust robust Talent Development pipeline I I've um talked about that a little bit and then delve deeper into AI I've got a slide that I'll talk about on AI in just a moment so in terms of information security I'm really proud of of what we've to accomplish in the last 12 months we have had two external reviews uh uh CPA firms that come in and uh do uh compliance audits on our uh security uh we've received satisfactory scores on those we have we know what we need to work on we have a road map and uh we saw improvement from the first one to the second one so um there's work to be done we know what it is we're on top of it but we will not uh be complacent and this area we've invested in some AI back software for log monitoring and email fishing one of those has allowed us to be more proactive and less reactive in in detecting potential Mal malicious activity and we're now getting instant uh feedback on reported fishing from the college family and we've expanded the security Operation Center as I mentioned a minute ago with the use of student interns so we have uh We've definitely increased our spending in information security you see 296 when I came in in 22 compared to our 23 24 budget and uh one of those products that I mentioned a second ago has resulted in 65% fewer reported fishing in incidents from faculty and staff since we stood it up in January of this year year-over year February and March PR okay artificial intelligence um without question artificial intelligence is the technology or tool that everybody in every industry is talking about um it's disrup disruptive in every industry uh with the uh with the Advent of chat GPT and other generative AI uh tools everybody's thinking about you know the future of work and the future of learning I'll tell you that same Petersburg College um and it uses AI we partner with several vendors that embed AI in the product I mentioned a couple of those the fishing the log monitoring software um and other departments do as well what you're looking at here is a framework it's some research from infotech on developing an AI strategy so while I I would say we're doing some bits and pieces of AI we have not coalesced as a Col around building an AI strategy which is something that we need to do so this is one framework with some elements we could look at others but this one um talks about an AI Vision U making sure that the vision is aspirational forward-looking and it reflects the commitment um to deliver positive and responsible outcomes another element of that is a business driver values uh key values to recognize and ensure that the AI initiatives align with the goals of the college or the organization and then guiding principles that align the business strategy to the AI strategy and then lastly principles that govern the development deployment and maintenance to ensure that the strategy um avoids risk or mitigates as much risk as possible so uh we cannot take a wait and see approach with this uh we recognize there's a lot of work to do uh Melissa is leading the effort to get many of us to go visit Miami date College uh they're a Pioneer in this to see what they're doing and we're we're looking elsewhere as well in closing to look at the rest of this year and Beyond we'll continue to focus on team development uh we will um continue to strengthen our it security posture I want to thank the college for uh their participation in security awareness training their vigilance and and terms of reporting fishing um Dr Williams thank you CU you're always on that letting me know you only need to open it one time wrong you'll yes that's right you get it right and then lastly Innovation so the appropriate use of AI uh reducing technical friction uh for students and staff and lastly the future of Enterprise systems so I mentioned people soft I did mention this last year um we have been on people soft depending on which pillar you you you we look at we're on finance HR and the student system anywhere from uh 21 years to 26 years uh they are not innovating the product they're maintaining the product they have uh committed that they're going to support the product through 20135 but that doesn't mean they're going to you know innovate the product so we have begun looking outside um I brought an outside company in and presented to Cabinet in February about the landscape of enterprise software for higher education and uh we have a lot of discussion and a lot of work that we need to do I think what in a nutshell uh the HR what's out there today uh that's cloud-based and Innovative the HR System is solid the finance system is solid the vendors that offer those um are still developing the student system and we really want to be on one platform we have one data model we don't want to have one vendor for finance and another vend for student so um we're kind of taking our time but we recognize that we we need the Innovation that a new product is going to provide to us so without having to answer any questions or comments that you might have me just a comment um I know what a little bit of what you came into so great work building out the team and and really just coming in identifying and starting the clean up process I was curious um the server you know on-site servers um vers cloud storage where's the college at um in terms of that move and and what does that look like yes very good question all of our mission all but really one of our mission critical systems is in the cloud so people soft is in the cloud um you know um our LMS or learning management system is in the cloud we do have our document Imaging system that's still on Prim our data center is actually on this campus uh but we had a proposal in the budget this year to move that to Cloud so hoping that we can get that done this year I think that archiving and securing data which you know is one of uh one of the things that you want to focus on obviously extremely important as the Bad actors continue to try to make their way into any organization but um for some reason they like public organization so um thank you very much presentation I want to commend you and your team we've come a long way in less than a year and everything you talked about aligns with every meeting we had in Washington DC I mean that is the future that is the way forward we need to be leaders there um that was I mean that great job thank you the artificial intelligence I believe is is what you're referring to right in terms of what the federal government's looking for so um so great work any uh any comments trusty Gibbons or Cole great presentation great thank you we'll move on on to the federal advocacy update so for for me with the AI piece that I really liked about the presentation is the college coming up um with a framework and a strategy um in academics I know in the there's some classes others that have embraced AI moving forward student affairs I know we've done some work there as well um even years ago we started um doing some other things um in AI but us coming up with a true framework as an institution um where we have all hands on deck and we have a strategy going forward is something that we really need to look into and I was really pleased to see that Pat um had that um in the presentation the other thing um that it brought to my attention is um I did have a chance to meet with the faculty a couple of weeks back and um asked the faculty several questions but one that um I asked for was an academic Innovation work group and I have over 15 faculty who have volunteered to join me in that academic Innovation work group and I know that we will not be able to innovate without Ai and without technology and those things um involved and so I'm excited about that work group um and us moving the college um [Music] forward okay I got to find my page so we're going to skip to the State of Florida legislative update um because we've already talked about the federal update so many of you are saying well where's the budget well the governor has not received the budget as of yet and once he receives the budget he has a set number of days to approve it so the budget itself is still pending when we come in um May to the workshop it may be approved it may not be approved so we'll be providing a preliminary pending um budget that we will adjust should it not um turn out to be what we um advocated for there's a meeting um this week I believe on Thursday with the Florida college system the department of Management Services with the state and people first um insurance which is the state insurance I will be there um Daryl will be there and Janet um for us to sit and be a part of the conversation the goal is to start talking about how we would transition in and so I was pleased that we're having this meeting it does send a signal that we may be going in the right direction um and so I'll keep you posted on the dialogue on the transition um they are allowing each president to bring a few people um to the meeting as well so we'll be doing that um this week and last month I mentioned to you the intellectual diversity survey um and I mentioned that the students receive the survey and that the employees should be receiving it that is still pending so we're it's coming um we're the state will submit it when it when it's appropriate so I did mention you'd have it by now but that is not what occurred and then the last thing that's not on the agenda is once we um start in June I I would like for us to start working on our legislative strategy for the next session so that we can get ahead of it and start actually advocating early um and so you'll see us starting to to work on that um on the state on the state side and that's um my report for the legislative update the last thing on my um report is commencement we usually have commencement on Saturdays um the Ray stadium was not available they have a game so we are meeting we're having our commencement on a Tuesday I mean Wednesday I said that yesterday didn't I Wednesday um morning um while commencement starts at 10: um faculty will have breakfast at 8:30 starting at 8:30 I'll be there um to greet them um and and the the whole venue will be open at 8:30 to join um but the actual graduation starts at 10: so I look forward to seeing you guys at the trop um at 10:00 on Wednesday um the 15th of May so Bard you should have received an email from rea this morning at 7:30 letting you know all of the pinning ceremonies all of the graduations um from Collegiate and high school to nursing Penning dental hygiene Penning physical therapy assistant Penning all of that um you are more than welcome to join us but we do need to hear from you to see if you're going to be able to come if your schedules um will allow so this is like the Most Wonderful Time of the Year that's graduation um and Penning and so I'm excited I look forward to seeing each of you there um and celebrating the great work that you've done and the students actually walking across the stage and that is my report Mr chair we should have just stayed this Saturday and had trusty Kidwell play second base for the race he would have done well we I think we could use a little more pop were you a hitter or not really just a glove and a pretty face uh with that we will move on to the the agenda the board was provided um in the packet um all the agenda items if there is anything that anybody would like to discuss we could take that time now to discuss if not we'll entertain a motion to um take up the entire Cent agenda so move Mr CH thank you second thank you thank you with that we'll go ahead and uh take a vote all in favor of approving the agenda items uh say I I I I perfect carries and we will move on to uh people soft approval of more money of uh any any new business no new business what else in here do we have we uh provided informational reports and uh I think that that's it correct right and we open for the Collegiate High School perfect so we're going to close this meeting our next meeting is going to be the 21st at Epi look forward to seeing everybody there thank you everyone for attending today and see you next meeting this meeting is a jerk now we open the col all right now we will hit it again and uh ask that uh Miss Katherine Kennedy um talk about the Collegiate High Schools good morning chair buts morning board members Madam president good morning it is my pleasure to be here today on behalf of the Collegiate High Schools I am seeking your approval on three items of which you have documentation in your packets first are the renewals for the St Petersburg Gibbs and the Tarpon Springs Collegiate High School charter agreements with pelis County Schools I want to give credit where credit is due to both principals Ian Co and Ryan holstead and thank them for their leadership of these two Charter Collegiate High Schools as a result of their High performing status they are allowed to seek a 15-year renewal as opposed to a 5-year renewal and if my math is correct that means these agreements will expire in 2039 both schools do currently serve 10th through 12th graders with an enrollment of up to 240 students each these schools afford the opportunity for students to earn their Associates Degree for free while simultaneously earning their high school diploma as you noticed in your packet penelas County Schoolboard our partner has already signed this agreement and now um it is for us which of course is why I'm saying do I have your [Music] approval well uh I I believe we probably have to take a vote on that so all in favor of uh approving the request say I we need a motion we need a motion Mr I make [Music] thank you that enough thank you uh I think we all voted uh affirmatively so with that it would pass just for formality for the formality of it uh all in favor of approving the motion say I I I there you go unanimous too Cong by the way it's it's fantastic that's not something we need to pass over it is a pH phenomenal it just shows you the tremendous work that you've done the reputation that the college and and our Collegiate High Schools have built and it's so exciting I hear more and more people talking about it um and it's it's very exciting so great work great work secondly is the 2425 academic calendar for the Collegiate High Schools as a reminder this is for our n9th and 10th graders who are mostly self-contained within the high school for the day remember it is our 11th and 12th graders who are out and about on the college campus taking their classes we like to think of this calendar almost like an overlay to St Petersburg colleges and penel County school calendars since these students are high schoolers they must have 180 days of instruction and we also build in Hurricane days if needed a copy of that proposed packet excuse me of that proposed calendar is in your packet do I have your approval so motion to approve the 24 25 academic calendar so move thank you is there a second I'll second it all in favor hi hi hi I don't know Mr TBS if you can second but I think M chair or trusty Gibbons did or I can trusty Gib did hey perfect thanks chair Cole for the correction no problem so we will indicate that uh trusty Kidwell made the motion and uh truste Cole are you seconding the motion truste Gibbons yeah thank you all in favor say I I I I look at us we're getting thank you and I I please excuse excuse me on the uh Robert's Rules of Order that I need to clearly read up on again so go ahead continue I'm here Al Rogers Roberts who's ever ruled lastly is the budget amendment uh this is a 2324 budget amendment for a stabilization transfer from the Collegiate High School St Petersburg Gibbs to the Collegiate High School stem the approved to 2324 Collegiate stem budget that was presented last June did not include this budget stabilization transfer the changes were highlighted on the budget worksheet again that was part of your packet I want to thank principal rrel hariston for her leadership and getting the stem Charter Collegiate High School up and running and [Applause] [Music] especially and especially for working so hard with her team to also seek accreditation from Coga we received email notification welcome welcoming the stem school to the cognia family their board meets in June and will officially approve but we did get permission to go ahead and share this wonderful news with our community just so you know it is almost unheard of to seek and acquire accreditation in your second year of operation as a reminder next school year we will have our first class of seniors at the stem campus and this means that those seniors are going to graduate from an accredited high school that's cool am do I have your approval for the budget amendment move second second all in favor I I look at that thir time is a charm we're done good thank you any questions super smooth anything before we close this any additional comments fantastic work and that meeting is adjourned as well thank you e